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"pushiest" Synonyms
ambitiousest brashest boldest loudest fiercest cockiest nerviest feistiest firmest directest eagerest hungriest most assertive most aggressive most forceful most self-assertive most bumptious most obnoxious most obtrusive most officious nosiest busiest snoopiest curiousest nebbiest gossipiest unpleasantest rudest fussiest keenest most intrusive most meddlesome most nosy most presumptuous most protrusive most pushing most inquisitive most impertinent strongest powerfullest violentest gutsiest ballsiest toughest punchiest highest-octane robustest stoutest brassiest raciest cheekiest freshest sauciest sassiest wisest flippest archest uppitiest pertest smartest haughtiest smuggest loftiest lordliest intensest fervidest earnestest extremest hottest antsiest rabidest devoutest heartiest itchiest ripest most zealous most ardent most passionate most fervent most enthusiastic most vehement harshest severest strictest high and mightiest wilfullest rigidest proudest cruelest sternest stubbornest supremest most domineering most dictatorial most autocratic chippiest scrappiest saltiest roughest worst-tempered unfriendliest orneriest stroppiest angriest meanest unkindest bloodthirstiest touchiest surliest spitefullest bitterest steadfastest staunchest thirstiest pluckiest bentest steeliest seriousest bravest rashest recklessest hardiest foolhardiest spunkiest riskiest peppiest doughtiest sturdiest gamest crustiest grittiest most importunate most demanding most clamorous most insistent most exacting most nagging most solicitous most overeager most suppliant most troublesome most annoying steadiest most persistent most constant most lasting most chronic most relentless most sustained most uninterrupted most incessant most interminable most unceasing most unrelenting most unremitting most frequent most habitual most permanent most repeated most unrelieved More

5 Sentences With "pushiest"

How to use pushiest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pushiest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pushiest". Mastering all the usages of "pushiest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Playing the pushiest of roles, the endlessly enterprising matchmaker Dolly Levi, Ms. Midler never pushes for effect.
It's just those are often the pushiest and loudest and quickest to attempt to control others—and therefore draw more attention and are the ones people from other places hear about in the news.
The tracks, produced by Teddy Thompson, lean toward waltzes and understated honky-tonk, modest acoustic guitars and trickles of piano; even the pushiest two songs are country takes on 1960s girl-group pop, with just enough tambourine.
This kind of wait would test the Dalai Lama's inner calm: Bartenders seem to have no sense of queuing fairness, and it is always, so far as I can see, the loudest, pushiest and most flamboyant customers who get served first.
V Graham Norton episodes 2.27 2.31, 2.40, 2.41, 3.36, 3.43, 5.39 amongst others In 2015, she appeared in Britain's Flashiest Families, in 2016, in Shock Docs: Britain's Pushiest Parents and Too Posh To Parent, and in 2017, Billionaire Babies: 24 Carat Kids. Irène is the model for a display mannequin in the Drama Diva collection by Rootstein.

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