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16 Sentences With "traducing"

How to use traducing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "traducing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "traducing". Mastering all the usages of "traducing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He has cosied up to foreign dictators while traducing his own officials.
Republicans don't need a democracy-traducing Hail Mary to save them from political oblivion.
As Obama prepares to cede power to Donald Trump, GOP congressional leaders are preparing a transition of their own: from traducing congressional norms in the service of hampering Democrats, to traducing congressional norms in the service of helping themselves and the new Republican president.
If only he could stop traducing women, minorities and the Constitution, he'd be an unstoppable political force.
When he does anything aberrant, it's crucial to identify the value or truth that he's traducing, and defend it.
And the danger is that the right's inability to trace the origins of Trumpism to its own political culture will tempt them to justify Trump's coming outrages, making it impossible to restore the norms Trump is traducing.
But he can't produce any concrete examples of Trump traducing free speech or the rule of law because Trump's assaults on these citadels are typically rhetorical, expressed on Twitter or in stream-of-consciousness monologues at political rallies.
Critics of this noisemaking argue these electors and their supporters are hypocritically threatening an established norm—that the Electoral College should rubber stamp statewide election results—after having insisted on the importance of similar norms when Trump was traducing them.
False rape accusations against privileged-white-male targets (the Duke lacrosse team, the imaginary Haven Monahan at the University of Virginia) are real enough, and the style of anti-rape policies on college campuses really has gone too far in traducing the rights of accused men.
Broadly it pits those who think that killers who practise violence in Islam's name are traducing the faith and perhaps mis-stating their own motives, up against those who insist that Islam's core beliefs (and not just some idosyncratic version of them) can easily prompt people to take up the sword.
It tends to slanting and suppositive traducing of the records.
Henri-Étienne Beaunis maintained throughout from his college years to his death a passion for arts. In 1917, he completed a work started at least in 1891 that consisted in traducing the theatre of Eschyle.Beaunis H. (1891) Les Suppliantes, d'Eschyle: drame lyrique en deux tableaux et en vers. Marpon et Flammarion, eds.
The autumn court in 1637 convened on 2 November, and Wheelwright was sentenced to banishment and ordered to leave the colony within fourteen days. Several of Hutchinson and Wheelwright's other supporters were tried and given varied sentences. Following these preliminaries, it was Anne Hutchinson's turn to be tried. She was brought to trial on 7 November 1637, presided over by Governor Winthrop, on the charge of "traducing [slandering] the ministers", among other charges.
In July 1372 the King's council effectively agreed with him, and condemned Knolles for the defeat. The English nobility also blamed Knolles, because of his lower social status. Despite this, Minsterworth was unable to exculpate himself completely, and the council later had him arrested and charged with traducing Knolles. Sumption argues that the Pontvallain campaign and its aftermath should be seen as a "spectacular demonstration of Du Guesclin’s capacity to be everywhere at once" and an "extraordinary demonstration of [his] unconventional skills as a commander".
The great contribution of Cécile has been that the partition of the lateral region (lateral mass) should rely on the territories (the spaces occupied) of the main afferents. She distinguished from back to front the lemnical radiation and a particular nucleus, in front of it the cerebellar (prelemniscal) radiation with another nucleus and more anteriorly the "lenticular" radiation. This system still describes the subdivision of the thalamus (Percheron, 1977, Percheron et al. 1996). Her paper was followed by Die cytoarchitechtonik des Zwishenhirns de Cercothipiteken from Friedmann (1911) traducing in cytoarchitectonic terms, her partition.
Anne Hutchinson faced trial in early November 1637 for "traducing" (slandering) the ministers, and was sentenced to banishment on her second day in court. Within a week of her sentencing, many supporters of hers, including William Dyer, were called into court and were disenfranchised. Fearing an armed insurrection, the constables were then sent from door to door throughout the colony's towns to disarm those who signed the Wheelwright petition. Within ten days these individuals were ordered to deliver "all such guns, pistols, swords, powder, shot, & match as they shall be owners of, or have in their custody, upon paine of ten pound[s] for every default".

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