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"collectivism" Definitions
  1. the political system in which all farms, businesses and industries are owned by the state or by all the people

559 Sentences With "collectivism"

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In politics, laws are a form of collective decision-making, but we often don't think of collectivism with regards to that and many people actively reject ideas of collectivism when it comes to governance.
True, the church has long rejected collectivism and championed private enterprise.
Collectivism is about family, whereas being individualistic is about being self-reliant.
The trend in the American workforce is away from compulsion and collectivism.
In my experience as a CHamoru, this includes respect, collectivism, and courage.
But collectivism is the cultural norm in most of our families and communities.
The moustachioed Big Brother looks like Stalin, the author of Oligarchal Collectivism, Trotsky.
Whether they were just a force of assimilation, not a force of collectivism and goodness.
The American ethos is founded on individualism and entrepreneurship, not on collectivism and state imposition.
"I think what this [pandemic] is showing is that collectivism is absolutely necessary," she said.
Politics seems to present two ways forward, both decidedly non-Stalinist forms of authoritarian collectivism.
"Collectivism and autonomy are not mutually exclusive," bellows Andrew Savage at the end, in raw admonition.
It didn't offer a way out of poverty because it was anti-capitalist and championed collectivism.
The commonality is collectivism: the subordination of the individual to some collective — class, nation, race, tribe.
The festival orchestra concert, in its own way, offered testimony to the communal benefits of collectivism.
At first glance, the agora of Turbine Hall cuts against the grain of such digital collectivism.
She says that their dynamic magnetically draws people into the fold, helping forge a sense of collectivism.
Remember, the banned book that opens Winston's mind is called The Theory and Practice of Oligarchal Collectivism.
Even the unpromising terrain of the United States, uncongenial to collectivism and godless socialism, became fertile ground.
But emigrants' rare names imply another possible explanation: an exodus of individualists left behind people friendly to collectivism.
The generation of conservatives tutored by Mr. Buckley's polemics against collectivism developed a healthy skepticism of big government.
During the late 1930s and the 1940s, when fashions favored collectivism, it became almost impossible to do so.
But she also goes further to draw a connection between modern liberalism and Mormonism's own long tradition of collectivism.
She has a studied collectivism, a refusal to bend from her insistence that all that matters is the team.
There's a really interesting juxtaposition of collectivism to individualism that happens when you're a Westerner who comes to Korea.
What was the big audience for Marxist thinkers in the 20th century has long passed with socialism, collectivism and statism.
" Providing parents with taxpayer-funded vouchers to pay for private schools, he said, would help reverse the "trend toward collectivism.
Margarita Mooney of Princeton Theological Seminary has written that personalism is a middle way between authoritarian collectivism and radical individualism.
"The patriotism and collectivism of the Chinese people will likely play a role," the newspaper said in an editorial last month.
While these terms roughly correspond to the age-old dichotomy between individualism and collectivism, they are not synonymous with those terms.
We realize in retrospect that Santelli's fears were groundless, because no shift toward collectivism was on the Democrats' agenda under Obama.
Residents opened their homes to artists, who in turn transformed them into social spaces recalling the best of Soviet-era collectivism.
Individualism and collectivism are framed primarily in terms of cooperation and competition, while endarky and exarky are framed in terms of sufficiency.
A player not placing undue attention upon himself would constitute a first principle of Coach Bill Belichick's colorless "Do Your Job" collectivism.
Our hope and optimism stands in sharp contrast to the doom and gloom of those who want to take us towards collectivism.
When William F. Buckley founded National Review in 1955, he argued that individual freedom needed to be protected from liberalism's drift toward collectivism.
The network is the most fetishized concept in the valley, and as I listened, I began to think the real danger was the collectivism.
That's leading more people to consider alternative economic and political systems, whether it's Bernie Sanders' soak-the-rich collectivism or Donald Trump's populist nationalism.
It argued that if dorm-life really fostered the "sense of collectivism" that its proponents claim, then children from orphanages would score top marks.
Keynesianism, socialism and central planning had captured the politics of the West, while varying degrees of collectivism and Communism prevailed behind the Iron Curtain.
Such an arrangement would be a far cry from the authoritarian, bureaucratic collectivism—or statism—that collapsed at the end of the last century.
His deliberately multiracial, mixed-gender bands recalled Sly & the Family Stone and the collectivism of the '60s, while his studio methods recalled '70s insularity.
"What I find interesting for me is that he talks about individuals, he gives power to individuals, not to collectivism," he said of Drucker.
The show lasted just two days before being shut down, but the seed for China's grass roots arts movement and spirit of collectivism was sown.
I believe that in America, freedom and individual liberty will, in the end, always triumph over class division and collectivism with voters of all stripes.
The United States was about democracy and free markets, and Russia was about collectivism — they believed the future was based on planning and local markets.
I hope — for my family, for this country, for our global community — that a silver lining of this pandemic will be a rebirth of collectivism.
But here, the curation presents a Western visitor's romanticized vision of India as a magical land of color, light, holiness, enlightenment, collectivism, and carefree near-nakedness.
By the 1950s, her anti-Communism had evolved into a full-throated celebration of capitalism, buttressed by her original credibility as a survivor of Soviet collectivism.
When the news around this issue has been so bad recently, it's good to see women banding together to share their experiences and find strength in collectivism.
Putin offers a lot of money for those willing to be corrupted, but zero inspiration of the kind successfully offered by Kremlin predecessors who successfully peddled collectivism.
Now it is time for us, as citizens, to understand China in different perspectives, between preservation and progress, individuality and collectivism, government and people, present and future.
Socialism has always been a minority belief in the United States, as the country's ethos is founded on individualism and entrepreneurship not on collectivism and state imposition.
The Swedish concept of the "law of jante", which means no one is special or should stand out, underscores how individuals can threaten the Nordic region's core collectivism.
These were stories in which good Americans lost their individuality and freedom and became incorporated into an evangelical hive mind, reflecting anti-communist fears of Soviet imperialism and collectivism.
Taken together, in the 1940s Hayek, Popper and Schumpeter offered a muscular attack on collectivism, totalitarianism and historicism, and a restatement of the virtues of liberal democracy and markets.
Star Trek: The Next Generation forced its crew to face down out-of-control collectivism and capitalism, respectively, in the form of alien societies the Borg and the Ferengi.
But unlike Paul Ryan, I'm not a fanatical opponent of the welfare state who views American politics as an apocalyptic twilight struggle between the forces of individualism and collectivism.
The Untamed, staying faithful to its source, critiques collectivism and mob justice while exploring the way individual corruption, left unchecked, can spread to taint an entire system of power.
Working within the pleasing, boxy confines of an old-school aspect ratio, Pawlikowski by turns isolates his characters or clutters his shots with bodies, creating a snapshot of collectivism.
" - White House chief of staff John Kelly on undocumented immigrants 1924 "The character of immigration has changed and the newcomers are imbued with lawless, restless sentiments of anarchy and collectivism.
Republican politicians hinder the president's initiatives at every turn, despite being sent to Washington to help secure them Democratic politicians have become more vocally willing than ever to embrace collectivism.
In "The Road to Serfdom" he makes a narrow point ruthlessly: that collectivism, or the longing for a society with an overarching common purpose, is inherently misguided and dangerous to liberty.
The second thing we saw was how Trump's ethnic nationalism emerges from the wreckage of the old G.O.P. Healthy American political philosophies balance individualism and collectivism, personal freedom and communal cohesion.
The troops are forced to set out—their hostage in tow—through the jungle to find a new base, and the pressure of the situation bears down on their sense of collectivism.
Classical liberalism effectively sidelined, the familiar battles of that period are reborn in the violent confrontations between the MAGA alt-right and black-clad antifascists, both groups equally enthralled by collectivism and intolerance.
The appeal to biological collectivism, on which all forms of tribalism rests, is un-American because America is a nation that intrinsically repudiates tribal affiliation as a criterion for citizenship and civic participation.
Identity-wise, I think the problem with collectivism is that it helps you feel this oneness and this sense of togetherness, the sense that you're just a cog, a piece of the whole.
The collectivism of memes, too, is a crucial part of their popularity, because their rapid and visible spread helps us all figure out how we're feeling about some news trend or other issue.
In academic theory, positive ecological change is accurately conceived as a matter of revolutionary collectivism, that is, as a holistic problem, the only adequate solutions to which are systemic — civilizational, planetary — in scope.
In turn, he took these as signs of an American exceptionalism, stemming from the absence of feudalism, as well as the weakness of both collectivism and a truly reactionary politics, in the nation's history.
They have their own tradition of trust busting, though it's often overlooked: Friedrich Hayek of the Chicago School attacked monopoly as an insidious form of collectivism in his 1944 classic The Road to Serfdom.
Reared on decades of fighting for individual liberty and capitalism against dictatorships and collectivism since the 1930s, their politics moulded by the spectre of Auschwitz and the gulags, such ideological defensiveness is perhaps understandable.
If my brethren are right, bringing the vampire of collectivism, personified in Cortez, into the light of day should be a good thing because people will see it for what it is and reject it.
Von Mises and Hayek, one of his students, saw earlier than most that by the interwar years the liberal era in Europe was being overwhelmed by the collectivism and totalitarianism of the right and the left.
Regardless of their flat performance against England as they exited the tournament, Andersson's greatest triumph is to have recreated the culture of collectivism and unselfishness that has always been at the root of Sweden's best teams.
They may have been living under an autocratic Archprophet that sanctioned slavery, but, in a strange twist, the Suldlom ideology of collectivism was so entrenched that they actually preferred serving as slaves to being free fungoids.
This was provocatively dedicated to the "Socialists of all Parties", implying that at the end of the second world war all Britain's political parties, including Winston Churchill's Conservatives, had drifted into collectivism by advocating the welfare state.
Does anyone remember George Will declaring that liberals like trains, not because they make sense for urban transport, but because they serve the "goal of diminishing Americans' individualism in order to make them more amenable to collectivism"?
He also recognized, well before such Catholic thinkers as Simone Weil and Jacques Maritain, that new conceptions of social interdependence, individual agency, and cosmopolitan responsibility were needed to save the world from the delusions of individualism and collectivism.
The notion of saving face — maintaining dignity and control over one's emotions — is largely derived from collectivism, an Eastern concept that no person is an island; we are each part of a shared consciousness and represent a group.
The notion of saving face — maintaining dignity and control over one's emotions — is largely derived from collectivism, an Eastern concept that no person is an island; we are each part of a shared consciousness and represent a group.
If collective guilt is, as I have argued, a disguised form of codified collective ancestral guilt, then this type of codified guilt and its inverse corollary — collective entitlement to an apology — is based on the crudest form of racism: biological collectivism.
For Pipes, the revolution reflected the gradual breakdown of Russia's distinct autocracy, shaped by a centuries-old tradition of collectivism and patrimonial rule, but McMeekin disputes Pipes's arguments, seeing virtually no difference between the Russian empire and its European rivals.
In a Molecular Autism editorial, the authors write:Sheffer argues that Asperger may have been sympathetic to the Nazi goal of eliminating any children who could not fit in with the Volk, that is, fascist collectivism and the creation of a homogeneous Aryan people.
In the name of asserting capitalist freedom over state collectivism, a 30 percent stake in the South Western Railway — a critical carrier across heavily populated southern England — has been sold to a one-party Communist state (albeit with extensive experience in capitalist enterprise).
If the United States is going to embrace sovereignty over collectivism, the rest of the world is clearly, apart from a handful of rogue nations, lining up behind the reality that if we don't band together in some fashion, we will all die separately.
So far, WelinderShi has deployed all of its first fund into five consumer brands with the potential to capture China's increasingly sophisticated middle-class, among whom Welinder observed a "growing individualism away from collectivism that is positive for lifestyle brands," Welinder told TechCrunch in a phone interview.
Their claim is that government regulation, particularly as it relates to the environment, is the epitome of injustice, and that free people — as well as free markets — operate best when unfettered by agents of a creeping and dangerous collectivism: park rangers, surveyors, or land managers, among others.
Documentation features heavily in several other zines including the anonymously-produced, Documents of a Protest, which presents opinionated takes on the troubled "One Country, Two Systems" arrangement that has allowed for Hong Kong's unusual independence from China, as well as the collectivism and solidarity networks engendered by protest.
Their ideas and thoughts were a part of a unique healing process—one that tore down my self-hatred, built up a sense of black collectivism, and gave me more concrete ideas on how to navigate the world as a strong black woman without the protection and supervision of my father.
So we learn that the zombies are not really zombies, but humans undergoing a process of mutation and psychic enslavement to a collective will called "the Many" (in retrospect, it's not hard to see writer / designer Ken Levine working on the themes of collectivism, individualism, and corporatism that would become over-familiar across the Bioshock franchise).
"In the face of isolationism, protectionism, racism — the simple concept of looking outwardly and beyond ourselves, of kindness and collectivism, might just be as good a starting point as any," said Ms. Ardern, 38, who this week became the first head of state to bring her baby — 3-month-old Neve Gayford — to the United Nations.
Organized by Dr. King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference — and led by Ralph Abernathy after Dr. King's assassination — the campaign brought around 3,000 people from all over the country to a spit of land that would soon be drenched by rains, and filled with wooden shanties and varied attempts at utopian do-it-yourself collectivism.
Anarcho-collectivism deals with collectivism in a decentralized anarchistic system, in which people are payed off their surplus labor.
Some organizational research has found different variations of collectivism. These include institutional collectivism and in-group collectivism. Institutional collectivism is the idea that a work environment creates a sense of collectivist nature due to similar statuses and similar rewards, such as earning the same salary. In-group collectivism is the idea that an individual's chosen group of people, such as family or friend groups, create a sense of collectivist nature.
Allocentrism is closely related to collectivism; it is the psychological manifestation of collectivism.Bettencourt & Dorr, 1997 Scholars have discussed collectivism since at least the 1930s.Muller, 1935 Collectivism has been used to describe cultural level tendencies and has been described as a "broad cultural syndrome."Triandis et al.
The construct of collectivism is represented in empirical literature under several different names. Most commonly, the term interdependent self-construal is used. Other phrases used to describe the concept of collectivism-individualism include allocentrism-idiocentrism, collective-private self, as well as subtypes of collectivism-individualism (meaning, vertical and horizontal subtypes). Inconsistent terminology is thought to account for some of the difficulty in effectively synthesizing the empirical literature on collectivism.
The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Project (GLOBE) study incorporated both the ILT and Hofstede's dimensions into one unique research study. The GLOBE study extended the ILT to include individuals of a common culture maintaining a relatively stable common belief about leaders, which varies from culture to culture. They labeled this the Culturally Endorsed Implicit Leadership Theory (CLT). The GLOBE study came up with the nine dimensions of uncertainty avoidance, power distance, collectivism I: societal collectivism, collectivism II: in-group collectivism, gender egalitarianism, assertiveness, future orientation, performance orientation and humane orientation.
See also, Tony Cliff, "The theory of bureaucratic collectivism: A critique", in the Marxists' Internet Archive. Glotzer argues that Shachtman's theory of bureaucratic collectivism has also informed unorthodox approaches within Marxism towards the class nature of the Eastern Bloc.
Geert Hofstede (1980) was highly influential in ushering in an era of cross-cultural research making comparisons along the dimension of collectivism versus individualism. Hofstede conceptualized collectivism and individualism as part of a single continuum, with each cultural construct representing an opposite pole. The author characterized individuals that endorsed a high degree of collectivism as being embedded in their social contexts and prioritizing communal goals over individual goals.
To these he juxtaposed four institutional embodiments of good: pacifism, collectivism, socialism, and internationalism.
Journal of Research in Personality, 19(4), 395-415. Triandis, H. C. (1995). Individualism & collectivism. Boulder: Westview Press.
The degree of cultural collectivism is strongly associated with the burden of infectious disease. It has been argued that this is due to collectivism and associated characteristics such as out-group avoidance limiting the spread of infectious diseases. Other characteristics such as strong in-group–out-group bias and willingness to defend the ingroup's honor may promote violence. A study found strong associations between several forms of violent criminal behavior and both infectious disease rates across U.S states and degree of cultural collectivism across U.S. states.
As such, horizontal collectivism is manifested as an orientation in which group harmony is highly valued and in-group members are perceived to experience equal standing. Vertical collectivism involves the prioritization of group goals over individual goals, implying a hierarchical positioning of the self in relation to the overarching in-group. The horizontal-vertical individualism- collectivism model has received empirical support and has been used to explore patterns within cultures. Subsequent work by other researchers suggests that as many as seven dimensions might be necessary to describe independent vs.
Children raised in different cultures experience discipline and shame in various ways. This generally depends on whether the society values Individualism or Collectivism.
This is seen as ironic because one of Cliff's concerns when first developing his idea of state capitalism was to differentiate his ideas from the idea of bureaucratic collectivism associated with Shachtman (see for example The Theory of Bureaucratic Collectivism: A Critique (1948)).Tony Cliff: The theory of bureaucratic collectivism: A critique (1948) (accessed 2008-05-29) However, the formula also echoes the Fourth International's 1948 manifesto, Neither Wall Street nor the Kremlin. Cliff's version of the theory of state capitalism can be differentiated from those associated with other dissident Trotskyists and Marxists, such as C. L. R. James and Raya Dunayevskaya.
The destruction wrought by totalitarian regimes during World War II would, however, energize a number of liberal thinkers in their opposition to collectivism. From this fear of collectivism emerged the early influential neoliberal texts critiquing social democracy, and led to the formation of a new neoliberal organization by many of the same individuals present at the Colloque Walter Lippman: the Mont Pelerin Society.
A 2007 study found that an index of individualism and collectivism predicted both gun ownership and attitudes toward gun control in the United States.
Some Trotskyists following on from Tony Cliff deny that it is socialism, calling it state capitalism.Cliff, Tony (1948). "The Theory of Bureaucratic Collectivism: A Critique".
Some researchers have expanded the collectivism-individualism framework to include a more comprehensive view. Specifically, Triandis and colleagues introduced a theoretical model that incorporates the notion of relational contexts. The authors argue that the domains of collectivism and individualism can be further described by horizontal and vertical relationships. Horizontal relationships are believed to be status-equal whereas vertical relationships are characterized as hierarchical and status-unequal.
589-608Maruyama, M. (1988). Dynamics among Business Practice, Aesthetics, Science, Politics and Religion. Cultural Dynamics 1988; 1; 309-335 Mindset Theory includes cultural and social orientation type values: Hierarchical Individualism (HI), Egalitarian Individualism (EI), Hierarchical Collectivism (HC), Egalitarian Collectivism (EC), Hierarchic Synergism (HS), Egalitarian Synergism (ES), Hierarchical Populism (HP), and Egalitarian Populism (EP).Yolles, M.I, Fink, G., 2014, Personality, pathology and mindsets: part 1-3. Vol.
As a research, we need to find what actually is the cause of the culture of collectivism, and how they work. Even if the three countries share so many things, they still have some big differences between each other. So it is still important to researchers to study deeper the collectivism to found the real motivation of it and how it makes people more interdependent.
She denounced libertarianism, which she associated with anarchism.; . She rejected anarchism as a naïve theory based in subjectivism that could only lead to collectivism in practice.; ; .
She denounced libertarianism, which she associated with anarchism.; . She rejected anarchism as a naïve theory based in subjectivism that could only lead to collectivism in practice.; ; .
Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2010 These dimensions include power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity vs.
Therefore, countries/regions with heightened exposure to disaster should cultivate collectivism. However, Withey (1962) and Wachtel (1968) conducted interviews and experiments on disaster survivors which indicated that disaster-induced anxiety and stress decrease one's focus on social-contextual information – a key component of collectivism. In this way, disasters may lead to increased individualism. Mauch and Pfister (2004) questioned the association between socio-ecological indicators and cultural-level change in individualism.
In other words, individualistic cultures have low power distance and collectivist cultures have high power distance. Examples of countries with high power distance include Malaysia, Russia, and Romania while countries with low power distance include Austria, Israel, and Denmark. Individualism–collectivism (the Me–We dimension):The individualism-collectivism dimension is thought to be the most important of all value dimensions that distinguish cultures. The individualist culture has a “me” consciousness.
The official ideologies of the party are democratic socialism and collectivism. The party has many of the same policy positions as the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
Usually a wealthy country scores high for individualism and low on the Power Distance Index, and a less wealthy country scores high for collectivism and high on the Power Distance Index. This is because in a wealthy country, people want to prosper and grow individually while in a less wealthy country people are more so the same and there is more emphasize on the specific needs of the whole group. The relationship between Individualism/Collectivism and Power Distance can be seen very clearly and accounts for many cultural differences. A study conducted by Yuan Feirong and Jing Zhou demonstrate in a conceptual model how individualism and collectivism correlate with power distance as well as its impact on creativity.
Our results confirm the serious differences of opinion on discipline, even in a relatively homogenous ethnic community. Child discipline is often affected by cultural differences. Many Eastern countries typically emphasize beliefs of collectivism in which social conformity and the interests of the group are valued above the individual. Families that promote collectivism will frequently employ tactics of shaming in the form of social comparisons and guilt induction in order to modify behavior.
The Big Parade is often seen as an exploration of the relationship of collectivism versus individualism.Zhou Xuelin (2007). Young Rebels in Contemporary Chinese Cinema. Hong Kong University Press, p. 73. .
Some Trotskyists following on from Tony Cliff deny that it is socialism, calling it state capitalism.Cliff, Tony (1948). "The Theory of Bureaucratic Collectivism: A Critique". In Cliff, Tony (1988) [1974].
Democratic collectivism. New York: Wilson. Sakakida, Y. (2004). A cross-cultural study of college students' travel preferences. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 16(1), 35-41. Seligman, M. E. P. (2002).
It was with Rizzi that Leon Trotsky debated in the late 1930s. Trotsky held that the Soviet Union was a degenerated workers state and that if it did not undergo a new workers' political revolution, it could move towards a new form of society, such as bureaucratic collectivism. However, Trotsky doubted that a state of pure bureaucratic collectivism would ever be reached; he believed that, in the absence of a proletarian revolution to return the Soviet Union to socialism, a comprehensive counter-revolution would return the nation to capitalism instead. Soon after the Workers Party in the United States (later the Independent Socialist League), led by Max Shachtman, split from the Fourth International, it adopted the theory of bureaucratic collectivism and developed it.
By focusing on collectivism, the Party can consolidate their power and present Ingsoc as an inevitable followup to capitalism in which the Low are no longer exploited. In reality, the social castes are no longer necessary, and collectivism only serves to prolong the exploitation of the Low. Slater states that while O'Brien does not own his mansion, he still lives in luxury compared to the lower castes. Once the Party consolidates its power, all justifications are abandoned.
Differences seen in the goals and beliefs of East-Asian cultures may be due to the values that they hold as a result of naive dialecticism. For instance, the principle of holism dictates that personal growth is dependent on the environment within which the growth occurs, and that the “self” and the “other” are one. Perhaps this belief is what we once called collectivism, but holism is much more central and universal than the pure concept of collectivism.
Numerous experiments were completed by Huang et al. and the experiment based on bribery scenarios found corroborating results with the experiment based on a bribery game containing real money. Both experiments produced significant results which indicate that collectivism only facilitated corruption when there was low evaluation apprehension. Although this is only one study, the fact that high levels of evaluation apprehension inhibit collectivism facilitating corruption provides further supporting evidence that evaluation apprehension can sometimes act as a moderator.
" It aims to combine the greatest individual development with the greatest communal unity". seeing collectivism or communism as the best social system for the realization of individual freedom.Kropotkin, Peter (1901). "Communism and Anarchy".
"Contemporary Anarchist and Anarchistic Movements". Sociology Compass. Wiley. 12 (6): 4. . . and radical left-wing or far-left movement that promotes libertarian socialist economic theories such as collectivism, communism, individualism, mutualism and syndicalism.
Another theme in the film is collectivism in opposition to individualism which was viewed as a convention of western film. Collective efforts and collectivization of characters are central to both Strike and Battleship Potemkin.
It was: The congress adopted a Marxist program and supported collectivism by 73 votes to 27. The collectivists rejected efforts to found cooperatives as being petty bourgeois and covert capitalism. The delegates were also opposed to cooperation and to anarchism, both of which left the status quo undisturbed, and declared themselves in favor of political action. The congress has been described as a triumph of Guesdism, but in fact was a triumph of collectivism, which Guesde's opponents Paul Brousse and Benoît Malon also supported.
The German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies described an early model of collectivism and individualism using the terms Gemeinschaft (community) and Gesellschaft (society). Gemeinschaft relationships, in which communalism is prioritized, were thought to be characteristic of small, rural village communities. An anthropologist, Redfield (1941) echoed this notion in work contrasting folk society with urban society. Max Weber (1930) contrasted collectivism and individualism through the lens of religion, believing that Protestants were more individualistic and self-reliant compared to Catholics, who endorsed hierarchical, interdependent relationships among people.
These four branches allowed researchers to examine empathic proclivities among individuals of different cultures. While individualism was not shown to correlate with either types of dispositional empathy, collectivism was shown to have a direct correlation with both types of dispositional empathy, possibly suggesting that by having less focus on the self, there is more capacity towards noticing the needs of others. More so, individualism predicted experienced intellectual empathy, and collectivism predicted experienced empathic emotion. These results are congruent with the values of collectivistic and individualistic societies.
When discussing cross-cultural differences between societies, scientists will more often than not make a distinction between individualism and collectivism. Consequently, it is important to provide an understanding for the variations exhibited between these two cultures.
Orwell was familiar with the works of James Burnham, having reviewed Burnham's The Managerial Revolution prior to writing Nineteen Eighty-Four. Oligarchical collectivism was a fictionalized conceptualization of bureaucratic collectivism, where Big Brother and the Inner Party form the nucleus of a hierarchical organization of society professing itself as "English socialism" because of its revolutionary origins, but afterwards only concerned with total domination by the Party. The idea has also been applied to Western countries outside the Eastern Bloc, as a regime necessary to institute in order to maintain capitalism and keep it from disintegrating in the post-war era. This different form of bureaucratic collectivism is supposed to integrate various sectors of society, such as labor unions, corporations, and government organizations, in order to keep contradictions in the economy from developing into a general meltdown.
Meyers 1998, p. 215. Based on the novel by Ayn Rand who also wrote the screenplay, the film reflects her philosophy and attacks the concepts of collectivism while promoting the virtues of individualism.Meyers 1998, pp. 215, 219.
That is, an interdependent individual uses the unexpressed thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of another person with whom they have a relationship, as well as the other person's behaviors, to make decisions about their own internal attributes and actions. Markus and Kitayama also contributed to the literature by challenging Hofstede's unidimensional model of collectivism-individualism. The authors conceptualized these two constructs bidimensionally, such that both collectivism and individualism can be endorsed independently and potentially to the same degree. This notion has been echoed by other prominent theorists in the field.
In Trotskyist theory, it is a new form of class society which exploits workers through new mechanisms. Theorists, such as Yvan Craipeau, who hold this view believe that bureaucratic collectivism does not represent progress beyond capitalism—that is, that it is no closer to being a workers' state than a capitalist state would be, and is considerably less efficient. Some even believe that certain kinds of capitalism, such as social democratic capitalism, are more progressive than a bureaucratic collectivist society. George Orwell's famous novel Nineteen Eighty-Four describes a fictional society of "oligarchical collectivism".
Hoppe, Hans-Hermann (2013) [1988]. A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (2nd ed.). Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute. p. 2. . Friedrich Hayek, an Austrian School economist, was one of the leading academic critics of collectivism in the 20th century.
In the book, Pei denounces the income tax as well as communism and other forms of collectivism. Pei was also an internationalist and advocated the introduction of Esperanto into school curricula across the world to supplement local languages.
Using an improved measure of individualism-collectivism, the authors of a replication study found that the conclusion of the 2015 article claiming to show evidence for the relationship between wheat versus rice farming was the result of faulty methodology.
His free associations of concepts were "very often surprising, quite often admirable". Ralea, Călinescu proposes, was Romania's own "little Fontenelle". After his French sojourn, Ralea infused Poporanism and collectivism with both Durkheim's corporatismCrohmălniceanu, p. 118. See also Vianu, p.
In 2009, members of the group created a set of core values that they would uphold in daily operations and the long term mission. Justice, equality, compassion and respect, collectivism, courage, and integrity were deemed all key values for the organization.
Stalin: A Biography. London: Macmillan. p. 5. . The socio-economic nature of Stalin's Soviet Union has also been much debated, varyingly being labelled a form of bureaucratic collectivism, state capitalism, state socialism or a totally unique mode of production.Sandle, Mark (1999).
The Servile State is a 1912 book authored by Hilaire Belloc. The book is primarily a history of capitalism in Europe, and a repudiation of the convergence of big business with the state. Belloc lays out two alternatives: distributism and collectivism.
Attempts to study the association of collectivism and political views and behaviors has largely occurred at the aggregate national level. However, more isolated political movements have also adopted a collectivistic framework. For example, collectivist anarchism is a revolutionaryPatsouras, Louis. 2005.
Bureaucratic collectivism is a theory of class society. It is used by some Trotskyists to describe the nature of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin and other similar states in Central and Eastern Europe and elsewhere (such as North Korea).
Accordingly, interventions that focus on this macro‐micro interface can help children overcome the constraints imposed by social structural variables.Oyserman, D. (2006). High power, low power, and equality: Culture beyond individualism and collectivism. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16, 352-357.
Lejeune, p. 384 He witnessed there the start of the Left SR uprising, including Maria Spiridonova's call to terrorist action against the Commissars.Deutscher, pp. 402–403 By April 1918, Sadoul was frequenting the Moscow anarchists, praising their collectivism and squatting practices.
The bureaucracy structure has been utilized over years and at times been seen to be reasonable and helpful, but alternative structures that call on different aspects can also be helpful. Since bureaucracy has historically been known to be an expression that favors a male ideology, feminist have been known to advocate collectivism. Traditionally bureaucracies have been hierarchical in authority, having impersonal relations, and biased notions of objectivity and rationality. Through feminist organizations egalitarian tendencies are more sought out and collectivism displays a way to pursue empowerment by seeking to be harmonious in both private and public spheres.
Sidney and Beatrice Webb founded the New Statesman magazine in 1913.The world movement towards collectivism, Beatrice and Sidney Webb, New Statesman, 12 April 1913; Bending the arc of history towards justice and freedom, New Statesman, 12 April 2013; retrieved 13 May 2014.
HR Magazine, 41 (9): 122-126riandis, H. C., & Singelis, T. M. (1998). Training to recognize individual differences in collectivism and individualism within culture. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 22(1), 35-47.Wheelen & Hunger, 1998 Strategic Management and Business Policy, 6th ed.
Gazette no. 4/51 the UDBA was reorganized again. During this period the intelligence and security activities concentrated less on intelligence and more on internal security. There was an emphasis on collectivism, brotherhood, social harmony, loyalty, and tolerance towards those with different views.
In 2002,Oyserman, D., Coon, H., & Kemmelmeier, M. (2002). Rethinking individualism and collectivism: Evaluation of theoretical assumptions and meta-analyses. Psychological Bulletin, 128, 3-72. Oyserman and colleagues conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis to examine cross-country/region differences in cognitive processes.
Does culture influence what and how we think? Effects of priming individualism and collectivism. Psychological Bulletin, 134, 311-342. Oyserman observed that each culture benefits from independence and interdependence and that most people likely have access to both of these—essential—cognitive processes.
Knowledge here refers to the process of in-depth understanding of phenomenon via a range of information gained through conscious learning and personal experiences. Building block concepts include: (1) individualism-collectivism, (2) power distance. (3) two contrastive "self/face" models, and (4) facework communication styles.
When researchers measure collectivism, they tend to use large scale studies that look at the cultural level. They add up many people's responses within different cultures with the unit of analysis the whole culture; the N of these studies is the number of cultures.
Front cover art for Hayek's book Individualism and Economic Order, 1948 Hayek was one of the leading academic critics of collectivism in the 20th century. Hayek argued that all forms of collectivism (even those theoretically based on voluntary co-operation) could only be maintained by a central authority of some kind. In Hayek's view, the central role of the state should be to maintain the rule of law, with as little arbitrary intervention as possible. In his popular book The Road to Serfdom (1944) and in subsequent academic works, Hayek argued that socialism required central economic planning and that such planning in turn leads towards totalitarianism.
Between 1987 and 2007 direct mentions of self-esteem in leading US newspapers and magazines increased by 4,540 per cent while narcissism, which had been almost non-existent in the press during the 1970s, was referred to over 5,000 times between 2002 and 2007. Cross-cultural studies of differences in narcissism are rare. Instead, as there is a positive association between narcissism and individualism and a negative one between it and collectivism, these traits have been used as proxies for narcissism in some studies. This approach, however, risks the misapplication of the concepts of individualism and collectivism to create overly-fixed, "caricature-like", Quoted in oppositional categories.
State Socialism and Anarchism: How Far They Agree and Wherein They Differ. As an anti-capitalist and libertarian socialist philosophy, anarchism is placed on the far-left of the political spectrum and much of its economics and legal philosophy reflect anti-authoritarian interpretations of left-wing politics such as communism, collectivism, syndicalism, mutualism, or participatory economics. As anarchism does not offer a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular worldview, many anarchist types and traditions exist and varieties of anarchy diverge widely. As a result, anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally yet maintain the common tenets of anarchism, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism.
He observed different power distance levels and management styles observed during his studies. Hofstede used his findings to propose four cultural dimensions: individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, power distance and uncertainty avoidance."Hofstede, Geert." The New Penguin Business Dictionary, edited by Graham Bannock, Penguin, 1st edition, 2003.
AWAM works on the local and national level. The organization has a small staff that coordinates the projects. There is a focus on collectivism and open participation. Within the organization there is a Working Collective which holds monthly meetings to assess the direction AWAM is heading.
Some Trotskyists following on from Tony Cliff deny that it is socialism, calling it state capitalism.Cliff, Tony (1948). "The Theory of Bureaucratic Collectivism: A Critique". Marxists Internet Archive. Retrieved 8 February 2020. Other Trotskyists agree that these states could not be described as socialist,Mandel, Ernest (1979).
Peter Kropotkin. The Encyclopædia Britannica. However, anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism. Strains of anarchism have often been divided into the categories of social anarchism and individualist anarchism or similar dual classifications, also including green anarchism and post-left anarchism.
Especially the dimensions Power Distance, Individualism vs. Collectivism, Long-Term Orientation and Indulgence versus Restraint are closely correlated with value dimensions reported by Inglehart, Schwartz and the current data from the World Values Survey.Tausch, Arno, Hofstede, Inglehart and Beyond. New Directions in Empirical Global Value Research (May 14, 2015).
A typical leftist can not judge individuals alone, always calling for tribalist collectivism. And so left will spreading a climate of constant dispute between groups, ignoring that those acts, in fact, are always individuals. It's in this context that we have the "Black Awareness Day", a totally racist holiday.
Cultural differences may impact how certain behaviors or actions are attributed and interpreted. Current research supports the idea that Western culture emphasizes individualism, whereas East Asian cultures emphasize collectivism. The fundamental attribution error differs in those cultures. In the Individualistic cultures people tend to favor dispositional explanations for behavior.
He was associated with several radical movements of the period: the dreyfusards, anarchism, collectivism, antimilitarism. At this time he befriended Élisée Reclus, Kropotkin and Romain Rolland. He took part in the universitaire populaires (1899–1905). Returning to Brittany, he became a professor of English at Pontivy High School.
Each (French and British) claimed the island and imported slaves from Africa. The remaining Caribs now live on a Carib Territory on the east coast of the island. They elect their own chief. Dominica is often seen as a society that is migrating from collectivism to that of individualism.
Public access television provided a broadcast outlet for oftentimes punk and hip-hop-influenced radical cultural critique.Drew, J. (2007) The collective camcorder in art and activism. In B. Stimson & G. Sholette (Eds.), Collectivism after modernism: The art of social imagination (95-113). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
They believed that classical liberalism had failed because of crippling conceptual flaws which could only be diagnosed and rectified by withdrawing into an intensive discussion group of similarly minded intellectuals; however, they were determined that the liberal focus on individualism and economic freedom must not be abandoned to collectivism.
Collective farming in Israel differs from collectivism in communist states in that it is voluntary. However, including moshavim, various forms of collective farming have traditionally been and remain the primary agricultural model, as there are only a small number of completely private farms in Israel outside of the moshavim.
While in the valley, Dagny develops a romantic relationship with Galt, although it remains physically unconsummated – which is linked to her refusing to join the strike. After she returns home to New York, Galt takes over the airwaves, delivering a lengthy speech that explains what he sees to be the irrationality of collectivism and offers his own philosophy (Ayn Rand's Objectivism) as an alternative. Galt speaks against what he sees as the evil of collectivism and the idea that individuals must be responsible for each other, and says that should be replaced by voluntary association and adherence to rational self- interest. Seeking Galt after the speech, Dagny accidentally leads the authorities to him, and he is arrested.
While working at Earlham, Root began to change from a devout Quaker and pacifist into an active advocate of political conservatism.Guide to the E. Merrill Root Papers 1917-1967 Root first exploded into political print with "Darkness at Noon in American Colleges",Human Events, July 30, 1952 an article in which he warned parents that their sons and daughters were catching the "polio of collectivism" at colleges and universities. Feeling that this article was not enough to convince people to listen, Root wrote Collectivism on the Campus, in which he claimed communism was widespread at American universities and colleges. A few years later, he wrote Brainwashing in the High Schools: An Examination of Eleven American History Textbooks.
They hypothesized that there would be a negative correlation between collectivism and corruption when evaluation apprehension was high because of the fear of being judged for being corrupt by the other people of one's culture. On the other hand, they hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation when evaluation apprehension was low because people would have low fear of judgment from others for being corrupt. Therefore, the researchers conducted an experiment that tested the relationship between collectivism and corruption with the independent variable being evaluation apprehension. All of the conditions in the experiment contained situations where collectivistic values and one's willingness to act corruptly were tested, the conditions only differed in the amount of evaluation apprehension they contained.
Humility is a trait often associated with low-power distance cultures. The study found that an employee's self-conceptualization of power determined not only their workplace voice, but the humility of their superior, as well. An environment such as this would also be akin to the collectivism dimension that Hofstede proposed.
Meanwhile, a tendency toward collectivism increases self-disclosure. Similar research also leveraged SET to examine privacy concerns versus desire for interpersonal awareness in driving the use of self- disclosure technologies in the context of instant messaging. This study was also a cross-cultural study, but instead compared US and Chinese participants.
Each representation is at either end; thus, some members of individualistic cultures may hold collectivistic values, and some collectivistic individual may hold some individualist values. The concepts of collectivism and individualism show a general idea of the values of a specific ethnic culture but should not be juxtaposed in competition.
Social Orientation Hypothesis. All currently existing cultures can be compared with one another against the Collectivism/Individualism scale. The societies that are usually described as individualistic have the independent social orientation. The differentiating characteristics of those groups are autonomy, self-expression, and the interpretation of happiness as a socially disengaging emotion.
Allocentrism tends to be found more in collectivistic cultures (about 60%) but can also be found in all cultures,Triandis et al. 2001 and in every culture there is a "full distribution of both types." Triandis, 1995, p. 5 While individualism and collectivism are used on the broad cultural level, Triandis et al.
Solidarity is a socialist organization associated with the journal Against the Current. Solidarity is an organizational descendant of International Socialists, a Trotskyist organization based on the proposition that the Soviet Union was not a "degenerate workers' state" (as in orthodox Trotskyism) but rather "bureaucratic collectivism", a new and especially repressive class society.
Einar Hoffstad (4 September 1894 - 25 July 1959) was a Norwegian encyclopedist, newspaper editor, writer and economist. He remains best known as the editor of the encyclopedia Merkantilt biografisk leksikon and the business periodical Farmand. Although initially a classic liberal, Hoffstad embraced fascism and collectivism at the beginning of the Second World War.
Grottkau ultimately broke with Spies, Parsons, and the Social Revolutionaries following the 1883 Pittsburgh Convention of the Revolutionary Socialist Party, which formally rejected socialist collectivism in favor of communist anarchism.Gary M. Fink (ed.), "Paul Grottkau," in Biographical Dictionary of the American Left. Revised Edition. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984; pp. 268-269.
He is depicted as the head of a mysterious and possibly fictitious dissident organization called "The Brotherhood" and as having written the book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. He is only seen and heard on telescreen, and may be a fabrication of the Ministry of Truth, the State's propaganda department.
The coffee-house culture provided an ideal venue for enlightened conversation. Furthermore, England rejected the collectivism of the continent, and emphasized the improvement of individuals as the main goal of enlightenment.Roy Porter, The creation of the modern world: the untold story of the British Enlightenment (2000), pp. 1–12, 36–37, 482–84.
The socio-economic nature of Stalin's Soviet Union has also been much debated, varyingly being labelled a form of state socialism, state capitalism, bureaucratic collectivism, or a totally unique mode of production. Socialist writers like Volkogonov have acknowledged that Stalin's actions damaged "the enormous appeal of socialism generated by the October Revolution".
Geert Hofstede has done extensive research on these topics and their relationships. They are typically studied together because overall in scoring, a country that scores with high on the Power Distance Index typically scores high for collectivism and a country that scores low on the Power Distance Index typically scores high for individualism. This is because countries that are individualistic typically are focused on an individual and what they want to accomplish, and power status plays a much less significant role in this, and in collectivist countries the focus is on the collective good, so the group will listen to authority to tell them what is best for the group. Hofstede also found that Individualism/Collectivism and Power Distance are greatly correlated to a nation's wealth.
In 1948, Tony Cliff argued that it is difficult to make a critique of bureaucratic collectivism because authors such as Shachtman never actually published a developed account of the theory. He asserted that the theoretical poverty of the theory of bureaucratic collectivism is not accidental and tried to show that the theory is only negative; empty, abstract, and therefore arbitrary. Cliff proposed “state capitalism” as an alternative theory that more accurately describes the nature of the Soviet Union under Stalinism. In a 1979 Monthly Review essay, Ernest Mandel argued that the hypothesis that the Soviet bureaucracy is a new class does not correspond to a serious analysis of the real development and the real contradictions of Soviet economy and society in the last fifty years.
Familism is a type of collectivism in which the one is expected to prioritize the needs of the greater society or family over the needs of the individual. This plays out on a large scale in North Korea, where the Great Leader Kim Il-Sung is Father and the Worker's Party is Mother. Thus, not only are the people expected to cherish their birth parents and treat them with all the respect demanded of traditional Confucian filial piety, but they must cherish and adore the ruling Kim family and the Mother Party even more so. Familism in North Korea stems from a combination of the traditional East Asian Confucian value of filial piety, the communist system of collectivism, and the Kim cult of personality.
Peter Kropotkin, a prominent anarcho-communist thinker who aimed to ground anarchism in scientific theory Anarcho-communism developed out of radical socialist currents after the French Revolution but was first formulated as such in the Italian section of the First International. It was the convincing critique of Carlo Cafiero and Errico Malatesta that paved the way for anarcho-communism to surpass collectivism, arguing that collectivism would inevitably end in competition and inequality. Essayist Alain Pengam comments that between 1880 and 1890 the perspective of a revolution was thought to be closed. Anarcho-communists had anti-organisational tendencies, opposed political and trade union struggles (such as the eight-hour day) as being overly reformist, and in some cases favoured acts of terrorism.
Individual needs, wishes, and desires are emphasized and the possibility of personal attainment is encouraged. Collectivistic cultures include those of Asia and Latin America, whilst individualistic cultures include those of North America and Western Europe. North America, specifically, is seen to be the prototype of an individualistic culture. Research has shown that the collectivism vs.
He also explored the conflict between individualism and collectivism extensively in his autobiographical series of eight novels. He published the series in the 1950s with The Illiterate (1951). He published the last book in the series, The Proletarian Writer in 1960. In the 1970s he wrote numerous short stories dealing with the seven deadly sins.
During Shea's presidency, the entire teamsters union was notoriously corrupt. Fitch, Solidarity for Sale, 2006. Witwer, "Unionized Teamsters and the Struggle over the Streets of the Early-Twentieth-Century City," Social Science History, Spring 2000. Tilman, "John R. Commons, the New Deal and the American Tradition of Empirical Collectivism," Journal of Economic Issues, September 2008.
The economy is a developing one that previously depended on agriculture. Signs of collectivism are evident in the small towns and villages that are spread across the island. Dominican cuisine is similar to that of other Caribbean countries. Common main courses comprise meat (usually chicken, but can be goat, lamb, or beef) covered in sauce.
Zylstra received an LL.B. degree from the University of Michigan. He received a S.J.D. from the Free University in Amsterdam, where he studied under Herman Dooyeweerd. Zylstra's dissertation was on the political theory of Harold Laski. Later, Zylstra would publish the related From Pluralism to Collectivism: The Development of Harold Laski's Political Thought in 1968.
Benedict, Ruth; "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture." Rutland, VT and Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Co. 1954 orig. 1946. Individualism is often contrasted either with totalitarianism or with collectivism, but there is a spectrum of behaviors at the societal level ranging from highly individualistic societies through mixed societies to collectivist.
183; Stahl (1980), p. 703; Zamfir et al., p. 7 This praise of collectivism and economic incentives under the socialist mode of production was reviewed with skepticism by the Romanian exile psychologist Edgar Krau, who notes that Ralea and "Hariton" had failed to even mention "the all-pervading [communist] party tuition" as a possible disturbance of data.
Signs of collectivism are evident in the small towns and villages which are spread across the island. The novelist Jean Rhys was born and raised in Dominica. The island is obliquely depicted in her best-known book, Wide Sargasso Sea. Rhys's friend, the political activist and writer Phyllis Shand Allfrey, set her 1954 novel, The Orchid House, in Dominica.
Max Schachtmann and His Left. Humanities Press, 1994, p. 42. Friedman was the original editor of Labor Action, the official organ of the Workers Party, the organization established by James Burnham, Max Shachtman, and Martin Abern in April 1940 following their departure from the Socialist Workers Party. He was one of the originators of the theory of bureaucratic collectivism.
Herseni, pp. 544–545, 548–550 He applied this concept in two books, Colectivismul în filosofia lui Platon ("Collectivism in the Philosophy of Plato") and Originea socială a filosofiei lui Auguste Comte ("The Social Origin of Auguste Comte's Philosophy"), both published in 1936. Cunoaștere și suflet ("Knowledge an Spirit", 1940) presents his approach to the sociology of knowledge.
A major cultural difference is the difference between collectivism and individualism. Collectivists attend more to the needs and goals of the group they belong to, and individualists focus on their own selves. With such contrast, collectivists would be more likely to help the ingroup members, but less frequent than individualists to help strangers.Triandis, H. C. (1991).
The cultural context in which the distressing event occur also influence the salience of communal coping in alleviating the stressor. The concepts of collectivism and individualism are often used in cultural comparative studies about a phenomenon. Cultures that promote group interest (collectivist cultures) over personal goals (individualist culture) are more likely to invest in communal coping (see Bryer, 1986).
This meant moving the ideological approach of the kibbutz away from its original socialist principles of equality, collectivism and the Marxist ideal of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Some of the kibbutz land was sold for development and a new neighborhood was built, leading to an influx of 80 new families.
In 2013, Jesse Drew wrote the book "A Social History of Contemporary Democratic Media." His work has been published in Resisting the Virtual Life (City Lights Press) and Reclaiming San Francisco: History, Politics, Culture (City Lights Press) as well as Processed World, and Collectivism After Modernism: The Art of Social Imagination After 1945 (University of Minnesota Press).
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, claims that his concept of general will in The Social Contract is not the simple collection of individual wills and that it furthers the interests of the individual (the constraint of law itself would be beneficial for the individual, as the lack of respect for the law necessarily entails, in Rousseau's eyes, a form of ignorance and submission to one's passions instead of the preferred autonomy of reason). Individualism versus collectivism is a common dichotomy in cross-cultural research. Global comparative studies have found that the world's cultures vary in the degree to which they emphasize individual autonomy, freedom and initiative (individualistic traits), respectively conformity to group norms, maintaining traditions and obedience to in-group authority (collectivistic traits). Cultural differences between individualism and collectivism are differences in degrees, not in kind.
In 1874 Thivrier was elected municipal councilor for Commentry on the Republican list. He was reelected in 1878. In 1879 he became a supporter of collectivism, and on 21 January 1881 he was elected to the council with the entire list of workers and socialists. It was the first town hall in France to be captured by the workers party and the socialists.
In one critical model of collectivism, Markus and Kitayama describe the interdependent (i.e., collectivistic) self as fundamentally connected to the social context. As such, one's sense of self depends on and is defined in part by those around them and is primarily manifested in public, overt behavior. As such, the organization of the self is guided by using others as a reference.
Pre-colonialism in Igboland The Igbo political system was built on collectivism. They did not distribute power by force amongst one another. In the Igbo community, they did not believe in authority or power being specialized within their political institution. Because of their scattered community, it was easier for them to work as a union on political matters they faced within the village.
The resulting policy of assimilation disregarded all Annamite traditions in favor of turning the Indochinese into Frenchmen. Unfortunately, the values and customs of the French are mostly conflicting with the traditions of the Indochinese. For example, The French valued individualism; the Indochinese appreciated their collectivism. Hence the destruction of many of Indochinese long-existing traditions provided a dangerous ground of resentment and rebellion.
A study on Twitter examined the usage of emoticons from users of 78 countries and found a positive correlation between individualism-collectivism dimension of Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory and people's use of mouth-oriented emoticons. A recent study proposed a computer framework that automatically mines data from social networks, extracts meaningful information using data mining, and computes cultural distance between multiple countries.
Since so many of his relationships in the past have been killed off by his imperfection, Saúl seems afraid that his relationship with the Machiguengas will be marred by this permanent reminder of Western culture. The mark also helps accentuate the Machiguenga's practice of unity and collectivism. In the end, they accept him as a person more than any Western culture did.
If individuals answer the "I am" statements with statements about others and common fate with others, they are deemed to be more allocentric. This method was highly recommended for measuring allocentrism.Triandis et al., 1995 Another aspect of allocentrism is the priority of in-group goals over personal goals and this can be measured using the Collectivism Scale Yamaguchi et al.
The idea that collectivism is the key to success is prominent in the minds of many Mozambicans living in traditional communities. People often trust that those around them have their best interest in mind and with the rocketing number of human trafficking cases of people being kidnapped from Mozambique to be sold in South Africa that is not always the case.
With a children's branch, the official oversight of the professional organization brought children's writers under the control of the state and the police. Communist principles like collectivism and solidarity became important themes in children's literature. Authors wrote biographies about revolutionaries like Lenin and Pavlik Morozov. Alexander Belyayev, who wrote in the 1920s and 1930s, became Russia's first science fiction writer.
For example, a Japanese person can be very comfortable in changing situations whereas on average, Japanese people have high uncertainty avoidance. There are still exceptions to the rule. Hofstede's theory can be contrasted with its equivalence at individual level: the trait theory about human personality. Variations on the typologies of collectivism and individualism have been proposed (Triandis, 1995; Gouveia and Ros, 2000).
Aleksandr Shchipkov is a representative of the nonsystem part of the former dissident community. Despite his negative outlook towards the communist state, Shchipkov considers the Soviet period as non-uniform. While openly criticizing the Communist monopoly on ideology (ex. official “Gosateizm” – state atheism), he believes that the Soviet forms of sociality correlate with the traditions of Russian Social Orthodoxy (community collectivism).
Research has suggested that collectivism exists to defend against infectious diseases. Therefore, cultures that have a higher rate of infections will be more likely to become collectivist. This has been based on a number of observations. Firstly, collectivists place a lot of emphasis on their in-group, caring for one another and hence protecting each other from the negative effects of contagion.
A fictional book is a text created specifically for a work in an imaginary narrative that is referred to, depicted, or excerpted in a story, book, film, or other fictional work, and which exists only in one or more fictional works. A fictional book may be created to add realism or depth to a larger fictional work. For example, George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four has excerpts from a book by Emmanuel Goldstein entitled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism which provides background on concepts explored in the novel (both the named author (Goldstein) and the text on collectivism are made up by Orwell). A fictional book may provide the basis of the plot of a story, a common thread in a series of books or other works, or the works of a particular writer or canon of work.
Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992) In echoes of Smith's "system of natural liberty", Hayek argued that the market is a "spontaneous order" and actively disparaged the concept of "social justice".Law, legislation and liberty (1970) Ludwig von Mises's outspoken criticisms of socialism had a large influence on the economic thinking of Austrian School economist Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992), who, while initially sympathetic, became one of the leading academic critics of collectivism in the 20th century. Hayek believed that all forms of collectivism (even those theoretically based on voluntary cooperation) could only be maintained by a central authority. But he argued that centralizing economic decision-making would lead not only to infringements of liberty but also to depressed standards of living because centralized experts could not gather and assess the knowledge required to allocate scarce resources efficiently or productively.
NZZ Mediengruppe was established in 1780 with the start of its flagship paper Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Veit Dengler is the chief executive officer of the group of which the headquarters is in Zurich. The company has a liberal stance and does not support collectivism or corporatism. The group has business activities in the fields of newspaper publishing, magazine and book publishing, and regional radio and television broadcasting.
The relationship of community members is often affected by their physical surroundings. Diverse neighborhoods containing various racial and ethnic groups experience many barriers to community collectivism, such as culture, economic background, and fundamental values. However, having a strong community building strategy can help break down barriers of segregation. Leaders of community strong pro-diversity organizations stress the need for a sense of community among members.
The word commonly used to express 'solidarity' in Urdu is 'bhaichara' (literally brotherhood). Girls at Dhabas coined the term ‘behenchara’ (sisterhood) as a spin on the original. By reframing the word 'bhaichara,' Girls at Dhabas aims to claim language and the vernacular to articulate a vision of a broader feminist solidarity, radically re-imagining traditional gender relations through the lens of sisterhood and collectivism.
The 11th annual World Creole Music Festival was held in 2007, part of the island's celebration of independence from Great Britain on 3 November. A year-long reunion celebration began in January 2008, marking 30 years of independence. Dominica is often seen as a society that is migrating from collectivism to that of individualism. The economy is a developing one that previously depended on agriculture.
Western and East Asian cultures differ in their norms and practices such that they likely alter the brain's perception. Western culture tends to stress individualism and independent attainment, while East Asian culture focuses on collectivism and relationships. The result of the different societies is two unique methods of thinking. In addition to affecting cognition, the two cultures also alter one's visual perception of their environment.
Sometimes referred to as a social problem in Japanese discourse, hikikomori has a number of possible contributing factors. Alan Teo has summarized a number of potential cultural features that may contribute to its predominance in Japan. These include tendencies toward conformity and collectivism, overprotective parenting, and particularities of the educational, housing and economic systems. Acute social withdrawal in Japan appears to affect both genders equally.
The Christian Centre — For a Germany according to GOD's commandments (), abbreviated CM, is a Christian conservative fringe party in Germany. Without parliamentary representation, it is a party that represents strict ultra- conservative Christian values. Unlike the more moderate Party of Bible-abiding Christians, the party's core values overlap with those of far-right ideology, emphasising anti-Semitism, national conservatism, anti-pluralism, anti-LGBT and ethnic collectivism.
That same year, the Party condemned and opposed prostitution. Many women Panthers began to demand childcare to be able to fully participate in the organization. The Party responded by establishing on-site child development centers in multiple US chapters. "Childcare became largely a group activity", with children raised collectively, in accord with the Panther's commitment to collectivism and the African-American extended-family tradition.
Likewise, growing interest in documentary as a practice is opening the definition of documentary beyond considerations of finished documents, to include the act of documenting itself. This expansion of the definition of documentary work became possible when consumer-level video cameras became widely available.The Collective Camcorder in Art and Activism: 1968-2000, Jesse Drew. In Collectivism After Modernism,, B. Stimson and G. Shollette, eds.
The most important author (and political figure) of this movement was Joaquín Costa. El “regeneracionismo” de Joaquín Costa. Jaume Valles Muntadas. El Pais, 17 January 2014 He caused a commotion with his works Colectivismo agrario en España ("Agrarian Collectivism in Spain", 1898) and Oligarquía y caciquismo como la forma actual de gobierno en España ("Oligarchy and caciquism as the current form of the Spanish government", 1901).
Anarchists were treated similarly in the Second International, being ultimately expelled in 1896. Bakunin famously predicted that if revolutionaries gained power by Marx's terms, they would end up the new tyrants of workers. In response to their expulsion from the First International, anarchists formed the St. Imier International. Under the influence of Peter Kropotkin, a Russian philosopher and scientist, anarcho-communism overlapped with collectivism.
The New Hegelians. Cambridge University Press, 2006 p. 194 Though Stirner's philosophy is individualist, it has influenced some libertarian communists and anarcho-communists. "For Ourselves Council for Generalized Self-Management" discusses Stirner and speaks of a "communist egoism", which is said to be a "synthesis of individualism and collectivism" and says that "greed in its fullest sense is the only possible basis of communist society".
Roberts was an "old-fashioned liberal" who believed strongly in individual responsibility and sound finance. He had read and admired John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. He came from a family that traditionally voted Liberal but he believed that the Liberals had embraced collectivism and that the Conservatives stood for the old liberalism. His daughter Muriel recalled that Roberts "was always a Liberal at heart".
Assimilation did not mean amalgamation. Cultural diversity was not something to be appreciated, it was a problem that needed to be solved. This was the United States of "separate but equal." To put the period in historic context, House Concurrent Resolution 108 passed in 1953, McCarthyism was in full swing and the Communist Control Act of 1954 was designed to keep "collectivism" out of politics.
19–23 Economic unrest in the 1890s was represented by populism and the People's Party. Although using anti-capitalist rhetoric, it represented the views of small farmers who wanted to protect their own private property, not a call for communism, collectivism, or socialism.Draper, pp. 36–37 Progressives in the early 20th century criticized the way capitalism had developed but were essentially middle class and reformist.
Barbu, p.199 By then also an anticapitalist, he identified in Jewry the common source of economic liberalism and communism, both seen as internationalist forces manipulated by a Judaic conspiracy.Tismăneanu, p.65 As an opponent of modernization and materialism, he only vaguely indicated that his movement's economic goals implied a non-Marxian form of collectivism, and presided over his followers' initiatives to set up various cooperatives.
An identity disturbance is a deficiency or inability to maintain one or more major components of identity. These components include a sense of continuity over time, emotional commitment to representations of self, role relationships, core values and self-standards, development of a meaningful world view, and recognition of one's place in the world.Westen, D. (1985). Self and society: Narcissism, collectivism, and the development of morals.
23 China is culturally a collectivist country, and identities are often described as Confucian collectivism which emphases the social relationship and group welfare over individual needs. Chinese consumers are concerned with positional value consumption in their luxury fashion brand purchasing behaviour. They perceive and pursue comprehensive values associated with luxury fashion brands. Chinese consumers put more emphasis on social value brands compared with other countries.
Takano, Y., & Osaka, E. (1999). An unsupported common view: Comparing Japan and the US on individualism/collectivism. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2(3), 311-341. The study published in 1970 by Robert Frager from the University of California, Santa Cruz found that the percentage of conformity errors within the Asch paradigm was significantly lower in Japan than in the United States, especially in the prize condition.
Collectivist anarchism is contrasted with anarcho-communism, where wages would be abolished and where individuals would take freely from a storehouse of goods "to each according to his need". It is most commonly associated with Mikhail Bakunin, the anti-authoritarian sections of the International Workingmen's Association and the early Spanish anarchist movement.Blonna, Alex (1977). Marxism and Anarchist Collectivism in the International Workingman's Association, 1864-1872. Blonna.Esenwein, George Richard (1989).
Individualism and collectivism are related to low-context and high-context cultures, respectively. Within high-context cultures, people rely on their networks of friends and family, viewing their relationships as part of one large community. In low-context cultures, relationships are not viewed as important figures to identity. People within low-context cultures see their relationships much looser and the lines between networks of people are more flexibly drawn.
Family is an essential cultural element of the Mossi, who hold collectivism in high regard. Individualism does not exist in traditional Mossi culture: one’s actions and behaviors are always taken to be characteristics of one's family. They must always ask an elder in order to do something. As a result, all are expected to act in their family's name; thus, the family is the smallest entity in the Mossi society.
Most of modern western societies, such as the United States and European countries are directed towards individualism, while the eastern societies like China and Japan, are directed towards collectivism. Those of a collectivistic culture emphasize deeply on the unity one has with their families. They put others' needs before their individual desires. An individualistic culture is geared towards one's own personal achievements and it signals a strong sense of competition.
The Natural Economic Order (, in short NWO; published in Bern in 1916) is considered Silvio Gesell's most important book.Maximilian May, Capitalism - Money Interest and Assets: A critical approach to discern inconsistencies, GRIN Verlag, 2011, p. 82. It is a work on monetary reform and land reform. It attempts to provide a solid basis for economic liberalism in contrast to the 20th-century trend of collectivism and planned economy.
Collectivism versus individualism is also a theme. Maya's independence and departure from the beehive is seen as reproachable, but it is atoned by her warning of the hornets' attack. This show of loyalty restores her position in the society. In the hornet attack part of the story, the bees' will to defend the hive and the heroic deaths of bee officers are glorified, often in overtly militarist tones.
Pierre Caziot was born in Crézancy-en-Sancerre, Cher, on 24 September 1876. Caziot ran a farm there that his family had owned for nearly 600 years. He became well known as a farmer and agricultural engineer, and was a member of the Academy of Agriculture. In 1919 he attacked the agrarian collectivism that the Left was advocating, and the move towards large, mechanized farms that some technocrats favored.
The resultant society gains and allocates resources according to the quote "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!".Marx K. (1937) Marx:Critique of the Gotha Program. Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR: Moscow, p. 14 The communist approach eliminates scarcity in all respects, and represents a society from a pure collectivism school of thought, based upon the utilitarian moral perspective.
His religion combines elements of the Russian Orthodox Church with Buddhism, apocalypticism, collectivism, and ecological values. Torop founded the Church of the Last Testament in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia in 1991 just before the fall of the USSR. He predicted the imminent end of the world with only his followers being saved. His followers observe strict regulations, including abstaining from meat,The Argus, Brighton 2002 smoking, drinking alcohol and the use of money.
148–149 thus unwittingly paralleling, or anticipating, the semiotics of Roland Barthes. Alex Goldiș, "Adrian Marino și utopia teoriei literaturii", in Cultura, Nr. 343, October 2011 With Între două lumi, he still rejected individualism and subjectivity, but also nuanced his corporatist collectivism. As he noted, militancy in favor of either philosophy had sparked the modern crisis. The solution, Ralea suggested, was for man to rediscover the simple joys of anonymity.
Since October 2, 2001, ARI has held that Iran should be the primary target in the war against "Islamic totalitarianism". ARI is generally supportive of Israel. Of Zionism, Yaron Brook writes: "Zionism fused a valid concern – self-preservation amid a storm of hostility – with a toxic premise – ethnically based collectivism and religion". ARI is highly critical of environmentalism and animal rights, arguing that they are destructive to human well-being.
The individualist element avers the ethical primacy of the human being against the pressures of social collectivism, the egalitarian element assigns the same moral worth and status to all individuals, the meliorist element asserts that successive generations can improve their sociopolitical arrangements, and the universalist element affirms the moral unity of the human species and marginalises local cultural differences.Gray, John. Liberalism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995. , p. xii.
His practical experience as a farm manager combined with socialist, "single-tax," and Slavic communal ideas shaped his world view. He proposed a form of agrarian socialism with large state farms to counteract the inefficiency of very small holdings. In independent Poland he advocated expropriation of gentry estates. His observation of peasant individualism convinced him that Poland should combine voluntary collectivism and individual possession of the leased land.
"For Ourselves Council for Generalized Self-Management" discusses Stirner and speaks of a "communist egoism", which is said to be a "synthesis of individualism and collectivism" and says that "greed in its fullest sense is the only possible basis of communist society".For Ourselves, The Right to Be Greedy: Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything, 1974. Forms of libertarian communism such as insurrectionary anarchism are influenced by Stirner.Alfredo M. Bonanno .
The governor of Moscow, Vice Admiral Fyodor Dubasov, tried to arrest the ringleaders, which merely provoked a citywide uprising. The revolt was based in Maxim Gorky's apartment—bombs were made in the study and food for the revolutionaries in the kitchen. Gorky disliked the Bolsheviks' dogmatic collectivism but saw them as an ally against the backward peasants and Tsar. The Joint Council of Volunteer Fighting Squads armed the workers with 800 stockpiled weapons.
Cultural differences such as being in a collectivistic versus an individualistic society can influence the general privacy settings chosen by users. In a study that analyzed varying Twitter privacy behaviors across the globe, there appeared a cultural difference between countries. In this study, culture was measured through individualism and uncertainty avoidance. According to Hofstede's cultural dimensions, individualism is a heavy focus on the person while collectivism is more based on group effort.
Collectivism was an important part of Marxist–Leninist ideology in the Soviet Union, where it played a key part in forming the New Soviet man, willingly sacrificing his or her life for the good of the collective. Terms such as "collective" and "the masses" were frequently used in the official language and praised in agitprop literature, for example by Vladimir Mayakovsky (Who needs a "1") and Bertolt Brecht (The Decision, Man Equals Man).
McCarthy quoted from King Football and Harris denied that it represented his current opinions. Harris disavowed ever believing in communism except in the sense of collectivism in "convents and monasteries". According to Time, "Harris showed a bureaucrat's tendency to engage in long-winded arguments with his pursuers." He accused McCarthy of using one-sided testimony to charge the IIA with supporting communism and said McCarthy's efforts were harming anti-communist propaganda efforts.
Among the major traits of a new Soviet man was selfless collectivism. The selfless new man was willing to sacrifice his life for good causes.Richard Overy, The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia, p301 This trait was glorified from the first Soviet days, as exemplified by lines from the poem Vladimir Ilyich Lenin by the Soviet poet Vladimir Mayakovsky: > Who needs a "1"? The voice of a "1" :is thinner than a squeak.
His views of national economy were shaped by the teachings of St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. He criticized liberal capitalism, regarding it as immoral. He expressed the opinion that both liberal capitalism and communism were joined by collectivism, and in his opinion, both doctrines had the same root, which was materialistic outlook. According to his philosophy, communist destroyed the human existence, exploiting an individual in the name of the creation of utopia.
The term 'Anodyne' refers to pain relieving methods, drugs or remedies, used prior to the 20th century. Under the collectivism policy, for example, farmers were not only deprived of their properties but a large swath of these were also exiled in Siberia with no means of survival. Those who were left behind and attempted to escape the zones of famine were ordered shot. There were foreign individuals who witnessed this atrocity or its effects.
The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism is a fictional book in George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). The book was supposedly written by Emmanuel Goldstein, the principal enemy of the state of Oceania's ruling party. The Party portrays Goldstein as a member of the Inner Party who continually conspired to depose Big Brother and overthrow the government.Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) in the omnibus George Orwell (1980) Book Club Associates, pp. 847–849.
The story received major changes over the course of development. Garry Schyman, the composer of the first game, returned to create the score for BioShock 2. BioShock 2 takes place eight years after the events of BioShock, with the city having fallen into a dystopia. A new leader, Sofia Lamb, has risen up in the power vacuum after the death of Ryan and Fontaine, and has created a Utilitarianism and Collectivism-type cult of personality.
The story of Tsogo High School begins with the Catholic Sisters of Mercy. The Sisters of Mercy is an Irish Catholic Union of Sisters which dates back to the 1970s and has amongst other things worked to establish community centres, schools, adult education centres and various centres across the country and globe. The Union has worked for over 30 years to assist and uplift communities through Christianity and philosophies of collectivism and self-help.
The Colloque Walter Lippmann (English: Walter Lippmann Colloquium), was a conference of intellectuals organized in Paris in August 1938 by French philosopher Louis Rougier. After interest in classical liberalism had declined in the 1920s and 1930s, the aim was to construct a new liberalism as a rejection of collectivism, socialism and laissez-faire liberalism. At the meeting, the term neoliberalism was coined by Alexander Rüstow, referring to the rejection of the (old) laissez-faire liberalism.
Man Equals Man (), or A Man's a Man, is a play by the German modernist playwright Bertolt Brecht. One of Brecht's earlier works, it explores themes of war, human fungibility, and identity.Full Catalogue One of the agitprop works inspired by the developments in USSR praising the bolshevik collectivism and replaceability of each member of the collective (along with The Decision and "Verwisch die Spuren").Bertolt Brecht and the Politics of Secrecy by Eva Horn, p.
Anti-Creative follows the DIY (do-it-yourself) punk ethic. The label likes to expand on this concept by saying they also consider themselves a "do-it-together" independent record label, stressing the importance of community and cooperation (as opposed to competition). To help promote cooperation and collectivism, the label works closely with other labels with similar ideology as opposed to competing with them. In this way, they support small labels and encourage others to do so as well.
According to researchers, low trust societies are typically kinship based; outcomes of low trust societies can include difficulty in forming and maintaining corporate structures. Mechanisms and institutions that are corrupted, dysfunctional, or absent in low-trust societies include respect for private property rights, a trusted civil court system, democratic voting and acceptance of electoral outcomes, and voluntary tax payment. Research has identified a correlation between individualism with high-trust societies, and collectivism with low-trust cultures.
The concepts of collectivism and individualism have been applied to high- and low-context cultures by Dutch psychologist Geert Hofstede in his Cultural Dimensions Theory. Collectivist societies prioritize the group over the individual, and vice versa for individualist ones. In high-context cultures, language may be used to assist and maintain relationship-building and to focus on process. India and Japan are typically high-context, highly collectivistic cultures, where business is done by building relationships and maintaining respectful communication.
There was more organized and ideological opposition to Cárdenas. Right-wing political groups opposed Cárdenas's policies, including the National Synarchist Union (UNS), a popular, pro-Catholic, quasi-fascist movement founded in 1937 opposed his "atheism" and collectivism. Catholic, pro-business conservatives founded the National Action Party (PAN) in 1939, which became the principal opposition party in later years and won the presidency in 2000.Alan Knight, "Lázaro Cárdenas" in Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture vol.
Also in July 2018, he inveighed against "gender ideology", which he described as a form of "social collectivism the centre-right must fight against". He is also critical of the right of abortion as well as euthanasia. On 21 July 2018, in the National Congress of the PP, he vowed to "reconquer the Catalan people", by "turning the hypothetical Tabarnia into a real Tabarnia". He has declared the "Hispanidad" to be the mankind's greatest feat, only comparable to romanization.
He believes that morality, political systems and religion are all influenced by regional variations in pathogen levels. In particular, Thornhill and colleagues have suggested that collectivism and xenophobia serve to ward off infectious disease. In support of this, they reported that collectivist cultures had a higher prevalence of pathogens than individualist ones. Thornhill has also suggested that pathogen defense could help explain civil and ethnic warfare, homicide, patriarchal family structures, and social suppression of female sexuality.
Some political philosophies consider the state undesirable, and thus consider the formation of a stateless society a goal to be achieved. A central tenet of anarchism is the advocacy of society without states. The type of society sought for varies significantly between anarchist schools of thought, ranging from extreme individualism to complete collectivism. In Marxism, Marx's theory of the state considers that in a post-capitalist society the state, an undesirable institution, would be unnecessary and wither away.
Branford and Geddes worked together to develop a view of sociology rooted in the ideas of Auguste Comte and Frédéric Le Play.Defries, Amelia 1928. Pioneers of Science. New York: Book For Libraries Press, 1970. Where Geddes concentrated on civic and regional issues, Branford focused more on the ‘pure sociology’ of general theory. They allied this with a Comtean view of the role of sociology in social reconstruction and promoted a politics of the ‘Third Alternative’ between liberalism and collectivism.
After leaving the Soviet Union, he went to Germany and his experiences with National Socialism further convinced him of the dangers of collectivism and absolutism in general. He became more convinced of the importance of individual rights and of the value of the US Bill of Rights. He was posted by the Monitor to East Asia, and he wrote Japan Over Asia based on what he learned there about Japanese militarism. He was transferred to France (von Mohrenschildt 1970).
After returning to the US, he lived in Washington, DC, and then in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Much of his later work was aimed at criticizing communism, socialism, and other forms of collectivism. He continued to write both scholarly books and more popular articles. His The Confessions of an Individualist was an autobiography published in 1940, shortly before his collaboration with Russian Review, which was to last until his death from a stroke 28 years later (von Mohrenschildt 1970).
The researchers provide a framework to explain this, suggesting that high arousal positive states are needed in order to influence someone else, where low arousal positive states are useful for adjusting to someone else. This explanation is in line with the collectivism-individualism dichotomy: American values promote individual autonomy and personal achievement, where Asian values promote relational harmony. Emotion expression is consequently seen to be influenced largely by the culture in which a person has been socialized.
"(p163) "But if the family is a form of socialism which corrects the exaggerated individualism of capitalist economists, it is also a form of liberty which corrects the exaggerated collectivism of statists."(p163) "The more the state invades the family, the less likely the prospect of self-government."(p165) The family is the first defense against utopianism. "Those who seek moral perfection, full self- fulfillment, high happiness" are opposed to "the constraints of matrimony and childrearing.
The book was a great success, it was reprinted three times, fourth reprint was terminated by the outbreak of the war. Doboszyński's view of Polish national economy was shaped by the works of Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas. His critique of liberal capitalism and collectivism was based on the teachings of the Roman Catholic church. Doboszyński argued that both capitalism and communism, seemingly so different from each other, were based on anti-Christian, materialistic outlook.
Some favored imitating Western Europe while others were against this and called for a return to the traditions of the past. The latter path was advocated by Slavophiles, who held the "decadent" West in contempt. The Slavophiles were opponents of bureaucracy who preferred the collectivism of the medieval Russian obshchina or mir over the individualism of the West. More extreme social doctrines were elaborated by such Russian radicals on the left as Alexander Herzen, Mikhail Bakunin, and Peter Kropotkin.
As anarchism is a philosophy that embodies many diverse attitudes, tendencies, schools of thought, disagreement over questions of values, ideology and tactics is common. Its diversity has led to widely different uses of identical terms among different anarchist traditions which has created a number of definitional concerns in anarchist theory. The compatibility of capitalism, nationalism and religion with anarchism is widely disputed. Similarly, anarchism enjoys complex relationships with ideologies such as communism, collectivism, Marxism and trade unionism.
Motivations can be for a common cause or individually motivated purposes. Some collectives are simply people who enjoy painting with someone else and have no other goals or motivations for forming their collective. A worker cooperative is a type of horizontal collectivism wherein a business functions as a partnership of individual professionals, recognizing them as equals and rewarding them for their expertise. The working collective aims to reduce costs to clients while maintaining healthy rewards for participating partners.
Cœurderoy vigorously opposed the republican and socialist leaders who he saw as responsible for the defeat of the 1848 Revolution in France, which he had participated in. Under the triple influence of Charles Fourier, Pierre Leroux and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, he advocated for a system that was a "synthesis of collectivism and libertarian mutualism". He demanded collective ownership of the means of production, free access for all to work instruments, individual property and the mutual exchange of labor products.
Some political philosophies consider the state undesirable, and thus consider the formation of a stateless society a goal to be achieved. A central tenet of anarchism is the advocacy of society without states. The type of society sought for varies significantly between anarchist schools of thought, ranging from extreme individualism to complete collectivism. In Marxism, Marx's theory of the state considers that in a post- capitalist society the state, an undesirable institution, would be unnecessary and wither away.
Left-libertarians like anarchists, libertarian Marxists and market-oriented left-libertarians argue in favor of libertarian socialist economic theories such as collectivism, communism, mutualism and syndicalism. Daniel Guérin wrote that "anarchism is really a synonym for socialism. The anarchist is primarily a socialist whose aim is to abolish the exploitation of man by man. Anarchism is only one of the streams of socialist thought, that stream whose main components are concern for liberty and haste to abolish the State".
Gilbert Adair, writing in The Independent (23 Jan 2004) reached a somewhat different conclusion: "because of the sheer force of Gance's faith in his disreputable material, hokum not merely squared but cubed, and above all because one genuinely does find oneself moved, it is one of the medium's demented masterworks". On its feminism and collectivism, see Norman King, Abel Gance: a politics of spectacle. (London: BFI, 1984.) p.174; and Sylvie Dallet, Boîter avec toute l’humanité, in 1895, no.
His frequent comments against socialism peppered the articles that he wrote for popular magazines and journals as well. As a Hearst columnist, De Casseres routinely railed against socialism, communism, and other forms of collectivism, and he excoriated those who promoted such political structures, including H. G. Wells, Upton Sinclair, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. De Casseres was also a staunch opponent of Prohibition. He used his position as a well-known editorialist to criticize, often satirically, prohibition policies.
This does not imply that evaluation apprehension is the reason why a person has more anxiety when they have more social desirability. However, this correlation does imply that someone with high desirability is more likely to have manifest anxiety when there is high evaluation apprehension rather than in cases of low evaluation apprehension. Other studies have revealed that there is a relationship between collectivism and corruption. Recent research has shown that evaluation apprehension may moderate this association.
And we can just found the change by observing their eating habits. But there is still no validity study to get a further research between them. Although the young people of collectivist may have some characteristic of individualism, We can still assume that they might be more collectivist at some stage. We always think that the individualism and collectivism are something native, however, the eastern young people now didn't act as an interdependent person like their parents.
Economic notions of prosperity often compete or interact negatively with health, happiness, or spiritual notions of prosperity. For example, longer hours of work might result in an increase in certain measures of economic prosperity, but at the expense of driving people away from their preferences for shorter work hours. In Buddhism, prosperity is viewed with an emphasis on collectivism and spirituality. This perspective can be at odds with capitalistic notions of prosperity, due to the latter's association with greed.
Westernizers favored imitating Western Europe while others renounced the West and called for a return of the traditions of the past. The latter path was championed by Slavophiles, who heaped scorn on the "decadent" West. The Slavophiles were opponents of bureaucracy and preferred the collectivism of the medieval Russian mir, or village community, to the individualism of the West. Westernizers formed an intellectual movement that deplored the backwardness of Russian culture, and looked to western Europe for intellectual leadership.
Veks political agenda was eclectic. The journal's publicist section bore a strong narodnik influence: Yeliseyev, Afanasy Shchapov, and Nikolai Shelgunov promoted the idea of Russia's own, non-capitalist way of development, based on historical tradition of collectivism. Vek strongly supported the idea of common people's active participation in affairs of the state, demanding more social and political freedoms. Writers belonging to the radical left, who contributed also to Sovremennik and Iskra, also found their tribune in Vek.
" As anarcho-communism emerged in the mid 19th century it had an intense debate with Bakuninist collectivism and as such within the anarchist movement over participation in syndicalism and the workers movement as well as on other issues."This inability to break definitively with collectivism in all its forms also exhibited itself over the question of the workers' movement, which divided anarchist-communism into a number of tendencies.""Anarchist- Communism" by Alain Pengam So "In the theory of the revolution" of anarcho- communism as elaborated by Peter Kropotkin and others "it is the risen people who are the real agent and not the working class organised in the enterprise (the cells of the capitalist mode of production) and seeking to assert itself as labour power, as a more 'rational' industrial body or social brain (manager) than the employers." So "between 1880 and 1890" with the "perspective of an immanent revolution", who was "opposed to the official workers' movement, which was then in the process of formation (general Social Democratisation).
He also notices the disappearance of Syme during one of his working days. Weeks later, Winston is approached by O'Brien, who invites Winston over to his flat, which is noted as being of far higher quality than Winston's. O'Brien introduces himself as a member of the Brotherhood and sends Winston a copy of The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Goldstein. Meanwhile, during the nation's Hate Week, Oceania's enemy suddenly changes from Eurasia to Eastasia, with no-one seemingly noticing the shift.
His ideas were directly inherited by Hayek and Friedman the leading political economists of the post-war era to influence American capitalism. Rappard predicted the Soviet Union's redundant for Collectivism would cause the economy to implode under its own weight. "Exploitation of the masses" he argued worked neither under capitalism nor communism. But the consequences of the failure of the League of Nations to prevent war, and the totality of the American victory caused an institutional blindness among elites, entrenching an infallible dogmatism.
Historically, as Māori collectivism gave way to Christian individualism, Māori have increasingly been forced into the Pākehā model of the nuclear family. This has meant that Māori women have become increasingly vulnerable as their dependence on their husbands has increased and as they have become increasingly isolated from their broader community. In addition, Māori women often end up with the jobs that Pākehā women do not want. It can therefore seem that Māori women end up with the ‘scraps’ from Pākehā women.
Collectivism is a value that is characterized by emphasis on cohesiveness among individuals and prioritization of the group over the self. Individuals or groups that subscribe to a collectivist worldview tend to find common values and goals as particularly salient and demonstrate greater orientation toward in-group than toward out-group. The term "in-group" is thought to be more diffusely defined for collectivist individuals to include societal units ranging from the nuclear family to a religious or racial/ethnic group.
Taquileños run their society based on community collectivism and on the Inca moral code ama sua, ama llulla, ama qhilla, (Quechua for "do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy"). The island is divided into six sectors or suyus for crop rotation purposes. The economy is based on fishing, terraced farming horticulture based on potato cultivation and tourist-generated income from the approximately 40,000 tourists who visit each year. Taquile's families own rams, sheep, cows, chickens and sometimes guinea pigs.
Leathes's publications include Vox Clamantis: Essays on Collectivism (1911) under the pseudonym Numa Minimus; under his own name he published Eton: Life in College (1881), edited A Grace Book Containing the Proctors' Accounts and Other Records of the University of Cambridge for the years 1454–1488 (1897), The Claims of the Old Testament (1897), The People of England (3 vols., 1915–23), The Teaching of English at the Universities (1913), What is Education? (1913) and Rhythm in English Poetry (1935).
During that time, she studied the position of women in traditional societies and transformation of a rural family. In her post-war work, Ehrlich developed the evolutionary phases of the relationship and structure of rural families, analyzing the examples of collectivism as the indicative phase of the pre- individualist processes in the South Slavic social milieu. According to individual and social behavior, she defined a regional traditional cultural complex. She also noticed changes in the "tribal" society of mountain regions of SFR Yugoslavia.
The economics of the Zapatista occupied Chiapas is based on collectivism using the cooperative model with syndicalist aspects. The means of production are cooperatively owned by the public and there are no supervisors or owners of the property. All economic activity is local and self-sufficient, but products may be sold to the international market for fundraising purposes. The most famous examples of this model are the Zapatista coffee cooperatives that bring in the most income for the Zapatista movement.
Schachtman condemned the USSR's invasion of Finland. Viewing these invasions, Shachtman argued that the USSR was not a "workers' state", but a new form of class-stratified society, "bureaucratic collectivism", in which workers and peasants were exploited by a class of bureaucratic elites.S. Ryan "Albert Glotzer," Encyclopedia of Trotskyism Online, Marxists Internet Archive, Glotzer joined with Shachtman and helped to found the Workers Party, later known as the Independent Socialist League, which was absorbed by the Socialist Party in 1958.
Marshall began his economic work, the Principles of Economics, in 1881, and spent much of the next decade at work on the treatise. His plan for the work gradually extended to a two-volume compilation on the whole of economic thought. The first volume was published in 1890 to worldwide acclaim, establishing him as one of the leading economists of his time. The second volume, which was to address foreign trade, money, trade fluctuations, taxation, and collectivism, was never published.
In 1565, the Second Mexican Ecclesiastical Council met to discuss how to implement to the decisions of the Council of Trent (1546–1563). The Catholicism being imposed here was heavily influenced by the Counter-Reformation and required total assent from its believers. Its main thrust was not on individual belief or conscience but on collective observation of clerically ordained precepts and practices. This combination of authoritarianism and collectivism became transferred to the Indies during the course of the 16th century.
Both issues focused on politics and human rights, and were therefore comparable. Respondents were asked to choose "favor," "neutral" or "oppose" in regards to the categories of themselves, family and friends, the media, society, and society in the future about the given issue. Measurements were also taken regarding the individualism and collectivism constructs, and the "motives of not expressing opinion" based on a 1–10 and 1–5 scale respectively, in approval of given statements. Results showed support for the original hypothesis.
Cross-cultural differences in its usage also distinguish Western relationship marketing from Chinese guanxi. Unlike Western relationship marketing, where networking plays a more surface-level impersonal role in shaping larger business relations, guanxi plays a much more central and personal role in shaping social business relations. Chinese culture borrows much of its practices from Confucianism, which emphasises collectivism and long-term personal relations. Likewise, guanxi functions within Chinese culture and directly reflects the values and behaviours expressed in Chinese business relations.
Some of these communicative goals affect the hearer's still, thus, threatening their autonomy. It has been found that “collectivism influences the importance members of cultures place on relational concerns in conversation” (Kim, 1995). Therefore, members of this culture place more emphasis on face-supporting behaviors, such as avoiding harming the other's feelings than when members are pursuing goals. Compared to members of individualistic cultures, these members “have higher thresholds for face support and select strategies to maximize face support” (Kim, 1995).
They shared as one major ideal the spirit of collectivism—both in the socialist platform and in the idea of collective bargaining. The most prominent American unions of the time included the American Federation of Labor, the Knights of Labor and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). In 1869, Uriah S. Stephens founded the Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor, employing secrecy and fostering a semireligious aura to "create a sense of solidarity".Tindall et al., 1984, p. 827.
Oversimplified as this may seem, we shall find the idea more easily > acceptable if we consider that bigness, or oversize, is really much more > than just a social problem. It appears to be the one and only problem > permeating all creation. Whenever something is wrong, something is too big. > ... And if the body of a people becomes diseased with the fever of > aggression, brutality, collectivism, or massive idiocy, it is not because it > has fallen victim to bad leadership or mental derangement.
217 and famously declared that "property is theft!" in reference to his rejection of ownership rights to land being granted to a person who is not using that land. After Dejacque and others split from Proudhon, the relationship between individualists, and anarcho-communists was characterized by various degrees of antagonism and harmony. For example, individualists like Tucker at once translated and reprinted the works of collectivists like Mikhail Bakunin while rejecting the economic aspects of collectivism and communism as incompatible with anarchist ideals.
Oversimplified as this may seem, we shall find the idea more easily > acceptable if we consider that bigness, or oversize, is really much more > than just a social problem. It appears to be the one and only problem > permeating all creation. Whenever something is wrong, something is too big. > [...] And if the body of a people becomes diseased with the fever of > aggression, brutality, collectivism, or massive idiocy, it is not because it > has fallen victim to bad leadership or mental derangement.
In 1974, the husband and wife pair of Florence Ludins-Katz and Elias Katz founded Creative Growith in their garage. Ludins-Katz was an artist and Katz was a psychologist. A product of Bay Area grassroots collectivism and the disability-rights movement of the 1970s, the nonprofit Creative Growth Art Center is currently run by the filmmaker and former curator, Tom di Maria. Eventually, Creative Growth relocated to a former auto-repair shop near downtown Oakland, California where it currently operates.
In the first decade of the 20th century, several British writers lauded Japan. In 1904, for example, Beatrice Webb wrote that Japan was a "rising star of human self-control and enlightenment", praising the "innovating collectivism" of the Japanese, and the "uncanny" purposefulness and open-mindedness of its "enlightened professional elite." H. G. Wells similarly named the élite of his A Modern Utopia "samurai". In part this was a result of the decline of British industrial productivity, with Japan and Germany rising comparatively.
A multi-country study, based on the GLOBE culture model, found that virtual communication environments were experienced differently by people from different cultures. The culture dimension individualism- collectivism was most strongly and very significantly related to how positively or negatively team members experienced videoconferences and telephone conferences, compared to face-to-face meetings. People from collectivistic societies showed a stronger preference for face-to-face meetings and evaluated virtual meetings more negatively compared to people from more individualistic societies.Westphal, P. (2016).
Rand argued that limited intellectual property monopolies being granted to certain inventors and artists on a first-to-file basis are moral because she considered all property as fundamentally intellectual. Furthermore, the value of a commercial product derives in part from the necessary work of its inventors. However, Rand considered limits on patents and copyrights as important and said that if they were granted in perpetuity, it would necessarily result in de facto collectivism. Rand opposed racism and any legal application of racism.
Aufheben Cliff and the neo-Trotskyist theory of the USSR as state capitalist in What Was The USSR? A relatively recent text by Stephen Resnick and Richard D. Wolff, titled Class Theory and History, explores what they term state capitalism in the former Soviet Union, continuing a theme that has been debated within Trotskyist theory for most of the past century. Other left-wing theories regarding Soviet-style societies include bureaucratic collectivism, deformed workers' states, degenerated workers' states and new class.
Individualistic cultures focus on the “I” consciousness while the collectivistic cultures have a greater emphasis on the “We” consciousness . According to the Key Concepts in Developmental Psychology individualism and collectivism have multiple factors which contribute to whether a culture is considered individualistic or collectivistic . Things such as the national wealth of the county, indices of modernity, the freedom of press, and even the frequency of traffic deaths. All of these play a roll in whether a county identifies as individualistic or collectivistic.
The Labour Governments of 1945–1951 enacted a political programme rooted in collectivism that included the nationalisation of industries and state direction of the economy. Both wars had demonstrated the possible benefits of greater state involvement. This underlined the future direction of the post-war economy, and was also supported in the main by the Conservatives. However, the initial hopes for nationalisation were not fulfilled and more nuanced understandings of economic management emerged, such as state direction, rather than state ownership.
By the end of the series, the administration, becoming desperate for Number Six's knowledge as well as fearful of his growing influence in the Village, takes drastic measures that threaten the lives of Number Six, Number Two, and the rest of the Village. A major theme of the series is individualism, as represented by Number Six, versus collectivism, as represented by Number Two and the others in the Village. McGoohan stated that the series aimed to demonstrate a balance between the two points.
It also associated with higher preferences for health and attractiveness in mates. Higher fertility rates and shorter or less parental care per child is another association that may be a compensation for the higher mortality rate. There is also an association with polygyny which may be due to higher pathogen load, making selecting males with a high genetic resistance increasingly important. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more collectivism and less individualism, which may limit contacts with outside groups and infections.
Although Stirner's philosophy is individualist, it has influenced some libertarian communists and anarcho-communists. "For Ourselves Council for Generalized Self-Management" discusses Stirner and speaks of a "communist egoism" which is said to be a "synthesis of individualism and collectivism" and says that "greed in its fullest sense is the only possible basis of communist society".For Ourselves, The Right to Be Greedy: Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything, 1974. Forms of libertarian communism such as Situationism are influenced by Stirner.
She has criticised gender quotas on corporate boards and advocated a policy of equality based on individualism rather than collectivism. She has also written on integration and education. In February 2014 she attracted much attention by calling in a debate on the Sveriges Radio channel 1 programme P1 Debatt for a clear definition of the term "racism" and questioning whether racism in Sweden was structural. She also argued that it was time for a more nuanced, less dogmatic and polarising debate on the issue.
The majority of the Berliner Schule directors studied at the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb) and got to know each other there. But the Berliner Schule is not specifically a Berlin-based phenomenon. Christoph Hochhäusler studied at the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film in Munich, Henner Winckler and studied at the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, and Valeska Grisebach studied at the Filmacademy Vienna. Some of the directors work together (Revolver), while some of them don't know each other personally or reject any Berlin School collectivism.
Even though obesity has increased among most of the population in China, the burden of obesity has shifted onto the lower educated population, likely due to a lack of physical education or health education. Students in China are beginning to gain equal opportunities to physical education and sports to further improve their physical health and strength. Sport and physical education in China is extremely influenced by Confucianism which emphasizes collectivism. The values it holds emphasizes self-sacrifice and subordination of one's interests to those of others.
The philosophy of economics also deals with questions such as what, if any, are the social responsibilities of a business; business management theory; theories of individualism vs. collectivism; free will among participants in the marketplace; the role of self interest; invisible hand theories; the requirements of social justice; and natural rights, especially property rights, in relation to the business enterprise. Business ethics is also related to political economy, which is economic analysis from political and historical perspectives. Political economy deals with the distributive consequences of economic actions.
Before widespread formal education, Cantonese opera taught morals and messages to its audiences rather than being solely entertainment. The government used theatre to promote the idea of be loyal to the emperor and love the country (). Thus, the government examined the theatre frequently and would ban any theatre if a harmful message was conveyed or considered. The research conducted by Lo showed that Cantonese Operatic Singing also relates older people to a sense of collectivism, thereby contributing to the maintenance of interpersonal relationships and promoting successful ageing.
The complex is designed with community and collectivism in mind. The two villas on the property were remodeled and fit into the new complex as community units with banquet room, billiard rooms, playrooms for children and guest rooms. There was a small restaurant where it was possible to eat or order food to the apartments and a cleaning service. The space between the apartment blocks and around the central villa was made into a garden with fountains and trees from the former gardens of the villas.
After the installation of the constitutional July Monarchy (1830–1848), the term Republican was outlawed and the regime's remaining Republican opponents adopted the term Radical for themselves. Following the monarchy's conservative turn, Alexandre Ledru-Rollin and Louis Blanc formulated a Radical doctrine. At this time, radicalism was distinct from and to the left of the July Monarchy's doctrinal liberalism. Radicals defended traditional peasant farmers and small craftsmen against the new rival economic projects of the 19th century, socialist collectivism and capitalist big business alike.
During the 1930s, the Soviet Union was lead by Joseph Stalin, who sought to reshape Soviet society with aggressive economic planning. As the leader of the Soviet Union, he constructed a state whose policies have been blamed for millions of deaths. A campaign of political repression, including arrests, deportations, and executions of people proclaimed traitors engaged in sabotaging collectivism, often targeted for belonging to specific demographic groups rather than as individuals, occurred from 1929 to 1932. The bourgeois were labeled kulaks and were class enemies.
Modernism, industrialisation, reaction to capitalism and mass migration helped anarchism to flourish and to spread around the globe. Major schools of thought of anarchism sprouted up as anarchism grew as a social movement, particularly anarcho-collectivism, anarcho-communism, anarcho- syndicalism, and individualist anarchism. As the workers' movement grew, the divide between anarchists and Marxists grew as well. The two currents formally split at the fifth congress of the First International in 1872, and the events that followed did not help to heal the gap.
Orwell believed that modern states could bring about the desires of the Spanish Inquisition to not only control men but also control their thoughts. This could be achieved through technological breakthroughs, such as the telescreen, a two-way television that allows continuous government surveillance of the population. Efficient use of such technology to control the populace requires centralisation, and the four ministries of Oceania – the Ministries of Truth, Peace, Love, and Plenty – fill this need. Oligarchical collectivism: The Oceanian social-class pyramid in the year 1984.
NSK's best-known member is also its founder, the musical group Laibach. Other NSK members include groups such as IRWIN (visual art), Scipion Nasice Sisters Theatre (also known as Red Pilot and Cosmokinetic Theatre Noordung), New Collective Studio (graphics; also known as New Collectivism), Retrovision (film and video), and the Department of Pure and Applied Philosophy (theory).Anonymous. "State of Art: the new Slovene Avant Garde" (2004). Northwest Film Forum and Scala House, program for exhibit November 18-November 24, 2004 at Northwest Film Forum, Seattle.
The local Travel Agency, Munay Taquile, has been established to regain control over tourism. The people in Taquile run their society based on community collectivism and on the Inca moral code ama sua, ama llulla, ama qhilla, (do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy). The island is divided into six sectors or suyus for crop rotation purposes. The economy is based on fishing, terraced farming based on potato cultivation, and tourist-generated income from the roughly 40,000 tourists who visit each year.
She found that differences in cognition mapped onto regional differences in collectivism and individualism. That paper alone has been cited over 3000 times in just over 10 years. In fact this paper is honored on the ISI Web of Science ("Hot Topic in Psychology/Psychiatric" in July 2002 as the fastest increasing citation impact of that year, and in 2004 "Top 3 Hot Papers Published in the Last Three Years for Psychology/Psychiatry"). A few years later,Oyserman, D., & Lee, S. W. S. (2008).
The album Snakes & Arrows dealt primarily and vociferously with Peart's opinions regarding faith and religion. The song "2112" focuses on the struggle of an individual against the collectivist forces of a totalitarian state. This became the band's breakthrough release, but also brought unexpected criticism, mainly because of the credit of inspiration Peart gave to Ayn Rand in the liner notes. "There was a remarkable backlash, especially from the English press, this being the late seventies, when collectivism was still in style, especially among journalists", Peart said.
Nina Demme (, 1902– 16 March 1977) was a Russian polar explorer, biologist, and ornithologist. She was one of the first women to explore the Arctic and have charge of a polar expedition. Raised in an polyamorous household in Kostroma, she attended the first women's gymnasium in Russia from 1907 to 1914 and then studied to become a teacher. After taking workers courses under Lenin's wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, she taught collectivism in the Ufa Governorate before settling in Leningrad in 1921 to study at the Geographical Institute.
The story follows the life of the fictional character Howard Roark, an individualistic young architect who chooses to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision. Roark fights to design modern architecture despite resistance from the traditionally minded architectural establishment. Roark's complex relationships with the individuals who assist or hinder his progress allow the film to be both a romantic drama and a philosophical work. Roark represents Rand's embodiment of the human spirit, and his struggle represents the struggle between individualism and collectivism.
Two-thirds of the village doctors currently practicing in rural China began their training as barefoot doctors. This includes Chen Zhu, China's former Minister of Health, who practiced as a barefoot doctor for five years before going on to receive additional training. The barefoot doctor system was abolished in 1981 with the rise of Deng Xiaoping and the end of the commune system of agricultural cooperatives. The new economic policy in China promoted a shift from collectivism to individual production by the family unit.
"Taylor, Stuart Jr. Does the President Agree with this Nominee?, The Atlantic. 2005-05-03. In the same speech, Brown explained that the Federalist Society had been described as a "rare bastion (nay beacon) of conservative and libertarian thought" in her invitation to speak, and that the "latter notion [had] made your invitation well-nigh irresistible." She also gave hints of her philosophical foundations, approvingly quoting descriptions of private property as "the guardian of every other right" and collectivism as "slavery to the tribe.
The Chinese New Left () is a school of political thought in China that criticizes capitalism and some aspects of Chinese economic reform. It favors certain elements of Maoism, including the significant role of state planning, the preservation of state-owned enterprises, and a renewed collectivism. The ambiguity of the term New Left in China arises from its breadth. Generally speaking, New Left can be applied to a person who embraces leftist theories, ideals and traditions ranging from Marxism to socialism, postmodernism and other schools criticizing neoliberalism.
Individualist societies, however, are very different to collectivist through their promotion of looking out for oneself, rather than worrying about the needs of the group. This is partly due to these cultures being predominantly in geographical locations which are under a lot less danger from parasite invasions. Unlike collectivists, individualists make much less of a distinction between in-groups and out-groups. A clear distinction, that individualism shows from collectivism, comes from the active encouragement individualist cultures place upon individuals straying from the current social norms.
The cushion hypothesis attempts to explain this difference. It suggests that members of a collectivist society are more prone to risk-taking in the financial domain, because they know they will more likely receive help from their friends or extended family when they "fall", as collectivism endorses social relatedness and interdependence. Social networks in such societies can serve as potent material-risk insurance and correspond to the notion "social capital". Decision-making in the corporate world of group-oriented societies, however, can be much different.
Laibach performing at wRacku Festiwal 2010 NSK's best-known member is the musical group Laibach. Other NSK member groups include IRWIN (visual art), Noordung (theater; originally named Scipion Nasice Sisters Theatre, also known as Red Pilot), New Collective Studio (graphics; also known as New Collectivism), Retrovision (film and video), and the Department of Pure and Applied Philosophy (theory).Anonymous. "State of Art: the new Slovene Avant Garde" (2004). Northwest Film Forum and Scala House, program for exhibit 18 – 24 November 2004 at Northwest Film Forum, Seattle.
Triandis's early contributions to the field of cross-cultural psychology involved the development of several culture-sensitive measurements. He was president of several academic societies such as the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (1976), the Interamerican Society of Psychology (1987-1989), the Association of Applied Psychology (1990-1994), and Division 8 and 9 of the American Psychological Association in 1977 and 1976, respectively. Triandis was well-known for his extensive research on individualism and collectivism. He died in Carlsbad, California on 1 June 2019, aged 92.
Rousseau's political theory differs in important ways from that of Locke and Hobbes. Rousseau's collectivism is most evident in his development of the "luminous conception" (which he credited to Denis Diderot) of the general will. Rousseau argues that a citizen cannot pursue his true interest by being an egoist but must instead subordinate himself to the law created by the citizenry acting as a collective. Rousseau's striking phrase that man must "be forced to be free" Oeuvres complètes, III, 364; The Collected Writings of Rousseau, IV, 141.
288x288px Though Wilson's rhetoric paid homage to the traditional skepticism of government and "collectivism" in the Democratic Party, after his election he would embrace some of the progressive reforms which Roosevelt campaigned on. 302x302pxTaft campaigned quietly, and spoke of the need for judges to be more powerful than elected officials. The departure of the progressives left the conservative even more firmly in control of the Republican Party. Much of the Republican effort was designed to discredit Roosevelt as a dangerous radical, but this had little effect.
The Third Socialist Workers' Congress of France was held in Marseille, France, in 1879. At this congress the socialist leaders rejected both cooperation and anarchism, both of which would allow the existing regime to continue, and adopted a program based on collectivism. The congress also adopted a motion that women should have equal rights to men, but several delegates felt that essentially woman's place was in the home. The congress has been called a triumph of Guesdism and the birthplace of French Marxist socialism, but both claims are open to question.
The noted Mariologist Gabriel Roschini called the 1942 consecration of the human race to the Immaculate Heart of Mary "the greatest honour, which anyone can imagine. It is the highest manifestation of the Marian cult."Quoted in Höchst, 265. It opens new perspectives for salvation history. He and others see the consecration as a new “Marian way”, neither collectivism nor unlimited liberalism. The consecration to Mary by Pope Pius means “that an age of the Church” had begun: Through Mary we understand the super-natural destiny of mankind and every human being.
While Villard continued to champion civil liberties, civil rights, and anti-imperialism after World War I, he largely abandoned his previous belief in laissez-faire economics. During the 1930s, he welcomed the advent of the New Deal and called for nationalization of major industries. In 1943, he engaged in a debate with philosopher Ayn Rand on the topic of collectivism versus individualism, sponsored by the American Economic Association, which was published in a number of newspapers.J. Burns, Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right, 2009, Oxford University Press, p. 95.
After graduating from Chuo University in Tokyo in 1968, he moved back to Okinawa and ran a juku, a private school. Matayoshi was trained as a Protestant preacher, and through his religious studies developed a particular concept of Christianity strongly influenced by eschatology. In 1997, he established the World Economic Community Party (世界経済共同体党), a political party based on his conviction that he was God. His concept was both religious and political, a mix of Christian eschatology like Augustine's De civitate Dei ("City of God") and conservative collectivism.
The Compatriots Club was an unofficial grouping of British Conservatives between 1904 and 1914. According to E. H. H. Green, the club "was made up of a membership of Conservative MPs, academics, journalists, and writers, functioned as a form of 'think tank' to generate Conservative ideas on the economy, imperial relations, defence, and other issues." Members included William Cunningham, William Hewins, William Ashley, Lord Milner, Leo Amery, John Waller Hills, and Arthur Steel-Maitland. The theme of the club was a hostility to laissez-faire and individualism with an affinity to collectivism.
The early Mont Pelerin Society, Jones notes, had little effect on political policy. Instead, it acted as "a siren call, a warning about the tragic possibilities of moving in the direction" of greater collectivist government intervention "which Western politics, economy, and society seemed to be moving." Importantly, Jones argues it helped to "create a transatlantic neoliberal network that would...combat the New Deal and social-democratic political establishments in Britain and the United States", "combat the forces of collectivism", and refine neoliberal thought into a workable set of policies.
A series of bank failures in late 1930 heralded a larger collapse of the economy in 1931. Bank failures continued in 1931 as foreign investors withdrew money from the United States, and the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in order to prevent outflow of gold. While other countries left the gold standard, Hoover refused to abandon it; he derided any other monetary system as "collectivism." By mid-1931, the unemployment rate had reached 15 percent, giving rise to growing fears that the country was experiencing a depression far worse than recent economic downturns.
He recognized and was acutely critical of the trends of socialism from above in collectivism, including theories that were based in voluntary cooperation. Unlike Bellamy, who praised the idea of elites implementing policies, Hayek made the argument that socialism inherently leads to tyranny, claiming that "[i]n order to achieve their ends, the planners must create power – power over men wielded by other men – of a magnitude never before known. Democracy is an obstacle to this suppression of freedom which the centralized direction of economic activity requires. Hence arises the class between planning and democracy".
Ted Joslin, 1932 By the end of 1930, the national unemployment rate had reached 11.9 percent, but it was not yet clear to most Americans that the economic downturn would be worse than the Depression of 1920–21. A series of bank failures in late 1930 heralded a larger collapse of the economy in 1931. While other countries left the gold standard, Hoover refused to abandon it; he derided any other monetary system as "collectivism." Hoover viewed the weak European economy as a major cause of economic troubles in the United States.
In France, philosopher Emmanuel Mounier (1905–1950) was the leading proponent of personalism, around which he founded the review Esprit, which exists to this day. Under Jean-Marie Domenach's direction, it criticized the use of torture during the Algerian War. Personalism was seen as an alternative to both liberalism and Marxism, which respected human rights and the human personality without indulging in excessive collectivism. Mounier's personalism had an important influence in France, including in political movements, such as Marc Sangnier's Ligue de la jeune République (Young Republic League) founded in 1912.
A variety of predominantly Trotskyist and anarchist thinkers argue that class conflict existed in Soviet- style societies. Their arguments describe as a class the bureaucratic stratum formed by the ruling political party (known as the nomenklatura in the Soviet Union), sometimes termed a "new class", that controls and guides the means of production. This ruling class is viewed to be in opposition to the remainder of society, generally considered the proletariat. This type of system is referred by them as state socialism, state capitalism, bureaucratic collectivism or new class societies.
Neozapatismo is generally held to be based to some extent on anarchism, Mayan tradition, Marxism,"The Zapatista Effect: Information Communication Technology Activism and Marginalized Communities " the thoughts of Emiliano Zapata, and the thoughts of Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano. Neozapatismo appears to have been influenced by libertarian socialism, libertarian Marxism (including autonomism), social anarchism, anarcho-communism, anarcho-collectivism, anarcho-syndicalism, communalism, direct democracy, and radical democracy. Subcomandante Marcos has offered some clues as to the origins of neozapatismo. For example, he states: > Zapatismo was not Marxist-Leninist, but it was also Marxist-Leninist.
One of the most prominent and influential studies to date regarding leadership in a globalized world is the Hofstede dimensions of culture. The study reveals similarities as well as differences across cultures and emphasizes the need to be open-minded to understand the differences in other cultures. Hofstede utilizes six dimensions of culture to compare cultures to give leaders an understanding of how to adjust their leadership styles accordingly. These dimensions include individualism/collectivism, feminine/masculine, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, long-term/short- term orientation, and indulgence/restraint.
For example, "an act may not injure the honor of other persons, nor should it adversely affect the mores and customs of society, or public order, or national security." In line with the principle of socialist collectivism, citizens were obligated to carry out "the state's political line and defend collective property." The Constitution also addressed principles governing culture, education, social welfare, and public health. Development of language, literature, the arts, and science and technology was stressed, along with the need for cultural preservation, tourist promotion, and cultural co-operation with foreign countries.
Countries according to collectivism–individualism and monumentalism–flexibility values in child education. Japan is in the upper-right corner, tending towards individualism and flexibility. Japanese adults are more likely to consider self-directness- related traits such as independence, individual responsibility, perseverance and imagination as being important goals in the education of children than are adults from most other cultures. On the other hand, Japanese adults are less likely to value traits such as religious faith or obedience as worthwhile goals for educating children in comparison with adults from other cultures.
Gust Yep, noticing the potential vulnerability and emotional volatility of sexual interaction, applied face-negotiation theory to the safe sex negotiation context.Yep, 1998 The study integrated various components of face-negotiation theory, and eight propositions are derived from empirical testing in intimate communication scenarios including East-West romantic dyads. The research is based on preliminary observations on personal interviews with two Asian women, aiming to predict intimate communication patterns between Asian women and Euro- American men. Specifically, low-high context and individualism-collectivism frameworks are used to draw the eight propositions.
The solidarist ideology of NTS was built on the Christian understanding of people's collective social responsibility for each other's welfare, and the voluntary cooperation between the different layers (as opposed to classes) of society, in opposition to the Marxist concept of the class struggle. It also believed strongly in the "sanctity of the individual", in contrast to Marxist collectivism. From a 1967 English language NTS pamphlet: > Unlike Communism, Solidarism provides a twentieth-century basis for dealing > with present day issues. It rejects a purely materialistic approach to > social, economic and political problems.
This sense of collectivism allowed for a certain amount of laxity in the conversion of the Native American population as many outward practices were indeed similar. Both systems intertwined religious and secular authority, practiced a type of baptism with subsequent renaming of the child and the practice of communion had parallels with eating replicas of Aztec divinities with blood. Franciscan and Dominican studies of Native American culture and language led to a certain amount of appreciation for it. It was definitely different from the Islam that the Reconquista had created such hatred for.
Many aspects of Guevara's personality and beliefs affected the filming process. For instance, close-ups of Del Toro were avoided due to Guevara's belief in collectivism, with Soderbergh remarking, "You can't make a movie about a guy who has these hard-core sort of egalitarian socialist principles and then isolate him with close-ups." According to Edgar Ramirez, who portrays Ciro Redondo, the cast "were improvising a lot" while making The Argentine, and he describes the project as a "very contemplative movie", shot chronologically. While filming outdoors, Soderbergh used natural light as much as possible.
Schoenfeld writes that Macdonald "selects historical incidents that can be used to support his thesis and conveniently omits others that challenge his thesis". Schoenfeld points to what he sees as Macdonald's "unfamiliarity with both the sociological frame of reference and historical knowledge", and as an example, notes that Macdonald's comparison of Jewish collectivism during the biblical period with eighteenth- and nineteenth- century English individualism "indicates a total ignorance of the impact of industrialization on Western societies".Eugen Schoenfeld. Review: A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy by Kevin MacDonald.
The "experiences of Li County" were used by regional officials to caution against implementation of Tachai-style collectivism in the mid-1970s. The collective farms in the area saw decreasing year-on-year yields of grain until, by 1976, all 29 of the county's communes were consuming more grain than they produced. This provoked official action, which denounced the complaints as "sabotage" and "poison", in the period between the fall of the Gang of Four and the rise of Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms.The Monitoring Service of the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Bourguiba henceforth, urged the adoption of reforms aiming to restructure both the State organization and the SDP one. Therefore, the party leadership switched from a political office to a high committee. Nevertheless, in the start of August, he announced his will to focus on a social and economic agenda, insisting on justice for the victims of collectivism and thus, put political issues aside. Official picture of Bourguiba's cabinet, in the early 1970s. The socialist era being over, the government was in the hands of liberal Hedi Nouira, appointed prime minister in 1970.
In his review for AllMusic, Thom Jurek states, "The music Zooid creates has the subtlety and lyricism of fine poetry. Given Threadgill's reputation as a musical polymath, this shouldn't be a surprise, because, as evidenced here, in his own way he is reinventing jazz from the inside out." The Down Beat review by Bill Meyer notes, "Despite a conceptual debt to the collectivism of Ornette Coleman's harmolodics, you won't mistake this music for anyone's other than Threadgill's, even though he keeps a tight rein on his own plating."Meyer, Bill.
The film's mostly male characters move in choreographed constant motion as they interact with their industrial environment, referencing the compromised history of Soviet-style collectivism. Like other Pictures Generation artists, Beckman's films focus on the ways in which stereotypes shape an individual's self-image, revealing their origin in a generation raised on mass media. The kinetic movements of the actors are based on the "task-oriented" choreography of Lucinda Childs and Trisha Brown. Beckman's work has been shown at the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
The social exchange theory postulates that altruism only exists when benefits to the self outweigh costs to the self. Daniel Batson is a psychologist who examined this question and argues against the social exchange theory. He identified four major motives: to ultimately benefit the self (egoism), to ultimately benefit the other person (altruism), to benefit a group (collectivism), or to uphold a moral principle (principlism). Altruism that ultimately serves selfish gains is thus differentiated from selfless altruism, but the general conclusion has been that empathy-induced altruism can be genuinely selfless.
Triandis et al., 1995 This can be confusing when trying to measure collectivism on an individual level, which is why the term allocentrism has been suggested.Triandis et al., 1985 One way to measure allocentrism is to look at what it is correlated with which includes high affiliation with others, low need to be unique, and high sensitivity to rejection.Yamaguchi et al., 1995 Allocentrism includes a sense of self that is interdependent which can be measured by statements about the self-starting with "I am" or by using interdependence scales.
The Durruti Column (Spanish: Columna Durruti), with about 6,000 people, was the largest anarchist column (or military unit) formed during the Spanish Civil War.Antony Beevor Walka o Hiszpanię 1936-1939. Pierwsze starcie totalitaryzmów, original title The Battle for Spain. The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939, Kraków 2009, page 186 During the first months of the war, it became the most recognized and popular military organisation fighting against Franco, and it is a symbol of the Spanish anarchist movement and its struggle to create an egalitarian society with elements of individualism and collectivism.
From the native standpoint, a former US Senator from Colorado Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of the Northern Cheyenne, said of assimilation and termination in a speech delivered in Montana: The policy for termination of tribes collided with the Native American peoples' own desires to preserve native identity and reflected in an activism that increased after World War II and survived through the anti-collectivism era of Joseph McCarthy. The termination policy was changed in the 1960s and rising activism resulted in the ensuing decades of restoration of tribal governments and increased Native American self-determination.
The cause for demonstrations has been attributed by some public intellectuals to misunderstanding of post-socialist political elite who rejected "collectivism as socialist pattern" while, according to notable Slovene anthropologist Vesna V. Godina it is in fact a "pre-socialist pattern", originating from the way the traditional Slovene rural community was functioning much longer than in other – mainly Protestant and to much lesser degree in the mainly Catholic – modern nations, who have replaced traditional political culture earlier in history by the modern representative democracy and individualism.Interview with Vesna V. Godina, Večer, 5 December 2012.
Some musical instruments are liwul (flute), kibeek (guitar), ligangaln (drum), kiwujabik (type of flute), lidabuln (type of drum) and ukpiihn (horn). Cultural costumes include unaa (decorated horns), tangana (traditional cloth), tanbena (dancing cloth decorated with beads and pearls), tibaan (jingles) etc., Household utensils/detergents include libuul (clay coolers), nkin (clay pot), sagbo (jar), kiyiik (calabash), bukpakpaankiib (traditional soap) among others. Bravery and hardwork of Bikpakpaam: The core values of Bikpakpaam include: bravery, hard work, determination, generosity, hospitality, courage, and collectivism, love of family life and support for family members.
Wilson's position in 1912 stood in opposition to Progressive party candidate Theodore Roosevelt's ideas of New Nationalism, particularly on the issue of antitrust modification. According to Wilson, "If America is not to have free enterprise, he can have freedom of no sort whatever." In presenting his policy, Wilson warned that New Nationalism represented collectivism, while New Freedom stood for political and economic liberty from such things as trusts (powerful monopolies). Wilson was strongly influenced by his chief economic advisor Louis D. Brandeis, an enemy of big business and monopoly.
The first dimension created to measure cultural differences was individualism-collectivism, which was built with the intention of avoiding one-sided comparisons of “us” vs “them”. This way of categorizing people has been used for years to explain the differences seen between people in Western vs. Eastern countries, for example what the common beliefs and goals of a culture are. From this perspective, Westerners have made claims that “the Japanese lacked individuality,” and such claims have been made back by saying that people from Western countries are “self- centered” or “self-serving”.
Recent research has shown that this viewpoint does not adequately explain cross-cultural differences and is unsupported by empirical research. Researchers have now shown that this common view of an individual-collective difference between cultures has relied too heavily on casual observations to be accurate. Likewise that converse observations, as well as some historical events, have proven that this viewpoint is outdated and, overall, unsupported. On the other hand, the concept of naïve dialecticism is an alternative to the outdated use of individualism- collectivism to explain cultural differences between Western and Eastern countries.
In 1917, while participating in a community mowing project during her schooling, Demme learned of the Bolsheviks and quickly became a founding member of the Komsomol in Kostroma. By 1919, she was a leader in the Komsomol, entering the labor school commune and participating in the provincial committee. In 1920, she went to Moscow to take workers courses under Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lenin's wife, and studied collectivism. When she completed the courses, she was sent to the Ufa Governorate in the Ural Mountains to pass on the information to the masses.
547–548 However, the work was heavily reliant on Marxist sociology, hypothesizing that socialist societies had perfected new incentives for workers to set collective objectives and succeed at them.A. Huhnwald, "Bibliographie. Ralea M., Hariton T., Sociologia succesului", in Revue Française de Sociologie, Nr. 2/1964, pp. 219–220 According to psychologist Edgar Krau, Ralea and Herseni gave credibility to "the tenet that the individualistic ethics of capitalism disunites and hurts people"; however, they ignored the reality of communism, which was "not [its] collectivism, but the all-pervading party tuition".
The Agrarian Party of Russia was founded on 26 February 1993, by the head of the Altai Republic, Mikhail Lapshin and Vasily Starodubtsev, governor of the Tula region and former member of the USSR's State Committee on the State of Emergency. During their leadership (1993-2004), the party made an alliance with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) and the Fatherland – All Russia bloc. Until 2008, the party supported agrarian socialism and collectivism. Founder Mikhail Lapshin led the party until 2004; its most recent leader was Vladimir Plotnikov.
The year 2012 marked an especially notable period for the party as it was officially restored, and the registered leader Olga Bashmachnikova was elected Executive Director of the Agricultural Association on May 18. This led the party to take a new direction, moving away from the ideologies of agrarian socialism and collectivism towards centrism. The party has abandoned the Alliance with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), which was in the union since its foundation. The APR is currently united with the People's Front for Russia and the Russian Ecological Party "The Greens".
A significant characteristic of communal coping is 'dependency'. Cultural (collectivism versus individualism) and social factors play into how we expect others to depend on us and how much we are willing to depend on others. Communal coping will perhaps be perceived as a cost in situations where there is a lack of mutual understanding and expectation within a social unit consisting of members experiencing a common or personal stressful event. In such instances, Lyon et al noted individuals in the social unit will need to deal with issues such as equity and individual-adaptation.
Tarrida gave this speech at the Bellas Artes palace as a representative of an affinity group in commemoration of the Chicago Haymarket affair two years prior. Tarrida, himself, did not publicly engage in the factionism between collectivism and communism, though his earlier works adopted a collectivist position. In 1890, the French anarcho-communist journal Le Révolté charged the Spanish anarchist movement as overly collectivist and prone to authoritarian organization. The journal challenged Tarrida to defend his position, and in an open letter, he affirmed their differences in tactics but agreement in ultimate goal.
Bakunin eventually diverged sharply both personally and ideologically from Marx and such a divergence is evident in his thought. Bakunin never advocated a dictatorship of the proletariat, but instead a collectivism based on communes and cooperative worker's associations allied together into a decentralized and stateless federation. In his Revolutionary Catechism he laid down the principles on which he believed a free, anarchist society should be founded upon. This included the political organization of society into communes: The autonomous commune is furthermore based upon the complete liberty of the individual and dedicated to its realization.
Hofstede developed his original model as a result of using factor analysis to examine the results of a worldwide survey of employee values by IBM between 1967 and 1973. It has been refined since. The original theory proposed four dimensions along which cultural values could be analyzed: individualism-collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; power distance (strength of social hierarchy) and masculinity-femininity (task-orientation versus person-orientation). Independent research in Hong Kong led Hofstede to add a fifth dimension, long-term orientation, to cover aspects of values not discussed in the original paradigm.
In situations where one gender responds in an alternative manner to their prescribed roles, the other sex may not even accept their deviant gender role. The level of reactions experienced by people exposed to foreign cultures can be compared similarly to the reactions of gender behaviors of the opposite sex. The degree of gender differentiation in a country depends primarily on the culture within that nation and its history. Hofstede's masculine-feminine dichotomy divides organizations into those exhibiting either compassion, solidarity, collectivism and universalism, or competition, autonomy, merit, results and responsibility.
Anarchism as a social movement in Cuba held great influence with the working classes during the 19th and early 20th century. The movement was particularly strong following the abolition of slavery in 1886, until it was repressed first in 1925 by President Gerardo Machado,Matthews, Herbert L., Revolution in Cuba, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1975, p. 223 and more thoroughly by Fidel Castro's Marxist–Leninist government following the Cuban Revolution in the late 1950s. Cuban anarchism mainly took the form of anarcho-collectivism based on the works of Mikhail Bakunin and, later, anarcho-syndicalism.
Adrian writes to Zeitblom that collectivism is the true antithesis of Bourgeois culture; Zeitblom observes that aestheticism is the herald of barbarism. Apocalypsis is performed in Frankfurt in 1926 under Otto Klemperer with 'Erbe' as the St. John narrator. Zeitblom describes the work as filled with longing without hope, with hellish laughter transposed and transfigured even into the searing tones of spheres and angels. Adrian, producing the concerto which Rudi solicited, attempts to evade his contract and obtain a wife by employing Rudi as the messenger of his love.
He observed that Peru at the time had many characteristics of a feudal society. He argued that a transition to socialism should be based on traditional forms of collectivism as practiced by the Indians. In a famous phrase, Mariátegui stated "the communitarianism of the Incas cannot be denied or disparaged for having evolved under an autocratic regime." In 1929, Mariátegui participated in the establishment of the General Confederation of Peruvian Workers (CGTP), which then sent a delegate to Montevideo for the Constituent Congress of the Latin American Trade Union Conference.
According to Florence Faucher-King and Patrick Le Galés, "New Labour's leadership was convinced of the need to accept a globalized capitalism and join forces with the middle classes, who were often hostile to the Unions", therefore shaping policy direction. New Labour offered a middle way between the neoliberal market economics of the New Right which it saw as economically efficient; and the ethical reformism of post-1945 Labour which shared New Labour's concern for social justice.Vincent 2009, p. 93. New Labour's ideology departed with its traditional beliefs in achieving social justice on behalf of the working class through mass collectivism.
At this period he edited the works of Nicolas Malebranche (2 vols, 1842), of René Descartes (1842), Bossuet (1842) and of Antoine Arnauld (1843), and in 1844–1845 appeared the two volumes of his Histoire de l'école d'Alexandrie. He became a regular contributor to the Revue des deux mondes, and in 1847, with Amédée Jacques and Émile Saisset, founded the Liberté de penser, with the intention of throwing off the yoke of Cousin, but he retired when Jacques allowed the insertion of an article advocating the principles of collectivism, with which he was at no time in sympathy.
In the 1968 sequel The Death of a Nation, Stormer linked collectivism to the work of the Antichrist and discussed signs of the end times. In 1990, Stormer published None Dare Call It Treason... 25 Years Later, which contained the original book expanded with an equally-long update. In 1989, he also wrote that perestroika and glasnost were merely Soviet propaganda tools, drawing on KGB-defector Anatoliy Golitsyn's New Lies for Old. In 1984, Golytsin predicted that some degree of retreat from hardline communism would be used by the Soviets as a way to fool the West.
The English playwright Henry Arthur Jones was taken with the idea of Aristopia, and used it in his own polemical writings, as in his "The Tax-Wise Men of Aristopia"Henry Arthur Jones, "The Tax-Wise Men of Aristopia," The World's Work: A History of Our Time, Vol. 41 (November 1920-April 1921), p. 240. and his My Dear Wells.Henry Arthur Jones, My Dear Wells: Being a Series of Letters Addressed by Arthur Henry Jones to Mr. H. G. Wells, Upon Bolshevism, Collectivism, Internationalism, and the Distribution of Wealth, New York, E. P. Dutton, 1921; p. 242.
Porcinai was convinced of the need to apply the lessons of the garden to the ecology of the urban context. He attacked the arrogant imposition of architectural theory on the modern city. However, he did not confine his criticism to the architectural profession: he was prepared to indict modern society for the twin evils of materialism and collectivism. The solution must lie in a process of education – in his words “a task of evangelisation”. Frustrated by the architects’ domination of design education in the Italian universities, in the 1960s Porcinai resolved to establish an educational centre at Villa Rondinelli.
In the continuity of the company union of Biétry, the CSL is in favor of the association of capital and labor, is opposed to Marxism and collectivism, and denounces the French Communist Party as a civil war machine. The number of adherents of CSL was never published, but in professional elections, it obtained from 2% to 4% of the votes.Results from professional elections 1987-1997 La Documentation Française In October 2002, the CSL disappeared as a national union as a result of lack of funds. It called its supporters to join the Force Ouvrière union in the professional elections.
Historically and currently, East Asian cultures have emphasized collectivism more so than those in the West. For instance, while Asian emerging adults similarly engage in individualistic identity exploration and personal development, they do so within more constrictive boundaries set by familial obligation. For example, European and American emerging adults consistently list financial independence as a key marker of adulthood, while Asian emerging adults consistently list capable of supporting parents financially as a marker with equal weight. Some Asian emerging adults feel that getting married is a step only after school is finished and parents are cared for.
He argues that there is necessarily an important disconnect between government policy initiatives and the choices citizens make to realize their preferences. Addressing political sociology, Rosenberg similarly suggests that citizen attitudes and behaviors cannot adequately be explained by their social situation or cultural context. Rather than being simple learners, citizens actively reconstruct the information to which they are exposed. Throughout Rosenberg argues there is a need to recognize the quasi-independent structure of how people think. At several points in his writing, he has developed his ‘structural pragmatic’ view of political psychology to integrate the individualism of psychology and the collectivism of sociology.
Volin was a prolific writer and anarchist intellectual who played an important part in the organization and leadership of Nabat. He was one of the founders of Nabat along with being an editor of the newspaper that was published by the organization. Volin was considered to be a guiding spirit of the entire movement, and he was perpetually organizing, philosophizing, and publishing on behalf of the central body of Nabat in Kharkiv. Volin was charged with writing a platform that could be agreeable to all the major branches of anarchism, most importantly anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-collectivism/communism, and anarcho- individualism.
The IWCA was formed in 1995 by several organisations but primarily Red Action and Anti-Fascist Action.A DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, Red Action Initial sponsors included Communist Action Group, Colin Roach Centre, Open Polemic, Partisan, Red Action, the Revolutionary Communist Group and Socialist ParentIWCA leaflet, 1995 The founding groups argued that the likely election of a New Labour government would entrench the legacy of Thatcherism and further diminish the political influence of the working class.1985–2001: Anti-Fascist Action (AFA), The IWCA describes its ideology as stemming from the trade union collectivism of the 1970s.
His 1956 book, Treasury Control, documented fiscal policy in the UK. In 1965, British Politics in the Collectivist Age considered the conflict between liberal and conservative approaches in the UK following World War II. Britain Against Itself: The Political Contradictions of Collectivism (1982) analyzed the UK in the Thatcher era. He focused on the US in To Make a Nation: The Rediscovery of American Federalism (1993) about American political theory. Following his retirement from Harvard in 1982, Beer served on the faculties of both Boston College and Dartmouth College. He was also a senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
The same should be true of any government that disrespects its citizens. The central belief and fatal conceit of the current administration are that you are incapable of running your own life, but those in power are capable of running it for you. This is the essence of big government and collectivism." In February 2016, Charles Koch wrote an opinion piece for The Washington Post, titled "This is the one issue where Bernie Sanders is right" in which he argued that "Democrats and Republicans have too often favored policies and regulations that pick winners and losers.
On 25 September 1924, Grand Duke Alexander Michailovich issued an appeal to Russians to stand with Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich. It was at this time that Grand Duke Dimitri Pavlovich, who had no political ambitions for himself, supported instead the claim of his first cousin, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich. Grand Duke Dimitri was also active politically. Together with his cousin, Prince Dimitri Alexandrovich, he was very involved in the monarchist youth organizations which sprang up in the years between the wars. By 1923, the largest of these was the “Union of Young Russia” which preached orthodoxy, nationalism, monarchism and peasant collectivism.
His political experience in the U.S., rooted in observation of the Populists of the 1890s, led him to believe that the social friction caused by such a third party would lead to the destruction, through splintering of the farmers movements in general. Wood argued the Canadian farmers' movement should remain a grassroots democratic organization, or "economic solidarity group". Philosophically, he advocated for cooperative democracy against the autocratic and corrupting tendencies of competitive party politics. Wood's theory of group government was considered revolutionary at the time, with critics accusing his collectivism as introducing "Sovietism" to Westminster responsible government.
While the Labour Party still remained in power, it was forced to contend with a more vigorous opposition National Party. Under Holland's leadership, National repeatedly attacked the Labour Party's socialism, "big government" bureaucracy, collectivism, and the power of the trade unions. Some important policies propagated by the National Party included individual freedom, a free market, minimum bureaucratic intervention, restriction and regulation, and an acceptance of the welfare state. During the successful 1949 general election, Holland capitalized on the threat of Communist expansion in Eastern Europe, the government's perceived unwillingness to counter the militant waterfront unions, persisting wartime restrictions, and rising inflation.
In the novel, Goldstein is a character rumoured to be a former top member of the Party and an early associate of its leader, "Big Brother", but having broken away early in the movement and started "The Brotherhood". Ostensibly "The Brotherhood" is organized into cells, with each member required to read The Book, supposedly written by Goldstein, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. Goldstein is always the subject of the "Two Minutes Hate", a daily programme beginning at 11:00 a.m. at which an image of Goldstein is shown on the telescreen and subjected to extreme contempt.
When Notes From Underground was written, there was an intellectual ferment on discussions regarding religious philosophy and various 'enlightened' utopian ideas. The work is a challenge to, and a method of understanding, the larger implications of the ideological drive toward a utopian society. Utopianism largely pertains to a society's collective dream, but what troubles the Underground Man is this very idea of collectivism. The point the Underground Man makes is that individuals will ultimately always rebel against a collectively imposed idea of paradise; a utopian image such as The Crystal Palace will always fail because of the underlying irrationality of humanity.
Besides his academic study, Chung is also a firm supporter on Hall Education. Living in St. John's College of the University during his undergraduate and postgraduate study, he later became the residential tutor in Old Halls and Swire Hall. He has been the Warden of R. C. Lee Hall since 1992. Although he said that he had learned a lot from St. John's College, he thinks, apart from the traditional hall education in the University, which primarily advocates collectivism, focuses on inter-hall competition and creates greater social pressure among residents, there are other possible ways to conduct education in halls.
Neo-Babouvism is a revolutionary socialist current in French political theory and action in the 19th century. It hearkened back to the Conspiracy of the Equals of Gracchus Babeuf and his associates, who tried to overthrow the Directory at the end of the French Revolution. After Babeuf's execution, his programme of radical Jacobin republicanism and economic collectivism was propagated by Philippe Buonarroti, who had been associated with the Conspiracy of the Equals and survived. Buonarroti's writings influenced many French revolutionaries in the 1830s and 1840s, among them Théodore Dézamy, Richard Lahautière, Albert Laponneraye and Jean-Jacques Pillot.
In terms of cognition styles, Chinese tend to perceive image using a holistic view compared to American. Quantitative statistics of cultural products revealed that public media in western countries promote more individualistic components than East-Asian countries. These statistics are objective because it does not involve having people fill out questionnaire, instead, psychologists use physical measurements to quantitatively collect data about culture products, such as painting and photos. These statistics data can also be national records, for example, Chiao & Blizinsky (2010) revealed that cultures of high collectivism is associated with lower prevalence of mood/anxiety disorders in study involving 29 countries.
He started his literary journey from the Shah Jo Risalo of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. He wrote, compiled and translated books of various topics regarding religion and Islamix culture of Arabic and Persian in the Sindhi language He wrote a book Mufeed al taliba regarding the Logic during his educational years, which is being still taught at the various Madarassah. He wrote a book Social justice and Collectivism () (Roman-Sindhi name (Samaji Insaf aeen ijtamaayat)) in the light of Shah Wali ullah and a book on Features of the Quran . He edited Farsi-translated Quran and Tafsir Surah Saba.
Winston Smith's memories and his reading of the proscribed book, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein, reveal that after the Second World War, the United Kingdom became involved in a war during the early 1950s in which nuclear weapons destroyed hundreds of cities in Europe, western Russia and North America. Colchester was destroyed and London also suffered widespread aerial raids, leading Winston's family to take refuge in a London Underground station. The United States absorbed the British Commonwealth and Latin America, resulting in the superstate of Oceania. The new nation fell into civil war, but who fought whom is left unclear.
"The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State". In a series of powerful pamphlets, he defended the Paris Commune and the International against the Italian nationalist Giuseppe Mazzini, thereby winning over many Italian republicans to the International and the cause of revolutionary socialism. The collectivist anarchists at first used the term collectivism to distinguish themselves from the mutualism of the followers of Proudhon and the state socialists associated with Karl Marx. In his 1867 essay "Federalism, Socialism, and Anti-Theologism", Bakunin wrote that "we shall always protest against anything that may in any way resemble communism or state socialism" which Bakunin regarded as fundamentally authoritarian.
Olesha's literary debut would also become one of his most popular works: the novel Envy, which he published in 1927, follows five leading characters. Largely regarded as his greatest work, the novel thematically contrasts the old and new order, as well as individualism and collectivism, in Soviet Russia. During this period Olesha published another popular success: the fairy tale The Three Fat Men which he wrote in 1924 but did not publish until the year after his initial literary success. Olesha also wrote several short stories in the 1920s and 1930s, the most prominent of which are "Liompa" (1928), "The Cherry Stone" (1929), and "Natasha" (1936).
Western culture was referred to as an analytical culture whereas Eastern culture was referred more as a holistic culture. More specifically, individualism and freedom are the predominant values in Western societies, which in turn demand interpretation of an object in its absolute terms independent of its context. In contrast, Eastern culture is known for its emphasis on collectivism and interdependence on each other, where interpretation of an object is often in relation with its context A pioneer study examining these cultural differences in visual perception was conducted by Kitmaya et al. (2003). The findings of that study provide behavioural evidence on how cultural factors affect visual perception and attention deployment.
The zmei gorynych then flies across the Atlantic Ocean to destroy the United States, the land of individualism and freedom. The zmei gorynych proceeds to rape and kill an American woman, who symbolizes liberty and individualism, marking the triumph of the Asian collectivism over the Western individualism, the Russian "we" over the American "I". Afterwards, Komyaga learns his other Oprichniki all had the same vision, showing their minds are all being merged into one collective entity. Komyaga relates his demented, drug-fueled vision as an incantatory chant, using the style of a pseudo- medieval poem, which makes his vision sound both antiquated and blasphemous.
Noting the views of Luc Moullet, who contended that eroticism is always linked together with right wing ideology, Rosenbaum countered that By the Bluest of Seas successfully sexualizes the left-wing ideologies of collectivism and socialism, and dubbed the Caspian Sea, "a perfect emotional metaphor" for this. Writing that the sea's "force and beauty" represents the turbulent emotions of the characters, Friel agreed that symbolic meaning can be seen the film's use of the Caspian Sea. Despite the film's general acclaim, it has not fully escaped modern criticism. Nield and Nicholson both felt that the film is more of a cinematic achievement than an emotional one.
In the largely Islamized Albania of this period his fame largely faded, though his memory was still alive in oral tradition, to be rediscovered at the end of the 19th century when the Arbereshe passed their traditions concerning Skanderbeg to Albanian elites outside Italy. This way the figure of Skanderbeg was brought to the level of national hero. Albanian nationalist writers transformed Skanderbeg's history into myth and thus his figure and deeds became a mixture of historical facts, truths, half-truths, inventions, and folklore. The Myth of Skanderbeg is the only myth of Albanian nationalism that is based on a person; the others are based on ideas, abstract concepts, and collectivism.
He was also considered as Minister of Trade in Kolstad's Cabinet. In the 1934 Norwegian local elections Balchen stood as the Agrarians' top candidate, and the third candidate overall, on a joint list with Nasjonal Samling and the Free-minded People's Party. Already in 1931 Balchen had become a member of the 31-man strong "central committee" of Vidkun Quisling's organization at the time, Nordiske Folkereisning. In 1933 Balchen issued the pamphlet Nasjonal politikk ("National Politics"),Obituary, Nationen 12 June 1940 where he among others espoused the racial superiority of the Norwegian peopl, whose individualism would be a "bulwark against collectivism and the other isms of lesser peoples and social classes".
Ayn Rand's Objectivism rejects an array of ideas and modes of living that it deems are primitive by nature and indicative of a primitive culture. Objectivism views primitive states of existence as being "savage" and marred in mysticism, fatalism, ignorance, superstition, poverty, passivity, and collectivism. The cure to such a society Objectivism holds is Western civilization, capitalism and modernity,The Party of Modernity by David Kelley, The Atlas Society, November 2003 which in its view brings with it reason, individualism, science, industrialization, and ultimately wealth. Objectivists contend that Rousseauian romanticism of primitive life became the foundation for the 1960s' counterculture and New Left, which Rand vehemently opposed.
Hofstede, 1991 Besides the cultural-level collectivism- individualism and power distance, face-negotiation also consists of the individual-level self-construal. Self-construal is an individual level of the construct in face-negotiation theory, and it can be regarded as an additional alternative to understand cross-cultural conflicts, and it is also closely related to cultural variability. There are two types of self-construal: independent self-construal and interdependent self-construal. Independent self-construal refers to the great degree to which people regard themselves as an isolated entity, whereas people who are more interdependent self-construal tend to conceive themselves as an integral part in interpersonal relationship.
" Ibhawoh is a critic of absolute cultural relativism in the interpretation of human rights norms. He has argued that the cultural relativist stance has been dominated by urban-based elites whose perception of "cultural legitimacy" focuses on the idealized and invented traditions of collectivism, definitive gender roles, and conservative patriarchy in the interpretation of moral values.Corinne A. A. Packer, Using Human Rights to Change Tradition: Traditional Practices Harmful to Women's Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2002, p. 98 His book "Imperialism and Human Rights" has been described as "one of the first to explore the role rights performed during the process of decolonization of Africa.
It describes the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. The original theory proposed four dimensions along which cultural values could be analyzed: individualism-collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; power distance (strength of social hierarchy) and masculinity-femininity (task-orientation versus person-orientation). It has been refined several times since then. With the widespread access of people to the Internet and the high influence of online social networks (OSN) on daily life, users behavior in these websites have become a new resource to perform cross-cultural and comparative studies.
ABC No Rio was passed on to successive managements until today it is an anarchist cultural center run by a collective with close ties to the publishing group Autonomedia."Alan W. Moore, Artists' Collectives: Focus on New York, 1975-2000 in Collectivism After Modernism: The Art of Social Imagination after 1945, Blake Stimson & Gregory Sholette, (eds) University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2007, pp. 193-221 "In the bohemia of downtown Manhattan, the band - and crew - based practices of art rock and super-8 film making thrived. The first artists' group to achieve prominence in New York was Colab (Collaborative Projects), which produced a show in Times Square in 1980.
As an aspect of political thought in contemporary China, the emergence of Chinese Dream indicates a diversion of political ideology from egalitarianism to a relatively more libertarian individualist approach. It is worth noting that the concept is still based on collectivism rather than individualism for it sees the subject of Chinese Dream as the people of China as a whole instead of specific individuals. The idea was put forward by the new CPC general secretary Xi Jinping on 29 November 2012 and repeated by him on numerous important occasions. The Communist Party's propaganda chief, Liu Yunshan, has directed that the concept of the Chinese dream be incorporated into school textbooks.
In November 1936 a battalion of the Regiment of Militia led by Manuel Castro Iglesias in conscript socialists peasants. In December of that year the City Council resumed their regular sessions, after a first moment that the Defense Committee relegated it to the secondary. It is politically unitary because the seven councilors belong to the Spanish Federation of Workers of the Earth (FETT-UGT). At this time Guadamur presents an example of integral collectivism: only two farms occupied by then 52.2% of the municipality, and after the military uprising was the seizure of these and others, as well as small shops and homes of considered enemies of the Republic.
Zeidler was Milwaukee's third socialist mayor after Emil Seidel (1910–1912) and Daniel Hoan (1916–1940), making Milwaukee the largest American city to elect three socialists to its highest office. In 1958, the SPUSA welcomed former members of the Independent Socialist League (ISL), which before its 1956 dissolution had been led by Max Shachtman. Shachtman had developed a Marxist critique of Soviet communism as "bureaucratic collectivism", a new form of class society that was more oppressive than any form of capitalism. Shachtman's theory was similar to that of many dissidents and refugees from Communism, such as the theory of the "new class" proposed by Yugoslavian dissident Milovan Djilas.
In Canada today, however, red is commonly associated with the centrist Liberal Party. The term reflects the broad ideological range traditionally found within conservatism in Canada. Historically, Canadian conservatism has been derived from the Tory tradition, with a distinctive concern for a balance between individual rights and collectivism, as mediated through a traditional pre-industrial standard of morality – which has never been as evident in American conservatism. Red Toryism derives largely from a classical conservative tradition that maintained that the unequal division of wealth and political privilege among social classes can be justified if members of the privileged class practiced noblesse oblige and contributed to the common good.
The founding members of the group were Nathaniel Branden, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, Alan Greenspan, Joan Kennedy Taylor, Allan Blumenthal, Harry Kalberman, Elayne Kalberman, Joan Mitchell, and Mary Ann Sures (formerly Rukavina).; . This group became the nucleus of a growing movement of Rand admirers whose name was chosen by Rand as a joke based on Objectivism's staunch commitment to individualism and strong objection to all forms of Collectivism. The Collective originally started out as an informal gathering of friends (many of them related to one another) who met with Rand on weekends at her apartment on East 36th Street in New York City to discuss philosophy.
Ian Slater writes that Goldstein goes beyond George Orwell's beliefs in earlier work, such as A Clergyman's Daughter, in which the Middle makes a pretence of believing in equality. In Animal Farm, the state sought power to improve society, but once technological advances make equality possible, the Middle abandons their former promises, as socialism only stands in the way of their aims; they become explicitly tyrannical and openly hostile to equality. The new rhetoric of the Middle becomes Ingsoc and hierarchical collectivism. This pursuit of naked power, without any pretense of concern for equality, distinguishes the Party from previous tyrannies, though the Party initially justifies its control through dedication to socialism.
In its beginning, the subculture was seen as a threat to the collectivism of Cuban society, leading to make Frikis becoming victims of discrimination and police brutality. According to the New Times Broward-Palm Beach some Frikis were "rejected by family and often jailed or fined by the government", the 1980s Friki woman Yoandra Cardoso however has that argued that much of the response was verbal harassment from law enforcement. Dionisio Arce, lead vocalist of Cuban heavy metal band Zeus spent six years in prison due to his part in the Frikis. Some schools would forcible shave the heads of young Frikis as a form of punishment.
Minogue wrote academic essays and books on a great range of problems in political theory. He first came to public attention with his 1961 book The Liberal Mind, which criticised the 'drift' toward collectivism and progressivism in Britain's post-war consensus, which he believed acted as a 'prop to the mediocre' and deprived individuals of personal initiative. A running theme in the book was Minogue's distate for the 'melodrama of oppressors and victims' that he saw as constituting liberal historiography. Minogue, who described Liberalism as the first 'modern ideology', also reflected on what he argued was the second – Nationalism – in his 1967 book of the same name.
However, Bismark's State Socialism was based upon Romantic political thought in which the state was supreme and carried out Bismarck's agenda of supporting "the protest of collectivism against individualism" and of "nationality against cosmopolitanism" and stated that "the duty of the State is to maintain and promote the interests, the well-being of the nation as such". The academic equivalent of Bismarck's State Socialism at the time was the Kathedersozialismus of Adolph Wagner and Gustav Schmoller. Schmoller was an opponent of both liberalism and Marxian proletarian socialism. Wagner had originally been a Manchester liberal, but he had developed into a far- right conservative and antisemite.
In its beginning, the subculture was seen as a threat to the collectivism of Cuban society, leading to make Frikis becoming victims of discrimination and police brutality. According to the New Times Broward-Palm Beach some Frikis were "rejected by family and often jailed or fined by the government", the 1980s Friki woman Yoandra Cardoso however has that argued that much of the response was verbal harassment from law enforcement. Dionisio Arce, lead vocalist of Cuban heavy metal band Zeus spent six years in prison due to his part in the Frikis. Some schools would forcible shave the heads of young Frikis as a form of punishment.
In July 2005 Monteith resigned though as the Finance Spokesperson, stating that he wanted the freedom to discuss policy matters that "cut across other policy portfolios". Later that year the Scottish Conservative Party withdrew the whip from Monteith when it emerged that he had been briefing the media against the then Scottish Conservative leader David McLetchie regarding questions over McLetchie's £11,500 of claims for taxi expenses.Scotland on Sunday (Edinburgh, Scotland), 6 November 2005 In 2006 Monteith announced he would not stand again as an MSP, saying he "would rather return to commerce than be a one-man band swimming against the treacly tide of collectivism in the Scottish Parliament".
Volin was a prolific writer and anarchist intellectual who played an important part in the organization and leadership of Nabat. The Nabat Confederation of Anarchist Organizations, better known simply as Nabat (Набат), was an anarchist organization that came to prominence in Ukraine during the years 1918 to 1920. The area where it held the most influence is sometimes referred to as the Free Territory, though Nabat had branches in all of the major cities in southern Ukraine. Volin was charged with writing a platform for Nabat that could be agreeable to all the major branches of anarchism, most importantly anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-collectivism/communism and anarcho-individualism.
"To the editorial committee of Le Monde Libertaire" by [Michele Bernstein, Guy Debord, [Herbert] Holl, [Mustapha] Khayati, [Donald] Nicholson-Smith]"Subversive Remarks Tough Customers!" by Maurice Joyeux"What is 'Situationism'?" by Guy Bodson He was a prolific author mainly on the topics of anarchism, freethinking, pacifism and Anarcho-naturism. His views on anarchism were based around his concept of "Social Individualism" on which he wrote extensively. He defended an anarchist perspective which was based on "a collectivism of things and an individualism of persons.""BONTEMPS Auguste, Charles, Marcel dit « Charles-Auguste » ; « CHAB » ; « MINXIT »" at Dictionnaire International des Militants Anarchistes He died on October 14, 1981 in Paris.
In Europe after World War II, centre-right Christian democratic parties arose as powerful political movements while the Catholic traditionalist movements in Europe diminished in strength. Christian democratic movements became major movements in Austria, the Benelux countries, Germany and Italy. Neoliberalism arose as an economic theory by Milton Friedman that condemned government interventionism in the economy that it associated with socialism and collectivism. Neoliberals rejected Keynesian economics that they claimed advocate too much emphasis on relieving unemployment in response to their observance of the Great Depression, identifying the real problem as being with inflation and advocate the policy of monetarism to deal with inflation.
The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia is a 1974 utopian science fiction novel by American writer Ursula K. Le Guin, set in the fictional universe of the seven novels of the Hainish Cycle, e.g. The Left Hand of Darkness. The book won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1974, as well as winning both the Hugo and Locus Awards in 1975, and received a nomination for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award in 1975. It achieved a degree of literary recognition unusual for science fiction due to its exploration of themes such as anarchism (on a satellite planet called Anarres) and revolutionary societies, capitalism, and individualism and collectivism.
186: Belloc's argument is that capitalism as a system is breaking down, and that this is to be welcomed. A society in which a minority owns and controls the means of production, while the majority are reduced to proletarian status, is not only wrong but unstable. Belloc sees it breaking down in two ways – on the one hand into State action for welfare (which pure capitalism cannot embody); on the other hand into monopoly and the restraint of trade. There are only two alternatives to this system: socialism, which Belloc calls collectivism; and the redistribution of property on a significant scale, which Belloc calls distributivism.
None of this lineage denies that Tory traditions of communitarianism and collectivism had existed in the British North American colonies since the Loyalist exodus from the American colonies between 1776 and 1796. It is this aspect that is one of the primary points of difference between the conservative political cultures of Canada and the United States.Christian, William Edward and C. Campbell, Political Parties and Ideologies in Canada (Note: several editions of this textbook have appeared since 1974, reflecting the changes in Canada's politics.) The explicit notion of a "Red" Toryism was developed by Gad Horowitz in the 1960s, who argued that there was a significant Tory ideology in Canada.Horowitz, Gad.
On 15 January Gladstone wrote to James Bryce, describing himself as "a dead man, one fundamentally a Peel–Cobden man".Howe, p. 114. In 1896, in his last noteworthy speech, he denounced Armenian massacres by Ottomans in a talk delivered at Liverpool. On 2 January 1897, Gladstone wrote to Francis Hirst on being unable to draft a preface to a book on liberalism: "I venture on assuring you that I regard the design formed by you and your friends with sincere interest, and in particular wish well to all the efforts you may make on behalf of individual freedom and independence as opposed to what is termed Collectivism".
Brook considers Israel to be a morally good nation because its Western- style government protects the rights of its citizens, Arab and Jewish alike, vastly more than neighboring countries. On Zionism, Brook argued that "Zionism fused a valid concern - self-preservation amid a storm of hostility - with a toxic premise - ethnically based collectivism and religion". Brook advocates morally, but not necessarily financially, supporting Israel, which he sees as a Western ally against Islamic terrorism. Brook strongly disagrees with many aspects of Israel's policies, including its collectivist and religious influences, and its 'self-sacrificial' foreign policy of giving its enemies land, money, and other goods.
In 1958, the party admitted to its ranks the members of the recently dissolved Independent Socialist League, which had been led by Max Shachtman. Shachtman had developed a Marxist critique of Soviet Communism as "bureaucratic collectivism", a new form of class society that was more oppressive than any form of capitalism. Shachtman's theory was similar to that of many dissidents and refugees from communism, such as the theory of the "new class" proposed by Yugoslavian dissident Milovan Đilas (Djilas).Page 6: Shachtman was an extraordinary public speaker and formidable in debate and his intelligent analysis attracted young socialists like Irving Howe and Michael Harrington.
Volin was a prolific writer and anarchist intellectual who played an important part in the organization and leadership of Nabat. The Nabat Confederation of Anarchist Organizations, better known simply as Nabat (Набат), was an anarchist organization that came to prominence in Ukraine during the years 1918 to 1920. The area where it held the most influence is sometimes referred to as the Free Territory, though Nabat had branches in all of the major cities in southern Ukraine. Volin was charged with writing a platform for Nabat that could be agreeable to all the major branches of anarchism, most importantly anarcho- syndicalism, anarcho-collectivism, anarcho-communism, and anarcho- individualism.
These temptations for mutiny, according to Rediker, grew from an "array of resistances against such concentrated authority" and the sailors developed an understanding of the importance of equality. However, also according to Marcus Rediker, only one third of all mutinies at sea led to piracy. "Collectivism" and "anti-authoritarianism" was cemented into the mutineers core values and all of these beliefs would influence the decision to turn pirate and how they would conduct themselves thereafter. In contrast to the egalitarian belief towards mutiny, Peter Leeson argues, the "prospect of sufficient gain" may influence a sailor; piracy could pay extremely well sometimes better than privateering.
Parent and Community Branches represent EE on behalf of the parents of school-going children and other concerned members of affected communities. Guided by principles of collectivism and community engagement, their work involves building relationships with school communities, school leadership, and other civil society organisations. Equipped with a knowledge of education rights and the ways in which these rights can be turned into a reality, parents and communities can provide their children with the support and guidance they need to learn and be taught effectively. Parent Branches are responsible for planning, coordinating and carrying out school-based activities, recruiting, campaigning and raising awareness about the many problems facing learners in schools.
Alberto M. Ghisalberti (ed.), Rome 1984 becoming an important influence within it and also contributing to the newspaper, "La Campana". Together with Carlo Cafiero, Errico Malatesta and Andrea Costa, he was instrumental in moving the Italian anarchist movement away from the collectivism it professed in the days of Mikhail Bakunin in order to adopt the communist formula "From each according to ability, to each according to need".Damiani, Franco, Carlo Cafiero nella storia del primo socialismo italiano, Jaca Book, Milano 1974. At the 1876 congress of the Italian Federation of the International in Florence- Tosi, it was these four who were responsible for the adoption of the anarchist communist programme.
Wang describes himself as an anti-communist, anti-socialist and pro- democracratic activist. A staunch supporter of separatism in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang, Wang regards China's hegemony detrimental to democracy and freedom. Likewise, he often criticizes the pro-democracy camp in Hong Kong that does not actively seek independence, as well as the Kuomingtang in Taiwan that advocates for reunification with China. Unlike many pro- democratic activists from China, he opposed the policy adopted by the U.S. government to differentiate the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people, on the ground that the Chinese culture, rather than communism, is the bedrock for collectivism and dictatorship.
Kim Jong-un is the current WPK leader, serving as Chairman and CMC chairman. The WPK is committed to Juche, an ideology which has been described as a combination of collectivism and nationalism; and at the 4th Conference (held in 2012), the party charter was amended to state that Kimilsungism–Kimjongilism was "the only guiding idea of the party". At the 3rd Conference (held in 2010), the WPK removed a sentence from the preamble which expressed the party's commitment "to building a communist society", replacing it with a new adherence to Songun, the "military-first" policies developed by Kim Jong-il. The 2009 revision had already removed all references to communism.
The column was attacked for wanting to impose libertarian communism wherever its militias were. The militias that were inactive at the front dedicated themselves to extending the agricultural collectives in Teruel. Collectivism was also pushed by other columns such as the Torres-Benedito Column, which also defended the collectivities. But more than any other, not even the Durruti Column, the Iron Column acted both as a war militia and as a revolutionary organization: it took minutes of its assemblies, published a newspaper ("Line of Fire") and distributed manifestos, because it needed to explain its actions in the rear and justify its movements and decisions before the workers and peasants.
"Charles-Auguste Bontemps" at Ephemeride Anarchiste Charles-Auguste Bontemps was a prolific author mainly in the anarchist, freethinking, pacifist and naturist press of the time. His view on anarchism was based around his concept of "Social Individualism" on which he wrote extensively. He defended an anarchist perspective which consisted on "a collectivism of things and an individualism of persons"."BONTEMPS Auguste, Charles, Marcel dit « Charles-Auguste » ; « CHAB » ; « MINXIT »" at Dictionnaire International des Militants Anarchistes In 2002, Libertad organized a new version of the L'EnDehors, collaborating with Green Anarchy and including several contributors, such as Lawrence Jarach, Patrick Mignard, Thierry Lodé, Ron Sakolsky and Thomas Slut.
6 Individualists promote the exercise of one's goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance and advocate that interests of the individual should achieve precedence over the state or a social group while opposing external interference upon one's own interests by society or institutions such as the government. Individualism is often defined in contrast to totalitarianism, collectivism and more corporate social forms. Individualism makes the individual its focus and so starts "with the fundamental premise that the human individual is of primary importance in the struggle for liberation". Anarchism, existentialism, liberalism and Libertarianism are examples of movements that take the human individual as a central unit of analysis.
In 1984, there is a perpetual war between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, the superstates that emerged from the global atomic war. The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, by Emmanuel Goldstein, explains that each state is so strong it cannot be defeated, even with the combined forces of two superstates, despite changing alliances. To hide such contradictions, the superstates' governments rewrite history to explain that the (new) alliance always was so; the populaces are already accustomed to doublethink and accept it. The war is not fought in Oceanian, Eurasian or Eastasian territory but in the Arctic wastes and a disputed zone comprising the sea and land from Tangiers (Northern Africa) to Darwin (Australia).
A similar position was adopted by the Workers' Federation of the Spanish Region in 1882 as articulated by an anarchist veteran of the International Jose Llunas Pujols in his essay "Collectivism". By the early 1880s, most of the European anarchist movement had adopted an anarcho-communist position, advocating the abolition of wage labour and distribution according to need. Ironically, the collectivist label then became more commonly associated with nominally state socialists such as Marxists–Leninists who advocated the retention of some sort of wage system during the transition to full communism. The anarcho-communist Peter Kropotkin attacked this position in his essay "The Collectivist Wages System" which was reprinted in his book The Conquest of Bread in 1892.
Hofstede developed the cultural dimensions theory, used widely as a crucial framework for cross-cultural communication. It is the earliest theory that could be quantified and used to explain perceived differences between cultures and has been applied extensively in many fields, especially in cross- cultural psychology, international business, and cross-cultural communication. It was driven by the statistical procedure (also called "factor analysis") to make the development, based on the result of a global survey of the values of IBM employees conducted from 1967 and 1973. Hofstede's theory identified six dimensions of culture: power distance, individualism vs collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity vs femininity, short-term vs long-term orientation, and indulgence vs self-restraint.
Khmer Rouge bullet holes left at Angkor Wat temple The Khmer Rouge's economic policy, which was largely based on the plans of Khieu Samphan, focused on the achievement of national self-reliance through an initial phase of agricultural collectivism. This would then be used as a route to achieve rapid social transformation and industrial and technological development without assistance from foreign powers, a process which the party characterised as a "Super Great Leap Forward".Tyner, James (2012) Genocide and the Geographical Imagination, Rowman and Littlefield, p. 116. The strong emphasis on autarky in Khmer Rouge planning was probably influenced by the early writings of Samir Amin, which were cited in Khieu Samphan's PhD thesis.
It was in the milieu of former members of the RCP that the new SRG saw its audience too. The new group adopted the magazine Socialist Review as its central organ and it was to run from 1950 to 1962. Asserting their political continuity with Trotskyism they argued that they stood on the ideas of Leon Trotsky and Bolshevik Leninism except insofar as they differed as to their analysis of the states dominated by Stalinist parties. To this end they adopted three documents summarising their viewpoint; The Nature of Stalin's Russia (the first edition of Cliff's State Capitalism in Russia), The Class Nature of the People's Democracies and Marxism and the Theory of Bureaucratic Collectivism.
217x217px However, the disagreement between Mao and Liu (and Deng) became more and more apparent, especially on Mao's call to "never forget class struggle". In August 1962, Mao emphasized during a meeting in Beidaihe that class struggle must be talked about "every year, every month and every day (年年讲, 月月讲, 日日讲)". Mao reinforced his point of view in September 1962 during a national conference of the Chinese Communist Party (八届十中全会). Mao also criticized the economic reforms carried out by Liu Shaoqi and others, even describing the reforms to foreign leaders as "attempts to undermine socialist collectivism and destroy socialism" in February 1964.
Hodgson The social Darwinism term first appeared in Europe in 1880, and journalist Emilie Gautier had coined the term with reference to a health conference in Berlin 1877., as quoted in the Oxford English Dictionary Around 1900 it was used by sociologists, some being opposed to the concept. The term was popularized in the United States in 1944 by the American historian Richard Hofstadter who used it in the ideological war effort against fascism to denote a reactionary creed which promoted competitive strife, racism and chauvinism. Hofstadter later also recognized (what he saw as) the influence of Darwinist and other evolutionary ideas upon those with collectivist views, enough to devise a term for the phenomenon, "Darwinist collectivism".
"Bureaucratic collectivism" was first used as a term to describe a theory originating in England, shortly before the First World War, about a possible future social organisation. After the war, the Russian Revolution, and the rise to power of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, Hugo Urbahns and Lucien Laurat both began to critique the nature of the Soviet state in a similar manner. This theory was first taken up within Trotskyism by a small group in France around Craipeau. It was also taken up by Bruno Rizzi, who believed that the Soviet, German, and Italian bureaucracies were progressive and celebrated "the class which has the courage to make itself master of the state".
Although Happiness contains a "surreal strangeness" absent from Barnet's work, both films, wrote Friel, eschew the "government-sanctioned social realism" that defined the era of Soviet filmmaking in which they were made, in favor of a more "joyous" and "playful" tone. Rosenbaum has voiced similar sentiments, writing that "Barnet was too instinctive and physical a director to fit comfortably within any prescribed form of socialist realism". Allegations of propaganda have occasionally been made about the film's message — a message described by Anthony Nield of the Digital Fix as "a paean to communism and collectivism". However, Nield and Rosenbaum have both argued that propaganda, while present, is not central to Barnet's filmmaking style.
Rita Sergeyecheva and talented tragic actor Lev Durov are so human, courageous and at the same time so defenseless that you watch the film - and all the while trampling in the nose treacherously. Particularly light final scene. Юность, Выпуски 260-265 // Yunost The film is not afraid of reproaches in sentimentality, moreover, it has its direct aim to provoke in us, the spectators, the simplest and warmest emotions and frank desire that everything ends wellю Rita Sergeycheva played Tonya. She played her harsh and childish straightforwardness and organic categorical, collectivism, her absolute misunderstanding that things may not be common, but someone's, her trustful contact and some kind of bitterly bitter independence of the child.
Thematic studies have examined the film's exploration of nostalgia, a major in-canon theme in Anderson's repertoire. The Grand Budapest Hotel universe is envisioned with nostalgic yearning, where characters perpetuate the "illusion of a time where they don't belong", the consequence of not so much the recapture of a vanished era than a romanticizing of the past. Some critics suggest that the film's nonlinear narrative structure provides "profound" subtext of the science of human memory, whereas others saw The Grand Budapest Hotel as an introspection of Anderson's sensibilities as both a writer and director. According to the academic Donna Kornhaber, The Grand Budapest Hotel reinforces the increasingly dark subtext of collectivism defining late period Anderson films.
According to some academics, shortly before and after the end of Ottoman rule in Greece, the socioeconomic relations of the Greek countryside reflected traits of Bakunian collectivism (decentralization and autonomy) creating a future audience for anarchist ideas. Discussing the second half of the 19th century, a source argued that the level of anarchist activity in the Ottoman Empire was comparable to that in Europe. Some of the Greek anarchists were born in the Ottoman Empire, for example Emmanouil Dadaoglou was from Izmir. According to a study of anarchism in the late Ottoman Empire by Axel Corlu, Greek anarchists were significantly less than their Armenian or Bulgarian counterparts in the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century.
In 1947, Ayn Rand wrote a pamphlet for the Alliance, entitled Screen Guide for Americans, based on her personal impressions of the American film industry. It read, in excerpt: > The purpose of the Communists in Hollywood is not the production of > political movies openly advocating Communism. Their purpose is to corrupt > our moral premises by corrupting non-political movies -- by introducing > small, casual bits of propaganda into innocent stories -- thus making people > absorb the basic principles of Collectivism by indirection and implication. > The principle of free speech requires that we do not use police force to > forbid the Communists the expression of their ideas -- which means that we > do not pass laws forbidding them to speak.
The origins of the SWP lie in the formation of the Socialist Review Group (SRG) which held its founding conference in 1950. The group, initially of only eight members, (chapter 3) was formed around Tony Cliff's analysis of Russia as a bureaucratic state capitalist regime and were expelled from the Revolutionary Communist Party. Three documents formed the theoretical basis of the group, namely The Nature of Stalinist Russia, The Class Nature of the People's Democracies and Marxism and the Theory of Bureaucratic Collectivism.(Chapter 3) The tiny size of the group meant that they adopted entryism as a means of working in the Labour Party in order to reach an audience and recruit.
Yet White uses it as a historical source. This is an error of critical judgement." Principe sums up White's book this way: "Refuting White is like shooting fish in a barrel. With his combination of bad sources, argument by assertion, quoting out of context, collectivism, and general reliance on exclamation, rather than evidence and argument, White’s is not a book to be taken seriously. Its real value is as a relic of its particular time and place, and as a museum of how not to write history...While we can look today with astonishment upon the shoddy character of Draper and White’s writings, their books have had enormous impact, and we can’t deny that.
Marshall began writing the Principles of Economics in 1881 and he spent much of the next decade at work on the treatise. His plan for the work gradually extended to a two-volume compilation on the whole of economic thought; the first volume was published in 1890 to worldwide acclaim that established him as one of the leading economists of his time. The second volume, which was to address foreign trade, money, trade fluctuations, taxation, and collectivism, was never published at all. Over the next two decades he worked to complete his second volume of the Principles, but his unyielding attention to detail and ambition for completeness prevented him from mastering the work's breadth.
Anu Realo's background is in personality and cross-cultural psychology and she has conducted considerable research on the fundamental nature of personality traits, the definition and conceptualization of subjective well-being, and on the nature of cultural characteristics, such as individualism-collectivism, social capital, and tightness-looseness. The focus of her recent academic work has been examining the genetics of personality traits, as well as the complex relationships among personality, health, and subjective wellbeing. Much of her research has been carried out through collaborative efforts with colleagues from many different universities all over the world. In total, she has published approximately 150 papers or book chapters, mostly in high quality peer-reviewed international journals.
Your greatest danger ahead is the probable practical failure of the application of your philosophy in the United States." George Orwell responded with both praise and criticism, stating, "in the negative part of Professor Hayek's thesis there is a great deal of truth. It cannot be said too often – at any rate, it is not being said nearly often enough – that collectivism is not inherently democratic, but, on the contrary, gives to a tyrannical minority such powers as the Spanish Inquisitors never dreamt of." Yet he also warned, "[A] return to 'free' competition means for the great mass of people a tyranny probably worse, because more irresponsible, than that of the state.
Political philosophies commonly described as libertarian socialist include most varieties of anarchism (especially anarcho- communism, anarchist collectivism, anarcho-syndicalism, social anarchism and mutualism)A Mutualist FAQ: A.4. Are Mutualists Socialists? . Retrieved on 2011-12-28. as well as autonomism, communalism, participism, libertarian Marxist philosophies such as council communism and Luxemburgism,Murray Bookchin, Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism; Robert Graham, The General Idea of Proudhon's Revolution and some versions of utopian socialismKent Bromley, in his preface to Peter Kropotkin's book The Conquest of Bread, considered early French utopian socialist Charles Fourier to be the founder of the libertarian branch of socialist thought, as opposed to the authoritarian socialist ideas of Babeuf and Buonarroti.
From the political right, traditionalist conservative philosopher Russell Kirk criticized libertarianism by quoting T. S. Eliot's expression "chirping sectaries" to describe them. Kirk had questioned fusionism between libertarian and traditionalist conservatives that marked much of the post-war conservatism in the United States. Kirk stated that "although conservatives and libertarians share opposition to collectivism, the totalist state and bureaucracy, they have otherwise nothing in common" and called the libertarian movement "an ideological clique forever splitting into sects still smaller and odder, but rarely conjugating". Believing that a line of division exists between believers in "some sort of transcendent moral order" and "utilitarians admitting no transcendent sanctions for conduct", he included the libertarians in the latter category.
A punk faces a line of riot police at a 1984 protest in Germany Punks burning a U.S. flag in the early 1980s Punk protesting against III%ers regarding refugee policy in Boise, Idaho in November 2015 Punk political ideologies are mostly concerned with individual freedom and anti-establishment views. Common punk viewpoints include individual liberty, anti-authoritarianism, a DIY ethic, non-conformity, anti- collectivism, anti-corporatism, anti-government, direct action and not "selling out". Early British punks expressed nihilistic and anarchist views with the slogan No Future, which came from the Sex Pistols song "God Save the Queen". In the United States, punks had a different approach to nihilism which was less anarchistic than the British punks.
The term ethical egoism has been applied retroactively to philosophers such as Bernard de Mandeville and to many other materialists of his generation, although none of them declared themselves to be egoists. Note that materialism does not necessarily imply egoism, as indicated by Karl Marx, and the many other materialists who espoused forms of collectivism. It has been argued that ethical egoism can lend itself to individualist anarchism such as that of Benjamin Tucker, or the combined anarcho-communism and egoism of Emma Goldman, both of whom were proponents of many egoist ideas put forward by Max Stirner. In this context, egoism is another way of describing the sense that the common good should be enjoyed by all.
Under the banner of spiritual civilization, the CCP would promote patriotic spirit, collectivism and the four haves. By the mid-1980s, Deng became concerned that material civilization was getting more attention than spiritual civilization; he said "the one is tough [material civilization] while the other is soft [spiritual civilization]." The 6th plenary meeting of the 12th Central Committee adopted the "Resolutions on the guiding principles for developing a Socialist Spiritual Civilization" under the slogan "In grasping with two hands, both hands must be firm". Deng's Spiritual Civilization continued using much of the old Maoist vocabulary and slogans, such as "five stresses, four goods and three loves", "study Lei Feng" and "serve the people".
Collectivism and egalitarianism were an important part of Marxist–Leninist ideology in the Soviet Union, where it played a key part in forming the New Soviet man, willingly sacrificing his or her life for the good of the collective. Terms such as "collective" and "the masses" were frequently used in the official language and praised in agitprop literature by Vladimir Mayakovsky (Who needs a "1") and Bertolt Brecht (The Decision and Man Equals Man). The fact that Marxist–Leninist regimes confiscated private businesses and landholdings radically increased income and property equality in practice. Income inequality dropped in Russia under the rule of the Soviet Union, then rebounded after its demise in 1991.
His speech did not attack the government on policy grounds but condemned the ALP's principles of caucus solidarity and organisational control over the parliamentary party. He saw himself as a progressive liberal torn between conservative obstructivism on one hand and Labor's materialist collectivism on the other. Two days later The Age, edited by his friend David Syme, published a scathing editorial calling his speech "transcendental musings" and stating he had "lost himself in the clouds amongst politico-philosophical questions" instead of offering substantive leadership. This led to a major falling-out between the two, with Deakin writing to Syme that he had "been more deeply upset by this incident than by any during my political life".
Relational dialectics theory can be applied to the context of health care and family. In the health care field, the quality of the end-of-life care is influenced by how these tensions are managed. Relational dialectics theory provides an applicable framework for caregiver communication that contains tensions and challenges. In a study that focused on the communication tensions perceived among the Maori culture during the end-of-life journey, it was found that despite the culture's focus on collectivism and its emphasis on harmony, four communication tensions existed between caregivers (family and friends) and patients: autonomy and connection, conflict and connection, isolation and connection, and balancing the needs of self and other.
Ornea's study of Dobrogeanu-Gherea is described as "his best book" by Tiberiu Avramescu. It, like the similar study on Maiorescu's life, primarily focused on the debate opposing Junimists and socialists, expanding on its political characteristics: to the Marxist program of Dobrogeanu-Gherea and the Romanian Social Democratic Workers' Party, Maiorescu opposed both his skepticism of collectivism and a belief that all social change needed to follow slow steps in Romania. George State, "O polemică politică", in Apostrof, Nr. 4/2007 Ornea's own conclusion stated that Dobrogeanu-Gherea had always been preoccupied with "demonstrating [...] the legitimacy of socialism in our country". The work was followed by a similar monograph on Constantin Stere, seen by Augustin Buzura as "a revelation".
Historically, Canadian conservatism has been derived from the Tory tradition, with a distinctive concern for a balance between individual rights and collectivism, as mediated through a traditional pre-industrial standard of morality – which has never been as evident in American conservatism. Red Toryism derives largely from a classical conservative tradition that maintained that the unequal division of wealth and political privilege among social classes can be justified if members of the privileged class practiced noblesse oblige and contributed to the common good. Red Tories supported traditional institutions such as religion and the monarchy, and maintenance of the social order. This position was later manifest in their support for some aspects of the welfare state.
Lewis, who is African-American, received his M.F.A. in 1989 from Maryland Institute, College of Art and a bachelor’s in 1975 from Hamilton College, where he was a Thomas J. Watson Fellow. Lewis was also a post-graduate student at CAiiA (now the Planetary Collegium): the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts: Sciences, Technology and Art Research, at the University of Plymouth. Lewis was co-founding director of Fashion Moda in New York, where he curated and mounted numerous exhibitions and performance events.Alan W. Moore, Artists' Collectives: Focus on New York, 1975-2000 in Collectivism After Modernism: The Art of Social Imagination after 1945, Blake Stimson & Gregory Sholette, (eds) University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2007, pp.
Integrated social work refers to the use of a holistic approach in the practice of social work. It differs from Collectivism in that whilst eclectic social work uses differ parts of a variety of social work theories and models, integrative social work seeks to blend different theories, models, and methods into a personalised and coherent approach that provides lasting solutions to the problems and situations of individuals. An example occurs in working with children who are in conflict with the law. A social worker, to ensure effective problem solving does not only deal with the juvenile, but also must involve the family or families involved and the community in which the child lives.
A sociological study of violence in Italy (1919–1922) by text miningQuantitative Narrative Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Roberto Franzosi, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 2010. (arrow width proportional to number of violent acts between social groups; click on large animated GIF image to see evolution) Given Italian Fascism's pragmatic political amalgamations of left-wing and right-wing socio-economic policies, discontented workers and peasants proved an abundant source of popular political power, especially because of peasant opposition to socialist agricultural collectivism. Thus armed, the former socialist Benito Mussolini oratorically inspired and mobilized country and working-class people: "We declare war on socialism, not because it is socialist, but because it has opposed nationalism".
Unger offers a suggestion of how analytic and individualist ideas can be overthrown, and he explains why some efforts to do so (such as structuralism) have failed. As Unger explained earlier in Knowledge and Politics, analysis and individualism reflect belief in the principle of aggregation, while synthesis and collectivism reflect a belief in totality. Modern social theory has repeatedly tried to formulate a plausible account of the idea of totality; examples of these efforts include Chomsky's linguistic theory, gestalt psychology, structuralism, and Marxism. But these efforts have often stumbled in defining exactly what the difference is between wholes and parts, and exactly what the idea of “part” means if it is something different in kind from the totality.
110 He shared the ambition of other activists like Lord Rea, Nancy Seear, Sir Andrew McFadyean and Leonard Behrens of reshaping and reviving the Liberal Party by leaving behind the internecine divisions of the inter-war period and making the case for a reconciliation of traditions of Gladstonian fiscal policy, individualism and the welfare state collectivism of Sir William Beveridge.Trevor Wilson, The Downfall of the Liberal Party, 1914-1935 (London, 1966) In 1945 he resigned as Secretary and Editor of the Individualist Society to become Secretary of the Free Trade Union. He also became editor of the Free Trader, for which he wrote regularly. He authored four books, including a centennial business history (The House of Sage 1860-1960).
81—82 Gorky explained: "I am an atheist. In A Confession the idea was to show the means by which man could progress from individualism to the collectivist understanding of the world. The main character sees 'God- building' as an attempt to reconstruct social life according to the spirit of collectivism, the spirit of uniting the people on their way to one common goal: liberating man from slavery, within and without."Я - атеист. В «Исповеди» мне нужно было показать, какими путями человек может придти от индивидуализма к коллективистическому пониманию мира... Герой «Исповеди» понимает под «богостроительством» устроение народного бытия в духе коллективистическом, в духе единения всех по пути к единой цели - освобождению человека от рабства внутреннего и внешнего.
217 and famously declared that "property is theft" in reference to his rejection of ownership rights to land being granted to a person who is not using that land. After Dejacque and others split from Proudhon due to the latter's support of individual property and an exchange economy, the relationship between the individualists (who continued in relative alignment with the philosophy of Proudhon) and the anarcho-communists was characterised by various degrees of antagonism and harmony. For example, individualists like Tucker on the one hand translated and reprinted the works of collectivists like Mikhail Bakunin while on the other hand rejected the economic aspects of collectivism and communism as incompatible with anarchist ideals.
Bloch later wrote how, in his view, "There is no waste more criminal than that of erudition running ... in neutral gear, nor any pride more vainly misplaced than that in a tool valued as an end in itself". He believed it was wrong for historians to focus on the evidence rather than the human condition of whatever period they were discussing. Administrative historians, he said, understood every element of a government department without understanding anything of those who worked in it. Bloch was very much influenced by Ferdinand Lot, who had already written comparative history, and by the work of Jules Michelet and Fustel de Coulanges with their emphasis on social history, Durkheim's sociological methodology, François Simiand's social economics, and Henri Bergson's philosophy of collectivism.
Marxism–Leninism postulated "universal and immutable laws of history" (historical materialism and dialectical materialism), which assumed unavoidable large-scale change at the collective level of societies. Collectivism was a key feature of Marxism; Darwin's concept of a random mutation in an individual being able to propagate and transform subsequent generations was at odds with the ideology, and was perceived as having a strong liberal inclination. Marxist-Leninist theorists presented Lysenkoism as a new branch of biology, arguing that "dialectic method shows that development is carried out in a dual form: evolutionary and revolutionary". Darwin was attributed with discovering "only the evolutionary" path, while Michurin and Lysenko were presented as making a "great step forward" toward the discovery of a "revolutionary" path of biologic development.
Ludvigsen was co-author of Christiania's mission statement, dating from 1971, which offers the following: > The objective of Christiania is to create a self-governing society whereby > each and every individual holds themselves responsible over the wellbeing of > the entire community. Our society is to be economically self-sustaining and, > as such, our aspiration is to be steadfast in our conviction that > psychological and physical destitution can be averted. The spirit of Christiania quickly developed into one of the hippie movement, the squatter movement, collectivism and anarchism in contrast to the site's previous military use. The 1976 protest song I kan ikke slå os ihjel (translated: "You cannot kill us"), written by Tom Lunden of flower power rock group Bifrost, became the unofficial anthem of Christiania.
The alpha++ class is the ruling class having been bred as scientists and administrators and control the World State in the novel. This situation can also be found in the George Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty-Four where the inner party as symbolized by the fictitious Big Brother literally controls what everyone in the outer party hears, sees and learns, albeit without genetic engineering and on the model of Stalinist communism having taken over the Anglosphere (Oceania). In Oceania, the ignorant masses ("proles") are relatively free as they pose no threat to oligarchical collectivism ("Big Brother"). Examples in movies include Gattaca, where the genetically-born were superior and the ruling class; and V for Vendetta, which depicted a powerful totalitarian government in Britain.
Efforts were small grassroots activist organizations addressing the needs of individual communities or groups, but two voices, Curiel and Sergia Galvan began pressing for broader discussions on women's issues which included racism and sexism. It was a challenging discussion in the Dominican Republic where the social lens typically classifies Haitians as black and Dominicans as mestizo or mulatto. Beginning in the early 1990s, it became apparent that collectivism and nesting were effective in combating intersections of discrimination and that by banding together, NGOs might jointly combat racism and misogyny. Curiel joined the board of an organization called Casa por la Identidad de las Mujeres Afro (House of Women with African Identity), which aimed to combat the dual- discrimination faced by Afro-Dominican women.
Typically Crosby would spend Sundays recording material for the shows. Expensive guest stars were rarely used and Crosby employed his sons - Gary, Dennis, Phillip and Lindsay - frequently on the show. Jud Conlon’s Rhythmaires were not used in this second series and a regular spot was established for the Orchestra to play an instrumental version of a well-known song. A notable guest however was Frank Sinatra who appeared around the time when he had been nominated as Best Supporting Actor for his role in “From Here to Eternity”. Whilst the songs and the chat continued, the ‘normal’ commercials were abandoned in favour of several minutes of ‘discussion’ between Crosby and Ken Carpenter, on such heavyweight subjects as ‘Government’, ‘Communism’ and ‘Collectivism’.
Social Darwinism was predominantly found in laissez-faire societies where the prevailing view was that of an individualist order to society. A different form of social Darwinism was part of the ideological foundations of Nazism and other fascist movements. This form did not envision survival of the fittest within an individualist order of society, but rather advocated a type of racial and national struggle where the state directed human breeding through eugenics.Leonard, Thomas C. (2005) Mistaking Eugenics for Social Darwinism: Why Eugenics is Missing from the History of American Economics History of Political Economy, Vol. 37 supplement: 200–233 Names such as "Darwinian collectivism" or "Reform Darwinism" have been suggested to describe these views, in order to differentiate them from the individualist type of social Darwinism.
Cumulativism is Peña's philosophical orientation as developed from 1996 onwards. Cumulativism is contradictorial gradualism with an added emphasis on six hitherto partly implicit components of his approach: (1) All transitions are either continuous or at least supervene on underlying continuous mutations, going through successive steps; hence change is always slow and implies a succession of stages, each of which keeps many qualities of the previous stage. (2) All transitions are either aggregations or disaggregations (processes of sedimentation or erosion) since cumulation, gathering, is reality's most prominent feature (ontophantics had already conceived of all entities as sets, but now the principle of togetherness is made the mainstay of the philosophical system). (3) Metaphysical isolationism is avoided by espousing collectivism both in metaphysics and political philosophy.
These men had specific political purposes in mind when arguing their case, and the historical foundations of their work are unreliable." Principe goes on to write "Despite appearances, White’s arguments are scarcely any better than Draper’s. White uses fallacious arguments and suspect or bogus sources. His methodological errors are collectivism (the unwarrantable extension of an individual’s views to represent that of some larger group of which he is a part), a lack of critical judgement about sources, argument by ridicule and assertion, failure to check primary sources, and quoting selectively and out of context. White popularized the baseless notions that before Columbus and Magellan, the world was thought to be flat and that the Earth’s sphericity was officially opposed by the Church.
Though it is agreed that there are differences between one culture and another, most of the differences that were addressed in researches are related to the comparison between individualism and collectivism. In individualistic cultures, it was found that there is a strong relationship between dispositional affect (either positive or negative) and general life satisfaction (though the relationship was stronger for positive affectivity compared to negative affectivity). On the other hand, in many collectivistic cultures, it was found that there is a no relationship between negative affectivity and general life satisfaction, and it may result from the great variance in the ways that different cultures regulate their positive affectivity compared to negative affectivity.Suh, E., Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Triandis, H. C. (1998).
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) in the omnibus George Orwell (1980) Book Club Associates, p. 849. Winston describes his first encounter with The Book: The term Oligarchical Collectivism refers to Ingsoc (English Socialism), the dominant ideology of Oceania, and to the ideologies of Neo- Bolshevism in Eurasia and Death Worship (Obliteration of the Self) in Eastasia. Winston reads two long excerpts establishing how the three totalitarian super-states – Eastasia, Eurasia, Oceania – emerged from a global war, thus connecting the past to his present, the year 1984, and explains the basic political philosophy of the totalitarianism that derived from the authoritarian political tendencies manifested in the twentieth century. That the three, ostensibly opposing ideologies are functionally identical is the central revelation of The Book.
Roosevelt was criticized for his economic policies, especially the shift in tone from individualism to collectivism with the dramatic expansion of the welfare state and regulation of the economy. Those criticisms continued decades after his death. One factor in the revisiting of these issues in later decades was the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.Bruce Frohnen, Jeremy Beer and Jeffery O. Nelson, eds. American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia (2006). pp. 619–621, 645–646. When in 1981 Reagan was quoted in The New York Times saying that fascism was admired by many New Dealers, he came under heavy criticism, for Reagan had greatly admired Roosevelt and was a leading New Dealer in Hollywood."Reagan says many New Dealers wanted fascism".
Furthermore, collectivization involved significant changes in the traditional village life of Russian peasants within a very short time frame, despite the long Russian rural tradition of collectivism in the village obshchina or mir. The changes were even more dramatic in other places, such as in Ukraine, with its tradition of individual farming, in the Soviet republics of Central Asia, and in the trans-Volga steppes, where for a family to have a herd of livestock was not only a matter of sustenance but of pride as well.YCLers seizing grain from "kulaks" which was hidden in the graveyard, Ukraine Some peasants viewed collectivization as the end of the world.Lynne Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin: Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant Resistance (Oxford University Press, 1996), 3–12.
Zabel, Igor. "Recall," in East Art Map: Contemporary Art in Eastern Europe edited by IRWIN (London: Afterall Books, 2006) The latter principle gives rise to the concept known as “retroavantgardism” (or, later “retrogardism”). As the name implies, retroavantgardism is somewhat paradoxical because it calls for simultaneously looking backward (“retro”) and forward (“avant-garde”). This position is evident in the paradoxical title of an official statement of the group in 1987, “The Future is the seed of the past.” Neue Slowenische Kunst edited by New Collectivism (Los Angeles: Amok, 1991 In essence, retroavantgardism consists in the recycled use of past symbols, images and philosophical ideas, particularly those that have been used by governments or other institutions to accumulate and hold power.
Political philosopher John Gray identified the common strands in liberal thought as being individualist, egalitarian, meliorist and universalist. The individualist element avers the ethical primacy of the human being against the pressures of social collectivism, the egalitarian element assigns the same moral worth and status to all individuals, the meliorist element asserts that successive generations can improve their sociopolitical arrangements and the universalist element affirms the moral unity of the human species and marginalises local cultural differences.Gray, p. xii. The meliorist element has been the subject of much controversy, defended by thinkers such as Immanuel Kant who believed in human progress while suffering criticism by thinkers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who instead believed that human attempts to improve themselves through social cooperation would fail.
The first controversy to resolve was related to the very origin of the human rights, basically the discussion between the supporters of the concepts of natural rights (which humans are endowed by God or Nature) and positive rights (which humans acquire as a result of a rational agreement)."РАЗРАБОТКА ВСЕОБЩЕЙ ДЕКЛАРАЦИИ ПРАВ ЧЕЛОВЕКА (1946–1948 ГГ.)", Глен Джонсон (Glen Johnson ), Развитие личности no. 3, 2014 The second controversy was basically between the positions of the Marxist theory of the Soviet Bloc and the liberal theory of the Western World. In philosophical terms, the Soviet Bloc criticized the individualist stance of the issue, arguing in favor of the collectivism approach, where the rights of the collective dominate that of an individual.
Self-expression and individualism usually increase with economic growth (Inglehart, 1997) independent of any culture, and can help small populations faced with outside competition for resources. (Some examples do exist of collectivist cultures that experienced rapid economic growth yet held on to their collectivist culture, such as the citizens of United Arab Emirates and other GCC nations). Entitled individuals in positions of power embrace autonomy even if they live in a "collective" culture. Like the power index, the individualism and collectivism surveys scatter countries according to predictable economic and demographic patterns (Triandis, 2004), so they might not really inform us at all about any particular organizational dynamic, nor do they inform about the organizational and individual variations within similar socio-economic circumstances.
Throughout the trip, however, she clashes with the rest of the family, as well as the doctor treating her grandmother, over their deliberate dishonesty towards her grandmother. Guilt-ridden, Billi expresses conflicted thoughts with her parents over the Chinese cultural beliefs that result in a family refusing to disclose such a life-threatening disease with the matriarch. One night, her uncle, Haibin, contends that the lie allows the family to bear the emotional burden of the diagnosis, rather than Nai Nai herself—a practice of collectivism that Haibin acknowledges to Billi differs from the individualistic values common in Western culture. Billi later learns that Nai Nai also told a similar lie to her husband up until his death when he was terminally ill.
The literature on automatic cognition suggests that behavior is shaped by exposure to elements of the social world in a way that occurs below awareness or intention. We learn the stereotyped attitudes which later influence our decisions from the shared schematic representations in a certain culture. When an individual is primed with a concept, often by an implicit instruction to think about it, all the aspects of relevant information become activated and influence decision- making. For example, the individuals who are instructed to underlie all first person plural pronouns in the text are thus primed with the concept of collectivism and then show a statistically significant increase in the inclination to make decisions according with the values of the concept they have been primed with.
Outside of her scientific career, Kağıtçıbaşı held various positions including vice president of the International Union of Psychological Science from 1996 to 2000 and the International Social Science Council from 2004 to 2006. Kağıtçıbaşı authored the widely cited book Family and Human Development across Cultures: A View from the Other Side in 1996, which challenged culture-bound models of human development based on European-American psychological research while offering a dynamic systems perspective on human, social, and cultural development. A second volume Family, Self, and Human Development Across Cultures: Theory and Applications, was published in 2007, which offered a family change theory of how modernization in non-Western societies impacts family structure. Kağıtçıbaşı served as co-editor of the 1994 volume Individualism and Collectivism: Theory, Method, and Applications.
Masters of the Universe: Hayek, Friedman, and the Birth of Neoliberal Politics is a 2012 book by barrister Daniel Stedman Jones, in which the author traces the intellectual development and political rise of neoliberalism in the United States and the United Kingdom. Originally a PhD thesis, the author adapted it into a book. According to Jones, neoliberalism began after the Great Depression as a movement of intellectuals committed to protecting liberal values of individual liberty and limited government, which they believed were threatened in Britain and the United States by expanding government. They aimed to construct a distinctly new liberalism (hence "neo"-liberalism) by charting a middle way between the laissez-faire economics of the pre- Depression era and the "collectivism" of New Deal liberalism and British social democracy.
Jones considers the essay a "useful marker of the moment when neoliberalism became a self- conscious political and economic concept in the United States", as it was one of the first instances in which an American writer claimed the neoliberal moniker. In the essay Friedman makes a quintessentially first-phase argument for a "new faith" between collectivism, which he believed leads to an over- mighty state, and laissez-faire economics, which he believed fostered the development of over-mighty individuals. However, the essay marked a "symbolic cutting off point" in neoliberal thought, signifying the point in time when neoliberalism began to shift away from the early "middle way" arguments to a more strident belief in free markets. Friedman himself advocated a level of government intervention in the essay that he would never again publicly support.
Cultural views are believed to have a reciprocal relationship with macro- level processes such as economics, social change, and politics. Societal changes in the People's Republic of China exemplifies this well. Beginning in the early 1980s, China experienced dramatic expansion of economic and social structures, resulting in greater income inequality between families, less involvement of the government in social welfare programs, and increased competition for employment. Corresponding with these changes was a shift in ideology among Chinese citizens, especially among those who were younger, away from collectivism (the prevailing cultural ideology) toward individualism. China also saw this shift reflected in educational policies, such that teachers were encouraged to promote the development of their students’ individual opinions and self-efficacy, which prior to the aforementioned economic changes, was not emphasized in Chinese culture.
Marxism postulates the development of a New Man and New Woman in a communist society following the values of a non-essential nature of the state and the importance of freely associated work for the affirmation of a person's humanity. This is in contrast to an innate personality opposing view which is counter-productive to selfless collectivism that elevates austerities, discipline to true materialism in all its pejoratives and for an adherent to the self-regulating dynamic worker. Marxism does not see the New Man/Woman as a goal or prerequisite for achieving full communism, but rather as a product of the social conditions of pure communism. Che Guevara's essay "Socialism and man in Cuba" and Oscar Wilde's The Soul of Man under Socialism are two examples of the 'new man' archetype in socialist literature.
The organization mimicked corporate structure in an attempt to garner grant support that the organization then redistributed among its members or used for collaborative projects such as television programs. In addition, Colab organized several group art exhibitions from 1979 to 1985, and it actively sought to collaborate with other fringe art groups, most notably Fashion Moda in the South Bronx, resulting in what Lucy Lippard called unprecedented and "fragile cross-class, cross cultural alliances".Alan W. Moore, Artists' Collectives: Focus on New York, 1975-2000 in Collectivism After Modernism: The Art of Social Imagination after 1945, Blake Stimson & Gregory Sholette, (eds) University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2007, pp. 193-221 Colab embodied a rough and highly political art scene that deviated from contemporary art spaces and production practices.
There can be no precise moment when one social theory and its concomitant social action were supplanted by a different theory and a different action. Benthamism, laissez-faire, individualism, belief in God and the cult of ‘self-help’ and the moral quality of poverty were not simply replaced at one precise moment by collectivism, Social Darwinism, atheism/agnosticism and the acceptance of a paternalistic state in providing the essentials of life and promoting social justice. Instead there was a gradual development where different ideologies competed for supremacy as the ‘definitive’ tools for shaping social policy and for understanding the human condition and the nature of society. From the 1880s onwards social thought and social action began to change in reaction to what was perceived as a national social crisis.
In response to the socialist challenge, he sought to divert the energy of collectivism for the good of Unionism, and continued to propose reforms to the Conservatives. In his 'Memorandum of a Programme for Social Reform' sent to Salisbury in 1893, Chamberlain made a number of suggestions, including old age pensions, the provision of loans to the working class for the purchase of houses, an amendment to the Artisans' Dwellings Act to encourage street improvements, compensation for industrial accidents, cheaper train fares for workers, tighter border controls and shorter working hours. Salisbury was guardedly sympathetic to the proposals. On 21 June 1895, the Liberal Government was defeated on a motion that criticised the Secretary of State for War, Henry Campbell-Bannerman, for shortages of cordite, and Salisbury was invited to form a government.
In . After the success of her later novels, Rand was able to release a revised version in 1959 that has since sold over three million copies.Ralston, Richard E. "Publishing We the Living". In . In 1942, without Rand's knowledge or permission, the novel was made into a pair of Italian films, Noi vivi and Addio, Kira. Rediscovered in the 1960s, these films were re-edited into a new version which was approved by Rand and re-released as We the Living in 1986.. Her novella Anthem was written during a break from the writing of her next major novel, The Fountainhead. It presents a vision of a dystopian future world in which totalitarian collectivism has triumphed to such an extent that even the word 'I' has been forgotten and replaced with 'we'.
The term Asian values is a political ideology that arose in the 1990s, which defined elements of society, culture, and history common to the nations of South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. It aimed to use commonalities – for example, the principles of collectivism or communitarianism – to unify people for their economic and social good and to create a pan-Asian identity. This contrasted with perceived European ideals of the universal rights of man. The concept was advocated by Mahathir Mohamad (Prime Minister of Malaysia, 1981–2003, 2018–2020), Lee Kuan Yew (Prime Minister of Singapore, 1959–1990), Park Chung Hee (President of South Korea, 1961–1979), Shinzo Abe (Prime Minister of Japan, 2006-2007, 2012–2020) and Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India, 2014-present) as well as other Asian leaders.
John Rawls conceived the notion of ‘The Original Position’ based upon the thought experiment whereby participants must agree to a hypothetical social contract under a veil of ignorance. In this approach to the question of societal design, removal of the knowledge of particular abilities, tastes and position within society creates a veil of ignorance. The application of this veil in the thought experiment determines the basic structure of society subjectively, because knowledge of the outcome and participant's subsequent position in the society is deprived. From this naive perspective, an evaluation of resource allocation can be made from a morally arbitrary point of view. The veil of ignorance favours the selection of ‘the original position’ a point in between self-sufficiency and collectivism, whereby two fundamental principles of justice would be agreed upon.
Benedetto Croce wrote that Gentile "... holds the honor of having been the most rigorous neo-Hegelian in the entire history of Western philosophy and the dishonor of having been the official philosopher of Fascism in Italy."Benedetto Croce, Guide to Aesthetics, Translated by Patrick Romanell, "Translator's Introduction," The Library of Liberal Arts, The Bobbs–Merrill Co., Inc., 1965 His philosophical basis for fascism was rooted in his understanding of ontology and epistemology, in which he found vindication for the rejection of individualism, and acceptance of collectivism, with the state as the ultimate location of authority and loyalty outside of which individuality had no meaning (and which in turn helped justify the totalitarian dimension of fascism). The conceptual relationship between Gentile's actual idealism and his conception of fascism is not self- evident.
As noted by the biographer Pavel Fokin, Zinoviev was attracted by the loneliness and pride of individualistic characters, which contributed to the formation of a sense of his own exclusiveness. He began to consciously cultivate this position of extreme individualism, although later he always denied it, calling himself "the ideal collectivist". As biographers noted, in his youth, Zinoviev was seized with the desire to "build a new world" and faith in a "bright future", he was fascinated by dreams of social justice, the ideas of equality and collectivism, material asceticism; his idols were Spartacus, Robespierre, Decembrists and Populists. As Konstantin Krylov wrote, the ideas corresponded to his personal experience: Zinoviev recalled that "he was a beggar among beggars", emphasizing that the communist utopia was the idea of beggars.
The Ministry of Peace (Newspeak: Minipax) serves as the war ministry of Oceania's government, and is in charge of the armed forces, mostly the navy and army. The Ministry of Peace may be the most vital organ of Oceania, seeing as the nation is supposedly in an ongoing genocidal war with either Eurasia or Eastasia and requires the right amount of force not to win the war, but keep it in a state of equilibrium. As explained in Emmanuel Goldstein's book, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, the Ministry of Peace revolves around the principle of perpetual war. Perpetual war uses up all surplus resources, keeping most citizens in lives of constant hardship—and thus preventing them from learning enough to comprehend the true nature of their society.
In the same period, Gorz was becoming a leading figure of political ecology, his ideas being spread in particular by the ecologist monthly Le Sauvage, founded by Alain Hervé, the founder of the French section of the Friends of the Earth. In 1975 he published Ecologie et politique (Galilée, 1975), which included the essay Ecologie et liberté, "one of the foundational texts of the ecologic problematic" (Françoise GollainFrançoise Gollain, Pensée écologique et critique du travail dans une perspective gorzienne, Orléans, Ph.D. en economic sciences, 1999, p. 113). He was also influenced by Louis Dumont in considering Marxism and Liberalism to be two versions of economist thought. Gorz then opposed himself both to hedonist individualism and utilitarianism and to materialist and productivist collectivism, defending a humanist version of ecology similar to social ecology which is opposed to deep ecology.
He argues that between the 1950s and 1970s this commitment evolved into one of greater conviction in the superiority of the free market, such that by the 1980s neoliberal policy proposals centered almost entirely around market liberalization. Modern neoliberalism, according to Jones, is associated with economic liberalism, monetarism, and a staunch support of free market capitalism, and advocates political policies of deregulation, privatization, and other market-based reforms. Jones structures the book around what he argues are the three phases of the history of neoliberalism. In the first, lasting from roughly 1920 until 1950, he details how early European neoliberal thinkers like Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, and Karl Popper, motivated by expanding government and later the rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe during World War II, developed critiques of "collectivism", which to them included British social democracy and American New Deal liberalism.
Early neoliberal thought, according to Jones, focused on defending liberalism and critiquing all forms of collectivism, and in particular on critiquing New Deal liberalism and British social democracy, which they believed posed a "grave threat to the continued existence of Western civilization". In the second phase, lasting from 1950 to 1980, Jones notes that Keynesianism dominated political policy while neoliberal thought was mostly confined to universities and think tanks. However, it was during this time that neoliberal thought was refined and spread, creating a transatlantic network of intellectuals, businessmen, journalists, university departments and think tanks promoting neoliberal ideas. The locus of neoliberal thought shifted from Europe to the United States, with the American intellectuals Milton Friedman and George Stigler, as well as the larger Chicago school of economics they were a part of, becoming increasingly influential.
In April 2005, in his homilyMass «Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice»: Homily of Card. Joseph Ratzinger during Mass prior to the conclave which would elect him as Pope, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger talked about the world "moving towards a dictatorship of relativism": :How many winds of doctrine we have known in recent decades, how many ideological currents, how many ways of thinking. The small boat of thought of many Christians has often been tossed about by these waves – thrown from one extreme to the other: from Marxism to liberalism, even to libertinism; from collectivism to radical individualism; from atheism to a vague religious mysticism; from agnosticism to syncretism, and so forth. Every day new sects are created and what Saint Paul says about human trickery comes true, with cunning which tries to draw those into error (cf Ephesians 4, 14).
Cernat, Avangarda, p.166-167 However, his parallel work in costume design evidenced a toning down of avant-garde tendencies (to the displeasure of his colleagues at Integral magazine), and a growing preoccupation with commedia dell'arte.Cernat, Avangarda, p.159 In discussing architecture, Janco described himself and the other Artistes Radicaux as the mentors of Europe's modernist urban planners, including Bruno Taut and the Bauhaus group.Cernat, Avangarda, p.160-161 The ideals of collectivism in art, "art as life", and a "Constructivist revolution" dominated his programmatic texts of the mid-1920s, which offered as examples the activism of De Stijl, Blok and Soviet Constructivist architecture.Cernat, Avangarda, p.163-164, 254, 255, 258-259, 260 His own architectural work was entirely dedicated to functionalism: in his words, the purpose of architecture was a "harmony of forms", with designs as simplified as to resemble crystals.
In October 2013, Glasman delivered a speech to a Social Democratic Party of Germany event in Berlin. Praising the role of Ernest Bevin in developing the German economic model after the Second World War, he described the SPD as Labour's most important sister party outside the Commonwealth. He contrasted the British post-war consensus negatively with the German model, saying the latter was closer to the pre-war Labour ethos of solidarity than the collectivism of Attlee which he described as a continuation of wartime planning. Glasman concluded that pre-war Labour "improved the conditions of the working class precisely because it was not simply left-wing, it was also patriotic, conservative in relation to the constitution of Parliament and the monarchy, very strong in support of family life and contribution with a strong sense of place".
Following Theresa May's announcement at the 2016 Conservative Party conference that she would trigger Article 50 by March 2017, Barnett wrote in an article for openDemocracy about "the contemporary political philosophy" of which May "is the living incarnation of an ideology worked out over three decades in the pages of that paper" which he termed "Dacreism". According to Barnett, Dacre "wants to combine the conviction and clarity of Thatcherism with the inclusiveness of Churchillism. As a formula for appealing to middle- class readers nostalgic for the lost world of post-war greatness, yet fearful of anything that smacks of the collectivism of those years" his approach "became an astonishing formula for readers and advertisers". Dacre was the only media figure in May's first six months as PM to receive hospitality at No.10 in the form of a private dinner in October 2016.
He and Lawrence Joseph Henderson were friends, and Henderson was a friend of Abbott Lawrence Lowell, who had been president of Harvard and founder of the Lowell Institute. Henderson suggested that Lowell invite Barnard to lecture at the Institute, and having read "Mind in Everyday Affairs" and another lecture by Barnard, Lowell did so. Barnard gave eight extemporaneous talks at the Lowell Institute in 1937 on the topic of "functions of the executive," and on the invitation of Dumas Malone (the director of Harvard University Press who met Barnard through Arthur W. Page), he revised the material from the talks to create the book. Barnard's philosophy and thought processes in writing the book were characterized by humanism, empiricism, speculative philosophy (the interpretation of experience in a coherent framework), and analysis of the dichotomy of individualism and collectivism.
After three months of waiting while unemployed, Scott left Magnitogorsk for Moscow, planning to seek work as a translator or a secretary to a foreign journalist. In 1942, the family moved to America, an outcome that took help from the U.S. embassy to come about. Scott came close to being a purge victim; he stated that if he had switched citizenship during his good Soviet years, as some other foreign-born socialists had, he would have been sent, like them, into Siberian labor camps. This theme (differing fates for foreign-born residents depending on citizenship status by the time of the purge) is also confirmed in Robert Robinson's memoir.. Scott wrote Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia's City of Steel about his experiences in Magnitogorsk, presenting the Stalinist enterprise of building a huge steel producing plant and city as an awe-inspiring triumph of collectivism.
Maciunas' lifelong interest in diagrams made him chart the political, cultural and social history as well as art history and the chronology of Fluxus. In 1963, Maciunas composed the first Fluxus Manifesto, (see above), which called upon its readers to: > ...purge the world of bourgeois sickness, 'intellectual', professional & > commercialized culture ... PROMOTE A REVOLUTIONARY FLOOD AND TIDE IN ART, > ... promote NON ART REALITY to be grasped by all peoples, not only critics, > dilettantes and professionals ... FUSE the cadres of cultural, social & > political revolutionaries into united front & action. Shared by its sibling art movements Pop Art and minimalism, Fluxus expressed a countercultural sentiment to the value of art and the modes of its experience –distinctly achieved by its commitment to collectivism and to decommodifying and deaestheticizing art. Its aesthetic practitioners, valuing originality over imitating overworked forms, reconceptualized the art object and the nature of performance through musical 'concerts', 'olympic' games, and publications.
This intervention sought to empower Filipino women by addressing the inherent problems of differences in age, culture, and language. The gender inequality and paternalism harbored in Korean society can be attributed to Confucianism, which is deeply rooted in traditional ideas about the Korean family. Koreans have long recognized the family as a pillar of society and “under the strong influence of Confucianism, Koreans also came to consider the harmony and continuity of the family as the basis for upholding the human community.” Such beliefs have led Koreans to harbor a “family-first” ideology, prioritizing the family over individual members, who are expected to make sacrifices for the sake of the whole family. This belief led Koreans to “espouse a form of collectivism” that requires the sacrifice of each individual. However, “the most essential component of the Confucian family ideology is the inequality of interpersonal relations based on gender and generation.
The Conservative Manifesto is an economic plan that was based on a set of beliefs that were relatively universal to conservatives on both the Democrat and Republican sides of the aisle of in 1937 and heavily influenced the conservative platform going forward from this point. It was first expressed by a number of conservative Republicans and Democrats who were concerned with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal plan for solving the Great Depression believing it was steering the country towards collectivism. However, most have reportedly denied involvement and so the responsibility was taken up by Josiah Bailey, a congressman from North Carolina. The document was leaked to the public by the New York Times, in this case two reporters named Joseph Alsop and Robert Kitner During its initial leak by the New York Times it was seen as anti-New Deal, and there is some level of truth to this.
The degree of importance given by Japanese adults to practical values such as hard work and thrift or civic values like tolerance and altruism as part of child education is similar with that given by adults from most other cultures. According to a global study realized by Michael Minkov and his collaborators using samples from 54 countries representing all major world regions, the advice that adults give (in the case they are parents) or would give (in the case they have no children) to their children is in accordance to the general features of the culture in which they live. Like cultural differences in values and norms related to other domains, cultural differences about child education goals form two indexes called individualism versus collectivism and flexibility versus monumentalism. Japanese adults consider individualistic traits as being more important in child education than parents from other cultures, except from Western Europe.
Much of its economics and legal philosophy reflect anti- authoritarian, anti-statist, libertarian and radical interpretations of left- wing and socialist politics such as collectivism, communism, individualism, mutualism and syndicalism, among other libertarian socialist economic theories. As anarchism does not offer a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular worldview, many anarchist types and traditions exist and varieties of anarchy diverge widely. One reaction against sectarianism within the anarchist milieu was anarchism without adjectives, a call for toleration and unity among anarchists first adopted by Fernando Tarrida del Mármol in 1889 in response to the bitter debates of anarchist theory at the time. Despite separation, the various anarchist schools of thought are not seen as distinct entities, but rather as tendencies that intermingle and are connected through a set of uniform principles such as individual and local autonomy, mutual aid, network organisation, communal democracy, justified authoritiy and decentralisation.
In comparison to BioShocks questions of free will and humans' destiny, BioShock 2s director Jordan Thomas said that the player character is "almost the ultimate individual" whom Lamb goads to fulfill her goals. BioShock 2 also deals with cult of personalities, Marxism, abandonment, technocracy, moral absolutism, altruism, fatherhood, class war, equalitarianism, capitalism, utopianism, being, childhood, socialism, selfishness, adolescence, poverty, liberalism, moral relativism, rationalism, empiricism, Christianity, Social Darwinism, subversion of being, transformation, genetic determinism, and the benefits of family and religion. Professor Ryan Lizardi draws parallels between BioShock 2s themes of community versus the individual and the issues of McCarthyism and the hippie movement that occurred around the time period of the game's setting. "As this sequel is an extension of the first game's storylines and characters, there are direct contrasts between the extreme politics of Andrew Ryan's objectivism and the extreme religion/politics of Lamb's collectivism", he writes.
While all libertarians begin with a conception of personal autonomy from which they argue in favor of civil liberties and a reduction or elimination of the state, left-libertarianism encompasses those libertarian beliefs that claim the Earth's natural resources belong to everyone in an egalitarian manner, either unowned or owned collectively. Traditionally, left-libertarian schools are communist and market abolitionist, advocating the eventual replacement of money with labor vouchers or decentralized planning. Contemporary left-libertarians such as Hillel Steiner, Peter Vallentyne, Philippe Van Parijs, Michael Otsuka and David Ellerman believe the appropriation of land must leave "enough and as good" for others or be taxed by society to compensate for the exclusionary effects of private property. Socialist libertarians such as anarchists (green anarchists, individualist anarchists and social anarchists) and libertarian Marxists (council communists, De Leonists and Luxemburgists) promote usufruct and socialist economic theories, including collectivism, mutualism and syndicalism.
The Watermelon, a New Zealand website, uses the term proudly, stating that it is "green on the outside and liberal on the inside", while also citing "socialist political leanings", reflecting the use of the term "liberal" to describe the political left in many English-speaking countries. Red Greens are often considered "fundies" or "fundamentalist greens", a term usually associated with deep ecology even though the German Green Party "fundi" faction included eco-socialists, and eco-socialists in other Green Parties, like Derek Wall, have been described in the press as fundies."Triumph for 'Fundies' hits Green Party", Daily Mail, 21 September 1989 Eco-socialists also criticise bureaucratic and elite theories of self-described socialism such as Maoism, Stalinism and what other critics have termed bureaucratic collectivism or state capitalism. Instead, eco-socialists focus on imbuing socialism with ecology while keeping the emancipatory goals of "first-epoch" socialism.
He said: "Obviously following the theories of Karl Marx, your administrators and advisers have based their plans on the Soviet Russian system of regimentation and collectivism". He named as suitable candidates for dismissal Interior Secretary Harold Ickes and Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, the U.S. Ambassadors to Germany and Russia, William Dodd and William Bullitt, and more than a dozen others. In November 1938, the Dies Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives identified True as a distributor of anti-Semitic propaganda in the U.S. In testimony before that committee in May 1939, George Deatherage, head of the white supremacist Knights of the White Camellia, reported that True had patented a weapon for street-fighting against Jews, which the New York Times described as "a sort of baton about three feet long with knobs and notches in it". True lobbied Congress routinely and supported a variety of right-wing figures.
Along these same lines, the self-serving bias was again shown as more common among Americans than Japanese individuals. This can be seen in a study involving an animation of fish, wherein Western viewers interpreted the scene of a fish swimming away from a school as an expression of individualism and independence, while Eastern individuals wondered what was wrong with the singular fish and concluded that the school had kicked it out. Another study showed that in coverage of the same instance of violent crime, Western news focused on innate character flaws and the failings of the individual while Chinese news pointed out the lack of relationships of the perpetrator in a foreign environment and the failings of society. This is not to imply that collectivism and individualism are completely dichotomous, but these two cultural orientations are to be understood more so as a spectrum.
The concepts of collectivism and totality manage to explain phenomena of consciousness, and these anti-liberal concepts view the authors of these wholes as groups, classes, factions, and nations, not individuals. If we admit that consciousness is real, we must reject the principles of individualism and analysis, as unable to explain much of the world as we experience it. Unger contends that the implications of analytic thinking also give unmerited authority to the fact-value distinction; because the analytic thinker fragments forms of social consciousness, such as dividing beliefs into descriptive and normative beliefs, the analyst gives plausibility to the fact-value distinction which has been part of the damaging legacy of liberal doctrine. Because principles of analysis and individualism create obstacles for the understanding of mind and science, social theory has sought to escape these limitations and find a method of social study that respects the integrity of social wholes.
Writing in 1976, Bracher cautioned against a return to the "Great Man" school of history, warning that "Great Man" type histories were typical of totalitarian regimes as this concept of history as the "history of great men" was promoted not only in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, but "...also by communist regimes where, although quite contrary to their dogma of collectivism, it was in keeping with the psychology of mass mobilization by charismatic leadership. The great examples of this cult of leadership and pseudo-religious veneration and adoration are Lenin and Stalin and at present Mao and the North Korean demigod Kim Il Sung". However, at the same time, Bracher argued in totalitarian regimes, the position of the leader by its very definition meant that he had an oversized role in making history, thus making the study of the leader a prerequisite for understanding these regimes.Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211–225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 pages 214–215.
Jones outlines how a transatlantic network of neoliberal intellectuals, businessmen, journalists, university departments, and think tanks arose between 1950 and 1980 and, building on the foundations of the critiques of New Deal liberalism and social democracy of the early neoliberals, refined and popularized neoliberal ideas to the point that "they eventually seemed the natural alternative to liberal or social democratic policies". This network would serve "almost like a kind of Neoliberal International" that would be highly influential in the later adoption of neoliberal policies by the governments of the United States and United Kingdom. During this time, the locus of neoliberal thought shifted from Europe to America, with the American economist Milton Friedman becoming its most influential proponent—its "beating heart", as Jones describes it. Neoliberalism, according to Jones, evolved from an attempt to find a middle way between laissez-faire capitalism and collectivism into a "faith in free markets", often articulating "individual liberty in apocalyptic terms as a struggle between free societies and communist totalitarianism".
" Political scientist Steven Saxonberg reserves praise for the manner in which Fantasies of Salvation is written, but objects to Tismăneanu's preference for market liberalism at the expense of any form of collectivism, and claims that his focus on new antisemitic trends overlooks the revival of antiziganism. Researchers comment favorably Tismăneanu's rejection of cultural determinism in discussing the Eastern Bloc countries' relation to the Western world and to each other. As editor of the 1999 collection of essays The Revolutions of 1989 (Re-Writing Histories) (with contributions by Kołakowski and Daniel Chirot), Vladimir Tismăneanu was deemed by British historian Geoffrey Swain an "obvious choice to assemble the contributors."Geoffrey Swain, Reviews in History: The Revolutions of 1989, at the Institute of Historical Research; retrieved February 6, 2008 Swain, who called his preface "excellent", states: "It is difficult to argue with [Tismăneanu's] notion that 'these revolutions represented the triumph of civic dignity and political morality over ideological monism, bureaucratic cynicism and police dictatorship'.
He further said that whilst he did not find himself in "substantial disagreement" with the essays he declined the offer because "exception might not unreasonably be taken to my going out of my way (as it would be said) to herald a militant demonstration, avowedly directed against a section (however small) of the party of which I am (for the time being) one of the responsible leaders".Hirst, In the Golden Days, p. 157. Hirst was "baffled" by this and then asked William Ewart Gladstone. Gladstone replied with a handwritten letter: > I am wholly unable to comply with the requests which so often reach me for > the writing of Prefaces, but I venture on assuring you that I regard the > design formed by you and your friends with sincere interest, and in > particular wish well to all the efforts you may make on behalf of individual > freedom and independence as opposed to what is termed Collectivism.
Krasnay Nov Jun 1926; sitting left to right: Georgy Chulkov, Vikenty Veresaev, Christian Rakovsky, Boris Pilnyak, Aleksandr Voronsky, Petr Oreshin, Karl Radek and Pavel Sakulin; standing left to right: Ivan Evdokimov, Vasily Lvov-Rogachevsky, Vyacheslav Polonsky, Fedor Gladkov, Mikhail Gerasimov, Abram Ėfros and Isaac Babel; After that moment, although branded "enemy of the people", Rakovsky was still occasionally allowed to speak in public (notably, together with Kamenev and Karl Radek, to the Moscow Komsomol), and continued to criticize Stalin's leadership as "bureaucratic socialism" (see Bureaucratic collectivism) and "social fascism".Fagan, Opposition and Exile; Victor Kravchenko, I Chose Freedom, Transaction Publishers, Somerset, New Jersey, 1988, p.51-52. ; Tismăneanu, p.61-62 With Nikolai Krestinsky (who split with the group soon afterwards) and Kamenev, he attempted to organize a substantial opposition, visiting Ukraine for this purpose, hosting public meetings and printing manifestos addressed to the workers in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia (he was assisted by, among others, Yuri Kotsubinsky).
Born into a New York City Jewish working- class family, she joined the Young People's Socialist League (YPSL) affiliated with the Socialist Party as a teenager in the 1930s, where she met Julius Jacobson. Together they were persuaded of revolutionary socialism in its Trotskyist expression and they played a role in successor youth organizations to the YPSL associated with the Socialist Workers Party and the Workers Party. Between the 1930s and 1950s, at a time when the Communist Party had sway over much of the left in the United States, the Jacobsons were associated with a radically democratic current of the socialist movement which rejected Stalinist bureaucratic collectivism and understood the Soviet Union to be a perversion of socialism because of its lack of workers' control over industry and society. They were founding members of the Independent Socialist League, for which she was briefly the Manhattan organizer and which espoused Third Camp socialism.
Like many European psychoanalysts at the time, Rittmeister was on the social and political left and was much closer than his peers to the iconoclastic bent within psychoanalysis that had begun with Freud himself. In the early 1930s Rittmeister, in contrast to his peers, accused Carl Jung of archetypal mysticism and seeing in Jungs ahistorical image-collectivism the symptoms of the frightened and confused bourgeois response to the massive social change of the 20th Century. In Rittmeister's critique of Jung, he classified Jung as a crypto-fascist in an approach that echoed German Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch similar conclusion to German psychiatrist Hans Prinzhorn and the German philosopher Ludwig Klages approach. Instead of turning to a kind of fuzzy romanticism as many as his peers did, Rittmeister started to construct a critique of modern civilisation in the Freudian manner that avoided the emotionalism, mysticism, and relativism that he found in his analysis of Jung.
American libertarian writer David Boaz argued that the political terms Left and Right are used to spin a particular point of view rather than as simple descriptors, with those on the Left typically emphasizing their support for working people and accusing the right of supporting the interests of the upper class; and those on the Right usually emphasizing their support for individualism and accusing the Left of supporting collectivism. Boaz asserts that arguments about the way these terms should be used often displaces arguments about policy by raising emotional prejudice against a preconceived notion of what the terms mean.David Boaz, The Politics of Freedom: Taking on the Left, the Right, and Threats to Our Liberties, Cato Institute, 2008, In 2006, British Prime Minister Tony Blair described the main cleavage in politics as not left versus right, but open versus closed. According to Blair, attitudes towards social issues and globalism are more important than the conventional economic left–right issues.
After Stalin died and once the ensuing power struggle subsided, a period of de-Stalinization developed, as Soviets debated what Marxism–Leninism would be in the absence of its de facto enforced equivalence with Stalinism. During the Khrushchev Thaw, the answer that emerged was that it would continue to involve central planning to the nearly complete exclusion of market mechanisms, as well as the totalitarian version of collectivism and continuing xenophobia, but that it would no longer involve the extreme degree of state terror seen during the Great Purge era. This ideological viewpoint maintained the secular apotheosis of Lenin, treating the terror aspect of Stalinism as a perversion that had been belatedly corrected, rather than admitting that Lenin himself had built a legacy of state terror. This storyline persisted into the Gorbachev era and even mostly survived glasnost, being definitively debunked only after the dissolution of the union and still not rejected even today by many people.
Nazism rejected the Marxist concepts of class conflict and universal equality, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organization, which tended to match the general outlook of collectivism or communitarianism rather than economic socialism. The Nazi Party's precursor, the pan-German nationalist and antisemitic German Workers' Party (DAP), was founded on 5 January 1919. By the early 1920s, the party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party—to attract workers away from left-wing parties such as the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Communists (KPD)—and Adolf Hitler assumed control of the organization. The National Socialist Program, or "25 Points", was adopted in 1920 and called for a united Greater Germany that would deny citizenship to Jews or those of Jewish descent, while also supporting land reform and the nationalization of some industries.
The report conceded that, with several exceptions "such as the Institute of Pacific Relations, foundations have not directly supported organizations which, in turn, operated to support communism." However, the report did conclude that > Some of the larger foundations have directly supported 'subversion' in the > true meaning of that term--namely, the process of undermining some of our > vitally protective concepts and principles. They have actively supported > attacks upon our social and governmental system and financed the promotion > of socialism and collectivist ideas. The report had also proposed changes in law: a "rule against perpetuities" to limit the lives of non-institutional foundations, 10–25 years, a denial of tax exemption to a foundation holding more than 5%-10% of any business' capital or securities, and a ban on using foundation funds to support "socialism, collectivism or any other form of society or government which is at variance with the basic principles of ours" (existing law prohibited its use only for support of communism and fascism).
" Rand went on to opine that "in opposing the white man" Native Americans wished to "continue a primitive existence" and "live like animals or cavemen", surmising that "any European who brought with him an element of civilization had the right to take over this continent." On Columbus Day of 1992, Michael Berliner, executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute, reiterated this philosophical position and hailed the European conquest of North America, describing the indigenous culture as "a way of life dominated by fatalism, passivity, and magic." Western civilization, Berliner claimed, brought "reason, science, self- reliance, individualism, ambition, and productive achievement" to a people who were based in "primitivism, mysticism, and collectivism", and to a land that was "sparsely inhabited, unused, and underdeveloped."Blackfoot Physics: A Journey Into The Native American Universe, by F. David Peat, Weiser, 2005, , pg 310 In a 1999 follow up editorial for Capitalism Magazine, Berliner, who was also senior adviser to the Ayn Rand Archives, expressed objectivism's "reverence" for Western Civilization which he referred to as an "objectively superior culture" that "stands for man at his best.
In the 1970s, an American Situationist collective called For Ourselves: Council for Generalized Self-Management published a book called The Right To Be Greedy: Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything in which they advocate a "communist egoism" basing themselves on Stirner.Four Ourselves, The Right To Be Greedy: Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything Its authors say: "The positive conception of egoism, the perspective of communist egoism, is the very heart and unity of our theoretical and practical coherence". Here the authors write: "The perspective of communist egoism is the perspective of that selfishness which desires nothing so much as other selves, of that egoism which wants nothing so much as other egos; of that greed which is greedy to love—love being the 'total appropriation' of man by man". "Communist egoism" names the synthesis of individualism and collectivism, just as communist society names the actual, material, sensuous solution to the historical contradiction of the "particular" and the "general" interest, a contradiction engendered especially in the cleavage of society against itself into classes.
On the basis of their folksongs and history, he said that the peoples of what he called Northern or Great Rus on one hand and Southern or Little Rus on the other (Russians and Ukrainians, respectively) differed in character and formed two separate Russian nationalities. In his famous essay Two Russian Nationalities (), a landmark in the history of Narodniks thought, he wrote what some consider to be the ideas of Russians inclined towards autocracy, collectivism, and state-building, and Ukrainians inclined towards liberty, and individualism. The article of Kostomarov on the problem of the psychological diversity of Rus' people in the Russian Empire had an impact on the scientific research of the collective psychology in Eastern Europe. In his various historical writings, Kostomarov was always very positive about Kievan Rus' and Novgorod Republic, about what he considered to be the veche system of popular assemblies (see especially his monography On the role of Novgorod the Great in the Russian history, ), and the later Zaporozhian Cossack brotherhood, which he thought in part was an heir to the democratic system as well.
In 1981, while teaching organization psychology in a management program in Shanghai, Nevis's observation of individuals there led him to conclude that their hierarchy of needs differed from that propounded by Abraham Maslow, which was based on American culture, and to formulate a Chinese hierarchy, Nevis's hierarchy of needs. He regarded the need hierarchies of different cultures as classifiable with reference to an individualism-collectivism dimension and an ego-social dimension.Edwin C. Nevis, "Cultural Assumptions, Productivity and Innovation: Understanding the United States through contrast with the People's Republic of China," Working paper, Alfred P. Sloan College of Management, 1982. Online at Ebooks and Texts Archive; Edwin C. Nevis, "Cultural Assumptions and Productivity: The United States and China," Sloan Management Review 24.3 (1983) 17-29; Edwin C. Nevis, "Using an American Perspective in Understanding Another Culture: Toward a Hierarchy of Needs for the People's Republic of China," Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 19.3 (1983) 249-64; Theodore D. Weinshall, Societal Culture and Management, De Gruyter studies in organization 44, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 1993, , p. 292.
Woodgate works in a variety of forms, including radio, public art, and sculpture. Woodgate's solo projects include New Landscapes, Art Positions, Art Basel Miami Beach (2012), Collectivism, Spinello Projects, Miami (2011); Growing Up, Miami-Dade Public Library (2010); Endlessly Falling, Dimensions Variable, Miami (2009) and Radio Espacio Estacion, an "ongoing online nomadic bilingual radio station." Woodgate's public projects include I. Stanley Levine Memorial Bench, commissioned by the Art in Public Places committee of Miami Beach (2013), Hopscotch, commissioned by the Bass Museum, Miami (2013), Kulturpark, an initiative set in an abandoned amusement park in East Berlin (2012), 1111, Highway Billboards & Bus Shelter Posters, Commissioned by Locust Projects (2011), and Concrete Poetry, a permanent urban design project as a part of the Miami Poetry Festival in collaboration with O, Miami and Miami-Dade County's Department of Transportation and Public Works (2018). Woodgate has been a part of many group exhibitions, including the Denver Art Museum (2013), KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (2012); White Box, NY (2012); Gallery Nosco, London (2011); Good Children Gallery, New Orleans (2011); Naples Museum of Art, FL (2011); North Carolina Museum (2011); Montreal Biennale, Canada (2009) and Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami (2007).
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Chapter 8 Sutton concluded that it was all part of the economic power elites' "long-range program of nurturing collectivism" and fostering "corporate socialism" in order to ensure "monopoly acquisition of wealth" because it "would fade away if it were exposed to the activity of a free market."Wall Street and FDR, Chapter 12. In his view, the only solution to prevent such abuse in the future was that "a majority of individuals declares or acts as if it wants nothing from government, declares it will look after its own welfare and interests" or, specifically, if "a majority finds the moral courage and the internal fortitude to reject the something-for-nothing con game and replace it by voluntary associations, voluntary communes, or local rule and decentralized societies." In the early 1980s, Sutton used a combination of public-domain information on Skull and Bones (such as Yale yearbooks) and previously unreleased documents sent to him by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt whose father was a Skull and Bones member to write America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones, which, according to Sutton, was his most important work.
This group sought widely for a program, ranging from state-regulated capitalism to various forms of "association" and collectivism, and worked to introduce European learning and culture in Georgia. They became the first Georgian political team to stress the importance of the urban and economic life of Georgia. They actively implemented their ideas into practice and worked to keep the Georgians from being pushed aside by the Russians and Armenians who dominated the Georgian cities, particularly the capital, Tiflis. He gained almost a scandalous name by publishing his sarcastic article, "A Thought on Likhi Mountain" (1871), where he compared Tiflis to an old whore, the wide, paved avenues, parks, and theaters being just her make-up, while the markets are her blackened teeth and the cemeteries and war-devastated fields her raddled body. Nikoladze’s rhetoric attacks on the representatives of the older generation, who mostly chose to serve loyally to the Russian administration, further strengthened positions of the "men of the 60s," a backbone of younger Georgian intellectuals forming an opposition to the Tsarist regime. From 1871 to 1875, Nikoladze lived between Paris and Tbilisi, organizing several revolutionary periodicals such as Krebuli in Tbilisi (1871), Drosha in Paris (1873) and Mimokhilva in Tbilisi.

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