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"primmest" Synonyms
prissiest starchiest stuffiest fussiest mimsiest stiffest choosiest cleanliest dapperest best nicest politest rigidest sprucest straightest squarest strictest uptightest staidest narrowest neatest tidiest trimmest crispest triggest smuggest snuggest best-groomed cleanest smartest best-kept nattiest tricksiest daintiest finickiest slickest chicest sharpest spiffiest snappiest snazziest classiest fliest swankest sassiest kickiest jauntiest smallest least smallest-minded pettiest stubbornest blindest meanest wilfullest perversest hardest deafest rabidest extremest shallowest firmest coldest unfriendliest coolest quietest silentest frigidest chilliest shiest dumbest closest iciest timidest mildest gentlest peacefullest placidest floweriest most stilted most pompous most pretentious most egotistic most inflated most affected most pedantic most bombastic most grandiloquent most overblown most magniloquent most sonorous most high-flown humblest meekest simplest plainest lowliest mousiest most unassuming most modest most unpretentious most reserved most withdrawn most diffident most demure most unaffected most bashful most reticent fullest chariest lovingest pickiest most careful most painstaking most conscientious most scrupulous most meticulous most attentive most accurate most fastidious most particular most punctilious most thorough most assiduous courtliest suavest most refined most courteous most civil most gracious most cultivated most polished most genteel most urbane most civilised(UK) most civilized(US) most sophisticated most gentlemanly most decorous most cultured most gallant most proper most mealy-mouthed most indirect most equivocal most mincing most euphemistic most hesitant most afraid most doubtful most overdelicate most restrained honestest justest purest godliest loftiest saintliest praiseworthiest soundest worthiest best-behaved proudest most righteous most dignified most equitable most honorable(US) most honourable(UK) most moral most noble brittlest frostiest winteriest(UK) clammiest wintriest(US) curtest most unsympathetic most uncordial most glacial most antiseptic most chill most frozen More

1 Sentences With "primmest"

How to use primmest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "primmest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "primmest". Mastering all the usages of "primmest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

As with most bad-taste comedies, this one has moments that will tickle even the primmest among us.

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