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"Puritans" Antonyms

169 Sentences With "Puritans"

How to use Puritans in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "Puritans" and check conjugation/comparative form for "Puritans". Mastering all the usages of "Puritans" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Because she had repented, the Puritans couldn't justify killing her.
In colonial Massachusetts, between 1659 and 1681, Puritans banned Christmas.
Charles Benedict Davenport, Harvard graduate, Harvard professor, descendant of Puritans.
He hopes their success means the Puritans will survive, too.
Although frowned on by puritans, it has caused few open ructions.
Schools cast off the Puritans as a bunch of religious fundamentalists.
Puritans founded the university in 1636 in part to train ministers.
This devolution of power made American Puritans uniquely prone to anxious introspection.
The occult, whether imagined or not, is abundantly real to the Puritans.
Think about it: What made the Puritans murder insubordinate women for witchcraft?
At Harvard, he studied under Sacvan Bercovitch, a scholar who extolled the Puritans.
The Puritans left Britain for America in search of freedom from religious persecution.
The German sociologist Max Weber famously argued that the Puritans laid the groundwork.
The left's new Puritans are making sweeping advances through our culture and institutions.
In earlier times, Puritans passed legislation to ensure workers had time for recreation.
"The Lord helps them what helps themselves," he tells those foolishly generous Puritans.
And the Puritans had their own way of scaring Christians with the afterlife.
Sex-positive commenters emerged as well, praising his honesty while dismissing the puritans.
The other half we're Puritans, attacking our to-do lists with moral fire.
Unlike the Puritans, American patriots were not copying political forms out of Deuteronomy.
The Pilgrims and Puritans in New England established Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies.
America may be a country of puritans, but there's nothing new to pathologize here.
Not the brain-dead mind control tactics of the new Puritans on the left.
He does — but then his puritans turn on the corrupt ruling class, including Cersei.
On the one hand, Lehmann claims that the Puritans sanctified the market as such.
What did the English Puritans, their American counterparts, and this Scottish Presbyterian have in common?
We stood on the beach, Puritans at Woodstock, and gazed longingly at the Italian families.
In sixteenth-century England, the Puritans started using their children's birth certificates as miniature sermons.
It was, he tells us, "a myth" that the Puritans favored religious freedom for all.
The Puritans settled this continent with visions of creating a future city on a hill.
But the Puritans who made up the preponderance of America's early settlers objected to holidays altogether.
The Puritans will most likely nominate one of their own as their presidential candidate in 2020.
He's certain of his religious convictions, which to the Puritans means that he suffers from pride.
Number one, my study of 17th-century American Puritans — not a democracy, just letting you know.
The Puritans saw themselves as a "New Israel" in fleeing persecution and embraced the Old Testament.
The Puritans, who established white America's complicated relationship with vanity and beauty, believed makeup concealed character.
The Puritans established Harvard College in 1636, just two decades after they first arrived in New England.
Trewitt's notions of perfect markets may seem cartoonishly selfish, but the altruistic Puritans don't fare well either.
The inversion of these means and ends, what we now call the market revolution, terrified the Puritans.
Puritans who sought religious freedom settled in the Chesapeake Bay in 1649 and named their settlement Providence.
The concepts of freedom, equality, and democracy are common to both our Puritans and the ancient Israelites.
The Puritans could survive hardship because they knew what kind of cosmic drama they were involved in.
Pleck wrote that "from 1640 to 1680, the Puritans of colonial Massachusetts enacted the first laws anywhere in the world against wife beating and 'unnatural severity' to children," noting that the Puritans "developed the concept of family violence as a public concern" and passed laws designed to punish transgressors.
Those on the left are the new Puritans, marching around telling everybody off for the way they behave.
A miserable, joyless conformity as the new Puritans impose their intolerant, bigoted, narrow-minded worldview on everybody else.
Since the Puritans, many Americans have wanted to believe that their own endeavors were part of that story.
We do not learn from the author how the God-fearing Puritans came to be besotted with demon drink.
Given these cases, one perhaps can understand why the Puritans made it a crime to celebrate Christmas in Boston.
Hefner, a descendant of New England puritans, projected a new, sophisticated model of masculinity, more in the urbane European style.
It has a unique and complex set of principles, which, over time, has influenced the Puritans, Presbyterians, and early Baptists.
Charles II largely stamped out the trend during the Reformation, but the Puritans continued the practice in the New World.
But Robinson's take on Calvin and the Puritans who were his heirs is at cross-purposes with the popular imagination.
But even if the Puritans all die, he said, from a scientific perspective the experiment will have been a success.
Rather, the Puritans argued, singling out any day for a "holiday" implied that celebrants thought of other days as less holy.
In the opening scene, William, whose strident purity has tried the patience of his fellow Puritans, is banished from the colony.
At Salem's Witch Museum, the narrator tells us — with more than a little derision — that the Puritans were a superstitious people.
Bethia, the teenage narrator, is the daughter of a pastor whose path is maddeningly narrowed by the Puritans' views of women.
To understand the complicated relationship between the Hebrew Bible and American national identity, we have to go back to the Puritans.
The Puritans came to this continent and felt they were escaping the bondage of their Egypt and building a new Jerusalem.
Bradford and the other Puritans who arrived in Massachusetts often wrote about their experience through the lens of suffering and salvation.
Instead of a world where old-fashioned religious Puritans are trying to reinstate Leviticus, we have a world where the Puritans' real cultural heirs, the moralistic post-Protestants of academe, are trying to impose a different, consent-based set of sexual regulations — while a laddish, bro-ish and, yes, Trump-ish bachelor culture laughs their prudery to scorn.
After giving a lecture on the Salem witch trials, he tells the class that the Puritans' belief in predetermination didn't comfort them.
The name "blue laws," according to historians, comes from the fact that the Puritans tended to write their laws on blue paper.
Ms. Graham and the critics who agree with her aren't Puritans; they don't believe that literature ought to instruct and improve us.
"My reading of this is that the Puritans were like, 'people do this stuff, but it really shouldn't be public,'" said Bronski.
Puritans were worried that otherwise children would fail to learn the Bible and become susceptible to the wiles of "that old deluder, Satan".
The United States might be a very different place today if Thomas Morton, rather than the Puritans of Plymouth, had had his way.
He would grow up to be more radical than either of his parents, embracing a Calvinist/Reformed theology that also characterized the Puritans.
Buttigieg continued his study of religion at Harvard University, where he was a protege of Sacvan Bercovitch, an esteemed scholar of American Puritans.
If parents were giving their children virtue names today, as the Puritans used to do, nobody would choose Charity or Grace or Patience.
She describes the Puritans arriving to America "like a wet, smallpox-infected blanket to put a damper on all the fun" (genocide, amirite?).
Four hundred years ago, when Puritans, Quakers, Moravians and Catholics fled Europe to practice their faith in this new land, their religious concerns varied.
Fun fact: According to the film's director, Robert Eggers, Puritans believed that witches made an unguent so they could speed around on their broomsticks.
Not every boozy encounter ended poorly, though—the Colonies' taverns, which the Puritans considered "gifts from God," became the primary meeting places for revolutionaries.
Cat-hating carried over with the Puritans into America, and the Salem Witch Trials cemented it as an everlasting part of witchcraft and cat lore.
With that kind of money potentially at stake, look for the anti-gambling puritans like Roger Goodell and Mark Emmert to suddenly change their attitudes.
Left to itself, this notion could have led to the creation of self-righteous theocracies like the one some New England Puritans tried to build.
"The scale of change is such that some news outlets have labeled today's youth as 'the new puritans' and 'generation sensible'," the Sheffield report said.
The American messianic impulse is based on a fundamentally irrefutable truth first observed by the Puritans: The injustices of capitalist culture cannot be reformed from within.
It's closer to what you'd get if a Puritan had decided to make a movie to keep other Puritans scared straight and on the righteous path.
The temperature of nativist bigotry reached new heights in the World War I era, through the efforts of Madison Grant, also a proud descendant of Puritans.
For the release, he picked locations along the Connecticut that already had other species of tiger beetles — ones that are less selective and hardier than Puritans.
" Sleeper laments that the Puritans eventually sacrificed their communal ethic on the altar of commercial greed—a harbinger, he thinks, of many of America's "present dilemmas.
It was once a holy settlement founded by English Puritans, then it was Spanish for centuries and since 1928, as Providencia, part of far-off Colombia.
They eventually made their way to the library of Peterhouse, where they survived yet another wave of destruction — that wrought by the Puritans in the 1640s.
Donald Trump's inaugural speech was a flawed jeremiad — or, at least, it had roots in the jeremiad tradition founded by the Puritans during the 17th century.
Puritans saw hard work as a means of proving that they were among the elect whom God had predestined for salvation; their productivity would signal their election.
While the tall black hats of the Puritans take a triumphant turn about the room to incestuous applause for revealing the smarmy ethics of all involved — gotcha!
In the time of the Puritans, America's deeply religious founding fathers, abortion was allowed until the fetus was "quick" — when the woman could feel the fetus move.
In August, the cruise ship operator will be offering a journey on the Queen Mary 2 that replicates the English Puritans&apos journey to the New World.
The Puritans arrived at Plymouth and were pursued by King George III; the ancient Hebrews were led to the "Promised Land" and chased by the Egyptian Pharaoh.
That&aposs why I&aposm confident that at some point there will be a revolt against the new Puritans on the left, and against their authoritarianism and intolerance.
With a nightmarish humor, she has adorned the gallery walls of Freight + Volume with genitalia, patriotism, and zealous castration scenes where Puritans and Donald Trump lookalikes are victims.
Morton erected a pagan maypole at Merrymount, arousing the fury of the Puritans, who arrested him and his fellow revelers, all of whom were too hammered to resist.
When Puritans crossed the Atlantic to establish their own community, they took their fear of witches — and the custom of rooting them out from society — along with them.
While we wait, it's worth remembering that colonial Rhode Island had attracted so many Jews, Quakers, Baptists and other denominations because non-Puritans were persecuted in neighboring Massachusetts.
"This was also a time in America where puritans kind of ruled and the circus was the equivalent of some dark-alley-strip-show kind of thing," Jackman says.
The law has been sustained by a political marriage of convenience between the strangest of bedfellows: social puritans and lobbyists for the Nevada casinos that enjoy a protected market.
But the thing is, certainly the Puritans brought with them many things that were superstitions and folklore that was pagan, even if they weren't allowing themselves to see that.
And indeed, Bible-induced fear of the so-called "Devil's magic" is what led the Puritans in New England's early colonies to persecute women they believed to be witches.
Oliver Cromwell, leader of the English Puritans in the 17th century, had a similar impulse, as did the iconoclasts of eighth-century Byzantium, and King Josiah in ancient Jerusalem.
At Jeddah's annual festival, the organisers display the colourful costumes women used to wear before the puritans imposed the black abaya of the central desert on the whole country.
And to all those ethical puritans expressing their outrage, exclaiming what journalism should be, it might be worth remembering how much success King Canute had holding back the tide.
No, the real tyrant these days, in a flip of Atwood's dystopian vision, is secular feminism: Instead of a world where old-fashioned religious Puritans are trying to reinstate Leviticus, we have a world where the Puritans' real cultural heirs, the moralistic post-Protestants of academe, are trying to impose a different, consent-based set of sexual regulations—while a laddish, bro-ish and, yes, Trump-ish bachelor culture laughs their prudery to scorn.
But in the last two weeks, the school, a beacon of high achievement founded by Puritans in 1635, has emerged at the center of a new discussion of racial tensions.
Brewers argue that alcohol is not an import from the decadent West, as the puritans often claim, but has been produced and consumed in Indonesia for at least 700 years.
These fundamentalists call for a return to traditional values (sound familiar?), which basically means they want to cosplay as Puritans, and you know what that means — bye-bye women's rights.
It is a tradition within Christian thought that became popular among English Puritans in the 16th and 17th centuries but is today most closely associated with the evangelical American tradition.
" Simon also noted that "the Puritans from whom Franklin descended had been comparing their own arrival in the New World to the story of Exodus for more than a century.
Newport was founded in 1639 by settlers who had fallen out with Massachusetts' Puritans, becoming a trading hub (and a major contributor to New England's slave trade) in the 1700s.
As with 1984's Ghostbusters, the spirits eventually take on weirder and weirder forms, to the point where our heroines are smashing their way through pirates, Puritans, and, yes, Slimers.
When I began researching ghosts and haunted places for my book, I expected mostly to find stories dating to the 19th century and earlier: Civil War soldiers, cowboys, maybe some Puritans.
One need only consider the witch scares among puritans, when hundreds of people claimed to have seen evidence of witchcraft, to see how such ideas can run rampant among isolated populations.
On the other hand, Lehmann suggests, as Weber did, that the Puritans were the prophets of the self-made man, the tricky Yankee trader unbound by custom, ­family, tradition or community.
This is why the Puritans recoiled from the method of loci — they knew students were relying on "impure" and idolatrous imagery — and it fell out of favor as an educational tool.
"Seeds had been planted early on for a place where you could practice your religion," Ms. Mirrer said, because the New World had drawn Europeans like the Puritans seeking religious freedom.
In the early years, its founding preachers could be "angry" and "vile," but then the settlement was reorganized by rather jollier Puritans, one of whom liked Irish whiskey and Welsh conjurors.
The most organized attack on Christmas came from the Puritans, who banned celebrations of the holiday in the 17th century because it did not accord with their interpretation of the Bible.
Creating modern traditionsIt was the Industrial Revolution which came much closer to destroying Christmas than the puritans managed, by taking away traditional holidays in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
But they are equals in showing how shame took root and continues to flourish in a country founded by Puritans, in works that echo with the primal wails of ancient Greek tragedy.
When you think of John Quincy Adams and his dad, John, you tend to assume they were abstemious Massachusetts Puritans who never took a dram save for medicinal purposes, if even then.
The language Brown used — debonair, in a dinner jacket, attacked by down-in-the-mouth neo-Puritans — inextricably linked his (and by extension, her readers') sophistication to tolerance of his sexual conduct.
The story of the New England Puritans is itself a folk tale that's been told, retold and fought over through generations of Thanksgiving school pageants, endless productions of "The Crucible" and historical revisionism.
Director Sam Levinson, who also wrote the script, tells an updated version of events, replacing 17th century Puritans with anonymous 4chan users, and witches with their 21st century equivalent: sexy, emancipated teenage girls.
The titular head belongs — or belonged — to a fearsome Indian chieftain (real name: Metacom), which has been mounted as a warning to Native Americans who would wage war upon the Puritans of Massachusetts.
It's kind of remarkable that The Witch was as much of a critical and box-office success as it was: This is a 1630s-set movie about God-fearing Puritans plagued by evil forces.
Simon argues that John Winthrop's 1630 Atlantic passage aboard the Arbella with his flock of Puritans to establish the future Commonwealth of Massachusetts represented the first of many American "enactments" of the Exodus story.
Lindenauer argues that the 18th-century popular imagination took the same terrible attributes that the Puritans had ascribed to witches — malice, selfishness, coldness, absence of maternal impulse — and started ascribing them to stepmothers instead.
In "The Judge Hunter," the only clear targets of his satire are the Puritan saints who populated New Haven, and readers are left to decide how much of it rubs off on contemporary Puritans.
There is a rich potential for the phrase to be used ironically, on the other hand, since the puritans did arrive in search of religious freedom and the ability to practice their own beliefs.
Ralph Ineson plays William, the head of a family of seventeenth-century Puritans, who has been kicked out of his New England village because he doesn't believe the community is sufficiently dedicated to The Lord.
It harbors all manner of people looking to live off the grid: back-to-the-land-ers, draft dodgers, freed slaves, activists, religious puritans, and, in recent years, extremists and members of the alt-right.
I figure that I also earned a mimosa for hiking a mountain, but I have to wait until 10 for that (thanks, Puritans, for banning us from enjoying alcohol on the Day of the Lord).
As Philip Gorski writes in his new book, "American Covenant," which is essential reading for this moment, the Puritans understood they were part of one covenant and had ferocious debates about what that covenant meant.
Let not moss-covered Error moor thee at its side, As the world on Truth's current glides by, Be the herald of Light, and the bearer of Love, Till the stock of the Puritans die.
Much of The Witch's story is drawn from real, contemporaneous accounts and folk tales, written by very real Puritans who had moved to North America and saw the deep, dark woods as foreboding and forbidding.
Echoing an attitude shared by the English Puritans, who had come to short-lived political power in the 17th century under Oliver Cromwell, they decried Christmas and Easter alike as times of foolishness, drunkenness, and revelry.
On the other hand, she is at pains to rehabilitate the 17th-century Puritans who, despite their crucial role in shaping America, are remembered chiefly as the ghastly zealots of "The Crucible" and "The Scarlet Letter".
Along the way he is robbed of nearly everything (except his slave), is offered charity by a selfless congregation of Puritans, is nearly assassinated by some Hessian mercenaries, and is taken in by a gracious aristocrat.
At the al-Baqi cemetery nearby, the resting place of many of the Prophet's descendants, Sunni vigilantes and puritans scowled at Shia worshippers but, in contrast with previous years, they held back from beating them with sticks.
And as Arturo, the man Elvira loves to distraction, a member of the Royalists, who opposed the Puritans in the English Civil War, Mr. Camarena again proved to be the leading bel canto tenor of the day.
Yes, the war on Christmas has been around for a century and some elements of it date as far back as the 1640s when the Puritans and Anglicans fought over what should be appropriate symbols of the season.
But our real progenitors were the Puritans, who passed the weeks on the trans-Atlantic voyage preaching about the end times and who, when they arrived, vowed to hang any Quaker or Catholic who landed on their shores.
Thomas Morton's founding of Merrymount remains among the most vivid: Merrymount denziens are described as having rejected the strict rules of the Puritans, declaring all servants and slaves to be free and encouraging intermingling with indigenous Algonquin people.
That's exactly what the German social theorist Max Weber argued in his 1905 book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, which charted the work ethic that emerged out of the Calvinist theology that Puritans brought to this continent.
The unwise are howling at the majority of Americans who were deeply offended by Trump's comments that we're Puritans, prudes, and "Social Justice Warriors" — as if this petulant round of name-calling paired with borderline gaslighting could stop the bleeding.
The line about Puritans concludes a sentence that is "an exhortation to pursue the truth until a certain endpoint," said Danielle S. Allen, a professor and political philosopher on the Presidential Task Force on Inclusion and Belonging, which launched the competition.
That didn't really become a problem until the rum trade started up with the Caribbean and hard liquor was imported, but the people who felt they were more extreme than the English Puritans apparently didn't think that blackout was a good look.
The opera's plot was transferred to England when it first arrived in Munich as "Die Anglikaner und die Puritaner" (The Anglicans and the Puritans) in 1838 and, for its Italian premiere in Florence, Italy, two years later, as "Gli Anglicani" (The Anglicans).
The Puritans may have come to Massachusetts in search of their own religious freedom, but that didn't stop them from executing about 20 people, including 14 women, accused of acting under satanic influence as part of a wave of mass hysteria in the 1690s.
She borrowed the conservative dress meant to both repress and protect women from the Puritans, the persecution of rebellious women from the Salem Witch Trials, the restriction on abortion from Nazi Germany and the notion of "handmaids" providing children for barren mistresses from the Bible.
That, in turn, is on some level a far-flung legacy of Massachusetts's origins as a refuge for Puritans — Calvinist fanatics who placed a high value on mass literacy for the purpose of Bible-reading and who founded Harvard University to train their ministers.
We want our children to be comfortable in their skin and to know they are beautiful and not to be hidden in some weird standard placed by Puritans hundreds of years ago who would stone us for enjoying sex if they had their way.
She started to get grief for the sculpture at the entrance to the museum—a huge Marino Marini figure of a naked man on horseback with a huge boner—so the penis was made detachable in order to unscrew it when cardinals and other puritans came to look round.
The Old Testament tale of Exodus — the slaves' flight from Egypt and their salvation in the desert — may be the most epic of all such sagas, and the Puritans aboard the Mayflower thought of their flight from King James as an exodus of the chosen people fleeing their pharaoh.
Whether or not Pariss pressured Tituba to confess to the charges or she did so as a reprieve from his violence, Tituba likely realized it would be generally less risky to own up to a supernatural conspiracy than flatly deny involvement; Puritans hate liars, but they can't deny a good request for forgiveness.
Britain's 'New Puritans': Youth Drinking Falls Dramatically A leading explanation for the decline of drinking in Britain is the rise of social media, Iliana Magra reports: Social media has made users more image-conscious, he noted, while also providing lasting documentation, in text and images, of behavior people might prefer to forget.
In Salem, the site of the country's founding experience of social hysteria, there was almost no end to the list of fantastical, unbelievable torments Satan's forces could inflict upon the city's anxious Puritans: The purported victims of witches writhed, tumbled, cried out, or felt their skin was being stabbed by invisible needles.
She counts off the most popular misconceptions: "That it's all about land-grabbing, that it's just about misdirected misogyny [against accused women], that Puritans were just stupid and superstitious, that those who died were the spiritual foremothers of the Wicca movement…" Stevick says she sympathizes with such interpretations up to a point.
Enshrinement is still a long way off for both, but clearly the forbidding puritans of the recent past, who knew with grim certainty that PEDs were wrong even if they couldn't explain precisely what they did for a ballplayer, have been swamped by a new mood of liberality, forgiveness, or good old American not-caring. Except.
He has a crazy amount of soundtrack work under his belt (around 70 film and television works, including pieces from the London 2010 Olympic closing ceremony; 50-ish pieces of solo work, whether as a session musician with the likes of These New Puritans, or releasing his own albums; and he's been nominated for a bunch of awards).
But the key insight of Lehmann's book is that the Puritans and their theological heirs (including the Mormons) completed the logic of the New Testament by treating God as a man — by honoring the worldly economic activities of men on earth, in this life, not hoping for the exemptions from work that would come later, in the next life.
Apocalyptic rhetoric is baked into the American imagination, intertwined as it is with the Puritans' vision of America as a "city on a hill," a beacon of light to the world, and the eschatological vision of some founders that America would have an instrumental place in the future of the world, ordained by God and part of his greater plan.
So famous is she that one needs to remind oneself that she was certainly not the first to make the voyage, that the colony at Jamestown in Virginia had existed for more than a decade when she arrived, and that once in New England, migrants from the Mayflower were swamped by a much larger number of Puritans sailing to Massachusetts during the 1630s.
" Weber argued that pious Puritans somehow became secular Yankees, who learned to lock themselves into an iron cage of a disenchanted world: "In the field of its highest development, in the United States, the pursuit of wealth, stripped of its religious and ethical meaning, tends to become associated with purely mundane passions, which often actually give it the character of sport.
Faith, after all, drove the Puritans to Plymouth Rock but then led them to execute three of their Quaker neighbors; it inspired American slavers but also American abolitionists; and, whatever else atheism is accused of doing in this country, it sustained the scientific curiosity and profound pacifism of the two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, the philanthropy of Andrew Carnegie, and the art and activism of Lorraine Hansberry.
The English Puritans and Pilgrims who, wishing to escape the oppression and persecution of the Church of England, fled to America in the early 17th century to create smaller societies where they could live according to their faith were followed, notably, by the Transcendentalists in 1830s New England, who sought to distance themselves from the ruthlessness of the Industrial Revolution and instead lead a life driven by Romantic ideals.
The "Weber thesis," as it's known in scholarly shorthand, presented a key insight into the spiritual logic of capitalist accumulation in early America: By overthrowing — and demonizing — the vast religious bureaucracy by which Old World Catholicism had organized the worldly system of reward and punishment to uphold upright moral conduct, the Puritans who founded the colonies put the spiritual power to remake the world directly in the hands of ardent Calvinist believers.
It features a vast canvas of people, texts, conclaves, and political and intellectual developments, including the birth of printing, the rise of humanism, Wycliffe and Hus, the 95 Theses, the Diet of Worms, Leo X, Charles V, Henry VIII's divorce, Thomas More's execution, the Anabaptists, the Puritans, the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, the King James Bible and a series of epic conflicts, culminating in the Thirty Years' War — a horrific bloodletting that itself has generated a shelf-ful of studies.

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