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11 Sentences With "misapplications"

How to use misapplications in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "misapplications" and check conjugation/comparative form for "misapplications". Mastering all the usages of "misapplications" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The company added that its Autopilot technology works to prevent accidents from misapplications of the accelerator pedal.
"We also use the Autopilot sensor suite to help distinguish potential pedal misapplications and cut torque to mitigate or prevent accidents when we're confident the driver's input was unintentional," the company wrote.
Unique to Tesla, we also use the Autopilot sensor suite to help distinguish potential pedal misapplications and cut torque to mitigate or prevent accidents when we're confident the driver's input was unintentional.
The clarification acknowledges that misapplications of the guideline and efforts to de-prescribe opioids and reduce addiction and other health risks for some Americans has backfired for many and exposed them to newer and possibly graver health risks.
He demanded that EMC fix SOA's repeated misapplications of payments, fee pyramiding, and other fraudulent behavior, but EMC representatives openly threatened to ruin Nye's business credit and his family's credit if they weren't paid the full amount, arguing that they had no obligation to correct previous errors.
That said, whether or not such controls are put in place, as responsible researchers we should continue to consider the risks of potential misapplications and how we can help to mitigate those, while still ensuring that our work advancing AI is as open and reproducible as possible.
On February 14, 2002, the company restated financial statements downward by about $2 million to reflect accounting misapplications regarding acquisitions in 2000.
Calystegia affinis was first described by Endlicher in 1833. In 1904, Joseph Maiden renamed it Convolvulus affinis, but this is considered an illegal name by the Commonwealth Heads of Australian Herbaria. The other synonyms (given above) are illegal names, misapplications or pro-parte misapplications, with the species concept having been refined by P.S. Green in 1994 in Flora of Australia.
The APSAC Task Force stated that proponents of attachment therapy correctly point out that most critics have never actually observed any of the treatments they criticize or visited any of the centers where the controversial therapies are practiced. Proponents argue that their therapies present no physical risk if undertaken properly and that critics' concerns are based on unrepresentative occurrences and misapplications of techniques, or misunderstanding by parents. Holding is described as gentle or nurturing and it is maintained that intense, cathartic approaches are necessary to help children with attachment disorders. Their evidence for this is primarily clinical experience and testimonials.
Breaches of the duty to avoid conflicts of interest, and misapplications of property will give rise to a restitutionary claim, to restore the property taken away. In these last two situations, the courts of equity developed further principles of liability that could be applied even when a trustee had gone bankrupt. Some recipients of property that came from a breach of trust, as well as people who had assisted in a breach of trust, might incur liability. Equity recognised not merely a personal, but also a proprietary claim over assets taken in breach of trust, and perhaps also profits made in breach of the duty of loyalty.
A number of concerns have been raised about the accuracy and ethical implications of brain-reading for this purpose. Laboratory studies have found rates of accuracy of up to 85%; however, there are concerns about what this means for false positive results among non-criminal populations: "If the prevalence of "prevaricators" in the group being examined is low, the test will yield far more false-positive than true-positive results; about one person in five will be incorrectly identified by the test." Ethical problems involved in the use of brain-reading as lie detection include misapplications due to adoption of the technology before its reliability and validity can be properly assessed and due to misunderstanding of the technology, and privacy concerns due to unprecedented access to individual's private thoughts. However, it has been noted that the use of polygraph lie detection carries similar concerns about the reliability of the results and violation of privacy.

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