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"scapegoats" Antonyms

390 Sentences With "scapegoats"

How to use scapegoats in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "scapegoats" and check conjugation/comparative form for "scapegoats". Mastering all the usages of "scapegoats" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mocking, humiliating, and denigrating scapegoats is their stock in trade.
They stick with their guns and put their scapegoats in.
He's a bigot who scapegoats minority groups for political gain.
Many U.S. fans were left shocked and searching for scapegoats.
The Crimean Tatars have always been easy scapegoats for Russia.
Protesters believe the two defendants are being used as scapegoats.
Approaching storms become convenient scapegoats for various aches and pains.
Yet, again, he casts Antifa and police as the scapegoats.
As such, we reach for scapegoats, and they're easy to find.
On your point about finding scapegoats—I mean, that's American history.
They're attracted to that rhetoric and are happy to choose scapegoats.
These stereotypes can reinforce prejudices and make groups into easy scapegoats.
That said, all wax men know they are often easy scapegoats.
That's where scapegoats are needed: blacks, Muslims, immigrants and especially Jews.
Trump has already pinpointed scapegoats for the stock market's recent troubles.
In a sense, central banks are being made scapegoats for others' failures.
He said the terminated deputies were being made scapegoats for the shootings.
In the typical fashion of the ivory tower intelligentsia, scapegoats were conceived.
But some say employees are being treated as scapegoats for bigger problems.
Kings, queens, scapegoats, victims—they might have been any of these things.
Trump himself appears to be prepping for a slowdown by identifying scapegoats.
Old women were made scapegoats for the poor harvests that colder winters caused.
Many Britons feel anxious about these broader shifts, and immigrants make convenient scapegoats.
He's emerged as one of the scapegoats for the firing of James Comey.
We knew Trenton and Mobley were accomplished hackers, and thus plausible fsociety scapegoats.
The Silicon Valley survivalists fear that, if this happens, people will look for scapegoats.
But if Packers fans are looking for scapegoats, their ire shouldn't fall on Ripowski.
But while Trump scapegoats the media, he has served them well—at least, financially.
Hillary Clinton has blamed her election loss on the Russians, among many other scapegoats.
As Megan Hernbroth reports, a search for answers, scapegoats and solutions is now underway.
Stop making teachers the scapegoats for every real and imagined problem in our society.
When the chances of winning diminish, people tend to find scapegoats for their losses.
It is just that now modernity, immigration and globalization make for more convenient scapegoats.
In a search for scapegoats, he asked his advisers repeatedly: Whose fault was this?
"The far right always ... need the scapegoats," says the French official I spoke to.
Trump hasn't tacitly authorized widespread, wholesale violence against perceived "scapegoats" — yet (well, mostly not).
Be smart: It's very likely MBS will find some scapegoats, and claim he knew nothing.
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the powerful police union, claims the cops are "scapegoats".
But something must be done, and it needs to be bigger than a few scapegoats.
But as the days passed, and critics piled on, the hunt for scapegoats ratcheted up.
They have too often heard of sexual abuse by soldiers, and of police framing scapegoats.
It's much easier to ape the same conspiracy theorists they mock and find external scapegoats.
He will continue to create scapegoats and enemies and demand that his lies be accepted.
Fear mongers usually point to the border with two scapegoats in mind: Immigrants and drugs.
I do not want to get into the game of cutting heads and seeking scapegoats.
He would be adrift and bereft without his sparring partners, lightning rods, scapegoats and amplifiers.
Iran's leaders have blamed the United States, Israel and other longtime scapegoats for the unrest.
It's not entirely clear why these names became scapegoats for the internet's semi-ironic ire.
"They want to use us as scapegoats for what others are doing," the representative said.
One way that he's doing that: engaging in conspiracy theories and using political enemies as scapegoats.
It is easy to create scapegoats, increase the temperature and throw red meat at the masses.
We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to become scapegoats for President Obama's failed policies.
And scapegoats are everywhere to be found, since without divided responsibility there is no practical action.
Millennials and James Comey are convenient scapegoats for people like Mook, who are auditioning for jobs.
Nevertheless, it seems that both sides are all too eager to use civil servants as scapegoats.
Teenagers were used as early scapegoats in Baltimore's 2015 uprising, when Gray's death sparked widespread protests.
All populist autocrats try to foment divisions, find scapegoats and inflame their backers against their critics.
That just makes the employees the scapegoats for America's entire history of institutionalized and structural racism.
As newcomers to South Africa, he said, he and his brothers have been turned into scapegoats.
As bearish sentiment multiplied on Wednesday, however, Trump was not accepting blame but looking for scapegoats.
But as the extent of the crisis becomes more apparent, people will be looking for scapegoats.
A society where scapegoats like "well, what about the white men?" are given room to grow.
But after the financial crisis, migrants and refugees became scapegoats, attacked by the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn.
This what anti-Semitism does: It attacks democracy and transparency, giving authoritarian actors scapegoats for national problems.
It was also against immigrants and poor people and the vast handouts they imagined these scapegoats received.
Plaintiffs said the new law simply tried to turn them into scapegoats for a failed housing policy.
Eurocrats in Brussels often complain that they are made the scapegoats for the failings of national politicians.
Old labels no longer fit, and the citizenry seems torn between competing desires for saviors and scapegoats.
We are asleep in our polarized politics, which exaggerates our differences, looks for scapegoats instead of answers.
Scapegoats and new diseases have often gone together, often to lift blame from the people in charge.
And in their search for scapegoats to sustain their success, tech is now firmly in their firing line.
And panics, for their part, don't always have to transform into official moves to persecute and banish scapegoats.
And panics, for their part, don't always have to transform into official moves to persecute and banish scapegoats.
When he faces setbacks, or when he has his back against the wall, he lashes out at scapegoats.
Guys like me and Kevin, well, we're easy scapegoats," Grayson complains when we first meet him in "Mark.
Increasingly, these voters have absorbed Mr. Trump's every viewpoint, his scapegoats, even his language tics as their own.
Minorities and immigrants are easy scapegoats, leading to an increase in racism and support for the far right.
In some parts of the UK – particularly rural, economically depressed areas – immigrant workers became easy scapegoats for unemployment.
Female villains have long been useful scapegoats, repositories for social and cultural anxieties about men, women and power.
Entire groups of Americans have been demonized and used as scapegoats for economic ailments, fear, and general uncertainty.
We are at a moment when mobs on the left and the right ignore evidence and destroy scapegoats.
"My mom's friend isn't voting for Ahok because she's scared Chinese will be made scapegoats again," he said.
Politicians will produce no end of scapegoats to take the blame and will further energize the far right.
The Russian state's battle against corruption has seen few bullets fly, save for a few hand-picked scapegoats.
These social pressures can exacerbate ethnic, racial and sectarian tensions and make them scapegoats for local and national problems.
Centers of power are adept at staying as they are, and scapegoats are far too easy to come by.
After all, he needs scapegoats to blame when the terrorism in the Middle East inevitably reaches the United States.
If Trump's agenda collapses, particularly in the first few months of his presidency, he will cast about for scapegoats.
If he cannot offer a reasoned explanation, then he has simply chosen racial and religious scapegoats for public exploitation.
When Trump scapegoats Muslims, that also damages our own security by bolstering the us-versus-them narrative of ISIS.
That animosity never has quite the same bite, though, as fans have for the scapegoats of their own team.
Torontonians have rallied together; the search for easy scapegoats that had followed some attacks in Europe was noticeably muted.
When it comes to focusing at work, there is no shortage of scapegoats to blame for our wandering minds.
Rather than using immigrants as scapegoats for issues related to crime or unemployment, we must call for social reform.
When they're white and male, they're spoon-fed a list of scapegoats: people of color, feminists, immigrants, L.G.B.T.Q. people.
"There is a danger that his policy fails and that he subsequently starts looking for scapegoats," Mr. Fuest said.
They retire to dark corners, ready to be redeployed at times of insecurity and alarm, when scapegoats are sought.
Still, why it that Fairstein and Lederer have become the scapegoats for what seems a systemic and cultural problem?
But when societies face economic pain, they sometimes turn to reforms, and other times to scapegoats (like refugees this year).
Every Presidential scandal generates a dramatis personae—heroes, scapegoats, opportunists, and bitter-enders whose roles are unknowable at the outset.
Not Donald Trump: he'll ban Muslims from coming here, scapegoats Syrian refugees, and talks about a nation-wide Muslim database.
TV's Joe Concha on Wednesday that tech companies are concerned that conservatives have begun to use their platforms as scapegoats.
In the rest of the country, however, lawmakers who want to use transgender people as political scapegoats continue to fail.
"I appreciate the fact that people wanted scapegoats after the great recession," Mr. Wanger, 54, said in a recent interview.
The group also cited toxic populist rhetoric that blames and scapegoats refugees and migrants for crime, unemployment and other social problems.
"No scapegoats can accomplish this mission," prosecutor Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin told The Associated Press before Wednesday&aposs court session began.
"Of course the migrants themselves are scapegoats and have no responsibility for Italy's economic problems," historian David Broder said over email.
Two events, in particular — 9/20093 and the Great Recession — fostered a climate where immigrants became easy scapegoats for complex problems.
In these debates on the "China threat," ordinary Chinese students in Australian universities have become unfortunate scapegoats for national political anxieties.
It is condemned to looking for scapegoats who can explain why the millenarian dream turned out to be a squalid nightmare.
Ms Malcorra, without mentioning the Americans by name, warned against creating scapegoats out of those who might recently have "shifted gear".
Viktor Orban, Hungary's populist prime minister, can make immigrants into scapegoats because so few exist in his country to refute him.
Or will he blame his favorite scapegoats for this celestial event, the "fake" mainstream media, and launch panicked broadsides via Twitter?
This can make those positions convenient scapegoats during a breach or compromise, but does little to improve the overall security posture.
" But Obama said those anxieties should not lead to an emergence of the type of politics that scapegoats "immigrants or Muslims.
A sense of ressentiment, or a "narrative of injury," is leading them to look for scapegoats to explain their growing impotence.
There was no conspiracy; the men were merely scapegoats for the Soviet Union's first recently implemented and failing five-year plan.
She holds a PhD from SOAS, University of London, and she is the author of Hostile Environment: How Immigrants Became Scapegoats.
There is a growing worldwide trend of vandalizing security robots, useful scapegoats for a culture of surveillance otherwise all but intangible.
After Tuesday's hearing, Thomas' attorney, Montell Figgins, told reporters the two guards were being used as "scapegoats," the Associated Press reported.
We've gone through a tremendously difficult time, with newcomers pegged as scapegoats for global migration, economic changes, and new cultural norms.
But the earnings reports on Wednesday were largely free of the legal and regulatory complications that have often served as scapegoats.
" They need scapegoats and harbor "an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations.
Hence the attraction of leaders who "tell it like it is" and identify convenient scapegoats, like immigrants or the European Union.
It seems to me to make more sense to target solutions than scapegoats, but sense is often in short supply in politics.
Since the day after Trump's inauguration, ordinary people refused to sell out immigrants, refugees, trans people, or other scapegoats of the moment.
Perhaps economic insecurity simply generates a need for scapegoats, and minorities are easy targets—especially if they rely on taxpayer-financed benefits.
Worst of all, Stumpf used low-paid workers as the raw materials for this scheme, and as the scapegoats when it unraveled.
Ever more needed in moments when there is an atmosphere of extreme right politics gaining ground and people are looking for scapegoats.
Lawyers for the two defendants have argued that their clients are scapegoats in a political game involving players with far more power.
A popular response to the news on social media was that the guards were scapegoats, despite any public evidence supporting that theory.
It's an increasingly aggressive hunt for scapegoats: greedy speculators, the deep state, foreign interlopers, dishonest journalists, saboteurs, fifth columnists, and so on.
Both rely on scapegoats (immigrants, on the one hand; on the other, things like foreign aid and legal assistance for the poor).
Among staff working for EU institutions, long used to being unloved scapegoats for national politicians, the mood oscillates between despond and defiance.
Indonesians of Chinese ancestry, like Ms. Anggono, became scapegoats for political and anticolonial frustrations, and were targets of physical and sexual assault.
New and dangerous political actors were quick to seize upon the public's hunger to find scapegoats as the political mood turned dark.
Other Republicans agreed that Trump appears to be setting up McConnell and the Senate as scapegoats should his other top priorities fail.
Migrants from the European Union have often been used as scapegoats when the real culprit for weak economic performance has been government mismanagement.
Or he can continue to spout slogans, to look for easy scapegoats and to put his own interests above those of the country.
His cult of personality + ideology that scapegoats blackness + militaristic sense of order = the American bent toward fascism that's become all too obvious lately.
And he seems to be laying the groundwork for him to make the company into another of his numberless scapegoats in the future.
But the point is Bill... (BELL RINGS) ... we cannot have a Republican party that scapegoats anyone, Hispanics, Muslims, any women, African Americans, anyone.
One aggravating factor in this grim situation is that social media have made it easier than ever to propagate prejudice and target scapegoats.
Their defenders counter that poor student performance is rooted in poverty, family and societal breakdown and that teachers and their unions are scapegoats.
The mood in the Empire was restive, ripe for a self-declared savior ready to deploy the language of violence and identify scapegoats.
It turns out Lori Loughlin, Felicity Huffman, and the 48 others charged in Operation Varsity Blues were actually scapegoats for a completely different crime.
The politics of hate have made immigrants the scapegoats for Americans' powerlessness, while providing cover for the already powerful to amass even more power.
Latinos and immigrants have long been favorite scapegoats for Limbaugh, and his award deserves to be viewed as an insult to the Latino community.
And by casting Democrats and the media as scapegoats, Trump managed to shrug it all off and shore up his base in the process.
The sheriff has consistently used migrants as scapegoats during his electoral races, and he displayed an unrelenting cruel streak during his time in office.
But even the least effective attract power-hungry hatemongers as lieutenants, and try to whip up frenzies against "enemy groups" as scapegoats and distractions.
"We're just scapegoats," Liu Xiaoyan, an electric bike courier, who watched the aftermath of the crash, said recently at an intersection in northeast Beijing.
In an age when the government can target people from bad backgrounds and make them out to be scapegoats, who is the real culprit?
Unchecked autocrats turn on the weakest and most vulnerable as scapegoats, and lash out in foreign misadventures to divert attention from problems at home.
Mounk doesn't believe the resentment is necessarily baseless, even if he thinks the demagogues who seize on such anger offer scapegoats instead of solutions.
Mr. Trump was and remains completely unprepared to respond rationally to the daunting challenges he faces, so he seeks scapegoats to berate and punish.
Trump looked at America and correctly saw an anxious, uncertain populace that was ripe for facile answers, scapegoats and a narrative of unjust victimization.
Firehawks have also tended to be regarded as folklore by government officials, Dr. Bonta said, becoming scapegoats for fires that have been improperly managed.
The alt-light provides its audience easy scapegoats for their social, economic and sexual frustrations: liberals and feminists and migrants and, of course, globalists.
Getting tough on "them" — the racially defined "others" who could easily be used as scapegoats and cast as the enemy — was all that mattered.
Trump is a demagogue who vilifies and scapegoats refugees, Muslims, undocumented immigrants, racial minorities, who strikes me as a danger to our national security.
You do have a coherent narrative — an honest, cohesive explanation for why the world is the way it is, without miracle cures or scapegoats.
In Poland, these scapegoats are the so-called crazy leftists, queer-lovers, Germans, Jews, European Union puppets, feminists, liberals and anyone who supports immigrants.
"In the past, immigrants have been scapegoats in political attack ads, and now we are pushing back hard," said Cristóbal Alex, the group's president.
Instead they just serve as distractions and easy scapegoats to prevent voters from getting a good look at the candidates in a highly stressful situation.
Some accuse the president of making scapegoats of foreign workers to help smooth the passage of a contentious labour reform he is pushing at home.
This goes beyond our club—we want to safeguard the whole industry, so that safe, well-managed venues are celebrated rather than treated as scapegoats.
You have fights for authority, you have emerging leaders coming in, you have scapegoats, you have experiments—you fail or you're right—and you learn.
The T.S.A.'s uniformed screeners have become convenient scapegoats for the long lines, missed flights and general chaos that have frustrated airline travelers all month.
Reid Wilson, a campaign reporter for The Hill, says in a new interview that tech companies fear that they are becoming scapegoats for congressional Republicans.
Trump correctly understood the economic anxiety of millions of middle-class Americans, and he used trade and immigration as scapegoats for their stagnant economic reality.
But it appears that the Obama administration is caving to the politics of the moment, where immigrants are scapegoats and easy targets to gain votes.
Biden slammed Trump, saying the president had created an atmosphere in which different classes and races of people are seeking scapegoats for their personal struggles.
The League played directly into Italian fears of migrants and refugees -- using them as scapegoats for the state of the Italian economy and high unemployment.
Trump and his top allies have responded to recession fears by touting strong domestic numbers and deflecting blame for the souring outlook to frequent scapegoats.
In closing arguments on Wednesday, the defense argued that the government was using the towns as scapegoats to seek revenge against a religion it abhors.
People have become so tribal that "politicians have little choice but to supply our demand for illusory quick fixes, oversimplified sound bites, scapegoats," he said.
We don't have to panic, turn other people into scapegoats, or, alternatively, pull the wool over our eyes and pretend nothing is happening at all.
Their lawyers said they were made scapegoats by North Korean agents who, working on Kim Jong-un's behalf, recruited them and then fled the country.
But the search for scapegoats — first China, then Europe — is seen as part of the inevitable politicization of a crisis some are comparing to wartime.
Rally as many around him without looking for scapegoats for his failures, which are quite normal for someone who had not prepared himself to govern.
Without naming Warren or Sanders, Bloomberg criticized politicians who "shake their fists and point to scapegoats" and have made criticizing billionaires a core campaign theme.
The speech itself contained a few flourishes that have become standard in Trump speeches, as he embellished some of his accomplishments and targeted familiar scapegoats.
Trump's quickness to deflect blame, readiness to designate scapegoats, unpredictable tirades and stinginess with the loyalty that he demands from others aren't just character flaws.
Trump intuited and revealed the worst traits of worried Americans — their search for scapegoats, their desire to prostrate themselves before an autocratic savior, their bigotry.
This week alone, he made comments, sent tweets, and unveiled policies (some real and some fake) all designed to further dehumanize and demonize his scapegoats.
So may the insurrection gain ground but be channeled not by punishing scapegoats, but by pursuing reforms that make the system work better for ordinary Americans.
Amanda and Zach call down their scapegoats to join them in Armageddon before TJ reveals mercenaries Cory and Devin are actually competing in the face-off.
And now Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has reached down into the political grab bag of scapegoats to pin the blame on another familiar boogeyman: video games.
Luckily, his coach and teammates were there for him after the game, even if media jerks like me are lumping him in with the scapegoats. 43.
"The weakest of people in this country are the ones being made the scapegoats for everything, and unfortunately, facts don't matter, logic doesn't matter," said Grijalva.
He took to Twitter Wednesday to call for Snyder's arrest for "poisoning Flint" and accused the attorney general of arresting scapegoats instead of those actually responsible.
When a charismatic leader scapegoats minorities for society's ills and claims that "I alone can fix it," our deeply engrained Jewish warning lights start flashing red.
France's at times toxic debate over immigration anticipated America's contemporary global debate over immigration, one that scapegoats the most vulnerable populations as thieves, rapists and murderers.
Lawyers for the two defendants have argued that virtually the entire Christie administration was aware of the scheme and have portrayed Kelly and Baroni as scapegoats.
When the assault catastrophically fails, the generals look for scapegoats and decide to execute three enlisted men, more or less chosen at random, for alleged cowardice.
They said that they had become "expendable scapegoats" in the admiral's fight against an anti-authoritarian "Gallagher effect" that was threatening to spread through the force.
Mr. Trump offers dislocated white men convenient scapegoats — Mexicans, Muslims, trade policies, political correctness — and promises to return those men to their rightful place in society.
Shmuley added ... Jewish people have time and again been scapegoats for bigots and madmen, so it's high time synagogues wise up and look out for their safety.
And, by looking for scapegoats and simplistic solutions that punish them, populism has made it harder to confront the real long-term problems that the crisis exposed.
Tech businesses could become convenient scapegoats, particularly since companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook have enjoyed fat profits and near-monopoly power in certain sectors.
Latinos, African-Americans, women, and immigrants are handy scapegoats to blame for "thieving" jobs from Americans who perceive themselves to be more worthy or qualified for them.
He is among the most promising scapegoats, according to The Washington Post, along with the president's lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Mr. Sondland, two of the principal players.
This rhetoric reveals the extent to which Jews were seen as scapegoats, responsible for somehow manipulating the current world order in order to destabilize white Christian identity.
"There's a desire in today's Italy for public lynching, not just Asia, but any scapegoats," said Francesca Koch, the president of the International Women's House in Rome.
The governing Justice and Development Party, known as the A.K.P., uses the largely cowed and co-opted media to target new enemies and scapegoats for its failures.
Beyond all this, it seems entirely possible that voices in the conservative media and Republican strategists, ever inventive, will furnish new scapegoats and invent new threats altogether.
As we have seen with Trump's government shutdown over his wall, foreigners are easy scapegoats for domestic economic woes, of which the President has a long list.
He abuses his office for personal gain, gleefully scapegoats ethnic and religious minorities, describes the opposition as treasonous, and labels the free press enemies of the people.
"The far-right tries to channel that fear towards their regular scapegoats," Zeljko Jovanovic, director of the Open Society Roma Initiatives Office in Berlin, told VICE News.
Their favorite scapegoats included glitches and technical issues, as if they (most notably, Google, Facebook, and Twitter) aren't the ones responsible for creating the machines that they deploy.
But by focusing on it to the exclusion of other variables, political establishments in Europe and the U.S. all too often give the impression of looking for scapegoats.
After an explosive Armageddon that brought in a new set of mercenaries, Challenge winners Amanda and Zach were sent packing along with their favorite scapegoats, Jozea and Da'Vonne.
The main difference is that, unlike Nixon, Trump constructed his multi-billion-dollar brand, and his presidential bid, with the ample assistance of the media he now scapegoats.
But as a newly published analysis argues, many common scapegoats simply cannot explain the steady, long-run rise in such prices relative to those elsewhere in the economy.
Of course, it's the usual bait and switch routine—distracting people from their deeper sufferings and projecting that dissatisfaction onto scapegoats who have nothing to do with it.
What he won are the tools of repression and amnesty required to punish his scapegoats, and what his supporters won is the expectation that he will use them.
Our party, the Republican Party, is best when it thinks big, when it aims at solutions rather than scapegoats and when it relies on data rather than dogma.
"We make these kind of superficial scapegoats that we can use to make ourselves feel better about racism, but we don't address policies, practices or structures," she says.
He has since sought advantage by playing to disaffected people's worst instincts, inventing scapegoats and conspiracy theories, waging and inciting vicious attacks on those who disagree with him.
Because Democrats are offering those left-behind working-class folk nothing, they are turning to Republicans, who are at least acknowledging their problems and offering them easy scapegoats.
He described leaders like Duterte, U.S. President Donald Trump, and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan as "wielding a toxic agenda that hounds, scapegoats and dehumanizes entire groups of people".
The parents started out as sectarians and ended up as priestly rulers or sacred scapegoats; the children started out as poets and ended up as professionals and intellectuals.
These scapegoats are meant to inspire solidarity in a group by providing an object for its hostility (or derision), and educators and civic leaders should not play along.
Throughout his campaign and the first year of his presidency, Trump has targeted scapegoats he is able to code as "other" in order to consolidate his own power.
Lawyers for Almena and Harris say they are scapegoats and that the building&aposs owner, who Almena described during the interview as "deceitful and greedy," should face criminal charges.
Gloria Schmidt, who represents the Osundairos, said the brothers, who were extras on "Empire," merely thought they were helping Smollett and were made scapegoats after Smollett's ruse was uncovered.
In the weeks that have followed, old debates have sparked new and classic scapegoats have been pushed again to cover for the nation's inability to address a root cause.
"I do not think individuals should be scapegoats for a diplomatic incident, although I appreciate that the sacrificing of individuals is an unfortunate possibility when it comes to politics."
His memoir exists to settle scores with Trump, who made him (and two of his close friends, who died in a plane crash) scapegoats for his Atlantic City troubles.
Despite any public evidence to support it, a popular response on social media was that the guards were scapegoats for people who paid them to look the other way.
While Maurice Tuchman interprets Soutine's dying fowl as "psychological scapegoats," aesthetic reminders of a shtetl tradition stemming from the artist's youth, his analysis of the beef pictures is quite different.
And so Trump is returning to the themes, provocations, and scapegoats that have always supported him, and that he knows will let him control the narrative when all else fails.
We all know that stirring anxiety among voters, fabricating scapegoats, and tearing at the ties that bind our big, diverse, American family, are tactics used by politicians all too frequently.
But what makes it so devastating is its relentless portrayal of a criminal justice system that locks up, scapegoats and brutalizes black and brown American children with ease and enthusiasm.
Erdoğan is under increasing pressure because Turks are becoming increasingly angry about their presence, and are beginning to cast them as scapegoats for high unemployment and the country's struggling economy.
Soccer is structured in such a way that referees can only ever be unpopular: They are exceptionally convenient scapegoats for managers hoping to explain away defeat and fans seeking reassurance.
Economic discussions in recent months seem focused specifically on trade and immigration – longtime talking points and frequent scapegoats that are far easier to distill on the stump than cutting edge technologies.
Trump seems to be looking for scapegoats for his own loss months before the first votes are even counted: the Democrats, the debate commission, his own voters, even local fire marshals.
There were congressional investigations and scapegoats when Equifax exposed the personal data of as many as 143 million customers, but there were no actual reforms to our broken credit bureau system.
If Rupert Murdoch, the boss of Fox's parent company, is looking for scapegoats, he should train his fire instead on the man whom Fox's sympathetic coverage helped get elected as president.
He looks for scapegoats, he embraces illiberal plans for revenge, he retreats to the strategy that launched his political career and his presidential campaign: capturing press coverage through shock and offense.
The CIA and the myriad other agencies that should make the American President the world's best-informed head of state cannot become scapegoats for any bad decisions or ill-conceived instincts.
We have ever sign that any good economic news will be spun by Trump as proof that his strongman ethos is working and any bad news will be blamed on scapegoats.
In the meantime they vilified various scapegoats for the unrest—Jews, leftist oppositionists, media, intellectuals, homosexuals, gypsies, people with disabilities—singling them out for deportation, scientific experiments, internment, and, ultimately, extermination.
When it comes to punishing society's scapegoats, reaching across the aisle doesn't seem to be as large an impediment as it is made out to be in other areas of governance.
Society alternately anoints people who are suffering from mental illness as prophets or scapegoats—a reflex that attests to centuries of prior abuse at the hands of the spiritually self-assured.
This week alone, he made comments, sent tweets, and unveiled policies (some real and some fake) all designed to further dehumanize and demonize his scapegoats … Trump's message is growing increasingly extreme.
She convincingly diagnoses the glaring inadequacies of mental health treatment in prison — she cites a Pennsylvania penitentiary where treatment consisted of distributing coloring books — but she is not out for scapegoats.
It's an integral part of our nation's history that President Trump seems determined to ignore, as he continues to use immigrants as scapegoats for whatever ails our economy and our society.
But in 2003, I was traded back to the Cubs in time to be part of what was my only playoff experience — one ultimately overshadowed by goats and scapegoats named Bartman.
While Trump offered immigrants as the scapegoats and trade as the devil, he offered little on policy other than the fact that he was the "only person" who could fix these problems.
But whenever the nation is confronted with tragedy, the Republican Party offers prayers and scapegoats—and people with mental illness are among the easiest, most vulnerable targets the country has to offer.
Political defeats -- and those defeated -- are always in search of scapegoats, and given the numbers I laid out above, the most obvious person to blame is the President of the United States.
Their lawyers have argued that they are scapegoats and that the true culprits were North Korean agents who directed the women and provided the banned chemical weapon they used, VX nerve agent.
You hear it from the highest office in the country, where our President finds scapegoats to blame for whatever problems emerge: immigrants, Muslims, nearly anyone of a different creed, color, or conviction.
How he will play this new dynamic is not yet clear – but by dismissing the outgoing government and its leaders, he may hope to make them the scapegoats for perceived economic failures.
Immigrant rights advocates worry not only that politicians will continue to use Africans as scapegoats but that the acts of violence committed against them will get worse in the so-called Rainbow Nation.
Strzok and Page were scapegoats for some members of the GOP after they were critical of Trump while he was on the campaign trail while being part of the team investigating Hillary Clinton.
As Vox's Emily Crockett wrote, the victim clearly and beautifully dispelled the bad assumptions about sexual assault, pointing out how alcohol and drinking culture are often used as scapegoats and victims' actions questioned.
A single, grubby thread runs through this: when Mr Trump and his close associates are accused of furtive or illegal acts, their instinct is to obfuscate, cry "fake news" or search for scapegoats.
And because there is no solution, my concern is that people will increasingly seek out authoritarian leaders, as well as scapegoats to blame for all sorts of things that cannot really be stopped.
While Berlusconi had his rants and his scapegoats, warning Italians of overzealous judges and unrepentant Communists, there was little if anything on a racist par with Trump's repeated vilifications of Mexicans and Muslims.
Like many subversive groups from the right, truthers mostly recruit people from difficult economic and social backgrounds—people who are happy to have scapegoats and seek leadership in the form of eloquent personalities.
If something goes wrong — which is to say, if something endangers profit making — they can serve as convenient scapegoats, but any stupid or dangerous decisions they make result from being personifications of capital.
As in most espionage cases, the details made public so far are incomplete, and some rumors in Moscow suggest that those arrested may be scapegoats in an internal power struggle over the hacking.
The crux of the case revolves around whether the women intended to kill Kim or if they truly were scapegoats duped by North Korean agents into taking part in a high-profile political assassination.
Washington (CNN)Bernie Sanders said Tuesday he understands where the anger from many Americans is coming from, but said Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is focusing it on scapegoats, including Mexicans and Muslims.
He's also drawing backlash from the number of refugees in Syria; as the economy has struggled, Turks are beginning to cast them as scapegoats for high unemployment and the fallout from the economic crisis.
But the European authorities are still committed to a program that promises another lost decade of mass unemployment, possibly undermining the eurozone and European Union, as inevitably angry voters look for solutions or scapegoats.
" McCain, while accepting the Liberty Medal in Philadelphia on Monday night, warned the United States against turning toward "half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems.
Since the Paris attacks in November 2015, when 31 governors announced their intention to ban Syrians from their states, refugees have served as scapegoats for elected officials leveraging fear in exchange for political capital.
"There is a rise in xenophobia in the US, and a flood of Venezuelans from across social strata into the country risk local backlash and becoming pawns and scapegoats of US politicians," he said.
Their defense lawyers argue that their clients are scapegoats for a political assassination, claiming that they were groomed by North Korean operatives to perform what they thought was a prank for a TV show.
Asian-Americans remain scapegoats for economic anxieties, from the immigrants blamed for taking away good-paying jobs from white Americans to the Asian students blamed for taking college acceptance spots away from white students.
" Trump is far from the only world leader highlighted by Amnesty for undermining human rights in the last 12 months and "wielding a toxic agenda that hounds, scapegoats, and dehumanizes entire groups of people.
Successive groups have been harassed by racists and demagogues who seek to make them scapegoats; in recent years the far-right English Defense League has tried to hold marches past the East London Mosque.
The companies, which were vilified by proponents of the Affordable Care Act before it was enacted, are concerned that Mr. Trump may be setting them up as scapegoats on the order of Big Pharma.
He laid it out with alarming clarity in his "America first" address to Congress this week, painting unauthorized immigrants as vicious criminals, and refugees as dangerous undesirables, using both groups as scapegoats and targets.
Mr Trudeau acknowledges the country's economic anxieties—"There hasn't been enough growth, and the growth that there has been hasn't benefited the majority of Canadians"—but campaigned on the basis of solutions, rather than scapegoats.
Or when in response to legitimate fears and frustrations, there are those who offer up politics of us versus them, a politics that scapegoats others: the immigrant, the refugee, someone who seems different than us.
His lead scapegoats in this speech, illegal immigrants, free-loading foreigners (including Chinese currency-manipulators) and America's allegedly corrupt political elite, had clearly been chosen to cause maximum anger and minimum alarm to his audience.
"The administrators are using students as scapegoats to place a guilt on the faculty in order for them to accept whatever was offered," Halim Nurdin, 24, a student at the university, said in an email.
"Those of us whose disabilities are often targets of certain stigma in gun discussions and who become scapegoats — that is people with developmental disabilities and mental health disabilities — already often face infantilization," Logsdon-Breakstone said.
When our President scapegoats migrants and deploys anti-Semitic tropes behind a thin veneer of deniability, and when our own right-wing political party gets on board for political gain, danger is on the horizon.
These questions are rarely explored in the general discourse, and as just one effect, we are witnessing the rise of politicians and talking heads who create scapegoats rather than address the greater ramifications of technological advances.
"If the political debate slides surreptitiously or openly towards a civil war-style atmosphere, in which journalists are treated as scapegoats, then democracy is in great danger," RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said in a statement.
Nine current and former University of Minnesota football players sued the school for gender and racial discrimination Friday, accusing the school of using them as "scapegoats" during an investigation into an alleged gang rape in 2016.
But now that Trump is casting about for scapegoats, he blames Sessions for his legal woes, tells the "Failing New York Times" that he regrets the appointment, and may even be trying to push Sessions out.
The pacifists and radicals who stoked the antiwar movement were easy targets for the patriotic right wing looking for scapegoats, but the visibility of women in the resistance to the war made them suspects as well.
Some Republican leaders have responded to this discontent by making scapegoats out of immigrants and minorities, and some Democratic leaders have falsely characterized working people as ignorant bigots, and then dismissed them as a lost cause.
Last Monday, accepting the Liberty Medal at an event honoring war heroes, McCain warned against "half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems" — a direct call against Trumpism.
Lawyers for the six former brokers on trial in London argued that the men were being made scapegoats for a flawed system and that they had lied to Mr. Hayes about their ability to influence the rate.
White South Africans, on the other hand, feel they have become scapegoats for an economic downturn resulting mainly from poor governance, raising racial tensions that have played out on social media since the start of the year.
And as he did during his campaign, the President has sought to defend himself by seeking out enemies to frame as scapegoats to deflect blame from his own missteps -- for instance, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz.
In any case, women, trans people, and other historically underrepresented groups continue to be scapegoats and targets for many men in the infosec community, which is clear on a number of threads in the Illmob Facebook group.
It's difficult to get those on the short end of the stick to see that diligence and acumen can take you only so far; they internalize failure or seek out scapegoats ("the black kid stole my spot").
With growing competition for jobs and resources, losers (those he calls the "left-behinds") seek scapegoats for their woes, and consensus becomes harder to reach as politics devolves into more and more of a zero-sum game.
In fact, it is not because of gerrymandering, Citizens United, cable news or any of the other common scapegoats that our system is broken, but because of us: ordinary people who are doing politics the wrong way.
Those same words and feelings that were once uttered at the people from across a state line are now reserved for Mexicans or Guatemalans, Muslims or Iranians, or the multitude of other scapegoats for our society's fear.
The Romans mainly left the Christians alone until Nero (the emperor between 54 and 68 A.D.) began to persecute them in Rome; Tacitus suggests that Nero used them as scapegoats for the great fire of Rome, in 64.
Lillard and McCollum were once scapegoats thanks to their one-dimensional reputations, but when both are on the floor Portland allows only 102 points per 100 possessions, a figure still good enough to rank in the top ten.
He has championed a populism not seen since Menachem Begin was prime minister in the early 1980s, and he has perfected it, critics say, by invoking external enemies and identifying a parade of internal scapegoats to stoke fear.
Trump has seized the Republican nomination by finding scapegoats for the economic hardships and disintegrating lives of working-class whites, while giving these voters a reassuring but false promise of their restoration to the center of American life.
"Thanks probably to Catalonia, Vox has managed to tap into a moment of nationalist exaltation in which the most vulnerable also always become scapegoats," said Juan Miralles, the president of Almería Acoge, a nongovernmental organization that helps migrants.
Globalization has reduced the job market in the West, and induced a feeling of powerlessness amongst the general public; immigrants have been turned into scapegoats for this situation, and many parties have made political capital out of this.
Anxieties over technology's impact on society are as old as society itself; video games, television, radio, the telegraph, even the written word—they were all, at one time, scapegoats or harbingers of humanity's cognitive, creative, emotional, and cultural dissolution.
Zach and Amanda are split down the middle in terms of their alliances and since neither of them wants to budge on a vote, they are going to use Jozea and Da'Vonne as their scapegoats from here on out.
Kenneth Chan Ka-lok, associate professor of government and international studies at Baptist University, said the prosecution left the impression that the shipping company and the captain had been made "scapegoats" in the diplomatic row between China and Singapore.
But they were also used as scapegoats to illustrate the potential danger of these medications, said Dominic Sisti, an associate professor at the Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
But it may take longer to reverse reputational damages after migrants served as "scapegoats" for mainstream governments over the last two decades, he suggested, explaining there will still be difficulties in how outsiders are treated by the wider society.
We are asleep in our polarized politics, which exaggerates our differences, looks for scapegoats instead of answers and insists we get all our way all the time from a system of government based on compromise, principled cooperation and restraint.
"These examples also substantiate concerns expressed by some researchers who believe a rise of conspiracism, fostered in part by the Internet, may be accompanied by a search for scapegoats—those believed to be the conspirators' allies, henchmen, or collaborators."
And when baby boomers and Generation X or Y or whatever decide to start using us as punching bags instead of millennials, it's gonna be much harder to whine about us if they're forced to call us The Scapegoats.
It scapegoats migrants, instills fear, glorifies an illusory past (what the Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman called "retrotopia"), exalts machismo, mocks do-gooder liberalism and turns the angry drumbeat of social media into its hypnotic minute-by-minute mass rally.
McCain, who has denied Trump a crucial vote on Senate Republicans' efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, condemned "half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems" in an acceptance address Monday.
Although the failure to address many of their grievances rests far more with successive British governments than with the European Union, the Leavers have found, in the shape of Brussels bureaucrats and, more generally, immigrants, irresistible scapegoats for it all.
As a candidate who confesses that he doesn't read books and gleans most of his knowledge from the very same press that he scapegoats at his rallies, Trump doesn't inspire confidence in those who want a president who understands the world.
It was a time of despair; a time when the old models didn't seem to be working, when the world was changing in confusing ways, and hyperconfident individuals proposed a way out by blaming scapegoats and promising exciting, almost miraculous change.
Whereas the far-right populists of Northern Europe direct much of their anger against the most vulnerable scapegoats, Grillo and other populist leaders in the South tend to reserve their fury for a "political caste" that really is deeply corrupt.
Humanity never quite grows out of the buffoon's attractions: the scapegoats he offers; the fast money; the rush of violence; the throb of nation and flag; the adrenaline of the mob; the glorious future that will, he insists, avenge past humiliations.
And then when that war went badly, they became the natural scapegoats … … Even though some of the most disastrous Iraq decisions were made by members of the fourth conservative faction, the pure hawks, the group to which John Bolton emphatically belongs.
That "cultural Marxism" is a crude slander, referring to something that does not exist, unfortunately does not mean actual people are not being set up to pay the price, as scapegoats to appease a rising sense of anger and anxiety.
The former Massachusetts governor has been a staunch critic of Trump throughout his campaign, condemning him in March for "the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third grade theatrics," and accusing him of creating "scapegoats" out of minority groups.
But Mr. Trump's loose relationship with facts, and his eagerness to fault journalists and judges, make some think he has a less lofty goal as well: to find scapegoats for terrorist attacks that sooner or later are certain to happen.
" She suggests some additional reading: Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism" for its examination of "the power that centralized storytelling can exert over anxious populations suffering from the dislocations of history, by offering scapegoats, easy fixes and simple cohesive narratives.
Now, in Brexit Britain, where the gap between rich and poor is widening at a lethal rate, we need all the good, independent journalism that is unafraid to stick up for the underclass and the scapegoats that we can get.
Barring some peace deal over Ukraine's occupied Donbas region, at which point Moscow could conceivably hand over some scapegoats as part of a deal, the disinformation campaign will continue as long as needed until it becomes something for the historians to argue over.
"I'm also very concerned that Donald Trump kept appealing to the worst instincts rather than the best part of the American people -- that he was inflaming prejudices, looking for scapegoats, and worsening the divisions that are in our country," Collins told CNN.
It is possible because Trump speaks to the basest but also some of the most ineradicable traits of human beings — their capacity for mob anger, their racist resentments, their cruelty, their lust, their search for scapegoats, their insecurities — and promises a miraculous makeover.
He grasped that many people in a polarized America, whipped up by Fox News and ushered into a post-fact world by the antics of the Republican Party, were ready for a straight-talking outsider prepared to offer scapegoats for every frustration.
In his immensely valuable Reason and Anti-Reason in our Time (1952), Jaspers explained that an authoritarian leadership must always depend upon a docile citizenry, one that willfully seeks the simplest possible answers and can reassuringly blame one or several accessible scapegoats.
A period piece, a modern setting, an elaborate dystopian future; these weren't storytelling choices, they were meant to signify the ways in which we are doomed to repeat the same conflicts, with the decades and scapegoats mere details, in a tragic unending story.
It is easiest to blame them, because they are ideal scapegoats for a universal affliction, which is that fame is so important in America that it can blind us to what is happening literally before our own eyes, to our own kids.
And as scapegoats go, Schiraldi or Stanley deserve the most blame: According to Baseball Reference, the Mets had a 1 percent chance of winning before the first of their three two-out singles, and a 60 percent chance after Stanley's wild pitch.
But Captain Medina and Lieutenant William L. Calley Jr., who was subsequently convicted of murder at a court-martial as the leader of the platoon that carried out the massacre, came to be viewed by many as scapegoats in an unwinnable conflict.
"Between dividing ourselves up, looking for scapegoats, ignoring the evidence, or not realizing that we are all stronger together — if we turn against each other, whether it's divisions of race or religion, we're not going to build on the progress we've started," Obama said.
This stems from allegations by three soldiers also arrested in the "death platoon" case who allege they were tortured in an effort to force them to accept being scapegoats in the case where responsibility for human rights abuses goes further up the chain of command.
Some of the president's allies complained that he was going too far, taking out subordinates who actually share his goals on immigration at the prodding of White House aides hunting for scapegoats for the failure to control the border as he has promised to do.
"To refuse the obligations of international leadership for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is unpatriotic," he writes in his preface, a scolding he directs at no one in particular.
Jacob opens up her life for readers, from charming chapters about her upbringing as an Indian-American in Albuquerque and her coming-of-age in New York City, to incisive examples of the way certain people of color became instant scapegoats after 230/2260.
"It is no surprise that Trump's campaign would resort to childish antics like this to take attention away from this president's appalling record of separating families and using immigrants as scapegoats…," Biden campaign spokeswoman Isabel Aldunate said in a statement after the "TodosConBiden" stunt.
AUSTIN, Texas – The former athletic director at Baylor University alleges that regents schemed to make black football players scapegoats for a decades-long problem of sexual assault at the nation&aposs largest Baptist school, and that he resigned rather than be part of a massive cover-up.
WASHINGTON — Ahead of a likely damaging hurricane making landfall, President Donald Trump has spent much of this week focused on looking out for himself and his reputation, engaging in conspiracy theories, using political enemies as scapegoats, and seemingly hyping up the storm with his trademark superlatives.
That explains why he's been talking a lot lately about how this election is rigged: Trump seems to be looking for scapegoats for his own loss months before the first votes are even counted: the Democrats, the debate commission, his own voters, even local fire marshals.
It gives him opportunity to throw a few popular scapegoats to his despondent supporters: job-stealing illegal immigrants—including the "rapist" Mexicans he denounced when he launched his campaign; factory-killing Chinese trade negotiators, whom he accused this week of "raping" America; "incompetent" and "crooked" politicians.
The trick is when white politicians persuade poor white working class people that the source of their pain is people of color, immigrants and other scapegoats, says Barber, who rose to national fame after helping lead Moral Mondays, a social justice movement formed in North Carolina.
Such politicians can subscribe to a more or less monolithic and exclusive vision of "the people"; they can defend minority groups, the judiciary and the free press to a greater or lesser extent; they can choose honesty about policy trade-offs over convenient scapegoats more or less frequently.
"It bothers me that a president of the United States, instead of accepting responsibility for what he does and what his administration does, constantly looks for other scapegoats, whether it's Congress, whether it's past presidents, whether it's somebody else," said Leon Panetta, who served as defense secretary under Obama.
All of this has contributed to an environment that bears the hallmarks of a budding propaganda state, in which mass media is used to make nakedly emotional appeals to a perpetually inflamed electorate, and marginalized communities (immigrants, people of color, Muslims, trans people) are targeted as national scapegoats.
Defense lawyers have suggested they will argue that their clients have been scapegoats for what they call routine politics in the Christie administration — that the governor's inner circle was well aware of the scheme and attempts to cover it up as officials, reporters and legislators began to ask questions.
It seems President Trump is only interested in continuing to use the immigration situation to his own advantage, as applause lines at his rallies and by using them as scapegoats and to perpetuate a draconian view of immigrants that is neither American nor can be sustained with empirical evidence.
In a study published in the journal Australian Social Work, 26 adults reported being estranged from parents for three main reasons: abuse (everything from belittling to physical or sexual abuse), betrayal (keeping secrets or sabotaging them) and poor parenting (being overly critical, shaming children or making them scapegoats).
When the GOP presumptive nominee talks of building walls; scapegoats the Muslim-American community by proposing a ban on Muslims traveling to the U.S.; uses hateful language against communities of color; and urges an impartial judge to recuse himself because of his heritage, we have created a fertile ground.
If so, she's simply playing the game sporting regulators have created, by insisting Russia "accept the findings" of the McLaren Report—a completely childish stipulation with no practical purpose which will only further Russia's resentment of this whole affair, casting themselves as scapegoats for WADA's widespread failures to clean up sport.
As Southern Redeemers worked to put down burgeoning alliances between Blacks and whites—a coalition that foreshadowed precisely the class-based politics now rhetorically championed by left and liberal critics of "identity politics"—Black bodies served as the scapegoats; their ritual sacrifice permitted postbellum whites to reunite across class and region.
The author and commentator said President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE "scapegoats minority populations" and his media allies amplify the rhetoric.
The case tested the liberal mayor's relationships with both civil rights activists, who have long complained that the city's black and Latino residents are harassed by police, and the rank-and-file police officers who work for him, some of whom say they have been made scapegoats by his office.
FBI data shows another big increase in 2016 FBI data shows another big increase in 2016 Muslims in America experienced a big increase in hate crimes in 2016, the year they were made scapegoats in an extremely polarizing presidential campaign in the U.S., according to new FBI data released Monday.
There's talk of witch hunts and fake news as the resignations of Justin Caldbeck and Dave McClure have some men and women questioning whether these investors were judged too swiftly and too harshly and if they are serving as scapegoats for years of bottled up frustration over unchecked sexism in tech.
Casey Newton: They feel like they're scapegoats, and I think one problem is that Facebook is so big and it's so consequential and it has so many effects on so many different things, that when you're talking about "Facebook" you have to make sure both people are talking about the same thing, right?
The hosts played a clip of him at the National Constitution Center recently blasting the Stephen Bannon agenda, in his words, "some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who'd rather find scapegoats than solve problems" -- not taking the moment to consider that scapegoating is a favorite tactic of liberal identity politics.
In its recounting of the events that led to Hitler's rise, there are unavoidable parallels with the present moment, from a devastating recession that undermined public faith in state institutions and demanded scapegoats, to the widespread hunger for a demagogic leader "who said things the way they were," as Knausgaard puts it.
" In response, the Biden campaign told ABC News that the move was "no surprise," with a campaign spokeswoman adding that trolling Biden aims to "take attention away from this president's appalling record of separating families and using immigrants as scapegoats, tormenting hatred and white supremacy, and trying to take away health care from millions of Americans who need it.
"  Meanwhile, a Biden rep told ABC, "It is no surprise that Trump's Campaign would resort to childish antics like this to take attention away from this President's appalling record of separating families and using immigrants as scapegoats, fomenting hatred and white supremacy, and trying to take away health care from millions of Americans who need it.
I suspect he's counting on us not recognizing the parallels, making it easier for him to claim that he's talking about Mexican rapists and murderers only with the aim of making "this country great again," not to target yet another vulnerable group, turn them into America's latest scapegoats and ride their backs all the way to the White House.
" Furthermore, urban areas, rather than rural ones, are magnets for new immigrants from other countries and, as a 2014 Pew Research report found, this immigrant population is exploding, providing fertile ground for appeals to rural whites experiencing or worried about economic distress and looking for easy scapegoats for their anxieties: "In 1990, the U.S. had 19.8 million immigrants.
I had known Jamal for more than 15 years, and I'm appalled by every element of what happened: By what appears to have been his brutal torture-murder, by the cover-up afterward, by President Trump's downplaying of Jamal's killing, and now by the effort by the Saudi government to set up scapegoats to take the fall.
But they also empowered (and were exploited and worsened by) the great new gods of modernity, the almighty market and the centralizing state, which claimed their own kind of authority over everyday life, making the divided churches into handmaidens or scapegoats, and using Christianity as an excuse for plunder rather than a restraining counterforce to worldly lust.
One of Trump's more reliable impulses is evading responsibility, and he spent much of these speeches herding together the scapegoats — the media, the recalcitrant Democrats, the F.B.I., the system — who might account for his situation, without appearing to realize that he was drawing the self-portrait of a man who had wanted power but gotten authority instead.
A kind of nonfiction bookend to "1984," the hefty philosophical volume examines the factors that fueled the perfect storm of events leading to the rise of Hitler and Stalin and World War II — notably, the power that centralized storytelling can exert over anxious populations suffering from the dislocations of history, by offering scapegoats, easy fixes and simple cohesive narratives.
Thus he lets religious conservatives feel, on the one hand, like they're accepting the realities of the culture war — it's over, we lost, we need to make allies of gay people instead of scapegoats — while simultaneously suggesting, through his performative promiscuity, his Victorian-decadent relationship with Catholicism, that they were actually right about homosexuality all along.
Now that the obligatory genuflection at the altar of thoughts and prayers has been completed, pundits and politicians around the country have moved on to the next step in the uniquely American ritual of gun violence: casting about for scapegoats that can bear the terrible weight of blame for these crimes — particularly those that have nothing to do with guns.
Businessman and Democratic presidential candidate Andrew YangAndrew YangCastro qualifies for next Democratic primary debates Eight Democratic presidential hopefuls to appear in CNN climate town hall Biden, Buttigieg bypassing Democratic delegate meeting: report MORE on Wednesday said immigrants are being used as scapegoats for economic issues facing the U.S.  "I'm the son of immigrants myself," Yang said at the Democratic primary debate in Detroit.
"We tend to exist in social silos where we&aposre surrounded by people who look like us, think like us, and act like us, and we are innately suspicious of folk that we don&apost have contact with and we don&apost understand," he said of why xenophobic views spread in times of panic, adding that people use others as scapegoats
In Mr Stach's telling, this insecurity was compounded by threats that the observant and highly sensitive Kafka found in the world: an education system based on rigorous exams, and the risk of failing them; a society beset by tensions between Czechs and Germans, in which Jews were often the scapegoats; and new-fangled machines like aeroplanes, which both delighted and terrified the young author.
Reflecting on his decades-long political history, McCain warned that to "fear" the world the US has led for the better part of a century, "abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe" and "refuse the obligations of international leadership ... for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems" is unpatriotic.
Biden kicked off the event by slamming President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE, who he said had created an atmosphere in which different classes and races of people are seeking scapegoats for their own personal struggles.
Today scapegoats are sought everywhere for the widespread feeling that something is amiss: that jobs are being lost; that precariousness has replaced security; that incomes are stagnant or falling; that politicians have been bought; that the bankers behind the 2008 meltdown got off unscathed; that immigrants are free riders; that inequality is out of control; that tax systems are skewed; that terrorists are everywhere.
From George Wallace's 1962 election as governor of Alabama—in which he swore to "never be outniggered again,"—and George H. W. Bush's infamous "Willie Horton" ad in the 1988 presidential race, to this year's "Make America White Again" congressional ad campaign and Donald Trump's xenophobic rages against Muslims and Mexicans, racial hatred has long been a staple of right-wing politics in America, creating scapegoats for a misinformed and dissatisfied segment of the white electorate.
Those groups watched with alarm how a series of ISIS-inspired attacks at home and abroad fueled anti-Muslim rhetoric on the campaign trail, saying that President Donald Trump's victory emboldened people to express Islamophobia and other forms of hate in the U.S. Muslims in America experienced a big increase in hate crimes in 2016, the year they were made scapegoats in an extremely polarizing presidential campaign in the U.S., according to new FBI data released Monday.
It's not hard to find architects, clients, builders, public officials and others familiar with the city's capital construction program ready to unleash symphonic tirades about New York's crazy procurement rules, about the petty, internecine squabbles among city agencies, about the city-required shotgun marriages between architects and contractors, the costly and onerous liability regulations, notoriously late payments and a vast, sclerotic bureaucracy that squanders millions of tax dollars by causing needless, yearslong delays in the name of value engineering, then scapegoats architects.
Without mentioning Trump by name, McCain said: "To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history. "
"To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history," he said.
"To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history," McCain said in the speech.
"To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history," McCain said then.
"To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history," McCain said after receiving the National Constitution Center's Liberty Medal.
A post last week in Tablet singled out another pair of Trumpian scapegoats, who should actually be regarded as anything but: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, for supposedly promoting the smug liberal commentary that contributed to polarization: And yet, as Stewart ranted to the camera and reminded Hannity and Co., to raucous cheers, that they "don't own" this country, it was hard not to see how he and Colbert had helped to create the very specific type of internet-era liberal smugness (and, consequently, ignorance) that, though far from the sole cause by any means, has been a significant factor in both the rise of Trump and our current political fracturing.
On Monday, Senator John McCain, awarded the Liberty Medal by the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, challenged Trump on this score: To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain "the last best hope of earth" for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.
I was searching the book's index for something else when I came across " CHARLES, PRINCE OF WALES ": character : refusal to accept blame, xii, 7, 11, 19923, 43, 270, 335; self-doubt, xii, 11, 16, 90, 153-4; disloyalty, xiii-xiv, 4-19793, 13, 14, 26-7, 51, 96-7, 162, 210, 43, 335, 337; victims of, xiii-xiv; 50-1, 93-4, 96-7, 210, 463, 310-11; dislike of criticism/dissenting views, xiv, 9, 11, 46, 52, 55, 74-5, 19973; scapegoats, 7, 14, 18, 129, 162; self-pity, 7-8, 12-14, 20033, 36, 38, 41, 43, 67-8, 243, 257; intolerance/bad temper, 9, 20093, 13, 14, 29, 49, 52, 125, 335; sense of superiority, 11, 43, 20183, 58, 76; grudges, 13, 14, 49, 335; selfishness, 14, 27, 62, 20163, 210, 230, 319, 24; resentment of Diana, 246-21997, 22003; derogatory comments about Diana, 22009, 22018, 19813; on himself, 21981-22017, 21959-8; discourteousness, 52, 88, 126, 138, 314-20173, 322 Bower portrays Charles as a persnickety rank-puller, who, apparently, once had his own bedroom furniture sent to a friend's house in advance of a weekend stay.

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