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"stickiest" Synonyms
gummiest gluiest tackiest clingiest grippiest gooiest ickiest thickest gloopiest syrupiest treacliest claggiest cloggiest clartiest gungiest gloppiest slimiest ropiest pastiest gunkiest muddiest sloppiest muckiest humidest sultriest muggiest dampest clammiest steamiest closest sweatiest soggiest hottest dankest soupiest moistest wettest heaviest stuffiest drippiest fuggiest torridest difficultest trickiest thorniest toughest hairiest knottiest prickliest dodgiest awkwardest touchiest hardest roughest nastiest catchiest tricksiest unpleasantest spiniest ruggedest painfullest unsurest iffiest unclearest vaguest unlikeliest obscurest flimsiest most disputed most unresolved most unsettled most moot most controversial most contentious most debatable most questionable most undecided mushiest soppiest schmaltziest sugariest slushiest fruitiest spooniest sickliest cheesiest cutesiest weepiest hokiest dirtiest filthiest grimiest grubbiest messiest uncleanest dustiest foulest grottiest scummiest cruddiest grungiest sootiest squalidest blackest crummiest dingiest wilfullest bolshiest perversest stubbornest stroppiest most uncooperative most bloody-minded most obstructive most unreasonable most unaccommodating most unamenable most unhelpful most unwilling most cussed most inconsiderate most inflexible most recalcitrant most stiff-necked mangiest shabbiest seediest scruffiest meanest rattiest dumpiest miserablest scrubbiest sleaziest shoddiest scuzziest sorriest skankiest brambliest bristliest spikiest scratchiest sharpest jaggiest pointiest most barbed most spiked most pointed most briary most thistly most spinous most bristled most pronged most aculeate most spicular steadfastest firmest patientest steadiest most persistent most dogged most persevering most tenacious most determined most pertinacious most resolute most indefatigable most obstinate most relentless most unrelenting most assiduous most unflagging most unwavering most diligent stillest rigidest most inert most unmoving most stopped most inactive most fixed most frozen most stagnant most unstirring most inanimate most lifeless most immovable most passive most stuck More

106 Sentences With "stickiest"

How to use stickiest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stickiest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stickiest". Mastering all the usages of "stickiest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

You've got some of the stickiest churn I've ever seen.
I found that to be the stickiest wicket in the passage.
Chat app WeChat is the stickiest of all mobile apps in China.
I thought those were the stickiest across entries, other than the themers.
That is already one of the stickiest issues in global climate negotiations.
In the stickiest cities, traffic seems less an irritation than an inescapable fact.
I've figured out the cheapest, easiest, and stickiest ways to do them consistently.
The stickiest issue for Uber will likely be Saudi Arabia's treatment of women.
And our reporter explains some of the stickiest points in reaching a deal.
Whether that is enough to peel off the President's stickiest supporters is another question.
The issue has been one of the stickiest for Uber's fraught relations with its drivers.
Likely the stickiest issue yet to be ironed out: How to pay for the plan.
Balancing their competing claims has been seen as the stickiest part of any peace effort.
But it's nonetheless competing for mobile eyeballs with one of the stickiest apps on the planet.
We tried Crane & Canopy's Striped Fouta Towel during the stickiest summer months, and we loved it.
"Once something is deployed, it&aposs the stickiest business model I&aposve ever seen," said Bartel.
It is attempting to solve one of the stickiest problems enterprises face: sharing data across disparate systems.
We ask whether he'll be able to ditch the Irish "backstop" that has becomeBrexit's stickiest sticking point.
Think of the stickiest, record-hot summer you've ever experienced, whether you're 2150 or 22 years old.
The stickiest point of contention in the "he said, he said" remains the question of who's lying.
These are Amazon's stickiest and most valuable customers, who order often and can access its streaming service.
The resulting surfaces are, in effect, self-lubricating—so that even the stickiest substances flow across them easily.
Congressional review key question One of the stickiest issues may be over congressional review of easing Russia sanctions.
They experimented with various sucker radii, finding that the stickiest adhesive had 50 micrometer dimples arranged fairly densely.
The stickiest feature is the ability to group chat with everyone invited so you can hammer out plans.
Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods have the potential to help solve one of the stickiest problems in the climate fight.
One of the stickiest points is who will control a merged entity and what say the minority player will have.
He said hardware showcased in the stores, like Kindle and Fire, bring the "stickiest, most profitable" consumers into the Amazon ecosystem.
Reuters reported earlier on Thursday the two countries are outlining commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute.
Even in the stickiest situations, Sanchez remained calm and managed to stave off a storm of submissions from the Polish lightweight.
Unlike Presidents Barack Obama or George W. Bush, Trump has lobbed his own signature barbs toward the stickiest foreign policy crises.
The stickiest point here is whether the Fed would be able to convince the public that the increased inflation is temporary.
And Texas is by far the "stickiest" state: More than 8 in 10 of those born in Texas stay in Texas.
But once deals are signed, Bartel said, serving those customers is one of the stickiest business models he&aposs ever seen.
That car's purpose is to howl on the track, and it provides the stickiest grip I have ever experienced in my life.
The meeting follows reports that both sides have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their protracted dispute.
Brexit: The stickiest wicket is the so-called Irish backstop, a scheme for averting a physical border ever falling in Northern Ireland.
Because we're headed into the hottest and stickiest summer we've seen in a while, so you need a game plan for staying cool.
The red tape is stickiest in poorer countries; in sub-Saharan Africa exporters must endure nearly 200 hours of inspections, regulations and paperwork.
Plus, there's a timelier, seasonal issue with your beloved blues: They just don't jive with the stickiest, nearly 90-degree temps of summer.
Reports earlier on Thursday said negotiators from the two countries are outlining commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute.
They tried several different dimple shapes, and the octopus-inspired one was the stickiest by far under moist conditions, underwater, and under oil.
The DACA issue has proven one of the stickiest as lawmakers work to negotiate a spending deal that would avoid a government shutdown.
So again, while it's not as massive as other platforms, Snap is making the case that it's one of the stickiest apps out there.
"There's not a lot of consensus for how we treat those and that will be one of the stickiest issues that we're dealing with."
Reuters reported that the United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle to resolve the stickiest issues in their trade dispute.
The data offset news that the United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute.
When the guests dug in, one thing became immediately clear: Mimouna has to be in the running for the stickiest culinary ritual known to humanity.
The impact of this ARPU difference is that the best mobile AR developers with the stickiest mobile AR apps might launch on ARKit before ARCore.
Just as it was in the original game, exploring rooftops to find and collect agility orbs in story mode is the stickiest aspect of Crackdown 3.
Lawmakers like Shelby and Leahy have argued instead for clearing the least controversial spending measures first so the stickiest appropriations bills don't doom the whole lot.
The track tunes its laser focus to the stickiest parts of CRW's original, as if to create a chemical reduction of its most addictive melodic turns.
However, his comments also remind us that the stickiest aspect of the impeachment crisis involves Biden in a way that reflects very negatively on the Trump side.
Trade diplomats say the agricultural tariff question is the stickiest problem facing Britain as it prepares to establish its own distinct terms of trade at the WTO.
One of the stickiest negotiating points in AHCA 2.0 has been whether the Medicaid expansion that occurred under Obamacare should be rolled back and, if so, how quickly.
The stickiest trap for cultural critics in this brave new world is seeing Donald Trump around every corner — every movie, every TV show, every song and sketch and meme.
No sector is more committed to diversity than higher education is, but it has proved to be one of the stickiest areas for affirmative action, both legally and practically.
Check out this ganja gift ... it's a flower arrangement with 48 pre-rolled joints filled with the stickiest of the icky ... one for each of Snoop's trips around the sun.
On "Sweetness," the stickiest and most conventional pop track, Keating reels off a list of enticing sensory details: smoke, silk water, jasmine, blood amber, bubbling tea, blackberry cream, cinnamon sheets.
Then there was that afternoon I had a low-key cubicle weep after jamming a printer with the universe's stickiest mailing labels and was dressed down by the angry office manager.
In the age of stickiest-of-ickiest-and-rising THC percentages, it appears the United States government still supplies researchers with low grade brick weed you probably smoked in high school.
Juanita is behind the restaurant's signature platters, including the birria, mole, and a runny egg folded into one of Tere's tortillas, the stickiest, most world-silencing taco special I've been served.
But every so often, there's that fancy-dress event, smack-dab in the middle of the stickiest season — and maybe you haven't dug into that section of your wardrobe since the holidays.
The U.S. and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.
Market focus was also largely attuned to global trade developments, after U.S. and Chinese officials reportedly started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their long-running trade dispute.
The two countries also agreed to expand cooperation on areas such as manufacturing and intellectual property — one of the stickiest disputes between the U.S. and China, given the latter's lax enforcement regime.
At Nairobi's Giraffe Center, you can feed Rothschild's giraffes food pellets from your palm, and stick a pellet between your lips and get the wettest, stickiest kiss you've received since seventh grade.
In fact, it's one of the stickiest features of the app, which began as a navigational tool but now features everything from crowdsourcing to the ability to track shipments from dispatch to delivery.
The United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.
A Reuters report said Washington and Beijing had started to outline commitments on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war.
It is its own medium, and the music being made specifically for it is becoming its own style, breaking down the traditional song format into components and amplifying the loudest and stickiest parts.
James Brokenshire, hardly a man known for wacky thinking, has embraced a surprising new idea for dealing with one of Britain's stickiest problems: entrenched opposition (particularly in the south-east) to building new houses.
Even so, much of the administration's plan depends on lawmakers reaching agreements on some of the stickiest points of reforming a housing finance system forged during the financial crisis and frozen in amber since.
There were reports a deal was imminent on Tuesday after the U.K. had made concessions over the Irish border issue and customs arrangements which have proved the stickiest points preventing an agreement so far.
From oversized linen styles to save you on the hottest, stickiest of days, to affordable cocktail frocks and high-rated sundresses — your friends won't believe it when you tell them where you bought your dress.
Sources familiar with the negotiations told Reuters that the two sides had begun to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues, marking the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war.
Agriculture is one of the stickiest issues in the U.S.-EU trade relationship with deep domestic political ramifications for both sides, explained Jérémie Cohen-Setton, a research fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
It's all about which comms app giant can embed the stickiest and most addictive features into their platform to keep users inside their own well-tended garden, rather than peering over the wall at rivals' plots.
TRADE TALKS: The United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war, sources said.
The United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war, sources told Reuters.
More than almost any other contemporary improviser, Mr. Akinmusire has invented a way of composing that's unfixed from jazz's stickiest conventions: Musicians trade the melody; solos evade a clear path or just cut out; tempos disintegrate.
That this is all happening in the shadow of both a Trump presidency as well as some of America's stickiest sins — systemic disenfranchisement and voter suppression — makes the stakes of the midterm elections all that much higher.
By the start of this week, it'd become clear that the stickiest issue was military funding for transgender medical treatments—an amendment banning paying for those treatments was voted down by a coalition of Democrats and moderate Republicans.
The United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war, sources told Reuters on Thursday.
Beijing and Washington have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war, according to Reuters sources familiar with the negotiations.
Inside that plastic trove of makeup treasures, you might find light-blue shadow, brown lipliner, and the heaviest, stickiest gloss available at the mall, along with, of course, your trusty tweezers used to groom, err, over-tweeze, your arches.
Verto also found that YouTube, which has a relatively small number of monthly unique users on mobile in the US — just 33 million users — had the "stickiest" service, with a 35 percent "stickiness" rating (dividing daily by monthly active users).
The United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war, sources familiar with the negotiations told Reuters.
The United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.
Addressing Medicare for All Perhaps more than anything else, it was her pledge at the first primary debate in June that she was all-in on Sanders' "Medicare for All" bill that has, over time, emerged as Warren's stickiest stumbling block.
The United States and China have started to outline commitments in principle on the stickiest issues in their trade dispute, marking the most significant progress yet toward ending a seven-month trade war, according to sources familiar with the negotiations, Reuters reported exclusively.
Some exceptions are "Secret," a lovely folky number from 1994's Bedtime Stories; 1999 psychedelic gem "Beautiful Stranger"; and Madame X promo single "Crave," an appealingly hazy collaboration with Rae Sremmurd's Swae Lee that boasts one of Madonna's stickiest melodies in years.
Some of the stickiest holdups have little to do with money and much more to do with policy riders that lawmakers hope can get tucked into the bill and passed without the controversy the bills would attract if they were stand-alone provisions.
The stickiest narrative point that Lion has to navigate is the matter of international adoption, especially white families adopting brown children, which brings with it a whole wicket of ethical issues, from white savior complexes to families unprepared for their children's emotional challenges to kidnappings.
And, she found herself in the stickiest of situations: Former Clinton Foundation director Darnell Strom responded that he was "disappointed" in Gabbard's eagerness to back the primary rival when she'd already gone to Clinton for support in the past, exacerbating the idea that she has little to no loyalty for her party.
One thing that may encourage people to switch is social experiences, but on this score Apple is winning, too: "Green bubble" FOMO isn't just a trope of Apple keynotes — there's evidence to suggest it's one of the stickiest things about Apple's ecosystem, with a steady trickle of users migrating from the Android side just so they can finally experience the pleasure of sending messages with a strobe light.
This approach attracted many visitors: In August 1999, was the "stickiest" site on the Internet with eBay in second place.
Neopets was consistently ranked among the top ten "stickiest" sites by both Nielsen//NetRatings and comScore Media Metrix in 2005 and 2006. According to Nielsen//NetRatings, in 2007, Neopets lost about 15% of its audience over the previous year. In February 2008, comScore ranked it as the stickiest kids entertainment site with the average user spending 2 hours and 45 minutes per month. Described as an online cross of Pokémon and Tamagotchi, Neopets has received both praise and criticism.
In the 2000s, Neopets was consistently noted as one of the "stickiest" sites for children's entertainment. Stickiness is a measure of the average amount of time spent on a website. A press release from Neopets in 2001 stated that led in site "stickiness" in May and June, with the average user spending 117 minutes a week. Neopets also led in the average number of hours spent per user per month in December 2003 with an average of 4 hours and 47 minutes.
Pogo grew quickly, eventually outpacing its competition to become the "stickiest game site on the Internet." according to a company press release. Although the site was popular by late 2000, the Dot-Com bubble was bursting for most startup companies, and cash was very tight. entered into a deal to be purchased by then popular web portal Excite@Home Network, also a Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers/Vinod Khosla investment. However Excite was having problems of its own and heading for bankruptcy.
Thus the dissatisfaction with neoclassical models motivated the construction of new growth theories where the key determinations are endogenous in the model; long run growth is not determined by exogenous factors but by endogenous factors in such models. The simplest version of an endogenous model is the AK model which assumes constant exogenous saving rate and fixed level of technology. The stickiest assumption of this model is that the production function does not include diminishing returns to capital. This assumption means the model can lead to endogenous growth.
As of January 2013, Variety reported that the merger had proceeded with "few bumps", amid shows of good will on both sides. The stickiest remaining problem was reported to be the merger of the two pension funds, in part as a way of dealing with the issue of performers who paid into each plan, yet did not quite earn enough under either of the old plans to qualify for a pension. The union is perceived as having two factions. The larger faction has focused on creating job opportunities for members.
He is also assisted by a robotic dog named G-9 (Maurice LaMarche), who serves as the "Brain" of this series, which shows through his morphing capabilities to get the gang out of the stickiest situations. The main villain of this series, instead of Dr. Claw, is the mask- wearing six-armed villainess Spydra (Louise Vallance) who is accompanied by Boris, a frequently abused, wisecracking, sarcastic vulture with a Russian accent, along with her henchmen Mulch and his twin brother Houmous, all played by Maurice LaMarche. The main title theme song was written and performed by Mike Piccirillo. Musical underscore composers were Mike Piccirillo and Jean- Michel Guirao.
When McCartney arrived at Lennon's Weybridge home for a writing session, he had the tune in his head, but "the lyrics were disastrous, and I knew it." The chorus began, "You can buy me diamond rings", a cliché they had used twice before, in "Can't Buy Me Love" and "I Feel Fine" (as well as in the discarded "If You've Got Trouble"). Lennon dismissed the lyrics as "crap" and "too soft". They decided to rewrite the lyrics and after some difficulty – McCartney said it was "one of the stickiest" writing sessions – they settled on the "drive my car" theme (which Bob Spitz credits to Lennon) and the rest of the lyrics flowed easily from that.
Gadget Boy is assisted by the beautiful and resourceful agent Heather (Tara Charandoff), a very tall equivalent of sorts to Penny (the difference being that Heather is in her early 20s). He is also assisted by a robotic dog named G-9 (Maurice LaMarche), who serves as the "Brain" of this series, which shows through his morphing capabilities to get the gang out of the stickiest situations. The main villain of this series, instead of Dr. Claw, is the mask-wearing six-armed villainess Spydra (Louise Vallance) who is accompanied by Boris, a frequently abused, wisecracking, sarcastic vulture with a Russian accent, along with her henchmen Mulch and his twin brother Houmous, all played by Maurice LaMarche. The main title theme song was written and performed by Mike Piccirillo.
He is shocked to discover that Van Dough had anticipated his own arrival, and had arranged for his parents' rescue. Held at gunpoint, Van Dough forces the Rich family elders to reveal the location of the Rich vault, while Ferguson and his partner take Richie and his friends to the molecular reorganizer. Once in the lab, Keenbean manages to subdue both Ferguson and his partner with the world's stickiest substance named , but ends up stuck as well; thinking cleverly, he uses a remote to power a robotic bee he created to sting Ferguson, causing him to crash into the machine's emergency off button, and thus saving Richie and the others. Van Dough is eventually led to Mount Richmore, a gigantic mountainside-sculpture of the three Rich members' heads where the vault is located.

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