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"haughtiest" Synonyms
lordliest loftiest uppitiest proudest snootiest vainest cockiest smuggest huffiest sniffiest chestiest toploftiest snottiest highest high and mightiest snobbiest brashest pushiest boldest snippiest snidest coolest cheekiest hardest most contemptuous most disdainful most scornful most disparaging most derogatory most slighting most arrogant coldest unfriendliest stoniest frigidest frostiest stiffest austerest driest unkindest brittlest clammiest chilliest iciest wintriest(US) sternest winteriest(UK) stuffiest rudest floweriest purplest windiest wordiest gassiest biggest tallest gravest seriousest mouthiest showiest fanciest fulsomest fussiest rotundest grandest busiest longest finest courtliest politest suavest best-bred most aristocratic most dignified most elegant most polished most refined most stylish most decorous most gracious most snobbish most chivalrous most civil most courteous most debonair most gallant stubbornest wilfullest perversest balkiest unruliest difficultest bolshiest stroppiest wildest awkwardest orneriest rowdiest naughtiest firmest toughest rigidest steadfastest violentest most self-sufficient most independent most autarkic most autarkical most competent most conceited most confident most efficient most egotistic most individual most self-sustaining most self-supporting most self-reliant most self-contained most self-confident splendidest stateliest superbest augustest ambitiousest sublimest richest fabbest largest excellentest greatest kingliest princeliest lavishest swankiest More

4 Sentences With "haughtiest"

How to use haughtiest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "haughtiest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "haughtiest". Mastering all the usages of "haughtiest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Turning her face away, she presented him with her haughtiest profile.
The Yankees, after all, are the haughtiest of baseball franchises, with a dignified image to maintain.
Erukhan described his writing as the cleanest, most opulent and haughtiest of their time. Inspiration was a key element for this author. Zartarian often said that the pages on his desk would remain unfilled until he would feel inspired enough to write. He was never in a rush to write and did not see it as a job, but rather as stimulating work.
3, Baron Zen departs from his garage band roots summoning the spiritual essence of early '80s electro pioneers such as Alexander Robotnik and Ryuchi Sakamoto. The soundscapes of this Rhythm Trax contribution satisfy the need for synth- drenched funk while maintaining a murky atmosphere intended to move even the haughtiest New Wave revivalist. M-80 co-produced three tracks, as well. Baron Zen released a six-track single in summer 2009, produced by Sweet Steve and Tekblazer.

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