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"scriptural" Definitions
  1. from or connected with the Bible or other holy book

102 Sentences With "scriptural"

How to use scriptural in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "scriptural" and check conjugation/comparative form for "scriptural". Mastering all the usages of "scriptural" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Even more decentralized than their mainline counterparts, evangelical Christian groups tend to stress scriptural authority (including scriptural inerrancy) and the centrality of being "saved" to an even greater extent than, say, modern Lutheranism.
He personally picked the scriptural reading for his inaugural Mass.
"I don't think discrimination against anyone is scriptural," he said.
But there is also strong scriptural teaching behind it all.
Hark begins with a biblical epigraph and a stark, scriptural tone.
Zen made no mention of God; it demanded no scriptural devotion.
He admitted that much of what he taught was not actually scriptural.
This armed occupation can in no way be justified on a scriptural basis.
Instead, he visited the church's website and typed the word "seek" into the scriptural search bar.
However, some experts insist that the biggest factor contributing to climate denialism among evangelicals is scriptural.
Like strictly observant Jews, devout Muslims do not eat pork thanks to a direct scriptural prohibition.
But for readers who aren't as familiar with the Testaments, the scriptural passages may be overwhelming.
Its intent is scriptural, invoking Ecclesiastes; or Socratic, wooing the examined life; or both at once.
Sunni Islam's greatest contemporary authority, Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, has repeatedly highlighted this fact with scriptural evidence.
And the problem, at least in my view, is that this patriarchy does appear to have scriptural justification.
This included activities such as prayer, scriptural readings, and watching audio-video stimuli related to the Mormon church.
It is a sense of "scriptural communion," as Creasy calls it, that anchors this collection of 16 poets.
Homosexual conduct, like heterosexual conduct, requires individual responsibility and must be guided by the light of scriptural teaching.
But compared with London, her niece, her learning is scriptural, almost archaic, the product of a girl's traditional confinement.
Richard hopes it's his, filled with notes about family history and scriptural thoughts, but he's been too busy to check.
But in Wilson-Lee's telling, it's also a culture shaped by the encyclopedias and scriptural commentaries that organized medieval thinking.
Modern religious zealots who still promulgate scriptural creation myths as true when they know better are, however, a different matter.
Indeed, the scriptural reading in synagogues around the world Saturday focused on Abraham welcoming strangers, who turned out to be angels.
What's most disquieting about the Southern Baptists' historic support of slavery is that the church leaders weren't lacking in Scriptural support.
A more earthy orator than Netanyahu, he makes occasional scriptural word play and is given to reminding listeners of his military background.
A more earthy orator than Netanyahu, he makes occasional scriptural word play and is given to reminding listeners of his military background.
I don't think there is a scriptural basis that justifies any idea that we must have open borders in the world today.
They are terse and acrobatic, scriptural and bawdy, vividly descriptive and enduringly ambiguous, never far from either a riddle or a punch line.
Appallingly, it claimed scriptural authority for the right of its fighters to rape female captives of an alien faith, such as the Yazidis.
Now, more on the prayers themselves: The rosary is a scriptural form of prayer, meaning you literally follow a script when you pray it.
Such a reader, approaching from outside the scholarly and scriptural field, can only sense the audacity of his project, the hazards it must navigate.
A pastor asked him and his colleagues to start a school, and the Potter's House — named after scriptural verse in Jeremiah 18 — was born.
"The problem is that this kind of discrimination is baked into the scripture," he said, citing scriptural condemnations of homosexuality in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
The younger Falwell, however, is very much like his father in one crucial respect: He clearly is more interested in political influence than scriptural principles.
Spall's version of Paisley is a humorless, unmoving, angry Protestant minister with a scriptural rejoinder for every one of McGuinness's statements, no matter how innocuous.
For years, conservative Christian leaders worked hard to educate those in their circles about the crisis, with a Scriptural focus on the compassion of Jesus.
But in addition to his scriptural expertise, Davis also has experience in paleography, the study of ancient writing, which is often used to date manuscripts.
All the rituals and their handy Scriptural justifications came ready-made—the men who enacted them knew exactly what they wanted women to submit to.
In "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews," published in 1999, the historian and scriptural scholar Paula Fredriksen examines the Passion narrative in historical terms.
To switch (and invert) scriptural traditions: While you scowl at the beams in their eyes, you might at least notice the mote in your own.
And indeed animal-rights advocates and religious leaders have squared off on social media and the internet, citing volumes of scriptural injunctions and scientific studies.
To pray, speak or read scriptural verses at his big day on January 20th he has chosen six individuals, all of whom carry a certain edginess.
And several students who attended the rally didn't fault Trump for the scriptural slip, instead giving him kudos for attempting to connect with his religious audience.
No day is more associated with Jewish joy; yet rightly understood the scriptural source of our celebration — the biblical book of Esther — proclaims a terrifying teaching.
No truly accomplished New Testament scholar, for instance, believes that later Christianity's opulent mythology of God's eternal torture chamber is clearly present in the scriptural texts.
The minister who connected them "I think we can stand on very solid scriptural ground and say no, this is not Christian behavior," says the Rev.
Similarly, the Department of Education is publicizing a list of faith-based colleges who requested exemptions from employment requirements that would violate their scriptural tenets of sexuality.
At various times, it is a political, religious, and/or social satire, a domestic drama, broad Looney Tunes-esque slapstick, a philosophical treatise, scriptural exegesis, and more.
Whereas in every other scriptural tale political engagements are under prophetic instruction, in the Persian court God gives no guidance to the Jews facing a terrible danger.
Not that Mr. Aronofsky follows any known doctrinal path, any more than he did in "Noah," which upset some believers by taking liberties with its scriptural source.
These interviews were mocked and derided by some and parsed for scriptural meaning by others, the way everything Kanye does and says is alternately mocked and bronzed.
There are few grand scriptural justifications for this — just naked calls for racist male supremacy, and the end to a peaceful modern society that supposedly feminizes white men.
I think, too, of medieval paintings that garland the actions of saints with scrolled scriptural passages, bracketing meanings, between image and word, for a community of the faithful.
"Disciplines for the Inner Life," a red leather-bound, 400-plus-page guide to spiritual practice, complete with recommended daily scriptural readings and a wide variety of commentary.
Then there are more theological projects such as "scriptural reasoning" sessions, in which a member of one faith takes a sacred text and explains to others why it resonates.
VISIT an evangelical church in America on a Sunday morning, and you are likely to be embraced, perhaps literally, by fellow worshippers, then impressed by the pastor's scriptural exegesis.
Dr. Otis Moss III, the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and the author of a forthcoming book about the scriptural interplay of love and justice.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are among archaeology's most significant scriptural finds, containing the oldest versions of the Hebrew Bible and other Jewish texts that date to the time of Jesus.
God is a justification as much as a guide for human behavior — that American slaveholders and abolitionists both found scriptural support for their causes is the ultimate example of this.
" The scriptural fatalism of "passed away" seems perfectly pitched, as does the self-involvement of Aden's reaction: "She saw herself in faded video, her image degrading, her outline blurred by violence.
" The film grossed a lackluster $6.4 million, however, and faced complaints from critics like Rick Dack of Defending the Bible International, who cited "obvious scriptural, archaeological and chronological problems" with "The Young Messiah.
He received a rave reception from Jewish members of the Knesset for a speech that was laced with scriptural references; but leaders of traditional Christian churches in the region were unwilling to meet him.
Through such scriptural comparisons, Miles gets to the core of the Abrahamic matrix: The monotheism that the Jewish people developed over the centuries was inherited by Islam and was turned into a global creed.
It demonstrates a shift in Christian interests and self-perception: from a marginalized group focused on cosmic and scriptural affairs to the dominant majority that could see the political victories of their day as heavenly interventions.
The Little Image paintings involve visual alphabets in the form of squares, circles, rectangles and glyphs that evoke writing in ancient scriptural texts and biblical scrolls, while also alluding to intricate physical patterns found in nature.
This scriptural justification for a political decision should not have surprised anyone, because Mr. Trump's administration has consistently treated the separation of church and state as a form of heresy rather than a cherished American value.
If you say that it is weird and bullying to expect women to cover their faces, then I totally agree—and I would add that I can find no scriptural authority for the practice in the Koran.
In an interview, she said that the evangelical suspicion of social issues like race goes back to the early 20th century, when politically engaged modernists in the church also took a more liberal view of scriptural accuracy.
If anyone should chance to attend services in a Christian church in early December, he will notice that many of the readings are devoted to scriptural topics concerning the end of history or the end of time.
And it draws just as much from the gospel of Roger Ailes as it does Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — a pro-Trump, anti-Francis hybrid of personal blog, Latin translation, Christian scholarship, scriptural interpretation, and Fox News.
The Gileadean leaders present their new system as a restoration of the natural, scriptural order of things: People of color are the Children of Ham, so they are forced into servitude as the Bible says they should be.
The individuals within ISIS—at least those who take its claims seriously and are not in Syria for the joy of riding tanks in the desert—are clearly arguing from within the Islamic tradition, replete with scriptural justifications.
And there were darker interpretations by critics who detected anti-Catholicism, anti-Semitism and other religious biases in Scriptural adaptations that focused on questions of death, resurrection, salvation and immortality from a strictly Christian fundamentalist point of view.
"His entire argument revolves around not wanting to ban the burqa, but arguing that he agrees that it's an oppressive garment and that there is no scriptural basis for it in the Quran, which is true," Bannon said.
His college's handbook forbids behavior that promotes a "sexual identity outside of the scriptural expectation," such as "homosexual P.D.A.," or public displays of affection, part of a catalog of sexual behavior that may result in suspension or dismissal.
She and Mr ter Kuile, who is training to be a non-religious minister, say they draw on traditional religious tools such as Lectio Divina, a type of intensive meditation on short scriptural passages which is practised in Catholicism.
People who really want to raise the stakes in this scriptural to-and-fro might consider turning to a verse in Matthew's Gospel which warns of the dire consequences that may befall anybody who does spiritual harm to children.
It is a long set of readings that is framed and contextualized through a more progressive lens around the conflict of the region of the Middle East, instead of the more traditional and scriptural readings on the story of Passover.
The angriest interlocutors debated him, paragraph for sulfurous paragraph, studded with scriptural reference, for days on end, in comment sections that unfurled beneath his status updates like long scrolls carrying the names of the dead, wherever the hell they'd gone.
It can be hard to just sit with someone who is in such pain without voicing platitudes, scriptural references and "advice," but those actions often offer little to the recipient and are, if we are honest, meant to console only ourselves.
This text contains within it a scriptural passage that outlines a theoretical division of labor for an ideal Indian society based on four social groups: (1) priests and teachers, (2) rulers and soldiers, (3) merchants and traders, and (4) laborers and artisans.
The women, many of them dressed in white, descended through the arid hills leading to the river, where they erected a "peace tent" named for Hagar and Sarah, scriptural mothers of Ishmael and Isaac, the half-brother patriarchs of Muslims and Jews.
An individual who manages to express a deep-seated Muslim spirituality at one with his queer nature is much more effective at transforming the way that people of faith think about gender and sexuality than any theological or scriptural argument could be.
Tellingly, in something akin to what linguists call a mondegreen, Bach at several passages apparently misconstrued what the children — in this reconstruction of the scene — had said, and emended a scriptural verse's legitimate Lutheran rendering to a similar-sounding but unattested wording.
Although there is no direct condemnation of abortion in the Bible or by Thomas, he was certainly aware of the scriptural roots of the anti-abortion teaching, as well as in the teachings of the church fathers, who unanimously condemned the practice.
The museum — a $400 million warren of scriptural exhibits backed by white evangelical conservatives — is trying to attract more visitors of color in a bold rebranding, but Hetta says he was racially profiled, and illegally detained, setting off an ordeal that lasted for months.
Apparently, the Iowa winner, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, believes this to be the case: Absent from his recent monologues in the Granite State are the many scriptural references that he used to appeal to evangelical voters in his well-memorized stump speech in Iowa.
Why the scrolls are so coveted Discovered 70 years ago in caves around Qumran, the Dead Sea Scrolls are among archaeology's most significant scriptural finds, containing the oldest versions of the Hebrew Bible and other Jewish texts that date to the time of Jesus.
While the structure of La Belle Sauvage is less overtly devoted to religion than was His Dark Materials (no angels appear, and there's much less Scriptural quoting), it has plenty to say about the newly relevant question of authoritarian regimes and how they take control.
As Saban further assumes the Christ-like mystique of his walking-on-water predecessor, legendary football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant, after Alabama's ascension to the playoffs for the national title -- and as Tuesday's electoral crossroads gains scriptural meaning nationwide -- a natural question arises: What would Saban do?
The patriarch follows along in his magnificent Study Bible, in part to make sure there's no passage-skipping from the lectors, and in part to allow him to reach for his inkwell whenever he spots, compared with what he's just heard, an error in Calov's scriptural verses.
"Church leaders strongly condemn the armed seizure of the facility and are deeply troubled by the reports that those who have seized the facility suggest that they are doing so based on scriptural principles," the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said in a statement Monday.
Brief, fact-based, descriptions of how the Old and New Testaments came to be gathered, translated and spread throughout the world are scattered among a breathtaking collection of early scriptural artifacts, including a Gilgamesh tablet from from the second millennium BC and supposed shreds of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
"Church leaders strongly condemn the armed seizure of the facility and are deeply troubled by the reports that those who have seized the facility suggest that they are doing so based on scriptural principles," said Eric Hawkins, spokesman for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Even more contributions arrived: newborn-calf formula, veterinary medications, protein cake for cattle, winter clothes, frozen casseroles with scriptural messages taped to them, a shipment of cheese curds from Wisconsin, and more hay, of all kinds, in bales whose quantities had never been seen in the region before.
Meanwhile, as a kind of grimly ironic accompaniment to his scriptural musings, Buttigieg's hometown, South Bend, has just discovered that its longtime abortion provider, the late Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, kept a substantial collection of fetal remains on his property: 2,246 "products of conception," to be exact, carefully preserved.
If you say that it is weird and bullying to expect women to cover their faces, then I totally agree – and I would add that I can find no scriptural authority for the practice in the Koran," he said, before adding that it is "is absolutely ridiculous that people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes.
Most disappointing was the fact that there were very few female characters in the Bible that I felt I could look up to; I remember running a Google search one day when I was around 13 to see if there were any strong, scriptural female role models to whom I could relate, which is how I found Lilith.
"Instead of citing John Paul II, Pope Francis might have cited the Vatican's own Pontifical Biblical Commission that concluded in 1977 that there is no valid scriptural or theological reason for denying ordination to women, or looked to archeology and historical documents that show women's leadership in the early Church," the group said in a statement.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE late Wednesday pinned blame for his scriptural gaffe — saying "2 Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians" — on evangelical activist Tony Perkins.
The fact that ancient scriptural style can be defended by reference to the fictional monologue of an Irish woman relating the details of her many-sided sex life in turn-of-the-century Dublin is a sign of the luxuriance of our own culture, which no longer builds high walls, as Catholic Ireland did for so long, between the sacred and the profane.
The Mormon Church issued a statement condemning the Bundys' takeover of the federal building in Oregon: While the disagreement occurring in Oregon about the use of federal lands is not a Church matter, Church leaders strongly condemn the armed seizure of the facility and are deeply troubled by the reports that those who have seized the facility suggest that they are doing so based on scriptural principles.

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