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"tensest" Synonyms
tautest tightest rigidest stiffest firmest snuggest most strained most stressed most drawn most contracted most strung out edgiest uptightest jitteriest jumpiest nerviest antsiest twitchiest unquietest fidgetiest queaziest queasiest hinkiest shakiest toeiest spookiest squirrelliest windiest fearfullest awkwardest hairiest creepiest difficultest scariest unpleasantest dodgiest trickiest cringiest hardest painfullest severest gloomiest nastiest gravest woefullest grumpiest testiest touchiest crankiest crabbiest rattiest crotchetiest huffiest tetchiest miserablest meanest unhappiest worst-tempered crossest surliest grouchiest snappiest sulkiest prickliest ugliest seriousest messiest roughest sourest violentest dirtiest filthiest most dangerous most threatening most perilous most troublesome most hostile most aggressive most ominous most sinister most disagreeable shiest timidest unsurest most self-conscious most embarrassed most uneasy most bashful most nervous most sheepish most uncomfortable most diffident most anxious most insecure most modest most timorous most shamefaced extremest terriblest acutest awfullest direst diciest iffiest baddest riskiest sorest weightiest intensest harshest fiercest heaviest liveliest powerfullest vividest headiest highest-octane boldest noisiest most dramatic most exciting most imposing most startling most striking most thrilling most impressive most spectacular most stunning most electrifying most staggering most suspenseful kickiest buzziest most stimulating most rousing most exhilarating most inspiring most intoxicating most breathtaking most exhilarative most galvanic most moving most emotional most dynamic most absorbing toughest grimmest ruggedest cruelest stickiest busiest most stressful most trying most demanding most draining most exhausting most taxing brittlest stoniest flintiest closest most hardened most impliable most inflexible most solid most immalleable most inelastic most unmalleable most unyielding most compact most unbendable thorniest bitterest tickliest bumpiest itchiest scratchiest most embarrassing most disturbing gauntest most haggard most careworn most exhausted most fatigued most raddled most tired most drained most fraught most unwell most withered most hollow-eyed most worn-out knottiest tangliest bentest most knotted most coiled most entangled most matted most twisted most clenched most gnarled most intertwined most linked most looped most perplexed most snagged most tied most disharmonious most discordant most conflicting most resentful More

89 Sentences With "tensest"

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That knowledge helps inform the tensest parts of Schreier's book.
Start with the South China Sea, one of the world's tensest geopolitical situations.
Women at the forefront -- The discussion of Trump's accusers was the tensest part.
The tensest scene involves an effort by Mr. Abaïfouta to broker a reconciliation.
The war of nomenclature's tensest battle lines are drawn around the relationship to modernity.
The tensest part of the mostly drama-light night came when they were discussing healthcare.
The stakes could not be higher in one of the tensest corners of the earth.
Tuesday's debate — the tensest yet — put the Democrats' newly minted front-runner to the test.
One of the tensest moments of the night came as Buttigieg argued with former Rep.
Russia's UN envoy has said that relations with America are at their tensest in 40 years.
Last summer it sparred with China atop the Himalayas in the tensest stand-off in decades.
In one of the tensest exchanges, Ms. Manigault-Newman said, "Shame on you," to Mr. Gordon.
This is one of the tensest days of the month, so if you can handle this, you're golden.
It spits banter so sharp and quick that it slices through even the tensest scenes with laser precision.
Between the lines: Schiff's warning comes amid the tensest showdowns between the presidency and the press in our lifetimes.
One of the tensest days this month is December 26, when Jupiter in Libra will oppose Uranus in Aries.
Yet now, 64 years later, the "truce village" of Panmunjom is still one of the tensest places on the planet.
Also CD-Roms Taking Forever To Load One of the tensest scenes of the movie is also one of the funniest.
The ways in which these impersonations evolve, and the responses they provoke, create some of the play's tensest and funniest moments.
When Stone confronts him about the amphetamine in the jail visitors' lounge—the episode's tensest scene—the defendant seems barely interested.
President Trump reacted with guarded optimism to the news, which potentially represented a major defusing of one of the world's tensest confrontations.
Afghanistan's patrons include some of the world's tensest geopolitical rivals: Russia and the United States, Pakistan and India, as well as Iran.
The simultaneously tensest and most optimistic sequence occurs when Kareem attends an after-party with the Israeli nationalist rappers who preceded him.
Some of the tensest moments of Spielberg's Jurassic Park come from the velociraptors stalking through the kitchens and corridors of John Hammond's structures.
One of the tensest days this month is April 6, when the Sun in energetic Aries challenges Pluto in mature, Earth sign Capricorn.
These mechanics, combined with good old-fashioned human psychology, make The Division's Dark Zone the tensest experience I've ever had in an MMO.
Early in the film, he receives one of the tensest (and funniest) moments with the Ferrari CEO as Ford considers purchasing the company.
And for Brigid and Raider as a couple, humor surfaces in even their tensest moments, giving the high-stakes drama humanity and warmth.
The next morning, strangely bright-eyed, Naomi sits in on what must be the tensest sit-down deal since the Treaty of Versailles.
The big picture: As the Hong Kong situation deteriorates, the Trump administration is entering the tensest stage of its economic standoff with China.
In one of the episode's tensest and most memorable scenes, Varys and Tyrion have a fierce debate over whether to replace her with Jon.
Bannon, who declined to comment for this story, played a key role during the tensest moments of the Trump campaign (see: "Access Hollywood" tape).
As Vox's Sean Collins reported, one of the tensest moments during the trial took place in the early hours of Wednesday morning, when Rep.
Manoj Govindaiah, RAICES' director of family detention services, said the mood inside Karnes is the tensest he's seen in 12 years of practicing immigration law.
Bill and Richie's journey into the house on Neibolt Street — and their desperate dash for freedom — is one of the tensest sections in the book.
One of the most intense days this month is May 26, when Jupiter in Virgo will square (one of the tensest astrological aspects) Saturn in Sagittarius.
The tensest moment was in December 1990, amid calls for his resignation in the wake of a corruption scandal involving his son, also named Augusto Pinochet.
A million troops have squared off along the disputed border, one of Asia's tensest flash points and the source of two previous wars between the two countries.
Taken together, the measures signal that Mr. Trump has moved into an aggressive, unpredictable phase of his strategy for dealing with one of the world's tensest regions.
John Richardson, who was the first chief to comment about Charlottesville, has sailed in and commanded nuclear submarines during some of the tensest moments of the Cold War.
Much like during the tensest Cold War years, Germany (and presumably, behind it, most of the European Union) will stand firmly against Moscow's authoritarian ideology and human rights violations.
Diplomats in Athens and Brussels say the situation is tensest it has been in more than two decades, since 1996, when the two neighbors exchanged fire in the Aegean.
And one of its tensest, saddest lows is a confrontation between Munchies and Joey Fresco (Victor Almanzar), the building's janitor, who gets caught in the crosshairs of her despair.
The scenes of Irena's romantic rival Alice (Jane Randolph) seemingly stalked by a panther through Central Park and at an athletic club are still among the tensest ever executed in film.
In some of the tensest moments of the 2020 debates, a viewer might have concluded that Democrats were poised for a large-scale clash over the legacy of President Barack Obama.
Perhaps the tensest moment in Saturday's Republican presidential debate came when Donald Trump finally said something so outrageous that the other candidates onstage and even the debate audience closed ranks against him.
And Wednesday, in the tensest exchange of business communication since that time I wrote "per my earlier email," Trump responded with his own letter, writing that he still planned to deliver his speech.
Nichols throws in the trappings of 1980s blockbusters, from car chases to special-effects sequences, but his tensest scene involves Roy and his allies sitting in a nearly unmoving car, waiting in a long line.
A Donald Trump rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis provided some of the tensest moments yet between supporters of the billionaire businessman and protesters opposed to his controversial candidacy for president.
One of the tensest moments of the hearing came during Duckworth's second round of questions, when when she asked Pruitt about his recent four-day trip to Morocco to promote the sale of American natural gas.
Facing off against the Boston Bruins, the team and its fans are entrenched in some of the tensest hockey they've ever played, having already survived two Game 20s to get to reach the Stanley Cup Final.
The tensest moments in season 1 took place inside the confines of the Waterfords' home,where June/Offred was forced to submit to rape on a regular basis in order to fulfill her duty as a handmaid.
But the film has just as much in common with Jeremy Saulnier's recent room-escape movie Green Room and Dan Trachtenberg's similarly claustrophobic 10 Cloverfield Lane, and it joins them as one of 2016's tensest horror films.
The agreement headed off a threat by North Korea to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and eased what had been one of the tensest periods on the Korean Peninsula since the armistice that ended the Korean War.
ISTANBUL — The United States and Turkey agreed Monday on a plan to withdraw Kurdish fighters from the northern Syrian city of Manbij as a step toward resolving one of the tensest disputes to erupt recently between the countries.
Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren engaged Tuesday night in one of their tensest exchanges yet in the fight for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, as they relitigated their roles in the creation of a groundbreaking consumer protection agency.
But while Price fielded plenty of questions Wednesday about his views on reforming the health care system, it was his actions as an investor that sparked the tensest exchanges and seemed at times to leave the veteran lawmaker flustered.
As much as any of these perks, it is the chance to chronicle the best talent, the tensest games, the most battle-scarred rivalries — and to do it all in the lush and cocooned world of big-league stadiums.
If only more of "Really Really Gorgeous" were more like its tensest scene, with Pen and Mar in a video chat: They begin looking at screens and end staring straight at each other, as if preparing for a duel.
The clanging percussion and woozy synth work only echo the techno-dystopia of the concept, but it's hard not to feel giddy when the odd rushes of caffeinated arpeggiations and rapid-fire synth bells come in during the films tensest moments.
He's weighed in on the president's efforts to bar trans service members and remove the U.S. from the Paris accords, but he was silent for days on some of the tensest 72 hours in America since the week of the election.
CLEVELAND — The tensest exchange yet between the police and protesters at the Republican National Convention unfolded Wednesday afternoon with officers arresting several people after some of them tried to burn a United States flag near the site of the convention.
The episode set off one of the tensest standoffs between Beijing and Washington in 15 years and occurred a day after the Chinese signaled that they had installed weapons along a string of disputed islands in the South China Sea.
In the tensest development she comes under the supervision of a local surveillance official, who we're told at one point is alarmed to learn that she has absconded to Geneva to talk with the Joint United Nations Program on H.I.V./AIDS.
One of the tensest exchanges took place on the issue of race and civil rights, as Kamala Harris attacked Biden for his words about finding "common ground" with segregationists, saying that it was personally "hurtful" to so many people of color like her.
The New Jersey senator's attacks on Mr. Biden over criminal justice reform emerged as one of the tensest exchanges of the night as the two men battled over Mr. Biden's role in the 1994 crime bill, which experts have linked to mass incarceration.
Washington (CNN)A dispute over North Korea has once again laid bare the apparent rift between the White House and the top US diplomat, leading to behind-the-scenes scrambling this week by aides meant to avoid mixed signals about the world's tensest standoff.
In what might have been the ugliest and tensest presidential debate in the modern era, Trump managed to stanch the bleeding and resuscitate a campaign that was on life support — an impressive feat in the face of a daunting video that threatened to permanently sink him.
The game involves a hell of a lot of skill, accuracy and tactics (you can aim for the jack or you can aim to knock an opponent's ball out of the way, for instance), and all in all the event is probably one of the tensest to watch.
THE ruling of July 12th on the South China Sea by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, an international tribunal in the Hague, raises tensions in one of the tensest areas of the world and is the biggest setback so far to China's challenge to American influence in East Asia.
Seoul (CNN)Standing near the front line of the world's tensest standoff, President Donald Trump on Wednesday issued a direct and personal warning to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, declaring during his first major speech in Asia that continued nuclear provocation could result in the communist nation's obliteration.
But if the sections authorizing interdictions at sea survive, it could set the stage for some of the tensest encounters on the high seas since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, when President John F. Kennedy ordered a complete blockade around the island to prevent Soviet missiles from being installed.
Tense moments with Franken One of the tensest moments questioning Sessions' record came from Franken, who was the first on the committee to raise concerns about Sessions' questionnaire that he submitted to the committee ahead of the hearing -- a key piece of Democrats' messaging against Sessions in the lead-up to the hearing.
" House GOP set for fight with FBI, DOJ over subpoenas -  Politico:  "The Justice Department and House Republicans appear to be careening toward their tensest confrontation yet in a long-running dispute over documents, with one GOP lawmaker warning that the House could seek to hold officials in contempt of Congress if the FBI and DOJ fail to comply with subpoenas for information.
Whether you're rooting for the New England Patriots this weekend or the Los Angeles Rams, some of the tensest moments of Super Bowl LIII will likely come when a kicker stares down the field, breaks into a sprint, and plants his foot on the ball, sending it arcing towards the field goal in hopes of scoring a few precious points.
In his book Maestro Mario: How Nintendo Transformed Videogame Music into an Art, videogame scholar Andrew Schartmann notes the possible influence of Jerry Goldsmith's Alien score on Tanaka's music—a hypothesis supported by Sakamoto's acknowledgement of Alien's influence on the game's development. As Schartmann notes, "Much like Metroid, the movie owes some of its tensest moments to silence."Schartmann, Andrew. Maestro Mario: How Nintendo Transformed Videogame Music into an Art .
Grover Cleveland provided an account of perhaps the tensest moment of his two presidential administrations, the 1895 Venezuela border controversy with Britain. Andrew D. White contributed a series titled "Chapters from My Diplomatic Life" on his experiences serving in Germany and Russia. In September 1901, Woodrow Wilson wrote "Edmund Burke and the French Revolution" while still a professor at Princeton. In 1907 future President William Howard Taft wrote about the Panama Canal while serving as Secretary of War.
On 25 February 1956, at the 20th Party Congress, he delivered the "Secret Speech", which denounced Stalin's purges and ushered in a less repressive era in the Soviet Union. His domestic policies, aimed at bettering the lives of ordinary citizens, were often ineffective, especially in agriculture. Hoping eventually to rely on missiles for national defense, Khrushchev ordered major cuts in conventional forces. Despite the cuts, Khrushchev's time in office saw the tensest years of the Cold War, culminating in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Guerau de Espés del Valle (1524 in Lleida – 1572) was a Spanish nobleman and diplomat. He served as Philip II of Spain's ambassador to Elizabeth I of England from 1568 to 1571 during one of the tensest moments in Anglo-Spanish relations and was expelled after being accused of complicity of the Ridolfi plot. He was a knight of the Order of Calatrava. He also appeared as a character in the 2007 film Elizabeth: The Golden Age, played by the British actor Will Houston.
In 1619 he returned to London and remained until 1622. The Guyana expedition of Roger North in 1620 seemed to be a repeat of Raleigh's violation of Spanish settlements in the Caribbean, and at Gondomar's insistence, North was imprisoned. The tensest late confrontation was over Count Mansfeld's projected movement of troops raised in England to rescue James's son-in-law Frederick V, Elector Palatine, the "Winter King" of Bohemia. Habsburg Madrid and Brussels were concerned that the French aimed to join Mansfeld's forces and retrieve Artois for France, and the project was let slide.
Despite his preference for violent struggle, Guevara expressed appreciation for Mahatma Gandhi. Upon his return to Cuba, Guevara wrote, "In India, the word war is so distant from the spirit of the people that they did not use it even in the tensest moments of their struggle for independence. The great demonstrations of collective peaceful discontent forced the English colonialism to leave forever the land that they devastated during one hundred and fifty years." India opened its embassy in Havana in January 1960, just six months after Guevara's visit.
Filming was intimate during both the tensest and the most tender moments, with the camera sometimes inches from pained faces as the children screamed and cried, all while they were being restrained by counselors. Upon seeing Warrendale, director Jean Renoir wrote, "Allan King is a great artist. His remarkable work exposes one of the most suspenseful action I have ever seen on a screen." The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which commissioned the film, refused to show it because the children often swore and uttered such words as "fuck" and "bullshit," which were not then permitted on Canadian television.
His leftist policies, including land redistribution, nationalization of certain foreign holdings, and attempts to bring the military under civilian control, antagonized the military officer corps, the Catholic hierarchy, and the upper-class, who feared "another Cuba". The Presidency of Juan Bosch in 1963 led to one of the tensest periods in contemporary Haitian-Dominican relations. Bosch supported the efforts of Haitian exiles who trained to overthrow François Duvalier, Haiti's repressive president. In April 1963, former Haitian army officers reportedly tried to kill Duvalier's children, and many of those accused took refuge in the embassies of Latin American countries in Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital.
's All-Time Top 10 albums. Writing for The Guardian, Alexis Petridis awarded the album a perfect five stars, calling it "an embarrassment of fantastic songs" and "a straightforward triumph". At Rolling Stone, Jon Dolan awarded the album four stars out of five, hailing it as "her tightest, tensest, best set of songs to date, with wry, twisty beats pushing her lovably ornery melodies toward grueling revelations" and noting that "the playful way these songs contort makes pain feel like a party." Alex Denny of The Fly rated the album four-and- a-half stars out of five, describing it as "her most ebullient, ambitiously styled music to date".
Under his leadership, the UCLA Bruins won the 1956 National Collegiate Athletic Association national outdoor title (the school's first track and field title), and he was named NCAA Track & Field Coach of the Year for that year. He coached decathletes Rafer Johnson and C. K. Yang during the 1960 Summer Olympics, in which they won gold and silver respectively in one of the tensest duels in Olympic history. Close to legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, he was the trainer for all of Wooden's teams over a span of 27 years. Drake died of a heart attack at the age of 85 at St. John's Hospital and Health Center in Santa Monica, California.
First published in 1983, An Innocent Millionaire tells the story of Mark Niven, the son of an American actor who makes an uncertain living in Europe. "Mankind, we are told, is divided into the haves and the have-nots, but there are those who both have the goods and do not, and they live the tensest lives." The boy who spends his childhood in various countries "has no emotional address" and once financial pressures led to the divorce of his parents, he becomes enchanted with the idea of finding a Spanish treasure ship. He finds both love and the treasure ship, but the fortune turns into a nightmare and his happiness with a married woman ends in tragedy.
S-117 was a Soviet Shchuka class submarine that was lost on or about December 15, 1952, due to unknown causes in the Strait of Tartary in the Sea of Japan. The boat may have collided with a surface ship or struck a mine. All forty-seven crewmen died in the incident. The southeastern part of the Strait of Tartary was the site of one of the tensest incidents of the Cold War, when on September 1, 1983, Korean Air Lines Flight 007, carrying 269 people including a sitting U.S. congressman, Larry McDonald, strayed into the Soviet air space and was attacked by a Soviet Su-15 interceptor just west of Sakhalin Island.
The center engine ignited first, followed by opposing outboard pairs at 300-millisecond intervals to reduce the structural loads on the rocket. When thrust had been confirmed by the onboard computers, the rocket was "soft- released" in two stages: first, the hold-down arms released the rocket, and second, as the rocket began to accelerate upwards, it was slowed by tapered metal pins pulled through dies for half a second. Once the rocket had lifted off, it could not safely settle back down onto the pad if the engines failed. The astronauts considered this one of the tensest moments in riding the Saturn V, for if the rocket did fail to lift off after release they had a low chance of survival given the large amounts of propellant.
In April 1996, the Romanian-Russian relationship experienced one of its tensest moments, as the Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov flew to Bucharest at the invitation of Romanian authorities to sign a renegotiated version of the bilateral good-neighborly relations treaty. Pressed by the opposition parties, president Iliescu changed his mind and Romania refused to sign the treaty, because it failed to address two of the most enduring bilateral disputes between the two countries: Romania decried the treaty's lack of clauses that condemned the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (1939) and that would establish a clear roadmap for the return of Romania's National Treasure stored in Moscow. Russia furiously denounced Romanian intentions as hostile and driven by irredentist inclinations towards territories within the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, to which Moscow considered Romania might lay claim. Also, Russia complained that Romania refused to include a provision that would commit the two parties not to join alliances that are targeted against the other.

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