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"liberalism" Definitions
  1. liberal opinions and beliefs, especially in politics

808 Sentences With "liberalism"

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This liberalism rested on a simple formula: simply add social liberalism to economic liberalism and you have the ingredients of a good society.
Bush-era American conservatism was a right-wing species of liberalism; what Americans call "liberalism" is a relatively modest form of left-liberalism.
The newsroom's liberalism isn't the economic liberalism of Ted Kennedy but the social liberalism of anyone who enjoys walking around Manhattan at night.
Most political theorists argue that liberalism has divided into two independent streams: classical liberalism, which celebrates the free market, and left-liberalism which celebrates civil rights.
"Just like unrestrained economic liberalism … sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization," he writes.
The interesting question is this: if Keynesianism can work well without liberalism, can liberalism prosper without Keynesianism?
It will be hard for liberalism to advance unless there is a renewed political version of liberalism.
After all, the liberalism abroad that began under Roosevelt went hand in hand with increasing liberalism at home.
We need a post-identity liberalism, and it should draw from the past successes of pre-identity liberalism.
Elite liberalism is the liberalism of management consultancies such as McKinsey's, rather than great philosophers such as J.S. Mill.
"Western liberalism is under siege," Financial Times columnist Edward Luce warns in his new book, The Retreat of Western Liberalism.
When conservatives talk about "tax and spend liberalism," when they talk about "Big Government liberalism," this is what they're talking about.
After all, Liberalism at Large can be read as an extended account of liberalism suffering periodic crises and managing to muddle on.
Here's what defenders of the identity left would say: The liberalism you praise, the post-WWII liberalism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was myopic.
We'll call this worldview — which is all freedom and no covenant — naked liberalism (liberalism in the classic Lockean sense, not the modern progressive sense).
" Following the interview, however, the Kremlin pulled back Mr. Putin's rejection of liberalism, saying he was "still very close to the ideas of liberalism.
As long as liberalism was secure back in America and the rejection of liberalism confined to the Israeli scene, this tension could be mitigated.
A liberalism that rejects identity politics is a liberalism for the powerful, one that relegates the interests of marginalized groups to second-class status.
Liberalism in general, and social democratic left-liberalism in particular, has the most impressive historical track record of any political ideology humans have invented.
But he is wrong to argue that the only way for people to liberate themselves from the contradictions of liberalism is "liberation from liberalism itself".
Such anti-liberalism brought Trump to power, but now the partisan need to defend Trump helps bolster anti-liberalism, not to mention anti–Never Trumpism.
His attachment to a pure 203th-century European liberalism sometimes blinds him to present-day realities that must be reckoned with for liberalism to survive.
His "Occupy Liberalism!" paper, later incorporated into the book Black Rights/White Wrongs, provides a valuable sketch of what the resulting liberalism might look like.
It could now designate certain policies toward the economy, such as "new liberalism" and "classical liberalism," the first favoring increased government intervention and the latter opposing it.
The "points system" can be seen as exemplary of neoliberal government in action, and highlights a number of critical distinctions between political liberalism, economic liberalism, and neoliberalism.
Letter To the Editor: Re "The Death of Liberalism" (column, April 14): Roger Cohen's analysis of the decline of liberalism in our time is correct and pertinent.
Already, the lack of ideological diversity on campuses is a disservice to the students and to liberalism itself, with liberalism collapsing on some campuses into self-parody.
Liberalism — by which I mean civil liberties, civil rights, tolerance and pluralism: the small-L ''liberalism'' in ''liberal democracy'' — emerged from centuries of religious warfare in Europe.
Lilla, a professor of humanities at Columbia University, writes: We need a post-identity liberalism, and it should draw from the past successes of pre-identity liberalism.
I don't want to vote third-party and I could never vote for Trump, the man who doesn't know the difference between Western liberalism and West Coast liberalism.
The Liberal Party's decades of championing free-market liberalism seems to have created a preference for social liberalism built on the logic of individual freedom and equal rights.
So let me use the term "market liberalism" — a cross between "third way" liberalism among Democrats and Cato Institute libertarianism among Republicans — to describe this point of view.
By making identity politics something not outside of liberalism but at the center of it, liberals can enlist the energies of identity to the defense of liberalism itself.
In her long history of liberalism, Rosenblatt's treatment of the twentieth century remains more or less restricted to showing the triumph of laissez-faire and individualist liberalism in America.
In this view it's not enough to see racial resentment as one important form of anti-liberalism (which it surely is); all anti-liberalism must fall under the canopy.
But above all, I think there's a lot of ignorance in Latin America in relation to liberalism, what it means…there are so many caricatures, completely deformed accounts of liberalism.
But they ignore a historical fact: liberalism has been dead since Thatcher and Reagan killed it in 1979/1980, and diverted liberalism to the free market doctrine of Friedrich Hayek.
Take something like neoconservatism, which began as a movement of intellectuals trying to essentially hold on to a Roosevelt understanding of liberalism as opposed to a McGovernite ideal of liberalism.
In the chapter on right-wing critiques of liberalism, Gopnik summarizes the arguments of various types of "authoritarians" that liberalism is not good at providing clear order and symbolic identity.
The difficulties stem not from anything inherent in liberalism but from the fact that we have neglected the moral order and the vision of human dignity embedded within liberalism itself.
And the liberalism of political rights like freedom of speech can be decoupled from the liberalism of property rights exemplified by thinking in Wall Street or the City of London.
" Its anniversary manifesto touted a "liberalism for the people.
Patrick Deneen's book about the flaws of liberalism (as in the philosophy emphasizing personal freedoms, not the political left) Why Liberalism Failed "has been … a slow-building sensation" according to Ezra Klein.
He also fleshes out his vision of what should lie ahead — not just "the end of identity liberalism" but the start of a new liberalism focused on citizenship, duty and shared purpose.
Among Mr. Brinkley's other books were "John F. Kennedy" (2012), "Franklin D. Roosevelt" (2009), "Liberalism and Its Discontents" (1998) and "The End of Reform: New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War" (1995).
In order to overcome the present crisis both nationalism and liberalism must be restrained and balanced against each other in order to produce a kinder type of liberalism, a liberalism for the people, that may mellow some of the fears that breed extreme types of nationalism and help rewrite a new deal that nurtures concern for the common good.
Clearly, she believes that a liberalism concentrated exclusively on the free market and individual rights is inadequate to a new era in which both liberalism and democracy are suffering renewed crises of legitimacy.
They're not concerned about the fact that fascism targets liberalism.
How do you understand the difference between neoliberalism and liberalism?
Founder of movement against liberalism denied service  at camera store.
Mr Lilla wants to save liberalism from illiberal identity politics.
It all comes down to a wider truth about liberalism.
Whether left or right prevails, the loser will be liberalism.
"The Retreat of Western Liberalism" offers a brisk, timely survey.
Mr Luce is not suggesting that liberalism is done for.
The authors say their book is intended to refresh liberalism.
After 1945, liberalism spread its benefits and protections to many.
Liberalism rightly sets a high bar against laws limiting speech.
Discussions of the crisis of liberalism usually emphasise practical things.
There are lots of arguments in favour of technocratic liberalism.
It perfectly illustrates Argentina's pendulum swings between liberalism and populism.
It's the yin and yang of liberalism and conservatism daily.
He rejected traditional, divisive definitions of liberalism, nationalism and modernism.
How must the idea of liberalism adapt to address this?
That was the great limitation of liberalism in Latin America.
But in Polanyi's view, economic liberalism came at a cost.
"Social liberalism sits uneasily with Brexit," points out Mr Colvile.
As the 1960s ended, some Italians decided liberalism was doomed.
Yet the intellectual tradition it owes most to is liberalism.
I'm calling for multiethnic liberalism, which is a different thing.
The Economist: Why did France become the cradle of liberalism?
Without nations, there can be no democracy and no liberalism.
Philosophically, liberalism is a kind of idealism, and concepts rule.
There are other problems with this kind of conservative liberalism.
The editorial board's centrist liberalism is very close Clintonian politics.
Less obviously, the intellectual underpinnings of liberalism have been neglected.
Germany, champions of liberalism have a powerful incentive to cooperate
Berlin, well before Fukuyama, identified a potential weakness of liberalism.
Both liberalism and conservatism can incorporate some of these insights.
But I find liberalism and fracking to be completely compatible.
And how had the academy become so biased toward liberalism?
Whereas the DA espouses liberalism, Mr Malema offers revolutionary swagger.
Nevertheless, Rorty's vision of an "inspirational liberalism" is worth revisiting.
It has left liberalism in a historically weak political position.
She finds hope in the passionate liberalism of young people.
His liberalism seems to have been inspired, indirectly, by the
But I doubt that this means more democracy and liberalism.
Economic freedom is one of the greatest threats to liberalism.
The iconic figures of liberalism themselves moved between these commitments.
The West's fundamental commitment to liberalism is coming into question.
He is not a liberal, he's the end of liberalism.
And Trump does not go after Clinton on her liberalism.
So now identitarian liberalism is taking fire from two directions.
We'll see if the Democratic electorate responds to this liberalism.
Liberalism is not set up for this kind of challenge.
America's version of liberalism has always been a curious one.
Worst of all was his avowed belief in political liberalism.
The New Republic helped birth the modern notion of liberalism in the United States, and by the early 1970s it was still synonymous with liberalism and influential in shaping the future of the movement.
The word "liberalism" was coined in the wake of the French Revolution, as late as the 28500s and for most of the 6900th century, liberalism was seen as a French, not an Anglo-American doctrine.
" (Foreign Affairs and more recently the Atlantic) or "What's killing liberalism?
This is best expressed philosophically in John Rawls's formulation of liberalism.
Religious liberty is in many ways the primitive core of liberalism.
Hope for liberalism in the West now lies with the young.
Liberalism, by contrast, does not believe it has all the answers.
Sadly, his liberalism didn't extend to the wholehearted abolition of slavery.
Haifa's relative liberalism is a product of its unique, cosmopolitan tradition.
In the past quarter-century liberalism has had it too easy.
THE definition of liberalism has long been the source of disagreement.
The essence of Mr. Sanders's version of liberalism is government programs.
He was also one of the great re-founders of liberalism.
Or does she, in turn, double-down ideologically and defend liberalism?
WE ASK the Canadian psychologist what is wrong with modern liberalism.
I believe that this is the most forgotten part of liberalism.
In Estonia, "pink slime" started as an insult aimed at liberalism.
Should conservatism aim to persuade liberals or inoculate conservatives against liberalism?
And with the advance of industrialisation, "liberalism" took on new meanings.
Nationalism, not economic liberalism, now seems the driver of policy decisions.
Liberalism, not conservatism, is the default political ideology of those whose
The Clintons represented a new, more centrist liberalism that Sanders resisted.
Though the Hollywood liberals survived McCarthyism, Hollywood liberalism fared less well.
The fight for liberalism is at its most fraught with immigration.
Thousand Small Sanities: The Moral Adventure of Liberalism, in which he
To what extent are liberalism and republicanism compatible with each other?
While liberalism is united against a common enemy, conservatives are divided.
We're seeing this operational liberalism emerge in wide variety of areas.
And utility executives are not exactly known for their political liberalism.
Goldberg's analysis shows a surge of racial liberalism among white Democrats.
The case for such liberalism today is both pragmatic and principled.
He writes: Limousine liberalism … is the capitalist version of permanent revolution.
This is kneejerk liberalism that backfires and damages its own cause.
Versions of these imaginings are familiar from past critiques of liberalism.
To this day, many commentators reflexively associate judicial activism with liberalism.
They believe that establishment climate science is just dressed-up liberalism.
Moreover, there were clear limits to The Economist's newfound compassionate liberalism.
Today, paradoxically, it is not liberals but conservatives who endanger liberalism.
But that liberalism turned out to be riven with internal contradictions.
A decent liberalism would read sharp critics like Mishra and learn.
May, for her part, has reiterated her support for economic liberalism.
If liberalism is to endure, liberals have to join the fight.
Let's grant your premise that democracy and liberalism are necessarily intertwined.
What is social democracy if not the left pole of liberalism?
In times of peace and growth, there's a drift toward liberalism.
But in his brilliant history, "Liberalism: the Life of an Idea", Edmund Fawcett makes clear that liberalism involves four other ideas: (1) the inescapability of conflict, (113) distrust of power, (3) faith in progress, (4) civic respect.
" The philosophy "promiscuously combines the free-wheeling spirit of the hippies and the entrepreneurial zeal of the yuppies," Barbrook and Cameron wrote, while mixing "the social liberalism of New Left and the economic liberalism of New Right.
This essay has argued that liberalism needs an equally ambitious reinvention today.
"I suspect we'd push for even greater liberalism within it," Price added.
Publishers are cranking out books on the crisis of liberalism and democracy.
With the retreat of neo-liberalism, the debate is broadening once more.
Princeton University Press, 2016"Liberalism: A Very Short Introduction", by Michael Freeden.
And out of liberalism grew a post-war emphasis on civil rights.
The resulting consensus combines free-market liberalism with broadly permissive cultural instincts.
When upward mobility has faltered, as it has recently, so has liberalism.
In fact, liberalism and nationalism were originally closely aligned with one another.
The 1992 Democratic campaign was a calculated defense against charges of liberalism.
Mrs May has tried to stamp that liberalism out of the party.
Under attack from active, muscular creeds, does liberalism hide in its library?
The second is the classical idea that liberalism means small-government libertarianism.
But more recently the anti-democratic strain of liberalism has reasserted itself.
Managerial liberalism treats people as tools rather than as ends in themselves.
Mill is rightly regarded as one of the great founders of liberalism.
Taiwan has a reputation as a beacon of liberalism in the region.
The Economist: I think there's a fundamental tension between liberalism and libertarianism.
Furthermore I don't think that liberalism in its origins represented this idea.
When the election ended, many observers naturally believed liberalism had defeated conservatism.
They combine cultural liberalism with a centrist economic agenda emphasising equitable growth.
In the 1990s not even the left-wing governments championed social liberalism.
This was an alleged "third way" between heartless conservatism and spendthrift liberalism.
Over the last 70 years, liberalism at home and abroad worked together.
We can think of this as liberalism making its peace with the
" In the United States, it might more accurately be called "market liberalism.
After the Occupy demonstrations, Obama turned against the precepts of market liberalism.
Clinton, of course, parlayed his moderate liberalism into two terms as President.
Conservatives have long cast the paper as an organ of American liberalism.
On the other hand, I'll be purchasing that liberalism offset in November.
In the world of liberalism, words matter more than actions or policy.
"It isn't that these cities are elevating New Deal liberalism," he said.
But when Communism fell, liberalism was not the Enlightenment's only remaining legacy.
"True liberalism," they insisted, stood for individual rights and strictly limited government.
Gopnik, there is no alternative to liberalism, and that leads him perilously
Indeed, liberalism never had a unified doctrine, as Rosenblatt reminds us frequently.
The one contrary example in modern liberalism was the civil rights movement.
Orban has previously described Western liberalism as "spiritual suicide" for Central Europeans.
Today, MSNBC's liberalism and partisanship can only be understood in this framework.
The Chinese rediscovery of liberalism was based on a very similar experience.
Authorities have long played the element of political liberalism in that movement.
Opinion Columnist We've tried liberalism and conservatism and now we're trying populism.
Liberalism, after all, prizes individual liberty and personal autonomy above all else.
The broad-brush approach of "Why Liberalism Failed" is short on specifics.
For 80 years, limousine liberalism has proven extraordinarily adept at this task.
Stenner's analysis poses a strategic dilemma for liberalism and the Democratic Party.
The global fade of liberalism, in other words, appears to be continuing.
Your contention is that this is largely a reaction against identity liberalism.
"Liberalism" has presided over the death of equality and therefore of democracy.
Ms. Harris has edged away from the firebrand liberalism Ms. Warren espouses.
Radhika JonesEditorial Director, Books THE RETREAT OF WESTERN LIBERALISM, by Edward Luce.
It is happening in our space — in the heart of intellectual liberalism.
They are, in fact, some of the best friends liberalism has today.
But Nevada is also drawing people fed up with blue-state liberalism.
For all my corny liberalism, I still BEG to be filthy rich.
By the 20th century, American liberalism had come to mean something distinct.
Each side has drawn tremendous energy from opposing this idea of liberalism.
Judaism as liberalism with a prayer shawl is a distinctly modern development.
Patrick: But not even just culturally, but on the Democratic party. Liberalism.
She also dismisses the kind of liberalism that finds honor in nonchalance.
As a conservative I think this liberalism-of-nuance had real limits.
A spirit of civility and liberalism is evident even to casual visitors.
For a word that's so omnipresent, liberalism is notoriously difficult to define.
It's not, however, a particularly good defense of liberalism at the moment.
But they do not generally subject Western liberalism itself to rigorous critique.
Without wishing liberalism well, I also hope it doesn't come to that.
Slate has moved away from reflex contrarianism toward a more robust liberalism.
In the referendum, views of multiculturalism, social liberalism, and globalism were crystallized.
And what it represents is Howard Schultz&aposs great insight when he was starting out with Starbucks that liberalism was not nearly politics, but that political liberalism had become a lifestyle, a way of thinking about the world.
" NICK D'ALESSANDRO PHILADELPHIA ♦ To the Editor: Fareed Zakaria dismisses the central argument of Edward Luce's "The Retreat of Western Liberalism" (July 30) and says he is "not yet convinced that we must write obituaries for Western liberalism.
Books like The Once and Future Liberal, Columbia professor Mark Lilla's post-Trump opus, argue for a need to move beyond "identity liberalism"; liberal essayists warn that practitioners of "identity politics" are corroding the soul of American liberalism.
The conclusion to be drawn is that the enemies of the Jews, whether in Tehran or Virginia, will always be the enemies of liberalism — which is why the fight against anti-Semitism must also be a fight for liberalism.
Today liberalism is a broad faith—far broader than it was to Wilson.
The true spirit of liberalism is not self-preserving, but radical and disruptive.
Right-wingers can condemn it as an example of tech's corrupt, decadent liberalism.
Trump was asked about Putin's comments that "western style liberalism" was becoming obsolete.
LIBERALISM made the modern world, but the modern world is turning against it.
Mr Bacha's elevation may be a sign that economic liberalism is regaining ground.
As in the feudal system before liberalism, the strong prey upon the weak.
NO WESTERN democracy seems immune to today's backlash against globalisation and economic liberalism.
Yet online culture is so virulent, does this undermine the viability of liberalism?
Liberalism made the modern world, but the modern world is turning against it.
Despite its title, "The Retreat of Western Liberalism" is not bleak or elegiac.
If anything, China's economic reforms have demonstrated the vitality of free-market liberalism.
They will alienate part of the population rather than encouraging liberalism and integration.
The first of these traits predicts conservatism, but the others point to liberalism.
The Economist: How do you square identity politics as a phenomenon with liberalism?
While abroad they had soaked up the language of liberalism and constitutional rule.
An interview with Edmund Fawcett, author of "Liberalism" What went wrong for liberals?
After all, liberalism is a complex tradition with many strands and internal tensions.
"Liberalism" remained a rare word in the language of English and American politics.
He argues that the essence of liberalism lies in freeing individuals from constraints.
Instead, Kavanaugh's creates a deeper challenge to liberalism: rolling back the administrative state.
But its liberalism is incapable of fashioning a compelling political response to authoritarianism.
Now, foreign policy is a different story — there was no bold liberalism there.
And the enemy, in his view, was liberalism itself, in all its manifestations.
The solution is to espouse the genuine liberalism that Barone has declared dead.
Yes, the editors parade their "liberalism" in editorials, but these are easily skipped.
Politics and Prose bookstore, which he described as a "citadel of liberalism," Gopnik
This is a philosophy alien to the long legacy of pragmatic American liberalism.
But will anger and left-of-left liberalism be a recipe for success?
This is crucial in order to promote economic growth, liberalism and democracy globally.
Instead, they built progressive state institutions that drained the appeal of anti-liberalism.
Nate Yeah, the gay marriage map is basically a map of white liberalism.
I think the city goes up and down in its conservatism and liberalism.
Broadly speaking, modern American liberalism is oriented around the ideal of social equality.
Classic liberalism suggests that attempting to distinguish between hate speech "punching up," i.e.
Back in the 1930s, it was said that liberalism was freedom plus groceries.
Beauchamp's work provides the best overview of the current intellectual debate surrounding liberalism.
Among Lamb's constituents, cultural liberalism is, consequently, a liability — even fatal, electorally speaking.
" In a 1977 essay for Dissent magazine, "Socialism and Liberalism: Articles of Conciliation?
As is Adam Gopnick's latest in The New Yorker, on cafes and liberalism!
And liberalism is coming under threat even as extremism could find new fodder.
Anshaw expertly captures the cringe-worthy cadences of a particular strain of liberalism.
Modern American liberalism and conservatism were forged in the 1950s and early 1960s.
Where liberalism seeks to ameliorate economic ills, progressivism's goal is to eradicate them.
Picture a pageant of liberalism, with your favorite '90s songs as the soundtrack.
Egyptian liberalism, sometimes inflected with anti-Semitism, has never drawn majority political support.
Donald Trump's presidency has spawned a cottage industry in liberalism-is-dying books.
Liberalism itself is, if the polls are to be believed, on the rebound.
Anti-utopianism may, as in much recent liberalism, call for controlled, incremental change.
Instead, he takes side trips into tired knee-jerk liberalism and therapeutic healing.
This is the social-liberalism-of-nuance that Edsall described in his column.
I was so identified with its liberalism that I couldn't get a job.
The rise of liberalism among Democrats has all but wiped out conservative Democrats.
It was the war — not liberalism, not immigration, not globalization — that changed us.
To challenge liberalism is thus to not merely engage in ordinary political argumentation.
They can't easily decide, therefore, whether liberalism is good or bad for Muslims.
But I tend to think that liberalism and democracy are not really separable.
The assumptions of New Deal liberalism governed American politics from 1932 to 1980.
Yet there is a specter haunting The Socialist Manifesto: the specter of liberalism.
Liberalism, by contrast, is about the norms and practices that shape political life.
She was controversial for her liberalism and feminism in the 1992 presidential campaign.
It was aimed at bastions of liberalism, like Harvard, M.I.T., Stanford and Amherst.
Britain's political parties now need to come to terms with the Powell question of national identity in much the same way that they once had to come to terms with the Jenkins question (social liberalism) and the Thatcher question (economic liberalism).
Today, the military interventions that tried to impose democracy—carried out by what Edmund Fawcett, formerly of The Economist and author of a history of liberalism, calls the "liberal warfare state"—are distortions of liberalism, not inevitable consequences of it.
"Because liberalism has become a term that has become associated with Clinton-ian, third-way politics, socialism is the term that Sanders and others have adopted to actually mean sort of the left-end of New Deal liberalism," Hartman suggested.
But to flip from Stephen Colbert's winsome liberalism to Seth Meyers's class-clown liberalism to Bee's bluestocking feminism to John Oliver's and Trevor Noah's lectures on American benightedness is to enter an echo chamber from which the imagination struggles to escape.
For all the understandable talk about the crisis of Western liberalism, the political chaos of the last few years has also demonstrated that many supposed agents of post-liberalism are unready to really push the liberal order to the breaking point.
Now, a cast of rising Democratic stars and 2020 candidates are redefining mainstream liberalism.
Looking to Russia with hopeful eyes or any land that despises the west's liberalism.
But his key moments were about reclaiming the mantle of American identity for liberalism.
This will expose bigotry and prejudice, just as it will reaffirm and refresh liberalism.
It is harder to agree with his argument that modern liberalism "lies in ruins".
Instead, illiberalism, in the name of liberalism, will be the PC midwife of authoritarianism.
The EPP itself is a fragile alliance, stretching from internationalist liberalism to illiberal nationalism.
And views of conservatism/liberalism have probably moved with that change in the parties.
If it is to thrive, liberalism must have an answer for the pessimists, too.
Liberalism has usually been at its most vigorous among the Anglo-American middle classes.
And, he was the first serious thinker to warn that liberalism could destroy itself.
A victory for Mr Macron would be evidence that liberalism still appeals to Europeans.
The struggle for liberalism in the 19th century involved the individual versus the state.
It was the competition between abstract and figurative painting, Western liberalism and socialist realism.
Liberals need to fight again for liberalism But liberals were not always like this.
Furthermore, there has been a lot of confusion as to what liberalism truly is.
This meant that liberalism became associated with conservatism, with an intolerant, reactionary right wing.
Can liberalism embrace sentiment and story to compete without losing its soul of reason?
Mr Deneen uses the term "liberalism" in its philosophical rather than its popular sense.
This is the liberalism of great 19th-century thinkers such as John Stuart Mill.
And we will look ahead with a special report on the future of liberalism.
Let's start with the notion that Clinton's problems stem from her inadequate social liberalism.
Anything negative about liberalism, communism, demoncraps, or whatever they believe is categorically stated false.
Liberalism, in its Keynesian capitalist version, held political belief in the power of reform.
Under Theresa May the Conservatives are edging away from some of Mr Cameron's liberalism.
Now we will see what happens to the world when liberalism at home collapses.
There are as many meanings of populism as there are of liberalism and conservatism.
The American public has never been the bulwark of tolerance and procedural democratic liberalism.
Once "liberalism" was the proud banner of the Democrats—and the bogeyman of Republicans.
Its signature insult is "cuckservative", directed at Republicans supposedly emasculated by liberalism and money.
As an anti-vanguardist movement, liberalism thinks very differently than its conservative opponents do.
One thing's sure, though: liberalism has never been more poorly represented on the network.
Labour, meanwhile, is going for well-off, urban areas, preaching Remain and social liberalism.
The death of American conservatism should not equate to the death of American liberalism.
Indeed, there is still some vestige of liberalism here, but it is deeply buried.
An old adage speaks to the liberalism of youth and the conservatism of adulthood.
In fact, they claim, big tech companies are imposing a rigid ideological system: liberalism.
So it depends on how much you're interested in American literature or American liberalism.
He aims to present the annals of The Economist as "a history of liberalism".
Scalia was, no doubt, the court's most vocal critic of President Obama and liberalism.
But when the conversation turned to his recent scandals, he aimed straight at liberalism.
The essence of liberalism is acceptance of our human limits and our human differences.
The Economist: Since the global financial crisis, liberalism has struggled at the ballot box.
Every day the warnings grow more emphatic: Around the world, liberalism is in retreat.
At home, too, liberalism seems threatened in ways unimaginable just a few years ago.
In truth, the term liberalism was not widely used for much of American history.
Moore, a longtime anarchist, saw no answer to fascism in any well-meaning liberalism.
American liberalism likes to scoff at the "thoughts and prayers" that go out on
Sanders' liberalism -- once considered radical -- is now very much en vogue within the party.
Obama also listed "Why Liberalism Failed," by conservative writer and political scientist Patrick Deneed.
This vision was in keeping with the general mood of liberalism in the 1970s.
More than ever, conservative Christians now engage in politics on the terms of liberalism.
Real judges (like real people) mix liberalism on some issues with conservatism on others.
The problem with naked liberalism is that it relies on individuals it cannot create.
That is, there are not systematic shifts in the conservatism or liberalism of cases.
Critics of liberalism aren't mere observers; they're also usually working to accelerate its decline.
Liberalism has never done as well as it thinks at resolving its own crises.
The group aims to bring down liberalism and rid Europe of non-European immigrants.
She has been excoriated from the right as the quintessence of California limousine liberalism.
Against all my objections, my feminism, my pacifism, my liberalism, I wanted G there.
"Reform is an ongoing process, rarely begun or completed by liberalism alone," he concedes.
Democrats back social liberalism and tighter state control of corporations; Republicans espouse the opposite.
I think there are tendencies within both liberalism and capitalism that lead to decadence.
When he speaks of liberalism and humanism, he is accused of being a leftist.
The magazine has since presented this volte-face as evidence of its pragmatic liberalism.
Because they despise liberalism, they tend to vote for politicians who advocate small government.
Identity politics isn't merely compatible with liberalism; it is, in fact, liberalism's truest face.
We suffer from a confusion of terms, and not only in regard to liberalism.
But he's also the one who might put a Trumpist stamp on American liberalism.
Holmes may have been a prophet of modern liberalism, as Menand and Wilson contend.
Thatcher was the architect of the single market, which tilted the EU towards liberalism.
Along with their disdain for liberalism, there's a tendency to admire history's hard men.
But seeing liberalism as a product of a particular cultural tradition is a mistake.
The current crisis of liberalism, according to this narrative, dates to (roughly) the 1970s.
It was about what kind of liberalism voters in the Boston-area district wanted.
Liberalism used to be about making the capitalist system fairer, gentler and more inclusive.
I was drawn to the questions of social and political justice, liberalism and legitimacy.
Most Americans, in my view, fall within the sphere of libertarianism or classical liberalism.
Commentators like Jonathan Chait worry that "political correctness" and "language police" are perverting liberalism.
Elite liberalism, and the Democratic Party by extension, cannot hate poor people, they say.
It was opposed by the American Medical Association and AARP — hardly hotbeds of liberalism.
The more acute observers of politics always knew that this was too good to be true: Daniel Bell's "The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism" demonstrated that social liberalism had the potential to destroy the moral capital that forms the basis of economic liberalism.
The social liberalism he championed was the rotten and self-interested sort, a liberalism of male and upper-class privilege, in which the strong and beautiful and rich take their pleasure at the expense of the vulnerable and poor and not-yet-born.
If Zevin is correct to read the magazine as a window into the mind of global capital, its current stance is probably evidence that The Economist believes liberalism is in a stronger position than ongoing discussions of the "crisis of liberalism" would imply.
Macron's "at the same time" refrain implied that he would practice economic liberalism and social liberalism simultaneously, but he has actually pursued them consecutively: two years of budget-trimming leek soup followed, now, by the promise of a social-justice crème brûlée.
Liberalism was not born with the umbilical link to political democracy that it now enjoys.
Liberalism came of age in a Europe of nation states steeped in barely questioned racism.
They see this approach, known as "ordo-liberalism", as key to Germany's postwar economic revival.
Liberalism is a mental disorder and I'm d--- sure glad that I'm not dumb s---.
What's key is that we build an identity and organizations to the left of liberalism.
They weren't trying to remake liberalism the way Blumenthal thought it needed to be remade.
STEELE: The essence of American liberalism, I think is the - again, the pursuit of innocence.
Mr Trudeau has dealt with these discontents with a dose of old-fashioned redistributive liberalism.
It's a liberalism that is founded in economic issues rather than, frankly, issues of identity.
They see this approach, known as "ordo-liberalism", as key to Germanys postwar economic revival.
Indeed, liberalism grew out of a response to the upheavals of raw capitalism and revolution.
The alternative to the Al Sauds is not liberalism but some form of radical Islamism.
Liberalism never died in Latin America, but in the 21980th century it often lost out.
Pat Brown used the word "liberal" or "liberalism" seven times in the first eight paragraphs.
He also helped shape French liberalism, both as a political activist and as a thinker.
GREG LAWCambridge* Liberalism has always been the ideology of a broad, upwardly-mobile middle class.
The few Democratic states in play — Nevada and Colorado — are well known for social liberalism.
For the most part, Republicans dismissed the critique as motivated by the authors' personal liberalism.
One of Mr Limbaugh's favourite themes is the similarity between American liberalism and sharia law.
Liberalism hasn't at present intellectual heroes like Constant, Humboldt or Mill in the 19th century.
So it is with democratic liberalism, or to use the more familiar name, liberal democracy.
A small Mediterranean island state, Malta is deeply Catholic, and hardly an oasis of liberalism.
This post will try to address two questions—why is liberalism in such a mess?
The first (and most misleading) is the American idea that liberalism means left-wing progressivism.
The central idea of liberalism is the primacy of the individual rather than the collective.
There has always been a "hard" tradition in liberalism, particularly in its Anglo-Saxon variety.
And is classical liberalism—a belief in limited government and individual rights—nerdy and passive?
The problem is not a complacent upper-middle class obliviously enjoying the fruits of liberalism.
Perhaps populism, not liberalism, represents Turkey's factory settings, to which it has returned after all.
Today regarded as a foundational text of classical liberalism, it spoke directly to American concerns.
John Stuart Mill was a titan of liberalism, perhaps its most important figure in history.
In a way, he is a miracle, the single unifier of American conservatism and liberalism.
He refuses to discard the myth, and avoids the challenge of genuinely reimagining American liberalism.
When they mix, it will kill liberalism, individual liberty and critical democratic institutions and processes.
"Conservative white Americans look at urban multicultural liberalism and notice an important fact," he wrote.
For example, liberalism warns that uninterrupted power corrupts and that privilege risks becoming self-perpetuating.
Most importantly, since the financial crisis liberalism has lost its essential underpinning: faith in progress.
Much of Kendall's criticism of liberalism grew out of his work in the intelligence field.
Still, Trump's win is hardly the disaster for liberalism Barone makes it out to be.
There was "Soho modernisation", an urban social liberalism named after a trendy part of London.
The film misses an opportunity to probe interesting questions and test the idea of liberalism.
Mr Zevin is not the first to tie himself in knots trying to define liberalism.
The musical style that best predicts liberalism is hip-hop; for conservatism, it is country.
Under Mr Cameron the Conservatives made their peace with social liberalism by supporting gay marriage.
Age or the Warren Court at the height of liberalism under LBJ, the courts are
The Washington Post has for years been a newspaper that favors Democrats and liberalism generally.
In 1971, John Rawls published a treatise which has become a seminal reimagining of liberalism.
Yiannopoulos, who is gay, generally preaches a libertarian doctrine of classical liberalism and free markets.
Both as reds and Buckleyites, they shared a contempt for liberalism and its temperamental squishiness.
Schultz is hardly the first Democrat to try to mix social liberalism with fiscal conservatism.
I do think it defines a leftwing version of liberalism, and one that differs in
This raises two critical questions about the future of liberalism and self-governance in America.
Broad ideologies, like liberalism and conservatism, comprise a lot of policy positions on different issues.
"[Liberalism] needs to be saved from itself," Yale University law Professor Samuel Moyn recently wrote.
The democrats masticate over the aura of fake liberalism that trans sympathy might bring them.
When communism and fascism failed in the 20th century, this version of liberalism seemed triumphant.
Patrick J. Deneen's "Why Liberalism Failed" speaks to a profound discontent with the political establishment.
Cultural liberalism wins battles when its omnipresence just seems like the natural air we breathe.
They offend against the etiquette of modern liberalism and modern liberal governance, not the Constitution.
His surprise defeat in the 20173 election accelerated Fidesz's growing shift from liberalism towards nationalism.
Douglass was both a radical thinker and a proponent of classic 19th-century political liberalism.
The extremism of his attacks on liberalism and his glorification of Thomas are continuously risible.
European protectionism, or the impositions of Western market liberalism generally, are a very secondary problem.
Five students described what it's like to be conservative in a bastion of American liberalism.
But the balance between liberalism and democracy has been shifting in other nations as well.
It's hardly absurd for someone like Lilla to see tension between liberalism and identity politics.
His appreciation for new, secular allies is not an endorsement of liberalism or progressive views.
The caveat is important, because Valentine's political liberalism was not limited to matters of race.
While conservatism may have peaked among Republican, liberalism is clearly on the rise among Democrats.
Liberalism elevates the will of the individual at the expense of these pre-political bonds.
So if liberalism is a mortal threat to the West, what's the right-wing alternative?
They — we — need to recognize that there are serious flaws in liberalism as it exists.
Often Muslims support liberalism when it serves them and reject it when it does not.
Enlightenment liberalism can be thought of as a vindication of the individual as politically relevant.
But its biggest flaw was the notion that economic and political liberalism were inextricably linked.
Liberalism has become more smug and out-of-touch; conservatism more anti-intellectual and buffoonish.
The modern American left seems to treat "liberals" and "liberalism" as enemies rather than partners.
In Charlottesville, the forces of progressivism, white liberalism, and white nationalism all have significant bases.
The smug style has always existed in American liberalism, but it wasn't always so totalizing.
Then you can ask serious questions about whether this kind of liberalism as opposed to an earlier kind of liberalism is healthy for individuals or whether it weakens the machine in a sense that people become too privatized and won't do their their duties.
But it did leave liberalism in a curious place throughout the 1980s: atop the commanding heights of culture yet often impotent in Washington, D.C. By nominating a Trump rather than a Nixon or a Reagan, the Republicans may have saved liberalism from repeating that trajectory.
"The political project of liberalism is shaping us into...increasingly separate, autonomous, non-relational selves replete with rights and defined by our liberty, but insecure, powerless, afraid, and alone," Deneen, probably the sharpest of these conservative anti-liberals, writes in his book Why Liberalism Failed.
Canadian liberalism is so deep-rooted that it does not depend on a Liberal Party victory.
Philosophically, President Trump needs to focus on restoring the attributes we traditionally associate with classical liberalism.
Cruz has lately begun denouncing "New York values" to connect Trump to the city's famous liberalism.
"It blows me away that our country has become so divided because of liberalism," he said.
An evangelical Christian, he mixes social conservatism with economic liberalism, to which he has recently converted.
An aesthetically-pleasing Instagram filter is not enough to convince detractors of the importance of liberalism.
But only if liberalism can deal with its other problem: the loss of faith in progress.
To many the capital and its credo—liberalism, globalisation, immigration—constitute a foreign and threatening world.
Even in its spiritual and practical homelands, liberalism has coexisted awkwardly with the domain of cruelty.
Liberalism could be more democratic or less democratic: more for everyone, or more for a few.
On the other hand, liberalism is much better defended in depth intellectually than it was then.
Liberalism began as a revolt against the Old Regime with its hereditary ranks and fixed privileges.
In the end identity politics is not only incompatible with liberalism but positively repugnant to it.
American liberalism is not at all like Nazism, and neither, for that matter, is American conservatism.
Above all, however, reverting to economic liberalism in Britain was perfectly compatible with English parliamentary sovereignty.
For him, Taiwan's reputation as a beacon of liberalism in the region means a thriving business.
Clinton's experience matters less to young voters than Mr. Sanders's emotive liberalism does frustrates Clinton supporters.
We celebrated the occasion with a simple, Economist-red cover advertising "a manifesto for renewing liberalism".
A manifesto for renewing liberalism Upgrade your inbox and get our Daily Dispatch and Editor's Picks.
Could the mecca of liberalism, also known as California, be headed for a big break-up?
Conservatives realize that liberalism too often devolves into a weakly coordinated set of interests and causes.
The other embraces cultural liberalism and reaps the economic rewards of an ever more globalized system.
But the Observer's campaigns for social liberalism have profoundly affected the way Britain lives and thinks.
" Some passengers on the train had resisted him, he said, adding, "That's what liberalism gets you.
IA: I find this veneer of progressive liberalism that's projected onto Lebanon to be a sham.
President Trump's entirely unexpected win in November has liberals — and liberalism, more specifically — in a lurch.
Too often, however, the label is used to disguise contempt for social liberalism and for compassion.
And what the world is getting from him is the social liberalism, undiluted by anti-communism.
In an anti-establishment year, it promoted a progressivism defined by social liberalism and little else.
Though an icon of modern liberalism, FDR's accomplishments have been recognized by conservative historians as well.
In Hungary and Poland those who feel left behind tend to blame liberalism and the West.
Reasonable voters can disagree about whether centrist liberalism or centrist conservatism is best for the country.
Michelle on California's leftward turn and Republican past, the state's diminished G.O.P. and Kiev's optimistic liberalism.
Liberalism demands acceptance of our human differences and the ability to mediate them through democratic institutions.
But in general, the Cruz/Kasich vote breaks along the lines of cultural liberalism and conservatism.
The electoral map, with its imposing swaths of red, pointed to a crisis confronting American liberalism.
Mature liberalism understood something that I, in my 22-year-old wisdom, had failed to grasp.
Both sets of values seem equally to exist in the internally conflicted soul of modern liberalism.
Then decades later, liberalism moved to create affirmative action programs to help those same African-Americans.
Liberalism is a perpetual program of reform, intended to alleviate the cruelty we see around us.
Could remembrance of the Cultural Revolution contribute to the development of liberalism and political change today?
The Blair-Cameron-Clinton liberalism that dominated politics in the 1990s and early 2000s is exhausted.
The difference between leftism and liberalism is often elided in American political discussion, but it matters.
Western "liberalism" is designed to deny citizens any clear understanding of that machinery of the state.
Which raises the question: Is there a viable liberalism that unites Bernie Sanders and Tim Cook?
The battle lines must be drawn between the advocates of liberalism and the forces of illiberalism.
The Nation is defending Donald Trump against what it calls the "neo-McCarthyism" of mainstream liberalism.
It's also important to remember that the traffic between socialism and liberalism has always been wide.
We should stop trying to placate those who chafe at the very values that liberalism espouses.
By failing to acknowledge this, Kaufmann ends up betraying the liberalism he set out to defend.
The front cover of Mr. Deneen's "Why Liberalism Failed" is illustrated with a crumbling Greek column.
Jonathan Cowan: Like with liberalism and conservatism, there are many different strands and brands of centrism.
"Vladimir Putin, in my understanding, remains very close to the ideas of liberalism," Mr. Peskov said.
He's very insightful about the distinction between Hobbes and Locke in the founding of modern liberalism.
The group aims to bring down liberalism and build a "fortress Europe" without non-European immigrants.
Liberalism means belief in the freedom of the individual; therefore it demands trust in the people.
The divisive strike laid bare long simmering tensions within American liberalism over unions, education and race.
Yes, liberalism sometimes sits in tension with faith, tradition, family and community, which Deneen rightly cherishes.
But over the past half-century, right-to-life advocacy helped advance the values of liberalism.
As in much of the world, economic liberalism is losing some of its luster in Australia.
And the two basic principles of liberalism are equal protection under the law and social solidarity.
The conservative movement has perennially stimulated resistance to liberalism, frequently incorporating new cultural issues and voters.
Op-Ed Contributor The Democratic Party has learned to stop worrying and love "big government" liberalism.
It also wasn't a post-revolutionary world ruled by social liberalism as we know it today.
By Adam Kirsch Liberalism is founded on the belief that we should tolerate one another's error.
As liberalism runs out of steam, true majoritarian democracy and popular representation is returning to Hungary.
Ms. Pelosi remains an avatar of San Francisco liberalism and progressive excess to Mr. Trump's base.
But one target isn't quite like the others, because it's not usually a symbol of liberalism.
If that biases academics toward liberalism, then there is a problem with conservatism, not with academia.
In the twentieth century, liberalism became a banner under which to march against Communism and Fascism.
To say that liberalism and identity politics are at odds is to misunderstand our political situation.
He chose as his chief adviser on domestic policy Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a lion of liberalism.
I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, a part of California known for liberalism.
Liberalism, on this view, is simply the hot air that blew the imperialists toward their loot.
His writings and personal example set terms for the liberalism that would ultimately prevail in Europe.
It is reactionary, but then it is precisely older, foundational things that today's liberalism has lost.
Radical economic liberalism did more to destroy traditional communities than any social-democratic governments ever did.
Schmitt haunts our political moment because we are seeing a flowering of criticism of American liberalism.
Unlike Schmitt and Putin, the intellectual critics of liberalism opponents do not typically challenge democracy itself.
The data on global improvement is hardly making the case for liberalism in its historical bastions.
They succeed by developing a vision of liberalism that harnesses activists' energy and sense of injustice.
The history of race and religion under liberalism is a tangle, not just a morality play.
Messrs Blair and Cameron fused social liberalism and economic liberalism together and then added managerialism to the mixture; organisations such as the Audit Commission applied the green eyeshade to the various instruments of the welfare state in a way that would have made Mr Gradgrind proud.
"Egalitarian liberalism"—the phrase the political philosopher Michael Sandel uses to describe America's version of social liberalism—has some outstanding achievements to its credit (Social Security, civil rights, Medicare), but its underlying ethic of mutual social obligation has not taken deep root in the American psyche.
Where once its views on race and foreign policy represented a faction within liberalism, now they don't seem liberal at all But as the presidency of Barak Obama draws to a close, this fight over the future of liberalism and the Democratic Party is essentially over.
The expert council, which Putin himself heads, includes economists with statist views diametrically opposed to Kudrin's liberalism.
The only way O'Malley could avoid it would be to abandon liberalism and join the Republican Party.
The industry presents itself as defending liberalism and globalisation at a time when they are under threat.
Many of the saints of modern liberalism were not as secular as they might seem, he suggests.
But it became clear rather quickly that the system wasn't ready for my kind of classical liberalism.
Liberalism tends to be marinated in optimism to such an extent that it sometimes shades into naivety.
We renew our pledge to that contest in "A manifesto for liberalism", which you can download here.
In "A manifesto for liberalism" we ask liberals everywhere to join us, and we show them how.
In "The People v Democracy", Yascha Mounk of Harvard University stresses that liberalism and democracy are separable.
The greatest danger facing liberalism at the moment is that it will double-down on this mistake.
Liberalism needs to engage with critics—particularly its Marxist and populist critics—rather than arrogantly marginalising them.
But I would hardly say that his contributions to American society and liberalism should be overlooked, either.
"There appears to be growing contest between authoritarianism and liberalism right now," he told the assembled leaders.
If there's a fight to be won, it's an existential one at the heart of liberalism itself.
Liberalism has been presented as being identical to conservatism, yet more reactionary, like a mask for exploitation.
For him the crisis was a repudiation of Anglo-Saxon liberalism and a vindication of state capitalism.
Mr Deneen argues that liberalism is a ruling philosophy, dictating everything from court decisions to corporate behaviour.
Behind it all, I see the marks of a shift to nationalism and away from economic liberalism.
Nor is it inevitable today that AI will favor global authoritarianism to the permanent disadvantage of liberalism.
JOHN HEILEMANN, MSNBC ANALYST: It&aposs clear that conservatism, liberalism, voting records, none of those things matter.
The only thing Nancy Pelosi proved is that liberalism is an ideology of insane hate and rage.
Loving has no patience for sweeping sentimentality or feel-good liberalism, but his storytelling is almost undernourished.
Elected Democrats may not fully realize it yet, but the era of small-government liberalism is over.
Liberalism, on the other hand, believes that capitalism can be reformed and be used to benefit people.
Perhaps right-wing complaints about Hollywood liberalism stem from conservatives wanting to have their own celebrity champions.
The tangential benefit of such a ban is that it would constitute support for liberalism against darkness.
Belief in a strong state is not in itself a contradiction of older traditions of political liberalism.
This liberalism, the sort that this newspaper champions, emphasises individual freedom, free markets and a limited state.
In the view of more than a few observers, these students were taking liberalism to illiberal extremes.
They argued that a 24th-century society based on liberalism and pluralism would include non-straight people.
In Britain, the political economist Thomas Hodgskin similarly defied the crude contemporary contrast between socialism and liberalism.
But this kind of economic liberalism today might only go so far in winning over Trump's supporters.
Her particular brand of centrist liberalism meshes well with the politics of the city as a whole.
It's the communal, republican standard of the public interest that applies here, not that of egoistic liberalism.
But in the 1980s, Rawls and liberalism were challenged by a new group of theorists: the communitarians.
These, we often hear, are the politics of Silicon Valley—a distinctive mix of liberalism and libertarianism.
Robertson implicitly assumes, too, that left-wing utopianism is the guiding, pure, or dream form of liberalism.
The point of the essay is that there's an irreducible conflict between orthodox Christianity and political liberalism.
Whatever success Obama achieved, his brand of liberalism remained well to the right of that of FDR.
I do believe the tide of history is toward more liberalism and the quality of life improving.
Many of these people claim the mantle of liberalism—the creed that this newspaper has long championed.
But in its revolt against European liberalism, the party stands at the forefront of a growing movement.
Isn't it a bit hypocritical that institutions so associated with liberalism should embrace a hereditary aristocratic structure?
"The tension is between democracy as Mizrahim view it, and liberalism, the deep state," Professor Mizrachi said.
Missouri is hardly a bastion of liberalism — President Trump won it by nearly 403 points in 2016.
Those who advocate fiscal prudence, social liberalism and an orderly departure from the eu have been routed.
People are often down on neoliberalism, but this is part of what liberalism is: Markets connecting people.
The Democratic Party abandoned labor in the Clinton years, when the Republicans made "liberalism" a dirty word.
By then, the flirtation with liberalism that began under the Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev had ended.
But there appears to be enough latent opposition to liberalism to keep populists well involved in politics.
Germany's conservatives, no matter how renewed they become, won't be able to escape liberalism, secularization and globalization.
Her Germany — that "vulnerable hegemon," as the intellectual Herfried Münkler calls it — became a beacon of liberalism.
But my own response to "Why Liberalism Failed" was disappointment that its author did not go further.
Progressives see it as an enduring commitment to the poor rooted in a golden age of liberalism.
After his speech — a searing critique of mainstream liberalism — a young man walked up to the microphone.
But during the 2016 election, youth became confused with liberalism, and an entire political posture was infantilized.
Over the years it has tried on the costumes of liberalism and conservatism and straight-news-ism.
Electing Trump was a way to take a stand against both ambitious liberalism and insufficiently ambitious conservatism.
Their pedigree traces back to classical 19th-century British liberalism that championed mass opportunity and individual flourishing.
In a city once famed for its European-style liberalism, the Muslim Brotherhood became a powerful force.
The Economist: In your book, you argue that traditional liberalism aligns with classical Indian values and history.
Locke, a devout Christian, was not regarded as a philosopher of liberalism until the early twentieth century.
Democrats sporadically tried to shed the red label associated with socialism and liberalism, with only limited success.
Conservatism is based on a Strict Father model, while liberalism is centered on a Nurturant Parent model.
Liberalism — in the broad philosophical sense of the term, not the partisan American one — loves the law.
The opposite of liberalism is not conservatism, as we understand the term in modern America, but populism.
In our divided country, conservatism — and liberalism as well — needs to lean in the direction of nationalism.
Voegelin's "secularization thesis," as it was later called, emphasized family connections between the radical left and liberalism.
When you compare it with Syria or Egypt, the U.A.E. is almost a model of enlightened liberalism.
It's very hard for Democrats to play by the rules of liberalism when the other party won't.
It's very hard for Democrats to play by the rules of liberalism when the other party won't.
It underscores that liberalism does not perfectly align with racial egalitarianism, regardless of rhetoric to the contrary.
To his lasting credit, Johnson endorsed a robust vision of American liberalism in service of social justice.
Ross Douthat THE 2016 campaign was a crisis for conservatism; its aftermath is a crisis for liberalism.
If the future of Western liberalism rests on Ms. Merkel's shoulders, then it really is in trouble.
"Concerning the rule of law, tolerance and liberalism, Germany is not to be bested," Mr. Altmaier said.
I remember when the people of the state were liberal, and what liberalism meant for their lives.
And that starts with understanding why liberalism is in trouble — and just what, exactly, it's up against.
Liberalism has taken root in diverse societies across the globe today, from Japan to Uruguay to Namibia.
"  K-Pop, Bhutto writes, "is a perfect storm of colonial history, heavily Americanized culture, and neo-liberalism.
"There is a pressing need for a liberalism in the North which is truly liberal," the Rev.
It is New Deal liberalism itself that upended the supposed distinction between identity politics and class politics.
Hong Kong is a great test of whether Xi Jinping's China is remotely compatible with Western liberalism.
During the civil rights era, African-Americans rallied strongly behind racial liberalism, which was a communal issue.
I spend as much time as I can at the moment reading things written in the mid-Victorian era—particularly the 1860s—because the mid-Victorians were grappling with the collapse of Benthamite liberalism in much the same way that we are grappling with the collapse of neo-liberalism.
If liberals, like Clegg, recognize that it's not only states, but also private companies—especially those amassing the personal data of over two billion people world-wide—that can pose a threat to freedom, Silicon Valley could wind up helping liberalism as much as liberalism could help Silicon Valley.
Judis defines neoliberalism this way: In the United States, neoliberalism meant the modification, but not wholesale abandonment, of New Deal liberalism — support for the New Deal safety net, but beyond that, priority to market imperatives — while in Europe, it meant the partial return to older free market liberalism.
That we're having these conversations at all, and are agonizing over what exactly our liberalism should look like, is all to the good — because rebuilding liberalism around anti-oppression values, no matter how difficult it might seem in the moment, is its best hope for an enduring revival.
IReinventing liberalism for the 20st century IN SEPTEMBER 21175 James Wilson, a hatmaker from Scotland, founded this newspaper.
Today liberalism needs to escape its identification with elites and the status quo and rekindle that reforming spirit.
But their creation was more than just a way to maintain the conditions in which liberalism could flourish.
Many were attracted to clerical government because, unlike Marxism or liberalism, it was explicitly rooted in Iran's heritage.
Liberalism is the dirtiest word, and its trappings -- feminism, political correctness, multiculturalism, "social justice" -- are to be resisted.
Ceaseless change gave birth to liberalism, which, for all the mistakes made in its name, continues to adapt.
This is in part due to global competition, but also because of failures of market liberalism at home.
After Donald Trump's victory in America, the Kremlin had proclaimed the threat of global liberalism to be over.
Mr Mounk: Liberalism and democracy can reinforce each other: we need freedom of speech to sustain fair elections.
The same cultural divide — between irresponsible nativist populism and weak, disoriented liberalism — defines the political landscape in Europe.
Nozick's small-government liberalism was echoed in the policies of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.
ACCORDING to its detractors, and even some of its acolytes, the philosophy of liberalism has run its course.
The thing to hang on to is that we can all recognise liberalism, especially now it's under threat.
But that interpretation also includes an American version of liberalism with a heavy dose of American-style capitalism.
The nationalism Chiang tried to incite to keep liberalism at bay is echoed in Mr Xi's China, too.
At its root, liberalism is a political philosophy demanding the diffusion of power—whether economic, social or political.
Ms Rosenblatt: Liberalism was born in a crisis that was both economic and political, namely the French Revolution.
Most political observers think that the debate about the state of liberalism has nothing to do with them.
But when he concludes that all this adds up to a failure of liberalism, is his argument convincing?
Mr Deneen is right to point out that the record of liberalism in recent years has been dismal.
These disagreements have become an important battleground between conservatives and liberals, and have caused major rifts within liberalism.
Presenting his marriage as an elusive example of liberalism fused with tradition looks like a promising alternative strategy.
Portland has long been a stronghold of liberalism, and famous for political demonstrations and clashes with the police.
Liberalism—and free speech as its own ideological fixation—declines on principle to do this kind of work.
But Sanders's point was that breaking with market liberalism would require a radical departure from politics as usual.
The Washington Post talked about DSA's "war on liberalism," and the Huffington Post did much of the same.
Sunstein and Thaler had found the Golden Mean between Reagan free-market conservatism and FDR state-guided liberalism.
Meanwhile more regions of the country will exhibit within their borders London-like extremes of liberalism and nativism.
Recently, a book by Patrick J. Deneen, Why Liberalism Failed, caused a commotion in American political-intellectual circles.
O'Donnell thinks that the nomination of Nixon marked the end of liberalism, at least in the Republican Party.
Essentially, it is a combination of conservatism and liberalism that has propelled the United States to unprecedented heights.
The Swedish General Election result is a clear victory for European liberalism and a defeat for populist nationalism.
Liberalism depends on a belief in progress but, for many voters, progress is what happens to other people.
Now that history has stormed back with a vengeance, liberalism needs to fight its ground all over again.
For the opposite of nativist populism is not hyper-liberalism but a battle for the epithet of "pragmatist".
Behind this façade, they are ideological institutions committed to a strict blend of social liberalism and economic conservatism.
I knew that liberalism is transcendent in the Bay Area, but I didn't realize groupthink was this lopsided.
"Limousine liberalism was never a myth," he writes, however "absurd and scurrilous" the political rhetoric may have been.
Liberalism may be feeble as a battle cry, but nothing is more important for human dignity and decency.
With these cultural markers have come expressions of unblushing liberalism that would have been unthinkable a decade ago.
The steep decrease was prompted by Theresa May, then the home secretary, in a rare flash of liberalism.
Mill was instrumental in formulating the philosophical foundations of nineteenth-century progressive political movements, including liberalism and feminism.
But that liberalism is under several kinds of pressure in our era of rising nationalism and religious extremism.
This conception of liberalism, he went on, was incubated and promoted by the very magazine you are reading.
Why is the desire for recognition—or identity politics, as Fukuyama also calls it—a threat to liberalism?
There will be a need for each of them to somehow distinguish themselves from plain old traditional liberalism.
But on this night, in the fantasy world of primetime TV, technocratic and intellectual liberalism had its moment.
After eight years of relatively doctrinaire liberalism from the White House, the public is ready for a change.
To many, Moby is an inspiring philanthropic hero; to others, he's a paragon of holier-than-thou liberalism.
If we are going to have a decent society we're going to have to save liberalism from itself.
"Unlike Schmitt and Putin, the intellectual critics of liberalism opponents do not typically challenge democracy itself," he wrote.
" Reason's Robby Soave, for French: "Time and again, classical liberalism has provided the tools for defending conservatives' rights.
This contempt for liberalism is a real problem, but rhetoric like Mr. Seehofer's will only make things worse.
" Those critics failed, he wrote, "to consider what the consequences might be of their intemperate attacks upon liberalism.
" Deneen says that the only proper response to liberalism is "to transform the household into a small economy.
He supports the Israeli prime minister because the two politicians share a wariness of Islam and cosmopolitan liberalism.
Soon, they were making trouble for the university, which they saw as an intolerable outpost of Western liberalism.
Liberalism has its eye on a new beginning, while the mainstream party is stuck looking backward and bickering.
"You have a choice between two kinds of liberalism," a Wisconsin official explained to the New York Times.
Every political movement has its constitutional visions, from Great Society liberalism to Reaganite economic libertarianism and cultural conservatism.
First, it will be a decisive break from the moderate liberalism of Bill Clinton and even Barack Obama.
It was liberalism, period, as it actually exists today and governed from the White House until very recently.
They are compulsively reactionary, defining themselves in opposition to liberalism — or, that is, to their caricature of it.
Nowhere is the unnaturalness of liberalism more obvious than when it comes to the principle of free speech.
The liberalism that came after humanism may be what keeps his memory alive and draws us to him.
It is the German lack of liberalism, not mashed potatoes with spinach and eggs, that constitutes our Piefigkeit.
As part of The Economist's Open Future initiative, we asked Ms Ghose some questions about liberalism in India.
So perhaps ancient Hindus were liberals long before classical liberalism emerged in the West in the 5003th century!
Using The Economist as a proxy for liberalism enables Zevin to sidestep much conceptual muddle about the doctrine.
His words have been varied, but his purpose has been consistent and his point simple: liberalism isn't centrism.
Perhaps conservatives will make him a martyr, a victim of the excesses of liberalism and a dishonest media.
If liberalism wishes to succeed in 21st-century America, it shouldn't reject identity politics — it should embrace it.
Young herself described the politics of difference as not a species of liberalism but a challenge to it.
But economic decline was — and is — a compelling factor in generating conservative hostility to social and cultural liberalism.
As a conservative Catholic, I have theories about how this collapse reveals the weaknesses of liberalism in religion.
Certainly the new phase of liberalism is increasing the political polarization of both marital practice and marital beliefs.
Second, the emerging phase of liberalism is less inclined to concede anything to conservatives on the cultural front.
A trend toward liberalism could boost Japanese companies' confidence in overseas projects in the long term, he added.
Liberalism may be in crisis, but with more than 150 years of experience, it is used to that.
It is a point of view, and it can be wrong, just as conservatism or liberalism can be.
One is a kind of anything-goes social liberalism, spearheaded by small groups like Muslims for Progressive Values.
But why are there so few voters holding the reverse position, combining social/racial liberalism and economic conservatism?
Today, contrarianism on race and gender is liable to get fierce pushback in the publications of mainstream liberalism.
But today we have television, and the internet, and a liberalism worked out in universities and think tanks.
What is more, she gives relatively little attention to the fate of liberalism in twentieth-century France and Germany, even though, in the decades after World War II, France and West Germany were arguably the strongest embodiments of the older liberal traditions that she contrasts with post-war American liberalism.
Over the 21964th century and continuing into this one, modern liberalism and conservatism have slowly adopted their current the set of policy positions, at the same time that voters and politicians have sorted themselves so that the Democratic Party is synonymous with modern liberalism and the Republic Party with modern conservatism.
Well, the term I've been using is "identity liberalism," and that's important because identity liberalism, in my view, is a kind of pseudo-politics that, despite whatever one thinks of the claims being made, distracts attention away from issues and focuses it on questions of personal identity or social recognition.
Does liberalism deserve some credit for that and if so, are people not responsible for their own bullshit jobs?
Bloomberg is, in effect, proposing to run on the ideal Wall Street platform of low taxes and social liberalism.
The battle for the Democratic presidential nomination is providing the backdrop for an increasingly nasty fight within American liberalism.
What these polls have revealed is, despite fears of surging right-wing populism, we are seeing surging liberalism instead.
Unlike in earlier periods, the Democratic and Republican parties are now closely aligned with American liberalism and conservatism, respectively.
He is a product of the same kind of politics that I'm a part of, which is Midwest liberalism.
Yet that unbroken train of thought from regression to coercion, even in its milder form, rubs up against liberalism.
A fully ascendant liberalism would have co-opt or crush groups that in California politics simply diminished or disappeared.
The image of an island of liberalism and learning in a country plagued by militant violence has been shattered.
It will be difficult, he predicts, for modern liberalism to ground a universal moral law on non-theistic foundations.
" Mr. Horowitz "judged cases by whether they weakened the institutional entrenchment of liberalism, and strengthened conservative organizations and causes.
She saw freedom from cruelty and the division of powers as the twin pillars of her "liberalism of fear".
So the second great task facing liberalism alongside reigning in over-mighty elites is reviving the national-localist tradition.
But again liberalism has also contained another tradition that is much more sensitive to the importance of "soft" issues.
"You make liberals crazy for that part of liberalism that has gone off the deep end," Maher told Yiannopoulos.
During the Blair-Brown-Cameron years, political debate was imprisoned in the gilded cage of economic and social liberalism.
Like Confirmation, Luv theatrically contrasts extreme hatred and soft liberalism, here the yogic, laissez-faire, nonjudgmental ethos of California.
In most advanced economies, liberalism has long provided the rules and the framework within which arguments have taken place.
We are so used to taking for granted that liberalism is an age-old and venerable Anglo-American tradition.
Ms Rosenblatt: Many of your readers will undoubtedly be surprised to hear that liberalism owes its origins to France.
But she also goes further to draw a connection between modern liberalism and Mormonism's own long tradition of collectivism.
VICE: Is there an easy or succinct explanation for why so many people seem to be turning against liberalism?
It was painful when people were like, 'Hillary lost because Lena Dunham is such a bad example of liberalism.
Wednesday's decision, the first such ruling in Asia, cements Taiwan's position as a beacon of liberalism in the region.
In other words, the Cruz amendment is pro-choice -- which I thought was one of the anthems of liberalism.
Trump's election was not a repudiation of liberalism, and Obama is uniquely situated to stand up for those values.
During the Cold War, right-wing anti-liberalism was slightly tempered by the need for a bipartisan foreign policy.
To Republicans, she's the archetypical "San Fransisco Democrat," committed to unrestrained liberalism and out of touch with heartland values.
Fox News' firing of Bob Beckel last week was hardly a crushing loss for liberalism in the public discourse.
To Donald Trump, the EU represents everything he ran against in his presidential campaign: multilateralism, liberalism, and pro-globalization.
It said he would be remembered as someone who made an immeasurable contribution to furthering the cause of liberalism.
Foreign policy was Krauthammer's dominant passion, and the struggle against Soviet Communism drew him away from his youthful liberalism.
He won—and has since shown himself to be an able reformer and a credible figurehead of European liberalism.
Their behavior may not be your daddy's liberalism, but what their outraged critics are selling isn't his conservatism, either.
In the second decade of the 28503th century, it was the "new" form of liberalism that arrived in America.
Eventually, however, the New Dealers won the battle, which is why liberalism today means "big government" in colloquial parlance.
This is pure interest-group liberalism — buying votes with federal money — not an inspiring image of the common good.
So, too, must Democratic leaders be criticized for not condemning more forcefully those who distort liberalism into intolerant radicalism.
Dani Rodrik, a professor of international political economy at Harvard, is even harsher in his critique of contemporary liberalism.
The biggest problems facing most capitalist societies at the moment stem from the excesses of both forms of liberalism.
Then, in the next sentence, he attacks Clinton as a globalist beholden to global liberalism, rather than American workers.
Instead of seeking aggressive racial-equality initiatives, Democrats too often have opted for a sort of trickle-down liberalism.
Then there was liberalism, the province of technocrats and cultural commissars, of data worship and arc-of-history propaganda.
Long viewed as a bastion of liberalism, the organization was accused of sweeping sexual harassment allegations under the rug.
Our elected leaders were raised in the heyday of naked liberalism and still talk as if it were 1994.
Or was the proposal just for show — red meat for a conservative base that resents cultural liberalism in academia?
Hungary and Poland, now on their own authoritarian trajectories, have proved that European Union membership doesn't ensure democratic liberalism.
As an alternative to that dreary status quo, I proposed a new liberal fusionism — a liberalism with libertarian characteristics.
"I see this as liberalism that destroys traditions and the monarchy by claiming to be democratic," Warong told Reuters.
And for serious Papists, especially, the longer arc of liberalism has to look a bit dubious at the moment.
He will be immediately under pressure to expand upon the sometimes-vague liberalism that has colored his public life.
Jill Lepore has written a thoughtful and passionate defense of her vision of American patriotism as a purified liberalism.
They date to 1776 and the birth of political liberalism, the enemy of all theocratic and virtue-centric politics.
Liberalism has tended to confront gender problems from a technocratic point of view: improved systems, improved laws, better health.
We won't be able to copy America's unique liberalism, and the United States probably won't adopt our legalistic approach.
After decades of adopting foreign ideologies like fascism, communism and neo-liberalism, they wonder what remains of their culture.
Even a Cold War liberal like Raymond Aron questioned the efficacy of Western-style liberalism in Asia and Africa.
For the young, in particular, old frameworks of liberalism seem to be a constraint on the possibilities of politics.
And there is good reason to believe the passions stirred by identity politics can renew a liberalism gone haggard.
While this sort of identity liberalism would not reject the accomplishments of the past, it requires admitting their insufficiency.
In one op-ed piece written for the conservative website The Federalist, Mr. Worthington denigrated liberalism on college campuses.
He critiqued both political and economic liberalism for promoting a selfish individualism inimical to community, his highest political ideal.
A better idea, which gets some attention from Traub and more from Kuttner, is a revival of economic liberalism.
"Liberalism till victory or martyrdom" declared Mohammad Said al-Ashmawy, a senior, progressive judge on the court of appeals.
In other important ways, though, there are signs that conservatism may be peaking, while liberalism is on the rise.
Suddenly, the city -- long viewed as a haven of liberalism -- was thrust into a corner it had rarely seen.
This is played as a running gag that is ostensibly intended as a critique of white upper-class liberalism.
Liberalism is dominant only in the Northeast, which is always the last bastion of a dying order of privilege.
Many of the sharpest left-wing critics of liberalism do not frame themselves as opponents of liberal democratic ideals.
Warren's candidacy looks a lot like Sanders': Unapologetic liberalism in support of broad structural change in politics and society.
Young people are spooned liberalism all through high school and college… up until the moment they receive their diplomas.
The endorsement helps Trudeau's campaign strategy: framing the Canadian election as a choice between modern global liberalism and conservatism.
Unbelievably, Pelosi — long a G.O.P. target for her unalloyed liberalism — is derided by the far left for her pragmatism.
Unbelievably, Pelosi — long a G.O.P. target for her unalloyed liberalism — is derided by the far left for her pragmatism.
Mainstream liberalism worried about inequality but offered only policies that much of the public viewed as discredited or unfair.
"Liberalism" as a framework for a free society is painfully lacking in large parts of the Muslim world today.
The book never defines "liberals" or "liberalism" as terms, nor engages with their political tradition in any sustained way.
Well, for one thing, it seems like some of the socialist critiques of mainstream liberalism have been proven right.
She was, he said, shaped by the New England liberalism of Northfield's founders and by its good Samaritan heritage.
Povinelli's work focuses on developing a critical theory of late liberalism that would support an anthropology of the otherwise.
Rawls attempted to answer this question in one of his major works, an extremely long tome titled Political Liberalism.
Eventually poverty prompted the masses to revolt and with that brought the Age of Enlightenment, the cornerstone of liberalism.
But on the other side, the Democrats nominated a person who was tightly associated with the party and liberalism.
And if his concerns about the future of Western liberalism are founded, is there any way to fight back?
Amid today's distrust of liberalism—and liberal self-doubt—it is worth remembering just how fruitful those positions have been.
Mr. Bloomberg also draws disproportionate attention because his mix of fiscal moderation and social liberalism appeals to the chattering classes.
This online event is part of The Economist's Open Future project, which aims to remake the case for liberalism today.
Some Canadians object to Mr Trudeau's relentless political correctness, and worry that his liberalism has an illiberal side (see article).
"What the ADL has become is not the Anti-Defamation League, it's the league to combat anti-liberalism," Friedman said.
She recently co-authored "Abduction: How Liberalism Steals Our Children's Hearts and Minds" with Steve Feazel, author and film-maker.
But they also don't particularly identify with the self-consciously woke brand of liberalism practiced in big cosmopolitan metro areas.
In this issue we publish an essay that is a manifesto for a liberal revival—a liberalism for the people.
Despite their protestations of liberalism, it is clear that they are unable to see past the colour of Chris's skin.
It will be asked exactly what connects the three mistakes it exposes, and how far political liberalism depends on them.
It's raised questions for her, personally, as someone whose own politics also differ from Wellesley's brand of liberalism, Castro said.
It's a right-wing party dedicated to economic liberalism and Christian democracy, but they all say they're MBL members first.
His New York Times op-ed, "The End of Identity Liberalism" went viral, and received a savaging from his peers.

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