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238 Sentences With "schemata"

How to use schemata in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "schemata" and check conjugation/comparative form for "schemata". Mastering all the usages of "schemata" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We later learned about periphery, colorblindness, and "schemas," patterns of thought that organize groups of information, and how rapidly such schemata become subjective.
California and Australia are paying a high price for this irrational, nihilistic schemata in the form of lives lost, property burned and ecosystems damaged.
Location: Tokyo, JapanPrices: Start at $45 per nightThis capsule hotel, located in a Tokyo red-light district, was redesigned and completed by Jo Nagasaka/Schemata Architects in 2018.
Artists are also bogged down in uncertainty, faced with the Sisyphean task of figuring out which of the 50-plus schemata protects their works, in what contexts and for how long.
After pulling them from the kiln, she lingers on the particular color schemata she will paint onto the sculpture with Tom Allen, her studio assistant and former student from her days as a teacher at Art Center.
Maazel suggests all of us (whether readers of her book or not) want our minds to be "more human" — more powerful, even "posthuman" — but this desire for advanced cognition can in fact make us less human, less understanding in our relations as we ignore or forget what doesn't fit our schemes and schemata.
She's walking around doing eminently practical things — inventorying food against the coming famine, planning for feeding refugees, pointing out defects in the armorers' breastplate schemata — and then he shows up to deliver a bunch of ponderous Polonius circular abstracts about how she should fight every battle at once everywhere so she can never be surprised, and should assume that every possible iteration of events is happening everywhere.
Such distortion of memory has been demonstrated. (See below.) Schemata are interrelated and multiple conflicting schemata can be applied to the same information. Schemata are generally thought to have a level of activation, which can spread among related schemata. Which schema is selected can depend on factors such as current activation, accessibility, priming and emotion.
Piaget thought that schemata are applied to everyday life and therefore people accommodate and assimilate information naturally. For example, if this chicken has red feathers, Bob can form a new schemata that says "chickens with red feathers can lay eggs". This schemata will then be either changed or removed, in the future. Assimilation is the reuse of schemata to fit the new information.
Schemata can help in understanding the world and the rapidly changing environment. People can organize new perceptions into schemata quickly as most situations do not require complex thought when using schema, since automatic thought is all that is required. People use schemata to organize current knowledge and provide a framework for future understanding. Examples of schemata include academic rubrics, social schemas, stereotypes, social roles, scripts, worldviews, and archetypes.
His elaborate mystical schemata influenced Bonaventure and The Cloud of Unknowing.
This study examines the causal relation between depressogenic schemata and depression.
The SAS monitors conscious, deliberate planning of actions, novel situations that cannot be solved by previously learned schemata and/or when preventing error or habitual responses is critical. In addition to monitoring the activation of an appropriate schema and suppressing inappropriate schemata, the SAS adjusts to solve problems that existing schemata failed to resolve. In other words, it modifies general strategies to solve non-routine problems. If there are no existing schemata related to the issue then under attentional control a new schema may be created, assessed and implemented.
It can also be shown that no pair of these schemata is sufficient for proving all tautologies with modus ponens. Other axiom schemata involving the same or different sets of primitive connectives can be alternatively constructed.Mendelson, "6. Other Axiomatizations" of Ch. 1 These axiom schemata are also used in the predicate calculus, but additional logical axioms are needed to include a quantifier in the calculus.
This question is answered in such schemata as the Five Ranks of Tozan and the Oxherding Pictures.
In mathematical logic, an axiom schema (plural: axiom schemata or axiom schemas) generalizes the notion of axiom.
Through the use of schemata, a heuristic technique to encode and retrieve memories, the majority of typical situations do not require much strenuous processing. People can quickly organize new perceptions into schemata and act without effort. However, schemata can influence and hamper the uptake of new information (proactive interference), such as when existing stereotypes, giving rise to limited or biased discourses and expectations (prejudices), lead an individual to "see" or "remember" something that has not happened because it is more believable in terms of his/her schema. For example, if a well-dressed businessman draws a knife on a vagrant, the schemata of onlookers may (and often do) lead them to "remember" the vagrant pulling the knife.
In this way, the use of schemata is supposed to involve both space and time, instead of merely time.
The SQL/Schemata, or Information and Definition Schemas, part of the SQL standard is defined by ISO/IEC 9075-11:2008. SQL/Schemata defines the information schema and definition schema, providing a common set of tools to make SQL databases and objects self-describing. These tools include the , and integrity constraints, , features and of ISO/IEC 9075, support of features provided by SQL-based DBMS implementations, SQL-based DBMS implementation information and , and the by the DBMS implementations. SQL/Schemata defines a number of features, some of which are mandatory.
A scheme (Latin schema, plural schemata) is an arrangement of all or most of the psalms for distribution to the various canonical hours. In addition to the psalms proper, these schemata typically include psalm-like canticles from other books of the Bible. Historically, these schemata have distributed the entire 150 psalms with added canticles over a period of one week, although the 1971 Liturgy of the Hours omits a few psalms and some verses and distributes the remainder over a 4-week cycle. Some of the more important schemes are detailed below.
The remaining four follow from the former propositions and seem to be constructed on the first inferential schemata of traditional logic.
Mathematicians sometimes distinguish between propositional constants, propositional variables, and schemata. Propositional constants represent some particular proposition, while propositional variables range over the set of all atomic propositions. Schemata, however, range over all propositions. It is common to represent propositional constants by , , and , propositional variables by , , and , and schematic letters are often Greek letters, most often , , and .
In Kantian philosophy, a transcendental schema (plural: schemata; from , "form, shape, figure") is the procedural rule by which a category or pure, non-empirical concept is associated with a sense impression. A private, subjective intuition is thereby discursively thought to be a representation of an external object. Transcendental schemata are supposedly produced by the imagination in relation to time.
There are three types of concept that require a schema in order to connect them to phenomenal sense perceptions so that they have sense [Sinn] and meaning [Bedeutung]. These three types are (1) empirical concepts, (2) pure (mathematical) sensuous concepts, and (3) pure concepts of the understanding, or Categories. The first two employ schemata. The third employs transcendental schemata.
"Affect and the Processing of Personal Information: Evidence for Mood-Activated Self-Schemata." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 22 (1986): 436-452.
In Piaget's theory of development, children construct a series of schemata, based on the interactions they experience, to help them understand the world.
These "basic beliefs", "cognitive schemata" or "ideology" are of great individual and social importance. If an event is too important to be ignored and an “assimilation” of the event in existing schemata or basic beliefs is not possible, or a change/adaptation of these schemata (“accommodation”) is unthinkable, this can lead to an “adaptation disorder”. Embitterment arises when basic beliefs are questioned, attacked, disproved or degraded through a life event or the behaviour of others. The theory of “violation of basic beliefs” explains why events, which seem to be trivial for some people, can be of importance to others.
Schemata about oneself are considered to be grounded in the present and based on past experiences. Memories are framed in the light of one's self-conception. For example, people who have positive self-schemata (i.e. most people) selectively attend to flattering information and selectively ignore unflattering information, with the consequence that flattering information is subject to deeper encoding, and therefore superior recall.
In von Hartmann’s Philosophy of the Unconscious"Introduction," I, c.he declared that Kantian Transcendental Schemata link unconscious Categories with conscious knowledge. Kant’s Pure Concepts of the Understanding, or Categories, are unconscious representations or ideas"unbewussten Vorstellungen" that lie beyond knowledge"jenseits der Erkenntniss liegen". These unconscious concepts produce conscious knowledge, according to von Hartmann, through the mediation"Vermittlung" of the Schemata of the Pure Understanding.
Culture and mind in reconstruction: Bartlett's analogy between individual and group processes. Aalborg University, Denmark. which creates further implications for the notion of a "text". Schemata, subsequently distinguished into Formal and Content Schemata (in the field of TESOLCarrell, P.L. and Eisterhold, J.C. (1983) "Schema Theory and ESL Reading Pedagogy", in Carrell, P.L., Devine, J. and Eskey, D.E. (eds) (1988) Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading.
After a 1985 MA titled 'Depressive self-schemata and gender-schemata in women' and a 1990 PhD titled 'Rape and sexual coercion within heterosexual relationships : an intersection of psychological, feminist, and postmodern inquiries' at the University of Auckland, she joined the staff, rising to full professor. Much of Gavey's research focuses on the gender politics, sexuality, rape and coercion, and often features in the press.
For example, letters W, X, Y, Z could be designated to represent predicate variables, whereas letters A, B, C,..., U, V could represent predicate "constants". If these letters are not enough, then numerical subscripts can be appended after the letter in question (as in X1, X2, X3). However, if the predicate variables are not perceived (or defined) as belonging to the vocabulary of the predicate calculus, then they are predicate metavariables, whereas the rest of the predicate letters are just called "predicate letters". The metavariables are thus understood to be used to code for axiom schemata and theorem schemata (derived from the axiom schemata).
At the Second Vatican Council, Tromp served as secretary of the Preparatory Theological Commission at the specific request of Pope John XXIII, and, later, as the secretary of the Doctrinal Commission under Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani. His preparations—or schemata—were shelved, after some Western European Council fathers appealed to Pope John XXIII for total free debate on all issues. Karl Rahner considered Tromp to be a formidable theological opponent during the council debates, and gently asserted that "[Tromp] thought his schemata would simply need the blessing of the Council fathers and that would be the council. But all his schemata disappeared—not a single one was discussed".
In psychology and cognitive science, a schema (plural schemata or schemas) describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them. It can also be described as a mental structure of preconceived ideas, a framework representing some aspect of the world, or a system of organizing and perceiving new information. Schemata influence attention and the absorption of new knowledge: people are more likely to notice things that fit into their schema, while re-interpreting contradictions to the schema as exceptions or distorting them to fit. Schemata have a tendency to remain unchanged, even in the face of contradictory information.
A diagrammatic representation of the processes in the Norman and Shallice model. Complete-arrows represent input information and the dotted-arrow represent output information from recently activated schemata. Executive functions are a cognitive apparatus that controls and manages cognitive processes. Norman and Shallice (1980) proposed a model on executive functioning of attentional control that specifies how thought and action schemata become activated or suppressed for routine and non-routine circumstances.
It is postulated that an enormous, finite quantity of thought and action schemata exist and that they range in hierarchy. For instance, high-level schemas represent problem solving while low-level schemas typify actions. In the Norman-Shallice model, two main processes manage the functioning and control of schemas. Contention scheduling is a lower-level mechanism that regulates schemata processes for familiar, automatic actions as well as some novel situations.
Library digital collections often use simpler digital formats to store their metadata. XML-based schemata, particularly Dublin Core and MODS, are typical for bibliographic data about these collections.
As mentioned above, valence is the degree of positivity or negativity in expected information. Relational outcomes will become negatively valenced when violations occur within the six schemata. Negative valence here can be associated with the amount of relationships we initially form and the amount of relationships that become long lasting. Andersen's cognitive valence theory points out (under relational outcome) how violations of any of the six schemata will affect a dyad relationship.
"Schema" comes from the Greek word schēmat or schēma, meaning "figure". Prior to its use in psychology, the term "schema" had primarily seen use in philosophy. For instance, "schemata" (especially "transcendental schemata") are crucial to the architectonic system devised by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason. Early developments of the idea in psychology emerged with the gestalt psychologists and Jean Piaget: the term "schema" was introduced by Piaget in 1923.
This is an example of disconfirmation bias, the tendency to set higher standards for evidence that contradicts one's expectations. However, when the new information cannot be ignored, existing schemata must be changed or new schemata must be created (accommodation). Jean Piaget (1896–1980) was known best for his work with development of human knowledge. He believed knowledge was constructed on cognitive structures, and he believed people develop cognitive structures by accommodating and assimilating information.
Head-driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG)The classic work of HPSG is Pollard and Sag (1994). introduces a handful of such schemata which aim to subsume all such valence related rules as well as other rules not related to valence. A network is developed for information related to specific lexical items. The network and one of the schemata aims to subsume the large number of specific rules defining the valence of particular lexical items.
Bem argues that there are individual differences in the degree to which people hold these gender schemata. These differences are manifested via the degree to which individuals are sex-typed.
The theory explains how simple chunks of information form the building blocks of schemata, which are more complex structures. CHREST has been used predominantly, to simulate aspects of chess expertise.
Defining data event schemata for relational databases is limited to attribute and instance events. Object-oriented databases also support collection properties, which allows defining changes in collections as data events, too.
A schema is a template that identifies a subset of strings with similarities at certain string positions. Schemata are a special case of cylinder sets, and hence form a topological space.
Mass-media coverage in general and agenda-setting in particular also has a powerful impact on what individuals think that other people are thinking, and hence they tend to allocate more importance to issues that have been extensively covered by mass media. This is also called schemata theory. In psychology and cognitive science, a schema (plural schemata or schemas) describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them.
Mass-media coverage in general and agenda-setting in particular also has a powerful impact on what individuals think that other people are thinking, and hence they tend to allocate more importance to issues that have been extensively covered by mass media. This is also called schemata theory. In psychology and cognitive science, a schema (plural schemata or schemas) describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them.
Guerrero & Hecht, 2008, p. 512-514 CVT utilizes six types of schemata that regulate interpersonal interaction: culture, personality, interpersonal valence, situation, state, and the relationship.Guerrero & Hecht, 2008, p. 515-517 Each schema explores intimacy or immediacy behavior when interlaced with human emotion. CVT focuses on these six schemata in relations to moderate levels of arousal in human emotions. Moderate levels of arousal are acceptable in a dyad relationship, but high levels of arousal may cause undue excitement, panic, fear, anger and disorientation.
This is the case after strong spells of panic, which can lead to a posttraumatic stress disorder. Another form of “traumatic” events are those that violate “basic beliefs”. Basic beliefs or cognitive schemata are a cognitive reference system which structures the perception of the world, what is seen as important or not, and what is necessary to be done. They are usually not questioned and are associated with positive feelings as long as the world complies with our cognitive schemata.
104 note. Discrepancies According to Professor W. H. Walsh, there is an apparent discrepancy in Kant's central arguments about schematism. Kant, according to Professor Walsh, first claimed that empirical concepts do not require schemata.
Both the semifinals and the finals were decided over two legs, and only the aggregates are given in the schemata below. The full results can be found at: Football League Division Four play-offs 1987.
His final schemata is illustrated in the Vegetable Kingdom, his last work, on pages lv-lxvii. In this work he also reviews all his previous publications relative to the many known systems published at that time.
"Continuity of senses" implies a link between cohesion and the theory of Schemata initially proposed by F. C. Bartlett in 1932Bartlett, F.C. (1932). Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Brady Wagoner.
Piaget (1926) is one psychologist reluctant to ascribe specific innate linguistic abilities to children: he considers the brain a homogeneous computational system, with language acquisition being one part of general learning. He agrees this development may be innate, but claims there is no specific language acquisition module in the brain. Instead, he suggests external influences and social interaction trigger language acquisition: information collected from these sources constructs symbolic and functional schemata (thought or behaviour patterns). According to Piaget, cognitive development and language acquisition are lifelong active processes that constantly update and re- organise schemata.
The schemata give the categories a "cash value",Walsh, W.H., "Schematism" as though the category is like paper money and sense experience is analogous to precious metal. A schema is the agreement or harmony of a category with sensual phenomena. For example, "Number is the quantity of the phenomenon; sensation is the reality of the phenomenon; the permanence and endurance of things is the substance of the phenomenon, eternity is the necessity of the phenomenon, etc."Critique of Pure Reason, A 146 In this way, the schemata restrict the categories to conditions of sensibility.
A data event is a relevant state transition defined in an event schema. Typically, event schemata are described by pre- and post condition for a single or a set of data items. In contrast to ECA (Event condition action), which considers an event to be a signal, the data event not only refers to the change (signal), but describes specific state transitions, which are referred to in ECA as conditions. Considering data events as relevant data item state transitions allows defining complex event-reaction schemata for a database.
Beck also believed that a depressed person will, often from childhood experiences, hold a negative self-schema. This schema may originate from negative early experiences, such as criticism, abuse or bullying. Beck suggests that people with negative self-schemata are liable to interpret information presented to them in a negative manner, leading to the cognitive distortions outlined above. The pessimistic explanatory style, which describes the way in which depressed or neurotic people react negatively to certain events, is an example of the effect of these schemata on self-image.
There are two main classes of indexing schemata for document retrieval systems: form based (or word based), and content based indexing. The document classification scheme (or indexing algorithm) in use determines the nature of the document retrieval system.
The semifinals were decided over two legs, and only the aggregates are given in the schemata below. The final consisted of only a single match. The full results can be found at: Football League Division Four play-offs 1991.
The semifinals were decided over two legs, and only the aggregates are given in the schemata below. The final consisted of only a single match. The full results can be found at: Football League Division Two play-offs 1991.
The semifinals were decided over two legs, and only the aggregates are given in the schemata below. The final consisted of only a single match. The full results can be found at: Football League Division Three play-offs 1991.
The agony of victory and thrill of defeat: Mixed emotional reactions to disappointing wins and relieving losses. Psychological Science, 15, 325-330. McGraw, A.P., Tetlock, P.E., & Kristel, O.V. (2003). The limits of fungibility: Relational schemata and the value of things.
A software language is an artificial language used in the development of software systems. The term is more general than programming language and also includes modelling languages, query languages, transformation languages, software interfaces, database schemata, domain-specific languages, markup languages, etc.
Markus' most significant contributions to social psychology are her conceptualizations of the self-schema,Markus, H. R. (1977). Self-schemata and processing information about the self. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 35, 63–78.Markus, H., & Wurf, E. (1987).
A schema is a template in computer science used in the field of genetic algorithms that identifies a subset of strings with similarities at certain string positions. Schemata are a special case of cylinder sets; and so form a topological space.
59–63; co-authors, Marc Mélen, Ian Cross & Diana Stammers. 1996\. Musical schemata in real time listening to Music. Music Perception, 14(2), 117-160; co-authors, Marc Mélen, Ian Cross & Diana Stammers. 1997\. Cue abstraction in listening to music.
In his memoirs, he presents a balanced view of Tromp's schemata: > [Cardinal Joseph Frings] began to send me [the schemata] regularly in order > to have my criticism and suggestions for improvement. Naturally I took > exception to certain things, but I found no grounds for a radical rejection > of what was being proposed. It is true that the documents bore only weak > traces of the biblical and patristic renewal of the last decades, so that > they gave an impression of rigidity and narrowness through their excessive > dependency on scholastic theology. In other words, they reflected more the > thought of scholars than that of shepherds.
Quine's preferred functionally complete set was conjunction and negation. Thus concatenated terms are taken as conjoined. The notation + is Bacon's (1985); all other notation is Quine's (1976; 1982). The alethic part of PFL is identical to the Boolean term schemata of Quine (1982).
A number of different systems of classification of ethnicity in the United Kingdom exist. These schemata have been the subject of debate, including about the nature of ethnicity, how or whether it can be categorised, and the relationship between ethnicity, race, and nationality.
Both Moses of Chorene and Jerome end at Nectanebo II ("last king of the Egyptians" and "destruction of the Egyptian monarchy" respectively), but Dynasty XXXI fits within Manetho's schemata of demonstrating power through the dynasteia well. The Thirty-second dynasty would have been the Ptolemies.
During this stage they can do things intentionally. They can now combine and recombine schemata and try to reach a goal (ex.: use a stick to reach something). They also begin to understand object permanence in the later months and early into the next stage.
287–288, Liège, ESCOM; co-auteur, Myriam Dupont 1994\. Musical schemata in real time listening. In I. Deliège (ed), Proceedings of the 3rd ICMPC (International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition), pp. 271–272, Liège, ESCOM; co- authors, Marc Mélen, Ian Cross & Diana Stammers 1995\.
In Gombrich's view, the artist compares what he has drawn or painted with what he is trying to draw/paint, and by a 'feedback loop' gradually corrects the drawing/painting to look more like what he is seeing. The process does not start from scratch, however. Each artist inherits '"schemata" that designate reality by force of convention'.Wood, Christopher S, E.H. Gombrich’s ‘Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation’, 1960'' The Burlington Magazine, December 2009 These schemata, plus the techniques and works of previous masters, are the starting points from which the artist begins her own process of trial and error.
Early maladaptive schemata are described by Young as broad and pervasive themes or patterns made up of memories, feelings, sensations, and thoughts regarding oneself and one's relationships with others. They are considered to develop during childhood or adolescence, and to be dysfunctional in that they lead to self-defeating behavior. Examples include schemata of abandonment/instability, mistrust/abuse, emotional deprivation, and defectiveness/shame. Schema therapy blends CBT with elements of Gestalt therapy, object relations, constructivist and psychoanalytic therapies in order to treat the characterological difficulties which both constitute personality disorders and which underlie many of the chronic depressive or anxiety-involving symptoms which present in the clinic.
6) approach to categories, and further developed by Ray Jackendoff (1977). X-bar theory was incorporated into both transformational and nontransformational theories of syntax, including GB, GPSG, LFG, and HPSG. Recent work in the Minimalist Program has largely abandoned X-bar schemata in favor of bare phrase structure approaches.
Negative valence received from any of the cognitive schemata can result in a negative relational outcome.Andersen, 1999, p. 229 Negative valence reduces the intimacy or immediacy strength within a relationship. Negative valence can also thwart healthy dyad growth by heightening the lack of love and care within the dyad.
70 f. The "adapter" simile is even more apt in the case of transcendental schemata. This is because pure concepts of the understanding (Categories) are totally unrelated to perceptions. The pure concepts or Categories are original constituent components of the understanding and are not derived from empirical sense perceptions.
Individuals afflicted with both physical and mental illness have more negative self-schemata. This has been documented in patients suffering from such illnesses as depression and irritable bowel syndrome. Sufferers tend to identify themselves with their illness, unconsciously associating the negative traits of the illness itself with themselves.
The philosopher Mark Johnson discusses Kant's conception of a schema with respect to developing a theory of the imagination within cognitive science.The Body in the Mind: The Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination, and Reason, pp. 147-172 Johnson's theory makes use of Kant's insights that analogy is the cognitive mechanism which links sensible percepts to their conceptual categories, and that creative analogy—or what Johnson calls conceptual metaphor—is the cognitive mechanism by which we come to have our understanding of those abstract concepts and categories of which we have less direct sensible experience. He proposes that we use imaginative schemata to structure abstract concepts largely in terms a set of spatial analogies he calls image schemata.
He starts in the Critique with the most formal act of human cognition, called by him the transcendental unity of apperception, and its various aspects, called the logical functions of judgment. He then proceeds to the pure categories of the understanding, and then to the schematized categories, and finally to the transcendental principles of nature in general."Ellington, James W., "The Unity of Kant's Thought in His Philosophy of Corporeal Nature", Philosophy of Material Nature It is within this system that the transcendental schemata are supposed to serve a crucial purpose. Many interpreters of Kant have emphasized the importance of the schematism."…if the schemata had been considered early enough, they would have overgrown his [Kant’s] whole work.
Others opposed Tromp as well. At the Council, Karl Rahner was joined by Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI), Aloys Grillmeier, Otto Semmelroth and Hans Küng, all of whom worked for the German Cardinals Josef Frings of Cologne and Julius Döpfner of Munich and Freising. Some of them opposed the schemata drawn up by Ottaviani and Tromp's preparatory commission, and when the group achieved the shelving of these schemata, it meant that the Council Fathers no longer had any written basis of preparation, and, consequently, that the conciliar bishops had no structure, strategy, or agenda to rely on. Ratzinger was opposed to this radical move by the Rahner group, believing that it effectively derailed the Council.
Self-knowledge can be categorized by structures in memory or schemata. A self-schema is a set of facts or beliefs that one has about themselves.Katz, A. N. (1987). Self- reference in the encoding of creative-relevant traits. Journal of Personality, 55(1), 97–120. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.1987.tb00430.
Cognitive therapeutic approaches have received considerable attention in the treatment of personality disorders in recent years. The approach focuses on the formation of what it believes to be faulty schemata, centralized on judgmental biases and general cognitive errors.Beck, A.T., Freeman, A., & Davis, D.D. (2004). Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders (2nd ed.).
That is, they understand that objects continue to exist even when they can't see them. :V. Tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity; ::From twelve months old to eighteen months old. During this stage infants explore new possibilities of objects; they try different things to get different results. :VI. Internalization of schemata.
There are three major implications of self-schemata. First, information about oneself is processed faster and more efficiently, especially consistent information. Second, one retrieves and remembers information that is relevant to one's self-schema. Third, one will tend to resist information in the environment that is contradictory to one's self-schema.
This question is answered in such schemata as the Five Ranks of Tozan, the Ten Bulls ("the Oxherding Pictures"), and Hakuin's Four ways of knowing. The Madhyamaka two truths doctrine and the Yogacara three natures and Trikaya doctrines also give depictions of the interplay between the absolute and the relative.
Several concurrently run schemata, for instance walking and talking, are strengthened by use and take less attentional control. Contention scheduling is fast, automatic, and consistent in activating schema. The second component of the Norman-Shallice model is the Supervisory Attentional System (SAS). This higher-level mechanism has control over contention scheduling.
An interesting question is the relationship between affordances and mental representations as set forth in a more cognitivist perspective. While Greeno (1998) argues that attunements to affordances are superior to constructs such as schemata and mental models, Glenberg & Robertson (1999) suggested that affordances are the building blocks of mental models.
Evidence for image schemas (also called image schemata) is drawn from a number of related disciplines, including work on cross-modal cognition in psychology, from spatial cognition in both linguistics and psychology, cognitive linguistics,Croft, W., & Cruse, D. A. (2004). Cognitive Linguistics (p. 374). New York: Cambridge University Press. and from neuroscience.
Theorists also promote the self-schema as being one of the sole inhibitors that allow for recall from deep memory. Thorndyke and Hayes-Roth had the goal of focusing on the process made by the active memory schemata.Thorndyke, P. W., & Hayes- Roth, B. (1979). The use schemata in the acquisition and transfer of knowledge.
In the same decade, he was an envoy of Louis-Nazaire Bégin to Rome, in 1906, where he would be an important element in the latter's rise to cardinalate.Hamelin & Gagnon, p. 85 In 1909, he was charged with rewriting the schemata (decree proposals) resulting from the first Plenary Council of the Canadian Church.Hamelin & Gagnon, p.
CVT focuses on how intimate relationships are initiated and why only a few relationships are extended past initial contact. CVT employs six factors or schemata to explain verbal and non-verbal intimacy behaviors, interpersonal perceptions, physiological arousal, social cognition and relational outcomes within a specified relationship.Andersen, 1985, pp. 1–36Andersen, 1989, npAndersen, 1998, pp. 39–72Andersen, 1999, pp.
The rule prescribes the way to relate a pure concept to an object in general. Schemata are ways of applying pure concepts (categories) to sense impressions. They are prescriptions for graphically illustrating a pure concept. A schema is a method for representing a non- empirical concept in any image as such or any image in general.
204–05.), and music psychology (Robert O. Gjerdingen's schema theory of Galant style music). In Art and Illusion, Gombrich argues for the importance of "schemata" in analyzing works of art: he claims that artists can only learn to represent the external world by learning from previous artists, so representation is always done using stereotyped figures and methods.
Yale University Press Here he emphasized the need for unbalanced growth. He argued that disequilibria should be encouraged to stimulate growth and help mobilize resources, because developing countries are short of decision making skills. Key to this was encouraging industries with many linkages to other firms. His later work was in political economy and there he advanced two schemata.
He points to the Ghanaian example as schemata for budding democracies. Chris Fomunyoh recently remarked: > It is extremely important to frequently renew political leadership in every > country so new leaders can bring a fresh perspective to global trends and > developments, and help move their countries in ways that may differ from > previously long held typical and traditional approaches.
Framing, agenda setting, and priming: The evolution of three media effects models. Journal of communication, 57(1), 9-20. Audiences' attitude change is closely connected with relabeling or re-framing the certain issue. In this sense, effective communication can be achieved if media provide audiences with cognitive shortcuts or heuristics that are resonate with underlying audience schemata.
In order for any concept to have meaning, it must be related to sense perception. The 12 categories, or a priori concepts, are related to phenomenal appearances through schemata. Each category has a schema. It is a connection through time between the category, which is an a priori concept of the understanding, and a phenomenal a posteriori appearance.
As a result, Schillebeeckx drafted anonymously his mostly negative comments on the schemata prepared by the Preparatory Theological Commission, headed by Ottaviani. These anonymous comments on the theological schemata debated at Vatican II, and the articles he published, also influenced the development of several conciliar constitutions such as Dei verbum and Lumen gentium. Concerning the latter document, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Schillebeeckx was mainly involved in the debate on episcopal collegiality, attempting to move Catholic ecclesiology away from a purely hierarchical, structured vision of the church, focusing too heavily on Papal authority (as a result of the declaration of Papal infallibility in Vatican I's constitution Pastor aeternus). This, according to Schillebeeckx and many others at Vatican II, was to be balanced by a renewed stress on the role of the episcopal college.
The relationship is the most important part of the cognitive schemata model.Guerrero & Hecht, 2008, p. 517 Partnership within a dyad has numerous labels. Within relationships (interpersonal relationships), we label our dyad partners as acquaintances, friends, colleagues, professional coworkers, personal friends, family members, fellow college students and college professors and, those people whose paths cross with ours simply as convenient contacts.
Generic enterprise ontologies allow for reusability of and automation of components. Because ontologies are schemata or outlines, the use of ontologies does not ensure proper enterprise model definition, analysis, or clarity. Ontologies are limited by how they are defined and implemented. An ontology may or may not include the potential or capability to capture all of the aspects of what is being modelled.
These patients have dysfunctional self-schemata, which is viewed as vulnerability for potential illnesses. Patients who have this vulnerability usually do not seek mental assistance which can later become more problematic to treat. Bipolar disorder patients with low implicit self-esteem are more defensive. This is an unconscious reaction to be manic protective when they feel threatened in any way.
As image-producers, they are related to perceptions. "While the concept belongs to the understanding and its instance to perception, the schema has, so to speak, a foot in either domain. As rules for the production of images the schemata … are linked to the understanding; as rules for the production of images they are linked to perception."Körner, S., Kant, Chapter 4, p.
The squares were surrounded by parking for vehicles and the promenade was lined with shops. Each arm of the "star" layout was a principal neighborhoods, identified in municipal plans by specific colors. Therefore, each arm of the city was a different color on city schemata. According to historic urban plans, there were five colors: red, yellow, blue, green, and black.
Schematic variables in first-order logic are usually trivially eliminable in second-order logic, because a schematic variable is often a placeholder for any property or relation over the individuals of the theory. This is the case with the schemata of Induction and Replacement mentioned above. Higher-order logic allows quantified variables to range over all possible properties or relations.
Liceti wrote three books on ancient gems, rings, and their hidden meaning: De anulis antiquis (1645), De lucernis antiquorum reconditis (1625, reprinted with more illustrations in 1652 and 1662), and Hieroglyphica, sive Antiqua schemata gemmarum anularium (1653). Among his philological works is De Petrarchae cognominis ortographia, a long letter commissioned by G. F. Tomasini and included in his 1650 work Petrarcha redivivus.
Schemata "00##0", "1###1", "01###", and "##0##" have defining lengths of 4, 4, 1, and 0, respectively. Lengths are computed by determining the last fixed position and subtracting from it the first fixed position. In genetic algorithms as the defining length of a solution increases so does the susceptibility of the solution to disruption due to mutation or cross-over.
1.170 However, despite the existence of the self-reference effect when considering schemata consistent adjectives, the connection between the self and memory can lead to a larger number of mistakes in recognition, commonly referred to as false alarms. Rogers et al. (1979) found that people are more likely to falsely recognize adjectives they had previously designated to be self- descriptive. Expanding on this, Strube et al.
Government and Binding Theory) or feature passing up and down the tree (in a representational theory, e.g. Lexical Functional Grammar). The analysis of phenomena such as inversion and shifting becomes more complex because these phenomena will necessarily involve discontinuities and thus necessitate movement or feature passing. Whether the large amount of sentence structure associated with X-bar schemata is necessary or beneficial is a matter of debate.
Cognitive valence theory seeks to describe and explain the process of intimacy exchange within a dyad relationship. CVT accomplishes this process through the employment of six schemata: culture, personality, interpersonal valence, situation, state, and the relationship. Intimacy behaviors provide the strength and positivity to generate close, personal friendships. These friendships may be found in the home family, an impending personal relationship and/or marriage.
This is the very reason why pure concepts, or categories, require schemata. "Something is needed," Pluhar wrote, sharing Kant's viewpoint, "to mediate between intuition in general and the categories, viz., a rule or 'schema' that stipulates what conditions the intuition must meet so that it can match a category." Professor Pluhar then gave a specific example of how time is utilized to accomplish the matching or mediation.
Bigler received a B.A. degree at Oberlin College in 1986. Ze attended graduate school at Pennsylvania State University where ze began conducting research on gender schemata and internalized sexualization under the supervision of Lynn Liben. Bigler obtained a master's degree in 1988 and a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology in 1991. With Liben, Bigler conducted widely cited research on gender differentiation in development, social stereotyping and prejudice.
The vast monolith of psychiatric research has placed an emphasis on proximate mechanisms as the cause for illness. In contrast, evolutionary theory has engendered questions regarding how distal mechanisms may be implicated with pathogenesis. OCD involves several behavioral schemata that may have been preserved over evolutionary history. Numerous species have inherited cognitive patterns that lend to checking for danger, avoiding contamination, and hoarding food.
As Q-methodology works with a small non-representative sample, conclusions are limited to those who participated in the study. In studies of intelligence, Q factor analysis can generate Consensus based assessment (CBA) scores as direct measures. Alternatively, the unit of measurement of a person in this context is his factor loading for a Q-sort he or she performs. Factors represent norms with respect to schemata.
These schemata are needed to link the pure category to sensed phenomenal appearances because the categories are, as Kant says, heterogeneous with sense intuition. Categories and sensed phenomena, however, do share one characteristic: time. Succession is the form of sense impressions and also of the Category of causality. Therefore, time can be said to be the schema of Categories or pure concepts of the understanding.
Potentially, even the current need to build out data broker managed data trading exchanges may be bypassed. Stanley Smith, who introduced the notion of the data supply chain, has said that simple micropayments for data monetization are the key to evolution of ubiquitous implementation of user configurable data supply schemata, enabling data monetization on a universal scale for all data creators, including the burgeoning internet of things.
Contention scheduling ensures the proper schema is activated and, through inhibition, prevents multiple competing actions from executing simultaneously. Schemas have selection conditions and are initiated if the level of activation reaches threshold. Connected schemata mutually inhibit one another. A schema encountering an increased number of activations will result in easier future access and greater suppression of the activation of those schema connected to it.
Every RAIS node is a stateless computing unit. RAIS stripes and mirrors application code and memory across an array of ordinary servers using the standard RAID schemata of level 0, level 1, level 5, level 1+0. This is possible through the invention of a radical new memory management system called Versioned Memory. RAIS provide the benefits of an SMP at the entry cost of clusters.
Sidney Morgenbesser was born on 22 September 1921 in New York City and raised in Manhattan's Lower East Side.The Independent, Professor Sidney Morgenbesser: Philosopher celebrated for his withering New York Jewish humour, 6 August 2004 Morgenbesser undertook philosophical study at the City College of New York and rabbinical study at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. He then pursued graduate study in philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. There he obtained his M.A. in 1950 and, with a thesis titled Theories And Schemata In The Social Sciences,MORGENBESSER, SIDNEY, "THEORIES AND SCHEMATA IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES" (1956). Dissertations available from ProQuest. AAI0017254. his PhD in 1956.Schwartz, Robert (2005). "Sidney Morgenbesser (1921—2004)" In Shook, John R. (ed). The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers (2005) , republished in Shook, John R. (ed). The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers in America: From 1600 to the Present (2016) .
He had responsibility at the end of the twenties for the development plan of a large housing estate, Großsiedlung Siemensstadt, in Berlin. Hugo Häring's theory of the new building inspired Scharoun in a new architectural direction that departed from rationalism and from preformulated schemata, in order to develop buildings starting in each case from a unique functional character. The organisation of social living space played a central role.
In quantified modal logic, the Buridan formula and the converse Buridan formula (more accurately, schemata rather than formulas) (i) syntactically state principles of interchange between quantifiers and modalities; (ii) semantically state a relation between domains of possible worlds. The formulas are named in honor of the medieval philosopher Jean Buridan by analogy with the Barcan formula and the converse Barcan formula introduced as axioms by Ruth Barcan Marcus.
The language of ILM extends that of classical propositional logic by adding the unary modal operator \Box and the binary modal operator \triangleright (as always, \Diamond p is defined as eg \Box eg p). The arithmetical interpretation of \Box p is “p is provable in Peano Arithmetic PA”, and p \triangleright q is understood as “PA+q is interpretable in PA+p”. Axiom schemata: 1\. All classical tautologies 2\.
A semantic asset is a specific type of standard which involves: highly reusable metadata (e.g. xml schemata, generic data models) and/or reference data (e.g. code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries, vocabularies) Organisations use semantic assets to share information and knowledge (within themselves and with others). Semantic assets are usually very valuable and reusable elements for the development of Information Systems, in particular, as part of machine-to-machine interfaces.
The original ANSI four-schema architecture began with the set of external schemata that each represents one person's view of the world around him or her. These are consolidated into a single conceptual schema that is the superset of all of those external views. A data model can be as concrete as each person's perspective, but this tends to make it inflexible. If that person's world changes, the model must change.
Holland's schema theorem, also called the fundamental theorem of genetic algorithms, is an inequality that results from coarse-graining an equation for evolutionary dynamics. The Schema Theorem says that short, low-order schemata with above-average fitness increase exponentially in frequency in successive generations. The theorem was proposed by John Holland in the 1970s. It was initially widely taken to be the foundation for explanations of the power of genetic algorithms.
Quine had hoped that, by avoiding variables and schemata, he would minimize confusion for the readers, as well as staying closer to the language that mathematicians actually use.Preface to the 1981 Revised Edition. Quasi-quotation is sometimes denoted using the symbols ⌜ and ⌝ (unicode U+231C, U+231D), or double square brackets, ⟦ ⟧ ("Oxford brackets"), instead of ordinary quotation marks.Dowty, D., Wall, R. and Peters, S.: 1981, Introduction to Montague semantics, Springer.
All EEP students are supported by a full-time staff, which consist of a Student Counselor and a Student Assistant. Ultimately, with the aid of a familial environment and the omnipresence of guidance from EEP Elders, most freshmen adjust quickly to collegiate life. Elder EEPsters usually work to expand their social schemata, and become active participants in university life, assimilating inconspicuously into roles of community service, organizations, and student governments.
If an appropriate pre- learned schema is retrievable, then a survival response will be initiated. However, if no existing schemata can respond, the result is cognitive paralysis, otherwise exhibiting irrational behaviour. Based on this understanding, one may wrongly speculate that the SAS is unfavourable in dangerous situations. The supervisory attentional system provides individuals with the ability to predict and prepare for situations mentally prior to any possible encounter.
Genetic algorithms are simple to implement, but their behavior is difficult to understand. In particular, it is difficult to understand why these algorithms frequently succeed at generating solutions of high fitness when applied to practical problems. The building block hypothesis (BBH) consists of: # A description of a heuristic that performs adaptation by identifying and recombining "building blocks", i.e. low order, low defining-length schemata with above average fitness.
"Walsh, W.H., "Schematism," Kant- Studien, Band 49 (1957), Kölner Universitäts-Verlag Arthur Schopenhauer referred to it as "…the strange 'Chapter on the Schematism of the Pure Concepts of the Understanding,' which is well known for its great obscurity, since no one has ever been able to make anything out of it."Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation, Vol. I, Appendix, "Criticism of the Kantian Philosophy", Courier Dover Publications, 2012, p. 450 Schopenhauer's notebooks contained entries that described Kant's chapter on schemata as "an audacious piece of nonsense""…from the chapter on the schematism of the pure concepts of the understanding (a chapter which, in spite of all our respect for Kant, we must call an audacious piece of nonsense) it is very clear that these categories not only contribute nothing towards intuitive perception, but are very far removed from this, since there are still to be found between them and intuitive perception these quite peculiar absurdities, the schemata.
Thus, the self-schema is an aspect of oneself that is used as an encoding structure that brings upon memory of information consistent with one's self-schema.Mills, C. J. (1983). Sex-typing and self-schemata effects on memory and response latency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45(1), 163–172. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.45.1.163 Memories that are elaborate and well encoded are usually the result of self-referent correlations during the process of remembering.
This is the modus ponens rule of propositional logic. Rules of inference are often formulated as schemata employing metavariables. In the rule (schema) above, the metavariables A and B can be instantiated to any element of the universe (or sometimes, by convention, a restricted subset such as propositions) to form an infinite set of inference rules. A proof system is formed from a set of rules chained together to form proofs, also called derivations.
Cognitive distortions are thoughts that cause individuals to perceive reality inaccurately. According to Beck's cognitive model, a negative outlook on reality, sometimes called negative schemas (or schemata), is a factor in symptoms of emotional dysfunction and poorer subjective well-being. Specifically, negative thinking patterns reinforce negative emotions and thoughts. During difficult circumstances, these distorted thoughts can contribute to an overall negative outlook on the world and a depressive or anxious mental state.
Instead, they are the result of the way that the mind is constituted or formed. They come from within the mind, not from outside of the mind. Kant claimed that the schemata of pure, non- empirical concepts, or categories, provide a reference to intuition in a way similar to the manner of empirical concepts.If a Category [Pure Concept] is to generate knowledge, it must be related to a pure intuition or a priori schema.
T. C. Bates and A. Shieles. (2003). Crystallized Intelligence is a product of Speed and Drive for Experience: The Relationship of Inspection Time and Openness to g and Gc. Intelligence, 31, 275-287 Studies have found that people who are highly knowledgeable in a particular domain tend to be knowledgeable in many. General knowledge is thought to be supported by long-term semantic memory ability. General knowledge also supports schemata for textual understanding.
In his 1967 essay The principle of the hiding hand, Hirschman helped develop the hiding hand principle. His later work was in political economy, where he advanced two schemata. In Exit, Voice, and Loyalty (1970) he described the three basic possible responses to decline in firms or polities (quitting, speaking up, staying quiet). The second describes the basic arguments made by conservatives (perversity, futility and jeopardy) in The Rhetoric of Reaction (1991).
The psychological contract is a system of beliefs an individual holds regarding an exchange arrangement with another (e.g., employment, customer/supplier relationship, family tie or marriage). A fundamental feature of the psychological contract is that like cognitive schemata generally, the contract, once established, is relatively resistant to change. Psychological contracts when first formed tend to be incomplete since fully understanding or anticipating the demands in an ongoing employment arrangement may be unrealistic.
Participants provide 20 self-concepts that start with "I am..." This enables the collection of concepts and roles that are important to the definition of self. There is no unitary structure to self, it is a combination of self-schemata such as "I am a mother". These self-concepts, or self-images, are then used as autobiographical memory cues, enabling the distribution of highly self- relevant memories to be plotted across the lifespan.
People may also interpret the new information in a way that minimizes how much they must change their schemata. For example, Bob thinks that chickens don't lay eggs. He then sees a chicken laying an egg. Instead of changing the part of his schema that says "chickens don't lay eggs", he is likely to adopt the belief that the animal in question that he has just seen laying an egg is not a real chicken.
For instance, students with a particular self-schema prefer roommates whose view of them is consistent with that schema. Students who end up with roommates whose view of them is inconsistent with their self-schema are more likely to try to find a new roommate, even if this view is positive. This is an example of self-verification. As researched by Aaron Beck, automatically activated negative self-schemata are a large contributor to depression.
The M7 motorway () is a motorway in Ireland. The motorway runs continuously from the outskirts of Naas in County Kildare to Rossbrien on the outskirts of Limerick City.Ordnance Survey Map of Ireland, 2010, Motoring Schemata Section The M7 forms part of the Dublin to Limerick N7 national primary road. The section of the motorway bypassing Naas, an 8 km stretch, was the first section of motorway to open in the Republic of Ireland, in 1983.
A possible explanation for the banner blindness phenomenon may be the way users interact with websites. Users tend to either search for specific information or browse aimlessly from one page to the next, according to the cognitive schemata that they have constructed for different web tasks. When searching for specific information on a website, users focus only on the parts of the page where they assume the relevant information will be, e.g. small text and hyperlinks.
Social class is usually regarded as being conceived of as sets of positions rather than as individuals who happen to fill them at any particular time. Class structure is the “empty spaces” that persons occupy without altering the shape of the class structure. Erik Olin Wright produced class schemata, in attempts to retain a Marxist approach to class analysis. In Wright’s first schema he states that in capitalism simple production exists alongside the capitalist mode of production.
In his discussion of the Architectonic of Pure Reason,Critique of Pure Reason, A 832 Kant utilized the concept of schema in a way that was similar to his discussion of the schemata of the Categories. A science's whole systematic organization consists of parts. The parts are various cognitions or units of knowledge. The parts are united under one idea which determines the relation of the parts to each other and also the purpose of the whole system.
The appearance of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species in 1859 changed the way that taxonomists considered plant classification, incorporating evolutionary information into their schemata. The Darwinian approach led to the concept of phylogeny (tree-like structure) in assembling classification systems, starting with Eichler. Eichler, having established a hierarchical system in which the flowering plants (angiosperms) were divided into monocotyledons and dicotyledons, further divided into former into seven orders. Within the Liliiflorae were seven families, including Liliaceae and Amaryllidaceae.
Given that the number of possible subformulas or terms that can be inserted in place of a schematic variable is countably infinite, an axiom schema stands for a countably infinite set of axioms. This set can usually be defined recursively. A theory that can be axiomatized without schemata is said to be finitely axiomatized. Theories that can be finitely axiomatized are seen as a bit more metamathematically elegant, even if they are less practical for deductive work.
Word-selection has been a component of rhetoric. Most commentators attribute the concept of framing to the work of Erving Goffman on frame analysis and point especially to his 1974 book, Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience. Goffman used the idea of frames to label "schemata of interpretation" that allow individuals or groups "to locate, perceive, identify, and label" events and occurrences, thus rendering meaning, organizing experiences, and guiding actions. Erving Goffman (1974).
This question is answered in such schemata as the Five Ranks of Tozan and the Oxherding Pictures. The continuous pondering of the break-through kōan (shokan) or Hua Tou, "word head", leads to kensho, an initial insight into "seeing the (Buddha-)nature". According to Hori, a central theme of many koans is the "identity of opposites", and point to the original nonduality. Victor Sogen Hori describes kensho, when attained through koan-study, as the absence of subject–object duality.
The twelve nidanas are typically shown on the outer rim of a Bhavachakra in Buddhist artwork. The bhavachakra (Sanskrit; Pāli: bhavachakra; Tibetan: srid pa'i 'khor lo) is a symbolic representation of saṃsāra (or cyclic existence). It is found on the outside walls of Tibetan Buddhist temples and monasteries in the Indo-Tibetan region, to help ordinary people understand Buddhist teachings. The Three Fires sit at the very center of the schemata in the Bhavacakra and drive the whole edifice.
The axiom schemata of replacement and separation each contain infinitely many instances. included a result first proved in his 1957 Ph.D. thesis: if ZFC is consistent, it is impossible to axiomatize ZFC using only finitely many axioms. On the other hand, von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory (NBG) can be finitely axiomatized. The ontology of NBG includes proper classes as well as sets; a set is any class that can be a member of another class.
At first glance, much of the book may appear unstructured and chaotic; Joyce once said that he had "put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant", which would earn the novel immortality. The schemata Stuart Gilbert and Herbert Gorman released after publication to help defend Joyce from obscenity accusations made the links to The Odyssey clearer, and also helped explain the work's structure.
An alternative theory is that brain and mind are two physical aspects of a unified system, the brain-mind. His discussion of these philosophical issues is summarized in further detail below. According to Hobson, dream interpretation has, until recently, relied on theories of symbolic transformations of mental content and the formal approach described here does not disprove previous schemata. It does, however, supply a more neutral cognitive alternative or constitute a new solution to an age-old problem.
The form of theories is studied formally in mathematical logic, especially in model theory. When theories are studied in mathematics, they are usually expressed in some formal language and their statements are closed under application of certain procedures called rules of inference. A special case of this, an axiomatic theory, consists of axioms (or axiom schemata) and rules of inference. A theorem is a statement that can be derived from those axioms by application of these rules of inference.
In 1980/1986, psychologists Donald Norman and Tim Shallice proposed a framework of attentional control of executive functioning. The model uses thought and action schemas which are a series of learned thought and action sequences, like scripts, that specify behaviours during situations. Schemas are activated from perceptual stimuli or from the output of recently activated schemata. For an example, entering your kitchen to find a pile of unclean dishes (input) could initiate a behavioural response to clean (schema).
In quantified modal logic, the Barcan formula and the converse Barcan formula (more accurately, schemata rather than formulas) (i) syntactically state principles of interchange between quantifiers and modalities; (ii) semantically state a relation between domains of possible worlds. The formulas were introduced as axioms by Ruth Barcan Marcus, in the first extensions of modal propositional logic to include quantification.Journal of Symbolic Logic (1946),11 and (1947), 12 under Ruth C. Barcan Related formulas include the Buridan formula.
A number of representational phrase structure theories of grammar never acknowledged phrase structure rules, but have pursued instead an understanding of sentence structure in terms the notion of schema. Here phrase structures are not derived from rules that combine words, but from the specification or instantiation of syntactic schemata or configurations, often expressing some kind of semantic content independently of the specific words that appear in them. This approach is essentially equivalent to a system of phrase structure rules combined with a noncompositional semantic theory, since grammatical formalisms based on rewriting rules are generally equivalent in power to those based on substitution into schemata. So in this type of approach, instead of being derived from the application of a number of phrase structure rules, the sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously would be generated by filling the words into the slots of a schema having the following structure: ::[NP[ADJ N] VP[V] AP[ADV And which would express the following conceptual content: ::X DOES Y IN THE MANNER OF Z Though they are non-compositional, such models are monotonic.
One of Byros' notable contributions to Music Schemata Theory is his study of the Le-Sol-Fi-Sol Schema in Ludwig van Beethoven's Eroica Symphony.The Oxford Handbook of Topic Theory ed. by Danuta Mirka Review by Matteo MagarottoThe Oxford Handbook of Topic Theory ed. by Danuta Mirka Review by John A. Rice An example of the Le- Sol-Fi-Sol Schema in Mozart's Requiem The le-sol-fi-sol is a 4-stage pattern, based on a b6-5-#4-5 bass line.
According to this theory, depressed people acquire a negative schema of the world in childhood and adolescence as an effect of stressful life events, and the negative schema is activated later in life when the person encounters similar situations. Beck also described a negative cognitive triad. The cognitive triad is made up of the depressed individual's negative evaluations of themselves, the world, and the future. Beck suggested that these negative evaluations derive from the negative schemata and cognitive biases of the person.
Since all axioms and rules of the calculus are schemata, derivation is closed under substitution: :If \Gamma\vdash A, then \sigma(\Gamma)\vdash\sigma(A), where σ is any substitution (of formulas using only implication). The implicational propositional calculus also satisfies the deduction theorem: :If \Gamma,A\vdash B, then \Gamma\vdash A\to B. As explained in the deduction theorem article, this holds for any axiomatic extension of the system containing axiom schemas 1 and 2 above and modus ponens.
Schemas are used to interpret the functions involved when individuals would make sense of their surroundings. This cognition happens through an explicit process of recalling an item routinely or implicit process that is outside conscious awareness control. A recent study suggests individuals who have experienced a difficult upbringing develop schemata of fear as well as anxiety and will react almost immediately when they feel threatened. People who are anxious predominantly focus on any peril-related stimuli since they are hyper vigilant.
Because schemata are determinations of objects in general, not specific, individual objects, they are not particular images. Kant asserted that "… a schema must be distinguished from an image." A schema is a procedural rule."The schema is not an image, because the image is a product of the reproductive imagination, while the schema of sensible concepts (also of figures in space) is a product of the pure a priori capacity to imagine…" (Umberto Eco, Kant and the Platypus, Harcourt, 1999, § 2.5).
In the translator's introduction to his version of Kant's Critique of Judgment, page xxxvi, Werner Pluhar tried to explain schemata. He noted that perceptual intuitions and Kant's conceptual categories are very different, yet they relate to each other. This exposition by Professor Pluhar paraphrases Kant's doctrine that perceptions are based on concepts. Kant's position can be contrasted with Schopenhauer's opposite teaching that concepts are derived or abstracted from perceptions, thereby giving content to the concepts and allowing them to make sense.
His views aligned with Pope John XXIII, who advocated for aggiornamento. His work on the Central Preparatory Commission led to close affiliations with other cardinals leading edge of modernization in the church. In August 1962, Léger, disappointed in the preparatory schemata of the first conciliar period, petitioned John XXIII along with six of the leading European cardinals. Léger stood out as a leader during the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) even though his positions cost him some friendships and made him some enemies.
Practical examples of such schemata, for instance NewsML, are normally very sophisticated, containing multiple optional subtrees, used for representing special case data. Frequently around 90% of a schema is concerned with the definition of these optional data items and sub-trees. Messages and data, therefore, that are transmitted or encoded using XML and that conform to the same schema are liable to contain very different data depending on what is being transmitted. Such data presents large problems for conventional data mining.
This stance gives him an additional reason to reject the foundational pretensions of the two classical first order axiomatic systems of Peano Arithmetic and Zermelo- Fraenkel set theory. Not only does he object to the operationalism inherent in the very construction of such formal systems, but he now also rejects the intelligibility of the free use of unrestricted quantifiers in the formation of predicates in the axiom schemata of Induction and Replacement. Mayberry's fourth core doctrine is connected with his third.
According to Forman, constructivism is not able to account for the PCE as being a constructed event. According to Forman, a mystical experience may be shaped or constructed in three senses: content, form, shaping-process. All three fail for the PCE: # Form: PCE's are contentless, and therefore not shaped by "forms" or "schemata." # Content: PCE's are contentless; they can also occur in neophytes;and they occur in various mystical traditions, despite their differences in states of religious beliefs and expectations.
PTE General were one of the first set of ESOL exams to apply the Notional- Functional Syllabus and Schema Theory to language testing. Schema Theory was developed by psychologists such as R.C.Anderson and Frederic Bartlett. Schemata (plural of schema) are learned models suggesting relationships between objects and help structure future learning. PTE General tasks are related through a common theme which allows candidates to activate the different domains of knowledge they have acquired and thus further enhance second language acquisition.
Some say that de Beauvoir is farther reaching than Sartre despite often being overlooked in many comprehensive works about existentialist feminism. Jean- Paul Sartre was a French philosopher, existentialist and phenomenologist who contributed greatly to existential feminism through works like Existential Psychoanalysis. In this work, Sartre claims that the individual is the intersection of universal schemata and he rejects the idea of a pure individual. Maurice Merleau-Ponty was another French philosopher who contributed many existential works to the field.
At the Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2000), GXL was presented in a tutorial [Holt et al., 2000] and during the workshop on exchange formats [Holt/Winter, 2000]. Central results were a simpler representation of ordering information, the usage of UML class diagrams to present graph schemata and the representation of UML class diagrams by GXL graphs. The Dagstuhl Seminar on Interoperability of Reengineering Tools ratified GXL 1.0 as a standard interchange format for exchanging reengineering related data.
It is here that Gorgias compares the effect of speech on the mind with the effect of drugs on the body. He states that Helen has the power to "lead" many bodies in competition by using her body as a weapon (Gumpert, 74). This image of "bodies led and misled, brought together and led apart, is of paramount importance in Gorgias' speech," (Gumpert, 74). While Gorgias primarily used metaphors and paradox, he famously used "figures of speech, or schemata" (Matsen, Rollinson and Sousa).
The less expertise citizens have on an issue initially, the more likely they will rely on these shortcuts. The cognitive miser theory thus has an implication for persuading: attitude formation is a competition between people's value systems and prepositions (or their own interpretive schemata) on a certain issue, and how public discourses frame it. Framing theory suggest that the same topic will result in different interpretations among audience, if the information is presented in different ways.Scheufele, D. A., & Tewksbury, D. (2006).
Gender schema theory was formally introduced by Sandra Bem in 1981 as a cognitive theory to explain how individuals become gendered in society, and how sex-linked characteristics are maintained and transmitted to other members of a culture.Bem, S. L. (1981). Gender schema theory: A cognitive account of sex typing. Psychological Review, 88, 354–364 Gender-associated information is predominantly transmuted through society by way of schemata, or networks of information that allow for some information to be more easily assimilated than others.
A central aspect of carnism is that animals are categorized as edible, inedible, pets, vermin, predators, or entertainment animals, according to people's schemata – mental classifications that determine, and are determined by, our beliefs and desires. There is cultural variability regarding which animals count as food. Dogs are eaten in China, and South Korea, but elsewhere are not viewed as food, either because they are loved or, as in the Middle East and parts of India, regarded as unclean.Herzog, Hal (2011).
A causal schema refers to the way a person thinks about plausible causes in relation to a given effect. It provides him or her with the means of making causal attributions when the information provided is limited. The three causal schemata recognized by Kelley are Multiple Sufficient Causes, Multiple Necessary Causes, and Causal Schema for Compensatory Causes (Kelley, 1973). Multiple Sufficient Causes: He or she may believe that either cause A or cause B suffices to produce a given effect (Kelley et al.
As an example for a mismatch on the object level, consider the following: the SEC uses a so-called Central Index Key (CIK) to identify people (CEOs, CFOs), companies, and financial instruments while other sources, such as DBpedia (a structured data version of Wikipedia), use URIs to identify entities. In addition, each source typically uses its own schema and idiosyncrasies for stating what is essentially the same fact. Thus, Methods have to be in place for reconciling different representations of objects and schemata.
Amerio was taken to Vatican Council as a peritus of Angelo Giuseppe Jelmini, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Lugano and Titular Bishop of Thermae Basilicae. Since Jelmini was a member of the Central Preparatory Commission, Amerio was able to view all the schemata and write comments on behalf of Jelmini. 20 Years after the end of the Council, as he grew more and more critical of the discontinuity in doctrine and discipline promoted in the name of the Council by certain groups, he wrote Iota Unum.
Unthought known is a phrase coined by Christopher Bollas in the 1980s to represent those experiences in some way known to the individual, but about which the individual is unable to think. At its most compelling, the unthought known stands for those early schemata for interpreting the object world that preconsciously determine our subsequent life expectations.Sarah Robertson, The Secret Country (2007) p. 5 In this sense, the unthought known refers to preverbal, unschematised early experience/trauma that may determine one's behaviour unconsciously, barred to conscious thought.
Postmodernism is a reaction to modernism, but it can also be viewed as a response to a deep- seated shift in societal attitude. According to this latter view, postmodernism began when historic (as opposed to personal) optimism turned to pessimism, at the latest by 1930 . John Cage is a prominent figure in 20th- century music, claimed with some justice both for modernism and postmodernism because the complex intersections between modernism and postmodernism are not reducible to simple schemata . His influence steadily grew during his lifetime.
His doctoral thesis Rhetoric and Schemata: Improvising the Chorale Prelude in the 18th-century Lutheran Tradition investigates the pedagogical, cultural and methodological role of the Lutheran Chorales in teaching improvisation in the eighteenth century. Karosi has completed the academic portion of his doctoral studies at the Yale School of Music. He earned Master’s degrees from the Yale School of Music, the Oberlin Conservatory, the Liszt Academy in Budapest, and a Prix de Virtuosité from the Conservatoire Supérieur de Genève. He is under management with Penny Lorenz Artist Management.
However, other frameworks employ different terminology, with theoretical implications. Optimality theory, for example, talks in terms of "constraints", while construction grammar, cognitive grammar, and other "usage-based" theories make reference to patterns, constructions, and "schemata" The vast majority of the information in the grammar is – at least in the case of one's native language – acquired not by conscious study or instruction but by hearing other speakers. Much of this work is done during early childhood; learning a language later in life usually involves more explicit instruction. Thus, grammar is the cognitive information underlying language use.
Pragmatics just becomes the cognitive semantics of communication—the modern version of the old Ross-Lakoff performative hypothesis from the 1960s. The form and content are symbolically linked in the sense advocated by Langacker. Thus a construction is treated like a sign in which all structural aspects are integrated parts and not distributed over different modules as they are in the componential model. Consequentially, not only constructions that are lexically fixed, like many idioms, but also more abstract ones like argument structure schemata, are pairings of form and conventionalized meaning.
The most influential figure for the idea of the internal working model of attachment is Bowlby, who laid the groundwork for the concept in the 1960s. He was inspired by both psychoanalysis, especially object relations theory, and more recent research into ethology, evolution and information-processing. In psychoanalytic theory, there has been the idea of an inner or representational world (proposed by Freud) as well as the internalization of relationships (Fairbairn, Winnicott). According to Freud first schemata evolve out of experiences regarding need fulfilment via the attachment figure.
The concept of the data definition language and its name was first introduced in relation to the Codasyl database model, where the schema of the database was written in a language syntax describing the records, fields, and sets of the user data model. Later it was used to refer to a subset of Structured Query Language (SQL) for declaring tables, columns, data types and constraints. SQL-92 introduced a schema manipulation language and schema information tables to query schemas. These information tables were specified as SQL/Schemata in SQL:2003.
For Bourdieu, habitus and field can only exist in relation to each other. Although a field is constituted by the various social agents participating in it (and thus their habitus), a habitus, in effect, represents the transposition of objective structures of the field into the subjective structures of action and thought of the agent. The relationship between habitus and field is twofold. First, the field exists only insofar as social agents possess the dispositions and set of perceptual schemata that are necessary to constitute that field and imbue it with meaning.
There are various conventions that DGs employ to represent dependencies. The following schemata (in addition to the tree above and the trees further below) illustrate some of these conventions: ::Conventions for illustrating dependencies The representations in (a–d) are trees, whereby the specific conventions employed in each tree vary. Solid lines are dependency edges and lightly dotted lines are projection lines. The only difference between tree (a) and tree (b) is that tree (a) employs the category class to label the nodes whereas tree (b) employs the words themselves as the node labels.
Bartlett found that at longer intervals between reading the story and remembering it, participants were less accurate and forgot much of the information from the story. Most importantly, where the elements of the story failed to fit into the schemata of the listener, these elements were omitted from the recollection, or transformed into more familiar forms. Each participant's report of the story mirrored his or her own culture, Edwardian English culture in this case. An example of this can be demonstrated by some of these participants remembering "canoes" from the story as "boats".
There are cases in which a matronymic has been legally bestowed for one or the other reason, while a patronymic is known. If the patronymic is to be conveyed anyway, this can take a form like Altan Choi ovogt Dumaagiin Sodnom with the patronymic preceding the word ovog that takes the suffix -t 'having'. The basic differences between Mongolian and European names, in connection with trying to fit Mongolian names into foreign schemata, frequently lead to confusion. For example, Otryadyn Gündegmaa, a Mongolian shooter, is often incorrectly referred to as Otryad, i.e.
Although Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859) preceded Bentham and Hooker's publication, the latter project was commenced much earlier and George Bentham was initially sceptical of Darwinism. The new phyletic approach changed the way that taxonomists considered plant classification, incorporating evolutionary information into their schemata, but this did little to further define the circumscription of Dioscoreaceae. The major works in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century employing this approach were in the German literature. Authors such as Eichler, Engler and Wettstein placed this family in the Liliiflorae, a major subdivision of monocotyledons.
A deductive system, also called a deductive apparatus or a logic, consists of the axioms (or axiom schemata) and rules of inference that can be used to derive theorems of the system.Hunter, Geoffrey, Metalogic: An Introduction to the Metatheory of Standard First-Order Logic, University of California Pres, 1971 Such deductive systems preserve deductive qualities in the formulas that are expressed in the system. Usually the quality we are concerned with is truth as opposed to falsehood. However, other modalities, such as justification or belief may be preserved instead.
The standard is split into two parts, a discursive textual description with extended examples and discussion and set of tag-by- tag definitions. Schemata in most of the modern formats (DTD, RELAX NG and W3C Schema) are generated automatically from the tag-by-tag definitions. A number of tools support the production of the guidelines and the application of the guidelines to specific projects. A number of special tags are used to circumvent restrictions imposed by the underlying Unicode; `glyph` to allow representation of characters that don't qualify for Unicode inclusion and `choice` to allow overcome the required strict linearity.
John Corcoran considers this terminology unfortunate because it obscures the use of schemata and because such "variables" do not actually range over a domain.. The convention is that a metavariable is to be uniformly substituted with the same instance in all its appearances in a given schema. This is in contrast with nonterminal symbols in formal grammars where the nonterminals on the right of a production can be substituted by different instances.. Attempts to formalize the notion of metavariable result in some kind of type theory.Masahiko Sato, Takafumi Sakurai, Yukiyoshi Kameyama, and Atsushi Igarashi. "Calculi of Meta-variables" in Computer Science Logic.
Contextual interference was originally defined as "function interference in learning responsible for memory improvement". Contextual interference effect is "the effect on learning of the degree of functional interference found in a practice situation when several tasks must be learned and are practiced together". Variability of practice (or varied practice) is an important component to contextual interference, as it places task variations within learning. Although varied practice may lead to poor performance throughout the acquisition phase, it is important for the development of the schemata, which is responsible for the assembly and improved retention and transfer of motor learning.
Lakoff and Núñez's avowed purpose is to begin laying the foundations for a truly scientific understanding of mathematics, one grounded in processes common to all human cognition. They find that four distinct but related processes metaphorically structure basic arithmetic: object collection, object construction, using a measuring stick, and moving along a path. WMCF builds on earlier books by Lakoff (1987) and Lakoff and Johnson (1980, 1999), which analyze such concepts of metaphor and image schemata from second-generation cognitive science. Some of the concepts in these earlier books, such as the interesting technical ideas in Lakoff (1987), are absent from WMCF.
Cognitive maps have been studied in various fields, such as psychology, education, archaeology, planning, geography, cartography, architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, management and history. Because of the broad use and study of cognitive maps, it has become a colloquialism for just about any mental representation or model. As a consequence, these mental models are often referred to, variously, as cognitive maps, mental maps, scripts, schemata, and frames of reference. Cognitive maps serve the construction and accumulation of spatial knowledge, allowing the "mind's eye" to visualize images in order to reduce cognitive load, enhance recall and learning of information.
The Prajnaparamita-sutras and Madhyamaka emphasized the non- duality of form and emptiness: "form is emptiness, emptiness is form", as the Heart Sutra says. This was understood to mean that ultimate reality is not a transcendental realm, but equal to the daily world of relative reality. This idea fitted into the Chinese culture, which emphasized the mundane world and society. But this does not tell how the absolute is present in the relative world: This question is answered in such schemata as the Five Ranks of Tozan, the Oxherding Pictures, and Hakuin's Four ways of knowing.
Domination is measured according to the amount of autonomy that can be exercised by the workers and to which extent they are supervised. Wright’s second schema involve a 12-class schema and is based upon exploitation. In the second schemata exploitation has three dimensions: ownership of the means of production, ownership of organization assets that permit control and coordination of technical processes of production, and ownership of skills or credentials. John Goldthorpe's class schema is to differentiate positions within labor markets and production units, or more specifically to differentiate such positions in terms of the employment relations that they entail.
Uranometria's engraving of the constellation Orion, courtesy of the US Naval Observatory Library Uranometria is a star atlas produced by Johann Bayer. It was published in Augsburg in 1603 by Christoph Mang (Christophorus Mangus)Christoph Mang was printing books at Augsburg with dates ranging 1567-1617, according to Johns Hopkins Library catalog; Uranometria is the most famous work issuing from his press. under the full title Uranometria : omnium asterismorum continens schemata, nova methodo delineata, aereis laminis expressa. This translates to "Uranometria, containing charts of all the constellations, drawn by a new method and engraved on copper plates".
Figure 1 - containment image schema An image schema is a recurring structure within our cognitive processes which establishes patterns of understanding and reasoning. Image schemas are formed from our bodily interactions, from linguistic experience, and from historical context. The term is explained in Mark Johnson's book The Body in the Mind; in case study 2 of George Lakoff's Women, Fire and Dangerous Things; by Rudolf Arnheim in Visual Thinking; and more recently, by Tim Rohrer's 2006 book chapter "Image Schemata in the Brain". In contemporary cognitive linguistics, an image schema is considered an embodied prelinguistic structure of experience that motivates conceptual metaphor mappings.
Todd Smith, Matt Rippetoe and Jeff Siegel are members of The Alter Boys since 2005, although Todd Smith has stated that The Alter Boys will not release any new material. Tim Swanson has since formed the band Ideamen. The band released an EP titled Progress in 2007 Their full- length debut studio album, May You Live in Interesting Times, was released in 2009 on Rotten Records and their second full-length album Schemata, was released in 2014. Matt Rippetoe released a solo record, BOINK in 2007, and formed a side project, Willamette, who released their self-titled debut in 2012.
Whereas Piaget's schemes are content-free, schemata (the plural of schema) are concepts; for example, most humans have a schema for "grandmother", "egg", or "magnet." Constructivism does not refer to a specific pedagogy, although it is often confused with constructionism, an educational theory developed by Seymour Papert, inspired by constructivist and experiential learning ideas of Piaget. Piaget's theory of constructivist learning has had wide-ranging impact on learning theories and teaching methods in education, and is an underlying theme of education reform movements. Research support for constructivist teaching techniques has been mixed, with some studies in support and others contradicting constructivist results.
The Darian calendar has been widely imitated. Suggested variations abound on the World Wide Web that use different nomenclature schemata for the days of the week and the months of the year. In the original Darian calendar, the names of the 24 months were provisionally chosen by Gangale as the Latin names of constellations of the zodiac and their Sanskrit equivalents in alternation. The 7 sols of the week, similarly, were provisionally named after the Sun, the largest Martian moon Phobos (Sol Phobotis) and the 5 brightest planets as seen from Mars including Earth (Sol Terrae).
Henry Head, an English neurologist who conducted pioneering work into the somatosensory system and sensory nerves, together with British neurologist Gordon Morgan Holmes, first described the concept in 1911. The concept was first termed "postural schema" to describe the disordered spatial representation of patients following damage to the parietal lobe of the brain. Head and Holmes discussed two schemas (or schemata): one body schema for the registration of posture or movement and another body schema for the localization of stimulated locations on the body surface. "Body schema" became the term used for the "organized models of ourselves".
The immediate cause of the incident, some state, was a mixture of several factors, among which feature: equipment wear-and-tear, absence of back-up powers, the fact that Moscow had endured temperatures above 30 °C for a number of days. Moreover, Moscow is a very complex region and has the most complex electrical schemata, or "copper board", as it is known by those in the business. It is the only region in which there has been no automatic shut-off system installed since the fall of the Soviet Union. This increased vulnerability of Moscow's electrical network played an important role in what happened.
In 1919, Viktor Shklovsky published his essay titled "The Relationship Between Devices of Plot Construction and General Devices of Style". As a major proponent during Russian formalism, Shklovsky was one of the first scholars to criticize the failing methods of literary analysis and report on a syntagmatic approach to folktales. In his essay he claims, "It is my purpose to stress not so much the similarity of motifs, which I consider of little significance, as the similarity in the plot schemata." Syntagmatic analysis, most notably championed by Vladimir Propp, is the approach in which the elements of the fairy tale are analyzed in the order that they appear in the story.
Therefore, time is the means by which an intuited phenomenon is subsumed under a pure concept. Schemata are transcendental time determinations. "Hence it will be possible for the category to be applied to appearances by means of the transcendental time determination, which, as the schema of the concepts of the understanding, mediates the subsumption of appearances under the category." Entities that are known sub specie æternitatis (out of time, not through the form of time) do not have the predicate (Greek Κατηγορίαι Katēgoriai) of reality. Some examples are Plato’s Ideas, religious gods, undead souls, Parmenides’ One, Spinoza’s Substance, Sherlock Holmes (it is always eighteen ninety-five), etc.
The first three phases of thinking development can be related to the different thinking systems put forward by the philosophers Locke, Kant and Hegel. Each phase includes and transcends the thinking system of the previous phase. The final phase of 'practical wisdom' loops back to a higher form of 'common sense' in that it constitutes sophisticated thinking that has become second nature and is therefore effortless. In contrast to other adult development researchers such as Fischer and Commons, Laske describes post-formal cognitive development in terms of the use and co-ordination of dialectical thought forms and thought form constellations which were described by Basseches as mental schemata.
Relativism is avoided according to McKeon via the force of a rhetorical strategy rather than via access to a Platonic realm. McKeon borrows traditional rhetorical terms (see Aristotle and Quintilian) to outline the principles of the new rhetoric (creativity/invention; fact/judgment; sequence/consequence; objectivity/intersubjectivity) and then leads them toward brighter avenues of discovery by enlarging Aristotle's traditional rhetorical categories (epideictic, judicial, deliberative) and reintegrating philosophical dialectic. He believes that the materials for doing this are topoi and schemata. The new rhetoric must be universal, objective, reformulate the structure and program of verbal rhetoric and its subjects, and its applications must be focused on the particular now.
The letters that are created by writing are physical objects that can be destroyed by various means: these are letter TOKENS or letter INSCRIPTIONS. The 26 letters of the alphabet are letter TYPES or letter FORMS. Peirce's type–token distinction, also applies to words, sentences, paragraphs, and so on: to anything in a universe of discourse of character-string theory, or concatenation theory. There is only one word type spelled el-ee-tee-tee-ee-ar,Using a variant of Alfred Tarski's structural-descriptive naming found in John Corcoran, Schemata: the Concept of Schema in the History of Logic, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol.
Researchers can satisfy both requirements by attending to the construal operations involved in language processing—that is to say, by investigating the ways that people structure their experiences through language. Language is full of conventions that allow for subtle and nuanced conveyances of experience. To use an example that is readily at hand, framing is all-pervasive, and it may extend across the full breadth of linguistic data, extending from the most complex utterances, to tone, to word choice, to expressions derived from the composition of morphemes. Another example is image-schemata, which are ways that we structure and understand the elements of our experience driven by any given sense.
"Thus prior knowledge and set play a large role in determining what we see" (Cudworth [Treatise on Morality] 423-424) A common idea/perception was that an object/idea could be stamped upon the soul upon the occasion of an idea excited from the comprehensive power of the intellect itself. Only Humboldt, who was a living connection between the rationalist Enlightenment and the Romantic period, devised the underlying generative system of language perception . Again, Chomsky asserts that "contemporary research in perception has returned to the investigation of internally represented schemata...". The current work of modern linguistics continues the tradition of Cartesian linguistics in transformational grammar.
From the vantage point of self-psychology, there are two areas of interest: the processes by which a self is formed (the "I"), and the actual content of the schemata which compose the self-concept (the "Me"). In the latter field, theorists have shown interest in relating the self-concept to self-esteem, the differences between complex and simple ways of organizing self-knowledge, and the links between those organizing principles and the processing of information . The "Neo-Eriksonian" identity status paradigm emerged in later years, driven largely by the work of James Marcia. This paradigm focuses upon the twin concepts of exploration and commitment.
Enculturation affects music memory in early childhood before a child's cognitive schemata for music is fully formed, perhaps beginning at as early as one year of age. Like adults, children are also better able to remember novel music from their native culture than from unfamiliar ones, although they are less capable than adults at remembering more complex music. Children's developing music cognition may be influenced by the language of their native culture. For instance, children in English- speaking cultures develop the ability to identify pitches from familiar songs at 9 or 10 years old, while Japanese children develop the same ability at age 5 or 6.
Young said that CBT may be an effective treatment for presenting symptoms, but without the conceptual or clinical resources for tackling the underlying structures (maladaptive schemata) which consistently organize the patient's experience, the patient is likely to lapse back into unhelpful modes of relating to others and attempting to meet their needs. Young focused on pulling from different therapies equally when developing schema therapy. The difference between cognitive behavioral therapy and schema therapy is the latter "emphasizes lifelong patterns, affective change techniques, and the therapeutic relationship, with special emphasis on limited reparenting". He recommended this therapy would be ideal for clients with difficult and chronic psychological disorders.
Being that gender schema theory is a theory of process and not content, this theory can help explain some of the processes by which gender stereotypes become so psychologically ingrained in our society. Specifically, having strong gender schemata provides a filter through which we process incoming stimuli in the environment. This leads to an easier ability to assimilate information that is stereotype congruent, hence further solidifying the existence of gender stereotypes. Within adolescent development, Bem hypothesizes that children must choose among a plethora of dimensions, but that gender schemas lead to the regulation of behaviors that conform to the cultural definition of what it means to be male or female.
He planned in 1824 to become Prince Miloš Obrenović's court painter, and to paint the likenesses of all the members of the princely family, but this was thwarted by the Austrian authorities in Zemun. At the beginning of 1828, he went to Zadar where he spent a year teaching students modern painting techniques completely freed of post-Byzantine, zoographic schemata. In Zadar he was also commissioned to do some restoration work by the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Dalmatia on the iconostasis of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Elijah. After Zadar, he returned to Bečkerek for a short period before setting off on another painting junket.
Activation of the medial prefrontal cortex has been shown in some studies to reflect self-schemata evaluation of relevant information, and could be used to investigate body image representations in individuals with bulimia nervosa (BN). In addition, increased activation in brain areas associated with information processing like the dorsal and anterior medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), adjacent areas of the cingulate cortex, and the posterior cingulate and precuneus have been implicated in individuals with BN,Spangler, D.L., & Allen, M.D. (2012) An fMRI Investigation of Emotional Processing of Body Shape in Bulimia Nervosa. Int J Eat Disord. 45, 17–25 meaning that the working memory used to actively manipulate information in these individuals is affected.
Many of the poems carry traits of classical Persian poetry. In such poems, Pazhwak on the one hand makes use of current formal schemata of classical Persian poetry such as ghazal, qasida, masnawi, ruba‘i and du-bayti. ‘ Abdul Ghafur Rawan Farhadi, a connoisseur of Afghan poetry and of Pazhwak’s poetry in particular, makes the following comparison: "Pazhwak’s ghazals bring to mind memories of Rudaki, Sa‘di, the divan of Shams, Hafez and Sa‘ib and his qasida and masnavi resemble those of Farrokh, Mawlana Balkhi and Iqbal Lahori."[10] These are the names of distinguished poets of classical Persian poetry, with Iqbal being the only poet to have lived later, having died in 1938.
Minor figures are depicted next to the goddess Cybele in about five of the niches (the poor state of conservation makes it impossible to exclude the possibility that there were originally more of these minor figures). These include Hermes, Attis, Hecate, the Dioscuri, the Galli and the Corybantes. Although the connection of these figures with the goddess can be reconstructed from many literary, epigraphic and monumental sources, the simultaneous presence of all of them is an absolutely unique feature of the Santoni, which is not known from any other example. Three iconographic schemata can be recognised in the combination of these minor figures, each of which is related to specific religious motifs known from Hellenistic and Roman monuments.
Fritillaria ophioglossifolia, R Wettstein Handbuch der Systematischen Botanik 1901–1924Although Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859) preceded Bentham and Hooker's publication, the latter project was commenced much earlier and George Bentham was initially sceptical of Darwinism. The new phyletic approach changed the way that taxonomists considered plant classification, incorporating evolutionary information into their schemata, but this did little to further define the circumscription of Liliaceae. The major works in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century employing this approach were in the German literature, the Eichler (1875–1886), Engler and Prantl (1886–1924) and Wettstein (1901–1935) systems. These placed the Liliaceae into one of the major subdivisions of the monocotyledons, the Liliiflorae.
In a Hilbert system, the premises and conclusion of the inference rules are simply formulae of some language, usually employing metavariables. For graphical compactness of the presentation and to emphasize the distinction between axioms and rules of inference, this section uses the sequent notation (\vdash) instead of a vertical presentation of rules. The formal language for classical propositional logic can be expressed using just negation (¬), implication (→) and propositional symbols. A well-known axiomatization, comprising three axiom schemata and one inference rule (modus ponens), is: (CA1) ⊢ A → (B → A) (CA2) ⊢ (A → (B → C)) → ((A → B) → (A → C)) (CA3) ⊢ (¬A → ¬B) → (B → A) (MP) A, A → B ⊢ B It may seem redundant to have two notions of inference in this case, ⊢ and →.
" … [F]or Kant a schema is not an image, but a capacity to form images or (perhaps) to construct models."The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 3, "Kant, Immanuel" "The schema of a pure concept of the understanding is something which can never be made into an image..." Lewis White BeckProlegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Editor's Introduction," Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1950. wrote, "The pure concepts of the understanding…are applied to the pure form of intuition (time) to give rise to the 'transcendental schemata' or rules of the application of pure concepts to whatever sense-impressions we receive." To exemplify this, he continued, "To take the most important example, we have the hypothetical (if- then) judgment, which is the mode of judgment under the category of cause.
Plot of a multimodal function in two variables. The schema theorem holds under the assumption of a genetic algorithm that maintains an infinitely large population, but does not always carry over to (finite) practice: due to sampling error in the initial population, genetic algorithms may converge on schemata that have no selective advantage. This happens in particular in multimodal optimization, where a function can have multiple peaks: the population may drift to prefer one of the peaks, ignoring the others. The reason that the Schema Theorem cannot explain the power of genetic algorithms is that it holds for all problem instances, and cannot distinguish between problems in which genetic algorithms perform poorly, and problems for which genetic algorithms perform well.
Some of the early tests of gender schema theory came in the form of memory and other cognitive tasks designed to assess facilitated processing of sex-typed information. Much of this early research found that participants who were sex-typed remembered more traits associated with their sex, as well as processed sex-type congruent information more efficiently, suggesting that the gender schemata possessed by sex-typed individuals help to assimilate sex-associated information into one’s self-concept (see Bem, 1981). Bem showed that when given the option of clustering words by either semantic meaning or gender, sex-typed individuals are more likely to use the gender clustering system, followed by undifferentiated individuals. Cross-typed individuals had the lowest percentage of words clustered by gender.
Therefore, Bem suggests teaching alternative schemata to children so that they are less likely to build and maintain a gender schema. Some examples include an individual differences schema, where children learn to process information on a person-by-person basis rather than make wide assumptions about groups based on information from individuals. Also, providing children with a sexism schema, where children learn to process sex- typed information through a filter that promotes moral outrage when sexist information is being promoted, can assist in providing children with the resources to not only keep from becoming sex-typed but also promote positive social change. Bem wished to raise consciousness that the male/female dichotomy is used as an organizing framework, often unnecessarily, especially in the school curriculum.
This has been found to help prevent premature convergence at so- called Hamming walls, in which too many simultaneous mutations (or crossover events) must occur in order to change the chromosome to a better solution. Other approaches involve using arrays of real-valued numbers instead of bit strings to represent chromosomes. Results from the theory of schemata suggest that in general the smaller the alphabet, the better the performance, but it was initially surprising to researchers that good results were obtained from using real-valued chromosomes. This was explained as the set of real values in a finite population of chromosomes as forming a virtual alphabet (when selection and recombination are dominant) with a much lower cardinality than would be expected from a floating point representation.
Beginning practicing educators tend to overlook the importance of novice levels of prior knowledge and other factors involved in adjusting and adapting pedagogy for learner understanding. This expert blind spot is in part due to an assumption that novices’ cognitive schemata are less elaborate, interconnected, and accessible than experts’ and that their pedagogical reasoning skills are less well developed (Borko & Livingston, 1989: 474). Essential knowledge of subject matter for practicing educators consists of overlapping knowledge domains: subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content matter (Borko, Eisenhart, Brown, Underhill, Jones, & Agard, 1992: 195). Pedagogical content matter consists of an understanding of how to represent certain concepts in ways appropriate to the learner contexts, including abilities and interests. The expert blind spot is a pedagogical phenomenon that is typically overcome through educators’ experience with instructing learners over time.
To achieve this in minor keys, the seventh scale degree must be raised to create a major triad on the dominant (; ). David considers key, consonance and dissonance (relaxation and tension, respectively), and hierarchical relationships the three most basic concepts in tonality. Carl Dahlhaus lists the characteristic schemata of tonal harmony, "typified in the compositional formulas of the 16th and early 17th centuries," as the "complete cadence" I–ii–V–I, I–IV–V–I, I–IV–I–V–I; the circle of fifths progression I–IV–vii°–iii–vi–ii–V–I; and the major–minor parallelism: minor v–i–VII–III equals major iii–vi–V–I; or minor III–VII–i–v equals major I–V–vi–iii. The last of these progressions is characterized by "retrograde" harmonic motion.
Alongside linguists Dan Slobin and Carol Moder, Bybee's work helped popularize the concept of mental schemas (or schemata) to explain grammatical structure, especially in terms of connections between morphological forms within a paradigm. Bybee defines schemas as "an emergent generalization over words having similar patterns of semantic and phonological connections". For instance, the English irregular verbs snuck, struck, strung, spun and hung are connected through a schema that builds on similarities between these verbs and across the lexicon: the meaning of past tense, the vowel [ʌ], the final nasal and/or (sequence of) velar consonants, as well as the initial fricative consonant /s/ or /h/. Connections between individual forms and schemas exist in a network (see below) whose links can be strengthened, weakened and at times also severed or created.
Device to Root Out Evil (1997) sculpture by Dennis Oppenheim at Palma de Mallorca, Plaça de la Porta de Santa Catalina Conceptual works: Executed in New York, Paris and Amsterdam and documented in photography, the series Indentations (1968) consisted of the removal of objects, exposing the impression of each object at that location. Viewing Stations (1967) were built as platforms for observing land vistas, suggesting an embodied notion of vision. The artist presents the base as the art itself, a viewer becomes an object to be looked at, a conceptual reversal. Earthworks: Social systems were overlaid on natural systems in Oppenheim's earthworks. In Annual Rings (1968) the schemata of lines depicting the annual growth of a tree was mapped by plowing snow on opposite sides of St. John's River, the boundary of the US and Canada.
In his books, The Unconscious Abyss and Origins, Mills develops a psychoanalytic metaphysics called “dialectical psychoanalysis” or “process psychology” based on neo- Hegelian principles, which places the unconscious at the heart of all psychic activity. He argues that the mind is ontologically constituted through unconscious genesis, and that subjectivity is conditioned a priori by unconscious agency, which is responsible for all forms of mental life to transpire, including higher modes of consciousness, contrary to contemporary views in the philosophy of mind that place causal primacy on consciousness. Rather than demote the mind to biological reductionism, unconscious processes are conceived as a series of psychic spacings that instantiate themselves through a multitude of schemata, which are the building blocks of psychic reality. He makes the controversial claim that unconscious semiotics condition and underlie the structure and function of language, subjectivity, and social dynamics.
The second is the Circular Letter of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy of 30 October 1970, Per Instructionem on the reform of choir dress, which applied the prescriptions of USS to canons, beneficiaries, pastors, and, by explicit extension, all other ecclesiastical ranks. Neither of these documents provided synthetic schemata of the forms of dress of all secular and religious clergy of the Latin Rite, but rather amended the preexisting paradigms. A more systematic list of the forms of dress, that relied on these two previous documents and partially augmented them, was provided by the first appendix of Caeremoniale Episcoporum (CE) on the dress of prelates. However, even CE did not provide every detail, as it presupposed the sartorial customs of the Latin Rite and did not treat the dress of ecclesiastics under the rank of prelate and canon.
The role of the Quaternity in religious symbolism is discussed at length by Carl Gustav Jung. Much of his in-depth study and observations upon the function and role of the quaternity in religious symbolism is applicable to the Layer Quaternity. To Jung the quaternity was a natural expression of differentiation which always represents a totality, citing the four elements, the four seasons, the ancient Greek schemata of the four humours, and the four temperaments, as well as the four Evangelists with their respective emblems in the form of the tetramorph in Christian iconography, as examples. The symbolism of the four entities of the Layer Quaternity exemplify Jung's observation that individuation develops through psychic qualities consisting of two pairs of opposites, which are often polarised to each other. C.G. Jung 'The Quaternio and the mediating role of Mercurius' CW 14 para. 5 – 13 pub.
" His scripts were almost congenitally unable to deliver a single mood. In Hail the Conquering Hero, the series of lies, crimes, and embarrassments all somehow bolster the film's theme of patriotism and duty. Sometimes this attitude could be conveyed in a single line of dialogue, such as when Barbara Stanwyck describes the man of her dreams with a combination of love and malice: "I need him like the axe needs the turkey." In recent years, film scholars such as Alessandro Pirolini have also argued that Sturges' cinema anticipated more experimental narratives by contemporary directors such as Joel and Ethan Coen, Robert Zemeckis, and Woody Allen, along with prolific The Simpsons writer John Swartzwelder: "Many of [Sturges'] movies and screenplays reveal a restless and impatient attempt to escape codified rules and narrative schemata, and to push the mechanisms and conventions of their genre to the extent of unveiling them to the spectator.
Preparations for the Council, which took more than two years, included work from 10 specialized commissions, along with people for mass media and Christian Unity, and a Central Commission for overall coordination. These groups, composed mostly of members of the Roman Curia, produced 987 proposed constitutions and decrees (known as schemata) intended for consideration by the Council. It was expected that these groups would be succeeded by similarly constituted commissions during the Council itself that would carry out the main work of drafting and reviewing proposals before presentation to the Council as a whole for review and expected approval; what happened, however, was that every single schema was thrown out in the first session of the Council, and new ones were created.Cath. Encyclopedia 1967, p. 563 The general sessions of the Council were held in the autumns of four successive years (in four periods) 1962 through 1965.
In propositional logic it is common to take as logical axioms all formulae of the following forms, where \phi, \chi, and \psi can be any formulae of the language and where the included primitive connectives are only " eg" for negation of the immediately following proposition and "\to" for implication from antecedent to consequent propositions: #\phi \to (\psi \to \phi) #(\phi \to (\psi \to \chi)) \to ((\phi \to \psi) \to (\phi \to \chi)) #(\lnot \phi \to \lnot \psi) \to (\psi \to \phi). Each of these patterns is an axiom schema, a rule for generating an infinite number of axioms. For example, if A, B, and C are propositional variables, then A \to (B \to A) and (A \to \lnot B) \to (C \to (A \to \lnot B)) are both instances of axiom schema 1, and hence are axioms. It can be shown that with only these three axiom schemata and modus ponens, one can prove all tautologies of the propositional calculus.
The umbrella term "natural- language understanding" can be applied to a diverse set of computer applications, ranging from small, relatively simple tasks such as short commands issued to robots, to highly complex endeavors such as the full comprehension of newspaper articles or poetry passages. Many real world applications fall between the two extremes, for instance text classification for the automatic analysis of emails and their routing to a suitable department in a corporation does not require in-depth understanding of the text,An approach to hierarchical email categorization by Peifeng Li et al. in Natural language processing and information systems edited by Zoubida Kedad, Nadira Lammari 2007 but needs to deal with a much larger vocabulary and more diverse syntax than the management of simple queries to database tables with fixed schemata. Throughout the years various attempts at processing natural language or English-like sentences presented to computers have taken place at varying degrees of complexity.
The English physician and philosopher, Sir Thomas Browne, specifically employed the word encyclopaedia for the first time in English as early as 1646 in the preface to the reader to describe his Pseudodoxia Epidemica or Vulgar Errors, a series of refutations of common errors of his age: "And therefore in this Encyclopædie and round of Knowledge, like the great and exemplary Wheels of Heaven, we must observe two Circles <...>" Browne structured his encyclopedia upon the time-honoured schemata of the Renaissance, the so-called 'scale of creation' which ascends a hierarchical ladder via the mineral, vegetable, animal, human, planetary and cosmological worlds. Browne's compendium went through no less than five editions, each revised and augmented, the last edition appearing in 1672. Pseudodoxia Epidemica found itself upon the bookshelves of many educated European readers, for throughout the late 17th century and early 18th century it was translated. For many years it was thought incompatible with the French and Dutcheze, into the French, Dutch and German languages as well as Latin.
In 1973, while a professor in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago, he collaborated with Allan Janik, a philosophy professor at La Salle University, on the book Wittgenstein's Vienna, which advanced a thesis that underscores the significance of history to human reasoning: Contrary to philosophers who believe the absolute truth advocated in Plato's idealized formal logic, Toulmin argues that truth can be a relative quality, dependent on historical and cultural contexts (what other authors have termed "conceptual schemata"). From 1975 to 1978, he worked with the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, established by the United States Congress. During this time, he collaborated with Albert R. Jonsen to write The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning (1988), which demonstrates the procedures for resolving moral cases. One of his most recent works, Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity (1990), written while Toulmin held the position of the Avalon Foundation Professor of the Humanities at Northwestern University, specifically criticizes the practical use and the thinning morality underlying modern science.

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