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380 Sentences With "lusts"

How to use lusts in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "lusts" and check conjugation/comparative form for "lusts". Mastering all the usages of "lusts" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He's always in the thrall of his own lusts and passions.
Mostly, though, he lusts vaguely after various women with opaque motivations.
The actor, who stars in "The Innocents," lusts after some pricey electric guitars.
Eklund lusts after a Calacatta marble option, priced at $120 per square foot.
Heimel's attracted to experience itself, she's horny for sensation, she lusts after the world.
Haugland said the RNC lusts for money and is "hooked" on the primary process.
She lusts for Odin's realm, which remains as drearily amorphous and anonymous as before.
Kaecilius is yet another MCU antagonist who lusts after some abstract notion of power.
He lusts after a classmate's nice car while working at a sandwich shop with Murph.
They are re-embodiments of secret fears and desires, of monstrous hungers and frightful lusts.
For example, Zeus, not pictured, lusts after Ganymede, pictured below, in one object on view.
The men and women guard their stratagems like jewels, and their lusts like hidden fires.
These days, Samsung, Huawei, OnePlus, and even Google are making the Android phones everyone lusts for.
King David's lusts return to haunt him: a love-child perishes and his son Absalom revolts.
Snoopy still lusts after Linus's blanket, Peppermint Patty is school-clueless, Charlie Brown sighs and frowns.
Your children wander aimlessly poisoned by cocaine, Choosing to indulge their lusts, when God has said abstain.
His rock 'n' roll was a music of joyful lusts, laughed-off tensions and gleefully shattered icons.
As the male artist lusts after muses, transforming their bodies into art objects, his mystique only grows.
Instead, he is most definitely a man, one with hungers and headaches and lusts and, above all, fears.
He's not there, but Scarpia is and senses exactly how to manipulate this diva, whom he lusts after.
He lusts for power more than money and plausibly assumes that Himiko's toxic spirit will be compatible with his own.
He lusts for glory, but only his own, and a mass of wounded feelings is encased in his tough hide.
Its name is based on how frequently humans have danced with danger in the pursuit of their own vanity or lusts.
The antenna might be a stand in for a finger, pointing scornfully, or alternatively, an eye, one that admires or lusts.
Does the woman artist feel herself to be interchangeable with the film character, with his lusts and his genius and his rage?
The title is taken from Mallarmé's poem L'Apres Midi d'un Faune, the story of a just-woken creature who lusts after a nymph.
Apollonia Kotero plays the woman who makes the Kid's heart beat faster; Morris Day is the zoot-suited lech who lusts after her.
"Gay" tells you about a person's lusts and loves, but it used to tell you more — about his or her boldness, irreverence, independence.
She's a prisoner, a poor Irish immigrant, in an era where servant women are subject to the whims, and sometimes lusts, of their employers.
From end to end, it's an album of love songs: love progressing through childhood crushes, adult lusts, parental nurturing and benedictions for unknown descendants.
Looked at together, your Venus and Mars signs can give you a pretty complete astrological snapshot of you as a person who loves and lusts.
You can almost feel him melding into his lounge chair as he absently watches Fox News, lusts for a neighbor's wife and gorges on Doritos.
Ms. Nielsen plays a grasping buffoon who lusts after much younger men — a setup that ordinarily, in our entertainment, calls for outright degradation of the woman.
Zama wants recognition by the king, a move to be closer to his wife and children, and sexual satisfaction from the women whom he lusts after.
So men were urged by doctors and scientists to exert iron control over their lusts, engaging in sexual activity only for the minimum necessary for marital procreation.
Singh admits that playing a bisexual, narcissist king who lusts after a Hindu queen was a huge risk, but says he is glad he did the film.
Their distinct lusts, which may have alienated gay and straight men from each other in the past, inspire the ultimate gesture of fraternal connection: a fist bump.
Well, let's see: one of them is a lesbian postal clerk, who lusts after a vacuous socialite, who in turn is flirting heavily with a macho journalist….
He smokes, drinks, scandalizes, indulges his lusts and in every way bites the hand that feeds him, all to be unmasked at the end as a peerless genius.
In Denis's latest feature, High Life, the "witchy" Dr. Dibs (Juliette Binoche), stationed on a spaceship, lusts over fellow shipmate Monte (Robert Pattinson, strapping with a buzz cut).
Meanwhile, in the library's print collection is "Lascivie" ("The Lusts"), a series of late-16th-century pornographic engravings featuring satyrs, nymphs and putti by the Italian artist Agostino Carracci.
One pivotal early moment sees you caught between an oppressed company town and a nearby colony of deserters, the leader of which lusts for revenge against her former oppressor.
And she also develops into the object of desire for Matthew, who lusts for the power in her witch's blood, which is unlike anything he has witnessed in centuries.
Bob's wife Coralee (Alyssa Milano) yearns to be a respected society lady, and she wants a career of her own, and she wants her husband, and she lusts after Bob Barnard.
She is apparently initially meant to represent Aphrodite, goddess of love, and later transforms into Phaedra, who lusts after her stepson, Hippolyte (played by two actors, Gael Kamilindi and Andrzej Chyra).
But as of yet, Netflix hasn't won either Best Drama Series or Best Comedy Series, two prizes it so clearly lusts for, while its two closest competitors — Hulu and Amazon — both have.
Needless to say, Ed turns out to be a psycho, and an all-purpose one at that: He is envious of Mike's success, lusts after his daughter and apparently pops pills, too.
Ana tries to pull over any and all heavy objects, she lusts for speed and nakedness, she sticks her hand in a hole in a tree and pretends to pull out a baby.
Or the insistent reminders to enable HiCare, disable the background refresh of my most-used apps, sign in to a Huawei Cloud account, and grant all the invasive data permissions that the company lusts after.
Their relationship serves as a Rorschach test for Melchor's narrators, whose actions reveal not only the details of the crime but the fears, resentments and unacknowledged lusts that condense around it like a distorting mist.
We discussed the literary "explosion" that was Portnoy's Complaint (with its portrayal of a young Jewish man's lusts and longings), the "nearly perfect" novel The Ghost Writer, and why feminists shouldn't turn their backs on Roth.
And, sure, she lusts for the Priest, because he's so very hot, but what shakes her even more than her attraction to him is the realization that he can't see us, but maybe he can see her.
Gamby swears in front of kids, openly lusts after teachers, forces his driver's ed students to chauffeur him around on errand runs, and generally behaves like a gigantic baby with a mustache and a clip-on tie.
In the end, the Yankees have what every rebuilding team lusts for: two young big boppers in catcher Gary Sanchez and right fielder Aaron Judge, a promising young pitcher in Luis Severino and a bullpen fully stocked.
Like the grandiose figure he writes about in his masterly central section, Knausgaard, too, is always telling you about his feelings and how profound they are, his weeping, his lusts, his ambitions, his insecurities, his frustrations and regrets.
" This mirroring between novelist and character is expressed in the novel's take on a curtained world, where Press sees humans as "bipedal forms" and lusts after Carol, an artist from the nearby hippie commune, with "her shape apparitional.
On the other hand, the producer is something very close to a fallen angel, akin to Lucifer, driven awry by his pride and unfettered lusts — when Faye tells him he's too proud, he says pride is a good thing.
During the long, eventful chase across the continent, Rom discovers he lusts after Jane, kicking off a Ming The Merciless-style relationship where he keeps trying to seduce the heroine while simultaneously holding her captive and trying to murder her soulmate.
Are Mathilde Loisel's intoxicating feelings and aims as she lusts after the necklace, and what she imagines it will bring her, similar to those of people who are swept up in the marketing craze of today's celebrity fashion and cosmetics "drops"?
I know a lot of people who genuinely value their privacy, but I was confessing major lusts in AOL chatrooms in my early teens, detailing personal tragedies on Livejournal in my late teens, and announcing my bowel movements on Facebook in my 20s.
Interspersed with these are chapters featuring Imani, a 15-year-old girl who speaks perfect Portuguese and who moves unhampered between her tribal family and de Melo, the man who lusts after her while claiming to defend her people against common enemies.
Despite being repelled by his disfigured face and general person, Beatrice enlists her father's servant De Flores (Manoel Felciano) to do the deed, little realizing that he lusts after her and will refuse money for compensation, preferring, and eventually insisting upon, payment of another kind.
And so, just like guests in the park, viewers of the show can satisfy lusts associated with Westerns (a genre that for many viewers has the antiquated patina of brash, uncultured racism) while also being made to feel they are ultimately above it all.
Coover's most anthologized story, "The Babysitter," is composed of more than 100 paragraphs, separated by dots, to elaborate a scenario: A father lusts after his teenage babysitter, alone with her young charges, while her boyfriend and his buddy make plans to rape her that night.
Yes, there is a segment of the base that lusts for impeachment regardless of the damage the process inflicts on the party, although most of them live in (and represent) districts that are safely Democratic and who therefore face little retribution for eviscerating Trump.
Of all the special effects in Wagner's "Ring" cycle — an epic four-opera saga with fire-breathing dragons, a magic sword, a magic helmet, magic fire, and of course that cursed ring of power that everyone lusts after — the most dazzling one is musical.
Billy, a merchant seaman forced to join the Royal Navy, lands on the warship Bellipotent in 1797 and instantly enters into an all-hands-on-deck bromance with his shipmates, except for John Claggart, the master at arms who resents and possibly lusts for Billy.
Glenn, who is also a high school English teacher, has a keen ear for the emptiness of political bloviation.) So is the concept of free will according to Puritan theology, a subject of particular concern to Goodman Giddens (Zuzanna Szadkowski), who suffers from some mighty unholy lusts.
The racists, on the other hand, use white women as props: victims to be protected from the uncontrollable lusts of Black and Jewish men; breeding machines who can ensure the genetic future of the white race; but mostly, they pick up the beer cans, and carry out the group's dirty work.
"For me, the following applies: not the burden of the woman, but the lusts of the children," he told the AD. It is strange, also, that as someone so apparently exercised about the stigma older people face, he has made no effort whatsoever to tackle it so that others may benefit.
Men responsive to the insistent call of sexual pleasure, beset by shameful desires and the undauntedness of obsessive lusts, beguiled even by the lure of the taboo — over the decades, I have imagined a small coterie of unsettled men possessed by just such inflammatory forces they must negotiate and contend with.
The joke, with Masina, is that she couldn't be further from the voluptuaries who stalk through her husband's tales; with Mastroianni, the joke is that, though forever cast as a seducer, he is visibly hesitant and shy, halfhearted and half-cocked, as if embarrassed by the sway of his own lusts.
SoftBank's Vision Fund sees the opportunity to spend more money than it ever has before and in a way that is uniquely SoftBank — a quick-strike deal that would certainly invite some snickers from rivals but would allow them to obtain what every one of those Silicon Valley investors lusts for: Big ownership in the next big thing.
Uncle Kouzuki (played in dashingly sinister style by Jo Jin-woong), a book collector with his tongue blackened by ink, also plans to marry his niece, secure her fortune and satisfy his social pretentions and depraved lusts (those books and scrolls he has so diligently amassed turn out to be outré works of pornography.) Yet Lady Hideko has hidden depths, too.
Based on how he's played in these playoffs, and how immensely valuable his skills are in a league that lusts after three-point shooting guards who can defend multiple positions at a high level, letting Bradley go—if they do, via trade or in free agency—may be one of the most grueling decisions this Celtics front office ever makes.
God said—Look at it this way—The poinsettias have to endure themselves—so many pornographic reds in one place—their effect that of the clown—all mouth—it's too much— And so you must also endure your form— make the best of things—stop moping around— Sometimes I spy you from the top tier of my treehouse in the woods—with my special binoculars—I have to get the leaves out of my eyes first—adjust the black knobs— Then the top of your head, your bangs hanging limply in your eyes—you are always alone, in clothes that seem a size too small—a girl-ox moving through the grass—so dumb— pulling a cart filled with the adult world— its anxieties and lusts stacked like logs, all that liquid grief pooling in the bottom— You think I didn't see but I saw—the little slits they made in your flesh, just below the ribs— How they tried to fit their fingers in, and more— The wound—it bled and bled—I watched— And so I sent him like a hologram—to you— Speak, child.
We have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal stings, our unbitted lusts.
He lusts after Melle, and kills her with his gift when he realizes he cannot have her.
Descotes, a young map expert, discovers the marvelous erotic secret of an elaborate ancient map that she lusts to own.
Krishna Bhakthi is the tale of hypocrite saint (P. U. Chinnappa), who lusts after a chaste court dancer Devakumari (T. R. Rajakumari) and his ultimate redemption.
Additionally in eight episodes, Eden donned a brunette wig to portray Jeannie's evil sister (also named Jeannie) who lusts after Tony Nelson, and in two episodes played Jeannie's hapless mother.
The story concerns the Roman dictator Lucio Silla (Lucius Sulla) who lusts after Giunia, the daughter of his enemy Gaius Marius. Giunia, on the other hand, loves the exiled senator Cecilio.
Translated by Jacob Neusner, pages 158–59. In the heart lusts. A Midrash catalogued the wide range of additional capabilities of the heart reported in the Hebrew Bible.Ecclesiastes Rabbah 1:36.
She then turns to the shepherd Alexis, who is eager to comply. They meet at night for their tryst, but are spied upon by the Sullen Shepherd, who suddenly lusts after Cloe himself.
It has all the right moves. > It knows all the right words. Its characters have all the right clothes, > expressions, fears, lusts and ambitions. But there's no payoff and it > doesn't lead anywhere.
The Love of Jeanne Ney (, released as Lusts of the Flesh in the United Kingdom) is a 1927 silent German drama film directed by G. W. Pabst from a Soviet novel by Ilya Ehrenburg.
This ideology carries over in modern-day conservative Christianity, and is enforced through the idea that the more welcoming people are to the idea of homosexuality, the more people will give in to their homosexual lusts.
Hatem, a shady police officer, handles it with an iron hand. Every single citizen fears and hates him. Only Nour, a young woman he lusts after, dares stand up to him. But Nour is secretly in love with Cherif.
The story continues onward in which Lord Jian almost becomes sealed by certain protectors of Wulin. Many conflicts follow this in which Jian loses all of his powers and lusts to find the Sacred Stone to regain his powers.
Kamala meets a singer (Ravichandran), who is an aspiring lawyer. They fall in love, but Kamala doubts whether they can be together due to her social status. A villain (M. R. R. Vasu) lusts for Kamala and goes after her.
She is a lesbian who is in a relationship with Inukai, but enjoys teasing other girls too. ; : : An alicorn-horned girl and Mitsuyo's girlfriend. ; : : A perverted demon boy who lusts after Himeno. ; : : A shy angel boy and the assistant to Manami.
Evergreen: A poor orphan gypsy girl whom Judith takes under her wing. Mr. Massingham: An older man who lusts after Judith and who puts financial pressure on her to marry him. Miss Westmoreland: A young Christian woman who rescues Judith from the streets.
However, on Kama's pleading, Brahma assures him that he would be reborn.Rati: Mani pp. 644–5 The Brahma Vaivarta Purana narrates that Sandhya committed suicide, after Brahma lusts for her. God Vishnu resurrects her and names her Rati, and marries her to Kama.
Saroja), a breathtakingly beautiful woman and a great dancer. They appreciate each other's art and get married. When things go on a relaxed pace, the king Gopadevudu (Udayakumar) lusts for Manjari. In dramatic circumstances, Manjari happens to dance in the court of Gopadevudu.
Yang-imbalanced Kuei-jin suffer wild mood swings and impulsive lusts for food, sex, and other forms of stimulation. Possibly the strangest consequence of yang-imbalance is the ability to have or sire children. Such children are called dhampyrs, and are mortal half-vampires.
She then paints her eyelids and his. Picking up the stone knife and a leather bag she passes the bag to him. He feels the mannekin inside it. Morwen then suddenly cuts his bindings and all his love, lusts, and emotions come flooding back.
The marriage, however, does not happen because Julian is in love with Lola. Mr. Hackwell lusts for both Lola and her inheritance. He tricks her into saying that she is his wife in a sworn statement. He uses this to blackmail Lola; however, it fails.
Another hatred-motivation for Cale—one that even she cannot openly admit to herself—is that Cale secretly lusts after Diana's power and stature; Cale's deepest desire is her wish that she could be "Wonder Woman", but also knows she never can be so.
Nahusa, the eldest son of Ayus, obtains the position of Indra in the heaven but is banished from there when he lusts after Sachi, the wife of Indra.Mahabharata, V.9-18 Ksatravrddha, another son of Ayu, establishes the dynasty of Kashi (Varanasi). His descendants were called Kaseyas.
Pamela lives with them as she is going to be married to ASR. ASR feels disturbed with the presence of Pakhi in his home. Circumstances bring them close and they spend many romantic moments together. But, Krishnendu [Anu's husband] lusts for Pakhi and tries to marry Pakhi.
Sundaranathan is in love with Padma Bai (A. K. Rajalakshmi), the daughter of the wealthy Somanathan Prabhu. Somanathan Prabhu decides to get his daughter married to Sundaranathan, but a villain lusts for her and her wealth. His gang kills Somanathan and frames Sundaranathan, who is arrested.
Latha gives birth to Babu's son Raja who develops an extreme attachment to his father. Meanwhile, a plunderer Mayavan lusts for Latha. To get her, he makes Babu undergo untold miseries. He tricks Latha and Raja into the forest, and demands the papers of the estate.
It is set in the post-World War II period and concerns Grace, an English country girl who moves to France after falling for a dashing aristocratic Frenchman named Charles-Edouard who lusts after other women. Their son Sigi aims to keep his parents apart by engineering misunderstandings.
Meanwhile, Lakshmi Devi (Geethanjali) takes birth as Vedavathi on Earth. At one juncture, Ravana lusts on her when she immediately sacrifices herself with a curse to reborn as a cause for the destruction of his dynasty. Right now, Ravana brings her ashes which appalls Mandodari (B. Saroja Devi).
To Kaan, masturbation was at the root of all sexual disorders, deviations and unnatural lusts as it involved extravagant fantasies. He also considered heterosexual intercourse as psychopathological, if it comprised sexual fantasies.Weiss 2007, p129, 05_TEIL2-4.pdf His main goal was to fight such sexual psychopathies, above all masturbation.
Heretics are those > who are "giving themselves up to pleasures, [and] wrest Scripture, in > accordance with their lusts," and "wrest them to their own opinions" (The > Stromata, Book 7:16). Furthermore, when they quote from the Scriptures they > "alter the meanings . . . according to their true nature" (The Stromata, > Book 7:16). Therefore, the author concludes that "we must never, as do those > who follow the heresies, adulterate the truth, or steal the canon of the > Church, by gratifying our own lusts and vanity, by defrauding our neighbors; > whom above all it is our duty, in the exercise of love to them, to teach to > adhere to the truth" (The Stromata, Book 7:16).
Arjun Bhagwat (Emraan Hashmi) is a money- hungry ex-police officer involved in crime. An atheist (nastik), he regularly visits church to donate money to orphans. Priya (Jacqueline Fernandez), a model, is in a passionate but confused relationship with Arjun. Priya is in love with Arjun, who lusts after her.
Christian texts may sometimes euphemistically refer to anal sex as the peccatum contra naturam (the sin against nature, after Thomas Aquinas) or Sodomitica luxuria (sodomitical lusts, in one of Charlemagne's ordinances), or peccatum illud horribile, inter christianos non nominandum (that horrible sin that among Christians is not to be named).
Amavasai (Sathyaraj), a homeless but egotistical man, gets acquainted to politician Manimaran (Manivannan), then MLA of the Palladam constituency, near Tirupur. Amavasai helps Mani with some petty tasks during election campaign and meetings. Amavasai grows into a well-acclaimed helper and becomes Mani's associate. Meanwhile, Amavasai lusts after Thayamma (Kasthuri).
18 year old virgin, Katie Powers lusts after fellow student, Ryan Lambert and hopes to have sex with him at the high school graduation party. However, Ryan has a policy of not having sex with virgins. This leads Katie on a quest to lose her virginity before the night of the party.
"Anthony Thwaite, The Observer, "Sour Smell of Success", April 16, 1978. Critic Hermione Lee observed, "After Martin Amis's Success ... sibling rivalry seems almost as popular as sexual warfare, fictionally speaking."Hermione Lee, The Observer, "Brotherly Lusts", November 26, 1978. In December 1978, the Observer named Success one of its "Books of the Year.
Raja (Angshuman Gupta), a professional photographer and a playboy, comes across Tiasha (Rituparna Sengupta) at a bar. She is totally different from the girls he knows and has an electrifying presence; she totally captivates him. She is hot and sensuous and Raja lusts after her. He starts having an affair with Tiasha.
Law warns: > Woe be to those who come to it with the mouths of beasts, and the minds of > serpents! Who with impertinent hearts, devoted to the lusts of the flesh, > the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life, for worldly ends, outward > appearances, and secular conformity, boldly meddle with those mysteries that > are only to be approached by those that are of a pure heart and who worship > God in spirit and in truth.An Appeal, Works, Vol. VI, p. 154. This is according to Law the plain and full truth of the “most mysterious part” of the Holy Sacrament, disentangled by him from the tedious strife of words and that “thickness of darkness” which so many learned contenders on all sides brought into it.
But after Nebuchadnezzar died, Belshazzar, a man given to the indulgence of his lusts, succeeded him. During an enormous drunken feast, he ordered that the Temple vessels be brought in and that everyone be served in them. God then determines to punish him. A huge hand appears, writes a message on the wall, and vanishes.
Kumi Taguchi is a model who leaves her boxer boyfriend after he sustains an injury. She meets and quickly marries Hideo, the heir to a corporate empire. Hideo's father, Takehiko, lusts after Kumi. Takehiko sends his son away, ostensibly on a business trip, but actually so that he can be murdered by Takehiko's henchmen.
When > you fully realize it [the Way] in your own person, then all the myriad > things will be arrayed before you. When you thoroughly penetrate the > teachings of the Techniques of the Mind, then you will be able to put lusts > and desires, likes and dislikes, outside yourself. (tr. Major et al. > 2010:71).
On stage, the Puritan is a hypocritical, judgmental, and long-winded figure, masking his lusts behind a vocal obsession with trivialities; Busy, for example, announces his intention to eat pork at the fair merely to refute the charges of "Judaism" he claims are levelled at Puritans, and he ends up consuming two whole pigs.
Krishna befriends Lakshmi and she starts to recover. After Sridevi's wedding, the family decides to get Lakshmi married to Chetan, her cross-cousin, who just wants her wealth and lusts after her. Krishna suggests they get her married after she recovers fully, but is rebuked. The next day, it is discovered that Krishna has fled with Lakshmi.
Ramu and his brothers killed Nagabhushanam to lure Bhikshapathi out of hiding. In order to seek revenge, through a girl (Hamsa Nandini), Ramu plans to invite Bhikshapathi to a youth fest as the chief guest. Bhikshapathi lusts at her and accepts to attend. There, he sees Ramu and plans to attack him with his henchmen, but he escapes.
Lucy Barker is the wife of Benjamin Barker, a barber in London's Fleet Street. They are happily married and have a new baby, Johanna. Turpin lusts after Lucy, and has Barker falsely arrested and exiled so that he can have her to himself. Lucy ignores his advances, staying faithful to her husband, never once leaving home.
It is also prophesied that the diamond would be stolen twice, once in the emperor's reign and again after 500 years. Later, Simhanandini who lusts on Krishna Kumar accuses him of cheating her. However, Krishna Kumar is deemed innocent after a trial. To seek revenge, Simhanandini conspires with Senadhipathi to frame Krishna Kumar in the diamond's robbery.
1, and in the Talmud (Hul. 44b)—a saying based on Book of Job, xxxi. 1. "Abstain from lusts of the flesh and the world" (Didache, i. 4). All the Mosaic laws concerning diet are declared by Rav to have for their purpose the purification of Israel (Lev. R. 13)—to train the Jew in self-discipline.
In Spain. Don Juan lives in Seville with his father, Don José, and his mother, Donna Inez. The romantic Donna Julia, the twenty-three-year-old wife of Don Alfonso, fancies and lusts for the sixteen- year-old boy Don Juan. Despite attempting to resist his charms, Julia enters into a love affair with Juan, and falls in love.
Becoming separated from the group however, Jordan's blue ring does attract Larfleeze's attention.Green Lantern vol. 4 #40 (May 2009) Larfleeze lusts after the blue ring, but finds that his constructs are not immune to the blue light as they are from the green. The blue power ring refuses to be stolen by Larfleeze, claiming that hope is selfless.
Satya and Deepthi are lovers living in Visakhapatnam. A dreaded don, Veeru Bhai, lusts for Deepthi. When Deepthi's parents are killed, she and Satya escape. They board a bus on route to Hyderabad, but the bus is stopped unexpectedly and boarded by three men: Veeru's henchman Deva, Veeru's brother Ajay, and a corrupt police inspector, Shravan.
He rushed to her cell, and found she had disappeared. Eventually, some people came by and informed him that Mary had "given herself up to the lusts of the world." No one knows where she has gone, but Abraham tells Effrem of his plan to enlist a friend who travels often. Abraham has asked this man to find her.
Jorge moves into the house with his girlfriend Lucia and starts to renovate the rundown place. Lucia, sensing that he lusts after Viridiana like his father did, leaves. Jorge then makes a pass at the willing Ramona. When Viridiana and Jorge leave for a few days to take care of some business, the paupers break into the house.
Hollister "Anglo-Norman Civil War" English Historical Review pp. 321–322 Many chroniclers decried his financial ruthlessness and his lax morals.Barlow English Church 1066–1154 p. 72 Orderic described Ranulf's career as "addicted to feasts and carousals and lusts; cruel and ambitious, prodigal to his own adherents, but rapacious in seizing the goods of other men".
Jeerawat (Urassaya Sperbund) is a cheerful, hardworking woman, who is a famous model and actress. Her mother married a smarmy but rich man, who secretly lusts after his stepdaughter. After he attempts to drug Jeerawat, she manages to escape by driving away. Unfortunately, she hits a young woman on the road, who later dies at the hospital.
A Wife for a Month centers on Evanthe, a beautiful and chaste lady-in-waiting to Frederick's Queen. Evanthe has never been married, and King Frederick lusts after her. In the first scene, he calls for her to be brought before him, and her cruel brother Sorano does not object. Upon meeting Evanthe, Frederick proposes to sleep with her.
A carpenter lives with his wife. A bearded swami, seemingly holy and spiritual but actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, lusts for the carpenter's wife. She tells her husband about the swami's strictly dishonorable intentions and the clever carpenter plans to expose the pious fraud. The wife pretends to lead the swami on with sly glances and seductive smiles.
Bloodforge is a third-person view hack and slash action game developed by Climax Studios, Microsoft Studios and Imagination Studios, and published by Microsoft Studios for Xbox Live Arcade in 2012. The game follows a warrior named Crom, who lusts for revenge against the Celtic gods that betrayed his life of peace, making him slay his own family.
To make matters worse, she is constantly harassed by Gríma, who lusts after her. When Gandalf arrives, he frees Théoden from Wormtongue's influence. Éowyn falls in love with Aragorn, but though he respects her, he does not return her feelings, as he is betrothed to the elf Arwen. As Aragorn points out,The Return of the King, book 5, ch.
The film begins with a giant Betty Boop flag which flies over the big top. Betty works as a lion tamer and a tightrope walker. Another of the other circus attractions is Koko the Clown. While performing on the highwire the villainous ringmaster lusts for Betty as he watches her from below, singing "Do Something," a song previously performed by Helen Kane.
Bhikshapathi is a womanizer and lusts over Ammulu when she confronts him. When he misbehaves with her, he is attacked by Ramu, which makes them rivals. The trio resort to lot of bloodshed and finally grab the land and share among themselves. Later, Ammulu and Ramu's marriage is fixed by her parents and Ramu's grandfather Raja Rao Bahadur Ramchandra Naidu (Nagineedu).
Meanwhile, Goddess Lakshmi takes birth as Vedavathi (Chandrakala) on Earth. At one juncture, Ravana lusts on her when she immediately sacrifices herself with a curse to reborn as a cause for the destruction of his dynasty. Thereafter, Vedavathi takes birth at Lanka which appalls Mandodari (Kamakshi). So, she discards the baby in a box and buries it on either side of the sea.
Prasad rapes Nandhini in a forest by spraying chloroform out of lust. A few years later she is about to marry Shankar, Prasad's friend, much to Prasad's surprise. He still lusts and wants a sexual relationship with her both before and after she marries. But his heart suddenly changes, and he gets an urge to marry her instead of making her his concubine.
Drifter mechanic Tom Price (Reed) lusts after seductive Marilyn (Dorne), the young wife of ill-tempered garage owner George Saunders (Dwyer). Assuming (correctly) that Marilyn is fooling around with his employee, Saunders angrily confronts him. Defending himself, Tom accidentally kills his boss. Marilyn helps him to cover up the crime - the inquest verdict is "accidental death" - and they begin a new life together.
At this time, Tamizhselvan encourages Anandan to use his popularity to help the party gain attention. While shooting for his next venture, Anandan and Ramani have some romantic brushes, which causes Ramani's uncle (Nizhalgal Ravi), who lusts over her, to beat her up. Ramani comes to Anandan seeking refuge, and Anandan marries her. At this juncture, the party starts to contest in elections.
Capital, Volume 1, Part 1, Chapter III. 'In order that gold may be held as money, and made to form a hoard, it must be prevented from circulating, or from transforming itself into a means of enjoyment. The hoarder, therefore, makes a sacrifice of the lusts of the flesh to his gold fetish. He acts in earnest up to the Gospel of abstention.
The story takes place in Spain, when King Roderigo has taken over the throne. A group of African noblewomen, who were on a pleasure trip, are shipwrecked on the Spanish coast. Roderigo falls in love with the Moorish Princess Zabra, and marries her after she converts to Christianity. However, Roderigo then lusts after Florinda, the daughter of a Spanish courtier-diplomat.
23; Jerome, Adversus Jovinianum, 2.14 his shameless behaviour (eating raw meat),Diogenes Laërtius, vi. 34 and his criticism of conventional society ("bad people obey their lusts as servants obey their masters"),Diogenes Laërtius, vi. 66 and although it is impossible to tell which of these stories are true, they do illustrate the broad character of the man, including an ethical seriousness.
Be virtuous, serve God daily with prayer, and apply thy boke. > In anywise see thou be obedient to thy mother, love her, and serve her. Be > ruled by her now in thy youth, and follow her good counsel in all things. > Beware of lewd company of young men, that fear not God, but followeth their > lewd lusts and vain appetites.
He lusts for Shruthi and decides to make her his mistress, even after she rejects him multiple times. Tamizh's first assignment with Ali Bhai's gang is to kill a member of Narasimhan's gang. However, police show up at the spot where Tamizh and the other gangsters are waiting. Tamizh engages the cops long enough for the others to finish the task and flee.
"When a person meditates in the fields, all the grasses join in his prayer and increase its effectiveness and power," he wrote.Likutey Moharan II, 11. He also suggested practicing hitbodedut in the middle of the night, when the desires and lusts of this world are at rest,Likutey Moharan I, 52. although doing it during the day is just as effective.
Instead, since development of music involves man's power, it reduces production of food; furthermore, appreciation of music results in less time for administrative works. This overdevelopment eventually results in shortage of food, as well as anarchy. This is because manpower will be diverted from agriculture and other fundamental works towards ostentations. Civilians will eventually imitate the ruler's lusts, making the situation worse.
The story is essentially timeless and placeless. The unnamed protagonist is a middle-aged man who lusts after a certain type of adolescent girl. Infatuated with a specific girl he meets in a park, he marries her mother in order to gain access to her. The mother, already sick, soon passes away, and the daughter is left in his care.
In Roman mythology, Jupiter (the king of the gods) lusts after a young woman named Callisto, a nymph of Diana. Juno, Jupiter's jealous wife, discovers that Callisto has a son named Arcas, and believes it is by Jupiter. Juno then transforms the beautiful Callisto into a bear so she no longer attracts Jupiter. Callisto, while in bear form, later encounters her son Arcas.
Ezhumalai (Kaka Radhakrishnan) who works for Arumainayagam takes in Thanabakkiam and Kaveri as workers in the plantations. Balu (O. A. K. Thevar) is the manager of Arumainayagam, lusts for Sundhari and disturbs her a lot. Sundhari delivers a baby boy and at the same time Kaveri is very sad to learn about this and as Kanagu goes missing without letting her know.
She does small job with the support of local NGO and fights to safeguard her dignity from the lusts of society. Kalpana’s life is limited to ceaseless follow up with the government officials for the death compensation package. Dipankara makes a repeat visit without his camera unit and he just wants to meet Kalpana. He is fascinated with her innocence, beauty and determination.
By Season 6, Artie and Charmaine have reconciled. There is a growing sense of dissatisfaction amongst Nuovo Vesuvio's diners, culminating in the episode "Luxury Lounge". Artie has hired another young hostess that he lusts after—Martina, an undocumented Albanian immigrant he has been helping through the U.S. government's immigration process. Soprano crew associate Benny Fazio is a regular fixture at the restaurant's bar, flirting with Martina.
After some persistent wooing, Chanda falls for Rajkumar's charms. Just when their love was about to flourish, Shivraj sees Chanda emerging from water while praying & lusts her wet body. In the meanwhile he compromises with Parmar and Parmar decides to get Chanda married to Shivraj, against Chanda's wish. Angered Rajkumar beats Shivraj's men and challenges him, saying that he will marry Chanda in front of Shivraj.
Geetha, the daughter of a millionaire, falls in love with Chandranath, a writer. Both have sex before marriage and they get married against the wishes of Geetha's father. Sadanandh, a rich publisher who lusts for Geetha, makes Chandranath rich. Chandranath takes to drinking, induces Geetha to drink and a drunk Sadanandh has sex with her; she is traumatised the next morning on learning of what happened.
Gaye explained the experience as "freaky" and started an obsession with what he liked to call, "love for sale". Gaye noted he saw "a world of pure sex where people turned off their minds and fed their lusts, no questions asked. The concept sickened me, but I also found it exciting." Upon his exit from the Air Force, his sergeant stated that Marvin refused to follow orders.
Indu, thinking he is stalking her, misdirects him by convincing him that the girl is her neighbour. She and her friends exploit Harsha, having him take them to places and promising that the girl will show. After Harsha beats up a group of men who were verbally harassing Indu, she starts to fall in love with him. Meanwhile, Indu's distant cousin Raghuveer lusts after her.
Socrates: The main character in the work. Socrates drives and controls the conversation at the symposium. He values the craft of match- making because a good match-maker can arrange suitable marriages and friendship between cities. Kallias: An exceptionally rich Athenian who has paid much money to sophists for his “wisdom.” He is the host of the Symposium for Autolykos whom he lusts after.
Cassiopeia is a pop star that Dodgers lusts after. He tries to impress her but fails miserably, ultimately setting her hair on fire and she kicks him out of her room. In a scene only used in European airings, she eventually forgives him and has banter with him. She is physically similar to Jem from Jem and the Holograms and is voiced by Jane Wiedlin.
A dejected Mayil confesses about her relationship with Sathyajith to Guruvammal, who quickly plans to betroth her to someone else. The village ruffian Parattaiyan—who lusts for Mayil—spreads rumours about her relationship with Sathyajith. Because of this, Mayil's engagement plans are halted and the village becomes hostile to her. Unable to bear the shame, Guruvammal dies and leaves Chappani to take care of Mayil.
He kills anyone who comes in his way and does not leave any evidence or witness behind. He takes a loan of 100 crores from a private bank with the help of a conniving DGP and a politician. The man who kills Shankar's chairman is Chandu's classmate Shafi (Amit Tiwari), who lusts for Indu. He requests Shankar that he needs Indu as his wife.
She drowns the child by throwing it off the balcony of a hotel into the sea, which drives her lover to commit suicide. Throughout the play she tries to get at Garcin, seeking to define herself as a woman in relation to a man. Her sins are deceit and murder (which also motivated a suicide). She lusts over "manly men", which Garcin himself strives to be.
While Shakespeare closely followed Cinthio's tale in composing Othello, he departed from it in some details. Brabantio, Roderigo, and several minor characters are not found in Cinthio, for example, and Shakespeare's Emilia takes part in the handkerchief mischief while her counterpart in Cinthio does not. Unlike in Othello, in Cinthio, the "Ensign" (the play's Iago) lusts after Desdemona and is spurred to revenge when she rejects him.
Only her friend Myfanwy believes her. Confined in the school's punishment room, Marie manages to escape with the help of a domestic servant, and runs away. Hilary Russell, a prefect and predatory lesbian, lusts after Mary Beech, the school's cricket captain. On a night expedition in pursuit of Mary, Hilary catches Margaret Tattenham, a junior, in the act of replacing the £5 note in Miss Holden's room.
Chand (Motilal), also from a rich family lusts after Kokila. Sunder is framed by the evil Chand and his father (Keshavrao Date) on a robbery charge and he is caught by the police and put in jail. While he's behind bars his sister is kidnapped by Chand, who wants to marry her. When Sunder is released from jail he is told about his sister being kidnapped.
Article on Muhammad, Character of. The Quran states that the limit of four wives does not apply to Muhammad. Muslims have generally responded that the marriages of Muhammad were not conducted to satisfy worldly desires or lusts, but rather they were done for a higher purpose and due to God's command. Medieval Sufi, Ibn Arabi, sees Muhammad's relationships with his wives as a proof of his superiority amongst men.
Shortly afterward, the gas station is visited by newly arrived U.S. Marshal Charley Rakes, accompanied by the sheriff, the sheriff's deputy, and Commonwealth's Attorney Mason Wardell. Rakes demands a cut of profits from all bootleggers within the county, including Forrest, in exchange for ignoring their operations. Forrest refuses and implores his fellow bootleggers to unite against Rakes, but they refuse. Meanwhile, Jack lusts after Bertha, daughter of the local Brethren preacher.
Jason is called to the crypt of Merlin and discovers a poem that changes him into Etrigan. Unfortunately, he is followed by the long-lived Morgaine le Fey, who lusts for Merlin's secrets. That leads to Etrigan's first major battle. Over the years, Etrigan both clashes with and occasionally aids Earth's heroes, guided by his own whims and Jason's attempts to turn his infernal power to good use.
The first was in Wonder Boys, directed by Curtis Hanson from the novel by Michael Chabon. The film told the story of a creative writing teacher at a university, with Michael Douglas in the leading role. Holmes had a small role (six and one-half minutes of screen time) as Hannah Green, the talented student who lusts after Professor Grady Tripp (Douglas's character, who is her instructor and landlord).
Disraeli had threatened war with Russia on the issue and Gladstone argued he was wrong. Liberal opinion was convulsed by atrocities in the Balkans, in particular the massacre of more than 10,000 Christian Bulgars by Turkish irregulars. Gladstone denounced the Turks for committing "abominable and bestial lusts ... at which Hell itself might almost blush" and demanded they withdraw from European soil "bag and baggage". His pamphlet sold an astonishing 200,000 copies.
The villagers are happy to find their hero back in action. That night, Janaki and her daughter are confronted by Gopi who lusts after her. In the following struggle, Janaki and the girl jumps into their well and Gopi escapes. Next morning, the police arrives while Kurup tells Velayudhan that Gopi is the one responsible and also reveals that he is also the one who killed Valiya Nambiar.
In order to retrieve them, Janich has searched through the archives of Auschwitz, Mauthausen-Gusen, Majdanek, Bergen Belsen and Ravensbrück, read memoirs and talked to the Survivors in person. This piece depicts the body that "(...) becomes the subject. Nonetheless, it is not the body of the Shoah, but a body which desires, lusts, and loves. A body which had been situated outside of the frame of the historical narrative".
The first three subdivisions of the instinctive mind are passions, desires, and lusts. The second stage is the intellect, otherwise known as the sharpening of the mind. Someone operating largely out of the instinctive mind would "have only a glimmering of intellect", therefore those who are centered in the intellect would only have an inkling of the spiritual. Once both stages are completed the spiritual mind can be awakened.
He and his assistant are also shown to share a special and close relationship, as she comforts him later on. However, at the same village in which they are shooting, they face troubles in the form of the village chief, who is notorious and constantly lusts over Trishna. Rana states at one point that he would kill the chief should he cause more inconvenience. The next day, the chief is murdered.
Heterosexual men related the scenes to their memories of pornography. Gay men preferred seeing heterosexual scenes because they could imagine themselves in place of the women. French film La vie d'Adèle (Blue Is the Warmest Color, in English), directed by Abdellatif Kechiche, was released in October 2013. The film is about a high school student Adele who lusts after art student Lea and falls in love with her.
She also helps a local beekeeper tend his hives. Soon after Nell begins working at The Orchard, Rupert Brooke becomes a resident. As he enjoys his summer working on papers for Cambridge societies and composing his poetry, Brooke leads a social life flirting with various women and enjoying the company of artists and other students. Brooke soon lusts for Nell, and his increased interest in her leads to unconventional encounters.
Detail of the painting Lady Clara de Clare, inspired by original poem Marmion (William D. Washington). The poem tells how Lord Marmion, a favourite of Henry VIII of England, lusts for Clara de Clare, a rich woman. He and his mistress, Constance De Beverley, forge a letter implicating Clare's fiancé, Sir Ralph De Wilton, in treason. Constance, a dishonest nun, hopes that her aid will restore her to favour with Marmion.
The song is performed as a musical number by Scar, who lusts for the position as king of the Pride Lands. Scar is inspired to develop a plot for both his brother Mufasa and his nephew Simba to be murdered, and tells about this plan through song to a large army of spotted hyena minions by his pledge to spare the hungry animals from starvation if they provide him with assistance.
Thrace is mentioned in Ovid's Metamorphoses, in the episode of Philomela, Procne, and Tereus: Tereus, the King of Thrace, lusts after his sister-in-law, Philomela. He kidnaps her, holds her captive, rapes her, and cuts out her tongue. Philomela manages to get free, however. She and her sister, Procne, plot to get revenge, by killing her son Itys (by Tereus) and serving him to his father for dinner.
She adores popular music and dancing, and lusts for it as soon as it has been taken away from her for any reason. Libby's father appears in the episodes "Make Room For Daddy-O", "Men At Work", and "Win Lose and Kaboom". He has also made cameo appearances in several episodes. Libby's mother (also voiced by Scales) appears in "Journey to the Center of Carl" and "The N-Men".
Ahmed Kamal Faridi has aristocratic lineage and is the son of a Nawab (a lord from sub-continent "during British Empire on Pakistan and India"). A man of principles, Faridi believes in a rigorously disciplined life, controlled emotions, and objectivity. His abstinence from inebriation, carnal lusts, and uncontrolled desires illustrates his sound character. The opposite sex leaves a little rather no effect on him; emotionally he appears unmoved.
It is noticeable that Zhang Chao's thoughts did not deviate from the spirits of Confusianism. Like those elder generations of Confucianism, he also stood for controlling lusts with morals, and leading personal desires into social moral standards. Zhang Chao's aesthetic psychological structure had the cultural function of regulating the different value systems. He was not on the road to the learning of the pedant, also not the rebellious.
Raghupathi and Bhagirathi, a Brahmin couple, move into the village and settle in the house next to Anthony's. Anthony lusts after Bhagirathi and one night when Raghupathi is not home, a drunk Anthony rapes Bhagirathi. When Raghupathi notices Anthony walking away from his home and Bhagirathi crying, he disowns her as she is maligned. When she refuses, he leaves the home after locking it without informing her and does not return.
Raja (Narasimha Raju) was a king in his previous life. When he goes to the forest once to hunt animals, he gets attracted to an orphan stick selling lady Mohini (Jayamalini) and lusts after her. He seduces her and enjoys having sex with her in the forest. After a week he leaves her in the forest itself promising that he would return to marry her and will make her his queen.
180) recounts how God has recorded the sins of men of old (David and Solomon) > for our instruction . . . that we might know, in the first place, that our > God and theirs is one, and that sins do not please Him although committed by > men of renown; and in the second place, that we should keep from wickedness. > For if these men of old time, who preceded us in the gifts [bestowed upon > them], and for whom the Son of God had not yet suffered, when they committed > any sin and served fleshly lusts, were rendered objects of such disgrace, > what shall the men of the present day suffer, who have despised the Lord’s > coming, and become the slaves of their own lusts? And truly the death of the > Lord became [the means of] healing and remission of sins to the former, but > Christ shall not die again in behalf of those who now commit sin, for death > shall no more have dominion over Him. . . .
At the engagement feast dark omens are observed and Pan Gideon collapses and dies in his chamber. Martsian and his father take over the house and the son confides that he plans to marry Anulka for whom he lusts. His sisters gradually start to dominate Anulka and steal her wedding trousseau. Chapters 15 - 19 Pan Serafin confides his worries over Anulka’s situation to Voynovski who is unsympathetic because of her treatment of Yatsek.
Apollo and Daphne (c. 1470–1480) by Antonio Pollaiuolo, one tale of transformation in the Metamorphoses—he lusts after her and she escapes him by turning into a bay laurel. The different genres and divisions in the narrative allow the Metamorphoses to display a wide range of themes. Scholar Stephen M. Wheeler notes that "metamorphosis, mutability, love, violence, artistry, and power are just some of the unifying themes that critics have proposed over the years".
Throughout his career, Spacey has been well known for playing villains; he remarked in 2013: "I think people just like me evil for some reason. They want me to be a son of a bitch." In 1999, Spacey acted alongside Annette Benning in Sam Mendes' American Beauty. In the film he played the role of Lester Burnham, a depressed suburban father and advertising executive who lusts after his teenage daughter's best friend.
Kaalaiyan, a well-to-do and honorable landlord, lives modestly with his four brothers in a village. Sundaravelu is an equally rich but less honorable landlord in the neighbouring village. He lusts for Kaalaiyan's property and sends his assistant Saamipillai to him with an offer to buy his property. Saamipillai's family was burnt to death by Sundaravelu's father; Saamipillai had joined Sundaravelu's service as a mole, planning to destroy Sundaravelu at the appropriate time.
Then Los sensually constricts Reuben (Albion's son) in an attempt to control his lusts as Jesus imaginatively creates states through which humanity can find forgiveness. Angelmorphic Eternals (cathedral cities) seek to help Albion, but they too get blighted by Selfhood. Los rouses them, but Albion chooses to remain trapped. Vala tramples Jerusalem but wise Erin (Ireland) separates the poem's heroine from Albion in whose body she is infected with bellicose Moral Law.
He finally attempts to exert his power by forcing himself upon Luisa, the woman he lusts after but who hates everything that he has become. Zorro appears just in time to save Luisa and tricks Ramon into accidentally admitting that Don Alejandro is still alive. To show that he will always be watching him, Zorro forces Ramon to his knees and carves his signature "Z" into Ramon's chest, as Ramon screams in agony and anger.
When Vikram goes to shoot Aadhithya out of anger, He enters Vikram's body and begins impersonating him, while Vikram is unconscious. Aadithya, now in Vikram's body, masks the killing of Vikram's best friend by saying that Sathya and Prasad had personal vengeance. After coming to Vikram's home, Aadhithya comes across Maha. He lusts for her and even pinches her waist in the car,but forgets about her eventually to focus on his revenge on Vikram.
The story is told in five acts. In 1915, German troops led by Captain von Epstein capture the peaceful town of Loos and start committing atrocities on the local population. Von Epstein lusts after a young peasant girl, Émilienne Moreau (Jane King), but she escapes to the Allied lines. Inspired by the vision of Joan of Arc (Jean Robertson), she helps encourage the Allied troops in an attack to retake the town.
Maa Thakur despises Sugni and tries to disown Aditya for marrying a prostitute but later agrees to have them isolated in the house. Everyone blames Sugni for breaking the family's unity. Even after marrying Aditya, Vikram still lusts at Sugni and manages to get a night with her after threatening to kill Aditya in a wrestling sport where knives are used. Aditya later despises Sugni but takes her back after clearing the misunderstanding.
In the Kūrma Purāṇa too, Andhaka is the natural son of Hiraṇyākṣa and becomes the king of the Asuras after the death of Prahlāda. Like other variants, he lusts after Parvati and goes to Mount Mandara to abduct her when Shiva is away. Shiva had entrusted Nandi to guard his household and the gods including Vishnu, to attend to and protect Parvati. When Andhaka arrives, Nandi battles with him and pierces him with a trident.
His novels are usually situated to a provincial town with clear signs of Jilemnice at the turn of the 20th century. His masterpiece is a novel called originally Vyprahlé touhy (Thirsty Lusts, 1935) and re-written by the author under the name Petrolejové lampy (Kerosene Lamps, 1944). Most of his novels (Neviditelný/Invisible, Vlčí kůže/Wolf's skin, Helimadoe) are psychological novels about young men and women and their relationships in extreme conditions.
Descriptions of the demimonde can be found in Vanity Fair (1848), a novel which satirizes nineteenth century society, written by William Makepeace Thackeray. Although it does not mention the terms 'demimonde' and 'demimondaine' (they were coined later), the terms were later used by reviewers and other authors in reference to three characters in it. Lady Crackenbury and Mrs. Washington White are demimonde characters, both of whom Captain Rawdon Crawley lusts after in his younger days.
Denny also lusts after Lisa, and confesses this to Johnny, who understands and encourages him to instead pursue one of his classmates. Johnny spirals into a mental haze and calls upon Peter – his and Mark's friend and a psychologist – for help. Mark also confides in Peter that he feels guilty about his affair. When Peter asks Mark if the affair is with Lisa, Mark attacks Peter and attempts to kill him, but they quickly reconcile.
1 p.12) Attempts to obey God's commands are successful only when one is purified; then the soul can receive God's unlimited grace. The hadith of the Islamic prophet Muhammad: ("My religion is based on cleanliness"), does not refer to outward cleanliness alone; it also alludes to the soul's inner purity. To attain perfection, it is necessary to struggle against lusts and immoral tendencies, and prepare the soul to receive God's grace.
The theatre director, Puroshottam, an older man, lusts after Janki, but keeps his wife, Lata, confined to their house. Puroshottam badmouths Janki to her lover, creating a rift between them. Janki's lover asks her to abort the child, as he suspects that he might not be the real father, indirectly accusing Janki of having sexual relations with Purshottam. Janki is outraged and intentionally botches a scene during a performance of the Ramayan.
In the original, the ensign lusts after Disdemona and is spurred to revenge when she rejects him. Unlike Shakespeare's Othello, the Moor in Cinthio's story never repents the murder of his wife. Both he and the ensign escape immediate prosecution but are killed much later. Cinthio also drew a moral (which he placed in the mouth of the lady) that European women are unwise to marry the temperamental males of other nations.
Leon de Severac is fed up with his daughter Jacqueline, who is constantly seducing men. Hoping to discourage her from her flirtatious behavior, he tells her the story of Zareda, an attractive fortune teller who is having an affair with Ivan de Maupin. Ivan's father, the Baron, lusts after her as well and Ivan eventually grows convinced that Zareda is cheating on him. Giving her up, he leaves for war shortly after.
Some scenes—the savage beating endured by Marie, the lingering descriptions of girls dressing and undressing, Hilary's smouldering sexuality—may, Booth asserts, be written with "the lusts of the male heterosexual gaze" in mind but, he continues, the reader looking for explicit pornography will be disappointed.Booth, p. xvi Bradford notes three prose styles combining in the narrative: "cautious indifference, archly overwritten symbolism ... and ... its writer's involuntary feelings of sexual excitement".Bradford, p.
Harrison's Reports wrote, "The outstanding thing about the production is the magnificent performance of Gregory Peck as David; he makes the characterization real and human, endowing it with all the shortcomings of a man who lusts for another's wife, but who is seriously penitent and prepared to shoulder his guilt. Susan Hayward, as Bathsheba, is beautiful and sexy, but her performance is of no dramatic consequence.""'David and Bathsheba' with Gregory Peck and Susan Hayward". Harrison's Reports.
Radhe, a gangster with a mysterious past, kills others for money. He meets Jhanvi while she's doing fitness training and instantly falls in love with her. Even though their first meeting leads Jhanvi to think negatively about Radhe, she later begins to reciprocate his feelings. However, Talpade, a selfish and perverted Inspector, lusts after Jhanvi and tells her to marry him with the threat that he would rape Jhanvi's mother if she decides to go against his decision.
Tired of being rejected by the beautiful women he lusts after, Chuck Barris moves to Manhattan to become an NBC page with dreams of becoming famous in television but is eventually fired. He moves back to Philadelphia and becomes Dick Clark's personal assistant on American Bandstand in 1961. He writes the successful song "Palisades Park" and becomes romantically involved with a woman named Penny Pacino. Chuck is given permission to pitch the concept for The Dating Game at ABC.
Already in 1819, he was blackmailed over what Minister of Justice Van Maanen termed in a letter his "shameful and unnatural lusts": presumably bisexuality. Also his signing the constitutional reform of 1848, enabling a parliamentary democracy, may have been partly influenced by blackmail. He may also have had a relationship with a dandy by the name of Pereira.Hermans, Dorine and Hooghiemstra, Daniela: Voor de troon wordt men niet ongestrafd geboren, ooggetuigen van de koningen van Nederland 1830–1890, , 2007.
In earlier versions of Dungeons & Dragons, 3.5 and previous, tieflings have any of a number of features that reference (directly or indirectly) their fiendish lineage. These include horns located on their heads, pointed sharp teeth, extra fingers, cloven hooves in place of feet, tails, and unusually colored eyes. They exude a feeling of "evil" even though their race has become civil and no longer lusts for power. Many races distrust or outright hate tieflings, seeing them as devil worshippers.
Stevens Wild, "Grinch in Ottawa may steal Xmas from city welfare", Winnipeg Free Press, 5 December 1995, A1. He later supported a law giving the city power to shut down massage parlours and other businesses that violate zoning bylaws,Aldo Santin, "City lusts after big muscles", Winnipeg Free Press, 21 February 1996, A4. and unsuccessfully called for a youth curfew to reduce crime rates.Treena Khan, "Councillors say no to curfew for youths", Winnipeg Free Press, 4 June 1996, A4.
However, Tomiko, unhappy in her marriage, also lusts after Tsutomu. Michiko also has mutual feelings for Tsutomu but resists his advances because she is a married woman and because she does not want him to fall prey to permissiveness. However, when she learns of her husband's plans to swindle her out of her inheritance and run off with Tomiko, she decides to commit suicide to frustrate Tadao's theft and to leave most of her estate to Tsutomu.
Often there are "class" clashes between him and Dog. He sometimes lusts after Jess but is even more fond of fine canine cuisine. In Book 12, he is asked to "service" a female corgi named Penelope Penrose IV, but fails to rise to the occasion, leaving Major to do the job at night. The Dog usually has to explain to Prince Charles the rougher aspects of farm life, like livestock mating and maggots eating mutton without gravy.
First, Malli narrates his story to Chitra. Malli is an honest fisherman who works under Sambasivayya, a shrewd man at the port. Malli's ambition is to own a fishing boat for which he strives hard. His encounter with Sarala (Taapsee Pannu), the daughter of Sambasivayya, leads to certain disturbances in his life as Sarala, who lusts after Malli, blackmails him to escort her to a film and if not, she will report their intimacy to her father.
The plot of John of Bordeaux depends heavily on that of the original Friar Bacon. The setting shifts to Germany from England, where Bacon is visiting the Emperor's court. Ferdinand, the son of Emperor Frederick II, fulfills the role of Prince Edward in the earlier play: Ferdinand lusts after a woman named Rossalin, just as Edward pursues Margaret. Rossalin, unlike Margaret, is married, to John of Bordeaux, the commander of the Emperor's armies in his war against the Turks.
When Shiva marries his sweetheart Priya, Deva becomes obsessed with and lusts for Priya. Surya who was assisting Vasanth in Aasai (1995) approached Ajith Kumar to do a film under his direction if he had a good script. Simran was selected as the lead actress after attempts to sign Keerthi Reddy and Roja had failed. The soundtrack was composed by Deva and lyrics were written by Vairamuthu with songs like "Oh Sona" and "April Madhathil" becoming popular.
Krishnaswamy is a widower living with his mother- in-law Saraswathi Ammal, daughter Kaveri and son Bharani in a village near Kumbakonam. Dhanush, a con artist from Madras, lusts for Krishna's prosperity and asks him to join his chit fund business. Krishna is initially reluctant; however, when a rich friend from abroad visits his house, he too wants to be rich like them. Hence he agrees to Dhanush's proposal and arrives at Madras, unaware of Dhanush's tricks.
While reflecting in a garden, Augustine hears a child's voice chanting "take up and read."Confessions, Chapter XII Augustine picks up a book of St. Paul's writings (codex apostoli, 8.12.29) and reads the passage it opens to, Romans 13:13–14: "Not in revelry and drunkenness, not in debauchery and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy; but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and as for the flesh, take no thought for its lusts."Bourke 1966, p. 225.
Joan is persuaded to use her inheritance to finance Arthur's desire to open a record shop. Meanwhile, Eileen has discovered she is pregnant and is forced to give up her job. After unexpectedly meeting a young blind girl (Yolande Palfrey) in a field, whom he lusts after under his breath, Arthur reappears at the Everson family home, and his relationship with Eileen revives. The blind girl is raped and murdered, for which Arthur is arrested, but soon released.
He should take the feathery robe of the last one and withhold it until the maiden gives him three objects. In a "Cossack" (Ukrainian) tale, The Story of Ivan and the Daughter of the Sun, the peasant Ivan obtains a wife in the form of a dove maiden whose robe he stole when she was bathing. Some time later, a nobleman lusts after Ivan's dove maiden wife and plans to get rid of the peasant.Bain, R. Nisbet.
The chief-guest and presenter of the awards Ramesh Rao, who is a south-zone selector for BCCI, lusts for Lilly. He meets with Lilly in his office the next day and demands her to sleep with him to get selected for the national team. Lilly is visibly shaken and reduced to tears by this demand but refuses to lodge any complaint due to fear of confrontation, despite entreaties from her good friend Rubina in whom she had confided.
He wishes to humble and terrify Antonio for the insult and humiliation he has suffered at his hands. This is why he goes so far as to bring his knife and scales into the court. For Shylock, however, the desired climax was to refuse the pound of flesh with a gesture of divine compassion. When the verdict goes against him, he is crushed because he has been robbed of this opportunity, not because he lusts for Antonio's death.
The Sufi's journey begins with the challenge of freeing oneself from the influence of shaytan and the nafs-al-ammara. Al-Kashani defines it as follows: the commanding soul is that which leans towards the bodily nature (al-tabī'a al-badaniyya) and commands one to sensual pleasures and lusts and pulls the heart (qalb) in a downward direction. It is the resting place of evil and the source of blameworthy morals and bad actions.Istilāhāt al-sufiyya, pp.
One day on a roadway nearby the district, members of Shambu Dada's gang assault a beautiful young woman whom Shambu lusts after. Swaroop hears her cries for help and tries to rescue her, believing as Bhagwaan does that: "It is every man's duty to honour and protect women." But Swaroop is a gentle bookish soul who does not know how to fight. He is badly beaten by Shambu's men before Bhagwaan can rescue him in turn.
A childless couple comes to a village. The husband, who is a veterinary doctor (Bharath Gopi), is befriended by a man named Thampuran (Nedumudi Venu), who is a womanizer. He takes advantage of the monotony and bleakness of the doctor's life to tempt him into an act of infidelity, endangering the doctor's precarious family life. However, Menon overcomes his lusts and kicks out Tampuran who has started to influence his life from his home and heart.
Smiley Marsden is a bank-robber on the run from the police, with his moll, Frisco Kitty. Cornered, they arrive at the San Francisco docks, where they convince the captain of a small cargo ship, Sam McVeigh, to take them aboard on his run to Mexico, mostly because he is enchanted with Kitty. Marsden is posing as a minister. As the ship sets sail, every sailor aboard lusts after Kitty, none more so than the captain.
Witch Hunt are an American four-piece hardcore punk band currently located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, who formed in 2001 in northern New Jersey. The band started out as a 3 piece with Janine on bass, Rob on drums, Nicole on guitar and all members sharing vocal duties. In 2005, Vince joined as the drummer and Rob switched to guitar. Members also play or have played in Lost Cause, End Me, Lusts, Clockcleaner, Sickoids, and Snowstorm.
She finds Bobby waiting for her and she pulls him into the pool with her and the two begin a love affair. The summer's end approaches and Bobby has to take his French examination. Despite Terry's attempts to keep their relationship casual, Bobby has developed serious feelings for Terry and resists her insistence that the affair end once he takes his exam. Matters worsen when Mr. Chrystal, who himself lusts for Terry, sees his son and Terry kissing one night.
After dinner, a ludus Carnelevaris was celebrated with drinking among the knights and soldiers, followed by performances which featured the killing of animals that symbolized various sins.This included "the killing of a bear to symbolize the devil who tempted the flesh, of bullocks to symbolize their pride, and of a cockerel to symbolize their lusts; thus, they might live chastely and soberly, and keep a good Easter": Cowdrey, Pope Gregory VII, p. 14, citing Benedict, cap. 7(5), p. 172.
Vir is a bachelor from a small town working as a sous-chef in a five-star hotel in Mumbai, India. He is handsome, charming and easy-going and flirts with and lusts after any woman. With his ego, confusion and commitment issues, it is impossible for him to stop lying. The sometimes smart and sometimes silly observations of his all-male gang of coworkers at the hotel kitchen are of little help until Vir is finally forced to grow up.
The only two suspects they have in mind are Gulu (Gulshan Grover), who still lusts after Sangeeta; and Maulah Baba (Kader Khan), a blind beggar. Sonu falls asleep in school and the school is locked for 10 days. the teacher rings to tell sanjay that she feels his son is locked in school but gulu picks up and says ok. he takes advantage of the situation and asks sanjay for money so he can escape with the money he gets.
The Girl, deranged, wanders aimlessly through the battlefield and comes upon the Boy badly wounded and unconscious. She finds her way back to the village where she is nursed back to health by The Little Disturber who had previously been a rival for the Boy's affections. The Boy is carried off by the Red Cross. Von Strohm, a German officer, lusts after the Girl and attempts to rape her, but she narrowly escapes when he is called away by his commanding officer.
Jaquelyn Collins-Clinton, A late antique shrine of Liber Pater at Cosa, Etudes Preliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans l'Empire Romain, Volume 64, BRILL, 1977, pp.3, 5. Around the end of the 5th century, in Orosius's Seven Books of History Against the Pagans, Liber Pater's mythic conquest of India is taken as an historical event, which left a harmless, naturally peaceful nation "dripping with blood, full of corpses, and polluted with [Liber's] lusts."Paulus Orosius: Seven Books of History Against the Pagans, trans.
Eve realises that Leilah never objectively existed but was only a manifestation of his own lusts and corruption. Lilith tells Eve she must go and meet The Mother and pushes her into a cleft in the rocks that metamorphoses into the uterus of time. Eve progresses through the increasingly deep and warm subterranean rock pools to her rebirth. The amber Eve discovers in one of the caves and holds in her hands liquifies into ancient pine forests and primeval species.
Jinks was an acrobat and entertainer for the royal family in the castle of Del and knew Barda as a boy. However, he fled the castle with the other entertainers upon the Shadow Lord's invasion and joined the Resistance. Upon Lief's coronation, he assumedly worked his way into favor with the castle officials, for he is found spending time in the castle at the beginning of the second series. Jinks is a selfish man, a gambler, a sook, and lusts for riches.
Whenever the nobleman visits his country estates, the king visits his wife, but secretly lusts after men. Instead of going to his estates, the nobleman now goes to the castle to dally with the queen, while the king commits adultery with his wife. The affairs continue for years, well into the couples’ old age. Like many stories of this sort, Saffredent’s tale deals with the theme of cuckoldry and depends on both dramatic and situational irony for its plot and effects.
A man lusts over her and proceeds to have coitus with her plastic body. The doll body is deflated after he impregnated her. The song "In Time" begins and shows a pregnant Twigs, as well as a normal Twigs dancing for a man in a jewel (the man was previously featured in her video for "Papi Pacify" from EP2). As the song ends, Twigs's water breaks, and pastel paint drips down her legs and forms a puddle around her feet.
Millionaire Otis Jarrell retains Nero Wolfe to get a snake out of his house - the snake being his daughter-in-law, whom he believes is ruining his business deals by leaking information to his competitors. Since Archie and Wolfe are in the midst of one of their periodic squabbles, it is decided that Archie will move into Jarrell's Fifth Avenue penthouse apartment, posing as his new secretary. While he's away, detective Orrie Cather, who lusts after Archie's job, tests out Archie's desk.
VEERATESHWARA SWAMY ASHTAA ASHTA BAIRAVESHWARAR MAHA MRITYUNJAYA PARAMESHWARAR SUKRAPUREESHWARAR As per Hindu legend, Shiva appeared in the form of Andakasura samhara murthy to slay the demon king Andakasura. Andakasura was a demon who attained powers close to immortality on account of his severe penance to Brahma, the Hindu god of creation. The boon attained had just one condition that when he lusts his mother, he would be killed. He made undue use of his powers and was troubling humans and celestial deities.
Viji, as she is called by Cheenu, has completely forgotten her past and becomes very close to him. When Viji accidentally spills ink over Cheenu's documents, angering him, their relationship is threatened, but they reconcile. Later, a local woodcutter named Nataraj lusts for Viji and nearly assaults her, but she manages to save herself. When she tells Cheenu about it, he becomes livid with rage and almost kills Nataraj, but is stopped by his neighbours who were informed of the incident by Viji.
In Boop-Oop-a- Doop, Betty is a high-wire performer in a circus. The ringmaster lusts for Betty as he watches her from below, singing "Do Something", a song previously performed by Helen Kane. As Betty returns to her tent, the ringmaster follows her inside and sensually massages her legs, surrounds her, and threatens her job if she does not submit. Betty pleads with the ringmaster to cease his advances, as she sings "Don't Take My Boop-Oop-A-Doop Away".
Pushing forty, Portland art dealer Devin Adams has been so successful conning the local Philistines that he can no longer tell actual art from the highly profitable junk that supports his living. But the sudden appearance on his doorstep of the great painter John Sun, bearing a strange child, changes all that, confronting Devin with the hard facts of his life, from his lusts and obsessions to his own small part in a mass psychosis that denies the existence of love.
He led first though through a trap used to screen out suspicious strangers. Once Crow is somewhat convinced they're on his side, he agrees to help Tal obtain the Red Keystone (he also lusts after Milla). Once he and Tal had been successful though, he betrays Tal and makes off with the Red Keystone for himself, hoping it could help him and his fellow Underfolk fight for their freedom. Tal attacked him, resulting in a serious injury on Crow's head.
Sabapathy Mudaliar, a wolf in sheep's clothing and womaniser, lusts for a young woman named Indira, and tries to make her his own by any means possible, despite already having a mistress who is a dancer named Sundari. Jagadish, a detective, decides to save Indira, with whom he becomes hopelessly enamored. The duo face many obstacles made by Sabapathy and his partners in crime. But by utilising his investigator abilities, he prevails with regards to saving his lover and the two marry.
Let us, then, > repent with our whole heart, that no one of us may perish amiss. For if we > have commands and engage in withdrawing from idols and instructing others, > how much more ought a soul already knowing God not to perish. Rendering, > therefore, mutual help, let us raise the weak also in that which is good, > that all of us may be saved. . . . Let us remember the commandments of the > Lord, and not be allured back by worldly lusts, but let us . . .
It is a Sikh's dharma and duty to not become subject to these five lusts of the mind. A Sikh strives to live a life of devotion to Waheguru with a positive attitude or spirit (Chardi Kala), accepting God's Will (Hukam), remembering God in Naam Japo, engaging in community service (Sewa) and practicing the Five Virtues. By taking these positive steps, the Five Thieves are gradually overcome and rendered powerless. Adopting this daily routine and discipline, ones actions become pure (nirmal) and rewarding.
In 6 AD Emperor Tiberius is warned by the Senate in Rome of the threat posed by the Germanic tribes revolting in the northern province of Pannonia. Tribune Marcus Vinditius is entrusted with the insignia of the 7th Legion and ordered by Governor Messala to subdue the rebellion. Magdus, the aging leader of the Pannonian tribes, is angry with Batone because he has compromised the peace terms with Rome, but Batone is a much younger warrior who has lost his reason and lusts for blood.
Salomé is a 1923 silent film directed by Charles Bryant and starring Alla Nazimova. It is an adaptation of the 1891 Oscar Wilde play of the same name. The play itself is a loose retelling of the biblical story of King Herod and his execution of John the Baptist (here, as in Wilde's play, called Jokaanan) at the request of Herod's stepdaughter, Salomé, whom he lusts after. Salomé is often called one of the first art films to be made in the United States.
Like most corrupt politicians we see onscreen, she is an opportunist who lusts for power. It speaks well about her acting prowess that we come to hate the otherwise effervescent Juhi in this film." Anupama Chopra wrote, "Her perverse wickedness is the best part of the film", but called it a "a one-note character". Rajeev Masand called her "terrific" in the part and concluded a scathing review of the film asserting, "if you must watch this film, watch it for Juhi Chawla's inspired performance.
Saravanavelu alias Velu is a state-level kabaddi player living in Chennai. His father, Assistant Commissioner of Police Sivasubramaniam constantly chides him for his lack of interest in studies and his love for kabaddi. In contrast, his mother dotes on him, and his younger sister Bhuvana, a sharp and inquisitive schoolgirl, constantly gets Velu into trouble with their father, but nevertheless adores him. Meanwhile, in Madurai, there is a ruthless factionalist leader Muthupandi, who lusts after a girl named Dhanalakshmi and would do anything to marry her.
During their visit at the Taj house, Mujahid is angered upon learning that they do not belong to their bloodline, and politely declines their proposal. Jazib, infatuated with Taban, stalks her at her college and wanders near her house, despite Haider's warnings. Taban is oblivious of both his obsession and the decline of his proposal, but is soon aware that she has a secret admirer when Jazib begins to deliver love letters. Meanwhile, Shakeel lusts for Taban, who is disgusted by his behavior and rejects his advances.
There they end up stripping each other and passionately smooching. Priya eventually opens her bra and tries to tease Arjun. Arjun ends up opening her shorts and devours her with animal-like hunger, and sex is implied (offscreen) both of them eventually end up climaxing and Priya reveals to harbor romantic feelings for Arjun. However, Arjun only lusts after Priya's marvelous body and asks her to find someone else if she wants love, as Arjun can only have a no- strings attached relationship, and nothing else.
Frollo lusts after a beautiful Gypsy girl named Esmeralda, and enlists Quasimodo in trying to kidnap her (She is later revealed to be Agnes, the baby Quasimodo was switched with). Captain Phoebus de Châteaupers arrives to stop the kidnapping and captures Quasimodo, unaware that Quasimodo was merely following Frollo's orders. The deaf judge Florian Barbedienne sentences him to an hour of flogging and another hour of humiliation on the pillory. Phoebus ties Quasimodo up and has Pierre Torterue whip him in front of a jeering crowd.
There's no mention in the source of the ensign's wife being Desdemona's attendant. In Cinthio, the ensign's wife accompanies her husband to Cyprus. She is described as "a beautiful and virtuous young woman" who, "being of Italian birth,...was much loved by the Moor's wife, who spent the greater part of the day with her." The ensign, "not heeding at all the vows he had made his wife", lusts after Desdemona who, very much in love with the Moor, is oblivious to the ensign's passion.
During the Middle Ages prostitution was commonly found in urban contexts. Although all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage were regarded as sinful by the Roman Catholic Church, prostitution was tolerated because it helped prevent the greater evils of rape, sodomy and masturbation. Augustine of Hippo is quoted saying, "if you expel prostitution from society, you will unsettle everything on account of lusts." The general tolerance of prostitution was for the most part reluctant, and many people from the church urged prostitutes to reform.
Vindice broods over his fiancee's recent death and his desire for revenge on the lustful Duke for poisoning his beloved nine years before. Vindice's brother Hippolito brings news: Lussurioso, the Duke's heir by his first marriage, has asked him if he can find a procurer to obtain a young virgin he lusts after. The brothers decide that Vindice will undertake this role in disguise, to give an opportunity for their revenge. Meanwhile, Lord Antonio's wife has been raped by the new Duchess's youngest son Junior.
He is repulsed by the factory and begins to feel uneasy about Cheeta. Although Titus lusts for Cheeta, he also tells her several times that he hates her and tells her to "go home to your horde of vestal virgins and forget me as I shall forget you". Cheeta is shocked because other men would give anything for her favour. She contrives an elaborate plan to lure him into the "Black House", to see "a hundred bright inventions", and end their relationship on a high note.
Smith, an 18-year-old film student who identifies sexually as "undeclared," has been having strange dreams recently. He is going to college with his best friend, Stella, whom he has known since junior high, and finds a note saying he is the "chosen son." He has a roommate named Thor, whom he lusts after even though Thor is straight. Smith and Stella go to a party where Stella hooks up with a girl named Lorelei, who Smith recognizes from one of his dreams.
Near the end of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou becomes obsessed with his concubine Daji, who is actually a vixen spirit in disguise as a woman. King Zhou is a ruthless and bloodthirsty tyrant who uses cruel means to torture and kill those who oppose him, including his own ministers who dared to speak up to him. At one point, King Zhou lusts for Huang Feihu's wife, Lady Jia, and attempts to seize her for himself. Lady Jia commits suicide to preserve her dignity.
Although recognizably human in form, the future City's denizens have powers of matter manipulation, time travel, and telepathy. They can both read and manipulate Jack the Ripper's mind. They proceed for their own malign amusement to mentally expose him to his own subconscious lusts, desires, and petty hatreds; prior to their interference he had suppressed his awareness of these urges. He realizes that he had persuaded himself that his killings were purely moralistic in intent, meant to draw attention to the injustices, inequalities, social wretchedness, and debauchery of industrial Victorian society.
He enters; they continue reading the story of Guinevere together, until, no longer in control of their feelings, they let their lips meet in a long kiss. In the fourth act Malatestino, Gianciotto's youngest brother, who himself lusts for Francesca, has discovered her secret meetings with Paolo. After Francesca refuses to give in to his sexual advances, Malatestino betrays Francesca and Paolo to Gianciotto, who determines to find out the truth for himself. Accordingly, Gianciotto lies in wait outside Francesca's door, and surprising her and Paolo together at early dawn, he slays them both.
Also, several problems arise when Vadamalai's uncle turns against Chellamma and separates Vadamalai and Chellamma, and also kidnaps Chellama's baby from Gomathi. He along with Maya, his friend rob Vadamalai of his wealth but he gets cheated by Dhanam. Meanwhile, AK kills the other two rapists using Sanjeevi and is imprisoned and writes his will in favour of Chellamma, which angers Madhumitha who insults Chellamma and plots along with Satish to destroy Chellamma. Also, Amudha works for a company owned by Moorthy who lusts for her and tries to rape her.
He often worms his way out of trouble by foisting the blame for his schemes onto associates. This has left him with a reputation for untrustworthiness and double-crossing in the criminal world and made many enemies who come back for revenge. Boss lusts for "simoleons", but has his limits; he refuses to risk anyone's life or safety for the sake of his schemes. More than once, he has sacrificed his potential earnings to save lives that would otherwise be imperiled by his greed (this is especially true in later seasons).
Robert is a jovial man of huge appetites and knows to indulge in pleasures. He is quite promiscuous, having fathered multiple bastard children (17 according to the prophecy by Lannisport fortuneteller Maggy the Frog) with whores or any women he encounters, and his lusts are the subject of ribald drinking songs throughout the realms. As king, Robert is known to impose upon the hospitality (voluntarily or not) of his subjects, but at the same time also possesses a rather careless generosity. A proud man, Robert rarely back down on words spoken in a drunken rant.
Due to this fact, Hugh continuously captured Rebecca and later convinced Rebecca's father, whom he had let live, that he would marry Rebecca and become the new king of Zymot. This is only a trick, however, in order to make Rebecca's father release the shard within her head. After Hugh receives the shard, he kills Rebecca's father and casts her away, free to do whatever she wishes. After this event, Hugh became the new King of Zymot, and lusts to obtain every key Spirit he can get his hands on; this is Hugh's true ambition.
King Vikram Singh's daughter, Princess Mithravindha Devi (Indu), loves Bhairava, but he holds himself back even though he reciprocates the same. Ranadev Billa (Raghuveer), the king's nephew and Mithra's cousin, lusts Mithra and plans a competition between himself and Bhairava; the winner will marry her and the loser will be banished from Udaigarh. Bhairava's victory leads to Ranadev's banishment. Vikram Singh, however, secretly requests that Bhairava not marry his daughter, because Bhairava has a high chance of dying in the ensuing battle with Khan's forces, and he does not wish to see Mithra widowed.
Albinus is a respected, reasonably happy married art critic who lives in Berlin. He lusts after the 17-year-old Margot whom he meets at a cinema, where she works, and woos her over the course of many encounters, primarily with money. His prolonged affair with Margot is eventually revealed to Albinus's wife Elisabeth when Margot deliberately sends a letter to the Albinuses' residence and Albinus is unable to intercept it before it is discovered. Elisabeth leaves with the assistance of her brother, Paul, and takes their daughter, Irma, with her.
Tamina, a woman who works in a cafe, wants to retrieve her love letters and diaries in Prague through her customer who will be going to Prague, Bibi. Also, another customer, Hugo, who lusts for Tamina, offers to help her if Bibi cannot go to Prague. One day, Hugo invites Tamina to dinner and they visited the zoo together. A group of ostriches move their mute mouths vigorously to Hugo and Tamina as if to warn them of something, which gives Tamina a bad feeling about the letters and diaries in Prague.
The tyrant will be tempted in the same way as the democrat, but without an upbringing in discipline or moderation to restrain him. Therefore, his most base desires and wildest passions overwhelm him, and he becomes driven by lust, using force and fraud to take whatever he wants. The tyrant is both a slave to his lusts, and a master to whomever he can enslave. Because of this, tyranny is the regime with the least freedom and happiness, and the tyrant is most unhappy of all, since the regime and soul correspond.
Towards the end, an upper harmonic melody is added to display variance. Madonna's voice remains at the center of the song's production, as she sings lyrics such as "happiness lies in your own hand". Throughout the song, Madonna also sings the lyrics "My baby's got a secret", however she never discloses what the secret may be. During the next song, "I'd Rather Be Your Lover", Madonna lusts after the unattainable through processes of negotiation: "I could be your sister, I could be your mother, We could be friends, I'd even be your brother".
In the midst of the forested plain, Dermot beholds a massive tree with interlacing branches, beneath which is a well of pure water with an ornamented drinking horn suspended above it. Dermot lusts after the water in the well, pursues it and is confronted with a loud rumbling noise indicating that none should drink of its waters. Dermot drinks the water, and a hostile wizard appears who upbraids Dermot for roaming his forests and drinking his water. Dermot and the wizard battle each other, and the wizard jumps into the well, leaving Dermot behind.
Under desperate measures, Albert and Anne try to preserve the circus by meeting Mr. Sjuberg (Gunnar Björnstrand ), the theatre director who might as well be their saviour. Mr. Sjuberg insults Albert and his wife's appearances which he believed looked ridiculous and overdressed, however he lets them borrow some clothes. When asked for the payment, Mr. Sjuberg says that it would be paid by seeing one of their performances. In the theatre, Anne meets Frans (Hasse Ekman) who lusts for her, and constantly flirts with her but Anne disinterestedly rejects him.
The villain group consists of Ticket (Kalabhavan Mani) who wants to push Chellam in the flesh trade with the help of her sister who is already in it and a jeep driver who lusts for Azhagu. Murugesan bashes the two men for disturbing his sister and her friend and an enmity ensues. Murugesan discovers that his sister is in love with another jeep driver Mani and arranges for the marriage between the two much to the jealousy of Ticket and his friend. Just before the marriage Mani falls from a cliff and dies.
In 1912, the protagonist, Horty, leads an uneventful life as a foundry worker in the Lorraine region of northern France with his wife, Zoe, "the most beautiful woman in town." The owner of the foundry where Horty works, Simeon, lusts after Zoe. When Horty wins a company athletic contest, Simeon's prize is a ticket to Southampton to see the sailing of the RMA Titanic. The night before the Titanic departs, Horty meets a beautiful young woman named Marie, who explains that she is a chambermaid aboard the Titanic.
He moved to California and became a street preacher while attending John Muir College in Pasadena. The June 11, 1951 issue of Time magazine included a story on Phelps, who lectured fellow students about "sins committed on campus by students and teachers", including "promiscuous petting, evil language, profanity, cheating, teachers' filthy jokes in classrooms, and pandering to the lusts of the flesh." When the college ordered him to stop, citing a California law that forbade the teaching of religion on any public school campus, he moved his sermons across the street.
John and Elizabeth are incredulous that nearly forty people have been arrested for witchcraft based on the pronouncements of Abigail and the other girls. John knows their apparent possession and accusations of witchcraft are untrue, as Abigail told him as much when they were alone together in the first act, but is unsure of how to confess without revealing the affair. Elizabeth is disconcerted to learn her husband was alone with Abigail. She believes John still lusts after Abigail and tells him that as long as he does, he will never redeem himself.
Screenshot of Leo Genn from the trailer for the film Quo Vadis Poppaea (Patricia Laffan), Nero's wife, who lusts after Marcus, devises a diabolical revenge for his rejection of her. Lygia is tied to a stake in the Circus and a wild bull is released into the arena. Lygia's bodyguard Ursus (Buddy Baer) must attempt to kill the bull with his bare hands to save Lygia from being gored to death. Marcus is taken to the emperor's box and forced to watch, to the outrage of his officers, who are among the spectators.
Claudio's friend, Lucio, visits Claudio's sister, Isabella, a novice nun, and asks her to intercede with Angelo on Claudio's behalf. Isabella obtains an audience with Angelo, and pleads for mercy for Claudio. Over the course of two scenes between Angelo and Isabella, it becomes clear that he lusts after her, and he eventually offers her a deal: Angelo will spare Claudio's life if Isabella yields him her virginity. Isabella refuses, but when she threatens to publicly expose his lechery, he tells her that no one will believe her because his reputation is too austere.
Wolfram, 71. The breaking of the alliance between Thervingia and Taifal may have had something to do with disagreements over tactics in light of the Huns and the crossing of the Danube, the Taifals being horsemen and the Thervingi infantry.Wolfram, 99. Sometime before their conversion to Christianity, Ammianus Marcellinus wrote: > It is said that this nation of the Taifali was so profligate, and so > immersed in the foulest obscenities of life, that they indulged in all kinds > of unnatural lusts, exhausting the vigour both of youth and manhood in the > most polluted defilements of debauchery.
Kaali convinces Mangalam to accept her daughter's relationship with Anwar, and they end up falling in love. Michael, who lusts for Anu, is angered on hearing of her relationship with Anwar. He attempts to harass them, only to be stopped by Kaali, who ensures the suspension of Michael and his friends, with Anwar recording and sharing the humiliation of Michael and his gang. This video is noticed far away in Uttar Pradesh by a local goon named Jithu, the son of a powerful politician called Singaaram alias Singaar Singh.
In the AD second century, Tertullian wrote that “all other frenzies of lusts which exceed the laws of nature and are impious toward both bodies and the sexes we banish … from all shelter of the Church”.Tertullian, De pudicitia, 4. Early medieval penitential books contained a wide array of different penances for such trespasses. Although various forms of same-sex behaviour were discussed in contemporary handbooks of penance, such as those by Burchard of Worms and Regino of Prüm, according to Paul Halsall, this is the only theological tract which exclusively addresses this theme.
For Leslie, the visions involve an uncle named Pete, who sexually abused her when she was a little girl; these visions are intensified by the similar lusts of Pete who lives at the Wayside Inn. Confused by the visions, the four guests find themselves separated. Jack meets Susan, a young girl who has been held captive by the staff. Susan reminds Jack of his deceased daughter, especially after she claims to have been in contact with her spirit; Susan assures Jack, and later Stephanie, that their daughter is in a good place.
Initially, Sardari does not react to his feelings but slowly when she realizes that Hemraj only lusts for her and does not respect her singing talent, also not want her to grow as an artist, she starts to fall for Sadiq. Sadiq convinces Sardari to come with him to Delhi so that her voice can be popular and she would become famous. Sadiq also comes to know that Sardari is pregnant with Hemraj's child however he has no obligations to accept both. Sardari and Sadiq comes to Delhi and marry in a private ceremony.
Despite their hatred for each other at the beginning they end up falling for each other after a lot of melodrama. Lakshmi's brother-in-law (her elder sister's husband) Prithviraj lusts for her and tries to inherit their fortune by marrying both the zammendar's daughters. He tries to beat Cheenu to death when everybody finds about their love affair. In an attempt to escape Prithviraj, the couple seeks protection from their district's Collector Suhasini who assures them that she would help them marry each other after they finish their education.
Nunsploitation, along with nazisploitation, is a subgenre that ran a parallel course alongside women in prison films in the 1970s and 1980s. As with prison films, they are set in isolated, fortress-like convents where the all-female population turns to lesbianism and perversity. The element of religious guilt allows for lurid depictions of "mortifying the flesh" such as self-flagellation and painful, masochistic rituals. The mother superior is usually a cruel and corrupt warden-like martinet who enforces strict discipline (more opportunities for whippings and medieval-style punishments) and often lusts after her female charges.
Fonda was going to star in Barbarella and recommended Law for the film. Production was delayed so Law played the lead in a Spaghetti Western, Death Rides a Horse (1967) with Lee Van Cleef, then the title role of Danger: Diabolik (1968), directed by Mario Bava and produced by Dino De Laurentiis. Law eventually played the angel in Barbarella (1968), co starring with Jane Fonda and produced by De Laurentiis. He followed this with a small role in Preminger's Skidoo (1968), then had the lead in The Sergeant (1968), starring Rod Steiger as a soldier who lusts after Law.
Later, he is visited by his father's spirit (actually the serpent shape changer of Billy's nightmares) who encourages Wayne to take calmative drugs and to take the advice of the men who helped JJ. While out with the carnival, Billy encounters the shape shifter who has taken the shape of a dilapidated carnival ride that has injured many. A couple carnival workers are drawn irresistibly to this ride. One of them is the carnival's snake handler who lusts for the women with whom Billy has fallen in love with. He tries to kill Billy's girlfriend with a poisonous snake and is nearly successful.
Shankar is a handsome mute man, raised by the powerful Raja, to whom he is completely loyal. However, Raja treats him like a slave. He is also tormented and unnecessarily beaten by Raja's younger brother Brijwa, a sadistic and violent psychopath. The elderly Raja is a ruthless and cruel man with a large appetite for young women who kills anyone who dares to defy him, however lately he has proven to be unable to perform in the bedroom and continues to fall asleep as he is bored of his beautiful secretary Bindiya, who lusts after Shankar.
At an exclusively girls' boarding school, a 16-year-old unnamed narrator, records her most intimate thoughts in a diary. The object of her growing obsession is her roommate, Lucy Blake, and Lucy's friendship with their new and disturbing classmate, Ernessa. Around her swirl dark rumors, suspicions, and secrets as well as a series of ominous disasters. As fear spreads through the school and Lucy isn't Lucy anymore, fantasy and reality mingle until what is true and what is dreamed bleed together into a waking nightmare that evokes with gothic menace the anxieties, lusts, and fears of adolescence.
He is also not allied with the hyenas from the very beginning and has to earn their trust. During his reign, Scar takes a more active role in hunting alongside the pack of hyenas, and is also seen trying to force Sarabi, whom he still lusts for, to become his mate and queen. He restricts every conversation about his deceased brother rather than banning his name. His scar appears black instead of pink as in the original film and his general appearance is strikingly similar to that of an Asiatic lion, having a noticeably thinner mane and lighter physique.
Vic Hammond and his wife Mary go to a cocktail party hosted by their friends Jerry and Samantha Rainbow. Vic lusts after the difficult-to-seduce Samantha as she is faithful to her husband, so he devises a plan that would allow Vic and Jerry to switch wives for a night without the women knowing it. He puts the suggestion to Jerry in the form of a story and finally manages to lure Jerry into proposing that they should try out the plan. Many meetings are subsequently held between the two men in which they plan every detail of the scheme.
Learning this, Shiva, with the help of his friend Vicky (Vivek), invents an old romance between him and Sona (Jyothika), and finds his way into Priya's heart. Meanwhile, Deva chances upon Priya and lusts for her. His obsession continues even after his brother marries the girl of his dreams, and he devises various means of getting close to Priya and keeping Shiva and her separated. Some of the methods Deva uses to woo Priya are masochistic (wounding his hand by the running car engine to stop the couple's first night) and psychotic (trying to kill his brother in so many ways).
Devon lusts after Kenneth Parcell and uses his status as a former NBC page himself to ingratiate himself with Kenneth. Jack, however, uses Kenneth as a honey trap to spy on and distract Devon. After the events of "Do-Over", he leaves Kathy and winds up showing up again in "Into the Crevasse" working for the Obama administration, and attempts to make Jack take government bail-out money, which Jack eventually does with reluctance. He appears again in Season 5's "Plan B", married and the father of three "gaybies," whom he and his partner Cashmere had via a surrogate mother.
Roger Ebert describes Ran as "a 20th-century film set in medieval times, in which an old man can arrive at the end of his life having won all his battles, and foolishly thinks he still has the power to settle things for a new generation. But life hurries ahead without any respect for historical continuity; his children have their own lusts and furies. His will is irrelevant, and they will divide his spoils like dogs tearing at a carcass." This marked a radical departure from Kurosawa's earlier films, many of which balanced pessimism with hopefulness.
Their weakening stirs up the Saadian lusts and their claim on the west of Algeria. If the regency of Algiers confirms its control over Tlemcen and Oranie it does not have the means to launch long campaigns in the Saharan confines which it delegates to various tribal confederations such as the Ouled Sidi Cheikh. The Saadians blocked to the north by the Spanish Empire and the Regency of Algiers then found an outlet South Saharan for the extension of their Empire. These conflicts and the resulting agreements foreshadow the borders and delimitations between the modern nation-states of the Maghreb.
Surya (Arjun) a farmer's son from Madurai, J. Prakash (Prakash Raj) the only son of a billionaire industrialist and Priya (Abhirami) an Ooty-based tea estate heiress board a train to Delhi as strangers, in the Chennai central station. They get seats next to each other and introduce themselves to one another. As a coincidence, they get to know that all 3 of them have passed the UPSC exams with high ranks, and are going to Delhi for phase-4 of their Civil Service training and become friends. During the course of the training, Surya loves Priya, whereas Prakash lusts after her.
In Judaism, all evil inclinations and lusts of the flesh are characterized by Yetzer hara (Hebrew, יצר הרע, the evil inclination). Yetzer hara is not a demonic force; rather, it is man's misuse of the things which the physical body needs to survive, and is often contrasted with yetzer hatov (Hebrew, יצר הטוב, the positive desire). Yetzer HaRa is often identified with Satan and the angel of death, and there is sometimes a tendency to give a personality and separate activity to the yetzer. For the yetzer, like Satan, misleads man in this world, and testifies against him in the world to come.
When the sprite's killing lusts override Raven's own will, even Edgar is unable to stop it. :Later on, it is revealed that there are two sprites within him; one of them is a giant serpent, and the other as a giant bird. The giant serpent is the original servant of his tribe's king, while the giant bird is a manifestation of one of three magical gems sealed within Raven. This is hinted at early on in the series, when Kelpie met Raven for the first time and was unable to immediately identify whether he was a "snake" or a "bird".
Their weakening stirred the Saadian lusts and their claim on the western Algerian. If the regency of Algiers confirms its control over Tlemcen and Orania it does not have the means to launch long campaigns in the Saharan confines that it delegates to various tribal confederations like the Ouled Sidi Cheikh. The Saadians blocked to the north by the Spanish Empire and the Regency of Algiers then find a South-Saharan outlet for the extension of their Empire. These conflicts and the resulting agreements foreshadow the borders and delimitations between the modern nation-states of the Maghreb.
In Welsh mythology, Gilfaethwy () was a son of the goddess Dôn and brother of Gwydion and Arianrhod in the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi. His uncle Math fab Mathonwy, king of Gwynedd, must keep his feet in the lap of a young virgin at all times unless he is going to war. Gilfaethwy lusts after Math's current foot holder, Goewin, so to get her alone he and Gwydion steal pigs from Pryderi, king of Dyfed, sparking a conflict between the neighboring kingdoms. While his uncle is off fighting, Gilfaethwy sneaks back to Gwynedd and rapes Goewin.
He's rather misogynistic, believing that women differ from men in the ability to fulfill themselves solely through tending to their husbands. The show also reveals that Clay becomes sexually arouses when watching Bloberta do such chores, ultimately leading him to partake in voyeuristic swinger-style housekeeping. He's close friends with Coach Daniel Stopframe, who secretly lusts after Clay and the two constantly border on a homoerotic relationship. It has been shown that Stopframe is Clay's chief enabler as far as feeding his dependency on liquor and went as far as to seduce and impregnate Bloberta in order to be near him.
Shaw's friend Archibald Henderson described the play as a "macabre Italian picture of the fifteenth century--with sharp contrasts and sudden emotional changes, setting the romantic ideas derived from literature over against the bold lusts and cold cupidities of life." The play parodies the conventions of historical melodramas and popular operas of the era, with the typical rationalism of Shavian conversations set against the cliches of Italian operatic dramas. Michael Holroyd says that though Shaw included it among his "tomfooleries" paired with The Fascinating Foundling , the threatening tone makes it "a more sombre tomfoolery" than the latter.
In Marseille, the company owner Morrell commends Edmond for his bravery, promoting him to captain over first mate Danglars, who had given Edmond explicit orders not to land at Elba. Edmond thereafter states his intention to marry his girlfriend, Mercédès, whom Fernand lusts after. Envious of Edmond’s good fortune, Fernand and Danglars inform on Edmond regarding Bonaparte's letter, which reveals information that could be used to aid Bonaparte's escape from Elba. Villefort, the city's magistrate, has Edmond arrested, but initially prepares to exonerate him until he learns the letter is addressed to Villefort's father, Monsieur Clarion, a Bonapartist.
Dante treats Ulisse, with his "zeal …/ T'explore the world", as an evil counsellor who lusts for adventure at the expense of his family and his duties in Ithaca. Tennyson projects this zeal into Ulysses' unquenched desire for knowledge: And this gray spirit yearning in desire To follow knowledge like a sinking star, Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. (30–32) The poet's intention to recall the Homeric character remains evident in certain passages. "I am become a name" (11) recalls an episode in the Odyssey in which Demodocus sings about Odysseus' adventures in the king's presence, acknowledging his fame.
A faction of older courtiers is outraged that the upstart Marcus Tullius has been given command of the army; Rufinus, the boldest and most ruthless of them, upbraids the king about this to his face. The king confesses that he has an ulterior motive in sending Marcus out from Rome -- Titus Martius lusts after Philadelphia, and wants to use Rufinus as his go-between in seducing the virgin bride. The proud and prickly Rufinus is offended by this, but decides to use to king's infatuation for his own ends. Rufinus wants to see Marcus Tullius dead.
Slob (Marvin), the lecherous short-order cook at the seaside greasy-spoon diner of sarcastic war veteran George (Wynn), lusts after sexy waitress Kotty (Moore). Also interested in Kotty is a scientist (Lovejoy), who spends the better part of his free time at the diner's counter. He works down the highway at a top- secret military base. As it turns out, Slob is not just a short-order cook but also a spy using the diner as a home base for smuggling nuclear secrets out of the country through a connection with one of the diner's regulars.
The beginning of each volume and episode of Golden Boy places Kintaro opposite a young, beautiful woman, whose interest or disdain for him serves as the basis of the plot. Some of these women initially dismiss Kintaro as an idiotic and clumsy pervert, and either give him or accept from him some challenge to prove their superiority. Kintaro invariably lusts after these women, and sates his voyeurism, while he is fulfilling his desire to be of actual service to these women. As he meets their needs, he continues to learn more about the world professionally and personally.
Voiced by: Satoshi Hino (Japanese); Christopher Ayres (English; movie), Ryan Luhning (English; third anime series) is Kagura's older brother. He is the leader of the space pirates Harusame's 7th squad, but he later becomes the admiral and teams up with Shinsuke Takasugi. He left his family after challenging his father and managing to cut off his left arm.. Although he usually shows a cheerful face, he is in fact a violent fighter who lusts for blood, like the majority of the Yato clan. He states his relatives are weaker than him for becoming attached to other people.
Titus lusts for her because he has spent all his life in a straitlaced medieval castle, and Cheeta lives like science incarnate. She is the daughter of a scientist who runs a huge modern factory next to a lake. When Titus first sees the factory from a distance it looks sleek and impressive, but as he gets closer he notices that it gives off a strange unnerving hum, and a sickly sweet smell of death. As he first looks closely at the factory he notices an identical face looking at him from every window, and when a whistle blows they all instantly disappear.
When Aga returns to Bajazet, Mustaffa convinces Bajazet that they need to fight against Acomat and that Selimus – of all people – is the only person capable of leading the army. Selimus feigns that he has changed his sly, subversive ways and convinces his father that he no longer lusts after the crown. Bajazet is naively convinced and when, soon after, there are shouts of “Long live Selimus the Emperor of Turks” from Selimus's janissaries (supporters), Bajazet simply gives up the crown knowing he can no longer save it. Following the transfer of the crown, Bajazet simply wants to retire in peace.
In 1787, Scottish marine Lieutenant Nathaniel Armstrong is in charge of convicts on one of the eleven ships sent in the First Fleet to voyage from England to the other side of the world to establish a British penal colony. He lusts after fiery Irish convict Moira O’Keeffe and surprises himself when he falls in love with her. Together they nearly starve in Sydney Cove while learning to farm the harsh land and deal with the Aborigines, who suffer from the Europeans' diseases and unequal warfare. Armstrong descendants deny their convict heritage and oppose the Chinese who come for the gold rush.
The story "The Sect of the Phoenix" is famously interpreted to allude to the ubiquity of sexual intercourse among humans – a concept whose essential qualities the narrator of the story is not able to relate to. With a few notable exceptions, women are almost entirely absent from Borges' fiction. However, there are some instances in Borges' later writings of romantic love, for example the story "Ulrikke" from The Book of Sand. The protagonist of the story "El muerto" also lusts after the "splendid, contemptuous, red-haired woman" of Azevedo Bandeira and later "sleeps with the woman with shining hair".
As the clocks ring and the workers wake up, Violet, Doralee, and Judy prepare for work ("9 to 5"). The workers begin another mundane and hellish day at work under Franklin Hart, Jr., president of Consolidated Industries. Judy and Violet meet for the first time and Judy reveals she does not have any work experience, but Violet states she will be proud to train her and gives her a few tips and pointers for surviving office life ("Around Here"). Franklin Hart, Jr., is a domineering and equally lecherous man, who lusts after his secretary, Doralee, and has no shame in making those feelings known, which discomfits Doralee ("Here for You").
The game has the same backgrounds and all the characters from Matrimelee (except the four secret characters from Rage of the Dragons), while the game's story takes place after the events from the previous game, making it a sort of sequel or update. The game tells the story of the king from the previous game, who holds a "Bonnou Kaihou" ("Liberation of Lusts") tournament to cheer up his daughter Princess Sissy. This time the prize is anything that the winner could wish for (except the throne succession). This version also features an online mode and a 'Lust Cards System' that consists of buying cards with special effects.
Dave, until recently, played a character by the name of El Ravager, wielding a coveted Hackmaster +12 sword named "Tremble". He lusts to own a god-level Magic Sword, but dreads the possibility of such a blade having its own ideas of what it is to be used for. More recently (late 2006) in B.A.'s newest campaign, Dave has changed tactics (in part thanks to B.A.'s new hardball rules) and is playing a magic-user named El Mardico with, it must be said, some margin of success. Brian has therefore provided Dave with tutelage on how to properly run a mage – for a small fee.
Prince Yeonsan-gun lusts after Yahwa, whose husband Yun Pil-u was executed after being branded a traitor. Yahwa chooses to take her own life in order to be reunited with Pil-u, but before she dies she asks her cat to take revenge for them. Afterwards, the bodies of court ladies and patrol guards are found dead in the palace every morning, and the ghosts of Yahwa and Pil-u are seen accompanied by the mewing of a cat. Kim Chung-won, Pil-u's friend and head of the guardsmen, uses the power of a Buddhist priest to get rid of the ghosts and restore peace to the nation.
He will often mispronounce words, such as champagne ("sham-PAGG-Enn") and guacamole ("GWACK-a-mole") in the episodes "Love's Labours Lost in Space" and "The Problem with Popplers" (respectively). Soon after first meeting him, Leela has sex with him out of pity. He mentions this encounter repeatedly in later episodes while remaining convinced that Leela lusts after him despite her vocal (and often violent) opposition to the idea. He is known to make catastrophic mistakes (such as destroying D.O.O.P. headquarters in "Brannigan, Begin Again"), yet, in the public eye, he is seen as an established and reputable leader of the Earth's army (Bender's Big Score, among others).
She tells a tale of the original wicked Sir Roger Bohun (similarly to Dame Hannah's tale in Gilbert and Sullivan's later Ruddigore). That night, the paintings of the castle's former owners come to life and step out of their frames (as would happen again in Ruddigore). However, a problem ensues: They were all painted at different ages, so Lord Carnaby, painted in the 17th century at age 65, lusts after his grandmother (Lady Maud), painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century at age 17. Lady Maude finds more in common with Sir Cecil Blount, painted in the 16th century by Michelangelo at age 20.
Atouk (Ringo Starr) is a bullied and scrawny caveman living in "One Zillion BC - October 9th".Done in memory of the birth of John Lennon who was killed 5 months before the film's release, was Ringo Starr's friend and bandmate with The Beatles, and whose birthday was October 9. He lusts after the beautiful but shallow Lana (Barbara Bach), who is the mate of Tonda (John Matuszak), their tribe's physically imposing bullying leader and brutish instigator. After being banished along with his friend Lar (Dennis Quaid), Atouk falls in with a band of assorted misfits, among them the comely Tala (Shelley Long) and the elderly blind man Gog (Jack Gilford).
Bestial Mockery is a Swedish black metal band formed in Uddevalla, Sweden, in 1995 by the quartet of Carl "Master Motorsåg" Bildt, Micke "Doomanfanger" Petersson, Jocke "Christcrusher" and Carl "Warslaughter". The band's stated aim at that time was to "channel perverted lusts for Satanic bloody Metal". Although they split up in 2008, Bestial Mockery released four full-length albums for Metal Blood Music, Osmose and Season of Mist, as well as a large number of stand-alone EPs and shared releases with other underground metal acts. In a review of Slaying the Life in Decibel magazine, a similarity between the band and Nunslaughter was noted.
Quilp plots with Sampson Brass, illustration by 'Phiz' for The Old Curiosity Shop (1840) Daniel Quilp lives in Tower Hill on the north side of the River Thames; he also has a wharf on the south side of the river from where he conducts his business as a ship breaker and usurer. He takes great pleasure in tormenting his pretty wife, Mrs. Betsy Quilp, as well as Little Nell, her grandfather, Sampson Brass and Kit Nubbles. Quilp lusts after Little Nell and, hoping eventually to marry her after disposing of his wife, he lends money to her gambler grandfather knowing he will not be able to repay the loan.
Baldr secretly watches Nanna bathing (1898) by Louis Moe In book III of Gesta Danorum, Nanna is not a goddess but rather a daughter of the mortal King Gevar. Nanna is attracted to her foster-brother Höðr (also here a human), son of Hothbrodd, and "seeks his embraces". One day, Baldr, who Saxo describes as the son of the god Odin, witnesses Nanna bathing and lusts for her; "the sheen of her graceful body inflamed him and her manifest charms seared his heart, for there is no stronger incitement to lust than beauty." Fearing that Höðr will serve as an obstacle for his conquest of Nanna, Baldr resolves to slay Höðr.
She has an elder sister who needs to undergo a heart surgery, a younger sister who needs to get married, and a younger brother, Shankar, who is unemployed. So she decides to sacrifice her life and marry Vijay, accepting the conditions of his agreement, for the sake of her family. Vijay and Priya become good friends after marriage, however, Vijay refuses to consider Priya as his wife. On Priya's insistence, Vijay decides to work in his father's office, where he gets to know about the money siphoning made by his office employees Manohar, who is an associate of Vijay, and 7 Times, Priya's crude and uncouth uncle who lusts for her.
Shrewd, amoral elder son Benjamin is plotting to usurp his father's power and steal his money, and the younger Oscar lusts for "cooch dancer" (as she's described by Regina) Laurette Sincee rather than penniless neighbor Birdie Bagtry, who desperately is looking for a loan on her family's valuable land, a situation Benjamin hopes to exploit. Regina is the sexually active daughter who wants to live in Chicago with Birdie's cousin, former Confederate officer John Bagtry, a move discouraged by her father, who has a disturbingly unnatural closeness to the girl. The only people in the household with any sense of morality are the servants, Coralee and Jacob.
But, driven insane by hatred of the Foamasi and a xenophobic fear of all aliens, he lusts for a war-forged empire like that of their ancestor Theron (who started the war and doomed the Argolins to extinction). He needs an alien witness to his taking Mena's place after her death, and to the beginning of "New Argolis". The Doctor, Romana and Hardin find Foamasi agents in the Hive and escort them to the council chamber, where the agents reveal Brock and Klout to be Foamasi impersonators. The lead agent reveals West Lodge to be a criminal group who need Argolis as a base of operations.
And the darkness rose for you > like the light, for you surrendered your freedom for servitude! You darkened > your hearts and surrendered your thoughts to folly, and you filled your > thoughts with the smoke of the fire that is in you! (Book of Thomas the > Contender) The gnostic content in the texts of the Nag Hammadi trove can be argued to be often identical to Jesus' conceptual content, but the metaphorical language and symbolism are strikingly different. "The Book of Thomas the Contender" and its guidance in overcoming ego "lusts/attachments" differs markedly with Jesus' gentler, more practical psychological approach in the four canonical Gospels and the Gospel of Thomas.
Thanks to the pious donations of the Counts of Quercy, the Viscounts of Turenne, their multiple vassals, the area of the abbey consists of a third of the Bas-Limousin. Endowed with a treasure trove of relics (Saint-Prime and Félicien), and although it suffered from secular lusts, it had a spectacular rise that allowed the development of pilgrimages. Beaulieu became an essential stage on the roads uniting Limoges to Aurillac and Figeac, leading to Conques, Moissac, Toulouse and Compostela. As its wealth grew, the independence of the abbey was threatened by neighbouring feudal lords and it was defended against their depredations by the bishops of Limoges.
He goes to the studio, where Marina is in her last day at work filming The Midnight Phantom, a Euro- horror film about a hideously mutilated, masked muscleman in love with Marina's character. The film is directed by Máximo Espejo, an old film director confined to a wheelchair after a stroke. Máximo is a gentle mentor to Marina, and threatens to throw out a journalist who mentions the words 'porn' and 'junkie' in Marina's presence. His protection of the actress is not completely innocent, since he is sexually attracted to Marina and lusts after her, enjoying what could be his last experience of directing a sexy female lead.
It is clear at any rate that this grand > notion of the inadequacy of life, so various in its means of expression, so > reliable a bass note in the arts, needs to be counted as a possible > territory of the pastoral. From "Milton and Bentley" in Some Versions of Pastoral: > Surely Bentley was right to be surprised at finding Faunus haunting the > bower [Paradise Lost ll. 705 - 707], a ghost crying in the cold of Paradise, > and the lusts of Pan sacred even in comparison to Eden. There is a Vergilian > quality in the lines, haunting indeed, a pathos not mentioned because it is > the whole of the story.
Adam Stewart (Lester Matthews), a lawyer heading west with grown son Howie (Skip Homeier), is persuaded by brother John Stewart (Randolph Scott) to settle down near him in Ocatilla, Arizona, where he has a ranch and romantic interest in a widow, Corinne Michaels (Jocelyn Brando). The menacing rancher Wick Campbell (Richard Boone) has an attractive ward, Maria Segura (Donna Martell), and also lusts for her, but she wants no part of that. Her interest in Howie strikes a jealous chord in Campbell, who hires gunfighters led by Frank Scavo (Leo Gordon) to rid the region of the meddlesome Stewarts once and for all. Campbell's thugs kill a rancher and stampede cattle.
When Aidan suggests the orphans can be reformed, Mother decides that the orphans should all be culled and that Aidan will not lead Boston, but instead assist her daughter Suren in taking over with his freedom from vampire society as a reward. As his first task for Suren, Aiden is told to turn Cecilia, a cop she has met, to serve as their new police liaison. Aidan refuses, knowing he will bleed Cecilia dry, and ends up at a bar where he meets Julia, a new doctor hired by Suffolk County Hospital, and begins an intimate relationship with her. Aidan begins using donated blood to satisfy his blood lusts while with Julia to keep her safe.
Both Tromeo and Juliet are trapped in cases of unrequited love: Tromeo lusts for the big-bosomed, promiscuous Rosie; Juliet is engaged to wealthy meat tycoon London Arbuckle as prelude to an arranged marriage. In the meantime, a bloody brawl between Murray and Sammy Capulet catches the attention of Detective Ernie Scalus, who gathers the heads of the two families together and declares that they will be held personally accountable for any further breaches of peace. Almost immediately afterwards, Monty and Cappy start threatening each other with weapons. Sammy gets caught in the window of Monty's speeding car, where he is thrown head-first into a fire hydrant and (very slowly) dies.
Producer Sydney Box thought Reed had star potential and promoted him to leading man status for Daybreak, a film noir which Box produced and co-wrote with his wife Muriel; Reed played an employee of Eric Portman who lusts after Portman's wife, played by Ann Todd. The film was made in 1946, but not released until 1948 due to censorship issues. Box cast Reed in the lead role in a film made immediately after but released before Daybreak: The Brothers (1947). Reed followed it with Dear Murderer (1947), from a script by Box, starring Portman, and then he made two films opposite Anne Crawford, Night Beat (1947), and Daughter of Darkness (1948).
The sublime state of self-consciousness is reached after the Seeker after Truth devoid of egoism and delusion, overcoming the flaws of attachment, firm in spirituality, free from lusts, released from dualities called pleasures and pains, the un-deluded repairs to the imperishable status, because for a knower of Brahman who has realised the Ultimate Truth, there is much profit from reservoirs when all around there is an inundation. Through Self-consciousness one gains the knowledge of Existence which is the knowledge of Sole Reality. It is not mere intellectual apprehension of Truth, it is the apprehension of the Oneness which has to be realised here in this very life. In the Bhagavad Gita XIV.
Palak's brother Sanjay lusts for Joba, but Param raises his voice preventing him from molesting Joba. Meanwhile, Tandra uses Param's childhood friend Deblina as a pawn to separate Param from Joba, but this backfires as the growing distance between the two gives rise to Param's longing for Joba and they mutually realize their feelings for each other. Finally, Param conveys his love to Joba, and both accept each other as their respective spouse, thus, going against all odds, to completely eliminate the thin line of social difference separating the two till then. Joba also gets Param's younger sister, Tia married to her love interest, Topu and gets Sanjay permanently banished from their family.
The Durin-gut (), also called the Michin-gut () and the Chuneun-gut (), is the healing ceremony for mental illnesses in the Korean shamanism of southern Jeju Island. While commonly held as late as the 1980s, it has now become very rare due to the introduction of modern psychiatry. In Korean shamanism, a disease—whether physical or mental—is often thought to be caused by the entry of a malevolent spirit into the body. The Durin-gut seeks to cure the mental illness by exorcising this spirit, which is often identified as a yeonggam, a type of dokkaebi or goblin-like being with a penchant for attaching to human women that he lusts for.
The next clone after that, Ganymede, is by contrast committed to his cruel destiny, but is too young for a transfer. The ruling class, the remains of the original crew – the 'gods' – use their machine, which the Doctor insists has long been outlawed as an abomination – to transfer their minds periodically into their clones, giving them practical immortality. Zeus has appeared welcoming, but lusts after Lucie despite insisting that he and Hera have a thousand-year-old love. He reveals himself to be a madman, and demands that the Doctor use the TARDIS to fetch parts to repair the immortality machine, as it has become worn out and they are now without space-travel capabilities.
The Conversion of St. Augustine by Fra Angelico In late August of 386, at the age of 31, having heard of Ponticianus's and his friends' first reading of the life of Anthony of the Desert, Augustine converted to Christianity. As Augustine later told it, his conversion was prompted by hearing a child's voice say "take up and read" (). Resorting to the Sortes Sanctorum, he opened a book of St. Paul's writings (codex apostoli, 8.12.29) at random and read Romans 13: 13–14: Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof.
When his amorous demands are turned down by his fiancée, he lusts after women, always ready to take offense and cursing his fate. Hassanein believes that he was born into this world to lead a rich life without any troubles and it is the duty of each of his family members to put him ahead of their own interest. The story contains hope since it begins with the knowledge that the children are grown-up, so there could be a way out of their poverty as soon as they get a job. However, Naguib has managed to weave the paralytic conditions destroying this hope at every milestone in each of the protagonists' lives.
Acar and Firat are the two Turkish agents who are escorting him back. Acar is fluent in English and gets angry at FBI senior agent, Becker, for his hostility over all Muslims and the Islamic faith. The film focuses on Islamophobia in Turkey and the United States after September 11 attacks, seeking to answer the question of whether innocence or guilt even matters to one who lusts for vengeance.Bitlis locals watch 'Five Minarets in New York' In a plot twist, Hadji is the innocent devout Moslem man that he always claimed to be, while Firat who was so sure of Hadji's guilt, must come to terms with his deadly mistake in seeking vengeance in the end.
Major Wilton-Smythe (played by Peter Cellier), commonly known simply as "the major", only appears in the first two series, and hopelessly lusts after Hyacinth even though he is married to a never-seen wife, whom he refers to as "the ball and chain". He fought in World War II and is a veteran of the British North African Campaign against Erwin Rommel. The Major lives in a large house called The Laurels, which is just around the corner from Hyacinth and Richard's bungalow. In "Golfing with the Major", he reveals he was wounded in the leg somewhere east of Suez, and he still has "some poxy foreign lead in there somewhere".
After traveling through a scrap yard and several walls, they end up at a baseball field and the man vanishes. After surveying the field, he proceeds to dance, feeling as if he is being tested by God. During this dance, he thinks of several things: his mother and her life; how he refused to marry his girlfriend in college because he said the son of God can't marry; how before Mr. Tabata died a few years ago, he confessed that he lusts for Yoshiya's mother despite being married and having children. In that moment, Yoshiya wanted to confess to Mr. Tabata that he has incestuous feelings for his mother, but decided to hold back out of respect for his guide.
Coffin Joe first appears in At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul as the sole undertaker of a small, rural town somewhere in the vicinity of São Paulo. Although the rest of the townspeople hold him in contempt for his anti- Catholic sentiments and violent nature, they live in fear of him for his physical prowess and ability to best any man in a fight. The only people with whom Joe shares even a cordial relationship are his wife, Lenita, best friend Anthony, and Anthony's fiancée, Terezinha, whom Joe lusts for. Believing himself to be of intellectual superiority to those around him, Joe's primary drive is "the continuity of blood" in the form of a son born from "the perfect woman".
82Gardner, pp. 118ff. The official position under Diocletian (reigned 284–305 AD) held that:Gardner, p. 120. > The laws punish the foul wickedness of those who prostitute their modesty to > the lusts of others, but they do not attach blame to those who are compelled > to stuprum by force, since it has, moreover, been quite properly decided > that their reputations are unharmed and that they are not prohibited from > marriage to others.Digest 9.9.20. Although literary sources from the Republican era make it clear that rape was wrong and severely penalized, the statutes under which it might be charged as a crime are unknown until passage of the Lex Iulia de vi publica, dating probably to the dictatorship of Julius Caesar in the 40s BC.Gardner, p. 118.
He and Carmen broke up at one point because he was cheating on her with a girl who was "more experienced," but he managed to win her back by using his charm and way with words at a Debate Club meeting which they both participated in. He ran away from Carmen to pursue a baseball career after she tried to pressure him into having a baby so they could get married. He almost constantly clashes with George because George constantly accuses Jason to be lustful for Carmen despite the obvious fact that she lusts for him. Though George may be aware of this, he still prefers to accuse Jason possibly because he can't accept the fact that it's his daughter that's lustful for Jason.
Dr. Anaadi Mukherjee (Ashok Kumar) is the civil surgeon in a small tribal-dominated market town in Birbhum. He is a god-like figure, loved and respected by both the poor tribal folks of the area like the beautiful young widow Chhipli (Vyjayanthimala), Jagadamba the vegetable seller and old women like Komlididi and Nani (Chhaya Devi) and the bigwigs of the area like the District Magistrate and Superintendent of Police Mr. Pandey. Dr. Mukherjee is a workaholic and lives with his young wife Manu, who has a chronic heart ailment. He comes into conflict with Lacchmanlal (Ajitesh Bannerjee), the son of the local feudal lord Chhabilal, a veritable rogue who lusts after Chhipli, who is protected by the good doctor.
Indeed, the Hungarian chronicles unanimously state that the Székelys had already been present in the Carpathian Basin when the Hungarians moved in. Kristó argues that Aventinus and the Hungarian historical tradition together point at an early occupation of the eastern territories of the Carpathian Basin by auxiliary troops of the Hungarian tribal confederation. Svatopluk I of Moravia disguised as a monk in Arnulf of East Francia's court in the Chronicle of Dalimil The Annals of Fulda narrates under the year 894 that the Hungarians crossed the Danube into Pannonia where they "killed men and old women outright and carried off the young women alone with them like cattle to satisfy their lusts and reduced the whole" province "to desert".The Annals of Fulda (year 894), p. 129.
It predates the Roman Catholic Church, and descends from a consortium of merchants in the Roman Empire which it even owned for sixty-six days (it hired a man to become emperor, but he lasted less than a month before being assassinated; a reference to the Emperor Didius Julianus). It is now considering taking over a country in order to gain a seat at the United Nations. The story follows the heroine, Kate Telman, who is 38 and lusts after Stephen Buzetski, who is married. Starting from poverty, she has risen through the Business under the tutelage of her mentor, who adopted her at an early age, and her 'uncle Freddy', the man who invented the portable milk container (named the "chilp").
The heart speaks,Ecclesiastes sees, hears, walks, falls, stands, rejoices, cries, is comforted, is troubled, becomes hardened, grows faint, grieves, fears, can be broken, becomes proud, rebels, invents, cavils, overflows, devises, desires, goes astray, lusts, is refreshed, can be stolen, is humbled, is enticed, errs, trembles, is awakened, hates, envies, is searched, is rent, meditates, is like a fire, is like a stone, turns in repentance, becomes hot, dies, melts, is susceptible to fear, gives thanks, covets, becomes hard, makes merry, acts deceitfully, speaks from out of itself, loves bribes, writes words, plans, receives commandments, acts with pride, makes arrangements, and aggrandizes itself. tefillin Discussions of the laws of tefillin in appear at Mishnah Menachot 3:7Mishnah Menachot 3:7, in, e.g.
Aidan Waite (Sam Witwer) is the American counterpart of Mitchell from the original British series, named after the actor who played Mitchell in the original series. He is a quiet, calm, soft-spoken, and somewhat jaded vampire who is 257 years old, having been sired by Bishop during the American Revolution. Though he attempted to live to with his wife Suzanna and their son Isaac, Aidan ends up losing them due to a preacher who lusts for Suzanna and ultimately drowns her on the grounds that she is a witch. After taking revenge on the clergyman, Aidan became Bishop's right hand and aided him until the 1950s when he no longer believes in Bishop's conviction to the vampire cause and decides to resist the urge to feed upon humans.
480), as he repeatedly uses the myth of double man allegorically in his interpretation of Scripture ("De Opificio Mundi," 24; "De Allegoriis Legum," ii. 24). It must furthermore be remembered that Philo in none of his other works mentions these colonies of allegorizing ascetics, in which he would have been highly interested had he known of them. But pupils of Philo may subsequently have founded near Alexandria similar colonies that endeavored to realize his ideal of a pure life triumphing over the senses and passions; and they might also have been responsible for the one-sided development of certain of the master's principles. While Philo desired to renounce the lusts of this world, he held fast to the scientific culture of Hellenism, which the author of this book denounces.
As a deliberate attempt to give Bokononism an alluring sense of forbidden glamor, the religion is nominally outlawed (forcing Bokonon to live in hiding in the jungle) by the nominally Christian government of its dictator, "Papa" Monzano, who threatens all opposition with impalement on a large hook. Intrigued by Bokononism, the narrator later deduces the strange reality that nearly all residents of San Lorenzo, even including "Papa" Monzano, practice it in secret, and so religious persecution by the hook is actually rare. On San Lorenzo, the plane passengers are greeted by "Papa" Monzano; his beautiful adopted daughter Mona, who the narrator intensely lusts after; and a crowd of some five thousand San Lorenzans. Monzano is ill from cancer and wants his successor to be Frank Hoenikker: Monzano's personal bodyguard and, coincidentally, Felix Hoenikker's other son.
12 But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their hands.' 13 Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist." Members believe that conflicts between spirit and human desiresGalatians 5: 17 17 "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish." Romans 7:18–20 , 18 "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.
Jesus explicitly condemns excessive love of wealth as an intrinsic evil in various passages in the Gospels, especially in Luke (Luke 16:10–15 being an especially clear example). He also consistently warns of the danger of riches as a hindrance to favor with God; as in the Parable of the Sower, where it is said: :"And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in; it chokes the Word, which becomes unfruitful" – Mark 4:19. Jesus makes Mammon a personification of riches, one in opposition to God, and which claims a person's service and loyalty as God does. But Jesus rejects the possibility of dual service on our part: for, he says, no one can serve both God and Mammon.
It features enhanced graphics and sound, the return of two of the older characters (Angela Belti and Kinta Kokuin), a new boss (Bobby Strong), and the return of the transformation feature. Gameplay was also improved in some areas, and super attacks were made easier to execute. The game has the same backgrounds and all the characters from Matrimelee (except the four secret characters from Rage of the Dragons), and because of that it is usually described as a port of the game, while in fact the game's story takes place after the events from the previous game, making it a sort of sequel or update. The game tells the story of the king from the previous game, who holds a "Bonnou Kaihou" ("Liberation of Lusts") tournament to cheer up his daughter Princess Sissy.
In a town in Spanish Castile, a young man, reluctantly living with a roaming band of gypsies, and a local orphan girl want to marry, but when the girl's grandfather forbids their plan, they decide to run away together. A few years later, they have become Riquett's, a clown, and Ralda, a dancer, in a travelling circus which arrives in Toledo. Despite being still in love and having a young child together, the couple's situation is made unhappy by continual attempts to break them apart: by Sveti, a false friend in love with Ralda, by Flossie, an American dancer who constantly flirts with Riquett's, and especially by Buffalo, the tyrannical director of the circus, who lusts after Ralda. Others in the troupe include a giantess, a dwarf, a mermaid, and a bearded lady.
For instance they held that: > Even if it is true that those who are adept in the habit of faith and > holiness can only with difficulty fall back to their former profaneness and > dissoluteness of life, yet we believe that it is entirely possible, if not > rarely done, that they fall back little by little and until they completely > lack their prior faith and charity. And having abandoned the way of > righteousness, they revert to their worldly impurity which they had truly > left, returning like pigs to wallowing in the mud and dogs to their vomit, > and are again entangled in lusts of the flesh which they had formerly, truly > fled. And thus totally and at length also they are finally torn from the > grace of God unless they seriously repent in time.
4.), as well as other writers in the 4th century. This view of Nicolas is irreconcilable with the traditional account of his character given by Clement of Alexandria,"Such also are those (who say that they follow Nicolaus, quoting an adage of the man, which they pervert, 'that the flesh must be abused.' But the worthy man showed that it was necessary to check pleasures and lusts, and by such training to waste away the impulses and propensities of the flesh. But they, abandoning themselves to pleasure like goats, as if insulting the body, lead a life of self-indulgence; not knowing that the body is wasted, being by nature subject to dissolution; while their soul is buried in the mire of vice; following as they do the teaching of pleasure itself, not of the apostolic man" (Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, ii. 20).
Obstinate returns disgusted, but Pliable is persuaded to go with Christian, hoping to take advantage of the Paradise that Christian claims lies at the end of his journey. Pliable's journey with Christian is cut short when the two of them fall into the Slough of Despond, a boggy mire-like swamp where pilgrims' doubts, fears, temptations, lusts, shames, guilts, and sins of their present condition of being a sinner are used to sink them into the mud of the swamp. It is there in that bog where Pliable abandons Christian after getting himself out. After struggling to the other side of the slough, Christian is pulled out by Help, who has heard his cries and tells him the swamp is made out of the decadence, scum, and filth of sin, but the ground is good at the narrow Wicket Gate.
In the same college Balu bashes Raju leads eve teasers gang in the college in that fight Balu's weared Tattoo was exposed to Neelima then she remembers an incident which she never forget, earlier her academic year she was travelling in a bus with her grandmother their the angered Ajay is looking for Balu to bash him for standing against him for the president post, who is going to Hyderabad while searching in the bus he lusts on Neelima and abducts her then Balu who covered his face because of the rainy weather comes to her rescue and bashes him. Later Neelima missed to thank him however she reached her home safely. During that day onwards she started liking him. After knowing that Lavanya is also fake they starts dating by covering up their stories as a break up.
While God has created man with both good and evil inclinations, the two powers or tendencies that pull him in opposite directions, God commands each man to choose the good and right path over the evil. In the narrative of Cain and Abel, God tells Cain: “Isn’t it true that if you do good, you shall be forgiven? However, if you will not do good, it is because sin crouches at the entrance [of your heart], and to you shall be its longing, although you have the ability to subdue it.”Genesis 4:7 Medieval commentator Rashi explains: “and to you shall be its longing,” meaning, the longing of sin--i.e., the evil inclination--which constantly longs and lusts to cause you to stumble...“although you have the ability to subdue it,” meaning, if a person wishes, he will overpower it.
In 1991 following the release of the album Hippopotamomus Momus was threatened with legal action by the Michelin tyre company for his song 'Michelin Man' which saw the company's eponymous mascot, an anthropomorphic pile of rubber inner-tubes as a metaphor for hypersexual rubber fetishism.Anthony Reynolds (2018) Sons of Pioneers Cheery Red pp.9-10 Remaining copies of the album were destroyed, and the track was withdrawn from subsequent pressings of the album, and the album's cover was amended to remove a hippo-headed pastiche of the Michelin Man character, the lyrics to the track were included in the lyric book Lusts of a Moron under the amended title 'Made of Rubber'. The 2018 box set Recreate restored both the track and title, with the accompanying booklet by Anthony Reynolds 'Sons of Pioneers', detailing the legal wrangle but not explaining the track's reinstatement.
The third annual Al-Hidayah Residential Spiritual and Educational Retreat took place at the same venue as the 2006 event, in Heythrop Park Oxfordshire. Hundreds of participants from all over the United Kingdom and Europe came to benefit from the one in a lifetime opportunity of spending four days in the company of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. The previous two retreats were life changing for the young participants who were blessed with the opportunity of elevating their spirituality and to purify their inner-selves from lusts of the material world, to be replaced by a longing for the Creator. Alongside being a Mufassir, Muhadith and Faqih; among a long list of responsibilities that Shaykh-ul-Islam has taken upon himself in order to carry out his work for the Ummah, he is also one of the greatest Sufi leaders of the time.
The phrase is found in three passages in the 1611 King James version of the Bible: in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 10:42), Paul's letters to Timothy (2 Timothy 4:1), and the First Epistle of Peter. The last reads:1 Peter 4:3–5 "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead". Those Quickened are The Church; Those Un-Quickened Are The World at large. This passage advises the reader of the perils of following outsiders in not obeying God's will.
Aspiring impressionist artist and recent Yale graduate Tod Hackett arrives in 1930s Hollywood to work as a painter at a major film studio. He rents an apartment in the San Bernardino Arms, a rundown apartment building occupied by various people, many on the fringes of the industry: Among them are Faye Greener, a tawdry aspiring actress; her father Harry, an ex-vaudevillian; Abe Kusich, a dwarf who carries on a tempestuous relationship with his girlfriend, Mary; Adore Loomis, a young boy whose mother is hoping to turn him into a child star; and Homer Simpson, a repressed accountant who lusts after Faye. Tod's unit has a crack in a wall caused by an earthquake; he puts a bright red flower in the crack. Tod befriends Faye, and attends a screening of a film in which she has a bit part, accompanied by Earle Shoop, a cowboy she is dating.
Mann, pgs. 151-152 Thus according to John Foxe, John X was the son of Pope Lando and the lover of the Roman “harlot” Theodora, who had John overthrow his supposed father, and set John up in his place.John Foxe, George Townsend, Josiah Pratt, The acts and monuments of John Foxe, with a life and defence of the martyrologist, Vol. II (1870), pg. 35 While according to Louis Marie DeCormenin, John was: ”The son of a nun and a priest... more occupied with his lusts and debauchery than with the affairs of Christendom... he was ambitious, avaricious, an apostate, destitute of shame, faith and honour, and sacrificed everything to his passions; he held the Holy See about sixteen years, to the disgrace of humanity.”DeCormenin, Louis Marie; Gihon, James L., A Complete History of the Popes of Rome, from Saint Peter, the First Bishop to Pius the Ninth (1857), pgs.
In the midrash, Rahab is named as one of the four most beautiful women the world has ever known, along with Sarah, Abigail, and Esther. In the Babylonian Talmud, anyone who mentions Rahab's name immediately lusts after her, and according to one Rabbi the mere invocation of her name may even cause the person to have an orgasm (Megillah 15a). Rahab is said to have converted at the age of 50 and repented according to three sins, saying: A similar tradition has Rahab declaring, "Pardon me by merit of the rope, the window, and the flaxen [the stalks of flax under which she concealed the spies]." The rabbis viewed Rahab as a worthy convert to Judaism, and attested that Rahab married Joshua following her conversion; their descendants included the prophets Jeremiah, Hilkiah, Seraiah, Mahseiah,Jewish Encyclopedia and Baruch, Ezekiel and the prophetess Hulda, although there is no report in the book of Joshua of the leader marrying anyone, or having any family life.
It is evident that the > axis of the oneness of the world of humanity is the power of the Covenant > and nothing else. Had the Covenant not come to pass, had it not been > revealed from the Supreme Pen and had not the Book of the Covenant, like > unto the ray of the Sun of Reality, illuminated the world, the forces of the > Cause of God would have been utterly scattered and certain souls who were > the prisoners of their own passions and lusts would have taken into their > hands an axe, cutting the root of this Blessed Tree. Intimately linked to following all guidance from his appointed successor, provisions in Bahá'u'lláh's covenant further enjoin individuals and entire Bahá'í communities to lovingly support the leadership of all administrative institutions Bahá'u'lláh ordained for his Faith. In the Bahá'í Faith every believer is welcome to hold personal theological opinions, but they should not press them upon others.
Canon law regulating same-sex sexual activity has mainly been shaped through the decrees issued by a number of ecclesiastical councils. Initially, canons against sodomy were aimed at ensuring clerical or monastic discipline, and were only widened in the medieval period to include laymen. The early 4th-century Council of Elvira (305-306) was the first church council to deal with the issue directly, excluding from Holy Communion anyone who had sexual intercourse (stuprum) with a boy: Canons 16 and 17 of the Council of Ancyra (c.e. 314), which "became the standard source for medieval ecclesiastical literature against homosexuality", imposed on "those who have been or who are guilty of bestial lusts" penances whose severity varies with the age and married status of the offender, allowing access to communion only at death for a married man over fifty years old (canon 16); and imposed a penance also on "defilers of themselves with beasts, being also leprous, who have infected others [with the leprosy of this crime]".
The Little Entrance during the Divine Liturgy (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos, Düsseldorf, Germany). During the Little Entrance at Divine Liturgy (and sometimes at Vespers), the Gospel is carried in procession from the Holy Table, through the nave of the church, and back into the sanctuary through the Royal Doors. The Gospel is read after the Alleluia which follows the Prokeimenon and Epistle. During the Alleluia, the deacon (or priest) will perform a brief censing, and the priest says the silent prayer before the Gospel: > Shine forth within our hearts the incorruptible light of Thy knowledge, O > Master, Lover of mankind, and open the eyes of our mind to the understanding > of the preaching of Thy Gospel; instill in us also the fear of Thy blessed > commandments, that, trampling down all lusts of the flesh, we may pursue a > spiritual way of life, being mindful of and doing all that is well-pleasing > unto Thee.
Charles De Tolnay wrote that > The oldest writers, Dominicus Lampsonius and Karel van Mander, attached > themselves to his most evident side, to the subject; their conception of > Bosch, inventor of fantastic pieces of devilry and of infernal scenes, which > prevails today (1937) in the public at large, and prevailed with historians > until the last quarter of the 19th century.Grange Books, 23 Generally, his work is described as a warning against lust, and the central panel as a representation of the transience of worldly pleasure. In 1960, the art historian Ludwig von Baldass wrote that Bosch shows "how sin came into the world through the Creation of Eve, how fleshly lusts spread over the entire earth, promoting all the Deadly Sins, and how this necessarily leads straight to Hell".von Baldass, 84 De Tolnay wrote that the center panel represents "the nightmare of humanity", where "the artist's purpose above all is to show the evil consequences of sensual pleasure and to stress its ephemeral character".
The term 'pandaka' can be used to trace the history of third gender back to the awakening of the Buddha and the arrival of Buddhism to Sri Lanka over two millennia ago. Buddhaghosa, a monk in Anurādhapura, Sri Lanka, wrote about pandaka; they "are full of defiling passions (ussanakilesa); their lusts are unquenchable (avupasantaparilaha); and they are dominated by their libido (parilahavegabhibhuta) and the desire for lovers just like prostitutes (vesiya) and coarse young girls (thulakumarika)". He also stated that they are “whose sexual burning is assuaged by taking another man’s member in his mouth and being sprayed by semen” and usuya (“jealous”) pandakas as those “whose sexual burning is assuaged by watching other people having sex”. The Pali Tipitaka, the form of Buddhism followed in Thailand and Sri Lanka, and the most complete transmission being held custodian in Sri Lanka, "mentions several different types of transgendered states and individuals – the man-like woman (vepurisikā), sexual indistinctness (sambhinna), one having the characteristics of both genders (ubhatovyañjanaka), etc.".
Jude urges his readers to defend the deposit of Christ's doctrine that had been closed by the time he wrote his epistle, and to remember the words of the apostles spoken somewhat before. Jude then asks the reader to recall how even after the Lord saved his own people out of the land of Egypt, he did not hesitate to destroy those who fell into unbelief, much as he punished the angels who fell from their original exalted status and Sodom and Gomorrah. He describes in vivid terms the apostates of his day. He exhorts believers to remember the words spoken by the Apostles, using language similar to the second epistle of Peter to answer concerns that the Lord seemed to tarry, How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts..., and to keep themselves in God's love, before delivering a doxology.
He then adds: > If we please Him in this present world, we shall receive also the future > world, according as He has promised to us that He will raise us again from > the dead, and that if we live worthily of Him, "we shall also reign together > with Him," provided only we believe. In like manner, let the young men also > be blameless in all things, being especially careful to preserve purity, and > keeping themselves in, as with a bridle, from every kind of evil. For it is > well that they should be cut off from the lusts that are in the world, since > "every lust wars against the spirit;" [1 Peter 2:11] and "neither > fornicators, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, shall > inherit the kingdom of God," [1 Corinthians 6:9–10] nor those who do things > inconsistent and unbecoming. Wherefore, it is needful to abstain from all > these things, being subject to the presbyters and deacons, as unto God and > Christ.
He says that such a soul as this is: > ... polluted, is impure at the time of her departure, and is the companion > and servant of the body always and is in love with and bewitched by the body > and by the desires and pleasures of the body, until she is led to believe > that the truth only exists in a bodily form, which a man may touch and see, > and drink and eat, and use for the purposes of his lusts, the soul, I mean, > accustomed to hate and fear and avoid that which to the bodily eye is dark > and invisible, but is the object of mind and can be attained by philosophy; > do you suppose that such a soul will depart pure and unalloyed? Persons of such a constitution will be dragged back into corporeal life, according to Socrates. These persons will even be punished while in Hades. Their punishment will be of their own doing, as they will be unable to enjoy the singular existence of the soul in death because of their constant craving for the body.
John Calvin understood the commandment against adultery to extend to sexual relations outside of marriage: “Although one kind of impurity is alone referred to, it is sufficiently plain, from the principle laid down, that believers are generally exhorted to chastity; for, if the Law be a perfect rule of holy living, it would be more than absurd to give a license for fornication (sexual relations between persons not married to each other), adultery alone being excepted.” Matthew Henry understood the commandment against adultery to prohibit sexual immorality in general, and he acknowledged the difficulty people experience: “This commandment forbids all acts of uncleanness, with all those fleshly lusts which produce those acts and war against the soul.”Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the whole Bible, comments on Exodus 20:14 read online Henry supports his interpretation with Matthew 5:28, where Jesus warns that whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Regarding the above passage, Matthew Henry comments: “Here you have, 1.
However, the mysterious kidnapping of a crew member convinces Conan to travel deeper into the jungle. The island is revealed to be inhabited by a tribe of tall black humanoids (not black as in kushite or zembabweian, but rather jet black with strange golden-glowing eyes and clawed hands) who capture the crew, force one of the pirates into performing an ancient ritual (which involves having him dance and cavort wildly to the tune of a bizarre flute-like instrument with the power to "lay bare the most secret lusts and passions of one's soul"), and proceed to dunk some of Conan's crewmembers in the eponymous pool, which transformed his men into shrunken figures. Thousands of such figures placed across shelves at the side of the pool indicate that the humanoids have been doing this for countless years, and this accounts for many ships which sailed into the west and never returned. Conan rescues the remaining captives, including Sancha, and rallies them to fight against the black humanoids.
The heart speaks,Ecclesiastes sees, hears, walks, falls, stands, rejoices, cries, is comforted, is troubled, becomes hardened, grows faint, grieves, fears, can be broken, becomes proud, rebels, invents, cavils, overflows, devises, desires, goes astray, lusts, is refreshed, can be stolen, is humbled, errs, trembles, is awakened, loves, hates, envies, is searched, is rent, meditates, is like a fire, is like a stone, turns in repentance, becomes hot, dies, melts, takes in words, is susceptible to fear, gives thanks, covets, becomes hard, makes merry, acts deceitfully, speaks from out of itself, loves bribes, writes words, plans, receives commandments, acts with pride, makes arrangements, and aggrandizes itself. Job and his wife (painting circa 1500–1503 by Albrecht Dürer) A Baraita reported that some said that Job lived in the time of Jacob and married Dinah, finding the connection in the use of the same word with regard to Job's wife in "You speak as one of the impious women (, nebalot) speaks," and with regard to Dinah in "Because he had committed a vile deed (, nebalah) in Israel."Babylonian Talmud Bava Batra 15b.
Still lifes in Dutch Golden Age painting and their Flemish equivalents often included a moralizing element which was understood by their original viewers without assistance: fish and meat can allude to religious dietary precepts, fish indicating fasting while great piles of meat indicate voluptas carnis (lusts of the flesh), especially if lovers are also depicted. Rabbits and birds, perhaps in the company of carrots and other phallic symbols, were easily understood by contemporary viewers in the same sense. As small animals with fur, hares and rabbits allowed the artist to showcase his ability in painting this difficult material. Dead hares appear in the works of the earliest painter of still life collections of foodstuffs in a kitchen setting, Frans Snyders, and remain a common feature, very often sprawling hung up by a rear leg, in the works of Jan Fyt, Adriaen van Utrecht and many other specialists in the genre. By the end of the 17th century, the grander subgenre of the hunting trophy still life appeared, now set outdoors, as though at the back door of a palace or hunting lodge.
A short manifesto introducing the first issue says the magazine "satiates and encourages true lusts." A photocopy from a magazine of child pornography was used as the cover of issue #2 of Pure which led to Sotos pleading guilty to possession of child pornography, receiving a suspended sentence. A copy of the magazine was found by Scotland Yard in Edinburgh, in the home of a suspect in a series of child abductions, murders and grave robbings, which led to Sotos' arrest. Despite his early legal troubles, Sotos continues to garner support for his ideas and literary output: in the foreword to the French edition of Index (1999) the publisher Jean-Jacques Pauvert compared him to Marquis de Sade; the American author Bruce Benderson has been analyzing his writings for La Nouvelle Revue Française;NRF #577 (April 2006) in 2012 Sotos joined Dennis Cooper for a lecture at the Centre Georges Pompidou;Centre Pompidou: Peter Sotos — Mine Kept in 2015 the German contemporary art magazine Texte zur Kunst published “Proxy: Peter Sotos in Conversation”.
Clement of Rome (c. 96) writes to the Corinthian congregation whose unity has been threatened because a "few rash and self- confident persons" have kindled shameful and detestable seditions towards the established leaders (presbyters) in the congregation (1 Clement 1). This jealous rivalry and envy has caused righteousness and peace to depart from the community (1 Clement 3). The writer laments: "Every one abandons the fear of God, and is become blind in His faith, neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian, but walks after his own wicked lusts, resuming the practice of an unrighteous and ungodly envy, by which death itself entered into the world." (1 Clement 3) Since history has demonstrated that many evils have flowed from envy and jealousy (1 Clement 4-6), the Corinthians are exhorted to repent (1 Clement 7-8), yield obedience to God's "glorious will," and to "forsake all fruitless labors and strife, and envy, which leads to death" (1 Clement 9:1).
In the Book of Enoch, one of the apocryphal writings, Samyaza is portrayed as the leader of a band of rebellious 'fallen angels' or renegade 'sons of God' called the Watchers, or grigori, who, because they became consumed with lust for mortal women and entered into machinations against heaven in order to consummate their sinful desires, fell. In the Qumran Book of Giants, Samyaza, through this forbidden prostitution, fathers two half-breed "giant" sons, Ohyah and Hahyah. When the rebel angels first meet upon Mount Hermon to organize their secret society of 200 members, Samyaza, as their recognized chieftain (under Azazel, who had rebelled against God and the heavenly host), initially doubts the initiates' resolve to forswear heaven. This they had planned to achieve through dark combinations and clandestine oaths under penalty of death, thereby binding themselves to that treachery in which they would use their heaven-acquired knowledge to create a counterfeit religion on earth to satisfy their lusts and carnal desires: Thus having convinced the other Watchers to join him in fornicating with women, Samyaza continues to collude and to plot with these other sinful grigori to seduce females from the human tribes.
Now some of the Danish men said in their error that he was Jove, that he named Thor, that he was Mercury's son, and that Mercury named him, but they were not right, for we read in books, both among heathens and in Christendom, that the evil Jove is, in truth, Saturn's son. And a woman named Venus, she was Jove's daughter and she was so foul and wicked in lust that she copulated with her own brother, or so the men say, through the devil's teaching, and the heathens also worshipped that evil woman as an exalted woman. Many other heathen gods were also devised in various ways, and likewise heathen goddesses were held in great honor through middle earth, bringing mankind to ruin; however, this was taught in heathenism because they foully existed in the world. The scheming devil who is ever treacherous to mankind brought the heathen men into profound heresy, so that they thought vile people were good and made their foul lusts as a law for themselves and they also lived their lives in uncleanness then because he existed.
The heart speaks,Ecclesiastes sees, hears,1 Kings walks, falls, stands, rejoices, cries, is comforted, is troubled, becomes hardened, grows faint, grieves, fears, can be broken, becomes proud, rebels, invents, cavils, overflows, devises, desires, goes astray, lusts, is refreshed, is humbled, is enticed, errs, trembles, is awakened,Song of Songs loves, hates, envies, is searched, is rent, meditates, is like a fire, is like a stone, turns in repentance, becomes hot, dies, melts, takes in words, is susceptible to fear, gives thanks, covets, becomes hard, makes merry, acts deceitfully, speaks from out of itself, loves bribes, writes words, plans, receives commandments, acts with pride, makes arrangements, and aggrandizes itself. Laban found out that Jacob had left. (1984 illustration by Jim Padgett, courtesy of Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing) The Rabbis taught that God appears to non-Jews only in dreams, as God appeared to Laban the "in a dream of the night" in God appeared to Abimelech "in a dream of the night" in and God appeared to Balaam "at night" in The Rabbis taught that God thus appeared more openly to the prophets of Israel than to those of other nations.

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