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"anti-feminist" Definitions
  1. opposed to feminism
"anti-feminist" Antonyms

260 Sentences With "anti feminist"

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"I get so much crap, people being, 'You're anti-feminist, the show's anti-feminist,' " says Clarke of dissenting commentary about the HBO fantasy series.
"The walk of shame is an anti-feminist construct," she responds.
Like much reality TV, I Wanna Marry Harry is profoundly anti-feminist.
But they may alternatively be part of an anti-feminist propaganda campaign.
I started studying online anti-feminist movements seven or eight years ago.
Houser espoused extremist right-wing views and was reportedly an ardent anti-feminist.
Bogutskaya: I wouldn't call anyone anti-feminist for enjoying a type of film.
"The FN is xenophobic, racist and anti-feminist," said retired teacher Mireille Escarrat.
Moreover, Trump and other Republicans will try to stoke an anti-feminist backlash.
Some saw no problem with the image, while others deemed it anti-feminist.
Fear of what women might desire animates much of anti-feminist American politics.
He was staunchly anti-feminist and believed that systemic oppression, like racism, was over.
Talking about the first daughter segued into talking about "anti-feminist feminists" in general.
Anti-feminist redditors consider her fair game for harassment; feminists expect her to disavow her associates when they behave in anti-feminist ways; her clothing choices must be faultlessly flattering or she will face mockery, and flawlessly ethical or she will face outrage.
It's a flourishing world of men's rights activists, libertarians, anti-feminist atheists, and white nationalists.
It feels wrong to admit that, anti-feminist even, but I confess, it sounds good.
Or is she a whimpering pretender whose prickly exterior belies a soft, anti-feminist core?
I get a lot of students commenting on female appearances, making openly anti-feminist comments.
That both performances should stand alone, and that somehow it's anti-feminist to liken the two.
Because of that, an anti-feminist, anti-autonomy, and anti-choice law remains on the books.
Your defense sounds a great deal like an anti-feminist scenario once described by Aziz Ansari.
Some people say this type of surgery is anti-feminist, but I'd say the complete opposite.
She is a deeply cautious politician whose record is marred by some ugly anti-feminist blots.
Ms. Murphy called Ms. Young a "virulent anti-feminist" and an apologist for men's rights activists.
And it is defined in part by its misogyny and its anti-feminist, anti-woman language.
And it doesn't seem accidental that his skepticism about objective facts arises when it's conveniently anti-feminist.
Many people believe that beauty pageants, and the people who compete in them, are decidedly anti-feminist.
" She wrote: "Equal parts misogyny and girl power, the show is ... feminist, it's anti-feminist, it's both.
Nobody would say that Kate Moss looks frumpy (or pick your anti-feminist code word), that's ridiculous.
"In her period, she was seen as an anti-feminist in a certain way," Mr. Tyrnauer said.
In April, the alt-right anti-feminist subreddit r/TheRedPill was featured, which also proved highly controversial.
But "lube is anti-feminist" isn't the only wack opinion floating around the internet about personal lube.
After receiving anti-feminist replies on Twitter, she also started getting harassed across platforms, in part because other anti-feminist Star Wars accounts picked up screenshots of her tweet after it was first included in the round-up and distributed to an even wider audience, including on Instagram.
These speculations about Chapman read as tangential and petty trade gossip at best, and anti-feminist at worst.
But Breitbart, under Mr. Bannon, also embraced a more sinister element — a white nationalist and anti-feminist agenda.
Or are you fearful the authorities will fabricate evidence against you to pursue an agenda that's anti-feminist?
But she also saw evolutions to stay current, like an increase in tailored feminist and anti-feminist content.
My support for Bernie Sanders was criticized by female friends and allies, including my sisters, as anti-feminist.
While some Muslims criticized people wearing the headscarves as anti-feminist, others thanked the community for its public solidarity.
Wade, there were some anti-feminist impulses in the rhetoric of those activists, but this is not Williams's focus.
"Fifty percent of the nation are racist, anti-feminist, narrow-minded and living in a box," states Vigdís Ósk.
For those unfamiliar with the term, could you explain who they are and why their mindset is anti-feminist?
Of course, those aren't necessarily "anti-feminist" actions so much as they're examples of shit that college students do.
But before the "cool girl" would be deemed an anti-feminist cliché, Del Rey was celebrated as its poster child.
Did they succumb to the criticism that the books promoted an anti-feminist, damsel-in-distress view of the world?
This pivot to the right on women's health is particularly insidious, reflecting an anti-feminist backlash across the political spectrum.
It was a feminist meme that inspired an anti-feminist retort that, stripped of irony, began circulating on its own.
He insists, however, that his work isn't anti-feminist or at all targeting the Delaware-based sculptor behind Fearless Girl.
Because, to me, it's inherently anti-feminist to tell a woman what she should or shouldn't like or do sexually.
Nearly a half-century after Roe, we must not allow some warped, anti-feminist ideology to take away our freedom.
More suspiciously, it was written by David E. Kelley, the creator of "Ally McBeal," my least favorite anti-feminist fantasia.
To fall in love, to share your relationship, to participate in stereotypically "feminine" activities — none of these are anti-feminist ideas.
The survey found that two-thirds of men don't consider themselves a feminist, consider themselves anti-feminist, or have no opinion.
The fact that I called those people "feminists"—I'm worried people will think I'm anti-feminist, which I'm not at all.
" Clinton knows that had she won, she would have governed in a time of deep anti-feminist backlash: "You know what?
To let them know there's nothing wrong or anti-feminist with feeling like a nude photo isn't everyone's idea of strength.
Parroting dozens of critics, he fairly pointed out that Gone Girl was an anti-feminist nightmare, basically ammo for the MRAs.
People started to question if tampons were anti-feminist while others were confused about the idea of free-bleeding in general.
But if someone told me that giving a blowjob was an anti-feminist act, I'd tell them to kindly fuck off.
Carl Benjamin, an anti-feminist Youtube personality, made a name for himself by capitalizing on the height of GamerGate in 2014.
To anti-feminist groups who fantasize about falsified rape statistics and work to delegitimize rape culture, Oberst became their poster boy.
Is the way his story is told evidence of an anti-feminist backlash or a bold indictment of witch-hunting excess?
Conservative women, anti-feminist women, apolitical women, it is simply a fact: You are participating in feminism just by being alive.
The harassment occurred under the social media hashtag "Gamergate," which is still a hotbed of debate and anti-feminist resentment today.
And yet none of those brilliant and articulate women have stepped in to fill her role as America's foremost anti-feminist.
TV: The Witch has been described as a feminist film, but it depicts a culture that's extremely sexist and anti-feminist.
A pioneering anti-feminist and anti-LGBTQ activist, she relished using rhetoric designed to thrill her allies and enrage her opponents.
"Top word pairs in user self-descriptions included 'anti-EU', 'anti-Islam', 'anti-globalist', 'anti-feminist' and 'anti-Zionist,'" the paper reads.
Her subjects include the alt-right, "incels" (young men angry that they are involuntarily celibate) and Jordan Peterson (an anti-feminist writer).
The anti-feminist beliefs of the Startups could be discarded as irrelevant, if not for reports around Stidham's own behavior years later.
Though she disdained second-wave feminism, she was not an anti-feminist; there is no ignoring the confident ferocity of her mind.
The movement encompasses multiple overlapping internet subcultures, but is built atop a foundation of white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and anti-feminist ideology.
" Last August, a handful of soft-red posters popped up across the London tube, bearing the question, "Shapewear is anti-feminist, right?
Conservative lawyer and segregationist Phyllis Schlafly led the anti-feminist charge against the ERA, claiming that it would destroy the American family.
In 2010, she announced that she had quit Catholicism, saying she objected to what she called anti-gay and anti-feminist views.
At the time, what was interesting to me about them was their countercultural style, and it didn't resemble traditional anti-feminist movements.
The way many media outlets covered the Kylie Jenner news after she admitted to getting "temporary lip fillers" was upsetting and anti-feminist.
Unlike her, she is an anti-feminist who does nothing to pull other women up, at least until she feels she has to.
Over on Schlafly's side of things, Sarah Paulson plays an ally of the anti-feminist movement, and John Slattery plays Schlafly's husband, John.
Some—in the case of noted eugenicist and anti-feminist Arabella Kenealy—were downright monstrous, their scientific legacies tainted by racism and white supremacism.
I used to think plastic surgery was anti-feminist, when in reality, standing confidently as a woman is the strongest thing one can do.
The anti-feminist icon died at her home on Monday at the age of 92 after decades of work as a right-wing activist.
MRAs commonly have a victim mentality—viewing themselves as being systemically persecuted, with women getting a better deal—and many are loudly anti-feminist.
"One of the really sad things is these communities have taken a really terrifyingly hardcore right-wing anti-feminist, anti-inclusion turn," she adds.
Despite comparisons between MIAS and inflammatory MRA groups like CAFE, Arriola told VICE that the characterization that his group is anti-feminist is wrong.
"The RSU cannot associate itself or approve groups on campus that receive support from external organizations that endorse anti-feminist actions," she told VICE.
It is little wonder that Steinem and Albright made stunningly anti-feminist statements in the course of their support for Hillary during the primaries.
But as society evolved, and women worked to reclaim their place in society, these seemingly anti-feminist "Sloane Rangers" seemed to fade away with time.
The piece concerned anti-abortion women who, despite their inherently anti-feminist beliefs, want to call themselves feminists and be included in the feminist movement.
Shortly before this revelation, fans also found that contestant Garrett Yrigoyen had been liking racist, transphobic, fat-shaming, and anti-feminist memes on social media.
Being hurt when someone calls you fat feels anti-feminist, like you're not just failing yourself by being uncool about it, but failing a community.
Members of the fetish community, Blake included, organized face-sitting demonstrations outside Parliament to protest what they saw as anti-feminist and kink-shaming regulations.
Hey women who are anti-feminist because you think it'll get you laid: There's dick on the right side of history too - and it's better.
Specifically, second thoughts about human nature as he watched hordes of far-right whackjobs rally around the anti-feminist Gamergate campaign on Twitter in 2014.
" Kissock added: "As a female student, when I hear male teachers promoting anti-feminist ideas it makes me worry, particularly in an all-male environment.
According to her supporters, if you don't vote for her you are anti-feminist, if you are female; if you're a male, you're a misogynist.
By the 1980s, a pro-family, anti-feminist backlash was brewing; that backlash dovetailed perfectly with the fears upon which the day care panic capitalized.
So it pains me to hear people taking Thrones out of context with [an] anti-feminist spin — because you can't do that about this show.
The model-minority myth exists alongside another dangerous and limiting idea — one that is consistent with the alt-right's misogyny and core anti-feminist values.
Lee suggests a party with a strong anti-feminist message could emerge at next year's general election, just as right wing groups surged in Europe.
Milo Yiannopoulos, a regular writer for Breitbart and heavyweight in the anti-feminist, anti-immigrant hemisphere of the internet, is a champion in this realm.
His work resists being painted with a broad brush, despite the tendencies to hold him up as either an unimpeachable genius or an anti-feminist nightmare.
As far as being more interesting than the average anti-feminist crusader goes, that seems right — but the bar is none too high at the moment.
The 36-year-old—who, per royal protocol, is forced to remain politically neutral—was slammed and accused of being "anti-feminist" for her outfit choice.
Each time it seems it's going out of style, we discover a new use for it, or we decide that it's not anti-feminist after all.
In an 8chan post attributed to him, Earnest referenced the "red pill" movement, an anti-feminist, men's rights, alt-right identity group, the Washington Post reports.
But only 35 states ratified the amendment in time, in large part because of an opposition campaign led by Phyllis Schlafly, a proudly anti-feminist Republican.
Her photo appeared on a 4chan thread on what's wrong with Korean feminists, and she's been discussed on /r/Hapas, a subreddit for anti-feminist Asian men.
People question whether the act of wearing makeup is anti-feminist (much like they question drag); I think the answer is in the reason we do things.
Avaaz said the networks it found comprised around 2910 pages and groups spreading far-right propaganda — including anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT, anti-feminist and anti-Islam content.
Behold Salon's Amanda Marcotte: It is self-evidently anti-feminist to pretend that Clinton criticism is only produced by a "testosterone left" or victims of internalized misogyny.
It's very easy to find your way to anti-feminist, anti-Black Lives Matter YouTube, and I noticed how little progressive content there was on the site.
But there's something a bit anti-feminist in how dismissive the show has been toward the job of first lady, which Claire has completely failed to fulfill.
"I understand the ways in which pageantry in a cis realm is in many ways anti-feminist" because it reinforces conventional standards of femininity, she told me.
I was in a million classrooms where people would make an observation that began with, "I'm not a feminist, but ... " It was deep anti-feminist backlash time.
Its key thinker was the irrepressible George Gilder, who in the 1970s had achieved celebrity as an anti-feminist and in the 1980s as a supply-sider.
The platform offered general guidelines against bad behavior for the first year of its life, but like many websites, it was blindsided by anti-feminist internet movement Gamergate.
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump eulogized conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly Saturday, praising her as an underdog and linking the anti-feminist movement she led to his anti-establishment campaign.
However, Ciampaglia said, there's little reason to think that sexist harassment online has abated in the intervening years, especially given the rise of the anti-feminist GamerGate movement.
But the anti-feminist leader Phyllis Schlafly mobilized a quick and extraordinarily successful movement to stop the E.R.A., warning of disastrous consequences if traditional gender roles were eroded.
A. O. SCOTT The pre-emptive backlash was another of those reactionary anti-feminist boy-tantrums that have become a fixture of our culture and our politics lately.
She was a staunch anti-feminist and believer in the "traditional family" who helped shape the culture wars about family, community, identity, and equality we're still having today.
Suddenly she wasn't just on the beef's periphery, but at its center: Depending on where you stood, she was Yeezus' honorably defensive wife, or the Swifties' anti-feminist bully.
Washington (CNN)Phyllis Schlafly, a prominent anti-feminist and early leader of the social conservative movement, died Monday at the age of 92 at her home in St. Louis.
Founded in 2013 by former members of the mainstream conservative People's Party, Vox is anti-Muslim, nationalist, anti-feminist, Eurosceptic, socially conservative, economically liberal, and staunchly pro-Spanish unity.
" Criticism of Dr. Grant as anti-feminist had come to the fore in 1988, with the publication of her book, "Being a Woman: Fulfilling Your Femininity and Finding Love.
We were coming out of real backlash years in the United States where there was a tremendous anti-feminist backlash, and that had gone very much out of fashion.
Wendling writes about the "Intellectuals" (like the democracy-hating Curtis Yarvin), the "Racialists" (peddlers of racist pseudoscience), the "Channers" (4chan forum posters) and the "Meninists" (male anti-feminist activists).
" Professor Mahmood wrote that both these perspectives "ignore the fact that I was not interested in delivering judgments on what counts as a feminist versus an anti-feminist practice.
Phyllis Schlafly, the anti-feminist conservative leader who died Monday at the age of 92, is probably most famous for killing public support for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
When I began studying digital anti-feminist and far-right networks for my doctorate in 2015, the number of women in these spaces seemed small enough to be insignificant.
On Monday night, while feeding his 1-year-old son, Chris Currie encountered what many women and few men have to confront: vicious online attacks from anti-feminist trolls.
He capitalized on a wave of anti-feminist sentiment directed at activists like Woodhull, who had already irritated Congress by appearing before them years earlier to demand the vote.
"For every one person accusing us of this, there's at least one gender-critical feminist accusing us of being anti-feminist or bowing to the patriarchy," she tells me.
And in the loose collection of anti-feminist blogs known as the "manosphere," basic ideas around gender equality that have long been taken for granted are now being relitigated.
Even as reactionary or anti-feminist movements have gained more power on the platform, those general views have held firm — making Trump's latest pro-ISP moves particularly awkward for some.
I ask Amara what she'd say to someone who makes the obvious criticism that the Clit List is promoting an industry that might be considered unethical—or inherently anti-feminist.
An outright emo-punk hit, "Misery Business" received backlash in recent years with people accusing the lyrics (and by association their writer, lead singer Hayley Williams) of being anti-feminist.
The issue of women's representation in gaming was pretty hot this past year, with the Gamergate controversy making headlines and creating a disturbing wave of anti-feminist reactions and threats.
LONDON — Campaigners are calling for a boycott of an anti-feminist, self-styled "pick-up artist" who's organising events for like-minded, heterosexual men across eight UK cities this Saturday.
I feared my readers might call me a hypocrite, or ask if I was anti-feminist or homophobic or any of the other things some people assume Christians must be.
Thirty-five states ratified the amendment quickly, but then momentum slowed, in part due to the work of anti-feminist advocates like Phyllis Schlafly in the mid to late 1970s.
Her satirical hit, "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone," was misread as anti-feminist, and as she became a target of misogynistic gibes, Cole briefly considered leaving the industry altogether.
She was also surprised to discover that higher-income and higher-educated groups were just as likely to hold anti-feminist views as their lower-income and lower-education counterparts.
And they are furious at the growing influence of a quasi-evangelistic group of religious-nationalist Jews who espouse anti-feminist, anti-gay views and a far-right, messianic ideology.
The undoing of the E.R.A. is largely considered the handiwork of one woman: Phyllis Schlafly, a proudly anti-feminist Republican, who rallied housewives to fight the amendment in the 1970s.
And with the continuing rise since December 2018 of Spain's ultra-Catholic, anti-feminist right-wing party, Vox, the brutal attacks on female autonomy Ceesepe's depicted don't seem too far off.
" And to fully drive in the picture of a heartless, anti-feminist villain, Aidy Bryant and her gal pals giggle behind her back: "When she watches Titanic she thinks she's Rose.
The media criticism around both figures centered not just on the content of their alleged misconduct: Conroy's seemingly left-wing views and Wolf's supposed anti-feminist attacks on another woman's appearance.
But not long after the show, a series of controversial tweets surfaced from co-creator Tim Soret, suggesting that the game would reflect the worldview of the anti-feminist Gamergate movement.
It's unclear what anti-feminist speaker and former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos has been up to since he made comments about pedophilia, lost his job, and watched his book deal implode.
Both present tricky needles for her to thread—she'll have to avoid seeming pro–big bank and find a way to appeal to young women without overtly calling Sanders anti-feminist.
In 2014, Gamergate — the anti-feminist harassment movement that surfaced in gaming culture and spread into larger internet culture — also fought against many gaming franchises that sought to be more diverse.
Fifty Shades Darker is mediocre, boring, and not so much anti-feminist as a-feminist, as it seems to take place in a world where the women's movement never even happened.
My ill-fated experiment was an attempt to understand how a garment designed to remold the body could simultaneously be described as empowering and anti-feminist, depending on whom you asked.
A House committee postponed a hearing planned for Wednesday on the minimum wage after anti-gay and anti-feminist blog posts surfaced written by a witness selected by the GOP majority.
"Having a Carly Fiorina or a, heaven forbid, Sarah Palin in the White House would set all women back of course, because their agendas are firmly and unequivocally anti-feminist," she said.
The YouTube channel of Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin, one of the loudest anti-feminist voices during GamerGate and a recent UKIP candidate for European Parliament, has been demonetized, according to BuzzFeed.
So when Tay was fed sexist, racist, and other awful lines on Twitter, the bot began to parrot those vile utterances and, later, began to adopt anti-feminist and pro-Nazi stances.
His wife, Karen (Shantel VanSanten), is... unfortunately defined mostly by her relationship with her family and by a half-hearted and quickly abandoned attempt to paint her as an anti-feminist conservative.
But it's also important not to add to a feeling of embarrassment for people who play certain roles that might be thought of as anti-feminist, because everyone has to start somewhere.
But as conversations about depictions of women in media began to evolve, and notions about pop culture tropes began to expand, the early critiques of her character as anti-feminist began to return.
In September 2013, Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson was forced to resign after a string of racist and anti-feminist tweets, which many believed put the company at risk of anti-discrimination lawsuits.
Viral video of Russian woman bleaching manspreaders was anti-feminist propaganda Last month, a video of a woman allegedly dumping water mixed with bleach into the laps of manspreaders went viral, Megan Farokhmanesh.
We unapologetically reject that demand and, as a consequence, catch hell from all sides for condemning white feminists and anti-feminist black men alike for the lack of support given to black women.
As she put it in her draft: As a group, the girls are as cold and calculating, and as irrational and defenseless and inept, as if drawn by an anti-feminist male writer.
Anti-feminist killers like Rodgers or Minassian or Lepine would style themselves as guerrilla counterrevolutionaries in the sexual revolution that has been ongoing and periodically intensifying for more than the last half-century.
This month's national election saw Vox surge to become the third-largest party in the Spanish parliament, more than doubling its number of seats with its mix of nationalist and anti-feminist rhetoric.
"Inada is anti-feminist," said Mari Miura, a professor of political science at Sophia University, pointing to the defense minister's membership in an ultraconservative activist group that believes women belong in the home.
Amy Klobuchar to lay out her plan to "break through the systematic, anti-feminist comments or attacks," and what she described was a higher bar set for the female candidates than their male counterparts.
The meetups will inevitably be swamped by throngs of journalists, standing around in the cold and trying to look plausibly misogynistic in the hope that a gullible anti-feminist will feed them provocative quotes.
That term is "female privilege", and though it's not one you'd likely hear in everyday conversation, it's one that's reverberating loudly through the corridors of the Manosphere — a constellation of anti-women, anti-feminist subcultures.
Despite the alt-right's general alignment with sexist and anti-feminist ideologies and Conway's attempt to distance the campaign from the movement, much (though not all) of the alt-right embraced her as a hero.
The preservation of "family life" in the abstract — which is to say, as an anti-feminist, libertarian ideal — became increasingly synonymous with the privileging of corporate license to set family policy as it saw fit.
But the opposite is true—not because they're widely different from one another (the same anti-feminist sentiment) but because Captain Marvel hugged to its message tight, even when it was foreseen to be harmful.
At the same time, 8 percent to 10 percent of voters say they support the Alternative for Germany party, which has just adopted a bluntly anti-feminist, anti-gay-rights, anti-Muslim, aggressively nationalist program.
For instance, I tend to side with Slate's Willa Paskin in thinking the Dany turn is not anti-feminist, but I do sort of think the scene violates the show's former attempts at psychological realism.
LONDON — The pro-rape, anti-feminist "pick-up artist" who had planned to host controversial meetups for like-minded, heterosexual men in 43 cities worldwide has cancelled those events over fears about the safety of attendees.
By giving our baby my husband's last name, we'd be exposing him to long-held, anti-feminist gender norms, the fight against which has dictated the course of much of my life and my entire career.
One of the reasons Yiannopoulos blended in so well with reactionary conservatives — despite being an openly gay man — is because he spouted the anti-feminist, anti-Muslim, and otherwise bigoted messages that the fringe movement trumpets.
"It was an interesting way to approach this character in a Philip Roth piece, who's so often criticized for being anti-feminist," said Ms. Gadon, who was surprised by the humor and fun of Plath's journals.
A part of me feels decidedly anti-feminist writing about another woman's appearance, but we don't move the conversation forward by pretending the natural outward signifiers of age should never be noticed, discussed or even celebrated.
Conversations I've had with female leftists in the United States suggest that, for many, the experience of being smeared as anti-feminist has permanently altered how they relate to both the Democratic Party and mainstream feminism.
The joke is just one example of the weirdly stodgy, retrograde, sex-negative, anti-feminist humor that plagues Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt's otherwise strong third season—and, to a large degree, executive producer Tina Fey's entire career.
Researchers at Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology, which recently launched the world's first academic research center to study climate denialism, have for years been examining a link between climate deniers and the anti-feminist far-right.
The fight between Trump and Clinton, it argued, could not be detached from the explosion of female comedy: it found its roots in everything from the female-cast "Ghostbusters" reboot to the anti-feminist GamerGate movement.
The same weekend, anti-feminist forces, led by the charismatic and caustic Phyllis Schlafly, held a nearly all-white Pro-Life, Pro-Family Rally across town, mobilizing a radical-conservative movement that was to grow rapidly.
Vox became the third-largest party in a fragmented parliament in the election, more than doubling its seats to 52 after campaigning on a platform of staunch nationalism and an anti-feminist and anti-immigrant stance.
" Mr. Cernovich is an unlikely champion for sexual harassment victims, given his previous career as an anti-feminist blogger who cast doubt on date-rape allegations and wrote posts with headlines like "Misogyny Gets You Laid.
Neither the anti-feminist camp nor the empowered feminist camp assign value to women's pleasure and desire—it's like sex is this thing to check off a list so that you can work all the time.
As Neil J. Young shows in We Gather Together: The Religious Right and the Problem of Interfaith Politics, the new spirit of ecumenism was not only a response to a shared commitment to anti-feminist politics.
Writer Jen Ortiz began the interview by asking the women about the anti-feminist tone of the Making the Band episode in which O'Day was fired by Diddy, who used the word "promiscuous" to make his decision.
ANTI-FEMINISM And Vox, with its openly anti-feminist stance, has set about challenging the reforms of recent years, mostly passed with cross-party backing, that have attempted to boost gender equality and stem violence against women.
If she produces the image, stars in the image, controls the distribution of the image, and helps drive conversation with the image, then there really isn't a coherent argument to make that said image is anti-feminist.
One of the most prominent anti-feminist voices during GamerGate has turned towards politics, having been named a candidate for the European Parliament representing UKIP, a political party with a bent towards xenophobia, racism, and anti-immigration.
The harassment largely stemmed from anti-feminist Star Wars fan accounts who rounded up and highlighted tweets under the pretense that those complaining were "outraged" social justice warriors trying to tear down a successful Star Wars franchise.
But that deadline, too, passed with just 383 states — three short of the required 38 — having voted to ratify the amendment, amid an intense campaign led by Phyllis Schlafly, a proudly anti-feminist Republican to block it.
He told Vox that despite being socially progressive for most of his life, he had been drawn to the movement's anti-feminist message, feeling resentment for the way feminism seemed to be blaming white men for everything.
Throughout the two minute video, the women balk at the length of the porn performers nails, their anti-feminist dirty talk, their excessive fingering, and finally, their choice to use a high heel as a makeshift dildo (what?!).
On November 7, conservative groups organized an anti-feminist and anti-gay protest directed at Judith Butler, who was participating in a consortium called "The Ends of Democracy" in the department of philosophy at University of São Paulo.
And as we found during our own investigation, many of the men have a background full of thin attempts to achieve fame through modeling, fitness, or acting — and one of them is known to tweet anti-feminist thoughts.
People with and without large Twitter followings, some who are verified and many who are not, have found themselves overwhelmed with anti-feminist replies and messages across platforms after tweeting about how few women are in "The Mandalorian."
In 1981, Weyrich, Viguerie, LaHaye, Republican functionary Morton Blackwell, anti-feminist lawyer Phyllis Schlafly, oil scion Nelson Bunker Hunt, beer magnate Joseph Coors, and some 50 other conservatives began meeting every Wednesday morning in Viguerie's handsome Virginia home.
Beside the /b/tards and racists and the Men Going Their Own Way (aka "MGTOW," the anti-feminist group that claims to renounce women and sex entirely), still it is the left who come out looking worst of all.
ON OCTOBER 28TH, the day Jair Bolsonaro won Brazil's presidential election, Ana Caroline Campagnolo, an "anti-feminist" history teacher who had recently been elected a legislator in the southern state of Santa Catarina, sent out a message on Facebook.
Even if it makes sense for celebrities to use their expansive platform and influence to affect change, there's a real fear of online harassment at the hands of anti-feminist and anti-liberal trolls, sometimes encouraged by President Trump.
It's a cruel irony of the anti-feminist movement that the men lured into being patriarchy's foot-soldiers are so often those badly served by it in the first place: the nerds, the outsiders, the gauche, and the lonely.
To decry their or anyone's support for Sanders over Warren as anti-feminist is less than helpful to the greater cause of gender equality, and more of an oversimplification of what feminism actually is—or is supposed to be.
In part, the third-wave embrace of girliness was a response to the anti-feminist backlash of the 22014s, the one that said the second-wavers were shrill, hairy, and unfeminine and that no man would ever want them.
For instance: Sharon Osbourne spoke to The Telegraph to air her grievances with the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star's nude selfies — a puzzling thing to discuss in an interview, but nonetheless, Osbourne decries her nude selfies as anti-feminist.
The audio that Kim leaked, however, shows that arguably the most anti-feminist, regressive, offensive line in the song (that Kanye might sleep with Swift because she owes her fame to him) is the one that Swift was most excited about.
Garrett, as fans found out late last month, has a history of racist, transphobic, fat-shaming, and anti-feminist social media use, liking Instagram photos that took shots at plus-size women, Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg, child immigrants, and more.
Misogyny doesn't just come from overtly woman-hating men, and the show's good at conveying that: its most compelling villains are the kind of anti-feminist women who prop up patriarchal institutions like the Quiverfull movement and Mars Hill Church.
Similarly, Puss acts as an amalgam of the darkest vices of men; it's unsurprising to hear him spew out anti-feminist rhetoric and physically harm women while branding himself a pariah shunned for wanting to help them gain their independence.
" As for comments she's received about being "anti-feminist," she says, "Being a feminist is about your own choices and saying, 'This is how I'm going to live my life and I'm not going to let anyone dictate it for me.
Conway, who describes herself in the piece as a "post-feminist, anti-feminist — non-feminist," went on to say she is not on a first name basis with the president because she does not consider him to be her peer.
The ratification by the state's House of Representatives, by a 21992-22000 vote, had symbolic resonance because Illinois was the home of Phyllis Schlafly, an anti-feminist activist who led a national campaign against in the ERA in the 21976s.
This is a common vein of nostalgic thinking that you can find in arguments from mainstream social conservatives ranging from Phyllis Schlafly to the Moral Majority up to modern anti-feminist populists like Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro and Hungary's Viktor Orbán.
But then came the anti-feminist backlash: In the 1950s, when Hillary Clinton was a child, women saw many of those social gains rolled back as nuclear families retreated to the suburbs and women started having more children, and having them younger.
One woman I know — a ballsy, badass single mom and high-powered career woman who still manages to look hot at all times — once recommended I read The Rules, or what I like to call Ye Olde Book Of Anti-Feminist Dating Tips.
People have found many reasons to protest Donald Trump since his election: his anti-feminist rhetoric, his attempted travel ban on citizens of several Muslim-majority countries, his administration's crackdown on undocumented immigrants, the Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Last year opened with a similar, though smaller, anti-feminist backlash against Mad Max: Fury Road from longtime fans and men's rights activists, then closed with waves of protest against the diverse cast and woman-focused storyline of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Christian University of Arizona student Dean Saxton, better known as Brother Dean, was arrested for assault on Wednesday after taking his anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-Muslim, anti-yoga pants message a bit too far on the Tucson campus, the Phoenix New Timesreports.
As a woman and a feminist, I am not only puzzled by Lepore's statements, but deeply concerned because they sound like the sentiments of an anti-feminist apologist, utterly in contradiction both to Showalter's book and to the rest of the review.
Somehow, the idea that all of that sexism and anti-feminist anger could be recruited, harnessed, and channeled into a broader white supremacist movement failed to generate any real alarm, even well into 2016, when all the pieces were firmly in place.
At the time of the attack, Mr. Spencer was explaining the meaning of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon figure adopted as a mascot by the alt-right, a racist, far-right fringe movement that is anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-feminist.
"If you think that this is some fake anti feminist lesbianised [sic] sexual male fantasy then you are only aiding in the judgemental [sic] backward thinking of society whether you are straight, gay, bi or however else you choose to label yourself," Scanlon wrote.
But his study further concludes that much of the backlash was driven by political opportunism from the American alt-right, particularly members of that movement who were deeply involved in 2014's anti-feminist and proto-alt-right Gamergate movement in the video game community.
Several media outlets have suggested that the Sleeping Giants' tactics had been lifted from those used by Gamergate in 2014, when anti-feminist gamers temporarily convinced several corporations to pull their advertising from certain media outlets the gamers believed were antagonistic to their sexist movement.
At a time when Mr. Trump's tirades on Twitter and beyond are changing global political discourse, Mr. Fillion and his fellow shock jocks are drawing legions of listeners in this picturesque political capital, propagating a cocktail of anti-immigrant, anti-environment and anti-feminist views.
The show has been called a "warning to conservative women;" the female antagonist Serena Joy, called "the scariest anti-feminist on television" by Elle, is rumored to be modeled after a young Phyllis Schlafly who pioneered the modern-day female conservative resistance to liberal feminism.
Men have power on the alt-right because male supremacy says they should, but women's place has to be earned, not only through their work as race warriors but also through the way they reflect the movement's ideal woman: white, attractive, feminine, anti-feminist.
It's also anti-feminist to lead women to believe that abortion is their only or best choice if they're unable to raise a child: groups like Avail NYC envelop women facing a pregnancy crisis with love and let them know they have other options, including adoption.
The tough experiences of many men in the military have been at the core of an anti-feminist backlash to the #MeToo movement in South Korea by men's rights groups, even as the country has made some progress in tackling issues of sexual harassment and assault.
The RSU has argued that the issues addressed by MIAS—particularly male homelessness, suicide, and incarceration—are already being tackled by groups such as the Women's and Trans Collective, and critics have argued that the group would open the door for anti-feminist dialogue on campus.
You have been living in a slightly happier world than I. He is better known by his nom-de-web RooshV, a radical anti-feminist who has advocated for the subjugation of women and decriminalization of rape (in a post he later labeled as satire after people criticized him).
Princenthal explains that "a great deal of what Lacy and her collaborators presented … was news to the public," though she adds that the effect wasn't entirely positive: The project "seemed to contribute to an anti-feminist backlash," including a woman being raped just 100 yards from the maps.
Mr. Spencer, a leader of the so-called alt-right, a far-right fringe movement that embraces white nationalism, racist, anti-immigrant and anti-feminist positions, celebrated his return on Saturday night by writing "I'm back," accompanied by a clip of Arnold Schwarzenegger from the "Terminator" movie franchise.
The book opens with a cultural history, "From Hope to Harambe," outlining the progression from mid-00s pickup artist communities, to overtly anti-feminist "neomasculinity," to Gamergate (here Nagle's narration takes a near-audible sigh), leading to its collusion with 4chan's troll army and its political awakening as the alt-right.
Buoyed by a wave of public support, blue and red states rushed to ratify the language in the mid-1970s; but momentum slowed following a successful grassroots campaign by anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly, who warned it would legalize gay marriage, mandate unisex bathrooms, and subject women to the military draft.
That's why both Cruz and Fiorina played a curious double game at the announcement: They tried to be both feminist and anti-feminist at the same time, arguing that Fiorina is strong enough to stand up to Trump while also insisting that she possesses maternal instincts becoming of her gender.
" Not pulling any punches, she clapped back at her critics: "If you think that this is some fake anti feminist lesbianised sexual male fantasy then you are only aiding in the judgemental backward thinking of society whether you are straight, gay, bi or however else you choose to label yourself.
However, our findings track with the observations of Becca Lewis, an affiliate researcher at Data & Society, who traced the tendrils of YouTube's far-right ecosystem by looking at the participants in a live debate between white nationalist Richard Spencer and an anti-feminist Gamergate personality known as Sargon of Akkad.
We don't need to adopt one-size-fits-all boilerplate, but any description can touch on some key elements, based on our own reporting about the "alt-right": It's a racist, far-right fringe movement that embraces an ideology of white nationalism and is anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-feminist.
Beyond the typical right-wing fare of Megyn Kelly and Tucker Carlson, Sommers has appeared alongside anti-feminist Steven Crowder, and on at least two occasions, has shared a stage with Milo Yiannopoulos, a troll so utterly unfocused in his need to annoy opponents that he's become toxic even to his allies.
This is the latest stir in Whitefish involving Mr. Spencer, a part-time resident who is the president of the National Policy Institute and leader of the alt-right movement, a racist, far-right fringe group that has promoted a white nationalist ideology and anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-feminist views.
How Reddit's anti-feminist women talk about clothesMelania Trump's problematic eleganceThe new Tiffany & Co. needs women "We want to make it clear that Tyra Beauty is not an active sponsor of The Celebrity Apprentice series and does not plan to become one in the future, " a Tyra Beauty spokesperson further clarified in a statement.
Members of the anti-feminist subreddit Men Going Their Own Way started using the hashtag this summer, Ellis notes — it cropped up in posts like this one, referencing an Associated Press story about a former police officer freed from prison after the woman who accused him of rape admitted she lied in her testimony.
The tours weren't exactly scientific, with Papagan offering his commentary on the local Ben & Jerry's and Jamba Juice, but they did attract famous guests like Lena Dunham, who called Papagan "a genius" in a Facebook post and defended the tour after her Instagram post of it incited outrage from fans claiming it was anti-feminist.
But opposition began to organize, led by anti-feminist conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly, who argued the ERA would erase legal differences between men and women and would lead to an America where men wouldn't be required to support their wives, anyone could walk into any bathroom, women could be drafted, and same-sex marriage would be legalized.
Fans also documented retweets related to a celebration of Joe Arpaio, a former Arizona sheriff who proudly boasted of cracking down on illegal immigration by forcing "inmates to wear pink underwear and housed them in canvas tents under the hot Arizona sun," and an article about Swedish history from Return of Kings, an infamous anti-feminist website.
A recent piece by journalist Ernest Owens reminds us that, despite having a writing room filled with black women (including Eisa Davis, Lynn Nottage, Radha Blank, and Joie Lee), this series is ultimately a pet project of Lee's that almost feels like an attempt to make up for the tragically anti-feminist rape scene in the original.
But opposition began to emerge, led by anti-feminist conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly, who argued the ERA would erase legal differences between men and women and would lead to an America where men wouldn't be required to support their wives, anyone could walk into any bathroom, women could be drafted, and same-sex marriage would be legalized.
The militant anti-feminist might seize on it as proof of the perfidy of women's liberation: Far from creating an unfair "second shift" for women who feel like they're supposed to have it all, the feminist revolution has actually created one for men, depriving them of paternal honor while asking them to spend more hours in harness than before.
Chalk it up to the Gipper's screwing over of the poor, his long history of going after left-wing activists, or just the way his public image (and that of his anti-feminist, anti-drug wife) made him seem like an avatar of a phony American Dream—whatever the cause, it wasn't long before anti-Reagan anthems became a bona fide subgenre.
This defamation has never been retracted or atoned for even after the revelations that an army of Russian Twitter bots functions as the Trump administration's propaganda wing, and the "alt-right," essentially a coalition of anti-feminist, white-supremacist online harassment campaigns, recruits disaffected young men to Trumpism by framing the abuse of social justice activists as a team sport.
This online backlash was able to mobilize a strange vanguard of teenage gamers, pseudonymous swastika-posting anime lovers, ironic South Park conservatives, anti-feminist pranksters, nerdish harassers and meme-making trolls whose dark humour and love of transgression for its own sake made it hard to know what political views were genuinely held and what were merely, as they used to say, for the lulz.
I don't think video games alone can be blamed for real-world violence, but they are a part of our cultural infrastructure that allows someone to roleplay as an anti-feminist murderer (a very real, ongoing problem in the real world), upload a video of it to YouTube for profit, and allow others to use that video as a jumping off point to discuss how much they hate women in the real world.
Rather, her breaking point — what made her feel she could no longer participate in the platform's "profoundly broken culture" — was that Twitter has failed to acknowledge and deal with the alt-right's use of the social network to spread its racist ideology, leading to severe, real-world repercussions: The white supremacist, anti-feminist, isolationist, transphobic "alt-right" movement has been beta-testing its propaganda and intimidation machine on marginalised Twitter communities for years now — how much hate speech will bystanders ignore?
Here are a few pieces on Biden, with different perspectives, that may help you make up your mind: Biden's conduct is in line with a mixed policy record on women's issues, says New York magazine's Rebecca Traister: "He has provided liberal cover to anti-feminist backlash, the kind of old-fashioned paternalism of powerful men who don't take women's claims to their reproductive, professional, or political autonomy particularly seriously, who walk through the world with a casual assurance that men's access to and authority over women's bodies is natural," she writes.

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