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"USSR" Definitions
  1. (the former) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

158 Sentences With "USSR"

How to use USSR in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "USSR" and check conjugation/comparative form for "USSR". Mastering all the usages of "USSR" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I thought him doing a cover of "Back in the USSR" IN the USSR was cool, and I still do.
You got a major nuclear arms deal with the USSR ratified, and as the USSR collapsed, you helped extract the Baltic republics from Russia.
"Born in the USSR" is a diagnosis . . .
The Red Army Choir — "Anthem of the USSR" 5.
Despite being closely dependent on the USSR, North Korea joined.
Two years earlier, the USSR detonated its first thermonuclear device.
The centrifugal forces that split the USSR also linger today.
The first McDonald's opened in the USSR in January 1990.
The invasion of Finland didn't go well for the USSR.
Designed in the USSR is divided into three sections: "Citizen" compiles everyday consumer items; "State" focuses on propaganda design and objects of the police state; and "World" outlines how the USSR represented itself internationally.
And by that, I mean, she is back in the USSR.
It was ethnically cleansed by the Russian Empire and Stalin's USSR.
Truth is, the USSR had little in common with Nazi Germany.
The December 1991 collapse of the USSR had earth-shattering consequences.
In 2202 the USSR coerced Poland's leaders into imposing martial law.
The West publicly embarrassed the USSR over the KAL-007 shootdown.
USSR collapsed, they retroactively blessed him as the anti-Communist warrior
That has been written out of the left's history of the USSR.
Everyone was born in the USSR, everyone is still from over there.
He was born and raised in the USSR, and remembers Chernobyl well.
On October 4, 1957 the USSR launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite.
If the USSR lobbed a hundred or a thousand nukes at us,
There were no "terrorists" infiltrating the old USSR from Afghanistan in 1979.
It is this point that makes the historiography of the USSR—a
Rockmore was born in the then-USSR with the last name Reisenberg.
USSR matchups and still tally medal counts by nation, is borderline absurd.
"We Ukrainians don't want to go back to the USSR," he said.
In 1941, Japan and the USSR signed a five-year non-aggression pact.
This is a traditional liberal position, dialogue, a dialogue with Russia the USSR.
The US and the USSR could have killed each other — but they didn't.
Indeed, both the USSR and China were largely cut off from Western economies.
Nobody in my family owned a car, a rare luxury in the USSR.
But in the 1970s, the USSR witnessed a pioneering moment in transgender history.
The U.S., UK and USSR agreed to end above-ground testing in 1963.
The USSR, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, et cetera, et cetera.
The US, it seems, isn't trying to cause a famine in the USSR.
Eurasia is the second superstate, comprising the former USSR and most of Europe.
The war began in 1946 and ended in 1991 when the USSR collapsed.
Why did the collapse of the USSR feed the growth here so astronomically?
The Markka replaced the Russian Ruble after Finland gained independence from the USSR.
In 1962 the USSR secretly shipped nuclear-armed missiles to Cuba by sea.
He received the Lomonosov Medal from the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1986.
Its title nodded to the socialist realist art of China and the USSR.
I think what Russia really wants is -- well, Putin wants to reconstitute the USSR.
Latvia, a former USSR country, is one of those places teeming with e-waste.
Then there is Eughenii Cuimac, a judo blackbelt and sambo veteran from the USSR.
Our parents lived in the USSR and were closed off from the outside world.
U.S. and the USSR (and after 1959, Cuba) engaged in extensive cultural work to
In Europe, he photographed former USSR installations in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, and Ukraine.
The Cold War began in 1946 and ended in 1991 when the USSR collapsed.
During this period, tensions between the United States and the USSR were extremely high.
In the 1968 election, Richard Nixon extended "the hand of friendship" to the USSR.
The first bottling plant opened soon after the fall of the USSR in 1994.
With Russia conquering the Baltic states and the other territories of the former USSR?
Warrior. He visited the USSR in the 1950s intending to pass out copies of
Films using materials from the USSR also had a significant presence in the program.
In the USSR, we didn't have a choice of which news channel to watch.
Once the USSR collapsed and aid from Moscow dried up, his government quickly fell.
Maybe she'll even get a warmer welcome there than she got in the USSR.
Just ask post-USSR Russians, who found themselves inundated with unregulated mob-run lotteries.
Unbeknownst to the Polish, the USSR and Nazi Germany had secretly discussed how they would divide parts of Europe, including Poland, giving the USSR the territory it felt it had lost after the Treaty of Riga ended the Polish-Russian War in 1921.
"There are no invalids in the USSR," a Soviet representative informed a journalist on site.
My dad came here from the USSR as part of the wave of Russian Refuseniks.
The first three entities were all government-funded superpowers from the U.S., USSR and China.
And so he went to the USSR, and didn't visit the dissident up the road.
Even decades after the Soviet Union disintegrated, "Back in the USSR" still rocks people's world.
To this day, the concrete buildings affectionately known as "Khruschevki" evoke memories of the USSR.
KGB tutelage proved of enormous value, both to the Castro regime and to the USSR.
Thanks to that agonizing choice, she's living out her days in exile in the USSR.
Canadian photographer Christopher Herwig captured images of the elaborate metro network of the former USSR.
After World War II, the UK, USSR, and US detonated more than 2,000 atomic bombs.
Eventually, the "New Assyrians" may collapse, overburdened by their own armaments, as did the USSR.
Metal, wood, granite, marble, and other materials were brought to Kiev from across the USSR.
In 220006 the USSR invaded neighboring Afghanistan and waged a nine-year war against insurgents.
In 1986 the nuclear accident at Chernobyl helped to break the USSR&aposs propaganda machine.
A Washington Post story on Sanders's 1988 honeymoon in the USSR launched a press whirlwind.
"Russia tried to pull us into the USSR," Daniel Green, one of the artists said.
The family managed to get exit visas and flee the USSR when Brin was six.
This decision was largely driven by the need to confront a new enemy — the USSR.
The US and USSR will agree on the first-ever reduction of their nuclear arsenals.
Two women are dressed as Handmaids; someone plays "Back in the USSR" from a speaker.
It traces back to the USSR when its universities were designed to produce world class engineers.
With good reason: Up above, USSR satellites were ready to spy with their on-board cameras.
You can argue they're motivated by personal attachments both in the US and in the USSR.
Determined to demonstrate the superiority of the socialist way, the USSR launched a secret space program.
"One day, the US will destroy the USSR — just like they did to Vietnam," he seethes.
He remains a die-hard admirer of the old USSR and its domestic and foreign policies.
This made our primary means of communication vulnerable to a single missile strike by the USSR.
This made our primary means of communication vulnerable to a single missile strike by the USSR.
After the base was abandoned, many people forgot about the eerie symbol of the militaristic USSR.
The USSR remains the only nation to have landed operational probes on the surface of Venus.
An increasing economic crisis forced the government to seek support, which duly came from the USSR.
Here is an illustration from USSR head coach K. V. Gradapolov's Tactics of the Foreign Masters.
They can still be seen in boxers trained in former USSR states from time to time.
Designed and made by Soviet artists, most date to the last three decades of the USSR.
Mr. Sentsov, he wrote on Twitter, "will become for Russia what Sakharov became for the USSR."
Instead of readying the USSR for war, he waited, assuming it to be a technical glitch.
U.S. politicians shrugged that off on strategic grounds to keep the USSR out of Western Europe.
Government propaganda at home portrayed the communist USSR as godless, tyrannical and antithetical to individual freedoms.
"Propaganda back in the days of the USSR was a billboard or a sign," says Goldsmith.
Is it a demonstration of the lengths that the former USSR would go to maintain state "safety"?
When the USSR collapsed, the general American view (sadly incorrect) was that communism had died with it.
After Castro assumed power and aligned himself with the USSR, they started drafting children to the military.
Which is to say, everyone — US, UK, USSR, and France, to name a few — wants the List.
Today, when Russia wants to destabilize Europe, it does not threaten military action, as the USSR did.
I recall one CEO who was forced to code on an old mainframe clone in 1980s USSR.
It's now known that the USSR continued its offensive bioweapons program for years after signing the pact.
This experience inspired his masterful collection Red Cavalry, which won him fame and privileges in the USSR.
The USSR did not develop the R-7 Semyorka—the first world's intercontinental ballistic missile—until 1957.
Deng drew seminal lessons from the collapse of communism in the USSR and its Eastern Bloc allies.
After the fall of the USSR, the base remained in operation for years until it was decommissioned.
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and a powerful political icon throughout the USSR.
For a short period after the fall of the USSR, it seemed as though Belarus might democratize.
Unsurprisingly, there was a great deal of grief across the Uzbek republic, and indeed throughout the USSR.
When West Germany joined NATO, the then-USSR was against it and promoted neutrality, as in Austria.
With Western Europe under increasing pressure, seemingly from the USSR, Washington worried Moscow was on the march.
But this is not the Cold War -- and the People's Republic of China is not the USSR.
Reagan would also use the Cold War conflict to highlight American values, while concurrently denigrating the USSR.
Maybe because of the competition between the USA and USSR, American science fiction had the answer of Lem.
A year later, the Berlin Wall came down, followed in subsequent years by the dissolution of the USSR.
The United States is so much better than the USSR, the government transparent and accountable to the people.
Brainwashing lasted until the final moments of the USSR, but the 60s were already a more lenient period.
At the same time, its rise in the USSR was rooted in the top-down Soviet economic system.
Aside from the bodies of six USSR naval officers, it's unclear what the Hughes Glomar Explorer hauled up.
At the height of the USSR, the Russians were blasting 100 rockets a year into the great unknown.
"All of this is reminiscent of a gradual return to the USSR," wrote Dmitry Drize, Kommersant's deputy editor.
But as the decades passed, nostalgia for the USSR took root in some of these former Soviet satellites.
Created to fend off the Soviets, NATO has had a strange afterlife since 1991, when the USSR dissolved.
USSR leaders requested that its athletes get separate lodging and attempted to keep athletes away from non-communists.
Like President Reagan's arms race with the USSR, the tariff tit-for-tat involves both costs and risks.
USSR is no more but my art still lives there, 'nonconforming' to the state's cultural dictates and proscriptions.
Up until 1990, it was part of the USSR, declaring independence shortly before the Soviet Union fell apart.
Tønsberg, the small, Norwegian fishing town that produced Carlsen, may not provide the political drama of the USSR.
He's spent less time away from the USSR than the Jenningses have, but he's still struggling to reintegrate.
The USSR even played a major role in the cultivation of anti-Israel terror groups over the years.
That was what the Chernobyl nuclear accident, which took place in Ukraine in 1986, was for the USSR.
Germany's capital of Berlin was divided between West and East, with the USSR maintaining control of the latter.
Russia, though unwilling to be used for other governments' interests, thus achieved an outcome that eluded the USSR.
Video of the project shows people clearing out snow to outline Gagarin's face in a helmet reading "USSR".
Our two economies are interlinked to the way that our's and the former USSR and Russia never work.
Well, I was born in 80s, and 80s in USSR were not as bright as you might imagine.
For those who grew up in the USSR, trips to these sanatoriums were a regular part of the year.
I was born in neighboring Poland, a satellite state of the USSR at the time of the Chernobyl disaster.
Either way, the conflict helped to sour relations between China and the USSR, which was an ally of Vietnam.
I guessed they had the money and we didn't, although everyone was supposed to be equal in the USSR.
Choosing between the West on one side and USSR on the other poisoned budding governance structures on the continent.
The USSR they say was not socialist, they say now Cuba was not socialist and Venezuela is not socialist.
MAXIM SURAIKIN A self-described "Leninist-Stalinist," the 39-year-old wants to revive the USSR, per the BBC.
But credit — for the impetus, at least — for creation of the internet goes to the former Soviet Union (USSR).
It used to be fashionable to say bad things about the USSR, now it is the same thing again.
While devastating and costly battles were being waged, the USSR was drawing up its own post-WWII geopolitical map.
Unfortunately, the carrier was never completed, as the USSR collapsed in 1991, four years before the its planned launch.
You can't really negotiate with Al Qaeda or ISIS the way you could with the USSR or Red China.
The next President should approach North Korea and China similarly to how President Nixon approached the USSR and China.
Continued support for the Assad government gave the USSR its most reliable ally and proxy in the Middle East.
With the collapse of the USSR, the newly formed country had over 1,000 strategic nuclear warheads on its territory.
An immigrant himself from the USSR, Vaynerchuk is now chief executive and co-founder of the digital agency, VaynerMedia.
In the former USSR, it was reported that it helped improve the conditions of people suffering from chronic hepatitis.

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