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"blindest" Synonyms
most purblind airiest most indiscriminate most uncritical most injudicious most mindless most prejudiced most unconsidered most undiscerning most unquestioning most unthinking most wholesale most credulous most insouciant most naive most undiscriminating most unreasoning rashest recklessest hastiest most impetuous most irrational most impulsive most senseless most heedless most inconsiderate most shortsighted most thoughtless violentest wildest rabidest fiercest maddest unruliest most ferocious most explosive most fiery most frenzied most furious most intemperate most unbridled most uncontrollable most uncontrolled most aggressive most feverish most forceful most frantic most frenetic ignorantest most inattentive most oblivious most unconscious most unperceptive most imperceptive most myopic most unaware most uncomprehending most unobservant most careless most neglectful most nearsighted coldest stoniest most insensitive most unempathetic most apathetic most heartless most uncompassionate most unfeeling most unsympathetic most indifferent most pitiless most uncaring most uncharitable most unmindful most callous most stonyhearted most cold-blooded most cold-hearted stupidest dumbest slowest densest obtusest thickest dimmest doziest stolidest most unintelligent most chowderheaded most dopey most bovine most glaikit most dim-witted most slow on the uptake highest drunkest tipsiest squiffiest booziest littest stiffest tightest wettest most wasted most plastered most hammered most inebriated most intoxicated most stoned most blitzed most bombed most smashed most inebriate most sozzled most blocked most barred most exitless most impassable most dead-end More

8 Sentences With "blindest"

How to use blindest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "blindest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "blindest". Mastering all the usages of "blindest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's feeding into everything sick and wrong about the blindest, least soulful dimensions of our culture.
But dead protesters make it hard for all but the blindest observer to say that this election shows that Zanu-PF has changed.
Labour's Brexit spokesman Keir Starmer said on Thursday the party would not support the Withdrawal Agreement alone as this would leave Britain with the "blindest of blindfold Brexits".
Didn't the Council Vatican II carry enough disastrous consequences for the Church so that even the blindest of the bishops is able to see by himself the catastrophy?
The End of History and the Last Man. New York: Free Press. p. xi. Contrastly, Nienhueser (2011) sees research (in the field of human resource management) as ongoingly "generating ideology." Slavoj Zizek has pointed out how the very notion of post-ideology can enable the deepest, blindest form of ideology.
Indeed, several years after the event, Zangwill would make the protagonist of his most important play, "The Melting Pot", a survivor of the pogrom who escapes to America after witnessing the murder of his family. The events of Kishinev also convinced Zangwill of the immediate need to find a place of Jewish refuge be it in Palestine or some other site. In commenting on the pogroms in a greeting to the Federation of American Zionists Zangwill commented: :The Kishineff massacre has brought home to the blindest the need of a publicly and legally safeguarded home for our unhappy race. When you come to consider where this centralized home should be you will find no place as practicable as Palestine, or at least for a start, its neighborhood.
Speaking on her choice to use the language, Rihanna commented, "Sometimes the ones who have sight are the blindest." During the cover's designing stage, Rihanna met with Mitchell, in which they "drank" and came up with a poem that would be used for the artwork and liner notes entitled If They Let Us. Mitchell explained the poem and its meaning to Rolling Stone magazine, stating it was about being misunderstood, but still be able to stand out while doing what is right for you. She further said that the poem speaks about not conforming to society and being a leader as well as accepting that being misunderstood is a positive thing. At the gallery, the album's back cover, along with multiple inside album artworks were revealed.
British Labour MP Ian Austin said: "Putin is an unreconstructed KGB thug and gangster who murders his opponents in Russia and, as we know, on the streets of London—and nothing announced today is going to make the blindest bit of difference." The Kremlin dismissed the Inquiry as "a joke" and "whitewash". The same day, British Home Secretary Theresa May announced that assets belonging to both Lugovoi and Kovtun would be immediately frozen and that the Metropolitan Police were seeking their extradition. The Russian Ambassador was also summoned by the British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and demands were made that Russia cooperate with the investigation into Mr Litvinenko's murder with Foreign Office minister David Liddington asserting that Russia had demonstrated "a flagrant disregard for UK law, international law and standards of conduct, and the safety of UK citizens" However, the government's response to the inquiry's results has been described by The Economist as consisting of "tough talk and little action".

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