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"echo chamber" Definitions
  1. an environment in which somebody encounters only opinions and beliefs similar to their own, and does not have to consider alternatives

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The reason Facebook created an echo chamber in the first place is because an echo chamber is what people actually want.
The parochial echo chamber of British politics has been punctured.
The platform is also susceptible to an echo chamber effect.
He gets the feedback he wants from his echo chamber.
The echo chamber effect is an important part of polarization.
That shows me for living in my liberal echo chamber!
But in a lot of cases, it's an echo chamber.
But it seems like the echo chamber is airtight, no?
The idea of a single conservative "echo chamber" seems quaint.
But the partisan echo chamber is a route to radicalization.
The company's algorithms favor the echo chamber, backing a user's bias.
No wonder Twitter's most common epithets include "echo chamber" and "cesspool."
The acoustics were going to be dreadful, like an echo chamber.
The prison's concrete, steel and plexiglass created perfect echo chamber acoustics.
For Garrett, this finding undermines the idea of an echo chamber.
The media acts as an echo chamber for these call outs.
In the echo chamber of the modern left wing, it's obvious.
But shouting into an echo chamber will not amplify our voices.
"They end up in a closed ideology echo chamber," she said.
It is creating an echo chamber in the name of connection.
A Bastion of Free Speech or an Alt-Right Echo Chamber?
" This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the "echo chamber effect.
Facebook has come under scrutiny for aggravating the echo chamber effect.
It is merely amplified within the echo chamber of irretrievable loss.
"Twitter is a tiny echo chamber," he tweeted earlier this year.
"We want to be inclusive in our echo chamber," she said.
Then they start to drip into the conservative media echo chamber.
The problem becomes that the internet can be an echo chamber.
And, of course, the media&aposs echo chamber didn&apost stop there.
And that is OK. Just don't mistake the echo chamber for reality.
The media turned into nothing but an anti-Trump nonstop echo chamber.
And so you see it as a bit of an echo chamber.
Adding my likeminded voice to the echo chamber seemed unfitting and inappropriate.
In other words, it's the perfect echo chamber for conspiracy and vitriol.
What was once Mr Silver's lonely crusade soon became an echo chamber.
Doubters could deny anything was happening while stuck in the echo chamber.
Facebook has offered lip service about breaking out of the echo chamber.
And Trump's media allies have created an echo chamber for the falsehoods.
Are executives and investors getting out of the Silicon Valley echo chamber?
Can you get outside your echo chamber enough to actually get curious?
Were they that locked in an echo chamber of the like-minded?
That's the goal: To provide balance and avoid being an echo chamber.
Students are already surrounded by an echo chamber of one-sided ideas.
Like we don't want to have that kind of distraction echo chamber.
He has as big an echo chamber as anyone in this country.
They may look big and tough in the echo chamber of social media.
The echo chamber that Facebook creates around us makes us more narrow minded.
But the echo chamber afforded by this massive network can have real consequences.
"They started radicalizing because it's kind of an echo chamber in the app."
They keep us from getting caught up in the [Silicon Valley] echo chamber.
With Yisrael Hayom and Channel 20, Mr Netanyahu has a growing echo-chamber.
Algorithms and experience design didn't combat the internet echo chamber, they strengthened it.
She said that outside the Wall Street echo chamber, things look pretty good.
That narrative is being pushed out aggressively in the conservative media echo chamber.
Born of this meeting was the echo chamber of ideas, studies, and surveys
Conspiracy theories can be stubborn, particularly in the echo chamber of the internet.
And conservative propaganda has not been confined to the right-wing echo chamber.
Now you can end up in an echo chamber without even knowing it.
And it has become an echo chamber for stories of anti-Asian discrimination.
But not on television, where Fox News is so often the echo chamber.
Leave him to rage into Twitter's echo chamber, which is all he deserves.
Is there a risk that Red Yenta can feel like an echo chamber?
Democrats can't fall into the trap of getting stuck in an echo chamber.
Not an echo chamber of liberal intellectualism, but an honest reflection of reality.
To get out of the echo chamber, I read Donald Trump's Twitter feed.
It's utterly terrifying and depressing, and I run back into the echo chamber.
The press has been an echo chamber for the prejudices of the prosecutors.
As a result, instead of a soapbox, it felt like an echo chamber.
You can tell that it had gotten outside the indie community echo chamber.
"This emphasizes the soapbox and echo chamber qualities of Twitter," says the artist.
Back when blogging about something meant 'getting validation' via the smaller internet echo chamber.
Thus, this group has been most exposed to the 'echo chamber' sort of effect.
Whether they can completely counteract the echo-chamber effect, though, remains to be seen.
It could have noted that the company indeed does have political echo chamber issues.
It won't work outside of the echo chamber that Trump is already speaking to.
But in Ithaca, the digital echo chamber is actually compounded by a physical one.
In a study last year, Facebook's scientists asserted the echo chamber effect was muted.
After all, the Davos echo chamber has an unerring knack for getting it wrong.
Because the way you make yourself better is to get outside that echo chamber.
It has kept readers of The New Yorker locked in their usual echo chamber.
The community was an echo chamber, witnesses said, and dissenters were subject to recrimination.
I just think they were living in an echo chamber and believed the worst.
But in the anti-Trump echo chamber, that's not how most people were thinking.
Are they current with the news and not just locked in an echo chamber?
We should triangulate our sources of information, seeking information outside of our echo chamber.
The report "becomes a self-referencing echo chamber," he said at the meeting on Thursday.
Conservatives have been trading lurid conspiracy theories in their own media echo chamber for ages.
Mike D's bi-weekly Beats 1 show, The Echo Chamber, is improvised around a beat.
This is exactly the kind of excuse you hear from the right wing echo chamber.
That the echo chamber effect experts have been warning us about for years is real?
Attackers almost always interact with other attackers, creating an echo chamber of thoughts and opinions.
Of course, I'm not advocating feminist separatism here or permanently entering into another echo chamber.
We ended up recording Sound House in the echo chamber at Jet Studio in Brussels.
I'm not looking for an echo chamber, I'm just looking for a level playing field.
That world is a tight and self-regarding place, an echo chamber with mirrored walls.
" It adds that the "ideological echo chamber" may become "a major risk factor for shareholders.
Granted, if you reside within the echo chamber of the industry, that effect will happen.
It is also difficult to live in the echo chamber of the North Korean broadcasts.
Mediators of knowledge have created an "echo chamber" by talking amongst themselves and quoting themselves.
Living in an echo chamber is not only sad, it can also be fairly perilous.
"You want to establish your brand outside of the California marijuana echo chamber," Witte said.
But it's unlikely the platform will become like the horrifying monstrous echo chamber that is Facebook.
We argued that the whole echo chamber phenomenon on the internet had been quite significantly overstated.
Are we getting the same intelligence from different people and it&aposs just an echo chamber.
For the most part, the #WomensMarch tweets are supportive and celebratory — and ultimately, an echo chamber.
But in the echo chamber of the conservative media, this convoluted tale is a simple conspiracy.
It's a kind of low-tech surround sound that makes the space into an echo chamber.
The memo, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," wasn't just discriminatory—it was rooted in scientific inaccuracies.
And totally ignoring it emboldens the echo chamber of people who think Zimmerman is a hero.
Of course, the echo chamber problem that you have with any social media platform is real.
When I asked myself that, I realized I was also living in my own echo chamber.
"The Front Runner," to my surprise, freed me as well from more than one echo chamber.
One of its early self-described accomplishments: creating an  "echo chamber" for like-minded liberal groups.
" RT, she said, wants to provide "a perspective otherwise missing from the mainstream media echo chamber.
Most hateful posts were ignored or only shared within a small echo chamber of similar accounts.
The irony is that will make Facebook more of an echo chamber, not less of one.
In this echo chamber, a $2100-plus million exit seems like a jumbo-sized acqui-hire.
Those whose media use looks more like an ideological echo chamber almost never split their tickets.
When listening to Melody's Echo Chamber, you can imagine yourself in that same sexually charged glow.
But on the other he worries that he is playing into an echo chamber of woe.
Part of it is the echo chamber of social media, which reflects back our own views.
To do otherwise is to promote an ethical echo chamber that rewards conformity over critical thought.
And so over time, the online echo chamber can legitimize radical ideas, including calls for violence.
The man bun has spawned an echo chamber of who-can-mock-it-more commentary online.
Did YouTube's recommendation algorithms pull him into an echo chamber of hate and vitriol against Muslims?
His tweets would be safeguarded from reproach, establishing an echo chamber filter bubble for his acolytes.
The dangers of Trump governing in an echo chamber are amplified by the state of Congress.
Well, because an echo chamber does not challenge your worldview and it cannot possibly expand it.
"The US Population outside of the echo chamber that is Washington essentially could care less," Kelly said.
Our biggest challenge, besides dealing with internet trolls, will be in not speaking to the echo chamber.
But the second reason is because they only listen to the voices in their own echo chamber.
His screed, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," went internally viral, as first reported by Motherboard on Saturday.
Part of this is the echo chamber that comes with Dallas' perpetual 8-103 ways before 2014.
"Google's Ideological Echo Chamber" wants to be a discussion of ideas about diversity through solid, ineluctable science.
Now when there is a substantive point to be made, only our echo chamber will be listening.
The city was a constant echo chamber of M16 and Kalashnikov percussion, a violent symphony of rage.
Analysis of the links Trump shares on Twitter charts a media echo chamber that is often literal.
It's also still unclear what a "fact" is, if we're to believe the media watchdog echo chamber.
Getting stuck in an echo chamber where everyone shares your opinions is easier than ever right now.
If you've ever felt like your Twitter feed is one big echo chamber, that's because it is.
After a few years working in an industry, it's easy to get caught in an echo chamber.
There are more demons in your midst than your social media echo chamber would have you believe.
Determining a group's potential importance has become even more difficult in the echo chamber of social media.
Plus, will people become members of enough diverse groups to ensure they aren't in an echo chamber?
Like Fox News, NRATV routinely parrots ultraconservative talking points, creating a familiar echo chamber for its viewers.
At other times, he came across as willfully obtuse, the product of an alt-right echo chamber.
"Some art is in its own echo chamber, speaking only to the art world," Mr. Borkson said.
Unsavory elements of Mr. Moore's persona and material slip by almost unnoticed in such an echo chamber.
The "echo chamber" effect of news consumption has also been made clear in polling by various organizations.
Most people have a Facebook feed that serves as an echo chamber for their beliefs and preferences.
Yet, we don't hear these desires because we're trapped in an echo chamber of our own creation.
As social media consumers, we should resist limiting ourselves to an echo chamber of like-minded voices.
It's not the ... Twitter, yes, but it's a bit of an echo chamber of itself, you know?
I tweeted my opinions during the political debates to the teeny tiny echo chamber of the like-minded.
Instead of listening to the actor's advice, fans were outraged that he suggested leaving the liberal echo chamber .
Stephens thinks that Trump is an outgrowth of an anti-intellectual "echo chamber" inhabited by people like Hannity.
It's all a big echo chamber in which the Trump administration hears only what it wants to hear.
Facebook is becoming an echo chamber that prevents us from being confronted with opinions we don't agree with.
Iger lambasted social media for creating an echo chamber that prevents people from being exposed to other perspectives.
Titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," it argued that biological differences might cause gender disparity in employment at Google.
But again, we live in this echo chamber that people will try to take out something you say.
Existing research shows that being in an echo chamber can make people more gullible about accepting unverified rumors.
And in her they have somebody who is an echo chamber for these values that they hold dear.
That echo chamber is what Ryan blamed for the hyper-partisanship that's come to define the presidential election.
We are basically in a hellish echo-chamber, fueled by technology, hyper-connectivity, and way too much polling.
While I do hash out my ideas with my editor, this too is an echo chamber of sorts.
Cue Monzo's Blomfield to caution me not to get too caught up in the London fintech echo chamber.
Once again, the Trump echo chamber got busy attacking Republicans who voted their conscience, deriding them as weaklings.
In the echo chamber it can be easy to forget that not everyone who listens agrees with you.
If he becomes the nominee, his challenge will be to succeed outside of the Republican base echo chamber.
Republicans are more united than the echo chamber of party elitists on the right would have you believe.
It was possible to cocoon yourself inside an echo chamber, but you really had to work at it.
But blocking critical tweeters makes his page an echo chamber, the lawsuit claims, instead of a public forum.
Twitter was a one-note echo chamber: same old Browns, bouncing from one bad idea to the next.
This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed.
Mr. Damore's memo, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," and his subsequent dismissal have exposed divisions within the company.
If tens of thousands of us show up, it will simply increase the size of the echo chamber.
The day after the election, some people said the echo chamber had begun to feel like a prison.
Daisley, it turns out, worked at Twitter, which might explain the specific echo-chamber quality of his book.
In the profile, Rhodes discussed creating an "echo chamber" of experts and journalists supportive of the Iran deal.
The Daily Beast, Bloomberg, Canada's National Post, Reuters, the New York Times and others created an echo chamber.
There's precious few foot soldiers these days, and so news has become an online echo chamber of itself.
It's possible, of course, that none of these memes or messages are reaching audiences beyond the liberal echo chamber.
Tuesday night, I watched the identical principle — groupthink within an echo chamber — play out among my Progressive American friends.
Because Facebook, for better or for worse, they have the echo-chamber problem, which is you choose your friends.
And, as with everything connected to Kaepernick, the social media echo chamber exploded with reactions on the shoes' cancelation.
So is the echo chamber afforded by social media—even when they are not being manipulated by foreign powers.
Echo chamber journalism requires angry readers and viewers who find solace in hearing one side of the Trump saga.
If it is to pick itself up, Labour will have to get its message beyond the online echo-chamber.
Facebook's algorithm and "echo chamber" or "filter bubble" or whatever it may have created did not lead to this.
"7. Peter Thiel on the political echo chamber of Facebook (I think?):"There's nobody you know who knows anybody.
Vancouver, however, is also incredibly isolated and bands from there can wind up playing amid their own echo chamber.
"We've seen too many Republicans who live in the echo chamber of the mainstream media bubble," Mr. Cruz said.
Ultimately, Warren received another round of applause from her echo chamber, while the GOP got its conservative Attorney General.
Ever since the Presidential elections, every one I know seems to be worrying about their social media echo chamber.
There is a tendency for people to shout in debates now, particularly in the echo chamber of the Internet.
President Trump hasn't exactly demonstrated a highly strategic approach to the midterms, other than screaming into an echo chamber.
The toxic echo-chamber of social media, plus untreated mental illness, help turn stalkers and oddballs into murderous maniacs.
This operates as a sort of mindset echo chamber that leads to the growth or detriment of the company.
News, politics, and pop-culture are all on the menu, with reality so sizzling it'll fry your echo chamber.
"We made sure that conservative media was aware of it, they connected the echo chamber," the former official said.
Then came employee James Damore's internal memo, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," decrying the very principle of gender equality.
The echo chamber had morphed into a full-blown alternate reality silo of conspiracy theories, fake news and propaganda.
Facebook's algorithm and whatever "echo chamber" or "filter bubble" it may have created did not lead to this result.
Others complain about local criticism of the tech industry and a left-wing echo chamber that stifles opposing views.
The thundering echo chamber built by mass and social media ensures that we'll be conscious of his every move.
The president has been bolstered by a conservative echo chamber flooding social media with video clips highlighting Biden's gaffes.
Listening to a speaker with whom you already wholeheartedly agree is a merely a visit to the echo chamber.
The Japanese government is a privileged club of hereditary politicians and their opportunistic sycophants, and a comforting echo chamber.
It's also one of Twitter's first major attempts to make its platform feel less like one big echo chamber.
Bowers' profile on Gab appeared to serve as an echo chamber for that racist, anti-Semitic and bigoted ideology.
Bowers' profile on the platform appeared to serve as an echo chamber for racist, anti-Semitic and bigoted ideology.
He bemoaned the way information flows in a digital age, and decried an echo-chamber of falsities masquerading as facts.
Instead, our platforms have us caught in an echo chamber of our own social filters, rarely exposed to new perspectives.
Sitting next to a solo friend at a bar is like being in the scariest echo chamber of all time.
On "Believe" the band intertwines several fleecy, chilly riffs and strummed parts, creating a churning swirl of an echo chamber.
It is possibly the best, the most practical way of cracking open the echo chamber, even for just fifteen minutes.
" Schiff added: "They have so hyped this ... that they've led their echo chamber into thinking that this is something extraordinary.
In both my job and my personal life, I couldn't escape into an "echo chamber" even if I wanted to.
Much has been made of liberal arts colleges specifically, and academia in general, as an echo chamber or a bubble.
Washington (CNN)Here's a key stat that shows just how much of an echo chamber many Americans are living in.
They identify their targets by placing parentheses around their names meant to connote some kind of dark, scary echo chamber.
Russian bots, the NRA echo-chamber, and so-called alt-right media personalities have all been fingered as the perpetrators.
The "echo chamber" effects of social media can deepen this problem, with the concerns of poorer, more rural Americans sidelined.
The environmental movement sometimes is an echo chamber, but we're not talking about climate change to our friends and family.
That was the first time I'd ever seen an echo chamber constructed so rapidly and distressingly, right before my eyes.
Unofficial accounts in breaking news are almost always inaccurate, and social media can amplify the echo chamber of incorrect details.
Specifically, what efforts are made to ensure that the journalists and editors involved are not operating in an echo chamber?
For those of us who were there during Watergate, the Ukraine scandal is beginning to sound like an echo chamber.
The jokes just don't work in a partisan-echo-chamber-feed world where everything is divorced from context and authorship.
We suffered 10 days of name-calling, virtue-signaling leftist fun in the echo chamber known as the mainstream media.
"A Mordida" is on view now through July 21901, 2019, and "American Echo Chamber" is on view now through Jan.
What I noticed about President Trump's Twitter feed is how it is basically ... how it works in the echo chamber.
Maybe people will gradually feel good about stepping out of the echo chamber and try to choose their words more carefully.
And they got this little, little echo chamber and they all quote themselves and they all think they&aposre so smart.
Making it much easier to repost to your feed instead of sharing something original could turn Instagram into an echo chamber.
We've known for some time that its echo chamber could be an issue in terms of exposing us to differing viewpoints.
Then came their now-infamous 2015 split, and an ugly tabloid echo chamber to gleefully document the wreckage in real time.
Are we feeding a filter bubble or echo chamber or are we actually seeing divergent — it's not diverse, but divergent abuse.
And even though Bee operates within what many critics call the "echo chamber" of liberalism, that's not something she's happy about.
One way to destroy an echo chamber is to search for the voices in the walls—the way my father did.
"We created an echo chamber," he told the Times, when asked to explain how he organized experts to endorse the deal.
There's a note of self-reflection in the Atlantic on the subject, but that's a voice outside of the echo chamber.
There's a reason it failed: Outside of Republicans' Beltway echo chamber, in competitive districts across America, voters simply didn't buy it.
Then came cable news and the early internet and access to countless news sources, and constructing an echo chamber became easier.
Few take the time to research the facts, and instead just regurgitate whatever spews forth from the digital marketing echo chamber.
The rain stays out now, but the noise stays in — creating an echo chamber and a much louder experience for everyone.
We know how echo chamber effects get amplified, and how those echo chambers may be opaque, easily infiltrated by Russian trolls.
He's also used his presidency as an endless appeal to his political base -- conducted though the right-wing media echo chamber.
Ironically, these numbers appear to run counter to the assumption that social media is an echo chamber of your own opinions.
But sometimes we can become an echo chamber within ourselves and our group of friends, with people who are like-minded.
You end up with group think, an echo chamber where people only say what they think the president wants to hear.
" But Democrats argue that Papadopoulos' testimony is not credible, and his assertions are the product of a "right-wing echo chamber.
It hasn't grasped the degree to which it lives, still, in a coastal echo chamber of identity politics and Trump-bashing.
"That is just one example of the extent to which Facebook became an echo chamber of Islamophobia" in Myanmar, Oliver said.
One of the most unnerving things about The Trump Prophecy is the degree to which it functions as an echo chamber.
Everyone competes to have their witty-yet-mournful two-sentence thesis liked to the top of the that much-discussed echo chamber.
And, of course, for the entire week, the left&aposs anti-Trump echo chamber has been on super-super-duper high alert.
Digital marketers — who, as marketers, really should be cynical enough to know better — have fallen into an echo chamber of meaningless buzzwords.
Over the weekend, a firestorm ignited online after news about an internally distributed Google memo, entitled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," went public.
Some updates are major, like adding Stories, while other subtle tweaks aim to make the user experience less of an echo chamber.
Do we want to live in an echo chamber, or do we want to be bombarded by negative, and sometimes hurtful content?
Often dismissed as an echo chamber, social media can still be an indicator for future polling and the direction of the electorate.
Cons: Facebook's algorithm is tuned to show you what you would like, whether it's puppy videos or a Donald Trump echo chamber.
" Universities in America, according to Sessions, are increasingly " echo chamber[s] of political correctness and homogeneous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.
My thought bubble: The Trump administration should be given credit for breaking into the echo chamber that conferences like this often foster.
"An echo chamber suggests that someone who doubts climate science should be trying to stay well clear" of the field, he said.
Because it was so clear that social media could have a greater impact by making sure we're not being the echo chamber.
I use a news aggregator app, and click a lot of articles from the liberal echo chamber that is my Facebook feed.
And they get caught in an echo chamber — they lean towards and absorb news that agrees with and confirms their own sensibilities.
It's irresponsible for Facebook to give people such a powerful megaphone for personal expression, only to lock them inside an echo chamber.
But in 2015, when looking for Series B funding, Lawrence found what he describes as an "annoying echo chamber" among venture capitalists.
He said in the controversial article that he "created an echo chamber" of support for Obama's nuclear deal with Iran last year.
It's being called the Pauline Hanson "social media echo chamber" and it's the weirdest thing you'll see on the internet all day.
However, platforms like Facebook and Twitter have a different issue, sometimes referred to as the "Facebook bubble" or as an echo chamber.
The result is that while the right has a distinctive and powerful foreign policy echo chamber, the left has no real equivalent.
But there's also a risk that this dialogue with technology becomes little more than an echo chamber, too insular and self-validating.
There's also not much evidence for the echo chamber effect, at least not in the way people tend to think of it.
The same goes with rehashing a problem over and over again, whether with friends or in the echo chamber of the internet.
Networks are fighting for greater audience shares based on formulaic coverage — offering echo-chamber analysis to fit the ideological preferences of viewers.
I even discovered one called Collusion, a word that reverberated through the political echo chamber for the first half of the year.
It answers their years-long complaints that the Obama administration was creating an echo chamber and shutting out dissenting voices from panels.
But you just can't let it be the only thing in the echo chamber, otherwise a lot of people tune you out.
For all the talk of social media as a political echo chamber, many of us willingly go where we'll find people like ourselves.
Hannity and Stephens see themselves as opposed, but the truth is that they're both part of the same "echo chamber" Stephens ironically decries.
Most jokes follow some kind of viral template — which is (one of) the reasons the platform often feels like a cursed echo chamber.
In early August, a Google engineer named James Damore posted a document titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber" to an internal online discussion group.
We grew complacent, secure in our own echo-chamber, convinced that global trade is a modern inevitability and not reckoning the human cost.
The building only has 7 floors so it's dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers—as a result the towers create a natural echo chamber.
"It becomes an echo chamber for only supporters to be heard, which creates a false impression of public opinion," Fallow told BuzzFeed News.
On Saturday, a lengthy memo titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber" written by Damore spread quickly among employees before being leaked to the press.
"This speaks to this ecosystem where people are able to leverage their hateful propaganda and ideas within their concentrated echo chamber," Segal said.
Together, they create an online echo chamber that amplifies anti-Western messages and helps propel a few individuals on their journey towards murder.
In Douthat's view, the liberal echo chamber has gotten louder, but it's only insulated the left from the political realities outside the bubble.
My theory is that Republicans are so fully cocooned in their ideological echo chamber that they don't realize they're making a damning admission.
Facebook gets a lot of flack for just reinforcing your world views in its News Feed echo chamber instead of challenging your opinions.
A new browser extension could help make your Facebook feed feel a little less like an echo chamber for your own political beliefs.
Do you ever notice you just get a little Sinatra going and all of the sudden it's just an echo chamber in there?
Damore's memo, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," argued that the internet search giant's efforts to improve diversity among its software engineers was misguided.
CNN, MSNBC and others made massive profits off the echo-chamber coverage of the deepening collusion case supposedly to be made by Mueller.
The first is the echo chamber of loathing toward President Trump, which affects perceptions regardless of what the tax reform bill actually does.
For example, Facebook has automated story selection for its custom news feed; for political news this tends to foster an echo-chamber effect.
At the time, I discounted the conspiratorial talk as a product of the Facebook echo chamber that became so powerful in this election.
Elif Batuman once proposed that writers didn't read enough great literature in MFA programs, but the echo-chamber problem goes further than that.
The problem is, that creates something of an echo chamber where, "acoustically, what happens in the subway station stays in the subway station."
Polls show it works — wonderfully, among Rs.  This powerful echo chamber is one of the few parts of Trumpworld that's perfectly in sync.
Melody Prochet of Melody's Echo Chamber does a great job of building upon that work done by experimental "French Disko" acts like Stereolab.
Finally, I want my daughter to think about the larger world, beyond the echo chamber that narrowly reflects her own experiences and views.
The scene seems plotless, timeless, placeless, an Elysian echo-chamber: the 19th-century prototype of the 20th century's many non-narrative classical ballets.
Theatergoers acquainted with Albee's play (and the byzantine mazes of academic theory) will savor this production's dizzy echo chamber of words and visuals.
Your newspaper reflected back an image of the world that you already held to be true – a colonial echo chamber, as it were.
Third, the media echo chamber has, I think, made it more difficult for people to express their political views, especially to live interviewers.
Shulski suggested she understands why many Nebraskans don't trust the science, especially if they don't hear anything different within their own echo chamber.
In the democratic context of the US government, the President now appears to be trying to create a similar echo chamber for himself.
So Eminem and other celebrities will continue to blast Trump, and the trained seals in the entertainment and media echo chamber will clap.
Full of robust dialogue, safe spaces are not a bubbled-wrapped echo chamber, but a places where "civility and mutual respect" actually matter.
But more importantly, Ben Rhodes explained it to us when he said they had created an echo chamber of compliant, obsequious and toady journalists.
If anything, it might help make your Facebook feed less of an echo chamber and set us all on a positive course for change.
Which means without intervention, a search engine can become an echo chamber that upholds unconscious biases and perpetuates them further with each new search.
If you don't see enough of it, you're in an echo chamber and need a wider circle of friends — people who disagree with you.
Conversely, the findings also provide statistical support for the idea of Twitter (and social media more generally) as a political echo chamber, in particular.
A study conducted by Lancaster University that concluded that Google's search engine creates an echo chamber for negative stereotypes regarding race, ethnicity and gender.
Similarly, being outside the tech echo chamber that ensnares many startups and causes them to lose touch with their customers can be highly beneficial.
Yet the venture capitalists who backed the company defended it, promising that the business looked healthier than what the Silicon Valley echo chamber hypothesized.
Too often we all bolt ourselves into an echo chamber, which I think lacks courage, and can lead to a kind of intellectual conceitedness.
As for the World Economic Forum in Davos, he said that over the last 10 years it had become an echo chamber of sorts.
The document, reportedly titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," appears to have begun circulating in the company Friday night when Motherboard first reported the news.
" She added, using a phrase that has become commonplace among critics of our political milieu, "They end up in a closed ideology echo chamber.
Finally, the right-wing echo chamber—particularly talk radio and Fox News—has been instrumental in determining the nature of the modern Republican Party.
What they found was that engaging with attackers, or fighting back, more often resulted in a better outcome, perhaps by diminishing the echo chamber.
Everything devolves into screaming matches on social media, a deafening echo chamber that spirals further and further into dark places while nothing gets solved.
Although there have also been some counter claims floating around academic circles in recent years that imply the echo chamber impact is itself overblown.
But when Facebook changes its algorithm — which it does routinely — does it have guidelines to make sure the changes aren't furthering an echo chamber?
Using it felt less like having a conversation with a helpful colleague and more like standing in a hellish echo chamber of dissonant voices.
Law enforcement officials said the postings could lead to a kind of echo chamber and prompt residents to call the police with false alarms.
In the article, Rhodes appeared scornful of Washington journalists and nuclear experts, and claimed to have built an "echo chamber" to sell the deal.
Social media can often be an echo chamber, where views your hear and articles you read are just there to reaffirm your own beliefs.
You may end up in a hellish echo chamber with a million people asking to be let out, like NHS employees were in 2016.
The update gives the user full control over this new echo chamber, where they can choose to let algorithms filter out potentially hateful comments.
Alternatively, it may break up the echo chamber he has been living in and remind him of the widely admired reformer he once was.
As I watched this election season unfold, I wanted to gain a better understanding of the power of the Trump social media echo chamber.
So don't let your Twitter be an endless echo chamber of your feet on a beach, longreads you fav'd, and remixes of "Damn Daniel".
The all-white echo chamber where you received your information had so distorted your ability to see that you were temporarily blinded from reason.
"The Kremlin has been tirelessly building a media echo chamber that shuts out critical voices," Mr. Krivosheev said, "both inside Russia and from abroad."
A space devoted to quiet reflection on the written word is also just so much nicer than, say, an echo chamber of negative covfefe.
I wrote a work of fiction that I hoped would be a bridge, because I felt that screaming into the echo chamber wasn't working.
The documents show just how influenced Giuliani and his associates Lev Parnas and Robert F. Hyde were by the right-wing online echo chamber.
Devin Ilaw, as Kim's nasty betrothed, is the show's strongest singer, and his talent survives even an echo chamber effect for his final appearance.
This confidence could make for intemperate and reckless decisions as he surrounding himself with an echo chamber of advisors who will not challenge him.
It's the responsibility of those who do this work to make sure that you share it, that it's not this echo chamber of conversation.
You've traveled a lot in recent years, saying Silicon Valley is an echo chamber and you can get a better feel for consumer trends elsewhere.
There is a lot of talk of generational shift (it's a trend, and the collections are an echo chamber), but the ground is still moving.
Only looking at posts from one political party or news organization can turn your feed into an echo chamber, filtering out any diversity of views.
There's currently very little transparency into the extend of our diversity programs which keeps it immune to criticism from those outside its ideological echo chamber.
Fifty-two percent of Republicans, in fact, don't accept this fact, and they don't accept it because they don't have to in their echo chamber.
Combine that echo chamber effect with deliberate deployment of politically motivated bot accounts and the platform can be used to enhance social divisions, they suggest.
The man has a long history of publishing anti-Semitic, racist, and xenophobic propaganda—and oversaw Breitbart's evolution into an echo chamber for white nationalists.
"We used to talk about blogs and the echo chamber of blog, reading what they're comfortable with and not leaning across the aisle," said Sreenivasan.
America has relied on the press as a viable, institutional check on political power, not simply a propaganda tool or an echo chamber of opinions.
This campaign, on the other hand, feels more like a real contest, one removed from the echo chamber that has consumed this year's presidential election.
Truthfully, I'm guilty of living in my own little echo chamber sometimes, so I have to stay aware of everything going on outside of myself.
"I think the big question about social media is to what extent it amplifies the echo chamber of our own opinions and thoughts," says Andrew.
Do they go to the movies and read books, or are they just reading trades and magazines and staying inside the echo chamber of advertising?
"This speaks to this ecosystem where people are able to leverage their hateful propaganda and ideas within their concentrated echo chamber," the ADL's Segal said.
When I press Fidden about this potential echo chamber effect that could come from conspiracists dating one another, he dips into his own personal experience.
There's currently very little transparency into the extent of our diversity programs which keeps it immune to criticism from those outside its ideological echo chamber.
Twitter functions much like an echo chamber dependent on likes and retweets, and gaining notoriety is as easy as finding someone to agree with you.
One thing I wanted to show was how keeping these women in that unit trapped them for years in the echo chamber of Manson's manipulations.
After some early turbulence, Fox quickly got in line and has become something like state TV, an echo chamber for the president's point of view.
It's a step away from the echo chamber that journalism has become and a tilt toward a public square that welcomes a competition of ideas.
In the now-viral document entitled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," Damore asserts that women are biologically ill-equipped to handle the rigors of the tech industry.
Motherboard first reported on Damore's memo, entitled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," early on Saturday morning, after multiple Google employees took to Twitter to voice their concerns.
The efforts of those who speak out against Amazon seem to be influencing others as well, even if it's contained within the echo chamber of Twitter.
In the modern political context, heterodoxy has been adopted by conservative groups concerned about what they view as a suffocating echo chamber in the liberal academy.
I say it is ingenious though, because emphasizing content from family and friends is really just a method of insulating a user's echo chamber even further.
That will require leadership and determination of a kind she demonstrated but that is in short supply in the social-media echo chamber of our times.
A lot of the work that I do is trying to wake people up to make those first steps to thinking outside their own echo-chamber.
But no matter how out-of-hand the whining, fretting, and kvetching gets in the nerd internet echo chamber, they're not going to just fade away.
It's a little weird at first because when you speak it sounds like you're in a small echo chamber, but I quickly got used to it.
Social media and especially YouTube provide the forum, the impetus, and an echo chamber sufficient to turn the angst of a minority into a deafening howl.
Trying to capture and profit off of relevance in a veritable echo chamber of Twitter timelines, blogs, and SoundCloud embeds is a struggle most artists face.
More evidence of an echo chamber Partisans are also more likely to say the news they get from family and friends online represents just one side.
The charged atmosphere helps explain why "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber", a memo by a young software engineer, James Damore, has caused such a stir (see article).
The memo labelled the conspirators "The Echo Chamber" (after a phrase used in a magazine profile of Ben Rhodes, former deputy national security advisor to Obama).
The misinformation spread through the echo chamber of the web and social media is the symptom — not the source — of a much deeper and systemic problem.
I expressed my own concerns about Stephens after his hiring, but I support the general principle of busting up the mostly liberal echo chamber around here.
"The idea that conservative ideas are dumb is so preposterous that you have to live in an echo chamber to think of it," Sunstein told me.
A willingness to join in assumptions of Clinton's guilt is a litmus test for anyone entering the conservative echo chamber on talk radio and the internet.
Similarly, when we reanalyzed our original research on those half a million public tweets, we found a slightly stronger echo-chamber effect among conservatives than liberals.
There is clearly an echo-chamber element to the anti-Soros campaigns around the world, as far-right groups pick up on the same conspiracy theories.
I've spent so much of my career dealing with the "enterprise" side of security, and that inevitably becomes a bit of a bubble or echo chamber.
The echo chamber first affirms your ideas, then it amplifies them, and you can start to believe the worst things about people you don't agree with.
While Trump hasn't tweeted about the slight, it's probably coming: Fox News and other corridors of the right-wing echo chamber are buzzing with the news.
In David Gordon's "The Matter," the same stage space becomes the echo chamber of the Gordon mind — not unlike the echo chambers of our own minds.
Inside the echo chamber of establishment Republican political operatives and their friends in the press, Marco Rubio triumphed in the debate by finally jabbing at Trump.
It can be an echo chamber but at least it's a fun one where the world can gather to celebrate incredible achievements or make terrible jokes. Together.
Do you think the Davos bubble the Davos echo chamber actually gets the message that there's some real problems out there and they need resolving very quick.
It's a platform he thought would have a wider impact than the insular community—"an echo chamber," he said—they had previously formed on Facebook and Instagram.
What yesterday marks is the first time Barr's tweets — those thoughts cast out in the echo chamber of the internet — had tangible repercussions in the real world.
"You can see the echo chamber of Roger in other men who we are forced to contend with now politically," Bloom said pointedly, without mentioning Donald Trump.
Those don't get clicks, and so opinion seems to become important, but there are a lot of problems with what we see in the echo chamber Twitter.
I want to touch on several things that mostly old news, but were treated kind of new news in this sort of great cable information echo chamber.
How much should Patreon promote already-popular creators who might have better conversion rates even if it makes the site into a bit of an echo chamber?
The development of the bubble or echo chamber, for instance, would have been difficult to predict when our social media systems weren't also our news-gathering systems.
The last thing anybody needs is an isolated echo chamber of confirmation bias, narrowing their ability to observe, listen, and learn from experiences different from their own.
Stuck fast in the liberal nu-media echo chamber of my Twitter timeline and Facebook feed, I'd forgotten that, for some, this wasn't bad news at all.
NBC host Chuck Todd said Sunday that the "Roger Ailes-created echo chamber" created the environment that has led to the public believing the media is biased.
"The conservative echo chamber created that environment," Todd said on "Meet The Press" while responding to an argument about the media's favorability from CBN News's David Broidy.
But if you want to run to a friend to discuss the latest outbreak cluster or your family's contingency plans, try not to create an echo chamber.
Psychological safety is built on mutual respect and acceptance, but unfortunately our culture of shaming and misrepresentation is disrespectful and unaccepting of anyone outside its echo chamber.
"When you get to college, it's almost like this echo chamber where you see other women excelling in the sport with very low body weight," she said.
The Expos ranked last in the N.L. in attendance in each of their final seven seasons, and Zeile said Olympic Stadium sounded hollow, like an echo chamber.
In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.
The bill also allows personalization based on users' friends lists, video channel subscriptions, or other knowingly provided preferences, which would allow for a pretty significant echo chamber.
And in a section of the show, "The Art-Historical Landscape," Dong presides over a star-studded echo chamber of acolytes, who emulate him emulating earlier art.
"What he's done is create an echo chamber, and it makes it seem that public opinion of him is much better than it is," Mr. LeGate said.
Once a place of "robust debate," America's public universities have become, "an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos," said Sessions.
In essence, it will be the perfect AI-created echo chamber -- where each person will be an audience of one, connected to others who are always agreeable.
Confirmation bias and our social media bubble interact to create a personalized and distorted echo chamber that, without fact checking, can drift away far from the truth.
Steinberg, who said he was in favor of remaining in the European Union, urged tech leaders to do more to address the echo chamber on social media.
It found that in one experiment, traders surrounded by a diverse set of ideas — good and bad — returned 30% more than their friends in an echo chamber.
What had started as an idealistic, post-election attempt to break out of my online political echo-chamber was clearly, at that point, not helping my mental health.
That feed is designed to boost the engagement Twitter has been desperately seeking, though it perhaps encourages some of the worst echo-chamber behavior on the site.[Slate]
It described an inchoate form of terrorism in a surprising way: not as isolated acts inspired by an internet echo chamber, but as something like an organized movement.
Although the G7 is IP68 dust and water resistant, LG has devised a new Boombox speaker, which uses the inner space inside the phone as an echo chamber.
If so, the echo chamber will intensify as Facebook and other services may find themselves hosts to chilled speech under the de facto sway of countless angry mobs.
Today we should be wary that our worst fears are as likely to be stoked by the echo chamber of social media as they are to be real.
"You know, we've seen too many Republicans that live in the echo chamber of the mainstream media bubble, that live in the world of political correctness," he said.
In the echo chamber that has come to stand for news reporting, multiple news outlets are reporting on the same issue this week, all citing the same reporter.
The scientific literature suggests that people in positions of power are even worse at it, perhaps because they are living in their own echo chamber of ingratiating laughter.
Seems like your standard attempt to create an echo chamber of support ... until it was pointed out that The Knife is linked to a sex cult called NXIVM.
An overwhelming number of new startups are created in heavily concentrated markets like Silicon Valley, which can make it difficult to find unbiased feedback outside the echo chamber.
In the echo chamber of the internet, the demise of skhothane subculture was spelled out amid a haze of moralizing, art world hot air and pseudo-sociological analysis.
Last month, Slate's David Auerbach argued that the echo chamber of social media had helped push Democratic voters to the left, creating fertile ground for the Sanders revolution.
That echo chamber has, in turn, led Hong Kong society itself to become more polarized, even between "husband and wife, between parents and kids, between friends," says Tien.
This dangerous cycle perpetuates disinformation since we almost always don't take the time to independently verify what we read and view to be true in the echo chamber.
Read more " _____ • Kellogg School of Management: "Even people who start out holding two points of view at the same time can very quickly go into an echo chamber.
The tennis circuit can be an echo chamber where the same questions and themes reverberate from week to week as the locations change, but the protagonists do not.
Google's decision to fire an engineer, James Damore, for writing on a memo on the company's "ideological echo chamber" has spurred questions about its commitment to free speech.
With this partisan rhetoric, the echo chamber vacuum fills with zero-sum visions pitting conservative versus liberal, urban versus rural, white collar versus blue collar, and so on.
Well, by sticking the pipes together, we can open up extra space in our throats, which acts like an echo chamber to amplify sound to help us talk.
And that complication, in turn, could lead us to another revelation: that those who live outside our echo chamber might also be more complicated than we have imagined.
A vast echo chamber of blogs, "news" sites, radio stations, cable news shows, and Facebook groups takes each one of these mini faux scandals and amplifies the signal.
The highway overpass there at Claiborne and St. Bernard avenues acts as a concrete echo chamber and is where brass bands make sure to play their best songs.
Titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," the memo argues that the reason women are underrepresented in the tech industry has to do with "biological causes" between men and women.
Often without realizing it, a lot of us chose to live in an echo chamber, a place where it can seem like everyone on earth is just like us.
It's made even worse when you consider that they seem to exist within an echo chamber: Male political reporters retweet other men three times more than their female colleagues.
Keith Ellison, Labor Secretary Tom Perez and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg are leading a race for Democratic National Committee chair that often sounds like an echo chamber.
But it's also garnered plenty of support among those who agree with his arguments and those who sympathize with his claim that Google has fostered an ideological echo chamber.
Then we're where we started, except for what it appears to be a minority of users who are already trying to ditch the echo chamber in the first place.
The Western intelligentsia, snug in its echo-chamber, has done a dismal job of understanding what is going on, either dismissing populists as cranks or demonising them as racists.
While Arena lauds the talent infusion at the youth levels in the American program, his biggest complaint is about the echo chamber atop the executive level at U.S. Soccer.
The noise in the echo chamber of doom keeps getting louder, helped by reports that the German government might step in to help the bank (which officials have denied).
When it comes to assessing the law, Americans are caught in an echo chamber in which the din of party elites and activists drowns out their positive personal experiences.
But the idea has nevertheless persisted, elevated by a right-wing echo chamber that has long pushed the notion that its views are being suppressed by powerful liberal elites.
Narcissistic, where you live in an echo chamber and you believe all the lies that your own side puts out and you're not open to any kind of discussion.
Just like with Obamacare, he's trying to save the nation from a disaster he's creating, a feat of propaganda that only works on those trapped in his echo chamber.
Trump weighed in heavily in favor of DeSantis during the primary, who is now deeply in his debt.. I don't want a Trump echo chamber for governor in Florida.
Some cite the exorbitant cost of living in San Francisco ... Others complain about local criticism of the tech industry and a left-wing echo chamber that stifles opposing views.
Those who have lived on the streets and gone through the legal system say the homeless in Montreal are caught in a weird echo-chamber of the city's making.
In the profile of the 38-year-old former fiction writer, Rhodes is quoted as boasting about creating an "echo chamber" of experts and journalists supportive of the deal.
Just as the internet can act as a (very dangerous) political echo chamber, it can also function as a "Bachelor" hall of mirrors, wherein the franchise's offshoots become unavoidable.
Hillary Clinton scornfully praised the "right-wing echo chamber" for its skill in using Facebook and other media to dominate America's political conversation and prop up President Donald Trump.
The concern with a news app that relies on social curation is that it can create an echo chamber — users may end up reading only the news they prefer.
Biased reporting feeds the echo chamber And as Americans have become increasingly entrenched in their own positions, they are also ever more skeptical of the media's claims of neutrality.
He's been courting his congressional allies with golf, a World Series game and frequent phone calls — all to develop an echo chamber of support from his allies in Congress.
"Psychological safety is built on mutual respect and acceptance, but unfortunately our culture of shaming and misrepresentation is disrespectful and unaccepting of anyone outside its echo chamber," he wrote.
In fact, beta-tester blogs say it's very common for engineers to test in an echo chamber and get slapped when the wider world tries to use their product.
There is also a conservative media where the echo chamber is so strong that the space for pushback against politicians who go too far within their own ranks has weakened.
Otherwise, the Knight Institute argues, the government could turn the marketplace of ideas into an echo chamber, where the only opinions heard are favorable to the president and his administration.
If Trump and his advisers are fooling themselves into believing otherwise, that's a more interesting fact about the administration's internal echo chamber than it is a convincing analysis of reality.
Online amateur sleuth groups playing "collective detective" succumbed to echo-chamber effects, fantasies, and disinformation, leading to false accusations, harassment, and the grafting of conspiracy theories onto tragic news stories.
But while these features and services are useful, they are unlikely to change the minds of those who have already been exposed to the echo-chamber effect for many years.
"I agree that there is an ideological echo chamber inside Google (I'm a SWE there)," one self-identified Google engineer, called Ida, wrote in a blog post on Y Combinator.
That is why, to keep the cracks from spreading and eventually bringing down his edifice of strength, Trump relies on his echo chamber in the alt-fact media and blogosphere.
He couldn't believe fans would move from attacking films they didn't like to saying the maker of them "raped their childhood"; he decried the effects of the internet echo chamber.
In the article, Rhodes appeared contemptuous of journalists and prominent Washington foreign policy think tanks and boasted about creating an "echo chamber" of support for the nuclear deal with Iran.
Rather than listening to the blather coming out of the Washington echo chamber for more confrontation and less engagement with Moscow, President Trump should listen to his inner Ronald Reagan.
Celebrating the unique visions of masculinity in the show is huge, but I also hope we reach people (read: men) outside of that echo chamber and hopefully open some minds.
The "echo chamber" trope is lazy and inaccurate – I've personally learnt a huge amount from people on Twitter, and often this has led to my political views changing as well.
All these factors now fueling the crisis of democracy were supercharged by social media, an echo chamber that can magnify discontent so loudly that it can block out reasonable debate.
It's a lesson we should have learned from the run-up to the Iraq war, when the reporting was too often from the Washington echo chamber rather than the field.
"That was when we started discussing how to moderate all these similar posts without the whole subreddit turning into an all virus, all the time echo chamber," says moderator Addy.
During the three months he was in Twin Falls, City Council members refused his interview requests, leaving him stuck inside an echo chamber with the activists, which he amplified online.
The memo, called "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," caused an uproar in Silicon Valley and beyond — and also became, for the right, a symbol of the industry's intolerance of ideological diversity.
People rarely appreciate their ignorance, because they lock themselves inside an echo chamber of like-minded friends and self-confirming newsfeeds, where their beliefs are constantly reinforced and seldom challenged.
I did not call for Obama to be impeached, but that is par for the course in the echo chamber today in which the facts must conform to the frenzy.
While second-wave activists worry that their practical agenda will be lost to the echo chamber of internet comment sections, young women feel that their concern for inclusivity is neglected.
Consider the social network's "echo chamber" problem: Users typically see content they're inclined to like and agree with in their News Feed, because that's how Facebook keeps them coming back.
"This feels like a very real-world manifestation of what can happen when you're in an echo chamber," said The Times's Michael Gold, who has reported on the recent outbreak.
"A city is never a passive environment: it is an echo chamber for all the vibrations constantly created and modulated by its inhabitants," Ha Thuc wrote in her curatorial statement.
There are just men on various online forums celebrating violence and forming a mutually supportive echo chamber that justifies harming others, especially women, in the name of the incel uprising.
This is what a lot of people have set up for themselves on social media, though some may not even know it or have intended to create their own echo chamber.
For Twitter users already immersed in conspiracies, particularly those that incubate so successfully on the far right, does this feed offer yet another echo chamber disguised as a neutral news source?
"I think part of the job in public service is not just living in your own echo chamber where you talk to your own supporters about their views," Gaetz told CNN.
Trump supporters rely heavily on Fox News as their primary source of information, which means even well-sourced, powerful reporting about Trump's mistakes likely won't penetrate the Fox News echo chamber.
While Mallory's mentions on Twitter are still full of calls for her to step down, outside of the dramatic echo chamber of social media, the work on the ground has continued.
We know what we don't want: people shouldn't immerse themselves in an echo chamber of agreeing voices, but neither should they have stuff forced upon them by a paternalistic news overseer.
Once we do, we will break out of our comfortable echo chamber and open up new worlds of opportunity for ourselves — and more importantly, for the people we make things for.
In August 2017, Google engineer James Damore published a viral memo filled with sexist rhetoric and complaints about Google's diversity policies, claiming the company suffered because it's an ideological echo chamber.
The track is an echo chamber, a hall of mirrors, the type a singer could easily get lost in, disappear into, you wouldn't even notice, but Aretha won't let it happen.
Inside the resulting echo chamber, it becomes harder and harder to tell if readers hated a piece because it was poorly written, or because they didn't like its point of view.
Beyond creating a boisterous echo chamber, the real metric of success for Shareblue, which Mr. Brock said has a budget of $2 million supplied by his political donors, is getting Mrs.
That same screen provides easy access to surround oneself with an echo chamber that allows for an ever growing sense of entitlement to impose one's opinion on others above all else.
Still, the media&aposs echo chamber blowing up over something rooted, illegal precedent, backed up by real constitutional scholars, and yet something that has not ever happened and probably won&apost.
They reside in their own echo-chamber bubble of indignation about everything from "New York values" (urban, ethnic rights, LGBT, social justice), to the war on Christmas and Black Lives Matter.
The fact that Lynch's directive in wording neatly aligned with the Clinton campaign's own downplaying of the seriousness of the crime was lost on no one outside a partisan echo chamber.
My classmates and I are so caught up in the liberal echo chamber of our affluent Northeastern suburb that we are blind to the ideological diversity that exists in our nation.
A young white man googles "black-on-white crime," discovers the white supremacist echo chamber that search algorithms open up to him and nine people lie murdered in a Charleston church.
But perhaps broadening the network's viewer base isn't such a horrible thing if the echo chamber MSNBC created in 2014 with one opinion show after another sounding like a Nickleback album.
Trump may not fit the pattern of online activity that leads so many men to the alt-right fold, but he has planted himself within an online alt-right echo chamber.
And perhaps what matters most to Mr. Gordon — even more than the endlessly ambiguous overlaps of life and art — is the way the present is the echo chamber of the past.
But before rushing to join that consensus, note that this exact same echo chamber proclaimed Rubio the winner of a number of early debates for taking precisely the opposite strategic approach.
"You can't compare the findings of a phase 2 trial with the echo chamber of personal experience that is the Internet," wrote Dr. Jennifer Gunter, an OB/GYN, on her blog.
In recent days, critics have called out social media companies for helping create a so-called "echo-chamber" in people's feeds and the role of fake news in whipping up voter enthusiasm.
First of all, on Reddit, when you're talking about fake news specifically, it's less of a problem for us because there's less echo-chamber behavior because we do have these shared spaces.
"The whole thing leaves us as a deep strategic disadvantage to the Trump administration that is willing to shout these lies in the right wing echo chamber, and they have succeeded," Rep.
But I also think that that does lead to an echo chamber sometimes where there is more drama externally than there is internally That being said, to hone in on your question.
World Potus During an election cycle, when the Internet becomes an echo chamber shaped to feed your specific interests and biases, it's easy to forget that other people, places, and opinions exist.
"De Quincey's writing," she notes, "always resounds like an echo chamber;" the clauses ricochet off each other, spiraling upwards, occasionally creating cacophony but more often a swelling noise of terror and awe.
This has led to an echo chamber of the same quotes being churned out by increasingly bored drivers as they go from one crew to another, which isn't good for broadcasters either.
All that contributes to the fact that Twitter often feels like one big echo chamber with the same groups mostly talking to each other, while most Twitters users sit back and watch.
If the exchanges fail, Democrats and their echo chamber in the media will just blame Republicans and President Trump — even though health insurers, including United Healthcare, began their exodus back in 2015.
The New Zealand suspect's 74-page manifesto offers a roadmap to understanding that language — and to understanding how the far-right online echo chamber can turn into real-world hatred and violence.
And from my side, and maybe I was in my echo chamber, but on my feed it was people just being like can you stop evaluating games on this scale of progressivism.
In many ways, he lives in an echo chamber of his own making, an approach to the presidency that will be strenuously tested as Mr. Trump begins his campaign for re-election.
His government now oversees state-owned news outlets, while his allies control most of the country's private media sources, creating a virtual echo chamber for Mr. Orban's far right, anti-immigrant views.
A significant amount of fake news can be found on Facebook, and for many users, Facebook has become a large echo chamber, where people merely seek out information that reinforces their views.
"What we'd like to ask each Republican senator to do is step outside of the D.C. echo chamber for a minute, have a piece of cake, and remember what's good," Bishopp said.
The problem with today's stratified, echo-chamber-oriented viewing environment is that many of those who might have their eyes opened by these projects are probably the least likely to see them.
The development of the modern conservative media echo chamber began with the rise of Rush Limbaugh and talk radio in the late 1980s and ramped up with the birth of Fox News.
The type of journalist I'm thinking about is the type who because of the echo chamber of his or her social group, never saw this coming, despite the incredible amounts of warnings.
Young Londoners from marginalized communities are becoming increasingly trapped in a deadly echo chamber, a blinkered zone of narrowing horizons and artificial social media beefs, where reputation is an all-consuming currency.
Solberg, for instance, uses the unique offerings of the studio to create an immersive installation in Zappa's custom-made echo chamber, while Yellin layers hand-picked fabrics into a malleable and sensory structure.
"Damore also claimed "most that see the progressive echo chamber for what it is support me" and said Google could not address his allegations right now because the topic was too "emotionally charged.
Mostly, he advises we get out of the echo chamber: "If you go into an Andrew Bolt opinion piece and then read the comments, you could get very depressed very quickly," he said.
The author, James Damore, said Google's liberal leanings and emphasis on training around "unconscious bias" have created an ideological echo chamber that makes it difficult to discuss these issues openly inside the company.
Now, with Republican trust in government at all-time lows, attacks on the corruption of Washington swept through the right-wing media echo chamber and gained force in the emerging Tea Party movement.
"The place where we're lacking diversity of thought is in the echo chamber that they have built around themselves validating the stupidity of that rigid decision" to get — and apparently stay — behind Baer.
The piece is meant to invoke a "visual echo chamber," creating "a body cut up into pieces and scattered across the scene"—much like Tibira was by the colonialists who detested his sexuality.
"The whole thing leaves us at a deep strategic disadvantage to the Trump administration that is willing to shout these lies in the right-wing echo chamber, and they have succeeded," Huffman said.
News outlets reported on the "Facebook bubble" – an echo chamber of personalized news feeds that shielded users from opposing views and exposed them to a stream of content that reinforced their existing beliefs.
And as we saw during a recent racist Star Wars protest, the anger against the movement can amplify the original message to the point where it becomes a vast echo chamber of backlash.
To the study's authors, this political split might be the analogue equivalent of a Facebook "echo chamber" that silences opposing views, or an "information bubble" that isolates news consumers from politically inconvenient truths.
Having shown her work at the LA Zine Fest, Spoonbill and Sugar Town books, The Church of Fun, Echo Chamber, and the Homeroom Gallery, and is currently working on a new tintype series.
It's not clear if these tweets indicate that the iPhone 11 is genuinely triggering people with trypophobia, or are simply a reflection of all the hyperbole and jokes in the Twitter echo chamber.
Obama's response reflected his tendency to plot how splashy presidential gestures would play out several moves in advance — and how they would be received elsewhere in the world, outside Washington's political echo chamber.
They're proficient at dog-whistle propaganda, and since the mid-22019s, they've created their own media echo-chamber which exponentially multiplies the sound of their own voices, with no interference from outside sources.
The death of Mr. Hecht, one of the 31 people killed in the bombings, illustrates how both hope and misinformation can flourish in the echo chamber of social media after a terrorist attack.
On the flipside of Bliss Signal's dense, rain-sodden dystopian metal-music is a new release from Yamaneko (released this month), which is full of angelic new-agey light, called "Aquarius Echo Chamber".
"He served as an echo chamber, a megaphone, allowing the senator to develop his voice and express himself on those issues in a way he hadn't had the capacity before," Ben-Ami added.
In the internet age, with so much information available, this has created an echo chamber, where we are most likely to surround ourselves with articles and opinions that confirm our System 1 thinking.
Such dialogue does not exist in the language landscape of this president or his mouthpieces on TV. This president and his echo chamber depart from conservativism time and time again in their policies.
By amplifying the social media echo chamber, the article creates the unfortunate impression that most patients are forced to continue antidepressants out of fear of withdrawal rather than out of prevention of recurrence.
" Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new focus for Trump's Justice Department Tuesday — saving the nation's colleges from becoming "an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.
Now, regardless of whatever talking points this liberal echo chamber in America is going to be spewing about all this, there is nothing that says America has to take in anybody from any country.
The #FakeWhistleblower hashtag, which seemingly first sprung from an "obscure" pro-QAnon account in September, rattled around in Twitter's pro-Trump echo chamber for more than a week but gathered little attention beyond that.
"While you are agonising over snipey little tweets to virtue signal to your echo chamber, I am red pilling an entire generation on YouTube," Paul Joseph Watson, an editor with Infowars, tweeted last year.
Perspectives from outside the tech world proper are valuable checks to the tired narratives that bounce around the echo chamber many of us inhabit — or at least visit regularly (thank you to our readers).
Trump's motivations are obvious enough, but a big reason he's able to persist in these delusions is that he lives in a right-wing echo chamber that continually affirms these sorts of conspiracy theories.
A Facebook where credible news organizations compete for space with inflammatory, partisan, but not-totally-factually-wrong pieces might still result in a user base where everyone is trapped in their respective echo chamber.
When we investigated what was happening, we found fake news stories about our research being predominantly shared by Twitter users within one partisan echo chamber, a large and homogeneous community of politically active users.
He posted an internal memo called "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," which argued that the company's attempts at recruiting more women were misguided because female biology made them naturally less interested in tech-oriented jobs.
A study of Facebook users found a high degree of polarization within the social network, with users tending to interact most frequently with the people and narratives they agreed with — creating an echo chamber.
The making of Call the Comet, the new album from guitar legend and The Smiths founding member Johnny Marr, is a fitting allegory for today's inescapable echo chamber of news cycles and talking heads.
"This sort of military funded social science research tends to occur in an ideological echo chamber, where groupthink predominates and dissent or concerns about the applications of this work is missing," he told me.
Wales, who has been vocal on the spread of "fake news", said that social media firms can do more to help break the echo chamber by feeding people articles that challenge people's existing views.
They created a sophisticated echo chamber with journalists, politicians, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI to spread their "information" so that it seemed like Russia-collusion reports were coming in from everywhere.
He elected to surround himself with an echo chamber of callow, ambitious and promoted-before-their-time special agents who were unprepared for the sober decision-making and judgment necessary in FBI senior executives.
Attempts to tie the issue to some sort of true New Yorker identity feel like a bait-and-switch, not to mention an embarrassing ass-showing about the self-centered NYC media echo chamber.
You should know that many of its inhabitants are inspired mimics — of birds, livestock and one another — which means that Mr. Murfi becomes, among other things, a sort of infinite and dizzying echo chamber.
This echo chamber, or tendency to succumb to confirmation bias, is so prevalent and dangerous, it has been listed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as one of the main threats to our society.
In the 10-page manifesto titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," the male software engineer argues that biological differences between men and women are to blame for unequal representation of women in tech and leadership.
But a larger body of research suggests that Facebook, as well as other social media, tend to reinforce and intensify existing political views by creating an echo chamber of friends and like-minded users.
The 2016 election exemplified the playbook: Russian hackers stole sensitive material, starting with Democratic Party emails, then used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.
Reflecting on the stories we tell about ourselves might reveal to us other aspects of who we are and what we value, aspects that would complicate the simple picture provided by our echo chamber.
In the piece, entitled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," a software engineer who works at the Mountain View, California, headquarters tries to make the case that women are underrepresented in tech because of biological differences.
The overwhelming majority of those functions are hosted by the corporate defense bar or folks with corporate interest … If you go to the echo chamber, you hear the same thing over and over again.
Simply by announcing that we have entered a bear market and repeating that claim in the echo chamber of social media, the designation itself might create psychological unease that could make for market volatility.
Sure, lobbyists would still try to see them, but it's the relentless, never-ending echo chamber of never escaping their clutches no matter where you go that turns good intentions into group-think mentality.
But by sequestering itself, Gab has managed to sideline it members further into an echo chamber so far removed from the rest of the conversation that its message has no chance of reaching unfamiliar ears.
The future of open societies will not be secured by like-minded people speaking to each other in an echo chamber, but by subjecting ideas and individuals from all sides to rigorous questioning and debate.
While every major social network should be working hard to combat the harassment their platforms facilitate, at the end of the day, social media serves as an echo chamber for people's shitty and offensive takes.
For such an influential platform that preaches social responsibility and prioritizes user experience, it's irresponsible for Facebook to give people such a powerful megaphone for personal expression, only to lock them inside an echo chamber.
The American people have taken notice of the increasingly shrill left wing echo chamber in the press, and they are starting to get fed up with "news" headlines that simply parrot Democratic Party talking points.
On most days, conservatives occupy just a few back-row seats in this giant liberal echo chamber, not because Republicans are screened out by editors but because they don't show up in the first place.
Facebook can create an echo chamber effect in which people only read information from like-minded peers while the platform's algorithms also produce "filter bubbles" that feed users information based on previous behavior, Sinpeng explained.
The echo chamber about the Chiefs backfield has been ceaseless, and now we seem to have two beat reporters who've either observed different things in practice or have been leaked opposing stories by Chiefs insiders.
The algorithms on social media constantly look at the patterns of what you like and then feed you more of that—so you enter into an echo chamber that constantly feeds you back to you.
It's hard to escape the social media echo chamber resonating with all the reasons 257 was such a garbage fire, so we've put together a holiday gift guide that's more soothing than simple retail therapy.
Add machine learning, and a feedback loop of toxic audiovisual content can reverberate in the echo chamber of social media as well, linking friends with an ersatz intimacy that leaves them particularly susceptible to manipulation.
By ousting three voices who have been the most at odds with the style of the President and key parts of his policy agenda, Trump is in the process of creating a dangerous echo chamber.
Trump's tweets continue to be taken seriously in the echo chamber of Fox News, which has worked overtime to downplay the impeachment trial and spin it in the most favorable possible manner for the president.
If it feels like President Donald Trump has been hurling more invective into the Hellscape echo chamber that is Twitter than before, it's because he has, according to a CNN reporter who tracks such things.
A more common complaint is that Facebook and other social networks serve as an echo chamber of ideas and beliefs, as users decide which people and pages they will follow and customize their News Feed.
For both Americas, the instinctive response can be to dig in deeper to the self-assuring echo chamber of groupthink, rather than to acknowledge a failure in understanding the "other" 1-in-2 Americans alive today.
But one counterpoint is that if you make it even easier for people to tune out the online noise they don't like, the internet will become even more of an echo chamber than it already is.
Parents seem to make decisions in an "echo chamber" of information that reinforces their beliefs about flu vaccines, the co-directors of the National Poll on Children's Health write in the report on their latest survey.
She says she once asked the community in a newsletter if they should start integrating men "every now and then" at events to avoid creating an echo chamber, but got "so many emails" telling her no.
The company was criticized about the echo chamber it creates following the U.S. presidential election, as it became apparent that users are only shown media and news that reinforced their existing views, rather than informed them.
Well, I only just bought a smartphone during Christmas time because I had been resisting it for all these years, precisely because I didn't want to get into that echo chamber our socials put us in.
Commentators who spend too much time inside the Beltway echo chamber and too little time out in the real world have been missing this irrefutable fact for the better part of the post-Cold War era.
By working in partnership, we can not only degrade the effectiveness of ISIS propaganda but also challenge the wider echo chamber that gives ISIS oxygen, a place where our messages have thus far failed to penetrate.
In an environment where every niche opinion has its own outlet on a blog or on Twitter, it is all too easy to stay in an echo chamber and hear only what you already agree with.
Kirkpatrick also pressed Zuckerberg on whether Facebook created a so-called "filter bubble" — an echo chamber where Hillary supporters only see views from fellow Hillary supporters, and Trump supporters only see views from fellow Trump supporters.
Anderson seeks inspiration beyond the echo chamber of the industry and makes waves with his cultural pursuits: Earlier this year, his Your Picture/Our Future exhibition introduced audiences to a new wave of exciting emerging photographers.
The strange thing about the Echo Chamber theory is that it takes something fairly banal (the fact that prominent Democrats and liberals are critical of Trump) and turns it into a narrative of secretive sinister machinations.
In addition to his troublesome history at Fox News, critics of Shine worry that his presence in the White House will further close the symbiotic echo chamber between the President and his favorite news network.  4.
Whether these meetings will develop into something lasting, it's too soon to say—but at least for one afternoon, folks were out of the online echo chamber and collectively trying to make the system work again.
A couple of months before Duterte won the presidency, Ressa started to notice that his campaign was putting out disinformation about rivals — "a cascade of lies," she calls it — that bounced around the online echo chamber.
Mr. Damore said he shared the missive, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," about a month ago with specific individuals and groups focused on diversity before posting it to a mailing list called "skeptics" on Aug. 2.
Among the president's unofficial policy advisers and those who add to the echo chamber on Fox News talk shows, no one else channels Mr. Trump's mix of avowed isolationism, impulsive interventionism and unexpected resort to force.
Such a thing seems unavailable for love or money, a little gust to break the stultifying heat, to aerate the close, humid echo chamber of the 24-hour news cycle and its rat-a-tat revelations.
The new Democratic leader would be characterized as being just as much of a liberal extremist who threatened the nation, and Republicans would capitalize on their vast media echo chamber to support their point of view.
Comedy can become an echo chamber like anything else and it's a field that's dominated by straight white men, so even if you follow people of color, a year ago was different than it is now.
For a president who seems intent on ending America's role as the policeman of the Middle East -- of retrenching without totally disengaging, as Nixon did after Vietnam -- the DIY approach should resonate in his own echo chamber.
You have the left, you have Democrats and their friends in the media that their echo chamber always conducting what was a malicious campaign to impugn the character of good people, the track record of good people.
"The reason you get difference from social media polls is social media polls are complete rubbish and are not representative of anything other than the echo chamber of social media," he told CNBC in a phone interview.
A senior software engineer at Google has written a document titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," which calls for the company to replace its diversity initiatives with ones that promote "ideological diversity," according to a report from Motherboard.
The Washington Post reports that researchers have found clear evidence that Russia uses a network of bots, troll farms, websites, social media accounts and official news services that work in tandem to create their own echo chamber.
Damore, who criticized in his memo "Google's left bias" and "ideological echo chamber," has since become a hero to some on the far right, who have attacked what they characterize as politically correct groupthink in Silicon Valley.
But this law effectively pushes most Tanzanians to the margins of cyberspace, where they can neither speak nor create, while the majority of conversation about and in Tanzania risks becoming an echo chamber for the upper class.
It's important to note that we compare different stats across multiple platforms, so the analysis won't be a full picture — but we can get a good idea of what happened outside of the social media echo chamber.
Many commentators, including myself, were sceptical of the power of social media to swing public opinion, with the assumption that it merely acted as an "echo chamber" for Labour supporters to convince themselves of their own views.
The media echo chamber will probably give contrary indications for a couple weeks, but the facts are that while the Bills haven't yet used up their one-time-only IR activation chip, Watkins also hasn't practiced yet.
Google software engineer James Damore's controversial manifesto, "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," has been public for less than a week, but already several Wikipedia articles that Damore referenced have become the subject of intense debate on the site.
"With the hyperbole about A.I. over the last two to four years, there have been concerns in an echo chamber of anxiety that the government itself will be misinformed," said Eric Horvitz, managing director for Microsoft Research.
Unlike the actions of so many professors who decided to cancel classes at Amherst, Ms. Martin's nuanced speech offered winners and losers a path forward, and was far more than another shout in a liberal echo chamber.
But the events of the past week have shown that the anti-Trump echo chamber is becoming a mirror image of Trump himself — overwrought, uncalibrated and incapable of having an intelligent conversation about any complex policy problem.
A New Research and Argument-Writing Approach Helps Students Break Out of the Echo Chamber Two teachers describe methods for helping students examine multiple viewpoints and make thoughtful, nuanced claims about a range of hot-button issues.
Photo: Noah Berger (AP)Last year, a Google engineer named James Damore triggered an entirely unnecessary and ultimately unproductive controversy after his internally published 10-page memo decrying "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber" became a matter of public record.
Despite what you see and hear from this bubble media echo chamber, President Trump and his peace through strength Russia policy has been so incredibly tougher than that of Obama, who they worshiped and adored in the media.
I hope this film exists outside an echo chamber and is a celebration of these men and the work that they were willing to do when it was not in their own best interest to do that work.
Or it was deceitful from the very beginning, they wanted eye and ears on the Trump campaign so without any probable cause they cooked up this echo chamber of spies and lies of misinformation to get the surveillance.
Watching the Destiny 2 teaser, I worry that all the game is promising, and (more importantly) all that I've conditioned myself to ask for, is something comfortably situated inside the echo chamber of my own tastes and experiences.
If Romney's campaign concocted its own polling to convince itself it was winning in 2012, then Team Trump is retreating into another universe altogether, another sign that his campaign represents the triumph of the right-wing echo chamber.
"The future of open societies will not be secured by like-minded people speaking to each other in an echo chamber, but by subjecting ideas and individuals from all sides to rigorous questioning and debate," Minton Beddoes wrote.
With products today, we are either living in an echo chamber of like-minded people who agree with us all the time, or we're duking it out in trench warfare format for little gain and few opinions changed.
One possible solution, it seemed, was that everyone was trapped in an information bubble of their own making — numerous articles alleged that self-segregated social media feeds had become an echo chamber for people's own thoughts and beliefs.
Titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," it argued that Google's initiatives to close its workforce gender gap were misguided because the disparity was more a result of biological differences between men and women than biased hiring practices or sexism.
" Titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," the document asserts that there are "differences in distributions of traits between men and women," which "may in part explain why we don't have 50 percent representation of women in tech and leadership.
It seems to me that the echo chamber that civic discourse online is dirty, it's difficult, it's ad hominem, it's not particularly productive, and my question is how does a more diverse top raise the level of discourse?
Subpages for local races appear mostly populated by candidates themselves, while the national feed looks more like an algorithmically generated echo chamber version of my regular Twitter feed, with inexplicably generous helpings of MSNBC pundits and more lefty activists.
Along the way, morsels were revealed, among them Mr. DiCaprio's intimacy with, and ingestion of, assorted mammalian innards, details that banged around the echo chamber so loudly that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler could not resist taking a stab.
The core team knew they were looking for a good cultural fit, but they were warned don't get people who have the same exact skills and think just the way you do because you just get an echo chamber.
On the other hand, it's an echo chamber where music writers pat each other on the backs for their Very Good Opinions and shout down the dissenters—a giant circle jerk that the participants have mistaken for an orgy.
They'll wonder why they got lost in a tin-eared echo chamber, where their positive opinions of the man hardened; they'll wonder why they couldn't recognize another blank canvas who's not the one they'd been waiting for after all.
The rhetorical lesson Sanders may be teaching his fellow Democratic presidential aspirants is obvious: To defeat Donald Trump will require going well beyond their political base; it will necessitate getting outside the echo chamber that already embraces their candidacy.
Mike H.: Now that Larry Fitzgerald has had a quiet couple of games, the media echo chamber is offering up "Fitz had a terrible back half last year, so...." As if it's clearly a pattern that will repeat. Argh?
"What you're going to end up doing is amplifying within an echo chamber, which is really different from what the movement wants," said Dana Fisher, a professor of sociology at the University of Maryland whose research focuses on activism.
Another recent study found that, contrary to the idea that Twitter is expanding the diversity of voices the public is exposed to, the service has actually turned the political news media into an even more male-dominated echo chamber.
It's a giant echo chamber that pays no heed to actual policy considerations, such as the fact that the federal government has an obligation to know how many citizens and how many non-citizens live in the United States.
Ryan warned the college-aged interns against locking themselves in an "echo chamber," arguing that far too often now in America, individuals only read and watch what they agree with and think of those who disagree as merely wrong.
Payne and Taylor throw out subplots and sequences where Paul confronts his own good fortune in life and contrasts it with other people's experiences, but he's such a bland echo chamber of a character that none of it much hits home.
Their collective reach can often create an echo chamber effect among their supporters that allows the Trump administration to push their side of the news, in turn making it easier for their followers to miss or disregard other points of view.
And his declaration that Google has created an ideological echo chamber which quiets any kind of dissent is, to them, a bold moment of truth-telling that was ultimately validated; to his supporters, Google proved Damore's argument by firing him.
The tweets were spread evenly among users from all over the country, of all genders and political allegiances, with few or many followers — arguing against the notion of an "echo chamber" bottling up news to like-minded communities, the researchers said.
Fashion, and against this background, beauty, decides what it wants to be and then points to itself; it is a self-referential echo chamber of mutual appreciation between a small number of people who own the handbag and speak the lingo.
Online, male political reporters form an echo chamber: they amplify the voices of male co-workers three times as often as they retweet female colleagues, and 92% of replies to colleagues by male reporters were in response to other male journalists.
A trillion dollars in borrowed money should buy a lot of good will, especially when you can rely on a conservative media echo-chamber to back you up and your voting base is inclined to support you no matter what.
Isolated in an echo chamber where dissent is limited by others' desire to stay in his good graces, Trump has faced little disagreement when he describes himself as a brilliant mind, a "really rich" winner and others as awful losers.
Those technologies allow IO accurately to target those people likely to be most susceptible to their message, taking advantage of the "echo-chamber" effect of platforms such as Facebook, where users see only news and opinions that confirm their prejudices.
Now, the coalition uses memes—like a teddy bear that says ISIS "slaughters childhood"—written instead in Arabic, and spreads information through Muslim governments and organizations instead of directly trying to blast it out in the echo chamber of the interwebz.
It is, essentially, one way to help diversify your feed to make it less of an echo chamber and something more like what I imagine CEO Jack Dorsey wants it to be (and which, dear reader, it definitely is not).Proporti.
Speaking to a group of students at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, Sessions condemned the "fragile egos" that had led to what he called the "echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought" on college campuses.
This article originally appeared on VICE UK. We've been told off for trying to make Twitter a safe little echo chamber—a blue port in this howling shit storm we call life—but that's exactly what makes Instagram so great.
We wish that the echo chamber of digital media hadn't done such a thorough job of maligning avocado toast, because honestly, we're quite fond of it as a solution to the "I have no idea what to make for dinner" conundrum.
Embracing the fest's indie spirit, there's French chanteuse Melody's Echo Chamber, whose debut album was a stellar psychedelic collaboration with her former flame, Tame Impala's Kevin Parker; and dream-pop demagogues Beach House, who dropped two resounding albums last year.
But to flip from Stephen Colbert's winsome liberalism to Seth Meyers's class-clown liberalism to Bee's bluestocking feminism to John Oliver's and Trevor Noah's lectures on American benightedness is to enter an echo chamber from which the imagination struggles to escape.
"The contestants live in an echo chamber of other women who have bought into, or at least are incentivized to demonstrate, the belief that the bachelor is the ideal man," a licensed clinical psychologist named Jessica L. Dubron told INSIDER.
Chun, who grew up in Canada and has lived in the U.S. since 1992, said she will launch a new "digital democracies group" at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, which will take on the problem of the online echo chamber.
The conversation there doesn't feel like an echo chamber, which can happen in a small city and certainly in a queer scene where it just feels like you're all talking about the election and you're all saying the same thing.
Unfortunately, what will then ensue is a massive ad-tech and social media echo chamber — copied, pasted, repackaged amalgams of the same intransigent formulas from a playbook that's been dusted off, recycled and sold for more than it was initially worth.
Moreover, conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, activist groups like Judicial Watch, and conservative media outlets like Fox News and Breitbart have created a powerful opinion echo chamber that reinforces the nationalist and xenophobic positions of the autocratic right.
Even though I have my set of opinions and feelings, I'm not interested as a viewer in watching echo-chamber propaganda where it's a bunch of people who look like me agreeing with each other and complimenting each other's yoga pants.
Through one account she created to monitor anti-vaccine groups on Facebook, she quickly realized she was being pushed toward other anti-vaccine accounts, creating an echo chamber in which it appeared that viewpoints like "vaccines cause autism" were the majority.
That is an awesome responsibility, one that will never be solved in the echo chamber of NRA talking points that we are subjected to each time someone with an assault rifle wakes up determined to wreak havoc and destroy lives.
It would be fair to criticize the site as an echo chamber: a place where almost everyone agrees that online misogyny is rampant and congratulates themselves for knowing so, taking what pleasure they can in laughing at their enemies' latest mutterings.
His 10-page memo, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," argued that "personality differences" between men and women — like a woman having a lower tolerance for stress — help explain why there were fewer women in engineering and leadership roles at the company.
As Joshua Green, who wrote a biography of Bannon, explained, Bannon's lesson from the Clinton impeachment in the 1990s was that to shape the narrative, a story had to move beyond the right-wing echo chamber and into the mainstream media.
Anything that be spun as a blow to the special counsel will be seized on in Trump's conservative media echo chamber in the campaign to bolster the President's standing among core GOP voters that is critical to his long-term viability.
Quattrociocchi says that even being aware of your self-made Facebook echo chamber is an important first step, but he believes it's up to companies and researchers to better understand people's news consumption habits and reach them where they're at.
Instead of creating more informed citizens, partisan media compounded tribalism through an echo chamber -- a loose network of blogs, talk radio and partisan cable news that mainstreamed conspiracy theories and increasingly gave talking points to party leaders rather than vice versa.
They have the eyes and ears of the President of the United States who is their best echo chamber -- and a growing following of viewers who believe that all of the media personalities there are in fact reporting the news.
Despite fear mongering from the Democrats and blatant lies from their allies in the media echo chamber, the AHCA does, in fact, maintain the federal standard that no individual may be denied insurance coverage due to a preexisting condition. Period.
But it's also because the set of ideas he claims to represent, a sort of generalized "centrism" untethered to either party, does not exist outside of an echo chamber made up of a small number of America's wealthy, educated elite.
There's a strange but predictable phenomenon today: Moments and conversations of actual significance get washed through the digital echo chamber so many times and with such velocity that, before too long, they resemble bizarro caricatures of the actual things they once were.
It's a relief in these novels to be able to push back against the alarming trend in the other direction, where more and more people opt out of facts to live in an echo chamber of convenient partisan fictions masquerading as the truth.
And what you&aposve witnessed in the last 48 hours is the latest example of the left&aposs anti-Trump echo chamber, propaganda, all in an attempt to hurt his presidency, delegitimize the election, and really undermine the vote of the American people.
A fear of job losses due to automation and deindustrialisation; a backlash against immigration; a distrust of self-serving political elites; the echo-chamber effect of information spread on social media: common factors helping populist political movements elsewhere have touched France, too.
In answer to the question, Beaton said that there is already a lot of academic analysis in place to make sure that Crimson is not effectively an echo chamber, providing help to those who are already well along the way to academic success.
I can see it now: Giuliani and his shady operators crawling all over Fox News and the entire right-wing echo chamber, waiving fabricated evidence and affidavits against Joe and Hunter Biden, with reports of a "newly discovered" Crowdstrike server in Ukraine.
Photo: GettyOn Sunday, a partner at Silicon Valley investment firm Founders Fund spoke out against Donald Trump, blaming social media and by extension venture capitalists like himself for the "digital echo chamber" that led to the President-elect's surprise victory on Tuesday.
And so, from last fall onward, in the alt-right echo chamber online we had Hispanics depicted as border-crossing monkeys, and African-Americans as thugs; and we even had Trump himself casting women as disgusting, fluid-filled creatures; Jews as moneygrubbers.
What started out as the unabashedly liberal filmmaker's commentary on the "self-made echo chamber" of fake Facebook news very quickly spiraled into a confrontation over a spilled drink, a broken phone charger and a bad case of post-election bad manners.
The cumulative effect of these resonances — and I won't mention all of them, as their discovery is part of the pleasure of looking — is a visual echo chamber in which objects mimic each other rather than remaining tied to their intended meanings.
It turns everybody into an authority... and the echo chamber of this fear of Muslims provides an enormous amount of revenue to cable news channels, which feeds into the rhetoric of politicians who then use this kind of fear mongering to get votes.
They provide an opportunity to climb out of a 30-year echo chamber, which has defined a man's entire life solely by a single set of events, and decide whether he and the press that covered those events are forever heroes or villains.
In addition, a campaign should be conducted through the echo chamber calling on the chairman and the rest of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council to remove Rhodes forthwith, to prevent his presence from tarnishing the reputation and mission of this vital institution.
As Mr. Chilcot's committee delved back into what seems to many young Britons like ancient history — students entering college this year were 4 years old when the critical decisions were being made — they found something of an echo chamber between London and Washington.
"The whole scam is propped up by an echo chamber of fear and hate designed to distract and divide us," she says over footage of Fox News personalities like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, as well as Trump officials like Stephen Miller.
By attending the inauguration, I am choosing not to yell into my echo chamber, but to use my voice to represent the millions of Americans whose views differ from Trump's in a space where he and his supporters will actually hear it.
But to me, the event served as a warning of how quickly a healthy ecosystem of performers and presenters — and critics — can become an echo chamber in which a performer's skill is falsely confused with the supposed brilliance of his every action.
Sources said Trump did want to see how trial balloons about Kavanaugh went down in the conservative media echo chamber, and was heartened to see key conservatives like Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and writers for Breitbart rally behind him in recent days.
The echo chamber had stucco walls painted red, with a layer of translucent orange on top—a really crazy paint job—and the stucco was melting and forming sound sculptures for my eyes while I listened to Clarice and Kat play that piece.
And though Mr. Orban commands a formidable majority, it is partly the result of this echo chamber in the media, which has muted alternative voices, and the redrawing of electoral boundaries and the restructuring of the electoral system to favor his party.
"The future of open societies will not be secured by like-minded people speaking to each other in an echo chamber, but by subjecting ideas and individuals from all sides to rigorous questioning and debate," the magazine's editor, Zanny Minton Beddoes, wrote.
"I'm ecstatic to see people give Mugabe a reality check because he has been in his echo chamber for too long, lying to himself that people still want him," said Ruva Kudambo, 503, who came to study technology and ended up staying.
The suit also alleges that Google has "open hostility for conservative thought," that Damore and others were "ostracized, belittled and punished" for their views, that the company is an "ideological echo chamber" that uses "illegal hiring quotas" at the expense of white males.
If members were willing to step outside the echo chamber of activists and ideologues who dominate TV and the town halls, they'd find a much larger share of voters who would reward candidates willing to put the interests of country over party.
Here is a piece by two teachers from Newburgh, N.Y., about a process they use to help their students "break out of the echo chamber" when researching and writing about hot-button issues, and here is one by a teacher in Greenwich, Conn.
"The future of open societies will not be secured by like-minded people speaking to each other in an echo chamber, but by subjecting ideas and individuals from all sides to rigorous questioning and debate," Zanny Minton Beddoes wrote in a statement Tuesday.
Perhaps more interestingly, by combing through the Internet Archive, reading into the subreddit's rule changes, and tying major Reddit events and news stories to the subreddit's statistics, you can see the subreddit's slow evolution into the insular echo chamber that it is today.
These groups relocated to platforms like the far-right Twitter clone Gab and Russia's Facebook-lite VK. Squire sees this as a victory, believing that if white nationalists flee to the confines of the alt-right echo chamber, their ability to recruit and organize weakens.
So, as Fulcher ticked through numbers showing that only 10 percent of customers or prospective customers have a negative impression of the company's name, he said he was set on avoiding the "echo chamber" that creates the impression that Zenefits is an unpopular brand.
A baleen whale call recorded at Challenger Deep Examples of odontocete (toothed whale or dolphin) and baleen whale calls Challenger Deep, it turns out, is an echo chamber for a cacophony of noises produced by everything from ships to baleen whales to Earth itself.
You need to get distracted, you need to go left a way or to go right in order to challenge yourself and have a new impulse and meet people that were not in your Feed or in your bubble or in your echo chamber.
The idea that the researchers are working off of is from previous Leiden research, which found that when a group of like-minded people gathers to discuss similar perspectives, they're encouraged to hate those not engaged in the same discussion, thus creating an echo chamber.
An appearance by Donald Trump Jr. on ABC's "The View" to promote his new book quickly spiraled out of control on Thursday as he and the show's politically outspoken hosts traded shouts and accusations that spilled over into the partisan echo chamber of social media.
Ben Rhodes, the White House aide who led the public push for the Iran nuclear agreement, is defending his handling of the campaign after he was quoted in a New York Times Magazine profile claiming he created an "echo chamber" to sell the deal.
It was whipped up by opposition-research firm Fusion GPS, former British spy Christopher Steele and partisans in the Obama administration, creating a vast echo chamber with information that was never substantiated in any material way and, on the face of it, was preposterous.
I've always wanted Queen Zee to be taking what we believed in from Liverpool's queer scene, and the ethics that were in that echo chamber of 20 to 30 people, and actually saying them to an audience of 600 people who didn't necessarily agree.
Mr. Putin has annexed Crimea, stirred up and armed a pro-Russian rebellion in eastern Ukraine, turned a once vibrant Russian news media into an echo chamber, and restored Moscow as an indispensable player on the world stage, by turns a peacemaker and troublemaker.
Permanent installations at the complex include a chapel with a James Turrell light piece, "Red Shift," from 220, and a separate building devoted to the 2000 Anish Kapoor sculpture "At the Edge of the World," which envelopes the visitor in a domed echo chamber.
If most of his political discussions are in the echo chamber of social media and on a right-wing radio station, you and your family may be the only fellow citizens of his who have a chance to make him consider other points of view.
The memo, called "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," angered many in Silicon Valley because it relied on certain gender stereotypes — like the notion that women are less interested in high-stress jobs because they are more anxious — to rationalize the gender gap in the tech industry.
The only differences this year are that the effort was directed at the United States, and that it was cyberenabled, giving Moscow a tool to amplify its efforts through the echo chamber of social media and news organizations that quoted from the leaked emails.
The former French finance minister, regularly listed among the world's 10 most powerful women, used the annual World Economic Forum meeting in the Swiss Alps - an echo chamber for her policy prescriptions - to announce her candidacy and secure instant support from global movers and shakers.
They say it creates questions of conflicts of interest and an echo chamber of identical views with little room for dissent at the agency charged with coordinating policy throughout the government's military, foreign policy and intelligence communities and synthesizing the best advice for the president.
Today, Mr. Orban's allies control the public media and most of the country's private news media, creating a centralized pro-government echo chamber for hate speech, ethnic identity politics and conspiracy theories, harping on anti-Semitic tropes and extremist rhetoric to bolster his party's base.
Joshua Green, a Bloomberg Businessweek writer and author of a 2017 biography of Trump ally and former Breitbart chief Steve Bannon, wrote Wednesday how Bannon sought to get potentially damaging storylines about Clinton out of the conservative media echo chamber and into the mainstream press.
Inside our happy little MMA echo chamber it was if a bomb had gone off when it was announced that Lesnar would be taking a break from his time as a "sports entertainer" in the WWE to come back to the entertaining sports arena of the UFC.
And I wonder if other civil servants who believe they have seen wrongdoing are watching how the POTUS and his echo chamber can character assassinate so viciously and get second thoughts about doing their job given the risk the POTUS is showcasing to anyone who crosses him.
How this happens is a story by itself, involving misleading language from otherwise credible news organizations, a right-wing echo chamber only too happy to amplify them, and, of course, the speed-ramp for speech that is social media -- and we'll get to all this shortly.
It's easy to see this process playing out in response to "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," a manifesto a male Google engineer (who is now out of his job) wrote and published internally -- which was made public by Motherboard and published in full by Gizmodo and Recode.
Unfortunately, it appears we are in for a total circus, with full-time activists leveraging fearmongering, oversimplified half-truths, and outright demagoguery in attempts to preserve the one-sided "wins" they have achieved in recent years, cheered on by an echo-chamber of quasi-activist faux-reporters.
Ben Rhodes, the White House aide who led the public push for the Iran nuclear agreement, is defending his handling of the campaign after he was quoted in a New York Times Magazine profile claiming he created an "echo chamber" to sell the deal. http://bit.
Maybe there's value in a clip exposing an idea going viral and people spreading it around, but I really do think there's an echo chamber sometimes and we think things are having influence when it's just being repeated in our circles over and over and over again.
Republicans in Congress are getting an earful from constituents who've swallowed endless lies from them about Obamacare since before its passage, folks who are hooked into a media echo chamber that can easily spawn GOP primary opponents to better conform to the party's "repeal and replace" promise.
In its willowy string arrangements and shivering keyboards, in the way Solange overdubs her vocals into a breathy, polyphonic echo chamber, A Seat at the Table eyes the world with wary caution, with the kind of quietude that is a response to and defense against pain.
The Dakota pipeline, for example; seeing people come together, seeing Randy from Lamb Of God drive out there to the protest, seeing people into punk and metal wake up, out of this echo chamber and realize that preaching to the choir isn't going to get anything done.
On the one hand, such gating allows people to spend time with exactly the type of people they have the most in common with; on the other hand it creates an echo chamber of beliefs and expectations that further separates the have-mores from everyone else.
When people describe sociology as an echo chamber, to me that's really strange, although while there may be underlying political agreements with sociologists, there is tremendous disagreement in the field [about] what sociology should look like, what the theories should be, what the message should be.
Xi seems terrified that real information will infiltrate the Chinese echo chamber, undermining his propaganda department's personality cult around a benign "Uncle Xi." We can exploit Xi's fear to gain leverage — and maybe to chip away at Chinese nationalism just a little bit — with three steps.
The amendments submitted Monday give little comfort to those who had interpreted Mr. Putin's speech last week as endorsing the creation of a more powerful role for Parliament, which under the current system serves as little more than an echo chamber and rubber stamp for the Kremlin.
Given the powerful echo chamber effects at play in communicating almost exclusively with people who share your political views, it is all too easy to forget that commentary on Twitter skews well to the left of the Democratic base — to say nothing of America as a whole.
In the memo, which is the personal opinion of a male Google employee and is titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," the author argues that women are underrepresented in tech not because they face bias and discrimination in the workplace, but because of inherent psychological differences between men and women.
Photo: APJames Damore, the Google engineer who was fired after posting a 10-page memo calling the company an "Ideological Echo Chamber" and arguing women are underrepresented in tech because of inherent differences, has taken his side of the story to one of the friendliest venues imaginable: Reddit.
"Image: Screengrab via RedditFinally, in another series of posts, Damore said he was surprised by the reaction to his memo because "I thought that talking about the ideological echo chamber and the dangers of authoritarian leftist policies, that it would pacify some of the reactions that I got.
The request, first reported by The Hill newspaper, comes after a lengthy New York Times Magazine story about Rhodes included several details and comments from him about how the White House marketed the nuclear deal with Iran, including by creating an "echo chamber" with help from Obama allies.
Rather, they say, many Americans, particularly on the conservative end of the political spectrum, have opted in to political communities and followed media outlets that reinforce beliefs they already hold and which tend to refer, for the most part, to an echo chamber of outlets that share their views.
It's hard to know exactly how big a deal this is because so many members of the media and the people I follow on Twitter attended Northwestern, and there is always the looming specter of the dreaded echo chamber, but the Wildcats definitely made some history Wednesday night.
"These results contribute to the ongoing debate about the problem of 'filter bubbles' by showing that the 'echo chamber' is deep (33.16 articles from fake news websites on average) but narrow (the group consuming so much fake news represents only 10% of the public)," wrote the study's authors.
With a great receiver like Watkins who's missed eight weeks, that's the wisest policy: grab him, don't listen to what any of the optimists or pessimists in the media echo chamber say, leave him on your bench for a game, and recalibrate after he runs around out there.
But when it comes to figuring out what's going on and why Trump is soon going to be the next president with a stacked Republican government, one thing is clear: the echo chamber that didn't see Trump coming isn't learning anything new, it's just turning up the volume.
Hannity said the story became the media's "fixation" on Thursday night, and that the mainstream media "were too busy being the sheep in their echo chamber" to cover the story of text messages sent between FBI agents that Hannity argues show political bias in the investigation against Trump.
The authors found that there was either no relationship or a negative one: Populist voters were somewhat more likely to hang out with people of a similar ethnicity or social class offline, but on the internet they were no more likely than other voters to inhabit an echo chamber.
Xi may not be directly to blame for such missteps, but they seem to be indicative of an echo chamber at the top of Chinese politics that has only worsened as he moved something approaching a more consensus-based decision making of his predecessors to one-man rule.
And, if anything, I think there's a tendency for some social media forms, particularly Twitter more than others, to become a bit of an echo-chamber, with a group-think system of everybody deciding something's terrible or something's wonderful and it's led to a loss of thought amongst journalists.
In the race to assign blame for Clinton's defeat and the media's failure to see it coming, pundits have proposed a host of possible causes: the Electoral College, voter suppression, unenthusiastic black voters, secret Trump supporters, third-party candidates, sophisticated ad targeting, fake news and the echo chamber of social media.
"Prom" soars, as ringing guitar chime combines with metallic and wooden percussion effects and SZA builds an echo chamber around her voice on the chorus: "Please don't take it personal like you usually do," she sings, as the delay mimics her, repeating "please" and "don't" over and over into the fadeout.
It is fascinating to see how different artists respond to the constant reminders that we live in a drone-plagued, narcissistic echo chamber, and even more so to see how an establishment like the Tate has embraced the possibilities of social media in an effort to make art truly universal.
Whatever it is: it seems the only way to cope with British politics is to shout into the echo chamber of Twitter, march on the streets to literally no effect whatsoever, or to post hella dank memes until the day ends and we all inch twenty four hours closer to anarchy.
Quick snare drums and chintzy keyboard figures in the established rattling-trap style inspire purely sung moments like "Riri," whose barked seal noises prove quite the earworm, and "Pop Man," in which he croons "Wet wet!" persistently and percussively into an echo chamber of moans and purrs and gasps and chirps.
But isn't there now a new trap: Having loosened Big Tech's grip on Internet users, doesn't Mukherjee's company now go on to contribute to the country's echo chamber, in which people — aided by algorithms created by the same Big Tech — read and listen only to voices with which they already agree?
You'll hear the media echo chamber hype Ware, but honestly I think it's mostly because of those two long runs, and I just re-watched them again: nice job, good effort, but in both cases the Red Sea parted for Ware and he didn't have to do much other than rumble.
That's a staggering statistic, even if some deals go unreported and skew the numbers, and Ng said that one of his goals is to go beyond the "startup echo chamber" and reach entrepreneurs who are less familiar with venture capital but are already busy building companies that could benefit from it.
The speech also saw Kanye calling out the media (in particular the internet echo-chamber which led voters to believe that Hillary Clinton would win the election), as well as re-affirming his intentions to be "a different type of President" should he run and win in four years' time.
But if Sayoc is indeed the bomber, and these social media accounts belong to him, it suggests something even more disturbing: a person steeped in conservative media, radicalized into violent action — at the same time the same echo chamber, all evidence to the contrary, dismisses a series of attempted assassinations as a hoax.
It took Christopher Steele, with his funding concealed through false campaign filings, to be incredibly successful at creating a vast echo chamber around his unverified, fanciful dossier, bouncing it back and forth between the press and the FBI so it appeared that there were multiple sources all coming to the same conclusion.
"The parallelism between what the Trump campaign was doing and saying and what the Russians were doing and saying was remarkably parallel, particularly when it came to attacks on Hillary Clinton, all her alleged physical and mental maladies, and there was almost an echo chamber between the two," Clapper told CNN's Dana Bash.
The New Yorker's Adam Entous and Ronan Farrow reported Thursday that Trump advisers circulated a memo titled "The Echo Chamber" last year that accused former deputy national-security adviser Ben Rhodes and Colin Kahl, a former national security adviser to Vice President Biden, of running such an effort after leaving the administration.
So it was amusing to watch Ben Rhodes attempt to tar the left-wing Politico webzine of living inside a "perpetual right wing echo chamber" because they exposed the Obama administration efforts to quash a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) investigation into Hezbollah cocaine smuggling into the United States known as Project Cassandra.
I drove through town, passing block after block checkered with Trump signs, listening to screed after screed on talk radio about the malevolence of Obama and Clinton, and it sent me into one of those echo-chamber vortexes where I began to wonder if any Ohioans would be voting for Clinton at all.
The company also argues that Twitter trends provide a useful view of what people are talking about on the platform, even when what they're talking about is extremely dumb or wrong, and that it's one of few places on the platform where people can easily escape the echo chamber of their timeline.
A lobbying coalition led by the bipartisan small business group Job Creators Network (JCN) and more conservative groups like FreedomWorks and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is planning to barnstorm the country in August to pitch lawmakers at summer town halls and to create a media echo chamber in key congressional districts.
But to assert that his primary attacks were so beyond the pale that they kept her from winning the presidency, or that the dozens of rallies at which he appeared on her behalf were empty gestures, feels more like echo-chamber thinking than a historically accurate reading of how 2016 went down.
" In line with many intellectual organizations which have chosen to engage with chauvinist thinkers, they also wrote: "The future of open societies will not be secured by like-minded people speaking to each other in an echo chamber, but by subjecting ideas and individuals from all sides to rigorous questioning and debate.
We are seeing a toxic combination of Trump's penchant for wild speculation, a right-wing media echo chamber, and the legacy of the Benghazi controversy coming together to produce an absurd pile-on — one that seems to have brought the Republican Party together around their remaining hatred for Rice and the Obama administration.
Abstract and radical neoconservative ideas that had developed during the Clinton years, bouncing around a tiny echo chamber of like-minded idealists who had little desire to challenge one another, had suddenly and with no real public debate become the basis of a war that would quickly cost many thousands of lives.
The version of me that Hiroshi knows is a woman completely fascinated with him, a mirror that reflects his image, an echo chamber for his ideas, a conversation with himself; the version of Hiroshi that I know is an eccentric in black, the man who made his double, a valuable subject for my work.
"Cortico, which analyses how news is received and interpreted by specific communities, examining among other factors the so-called "echo chamber" phenomena, proposed an "initial set of health indicators for the United States," Dorsey says, including:Shared attention ("Is there an overlap in what we are talking about") Shared reality ("Are we using the same facts?
But party officials say the Democratic echo chamber will be in full effect, through dilatory tactics on the Senate floor, speeches and protests around the country in states with vulnerable GOP senators, ample news conferences and potentially even a running clock showing the amount of time that has lapsed after the nominee is put forward.
To help guide this contest, we have published two new ideas from teachers: • In "A New Research and Argument-Writing Approach Helps Students Break Out of the Echo Chamber," Jacqueline Hesse and Christine McCartney describe methods for helping students examine multiple viewpoints and make thoughtful, nuanced claims about a range of hot-button issues.
But we do know enough about demagogues in history to know that when you engage in that kind of action and rhetoric as we're seeing it from the highest office of our country, aided and abetted by a huge echo chamber … There are people, this guy has a criminal record, there are unbalanced people.
His friends in the right-wing echo chamber are daring Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiDemocrats request testimony from Trump's former Russia adviser Trey Gowdy joins Trump's legal team Tillis says impeachment is 'a waste of resources' MORE (D-Calif.) to hold a formal vote on starting impeachment — even though it is not required by the Constitution.
And here is the entire employee memo, which is a doozy except for the toxic assumptions it is riven with: Google's Ideological Echo Chamber How bias clouds our thinking about diversity and inclusion go/pc-considered-harmful [AUTHOR NAME REDACTED] July 2017 Feel free to comment (they aren't disabled, the doc may just be overloaded).
In an analysis of the trends, former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke theorized that political polarization has a big role to play: In a highly polarized environment, with echo-chamber media, political debates often become shrill, and commentators and advocates have strong incentives to argue that the country's future is bleak unless their party gains control.
While Gab and its founder Andrew Torba prefer to pitch the site as a free-speech hub for everyone, in reality Gab is mostly well known as a haven for neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other extremists who have used it as a far-right echo chamber (in many cases after being removed from mainstream platforms).
Ben Rhodes, who detailed to The New York Times Magazine last week his efforts to create an "echo chamber" around the Iran pact, wrote on Medium the White House had been straightforward in its longstanding efforts to broker an agreement with Tehran, seeking to explain its components to the American people while lawmakers debated final approval.
Because r/the_donald is perhaps Reddit's most intense echo chamber, any questions that challenge Trump or paint him as anything less than the "God Emperor" that the community has decided to anoint him will be downvoted into oblivion; people who decide to challenge Trump will surely be banned by the community's moderators, who have a "no dissenters" rule.
This music is indeed spare, lacking centered keyboards or rhythm guitars; in their place is an echo chamber filled with pingponging plinks, bleeps, squiggles, honks, vocal loops, symphonic airhorns, simulated a cappella singers going doo-doo and dum-dum, and any number of abrasive electronic scratches; even the token ballad soars and aches over incongruously syncopated squeals.
And Trump has prepared an echo chamber network ready to spread rumors, which runs from the dirty tricks operative Roger Stone (who is an unofficial hatchet man for the campaign), to the radio host Alex Jones (whose show, Infowars, Trump has appeared on), to the National Enquirer (whose anti-Ted Cruz stories were reportedly engineered by Stone).
According to Daniel Weinstock, a professor at the Faculty of Law at McGill University and an expert on interfaith relations and religious minorities' issues in Canada and Quebec, the looping echo chamber of politics and media—mainstream, social, and fake—swirling around the Muslim community created the environment in which this kind of shooting could occur.
"Echo chamber": An environment, especially on a social media site, in which any statement of opinion is likely to be greeted with approval because it will only be read or heard by people who hold similar views "Gig economy": An economy in which there are few permanent employees and most jobs are assigned to temporary or freelance workers.
A recent in-depth Wired article articulated that, far from being a left-wing echo chamber, Google's freewheeling culture has long generated robust and often fractious internal debate about just about everything the company does, perhaps explaining the string of self-declared conservative warriors who have been spilling out of the company in more ways than one.
The echo chamber that infuses all in Washington and the various power hallways forgets the basics of what used to be taught to every young reporter: Do not put yourself in the story, get the name of the dog — in other words, look and embrace the details — and if you see a man digging a hole, find out why.
Their tendency will be to make policy according to jingoistic shibboleths and to turn the council into a kind of ideological echo chamber, issuing decrees and leaving them to be carried out by operational actors — mainly the State Department, service branches and law enforcement agencies — insufficiently consulted about the advisability of a given course of action.
So in asking whether we're at the cusp of a progressive version of the tea party movement, the question is whether Democrats can organize themselves effectively without the same media echo chamber the tea party had, and whether elements of the Democratic establishment will, as the GOP did, embrace and harness the grass-roots anti-Trump fervor into electoral success.
When Liberals worried aloud about the rise of Donald Trump during the sort of echo-chamber dinner parties that cried out for mischief, it was always too tempting to lean forward in my chair, mutter something about the Kardashians, reality TV and how the political rise of a loud-mouthed show-off seemed the most natural thing in the world.
Mr. Trump is not just spending heavily on advertising — he has dozens of Facebook ads currently running that cite the "baseless attacks" from Democrats on impeachment — he is also benefiting from a conservative media echo chamber that amplifies his message and a meme factory of MAGA ("Make America Great Again") supporters cranking out content in hopes of a presidential retweet.
He has emerged from a political system corrupted by money, locked in an echo chamber of insults, reduced to the show business of an endless campaign, blocked by a kind of partisanship run amok that leads Republican members of Congress to declare they will not meet with President Obama's eventual nominee for the Supreme Court, let alone listen to him or her.
"I don't want to say it's the only force, because there was Holocaust denialism before the internet — there was even AIDS denialism before the internet — but it's an enormous, enormous force: the most effective echo chamber in the history of mankind," said Michael Specter, a staff writer for The New Yorker who is the author of the 2009 book "Denialism," about irrational thinking.
"Devil's Bargain," a new book about the Bannon-Trump linkup that gives Mr. Trump second billing, credits Mr. Bannon as one of the first conservatives to recognize that attacks on Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation's courting of foreign leaders and wealthy elites wouldn't stick unless they resonated beyond the right-wing echo chamber, a feat he helped accomplish in 2016.
Here is NBC's full story about the interview... How the echo chamber works Newly released messages show Parnas texting with Joseph Ahearn of the pro-Trump America First Action PAC... In March 2019, when Ahearn asked "what should I send don to tweet," apparently meaning Donald Trump Jr., Parnas sent links from Hannity, Laura Ingraham, The Hill, The Daily Wire, and other outlets.
And it is made yet more difficult by the lingering haze of talking-point narratives with which the Obama White House peddled this deal to the media, orchestrating the deal's praises via the "echo chamber" bragged up early last year to the New York Times magazine by Obama's former chief fabulist and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, Ben Rhodes.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads In these times of stridency and shrillness, how are works of art that speak with the softness of rustling chiffon in an overheated parlor ever to be heard amid a din of protest, propaganda, real news, fake news, politics-as-spectacle, or the staged, self-serving confessionals-as-entertainment that have become a mainstay of the media's mind-numbing echo chamber?
And whether we want to talk about trolls, or we want to talk about sort of bots and cyborgs, or whatever the causality there, social media has become really this echo chamber where the things we hear from the top really reverberate and they resonate with parts of the community that, again, white supremacists, it isn't that they haven't been around, they've always been around.
Our country's militaristic roots have formed a kind of echo chamber, and these days the prominence and pitch of gun violence in everyday US society has increased to terrifying levels over the past half-century, manifesting in more-than daily mass shootings in 2019, including numerous school shootings, and increasingly, armed border militias spurred by propagandist right-wing media outlets to undertake vigilante-style human rights violations.
It's titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber: How bias clouds our thinking about diversity and inclusion," and it tries to cover a lot of ground very quickly: biases in Google's political culture, differences between men's and women's aptitude for and interest in engineering and executive-class jobs, the promise and perils of diversity programs, the differing moral foundations of left- and right-wing political views, and so on.
Perhaps. But instead of this wringing of hands and attempts to undermine the will of the people that Mr. Blow's column exemplifies, pull yourself together and do something constructive: Look in the mirror, get out of that liberal echo chamber that you've been living in, listen to what people who don't think exactly like you are saying, and use it to start working toward the next election.
In the interview, Stephens bemoans the way that "too much of the Republican Party became an echo chamber of itself": If you spend your time listening to certain cable shows all the time, listening to nobody else, if you're prone to the kind of conspiracy theories that whiz around on Twitter or certain fringes of the internet, you end up having this kind of conversation that's just increasingly divorced from reality.
In spite of Trump's avowed distaste for the nuclear deal with Iran — the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — Obama's 'echo chamber' is still reverberating with no shortage of 'experts' taking to the web to claim that the re-negotiation is impossible and tearing it up would have a range of consequences from a more rapidly nuclear-armed Iran to international distrust in the U.S.' future deal-making.
One could argue that there's a discussion to be had about Hill's comments, one that goes beyond just what was said but also addresses race, politics, and the way Trump has stoked those fires since he announced his candidacy with comments about Mexico sending "rapists" to the U.S. But this is 22017 so it's all devolved into a chaotic echo chamber of name-calling and the further dumbing down of discourse.
Rhodes undermined Israeli concerns about Iran's threat of destroying Israel, insulted Israel's prime minister, and used the "echo chamber" to lie to the American people about the nuclear deal and justify the reversal of decades of U.S. policy supporting Israel at the U.N. The gravest sin he committed, however, which disqualifies him for any association with the Holocaust Memorial Museum, is his complicity in the genocide in Syria.
Dossier compiler and former British spy Christopher Steele, who also lied to the FBI about his press contacts, and Simpson apparently created a massive echo chamber involving the State Department, the CIA, politicians such as Reid and McCain, and the FBI — through the undisclosed relationship with Ohr's wife — to spread what was all the same information, from the same unverified sources, as though it was coming in from all over.
Some music – the sort that feels like it's washing over you, giving you kind of a sonic bath – lends itself better to this activity than others (my number one 'lying there' song is "Cloudbusting" by Kate Bush, because it's so bright and vast), and now, with "Desert Horse," the new track from Melody's Echo Chamber, it looks like I'll be making an addition to this very specific playlist.
Read: The world ignored these many warnings and allowed Aleppo to become a humanitarian disaster What we discovered was a controlled echo chamber of sorts: Though Assad has been sharply condemned by the international community for his military's persistent war crimes and human rights abuses (including its torture of women and children) it's almost impossible to find a single word of criticism about his rule in the areas he controls.
Throughout the film, Carrey's character mimics and quotes loads of film and television characters, and in 1996 it might've been harder to imagine someone with such a narrow view of the world that they could only communicate through mimicking onscreen characters—but in 2018, the echo chamber of social media coupled with a televised 24-hour news cycle means that people simply repeating what they've heard is commonplace.
In a sense it's a lo-fi, but ambitious and multi genre-referencing work (Craig name-checks bands like The Modern Lovers, Frankie Cosmos, the Buzzcocks, Broadcast, and Melody's Echo Chamber) that alternately goes big and small: "I wanted there to be more intimate moments so we included some demos that I made last minute that would probably never have seen the light of day otherwise," he says of Fantasy du Jour's quieter moments.
It took a long time and even a court battle to find out that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the Fusion GPS dossier, a fact that was disclosed only after the damage was done, as former British spy and the dossier's compiler, Christopher Steele, had already created a vast echo chamber as though the material he was peddling had been verified in some way, which of course, it never was.
As Brian Stelter has argued on CNN, Trump and the conservative media have perfected echo chamber politics, whereby the multiple charges about the investigation -- that FBI agents were out to systematically bring down this presidency, that the agency is damaged by rampant conflict of interest problems, that Mueller is illegally obtaining information about the transition -- have moved to the forefront of the national conversation regardless of the veracity or relevance of any of these claims.
There are so many different ways Facebook and the other platforms were involved in the election — other than Russian ads, there was the threat of "fake news" (some of which may have been produced by Russians, some by pranksters), and then there was the echo-chamber effect (where everything you see reinforces your beliefs), and on top of that, there are the many ways that Facebook worked with campaigns themselves to target voters.
Following the familiar pattern of a classic "whodunit," Fatwa articulates the complex social issues that contribute to radicalization in a manner that is rather bleak: a cloistered culture of toxic masculinity that produces an echo chamber of violent ideas; the desire to control women and their bodies in the guise of spiritual righteousness; and the opportunism of agitators who see an opening to preach hate and gain power in a society still reeling from the effects of political upheaval.
I am also pretty left, and—though it's really lovely to talk about the perks of socialism for ages with an older, wiser person until you feel like the world will inevitably be beautiful very soon, honest—the last thing anyone needs right now is another frothy interview between two people who agree on everything; both shaking their fists at modern Britain and shouting into an echo chamber of self-satisfaction and sickly sweet confirmation bias.
The biggest worry is that we drift into what Neil Postman called a technocracy, a dystopian world where these companies are bigger, more powerful, wealthier than governments, and they're run by people who have drunk the Kool-Aid, who believe they're correct, who live in our echo chamber culture and who confuse the public and the private good as I think somebody like Mark Zuckerberg does and believes that whatever is in their interest and the interest of their company is in the interests of the world.
But the original post also hedges on the likelihood of the events actually taking place, a sentiment the author echoed in a Facebook chat with Motherboard, writing: FEMA, for its part, has called all of this a load of nonsense, telling Motherboard in a lengthy emailed statement:  It's unlikely to be a satisfactory answer for the denizens of /r/conspiracy and the wider Alex Jones echo chamber, but with less than seven hours to midnight, the truth about 4/26 will be known soon enough.
And then you add to that these devices that we're all so addicted to, and you source on your device ... You decide what comes in, and it comes in from your circle, and so what do we do to get outside of that small little echo chamber that is getting tighter and tighter and tighter, and actually talk to people with whom we disagree, with whom we have different life experiences, and actually hear them and empathize with them and try to imagine what life for them is like?
Silicon Valley was caught flat-footed and open-mouthed in the wake of a traumatizing election season Even if they had expressed these thoughts beforehand, it still might not have mattered: Silicon Valley was, and still is, in its own echo chamber, caught flat-footed and open-mouthed in the wake of a traumatizing election season; building cool new products for people every day but having underestimated the extent to which people were willing to vote for a productized presidential candidate, one who at some level rejects their techno-utopianism.
In "10 Ways to Teach Argument-Writing With The New York Times," you'll find resources for … Exploring the role of a newspaper opinion section Understanding the difference between fact and opinion Analyzing the use of rhetorical strategies like ethos, pathos and logos Working with claims, evidence and counterarguments Helping students discover the issues that matter to them Breaking out of the "echo chamber" when researching hot-button issues Experimenting with visual argument-making You probably already know that you can find arguments to admire — and "writer's moves" to emulate — all over the Times Opinion section.
Pérez Art Museum Miami When: Extended hours for Miami Art Week: December 3–9; Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 9am–6pm (free admission 9am–93pm Saturday); Tuesday: 10am–6pm; Wednesday: 9am–5pm; Thursday: 9am–5pm; 7pm–12am (free admission 9am–93pm) Where: 1103 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami There is a lot of beautiful work on view at the PAMM right now, but two are opening during Miami Art Week: José Carlos Martinat's American Echo Chamber, filled with mechanical light sculptures, and Pedro Neves Marques: A Mordida, which translates to "the bite" and is Neves Marques's first solo museum presentation.
Damore also reiterated his criticism of the media, saying he was wrongly depicted as "anti-diversity/misogynist" : He also repeated his idea that minorities are getting preferential treatment at Google during the hiring process:  And condemned the "ideological echo chamber and the dangers of the authoritarian leftist policies":  Damore candidly admitted ignorance "about many of people's past and political positions and that's a weakness of mine", which is why he asked Mike Cernovich, prominent alt-right commentator, to tweet out the "Goolag" shirt: Finally, the ex-Googler started a passionate discussion on whether women are good at chess (really): Someone here is desperately looking for a platform. 
It's the latter connection that sticks, because it underlines how many Americans have secreted themselves in an airtight echo chamber where they only interact with people who believe what they believe, to the extent that the existence of people outside that circle begins to feel like a myth — kind of like "The Village," where Bernie Sanders voters or people who hated "Man of Steel" become Those We Don't Speak Of. It's hard to confront the possibility that a movie you've anticipated for years might be a letdown — so hard, in fact, that some people would sooner convince themselves it's great, no matter how much actual movie they have to overlook in the process.
In covering the New York Mets' run through the last postseason, I kept notes on all the different ways I heard people say "Let's Go Mets," beyond the familiar communal chant, and while I won't subject you to the extra "e"'s and italics-connoting-emphasis, I can say that there were many—that it was woofed as a drunken challenge to out-of-towners and swapped sotto voce in retail situations as a substitute for "have a nice day" and that it erupted tunelessly and from the very bottom of otherwise normal-looking people at seemingly random moments, normal people just screaming it into the concrete echo chamber of the Willets Point subway station or the night sky as a sort of primal scream.
It was an exercise, special operations, in Texas and several other Southern states that Russian bots and the outright media, and here's a really important aspect, there is a powerful echo chamber between what the Russians say and outright media in the United States, created such concern in the state of Texas that the Governor of Texas had to call out the state guard, which is kind of a volunteer organization, to watch the feds because the stories that were circulating in Texas was this was an attempt by the Obama administration to round up political opponents, up to and including abandoned Walmarts being used as concentration camps and boxcars transiting the state with leg irons on the floor. Right.

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