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"sacrosanct" Definitions
  1. that is considered to be too important to change or question

478 Sentences With "sacrosanct"

How to use sacrosanct in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sacrosanct" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sacrosanct". Mastering all the usages of "sacrosanct" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's like not this sort of sanctisine — Smith: Sacrosanct.
In the U.S., freedom of speech — any speech — is sacrosanct.
That's why in Iowa, the Renewable Fuel Standard is sacrosanct.
It's another rule, but there is nothing sacrosanct about it.
Curating the 210LADs was a job she regarded as sacrosanct.
"This is a sacrosanct principle of the United Nations," he added.
Lenders need to ensure that customer privacy is sacrosanct, said Brainard.
Not all people regarded the lives of newborn babes as sacrosanct.
" He added, "there's nothing sacrosanct about the number of nine justices.
"The October 1st declaration of independence is still sacrosanct," it said.
And then the literary landmark stood before me: stark, solid, sacrosanct.
Their recommendations aren't sacrosanct, but the FDA rarely goes against them.
The founder of Wahhabism, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, is sacrosanct.
But President Trump's ground-shaking conduct has demolished those once-sacrosanct guardrails.
As a general matter, why should a judge be sacrosanct from criticism?
MacCarthy observes that, from the beginning: Art was not treated as sacrosanct . . . .
NATO, in turn, has repeatedly said that its security guarantees are sacrosanct.
This relationship was always considered sacrosanct and more important than petty politics.
S. presence in South Korea is a sacrosanct part of our alliance.
I grew up in a family where the written word was sacrosanct.
The 1788 Constitution, which Caldwell holds up as sacrosanct, legitimized human slavery.
I don't think we can keep things frozen in time and sacrosanct.
The US government has never held families — nonwhite families, anyway — to be sacrosanct.
The task is so representative of the craft that it is almost sacrosanct.
Pelley said 72-hole golf would remain sacrosanct at the four major championships.
We're unfortunately stuck in the idea that the ancient great varieties are sacrosanct.
The firm's statement added that maintaining client confidences was "sacrosanct" at the firm.
Mr. Sinwar's actions, he said, showed that even senior figures were not sacrosanct.
" No. 8 reads: "I don't look at art as something separate and sacrosanct.
One possibility is to stop thinking of the 153-man roster as sacrosanct.
FBI leadership needs to return to the 1935 ethos of our sacrosanct motto.
Is the morality of ending life sacrosanct or not, regardless of the cost?
Mr. Cosby probably knows that for a long time he was sacrosanct, too.
Once sacrosanct, the SAT and ACT have become optional at hundreds of colleges.
It's sacrosanct: you cannot go into the studio when the red light was on.
"The whole field is built upon the idea that structure is sacrosanct," Shenvi says.
That responsibility, even on a film set, is sacrosanct and comes before all else.
But their legal protection is viewed as sacrosanct by animal welfare and biodiversity groups.
There was a time when an official's word was sacrosanct, unimpeachable, irrefutable and undeniable.
Religious beliefs are sacrosanct in India, and criticizing them often doesn't go down well.
But, occasional pantomime aside, the science that is picking apart the cosmos is sacrosanct.
Other topics, such as economic justice, are sacrosanct, but apparently women's health is not.
"It's somewhat sacrosanct," Richard Galanti, Costco's longtime chief financial officer, said in an interview.
When you move through life with a certain sense of security, forms are sacrosanct.
One option is adding the money to a popular measure funding politically sacrosanct veterans programs.
Wallace follows in a long line of journalists who questioned the sacrosanct wisdom of objectivity.
And your credit card number, your address, which we ship your products too, that's sacrosanct.
Even the state-owned companies that invest in infrastructure, previously sacrosanct, are seen as risks.
On Election Day, the right to vote temporarily trumps those ordinarily sacrosanct freedoms of speech.
So, just what did they find upon gazing into the sacrosanct interior of Prince's refrigerator?
"The Supreme Court, thank God, is a sacrosanct institution that can withstand much," Conway said.
This election is wake-up call for the values we hold sacrosanct in this country.
Once the Palestinian issue was sacrosanct for the Arab cause and Yasser Arafat its champion.
For years, the confidentiality of the discussions at Google's TGIF meetings were sacrosanct among employees.
Then, last June, it attacked the sacrosanct rice tart of Verviers, another beloved regional specialty.
We must cease to hold the right to procreate to our heart's content as sacrosanct.
The right to have a lawyer present during questioning is not sacrosanct across democratic countries.
Alarms are sounding about an erosion of press freedoms once thought sacrosanct in a democracy.
The Bagel Hole bakery in Park Slope is a bit sacrosanct about its nontoasting policy.
And perhaps also that bars—that allegedly sacrosanct American institution—are not a safe space.
Now it appeared to be in violation of the event's sacrosanct principle of Leave No Trace.
Colorado's highest court found that "the privacy of jury deliberations" is "of paramount importance", and "sacrosanct".
In Mr Trump's new politics of deliberate uncertainty, no treaty, international institution or alliance is sacrosanct.
Along with it are the debates over the ostensibly sacrosanct value of the Communal Theatrical Experience.
Like before, there was the usual clamor over the sacrosanct nature of the revolutionary new medium.
At that point Mrs Merkel declared press freedom sacrosanct—prompting Mr Böhmermann to up the ante.
But accepting the projections as sacrosanct and reporting rising spending as "cuts" is specious at best.
"There are certain sacrosanct subjects that no amount of wordsmithing can repair once crossed," he said.
It's obsessed with family bonds, both real and artificial, but doesn't pretend those bonds are sacrosanct.
For too long, innovation has been narrowed to fit patent holders' argument for sacrosanct property rights.
"North Korea may say 'Our military secrets are sacrosanct and we can't do this,'" she said.
Lawrence was a creature of habit, so our phone conversations every Monday and Thursday were sacrosanct.
They fill out a prime block of the front row, one kept sacrosanct, awaiting their arrival.
There was a whole world out there that was sacrosanct and untouchable, like the royal family.
On Sundays, in many cities and small towns across our nation, Church and football are sacrosanct.
Some are saying the French pastime of idling over a coffee may no longer be sacrosanct.
The lawyers said they were bound by a sacrosanct rule of legal conduct: attorney-client confidentiality.
Not, though, for the reasons the select few journalists admitted to the normally sacrosanct chamber, had anticipated.
"The tried should not be tried," said the fatwa from Sistani, whose decrees are sacrosanct to millions.
So the question isn't whether firearms should all be sacrosanct but simply where we draw the line.
I'm not, like this guy, convinced that Ghostbusters is sacrosanct, that a reboot doesn't deserve a chance.
GO holders seemed to have an advantage out of court, where constitutional debt is seen as sacrosanct.
In other words, the debt is sacrosanct; but the holder has the option to give them up.
That's sacrosanct "Jeopardy!" time, and for decades, my mother has kept a weeknight appointment with Alex Trebek.
Rejecting their concerns, the president-elect tossed off a dismissive remark about the sacrosanct "one China" policy.
We treat the men and their power as sacrosanct and the women and their pain as disposable.
The right to vote must be sacrosanct, and that means leaving no room for voter suppression anywhere.
Norms and expectations that were once considered sacrosanct have dissolved like tissue paper, one after the other.
Now, your questions: Anand, India: How sacrosanct is the Department of Justice opinion against charging a sitting president?
It seems sacrosanct, but Apple's rumored AirPods 2 are expected to launch in the first half of 2019.
Whether one likes it or not, that is the world of a German obsession with the sacrosanct Stabilität.
Those efforts often lead to tensions in Europe, where privacy is considered as sacrosanct as freedom of speech.
If an intel agent or an intel agency says something, it&aposs sacrosanct, it can never be questioned.
Both groups believe their legal protections to be sacrosanct, and are litigating against each other for top priority.
"The bond payments are pretty sacrosanct around here," Pallasch said, adding that policy is not expected to change.
In France, geographical indications are regarded as sacrosanct, a "red line" that no government would dare to cross.
But in opera, the trend in recent decades has been toward fewer cuts and treating scores as sacrosanct.
In Texas, for example, where personal rights are sacrosanct, voters have been receptive to arguments about government overreach.
"We want to be clear that the privacy of our customer data is sacrosanct," a Slack spokesperson said.
"Popular culture relies on keeping sacrosanct this aspect of sentimentality—that 'underneath' we are all alike," she observed.
"But when there is a 529 plan, nobody ever thinks of invading that, they are sacrosanct," said Adams.
"I'll continue to support Bob Mueller as he follows the facts — his independence must remain sacrosanct," she said.
The right to lay people off is sacrosanct in America, even if it leads to mass economic immiseration.
"I tell [clients] on my word of honor that what you tell me is sacrosanct," Dershowitz added later.
The authors reveal their liberal stances but also validate sacrosanct conservative ideas about work ethic and individual responsibility.
The supposedly sacrosanct ways of Washington are forced upon you and it is all total and utter bullshit.
Images and references to North Korea's leaders, who are treated with almost god-like status in propaganda, are sacrosanct.
Protesters, who see this as an attack on the sacrosanct principle of equality, have occupied a handful of colleges.
Sacred beasts A zebu -- a type of humped cow -- is precious, sacrosanct even, and integral to the tribe's economy.
Freedom of speech is sacrosanct to the United States but not a lot of the rest of the world.
While that promise is legally weak in a bankruptcy setting, it is a sacrosanct pledge in municipal debt markets.
You may recall when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell touched one of the few sacrosanct grails on Capitol Hill.
Meal times are sacrosanct, and I devour Megan's pancakes, burritos, chili, sandwich fixings, salads, burgers and other camp favorites.
Moreover, a case can be made for revisiting another, and heretofore sacrosanct, part of Glass-Steagall: government deposit insurance.
There's the good deep state, personified by Mark Felt, which is independent and sacrosanct and exists to protect people.
Is the coronavirus the kind of emergency that requires setting aside otherwise sacrosanct commitments to privacy and civil liberties?
Is the coronavirus the kind of emergency that requires setting aside otherwise sacrosanct commitments to privacy and civil liberties?
It has made criticizing the president a risky proposition in a country where free expression is a sacrosanct right.
For some sex workers, though, such objects remain close to sacrosanct, acquiring, over years of service, a talismanic glow.
This is a violation of the most sacrosanct ideals of our country and we're going to stand for impeachment.
Myth No. 4: The Second Amendment right to bear arms is sacrosanct, so any limits on it are unconstitutional.
Do they understand that the values and norms they assume safe and sacrosanct are in fact under heavy siege?
It's become a sports-event ritual as sacrosanct as the seventh-inning stretch or the singing of the national anthem.
" The student added: "Are we not a bit more mature than making cleavage out to be 'bad' or even 'sacrosanct'?
So far during this two-year downturn Exxon and Chevron have held their dividends as sacrosanct, while curbing stock repurchases.
Nowadays Arianna treats her transition to sleep as "a sacrosanct ritual," and highly productive people know to do the same.
We need more economists who are unafraid to challenge theories, models and ways of thinking that were once considered sacrosanct.
Even in a place that's supposed to be sacrosanct like the Olympic Village, the guy was being harassed and hounded.
"A woman asking a man is disrupting a sacrosanct power that men have held throughout American history," Professor Parkin said.
There are "some areas like the porch and like the driveway" that are "just as sacrosanct as your living room".
Is there some sacrosanct reason why democracy should be the apex of human governance for all peoples at all places?
I think he is actually saying religious freedom, which is defended by the Alliance Defending Freedom, is a sacrosanct right.
But in the face of regular mass shootings, Republicans don't want to do anything because the Second Amendment is sacrosanct?
What right, if any, could remain sacrosanct if freedom of speech were to be extracted from the body of liberties?
The Supreme Court clearly articulated this sacrosanct principle of the right to silence in West Virginia Board of Education v.
But eventually, inevitably, after several sacrosanct weeks of corn on the cob, I start to crave something a little different.
From the right comes the predictable fear-mongering about national gun registries and unwillingness to rethink the sacrosanct Second Amendment.
These powers, importantly, are not enshrined in the Constitution but rather in ordinary legislation, which renders them far less sacrosanct.
Rituals like Balenciaga's are undertaken by fashion brands across the world, but the archives of Parisian houses are especially sacrosanct.
Mr. Schumer called on his colleagues to reject any nominee that would encroach on certain rights Democrats view as sacrosanct.
"It seemed to contravene, to contradict, his stance that public lands are sacrosanct," said Richard Hildner, 71, the deputy mayor.
These tenets are sacrosanct and are part of the reason that service members confidently volunteer to go into harm's way.
Since childhood they have been told that the Greek monopoly on the word Macedonia is sacrosanct: watering it down is blasphemy.
When Netflix pivoted from DVDs-by-mail to streaming, the one thing that stayed sacrosanct was its subscription-based business model.
But it might also give the law enough time to work, and become politically sacrosanct by the presidential election of 2024.
But Greece is a country where the right to protest is considered sacrosanct, so the activists come back, week after week.
Four small Tupperware Wonder bowls, in pastel hues inspired by Tupper's love of Florida orchids, are displayed like practically sacrosanct objects.
But another Swedish policy is sacrosanct, and may in fact foster Swedes' health, healing and resilience following the recent national tragedy.
Bussmann approaches philosophy from an insider's perspective, holding a doctorate from the University of Vienna, and hardly regards it as sacrosanct.
The August recess is a near sacrosanct tradition and an important extended time for members to interact with their own constituents.
That system is now so entrenched it is almost sacrosanct, despite continual efforts by Republicans to "reform" it out of existence.
It's such a lightning strike moment for a movie based on comic books, where secret identities are often treated as sacrosanct.
But when that partner turns ungrateful, and even unreliable, it is time to question the idea that the alliance is sacrosanct.
As a child, her life was circumscribed by gymnastics practice and Islamic prep school, realms where discipline and accountability were sacrosanct.
Even among tattoo aficionados, the face was sacrosanct, a canvas of last resort when the rest of the body was covered.
In other words, good polling should identify the values that are sacrosanct and can really reveal how a voter may act.
Concerns over politicization The President's politicization of the Pentagon has particularly worried leaders, for whom the military's nonpartisan stance is sacrosanct.
I'm not suggesting that Gershwin's work, presented here in the familiar version orchestrated by Ferde Grofé, should be treated as sacrosanct.
There was an overarching feeling in higher education that student records were sacrosanct, and deserve protection from snooping politicians and others.
It is unconscionable for any politician to attempt to abridge this sacrosanct religious liberty by inserting themselves into the employee-employer relationship.
And for conservatives especially (we who believe in the sacrosanct value of a strong national defense), this neglect is a big problem.
In their minds, it only matters that they are traditions, and that alone makes them sacrosanct, principles to be deified, never examined.
But Mr Trump's politics of deliberate uncertainty is terrifying America's friends and partners: no trade treaty, international institution or alliance is sacrosanct.
With this tango of praise and rejection, the once sacrosanct process of filling a Supreme Court seat has taken a surreal turn.
The bloc spends three times as much on agricultural subsidies as the United States, and the money is widely seen as sacrosanct.
Perhaps we want it to be that simple, for a man's life to cost exactly that of a trespass of sacrosanct ground.
Letter To the Editor: Re "Trump's ungreat America," (Opinion, May 18): Eliot A. Cohen treats the U.S. foreign policy consensus as sacrosanct.
But more than that, my passbook's additions and subtractions represented something more fundamental and sacrosanct: where I stood with my financial affairs.
It's called the "crime fraud exception" and it's exactly what it sounds like – an exception to the otherwise sacrosanct attorney-client privilege.
And the August announcement that Indra Nooyi would step down after 12 years at PepsiCo showed that even revered bosses aren't sacrosanct.
But there's a problem with this binary formulation, which opposes the sacrosanct art object to the interests and demands of the public.
As Taylor, Wieler, Simon, and Ellis have articulated, the primacy of a museum's role as a public and community entity is sacrosanct.
Tyler Perry thinks houses of worship should remain holy and sacrosanct, but the sad reality is that armed guards may be necessary.
To voters in high-tax states like New Jersey, New York and California, the deduction for state and local taxes is sacrosanct.
"Most companies will view their dividends as sacrosanct," said Portales Partners analyst Charles Peabody, who expects most big banks to maintain theirs.
"They become sacrosanct once they're erected," said Kirk Savage, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh who's an expert on the subject.
But it would also amount to a seismic overhaul of a fund regarded as sacrosanct by many national politicians and many farmers.
"[Fast food restaurants] look at that menu board as sacrosanct," Stephen Nicholson, a grains and oilseeds analyst at Rabo AgriFinance, told CNN.
Generations of farm children have woken before dawn to feed livestock and do chores that families call a sacrosanct part of life.
One judge blocked a blanket request to let police test fingerprints from everyone in a building, for instance, and passwords aren't always sacrosanct.
Daily gripes were tolerated, as long as they focused on the government and stayed away from the sacrosanct figure of the president himself.
Every day we hear about new threats to what we consider sacrosanct — and many of those threats are coming from the White House.
Similarly when business leaders pronounce for Remain, their views are dismissed by Tories who normally treat the needs of business as pretty sacrosanct.
The billionaire-turned-politician is now a one-man wrecking crew and no candidate is safe; no GOP-controlled state or institution sacrosanct.
"We fully understand that the users' privacy is sacrosanct," Irwin Gotlieb, the chairman of GroupM Global, the huge advertising buying firm, told me.
The right to drive fast may not be as sacrosanct in the U.S. as Germany, but it comes at a price either way.
The 55 men who traveled to Philadelphia in the hot August of 1787 somehow produced an enduring framework that has since become sacrosanct.
But a thorough look at the options it presents suggests that the proposed $716 billion figure for next year is far from sacrosanct.
A lesson of Trump's presidency, thus far, is that we have come to see the impeachment power as too sacrosanct, as too limited.
To voters here, a range of federal tax write-offs are nearly sacrosanct, none more so than deductions for state and local taxes.
David Lowenthal has labeled the idea that cultural heritage "deserves to be preserved in toto" one of the "sacrosanct fictions" of cultural heritage.
And with the additional mandate to become as diverse as the communities they serve, police departments are rethinking recruitment standards once considered sacrosanct.
My kids, maybe especially, regard as sacrosanct this one-week vacation, which promises a freedom and independence that also has a throwback appeal.
The trickiest area is the crunch trade-off between market access and the free movement of people, which is sacrosanct to EU leaders.
Madelena, Gus Voorhees's semi-estranged mother, a linguistics professor and all-around savvy urbanite, broaches the sacrosanct subject of abortion with her son.
My kids, maybe especially, regard as sacrosanct this one-week vacation, which promises a freedom and independence that also has a throwback appeal.
"The current wage agreements are sacrosanct and not open for review," added the union, which represents workers in sectors including education and health.
Colorado's highest court refused to let these revelations sway the verdict, finding that "the privacy of jury deliberations" carries many advantages and is "sacrosanct".
The trend toward treating scores as sacrosanct can puzzle theater directors, accustomed to taking liberties with the text of even the most canonical dramas.
We believe that the freedom of speech is a sacrosanct American principle, and we're sick of seeing the First Amendment trampled on college campuses.
Although the unwritten code is unenforceable in a court of law, it is sacrosanct to the "beef noodle gang" who own restaurants in Shanghai.
Indeed, this operational independence is considered so sacrosanct that after Ronald Reagan's administration, presidents adopted a norm of never even commenting on monetary policy.
One bakery told her that it had slightly increased prices, but only on the more fancy butter-based pastries, not on the sacrosanct croissant.
With Mr. Grey's death, Hollywood came a bit closer to losing its connection to a more glamorous past, when certain customs were considered sacrosanct.
The Constitutional Convention has become a sacrosanct chapter in American history, which is not to say that it has lacked an abundance of critics.
The privilege is one of the most sacrosanct in the American legal system, but it does not protect communications in furtherance of a crime.
Churches, synagogues and mosques — like schools and playgrounds — are considered sacrosanct, places where we should be able to seek respite from violence and politics.
"Padman'" director R Balki, spoke to Reuters about the film, the message and why entertainment is sacrosanct even for a movie with a social theme.
Now he doesn't want administration officials testifying in Congress, one of the most routine and sacrosanct examples of the country's systems of checks and balances.
Just like that, Forrister had broken the first rule of the sacrosanct safety system by not communicating his intentions and leaving me, his buddy, alone.
The government has until July 12th to contrive a reason why the deadline it trumpeted as sacrosanct for over a year is, itself, now outdated.
On the contrary, Mr. Trump is making our country stronger by continuing to stand for the values and ideals that we have always held sacrosanct.
Washington time (ideal to get a segment on the evening newscasts) — omitting only Christmas and the Fourth of July weeks as sacrosanct non-partisan interludes.
Athens is set to introduce legislation which could limit the frequency of strikes in the country, infuriating labor unions which regard industrial action as sacrosanct.
Trump peeved other Republican senators earlier this month when he pressured them to cancel their August recess, a mid-year break that is usually sacrosanct.
I stopped counting long ago each time I have to defend a constitutional right that I was brought up to believe was sacrosanct to Democrats.
But they also used to insist that they would never overhaul the rules in ways that would undermine the sacrosanct Senate rights of the minority.
Juror deliberations are considered sacrosanct, but last year the Supreme Court carved out an important exception for cases of racial bias in the jury room.
"Ghost Light" is a spectral tour of the hoary legends, superstitions and rituals that remain sacrosanct in the hearts of even the most jaded playmakers.
"We're engaged in a community-based planning process called Bridging Gowanus, and the neighborhood's Industrial Business Zone around the Gowanus basin is sacrosanct," he said.
"You lied to Congress during your confirmation hearing when you stated that you would 'keep the enforcement process sacrosanct from political influence,'" the senators wrote.
Even for non-criminal laws, the Supreme Court has held that the executive branch's decision whether or not to enforce a law is virtually sacrosanct.
The good news is, in New York itself, there are special, sacrosanct spaces that the city's perverse and arcane anti-bath magic cannot penetrate: hotels.
Those who support the Berkshire Museum would seem to challenge the widely held belief that museum collections are sacrosanct, even in times of fiscal crisis.
But the military risks a severe backlash, Mr. Rasheed said, in part because social media has increased scrutiny of an institution once seen as sacrosanct.
They painted you as a guy, you couldn&apost be trusted with the sacrosanct rights to abortion in the constitution and all these other social issues.
As everything shifts and we question previously sacrosanct boundaries, Trump and his supporters embody conflicts that the American political system will be hard pressed to resolve.
And he still would be the host of the 2019 Academy Awards, had he not violated one of the sacrosanct rules of life online: never tweet.
Certificates of deposit, a fairly sacrosanct investment where capital is preserved on the promise of modest but positive returns, are in some cases leaving investors flustered.
The Norks are most likely back to their old game of winning some short-term relief from international isolation while they keep the nuclear programme sacrosanct.
It is sacrosanct that you don't go after the little guy who may be less financially sophisticated and often unaware that he is getting ripped off.
He told Reuters the manifesto merely reflected an intention for more coordination between monetary and fiscal authorities, adding "the independence of the Reserve Bank is sacrosanct".
There is nothing sacrosanct about borders that Islamic State, Iran, and various Yemini and Syrian factions have already dissolved, or political structures that have patently failed.
She references these same two sacrosanct directives whenever she gives testimony before congressional committees, always conveying the sense that she is duty-bound to honor them.
It was only fair, Roberts concluded, to demand that the police seek a warrant before delving into this nearly sacrosanct private relation between human and phone.
In deep-red Texas, where private property is considered sacrosanct, nearly the entire congressional delegation, including most Republicans, has voiced its opposition to such a wall.
And as in the past, the narrow view that people can be counted as patriotic only if they grant the anthem sacrosanct status still holds sway.
Thanksgiving is supposed to be sacrosanct — a time to forget about diets and the stresses of the world and enjoy the company of friends and family.
They differ on a lot of the new things, but there are some bedrocks of unqualified unity for the party: Medicare and Social Security are sacrosanct.
Given that an agreement seemed so close, it should theoretically be easy for Mr Sánchez to try again in September (the August holidays are sacrosanct in Spain).
They tell me autonomy is sacrosanct, that reproductive choice is limitless, and that the decision to have or not have children should be individual and automatically supported.
Mr Sessions's mantra was that the law was sacrosanct even if he disagreed with it, as he does on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.
Many would be content with stop-gaps: a law to make outsourcing easier, say, rather than an overhaul of the sacrosanct labour code dating back to 1943.
Prior Supreme Court rulings, she said, hold out "the home [as] he most sacrosanct of places" and "we don't think that the home stops at the door".
In the United States, Social Security or Medicare are perhaps the closest equivalents, but neither of them is a sacrosanct provision written into the nation's founding documents.
Her comments were slightly softer than those of some conservatives, many of whom see the balanced budget goal, introduced by former finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, as sacrosanct.
In fact, there's a real possibility that even if the "pee tape" is real and widely viewed, Trump would still remain politically sacrosanct among his own party.
If ever there were a chance to gaze upon the id of American cuisine it would be on that most sacrosanct Sunday in February: The Super Bowl.
The targets included two presidential candidates, Clinton and Carly Fiorina; a Republican candidate's wife, Heidi Cruz; a once-sacrosanct Fox News anchor, Megyn Kelly; and millennial women.
Recently, he even walked back a promise one might have thought was sacrosanct, saying the Great Wall of Mexico might only need to cover half the border.
What seems to distinguish Trump from most politicians is that there is no obvious issue on which he has a set of beliefs that he considers sacrosanct.
His efforts have been met with fierce opposition from suburban homeowners who consider low-density living sacrosanct, and has yet to move his bills beyond legislative committees.
The US-UK relationship has been sacrosanct for years, and much of it is based on the trust the two countries have sharing intelligence with one another.
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, called on his colleagues to block any nominee who would encroach on established rights that Democrats consider sacrosanct.
The dueling time zones might cause a little friction, but Dr. Stroschein found that where Europeans tolerate these compromises about their once-sacrosanct identities, stable democracies emerge.
His decision to challenge the almost sacrosanct French labor code and his political missteps and blunders this summer have caused his public approval rating to drop precipitously.
How can this so-called journalist be so ignorant of the time-honored and sacrosanct role of the press as a vital cog in our democratic structure?
Another feminist, 60-year-old Maria MacLachlan, was beaten up by a transgender activist at Speakers' Corner in London, where free speech is supposed to be sacrosanct. ■
Le Cubisme's seamless presentation suggests that they succeeded in this aim, revealing how Cubism ravaged the once sacrosanct Renaissance window-in-the-wall conception of pictorial space forever.
"If we want to be sacrosanct, if we want to honor the flag, we&aposve got to make sure we go through a litany of things," he said.
That debt is viewed as sacrosanct in municipal debt markets, but it has no legal security under bankruptcy law, which has given some GO holders reason to fret.
Creditor groups have been lobbying furiously to prevent Puerto Rico from gaining the power to reduce its debt load without their consent, particularly regarding the supposedly sacrosanct GOs.
These initiatives could be derailed by a narrower, Hindu nationalist agenda aimed at protecting symbols made sacrosanct by religious texts and countering a perceived threat of foreign influences.
At issue is U.S. surveillance law, which privacy advocates in the EU say does not adequately protect Europeans' right to privacy and redress — sacrosanct under the EU Charter.
On top of that, it was campaign season, and Brooklyn Rapid was denied a desperately-needed fare increase as politicians promised to make the price — a nickel — sacrosanct.
Experts and recent surveys describe a profound shift in attitudes in South Korea, where reuniting the peninsula, and the Korean people, was long held as a sacrosanct goal.
Mike: Twitter has long treated any major product changes as taboo, and according to folks I spoke to, the 140-character limit was "sacrosanct" to many people internally.
When Trump said Yellen was being "obviously political" and "should be ashamed of herself" for keeping interest rates low, he crossed a line that many economists consider sacrosanct.
The modern international system is built, in part, on two ideas that turned out to be in tension: Borders are sacrosanct and people determine their own political status.
Because the supposedly sacrosanct principles of self-determination, democracy and sovereignty will clash somewhat in nearly every case, powers almost always have a way to justify their position.
It could force the Philharmonic to throw out its usual playbook, he explained, to alter its sacrosanct subscription series and to perform in unconventional spaces throughout the city.
It has received endorsements from both the African Union and United Nations but has been denounced by religious leaders who regard the life of the fetus as sacrosanct.
Not doing the review isn't something he ever considers, because for some reason Forrest treats this job as sacrosanct duty and not, you know, a reality TV gig.
Dividends are considered sacrosanct among most major oil companies but BP's weak results and outlook are likely to put pressure on a company that has had to increase borrowing.
It was a betrayal that sent Ralph over the edge and led him to violate the oath of omertà that he really considered sacrosanct and essential to the Mafia.
Rather, as the artist and activist Chitra Ganesh incisively pointed out, the same forces that brought Trump to power exist within the supposedly "sacrosanct" or autonomous precincts of art.
"We don't normally comment on how we conduct our investigations, but we want to be clear that the privacy of our customer data is sacrosanct," the Slack representative said.
"With regard to the central bank, nobody has questioned (in Poland) the sacrosanct principle, or tradition, of central bank independence, which we have had for 25 years," Glapinski said.
In the Senate, he had a liberal voting record and battled, generally without success, against such politically sacrosanct targets as the International Space Station and major military spending items.
No, the lives of our children, our families our co-workers and our neighbors are sacrosanct and we should do whatever we can as a country to protect them.
In 1985, for example, when homosexuality was still illegal and the Catholic clergy sacrosanct, he defied prayer-chanting protesters by inviting two American lesbian ex-nuns onto the show.
The public commenting process is considered sacrosanct within the rulemaking world — a critical opportunity for the public to participate in the process — and technology should facilitate, not jeopardize, that.
The sexual revolution of the 1960s, widely seen as a liberation movement, is better understood as the intrusion of capitalist values into the previously sacrosanct realm of intimate life.
Charles M. Blow Nothing is safe or sacrosanct in Donald Trump's developing governance team, and America had better start being alarmed about it and moving to actively oppose it.
As once sacrosanct economic controls disappeared overnight, the capital filled up with hundreds of new shops and showrooms, offering everything from imported sports cars to American-made seaweed chips.
To most, it is sacrosanct; the idea of not playing on Boxing Day, New Year's Day and various points in between is seen as somewhere between anathema and heresy.
The photographs of the dynamited Buddha images, which had been hewn into sandstone cliffs some 2202,2628 years ago, is a stark modern reminder that nothing in history is sacrosanct.
That was a piece of advice I held sacrosanct until a few weeks ago, when I went absolutely batshit crazy on an ex of mine in an incredibly public setting.
Ultimately, Delly fights for every ball — embodying the "one percenter" philosophy that is a sacrosanct part of Australian rules football, where small actions on the field can yield great results.
We were witnessing something far more humbling: the sacrosanct and singular decimated in an instant — the puncturing of a communal naïveté, as if what we hold sacred could last forever.
In 1819 a landmark Supreme Court decision regarding Dartmouth College limited the rights of states to interfere in businesses set up by charter; private contracts, it held, should be sacrosanct.
There is obviously nothing sacrosanct, nor historically inevitable, about democracy as a form of popular self-government, or as a shared faith in the dignity and wisdom of ordinary people.
Reverend Dr. Cari Jackson, a member of the RC's executive management team, believes that a woman's right to choose—and the essential work performed by reproductive healthcare providers —is sacrosanct.
Washington's politicians generally regard promoting global free trade as sacrosanct, although both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have questioned that assumption in recent months, as Ross Perot did in 1992.
From the beginning of our nation's history well into the 20th century, union organizing efforts were treated by conservative jurists as criminal conspiracies and interferences with employers' sacrosanct contract rights.
Whether this new hostility will be confronted by European or other leaders gathering in Paris, who have watched Trump's downward drift from the democratic principles they hold sacrosanct, is unclear.
But when I explained what Wilson had told me the night before, he was scathing, telling me the Good Friday Agreement is sacrosanct and that Wilson needs to catch up.
But as Trump expanded into more sacrosanct targets — Fox News's Kelly, George W. Bush's performance in the war on terror and Cruz — the dissenting chorus among conservatism's dons grew louder.
At the height of the global financial crisis, in early 2009, he moved to cancel the annual spring hiring of new college graduates, a sacrosanct rite of passage in Japan.
He also has the rest of the 2100 season to consider, including his sacrosanct season within a season on clay that is scheduled to start next month in Monte Carlo.
Publications from student newspapers to the New York Times have spun the letter as a threat to academe's sacrosanct commitment to freedom for professors with approved opinions and pure hearts.
"The price commitment seems to me to be the more sacrosanct," Dunn said, adding that it was fixed in local currency but amounted to around $13 to $15 mcf/day.
But what we do know is that they were trying to inoculate these agencies like the FBI, the NSA, the CIA by comments like Chuck Schumer&aposs saying, they&aposre sacrosanct.
Amid all their plans and designs, characters in this world treat the Law of Surprise as a sacrosanct, and the Law of Surprise is what binds Geralt to Calanthe's granddaughter, Ciri.
In past elections, TV airtime was the most valuable currency for any politician, and the role of the newscaster was sacrosanct (the most trusted person in America was once Walter Cronkite).
In announcing the guiding principles for tax reform on Wednesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said there would be only two tax deductions that would be sacrosanct in negotiations with Capitol Hill.
This goes double if there are inherent cultural differences, such as with a seat-of-your-pants Silicon Valley company and a much more disciplined Chinese conglomerate where deadlines are sacrosanct.
"Personal space is sacrosanct, whether physical or virtual, and those boundaries take on new significance with a HMD strapped to your face," says Clemens Wangerin, managing director of UK-based vTime.
His political attacks against the apparent Republican nominee from usually sacrosanct settings such as Japan and Rutgers clearly demonstrate that he's a plain old partisan pol just like all the rest.
But in North Korea, where the leader is treated as a deity, political slogans are sacrosanct — a point that does not loom large in many outside appraisals of Mr. Warmbier's plight.
Anything added to the sacrosanct combo of avocado, onion, jalapeno, and fresh lemon juice (looking at you, pea-wielding New York media types), is a nothing more than an unnecessary flourish.
Where is the frank conversation about data security, and the potential for a single breach or hack to compromise 300 million private records that have been considered sacrosanct since time immemorial?
He has remade the nature of the presidency in his own fashion, using social media with a characteristic bluntness, challenging longtime U.S. allies and questioning Washington traditions once viewed as sacrosanct.
But many Saudis were still trying to process their new reality on Sunday, the first day that overturned what had been one of the most sacrosanct prohibitions in the absolute monarchy.
Others believe the Second Amendment is sacrosanct; they feel weapon collectors or aficionados should continue to have unlimited access to any and all variety of weapons for shooting, marksmanship, or display.
JOHANNESBURG, Feb 14 (Reuters) - South African trade union NEHAWU, one of the country's largest public sector unions, said on Friday that current wage agreements were sacrosanct and not open for review.
But it is Mr. Byford's openness to shutting down subway lines that is sure to attract attention, and condemnation, in a city where a 24-hour subway system is considered sacrosanct.
One day, in a future without football, linguists will study the arcane and mysterious language of the transfer window, with its 'swoops', its 'raids' and its sacrosanct 'come-and-get-me plea'.
The country is still roiling over 50 million babies being killed in the womb because of this sacrosanct right that was emanating out of penumbras in the Constitution, that didn&apost work.
Not only are gun rights sacrosanct, there are conservative prohibitions against the acknowledgment of climate change; opposition to abortion is mandatory; immigration reform is rejected; and top priority goes to tax cuts.
Expanding the acting nominations could result in more black, Hispanic or Asian contenders, though it would certainly rile those who regard the five-nominee system, in place since the 1930s, as sacrosanct.
Why it matters: The Privacy Shield agreement is sacrosanct to American companies that handle the data of European users, but this threat reflects continued skepticism inside the EU of U.S. privacy practices.
If you win Le Mans, in class or overall, you have proven to the world that your brand's engineering is sacrosanct, that it has beaten all others in the most critical test.
Edwards has also gone after Van Hollen for his past openness to a sweeping deficit-reduction package that included cuts to entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, programs sacrosanct to liberals.
For our government to fulfill its public mandate, policy implementation needs to be considered sacrosanct — able to proceed without political interference unless such policy is changed in accordance with our democratic practices.
It replaces a 6900 agreement known as Safe Harbor that was struck down over concerns that U.S. surveillance practices infringed on a right to privacy that is sacrosanct under the EU Charter.
"We strongly urge you to reverse course, follow the letter and spirit of the law, and demonstrate that the security of our country and integrity of elections are sacrosanct," the letter said.
"For a long time, marketing was seen as, they didn't participate in that conversation, they were in the ivory tower creating beautiful ads and they were sacrosanct from that process," Cronin added.
Beyond that, Vision Zero cannot get around the broader spirit of the law, which treats cars much in the way it treats guns, sanctioning the right to operate them as nearly sacrosanct.
Even with the completion of the Mueller investigation, Mr. Barr has argued that grand jury information is sacrosanct and will be redacted from the materials he gives to Congress and the public.
That angered unionist lawmakers for whom close ties between those two regions are sacrosanct — all the more so because Mr. Johnson had earlier promised not to put any distance between the two.
Even in the digital industries, where the gospel of innovation is sacrosanct, the kings of "disruption" — Netflix, Amazon — keep their customers happy only through reliable and well-maintained data and distribution networks.
It replaces a 2000 agreement known as Safe Harbor that was struck down over concerns that U.S. surveillance practices infringed on a right to privacy that is sacrosanct under the EU Charter.
If you happen to hit the US, it's worth considering that freedoms and rights once considered sacrosanct can be easy to limit, and that once limited they can be easier to revoke.
It could also, if the federal deficit continues to increase, put pressure on future Congresses to cut spending for Medicare and Social Security, programs that Trump pledged would be sacrosanct in his administration.
Conoco recently slashed its dividend for the first time in 25 years, the first big company to do so in an industry where the payout is sacrosanct, and others are expected to follow.
Dividends are considered sacrosanct for bank investors in Britain, and smaller investors have complained at Barclays' annual meetings in recent years about the size of the dividend versus the size of executive bonuses.
Museum officials defended their choice, as documented by van Pelt and the historian Deborah Dwork in a later article about the memorial-museum's founding, saying they wanted to keep the Birkenau grounds sacrosanct.
The hatred reserved for those who do it is so intense that moral values we otherwise hold sacrosanct can be thrown out of the window in an instant in the rush to condemn.
It can still revert to its previous strategy of treating the core user experience as sacrosanct and only adding features in ways that preserve the experience while subtly introducing new features or functionality.
But in this, he is not much different from politicians on all sides who think the will of the people, no matter what percentage of the overall population Leavers actually represent, is sacrosanct.
Flyball, a sport in which four-dog teams compete in a carefully choreographed relay race, is a weekend ritual for many people, as sacrosanct as youth soccer or bowling leagues are to others.
Stephen Lewis, a former senior official at UNICEF who now co-runs an NGO that works on AIDS policy with Donovan, says UN officials hold to a view that its reputation is sacrosanct.
But remembering the story of Spencer in China made me wonder if swan upping could offer us something other than these exclusionist dreams of a sacrosanct Englishness deep-rooted in an imagined past.
The deduction has always been sacrosanct because it is linked to the emotional and political rhetoric of homeownership being part of the "American dream," but there are even bigger factors at play today.
What China now calls issues of its sacrosanct national sovereignty and territorial integrity is seen by Washington as an unacceptable overreach in terms of international law, America's national security and treaty obligations to Japan.
LONDON, April 14 (Reuters) - BP said on Thursday an oil market rebalancing and a bounce in oil prices has allowed the company to maintain its dividend but signaled the payout was no longer sacrosanct.
And the imaginative abstractions by Dunbar and Monaghan serve as reminders that the earth's resources – including the sacrosanct terrain below the waters and the mud – will more than likely outlast its current human occupiers.
Even with the growing tensions in American-Russian relations, the United States has argued that agreements regarding weapons of mass destruction should be sacrosanct because they are in both sides' interest, the official said.
MOUs are not sacrosanct and the U.S. has suspended them against Israel in the past and imposed other consequences, such as suspending the delivery of fighter jets to Israel after its strike in Osirik.
Just two days later, Mr. Trump astounded the Chinese government by asserting that the One China policy, under which the United States recognizes the government of Beijing and not Taiwan, was far from sacrosanct.
Sweden is already celebrated for its generous welfare state, including 480 days of paid parental leave, universal health care and a common ritual of coffee and pastry, known as fika, which is considered sacrosanct.
But long before Ukraine consumed the capital, Mr. Trump had sought to bend the instruments of government to his own purposes even if it meant pushing boundaries that had been sacrosanct for a generation.
It has exposed a political culture in which the facts -- in this case, of the President's actions -- are no longer sacrosanct and that has been laced with a fog of misinformation by his allies.
But the health and mortality data is still important information for policy makers, because it indicates that subsidies for health insurance are not a uniquely death-defying and therefore sacrosanct form of social spending.
Removed from the sacrosanct gallery, art creates a more lasting impression: viewed alongside other objects and in familiar frameworks, artworks are not left behind at the gallery's door, but carried imaginatively into our everyday lives.
As I said at my confirmation hearing, I think the essential role of the attorney general is to keep law enforcement, the criminal process sacrosanct to make sure there is no political interference in it.
There are other studies that found issues with the methodology and sample size," Pichai responded, "but let me step back and say, providing users with high-quality, accurate, and trusted information is sacrosanct to us.
All three Republican senators running for president voted against the most recent federal farm bill, once sacrosanct in Iowa and among the Southern voters who will decide the main Super Tuesday primaries on March 1.
Like it or not — and thanks to the demise of the once-sacrosanct but now passé company pension — the 401(k) plan is the primary retirement savings vehicle today for vast numbers of American workers.
The fact that senior has been left intact in recent bank failures, including Spain's Banco Popular and two regional Italian lenders, has enforced the view that the asset class is sacrosanct - but not everyone agrees.
A looming danse macabre figure makes the painting teem with a quixotic mix of fact and fiction, perhaps designed to provoke a blend of sacrosanct and soft-porn sensation that is imaginative but somewhat spurious.
Laws that limit abortion erode women's constitutional right to access full healthcare, endanger them, and enshrine into law the idea that their basic bodily autonomy matters less than the belief that an embryo is sacrosanct.
Instead, people treat the Constitution like a fast-food value menu, choosing which amendments are sacrosanct (the First and Second) and which are disposable (any of those giving civil rights to anyone but white men).
Her two-part series for Golf Digest in 1990 took her into the sheltered worlds of clubs that believed their membership rules were sacrosanct and would be changed only when they chose to change them.
They consider the male line of succession to be sacrosanct, and derailed a plan by a previous prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, to revise the Imperial Household Law to allow a woman to hold the throne.
While client attorney privilege is sacrosanct when there is a formal mandate, there is a grey area when a lawfirm is not formally tasked with representing a particular individual, according to law professor Werner Beulke said.
Satellite navigation systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS) make so many different pieces of our global infrastructure tick that most countries treat their signals as sacrosanct, knowing that interfering with them could have devastating effects.
Read MoreDay of reckoning for oil producers: Yergin Conoco's dividend cut was a big deal for the industry and sends a strong message for a sector that has treated its ability to pay dividends as sacrosanct.
Some critics of the GOP nominee's comments warn that they threaten to do deep damage to the integrity of the U.S. voting process, which has been largely held as sacrosanct throughout much of the nation's history.
Benjamin, who is also chair of the Municipal Bonds for America Coalition, said that most infrastructure in the United States is financed by municipal bonds, and the tax exemption for the bonds is "sacrosanct" for mayors.
After Beijing and the U.S. foreign policy establishment accused him of violating the One China policy, Trump said he could speak with anyone he chooses and didn't think that policy was sacrosanct or in America's interests.
"There are certain sacrosanct subjects that no amount of wordsmithing can repair once crossed," added Duffy, the national commander of the near 1.7 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its Auxiliary.
While client attorney privilege is sacrosanct when there is a formal mandate, there is a gray area when a lawfirm is not formally tasked with representing a particular individual, according to law professor Werner Beulke said.
Since his return in October to Twitter as its permanent chief executive, Mr. Dorsey has made it clear that many of the things that employees held sacrosanct about Twitter — including tweet length — were no longer untouchable.
Communities were also urged to adopt safe, sanitary burial practices, by not touching the deceased, or any of the fluids of the deceased — a painful directive for many communities of Western Africa where funerals are sacrosanct.
"It's basically an exit clause with the keys given to the DUP," said a senior EU official, referring to the Northern Ireland unionist party that says maintaining the economic integrity of the United Kingdom is sacrosanct.
The latest to be hit, literally, is ace filmmaker and National Award winner Sanjay Leela Bhansali, who reportedly invited the ire of fringe religious groups in northern India for having touched upon a subject considered sacrosanct.
"There is simply no reason to doubt that Justice Thomas will continue to raise his concerns about the correctness of the court's prior decisions, no matter how sacrosanct they may be in certain quarters," Cooper added.
He is personally revered by many Democrats, and his achievements like the Affordable Care Act, the Paris climate agreement and the regulations he imposed on banks and coal companies are seen as sacrosanct by most liberals.
Considering the censorious proclivities of the president and his supporters, it is all the more important that those who oppose him be consistent in defending the principle that freedom of speech is sacrosanct, for all of us.
Dividends are sacrosanct in the world of integrated oil and gas, but Goldman Sachs' global head of commodities research said Tuesday prices may stay low enough for long enough to force big oil to cut the payouts.
Once you accept that there's nothing sacrosanct about reaching a certain number of hits or home runs, Sosa's case comes down to those five great seasons out of 18 full or partial years in the big leagues.
But even in this politically conservative U.S. state where the right to own property is held sacrosanct, the initiative is getting pushback from local ranchers who worry that it poses a risk to their cattle and lifestyle.
Recent research suggests these laws can lower gun suicide rates by between 7.5 percent and 13.7 percent, and the often temporary nature of the gun restrictions preserves the Second Amendment rights that many gun owners hold sacrosanct.
As the origin story fades into the past, the presence of the two distinct spaces is cited as proof that the difference they identify is sacrosanct, when in fact the twin rooms are, essentially, architecturally codified ideology.
Today, according to a new report by a leading think tank, workers would be better off if they adopted a strategy that turned to a different and more sacrosanct set of constitutional guarantees: the Bill of Rights.
As cities struggle to keep up with demand, they have remade their skylines with condominium and apartment towers — but single-family neighborhoods, where low-density living is treated as sacrosanct, have rarely been part of the equation.
As with almost every other Facebook feature, its fundraising tools have prompted concerns about privacy, particularly donor privacy, which is considered sacrosanct by many organizations (Facebook lets users decide if they want to share their donation with friends).
Just one day later, a government report calling for the sale of government assets, including Tennessee Valley Authority transmission lines — considered sacrosanct by Tennessee voters — forced Ms. Blackburn to attempt to distance herself from the president yet again.
Each of these three arguments treats the 2016 result as sacrosanct, but the final claim is a bit more subtle: The American people chose Donald Trump and the only way to litigate that choice is in the next election.
Because forgiving these overpayments would cost the government money, Congress would have to waive the paygo rules or find some other cut—from anywhere, not solely the defense budget, which Congress typically leaves sacrosanct—to offset the debt forgiveness.
Vinyl, that sacrosanct slab of plastic, has such mystique that all-vinyl events are heralded with the fervour of miracles being performed, and the ability to pull off miracles, as we all know, should remain in the right hands.
By making the snap decision to suspend previously sacrosanct US military exercises with South Korea, Trump weakened US and South Korean military readiness and sent a message to America's allies that US security guarantees could be flippantly negotiated away.
They share a New York-New Jersey style of transactional what-have-you-done-for-me-lately politics, where policy seems secondary, ethics rules are meant to be bent, apologies are rare, secrecy is sacrosanct and lawyers are plentiful.
Their senatorially painful decision announced on Tuesday to sacrifice some of lawmakers' usually sacrosanct August recess was a public confession that they have not gotten the job done even while controlling the White House, Senate and House of Representatives.
Trump claims several untruths: that nothing has been found thus far in this investigation; that they have found absolutely no collusion; that the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt; and that the sacrosanct attorney-client privilege is dead.
And yet, with public sector outlays of 23 percent of GDP — compared with 44.3 percent in Germany and a euro area average of 48.1 percent — France must take a knife to the politically flammable and sacrosanct social welfare provisions.
"Washington, D.C., far too often wants to just say what's the dollar amount and makes that the sacrosanct value for how you're doing with regard to your commitment," he said at a House Budget Committee hearing this past week.
Several current and former career prosecutors involved in the issue said they viewed it as hypocritical that Apple encouraged its customers to save its data to iCloud — which it would turn over to the government — but regarded the cellphone as sacrosanct.
LONDON (Reuters) - China's decision to let its yuan plunge through a previously sacrosanct level means a tit-for-tat trade conflict could morph into a currency war, injecting volatility into long-dormant foreign exchanges and piling pressure on world markets.
Because it is a clear "separation of powers" issue, and there is nothing more fundamental and sacrosanct to our great republic than the ability of the three coequal branches of government to function independently and "in check" with each other.
His name translates to "strength of the land, incomparable power," and the king was an authoritative figure, his rule sacrosanct, and his absolute power insulated by a powerful military that staged a coup in 2014, overthrowing the country's democratically elected government.
After settling in their current pueblo homes, Zunis returned to this sacred mountain to hunt animals like deer and bear, harvest wild plants like acorns and cattails, and gather minerals used in sacrosanct rituals that keep the universe in order.
"Plan participants understand that the money is sacrosanct, but they may find themselves in a situation where the 401(k) is the largest source of capital they have," said James A. Cox, financial advisor at Harris Financial Group in Richmond, Virginia.
"The real leprosy is the hypocrisy of someone who pushes back immigrants at (Italian-French border town) Ventimiglia and then wants to preach to us about our sacrosanct right to ask for an equal distribution of migrants," Di Maio tweeted.
" Fisher is the head coach of the Los Angeles Rams, who, in an episode of the reality football show "Hard Knocks," told his team that standing for the anthem was sacrosanct: "It's an opportunity to realize how lucky you are.
But after a complaint against Facebook wound up before the European Court of Justice, the high court determined that because of its surveillance practices, the U.S. could not be seen to adequately protect individuals' privacy — sacrosanct under the EU Charter.
Gun reform has long been considered a third-rail of politics, particularly in conservative-leaning districts where Second Amendment rights are deemed sacrosanct, and efforts to restrict firearms have gone nowhere in recent decades under the majority rule of both parties.
That trigger can be a vacation in Majorca, Spain (Emma Straub's "The Vacationers"), or sitting shiva in suburbia (Jonathan Tropper's "This Is Where I Leave You"), or a wedding at the family's once-sacrosanct, soon-to-be-despoiled summer palace.
The gun debate could play out very differently in House and Senate races, as Republicans strain to save suburban congressional districts where gun control is popular, and Democrats defend Senate seats in red states where the Second Amendment is sacrosanct.
But the changes have yet to improve the quality of life for most people in France — unemployment still hovers around 10 percent — and there is increasing grumbling that he is neglecting the social safety net, which is sacrosanct in France.
Some in Belarus fear the groundwork is being laid through Russian propaganda, and Belarusian strongman Alexander Lukashenko is due to meet Putin on Saturday to discuss bilateral ties — though he insisted this morning that Belarusian sovereignty is sacrosanct, per Reuters. 203.
Jonan said while there was scope to negotiate on issues such as royalties and tax as well as contributions to the Papuan government, stipulations such as the amount of the divestment and a requirement to build a second smelter were sacrosanct.
CHARLESTON, S.C. — Donald J. Trump has defied conservative orthodoxy on policy, shunned traditional politicking and even insulted prisoners of war and the disabled, sacrosanct constituencies that other candidates would no more slur than they would accept a bag of cash with cameras rolling.
The Magicians is based on a series of books by Lev Grossman (though season two has mostly come to regard those books as a helpful suggestion manual rather than a sacrosanct original text), and those books contain their own version of this plotline.
The BJP also does not consider the finance ministry's plan to keep the fiscal deficit to 3.3 percent of gross domestic product in the current April-March fiscal year as "sacrosanct", he said, comments which pushed bond yields higher and hurt the rupee.
BERLIN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Germany and the European Union rejected protests by Turkey over a satirical German television show that mocked President Tayyip Erdogan, saying press freedom was sacrosanct, just as the EU is banking on Ankara's help in solving its migrant crisis.
Mr Trump first honed his formula for hogging the limelight in the primary campaign: create a furore by crossing a sacrosanct political line, bask in the attention for several days, then do it again before your opponents have a chance to get noticed.
Palestinian leaders – from the establishment figures of the Palestinian Authority to the Hamas jihadists controlling Gaza, who openly pledge Israel's destruction – have cultivated as sacrosanct a Palestinian right of mass "return" not to a future Palestinian state alongside Israel but to Israel itself.
"The press plays an essential and sacrosanct role in American democracy and we need to make sure that the government cannot harass and intimidate reporters in the pursuit of their stories," Raskin said in an interview on the steps of the Capitol.
In Seoul, President Moon Jae-in moved quickly Friday to calm jitters about an American troop reduction, especially among older conservatives, who consider the United States military's presence a sacrosanct symbol of national security and are deeply skeptical of Mr. Kim's intentions.
Editorial Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee violated their supposedly sacrosanct principles of fiscal hawkishness this week, by saying that it would be just fine with them to add $1.5 trillion to the deficit over 10 years in order to cut taxes.
BRUSSELS — Breaking its own deadlines, reopening negotiations on a Brexit agreement with Britain it had said was sacrosanct and then approving a new version before it could be fully digested by its member states, the European Union showed considerable strategic flexibility on Thursday.
While the sanctions are not, in fact, a hammer blow to the economy and will only affect a few individuals, they send a powerful and potentially irreversible message to Ankara: that its alliance with the U.S. and NATO membership is far from sacrosanct.
In fact, entitlement spending has become so politically sacrosanct that even modest attempts to reform the system by, for example, enacting sliding age requirements to Social Security based on the increasing life expectancy of retirees, have been met with howls of opposition.
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling party is in favor of an expansionary economic policy and does not consider the government's plan to keep the fiscal deficit to 3.3 percent of GDP as "sacrosanct", a party spokesman told Reuters.
It came a week after President Elect Trump questioned why the US should continue to observe the so-called "One China" policy -- a cornerstone of Sino-US relations that China considers sacrosanct -- unless Beijing is willing to concede on policies that obstruct American interests.
Let us not forget the sacrosanct Kyrie Irving with 40 points, and the celestial Kevin Love with 23 of his own—both of whom contributed handily to the NBA Finals record-breaking 86 points in a half and 24 three pointers made in a game.
NATO's commitment to defend its members against an attack is supposed to be sacrosanct; Mr. Trump's approach would play into the hands of Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, who is eager to have NATO unravel, since that would allow him more freedom to expand Russian influence.
Though the original sets, by David Hays, and costumes, by Karinska, are still honored by New York City Ballet and other companies, they aren't sacrosanct, and they've been successfully replaced, as in Pacific Northwest Ballet's 1997 version, with its sets and costumes by Martin Pakledinaz.
Greaves has frequently argued that this sovereignty is sacrosanct, even for views he finds repugnant: He has, for example, defended the right of ultra-conservative firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at California Polytechnic University after students purporting to be Satanists led a protest against him.
Spook level: 22013/103 Danger to Musk level: 210/29 Best quote: "Blluurrarrarrrrrrggggggghhhhsissssss" [GAR] SPECIES II (210) Plot: A sequel to the original and sacrosanct Species, Species II sees the violent and sexual predatory tendencies of an alien virus get brought back from Mars.
Journalists and press freedom groups reacted with alarm on Thursday after the Trump administration announced new charges against Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks leader, for publishing classified information, in a case that legal experts say takes direct aim at previously sacrosanct protections for the news media.
The New York prosecutors argued that Trump wouldn't be harmed if asked to comply with the subpoena, because there's no risk that his tax returns would be published under grand jury secrecy rules and because there's isn't anything "sacrosanct" about a president's tax returns.
By firing back at the international community's attempt to challenge its policy in Xinjiang, and turning a blind eye to the evidence of rampant abuse, China's partners are also doubling down on one of their usual refrains: sovereignty is sacrosanct, particularly when human rights are involved.
Things have become so tight, insiders say, that the Kremlin is considering cracking open the one piggy bank that was always considered sacrosanct, one that carries long-term consequences for the Russian economy: taxing the funds that oil companies need to invest to ensure future oil production.
" What or whom he would sue was not obvious, but what is clear is that Mr. Cuomo is ferociously aiming to persuade the electorate that his feminism is sacrosanct, joking on Monday that God told him he was a feminist "when he gave me three daughters.
While those two precedents are seen as sacrosanct because they were unanimous, Supreme Court experts across the political spectrum say there is still plenty of wiggle room for other significant cases that more directly address some of the questions at the center of the Mueller investigation.
I'm told by State Dept officials that Obama publicly derided his father on his visit there and that was regarded as embarrassing and crossing the line by Kenyans for whom respect for elders (especially the father, especially a Muslim father, in a patrilineal society) is considered sacrosanct.
Dr. Jones, who died at 79 on July 19 in Newcastle upon Tyne in northeastern England, wrote hundreds of irreverent columns about Daedalus for two sacrosanct journals: New Scientist, in a column named for Ariadne, the mistress of the labyrinth, and Nature, in a column called Daedalus.
Kastom is an expansive concept that includes tradition, history, land rights and social norms; local kastom varies tremendously across the more than 22015 islands of Vanuatu, but the notion itself has become sacrosanct for the continuity and authority it provided in the aftermath of colonial occupation.
This has left economists scratching their heads about whether or not the Phillips Curve (which implies a higher level of inflation for this rate of unemployment) is broken, and equally has left equity investors happy that this era of decent growth and low inflation is sacrosanct (for now).
But they include many sacrosanct items we're attached to, like the mortgage interest deduction, or energy subsidies ranging from the oil depletion allowance to renewable energy credits (though note the latter were already scheduled to sunset between 22019 and 2021, and the Senate tax plan leaves them unchanged).
If we worship this false god and don't require Mr. Trump to adhere to our long-held customs, such as showing us his tax returns, making him divest his businesses and decrying any foreign interference in our elections, then we abandon the democratic values that used to be sacrosanct.
It took a cataclysmic set of failures by the Iowa Democratic Party earlier this year for the Democrats' party elders to openly discuss the possibility of scrapping the once-sacrosanct Iowa caucus in favor of a primary or even stripping it of its first-in-the-nation status altogether.
Sistani, whose opinion is sacrosanct for millions in Iraq's Shi'ite Muslim majority and beyond, said he was keeping an "equal distance" from all candidates and did not identify any of them by name in his sermon, read by one of his envoys, Sheikh Abdulmehdi al-Karbalai, and broadcast on television.
Cylon and those who followed him took shelter in the Temple of Pallas Athena, on the Acropolis, a sacrosanct refuge, but while Cylon managed to escape, his followers were persuaded to abandon the temple on condition that their lives would be spared; they subsequently stood trial and were summarily executed.
In addition to its being a basic, logical component of party politics (seldom is it recognized that the Republican Party and its stringent purity testing is doing pretty well), clarity on what exactly Democrats are and what core, sacrosanct policy positions Democrats hold could do wonders for its messaging during elections.
A small but vocal group of conservative lawmakers, much of the conservative media and, at times, the president himself have launched a series of attacks to paint not only Mr. Mueller but institutions once considered sacrosanct to Republicans like the F.B.I. and Justice Department as dangerously biased against Mr. Trump.
Not necessarily because we don't celebrate it, or don't appreciate the day off, but leading up to the holiday, we might have been accused of waging a war on Jesus's birthday, or of trying to rebrand Christmas as "Eid al ISIS," or of "invading" that most sacrosanct Christmas tradition, the annual Tesco ad.
CARTER: Sacrosanct to the point of Laura, they omitted information in the FISA that showed that even Christopher Steele himself, one was bias because we know Bruce Ohr&aposs testimony proved that and he worked for the Department of Justice and demoted twice and wife worked for -- Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS.
But White House lawyers counter that the bill blows a damaging hole in sovereign immunity — a principle sacrosanct in international law, which holds that a state actor is immune from legal liability — and could lead other nations to abandon it, opening up the United States to a raft of lawsuits around the world.
The legislative-outreach strategy, and how it's working, based on conversations with lawmakers, their aides, and White House staff: For his first five years, President Obama paid little attention to egos on the Hill: He scheduled events involving senators during their 12:30 Tuesday party lunches, the one sacrosanct time on their calendars.
Although family dinner in the residence is seen as sacrosanct, she has often been spotted making low-key escapes with a clique of female friends to the private back room of BLT Steak, an upscale eatery two blocks from the White House, or for martinis and Mediterranean tapas at the restaurant Zaytinya.
It's unclear just how deep modders will be able to go with these games, but official acknowledgement of the community on any level is a big step for a company like Sega — most older video game companies treat their back catalogs as sacrosanct, relegating fan-made mods to the domain of ROM hacking and emulators.
In September, Rees-Mogg told provoked alarm from pro-choice campaigners when he told Good Morning Britain that he "completely opposed to abortion" in every circumstance, though he maintained that there was "no question of any of these laws being changed" in the UK. "Life is sacrosanct," he told hosts on the breakfast TV show.
The moral of "Acrimony" seems to be: Leave a bad man, especially one who cheated on you before marriage and leeches off your financial resources — unless he has poured his life into the dream of inventing a self-recharging battery, in which case the bonds of matrimony are sacrosanct and no sacrifice is too great.
Tim talked about this, Steve Jobs talked about this, privacy is sacrosanct, you don't trade on this, or you don't make a business out of it, because it creates not just that it's a thing you believe in, but it creates enormous problems later if you don't have the correct security in place. Exactly.
For the Clemson faithful, Saturdays with Dabo are sacrosanct, but it is possible for those who do not worship at the altar of the N.C.A.A. to find meaning in Swinney's messages, too: In offering up a framework for how to beat his alma mater, Alabama, in the national championship game on Monday, Swinney also supplied a blueprint for life.
Letters To the Editor: I applaud The Times for publishing Susan Jacoby's Sunday Review article decrying the grip that religion and superstition have on public discourse and politics in the United States: especially that so many people accept "God bless America" as sacrosanct when it is no such thing ("Sick and Tired of 'God Bless America,' " Feb. 7).
On a special episode of her podcast "Women and Money" for federal employees, Orman suggests they consider taking out a loan from their Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) — a retirement account for government workers, similar to a 401(k) or 403(b) — if they can't cover their expenses, even though she ordinarily says retirement savings should be sacrosanct.
But in a chamber that has seen the demise of the filibuster for nominations short of Supreme Court justices (in 2013, when the Democrats held the majority) and the unprecedented refusal to even consider a president's Supreme Court pick (in 2016, by the Republicans), it would be a mistake to think that any Senate tradition is sacrosanct.
For the Clemson faithful, Saturdays with Dabo are sacrosanct, but it is possible for those who do not worship at the altar of the N.C.A.A. to find meaning in Swinney's messages, too: In offering up a framework for how to beat his alma mater, Alabama, in Monday's College Football Playoff championship game, Swinney also supplied a blueprint for life.
So much of what I love about Ken MacLeod's The Star Fraction (one of my favorite cyberpunk stories) is the way he renders the feeling of being in different places--from the dorms of anarchist mercenary outfits, to the clean biolabs of corporate-sponsored universities, to the sacrosanct salesroom of the setting's Mormon Church Turned World's Super Store.
We discern this in his lack understanding or respect for the foundational and sacrosanct principles of the United States -- among them a free press and the right to criticize the president -- but also from his apparent desire to accumulate power by manipulating public opinion, dividing the country, eroding freedoms, and weakening institutions that are not in his control.
Just as the NRA has helped elect politicians who hold the Second Amendment sacrosanct, the ACLU wants to reassert civil liberties as the bedrock principles on which the United States was founded—and to make politicians think twice before enacting policies that endanger those rights, lest they face the wrath of a large and motivated group of activists.
It is noteworthy, therefore, that President Trump has called into question America's most sacrosanct right, the right to free speech embodied in the First Amendment, in his relentless attacks on the press, and that the Republican Party (so-called) has adopted as one of its foremost political tactics a campaign to suppress the voting rights of various minority groups.
"The big problem of Spain is that it has had this pretense to be one country, with almost a sacrosanct idea of unity, when it should always have seen itself as a remarkably successful experiment in the coexistence of different communities," said Felipe Fernández-Armesto, an Anglo-Spanish historian who is a professor at the University of Notre Dame.
At the same time Democrats, who over the last half-century have zealously defended sacrosanct federal laws - such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that tackled segregation - against arguments that states should be allowed to chart their own way, are now making plans to employ some of those very states' rights positions to fend off Trump administration policies they disagree with.
That now makes it inevitable that, at some point — and the sooner the better — Trump and his Chinese counterpart will have to negotiate an agreement on bilateral trade and investments as part of a complex set of issues, including China's contested maritime borders, peace and disarmament on the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan as a centerpiece to the sacrosanct "One-China" policies.
First as a war reporter covering the Balkans in the 1990s, then as the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of "A Problem From Hell": America and the Age of Genocide, and finally as a government official herself, Power has insisted that the "responsibility to protect" innocents from slaughter is sacrosanct, even if it means U.S. military adventurism or violating foreign nations' sovereignty.
"The way that the left approaches it is as if any spending level in the current system that has ever been attained is sacrosanct, and they will fight to the death to maintain that even if the programs are of pretty dubious value," said Robert Rector, a senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation who specializes in welfare and poverty.
Bernie SandersBernie SandersJoe Biden faces an uncertain path Bernie Sanders vows to go to 'war with white nationalism and racism' as president Biden: 'There's an awful lot of really good Republicans out there' MORE (I-Vt.), along with other progressive voices in the Senate and House, has similarly vowed to oppose and defeat these ill-considered GOP attacks against these programs that are sacrosanct for liberals, Democrats and the few moderate Republicans who remain in Congress.
Mr. Trump has suggested that the One China policy, under which the United States recognizes the government of Beijing and not Taiwan, is not sacrosanct, a major concern for Mr. Xi. "In a year of political transition, Xi cannot afford to come across as weak," said Paul Haenle, the director of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Beijing, who served as China director for the National Security Council under President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama.
Opinion by: Saagar Enjeti  President Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpWhistleblower complaint declassified on eve of high-stakes testimony Ocasio-Cortez on impeachment: 'I think the ground has shifted' Democrats ask Pentagon to probe delayed Ukraine aid MORE has violated the Sacrosanct Rules of Washington D.C. by asking Ukraine to investigate the son of potential rival former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenWhistleblower complaint declassified on eve of high-stakes testimony Ocasio-Cortez on impeachment: 'I think the ground has shifted' Democrats ask Pentagon to probe delayed Ukraine aid MORE.
How did a limited right—understood for most of its history to belong narrowly to a select group of people, subject to all sorts of constraints, both legal and social—evolve into its broad modern conception, in which the right to receive a polite reception for a well-paid speech on a university campus and the right to advocate explicitly for genocide are as sacrosanct as every other human right; where they represent, in fact, the singular and semidivine right from which all other rights and freedoms flow?
It was a stunning development in what already had become a vulgar couple of days; a sacrosanct ceremonial act — the president calling the families of fallen soldiers to express his deepest sympathies — had turned into a series of insults and accusations, started by President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE himself. Gen.

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