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"sediments" Antonyms

174 Sentences With "sediments"

How to use sediments in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sediments" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sediments". Mastering all the usages of "sediments" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The chemical composition of the older sediments was altered less than in the younger sediments.
Such transgressions and regressions mean that marine and terrestrial sediments are interleaved in these mountains, and the marine sediments provided the information needed.
The sediments in the seabed contained microbes, which consumed methane for energy and eventually changed the chemical composition of the sediments to create concretions of a rock called dolomite.
Robinson said that the magma, which may have intruded into seafloor sediments, cooked those sediments and released carbon dioxide into the water column, which could also have asphyxiated those deep-sea fish.
Under a microscope, that green liquid is full of Mallomonas, an alga that has become common in recent layers of Walden sediments and in the sediments of many other lakes around the world.
A male skeleton, found lying prone in the lagoon's sediments.
Every place carries meanings that accumulate like sediments over time.
Soil samples from surrounding fields and river sediments were collected too.
"HRT was the settling of the sediments and filth," she said.
Scanning electron micrograph of diatom-rich sediments from the Southern Ocean.
Eroded sediments are being carried into the lake, affecting this strip.
Often, this occurs in flooded environments such as wetlands and sediments.
Perhaps they bury in coastal sediments, then resurface due to erosion.
They found particles everywhere—in surface waters, in sediments, in fish.
Alluvial fans are gently-sloping wedges of sediments deposited by flowing water.
"Lobes are curved, roundish projections formed by deposits of sediments," Fairén said.
However, DNA can move within sediments — although we don't really know how.
Their floors were flat, possibly from the settling of sediments from water.
If so, signs of their remains might be found in lakebed sediments.
"We have the whole KT event preserved in these sediments," DePalma said.
The particles were found everywhere: from the surface to sediments to fish.
He loved water and began his career studying ocean sediments and fossils.
The bacteria likely picked up the crystals from sediments along the sea bed.
In the Arctic Ocean, vast stores of methane lie buried under frozen sediments.
In strong earthquakes the pressurized water can be forced out of the sediments.
The CCZ sits beneath the ocean's clearest waters, so its sediments accumulate extremely slowly.
Could such sediments have protected organic molecules for such a vast expanse of time?
This skeleton was that of a man, found lying prone in the lagoon's sediments.
"Mercury anomalies had been documented in sediments, but never before in shells," Petersen said.
With less oxygen to pump into their roots, they are poisoned by toxic sediments.
The dried0up lake, shown by the whiter sediments, can be seen in the background.
The rivers carried the volcanic sediments into the valley to form deep sedimentary basins.
They were hoping to excavate some of the sediments so they could date them.
The divers excavated occasionally by hand-fanning the sediments, with bright lights illuminating the scene.
Perhaps sediments accumulated in this lake that could have trapped, concentrated, and protected organic molecules.
They found that all but one species that burrows in the ocean's sediments had eyes.
Dating techniques were applied to bone, tooth and charcoal fragments, as well as cave sediments.
You start with limestone sediments containing just the right mineral impurities — nepheline is a must!
The additional sampling will determine whether the dioxins and other toxic sludge has contaminated surrounding sediments.
The giant shipworm, though, is less picky — shacking up in muddy seafloor sediments or rotting wood.
Phosphorous builds up in lake sediments and lingers long after sources of pollution have dried up.
The rod-shaped bacteria are commonly found in soil and sediments from lakes, rivers and oceans.
That will be bad for soils and bad for fish; the sediments provide the river's nutrients.
The study authors ruled out any other causes for this brightness, apart from water-rich sediments.
Lava flows and sediments record the state of the magnetic field, marking when they were created.
Another competing idea is that the sediments collected in the crater and helped form Mount Sharp.
The river also carries nutrient-rich sediments to rice farmers downstream in the Mekong delta in Vietnam.
The researchers regularly collected bacterial samples from the sediments for a further 50 days and analysed them.
Meridiani Planum appears to contain clay sediments and sulphates that likely formed in the presence of water.
The scientists concluded that the sediments they saw had been laid down in a salty dying sea.
It was originally developed in France as the sediments in tap water can dry out the skin.
The real reason, they concluded, after examining lake bed sediments, was simply a lack of fresh water.
Gallenosaurus was buried in volcanic sediments carried by what was once a network of deep, swift rivers.
If water had played a role, sediments would have piled up at the bottom of the gully.
Little was known about the direct relationships among waves, currents and the movement of coastal sediments like sand.
Are these obvious similarities between claimed pre-Clovis artifacts and later points found in overlying sediments merely coincidental?
Now, Curiosity has found sediments containing sulfate salt in the crater, which suggest it once held salty lakes.
Then, crews with heavy equipment began digging out water-saturated sediments that slipped or sunk during the quake.
These layered sediments indicates the presence of liquid water in the past—and possibly traces of ancient life.
Tiny pieces of plastic, called microplastics, can also be found in sediments and even frozen inside Arctic ice.
Over time, a buildup of sediments, toxic blooms, and climate change could cause the lake to dry up.
All that consumption of methane, Dr. Andrews said, changed the chemistry of the seawater that saturated the sediments.
" The scientists note that the fallout "will be identifiable in sediments and ice for the next 100,000 years.
Dive into the Ediacaran seas, and you'd see sediments covered in thick sheets of green or white microbes.
But properly conserved, a building retains evidence of the passage of time, layered like sediments of the earth.
The researchers studied the sediments in which they found the tracks of "Gabonionta," as they're calling the organisms.
If you remove enough stuff from the sediments below you, the surface on which you stand will settle.
This shallow but large lake, high in the Andes Mountains, is blood red because of algae and sediments.
Eorhynchochelys, found nearly 25 feet beneath the sediments where Odontochelys was found, adds another piece to the puzzle.
"While it is feasible that the heavily oiled sediments in and around the erosional pit could be contributing to oil in the water column, the chemical nature and volume of oil and gas measured precludes sediments from currently being the major source of oil to the marine environment," the report says.
"There are still many sediments to excavate," Zelenkov said, "so new materials will definitely come out at some point."
However, we lack much of a record of that tumultuous time beyond a few zircon found in younger sediments.
So there are many ways we can interpret, say, why certain minerals in the sediments show interaction with oxygen.
Some of it has been pulled up from deep-sea sediments or melted out of ice near the poles.
These deposits are particularly interesting because they likely represent some of the most easily accessible marine sediments on Mars.
Narrator:  As the ground shakes and sediments shift, there will be landslides throughout Ventura and Western Los Angeles County.
Inside a shed, several employees got into waist-deep water in a concrete pool and sifted the final sediments.
"We need good documentation of pollution levels in seawater, seabed sediments and, of course, fish and seafood," Heldal said.
The flow of nutrients and sediments vital to the food web is also stymied by even the smallest dams.
Image: PNASThe 2,095 bones were found beautifully preserved in peat and lake sediments, and they belong almost exclusively to males.
It also represents one interpretation of what could have happened to the sediments, but it's definitely not the final word.
When tracking geological changes over time, scientists typically source ice cores, lake and ocean sediments, and the interior of caves.
The changing political sediments and economic undercurrents of the Ohio River Valley have been magnified in rural regions across America.
"You see skin, you see dorsal fins literally sticking straight up in the sediments, species new to science," he said.
The columns and other shapes resulted from the methane spreading in different ways through the sediments as it flowed upward.
Its bottom may consist of carved-out lake sediments, while the top part may have built up from windblown particles.
As the magma spread, it formed thousands of horizontal sheets known as sills that cooked organic matter in the sediments.
"We can see marine sediments being uplifted and exposed above the sea level," said study co-author Tom Dunkley Jones.
Dr. Gupta said he hoped to add more detail by drilling into the sediments that now fill the Fosses Dangeard.
"In other words, we are continuously reducing the capacity of the oceans to store away atmospheric CO2 in deep-sea sediments."
The engineers drilled a well in the sea bed and used a submersible pump to suck water out of the sediments.
Instead of one damaged wellhead, a mudslide would leave a tangled mess of pipes buried under a giant mass of sediments.
While this toxic surface material does need to be safely disposed of, New York's deeper sediments are pollution-free, he said.
Researchers were able to study the reversal by analyzing a global survey of ocean sediments, Antarctic ice cores and lava flows.
Instead, we examine past environmental conditions by coring into the lake bottoms and using the information preserved in the lake sediments.
So the scientists linked the climate cycles of the Northeast sediments with the accurate uranium-lead dates from the Arizona core.
"A natural thing to do is start looking in sediments," said Jonathan Pritchard, a professor of genetics and biology at Stanford.
Dams can block animal migration routes, trap sediments, and turn rivers into lakes where some river species can't survive, he adds.
It says deep sea mining could cause irreparable damage, including releasing carbon stored in deep sediments that would aggravate global warming.
Radioactive material was found embedded within ice surface sediments called "cryoconite," and at concentration levels ten times greater than the surrounding environment.
This animal, it's theorized, dug into sediments and microbial mats (layered sheets of microorganisms) in search of food and gulps of oxygen.
Simulations of atmospheric transport were also used to match the sediments found in the ice core to their likely place of origin.
"We are finding pieces of microplastic in deep sea animals and in sea floor sediments," Choy said via ship-to-shore radio.
Most obviously, those sediments show how far, at the time they were laid down, the turnover of species had proceeded at sea.
The study crunched data covering two millennia from almost 700 sources ranging from tree rings and coral to sediments and ice cores.
The team also dated a hippopotamus tooth, stone tools and sediments, which provided similar date ranges of about 85,000 to 90,000 years.
Lake sediments from the past half-century are marked with the chemical residues of burned petroleum, as are our bodies and communities.
It's still incredibly bright—the lakebed salts and alkali sediments are highly reflective, and it can be hard to distinguish surface patterns.
The sediments formed rocks and those were scraped off like barnacles when Greater Adria was forced under the mantle of Southern Europe.
Cardman's research includes microorganisms found in environments like caves or even deep sea sediments, and she has conducted several expeditions to Antarctica.
As layers of sediments gradually accumulate, any organic materials trapped in these layers are compressed, heated and eventually converted into fossil fuels.
Mr. Hankey said the biggest meteorites were probably the size of baseballs, sunk in the sediments at the bottom of Lake Michigan.
The dioxin in the Superfund site waste doesn't dissolve easily in water, but it can seep into the surrounding sediments, the EPA says.
"These sediments that the Aitape skull was in have pure marine diatoms in them, which is ocean water that's inundating it," explained Golitko.
The bay is slowly recovering under a federal-state plan to reduce inflows of nitrogen, phosphorus and sediments from farms and urban development.
"Geologists in millions of years may look at the Anthropocene as a brown layer of sediments lost in the geological record," Sulpis said.
The formation of oil reserves, for instance, relies on the burial and compression of sediments that are chock full of decaying organic matter.
But last year a team of Australian scientists discovered sediments directly under the Great Calcite Belt that had particularly high levels of calcite.
"From today's investigation, we confirmed likely melted materials that are consolidated, (including) some fallen substances such as grating and sediments," a statement said.
You can feel gritty sediments of Irvine Welsh in the use of slang; Saul Bellow, in Gunaratne's fondness for directly addressing the reader.
Breaking out from that semicircle is a white tongue of ice, a large river containing sediments from the bottom of the ice sheet.
The area's sediments also had high concentrations of nickel, cobalt, chromium, gold and platinum, an indicator that the meteorite was made of iron.
In 2015, Thijs Ettema of Uppsala University in Sweden and his colleagues discovered fragments of DNA in sediments retrieved from the Arctic Ocean.
The water has since receded back into the bayou, where past testing has shown the sediments contain pesticides, toxic heavy metals and PCBs.
The actions include: PFAS have made their way over time into soil, surface water, sediments and groundwater, both directly and through air emissions.
All other data — including proxy data, such as tree rings, ice cores, ocean and lake sediments — show no warming between 1977 and 1997.
The soft sediments that the city is built on, which tend to amplify movements, made the swaying even worse until the structures failed.
Their analysis, which now appears in PLOS One, shows that the skull was buried in sediments bearing the distinctive characteristics of an ancient tsunami.
To get more definitive answers, scientists would need to drill through the sediments filling those huge plunge holes at the bottom of the sea.
The research shows that, even when no fossils are around, sediments inside caves can tell us which early humans were present where and when.
Mission scientists hope to find ancient organic molecules and other science of microbial life preserved in the different kinds of rock and sediments there.
Another study, published recently in Geology, provides a new long-term history of how carbon has accumulated in deep-sea sediments throughout geologic time.
"This, in effect, caused all sediments and deposits sitting on lower portion of tank to run through distribution lines," a press release release said.
Scientists hope that by drilling into the crater sediments, they may be able to learn how life here bounced back after the devastating impact.
As more fossils are found and sediments and tools are dated, that could extend the timeline for both Neanderthals and Denisovans, the researchers said.
Magnetic minerals buried within sediments and loess register these polarity flips, which scientists can link to a dated reference known as the geomagnetic polarity timescale.
In response to the rapid ground subsidence measured by Syvitski and others, major dams along the Yellow River are now starting to flush sediments downstream.
The next step was to discover whether mixing resistance genes from fish food into bacteria-rich sediments would allow the resistance traits to transfer over.
As the sediments settled, blobs of glass rained into the mud, the largest first, then finer and finer bits, until grains sifted down like snow.
Iron-rich minerals are particularly good at keeping flesh-eating bacteria at bay and are thus commonly found in the sediments around soft-tissue fossils.
Other studies of how water and rock interact with each other have suggested these objects lithified—a process that describes when sediments compact under pressure.
In a 2011 follow-up, Wright's lab published a paper in Nature that sampled bacteria from various sites, including 30,403-year-old Beringian permafrost sediments.
Chemical analysis suggested the features were the result of biological, and not geological, processes, and appeared at the same time the sediments were laid down.
However, when they dated the sediments in the channel left by the river, they found it hadn't run through that region for over 8,000 years.
As the sediments settled, blobs of glass rained into the mud, the largest first, then finer and finer bits, until grains sifted down like snow.
About 12,500 years ago, DNA from bison, voles and jack rabbits appears in the lake sediments, Dr. Willerslev's team reports in Wednesday's issue of Nature.
If ancient glaciers "vacuumed up Earth's craters," Cavosie said, than sediments dating back to this period "should be bursting at the seams" with shocked minerals.
The optical analysis they did would determine the last time the sediments were exposed to light, which would provide insight into when Kaakutja was buried.
Geologists thought the sills formed over a few million years, whereas fossilized sediments show it took just a few thousand years to start the PETM.
Administered by the Bureau of Land Management, the area owes its name to the pink, green, orange and brown sediments that form the basin's walls.
The prints were found pressed into a layer of paleosol (former soil preserved underneath sediments) that was radiocarbon dated to between 13,317 and 12,633 years ago.
This means that any evidence for a Holocene-Anthropocene boundary would necessarily be found in less permanent media like ice sheets, soil layers or ocean sediments.
This is particularly true of objects recovered from underwater sediments, for water can contain all sorts of dissolved substances that like to react with bare metals.
Inside the crater is a delta, which tells researchers that water flowed into the lake, depositing sediments and other materials into the crater along the way.
Dr De Brauwer thinks of divers who explore these sediments as the marine equivalent of bird watchers, ticking off species in a sort of zoological competition.
It didn't surprise the researchers to find extraterrestrial material in their sediments—as they do today, micrometeorites likely fell on ancient Earth, bringing organic carbon molecules.
And with a leveed Mississippi river that cuts off the natural flux of sediments, there's little to do to solve the situation, says Jones at JPL.
The story follows Stella, an environmental scientist who stumbles on evidence of past intelligent life in sediments from dating from the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM).
That suggested the channels, too, were filled with liquid methane and other hydrocarbons, but it was also possible that the dark areas were hydrocarbon-saturated sediments.
Instead the best cleanup method would be to dilute the mercury with clean clay sediments that would bring mercury down to an acceptable level, he said.
Mexico City was built on an ancient lake bed, and the sediments of sand and clay amplify the seismic waves as they arrive from the epicenter.
It will come in contact with the asteroid for only about five seconds, enough time to release a burst of nitrogen gas to rustle up sediments.
As expected, the gully looks eroded near the top, but the rover had not reached the bottom to look at where the sediments would have flowed.
The team took samples of sediments and water in the vicinity of the volcano and recovered coal-like black pyroclastic material, the NIO said in the statement.
According to co-author Darryl Granger, a geologist at Purdue University, they found that evidence by mapping and dating the distinctive sediments deposited downstream from Jishi Gorge.
"By definition, it was assumed that nematodes were frozen along with sediment deposition, so we used the sediments to obtain radiocarbon age," Vishnivetskaya said in an email.
Farther south, the seafloor slopes gently up toward the coast of Egypt, on the Nile Fan, an underwater river delta of sediments shed by the Nile River.
Much of the previous research on this area was published in French, so many paleontologists may not be familiar with this region and its sediments, O'Leary explained.
The age had been in doubt before in part because of less conclusive tool fragments and questions about whether the river may have churned up the sediments.
However, this method results in "large displacement of the marine sediments and the development of mud-waves beneath the reclamation fill," according to a 1613 government review.
"This subsurface anomaly on Mars has radar properties matching water or water-rich sediments," said Roberto Orosei, lead author of the new study, in a press release.
Animal waste, antibiotics, hormones, fertilizers, pesticides used on feed crops, bacteria, viruses, and sediments from eroded land wash into our waterways, sometimes leaching into drinking water supplies.
They wriggled around in the sediments of shallow seas, gulped prey into their minuscule, baglike bodies and expelled the water through cone-shaped spouts around their mouths.
"The sediments, fossils and associated impact debris make this an important site for those who study the extinction event that helped wipe out the dinosaurs," he said.

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