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245 Sentences With "potentialities"

How to use potentialities in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "potentialities" and check conjugation/comparative form for "potentialities". Mastering all the usages of "potentialities" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We see both potentialities playing out, at once, in Gilford's film.
These two are not opposites but rather two potentialities that come together.
"Myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life," Joseph Campbell wrote.
All of these spiraling possibilities — conceivabilities, potentialities — seem to swirl through the book at once.
The massive swirl of data, odds, and potentialities is what draws people to the sport.
How does Choucair reconcile the potentialities of the line with the ultimate horizon of death?
The artists in How to Text Sexy activate the heretofore untapped erotic potentialities of the written word.
Exploitation of domestic petroleum and natural gas potentialities, along with nuclear, solar, geothermal, and non-fossil fuels is vital.
Our inherent potentialities will remain dormant when confronted by someone who shames us into feeling broken and not enough.
Wood and Macdonald are considering developing their project further, possibly by expanding it into an installation that foregrounds these potentialities.
" Iyer says that while improvising he makes a lot of "micro-decisions," and that each moment involves "a set of potentialities.
Even more so does "Sketches for Fresco" (circa 21520–19720) with its open, swirling composition that implies two-way fluent virtual potentialities.
The year 1947 did mark a tipping point between the savagery of the immediate past and the tentative stirrings of postwar potentialities.
The worst feature of these negative potentialities is that they do not even have to be implemented to have real economic consequences.
He does not subscribe to the categories of abstraction and figuration, frequently crossing the border between them, which only separate their potentialities.
If painting is thoroughly divested of discourse – no Greenbergian formalism, no end-of-painting narrative — then all of paintings' potentialities are up for grabs.
"Amor Fati" (2016), a work by American artist Claire Pentecost, interrogates humanity's relationship to our ecological present: the problems and potentialities of our carbon-driven world.
It also taps into that most corrosive of potentialities in hardcore fan culture: the idea that this is all for us, only for us, inevitably for us.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Each of the artists in New Opportunities engages the viewer's imagination by hinting at the potentialities of given materials or imageries.
The contact is not sexual, but it is charged with all the potentialities of sex: knowledge of the other and oneself, comfort, terror, quenching the thirst of curiosity.
Bringing together thinkers, dreamers, and doers to address radical truth-telling, its implications, manifestations, and potentialities at home in NYC as Creative Time celebrates 10 years of the CT Summit.
Building a new identity, and a new world, requires that sort of integration: between past selves and future selves, between the potentialities we find in the fragments of our histories.
"The idea was that, by gaining access to the weirder potentialities of consciousness, my basic stance towards existence would be altered: shorn of the tedium and banality," Rob tells us.
"The idea was that, by gaining access to the weirder potentialities of consciousness, my basic stance towards existence would be altered: shorn of the tedium and banality," Rob tells us.
As the titles reveal, the panels move from myth making and popular culture to interiority and "post-human potentialities," or the currently imagined technologies that would leave the sentient body behind.
In a recent interview, Lee discussed the power of common words, words whose multiplicity of uses gives them an excess of "subtleties and potentialities": The more definitions a word has, the less defined that word is, the less definition that word secures, and, subsequently, the greater the number of possible meanings that accrue to that word, the greater the number of subtleties and potentialities that buzz about that word, and the greater the likelihood that crisis attends that word.
I read hundreds, if not thousands of other facts, possibilities, probabilities, and potentialities like this, which remind me how amazing it is that our society holds together even in the best of times.
If among the curator's tasks is the illumination of artworks' underlying potentialities by placing them in physical proximity, then such a pairing of oeuvres is an instance of the curatorial act at a rudimentary level.
Her career has been fueled by the ardent belief in cinema's potentialities, in the fact that, as Godard has said, images indeed think — and it is the artist's task to investigate and to question the solidness of their thinking.
Rather than an anomaly that exists outside his body of work, The Electric Lucifer is the culmination of the artist's delve into children's music, a wide-eyed and innocent look at conflict, and an expression of the exciting potentialities of the future.
" Because birth "is the ontological condition sine qua non of all politics," Arendt claims, "the meaning of revolution is the actualization of one of the greatest and most elementary human potentialities, the unequaled experience of being free to make a new beginning.
"Mothers" follows the same arc, arguing for the radical potentialities in motherhood, how women's initiation into the relentless, often invisible labor of caretaking produces not the solipsistic, bourgeois creature of myth but something close to the ideal citizen — more responsive to the community and naturally inclusive.
XG: One of the things about making Frantic Beauty with LEIMAY is that we are not just creating a piece, the work gets uncovered by different aspects of the practice, including the conditioning of the body and mechanisms we are using to create as well as to face our abilities and potentialities.
But alongside those triumphs have grown some alarming and very unincremental potentialities, including the continued specter of nuclear war and large-scale terrorism; the disappearance of species; the rapid warming of the planet and melting of the icecaps; and the billions more energy-burning people scheduled to arrive on earth in the next few decades, to name just a few.
Palazuelo continued to explore the potentialities of form in his Sydus series.
Eigenwelt's form of guilt is connected with the denial of our own potentialities or failure to fulfil them. This guilt is based in our relationship with the self. This form of guilt is universal because no one can completely fulfil their potentialities.
Collectives can even develop their potentialities for collective representation and self-reflectivity, for instance through innovations in information and accounting systems and processes of social accountability. These potentialities enable systematic, directed problem-solving, and the generation of variety and complex strategies. In particular selective environments, these make for major evolutionary advantages.
Second potentialities are created through new experiences of the self rather than through cultural experience. He concludes that there is no limit to the amount of new potentialities that can be created. He also published papers focusing on the boundaries between the individual, society, and world order. Murphy identified what he believed to be the source of conflict: individualism.
"Gardner Murphy". Occultism & Parapsychology Encyclopedia. Murphy authored several texts in psychology, including Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology (1928; 1949), Personality (1947), and Human Potentialities (1958).
We make efforts to unravel these talents and potentialities so as to enable him/her to prove in the modern world of Challenges and competitions.
This should take account not only of the population of North Borneo but also of its size and potentialities and in any case should not be less than that of Singapore.
Approved on February 26, 1944 The weather warrior symbolizes, simultaneously, the friendly aspect of weather when properly understood and used, as well as its destructive potentialities when it is not understood or heeded.
Documentary-makers and scholars alike are showing interest in the present moment and how new media tools can be used by documentary-makers to initiate formation of new communities, conversations, and ways of being together. Such interests characterized Conceptual Art works of the 1960s and 1970s. The connective potentialities of art as a practice are currently being explored in the contemporary Relational Aesthetics movement. In these movements, the potentialities and dilemmas of aesthetic practice take precedence over traditional concerns with the finished artwork.
' It consists in innate potentialities that predispose persons to a particular direction in life. As distinguished from other possibilities, the actualization by an individual of his or her potentialities affords intrinsic rewards to that person—that is, the activity is personally fulfilling and satisfying. Self-knowledge, then, is knowledge of the activities, situations, and relationships that the individual experiences as intrinsically rewarding. Engaged at these, the individual invests the best of himself or herself and strives continuously to improve, while in the process contributing objective values to others.
The hypnotist lowers his microphone and whispers secret instructions to the participant on stage, outside the audience's hearing. These may involve requests to "play along" or fake hypnotic responses.Barber, Spanos & Chaves. Hypnotism: Imagination & Human Potentialities (1974), p. 105.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research in cellular biology and biochemistry. It was a successor to the journal Enzymologia and was established in 1973 to make "it possible to extend the potentialities of the periodical".
The principle is also mentioned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. On the basis of acquired dignity, the human is able to pass the degrees of perfection with the aid of actuality of his potentialities and talents.
Rainfall is irregular, historically causing periodic droughts and famines. Desalination plants now provide water to more than half the country's population. Experiments with fog collectors have been conducted since 1962Sabino, António A. (2007), Fog Water Collection Projects in Cape Verde: Potentialities and Constraints.
Stephenson, W. (1953). A bibliography of the marine invertebrates of Queensland. Papers (University of Queensland. Dept. of Zoology). 1(2). Stephenson, W. (1953). The natural history of Somerset Dam and its fishing potentialities. Ichthyological notes, No. 2. Stephenson, W. and Wells, J.W. (1956).
Local development is a relatively young theory in social sciences based on the identification and use of the resources and endogenous potentialities of a community, neighbourhood, city, municipality or equivalent.Montoya A. (1998). ¿Desarrollo local o desarrollo Comunitario? Realidad No. 61, enero-febrero de 1998.
The ET- FP7 project, through its four technical working groups is addressing the basic questions in the realization of this proposed observatory: site location and characteristics (WP1), suspension design and technologies (WP2), detector topology and geometry (WP3), detection capabilities requirements and astrophysics potentialities (WP4).
Henriques, like Reiser, believes that with a shared sense of purpose and a common background of explanation, people might yet be able to integrate bodies of knowledge into a unified interpretation of humanity, with humanity's place in nature and its potentialities for creating the good society.
Common threads of the daimonic concept The psychologist Rollo May conceives of the daimonic as a primal force of nature which contains both constructive and destructive potentialities, but ultimately seeks to promote totality of the self.Zweig, C. & Abrams, J. (1991). Meeting the Shadow. Tarcher: Los Angeles.
It is about inward cleansing of the conscience and seeking unity with Supreme Lord through His Grace. The word pahul is a derivative from the substantive pahu—an agent which brightens, accelerates, or sharpens the potentialities of a given object."Pahul." Sikh Wiki, December 1, 2015. Sikh Net.
Plasticity denotes intrapersonal variability and focuses heavily on the potentialities and limits of the nature of human development.Baltes, P., Lindenberger, U., & Staudinger, U. (2006). Life span theory in developmental psychology. In W. Damon & R. Lerner (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Theoretical models of human development (pp. 569-595).
Yoga is a rapid and concentrated evolution of being, which can take effect in one life-time, while unassisted natural evolution would take many centuries or many births. Sri Aurobindo suggests a grand representation of future potentialities called sapta chatushtaya (seven quadrates), which depicts a road map to coming evolution.
Gebru Tareke, The Ethiopian Revolution: War in the Horn of Africa (New Haven: Yale University, 2009), p. 302 In the 1990s Bahir Dar experienced remarkable growth and expansion. It has become the capital of the Amhara National State. The country's free-market economic policy has encouraged investment and other market potentialities.
Marx does not idealize the polis or call for its restoration. Its foundation on naturalistic matter is specific and limited. Marx opposes to this the universality of capital. Capital is objectified human labor: on the one hand it indicates hidden human potentialities but on the other its appearance is accompanied by alienation.
On the dominant approaches in quantum theory, he said: "...we wish merely to point out that this whole line of approach re- establishes at the abstract level of statistical potentialities the same kind of analysis into separate and autonomous components in interaction that is denied at the more concrete level of individual objects" ().
Sakakibara, Shihomi (1998) Yaoi genron: yaoi kara mieta mono (An Elusive Theory of Yaoi: The view from Yaoi). Tokyo: Natsume Shobo, . Sandra Buckley believes that bishōnen narratives champion "the imagined potentialities of alternative [gender] differentiations",Buckley, Sandra (1991) "'Penguin in Bondage': A Graphic Tale of Japanese Comic Books", pp. 163–196, In Technoculture.
But what are the 'stones' with which this Science is to be built? This is an important question, for before any science can be truly unfolded, so as to realize its full potentialities, it must first be reduced to its fundamental concepts.”The Basis of Astrology, The Astrological Journal, Vol. VI, no.
ISSN-e: 1991-3516Alburquerque, F. Metodología para el Desarrollo Económico Local, Dirección de Desarrollo y Gestión Local. The local development approach considers the endogenous potentialities of territories. Economic and non economic factors influence local development processes. Among the non economic factors, social, cultural, historical, institutional, and geographical aspects can be decisive in the process of local economic development.
Aristotle holds a teleological worldview: he sees the universe as inherently purposeful. Basically, Aristotle claims that potentiality exists for the sake of actuality.Irwin 237 Thus, matter exists for the sake of receiving its form,Metaphysics 1050a15 and an organism has sight for the sake of seeing.Irwin 237 Now, each thing has certain potentialities as a result of its form.
Every being that exists anywhere in the wide universe is an integral part of this network. We can get ourselves attuned to this cosmic network by bringing to surface and enhancing our latent unconscious potentialities, the so-called “other senses”. Balanos uses the phrase “to see the world through Other Eyes” (“Alla Matia”) when referring to this last process.
The goal of the college is to provide qualitative learning experiences to develop the holistic personality of the teacher-trainees. The institution strives to inculcate among the teacher-trainees the desirable values, attitudes, to develop the skills and creative potentialities. It equips the teacher-trainees with modern trends in education and develops love, affection and concern towards society.
Rationes seminales (Latin, from the Greek λόγοι σπερματικοὶ or logoi spermatikoi), translated variously as germinal or causal principles, primordial reasons, original factors, seminal reasons or virtues, or seedlike principles, is a theological theory on the origin of species. It is the doctrine that God created the world in seed form, with certain potentialities, which then developed or unfolded accordingly over time; what appears to be change is simply the realization of the preexisting potentialities. The theory is a metaphor of the growth of a plant: much like a planted seed eventually develops into a tree, so when God created the world he planted rationes seminales, from which all life sprung. It is intended to reconcile the belief that God created all things, with the evident fact that new things are constantly developing.
The aforementioned hydrodynamic and hydrostatic instruments may be employed in a variety of ways, or modes of operation, in order to address the particular separation needs of the scientist. Many modes of operation have been devised to take advantage of the strengths and potentialities of the countercurrent chromatography technique. Generally, the following modes may be performed with commercially available instruments.
46: The surviving sequences of I, Claudius prove that it "contained all the thematic and stylistic potentialities for a genuinely great film." And "... his last, lost chance to recoup his former reputation." The collapse of the London Film production was not without its impact on Sternberg. He is reported to have checked into Charring Cross Psychiatric Unit in the aftermath of the shoot.
The sambhogakāya ḍākinī are the yidams used as meditational deities for tantric practice. The nirmanakaya ḍākinīs are human women born with special potentialities; these are realized yogini, the consorts of the gurus, or even all women in general as they may be classified into the families of the Five Tathagatas.Cf. Capriles, Elías (2003/2007). Buddhism and Dzogchen ', and Capriles, Elías (2006/2007).
After Ouspensky's death, his students published a book titled The Fourth Way based on his lectures. Gurdjieff's teaching addressed the question of humanity's place in the universe and the importance of developing latent potentialities—regarded as our natural endowment as human beings but rarely brought to fruition. He taught that higher levels of consciousness, higher bodies,P. D. Ouspensky (1949).
In the latter half of the 20th century, two factors contributed to the development of the cognitive-behavioural approach to hypnosis: # Cognitive and behavioural theories of the nature of hypnosis (influenced by the theories of SarbinSarbin, T.R. & Coe, W.C. (1972). Hypnosis: A Social Psychological Analysis of Influence Communication. and BarberBarber, TX, Spanos, NP. & Chaves, JF., Hypnosis, imagination, and human potentialities. Pergamon Press, 1974.
These latter two causes (the "formal" and "final"), are concepts no longer used in modern science, and encompass the continuous effect of the intelligent ordering principle of nature itself. Aristotle's special description of causality is especially apparent in the natural development of living things. It leads to a method whereby Aristotle analyses causation and motion in terms of the potentialities and actualities of all things, whereby all matter possesses various possibilities or potentialities of form and end, and these possibilities become more fully real as their potential forms become actual or active reality (something they will do on their own, by nature, unless stopped because of other natural things happening). For example, a stone has in its nature the potentiality of falling to the earth and it will do so, and actualize this natural tendency, if nothing is in the way.
The Outer Circle Official Seal of Filamer Christian University represents the programs and services that Filamer offers. The Inner Circle symbolizes the development of the individual's well-rounded personality. The Equilateral Triangle inside the circle stands for the three balanced components of human potentialities: the spiritual, the intellectual, and the physical with the spiritual aspect as the base. The Cross represents the victorious Christ as the center.
Published by Leeds University, 1995. Reprinted in: Drawing Papers, nº 24, 2001. that has established a feminine gaze and has articulated its differences from the phallic gaze and its relation to feminine as well as maternal specificities and potentialities of "coemergence", offering a critique of Sigmund Freud's and Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis, is extensively used in analysis of filmsGriselda Pollock, After-effects - After-images. Manchester University Press, 2013.
Whenever data is digitized and stored, there is the possibility of privacy breaches. While modern whole genome sequencing technology has allowed for unprecedented access and understanding of the human genome, and excitement for the potentialities of personalized medicine, it has also generated serious conversation about the ethics and privacy risks that accompany this process of uncovering an individual's essential instructions of being: their DNA sequence.
Presently there are about 24,000 students studying in the university. Its graduates are well recognized in terms of “foreign language competence, interpersonal skills, work adaptability, professionalism and great potentialities”, thus ushering in a good influx of job opportunities. Alumni of XISU work all over the world, mostly in education. Many of them are working at universities in the U.S., England, Japan, Germany, and France.
Richard Price in 1968 Michael Murphy and Dick Price both attended Stanford University in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Both had developed an interest in human psychology and earned degrees in the subject in 1952. Price was influenced by a lecture he heard Aldous Huxley give in 1960 titled "Human Potentialities". After graduating from Stanford, Price attended Harvard University to continue studying psychology.
Viking encouraged his students to explore the potentialities of all media and specifically the possibility of transforming and re-using materials found in loco. Concurrently to their activity of visual artists, they worked in advertising. Since 2001, Viking decided to devote his space mostly to exhibitions. Atelier Viking is located in the neighbourhood of Bessengue, Rue Jamot face Garage Technique Auto, 100mt from Mobil Bonakouamuang.
Process theology affirms that God is working in all persons to actualize potentialities. In that sense each religious manifestation is the Divine working in a unique way to bring out the beautiful and the good. Additionally, scripture and religion represent human interpretations of the divine. In this sense pluralism is the expression of the diversity of cultural backgrounds and assumptions that people use to approach the Divine.
Hence, in order to further these goals, we intend to: · Unite the ranks of the Muslims, and remove all divisive forces from the midst of the Muslim communities around the world. · Remove obstacles in the way of establishing the Muslim world union. · Support all advocates of charitable deeds. · Utilize our spiritual as well as material and moral potentialities in furthering the aims of this charter.
The play attempts to navigate significant distinctions within the culture of Jacobean London, McLuskie argues, insofar as it seeks to relate to and to distinguish itself from both popular culture and cultures of learning.McLuskie (1994, 130–131). The exuberant thread of a "celebration of the potentialities of the new London" and its commercial values complicates the traditional moral scheme of the play, she suggests.McLuskie (1994, 131–133).
Frankl writes, "Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the essence of another human being unless he loves him. [...] Furthermore, by his love, the loving person enables the beloved person to actualize ... potentialities." For Frankl, unconditional love is a means by which we enable and reach human potential.
Some thinkers question the plausibility of strong emergence as contravening our usual understanding of physics. Mark A. Bedau observes: > Although strong emergence is logically possible, it is uncomfortably like > magic. How does an irreducible but supervenient downward causal power arise, > since by definition it cannot be due to the aggregation of the micro-level > potentialities? Such causal powers would be quite unlike anything within our > scientific ken.
It was in the genre of the Lied that Schubert made his most indelible mark. Leon Plantinga remarks that "in his more than six hundred Lieder he explored and expanded the potentialities of the genre, as no composer before him."Plantinga (1984), p. 117 Prior to Schubert's influence, Lieder tended toward a strophic, syllabic treatment of text, evoking the folksong qualities engendered by the stirrings of Romantic nationalism.
Mr. Aguinis promoted strong actions towards participation activities aimed at raising individual awareness of the rights, duties and potentialities that a true democracy fosters. His work was recognized with two nominations for the UNESCO Education for Peace Award. In the field of human rights, he risked his life by courageously addressing controversial issues. During the last dictatorship, the circulation of his books was restricted, but some of them were successfully smuggled.
Jung was concerned with the possibility of one's over-identification with their own persona, which would turn an individual into a stereotype born of social expectations and ambition, "unchildlike and artificial". The child archetype becomes of use in this case, strengthening the individual's link to their past by helping them recall childhood experiences and emotions. In its prospective role, the child archetype is a representation of future potentialities and psychological maturation.
The rich Riverina district of New South Wales, which lies between the Murray and the Murrumbidgee Rivers, was sadly handicapped in the middle of the 19th century by its distance from the seaboard. The Victorian Government sought to capture the trading potentialities of the area. A broad gauge (1600mm) railway was opened between Melbourne and Echuca in 1864. Echuca lies on the Murray River, the southern border of New South Wales.
The field of a whole is not something different and additional to it, it is the continuation of the whole beyond its sensible contours of experience. The field characterizes a whole as a unified and synthesized event in the system of relativity that includes not only its present but also its past—and also its future potentialities. As such, the concept of field entails both activity and structure.
The space around us is defined by the motor potentialities of our body. Motor neurons also respond to visual, tactile and auditory stimuli. Indeed, premotor neurons controlling the movements of the upper arm also respond to tactile stimuli applied to it, to visual stimuli moved within the arm's peripersonal space, or to auditory stimuli also coming from the same peri-personal space. The same applies to artifacts, like three-dimensional objects.
His appreciation of jazz is apparent in the sense of spontaneity and rhythmic fluidity that he strove to bring to his own pieces. He had a gift for improvisation and often composed directly at the keyboard. Technically speaking, Hanson rejected serialism with its rigid rules of development, but retained a fascination with the twelve-note scale and its full potentialities. This should not be taken to indicate, however, that he disdained melody.
Karloff spoke about the role in 1948, stating "After Son, I decided the character no longer had any potentialities - the makeup did all the work" and that "Anybody who can take that makeup every morning deserves respect." Post-production units only had a few days before the set January 7 preview dates. The first cut of the film ran over 100 minutes and was cut down with the final cost of the production being $420,000.
He was raised in the Himalayas when Indian Nationalism had taken root in the minds of educated Indian people which had revolutionary potentialities. He passed his intermediate examination in the first division in 1905 from Govt College of Almora. He graduated from Muir Central College Allahabad and subsequently got his L.L.B. degree from School of Law, Allahabad in the year 1909. Pant started his law practice in the year 1910 at Ranikhet.
Assagioli termed 'the sphere of aesthetic experience, creative inspiration, and higher states of consciousness...the higher unconscious '.Firman/Gila, p. 2 The higher unconscious (or superconscious) denotes "our higher potentialities which seek to express themselves, but which we often repel and repress" (Assagioli). As with the lower unconscious, this area is by definition not available to consciousness, so its existence is inferred from moments in which contents from that level affect consciousness.
Murphy's book Human Potentialities (1958) covered a wide range of topics about the welfare of the human being. In general, Murphy rejected the idea of human nature being predetermined and unable to change. Instead he proposed three distinct human natures. First, because of the theory of evolution, human nature is in a constant state of flux, and therefore, always changing. Second, man’s various cultures were brought about by the instability of human nature.
The object that unalienated man appropriates corresponds to his nature. A starving man can only appreciate food in a purely animal way, and a dealer in minerals sees only value, and not beauty, in his wares. The transcendence of private property will liberate man's faculties to become human faculties. A full and harmonious development of man's cultural potentialities will arise, where abstract intellectual oppositions—"subjectivism and objectivism, spiritualism and materialism, activity and passivity"—will disappear.
His attempt at 'codification' sought to determine which social structure[s] "provide an institutional context for the fullest measure of [scientific] development", i.e. lead to scientific achievement rather than only "potentialities". He saw these "institutional imperatives (mores)" as being derived from the [institutional] "goal of science" ("the extension of certified knowledge") and "technical methods employed [to] provide the relevant definition of knowledge: empirically confirmed and logically consistent statements of regularities (which are, in effect, predictions)".
Whitehead's thinking here has given rise to process theology, whose prominent advocates include Charles Hartshorne, John B. Cobb, Jr., and Hans Jonas, who was also influenced by the non-theological philosopher Martin Heidegger. However, other process philosophers have questioned Whitehead's theology, seeing it as a regressive Platonism. Whitehead enumerated three essential natures of God. The primordial nature of God consists of all potentialities of existence for actual occasions, which Whitehead dubbed eternal objects.
He argues that the classical concept of a deity for which all potentialities are actualized fails. Hartshorne posited that God's existence is necessary and is compatible with any events in the world. In the economy of his argument Hartshorne has attempted to break a perceived stalemate in theology over the problem of evil and God's omnipotence. For Hartshorne, perfection means that God cannot be surpassed in his social relatedness to every creature.
For it is the script that brings background alive. I think a really good story with an Australian setting should make a very good picture, and we in the unit are all hoping that is what Kangaroo will give you. Producer-director Lewis Milestone knows what he wants before he starts, and that is half the battle of production. Having him out here is a definite and important gesture to the vast potentialities of film production in your country.
So Christ is unum since his human nature lacks the hypostasis. The person of the Logos, accordingly, has assumed the impersonal human nature, and in such way that the assumption of the soul became the means for the assumption of the body. This union with the human soul is the gratia unionis, which leads to the impartation of the gratia habitualis from the Logos to the human nature. Thereby, all human potentialities are made perfect in Jesus.
According to May, guilt occurs when people deny their potentialities, fail to perceive the needs of others or are unaware of their dependency on the world. Both anxiety and guilt include issues dealing with one's existence in the world. May mentioned they were ontological, meaning that they both refer to the nature of being and not to the feelings coming from situations. (Feist & Feist, 2008) Feist and Feist (2008) outline May's three forms of ontological guilt.
28–31 (Edition in English) The same paradox existed in the Greek way of thought. The Greeks believed that each individual had unlimitable potentialities both in brain and in heart, an outlook which called a man to live at the top of his powers. But that there was a limit to his most violent ambitions, that arrogance-injustice (hubris or adikia) could disturb the harmony and balance. In that case justice (dike) would destroy him to reestablish the order.
Nonetheless, Huxley's agnosticism, together with his speculative propensity, made it difficult for him to fully embrace any form of institutionalised religion.Michel Weber, " Perennial Truth and Perpetual Perishing. A. Huxley's Worldview in the Light of A. N. Whitehead's Process Philosophy of Time ", in Bernfried Nugel, Uwe Rasch and Gerhard Wagner (eds.), Aldous Huxley, Man of Letters: Thinker, Critic and Artist, Proceedings of the Third International Aldous Huxley Symposium Riga 2004, Münster, LIT, "Human Potentialities", Band 9, 2007, pp. 31–45.
47–55 It was soon to be regarded as one of the world's great masterpieces of sculpture, "a revelation of all the potentialities and force of the art of sculpture". Contemporary opinion was summarised by Vasari: "It is certainly a miracle that a formless block of stone could ever have been reduced to a perfection that nature is scarcely able to create in the flesh."Vasari, Lives of the painters: Michelangelo It is now located in St Peter's Basilica.
The person of Arete is of the highest effectiveness; they use all their faculties—strength, bravery, and wit—to achieve real results. In the Homeric world, then, Arete involves all of the abilities and potentialities available to humans. In some contexts, Arete is explicitly linked with human knowledge, where the expressions "virtue is knowledge" and "Arete is knowledge" are used interchangeably. The highest human potential is knowledge and all other human abilities are derived from this central capacity.
The potential of the arts and crafts industry is huge. Hence from 2 to 9 November 1984 the government of Burkina organized a trade show for arts and crafts products named the 'Handicraft 84'. This show permitted the government to measure how huge Burkina Faso handicraft potentialities are and allowed the government to see how important the African handicrafts were to public. As a result, the government of Burkina Faso thought it would be wise to hold this show periodically: every two years.
The book was especially well received by musical fans, who noted the accuracy of Seth's descriptions of music. Paolo Isotta, one of Italy's most significant music critics, wrote in the influential newspaper Il Corriere della Sera of the Italian translation that no European writer had ever shown such a knowledge of European classical music, nor had any European novel before managed to convey the psychology, the technical abilities, even the human potentialities of those who practise music for a living..
Historian William McNeil writes that Herder boldly proclaimed that: > each age and every people embody ideals and capacities peculiar to > themselves, thus allowing a fuller and more complete expression of the > multiform potentialities of humankind than could otherwise occur. Herder > expressly denied that one people or civilization was better than another. > They were just different, in the same way that the German language was > different from the French.William Hardy McNiell, "Discrepancies among the > social sciences", Conspectus of History 1: 7 (1981): 37-38.
A Central Intelligence Agency Project Artichoke document reads: "Not all viruses have to be lethal ... the objective includes those that act as short-term and long-term incapacitants." One of the most urgent of Chemical Corps projects in the period 1960 to 1961 was the effort to achieve a standard chemical incapacitating agent. For several years attention had been fixed on the military potentialities of the psychochemicals of various types. Research on new agents tended to concentrate on viral and rickettsial diseases.
To maximize potential of the two drives, Schiller argues, one cannot suffocate or limit the other. The perfection of the sense drive would consist in maximizing changeability and maximizing extensity. This is the development of receptivity, through which man presents more "surface" to phenomena of the world. "The more facets his receptivity develops, the more labile it is, and the more surface it presents to phenomena, so much more world does man apprehend, and all the more potentialities does he develop in himself".
Dermer then spent some time in Newfoundland, 1616–18, with his associate, Governor John Mason, at Cuper's Cove (now Cupids), where he was possibly engaged in the fishing business but more likely involved in explorations of the island's natural resources. He wrote a letter, dated September 9, 1616, from Cuper's Cove, in which he describes in favorable terms the fertility of the soil, abundance of wildlife, and mineral potentialities, an evidence of his interest in the commercial possibilities of the area.
Their intention was to support alternative methods for exploring human consciousness, what Aldous Huxley described as "human potentialities". Over the next few years, Esalen became the center of practices and beliefs that make up the New Age movement, from Eastern religions/philosophy, to alternative medicine and mind-body interventions, to Gestalt Practice. Price ran the Institute until he was killed in a hiking accident in 1985. In 2012, the board hired professional executives to help raise money and keep the Institute profitable.
In essence, he viewed Arab Nationalism as a spiritual movement much like any religion, Islam in particular. He made clear, “true nationalism cannot in any way contradict true religion, for in its essence it is a spiritual movement which aims at resurrecting the inner forces of the nation and at realizing its intellectual and spiritual potentialities”.Arabs Face the Modern World: religion, cultural, and political responses to the West. Furthermore, Zurayk explained the significance of Muhammad and his connection to Arab nationalism.
1917 skeletal diagram of Tyrannosaurus published by Henry Fairfield Osborn, which was the basis of the novel's cover Jurassic Park critiques the dystopian potentialities of science. There are Christian undertones in the skepticism of Ian Malcolm, though Christian terminology and imagery is never used. Malcolm is the conscience that reminds John Hammond of the sacrilegious path that has been taken. The final condition of the park is epitomized by the word "hell", which highlights the nature of Hammond's sacrilegious attempt.
Stevens lends support to this position, or at least expresses skepticism about 'decoding', when he writes in Adagia, "A poem need not have a meaning and like most things in nature often does not have." The upshot of Vendler's syntactical approach is to situate his poems in the realm of possibilities and potentialities, according to Beverly Maeder, who credits her with pointing the way.Maeder, p. 158 Meaning or semantics is fundamentally about word-world relationships, which are particularly problematic in Stevens' poetry.
Jabar also received the best composition award for his song "Pehle Nazar Ka Ishara" in a reality show Jazz Icon. Jabar paid tribute to two legendary figures of music namely A.R Rehman and Reshma on Hum TV in 2009, which further add acclaim to his singing style. Jabar taught music at Aitchison College, Beaconhouse School System Lahore Grammar School and The City School for many years and has been associated with many music concerts. which solidified his reputation and explored his musical potentialities.
Commenting on the absence of Fromer and Reis, vocalist/keyboardist Sérgio Britto said he believed the band "could compensate these absences. I'm not gonna say they are not missed, but we can make good albums with this personnel. Each one has potentialities - one plays the guitar, the other plays the bass, the other plays the drums and everyone composes." Guitarist Tony Bellotto and vocalist Paulo Miklos also commented at that time about the band's capability of getting over the line-up losses.
Reprinted in: Drawing Papers, nº 24, 2001. that has established a feminine gaze and has articulated its differences from the phallic gaze and its relation to feminine as well as maternal specificities and potentialities of "coemergence", offering a critique of Sigmund Freud's and Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis, is extensively used in analysis of filmsGriselda Pollock, After-effects – After-images. Manchester University Press, 2013Maggie Humm, Feminism and Film. Edinburgh University Press, 1997 by female authors, like Chantal Akerman,Lucia Nagib and Anne Jerslev (ends.), Impure Cinema.
Choices – The Singles Collection is a compilation album by British band The Blow Monkeys, released in 1989 by RCA and distributed by BMG / Ariola. The album includes most of the band's singles and features genres from the new wave of their debut album to pop rock and funky evolution, up to their discovery of the potentialities of the new dance revolution, a genre that they embraced on their final album, Springtime for the World, which was released the following year, shortly before they split up.
Geddes advocated the civic survey as indispensable to urban planning: his motto was "diagnosis before treatment". Such a survey should include, at a minimum, the geology, the geography, the climate, the economic life, and the social institutions of the city and region. His early work surveying the city of Edinburgh became a model for later surveys. He was particularly critical of that form of planning which relied overmuch on design and effect, neglecting to consider "the surrounding quarter and constructed without reference to local needs or potentialities".
To pursue this goal, MAEPI has strived to: #Raise awareness among students and Community Instructors about the richness and potentialities of their language. #Have Community Instructors develop basic writing and reading skills in the indigenous language that they speak. #Design tools to systematize the community’s knowledge to draw from this information the topics and contents of the didactic material (filing cards, journals, etc.) Each MAEPI school has made bilingual, handwritten material in Spanish and in indigenous languages. This material keeps growing year by year.
She expressed the critical need for consideration of difference in gender relationships as "what women need to fulfill the potentialities of their own natures". The 1924 Labour government's social reforms created a formal split, as a splinter group of strict egalitarians formed the Open Door Council in May 1926. This eventually became an international movement, and continued until 1965. Other important social legislation of this period included the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 (which opened professions to women), and the Matrimonial Causes Act 1923.
Into England, it is argued, stirrups were not introduced by the Scandinavian settlers of the 9th century but are more likely related to later Viking raids led by Cnut the Great and others during the reign of king Aethelred (978-1013).Seaby p.87 In what today is France, Charles Martel distributed seized lands to his retainers on condition that they serve him by fighting in the new manner, which some attribute to his recognizing the military potentialities of the stirrup.World Decade for Cultural Development 1988-1997.
In his research, he interviewed 37 psychiatrists, brain researchers, and philosophers on the subject of human potential. He found that "Not one of them said we were using more than 10% of our capacity." During the course of this research, Leonard met Michael Murphy, the founder of the nascent Esalen Institute that at the time was running educational programs for adults on the topic of "human potentialities". Leonard and Murphy became close friends and together put forth the idea that there should be a human potential movement.
Opera & Philharmonic Society Rousse was established in 1999 joining the outstanding potentialities of the Rousse State Opera and Rousse Philharmonic Orchestra – two of the leading cultural institutions of Bulgaria. It presents opera, ballet as well as symphony works, and over the last years becomes one of the most expressive formations with remarkable soloists and excellent conductors. The Opera & Philharmonic Society has at its disposal two halls – a concert one equipped with a recording studio and a nice Opera House. Both halls have more than 600 seats each.
Similarly, other water sources of importance are: Rusumo River in Rugende which ends in Akagera River, Buliza River that traverses through Karuruma, Umulindi and Rusine centers before empting into Nyabugogo River. These marshlands or wetlands provide potentialities to the district if well reclaimed can enhance or increase agriculture productivity, improve tourism, improve environmental ecological system as well. It has two main climatic seasons in a year, which are, the dry and rain seasons. The two major climatic seasons alternate within the year, hence, the District experiencing two dry seasons and rain seasons as defined below.
The work of the studio has been widely disseminated in national and international media (Summa+, a+u, Casabella, 30-60 cuaderno latinoamericano de arquitectura, La Vanguardia, etc.). Bertolino also stands out as a plastic artist and has exhibited her works on numerous occasions. She is also a professor at the National University of Cordoba and the Catholic University of Cordoba. Since 2009, together with Margarita Trlin, she has coordinated Redsur, an inter-university cooperation project to explore the potentialities offered by certain places in the city, awaiting its urban articulation and putting into meaning.
AIS Manila is located approximately 400m from the Paco Fire Department, 400m from the Manila Police Department and 200m from Medical Center Manila, which is a private and well-equipped hospital. There is an agreement between AIS Manila and Medical Center Manila to ensure that students receive immediate and excellent medical treatment in the event of an emergency. AIS Manila has comprehensive emergency policies for fire, earthquake and other potentialities. The school has one main entrance, two additional emergency exits and two emergency stairwells (at the North and South ends of the school).
Carrying on the same method into the area of moral philosophy, Green argued that ethics applies to the conditions of social life—that investigation into human nature which metaphysics began. The faculty employed in this further investigation is no "separate moral faculty", but that same reason which is the source of all our knowledge – ethical and other. Self- reflection gradually reveals to us human capacity, human function, with, consequently, human responsibility. It brings out into clear consciousness certain potentialities in the realisation of which human's true good must consist.
60 quotation: and in particular in his Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda (1951), he outlined a theory of social psychology.Hammer (2006) p.82 In 1946, Fenichel considered that '"Comparative sociology of education" is a new scientific field of the greatest practical importance', as well as concluding in general that it is 'experience, that is, the cultural conditions, that transforms potentialities into realities, that shapes the real mental structure of man by forcing his instinctual demands into certain directions'.Otto Fenichel, The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis (London 1946) p.
Soon after college, in January 1949, she gave a program of piano music by composers Darius Milhaud, Roger Sessions, Joaquín Nin-Culmell, Béla Bartók, and Claude Debussy in New York, of which The New York Times reviewer commented, "Miss Boodberg remains a pianist of unusual potentialities, especially in the field of new music"."Program on Piano by Xenia Boodberg" New York Times (January 15, 1949): 11. via ProQuest She played recitals and concerts, especially twentieth-century works,Clifford Gessler, "New Piano Works" Oakland Tribune (September 20, 1953): 59.
Ludwig Binswanger contributed much to the idea of existence in the school of existential psychology. He believed that human existence was complex in that one has control over how one exists. As he described, humans have the choice of existing as,"being a hunter, of being romantic, of being in business, and thus (we are) free to design (ourselves) toward the most different potentialities of being." He therefore believed that such an existence "transcends the being," making the being accessible to itself in numerous different outcomes in life based on the existential path one chooses.
The exhibition promoted five Objects, the fifth being added to counter the thinking of fascist countries in Europe and Asia: 1 To illustrate the progress of the British Empire at home and overseas. 2 To show the resources and potentialities of the United Kingdom and the Empire overseas to the new generation. 3 To stimulate Scottish work and production and to direct attention to Scotland`s historical and scenic attractions. 4 To foster Empire trade and a closer friendship among the peoples of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
They said that they had been neglected and no one had taken any interest in their potentialities. Magdoff at the time was ending a prolonged leave of absence due to a gall bladder operation was unsure of the type of material he could deliver. As a person targeted by Soviet intelligence as a potential recruit, or "probationer" in Soviet parlance, "KANT" was subject to a background check and a request was made for more information. The 30 May cable transmits personal histories for several members of the group.
Another example is the idea of wave function collapse. In standard interpretations of quantum physics, a particle is described by a wave function, and attributes such as position or momentum are only discovered through a measurement procedure which collapses the wave function to one of a number of allowed states. In quantum social science, mental states are best described as potentialities that "collapse" only when a judgement or decision is made. One consequence of wave function collapse in physics is that a measurement affects the system being studied, and therefore any future measurement.
Molecular imaging emerged in the mid twentieth century as a discipline at the intersection of molecular biology and in vivo imaging. It enables the visualisation of the cellular function and the follow-up of the molecular process in living organisms without perturbing them. The multiple and numerous potentialities of this field are applicable to the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, and neurological and cardiovascular diseases. This technique also contributes to improving the treatment of these disorders by optimizing the pre-clinical and clinical tests of new medication.
The bitter cynicism of Count Maddalo in the poem reflects closely Lord Byron's views, as Julian's atheism and faith in the potentialities of man does those of Shelley himself. It is written in a conversational, natural style, which had not until then been usual in Shelley's works, and which may have been partly suggested by Byron's poem Beppo. Julian and Maddalo was in its turn a strong influence on the dramatic monologues of Robert Browning.Sir A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller (eds.) The Cambridge History of English Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1915) vol.
The commune of Carrefour is the crossroads through which must pass thousands of cars, vans and trucks to go in a good part of the department of the west, in the departments of the Southeast, the Nippes, the South and the Grande – Anse. Because of its geographical location and its natural environment, the urban and rural areas of the commune of Carrefour have economic and tourist potentialities. The commune of Carrefour, commonly called "kafou" by its nationals, was originally a small village founded by the decree of President Petion the 1st. May 1813.
197, Oxford University Press, 1969 and gave lectures on "Human Potentialities" both at the UCSF Medical Center and at the Esalen Institute. These lectures were fundamental to the beginning of the Human Potential Movement.excerpt. Huxley was a close friend of Jiddu Krishnamurti and Rosalind Rajagopal and was involved in the creation of the Happy Valley School, now Besant Hill School of Happy Valley, in Ojai, California. The most substantial collection of Huxley's few remaining papers, following the destruction of most in a fire, is at the Library of the University of California, Los Angeles.
Image, writing, layout, speech, moving images are examples of different modes.” In the second, “semiotic modes, similarly, are shaped by both the intrinsic characteristics and potentialities of the medium and by the requirements, histories and values of societies and their cultures.” Thus, every mode has a different modal resource, which is historically and culturally situated and which breaks it down into its parts, because “each has distinct potentials [and limitations] for meaning.” For example, breaking down writing into its modal resources would be syntactic, grammatical, lexical resources and graphic resources.
After completion of 23 km motorable road (not for rainy season) from Galyang to Setibeni, people of this VDC can meet Siddhartha Highway within one and half hour. This road, which has crossed through the heart of the VDC have now connected to big market center Galyang on one side and with the religious center Setibeni on the other side. This road will extend huge development potentialities after linking this road with nearby another market center Mirmi and Waling- Hwas road. Now, motorable road has touched in ward of this VDC.
The Enlightenment and the colonial era both changed the nature of European philosophy and exported it worldwide. Devotion and subservience to God were largely replaced by notions of inalienable natural rights and the potentialities of reason, and universal ideals of love and compassion gave way to civic notions of freedom, equality, and citizenship. The meaning of life changed as well, focusing less on humankind's relationship to God and more on the relationship between individuals and their society. This era is filled with theories that equate meaningful existence with the social order.
Post- Scarcity Anarchism is a collection of essays written by Murray Bookchin and first published in 1971 by Ramparts Press. It outlines the possible form anarchism might take under conditions of post-scarcity. It is one of Bookchin's major works, and its radical thesis provoked controversy for being utopian and messianic in its faith in the liberatory potential of technology. Bookchin argues that post-industrial societies are also post-scarcity societies, and can thus imagine "the fulfillment of the social and cultural potentialities latent in a technology of abundance".
That is: "To know oneself is to know the everlasting reality that is consciousness, and to know it is to be it.". His ontology is interconnected simultaneously with his epistemology, because according to him, full actualization of the potentialities of the universe can only take place through the self-awareness of human beings. This ontology can only be realized by the training of the human soul, or education in the widest sense of the term. His view of the structure of the reality is succinctly explained in the beginning of his work Rahanjām-nāma.
Post- Scarcity Anarchism is a collection of essays written by Murray Bookchin and first published in 1971 by Ramparts Press. It outlines the possible form anarchism might take under conditions of post-scarcity. It is one of Bookchin's major works, and its radical thesis provoked controversy for being utopian and messianic in its faith in the liberatory potential of technology. Bookchin argues that post-industrial societies are also post-scarcity societies, and can thus imagine "the fulfillment of the social and cultural potentialities latent in a technology of abundance".
Mirambika - Free Progress School, is an alternative education inspired school that is based on the Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. It is situated at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram campus in New Delhi. The process of learning at Mirambika is based on the view that each individual comes into life with an evolutionary purpose and corresponding potentialities: educating means drawing out this potential. Although the school is not formally affiliated with any board, the students are free to appear for the school leaving examinations conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling.
Levitan financed John Howard Griffin's investigative journalism for his book, Black Like Me (1961), which was first serialized in Sepia under the title Journey into Shame. In Black Like Me, Griffin described Levitan and the way he managed Sepia: :A large, middle-aged man, he long ago won my admiration by offering equal job opportunities to members of any race, choosing according to their qualifications and future potentialities. With an on-the-job training program, he has made Sepia a model, edited, printed and distributed from the million-dollar Fort Worth plant.Griffin, John Howard.
Its inland location and lack of a port kept it from becoming a major trading post such as Salamis and Paphos. The city also lacked the cosmopolitan character of the island's coastal cities. It resembled an "industrial" city of mines and workshops, though it had without doubt also developed the agricultural and stock-breeding potentialities of the surrounding fertile land, enriched by one of the most important rivers of Cyprus, the Pediaios, and its tributaries. The two royal tombs discovered are proof of the city's wealth during the Archaic era, due to their fine construction.
The New York Times described I, Robot as "an exciting science thriller [which] could be fun for those whose nerves are not already made raw by the potentialities of the atomic age.""Realm of the Spacemen," The New York Times Book Review, February 4, 1951 Describing it as "continuously fascinating", Groff Conklin "Unreservedly recommended" the book. P. Schuyler Miller recommended the collection "For puzzle situations, for humor, for warm character, [and] for most of the values of plain good writing"."Book Reviews", Astounding Science Fiction, September 1951, pp. 124–25.
In his commentary on Chapter 2 of the Brahma Sutras, Sivananda further notes that the position of God with respect to karma can be explained through the analogy of rain. Although rain can be said to bring about the growth of rice, barley and other plants, the differences in various species is due to the diverse potentialities lying hidden in the respective seeds. Thus, Sivananda explains that differences between classes of beings are due to different merits belonging to individual souls. He concludes that God metes rewards and punishments only in consideration of the specific actions of beings.
She expressed the critical need for consideration of difference in gender relationships as "what women need to fulfill the potentialities of their own natures".Wayne, Tiffany K. (2011), ""The Old and the New Feminism" (1925) by Eleanor Rathbone", in The 1924 Labour government's social reforms created a formal split, as a splinter group of strict egalitarians formed the Open Door Council in May 1926. This eventually became an international movement, and continued until 1965. Other important social legislation of this period included the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 (which opened professions to women), and the Matrimonial Causes Act 1923.
This concept was born out of "A sense of mission to redeem the Old World by high example ... generated by the potentialities of a new earth for building a new heaven". Manifest Destiny was rejected by modernizers, especially the Whigs like Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln who wanted to build cities and factories – not more farms.Howe argues that, "American imperialism did not represent an American consensus; it provoked bitter dissent within the national polity." Daniel Walker Howe, What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815–1848 (2007) pp 705–06 Democrats strongly favored expansion, and won the key election of 1844.
The latter is released in Europe and is followed by a tour in Germany at the end of 2011 ("Rude League Tour 2011"). After the publication on web of two singles (the title-track "La Rivolta" and "Hooligan Rudeboys"), in 2012 the band presents the new awaited album "La Rivolta". "La Rivolta" is an album in which RedSka express perfectly all their own sonorous and communicative potentialities. A powerful and perfect groove of punk, ska, reggae, raggamuffin attacks listener and he is carried into an album enriched by many collaborations (The Offenders, No Relax, Arpioni, Rude HI-FI).
Marília Rocha (born 1978) is a Brazilian filmmaker whose work has focused in the potentialities of documentary film. Her works have been included in the festivals and special screenings of MoMA – Museum of Modern Art (USA), It's All True (Brazil), Rotterdam IFF (Netherlands), Bafici (Argentina), Guadalajara IFF (Mexico), Doclisboa (Portugal), among others. Since 2003 she is a member of Teia, along with Clarissa Campolina, Helvécio Marins Jr., Leonardo Barcelos, Pablo Lobato and Sérgio Borges. The group founded a center for audiovisual production and research where they work collaboratively, combining the individual production with projects that involve the whole team and invited professionals.
However, with the evolving shift in the economy towards an informational materiality, in which value is based upon the informational significance, or the narratives surrounding the products, the clear-cut subjective separation is no longer obvious. Hardt and Negri see the open source approaches as examples of new ways of co-operation that illustrate how economic value is not founded upon exclusive possession, but rather upon collective potentialities. Informational materiality is characterized by gaining value only through being shared. Hardt and Negri thus suggest that the commons become the focal point of analyses of public relations.
The American scholar Erich Fromm (1900–1980) modified the Freudian theory and produced a more complex account of the functions of religion. In his book Psychoanalysis and Religion he responded to Freud's theories by explaining that part of the modification is viewing the Oedipus complex as based not so much on sexuality as on a "much more profound desire", namely, the childish desire to remain attached to protecting figures. The right religion, in Fromm's estimation, can, in principle, foster an individual's highest potentialities, but religion in practice tends to relapse into being neurotic. According to Fromm, humans need a stable frame of reference.
Socio-analysis is the activity of exploration, consultancy, and action research which combines and synthesises methodologies and theories derived from psychoanalysis, group relations, social systems thinking, organisational behaviour, and social dreaming.Bain A., “On Socio-Analysis” Socio-Analysis, Vol.1 No.1 June 1999 Socio-analysis offers a conception of individuals, groups, organisations, and global systems that takes into account conscious and unconscious aspects and potentialities. From this conception are born methods of exploration which can increase capacities through making conscious what was unconscious for individuals, groups, and organisations, and through releasing energy and ideas that help create individual and organizational direction, and meaning.
Anxiety, its exploration, and understanding are of central concern to psychoanalysis, which was founded to explore the mental problems of medical patients. While socio- analytic exploration frequently uncovers systemic pain, (of which anxiety is a part), the “pain” is a guide to transformation of the system as a whole with all its potentialities for growth. Joshua Bain has suggested that the emphasis on anxiety is limiting, and that a more appropriate paradigm for socio- analysis is wonder.Bain J., “From Anxiety to Wonder: A New Paradigm for Socio- Analysis” in Centre for Socio-Analysis Newsletter No.1, February 2006.
As a result, entire Christian village communities were deprived of considerable surplus income and many poor Christians were made into vagabonds or forced to flee Goa to the neighbouring kingdoms. The Portuguese colonial and church authorities did not employ politico-economic potentialities to achieve equality by raising the standard of living of the native Christians. The Jesuit report of 1686 stated thus: "They are very poor and surviving on the income of labour which brings in just enough for their sustenance." In 1780, the Portuguese conquered from the Marathas the concelhos of Pernem, Sanquelim and Sattari.
In 2005, Rem Koolhaas co-founded Volume Magazine together with Mark Wigley and Ole Bouman. Volume Magazine – the collaborative project by Archis (Amsterdam), AMO Rotterdam and C-lab (Columbia University NY) – is a dynamic experimental think tank devoted to the process of spatial and cultural reflexivity. It goes beyond architecture’s definition of ‘making buildings’ and reaches out for global views on architecture and design, broader attitudes to social structures, and creating environments to live in. The magazine stands for a journalism which detects and anticipates, is proactive and even pre-emptive – a journalism which uncovers potentialities, rather than covering done deals.
There is evil and suffering because of karma. Those who struggle with this explanation, states Shankara, do so because of presumed duality, between Brahman and Jiva, or because of linear view of existence, when in reality "samsara and karma are anadi" (existence is cyclic, rebirth and deeds are eternal with no beginning). In other words, in the Brahma Sutras, the formulation of problem of evil is considered a metaphysical construct, but not a moral issue. Ramanuja of the theistic Sri Vaishnavism school—a major tradition within Vaishnavism—interprets the same verse in the context of Vishnu, and asserts that Vishnu only creates potentialities.
A guru is also one's spiritual guide, who helps one to discover the same potentialities that the guru has already realized.Guru, Encyclopædia Britannica (2013) In the Tagalog language, Indonesian and Malay the word simply means teacher. The oldest references to the concept of guru are found in the earliest Vedic texts of Hinduism. The guru, and gurukul – a school run by guru, were an established tradition in India by the 1st millennium BCE, and these helped compose and transmit the various Vedas, the Upanishads, texts of various schools of Hindu philosophy, and post-Vedic Shastras ranging from spiritual knowledge to various arts.
The mercury runs down into a smaller bulb at the other end of the capillary, which is graduated to read temperature. A 360° turn in a locally widened portion of the capillary serves as a trap to prevent further addition of mercury if the thermometer is warmed and the mercury expands past the break- off point. The remote-reading potentialities of reversing thermometers make them particularly suitable for use in measuring subsea temperature as a function of pressure. In this application, both protected thermometers and unprotected thermometers are used, each of which is provided with an auxiliary thermometer.
Their potentialities would be limitless and their > intelligence ungraspable by humans. In the same interview, he also blames the poor critical reaction to 2001 as follows: > Perhaps there is a certain element of the lumpen literati that is so > dogmatically atheist and materialist and Earth-bound that it finds the > grandeur of space and the myriad mysteries of cosmic intelligence anathema. In a 1969 interview to American Cinematographer, Kubrick expressed his atheism when asked if there was an unseen cosmic intelligence or god behind the events in 2001:Smith 2010, p. 68. > The whole idea of god is absurd.
The first issue was published on November 21, 1910. According to the newspaper's first editorial, the name "Gateway" was chosen because "there is something unique about our position in this institution, the university farthest north in America and farthest West in Canada, standing at the portal of a great undeveloped and practically unknown region, rich in potentialities of future greatness." In 1938, The Gateway became a founding member of Canadian University Press (CUP), a non-profit news wire service owned by post-secondary student newspapers across Canada. The Gateway hosted CUP national conferences in January 1979, January 2005, and January 2010.
McLuskie (1994, 129). She detects a contrast between a familiar urban morality at work throughout the first act and the setting of act two, where the resolution will be effected—outside the Wise Woman's house in Hoxton, "in which the dangerous and transgressive potentialities of the city comedy world are offered and avoided."McLuskie (1994, 129–130). McLuskie argues that this morality informs Haringfield's call to temperance in scene one and Luce's reluctance to be on display as she sews a handkerchief in scene two, which signals her virtue and suitability to function as the heroine.
She expressed the critical need for consideration of difference in gender relationships as "what women need to fulfill the potentialities of their own natures".Wayne, Tiffany K. (2011), ""The Old and the New Feminism" (1925) by Eleanor Rathbone", in The 1924 Labour government's social reforms created a formal split, as a splinter group of strict egalitarians formed the Open Door Council in May 1926. This eventually became an international movement, and continued until 1965. Other important social legislation of this period included the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 (which opened professions to women), and the Matrimonial Causes Act 1923.
Shankara attributes evil and cruelty in the world to Karma of oneself, of others, and to ignorance, delusion and wrong knowledge, but not to the abstract Brahman. Shankara develops the argument that God is not the Brahman, and that "a loving and good God could not have created the universe", a position held by Advaita Vedanta school of Hinduism. In other words, in the Brahma Sutras, the formulation of problem of evil is considered a metaphysical construct, but not a moral issue. Ramanuja of the theistic Sri Vaishnavism school – a major tradition within Vaishnavism – interprets the same verse in the context of Vishnu, and asserts that Vishnu only creates potentialities.
Intersex flag The Intersex flag was created in July 2013 by Morgan Carpenter of Intersex Human Rights Australia (then known as Organisation Intersex International Australia) to create a flag "that is not derivative, but is yet firmly grounded in meaning". The circle is described as "unbroken and unornamented, symbolising wholeness and completeness, and our potentialities. We are still fighting for bodily autonomy and genital integrity, and this symbolises the right to be who and how we want to be." The organisation describes it as freely available "for use by any intersex person or organisation who wishes to use it, in a human rights affirming community context".
This is a refrain that spreads through viral platform architectures with a staccato-like repetition of shock events, rumours, conspiracy, misinformation, big lies, search engine weaponization, data voids, populist strongmen, immune system failures, and far-right hate speech. In A Sleepwalker's Guide, the sleepwalker is not positioned as a pre-programmed smartphone junkie, but is presented as a conceptual personae intended to dodge capture by data doubles and lookalikes. Sleepwalkers are neither asleep nor wide awake; they are a liminal experimentation in collective mimicry and self-other relationality. Their purpose is to stir up a new kind of community that emerges from the potentialities of revolutionary contagion.
The radius is the geometrical locus of the interiority, where we find the "intermediary potentialities". Mihai Şora is considered the mentor of another "school", much more discrete and heterogeneous than the school of Noica, and there is currently an increasing interest in his work, especially from the young philosophers grouped around the Studia Phaenomonelogica philosophical review. Petre Ţuţea had a PhD in Administrative Law. Before and during the Second World War he worked as a director in the Ministry of National Economy, and was known and appreciated by all members of the '27 generation as one of their own, even though he was a little older.
The Bodyline tour of 1932-33 had caused such lingering ill-will in Australia that MCC decided to precede England's Test tour of Australia in 1936-37 with a non-Test tour in 1935-36 aimed at restoring good-will between the two cricketing nations. They chose the Surrey amateur Errol Holmes to captain the team, and instructed him to ensure the players' demeanour was "cheerful and pleasant" and that they would play the game "in the proper spirit". Each player was "carefully selected, not only for his cricketing abilities but, equally, for his ambassadorial potentialities".Errol Holmes, Flannelled Foolishness, Hollis & Carter, London, 1957, p. 109.
Hakim Ahmad Shuja continued to write even until the time of his death in 1969. Between the 1950s and 1960s, he became especially interested in the potentialities of film-making and cinema.Perhaps because of the involvement of his son Anwar Kamal Pasha, one of South Asia's early and most renowned film directors, in this genre. Most of the very famous lyrics and songs of his super-hit films, such as Tu Laakh challay ri Gori and Ham bhi Parrhay hain Rahon mein etc, were in fact written originally as poems by Hakim-sahib and later adapted by him and his team of assistants for film.
The location of this L.G.A within the tropical rainforest gives it the ecological basis for production of a wide range of tropical agriculture crops with widespread potentialities for industrial convention. Greater than the past decades the population density has led to intensified strain on land, forests and other natural resources, leading to escalating pastoral scarcity which is an attribute of thickly inhabited pastoral areas. Crop-free period seldom exceeds one year and in some areas constant cropping is the regulation. Little crop yield and pasting of land to erosion have pooled to tempt people to travel in search of jobs in other parts of the country.
It offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Smt. Margaret Alva, The Governor of Rajasthan, is the chancellor and Prof Madhu Sudan Sharma is the vice Chancellor of the university. The University of Kota has 175 affiliated colleges and autonomous departments across the six districts of the Rajasthan state, Kota,Jhalawar, Bundi, Baran, Karauli and Sawai Madhopur are under the territorial jurisdiction of the university. The university has six faculties - Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Commerce and Management, Law and Education. Different faculties and interdisciplinary fields through which students can bring out their hidden potentialities in lime light and contribute effectively towards the development of their beloved motherland ‘Bharat’ and humanity as whole.
Sociologist Roger Caillois quoted and paraphrased L'Homme, cet inconnu in The Edge of Surrealism: " '(p)resent-day proletarians owe their status to inherited intellectual and physical defects' (sancta simplicitas). And he [Carrel] suggests that this state of affairs should be accentuated through appropriate measures, so as to correlate social and biological inequalities more precisely. Society would then be directed by a hereditary aristocracy composed of descendants from the Crusaders, the heroes of the Revolution, the great criminals, the financial and industrial magnates" (p. 360). Carrel proposed that: > We must single out the children who are endowed with high potentialities, > and develop them as completely as possible.
Horney describes self-realization as the development of a person's given potentialities, and compares it with the process of an acorn growing, given fertile soil, into a tree. The principal subject of the book, however, is what happens when a person's spontaneity is crushed in early life. The person will slowly lose touch with that spontaneity or "real self" and develop, instead, a reactive self which is constructed to respond to dangers of various kinds. If a child's early environment is such that the child grows up seeing the world as basically hostile, compulsive actions will predominate and the child will grow up devoted to allaying anxiety.
Such sin and guilt is, of course, not experienced > in the Buddhist context. However, it may be possible to employ the terms, or > similar terms such as "depravity" or "defiled" to depict man's involvement > in the passions and bondage to the world which prevents him from attaining > the high Buddhist ideals revealed in Sakyamuni and his early disciples. Such > people realize that they fall short of the potentialities of the human > nature symbolized in Buddha. Their guilt is derived not from a feeling of > rejection by deity, but by a self-rejection as they become aware of the gulf > which separates them from the ideals of the Buddha.
He is also a member of the Croatian Writers Society (HDP). Recently, Suvin published the series of memoirs on his youth as member of the Young Communist League of Yugoslavia during the Nazi occupation of Croatia and Yugoslavia, and first years of Josip Broz Tito's Yugoslavia, in the Croatian cultural journal Gordogan. His 2016 book Splendour, Misery, and Potentialities: An X-ray of Socialist Yugoslavia (published in translation as Samo jednom se ljubi: radiografija SFR Jugoslavije in Belgrade in 2014, in two printing), an attempt at dialectical history of socialist Yugoslavia, is now widely quoted in most recent books and articles in the emerging field of "post-Yugoslav studies".
Intellectuals were seen as a threat by the Fascist regime because they advocated for a masculinity which was associated with the bourgeoisie. More importantly, the values upheld by the intellectual class were in direct opposition to the values advocated by the fascist government, which were the exaltation of: action, impulsivity, and youth. Youth was amongst the many ambiguous terms employed by the fascist government to manipulate the public's perception of hegemonic masculinity. It was ambiguous in that the term was often used to refer to the promising potentialities of current, present-day youth, as well as the youthful Roman soldiers, gleaming with their sharp mind and shining armor, eons ago.
Department of Human Excellence was started in the year 2009 with a mission to impart knowledge about Indian culture, ethics, values and spiritual principles in a modern idiom to the youth by employing a scientific and rational approach. It helps the students to unfold their hidden potentialities and achieve excellence in every field of life. In short, it is an effective human resource development program which can lead to total human fulfilment. Human excellence Value education is indeed the right prescription for the Indian youth today who wish to succeed in a modern, competitive and global environment with a vision to impact the society in a meaningful way.
According to this view, manifest existence is a "change of condition" and therefore neither the result of creation nor a random event. Everything in the universe is informed by the potentialities present in the "Unknown Root," and manifest with different degrees of Life (or energy), Consciousness, and Matter. The second proposition is "the absolute universality of that law of periodicity, of flux and reflux, ebb and flow". Accordingly, manifest existence is an eternally re-occurring event on a "boundless plane": the playground of numberless Universes incessantly manifesting and disappearing, each one "standing in the relation of an effect as regards its predecessor, and being a cause as regards its successor", doing so over vast but finite periods of time.
According to this view, manifest existence is a "change of condition" and therefore neither the result of creation nor a random event. Everything in the universe is informed by the potentialities present in the "Unknown Root," and manifest with different degrees of Life (or energy), Consciousness, and Matter. The second proposition is "the absolute universality of that law of periodicity, of flux and reflux, ebb and flow". Accordingly, manifest existence is an eternally re-occurring event on a "boundless plane": the playground of numberless Universes incessantly manifesting and disappearing, each one "standing in the relation of an effect as regards its predecessor, and being a cause as regards its successor", doing so over vast but finite periods of time.
The narrative employs postmodern techniques to unify a single consciousness across time. It was hailed by numerous publications, including Time Magazine, as the beginning of a major new voice in American letters. His second novel, Once Two Heroes (2003), employs a dual narrative structure, one white, one black, to explore the mid-century connection between America and Europe and 20th-century violence through the prism of World War II and the American phenomenon of racial lynching. His third novel, Dominion, is concerned with the promise and potentialities of pre-Revolutionary America, the birth of a racial caste system, and the ghost of loss that haunted the early settlers both black and white.
According to Swami Gambhirananda, Sankara's commentary explains that God cannot be charged with partiality or cruelty (i.e. injustice) on account of his taking the factors of virtuous and vicious actions (Karma) performed by an individual in previous lives. If an individual experiences pleasure or pain in this life, it is due to virtuous or vicious action (Karma) done by that individual in a past life Ramanuja of the theistic Sri Vaishnavism school interprets the same verse in the context of Vishnu, and asserts that Vishnu only creates potentialities. According to Arvind Sharma, Shankara's Advaita Vedanta school does not attribute the evil and suffering to the abstract concept of Brahman, but to ignorance, delusion and wrong knowledge.
The media plays a large role both in creating and reproducing sociocultural values of bodies. For instance, some have analyzed the role of the body in fashion advertisements, illustrating that those who are represented as ideal through clothes are thin, hegemonically valued women. Subsequently, because of the limited representations of bodies in ads, there may be potentialities for serious health concerns stemming from body image issues. Similarly, when assessing the presence of diet advertisements in social media, research suggests that media influence can lead users to attempt to achieve a culturally valued body, which can result in disorder eating, unsafe dieting, and other forms of harmful weight loss behaviors and/or deteriorating relationships with food and self.
In Vitanza's recent work, he challenges Leibniz's foundational example of using Sextus's rape of Lucretia to ground a conception of "the best of all possible worlds". Extending Deleuze's re- reading of Leibniz in The Fold and Agamben's sense of "decreation", Vitanza seeks after all the denegated incompossibilities that result when "what happened and what did not happen are returned to their originary unity" (Agamben's Potentialities 270). Vitanza's long-term project, according to a description on his website, is entitled Design as Dasein, and it "will examine how philosophical and architectural attitudes are represented under the signs of negativity and death". Vitanza's most recent scholarly texts have been in the area of film (Chaste Cinematics 2015).
Merriam was instrumental in the recognition of the importance and accomplishments of American and Northwest writers. Prior to his work and that of others, literary studies in the United States were largely confined to British authors; an individual with a college degree in English would usually have studied no American authors. In recognition of his accomplishments, the University of Wyoming awarded him an LL.D. in 1962, citing his record as "Rhodes Scholar, professor of literature, founder and editor of magazines for new writers in the Northwest, anthropologist of regional writing, pioneer in the discovery of the cultural potentialities of his region." In 1963, an honorary LL.D. followed from the University of Montana Missoula.
New York: J.J. Augustin which the Kwakiutl define as "fighting with property" rather than with weapons. She says that this change can have profound implications not only for an understanding of the Kwakiutl people but also "for knowledge of human potentialities for change away from destructiveness, at a point in the history of the world when such a change is necessary". Her work on the Kwakiutl was not only important for understanding that culture but also because "first, it was one of the pioneering efforts of what later came to be known as historical anthropology. Second, while the majority of anthropologists of the time were doing synchronic studies of societies, Codere's work focused on culture change".
The problem of psychology and the integration of human knowledge: Contrasting Wilson's Consilience with the Tree of Knowledge System. Theory & Psychology, 18, 731–755. Final draft Henriques cites Oliver Reiser's 1958 call for unifying scientific knowledge that Henriques implies is similar in theme to the ToK: ::In this time of divisive tendencies within and between the nations, races, religions, sciences and humanities, synthesis must become the great magnet which orients us all…[Yet] scientists have not done what is possible toward integrating bodies of knowledge created by science into a unified interpretation of man, his place in nature, and his potentialities for creating the good society. Instead, they are entombing us in dark and meaningless catacombs of learning.
Should he degenerate, the > beauty of civilization, and even the grandeur of the physical universe, > would vanish. ... Humanity's attention must turn from the machines of the > world of inanimate matter to the body and the soul of man, to the organic > and mental processes which have created the machines and the universe of > Newton and Einstein. Carrell advocated, in part, that mankind could better itself by following the guidance of an elite group of intellectuals, and by incorporating eugenics into the social framework. He argued for an aristocracy springing from individuals of potential, writing: > We must single out the children who are endowed with high potentialities, > and develop them as completely as possible.
Bookchin argues that post- industrial societies are also post-scarcity societies, and can thus imagine "the fulfillment of the social and cultural potentialities latent in a technology of abundance". The self-administration of society is now made possible by technological advancement and, when technology is used in an ecologically sensitive manner, the revolutionary potential of society will be much changed. In 1982, his book The Ecology of Freedom had a profound impact on the emerging ecology movement, both in the United States and abroad. He was a principal figure in the Burlington Greens in 1986 to 1990, an ecology group that ran candidates for city council on a program to create neighborhood democracy.
Elsewhere, Within Here is a collection of essays which examines the potentialities in the intervals between various spaces that interrupt boundaries and discursive dichotomies in productive ways. Trinh focuses on lived experience, social contexts, and embodied histories, in order to draw attention to the hybridities that exist at various boundary events and the illuminate dynamic similarities and interconnections in seemingly disparate spaces. Part I, "The Traveling Source." explores notions of home, migration, and belonging through an embodied experience of history, context, and ultimately hybridity. Part II, "Boundary Event: Between Refuse and Refuge," focuses on the politics of representation, multiple ways of knowing, and the possibilities that emerge through performance and other forms of creativity.
The Yellow Peril racialism of the Austrian philosopher Christian von Ehrenfels proposed that the Western world and the Eastern world were in a Darwinian racial struggle for domination of the planet, which the yellow race was winning. That the Chinese were an inferior race of people whose Oriental culture lacked "all potentialities . . . determination, initiative, productivity, invention, and organizational talent" supposedly innate to the white cultures of the West. Nonetheless, despite having dehumanized the Chinese into an essentialist stereotype of physically listless and mindless Asians, von Ehrenfels's cultural cognitive dissonance allowed praising Japan as a first-rate imperial military power whose inevitable conquest of continental China would produce improved breeds of Chinese people.
Rudd, Niall. The Satires of Horace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966. pg. 238 The analogies in the text are similarly graphic, as in the story of the over-insistent heir in Thebes who was required by the will of his benefactor to carry her oil-soaked slippery carcass on his shoulders during the funeral procession. Satire 2.5 is often thought of as the least “Horatian” of the Satires and is often compared to works by Juvenal, a poet of the 1st century AD. Juvenal’s poems focus on the perversions of man and hint at Man’s loss of “his highest potentialities”.Anderson, W.S., “Imagery in the Satires of Horace and Juvenal,” AJP 81 (1960). pg. 241-243Roberts, Michael.
Raj Bisaria invited Delhi groups to produce, under TAW’s auspices, plays in Hindi with a view to making local groups conscious of the potentialities and challenges of Hindi theatre. TAW’s first Hindi play was Baqi Itihas, a translation of Badal Sircar’s Bengali play on a thrust stage. It was a non-realistic presentation, using giant slides and specially designed music, the first production of the kind in the country. Baqi Itihas was followed by a wide range of plays in translation from English, Bengali, Marathi, Kannada, in addition to those originally in Hindi; Andha Yug, Suno Janmejaya, Aadhe-Adhure, The Cave Dwellers, Antigone, Garbo, Candida, Father, Sleuth, Barefoot in Athens The Caretaker, The Public Eye etc.
In 1951, Carl Rogers published Client-Centered Therapy, the work he is most known for, and created three guidelines that psychologists should follow when in a therapeutic session with a client. These general rules are to have unconditional positive regard, empathy, and genuineness. Roger's core goal for implementing these rules was to have the client actualize his or her own inherent potentialities, which is termed self-actualization. But, according to Rogers, self-actualization could not be accomplished until the need for positive regard, positive self-regard, and having a self-concept were gained, so having empathy as one of the main guidelines in therapy helps to move the client towards self-actualization.
The Battle of Manila Bay took place on 1 May 1898, following the outbreak of the Spanish–American War. The German Emperor expected an American defeat, with Spain left in a sufficiently weak position for the revolutionaries to capture Manila—leaving the Philippines ripe for German picking.. Following the American victory in the war, the Philippines and the Far East were brought to the attention of the world and Germany recognized the great potentialities of the islands as a major commercial market. On 12 June, the day the Philippines declared its independence from Spain, Vice-Admiral Otto von Diederichs arrived in Manila Bay. The number of German war vessels in Philippine waters increased to three.
Siad Barre legitimated his 1969 coup d'état in terms of the national economic malaise. On October 20, 1970, the first anniversary of the coup, he announced: > In our Revolution we believe that we have broken the chain of a consumer > economy based on imports, and we are free to decide our destiny. And in > order to realize the interests of the Somali people, their achievement of a > better life, the full development of their potentialities and the > fulfillment of their aspirations, we solemnly declare Somalia to be a > Socialist State. Relying on Soviet advisers and a committed group of Italian-educated Somali "leftist" intellectuals, Siad Barre announced the 1971-73 Three-Year Plan.
Therefore, human understanding of God is achieved through his revelations via his Manifestations. In the Baháʼí religion, God is often referred to by titles and attributes (for example, the All-Powerful, or the All-Loving), and there is a substantial emphasis on monotheism. The Baháʼí teachings state that the attributes which are applied to God are used to translate Godliness into human terms and also to help individuals concentrate on their own attributes in worshipping God to develop their potentialities on their spiritual path. According to the Baháʼí teachings the human purpose is to learn to know and love God through such methods as prayer, reflection, and being of service to others.
His son Ludwig Haberlandt was an early reproductive physiologist now given credit as the 'grandfather' of the birth control pill, the pill. Haberlandt first pointed out the possibilities of the culture of isolated tissues, plant tissue culture. He suggested that the potentialities of individual cells via tissue culture and also suggested that the reciprocal influences of tissues on one another could be determined by this method. Since Haberlandt's original assertions methods for tissue and cell culture have been realized, leading to significant discoveries in Biology and Medicine. His original idea presented in 1902 was called totipotentiality: “Theoretically all plant cells are able to give rise to a complete plant.”Haberlandt, G. (1902) Kulturversuche mit isolierten Pflanzenzellen. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-Naturwiss.
Individuals and institutions utilize social control to establish social norms and rules, which can be exercised by peers or friends, family, state and religious organizations, schools, and the workplace. The goal of social control is to maintain order in society and ensure conformity in those who are deemed as deviant or undesirable in society. Sociologists identify two basic forms of social control: # Informal means of control – Internalization of norms and values by a process known as socialization, which is "the process by which an individual, born with behavioral potentialities of enormously wide range, is led to develop actual behavior which is confined to the narrower range of what is acceptable for him by the group standards".Lindzey, Gardner (Ed), (1954).
The fundamental axis on which he guided his political-theoretical-military action it was the beginning of Marxist humanism. In other words, Che suggests that it is essential to distinguish between Marx's humanism and bourgeois humanism, traditional Christian, philanthropic, etc. Against all abstract humanism that claims to be "above class"(and which is, in the last analysis, bourgeois), Che's, like the liberation of man Marx's, is explicitly engaged in a proletarian class perspective.Thus radically opposing "bad humanism" he declares that: and the realization of their potentialities can only be realized by the revolution of the workers, peasants and other exploited classes that eliminates the exploitation of man by man and establishes rational domination rational and collective of men (proletarians) on their process of social life.
This shift is characterised by co-creativity, participation and openness, represented by software that support for example, wiki-based ways of creating and accessing knowledge, social networking sites, blogging, tagging and 'mash ups'. The interactive and user-oriented nature of these technologies have transformed the global culture into a participatory culture which proves Neil Postman's saying "technological change is not additive; it is ecological". As new media power takes on new dimension in the digital realm, some scholars begin to focus on defending the democratic potentialities of the Internet on the perspective of corporate impermeability. Today, corporate encroachment in cyberspace is changing the balance of power in the new media ecology, which "portends a new set of social relationships based on commercial exploitation".
The North Carolina A&T; State University Student Government Association, commonly referred to as simply the SGA, is the undergraduate student government of N.C. A&T.; The present SGA is an outgrowth of the Student Council of N.C. A&T;, which was restructured in 1935 from an earlier organization by the same name. The mission of the SGA is to Create an atmosphere of freedom that allows students to move beyond the limits of traditional interests by being a creative and contributing individual; Aid in a meaningful interpretation of the concept of the university community; Provide opportunities for each student to participate in activities that develop and realize potentialities; and create awareness of national and international affairs and of their significance for the individual.
Bookchin's "post-scarcity anarchism" is an economic system based on social ecology, libertarian municipalism, and an abundance of fundamental resources. Bookchin argues that post-industrial societies have the potential to be developed into post-scarcity societies, and can thus imagine "the fulfillment of the social and cultural potentialities latent in a technology of abundance". The self-administration of society is now made possible by technological advancement and, when technology is used in an ecologically sensitive manner, the revolutionary potential of society will be much changed. Bookchin claims that the expanded production made possible by the technological advances of the twentieth century were in the pursuit of market profit and at the expense of the needs of humans and of ecological sustainability.
Büro BDP is what BDP call a multidisciplinary hybrid: office, creative agency, exhibition space, book showroom, archive for artists books and reading room, exploring the radical potentialities of an expanded notion of The Book in the contemporary age. Taking its cue from the initial impulse of Broken Dimanche Press – exploring the border between literature and contemporary art practice – the focus is on translation, editions, print solutions and the physical meeting of the core agents in book production: writers, artist, designers, editors, printers, distributors, booksellers and readers. It is furnished with a bespoke modular desk and display unit created by Canadian designer Leanne MacKay and over 50m2 of gallery and office space. It is located in Rixdorf, in Berlin's Neukoelln district.
The Baháʼí teachings state that the attributes which are applied to God are used to translate Godliness into human terms and also to help individuals concentrate on their own attributes in worshipping God to develop their potentialities on their spiritual path. According to the Baháʼí teachings the human purpose is to learn to know and love God through such methods as prayer, reflection and being of service to humankind. The Baháʼí writings state that human beings have a "rational soul", and that this provides the species with a unique capacity to recognize God's station and humanity's relationship with its creator. Every human is seen to have a duty to recognize God through His messengers, and to conform to their teachings.
After formulation of Anna University in 1978, the School of Architecture and Planning, being one of the four constituent autonomous institutions of Anna University, started to functions as two departments namely Department of Architecture and Department of Planning from 2005 till date. Dr. Ranee Vedamuthu is the Dean and HOD(i/c)-Department of Architecture and Dr. Masilamani is the HOD(i/c) -Department of Planning. As a university department, the Department of Architecture and Department of Planning has functioned with self-directed purpose to achieve its goal and aspirations to universal standards. The Department of Architecture responds to the growing need for appropriate architecture adapted to the cultural, economical and technological characteristics and potentialities of the region on the priorities on energy, environment heritage and housing.
Civil society (largely non-political) was to have its own elected chamber in the Consultative Committees specific to each Community as democratically agreed, but the process was frozen (as were Europe's parliamentary elections) by Charles de Gaulle and other politicians who opposed the Community method. Today supranationalism only exists in the two European Communities inside the EU: the Economic Community (often called the European Community although it does not legally cover all State activities) and Euratom (the European Atomic Energy Community, a non-proliferation community, in which certain potentialities have been frozen or blocked). Supranational Communities provide powerful but generally unexploited and innovatory means for democratic foreign policy, by mobilising civil society to the democratically agreed goals of the Community. The first Community of Coal and Steel was agreed only for fifty years.
See ZKM: Nancy Adajania biographical note The focus of Adajania's writing, research and curatorial interests is the relationship between the artistic imagination and the technological resources and potentialities available to it in any particular society and period. She has proposed several conceptual tools with which to examine the consequences of newness across various sectors of cultural production, including the concepts of the 'new folkloric imagination', 'new context media',See The Delhi Declaration, which centrally cites Adajania's concept of 'new context media' and 'mediatic realism'.See Adajania's essay on 'new mediatic realism' Adajania has reflected, in several essays and lectures, on the aesthetic and political effects of what, following the theorist Paul Virilio, she terms dromomania, an obsession with speed produced by the globalisation of communicative and distributive processes.
The growing success of European regionalism in particular led scholars in the late 1950s to what Ernst called "the new challenge of regionalism, ... the potentialities of the field for insights into the process of community formation at the international level". By the late 1950s, "the organization of the world's ninety-odd states into various systems of competing and overlapping regional associations [had been] a fact of international relations for over ten years".E. Haas, The Challenge of Regionalism, 440 Regionalism had already given rise to a floodtide of literature critical of its development or determined to justify it as a necessity for world security. Some critics were arguing that economic unions and common markets distorted the logic of a universal division of labor, and that regional military planning was made both impossible and obsolete.
Robert Jaulin defines totalitarianism as an abstract scheme or machine of non-relation to cultural otherness characterized by the expansion of "oneself " ("soi") through an election/exclusion logic. The totalitarian machine operates by splitting the universe into its own “agents” on the one side, and its “objects” on the other, whether they be individuals, families, groups, societies or whole civilizations. It proceeds by depriving the later of their quality of cultural subjects through the erosion and finally the suppression of their space of tradition and cultural invention, which mediates their relation with themselves, i.e. their reflexivity. With the mutilation of their “field of cultural potentialities”, as Jaulin calls it, the totalitarian dynamics transforms its “objects” into new “agents” of expansion, reduced to a mock self-relation defined by the horizon of a potential election.
The non-commutative algebraic structure is identified with an implicate order, and its shadow manifolds with the sets of explicate orders that are consistent with that implicate order. Here emerges, in Hiley's words, "a radically new way of looking at the way quantum processes enfold in time", built on the work of Bohm and Hiley in the 1980s: in this school of thought, processes of movement can be seen as automorphisms within and between inequivalent representations of the algebra. In the first case, the transformation is an inner automorphism, which is a way of expressing the enfolding and unfolding movement in terms of potentialities of the process; in the second case it is an outer automorphism, or transformation to a new Hilbert space, which is a way of expressing an actual change.
His invasion of Gauda formed the subject of the Prakrit poem Gaudavaho (Slaying of the king of Gauda), composed by his courtier Vakapatiraja in the 8th century. After Yashovarman, three kings — Vijrayudha, Indrayudha, and Chakrayudha — ruled over Kannauj between the close of the 8th century until the 820s. Talking advantage of the weakness of these Ayudha rulers and attracted by the immense strategic and economic potentialities of the kingdom of Kannauj, the Gurjara- Pratiharas of Bhinmal (Rajasthan), the Palas of Bengal and Bihar and the Rashtrakutas of the Manyakheta (Karnataka) fought against each other. This tripartite struggle for Kannauj lingered for almost two centuries and ultimately ended in favour of the Gurjara-Pratihara ruler Nagabhata II who made the city the capital of the Gurjara-Pratihara state, which ruled for nearly three centuries.
The Goddess assured them that she will also provide to them, divine miraculous powers, which will also help them carry out their duties. Saying this, she bestowed to them eight supernatural powers, in which they were named Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakambya, Ishitva and Vashitva. Anima means reducing one's body to the size of a crumb, Mahima means expanding one's body to an infinitely large size, Garima means becoming infinitely heavy, Laghima means becoming weightless, Prapti means having omnipresence, Prakambya means achieving whatever one desires, Ishitva means possessing absolute lordship, and Vashitva means having the power to subjugate all. Apart from the eight supreme siddhis that goddess Siddhidatri had granted Tridev, she is believed to have granted to them, nine treasures and ten other kinds of supernatural powers or potentialities.
Billboard reported that FCC insiders said that CTI's system came in third place, on the basis of color registry and definition. "CTI's sets lacked intensity," it said, "but while its colors were of a hazy blue-violet cast, some engineers believed that it showed potentialities.""Color Show Proves Little; FCC May Split Hue, Freeze", Billboard, March 4, 1950, p. 6. A writer for Popular Science similarly reported that the colors were not true, nor were they in register."You'll Get Color TV Sooner Than You Think", Popular Science, June 1950, p. 108, 110. On August 29, CTI declared in a petition to the FCC that it had invented a "wholly new" color system, which it called "uniplex"."New Color TV Is 'Superior,' Firm Asserts," The Washington Post, Aug 30, 1950, p. B11.
Though most references at the intersection of queerness and indigeneity fall on Two-Spirit identity and ideas surrounding it, queer of color critique extends the discussion to settler colonialism, future potentialities of Native identity and life, and general discourse about how Native Studies as an academic study can benefit from a sort of "queering". According to scholar Andrea Smith, looking at indigeneity from this perspective questions the limitations of a "subjectless" or "postidentity" analysis in regards to the shedding of a particular ethnic identity, which in itself has roots in colonialist and nationalist ideology. On the other hand, even this sort of critique does not fully acknowledge the extent of the absence of indigeneity in the context of direct and indirect investment in settler colonialism by those of color doing the critiquing.Smith, Andrea.
" Author Colin Teevan suggests that she invokes, by suggestion and technique, the rich textures and starkly contrasting colors of a "barren, craggy land, battered by wind and rain and overshadowed by an everchanging sky." Helen O'Toole, Mustard Field, oil on canvas, 79" x 60", 2000. Critics note, however, that O'Toole realizes those qualities less by an engagement with observed reality or specific narrative than through the potentialities of paint, worked in a manner that Chicago Tribune reviewer Alan Artner identified as a "kind of spiritual quest" similar to that of early abstract modernists. Others have described her process as a never-resolved battle or, in Arts Magazine critic Kathryn Hixson's words, an attempt at "approaching the sublime—another world—through personal struggle with materials capable of, but resisting, being controlled.
According to its official website, the purposes of the board are to: > # Secure that education should relate intimately to the development of > potentialities of the youth, to the national needs and to the aspirations of > the people # Discover talent and nurture it; # Promote equality of > opportunity by providing necessary facilities; # Help generally to raise the > standard of living and productivity of the State and achieve closer and > willing participation of the people in a democratic process ; # Regulate, > control and develop education in the State of Jammu and Kashmir up to the > Higher Secondary level by providing varied courses with a view to equipping > pupils for different occupations, for education in the universities and > other cultural purposes and to examine candidates and to award certificates > to successful candidates and doing all other things incidental thereto.
Wooded Landscape with Rocky Stream (undated) John Middleton was a highly talented watercolourist, who according to Clifford, was the most successful of all the Norwich School artists working in this medium during the late 1840s, with the possible exception of John Sell Cotman. Middleton produced works using clear colours and incisively-outlined forms, boldly using the white of his paper and being, in Clifford's words, "delighted in the potentialities of his medium". The author Robert Brall considers Middleton's best paintings to have an "astonishingly modern" look, in comparison with the elaborate detail found in contemporary works. Brall notes that Middleton's more laboured paintings, painted from 1850, lacked much of the fresh and spontaneous appearance of his earlier works, probably because of a growing public interest in art that contained fine detail and an elaborate 'finished' look'.
The feasibility of establishing an international organization of food scientists and technologists dedicated to the nutritional needs of the people of the world was informally explored during the First International Congress of Food Science and Technology (1962) held in London. The President of the Congress was Lord Rank who crystallised informal discussions that had already been taking place among a number of food scientists from around the world when he stated in his presidential message: "If the potentialities of ... food science and technology are to ... culminate and nutritionally adequate, then there must be international collaboration." From the Congress emerged the International Committee of Food Science and Technology. The work of this Committee culminated in the formal inauguration of the International Union of Food Science and Technology during the Third International Congress of Food Science and Technology convened in 1970 in Washington, DC, USA.
Attainment of swaraj \- the rule of the people rather than a bureaucracy — was also a prerequisite for any other changes, such as social reforms or the pursuit of economic adjustments.Doctor (1997), pp. 81-83. It was proposed by Tilak that the practical implementation of swaraj would be achieved by adopting a four-point programme (chatuhsutri) of boycott, swadeshi (purchase of local goods rather than produce from abroad), education and passive resistance. Adi Hormusji Doctor has noted of the last of these, which Tilak first proposed at the Benares Congress, that although it was Mahatma Gandhi who later popularised the idea, "to Tilak goes the credit of being the first to conceive its enormous potentialities." Tilak toned down his rhetoric from 1916, emphasising that his concern was the bureaucracy rather than the British monarch, and seeking British citizenship for Indian people.
General Grant was one of the first to recognize the potentialities of aeromedical evacuation and was directly responsible for its organization and operation in World War II. He was instrumental in the establishment of a convalescent rehabilitation program which helped to restore many of the sick and wounded of World War II to maximum capacity for further service or return to civilian life. His encouragement of aeromedical research resulted in the development of many items of modern high altitude equipment used for the protection of flying personnel. He supervised and directed the forerunner of our present aircrew selection and classification systems and is credited with the establishment of the Physiological Training Program. After a distinguished thirty-three year military career, General Grant retired in 1946 and became Medical Director for the American Red Cross and National Director of the Red Cross Blood Program.
09 Nov. 2011. The act regulates the ocean dumping of all material beyond the territorial limit ( from shore) and prevents or strictly limits dumping material that "would adversely affect human health, welfare, or amenities, or the marine environment, ecological systems, or economic potentialities". The MPRSA authorized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate ocean dumping of materials including, but not limited to, industrial waste, sewage sludge, biological agents, radioactive agents, NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical), garbage, chemicals, and biological and laboratory, as well as other wastes, into the territorial waters of the United States through a permit program. The EPA can issue permits for dumping of materials other than dredge spoils if the agency determines, through a full public notice and process, that the discharge will not unreasonably degrade or endanger human health or welfare or the marine environment.
Murray Bookchin, in his 1971 essay collection Post-Scarcity Anarchism, outlines an economy based on social ecology, libertarian municipalism, and an abundance of fundamental resources, arguing that post- industrial societies have the potential to be developed into post-scarcity societies. For Bookchin, such development would enable "the fulfillment of the social and cultural potentialities latent in a technology of abundance". Bookchin claims that the expanded production made possible by the technological advances of the twentieth century were in the pursuit of market profit and at the expense of the needs of humans and of ecological sustainability. The accumulation of capital can no longer be considered a prerequisite for liberation, and the notion that obstructions such as the state, social hierarchy, and vanguard political parties are necessary in the struggle for freedom of the working classes can be dispelled as a myth.
Anthropy's first book, Rise of the Videogame Zinesters, was published in 2012. In an interview at the time of its release, Anthropy said it promotes the idea of "small, interesting, personal experiences by hobbyist authors ... Zinesters exists to be a kind of ambassador for that idea of what video games can be." The book also deals with a detailed analysis of the mechanics and potentialities of digital games, including the idea that games can be more usefully compared to theater than film ("There is always a scene called World 1-2, although each performance of World 1-2 will be different") and the role of chance in games. Anthropy also criticizes what she refers to as the video game industry being run by the corporate "elite" which design video games to be formulaic and do not take creative risks.
Shortly after the king's return, complaints reach his ear that he has spent on his tour money which could ill be spared from the public treasury. He silences such murmurings by pointing out that he has brought back presents far outweighing in value the expense of the tour. He can also boast truly that he has made Afghanistan known to the world as a country with great potentialities, and one whose friendship is worth cultivating. Among the definite results of his trip he is able to announce the impending conclusion of treaties with thirteen states, agreements with French and German companies to undertake a survey preparatory to the construction of a railroad linking Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, and Kushk, and the acquisition of over 50,000 rifles, over 100 cannon, six model machine guns, six tanks, and five armoured cars.
Raj Bisaria was aware from the very beginning that any worthwhile theatre activity had to find its moorings in Hindi and other Indian languages. He sought the co-operation of the then existing theatre groups to realize his plans to establish a bilingual theatre in Lucknow. But his effort failed to elicit any response from them. He even brought the production rights of Mohan Rakesh’s well known play, Adhe-Adhure, which he could not stage for want of a suitable cast. In his bid to switch over to Hindi drama, he invited Delhi groups to produce, under TAW’s auspices, plays in Hindi with a view to making local groups conscious of the potentialities and challenges of Hindi Theatre. TAW’s first Hindi play was Baqi Itihas, a translation of Badal Sircar’s Bengali play on a thrust stage.
" He added that "the distinction between the merely geographical and the metageographical is not always clear-cut.Leonhardt van Efferink Martin Lewis: Metageographies, postmodernism and fallacy of unit comparability Exploring Geopolitics August 2010 (Accessed 05/01/2015) The term was criticized by James M. Blaut: "the word metageography seems to have been coined by the authors as an impressive-sounding synonym for 'world cultural geography.'" Lewis and Wigen, however, disagreed, arguing that every consideration of human affairs employs a metageography as a structuring force on one's conception of the world In 1969, Soviet geographers Gokhman, Gurevich and Saushkin wrote that "[m]etageography is concerned with study of the common basis of geographical regularities and the potentialities of geography as a science" and argued that many factors must be taken into account in order to define geographical entities, not simply spatial ones.
The British Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors, conducted by Mr Justice Sargant, investigated the claims of twelve persons (10 individuals, including de Mole, and one pair) relating to the invention of tanks, delivered its findings and recommendations on 27 November 1919.The Times, (28 November 1919), p.14. The commission's Report announced that "in estimating the value of the invention of the Tanks for the purpose of [our] recommendations, we have taken into account not merely the precise class of Tanks which went into action at the Battle of the Somme, but also any modified or improved classes of Tanks which may fairly be considered to result from the normal development of the inherent potentialities of the original invention". Notwithstanding this, however, the Report continued, "we have not taken into account any special or exceptional inventions which may subsequently have been applied and have resulted in substantial extra utility".
In an overview of the fourth season in Entertainment Weekly, "Herrenvolk" was rated an A-. It was noted that the episode "makes good use of locations", and the ambiguous resolution to Jeremiah Smith's plot arc was seen as a positive, as it "opens the door to all sorts of provocative potentialities". Writing for The A.V. Club, Zack Handlen rated the episode a B+, though he felt it suffered from "treading-water plotting". Handlen also described the episode as being tense on its own, but suffering from "stagnation" when held as part of the series' ongoing mythology. He cited the death of X as an example of this, feeling that the scene was "appropriately shocking" and perhaps "one of the most memorable deaths in the series"—however, the almost immediate introduction of a successor character, Marita Covarrubias, was seen as "deflat[ing] the importance" of the events.
The name of the press comes from Leavis' self-positioning as a literary critic upholding a minority – rather than a mass culture – stance; against an "anything goes" pluralism. Leavis wrote that > The potentialities of human experience in any age are realised by only a > tiny minority, and the important poet is important because he belongs to > this (and has also, of course, the power of communication) ... Almost all of > us live by routine, and are not fully aware of what we feel; or, if that > seems paradoxical, we do not express to ourselves an account of our > possibilities of experience ... The poet is unusually sensitive, unusually > aware, more sincere and more himself than the ordinary man can be. He knows > what he feels and knows what he is interested in. He is a poet because his > interest in his experience is not separable from his interest in words.
" Regarding the importance of the Induction, Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen argue "the Sly framework establishes a self-referential theatricality in which the status of the shrew-play as a play is enforced." Graham Holderness argues "the play in its received entirety does not propose any simple or unitary view of sexual politics: it contains a crudely reactionary dogma of masculine supremacy, but it also works on that ideology to force its expression into self-contradiction. The means by which this self-interrogation is accomplished is that complex theatrical device of the Sly-framework [...] without the metadramatic potentialities of the Sly-framework, any production of Shrew is thrown much more passively at the mercy of the director's artistic and political ideology." Coppélia Kahn suggests "the transformation of Christopher Sly from drunken lout to noble lord, a transformation only temporary and skin- deep, suggests that Kate's switch from independence may also be deceptive and prepares us for the irony of the dénouement.
He decided that it was essential to adopt the point of view of the speaker, which would involve far more than pronouncing words and linking them together to form a sentence: "To study a language in circumstances as close as possible to the real circumstances of usage, one should, like a speaker, start with the language in a virtual state and trace how the speaker actualizes that virtuality."Temps et Verbe (1929), p. 121 In other words, before we speak a word to express the specific experience we have in mind, we must call on the mental potentialities acquired with our mother tongue to represent this experience by forming the word's meaning, both lexical and grammatical, and to actualize its physical sign. This realization confirmed his initial postulate that language consists of langue and discours, "language"and "speech", understood as an operative, potential-to-actual binary, and not as a static dichotomy like Saussure's langue and parole.
Lynch, 2008, p.201; Lynch & Galtung, 2010, p.135. Drawing on “the resources in the room” recommendations for the coverage of conflict included: #Do not report a ‘line’ from an official source without obtaining and citing independent evidence as to its reliability. #Acknowledge that the important job of testing arguments is best done if they are juxtaposed with, and weighed against, alternative, countervailing arguments. #All newsrooms genuinely interested in offering a service to the public must think long and hard about ‘conduit’ journalism and, in particular, whether their political correspondents are being used in this way.Lynch, 2008, pp.204-206. # Galtung’s TRANSCEND approach in contrast, focuses on the role a third party to “unstick” violent conflicts and stimulate creativity. This is done by probing deeply into the nature of parties’ goals, expanding the spectrum of acceptable solutions, and opening up cognitive space for fresh potentialities not conceived of by conflict parties.Galtung, J. & Tschudi, F. (2001).
The sociological approach (Buckley, 1996; Burns and Engdahl (1998a, 1998b), Wiley, 1994, 1986 among others) emphasizes the importance of language, collective representations, self-conceptions, and self-reflectivity. This theoretical approach argues that the shape and feel of human consciousness is heavily social, and this is no less true of our experiences of "collective consciousness" than it is of our experiences of individual consciousness. The theory suggests that the problem of consciousness can be approached fruitfully by beginning with the human group and collective phenomena: community, language, language-based communication, institutional, and cultural arrangements.(Wiley, 1986) A collective is a group or population of individuals that possesses or develops through communication collective representations or models of "we" as opposed to "them": a group, community, organization, or nation is contrasted to "other"; its values and goals, its structure and modes of operating, its relation to its environment and other agents, its potentialities and weaknesses, strategies and developments, and so on.
Subsequently, Ehrenfels made a public appeal to "manly Aryan men" who had proved themselves to be both "social winners" and "studs" to disregard monogamy and marriage, and to start impregnating as many women as possible to give the "white race" a genetic edge in the coming war against the "Yellow Peril". Before the Russian-Japanese war, it has been the Chinese who had personified the Asian threat to Ehrenfels; after the war, the Asian enemy of the future was the Japanese. In his essays in 1907-1908, Ehrenfels wrote that the Chinese lacked "all potentialities...determination, initiative, productivity, invention and organizational talent". While the Chinese were now a listless mass of allegedly mindless Asians, Ehrenfels wrote that Japan was "a first-rate military power", and should the Japanese conquer the Chinese, the Japanese would engage in selective breeding to create a race of "healthy, sly, cunning coolies, virtuosos of reproduction" in China.
Furthermore, in 2010 in their contribution to the 18th session of United Nations Commission on Human Rights on sustainable development, Baháʼí International Community (BIC) challenged the assumption that human beings are slaves to self-interest and consumerism. In the statement “Rethinking Prosperity: Forging Alternatives to a Culture of Consumerism”, they state that the transition to sustainable consumption and production is part of a global enterprise which enables all individuals to fulfill their dual purpose, namely to develop their inherent potentialities and to contribute to the betterment of the wider community. It is not enough to conceive of sustainable consumption and production in terms of creating opportunities for those living in poverty to meet their basic needs. Rather, with the understanding that each individual has a contribution to make to the construction of a more just and peaceful social order, these processes must be arranged in a way that permits each to play his or her rightful role as a productive member of society.
55 This latter tactic apparently succeeded in reconciling him with the new authorities, for in 1917 or 1918 he was back in Addis Ababa. By 1922 he had become the Nagadras of Dire Dawa in 1922, then between 1925 and 1930 Afaworq served as president of the special court that heard cases involving foreigners and Ethiopians. He was appointed charge d'affairs in Rome for the Ethiopian government, a position which Bahru Zewde notes that, due to "his known predilection for the Italians and his record of treason" might not have made him the best candidate for this position, but Bahru goes on to quote the American representative in Ethiopia, Addison E. Southard, who observed Haile Selassie wanted "to get rid of Afawork locally who has the reputation for being an obstreperous and fire-eating old gentleman with potentialities for stirring ... trouble." Regardless of his deeper allegiances, Afawork found himself in a difficult situation, being forced to rely on the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send his telegrams home.
According to independent Zuist researchers, Christianity (viewed as corrupted and dying in its modern forms) is a "false religion, or non-religion", as it "fails to relink Heaven, Earth and humanity"—the word "religion" is derived from the common root of the Latin verbs religere (careful "re-reading" or "re-collecting" right practices) and religare ("re- linking"), according, respectively, to the etymologies provided by Lucretius' De Rerum Natura and Lactantius' Divinae Institutiones. The Zuist vision of God is presented as a worldly one, in which God is "the starry sky and its cycles". The God as conceived by Christianity in instead presented as a "non- existing, otherworldly abstract thing". At the same time, Christianity is characterized as "a religion for the slaves, deliberately created to breed and domesticate masses of slaves" by postponing "its plan of universal equality to an otherworldly future", which "results in a rejection of the present world, of worldly potentialities, and thus in an alienation of individual intelligences from the present world, and in the fall of the latter into anomy".
The information collected by the probation officer, however, is made available to the court only after the establishment of the guilt of the offender and cannot, therefore, affect offender's conviction; it is expected to only influence court's disposition with respect to grant of probation. The whole purpose of the investigation conducted by the officer is to strengthen the hands of the court in dealing with the individual offender, and to enable the court to know something of the offender's personality and relation to society, to consider his needs and potentialities and thus be in a position to decide as to whether it would in the offender's interest and the community's interest if the concerned individual is placed on probation. If the court decides that a particular case is fit for probation and passes a probation order, the offender is then placed under the supervision of a probation officer.Section 12 Appointment of a Probation officer, The Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960 (No XLV) It is then for the officer to undertake the task of helping the probationer to make a success of his probation.
They do not loosen the knot related to the intricate relationships between invariance and morphogenesis and do not arise in relation to the actual realization of a specific embodiment. Hence the importance of making reference to theoretical tools more complex and variegated as, for instance, non-standard mathematics and complexity theory, in order to provide an adequate basis for the afore mentioned exploration. As Carsetti shows in 2012 in his volume Epistemic Complexity and Knowledge Construction, by referring to this particular and very simple theoretical “landscape”, it is possible to realize that the constraints imposed by specific selective pressures (operating in ambient meaning and articulating in accordance with suitable non-standard procedures) at the level of the dynamics of an original cellular (dissipative) automaton can, actually, permit a more complex canalization of the informational fluxes at stake. In particular, they can allow the unfolding of silent potentialities, the full expression of generative principles never before revealed and, consequently, the effective expression of new autonomous processes of production of varied complexity.
Agential meta-power is where some agents shape particular structural conditions and institutional arrangements for other actors: to establish a constitution; to carry out substantial reforms, to restructure an industry, to transform social relationships and interaction opportunities and potentialities. The state launches projects, protects workers vis-à-vis their employers, supports (or blocks) the development of nuclear power, and outlaws certain chemicals, and, in general, regulates societal interactions with the environment. Among the processes and developments in which meta-power researchers are interested, some involve powerful agents, for instance capitalist leaders, using their positions of structural power to mobilize resources in order to develop new systems of production, new products, new institutional arrangements, for example in the shaping of economic globalization. The initiatives may also come from state agencies, for example, to establish an infrastructure (airport, highway system, water system, electricity networks) or a regulatory agency; or, the initiative may come from a dominant political leader or party with a mandate (possibly presumed) to reform or transform social conditions.
The UDC was created by the British colonial administration in 1952 to "facilitate the industrial and economic development of Uganda". Under the Uganda Development Corporation Act 1952, the objective of UDC was to "promote and assist in the financing, management or establishment of— new undertakings; schemes for the better organisation and modernisation of and the more efficient carrying out of any undertaking; and the conduct of research into the industrial and mineral potentialities of Uganda." It was given a starting equity of £5 million, which it quickly grew. According to Roger Falk , a UK management consultant, as a development corporation, the Uganda Development Corporation was the best of its kind in the world At the time of Ugandan independence in 1962, a report commissioned by the outgoing British administration and incoming government and overseen by the World Bank commented that "the UDC has energetically explored a wide range of industrial possibilities" among a backdrop of economic pessimism over coffee prices, which Uganda was (and remains) heavily reliant on.

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