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"nationalism" Definitions
  1. the desire by a group of people who share the same ethnic group, culture, language, etc. to form an independent country
  2. (sometimes disapproving) a feeling of loving your country very much and being very proud of it; a feeling that your country is better than any other

751 Sentences With "nationalism"

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Nationalism is trending in Europe But nationalism isn't limited to Bolsonaro.
The second kind of nationalism -- sectarian nationalism -- is pernicious and dangerous.
Strains of nationalism There is also a current of nationalism at work.
The president won't condemn white nationalism because this presidency is white nationalism.
Nationalism: From Hungary to Brazil, the march of nationalism and populism continued.
The social media platform also argued that banning white nationalism would also require banning other forms of nationalism (like black nationalism and Zionism) on the platform.
It feeds into nationalism in the United States and the nationalism in China.
Cosmopolitans continually condescend to nationalism, but my patriotic pride is your nationalism, right?
This Spanish nationalism is a direct response to the regional nationalism in Catalonia.
Sometimes, European aspirations only disguise German nationalism as a response to American nationalism.
His brand of authoritarian nationalism is different from Trump's brand of America first nationalism.
Accusations of Hindu nationalism Modi's tenure has also prompted criticism for fostering Hindu nationalism.
Even as ethnic nationalism has prospered, the world's greatest experiment in "post-nationalism" has foundered.
Hobbled by economic nationalism at home, Indonesia must also contend with growing economic nationalism abroad.
"Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism: nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism," Macron said.
His "America First" nationalism usually sounds nothing like the nationalism you theorize in this book.
At the time, white nationalism and Black nationalism did not violate Facebook's policies, the source added.
"Many people are blinded by this kind of nationalism -- an extreme and narrow-minded nationalism," he said.
Nationalism and populism with a sprinkling of aspirational rhetoric is still, at its heart, nationalism and populism.
But the word "nationalism" reflects deep-seated historical grudges, "ethno-nationalism," in which Europeans warred with one another.
Ideologically, these adversaries often justified their desire to liquidate Israel in terms of Arab nationalism or Palestinian nationalism.
The power of white nationalism lies in the power of the stories that white nationalism tells about America.
This may not be the only version of American nationalism, but it's the nationalism we have right now.
" Bannon is not afraid to use words like 'nationalism' and 'culture' "Nationalism, and especially "white nationalism," are terms fraught with historical tensions and can elicit fear from minorities affected by racist or prejudiced mindsets.
Although English nationalism is the sum of all evils, other forms of nationalism (Irish, Scottish, Palestinian) are fervently embraced.
"Isolationist nationalism"—the kind of nationalism that turns its back to the world—is the exception, not the rule.
White nationalism scares many ordinary white people away from embracing whiteness, which white nationalism makes appear bigoted and terroristic.
Much of the West is now in the grips of rising nationalism, in general, and white nationalism, in particular.
Do you think that Trump's nationalism, the nationalism that has captured the Republican Party, is in any way inclusive?
It is "the second type of nationalism ... I want to concentrate on: I term it cultural distance nationalism," she says.
AMLO proposes to answer graft with his own incorruptibility, and Donald Trump's nationalism with a fiery nationalism of his own.
Unlike fanatic forms of nationalism that place the nation above all, liberal forms of nationalism celebrate authenticity rather than superiority.
While Christian nationalism was only one of many forms of nationalism on display in Charlottesville, Christian nationalism is, as ever, a fundamentally white phenomenon, rooted in a mythic privileging of the idealized past of "white," great America.
"These days, people read things that have nothing to do with nationalism but don't study material related to nationalism," he added.
It's theoretically possible to have a liberal nationalism, even a socialist nationalism, that welcomes foreigners interested in joining the nation's ranks.
The left's attempt to conflate his "nationalism" in his protectionist trade policies with racist "white nationalism" is dishonest and twisted logic.
In "This America," Lepore defends a version of civic patriotism against the three alternatives: illiberal nationalism, identity politics and liberal nationalism.
" The contrast she draws between liberal nationalism and nonnational civic patriotism is stark: "Patriotism is animated by love, nationalism by hatred.
There's an underlying theme in this year's episodes, which is the dangers of nationalism and the differences between nationalism and patriotism.
There's the nationalism we want and the nationalism we have, and I'm not sure you acknowledge how wide the gap is.
His book, titled The Case for Nationalism, isn't exactly a defense of Trumpism, but it is a blanket defense of American nationalism.
So I reached out to Lowry to discuss his argument, where I think he goes wrong, why nationalism reinforces the very problems he wants to overcome, and why the nationalism we have is so different from the nationalism he imagines.
And immigration, which has done much to fuel ethnic nationalism, could, as generations are born into diverse societies, start to counter that nationalism.
You will strengthen Donald Trump's ethnic nationalism, which erects barriers between Americans and which is the dark opposite of America's traditional universal nationalism.
Rather than an exclusive nationalism rooted in ethnicity, Scottish nationalists speak of an inclusive civic nationalism that can accommodate American-style hyphenated identities.
White Nationalism Overshadowed at Congressional Hearing on White Nationalism The Digital Forensics Research Lab argues that Republicans were able to blunt the impact of a recent Democratic hearing on white nationalism by inviting social-media star Candace Owens, who successfully hijacked everyone's attention.
Instead he trumped civic nationalism with the centuries-old idea of imperial or state nationalism, offering the idea of Russia as a besieged fortress.
Just this week, Arizona Senator John McCain blasted "half-baked, spurious nationalism," and former President George W. Bush warned of "nationalism distorted into nativism."
British nationalism is a peculiarly capacious sort of nationalism that makes it easier for people from all sorts of backgrounds to identify as British.
By failing to recognize the political motivations behind white nationalism as an identity, Facebook legitimates white nationalism as something meaningfully distinct from white supremacy.
European leaders, unable to square their project's ambition of transcending nationalism with this reality of rising nationalism, have tried to have it both ways.
The core argument of Yoram Hazony's The Virtue of Nationalism is what it says on the tin: to defend "nationalism" against its many critics.
"There's been a 'massification' of nationalism, it's a nationalism that is now inclusive," said Thierry Dominici, a Corsica expert at the University of Bordeaux.
" On Tuesday, members of the party stormed a council meeting in Yarra, Melbourne, waving flags and shouting "shame" and "nationalism is healthy, nationalism is good.
These prejudices are integral to their brand of nationalism – a notion of pan-German nationalism that has been widely discredited by its associations with Nazism.
The second major difference is that I have an inclusive nationalism, which I believe is a nationalism of the freedom struggle, and the nationalism peddled by many members of the [Modi's] party is much more sectarian, and seems to see India as some sort of pristine, Hindu land that has been violated by influences from outside, and their nationalism is about reasserting Hindu pride.
Speaking after meeting Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard, Macron said the planned measures amounted to "economic nationalism" and nationalism was a war in which all sides lose.
For example, Russian nationalism can be a reasonable guide for running the affairs of Russia, but Russian nationalism has no plan for the rest of humanity.
By then ETA had imbibed a toxic cocktail of Marxism-Leninism and mystical ultra-nationalism which led it, for instance, to object to Lagun's anti-nationalism.
However look at the demonstrations that have taken place in Barcelona with millions of Catalans going out to protest against nationalism, declaring themselves enemies of nationalism.
That has led to Trump, who has upended universalistic American nationalism and replaced it with European blood and soil nationalism in a stars and stripes disguise.
He talked about the European Union as evidence of the political dangers posed by immigration and described "ethno-nationalism" and economic nationalism as potent political forces.
Trump's closed, ethnic nationalism is dominant because Iraq, globalization and broken immigration policies have discredited the expansive open form of nationalism that usually dominates American culture.
White nationalism President-elect Donald Trump's selection of Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist brought a fringe term into the mainstream: white nationalism.
Hazony's book The Virtue of Nationalism, which sought to defend nationalism as a positive defense against overreaching international organizations, was an influential work among conservatives this year.
The Kremlin "counters ethnic nationalism with its own version of state nationalism," Mr Verkhovsky writes—one based on wars and other state achievements, not on ethnic identity.
It's unclear what Bannon's ideology truly is, though it's clearly some bizarro blend of economic nationalism, white nationalism, populism, isolationism, and Leninism (again: his words, not ours).
"Nationalism is rising across Europe, the nationalism that demands the closing of frontiers, which preaches rejection of the other," he said in a radio interview on Tuesday.
"Bavarian nationalism has been a tolerated form of nationalism since 1945," said Klaus Reichold, who runs a cultural institute in Munich and has written about Bavarian folklore.
" She is a representation of nationalism, Ruga said, demonstrating "the hyper-masculine way in which women's bodies are used as tools of nationalism, especially within beauty contests.
Then, at the end of the Second World War, that Indochinese nationalism, which the French created to maintain control over their colonial holdings, turned into an anticolonial nationalism and a territorial nationalism in which Laos was seen as separate from Vietnam and Cambodia as well as claiming independence from France.
He understands the parallels between the reactionary nationalism in Britain and the reactionary nationalism of his own campaign, and he wants to see those same forces triumph in America.
Recently though, religiously inspired nationalism and ultra-nationalism have returned to south-eastern Europe—not yet as a dominant force but as a spectre that is growing more visible.
And with Narendra Modi, the party's strongman of Hindu nationalism, as prime minister, fears that the country would head into a phase of aggressive nationalism have largely come true.
It requires principled resistance to right-wing nationalism, but it can succeed only if those who are most open to diversity abandon their hostility to other forms of nationalism.
" The alternative to illiberal nationalism and "very lefty" identity politics that Lepore proposes is a version of civic patriotism that she distinguishes from liberal nationalism and calls simply "liberalism.
The balance of the book is about American nationalism, and I make the case that nationalism is a central part of our tradition, part of the mainstream in America.
According to Mark Flemming Williams, a European analyst at Stratfor, "the European Union is an attempt to subdue nationalism," and this new nationalism will "create divides" in the coming year.
But it would not resolve the contradiction between the European Union as an experiment in overcoming nationalism versus the politics of the moment, in which publics are demanding more nationalism.
To this point about cultural flexibility, in the book you distinguish racism from nationalism by arguing that racism is about perceived biological qualities whereas nationalism is about culture and religion.
A common means of avoiding the moral conflicts raised by a clash of ideologies, of making nationalism more palatable and less threatening to liberals and democrats, is painting nationalism in a civic light, offering a nationalism that is free of all exclusionary aspects, grounded in citizenship and void of all exclusionary features.
Alexander Verkhovsky, an expert on Russian nationalism, observes that while the Kremlin fans and manipulates anti-Western nationalism, it has put grass-roots ultra-nationalist groups within Russia under unprecedented pressure.
"It has been organized under the auspices of the alt lite, which embraces civic nationalism, rather than the alt right, which advocates white nationalism," the ADL said in a blog post.
It's also the first sentence in the Anti Defamation League (ADL) entry on white nationalism: White nationalism is a term that originated among white supremacists as a euphemism for white supremacy.
In her first book, "Liberal Nationalism", published in 1993, she argued—against a rising tide of globalisation—that nationalism still had a role to play and that it can complement liberalism.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries came the rise of nationalism and, with it, linguistic nationalism, which held that the particularity of language was in fact an advantage, not a problem.
For instance, here is McCarthy's account of how the economic nationalism of Donald Trump can be transmuted into something less inchoate and more effective: Economic nationalism is not just about tariffs.
The critique we rage against Surrealism and its flirtation with Primitivism comes out of the critique that would not be possible until after Revolutionary Nationalism, and the critique of Cultural Nationalism.
" Raising his voice again, he added, "Nationalism is out!
"There have always been these two strands of nationalism in the United States: one holds that the distinctiveness of America depends on conceptions of human rights and democracy; and the other strand of nationalism is a kind of ethno-nationalism that is more hostile to immigration, more linked to race and more linked to religion, especially to Protestant religion," said Lloyd Kramer, a professor of history at the University of North Carolina, who specializes in the study of nationalism.
This new willingness to wave the national flag has not been accompanied by a resurgence in far-right nationalism, despite attempts by Catalan secessionists to associate Spanish nationalism with Franco-style fascism.
Obama Warns Against 'Crude' Nationalism Speaking in Greece on what may be his last formal trip overseas, President Obama warned against a "crude sort of nationalism" in many parts of the world.
While it has become common on the left to associate nationalism with conservatism, Harvard sociologist Bart Bonikowski has found that a progressive interpretation of nationalism is more prevalent than many may imagine.
This approach was challenged in the 1920s by two specific and at that time relatively minor forms of nationalism: the Muslim League, a party established by Muslim landowners and the educated middle class, which claimed to represent Muslim nationalism; and the Hindu Mahasabha, created by upper-caste, middle-class Hindus, which asserted that it represented Hindu nationalism.
This "civic nationalism" is conciliatory and forward-looking—the nationalism of the Peace Corps, say, or Canada's inclusive patriotism or German support for the home team as hosts of the 2006 World Cup.
It also undermines the postwar consensus that alliances among nations are essential in maintaining stability and in diluting the nationalism that once plunged Europe into bloody conflict — even as nationalism is surging again.
The Virtue of Nationalism is, in short, less a serious work of political philosophy than a series of specious empirical assertions about the benefits of nationalism justified by conceptual trickery and Bible references.
The Saudis, under King Salman, began replacing the old ideological glue of Wahhabism with a populist, militarized Saudi nationalism, which feeds off the threat of an expansionist Iran and its aggressive Shiite nationalism.
The "alt-lite" — who, in theory, preach civic nationalism rather than white nationalism — planned to gather in Boston Common, the oldest city park in the U.S., to extol the virtues of free speech.
Contemporary white nationalism is highly networked and lacks centralized organization.
Secondly, Breitbart contributors rejected cosmopolitanism in favor of US nationalism.
Where candidates have fixated on nationalism, TED is intentionally global.
Nationalism and protectionism are on the rise across the region.
Walker discussed global political trends toward nationalism, populism and xenophobia.
Around the developed world, you're saying a wave of nationalism.
Economic nationalism is not a new force in American politics.
What had this sneering dalliance with white nationalism gotten her?
The new nationalism owes a lot to cultural factors, too.
Worryingly large numbers of people are drawn to nativist nationalism.
But as for the first, a Chinese nationalism: forget it.
Protesters chant slogans against white nationalism in Times Square Sunday.
It's evil, it's white nationalism, it's bigotry, and it's unacceptable.
Contrary to common wisdom, there is nothing natural about nationalism.
The two world wars revealed the diabolical side of nationalism.
The same problem of details applies to his economic nationalism.
In India the ruling BJP espouses a specifically Hindu nationalism.
Read the essay on nationalism, which this playlist accompanies, here.
A hint of nationalism may play well with German policymakers.
He rejected traditional, divisive definitions of liberalism, nationalism and modernism.
The mainstream labor movement marginalized radicals and underwrote imperial nationalism.
How do the forces of nationalism effect even throughout Europe?
The economic divide has helped fuel a turn towards nationalism.
It also recently barred many accounts that espoused white nationalism.
Outside assessments have also cited nationalism, protectionism and insufficient funding.
Nationalism is on the rise, political ideas are causing ferment.
Bannon's economic nationalism sees China has as a singular threat.
Decades of propaganda have instilled an impervious sense of nationalism.
Brexit has surely advanced Europeans' movement to nationalism, as well.
The Independent thinks the name 'Mumbai' shows nasty Hindu nationalism.
But nationalism and extremism exploded, fueled by charismatic nationalist politicians.
That appeal has tapped into a new nationalism in Spain.
" Perspectives and Analyses Niall Stanage: Trump sparks debate over "nationalism.
The end of nationalism and populism may be upon us.
King has denied that he supports white nationalism or supremacy.
The recent clashes are about Ethiopian nationalism, Mr. Melkamu said.
Or if nationalism is more important, they can choose Republicans.
Steve King's recent comment about white supremacy and white nationalism.
He also said nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise.
Lokteff is a promoter of Holocaust denial and white nationalism.
The SPLC report comes amid renewed scrutiny over white nationalism.
Even academic experts on nationalism were struck by Trump's phrasing.
He passes off his now familiar white nationalism as comedy,
It has since banned an account associated with white nationalism.
The first major issue is the rampant nationalism in Veneto.
Bannon's economic nationalism was often at odds with big business.
Trump helped us understand the difference between patriotism and nationalism.
Like Trump, she ran on a platform of economic nationalism.
But once unleashed, Chinese nationalism could be hard to contain.
The party's nationalist tendencies are increasingly synonymous with white nationalism.
Economics wouldn't be what defines the coalition — white nationalism would.
So an inquiry into nationalism seems both necessary and urgent.
But what about Trump's more or less naked white nationalism?
Here's the latest: • A rebuke of nationalism on Armistice Day.
But nationalism has spiked now that Iran seems under threat.
In this way, nationalism has taken on an international solidarity.
They have failed to offer a response to Trumpian nationalism.
Internationalism is possible only when nationalism becomes a fact, i.e.
White nationalism lost in France yesterday, and it lost big.
On Friday, Trump offered a version of unabashed populist nationalism.
White nationalism evolved rapidly with the advent of the internet.
In India it was the Hindu nationalism of Narendra Modi.
"Nationalism is war," François Mitterrand, the former French president, observed.
Protectionism, nationalism and populism are sadly on the rise worldwide.
That is hurting us … this phony population, this fake nationalism.
Further, there are no significant risks to encouraging Catalan nationalism.
If you thought nationalism was a spent force, think again.
In Britain, English nationalism is the main force behind Brexit.
Would you admit that Trump's nationalism is basically an ethnonationalism?
I am not saying that students shouldn't protest white nationalism.
Yes, parts of Mr. Schulz's tune might sound like nationalism.
"White nationalism could mean one of two things," he said.
And that's why you're seeing this spike in white nationalism.
It's the global ideology of white nationalism and white supremacy.
He went on to describe nationalism as a dead end.
ANT attacks do follow a specific form of Turkish nationalism.
Trump, Brooks writes, has allowed Democrats to seize traditionally Republican political territories: family values, middle-class morality, popular self-rule, and nationalism: For decades the Republican Party has embraced America's open, future-oriented nationalism.
It is the A.K.P.'s way of saying Muslim nationalism is different from republican nationalism: the state, in its new embrace of Islam, has the confidence to allow citizens to discover their ethnic roots.
A lot of it, though, is I feel like my country is slipping away and just because I talk about nationalism, not white nationalism, doesn't mean I'm talking in code, that I'm a racist.
I wanted to defend nationalism, but I also wanted to make the case that nationalism is a very old phenomenon, a natural phenomenon, something empires and totalitarian regimes have tried and failed to eliminate.
JIM MOOREManaging directorHead of Investment Solutions Group STEVE SAPRA Executive vice-president Client Analytics GroupPIMCONewport Beach, California The distinction you made between civic and ethnic nationalism was a bit simplistic ("The new nationalism", November 19th).
Proactive civic nationalism unfortunately shares some of the iniquitous elements traditionally associated with ethnic nationalism, namely the framing of something within society as malign and foreign, and then rallying patriots against that presence or influence.
Here's 20013 Pages of Facebook Trying to Figure Out What to Do About White Nationalism Speaking of white nationalism, here's a good look at some of the practical challenges of moderating nationalist speech on Facebook.
"The elite, after the Second World War, felt that the people is a monster, capable of the worst things; that the sickness is nationalism and that we should break nationalism and nation states," Mihaely said.
Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower saw nationalism as a positive ordering principle in world affairs, and Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were welcomed by conservatives for infusing political life with a new spirit of nationalism.
Most notably, Christian nationalism is getting stronger — even as that nationalism has both caused divisions within the evangelical community and led to wider politico-religious divisions in America, cleaving white evangelicals, from, well, everybody else.
Germany made the island a "monument" to nationalism, writes Mr Ruger.
The most powerful of these global forces is, somewhat paradoxically, nationalism.
"You are verging on white nationalism, my friend," Kirk said angrily.
But the idea of nationalism is always debatable, is it not?
A wash of populist nationalism has dampened prospects of steady cooperation.
But make no mistake, he argued, white nationalism is a euphemism.
Plus, in the case of Apollo, nationalism didn't have staying power.
Often, they will tack toward white nationalism for votes and clickbait.
The brand of Hindu nationalism that Modi promotes frequently resembles vigilantism.
Donate to groups that fight anti-semitism, racism, and white nationalism.
Lastly, communication tools have accelerated the spread of the new nationalism.
Ideologies like religion and nationalism are nothing more than self-deception.
It is not just Mr. Trump's "America First" nationalism, he said.
As democracies drift towards xenophobic nationalism, universal values are in retreat.
This is one area where his conservatism and black nationalism converge.
Donald Trump preaches muscular American nationalism and threatens China with tariffs.
The government's mix of nationalism and free money is wildly popular.
A noisy nationalism and anti-immigrant stance now define its brand.
Civic nationalism appeals to universal values, such as freedom and equality.
Mr Trump's populism is a blow to civic nationalism (see article).
"It's actually more about ethnic nationalism, rather than religion," Nagle said.
Italy, like many other European nations, is riven by rising nationalism.
Still, they are a propaganda gift to the opponents of nationalism.
But it seems that modern German nationalism has deep historic roots.
This is no accident: pan-Arab nationalism helped push Egyptian dialect.
Nationalism, not economic liberalism, now seems the driver of policy decisions.
I didn't go off on a monologue about race or nationalism.
Protesters hold a march against white nationalism outside Trump Tower Sunday.
It's only thinkable in an era of intense nationalism, like ours.
Xenophobic nationalism has already set parts of eastern Europe against Germany.
He said his book featured themes of nationalism, unity, and truth.
But nationalism ... But I'm saying, how do you reclaim that word?
A tide of nationalism swept them up, then spat them out.
It was he who first unleashed the cruel torments of nationalism.
What would this new economic nationalism mean for the political parties?
It's about women having the same opportunities under nationalism and capitalism.
But history also suggests nationalism can turn unhealthy in unexpected ways.
"Nationalism is war," he warned Le Pen in an early debate.
"Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism," Macron said on Sunday.
" Secondly, he said, "Christian nationalism has always been connected with whiteness.
Nationalism is on the rise and you are largely to blame.
Too many friends of globalisation are retreating, mumbling about "responsible nationalism".
Still, the right appeals to nationalism and the left does not.
They support globalisation and multilateral institutions and disdain parochialism and nationalism.
Did the nationalism make it easier to ditch the economic populism?
Giving them one can enable them to propagandise for white nationalism.
Mr Fukuyama reckoned without nationalism, which he expected to fade away.
For many of the most famous scholars of nationalism, from Elie
A democratic pursuit of nationalism is also taking shape in Corsica.
"Beyond Charlottesville: Taking a Stand Against White Nationalism" by Terry McAuliffe
Politicians are serving up nationalism for voters but pragmatism for businesses.
In this case, nationalism and globalism are not so far removed.
" That's what nationalism is: "Take back control, control of our borders.
But Pakistan's control was slipping: Bengali nationalism was surging through Dhaka.
S., Korean War-focused events designed to strengthen nationalism and unity.
There are moments, of course, that transcend narrow computations and nationalism.
Bosnia re-sounded the sirens of the evils of European nationalism.
White nationalists think white nationalism is great, but others are repelled.
Those include the rise of economic nationalism and protectionist trade policies.
Parties once known for their tolerance became identified with ethnic nationalism.
Blaming World War I on nationalism alone is far-fetched too.
There is a strong undercurrent of cultural fascism in Hindu nationalism.
The result was a policy debate that clearly reflected Trump's nationalism.
But Jared Kushner has no ideological attachment to nationalism or Bannonism.
Her installation also reflects the ascendant nationalism within Trump's inner circle.
That idea runs against the current of nationalism sweeping the globe.
Fascism, racism, eugenics and nationalism are ideas with alarming recent popularity.
Today, surging nationalism and xenophobia promise to create even more prejudice.
Bottom of the list: gun control, nationalism, marijuana legalization and abortion.
All I see is regression, wealth worship, nationalism and white supremacy.
It's a kind of conservative nationalism rooted in shared tribal identities.
Hazony came to his ideas about nationalism through an international route.
But I started to hear [the word] nationalism more and more.
Together, those events contributed to a wave of nationalism across Europe.
S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism.
And we are seeing this turn toward nationalism around the world.
I think we should divide the issues between traditionalism and nationalism.
Theodore Roosevelt transcended the fight by inventing a new American nationalism.
Democracy, many say, should be guided by religious strictures and nationalism.
With nationalism and xenophobia resurgent, examples of humanity's basest instincts abound.
But recognizing subtle expressions of white nationalism isn't the only challenge.
All of this made ethnic nationalism a sound strategy for Fidesz.
Ducklo noted Biden's recent speech about the threat of white nationalism.
The end point of nationalism, as François Mitterrand observed, is war.
Monks like Ashin Wirathu inhabit the extremist fringe of Buddhist nationalism.
We had nationalism, we had populism, we had a resurgence authoritarianism.
But what is white nationalism, and where did it come from?
Nationalism is much more than the ideology of the far right.
A backlash against globalization created their brand of nationalism, he said.
His virulent Malay nationalism alienated Malaysia's sizable Chinese and Indian minorities.
Op-Ed Contributor COPENHAGEN — Anti-Muslim nationalism is blazing in Denmark.
Trumpian nationalism, on the other hand, is dangerous to world peace.
But English nationalism is hardly inclined to heed the Irish experience.
"Every nationalism presents for humanity only the greatest unhappiness," he wrote.
Petty nationalism of this sort will fan the flames of populism.
His indecision, romantic as it might be, was not about nationalism.
It starts with gridlock at home and nationalism around the world.
"If we don't call for elections, nationalism will rise," he said.
There are, broadly speaking, two schools of thought: localism and nationalism.
"We do not endorse the idea of white nationalism," they wrote.
"There's a tension here between nationalism and free markets," Lester says.
As nationalism equals war, so contempt for the law brings savagery.
How damaging has that been to efforts to combat white nationalism?
"White nationalism and its proliferation online have real consequences," Nadler said.
What he witnessed instead was more fragmentation, more nationalism, more tribalism.
He went on to draw parallels between Trump's use of immigration in the context of nationalism today and the use of anti-socialism in the context of nationalism by Republicans like Ronald Reagan in the past.
Yet the displays of Spanish nationalism should not necessarily be taken as increased support for the far right, said Sebastian Balfour, a specialist in Spanish nationalism and an emeritus professor at the London School of Economics.
What the Islamic State is for disenchanted young Westerners of an Islamist bent, Right Sector has become for young Europeans and American right-wingers with an antique passion for nationalism—any nationalism except for Russia's, that is.
"  His answer expands on Yang's proposal to fight the rise of white nationalism and extremism, in which he says he would instruct the Department of Justice to treat white nationalism and domestic terrorism as a "central focus.
I don't think nationalism is truly tribal unless you have the perspective of a so-called citizen of the world, because nationalism, as I said earlier, it's an affiliation or a loyalty that's above tribe and sect.
But the makeover risks treading on a key symbol of Vietnamese nationalism.
Yet Mr Modi's strutting, sneering nationalism remains only part of the story.
But nationalism has been consistent in his speeches since the late 1980s.
He has also come under fire for his ties to white nationalism.
In a world filled with hatred and nationalism, what is your advice?
Third, that 4chan itself, as a website, radicalized users towards white nationalism.
The very term "alt-right" represented this effort to rebrand white nationalism.
This election, if you vote for the BJP, nationalism wins, Hindus win.
In India ethnic nationalism, never far beneath the surface, is worryingly resurgent.
A better question is: what turns civic nationalism into the exclusive sort?
In Catalonia the ruling was seen as a victory for Spanish nationalism.
I disavow white nationalism and I disavow racism and I always have.
As globalisation has become a slur, nationalism, and even authoritarianism, have flourished.
We are worried about today's mix of nationalism, corporatism and popular discontent.
Who We Are: A History of Popular Nationalism (2002) by Robert Wiebe.
The latter requires he curb the forces of economic nationalism at home.
In fact, liberalism and nationalism were originally closely aligned with one another.
Last week, Facebook banned white nationalism and white separatism from its platform.
With Nationalism, it's really on a band-to-band point of view.
Reverse Podsnappery is defined by double-think when it comes to nationalism.
They're emerging on the right and they're using the story of nationalism.
Analysts say the ruling has sparked an outburst of nationalism among Chinese.
Those in Algeria and Sudan pride themselves on their independence and nationalism.
A complicating factor in China's handling of the trade dispute is nationalism.
When nationalism is a rising threat, shared sadness makes borders suddenly irrelevant.
To judge by EKRE, though, that nationalism may not be entirely benign.
Bush's brand of populist nationalism was extremely politically potent in its heyday.
Bannon's news website has peddled conspiracy theories, white nationalism and anti-Semitism.
Most important of all, he was unencumbered by ideology or nostalgic nationalism.
They appeal to racial nationalism that's barely veiled, if veiled at all.
In France the forces of globalism and nationalism are locked in combat.
Bannon provided the connective tissue for Trump's bare-boned "America First" nationalism.
King's constituents know his views support white nationalism — many just don't care.
Nationalism, trade protectionism, and even white supremacy are back in the headlines.
It's a matter of nationalism, it's a matter of getting greater control.
Detractors say alt-right ideology glorifies white nationalism, anti-Semitism and misogyny.
And of course, "white nationalism" brings with it Nazi-style anti-semitism.
I feel physically vulnerable to a political movement powered by white nationalism.
We have seen the results, throughout history, of unfettered nationalism and "patriotism".
The city has not been known as a hotspot for white nationalism.
A small group of contributors came to be known for their nationalism.
Krzysztof Czyzewski, the institute's director, explains that nationalism here has separated families.
They have mostly concluded that sexism, racism and nationalism motivated Trump voters.
Xenophobic nationalism can be found on both the left and the right.
Bannon defended economic nationalism, and said that many people don't understand it.
"White nationalism is not a terrorist organization," an anonymous Navy commander responded.
The MHP espouses a mix of nationalism and scepticism towards the West.
"Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism," he said through a translator.
As president, he's kept up the nationalism and ditched the economic populism.
Bigger still is what Mr Trump's nationalism means for the United States.
BY THE end of the 20th century nationalism seemed like an anachronism.
Cherishing the national culture and values, nationalism need not hold them superior.
King joined his colleagues in voting for a resolution condemning white nationalism.
But his brick and mortar nationalism also reveals a lack of imagination.
By 1850, though, anti-Semitism and nationalism had infected Wagner's world view.
And those trends, in turn, will most likely reinforce Russian ethnic nationalism.
The alternative is appealing to voters' bigotry, populist nationalism, and irrational fear.
The Christchurch Call compels us to understand white nationalism as violent extremism.
For decades the Republican Party has embraced America's open, future-oriented nationalism.
Critics say the president has consistently downplayed the threat of white nationalism.
Global Times (Chinese state news): "White nationalism feeds off failed globalization adaptation"
Ralph Northam (D) has been suspended for alleged ties to white nationalism.
Separately, he warned against a "spurious nationalism" like the one Trump pushes.
In his universe, globalism is out, and nationalism -- America First -- rules supreme.
Pundits may warn that the "doctrine of nationalism" is on the rise.
His insult struck right at the soft target of Korean ethno-nationalism.
English nationalism is growing, and it is being encouraged by the referendum.
Outside assessments have cited nationalism, protectionism and a need for more funding.
This was largely in response to rising nationalism and populism across Europe.
They think that's not what the image of white nationalism should be.
It's possible that white nationalism is an ineradicable element of American life.
My belief is that the religious right, their religion is white nationalism.
The primary aim of these groups is an aggressive form of nationalism.
Is white nationalism really increasing its reach, and if so, with whom?
Survivalism has always followed a trajectory parallel to that of virulent nationalism.
The world could use a less moralistic, more nuanced defense of nationalism.
White nationalism is in many ways a mirror image of radical Islamism.
This progressive nationalism would promote itself as the antidote to these threats.
Catalan independence is not a threat to democracy; rabid Spanish nationalism is.
"This kind of politics can easily be combined with nationalism," he said.
From Poland to Venezuela, authoritarian populists have exploited nationalism to disable democracy.
Those fighters disavow nationalism and envision a stateless society without gender distinctions.
But now grand ideologies clash by night: white nationalism, populism, oppression studies.
In reality, the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism.
He grasped that nationalism, nativism and xenophobia were ripe for a rerun.
" According to Merriam-Webster, "justice" beat out words like "nationalism" and "pansexual.
"Our nationalism is a positive energy," said Mr. Wang, the Hanfu researcher.
Frowning on the use of "diversity" is a nod to white nationalism.
He also likes Mr. Modi's open embrace of Hindutva, or Hindu nationalism.
Russian nationalism represents a departure from Western political, economic and diplomatic norms.
Democracy is running headlong into the ideologies of nationalism, authoritarianism and corruption.
Trump has a credibility chasm when it comes to combating white nationalism.
It's called 'mental nationalism,' and it's an idea whose time has come.
As nationalism, Islamism and authoritarianism have increased in Turkey, so has sexism.
Trump is a rich white man defending white supremacy and white nationalism.
And under Mr. Xi, nationalism has taken on a particularly virulent form.
And with this mindless authoritarianism, it consolidated its worst fear: Kurdish nationalism.
They were creatures of a polyglot empire, and nationalism wasn't their style.
Abe's nationalism is further complicated by its ambivalence toward the United States.
Their brand of nationalism has moved from the fringe to the mainstream.
Rather, it is nationalism, which demands engagement but on ruthlessly competitive terms.
Subsequent themes will be nationalism, climate change, foreign policy, and the media.
And after 1945, it was clear where the greatest danger lay: nationalism.
Not in the age of populist nationalism gaslit by misleading immigration claims.
Nationalism that opposes what is unique in the nation is not conservative.
Then along came Brexit, an upheaval powered above all by English nationalism.
Many were also perfectly happy to embrace nationalism, as they are today.
In the face of this ethnic nationalism, citizens often face difficult choices.
Steve King, R-Iowa, in January that were sympathetic to white nationalism.
Mr. Trump ran on a trade policy of economic nationalism and won.
Is nationalism necessarily reactionary and tribal, or can it be more inclusive?
True, some of this backlash is a reaction to President Trump's nationalism.
We saw four speakers debate different models of realistic nationalism without racism.
"[T]here are two ideals of American nationalism," he wrote in 1916.
Yet Trump may not have exhausted his longstanding impulse for truculent nationalism.
Far-right nationalism is on the rise, publicly and around the world.
Thus Mr. Trump's revolution provides space for a European Union-friendly nationalism.
In an age of populist nationalism, it risks being a fool's errand.
Anyone expressing ideas unacceptable to India's new militant nationalism faces an inquisition.
"The Trump candidacy has truly been a referendum on nationalism," he said.
Shunned in America, he decamped to Europe, the birthplace of white nationalism.
MORE (R-Ariz.) have condemned a rise in nationalism during Trump's administration.
Six months into his presidency, America First nationalism has not gone away.
It's become a symphonic symbol of nationalism and globalism, colonialism and freedom.
Looking brings risks, particularly through the warped lenses of racism and nationalism.
Lies, corruption, white nationalism and disdain for workers: Meet the commerce secretary.
The earlier American nationalism was about frontier; this is about the fortress.
"Worryingly large numbers of people are drawn to nativist nationalism," Beddoes wrote.
This isn't economic nationalism, which might pose a genuine threat to Democrats.
The problem, though, is that Trumpian nationalism has none of these virtues.
They were introducing their offspring to the rituals of violent white nationalism.
Are we going to see an uptick in nationalism, or white supremacy?
The idea of blackness becomes like a counter narrative of American nationalism.
"White nationalism and racism are pure evil and cannot be tolerated in any form," the memo states, citing resolutions the House has passed this year to condemn white nationalism — coming in the aftermath of controversial comments from Rep.
The report also contains a number of recommendations, including going beyond Facebook's current ban of explicit white nationalism, to also include content that supports the ideology even if the terms "white nationalism" or "white separatism" are not used.
White power activists have long embraced a form of violent nationalism (or violent racism cloaked in nationalism), that is always on the lookout for enemies, from Vietnamese immigrants to black churchgoers to, at times, the federal government itself.
"Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism: nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism," Macron said in a 20-minute address delivered from under the Arc de Triomphe to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One.
Letter To the Editor: I applaud David Leonhardt's argument in "The Urgency of Ethnic Nationalism" (column, April 25) that left and right alike need to oppose the racism, anti-Semitism and ugly nationalism that are surging in global politics.
The threats of nationalism and authoritarianism, though grave and pressing, seem less acute.
Can Mr Macri's promise of technocratic reform still beat Ms Fernández's populist nationalism?
Nationalism encouraged by the military has accompanied the build-up to the election.
At home, surging populism, protectionism, and nationalism are reducing the appetite for compromise.
The combination of sports fans, nationalism, and booze is rarely a harmonious one.
It's a clarion call to forces of white nationalism, anti-semitism, and fascism.
Just as many citizens have mobilized behind the political agenda of white nationalism.
To be sure, populism, nationalism, and information warfare existed long before the internet.
Broad-brush nationalism is better than the narrow tribalism Mr Trump often peddles.
Omar also weighed in, accusing Trump of "stoking white nationalism" with his language.
Meanwhile, far-right extremism and white nationalism have thrived on social media platforms.
The turn towards nationalism is especially pronounced in France, the cradle of liberty.
His trajectory reflects just how much nationalism has transformed Poland in recent years.
A more likely explanation is that white nationalism valorises a distinctly macho culture.
Perhaps that is thanks to Trumpian enthuiasm for doing deals, and for nationalism.
The rise of nationalism also hinders Europe from solving the euro's structural problems.
To them, Mr Trump's economic nationalism and hatred of free trade is anathema.
These duplicitous appeals to the basest forms of nationalism have a long tradition.
Much is inspired by collaboration and communities, refugees and fears about rising nationalism.
Some interpreted their gestures as a display of nationalism aimed at the Serbians.
Cory Booker speaks to a crowd about gun violence and white nationalism Aug.
Thus liberal Vienna had produced its exact opposite: militant nationalism and anti-Semitism.
These divisions and differences led to a rise of nationalism and political extremism.
We need a plan to solve institutionalized hatred, collectivized hatred, and white nationalism.
During the campaign, Mr Modi had stressed Hindu nationalism more than economic development.
It is a form of soft diplomacy and a safe outlet for nationalism.
The message is clear: Violence in the name of ultra-nationalism is acceptable.
Yet it is this rhetoric that attracts people to Trump's brand of nationalism.
Trump and Breitbart stand for a civic nationalism and believe in secure borders.
Nationalism need not prove an impossible barrier to creating such a global identity.
In a world that depends on co-operation, there is too much nationalism.
But insofar as the games make for some fun, harmless nationalism, we'll indulge.
We need a global response to the global threat of violent white nationalism.
JASON CUTLERWilton, Connecticut Americans need to rediscover the inclusive heart of American nationalism.
Americans must not let fashionable bigotries corrupt the liberal gift of American nationalism.
Our experiment must be shared; American nationalism and liberal internationalism can co-exist.
Nationalism is the great tradition of humankind; unfortunately it's always present in history.
Mr Trump seems sufficiently wedded to Mr Bannon's brand of grievance-driven nationalism.
Jokowi has also cosied up to the army to counter Mr Prabowo's nationalism.
As such, Orbán is both a cause and effect of rising Hungarian nationalism.
" Lapan called the link to white nationalism "a ridiculous claim absolutely without merit.
Any attack that's not based on Trump's nationalism and nativism misses the point.
In Trump's rhetoric, Christianity is like nationalism, a matter of us-versus-them.
"Alt-right" is an offshoot of conservatism mixing racism, white nationalism and populism.
"Trump's an important phenomenon because he expressed a kind of nationalism," he said.
This divergence has little to do with nativism or nationalism or even class.
John McCain ("half-baked, spurious nationalism") and George W. Bush ("Bigotry seems emboldened").
Critics argue the alt-right movement embraces white nationalism, anti-Semitism and misogyny.
Iowa Republicans did not flock to nationalism in anything near the predicted numbers.
Indelibly drawn to the our-people-first populist nationalism of the Alt-Right?
It shows that where expectations are matched to opportunity, nationalism can be inclusive.
BQ: How would Mr. Trump's "America first" nationalism affect world trade and economy?
The most likely reason seems to be libertarianism with a hint of nationalism.
But unvarnished white nationalism of the Spencer variety is still beyond the pale.
Philosophically, the divisions between Bloom and Jaffa hinged on the question of nationalism.
The unseemliness of partying in D.C. under a cloud of authoritarian ethno-nationalism?
The pink gang's attitude is different from the broader nationalism in Chinese society.
It became a story of rising nationalism and the cumulative effects of trauma.
He was fluent in the language of white nationalism, attuned to its ideas.
Comments like Bush's recent barb about "nationalism distorted into nativism" also made sense.
White supremacy, evangelical identity, and a distinctively Christian form of nationalism have combined.
One is that stubborn nationalism is a strong feature of China's foreign policy.
Facebook will now ban content that praises or supports white nationalism and separatism.
Haspel was a prominent example of how Bush's nationalism curdled into something uglier.
With Stephen Bannon, white nationalism won prime real estate in the West Wing.
And they appeal to racial nationalism that's barely veiled, if veiled at all.
Sadly, the new nationalism plays to the paranoid, intolerant side of this legacy.
The most ambitious attempt to lay nationalism to rest is the European Union.
Nationalism is determined not by patriotic ardour, he argues, but by self-esteem.
Canada hints at a resolution of these conflicts between civic and ethnic nationalism.
Brutal neoliberalism and xenophobic nationalism are an expression of valuable ideas gone astray.
In the past two months, Catalan nationalism has awakened its dormant Spanish counterpart.
What do you think of the nationalism embraced by some younger Chinese today?
"  "The Betsy Ross flag is now a symbol of White Nationalism and slavery?
"So much of my family suffered from the stupidity of nationalism," he said.
It is true that France, like all countries, has its share of nationalism.
This divide is itself rooted in centuries old battles over nationalism and religion.
The Republican has repeatedly made incendiary comments about race, immigration and white nationalism.
Nationalism was the first thing that caused the breakup of the Soviet Union.
The other reverts back to nationalism and puts country before pan-European interests.
Or that American troops believe white nationalism is a growing national security threat?
Turkish nationalism is ethnically based – hence the ongoing conflict with its Kurdish population.
"He is a megaphone for white nationalism in the United States," Williamson said.
They also have millions of migrants, rising nationalism, recurrent recessions and plummeting birthrates.
Woefully, most Americans remain oblivious to the politics of pan-Korean ethnic nationalism.
" Jeet Heer contends that Trump's rhetoric "is meant to conjure blood-soil-nationalism.
Their nationalism is proving to be a key part of the exit debate.
In a global era of rising nationalism, two sides waving flags looks dangerous.
They say Breitbart is a platform for the "alt-right" and white nationalism.
So, we are reverting to protectionist nationalism to insulate ourselves from the deficit.
That it's all about America First and economic nationalism and this and that.
"White nationalism isn't a crime its [sic] a human right," one user declared.
And I still don't get what in actual fuck is wrong about nationalism?
Sitting out the anthem takes place in the context of looming post-nationalism.
Nationalism, on the other hand, is what Trump preaches in his MAGA creed.
Mr. Bannon has denounced and rejected white nationalism publicly, as has Mr. Trump.
For the foreseeable future, nationalism is likely to remain a defining political force.
But he was equally contemptuous of nationalism, which he considered petty and provincial.
Wales dabbles in nationalism, and it could follow the Scottish push for separatism.
It makes me very nervous about the ability of nationalism to really work.
Op-Ed Contributor In his campaign, Donald Trump stressed "America First" economic nationalism.
Hemon probes the way nationalism can structure ways of thinking and even lives.
The case has intensified concerns among international miners about resource nationalism in Africa.
Economic nationalism, Bannon-style, might actually deliver something tangible to Mr. Trump's base.
The EU's growing socio-economic problems, in turn, are leading to increased nationalism.
Nationalism is a vindictive, zero-sum view of the world as a jungle.
In many countries I've been to, there's a conversation surrounding nationalism and traditionalism.
So there are important similarities between European ethno-nationalism and the American version.
Viktor Orban, the prime minister, promotes an illiberal model based on xenophobic nationalism.
But after his death, nationalism mushroomed in the republics, and Yugoslavia fell apart.
The party understands that its fortunes depend on an increasingly threatened British nationalism.
The Republicans have flocked to Trump's cramped nationalism and abandoned their creedal story.
There could be a shift in geopolitics and a possible rise in nationalism.
President Donald Trump has publicly pledged to fight domestic terrorism and white nationalism.
He raged against democracy and egalitarianism, but also against nationalism and anti-Semitism.
First, ask students to define four key terms: fascism, authoritarianism, populism and nationalism.
As for Catalan nationalism, it is divided and losing steam, albeit very slowly.
This was partly because Mr. Modi packaged it in the rhetoric of nationalism.
In the Anglosphere it was white ethnic nationalism of Donald Trump and Brexit.
High-profile cases of white nationalism continued to emerge in the US military.
In the United States, President Trump has displayed a deep streak of nationalism.
They are driven, mostly for domestic reasons, by their own forms of nationalism.
"It's undermining the social fabric of the nation, this phony nationalism," Biden added.
The core political vision of Christian nationalism is decided in the inside game.
He still won, "on a straightforward platform of economic nationalism," as Bannon noted.
Concerns about white nationalism inside the U.S. military have grown in recent years.
White nationalism in all forms has been on the rise for some years.
Mr. Cernekee, who has denied that he supports white nationalism, declined to comment.
That's her economic patriotism — a smart way to fight Donald Trump's economic nationalism.
The battle between business and nationalism is at its most intense with Brexit.
"It provides a fantastic outlet for this kind of performative nationalism," he said.
Both men embody the politics of nationalism, chauvinism and the resentment of elites.
The early nineteenth century saw the rise of nationalism in German-speaking countries.
So how does that square with the desire for a truly inclusive nationalism?
"Populist nationalism is the winner of what we're doing now," Bannon told me.
Here's how Trump's nationalism has already remade the world since he became President.
But what of the white nationalism that his campaign seems to have unleashed?
The country is witnessing a rapidly rising virulent strand of right-wing nationalism.
Thus, it's no surprise that nationalism and genocide often go hand in hand.
This speaks to forces much larger than America or nationalism of any kind.
In 2019 the most striking political trend was a negative one: belligerent nationalism.
But she warned against nationalism, without specifically naming Mr. Trump's "America First" philosophy.
Previously, the company had banned white supremacy, but had viewed white nationalism differently.
When patriotic sentiments become allergic to criticism, nationalism poses a danger to democracy.
Gerard & Kelly's performance State of unpacks enduring symbols of nationalism, patriotism, and masculinity.
White nationalism in all forms has been on the rise for some years.
In 1990 and '91, Yugoslavia collapsed and Communism was replaced by ethno-nationalism.
It was good at freeing people from bigotry, sexism, racism, nationalism and prejudice.
So you're saying you think white nationalism and Nazis are two different things?
That had a lot of appeal in an age of nascent German nationalism.
The first is that it would have to include some formulation of nationalism.
This is not the only historical strand of Trump's religious nationalism, of course.
But again, to the extent that nationalism undermines support for redistribution by putting national identity before class identity, Republicans have a strong incentive to make politics all about nationalism — at least to the extent they want to undermine support for redistribution.
They serve as counterpoints to the traditionalism of official propaganda art, as well as the nationalism  and, often, xenophobia found in posters and periodicals — many of which reveal the extent to which nationalism bolstered the war effort on both sides.
Where England has veered right and English nationalism tends to be of the nostalgic kind, laced with anti-immigrant rhetoric, Scotland has veered left and embraced a civic-style nationalism, welcoming anyone who wants to live and work in the country.
There is patriotism; there is right-wing conservatism; but then there is extremist nationalism.
Modern white nationalism has a common history and a common language that transcends borders.
While it has its own American history, white nationalism is an inherently global movement.
The nativism, the nationalism, the isolationism — this plays perfectly to the anxieties you're describing.
The EU was meant to get around and away from that toxic nationalism, right.
Bannon's website has been accused of promoting white nationalism, racism, misogyny and anti-Semitism.
He has all the elements of a strongman: strident nationalism, personality cult, enfeebled opposition.
Before the arrival of the alt-right, white nationalism was on its elderly deathbed.
At MoMA PS30, Tomáš Rafa examines the rising tide of xenophobic nationalism in Europe.
Modi's political party, called the Bharatiya Janata Party, has its roots in Hindu nationalism.
It's no secret that nationalism got us to the moon in the first place.
There seems to be a surge of nationalism worldwide as nationals reclaim their borders.
What Twitter should not do, though, is treat white nationalism the same as terrorism.
Brexit is actually all about sovereignty, nationalism, borders, and throwing off the status quo.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has always adopted a robust attitude against Kurdish nationalism.
The Daily Stormer is not The New York Times of the new white nationalism.
Critics say the program instills a dangerous brand of nationalism in the country's youth.
Far from it: outside the big cities, PiS's nationalism and anti-elitism are popular.
The EPP itself is a fragile alliance, stretching from internationalist liberalism to illiberal nationalism.
I was born in this country but I was also born into Iranian nationalism.
Some years ago Mr Erdogan began to reject all that for nationalism and autocracy.
This raises an obvious question: Can Trumpism, this new nationalism, survive a Trump defeat?
The political challenge in many countries going forward is to develop a "responsible nationalism".
ZB: It's this form of nationalism that we thought had been pretty well contained.
Mr Trump's rhetoric is steeped in nationalism and nativism, but it is not populism.
Mr Trump threatens to weaken that commitment even as ethnic nationalism is strengthening elsewhere.
In the case of Scottish nationalism, Tories and Westminster serve as the existential threat.
Ottoman toleration was finished off in the 19th century by nationalism and centralising reform.
Today's liberal intellectuals instinctively associate nationalism with barbarism—with bloody wars and broken psyches.
This is at the root of Pakistan's addiction to aid, despite its prickly nationalism.
More recently, George W. Bush revived space nationalism in his 2006 national space policy.
"We are seeing appeals to populism, nationalism and xenophobia," Biden says in the clip.
President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you fully denounce white nationalism.
Moreover, the apparent nationalism of Chinese students may be less strong than many suppose.
Trump has no answers to this problem, which is why he stirred ethno-nationalism.
Again, Mr Trump's economic nationalism and his promises of redoubled growth are at odds.
In fact America helped create the world body to curb the horrors of nationalism.
Should white nationalism be treated more harshly than anti-LGBT hate or separatist groups?
Background: Even before December's election, concerns over resource nationalism in the DRC were growing.
Q: We've seen a lot of films recently with themes of nationalism and patriotism.
And they saw tolerance for certain kind of nativism and nationalism that is worrisome.
From one angle, California nationalism, and this particular expression of it, makes perfect sense.
Nationalism has a long history, but it really ramped up in the 19th century.
Today the violent manifestations of white nationalism loom over our country even more ominously.
Of note: With Russia's recent rise in nationalism, so has public opinion of Stalin.
Conversations around white nationalism and its impact on the country have emerged once again.
His ardent, unapologetic nationalism runs directly counter to the programming world's broadly cosmopolitan zeitgeist.
But to Bannon, the allegations of racism and white nationalism are all media bluster.
Put together, Putin's speech was full of bravado, new weapons, and typical Russian nationalism.
Again Trump was pressed to address whether he saw a rise in white nationalism.
Anti-Americanism is a form of Middle Eastern nationalism that transcends borders, even religion.
The group's co-founder, Matthew Heimbach, calls Trump a "gateway drug" for white nationalism.
The myth has sometimes been misused, leading to "chauvinism and extreme nationalism," Lee said.
A healthy nationalism based on self-interested dealing need not lead to adverse outcomes.
Later, Elkin touches on the refugee crisis, and the hard nationalism now cursing Europe.
Poland's brand of populist nationalism is well-known now, but its roots are not.
To compensate, Trump is even more firmly embracing the white nationalism he ran on.
It represents foreign goods which bring no prized technology, obvious targets for renewed nationalism.
Formerly imperialist powers have withered into nationalism (as in Brexit) and separatism (Scotland, Catalonia).
One complicating factor here is the extent to which nationalism and ethnocentrism are connected.
Although cocoa powder and hazelnuts make an excellent blend, commerce and nationalism do not.
Populism, authoritarianism and nationalism are on the rise, and American hegemony is in decline.
Myanmar has seen an upsurge in Buddhist nationalism since the end of military rule.
The book moves from debates about nationalism to lively episodes in nineteenth-century science.
It's her brand of nationalism that now frames public debates on issues of identity.
If French nationalism ever needed a focus for its inspiration, Mbappé would be it.
She said that she was explaining that nationalism was different than what Hitler supported.
And some experts say this wave of nationalism will stretch beyond the trade war.
And you have Russian hyper-nationalism and they are proud of being Russians today.
And that often takes the form of a rather aggressive form of English nationalism.
Daum said he nevertheless was deeply unsettled by increasing nationalism that was restricting trade.
The focus of that nationalism is on US-made goods and companies, they say.
The escalating tussle between globalization and nationalism could have significant implications for global markets.
Mr. Erdogan's solution has been to fan the flames of grievance, nationalism and fear.
In India, religiously based nationalism has maintained the power of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The godfather of this global brand of extreme nationalism is Russian President Vladimir Putin.
But few thought of Scotland's vote as a vote for blood-and-soil nationalism.
Instead, they understood that there is a very fine line between patriotism and nationalism.
The puzzling show of pro-Russia nationalism made sense only after Cheadle turned around.
Few ideas are more maligned today than nationalism, but it wasn't always this way.
Which just happened to make the president come right out and embrace nationalism. Openly.
In its first day online, Christians Against Christian Nationalism has already received affirming support.
In them, stripes often allude to torn flags and the artist's loathing of nationalism.
I think we're seeing how nationalism and race overlap and coincide in certain movements.
By contrast, the Trump administration has failed to make countering white nationalism a priority.
Since becoming U.S. president, Trump has touted an "America first " message of economic nationalism.
But that wasn't the end of the story because English nationalism had been aroused.
This fascinating piece looks at the dual visions of nationalism in Ireland and England.
"Berlin Station" explores nationalism in Germany; Michelle Dockery returns as a destructive con artist.
The North remembers, and the North bands together for its survival, not for nationalism.
The bottom line is that nationalism is not just a factor in Trump's America.
But it seems that wasn't enough to overcome the seductive power of Modi's nationalism.
THE DAILY NEWSLETTER A five-part series on the rise of nationalism in Europe.
He'd overheard us talking, and was interested in our series on nationalism and populism.
The surge of nationalism after Mr. Modi ordered airstrikes inside Pakistan following a Feb.
A strident nationalism has displaced the old talk of "brotherly" ties between the countries.
Those positions stood in marked contrast to Mr. Trump's inward-looking, anti-immigration nationalism.
Before she was elected, she fought for women's and labor rights, and Irish nationalism.
The spring and summer of 19473 turned into a long season of furious nationalism.
Anti-fascist furries work to keep their communities free of violence and white nationalism.
It takes this stinging nationalism out of close integration on the island of Ireland.
Although Brazilian nationalism should not be under-estimated, most Brazilians worry about climate change.
At home, Trumpism and white nationalism cast immigrants and people of color as enemies.
" Avlon concluded, "Trump has a credibility chasm when it comes to combating white nationalism.
For Israel, it's choose separation from the Palestinians or get bi-nationalism or apartheid.
I know which I'll be watching: football, because nationalism is more fun with balls.
Nationalism and violence are natural bedfellows, and they won't be kept apart for long.
Elsewhere, rising nationalism in India was flagged as a risk for the year ahead.
Their idea of nationalism is chilly to the recognition of subgroups, including Jewish Americans.
This will, most probably, end by fueling the current of isolationist nationalism in France.
Economic nationalism is proving a tough pill to swallow — both at home and abroad.
Not even appeals to unity can cut the vitriol which underpins the president's nationalism.
The twin fears were reignited German ultra-nationalism and serious Russian aggression against Europe.
Rising nationalism, waning trust and lingering trade wars have undermined cooperation between global superpowers.
But this growing economic dependence on the mainland has not dented nationalism in Taipei.
We need patriotism, but we have to understand the difference between patriotism and nationalism.
Panelists pointed to the rise of economic nationalism as a potential dampener on mergers.
Or will he double down and continue his populist drive toward anti-Western nationalism?
Especially in Poland, he found that there might be a market for conservative nationalism.
Tehran uses religious arguments, anti-imperialist nationalism and neo-Stalinist repression to ensure compliance.
Later that weekend, French President Emmanuel Macron rebuked "nationalism" during public remarks in Paris.
The speech he delivered this year was essentially one long chest beat for nationalism.
Instead of greatness, this hyper-nationalism has historically led to militarism, hatred and decay.
On Trump's side, through his coarse nationalism, crude transactionalism, and soft spot for strongmen.
But they are not sectarian demonstrations; instead, this is a show of Iraqi nationalism.
The version of nationalism you champion in the book is very inclusive, very broad.
I think American nationalism is different, which is a major theme in my book.
Nationalism, nativism, fundamentalism and identity — these were concepts that belonged in the 20th century.
According to Bannon's vision, economic nationalism would reorient priorities to the working class's benefit.
Trump's latest speech to the UN was filled with dog whistles and unbridled nationalism.
And nationalism was the context necessary to focus fear into an us/them binary.
This time, the brush strokes swirled: not with accessibility, but with aspiration, and nationalism.
Israelis are used to hearing about nationalism in Europe that has fed anti-Semitism.
Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old white woman, lost her life protesting white nationalism.
Whether Congress acts will depend on the mounting political opposition to Trump's economic nationalism.
Facebook is reversing course and banning white nationalism and white separatism from its platform.
A nationalism that responds to arguments with threats alone is an enemy of culture.
Trump's interpretation of "America first" is shaped by the collectivist notion of economic nationalism.
For better or for worse, Mr. Trump's victory was propelled by populist civic nationalism.
Both Johnson's and Mr. Trump's concept of American nationalism is narrow, parochial and authoritarian.
I am horrified that it has been cited by groups to advance white nationalism.
For them, of course, this isn't about border security; it's about nationalism and isolationism.
" He wasn't reflecting the fresh currency of the phrases "white nationalism" and "white supremacy.
"Nationalism, particularly on the far right, is re-emerging," he told a packed auditorium.
Nationalism was the key to Bush's mass politics, just as it is for Trump.
The changes included drawing the distinction between white supremacy, white nationalism, and white separatism.
It must pay a heavy price for its embrace of white nationalism & know-nothingism.
So begins the horror story that isn't a story at all—but instead summarizes the rise of the alt-right, a nebulous political movement that simultaneously stands for xenophobic white nationalism and also for antagonizing those who take offense to xenophobic white nationalism.
"We didn't originally apply the same rationale to expressions of white nationalism and separatism because we were thinking about broader concepts of nationalism and separatism – things like American pride and Basque separatism, which are an important part of people's identity," the blog said.
But we're here in 2019, where the long hangover we're dealing with are the neoliberal economic philosophies of the '80s, '90s, and '00s, and where the most pressing concern worldwide is the returning specter of nationalism (and explicitly white nationalism in many nations).
"We didn't originally apply the same rationale to expressions of white nationalism and separatism because we were thinking about broader concepts of nationalism and separatism – things like American pride and Basque separatism, which are an important part of people's identity," Facebook said.
But policies driven by economic nationalism are likely to be overly broad and potentially destructive.
In 1903, when a Conservative government made concessions to Irish nationalism, the Ulster Unionists objected.
The nation in white nationalism is the Aryan nation, not the US or New Zealand.
But President Donald Trump's pursuit of protectionist trade policies has stoked nationalism around the globe.
But among those interviewed in Gurugram, Modi's nationalism isn't seen as such a bad thing.
He defines "white nationalism" as a U.S.-focused movement concerning white racial consciousness and identity.
But that hasn't stopped him from keeping the term "economic nationalism" in his rhetorical quiver.
In law school he was steeped in Cuban nationalism and took to politics full-time.
Taki has featured reams of pro-Trump coverage, like this piece praising his economic nationalism.
Most important, the upswing has nothing to do with Mr Trump's "America First" economic nationalism.
Another is that Catalan nationalism has mutated, largely because of the crisis, into intolerant separatism.

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