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"convenance" Definitions
  1. conventional usage
  2. (plural [convenances]) the things established by custom as proper to social intercourse : CONVENTIONS

8 Sentences With "convenance"

How to use convenance in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "convenance" and check conjugation/comparative form for "convenance". Mastering all the usages of "convenance" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Xinjiang temporary marriage, marriage de convenance, was called "waqitliq toy" in Uyghur. It was one of the prevalent forms of polygamy, "the mulla who performs the ceremony arranging for the divorce at the same time." The women and men married for a fixed period of time, several days to a week. While temporary marriage was banned in Russian Turkestan, Chinese-ruled Xinjiang permitted the temporary marriage where it was widespread.
Le hasard, diroit-on, avoit produit une multitude > innombrable d'Individus; un petit nombre se trouvoit construit de maniere > que les parties de l'Animal pouvoient satisfaire à ses besoins; dans un > autre infiniment plus grand, il n'y avoit ni convenance, ni ordre: tous ces > derniers ont péri; des Animaux sans bouche ne pouvoient pas vivre, d'autres > qui manquoient d'organes pour la génération ne pouvoient pas se perpétuer; > les feuls qui soient restés, sont ceux où se trouvoient l'ordre & la > convenance: & ces especes que nous voyons aujourd'hui, ne sont que la plus > petite partie de ce qu'un destin aveugle avoit produit. The same text was published earlier (1748) as "Les loix du mouvement et du repos déduites d'un principe metaphysique" (translation: "Derivation of the laws of motion and equilibrium from a metaphysical principle"). King-Hele (1963) points to similar, though not identical, ideas of thirty years later by David Hume in his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1777). The chief debate that Maupertuis was engaged in was one that treated the competing theories of generation (i.e.
He returned to Réunion to devote himself to the sugar industry. He restructured the sugar industry of Réunion by amalgamating estates and factories of La Mare, Savanna and Grand Bois and the sugar estates of Convenance and Eperon and founded the Société des Sucreries de Bourbon, which has become the Bourbon (group). He became the CEO of Bourbon Sugar from its inception in 1948 and he remained in that position until 1979. He amalgamated the factory and the estates of Stella in 1952.
A Turki proverb said Do not let a man from Andijan into your house. Turki women were able to inherited the property of their Chinese husbands after they died. In Xinjiang temporary marriage, marriage de convenance, called "waqitliq toy" in Turki, was one of the prevalent forms of polygamy, "the mulla who performs the ceremony arranging for the divorce at the same time", with women and men marrying for a fixed period of time for several days are a week. While temporary marriage was banned in Russian Turkestan, Chinese ruled Xinjiang permitted the temporary marriage where it was widespread.
One of the reoccurring questions asked by generations of performers and directors is whether Beatrice and Benedick actually have feelings for each other or are merely tricked into an illusion of love. Scholars such as Richard Henze see the deception of Beatrice and Benedick, that by which they are led to believe the other is in love with them, serves as an end to their individual self-deceptions that they are not in love with each other. Scholars following in Scott's footsteps believing Beatrice to be inspired by Emilia Pia, have interpreted Beatrice's concealment of her love for Benedict as a form of sprezzatura. C. T. Prouty argues that Beatrice and Benedick are a pair of true lovers and are thereby the antithesis of Claudio and Hero's "mariage de convenance".
All these books are available on A significant proportion of Vakunta's scholarly work is devoted to the production of Open Educational Resources(OER), notably didactic videos made available as open resources on YouTube as follows: Les mois de l'année, 2014; Les jours de la semaine, 2014; Quarters in Bamunka, 2014; Hausa for Beginners, 2013; Habits of Highly Effective Translators, 2013; Pragmatics of Learning a Second Language, 2012; Un mariage de convenance, 2012; La raison est nègre, 2012; Bamunka Jumpstart, 2012; Le sophisme senghorien, 2012;Hausa Haiku, 2012; Seven Strategies for Mastering Target Language Grammar, 2012; Seven Strategies for Mastering Foreign Language Vocabulary, 2012; Seven Habits of Highly Effective Listeners, 2012; Seven Habits of Highly Critical Readers, 2012; Stress Management Strategies for Foreign Language Learners, 2012; Days of the Week in Bamunka, 2012;Counting in Bamunka, 2012; Snow in Bamunka, 2012, and Camfranglais around the Mungo, 2012.
96 He was struck by both the stark realism of the room — Hunt had hired a room in a "maison de convenance" (where lovers would take their mistresses) in order to capture the feeling — and the symbolic overtones and compared the revelation of the subjects' characters through the interiors favourably with that of William Hogarth's Marriage à-la- mode. The "common, modern, vulgar" interior is overwhelmed by lustrous, unworn objects that will never be part of a home. To Ruskin, the exquisite detail of the painting only called attention to the inevitable ruin of the couple: "The very hem of the poor girl's dress, at which the painter has laboured so closely, thread by thread, has story in it, if we think how soon its pure whiteness may be soiled with dust and rain, her outcast feet failing in the street".Ruskin in Prettejohn 2005, p.

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