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"invariable" Definitions
  1. always the same; never changing

340 Sentences With "invariable"

How to use invariable in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "invariable" and check conjugation/comparative form for "invariable". Mastering all the usages of "invariable" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The invariable answer: by tightening the screws on the debtors.
And there is an invariable battle for media coverage as well.
"I will give you an invariable rule," Frederick Douglass proposed in 1846.
Both their positions exemplify the invariable conflict that is the hallmark of every trial.
And now we have the first invariable component of the rape script: the list of charges.
Not that alcohol levels are invariable indicators of style or quality, but they can be suggestive.
When Black Mirror first hit the air in 2011, it drew invariable comparisons to The Twilight Zone.
The lack of rear doors, the crouched entry to the invariable cramped back seat, it says something about the owners.
" In reviewing that concert for The Times, Donal Henahan called her "a solid technician and an artist of invariable restraint.
Visions of an invariable, often hyper-racialized boogey-man convince N.R.A. supporters that security comes from clutching bigger, more advanced weaponry.
The Christian conception of an invariable, geocentric universe composed of perfect forms excluded any notion of cosmic flaws, much less untethered rocks crisscrossing the ether.
Instead of visualizing Johnston's approach to queerness, Morgan uses her words as table setting to his own dissertation on the invariable permutations of queer art.
Music, the ingredient overlooked by the gala presenters, was certainly the invariable underpinning of Balanchine's diverse brand of ballet, but who'd have known that on Tuesday?
Former House Speaker Newt GingrichNewton (Newt) Leroy GingrichMORE (R-Ga.) said President Trump's "invariable" love of fast food shows he's a middle-class guy at heart.
His invariable verdict on the manners and morals of other countries is "Not English", delivered "with a flourish of the arm and a flush of the face".
The greatest bistros in France are magnetic because they are invariable; you know the classics will be made the same way they were 15 or 45 years ago.
Even if the individuals using 24chan had remained absolutely invariable, however, those who were 24 in 24 would be nearly 24 today, precipitating its own kind of change.
"Our principle stance will remain invariable, and our proposal will never be changed even though the United States proposes negotiation again in the future," Ri said through a translator.
"Our principle stance will remain invariable, and our proposal will never be changed even though the United States proposes negotiation again in the future," the North Korean official said.
Luckily, you can always try to get more sleep, or keep yourself occupied, but there are also some more invariable, harder-to-fix reasons why things constantly piss you off.
" A 2010 American study sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security similarly noted that radicalization "cannot be understood as an invariable set of steps or 'stages' from sympathy to radicalism.
Powell, with his clipped mustache, his deep voice, his invariable suit, tie, and hat, and his perfect indifference to everything but Myrna Loy, was a generation's ideal of American suavity.
Today, the technology company is on a collision course with two invariable realities of the modern marketplace that threaten its long-term financial well-being: federal regulation and class-action litigation.
The console will not only be capable of doing 4K res gaming, it also features a little adde kick for when performance requirements invariable increase well before the next-gen Xbox officially arrives.
It sums up slang's take on the organ, in a way: You've got the macho noise of "clatter" and this image of a man waving it around; you've also, with "vengeance" got slang's invariable misogyny.
If light has an invariable speed limit, then that means that since the Big Bang it could only have traveled approximately 2300 billion light years, because approximately 2300 billion years have elapsed since the Big Bang.
I don't have the opportunity to try many out at this job, but when I do, there's an invariable pang of jealousy for kids today who have much broader access to sophisticated playthings than we did in our day.
"Perhaps the happy communal life in some of Britain's loveliest forests adds glamour to the work, or maybe their invariable improvement in health and good looks makes them appreciate woodcraft and fresh air," mused The Times reporter Muriel Laurence.
" There was that crowd of protesters who chased him and his wife into the kitchen of a DC restaurant, followed by the invariable Twitter jokes about it the next morning, and the attendant video of one protester telling him, "Beto is hotter than you.
While everyone else is busy picking berries, jigging through hedgerows and performing complex fertility rituals to herald the changing of the seasons, football fans are sitting indoors with the curtains drawn, trying to savour the last few Super Sundays before the invariable boredom of the summer.
We found Model 3 deliveries less concerning, given (1) the high-end Model 3's unsustainably high U.S. market share in 2H 18 (33% of its segment) and (2) the invariable logistical bottlenecks that have emerged overseas (Tesla is now delivering 20193x more cars internationally than it ever has before).
And when public lands in California offer a cheaper alternative than private land and come with the benefit of minimal visibility, organizations looking to fly under the radar will likely continue to fill this initial supply shortfall, not to mention the invariable shortfall in states where marijuana is still illegal.
In his greatest essay, "The Painter of Modern Life" (1863) Charles Baudelaire said: Beauty is made up of an eternal, invariable element, whose quantity it is excessively difficult to determine, and of a relative, circumstantial element, which will be, if you like, whether severally or all at once, the age, its fashions, its morals, its emotions.
If a noun is both ' and diptotic, then it is completely invariable for case. Invariable nouns - Invariable nouns are usually those foreign names that end in alif or nouns that end in an additional ' or ' (when that ' or ' is not part of the root). Also, nouns that are both and diptotic fall into this category. Additionally, there are rare invariable nouns which have other endings, like any name ending with "-ayhi," like Sībawayhi (colloquially pronounced, for example, in Egypt: .
The standard has remained invariable in this Court.Id. at 19.
Nouns (substantives) are invariable except for the feminine form, which ends in "in". Adjectives are completely invariable E.g. (singular): El old man, el old manin. E.g. 2 (plural): Li old man, Li old manin.
It has been found that the generation effect was invariable across the different types of memory encoding.
An example of a common invariable noun is ' ('), meaning 'the most eloquent [Arabic]'. Another example is ' (') 'world'.
The pronoun quien comes from the Latin QVEM, "whom", the accusative of QVIS, "who". It too can replace [el] que in certain circumstances. Like the English pronouns "who" and "whom", it can only be used to refer to people. It is invariable for gender, and was originally invariable for number.
Delicately adjusted and unhumanly strong, it was a bit too invariable in the behavior department to be consistently efficient.
In other dialects, a grammaticalization process took place and the singular form was frozen as a connecting invariable particle d-.
The Laplace or Laplacean plane, as discussed here, relates to the orbit of a planetary satellite. It is to be distinguished from another and quite different plane, also discovered by Laplace, and which is also sometimes called the "Laplacian" or "Laplace plane", but more often the invariable plane (or the "invariable plane of Laplace"). The invariable plane is simply derived from the sum of angular momenta, and is "invariable" over the entire system, while the Laplace plane may be different for different orbiting objects within a system. Confusingly, a satellite's Laplace plane (as defined here) is also sometimes called its "invariable plane". The Laplace plane is a result of perturbational effects, which were discovered by Laplace while he was investigating the orbits of Jupiter’s principal moons (the Galilean satellites of Jupiter). Laplace found that the effects of the solar perturbing force, and of the planet’s oblateness (its equatorial bulge), together gave rise to an "inclinaison propre", an "own inclination", in the plane of the satellite orbits, relative to the plane of Jupiter’s equator.
A herpolhode is the curve traced out by the endpoint of the angular velocity vector ω of a rigid rotor, a rotating rigid body. The endpoint of the angular velocity moves in a plane in absolute space, called the invariable plane, that is orthogonal to the angular momentum vector L. The fact that the herpolhode is a curve in the invariable plane appears as part of Poinsot's construction. The trajectory of the angular velocity around the angular momentum in the invariable plane is a circle in the case of a symmetric top, but in the general case wiggles inside an annulus, while still being concave towards the angular momentum.
The underlying representation of a morpheme is considered to be invariable across related forms (except in cases of suppletion), despite alternations among various allophones on the surface.
The green of the pine symbolises the four seasons and represents the invariable attitude to truth in research and strong constancy and a spirit of the endurance.
With respect to the secondary control languages, Interlingua has articles, unlike Russian. The definite article le is invariable, as in English. Nouns have no grammatical gender.Wilgenhof, Karel.
The word "canaliculus" is a noun, not an adjective, so it is invariable and does not agree grammatically in gender with the genus that it is combined with.
The verb is preceded by a chain of invariable particles expressing tense, polarity and mood. Serial verb constructions are common and important, as in many West African languages.
The Earth's current orbital inclination is 1.57° (see above). Earth presently moves through the invariable plane around January 9 and July 9. At these times, there is an increase in meteors and noctilucent clouds. If this is because there is a disk of dust and debris in the invariable plane, then when the Earth's orbital inclination is near 0° and it is orbiting through this dust, materials could be accreted into the atmosphere.
Independent and predicative adjectives take number marker and class marker; also case if used as nominal. As attribute they are invariable. Thus idžed "good", ergative, idžedi, etc. -n, -s; pl.
Today, sailors from Maine to California make this race an invariable part of their summer. Moreover, each year the Mac hosts sailors from as far off as Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia.
As a thumb rule in all the sects invariable the saints are buried in sitting position in a separate place where later on a Samadhi is built which becomes a place of worship.
A cause is defined as an unconditional and invariable antecedent of an effect and an effect as an unconditional and invariable consequent of a cause. The same cause produces the same effect; and the same effect is produced by the same cause. The cause is not present in any hidden form whatsoever in its effect. The following conditions should be met: # The cause must be antecedent [Purvavrtti] # Invariability [Niyatapurvavrtti] # Unconditionality [Ananyathasiddha] Nyaya recognizes five kinds of accidental antecedents [Anyathasiddha] # Mere accidental antecedent. E.g.
The liquidator is the principal officer of the company who is appointed to conduct the winding-up process. Where the company is insolvent, the liquidation will invariable be an accountant who is an insolvency professional.
1.50 but this is not an invariable rule.Walker (1918), p. 651-2. Occasionally also the opposite order (noun- preposition-adjective) may be used in poetry and later prose,Gildersleeve & Lodge (1895), p. 267, note 1 e.g.
The Cārvāka, a materialist and skeptic school of Indian philosophy, used the problem of induction to point out the flaws in using inference as a way to gain valid knowledge. They held that since inference needed an invariable connection between the middle term and the predicate, and further, that since there was no way to establish this invariable connection, that the efficacy of inference as a means of valid knowledge could never be stated.Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy Vol I, p. 279S. Dasgupta, A history of Indian philosophy, Vol III.
These cannot be inflected under any circumstances (unless they are used as different parts of speech, as in "ifs and buts"). Only words that cannot be inflected at all are called "invariable". In the strict sense of the term "uninflected", only invariable words are uninflected, but in broader linguistic usage, these terms are extended to be inflectable words that appear in their basic form. For example, English nouns are said to be uninflected in the singular, while they show inflection in the plural (represented by the affix -s/-es).
The dictionary, Le Nouveau Petit Larousse Illustrée (1934) gives the following definition: CHASSE-MARéE n: m: invar: Bâtiment côtier à trois mâts. Voiture, voiturier qui apporte la marée. That is: noun, masculine, invariable. Coastal vessel of three masts.
The definite article is le and indefinite article is un. They are invariable and are used roughly as in English. The prepositions a ("to") and de ("of") can optionally be fused with le into al and del respectively.
The 'Ashok Stambh' heads the crest and laurel leaves surround the crest. The motto printed on the crest "Sukshamta Avum Utkarsh", means "Precision and Excellence", two invariable and steadfast goals to which ASTE aims, in everything it does.
It signifies the relation of invariable concomitance between "hetu" and "sadhya" and is of two kinds. Vyapti between terms of unequal extension is called "asamavyavyapti" or "visamavyapti", and vyapti between equal extensions is called "samavyapti". Vyapti is a universal statement that expresses the "niyata sahacharya" or relation of constant concomitance between hetu or the middle term and sadhya or the major term and implies the "sahacara" i.e. the knowledge of invariable relation of causality or co-existence between sadhya and hetu in all the three instances of time, which is possible when the "anupadhik sambandha" i.e.
An object with angular momentum of can be reduced to zero rotation (all of the rotational energy can be transferred out of it) by an angular impulse of or equivalently, by torque or work of for one second, or energy of for one second. The plane perpendicular to the axis of angular momentum and passing through the center of mass, p. 97 is sometimes called the invariable plane, because the direction of the axis remains fixed if only the interactions of the bodies within the system, free from outside influences, are considered. One such plane is the invariable plane of the Solar System.
Rhythm is a consequence of the continuity of certain phenomena, variable or invariable, following from mathematical relations. Space is a conception of the human psyche that follows from quantitative comparisons (pp. 35, 38, 51). This mechanism is the foundation for artistic expression.
Pratibandhaka (Sanskrit:प्रतिबन्धक) variously means – 'opposition', 'resistance', 'investment', 'blockade', 'siege', 'invariable and inseparable connection', 'cessation', 'disappointment'; it also means – 'impediment', 'obstacle', 'cognitive blocker', 'antidote' or 'preventive measure'. Pratibandhaka is a causal dependency and refers to something that must perform the specific function of obstructing.
Race is one of the invariable features that contribute to categorical perception in conjunction with expression. Race can also be considered a social category. Emotional categorical perception can also be seen as a mix of categorical and dimensional perception. Dimensional perception involves visual imagery.
Differently from English which uses base form for the second verb (invariable for all pronouns), Tunisian Arabic uses present (or rather imperfect) form for it.Mion, G. (2013). Quelques remarques sur les verbes modaux et les pseudo-verbes de l'arabe parlé à Tunis. Folia orientalia. Vol.
All the compound tenses are formed with haber followed by the past participle of the main verb. Haber changes its form for person, number, and the like, while the past participle remains invariable, ending with -o regardless of the number or gender of the subject.
The ISH principle is especially beneficial because relatively invariable structural antigens can be used for the priming of T-cells to induce humoral immune response against variable surface antigens. Thus, the approach has also transferred well for the treatment of hepatitis B and HIV.
The term "tsunami" is a borrowing from the Japanese tsunami , meaning "harbour wave". For the plural, one can either follow ordinary English practice and add an s, or use an invariable plural as in the Japanese.[a. Jap. tsunami, tunami, f. tsu harbour + nami waves.
Darwin introduced the idea that natural selection was creative in giving direction to a process of evolutionary change in which small hereditary changes accumulate. John Wilkins indicates that Blyth considered that species had "invariable distinctions" establishing their integrity, and so was opposed to transmutation of species as if it occurred, "we should seek in vain for those constant and invariable distinctions which are found to obtain". Darwin held the opposite view, and did not read Blyth until after formulating his own theory. In contrast to Eiseley's claim that Blyth felt that Darwin had plagiarised the idea, Blyth remained a valued correspondent and friend of Darwin's after the idea was published.
In particular, their analysis centered on the definition of an inference- warranting relation, "vyapti", also known as invariable concomitance or pervasion. To this end, a doctrine known as "apoha" or differentiation was developed.Bochenksi p. 441 This involved what might be called inclusion and exclusion of defining properties.
He restated his views in 1819, in The Invariable Principles of Poetry.D. Daiches ed., The Companion to Literature: British and Commonwealth (Penguin 1961) p. 60 The controversy brought into sharp contrast the opposing views of poetry, which may be roughly described as the natural and the artificial.
English has many phrasal or compound verb forms that are somewhat analogous to separable verbs. However, in English the preposition or verbal particle is either an invariable prefix (e.g. understand) or is always a separate word (e.g. give up), without the possibility of grammatically conditioned alternations between the two.
As in English, qualifying adjectives are invariable. They are placed before the noun they qualify. Some are "pure" adjectives: bun: "good"; glen: "green", kurti: "short", others are derived from nouns. In this case, their form is identical to that of the genitive singular: mani: "manly, man's"; ʒinu: feminine, "woman's".
Sackville is portrayed by Johnny Vegas as the invariable companion of fellow author and wit George Etherege (Tom Hollander) in the 2004 film The Libertine, an adaptation of Stephen Jeffreys' play of the same name, which depicts the Earl of Rochester and the orbit of the "Merry Gang".
Some other currencies do not change in the plural; yen and rand being examples. This is in addition to normal adjectival use, as in a twenty-pound- a-week pay-rise (US raise). The euro most often takes a regular plural -s in practice despite the EU dictum that it should remain invariable in formal contexts; the invariable usage is more common in Ireland, where it is the official currency. In BrE the use of p instead of pence is common in spoken usage. Each of the following has equal legitimacy: 3 pounds 12 p; 3 pounds _and_ 12 p; 3 pounds 12 pence; 3 pounds _and_ 12 pence; as well as just 8 p or 8 pence.
' "From this time [1913] Kamensky was an invariable participant in Futurist collections, newspapers, journals, and public appearances.", "Каменский Василий Васильевич" As quoted in Vasily Kamensky Tango With Cows was his first attempt at publishing futurist verse, and displays clear echoes of Marinetti's contemporary book of concrete poetry, Zang Tumb Tumb.
Size comparison between the Moon, Neptune's moon Triton, Pluto, several large TNOs, and the asteroid Ceres. Their respective shapes are not represented. Characteristically, big (bright) objects are typically on inclined orbits, whereas the invariable plane regroups mostly small and dim objects. It is difficult to estimate the diameter of TNOs.
Azhagiri (Narain) and his sister Shanmughapriya (Meena) are siblings who live only for each other. Azhagiri is a student, and his sister is a lecturer. Saissa (Santhanam) and the crew form his sidekicks, and Valayapatti (M. S. Bhaskar) is their professor who invariable falls quarry to Saissa's unwitting jokes and intentional pranks.
This reference plane is most practical for Earth-based observers. Therefore, Earth's inclination is, by definition, zero. Inclination can instead be measured with respect to another plane, such as the Sun's equator or the invariable plane (the plane that represents the angular momentum of the Solar System, approximately the orbital plane of Jupiter).
The dish consisting of the dumplings, fried beef rouladen with rich gravy, and boiled red cabbage is (or used to be) an invariable component of the Sunday dinner in many traditional Silesian families. Left-over dumplings can be reheated or fried (like potatoes) for supper and eaten with left-over gravy or butter.
It is played by running moistened or chalked fingers around the rim of the glasses. Each glass is tuned to a different pitch, either by grinding each goblet to the specified pitch, in which case the tuning is invariable, or by filling the glass with water until the desired pitch is achieved.
Durante's radio show was bracketed with two trademarks: "Inka Dinka Doo" as his opening theme, and the invariable signoff that became another familiar national catchphrase: "Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are." For years no one knew who Mrs. Calabash referred to and Durante preferred to keep the mystery alive until 1966.
His approach can be particularly useful in modeling nonlinear elastic inhomogeneous deformations and inelastic deformations. Other remarkable joint works are: Théorie de l'élasticité (1896), Note sur la cinématique d'un milieu continu (1897), Note sur la dynamique du point et du corps invariable (1906) and Note sur la théorie de l'action euclidienne (1909).
'pull corks'), guardarropa 'wardrobe' (lit. 'store clothes'). These compounds are formally invariable in the plural (but in many cases they have been reanalyzed as plural forms, and a singular form has appeared). French and Italian have these same compounds with the noun in the singular form: Italian grattacielo 'skyscraper', French grille-pain 'toaster' (lit.
Theresea Parks from Publishers Weekly goes on to say that many will be disappointed: "Readers may be frustrated with the invariable formula that Sparks seems to regurgitate with regularity". She also writes that it is especially similar to The Notebook in its "corny flashback device that mimics The Notebook". Overall, Publishers Weekly expressed its disappointment.
London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co. p. 214. :The geometry of rotors and motors…forms the basis of the whole modern theory of the relative rest (Static) and the relative motion (Kinematic and Kinetic) of invariable systems.This passage is immediately followed by a section on "The bending of space." However, according to the preface (p.
Referencing: Bücheler, Franz. Petronii Saturae et Liber Priapeorum. Berlin: Apud Weidmannos, 1922. Like most of the other poems in the collection, it features by “a focus on the god’s aggressive, anally-fixated sexuality, by the absence of any discernible religious sentiment, and by the almost invariable treatment of Priapus as a figure of fun.”Price, Simon and Kearns, Emily.
Kotava has strict morphological rules, outlined in a table which prescribes order and interaction. All parts of speech are marked, so there is no ambiguity. Nouns and pronouns are invariable and there is no system of declensions. There are no affixes of gender or plurality, both of which can be indicated with particles or other words, if necessary.
His silence was accompanied by invariable loyalty to the party whip.P. Norton, "Dissension in the House of Commons 1945–74" (Macmillan, 1975) shows no dissenting votes. In a free vote in December 1947 he supported a motion to cut the proposed additional allowance paid to Princess Elizabeth after her marriage."Royal Allowances", The Times, 19 December 1947, p. 4.
A talking point, often used in the plural, is a pre-established message or formula used in the field of political communication, sales and commercial or advertising communication. The message is coordinated a priori to remain more or less invariable regardless of which stakeholder brings the message in the media."talking point" at"talking point" at dictionary.
Venus rotates clockwise, and Uranus has been knocked on its side and rotates almost perpendicular to the rest of the Solar System. The ecliptic remains within 3° of the invariable plane over five million years,Laskar, Jacques (1988), "Secular evolution of the Solar System over 10 million years", Astronomy and astrophysics, no. 198, pp. 341–362 (p.
1: A–M, Rosen Publishing. , page 396 (1) Between material things; (2) Between material thing and soul; (3) Between material thing and God; (4) Between souls; and (5) Between soul and God. This difference is neither temporary nor merely practical; it is an invariable and natural property of everything. Madhva calls it Taratamya (gradation in pluralism).
More than 1250 sketches of their findings were made on the voyage. Twelve island groups were discovered along the Asian coast, and 26 Caroline Islands were explored and described. The flattening of the Earth's poles was investigated using an invariable pendulum. Postels was appointed assistant- professor of the Department of Mineralogy and Geology of St.Petersburg University.
The name plain-capped ground tyrant is used by some authors to refer to M. griseus with paramo ground tyrant used for M. alpinus. The genus name Muscisaxicola is masculine, therefore the species names griseus, cinereus, maclovianus, alpinus and capistratus are correct rather than grisea, cinerea, macloviana, alpina and capistrata. The names flavinucha and albilora are invariable.
The orbital angular momenta of the Sun and all non-jovian planets, moons, and small Solar System bodies, as well as the axial rotation momenta of all bodies, including the Sun, total only about 2%. If all Solar System bodies were point masses, or were rigid bodies having spherically symmetric mass distributions, then an invariable plane defined on orbits alone would be truly invariable and would constitute an inertial frame of reference. But almost all are not, allowing the transfer of a very small amount of momenta from axial rotations to orbital revolutions due to tidal friction and to bodies being non-spherical. This causes a change in the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum, as well as a change in its direction (precession) because the rotational axes are not parallel to the orbital axes.
Those ending in -ll have plurals in -j, (el sidell/i sidej ; el porscell/i porscej ; el cavall / i cavaj). The same occurs in the determinate article: singular ell > el, plural elli > ej > i. Masculine words ending in -a are invariable and are proper nouns, words from Ancient Greek or idiomatic words such as pirla, a derogatory term for a person.
The Hebrew zōnâ may refer to secular or cultic prostitution, and the latter is widely believed to have been an invariable element of Canaanite religious practice, although recent scholarship has disputed this.pp 144-145. Boling, Robert G. Joshua, vol 6. Anchor Bible Series (1981) However, there was a separate word, qědēšâ, that could be used to designate prostitutes of the cultic variety.
In Court No 1 the principal chairs on the bench are reserved for their and the Lord Mayor's use, with the Sword of the City hanging behind the bench. It is an invariable custom that the Lord Mayor of London must previously have served as a sheriff. By a "custom of immemorial usage in the City",Howell et al., p.
Brood parasites, such as the cuckoo, provide a supernormal stimulus to the parenting species. Fixed action patterns are predictable, as they are invariable, and therefore can lead to exploitation. Some species have evolved to exploit the fixed action patterns of other species by mimicry of their sign stimuli. Replicating the releaser required to trigger a fixed action pattern is known as code- breaking.
See Bernan's History and Art of Warming and Ventilation, 1845, ii. 70 In 1787, age 74, a year before his death, he published An Attempt towards obtaining invariable Measures of Length, Capacity, and Weight, from the Mensuration of Time (London). Whitehurst wanted to study the shape of the earth by measuring differences in gravitation. For this, he studied heavy pendulums in different locations.
The coins of the Chola Empire bear similarities with other South Indian dynastic issue coins. Chola coins invariable display a tiger crest. The appearance of the fish and bow on Chola issue coins that were emblems associated with the Pandyas and Cheras respectively suggests successful political conquest of these powers as well as co-option of existing coin issuing practices.
The inclination of Earth's orbit drifts up and down relative to its present orbit. This three-dimensional movement is known as "precession of the ecliptic" or "planetary precession". Earth's current inclination relative to the invariable plane (the plane that represents the angular momentum of the Solar System, approximately the orbital plane of Jupiter) is 1.57°. Milankovitch did not study planetary precession.
It was discovered more recently and measured, relative to Earth's orbit, to have a period of about 70,000 years. However, when measured independently of Earth's orbit, but relative to the invariable plane, precession has a period of about 100,000 years. This period is very similar to the 100,000-year eccentricity period. Both periods closely match the 100,000-year pattern of glacial events.
Deductive evidence originates from one of two sources: demonstrative or moral. Demonstrative concerns itself with abstract and invariable relations of ideas; moral, on the other hand, is concerned only with matters of fact. Campbell had the idea of both moral and scientific reasoning. In his book, The Philosophy of Rhetoric, the philosopher states four types of evidence that goes into reasoning.
In linguistic morphology, an uninflected word is a word that has no morphological markers (inflection) such as affixes, ablate, consonant gradation, etc., indicating declension or conjugation. If a word has an uninflected form, this is usually the form used as the lemma for the In English and many other languages, uninflected words include prepositions, interjections, and conjunctions, often called invariable words.
A former strategy to reduce motor complications was to withdraw patients from L-DOPA for some time. It is discouraged now since it can bring dangerous side effects such as neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Most people eventually need levodopa and later develop motor complications. The on-off phenomenon is an almost invariable consequence of sustained levodopa treatment in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Marx argued that neither the classical political economists nor the vulgar economists who succeeded them were able to explain satisfactorily how that worked, resulting in serious theoretical errors.Roman Rosdolsky,The Making of Marx's Capital. London: Pluto, 1977, p. 118ff. The political economists sought in vain for an invariable standard of value, and proposed theories of money which were hardly plausible.
Yet, by making "Dasein" or "Being" his master-word, his function-word, Heidegger, nonetheless, fails to do so. Heidegger's concept of "Dasein" is similar to the Structuralist concept of the 'signified'. To put it simply, in Structuralism, all signifiers are directly connected to an extra- linguistic signified, the invariable ones. To 'mean' anything, a signifier must presuppose a signified already-always outside it.
Therefore, the article must be feminine too, and so la instead of el, is required. However, mesas is plural here, so we need las rather than la. The two adjectives, whether next to the noun or after the verb, have to "agree" with the noun as well. Grande is a word which is invariable for gender, so it just takes a plural marker: grandes.
A mihrab indicates the direction of the qibla for prayer. Towards the right of the mihrab stands the minbar or pulpit from where the Imam presides over the proceedings. An elevated platform, usually a minaret from where the Faithful are summoned to attend prayers is an invariable part of a mosque. Large mosques where the faithful assemble for the Friday prayers are called the Jama Masjids.
Sila (Arabic: سعلى أو سعلا أو سعلاة alternatively spelled Si'la or called Si'lat literally: "Hag" or "treacherous spirits of invariable form" pl. Sa'aali adj: سعلوة su'luwwa) is a supernatural creature assigned to the jinn or ghouls in Arabian folklore. These spirits are classified as being one of the most malicious class of jinn. They are described as talented shapeshifters often appearing in human form and female.
The word is invariable in number in English, though sometimes a back-formed singular auroch and/or innovated plural aurochses occur. The use in English of the plural form ' is nonstandard, but mentioned in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. It is directly parallel to the German plural Ochsen (singular Ochse) and recreates by analogy the same distinction as English ox (singular) and oxen (plural).
Kaneka often has political lyrics and is sung in Drehu, Paici or other Melanesian languages, or in French. The word "kanak" is grammatically invariable. The German racial epithet Kanake — which is now applied to all non-whites, even Southern Europeans in some cases, and especially to Turkish immigrants – also derives from the same source, and was originally applied to people from German colonial possessions in Oceania.
IgM has 10 antigen binding regions per molecule, allowing cross-linking of cells. An antiserum specific for HLA-A3 will then agglutinate HLA-A3 bearing red blood cells if the concentration of IgM in the antiserum is sufficiently high. Alternatively, a second antibody to the invariable (Fc) region of the IgG can be used to cross-link antibodies on different cells, causing agglutination. Complement fixation assay.
Instead of the Ancient Greek infinitive system γράφειν, γράψειν, γράψαι, γεγραφέναι, Modern Greek uses only the form γράψει, a development of the ancient Greek aorist infinitive γράψαι. This form is also invariable. The modern Greek infinitive has only two forms according to voice: for example, γράψει for the active voice and γραφ(τ)εί for the passive voice (coming from the ancient passive aorist infinitive γραφῆναι).
Before its scandal, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated financial risk management tools. Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long- term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. Enron's bankruptcy downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose entities.
The folklore of Amazonas is not as varied as in other departments of Peru. The profusion of dances, songs and clothing is not seen in here, like in Puno or Cuzco. Its folklore is nourished from legends and stories in which mystery and inexplicable things are always present. Towns, lagoons, hills, religious images, always have an origin that violates in an invariable way the rules of logic or biology.
Miniature from illuminated Chronicle of Matthew Paris, showing Henry enthroned and symbolically holding a church. Alan Fitz Flaad's business at court seems invariable to have involved donations to the church. Alan appeared in Henry I's company at least as early as September 1101, probably at a court held in Windsor Castle,Eyton, Volume 7, p. 217 when he witnessed important grants to Norwich Cathedral, confirming its foundation and various endowments.
That is, lawmakers claim to provide appropriate remedies to protect rights. This legal maxim was first enunciated by William Blackstone: "It is a settled and invariable principle in the laws of England, that every right when with-held must have a remedy, and every injury its proper redress."1 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England 23See also Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 162-163 (1803).
Possibly the clearest definition for this philosophy was offered by gay/lesbian rights advocate Diana Fuss, who wrote: "Essentialism is most commonly understood as a belief in the real, true essence of things, the invariable and fixed properties which define the 'whatness' of a given entity." Metaphysical essentialism stands diametrically opposed to existential realism in that finite existence is only differentiated appearance, whereas "ultimate reality" is held to be absolute essence.
Such understandings of human nature see this nature as an "idea", or "form" of a human.Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1078b. However, the existence of this invariable and metaphysical human nature is subject of much historical debate, continuing into modern times. Against Aristotle's notion of a fixed human nature, the relative malleability of man has been argued especially strongly in recent centuries—firstly by early modernists such as Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Evaluation criteria have strict and invariable figure (location), such as interior, quality of service, cleanliness, pricing and features, which create a good atmosphere. Supermarket criterion for assessing the feature is replaced with "safety". Revizor does not co-operate with the institutions in their order, does not advertise them, does not receive money for the visits and shooting in their territory. All bills are paid by the New Channel.
He married his distant cousin. Elizabeth Grove, daughter of John Grove of Ferne House, Shaftesbury on 7 October 1776. The English Chronicle wrote of him in 1780: "An invariable and inveterate advocate for Administration, but not distinguished in any particular degree for any other quality either good or bad". He was returned again for Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in the general election of 1780 but resigned his seat in April 1781.
This could enable intervention to prevent genocide, or alternatively be "an indispensable tool for identifying and prosecuting incitement". According to Marcus, despite its weaknesses the tactic is frequently used by genocide perpetrators (including Nazis, Serbs, and Hutus) because it is effective. He recommends that courts should consider a false accusation of genocide by an opposing group to satisfy the "direct" requirement, because that is an "almost invariable harbinger of genocide".
The purest water sourced from deep underground in our own well guarantees the perfect and invariable taste of our beers. The Brewery is located in a region of Poland known as the "Green Lungs of Poland" – Podlasie (Warmia and Mazuria). We care about our local environment. As a socially responsible company we have invested in a polygeneration system which enables us to produce sustainable energy, reducing the production of greenhouse gases.
The utility of sheet resistance as opposed to resistance or resistivity is that it is directly measured using a four-terminal sensing measurement (also known as a four-point probe measurement) or indirectly by using a non-contact eddy-current-based testing device. Sheet resistance is invariable under scaling of the film contact and therefore can be used to compare the electrical properties of devices that are significantly different in size.
Kishan Lal was India's captain of the hockey team at the 1948 Olympics in London. He was one of the greatest inside forwards in hockey. He is known as the fastest player in wing position and a gentleman player. According to Gian Singh, "Many times, I would think he would score but invariable he would pass the ball to inside forwards or the centre forward to do the finishing touch".
There is no general consensus or invariable standard for test formats and difficulty. Often, the format and difficulty of the test is dependent upon the educational philosophy of the instructor, subject matter, class size, policy of the educational institution, and requirements of accreditation or governing bodies. A test may be administered formally or informally. An example of an informal test is a reading test administered by a parent to a child.
Highway Patrol stars Broderick Crawford as Dan Mathews, the gruff and dedicated head of a police force in an unidentified Western state. A signature shot of the series is fedora-wearing Mathews barking rapid-fire dialogue into a radio microphone as he leans against the door of his black and white patrol car. Mathews growls "21-50 to headquarters" and the invariable response is "Headquarters by" (as in, standing by).
To fall back at the first contact would have been to lose face, to > encourage the boldness of the Black Flags, and to expose the town to attacks > which even a modest success could prevent. And, given the results of the > preceding skirmishes, such a success seemed certain. And were we not, by > now, used to miracles? In Tonkin, as previously in Cochinchina, victory > seemed the invariable reward for boldness.
The perception of emotions into categories has also been studied using the tracking of eye movements which showed an implicit response with no verbal requirement because the eye movement response required only the movement and no subsequent verbal response. The categorical perception of emotions is sometimes a result of joint processing. Other factors may be involved in this perception. Emotional expression and invariable features (features that remain relatively consistent) often work together.
As such, constructivists do not see anarchy as the invariable foundation of the international system, but rather argue, in the words of Alexander Wendt, that "anarchy is what states make of it".Wendt, Alexander, "Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics" in International Organization, vol. 46, no. 2, 1992 Constructivists also believe that social norms shape and change foreign policy over time rather than security which realists cite.
HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DR alpha chain is a protein that in humans is encoded by the HLA-DRA gene. HLA-DRA encodes the alpha subunit of HLA-DR. Unlike the alpha chains of other Human MHC class II molecules, the alpha subunit is practically invariable. However it can pair with, in any individual, the beta chain from 3 different DR beta loci, DRB1, and two of any DRB3, DRB4, or DRB5 alleles.
His ideas went against prevailing dogma that flowers were generally self-fertilising and that insect visits were rare, so his proposals were thought unnecessary. His ideas were also in conflict with belief in the created harmony of nature: in disagreeing with him, Goethe described nature as behaving like an artist, not a workman. Sprengel's discoveries were ignored and largely forgotten. left Darwin's new evolutionary ideas rejected the idea that species characters were invariable.
Mun spirits are of two general types: the benevolent, or white magician, taung-li mun, and the malevolent, or black magician, mung-sek mun or mung. The latter reside in trees, bushes, rocks, and rivers. The spirits are further subdivided into seven classes: avor mun, pildon mun, angan mun, tungli mun, munjyum mun, mun mook mun and lyang-eet mun. Mun spirits, and witchcraft, are believed to be the invariable culprit of illness.
The coins of various Rajput princes's ruling in Hindustan and Central India were usually of gold, copper or billon, very rarely silver. These coins had the familiar goddess of wealth, Lakshmi on the obverse. In these coins, the Goddess was shown with four arms than the usual two arms of the Gupta coins; the reverse carried the Nagari legend. The seated bull and horseman were almost invariable devices on Rajput copper and bullion coins.
The Warburg hypothesis is the preferential use of glycolysis for energy to sustain cancer growth. p53 has been shown to regulate the shift from the respiratory to the glycolytic pathway. However, a mutation can damage the tumor suppressor gene itself, or the signal pathway that activates it, "switching it off". The invariable consequence of this is that DNA repair is hindered or inhibited: DNA damage accumulates without repair, inevitably leading to cancer.
Most of the wishes are fulfilled and in return people offer 1008 " Kozhakattai" (Mothakam) made of poor am covered by rice flower. Almost 200 days in a year some one or other invariable of caste, or Religion offer the thanks giving to this Ganesh. Once this Gramam was having enough properties to look after the temple, but now it depends on devotees contribution. The Siva temple in the same compound is maintained by Govt.
Nevertheless, these changes are exceedingly small compared to the total angular momentum of the system (which is conserved despite these effects, ignoring the even much tinier amounts of angular momentum ejected in material and gravitational waves leaving the Solar System, and the extremely tiny torques exerted on the Solar System by other stars, etc.), and for almost all purposes the plane defined on orbits alone can be considered invariable when working in Newtonian dynamics.
Other relations between a verb and its noun phrase complements or adjuncts are expressed by means of postpositional structures or relational constructions. Postpositions are invariable and follow the noun phrase, e.g. Nicaragua ra 'in/to Nicaragua'. A relational construction has the internal form of a possessive construction (above), except that the place of the head noun is occupied by a quasi-noun called a relational; the latter is often followed by a postpositon. E.g.
The Bill Chivers House survives in good and apparently > unaltered condition except for the asphalt shingles.. Features common to > Challis domestic buildings are exemplified in this building: the blend of > Queen Anne and American colonial revival features, the use of delicate porch > posts and hipped porch roofs, and the nearly invariable enclosure of eaves. > With . It was built by Australian-born farmer Thomas Jose for his daughter and her husband Bill Chivers.
In some languages with gender, number, and noun declensions—such as German, Serbo-Croatian, and Latin—the relative pronoun agrees with its antecedent in gender and number, while its case indicates its relationship with the verb in the relative or main clause. In some other languages, the relative pronoun is an invariable word. Words used as relative pronouns often originally had other functions. For example, the English which is also an interrogative word.
Vitalii Demianiuk since 2008 is an invariable patron of the festival of medieval Ukrainian culture "Tu Stan!". In 2007, he became one of the patrons who supported the first edition of the book by Volodymyr Viatrovych, Ruslan Zabiliy, Igor Derevianskiy and Petro Sodol "Ukrainian Insurgent Army. The history of the unconquered". In 2008, he became one of the patrons of printing of the facsimile edition of Peresopnytsia Gospel, which was issued by the publishing house "ADEF-Ukraine".
Other names helped determine their inhabitants' occupation, leading him to conclude that the Megleno-Romanians' involvement with sheepherding was as extensive as their agricultural work.Pop, pp. 227-28 In his later years, Capidan published the first book on Aromanian and Megleno-Romanian toponymy, as well as a Romanian toponymic dictionary. The latter work included an important finding on rural Geto-Dacian toponymy: that place names, usually four-syllabled, were composed of a variable determinant and an invariable determined element.
Surprisingly, the immunocompetence, as measured by the ability to encapsulate a novel antigen, does not vary based on the local environment. Experimental studies demonstrate that B. terrestris have equal levels of encapsulation in poor and stable environments. This is unexpected, because immunity should be compromised in conditions where food supply is low in order to save energy. Perhaps encapsulation represents an invariable trait of bumblebees, or immunity is far too complex to characterize solely based on measurements of encapsulation.
The most fundamental form of attribution is the statement of the copyright holder's identity, often in the form Copyright © [year] [copyright holder’s name]. The preservation of such a notice was an invariable requirement to prevent a work entering the public domain; this changed in the United States on March 1, 1989 when the requirement of copyright registration and copyright signment was ended. Copyright holder attribution is in most countries in the world not required, due to Berne convention.
Read January 13, 1825. [Phil. Trans. 1825, p. 147.] His collimator was meant to replace a level, or plumb-line, in astronomical observations, and to furnish a ready and perfectly exact method of determining the position of the horizontal or zenith point on the limb of a circle or zenith sector. Its principle is the invariability, with respect to the horizon, of the position assumed by any body of invariable figure and weight floating on a fluid.
A Molokan villager in Fioletovo, Armenia The Russian term "constant" (invariable, steadfast, unchanged, original : postoyanniye : постоянние) applied to the Molokans has been used with two different intentions. By original Molokans who either refused to be evangelized by Protestant denominations or insisted that they will retain their faith unchanged by the "Jumper" revivalist movement in the 1830s. They originally constituted the by far largest segment of Molokanism. In 1833, a schism took place within the Molokan faith.
Bernoulli wrote in a 1744 letter of a "moment of rotational motion", possibly the first conception of angular momentum as we now understand it. In 1799, Pierre-Simon Laplace first realized that a fixed plane was associated with rotation—his invariable plane. Louis Poinsot in 1803 began representing rotations as a line segment perpendicular to the rotation, and elaborated on the "conservation of moments". In 1852 Léon Foucault used a gyroscope in an experiment to display the Earth's rotation.
Northern Hemisphere shaded blue. The hemispheres appear to be unequal in this image due to Antarctica not being shown, but in reality are the same size. Northern Hemisphere from above the North Pole The Northern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is north of the Equator. For other planets in the Solar System, north is defined as being in the same celestial hemisphere relative to the invariable plane of the solar system as Earth's North Pole.
The Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei use the same text in every service of the Mass. Because they follow the regular invariable "order" of the Mass, these chants are called "Ordinary". The Kyrie consists of a threefold repetition of "Kyrie eleison" ("Lord, have mercy"), a threefold repetition of "Christe eleison" ("Christ have mercy"), followed by another threefold repetition of "Kyrie eleison." In older chants, "Kyrie eleison imas" ("Lord, have mercy on us") can be found.
There is a copula with an irregular and defective conjugational paradigm. Negation is achieved through various constructions. One is the use of the verb's negative participle, which is invariable for person and tense; another is through use of a negative particle apia which follows verbs (in the future only), but precedes the copula. Yes-no questions have no special grammatical marking as such, but all kinds of questions are optionally followed by the sentence particle ki.
The paddle is the almost invariable implement in US schools that still allow corporal punishment for student misconduct. Some paddles have traditionally had holes bored in them for aerodynamic effect,Human Rights Watch (2008). A Violent Education: Corporal Punishment of Children in US Public Schools, p. 17. but many schools nowadays prohibit the use of such paddles."A paddle made of wood with no holes or splinters shall be used in administering corporal punishment..." Rapides Parish School Board (2005).
The habits of the individual must also be considered. In his legal regulations regarding marriage, he made it an invariable rule to protect the rights and the dignity of the wife in preference to those of the husband. He endeavored to protect the slaves and secure to them certain rights. He held that the will of the community is more important than the interests and rights of the individual, and the latter must be sacrificed to the former.
The Mass is the Christian celebration of the Eucharist. Plainchant occurs prominently in the Mass for several reasons: to communally affirm the faith, to expand on the scriptural lessons, and to accompany certain actions. The chants of the Mass divide into the ordinary, whose texts are invariable, and the proper, whose texts change depending on the feast. There are several differences between the Ambrosian rite and the Roman rite, which are reflected in the Ambrosian and Gregorian chant traditions.
The same technique is used to make subject-based shadda. The subject shadda “Davali” are famous all over the world. They use practically one and the same subject with the composition being almost invariable: the camelcade moving along the carpet field from left to right, along a few horizontal rows, and each string running into a figure of a sarvan on foot. The humans and animals are set off against the dark-red field, its color is smooth and hot.
The performances his actors gave were invariable portrayals of personalities developed into recognizable images of popular culture, "their acting has the bold simplicity of an icon ..."Dickstein 2010, pp. 479–80. Like his contemporary, director John Ford, Capra defined and aggrandized the tropes of mythic America where individual courage invariably triumphs over collective evil. Film historian Richard Griffith speaks of Capra's "... reliance on sentimental conversation and the ultimate benevolence of ordinary America to resolve all deep conflicts."Dickstein 2010, p. 479.
The largest and most luxurious camps were generally built on large landholdings; Adirondack land was cheap and the buyers were extraordinarily wealthy. Many of them were Jewish families excluded from the traditional Adirondack resorts.Morgan, Rustic, p. 30 For example, the rules of the Lake Placid Club specifically excluded anyone "against whom there is any reasonable physical, moral, social or race objection ... This invariable rule is rigidly enforced: it is found impracticable to make exceptions to Jews or others excluded...."Schneider, p.
This was due to the invariable defensive policy of the Viceroy Pezuela and the incompetence of the Commanding General of Navy Antonio Vacaro.Fernández Duro 1903, pp. 294–295. The Spanish fleet, based in Callao, was mainly formed by the frigates Prueba, Venganza and Esmeralda, and also had several other militarily armed ships. The first two frigates, commanded by Captain José Villegas, left the port on 10 October to the Peruvian south with the sole purpose of embarking troops,Ortiz Sotelo 2015, p. 372.
Modern national boundaries are thus remarkably invariable, though the stability of the nation states has not followed in suit. Some African states are plagued by internal issues such as inability to effectively collect taxes and weak national identities. Lacking any external threats to their sovereignty, these countries have failed to consolidate power, leading to weak or failed states. Though the colonial boundaries sometimes caused internal strife and hardship, some present day leaders benefit from the desirable borders their former colonial overlords drew.
Goodhue designed the Nebraska State Capitol in a roughly Classical architectural style, and he felt "impelled to produce something quite unlike the usual...thing of the sort, with its veneered order and invariable Roman dome." Goodhue employed Classical principles of geometric form and hierarchical arrangement but eliminated the traditional use of columns, pediments, and domes. In addition to the restrained Classical vocabulary, Goodhue mixed elements of Achaemenid, Assyrian, Byzantine, Gothic, and Romanesque architecture. Goodhue was a well- established church architect.
Laugier argued for the simplicity of architecture, that architecture must return to its origins, the simple rustic hut. It was through The Primitive Hut that Laugier sought to explain his philosophy of architecture. The Essay on Architecture provides what Laugier explains as the general rules of architecture: the "true principles", the "invariable rules" for "directing the judgement and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect". To Laugier, The Primitive Hut was the highest virtue that architecture should achieve.
While the masters naturally emphasise scholastic matters, for the pupils (and readership) it is physical activities that are at the heart of the school's ethos. Prowess at sports is the best route to popularity and respect, while over-attainment at study is something of lesser, if not negative, importance. Disputes are often settled by fights, with the invariable, if unrealistic, outcome that virtue triumphs over vice. Corporal punishment is widely used by the masters and by the Sixth Form prefects.
The Laplace plane or Laplacian plane of a planetary satellite, named after its discoverer Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749–1827), is a mean or reference plane about whose axis the instantaneous orbital plane of that satellite precesses. Laplace's name is sometimes applied to the invariable plane, which is the plane perpendicular to a system's mean angular momentum vector, but the two should not be confused.Scott Tremaine, Jihad Touma, and Fathi Namouni (2009). "Satellite dynamics on the Laplace surface", The Astronomical Journal 137, 3706–3717.
Like most chanties of this type, "Blow the Man Down" was sung to a flexible combination of customary verses, floating verses from within the general chanty repertoire, and verses improvised in the moment or peculiar to individual singers. The song was of indefinite length, and created by supplying solo verses to an invariable two-part refrain. The structure is as follows: Solo verse couplets documented to have been sung to "Blow the Man Down" include the following from sailors of the 19th century.
Giddens, "Living in a Post-Traditional Society" 64 Gusfield and others, though, criticize this dichotomy as oversimplified, arguing that tradition is dynamic, heterogeneous, and coexists successfully with modernity even within individuals. Tradition should be differentiated from customs, conventions, laws, norms, routines, rules and similar concepts. Whereas tradition is supposed to be invariable, they are seen as more flexible and subject to innovation and change. Whereas justification for tradition is ideological, the justification for other similar concepts is more practical or technical.
Scholars of nomenclature emended the ending spilonota which is suited for the feminine gender Certhia to the masculine form spilonotus to match the placement in the genus Salpornis. In 2014, Dickinson & Christidis cited the rule that the species group epithet is invariable, so the species name was changed back to the spelling used in the original description as spilonota. Older works use the name "spotted grey creeper". The genus itself is placed in the family Certhiidae despite being significantly different from other members.
The Deesis continues to appear in Western art, but not as often or in such an invariable composition as in the East. Romanesque illuminated manuscript Gospel Book, c.1220 In the West the image showed a full-length enthroned Christ, often in a mandorla or other geometrical frame, surrounded by the symbols of the Four Evangelists, representing the vision of Chapters 4 and 5 of the Book of Revelation. In the Romanesque period the twenty-four elders of the Apocalypse are often seen.
In Elche, the Cadafal is, in words of Quirante Santacruz, "Mary's area, which contains the places that are hers exclusively, her house and her tomb. Here, the Virgin experiences all the process of sacralization and glorification that contains the work, it is the only place where celestial personages and earthly people live together". The term "cadafal" appears early on in the first reports of mystery plays staged within of churches with an invariable meaning: dais or platform where the dramatic action takes place.
Messel (2004): 429 It was followed up in a regional transport plan published in 1963, with a horizon of forty years. Road planning was in the following decade reorganized so that most planning fell within the jurisdiction of a single county. As a crossing of the Oslofjord invariable would have to cross a county border, plans fell outside the natural planning framework.Asplan (1982): 21 As the idea fell out of the main workload of planners, a limited company, A/S Fjordbroene, was established in 1967.
Light may change in the perceived hue as its brightness changes, despite the fact that it retains a constant spectral composition. It was discovered by Wilhelm von Bezold and M.E. Brücke. The shift in the hue of the colors that occur as the intensity of the corresponding energy change is materially increased, except in some cases like the change for certain invariable hues (approximating the psychologically primary hues). Both Bezold & Brücke worked on the Bezold-Brücke effect and gave important contributions in the field of optical illusions.
Messel (2004): 429 It was followed up in a regional transport plan published in 1963, with a horizon of forty years. Road planning was in the following decade reorganised so that most planning fell within the jurisdiction of a single county. As a crossing of the Oslofjord invariable would have to cross a county border, plans fell outside the natural planning framework.Asplan (1982): 21 As the idea fell out of the main workload of planners, a limited company, A/S Fjordbroene, was established in 1967.
The angle of the maximum elongation (east or west) for Mercury is between 18° and 28°, while that for Venus is between 45° and 47°. These values vary because the planetary orbits are elliptical rather than perfectly circular. Another factor contributing to this inconsistency is orbital inclination, in which each planet's orbital plane is slightly tilted relative to a reference plane, like the ecliptic and invariable planes. Astronomical tables and websites, such as Heavens-Above, forecast when and where the planets reach their next maximum elongations.
According to Ronkin: "In the early Sarvāstivāda exegetical texts, then, svabhāva is used as an atemporal, invariable criterion determining what a dharma is, not necessarily that a dharma exists. The concern here is primarily with what makes categorial types of dharma unique, rather than with the ontological status of dharmas." However, in the later Sarvastivada texts, like the Mahavibhasa, the term svabhava began to be defined more ontologically as the really existing “intrinsic nature” specifying individual dharmas. Other Abhidharma schools did not accept the svabhava concept.
Chola style temples consist almost invariably of the three following parts, arranged in differing manners, but differing in themselves only according to the age in which they were executed: # The porches or Mandapas, which always cover and precede the door leading to the cell. # Gate-pyramids, Gopuras, which are the principal features in the quadrangular enclosures that surround the more notable temples. Gopuras are very common in Dravidian temples. # Pillared halls (Chaultris or Chawadis) are used for many purposes and are the invariable accompaniments of these temples.
In this practice, he is not far from the live recordings of such contemporaries as Albert Coates, Fritz Reiner, and Furtwängler. As to the matter of cuts, it was the almost invariable practice in opera houses outside Bayreuth at that time. Bodanzky compares favorably with both Furtwängler and Reiner in this respect. In 1944, Szell gave a broadcast performance of Die Walküre which has been reissued on CD and which, as regards fast tempi and severity of cuts, is comparable to anything of Bodanzky's.
Dybo's law, or Dybo–Illich-Svitych's law, is a Common Slavic accent law named after Russian accentologists Vladimir Dybo and Vladislav Illich-Svitych. It was posited to explain the occurrence of nouns and verbs in Slavic languages which are invariantly accented on the inflectional ending. The latter is seen as an innovation from the original Proto-Balto-Slavic accent system, in which nouns and verbs either had invariable accent on the root, or "mobile" accent which could alternate between root and ending in the inflectional paradigm.
Eidetic reduction is a technique in the study of essences in phenomenology whose goal is to identify the basic components of phenomena. Eidetic reduction requires that a phenomenologist examine the essence of a mental object, be it a simple mental act, or the unity of consciousness itself, with the intention of drawing out the absolutely necessary and invariable components that make the mental object what it is. This reduction is done with the intention of removing what is perceived, and leaving only what is required.Gert H. Mueller.
Category:Kerala templates Vypin Strike Political activity in the Indian State of Kerala takes place in a multi-party framework, within the overall context of the National Politics of India. The state holds an invariable position of having the largest politically aware and active population in the Country. The state Legislature is unicameral and has a membership of 141, where 140 are elected and one is nominated from the Anglo-Indian community. It has 20 seats in the Lok Sabha and 9 seats in the Rajya Sabha.
The pronouns lei (third-person singular), Lei (formal second-person singular), loro (third-person plural), and Loro (formal second-person plural) are pronounced the same but written as shown, and formal Lei and Loro take third- person conjugations. Formal Lei is invariable for gender (always feminine), but adjectives that modify it are not: one would say to a man La conosco ("I know you") but Lei è alto ("You are tall"). Formal Loro is variable for gender: Li conosco ("I know you [masc. pl.]") vs.
An invariable second (the "ephemeris second") had been defined, use of which removed the errors in ephemerides resulting from the use of the variable mean solar second as the time argument. In 1960 this ephemeris second was made the basis of the "coordinated universal time" which was being derived from atomic clocks. It is a specified fraction of the mean tropical year as at 1900 and, being based on historical telescope observations, corresponds roughly to the mean solar second of the early nineteenth century.
In his interpretations, Babbini endeavoured to portray "peoples' customs and heroes' vicissitudes",P. Brigenti, Elogio di Matteo Babbini, Bologna, 1821, p 11 and in the Venetian premiere of Cimarosa’s Oriazi he went on the stage wearing historical costume, "which the audience remained so much satisfied with, that thenceforth theatres turned it into an invariable standard".P. Brigenti, Elogio di Matteo Babbini, Bologna, 1821, p 21 Babini partnered, amongst others, Crescentini, Grassini, Banti, Pacchiarotti, and also the tenor Giacomo David, with whom he often alternated the same parts.
Seasons 1,2 & 3: Molang is an affectionate, humorous look at the relationship between an eccentric, joyful, and enthusiastic rabbit, and a shy, discreet, and emotional little chick. The series explores Molang and Piu Piu's everyday life with warmth and humor. Season 4: Molang and Piu Piu's timeless friendship goes back a long way. From the Stone Age to the 20th century, from Greek Antiquity to the Royal Court of Versailles, our much loved and acclaimed heroes take over History with their invariable wit and good spirit.
A fairly large, elaborately carved prie-dieu with an altar US President John F. Kennedy in the East Room of the White House in 1963. The priests Robert Mohan and Gilbert Hartke are praying on two more to the right. A prie-dieu (French: literally, "pray [to] God", invariable in the plural) is a type of prayer desk primarily intended for private devotional use, but may also be found in churches. It is a small, ornamental wooden desk furnished with a thin, sloping shelf for books or hands, and a kneeler.
Lyrically, Nottet stated that the song deals with moral universalism. Music critics also identified other lyrical themes; according to Theo Vatmanidis of EuroVisionary, "Rhythm Inside" is about "getting attuned to a cosmic rhythm of love". A writer of RTVE concluded that the track "conveys[s] the mechanism of our hearts is invariable and that only our individual decisions mark what we will leave in this world". They further wrote: "Do not force yourself to please others, find your own rhythm and you will see that you do not walk alone".
Substituting baristo for a male barista, when in fact barista is invariable in gender in Italian and Spanish (as are other words ending in the suffix -ista) is a hyperforeignism. In Italian (and Spanish), the gender is indicated by the article; il (el) barista for a male and la barista for a female. The word latte ('milk'), as in caffè latte, is often misspelled as or , implying stress on the final syllable. However, latte has no accent mark in Italian and has the stress on the first syllable.
The aim was to ensure that in all its member nations, stamps for given classes of mail would appear in the same colors. Accordingly, U.S. 1¢ stamps (postcards) were now green and 5¢ stamps (international mail) were now blue, while 2¢ stamps remained red. (As a result, it was also necessary to replace the blue and green on higher values with other colors.) U.S. postage continued to reflect this color-coding quite strictly until the mid-1930s, continuing also in the invariable use of purple for 3¢ stamps.
Deep into Alden Valley, on the north side of the brook, can be found the ruins of Alden Old Mill, an old bleach works built by Robert 'Rough Robin' Pilkington. He acquired his name because of his invariable habit of claiming the weather was 'a bit rough'. Still known as the Township of Pilkington, the ruins of his farm (Spring Bank Farm) can be found above the ruined mill. He enclosed common land and would not pay his rates and was therefore refused poor relief during the depression in the 1820s.
The most popular of diamond cuts is the modern round brilliant, whose facet arrangements and proportions have been perfected by both mathematical and empirical analysis. Also popular are the fancy cuts, which come in a variety of shapes, many of which were derived from the round brilliant. A diamond's cut is evaluated by trained graders, with higher grades given to stones whose symmetry and proportions most closely match the particular "ideal" used as a benchmark. The strictest standards are applied to the round brilliant; although its facet count is invariable, its proportions are not.
In 1305 the prior took Roger Bradbourn, lord of the manor of Bradbourne, to court, accusing him (and five others) of mining lead ore worth 100 shillings from the priory's lands. Roger's defence that this was of "the invariable custom of the Peak". The prior's argument was that Sir Geoffrey de Cauceis had not only given the Bradbourne church, but also all the village's lands. The court decided in favour of the prior; Roger de Bradbourn and his heirs were thereby banned from ever disturbing the soil on the church's lands.
The invariable portion was -dava in Geto-Dacian and -para in Thracian south of the Danube. Capidan was the first to attempt to explain why the two differed, somewhat anomalously since the Geto-Dacians and the Thracians spoke the same language. He proposed that the difference lay in the physical characteristics of the land occupied by the two groups. Drawing on Indo-European roots, he indicated that the suffix -para suggests a ford, crossing or path, and is suitable to Thracian settlements, typically found in valleys, along roads and paths.
It also implied that the Hall conductance can be characterized in terms of a topological invariable called Chern number which was formulated by Thouless and collaborators. Shortly after, in 1982, Horst Störmer and Daniel Tsui observed the fractional quantum Hall effect where the conductance was now a rational multiple of a constant. Laughlin, in 1983, realized that this was a consequence of quasiparticle interaction in the Hall states and formulated a variational method solution, named the Laughlin wavefunction. The study of topological properties of the fractional Hall effect remains an active field of research.
Alexander Nikiforov, like Shklovsky and Propp, was a folklorist in 1920s Soviet Russia. His early work also identified the benefits of a syntagmatic analysis of fairy tale elements. In his 1926 paper titled "The Morphological Study of Folklore", Nikiforov states that "Only the functions of the character, which constitute his dramatic role in the folk tale, are invariable." Since Nikiforov's essay was written almost 2 years before Propp's publication of Morphology of the Folktale, scholars have speculated that the idea of the function, widely attributed to Propp, could have first been recognized by Nikiforov.
This applies globally to anyone who stores, processes or transmits card holder data. Since the CSC is not contained on the magnetic stripe of the card, it is not typically included in the transaction when the card is used face to face at a merchant. However, some merchants in North America, such as Sears and Staples, require the code. For American Express cards, this has been an invariable practice (for "card not present" transactions) in European Union (EU) countries like Ireland and the United Kingdom since the start of 2005.
In his first film, Leonov was cast as an extra and did not receive any recognition. He later became Georgiy Daneliya's regular, appearing in all of his features, including Gentlemen of Fortune, Autumn Marathon, Mimino, Afonya and Kin-dza-dza!. According to the Allmovie, "his short, round stature, expressive eyes, broad and open face, slow movements, and slightly slurred speech made him ideal for the comic roles in which he specialized". But he also attracted critical notice for his tragic parts and the invariable naturalness of his acting.
If the recoverable costs are higher than the cost stop the contract is defined as saturated. The cost stop gives to the government the guarantee to recover part of the production (as long the price of the crude produced is higher than the cost stop), especially during the first years of production when the costs are higher. Since the beginning of the 80s all major contracts include invariable a clause of cost stop. The cost stop can be a fixed amount, but in most case it is a percentage of the cost of the crude.
In April 1900, Professor L. A. Grosclaude of Geneva proposed the Invariable Calendar, New Era Calendar, or Normal Calendar with 12 months and four 91-day quarters of exactly 13 weeks. An additional day, termed New Year's Day, that was not any day of the week and not part of any month, would occur between December 31 and January 1. Another such day is inserted between June 31 and July 1 on leap years. This model would be a perennial calendar, with each date occurring perennially on the same day of the week.
Japanese shows a high degree of overt inflection of verbs, less so of adjectives, and very little of nouns, but it is mostly strictly agglutinative and extremely regular. Some fusion of morphemes does take place (e.g. causative-passive され -sare- as in 行かせられる ikaserareru "is made to go", and non-past progressive ている -teiru- as in 食べている tabeteiru "is eating"). Formally, every noun phrase must be marked for case, but this is done by invariable particles (clitic postpositions).
The plaque is now in the Observatorio Astronómico in the Parque La Alameda.Charles-Marie de La Condamine, Journal du Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi à l’Équateur, Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1751, pp.162-163 ; and idem, “Nouveau Projet d’une Mesure invariable propre à servir de mesure commun à toutes les Nations”, Mémoires de l’Academie Royale des Sciences, 1747, pp.489-514. Bouguer, La Condamine, Godin and their colleagues measured arcs of the Earth's curvature on the Equator from the plains near Quito to the southern city of Cuenca.
From the fourth century onward, canon signified almost universally a disciplinary decree of a council or of the Roman Pontiffs. The word decretum during the same period, though signifying in general an authoritative statute or decision, began to be limited more and more to dogmatic matters, while canon when used in opposition to it was restricted to laws of discipline. That this usage, however, was not invariable is evident from Gratian's use of "Decretum" to signify his collection of canons and decrees.Gratian himself entitled his work Concordantia discordantium canonum or "Concordance of Discordant Canons".
Predictive text is an input technology used where one key or button represents many letters, such as on the numeric keypads of mobile phones and in accessibility technologies. Each key press results in a prediction rather than repeatedly sequencing through the same group of "letters" it represents, in the same, invariable order. Predictive text could allow for an entire word to be input by single keypress. Predictive text makes efficient use of fewer device keys to input writing into a text message, an e-mail, an address book, a calendar, and the like.
Initially entitled Verdant Music, Green was commissioned by the Robert E. Gard Wisconsin Idea Foundation and was first performed by the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Lukas Foss, on November 20, 1986, in the Uihlein Hall, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In this disposition, Torke associates E major, which is the invariable key of this composition, to the green color. The melody is a simple consecution of the notes F#-A-D#-E-B. This melody is maintained without changed, in different context, but always conveying the same idea.
In 1931 Viktor Kokochashvili was appointed as the assistant professor on the chair of inorganic chemistry of the Chemistry-Technological Institute of Dnepropetrovsk. He was awarded with the degree of candidate of chemistry without defending the thesis in the field of studying photochemical reactions in gaseous phase. During 1953-1973 he has been working as an invariable head of the chair of physical chemistry at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In 1943 he defended the PhD thesis on the following issue: "The study of the combustion of hydrogen and bromine mixtures".
Myrone, 155 Blake taught her to read and write, and also to use his printing-press. She was considered to be the foundation of Blake's "invariable type of woman" as depicted in his art, "tall, slender, and with unusually long legs".William Blake, Osbert Burdett, 1926, Parkstone Press International (reprint), p. 37 The couple did not have children, and it has been suggested that Blake wanted to bring a concubine into the relationship to act as a surrogate mother, which was consistent with the theories of Swedenborgianism by which Blake was influenced.
Both components are related to processing of visual stimuli and are under the category of potentials called visually evoked potentials (VEPs). Both components are theorized to be evoked within the visual cortices of the brain with C1 being linked to the primary visual cortex (striate cortex) of the human brain and the P1 being linked to other visual areas (Extrastriate cortex). One of the primary distinctions between these two components is that, whereas the P1 can be modulated by attention, the C1 has been typically found to be invariable to different levels of attention.
Unlike Standard Italian, Sicilian uses the same standard plural ending -i for both masculine and feminine nouns and adjectives: ("houses" or "cases"), ("doors" or "harbors"), ("tables"). Some masculine plural nouns end in -a instead, a feature that is derived from the Latin neuter endings -um, -a: ("books"), ("days"), ("arms", compare Italian braccio, braccia), ("gardens"), ("writers"), ("signs"). Two nouns have irregular plurals: omu has òmini (compare Italian uomo, uomini), and jocu ("game") has jòcura. Three feminine nouns are invariable in the plural: ("hand[s]"), ("fig[s]") and ("sister[s]").
For Post Office Boxes, the general (but not invariable) rule is that each box has its own ZIP+4 code. The add-on code is often one of the following: the last four digits of the box number (e.g. PO Box 107050, Albany, NY 12201-7050), zero plus the last three digits of the box number (e.g., PO Box 17727, Eagle River, AK 99577-0727), or, if the box number consists of fewer than four digits, enough zeros are attached to the front of the box number to produce a four-digit number (e.g.
The blazon given by the EU in 1996 describe the design as: "On an azure field a circle of twelve golden mullets, their points not touching." Guide graphique relatif à l'emblème européen (1996), p. 3: Description symbolique: Sur le fond bleu du ciel, les étoiles figurant les peuples d'Europe forment un cercle en signe d'union. Elles sont au nombre invariable de douze, symbole de la perfection et de la plénitude...Description héraldique: Sur fond azur, un cercle composé de douze étoiles d'or à cinq rais, dont les pointes ne se touchent pas. c.f.
The harmony in which fruits and animals are combined into images of the human head symbolizes harmony of the empire under the good board of the Habsburgs. Images of seasons and elements are always presented in profile, but thus Winter and Water, Spring and Air, Summer and Fire, Fall and Earth are turned to each other. In each cycle symmetry is also observed: two heads look to the right, and two — to the left. Seasons alternate in an invariable order, symbolizing both constancy of the nature and eternity of board of the Habsburgs' house.
This caused an exceptional practice regarding surnames borne by former members of the nobility: whereas the gender differentiation in German surnames, widespread until the 18th century and colloquially retained in some dialects, was abolished in Germany with the introduction of officially registered invariable surnames by the late 19th century, former noble titles transformed into parts of the surname in 1919 continue to appear in female and male forms.This practice was confirmed in a judgement by the Reichsgericht on 10 March 1926 (published: Reichsgesetzblatt (Reich's law gazette), No. 113 (1926), pp. 107seqq., cf.
The meter provides a rhythm that informs the line: it is not an invariable formula. Rhymed pairs of iambic pentameter lines form the heroic couplet. Two masters of the form are Alexander Pope and John Dryden. The form has proven especially suited to conveying wit and sardonic humor, as in the opening of Pope's An Essay on Criticism. :’Tis hard to say, if greater want of skill :Appear in writing or in judging ill; :But, of the two, less dang’rous is th’ offence, :To tire our patience, than mislead our sense.
Thorndike began his studies with cats, but American comparative psychologists quickly shifted to the more economical rat, which remained the almost invariable subject for the first half of the 20th century and continues to be used. Skinner introduced the use of pigeons, and they continue to be important in some fields. There has always been interest in studying various species of primate; important contributions to social and developmental psychology were made by Harry F. Harlow's studies of maternal deprivation in rhesus monkeys. Cross-fostering studies have shown similarities between human infants and infant chimpanzees.
One of the first studies of cell lineages took place in the 1870s by Whitman who studied cleavage patterns in leeches and small invertebrates. He found that some groups, such as nematode worms and ascidians form a pattern of cell division which is identical between individuals and invariable. This high correlation between cell lineage and cell fate was thought to be determined by segregating factors within the dividing cells. Other organisms had stereotyped patterns of cell division and produced sublineages which were the progeny of particular precursor cells.
This core gives that individual a certain style of being—and reading. Each reader uses the physical literary work plus invariable codes (such as the shapes of letters) plus variable canons (different "interpretive communities", for example) plus an individual style of reading to build a response both like and unlike other readers' responses. Holland worked with others at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Murray Schwartz, David Willbern, and Robert Rogers, to develop a particular teaching format, the "Delphi seminar," designed to get students to "know themselves".
With the partial exception of Vučedol, the Danubian cultures, so buoyant just a few centuries ago, were wiped off the map of Europe. The rest of the period was the story of a mysterious phenomenon: the Beaker people. This group seems to be of mercantile character and preferred being buried according to a very specific, almost invariable, ritual. Nevertheless, out of their original area of western Central Europe, they appeared only inside local cultures, so they never invaded and assimilated but rather went to live among those peoples, keeping their way of life.
The liberal democratic basic order ( (FDGO)) is a fundamental term in German constitutional law. It determines the unalienable, invariable core structure of the German commonwealth. As such, it is the core substance of the German constitution. Building upon more general definitions of liberal democracy, the term has a specific legal meaning in Germany and is part of the German (originally West German) system of a Streitbare Demokratie ("fortified democracy") that bans attempts to dismantle the liberal democratic basic order by what German authorities refer to as "enemies of the Constitution" or "extremists".
In Plymouth Colony, the governor, deputy-governor, and magistrates and assistants, the ministers of the gospel and elders of the church, schoolmasters, commissioned officers in the militia, men of wealth, or men connected with the families of the nobility or gentry, were alone entitled to the prefix, Mr., pronounced Master, and their wives, Mrs., Mistress. This rule was rigidly enforced in early Colonial times, and in lists of names it was almost the invariable custom to commence with those who stood highest in rank, and follow that order to the end.
For example, "after" is a preposition in "he left after the fight", but it is a conjunction in "he left after they fought". In general, a conjunction is an invariable (non-inflected) grammatical particle and it may or may not stand between the items conjoined. The definition of a conjunction may also be extended to idiomatic phrases that behave as a unit with the same function, "as well as", "provided that". A simple literary example of a conjunction is: "the truth of nature, and the power of giving interest" (Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Biographia Literaria).
ETA 1280 movement from a Benrus Co. watch made in the 1950s The bimetallic compensated balance wheel was made obsolete in the early 20th century by advances in metallurgy. Charles Édouard Guillaume won a Nobel prize for the 1896 invention of Invar, a nickel steel alloy with very low thermal expansion, and Elinvar (Elasticité invariable) an alloy whose elasticity is unchanged over a wide temperature range, for balance springs.Milham 1945, p. 234 A solid Invar balance with a spring of Elinvar was largely unaffected by temperature, so it replaced the difficult-to-adjust bimetallic balance.
VanWinkle, p. 303 In the episode, VanWinkle draws parallels between Scully and Tithonus' lover Aurora. In the end, both will "continue [their] ending and invariable office"—in the former's case, investigating crimes, and in the latter's case, raising the dawn.VanWinkle, p. 304 The themes of immortality and escaping death were later revisited in the eight season episode "The Gift". In the episode, Agent John Doggett, played by Robert Patrick, is looking for clues following Mulder's abduction. Without Scully, he travels to Pennsylvania and seeks out a soul eater: a being that can consume another person's injuries.
Fort of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios In July 1719, pirate Bartholomew Roberts, also known as "Black Bart" was present on the island for a total of nine weeks, before heading off in search of Portuguese ships in the West Indies. Captain Henry Foster stopped at Fernando de Noronha during his scientific survey expedition as commander of HMS Chanticleer, which had set out in 1828. As well as surveying coasts and ocean currents, Foster used a Kater invariable pendulum to make observations on gravity. He took the island as the point of junction of his double line of longitudes setting out his survey.
For most of its existence the Lake Placid Club excluded Jews and other socially stigmatized groups. A Lake Placid circular explained, "No one will be received as a member or guest against whom there is physical, moral, social or race objection, or who would be unwelcome to even a small minority... This invariable rule is rigidly enforced. It is found impracticable to make exceptions for Jews or others excluded, even though of unusual personal qualifications." Dewey was forced to resign as New York State Librarian after it was shown that these policies were traceable to him personally, despite his denials.
The variegated tinamou has an asymmetrical sex ratio, with more females than males In most tinamou species, the males practice simultaneous polygyny and the females sequential polyandry. This is not invariable; ornate tinamous form stable pairs, and spotted nothuras are monogamous when young and polygamous when older. There are larger numbers of females than males; for example, the variegated tinamou has a female to male ratio of 4:1. The breeding season varies from species to species; those that live in tropical forests, where there is little seasonal change, may breed at any time, though there is usually a preferred period.
J. Rodman Williams adds, > One of the mistakes made by those who affirm the invariable continuance of > salvation is the viewing of salvation too much as a "state." From this > perspective, to be saved is to enter into "a state of grace." However true > it is that one moves into a new realm—whether it is called the kingdom of > God, eternal life, or other like expression—the heart of the matter is the > establishment of a new relationship with God. Prior to salvation, one was > "without God" or "against God," cut off from His presence.
The distinction between spatial and spatio-temporal patterns in nature is not clear-cut because a static, invariable pattern will never occur in the strict sense. Even rock formations will slowly change on a time-scale of 10s of millions of years, therefore the distinction lies in the time scale of change in relation to human experience. Already the snapshot state of a dune will usually be taken as an example of a purely spatial pattern although this is clearly not the case. It is thus apt to say that spatiotemporal patterns in nature are the rule rather than the exception.
From 1828 to 1831, he was commander of HMS Chanticleer and led the British Naval Expedition to the South Atlantic, surveying the South Shetland Islands and notably Deception Island off the Antarctic Peninsula. The expedition was to survey the coasts and land formations, as well as to determine the direction of ocean currents in both hemispheres. He named the Wollaston Islands of present-day Chile, in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, after the British chemist William Hyde Wollaston. As well as surveying coasts and ocean currents, Foster used a Kater invariable pendulum to make observations on gravity.
He was a good student and he soon showed his talents and abilities. He graduated from technical mathematics at the Department of mathematics and physics of the then Faculty for natural sciences and technology (FNT) of the University of Ljubljana. He received his Master's degree from the University of Zagreb for his work Numerična realizacija Ritzovega procesa (Numerical realization of the Ritz process) and his doctorate in 1978 in Ljubljana with his dissertation O invariantni vložitvi pri reševanju diferencialnih enačb (About the invariable embedding in solving of differential equations). Professor Zakrajšek was one of the pioneers of computer science in Slovenia.
Illustration dating from the 1820s: low-cut fashionable dress worn with a train and long white gloves; headwear includes lappets, tiara and a profusion of feathers. Some details of court dress, though, were more or less invariable (and these set court dress apart from more ordinary forms of evening or day wear in any given period). Moreover, from the late eighteenth century, what was worn at court had been subject to a degree of regulation, and this helped standardise certain features. Most noticeably, court dresses (regardless of style) are expected to have a sizeable train (usually separate from the dress itself).
The first work Jacob Grimm published, Über den altdeutschen Meistergesang (1811), was of a purely literary character. Yet even in this essay Grimm showed that Minnesang and Meistergesang were really one form of poetry, of which they merely represented different stages of development, and also announced his important discovery of the invariable division of the Lied into three strophic parts. Grimm's text-editions were mostly prepared in conjunction with his brother. In 1812 they published the two ancient fragments of the Hildebrandslied and the Weißenbrunner Gebet, Jacob having discovered what till then had never been suspected — namely the alliteration in these poems.
The grandest form of badge was worn as a pendant to a metal collar, often in gold or silver-gilt. From the livery badge, various badges of service evolved, worn by officials, soldiers and servants. In the British Army a metal (today often plastic) cap badge denoting the soldier's regiment became standard by the 17th century, as in most European armies (though not always navies). By the 19th century a badge was an almost invariable part of any uniform, including school uniforms, which in the UK usually still feature the school's badge in cloth on the breast pocket of the jacket or blazer.
Voter invitation cards of the USSR and Russia from various years (obverse) The USSR voter cards are often called "All come to vote" cards () because during the Soviet Union period they inevitably carried an inscription, a slogan "All come to vote". One side of such voter invitation cards usually was artistically illustrated, while the other (reverse) side contained information. The text on such voter cards during the Soviet time carried invariable components: words "Dear comrade _____________. Please be reminded that on Sunday …"; and an appeal to come and vote for candidates of the electoral bloc of communists and independents.
J. W. Freeman, Discovering Surnames, 1920, p. 55. In the aristocratic societies of Europe, both nobiliary and non-nobiliary forms of toponymic surnames exist, and in some languages a degree of differentiation evolved in their treatment. For nobles, the preposition evolved into a nobiliary particle, and in French, for example, a trend evolved in which non-nobiliary forms tended to fuse the preposition whereas nobiliary forms retained it as the discrete particle, although this was never an invariable practice. Issues such as local pronunciation can cause toponymic surnames to take a form that varies significantly from the toponym that gave rise to them.
Stone lines and stone zones are known to occur in soils, paleosols (buried soils), and in non-soil geologic-stratigraphic sequences. Where present in stratigraphic sequences, if the units were deposited by running water, the stones are usually imbricated (individual stones are lapped, or leaning, upon one another in the direction of water flow). This is strong evidence that such stone lines are geogenic. On the other hand, a stone line that is present in a soil or a paleosol is invariable non-imbricated and follows (mimics) the surface topography of the soil, or the paleosurface of a paleosol.
The name "Gibbs function" is the eponym of American physicist Willard Gibbs (1839-1903), who cited Massieu in his 1876 On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances. Massieu, as discussed in the first footnote to the abstract of Gibbs' Equilibrium, “appears to have been the first to solve the problem of representing all the properties of a body of invariable composition which are concerned in reversible processes by means of a single function.” Massieu's 1869 paper seems to be the source for the generalized mathematical conception of the energy of a system being equal to summations of the products of pairs of conjugate variables.
She has sure and neat, if not astonishing, execution, she > pirouettes well, though too often; points well, and not too often; uses her > arms with classical grace, displays an abandon and degage manner that is > perfectly charming, and dances with invariable artistic feeling. [...] > Mdlle. Baderna was loudly, constantly, and deservedly applauded in her > introductory pas, which was quaint and original, in the grand pas seul, in > which she evinced the most graceful characteristics of her style, and the > pas de deux with M. Croce, which was full of excellent poses, and replete > with well considered and perfectly executed mechanical feats.
Christie also painted the battle of the Greeks and Trojans before the walls of Troy directly onto the wall for the Spartan Cafe in Bromley in Kent which was probably painted over when new owners took over. Christie's lifelong love of landscape painting also continued unabated, painting with his wife Eleanor on holidays in Scotland (particularly the Ayrshire and Argyle coast), England, France and Italy. As he worked he would attract crowds ohildren who would ask "'How much would that picture cost?' On getting his dry, invariable retort to that question - '£100' their amazement was unvarying.".
Plumer arrived back in the United Kingdom in April 1902, and two months later was received in audience by King Edward VII on his return. In a despatch dated 23 June 1902, Lord Kitchener, Commander-in- Chief in South Africa during the latter part of the war, wrote how Plumer had "invariable displayed military qualifications of a very high order. Few officers have rendered better service." He was promoted to major general for distinguished service in the field on 22 August 1902, and was appointed Commander of the 4th Brigade within 1st Army Corps on 1 October 1902.
Starting from Earth, the order is the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn; the 'seven planets'. Beyond the sphere of Saturn is the Stellatum, to which belong all the stars that we still call 'fixed' because their positions to one another are ... invariable. Beyond the Stellatum" there is a sphere called the First Moveable or Primum Mobile ... its existence was inferred to account for the motions of the others." All motion moved in order from the top to the bottom: from God to the Primum Mobile to the Stellatum to each lower sphere.
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) defines the geographic north pole of a planet or any of its satellites in the Solar System as the planetary pole that is in the same celestial hemisphere, relative to the invariable plane of the Solar System, as Earth's north pole. This definition is independent of the object's direction of rotation about its axis. This implies that an object's direction of rotation, when viewed from above its north pole, may be either clockwise or counterclockwise. The direction of rotation exhibited by most objects in the solar system (including Sun and Earth) is counterclockwise.
Old Believers are groups that do not accept liturgical reforms carried out in the Russian Orthodox Church by Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century. Although all Old Believers groups emerged as a result of opposition to the Nikonian reform, they do not constitute a single monolithic body. Despite the emphasis on invariable adherence to the pre-Nikonian traditions, the Old Believers feature a great diversity of groups that profess different interpretations of the church tradition and often are not in communion with each other (some groups even practise re-baptism before admitting a member of another group into their midst).
Circa 960 was founded a Diocese of Cerenz(i)a (Italian) / Pumentum (Latin) / Cerenza / (Latin adjective), bordering its invariable Metropolitan, the Archdiocese of Santa Severina, as well as the bishoprics of Umbriatico, Rossano and Cosenza. Its tiny territory comprised Cerenzia itself, the (now defunct) hamlets of Verzino and Lucrò and the castrum of Caccuri. It is first documented in the Notitia Episcopatuum of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, edited under Byzantine emperor Leo VI the Wise (died 912). Until the Norman conquest of Calabria (mid 11th century), it was in the sway of the above patriarchate and used its Greek-language Byzantine rite.
This would mean a daily recitation of the whole Psalter. The present arrangement provides for seven hulali at each ferial night service, ten on Sundays, three on "Memorials", and the whole Psalter on feasts of Our Lord. At the evening service there is a selection of from four to seven psalms, varying with the day of the week, and also a Shuraya, or short psalm, with generally a portion of Ps. cxviii, varying with the day of the fortnight. At the morning service the invariable psalms are cix, xc, ciii (1–6), cxii, xcii, cxlviii, cl, cxvi.
South India has two distinct styles of rock architecture, the Dravidian style of Tamil Nadu and the Vesara style of Karnataka. The temples considered of porches or mantapas preceding the door leading to the sanctum, gate-pyramids or gopurams, which are the principal features in the quadrangular enclosures that surround the more notable temples and pillared halls used for many purposes and are the invariable accompaniments of these temples. Besides these, a South Indian temple typically has a tank called the Kalyani or Pushkarni. The gopuram is a monumental tower, usually ornate at the entrance of any temple in Southern India.
They successfully restored about thirty rats to normality, after these rats had reached the stage of growth suspension, by adding a small amount of extracts of egg or butter. Their paper included charts for five rats, illustrating their weights over time compared to a normal growth curve, meant to show McCollum and Davis's "almost invariable success in inducing a resumption of growth after complete suspension for a time". One chart showed their results with a fat-free diet. They became convinced that without a substance in the egg or butter extract, rats could not grow, even though they appeared to be healthy.
As Davanloo became more skilled at unlocking the patient's true unconscious feelings, he noted an often very predictable sequence of feelings. The sequence was by no means invariable, but it occurred frequently enough to allow the therapist to hypothesise its existence in a majority of cases. First, after a high rise of mixed feeling with the therapist, manifested as signals of intense anxiety (tension in skeletal muscle, often manifested as wringing of the hands, accompanied with deep, sighing respirations), there would often be a breakthrough of rage, accompanied by an immediate drop in anxiety. This rage, Davanloo discovered, is intensely felt.
The characteristic footwork employed by most of the world's major boxing and kickboxing styles, such as Western boxing and Muay Thai, has changed little over the centuries, and has remained largely invariable between radically different cultures. The boxer relies on 'push stepping'. In which the leading leg advances first, then the rear, with the feet coming to rest in the exact relative position. Rear movement is a reversal of this step, and lateral movement involves push stepping in the same fashion, with the foot closest to the desired direction stepping laterally, followed by the opposite foot, which is used to move the body.
This last characteristic was not invariable for he could be sententious and overbearing, so that his long-term friend Southey complained that "he was never content to be your friend, but he must be your saviour", nor was his temper to be implicitly relied on. He owes his place in literary history to his profound respect for the intellectual elite of his time, which, combined with his many fine personal qualities, enabled him to be an invaluable friend to Coleridge and others, and to live up to his own maxim, "Happy is the genius who has a friend ever near of good sense".
In common with many Bantu languages, Ngoreme nouns typically consist of a noun stem, a noun class prefix and an augment (or pre-prefix) vowel. Augment vowels are invariable but the vowels that occurs in the noun class prefixes commonly exhibit variant forms as determined by vowel harmony. Ngoreme has 19 noun classes, with the classes 1-10 exhibiting regular singular/plural pairings, class 11 is attested, as is class 12 which contains diminutives, class 14 is also found. Class 15 contains verb nouns (or infinitives), class 16, 17 and 18 are also attested and are the locative classes.
Melakarta is a South Indian classical method of organizing Raagas based on their unique heptatonic scales. The postulated number of melakarta derives from arithmetical calculation and not from Carnatic practice, which uses far fewer scale forms. Seven-pitch melakarta are considered subsets of a twelve- pitch scale roughly analogous to the Western chromatic scale. The first and fifth melakarta tones, corresponding to the first and eighth chromatic tones, are invariable in inflection, and the fourth melakarta tone, corresponding to the sixth or seventh chromatic tone, is allowed one of two inflections only, a natural (shuddah) position and a raised (tivra) position.
Very little is known about this woman. The case concerning the victim has, above all, provided a better understanding of Dumollard's modus operandi. If his method of approach was invariable, it appeared that he also had certain habits every time he came to Lyon: he regularly ate at Marguerite Chorel's restaurant at 7, and usually slept in the Lobarde Inn held by Louise-Adèle Fleury, wife of Louis Laborde. In the beginning of February 1860, Dumollard presented himself at the inn, accompanied by a young girl who, he said, was his niece, asking for a room with two beds.
A laisse is a type of stanza, of varying length, found in medieval French literature, specifically medieval French epic poetry (the chanson de geste), such as The Song of Roland. In early works, each laisse was made up of (mono) assonanced verses, although the appearance of (mono) rhymed laisses was increasingly common in later poems.Princeton. Within a poem, the length of each separate laisse is variable (whereas the metric length of the verses is invariable, each verse having the same syllable length, typically decasyllables or, occasionally, alexandrines. The laisse is characterized by stereotyped phrases and formulas and frequently repeated themes and motifs,Jean Rychner, 1955.
But to explain "so vast an edifice, as... the continu'd existence of all external bodies", Hume finds it necessary to bring constancy into his account, as follows: (1) Identity is characterized as invariableness and uninterruptedness over time. (2) Since the mind tends to confuse closely resembling ideas, it will naturally confuse a case of interrupted observation of an invariable object with a case of perfect identity. (3) This combination of perfect identity and interrupted observation creates cognitive dissonance, which is resolved by fabricating continued existence. (4) This fiction is enlivened into a full-fledged belief by the memory's "lively impressions" of the observed object.
Measurements most commonly use the International System of Units (SI) as a comparison framework. The system defines seven fundamental units: kilogram, metre, candela, second, ampere, kelvin, and mole. Six of these units are defined without reference to a particular physical object which serves as a standard (artifact-free), while the kilogram is still embodied in an artifact which rests at the headquarters of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Sèvres near Paris. Artifact-free definitions fix measurements at an exact value related to a physical constant or other invariable phenomena in nature, in contrast to standard artifacts which are subject to deterioration or destruction.
The usual length of serving either the Fon or Kwifong used to be 8 to 10 or even 15 years which has now been slashed to 4 or 5 years. The actual age of entering the palace to serve either the Fon or Kwifong is 8 to 10 years. Of course the Fon is protective of his own wives if older ones are left to stay in the palace for too long. One of the advantages that goes with either serving the Fon or Kwifong is that upon his graduation from the palace he who has served succeeds his own father upon his death although this rule is not invariable.
All IRAK family members are multidomain proteins consisting of a conserved N-terminal Death Domain (DD) and a central kinase domain (KD). The DD is a protein interaction motif that important for interacting with other signaling molecules such as the adaptor protein MyD88 and other IRAK members. The KD is responsible for the kinase activity of IRAK proteins and consists of 12 subdomains. All IRAK KDs have an ATP binding pocket with an invariable lysine residue in subdomain II, however, only IRAK-1 and IRAK-4 have an aspartate residue in the catalytic site of subdomain VI, which is thought to be critical for kinase activity.
Planetary coordinate systems are defined relative to their mean axis of rotation and various definitions of longitude depending on the body. The longitude systems of most of those bodies with observable rigid surfaces have been defined by references to a surface feature such as a crater. The north pole is that pole of rotation that lies on the north side of the invariable plane of the solar system (near the ecliptic). The location of the prime meridian as well as the position of the body's north pole on the celestial sphere may vary with time due to precession of the axis of rotation of the planet (or satellite).
Vyapti is known by the joint method of agreement in presence and agreement in absence based on repeated observation aided by favourable hypothetical reasoning. Doubt about vyapti and certainty of the absence of vyapti act as hindrances to inferential knowledge; the certainty about vyapti is the cause of inferential knowledge. Jain philosophy recognizes inference ("anumana") as a valid means of knowledge. They consider induction ("tarka") to be the knowledge of the invariable concomitance (vyapti) of the middle term with the major term in the three periods of time, arising from the observation of their co-presence and co-absence, and vyapti to be of two kinds, "anvayavyapti" and "vyatirekavyapti".
One study by Zimmerman and West found that in same-sex pair conversations, overlap and interruption tend to be equally distributed between the two interlocutors, and interruptions are clustered – that is, only a few of the pairs did all of the interrupting. For opposite-sex pairs, male interlocutors interrupt much more, and interruptions are much more widely distributed – that is, most men did it. Gender differences in turn-taking are not invariable, however, and are related to the conditions and context of the speech. Gendered aspects of speech and turn-taking must be recognized as being reflective of the cultures in which they exist.
The Cherry Sisters' act was met with derision by the local press as well as audiences. In 1930, Time magazine noted, "In every town that the Cherry sisters played, it was an invariable custom for the editor of the local paper to review their act with a column and a half of humor, satire, parody and biting sarcasm." In January 1893, Fred P. Davis, the city editor of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, reviewed their performance at Greene's Opera House, noting, "...their knowledge of the stage is worse than none at all." The sisters demanded a retraction, and the Gazette complied, allowing them to write it themselves.
Hunton writes: > "Ammonites afford the most beautiful illustration of the subdivision of > strata, for they appear to have been the least able, of all the Lias genera, > to conform to a change of external consequences". This variation in fossil species was used to sub-divide the vertical succession locally, and to correlate beds of the same relative age across wider areas. He further proposed formal rules for performing such surveys to ensure that the information recorded was accurate. In conclusion Hunton says: > "Ammonites from unequal geographical distribution may be more abundant in > one place than another ... yet they constantly maintain an invariable > relative position.".
The present participle (le participe présent) is typically formed from the first-person plural of the present indicative by replacing -ons with -ant. There are exceptions to this, as with avoir, être, and savoir (whose present participles are ayant, étant, and sachant, respectively), but in all cases the present participle ends in -ant. The gerundive (le gérondif) consists of the preposition en together with the present participle; for example, the present participle of faire is faisant, so its gerundive is en faisant. The present participle and the gerundive are both invariable; that is, they do not change form to agree with any other part of a sentence.
The idea of moksha is connected to the Vedic culture, where it conveyed a notion of amrtam, "immortality", and also a notion of a timeless, "unborn", or "the still point of the turning world of time". It was also its timeless structure, the whole underlying "the spokes of the invariable but incessant wheel of time". The hope for life after death started with notions of going to the worlds of the Fathers or Ancestors and/or the world of the Gods or Heaven. The earliest Vedic texts incorporate the concept of life, followed by an afterlife in heaven and hell based on cumulative virtues (merit) or vices (demerit).
But since there may also be unenlightened devas, there also may be godlike beings who engage in retributive acts, but if they do so, then they do so out of their own ignorance of a greater truth. Despite this nontheism, Buddhism nevertheless fully accepts the theory of karma, which posts punishment-like effects, such as rebirths in realms of torment, as an invariable consequence of wrongful actions. Unlike in most Abrahamic monotheistic religions, these effects are not eternal, though they can last for a very long time. Even theistic religions do not necessarily see such effects as "punishment" imposed by a higher authority, rather than natural consequences of wrongful action.
Samples of Invar The coefficient of thermal expansion of nickel/iron alloys is plotted here against the nickel percentage (on a mass basis) in the alloy. The sharp minimum occurs at the Invar ratio of 36% Ni. Invar, also known generically as FeNi36 (64FeNi in the US), is a nickel–iron alloy notable for its uniquely low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE or α). The name Invar comes from the word invariable, referring to its relative lack of expansion or contraction with temperature changes. The discovery of the alloy was made in 1896 by Swiss physicist Charles Édouard Guillaume for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1920.
He is apt to turn his back on what he has been sniping at to > demolish what he has just been defending. He is contemptuous of everybody > except the opportunist and the unscrupulous little woman who, at some point > in every picture, labels the hero a poor sap. That the invariable fairy > godfather of each picture is not only expressive of his own cold-blooded > cynicism but of typical Hollywood fantasy is an example of how this works. > Another phase of his attack is shrouding in slapstick the fact that the > godfather pays off not for perseverance or honesty or ability but merely > from capriciousness.
These quirks are overcome by his broad contrasts of light and shade and the masterly figures of horses, riders, travellers, rustics, quarrelling children, dogs, poultry and cattle. A favorite place is always given to the white horse, which seems as invariable an accompaniment as the grey in the skirmishes and fairs of Philip Wouwerman. Isaac displays the best qualities in winter scenes. The absence of foliage, the crisp atmosphere and the calm air of cold January days, unsullied by smoke or vapour, preclude the use of the brown tinge, and leave the painter no choice but to ring the changes with a great variety of opal tints.
If any criticism were visible, it would only be in the area concerning the articulation of the doctrine. The press demanded that the doctrine does better to change Japan's narrow attitude towards foreign nations and improving its cultural ties with other countries, particularly Southeast Asia, as well as refining the educational system to one that puts greater emphasis on foreign languages. Likewise, the bureaucracy regarded the visit as an invariable success, and that it proved the Prime Minister's ability to convince his hosts “to open a new page in Asia’s history.” Despite the Ministry of Finance resistance to cultural fund, the bureaucracy nevertheless wholly agreed to endorse the doctrine.
However, this did not prevent disagreements on the best way to identify species. The history of definitions of the term "species" reveal that the seeds of the modern species debate were alive and growing long before Darwin. > The traditional view, which was developed by Cain, Mayr and Hull in the mid- > twentieth century, claims that until the ‘Origin of species’ by Charles > Darwin both philosophy and biology considered species as invariable natural > kinds with essential features. This ‘essentialism story’ was adopted by many > authors, but questioned from the beginning by a minority … when Aristotle > and the early naturalists wrote about the essences of species, they meant > essential ‘functions’, not essential ‘properties’.
Ligands can now be sorted according to the magnitude of Δo (see the table below). This ordering of ligands is almost invariable for all metal ions and is called spectrochemical series. For complexes with a tetrahedral surrounding, the d-orbitals again split into two sets, but this time in reverse order. ::2 orbitals of low energy: dz2 and dx2−y2 ::3 orbitals of high energy: dxy, dxz and dyz The energy difference between these 2 sets of d-orbitals is now called Δt. The magnitude of Δt is smaller than for Δo, because in a tetrahedral complex only 4 ligands influence the d-orbitals, whereas in an octahedral complex the d-orbitals are influenced by 6 ligands.
This portion of the molecule has an invariable A residue in the discriminator position and a G-U pair at position 3 (except in Seculamonas ecuadoriensis, which has a G-C pair); this position is the recognition site for alanyl tRNA synthase. P2 is a helix of variable length (3 to 10 base pairs) and corresponds to the anticodon stem of tRNAs, yet without an anticodon loop (as not required for tmRNA function). P2 stabilizes the tRNA-like structure, but four nucleotides invariant across oomycetes and jakobids suggest an additional, currently unidentified function. P3 has five base pairs and corresponds to the T-arm of tRNAs, yet with different consensus nucleotides both in the paired region and the loop.
Greek has two different ways of forming relative clauses. The simpler and by far the more frequent uses the invariable relativizer που (, 'that', literally 'where'), as in: η γυναίκα που είδα χτες (, 'the woman that I saw yesterday'). When the relativized element is a subject, object or adverbial within the relative clause, then – as in English – it has no other overt expression within the relative clause apart from the relativizer. Some other types of relativized elements, however, such as possessors, are represented within the clause by a resumptive pronoun, as in: η γυναίκα που βρήκα την τσάντα _της_ (, 'the woman whose handbag I found', literally 'the woman that I found _her_ handbag').
On appeal to the High Court, the court held that the Act was unfairly discriminatory on the grounds of equality and dignity. On appeal to the Constitutional Court, the court held that the purpose of the Act was to provide for the maintenance of the surviving spouse, and that the ultimate aim was to extend an invariable consequence of marriage (i.e., support) beyond the death of either of the parties. The court further held that the Act was incapable of an interpretation including permanent life partners in the definition of a “spouse,” as marriage is an important social institution, and the law is allowed to distinguish between married and unmarried persons and accord benefits to the married.
Another sign of linguistic conservatism is the invariable use of -eth for the third person singular present form of the verb, as at Matthew 2:13: "the Angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dreame". The rival ending -(e)s, as found in present-day English, was already widely used by this time (for example, it predominates over -eth in the plays of Shakespeare and Marlowe). Furthermore, the translators preferred which to who or whom as the relative pronoun for persons, as in : "And Lot also which went with Abram, had flocks and heards, & tents" although who(m) is also found. The Authorized Version is notably more Latinate than previous English versions, especially the Geneva Bible.
To David Ricardo and other classical economists, this definition serves as a measure of "real cost", "absolute value", or a "measure of value" invariable under changes in distribution and technology.Ricardo, David (1823), 'Absolute Value and Exchange Value', in "The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo", Volume 4, Cambridge University Press, 1951 and Sraffa, Piero and Maurice Dobb (1951), 'Introduction', in "The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo", Volume 1, Cambridge University Press, 1951. Ricardo, other classical economists and Marx began their expositions with the assumption that value in exchange was equal to or proportional to this labor value. They thought this was a good assumption from which to explore the dynamics of development in capitalist societies.
Tibetan kong par tangka, dated 13-45 (= AD 1791),reverseTibetan kong par tangka, dated 13-45 (= AD 1791),obverse The first indigenously minted Tibetan tangkas which were produced on a large scale are known as the Kong-par tangkas. The Kong-par tangkas were struck from 1791 to 1891. The design of these tangkas remained nearly invariable for several decades. Five different types can be identified based on details of design. Total five dates are found in these coins, 13-45 (1791), 13-46 (1792), 13-47 (1793), 15-24 (1890) and 15-25 (1891). Most of these coins bear the same date, 13-46 (1792) regardless of the year they were actually struck (numismatists refer to "frozen dates").
Pulley v. Harris, 465 U.S. 37 (1984), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution does not require, as an invariable rule in every case, that a state appellate court, before it affirms a death sentence, proportionally compare the sentence in the case before it with the penalties imposed in similar cases if requested to do so by the prisoner. The prisoner in the case, Robert Alton Harris, was ultimately executed in April 1992, after the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit several more times in the matter, including after Harris had been strapped into the gas chamber.
This has caused us to > reflect much upon what you have told us; and we have, therefore, brought all > the chiefs and warriors, and the young men and women and children of our > tribe, that one part may not do what others object to, and that all may be > witnesses of what is going forward. You know your children. Since you first > came among them, they have listened to your words with an attentive ear, and > have always hearkened to your counsels. Whenever you have had a proposal to > make to us, whenever you have had a favor to ask of us, we have always lent > a favorable ear, and our invariable answer has been 'yes.
Seal of the hypatos and basilikos asekretis John (Komnenian period) The term asekretis (, invariable form) designated a senior class of secretaries in the Byzantine imperial court in the 6th–12th centuries. The term is derived from the Latin a secretis, and in its full form was "asekretis of the court" (ἀσηκρῆτις τῆς αὺλῆς, asēkrētis tēs aulēs). It seems to be an innovation of the 6th century, as the contemporary historian Procopius of Caesarea found it necessary to explain it to his readers. Modern scholars have sometimes assumed that it dates to the 4th century, but the only reference to it, in the acts of the Council of Chalcedon, actually dates from a 6th-century translation of the document.
Henry Watson Fowler's original 1926 edition called the rule "very useful", restricting it to words with the "long e" sound, stating further that "words in which that sound is not invariable, as either, neither, inveigle, do not come under it", and calling seize "an important exception". The entry was retained in Ernest Gowers's 1965 revision. Robert Burchfield rewrote it for the 1996 edition, stating 'the rule can helpfully be extended "except when the word is pronounced with "', and giving a longer list of exceptions, including words excluded from Fowler's interpretation. Robert Allen's 2008 pocket edition states, "The traditional spelling rule ' i before e except after c ' should be extended to include the statement 'when the combination is pronounced -ee- '".
This is what Derrida terms as the "transcendental signified": as a signified, it belongs to the realm of language, but by being invariable, and by refusing any movement, it remains outside it [A word, if immovable, can mean nothing, or even exist. Only when an endless chain of other signifiers, other words, hints, get associated with it, it finally acquires meaning ('Camel' is understandable only when it is thinly associated with many related words, such as 'animal', 'desert', 'cigarette', 'long neck', etc.). In other words, language is this movement]. Dasein, by being under the erasure, claims to remain in the realm of physicality, but by being prior and anterior to any entity, and any thought, it remains outside them.
The students' unions are operated in accordance with the rules set down in their constitution which invariable enumerates a strong democratic and inclusive procedure for the governance on the union. Some Students' Unions run retail businesses in the interests of its students and run referendums, such as on whether or not to support same-sex marriage or abortion. All Universities and Institutes of Technologies in the Republic of Ireland have Students' Unions. National Union of Students-Union of Students in Ireland (NUS-USI), the student movement in Northern Ireland was formed in 1972 by bilateral agreement between the National Union of Students of the United Kingdom (NUS) and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), to address the particular problems of representing students in Northern Ireland.
He developed these arguments in published form in relation to Hobbes and Burke, and more generally in trying to conceptualise the whole of the history of international relations thought from Thucydides to the present with reference to such thinkers as Vitoria, Pufendorf and Kant. One of the traditions, Universal Moral Order, was explored in more depth in The Limits of Ethics in International Relations.In it Boucher argued that universal principles almost invariable entail qualifications for their enjoyment and exercise, and have been, far from liberating, instruments of oppression. He illustrates this with reference to cultural encounters, colonialism, slavery, and gender. Boucher’s contribution to the history of thought in international relations is widely acknowledged and his work is cited extensively in the field.
From an engineering point of view it is possible to define the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the recorded ERPs. Averaging increases the SNR of the recorded ERPs making them discernible and allowing for their interpretation. This has a simple mathematical explanation provided that some simplifying assumptions are made. These assumptions are: # The signal of interest is made of a sequence of event-locked ERPs with invariable latency and shape # The noise can be approximated by a zero-mean Gaussian random process of variance \sigma^2 which is uncorrelated between trials and not time-locked to the event (this assumption can be easily violated, for example in the case of a subject doing little tongue movements while mentally counting the targets in an experiment).
Unfortunately for Philip, 400,000 florins intended as payment to the troops were seized by the government of Elizabeth I when ships containing the florins sought shelter from a storm in English ports. The Spanish soldiers, angry at fighting without rest or pay against the rebels, had already sacked Zierikzee and Aalst, causing the fifteen loyal provinces (Holland and Zeeland were in the hands of the rebels) to come together in States-General with the purpose of removing the mercenaries from the Netherlands. It was common procedure with the soldiery at that time, and their procedure was invariable. Without breaking their celebrated discipline, they would choose a new leader, or Eletto, from their number, and march in perfect order under him to whatever their target was.
Since none of the means of knowing were found to be worthy to establish the invariable connection between middle term and predicate, Charvakas concluded that the inference could not be used to ascertain metaphysical truths. Thus, to Charvakas, the step which the mind takes from the knowledge of something to infer the knowledge of something else could be accounted for by its being based on a former perception or by its being in error. Cases where inference was justified by the result were seen only to be mere coincidences. Therefore, Charvakas denied metaphysical concepts like reincarnation, an extracorporeal soul, the efficacy of religious rites, other worlds (heaven and hell), fate and accumulation of merit or demerit through the performance of certain actions.
Kamensky left Moscow to travel around the country, and became one of the first Russians to master the new art of aviation, flying a Blériot XI; he brought the Russian word самолет [samolyot] 'airplane' into circulation.Большой Энциклопедический Словарь entry After an airplane crash in 1911, however, he gave up flying. For a couple of years he lived on his estate near Perm, but in 1913 he moved back to Moscow, though he toured Russia with Burlyuk and Mayakovsky, promoting Futurism; "from this time Kamensky was an invariable participant in Futurist collections, newspapers, journals, and public appearances." He also returned to literary activity, in 1914 publishing his poetry collection Tango s korovami (Tango with cows) and in 1915 his long poem Stenka Razin, about the 17th-century rebel.
On 12 December 2018, the Department of Justice also issued a statement claiming there was "insufficient evidence to support a reasonable prospect of conviction" against former Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying for any criminal offence over Leung's receipt of HK$50 million from Australian engineering firm UGL. Many critics, including former Director of Public Prosecutions Grenville Cross, said he found it "very surprising" that no independent legal advice was sought on Leung’s case and urged the Secretary for Justice to explain. "For many years, this has been the invariable practice whenever a senior government official has been suspected of a criminal offence," Cross said. The Democratic Party also considered asking for a judicial review of the Department of Justice’s decision.
" (Einstein would later go on to present an individual account of his local realist ideas. English translation by Jean Piccard, pp 349–382 in the same issue, ).) Shortly before the EPR paper appeared in the Physical Review, the New York Times ran a news story about it, under the headline "Einstein Attacks Quantum Theory". The story, which quoted Podolsky, irritated Einstein, who wrote to the Times, "Any information upon which the article 'Einstein Attacks Quantum Theory' in your issue of May 4 is based was given to you without authority. It is my invariable practice to discuss scientific matters only in the appropriate forum and I deprecate advance publication of any announcement in regard to such matters in the secular press.
Elles sont au nombre invariable de douze, symbole de la perfection et de la plénitude...Description héraldique: Sur fond azur, un cercle composé de douze étoiles d'or à cinq rais, dont les pointes ne se touchent pas. c.f. Europa and the Bull on a Greek vase, circa 480 BC. Tarquinia National Museum, Italy United in Diversity was adopted as the motto of the Union in the year 2000, having been selected from proposals submitted by school pupils. Since 1985, the flag day of the Union has been Europe Day, on 9 May (the date of the 1950 Schuman declaration). The anthem of the Union is an instrumental version of the prelude to the Ode to Joy, the 4th movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's ninth symphony.
Hedley was on the council of the Linnean Society of New South Wales from 1897 to 1924 and was president from 1909 to 1911; he was on the council for 16 years of the Royal Society of New South Wales and was president in 1914; he was a vice-president of the Malacological Society of London from 1923. He was awarded the David Syme prize in 1916, and in 1925 received the Clarke Medal from the Royal Society of New South Wales. A man of invariable courtesy and kindliness, held in the highest regard by contemporary scientists, his knowledge was always at the disposal of younger naturalists and visiting scientists. His work, and especially in regard to the zoo- geographical history of the Pacific Ocean, gave him a high place among Australian zoologists.
It is important to understand that bias or the use of bias during an interview from the researcher is an important aspect that greatly affects validity of the interview's gathered knowledge. Since the interview is more like an everyday conversation, some claim that there are opportunities for the interviewer's bias to be brought into discussion and to intervene than with the structured interview. Others maintain that "Although there is invariable potential for the interviewer bias in qualitative interviews, it is offset, at least to some extent, by the greater participation and involvement of the interviewer in the interaction aimed at reaching greater depth". While the unstructured interview can be seen to be unreliable due to the interviewer, bias can be easily be built into a highly structured interview.
God Bless you my love, my thoughts and best wishes ever accompany you, and I always am with the most sincere and invariable Regard my D: : :My Dearest I cannot be happy :till I see you if you know, :do, tell me, when you will come.Robbins Landon 1976, 143 19 April 1792: :M[y]: D[ear]: I was extremely sorry to hear this morning that you were indisposed, I am told you was five hours at your Study's yesterday,Robbins Landon (1976) notes that Haydn was working "frantically" to complete the Symphony #97 in time for a concert. indeed MY D[ear]: L[ove]: I am afraid it will hurt you why should you who have already produced so many WONDERFUL and CHARMING compositions, still fatigue yourself with such close application.Robbins Landon 1976, 157 Mrs.
Dignāga's famous "wheel of reason" (Hetucakra) is a method of indicating when one thing (such as smoke) can be taken as an invariable sign of another thing (like fire), but the inference is often inductive and based on past observation. Matilal remarks that Dignāga's analysis is much like John Stuart Mill's Joint Method of Agreement and Difference, which is inductive.Matilal, 17 In addition, the traditional five- member Indian syllogism, though deductively valid, has repetitions that are unnecessary to its logical validity. As a result, some commentators see the traditional Indian syllogism as a rhetorical form that is entirely natural in many cultures of the world, and yet not as a logical form—not in the sense that all logically unnecessary elements have been omitted for the sake of analysis.
The rest of the period was the story of a mysterious phenomenon: the Beaker people, which seemed to be of a mercantile character and to have preferred being buried according to a very specific, almost invariable, ritual. Nevertheless, out of their original area of western Central Europe, they appeared only within local cultures and so they never invaded and assimilated but went to live among those peoples and kept their way of life, which is why they are believed to be merchants. The rest of Europe remained mostly unchanged and apparently peaceful. In 2300 BC, the first Beaker Pottery appeared in Bohemia and expanded in many directions but particularly westward, along the Rhone and the seas, reaching the culture of Vila Nova (Portugal) and Catalonia (Spain) as their limits.
129 He wrote many works to defend his new convictions, which differ so much from the earlier conciliatory ones that Allatius thought there must be two people of the same name;Diatriba de Georgiis in Fabricius-Harles Bibliotheca Græca, X, 760–786 to whom Gibbon: "Renaudot has restored the identity of his person, and the duplicity of his character".E. Gibbon, Decline and Fall, lxviii, note 41 After the death of John VIII in 1448, Georgios entered the Pantokrator monastery in Constantinople under Constantine XI (1448–1453) and took, according to the invariable custom, a new name: Gennadius. Before the fall of the city he was already well known as a bitter opponent of the union. He and Mark of Ephesus were the leaders of the anti-Latin party.
The King and his adherents had little choice but to acquiesce to Russian demands. During the Repnin Sejm (named after the unofficially presiding Russian ambassador Nicholas Repnin) the King accepted the five "eternal and invariable principles" which Catherine had vowed to "protect for all time to come in the name of Poland's liberties": the election of kings, the right of liberum veto, the right to renounce allegiance to and raise rebellion against the king (rokosz), the szlachta exclusive right to hold office and land, and landowners' power over their peasants. Thus all the privileges ("Golden Freedoms") of the nobility that had made the Commonwealth ungovernable were guaranteed as unalterable in the Cardinal Laws. The Cardinal Laws and the rights of "religious dissenters" passed by the Repnin Sejm were personally guaranteed by Empress Catherine.
In the Mozarabic Rite, after an invitation to the people, to which they answer "Præsta æterne omnipotens Deus," the celebrant says a prayer without a special name that corresponds to the Secret and continues at once to the memory of the saints and intercession prayer. In these other Western rites this prayer is said aloud. All the Eastern rites have prayers, now said silently, after the Great Entrance, when the gifts are brought to the altar and offered to God, but they are invariable and none of them can be exactly compared to the Roman Secret. At either high or low Mass the celebrant, having answered "Amen" to the prayer "Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium", says in a low voice the Secret or Secrets in the same order as he said the Collects, finding each at its place in the proper Mass.
Merrie Melodies or Looney Tunes animated short subjects. Due to the controversy engendered by the sequences considered to depict racial stereotyping, it has been most commonly edited to a much shorter running of four or even three minutes, with the invariable excision of the Fats Waller–Louis Armstrong "Nagasaki" production number"Racist Cartoon: Tin Pan Alley Cats" at US Slave (March 28, 2012) and, often, the Al Jolson title song performance. Although not listed among the Censored Eleven, the cartoon has been exhibited infrequently, even in its brief censored version.Original title card, screen captures and other images associated with September in the Rain Re-released under the "Blue Ribbon" label, September in the Rain was shorn of its original title card containing all the credited names, however, the recovered card, along with those for other "Blue Ribbon" reissues, is available for viewing.
On September 23, 1961, Saturday Night at the Movies premiered with the 1953 Marilyn Monroe–Lauren Bacall–Betty Grable film How to Marry a Millionaire, presented "In Living Color". Some of the other movies shown were The Day the Earth Stood Still (March 3, 1962) and No Highway in the Sky (March 24, 1962). (Having been filmed in Cinemascope, a Fox specialty from 1953 to 1967, many of these films had to be severely panned-and-scanned to fit the invariable full screen television aspect ratio of the time.) That initial deal with Fox ended up lasting three seasons (1961–1964) and involved about 90 films, including those run on Monday nights beginning in February 1963. When Fox found greener pastures over at rival ABC, NBC negotiated releases from other studios, such as MGM and Paramount, that were eager to provide content.
At the time of Surgeon General William H. Forwood's retirement in September 1902 there was a regulation in effect that the appointment to Surgeon General should be for a period of four years, and a ruling that the appointee must have four years to serve before his compulsory retirement for age. There was a small group of brilliant officers on the list ahead of Colonel O'Reilly, notably Colonels Smart, Lippincott, and DeWitt, but all were barred from the coveted place by lack of the necessary four years to serve. Colonel O'Reilly, the senior officer able to meet the requirements, was appointed Surgeon General with the grade of brigadier general on September 7, 1902. Up to this time it had been the almost invariable custom that the office assistants of the Surgeon General should be selected from among the senior officers of the corps.
Many masses, especially later ones, were never intended to be performed during the celebration of an actual mass. Generally, for a composition to be a full mass, it must contain the following invariable five sections, which together constitute the Ordinary of the Mass. # Kyrie ("Lord have mercy") # Gloria ("Glory be to God on high") # Credo ("I believe in one God"), the Nicene Creed # Sanctus ("Holy, Holy, Holy"), the second part of which, beginning with the word "Benedictus" ("Blessed is he"), was often sung separately after the consecration, if the setting was long. (See Benedictus for other chants beginning with that word.) # Agnus Dei ("Lamb of God") This setting of the Ordinary of the Mass spawned a tradition of Mass composition to which many famous composers of the standard concert repertory made contributions, including Bach, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.
This is not invariable across the run. Sometimes Number Two's side of the conversation is provided by Robert Rietti instead of the actual actor; only Leo McKern, Mary Morris, Colin Gordon and Peter Wyngarde provided dialogue for the conversation. For the remaining episodes (where the dialogue was used) Rietti's voiceover was heard, although a shot of the actor playing Number Two would still be inserted following the line "By hook or by crook, we will." (The exceptions are "Many Happy Returns" and "The Girl Who Was Death", where an extra shot of Rover was inserted instead, because revealing Number Two's identity at that stage would have ruined the plot.) In the cases of "Many Happy Returns" and "Free for All", Rietti's voiceover is used despite one of the characters ultimately revealed as Number Two in those episodes being female.
Even from the period of the catacombs such associations seem to have existed among the Christians and they no doubt imitated to some extent in their organization the pagan collegia for the same purpose. Throughout the Middle Ages the guilds to a very large extent were burial confraternities; at any rate the seemly carrying out of the funeral rites at the death of any of their members together with a provision of Masses for his soul form an almost invariable feature in the constitutions of such guilds. But still more directly to the purpose we find certain organizations formed to carry out the burial of the dead and friendless as a work of charity. The most celebrated of these was the "Misericordia" of Florence, believed to have been instituted in 1244 by Pier Bossi, and surviving to the present day.
28 U.S.C. Section 144, captioned "Bias or prejudice of judge", provides that under circumstances, when a party to a case in a United States District Court files a "timely and sufficient motion that the judge before whom the matter is pending has a personal bias or prejudice either against him or in favor of an adverse party", the case shall be transferred to another judge. The general rule is that, to warrant recusal, a judge's expression of an opinion about the merits of a case, or his familiarity with the facts or the parties, must have originated in a source outside the case itself. This is referred to in the United States as the "extra-judicial source rule" and was recognized as a general presumption, although not an invariable one, in the 1994 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Liteky v. United States.
The two most common forms of verbal nouns are infinitives and gerunds. The bare infinitive, when used as a noun, has no plural (or if it does it is invariable, i.e. identical to the singular), and its gender is neuter. :arbeiten ‘to work’ – das Arbeiten ‘working’ ::Note: die Arbeiten is not the plural of the verbal noun Arbeiten, it is the plural of the feminine noun die Arbeit. ;Example for the plural :„Das Verlegen“ kann verschiedene Bedeutungen haben: Das Verlegen einer Sache (die man dann nicht mehr findet); das Verlegen eines Veranstaltungsortes; das Verlegen einer Zeitung; etc.. Diese verschiedenen „Verlegen“ sind ein gutes Beispiel für den Plural des Gerunds. :“Das Verlegen can have different meanings: the misplacing of a thing (which you'll never find later), the moving of an event location, the editing of a newspaper, etc.
An ancient Egyptian calendar of lucky and unlucky days composed some 3,200 years ago may be the oldest preserved historical document of the discovery of a variable star, the eclipsing binary Algol. Of the modern astronomers, the first variable star was identified in 1638 when Johannes Holwarda noticed that Omicron Ceti (later named Mira) pulsated in a cycle taking 11 months; the star had previously been described as a nova by David Fabricius in 1596. This discovery, combined with supernovae observed in 1572 and 1604, proved that the starry sky was not eternally invariable as Aristotle and other ancient philosophers had taught. In this way, the discovery of variable stars contributed to the astronomical revolution of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. The second variable star to be described was the eclipsing variable Algol, by Geminiano Montanari in 1669; John Goodricke gave the correct explanation of its variability in 1784.
One aspect of his editing has proved controversial over the years. Scott denied introducing any new material of his own into the ballads to patch over corrupt lines, saying "I have made it an invariable rule to attempt no improvements upon the genuine Ballads which I have been able to recover"; and again, "I utterly disclaim the idea of writing anything that I am not ready to own to the whole world". J. G. Lockhart took his claims at face value, but later commentators, from Francis James Child onwards, took a different view, so that it became commonplace to accuse him of writing not just lines of his own but even entire stanzas. However, more recent analyses of the texts by Keith W. Harry, Marryat Ross Dobie and Charles G. Zug have largely vindicated Scott's claims, showing that he was probably responsible for nothing more than an occasional word or phrase.
Men were stationed at intervals along the way, and as soon as the goat was thrown down the precipice, they signaled to one another by means of kerchiefs or flags, until the information reached the high priest, whereat he proceeded with the other parts of the ritual. The scarlet thread is symbolically referenced in ; and the Talmud states (ib. 39a) that during the forty years that Simeon the Just was High Priest of Israel, the thread actually turned white as soon as the goat was thrown over the precipice: a sign that the sins of the people were forgiven. In later times the change to white was not invariable: a proof of the people's moral and spiritual deterioration, that was gradually on the increase, until forty years before the destruction of the Second Temple, when the change of color was no longer observed (l.c. 39b).
Later, Elinor explains her values to Marianne as: > "My doctrine has never aimed at the subjection of the understanding. All I > have ever attempted to influence has been the behavior...I am guilty, I > confess, of having often wished you to treat our acquaintance in general > with greater attention; but when have I advised you to adopt their > sentiments or conform to their judgment in serious matters?" Elinor criticizes Marianne for her "sincerity" not in itself, but rather because Marianne makes no effort to hide her feelings, despite the pain she sometimes causes others, which makes her "sincerity" a type of selflessness for Elinor. The novel described Elinor's character as: "She was stronger alone, and her own good sense so well supported her, that her firmness was as unshaken, her appearance of cheerfulness as invariable, as with regards and so fresh, it was possible for them to be".
The first elements of social physics were outlined in French social thinker Henri de Saint-Simon’s first book, the 1803 Lettres d’un Habitant de Geneve, which introduced the idea of describing society using laws similar to those of the physical and biological sciences. His student and collaborator was Auguste Comte, a French philosopher widely regarded as the founder of sociology, who first defined the term in an essay appearing in Le Producteur, a journal project by Saint-Simon. Comte defined social physics as > Social physics is that science which occupies itself with social phenomena, > considered in the same light as astronomical, physical, chemical, and > physiological phenomena, that is to say as being subject to natural and > invariable laws, the discovery of which is the special object of its > researches. After Saint-Simon and Comte, Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet, proposed that society be modeled using mathematical probability and social statistics.
Loveland (2009) p.102 The GCHQ case, therefore, was highly important since it held that the application of judicial review would be dependent on the nature of the government's powers, not their source. While the use of the Royal Prerogative for national security reasons is considered outside the scope of the courts, most of its other uses are now judicially reviewable in some form.Loveland (2009) p.108 The GCHQ case also confirmed that non-legal conventions might be subject to "legitimate expectation". A convention would not have usually been litigable, and it was necessary for the court to demonstrate that it was in the present case: such a rule had been established in respect of Cabinet conventions in Attorney General v Jonathan Cape Ltd. Although the court ruled against the union, it was accepted that the invariable practice of the executive formed a basis for legitimate expectation.
Mézarnou was built according to the invariable plan of old Breton manors. A rectangular closed courtyard with the main edifice at the far end, on either side two longères of service buildings (the one on the right now ruined) and in front a wall more or less fortified and pierced with two unequal doors (now ruined), the cart entrance and pedestrian door. This wall, of a thickness of 1.50m, bore a gallery on corbelled constructions to which one attained access by a passage from the first floor of the defensive tower. Defence was assured by this small tower with loopholes. Manor-type of the floral gothic style, sometimes called the Queen Anne style, Mézarnou is still composed of two main buildings (corps de logis) joining at right angles, the remains of the tower that defended the gate and a portion of the wall closing the cour d’honneur.
On 17 January 1369, the church was the site of a conspiracy when some knights plotted to kill King Peter I of Cyprus. According to Kevork Keshishian, the church was in close proximity of the royal palace and thus was of great importance, and its parishioners were called "Halfcastes" as they were children of mixed marriages between the Latins and the Syrians. According to George Jeffery, although some have suggested that this building itself is the 14th-century church of St. George of the Latins, no evidence is forthcoming for such an identification, and this theory overlooks the fact that although the building much resembles a mediaeval church in appearance it does not conform to the invariable planning of such buildings. Instead of lying east and west it is built north and south in a manner which would have been almost impossible until perhaps the period of the Venetian rule.
Furthermore, the House held, by a majority, that no distinction should be drawn, when attributing characteristics for the purposes of the objective part of the test imposed by s3 Homicide Act, between their relevance to the gravity of the provocation to a reasonable man and his reaction to it. Account could be taken of a relevant characteristic in relation to the accused's power of self-control, whether or not the characteristic was the object of the provocation. But in HM's AG for Jersey v HolleyHM's AG for Jersey v Holley (2005) 3 AER 371 the Privy Council regarded Smith as wrongly decided, interpreting the Act as setting a purely objective standard. Thus, although the accused's characteristics were to be taken into account when assessing the gravity of the provocation, the standard of self-control to be expected was invariable except for the accused's age and sex.
NGC 6543 is 4.4 minutes of arc from the current position of the north ecliptic pole, less than of the 45 arc minutes between Polaris and the current location of the Earth's northern axis of rotation. It is a convenient and accurate marker for the axis of rotation of the Earth's ecliptic, around which the celestial North Pole rotates. It is also a good marker for the nearby “invariable” axis of the solar system, which is the center of the circles which every planet's north pole, and the north pole of every planet's orbit, make in the sky. Since motion in the sky of the ecliptic pole is very slow compared to the motion of the Earth's north pole, its position as an ecliptic pole station marker is essentially permanent on the time-scale of human history, as opposed to the Pole Star, which changes every few thousand years.
In Arabic there is no such choice, and the almost invariable rule is that a long vowel is written with a mater lectionis and a short vowel with a diacritic symbol, but the Uthmanic orthography, the one in which the Quran is traditionally written and printed, has some differences, which are not always consistent. Also, under influence from orthography of European languages, transliterating of borrowed words into Arabic is usually done using matres lectionis in place of diacritics, even when the latter is more suitable or when words from another Semitic language, such as Hebrew, are transliterated. That phenomenon is augmented by the neglect of diacritics in most printed forms since the beginning of mechanical printing. The name given to the three matres lectionis by traditional Arabic grammar is , ‘consonants of softness and lengthening’, or , ‘causal consonants‘ or ‘consonants of infirmity’, because as in Greek grammar, words with ‘accidents’ were deemed to be afflicted, ill, in opposition to ‘healthy’ words without accidents.
The modern kilogram has its origins in the Age of Enlightenment and the French Revolution. In 1790 an influential proposal by Talleyrand called for a new system of units, including a unit of length derived from an invariable length in nature, and a unit of mass (then called weight) equal to the mass of a unit volume of water.May 1790 Proposal Talleyrand In 1791, the Commission of Weights and Measures, appointed by the French Academy of Sciences, chose one ten-millionth of the half meridian as the unit of length, and named it metre.Rapport March 17, 1791 Ten millionth of meridianRapport july 11, 1792 Introduction of the names metre, deci-centi- milli Initially a provisional value was used, based on the meridian measurement made in 1740 by Lacaille.Decree of August 1, 1793 In 1793 the commission defined the unit of mass as a cubic decimetre of distilled water at 0 °C, and gave it the name grave.
Special Arctic design features included the rounded lines of the ship's body below the water line, an additional belt of ice-floe resistant flush skin-planking (made of oak or larch) along the variable water- line, a false keel for on-ice portage (and for damage prevention from running aground in shallow waters), and the shaft-like upper part and wide lower part (below water-line) of the rudder. Another Arctic feature was the invariable presence aboard any koch of two or more iceboats and of a windlass with anchor rope. Each iceboat had the cargo capacity of 1.5 to 2.0 metric tons (3,300 to 4,400 lb) and was equipped with long runners () for portage on ice. If a koch became trapped in the ice, its rounded bodylines below the water-line would allow for the ship, squeezed by the ice-fields, to be pushed up out of the water and onto the ice with no damage to the body.
William Gerard Hamilton said of him that Ireland never bred a more able, nor any country a more honest man. Hely-Hutchinson was, however, an inveterate place- hunter, and there was point in Lord North's witticism that if you were to give him the whole of Great Britain and Ireland for an estate, he would ask the Isle of Man for a potato garden. After a session or two in parliament he was made a privy councillor and prime Serjeant-at-law; and from this time he gave a general, though by no means invariable support to the government. In 1767 the ministry contemplated an increase of the army establishment in Ireland from 12,000 to 15,000 men, but the Augmentation Bill met with strenuous opposition, not only from Flood, Ponsonby and the habitual opponents of the government, but from the Undertakers, or proprietors of boroughs, on whom the government had hitherto relied to secure them a majority in the House of Commons.
A page from Brathwait's book that displays the qualities associated with being a gentleman The term gentleman (from Latin gentilis, belonging to a race or gens, and "man", cognate with the French word gentilhomme, the Spanish gentilhombre and the Italian gentil uomo or gentiluomo), in its original and strict signification, denoted a man of good family, analogous to the Latin generosus (its invariable translation in English-Latin documents). In this sense the word equates with the French gentilhomme ("nobleman"), which was in Great Britain long confined to the peerage. The term gentry (from the Old French genterise for gentelise) has much of the social-class significance of the French noblesse or of the German Adel, but without the strict technical requirements of those traditions (such as quarters of nobility). To a degree, gentleman signified a man with an income derived from landed property, a legacy or some other source and was thus independently wealthy and did not need to work.
But, as Sir William Napier remarked, while "money, troops, and a fleet--in fine, all things necessary to render Cádiz formidable--were collected, yet to little purpose, because procrastinating jealousy, ostentation, and a thousand absurdities, were the invariable attendants of Spanish armies and government". General Graham resolved to make an effort to raise the siege by attacking the rear of the besieging army, and in February 1811, he sailed from Cádiz with a force of upwards of 4,000 men, accompanied by 7,000 Spanish troops, under General La Pena, to whom, for the sake of unanimity, the chief command was conceded. The allied troops assembled at Tarifa, in the Straits of Gibraltar, and, moving northward, they arrived, on the morning of 5 March, at the heights of Barrosa, which were on the south of Cádiz and of the lines of the besieging army. On the instructions of the Spanish general, Graham's force moved down from the position of Barossa to that of the Torre de Bermeja, about half-way to the Santi Petri river, in order to secure the communication across that river.
Note that even Galton's ideas about eugenics were not the compulsory sterilisation or genocidal programs of Nazi Germany, but rather the encouragement of further education on the genetic aspects of reproduction, thus favoring choice of better couples for this purpose. For each tendency of society to produce negative selections, Darwin also saw the possibility of society to itself check these problems, but also noted that with his theory "progress is no invariable rule." Towards the end of Descent of Man, Darwin said that he believed man would "sink into indolence" if severe struggle was not continuous, and thought that "there should be open competition for all men; and the most able should not be prevented by laws or customs from succeeding best and rearing the largest number of offspring", but also noted that he thought that the moral qualities of man were advanced much more by habit, reason, learning, and religion than by natural selection. The question plagued him until the end of his life, and he never concluded fully one way or the other about it.
In practice, localization of the gene to a chromosome or genomic region does not necessarily enable one to isolate or amplify the relevant genomic sequence. To amplify any DNA sequence in a living organism, that sequence must be linked to an origin of replication, which is a sequence of DNA capable of directing the propagation of itself and any linked sequence. However, a number of other features are needed, and a variety of specialised cloning vectors (small piece of DNA into which a foreign DNA fragment can be inserted) exist that allow protein production, affinity tagging, single stranded RNA or DNA production and a host of other molecular biology tools. Cloning of any DNA fragment essentially involves four steps # fragmentation - breaking apart a strand of DNA # ligation - gluing together pieces of DNA in a desired sequence # transfection – inserting the newly formed pieces of DNA into cells # screening/selection – selecting out the cells that were successfully transfected with the new DNA Although these steps are invariable among cloning procedures a number of alternative routes can be selected; these are summarized as a cloning strategy.
The Regular Issues were released over a ten-year period and, with the exception of one stamp, were the only definitives in general use until 1938 when the Post Office offered the Presidential Issue. The exception, released on June 15, 1932, in anticipation of the impending rate increase on standard letters from 2¢ to 3¢, scheduled for July 6, was a 3¢ Washington regular issue stamp. Rather than designing this hurried production entirely from scratch, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing modified the 2¢ stamp from the Washington Bicentennial Issue which had been released at the beginning of the year, and already looked like a definitive. The Bureau needed only to change the numerals, to remove the stamp's sole commemorative feature (the date ribbons surrounding the portrait) and to print the stamp in the purple ink traditionally used for the 3¢ denomination. The result was that a Washington definitive issue for the normal letter rate—an invariable feature of American postage since 1870—remained continuously available to the public.
The followers of the Jain School of Thought consider knowledge as emanating from the soul to be Pratyaksha (direct cognition) and the knowledge which is inherited from the senses, Paroksha (indirect cognition); paroksha-knowledge is gained with the help of the mind and senses (Mati) or through what is heard or learnt (Shruti). According to this school Mediate knowledge (Paroksha), which is Valid knowledge (Pramana), though indistinct and devoid of perceptual vividness, is of five kinds – Recollection that determines the real nature of an object perceived in the past, Recognition that knows a present perceived object as known in the past, Induction which is knowledge of the past invariable vyapti arising from the observation of their co-presence and co-absence, Deduction or Inference (anumana) which is based on vyapti derived induction and Testimony is the knowledge of objects derived from words of reliable persons, which are all secondary sources that involve conceptualization of the object of knowledge by means of rational or analytical thought processes. Thus, Paroksha is second- hand knowledge.
One of the first to suggest defining length with a pendulum was Flemish scientist Isaac Beeckman who in 1631 recommended making the seconds pendulum "the invariable measure for all people at all times in all places".cited in Marin Mersenne, who first measured the seconds pendulum in 1644, also suggested it. The first official proposal for a pendulum standard was made by the British Royal Society in 1660, advocated by Christiaan Huygens and Ole Rømer, basing it on Mersenne's work, and Huygens in Horologium Oscillatorium proposed a "horary foot" defined as 1/3 of the seconds pendulum. Christopher Wren was another early supporter. The idea of a pendulum standard of length must have been familiar to people as early as 1663, because Samuel Butler satirizes it in Hudibras:quoted in :Upon the bench I will so handle ‘em :That the vibration of this pendulum :Shall make all taylors’ yards of one :Unanimous opinion In 1671 Jean Picard proposed a pendulum-defined 'universal foot' in his influential Mesure de la Terre.
Services using the Covenant prayer have been included in most Methodist books of liturgy since, though none was included in The Sunday Service of the Methodists; With Other Occasional Services book that Wesley published in 1784 for the use of his followers in America. Perhaps for this reason, while the Covenant service has been an invariable part of the liturgy of the British Methodist Church and its daughter churches in the Commonwealth, its use is less widespread in American Methodist denominations: Referring to the United Methodist Church, Charles R. Hohenstein notes that "covenant services are seldom encountered these days". Although Wesley's early covenant services were not held at any particular time of year, in British Methodism the custom soon developed of holding Covenant services near the beginning of the New Year, nowadays usually on the first or second Sunday of the year. This was perhaps under the influence of a different Methodist tradition, the holding of Watchnight services on New Year's Eve, in competition with the rowdy celebrations of the New Year.
This change was aided by Jewish emigration groups such as the Hilfsverein deutschsprechender Juden (later to become Asociación Filantrópica Israelita) which was based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The majority of German minorities in Latin America – as well as elsewhere around the world – experienced a decline in the use of the German language, with the exception of Brazil, where the dialect Riograndenser Hunsrückisch is being taught in schools and in some media, totaling over 200 thousand speakers spread over the Brazilian southern states. The main cause of this decrease is the integration of communities, often originally sheltered, into the dominant society, and as well as the invariable pull of societal assimilation which confronts all immigrant groups. Specific reasons for language change from German to the national language usually derive from the desire of many Germans to belong to their new communities after the end of World War II. This is a common feature among the German minorities in Latin America and those in Central and Eastern Europe: the majority of countries where German minorities lived had fought against the Germans during the war.
Epicurus, Letter to Menoeceus, §133 The Epicurean philosopher Lucretius (1st century BC) saw the randomness as enabling free will, even if he could not explain exactly how, beyond the fact that random swerves would break the causal chain of determinism. > Again, if all motion is always one long chain, and new motion arises out of > the old in order invariable, and if the first-beginnings do not make by > swerving a beginning of motion such as to break the decrees of fate, that > cause may not follow cause from infinity, whence comes this freedom (libera) > in living creatures all over the earth, whence I say is this will (voluntas) > wrested from the fates by which we proceed whither pleasure leads each, > swerving also our motions not at fixed times and fixed places, but just > where our mind has taken us? For undoubtedly it is his own will in each that > begins these things, and from the will movements go rippling through the > limbs. However, the interpretation of these ancient philosophers is controversial.
The Flemish examples have the figures engraved in the centre of a large plate, the background filled in with diapered or scroll work, and the inscription placed round the edge of the plate. The English examples have the figures cut out to the outline and inserted in corresponding cavities in the slab, the darker colour of the stone serving as a background. This is not an invariable distinction, however, as figure-brasses of Flemish origin are found both at Bruges and in England. But the character of the engraving is constant, the Flemish work being more florid in design, the lines shallower, and the broad lines cut with a chisel-pointed tool instead of the lozenge-shaped burin. The brass of Robert Hallum, bishop of Salisbury, the envoy of King Henry V to the council of Constance, who died and was interred there in 1416, precisely resembles the brasses of England in the details which distinguish them from styles elsewhere in Europe. No surviving brasses in England can be dated earlier than the late 13th century.
Daniel Robbins, 1964, > Albert Gleizes 1881 – 1953, A Retrospective Exhibition, Published by The > Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, in collaboration with Musée > National d'Art Moderne, Paris, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund Portrait of an Army Doctor (Portrait d'un médecin militaire), oil on canvas, 119.8 x 95.1 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum With regard to structural composition, Cubist Landscape and other works closely related, are of critical importance, as their rhythms anticipate Gleizes' vital principles of translation and rotation (tilting planes and circular movements).Albert Gleizes, Painting and Its Laws, summary by Peter BrookePierre Alibert, Gleizes, Naissance et avenire du cubisme, Aubin-Visconti, Edition Dumas, Saint-Etienne, October 1982, Albert Gleizes, La Peinture et ses lois, Ce qui devait sortir du cubisme, La Vie des lettres et des arts, 1922-3, 1924 in book form Rhythm and space, for Gleizes, are two vital conditions. Rhythm is a consequence of the continuity of certain phenomena, variable or invariable, following from mathematical relations. Space is a conception of the human psyche that follows from quantitative comparisons.
The fact had been known to botanists for 70 years, but had been classed as a case of mere variability, and therefore considered to be of no importance. In 1860 Darwin set to find out what it meant, since, according to his views, a definite variation like this must have a purpose. After a considerable amount of observation and experiment, he found that bees and moths visited the flowers, and that their proboscis become covered with pollen while sucking up the nectar, and further, the pollen of a long stamened plant would most surely be deposited on the stigma of the long styled plants, and vice versa. Now followed a long series of experiments, in which cowslips were fertilised with either pollen from the same kind or from a different kind of flower, and the invariable result was that the crosses between the two different types of flowers produced more good capsules, and more seed in each capsule; and as these crosses would be most frequently effected by insects, it was clear that this curious arrangement directly served to increase the fertility of this common plant.
In February 2004, McManaman was criticised by Sir Alex Ferguson after an FA Cup Manchester derby at Old Trafford for "intimidating Gary Neville" to get him sent off in a headbutt incident, adding a derogatory comment that he had no idea what other role McManaman had in the game [and possibly for Manchester City]. Off the field at City, Fowler and McManaman were caught up in a sex scandal that appeared in the News of the World following a failed attempt by the pair to gain an injunction to prevent publication, costing them £50,000 in addition to making the case look like an invariable admission of guilt. The court case came fast on the heels of football's "roasting" and rape allegations at Chelsea earlier that year and served only to exacerbate their situations and affected their reputations off and on the pitch at the club, while an incident involving Fowler and McManaman and three other players deliberately missing the team bus at Leicester also did not go down well with the fans, manager and media. In 2004, McManaman was linked to the MetroStars, who confirmed that the club were interested in him.
Words and thoughts that she flung hither and thither, without > design or intent beyond the amusement of the moment, come to me still with a > mingled thrill of pleasure and pain that I cannot describe, and that my most > friendly readers, not having known her, could not understand. Anne Elwood, from her Memoirs of Literary Ladies:Elwood(1843) > It was her invariable habit to write in her bed-room, – "a homely-looking, > almost uncomfortable room, fronting the street, and barely furnished – with > a simple white bed, at the foot of which was a small, old, oblong-shaped > sort of dressing-table, quite covered with a common worn writing-desk, > heaped with papers, while some strewed the ground, the table being too small > for aught besides the desk. A little high-backed cane chair, which gave you > any idea but that of comfort, and a few books scattered about, completed the > author's paraphernalia." Emma Roberts again: > She not only read, but thoroughly understood, and entered into the merits of > every book that came out; while it is merely necessary to refer to her > printed works, to calculate the amount of information which she had gathered > from preceding authors.
During its half-century history the Festival has been organized and managed in different ways and methods, but its invariable aim has been to offer performances by some of the best chamber artists to the Plovdiv audience. A foundation of the same name was created in the 1980s, and active members in it were the conductor Plamen Djurov, Jivko Jekov (director of the Regional Concert Agency), Georgi Ivanov, and others. The selection and preparation of the annual festival programs are performed by an advisory board, on which have served distinguished Bulgarian musicians – Anastas Slavchev, Georgi Kanev, Alexandar Spirov, Krikor Chetinyan, Julian Kujumdziev, Plina Kujumdzieva, Veselin Emanuilov, Adelina Kaludova, Julia Manolova, Polia Paunova-Tosheva, and others. In 2008 the new market circumstances for the cultural processes in the country demanded the creation and application of a statute for the preparation, organization, and realization of the Festival, as a means and grounds for its renovation and contemporary image. As defined in the established statute, the International Chamber Music Festival – Plovdiv is managed and directed by a coordinating council with the Plovdiv Municipality, presided by the Head of the Culture Department, and producer and organizer is the ‘Interart Fest’ Association.
Rome didn't want our Gothic (and was perhaps the only one in Europe to reject it) and they were right, because when one has the good fortune to possess a national architecture, the best thing is to keep it." "If you study for a moment a church of the 13th century", he wrote, "you see that all of the construction is carried out according to an invariable system. All the forces and the weights are thrust out to the exterior, a disposition which gives the interior the greatest open space possible. The flying buttresses and contreforts alone support the entire structure, and always have an aspect of resistance, of force and stability which reassures the eye and the spirit; The vaults, built with materials that are easy to mount and to place at a great height, are combined in a easy that places the totality of their weight on the piles; that the most simple means are always employed...and that all the parts of these constructions, independent of each other, even as they rely on each other, present an elasticity and a lightness needed in a building of such great dimensions.
In Langley Fox Building Partnership (Pty) Ltd v De Valence, an important case in South African law, the Supreme Court of Appeal once more affirmed that a duty cast upon a defendant might be such that it is discharged only if reasonable precautions to avoid the harm are actually taken, and that the defendant who appoints another to take those steps, and fails to do so, will be liable for the failure, although it was careful to emphasise that Stratford ACJ did not purport to say that “there might be liability as an invariable rule whenever the work entails danger to the public.” Goldstone AJA said that “the correct approach to the liability of an employer for the negligence of an independent contractor is to apply the fundamental rule that obliges a person to exercise that degree of care which the circumstances demand.” Langley Fox was another case in which the defendant employed an independent contractor to do work on its behalf. The majority of the court held that the defendant should have realised that the work was inherently dangerous, and that he was under a duty to take reasonable steps to guard against the danger.
During the opening stage of the war he took part and was wounded at the Siege of Ladysmith. He received a brevet promotion to lieutenant-colonel on 29 November 1900. In February 1901, the Commander-in-Chief in South Africa, Lord Kitchener, appointed Henderson his Director of Military Intelligence, a post he held until the end of the war in June 1902.The Second Anglo-Boer War Military Intelligence In a despatch dated 23 June 1902, Kitchener wrote how Henderson had "invariable done his best to cope with the great difficulties of his position." For his service in the war, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) in the October 1902 South Africa Honours list. His subsequent works, Field Intelligence: Its Principles and Practice (1904) and The Art of Reconnaissance (1907), did much to establish his reputation as the Army's authority on tactical intelligence. In 1911, at the age of 49, Henderson learned to fly, making him the world’s oldest pilot at that time. He formed part of the technical sub-committee of the Air Committee which helped to decide the organisation of the Royal Flying Corps, which was formed on 13 April 1912.Prins Aeroplane April 2012, p. 62.Raleigh 1922, pp. 198–199.
While the governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, was campaigning in Wales, Boudica led the Iceni and the neighbouring Trinovantes in a large-scale revolt: Boadicea and Her Daughters by Thomas Thornycroft > ...a terrible disaster occurred in Britain. Two cities were sacked, eighty > thousand of the Romans and of their allies perished, and the island was lost > to Rome. Moreover, all this ruin was brought upon the Romans by a woman, a > fact which in itself caused them the greatest shame.... But the person who > was chiefly instrumental in rousing the natives and persuading them to fight > the Romans, the person who was thought worthy to be their leader and who > directed the conduct of the entire war, was Buduica, a Briton woman of the > royal family and possessed of greater intelligence than often belongs to > women.... In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in > the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; a great mass of > the tawniest hair fell to her hips; around her neck was a large golden > necklace; and she wore a tunic of divers colours over which a thick mantle > was fastened with a brooch. This was her invariable attire.

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