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205 Sentences With "mistreats"

How to use mistreats in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mistreats" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mistreats". Mastering all the usages of "mistreats" from sentence examples published by news publications.

There are also reports that she mistreats her staff members.
Trump claims Canada mistreats American farmers with high agricultural tariffs.
"He mistreats people, speaks derisively of people," Regalado told the Herald.
In August, Amazon pushed back against Sanders's assertions that the company mistreats its workers.
For Washington, her presence is about pushing against the ways society mistreats women of color.
Still, it's also true that the criminal justice system often mistreats people with mental illnesses.
But that's it – and let's be real, he's crying for a guy who openly mistreats him.
The government denies it tortures prisoners or mistreats detainees, saying its courts abide by human rights laws.
He mistreats his own employees, opposes a living wage, prioritizes corporate profits and denies responsibility for labor law violations.
And how do you survive within that world without scamming, without buying your products from a company that mistreats its workers so that you can get what you need quickly and cheaply, or without working for a company that mistreats its consumers so you can afford not to buy from those other bad companies?
"The whole world has heard Trump brag about how he mistreats women and the disturbing stories just keep coming," Clinton said.
The country's human rights deficit extends into how it mistreats migrant workers who are literally building the subsequent World Cup facilities.
Onassis (Epy Quizon), an immigrant from the Philippines with a failing takeout joint, can't make the rent and mistreats his Chinese employee.
How is a nation that mistreats children in this way going to credibly oppose human rights abuses carried out by regimes abroad?
But it is disingenuous for Trump to claim he doesn't know the criminal justice system mistreats and over-penalizes black people for drug crimes.
Her mother is a religious zealot who mistreats her gay adoptive daughter with beatings or by locking her out of the house all night.
Over time, creators began taking those types of roles but using a personality that actually denigrates or mistreats the viewer, while still incorporating ASMR triggers.
I don't want to think about what might happen if this pharmacist mistreats a transgender person who does not have a good social support system.
It's also not just that the police department mistreats black communities, but that the police department neglects black communities when they actually need law enforcement.
After all, the United States also threatened a trade war when it was unhappy with one of its neighbors and also mistreats its ethnic minorities.
We shouldn't take lessons from Russia about minority rights, say, given the way that the Kremlin mistreats its own indigenous populations -- Maris, Buryats, Komis and the like.
Trump has slammed the company's agreement with the U.S. Postal Service to ship packages at reduced rates, while Sanders has publicized allegations that Amazon mistreats its workers.
He acknowledges that the left mistreats the topic, too, citing implicit bias as a catchall to explain all the forces of racial unfairness in society that aren't bigotry.
Never would I have imagined that a reconfigured "Colonus" could have such a pertinent political message in 2018 about how society often mistreats Black bodies, even in death.
AMAZON IS USED to fielding accusations: that it has killed off physical retail business, that it mistreats warehouse workers, that it abuses its dominant platform in online sales.
But one Facebook post by a patron named Ian Alexis shifted the conversation away from the club's new digs to the way the venue allegedly mistreats people of color.
And pity those considered part of an unfriendly demographic, such as the people of Puerto Rico, whom the president dismisses as a tool of the Democratic Party and mistreats accordingly.
Now, over the past few weeks, Mogollon has been the subject of accusations that she mistreats her pets after she was filmed throwing her cat over her shoulders while gaming live on Twitch last week.
Just this year, I've done investigations into how the criminal justice system mistreats people with mental illnesses and transgender people, and low-level crime enforcement often turns into an excuse to harass poor black people.
"The whole world has heard Trump brag about how he mistreats women and disturbing stories just keep coming but it's more than just the way he degrades women as horrible as that is," Clinton said.
Scott, who had loved "Daddy Longlegs," conceded that the brothers were "clever and crafty," but he found himself repelled by the new movie, especially by the way Pattinson's character mistreats a series of black characters.
What better time than now, after President Trump met with German and other European leaders at the NATO and G-28503 summits, to start asking questions about the way a German corporate giant mistreats its American employees.
As a pastor, I've often thought about who Jesus would befriend in today's world: it's not hard to imagine him spending time with the transgender community -- the very people society so often harshly judges and mistreats based on misunderstanding and fear.
Ellen has long since been plagued by tabloid rumors that her smiley, dancing talk-show persona is just a persona — that when the cameras are off, she becomes someone who's not so nice after all, who mistreats her employees and others around her.
The company has been dogged for years by complaints that it mistreats its warehouse workers, while a new school of left-wing antitrust advocates has been pressing to rethink American competition policy to target Amazon even though it pretty clearly delivers lower prices.
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand's controversial Tiger Temple, dogged for years by talk that it supplies the black market and mistreats its animals, is fighting to keep the big cats after wildlife authorities rejected a bid to extend a zoo license that expired in 2013.
On Monday, two weeks after YouTube penned a damage-control blog post denying claims that it mistreats musicians, the music manager — who works with a list of high-profile artists including Christina Aguilera and Thirty Seconds to Mars — said he's not buying any of it.
"Does anybody seriously think that a country which hunts down and mistreats its own citizens can offer security to people in flight?" asked Cem Ozdemir, the leader of the opposition Greens and one of an estimated three million people of Turkish descent in Germany.
And they should challenge right-to-work laws and the bans on solidarity boycotts and so-called "signal picketing"—such as protests in front of a company that mistreats its employees—as violations of their Fourteenth Amendment right to equal protection under the law.
How does one transform, overnight, the country of fellowship with immigrants from around the world into a ghetto, a closed-off space that stigmatizes, mistreats, chases, expels and cancels legal rights to those who are seeking —with effort and hard work— to live free of misery?
The Night Of has always been about the casual brutality inflicted on everyone through the bureaucracy of the criminal justice system: how it turns representatives like Stone cruel and callous, how it mistreats innocent people caught up in it, how impossible it is to untangle yourself from it.
After Meek was facing two to four years for a parole violation stemming from an arrest when he was 19 , the tide began to shift from the reputation Meek gained as "Twitter Fingers" to one that was focused on how he was one example on how the criminal justice system mistreats brown and black victims.
The president previously criticized Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE and the Clinton Foundation for accepting money from a country that mistreats women and does not tolerate the gay community.
If the Israel Anti-Boycott Act would violate the free speech rights of a person who refuses to do business with Israelis because he or she believes Israel mistreats Palestinians, then the Colorado civil rights act violates the free speech rights of a baker who refuses to sell wedding cakes to same-sex couples because he believes that same-sex marriages are sinful.
López Obrador, known to his supporters affectionately as AMLO, also slammed Trump's "America First" rhetoric and condemned his administration's cruelty toward immigrants: How does one transform, overnight, the country of fellowship with immigrants from around the world into a ghetto, a closed-off space that stigmatizes, mistreats, chases, expels and cancels legal rights to those who are seeking —with effort and hard work— to live free of misery?
Efuru's second marriage eventually also fails as her husband mistreats her in favor of his second and third wives.
Accessed August 6, 2011. making them into new targets for state-sanctioned intolerance, according to 2005 report by The Economist. "Bordering on madness: Belarus mistreats its Polish minority." The Economist, June 16, 2005.
The bride tends a store from which they derive their livelihood. The husband mistreats and abuses her. In the end, circumstances straighten themselves out with her marrying the hunchback, whose love never faltered.
Over time, Ramnath realises how his lies have made Shravan a misogynist who mistreats the women in his life. Guilt-ridden, he comes clean to Shravan, who asks Suman for forgiveness. The two happily confess their love for each other and unite.
Nageen and Haroon get married. However Haroon's mother is not happy and mistreats Nageen. Sultan continues his search for Nageen. Sultan gets to know about Narmeen's pregnancy and gets happy and brings her back home, however he secretly continues his search for Nageen.
The story revolves around a widowed mother, who mortgages her village house to educate her son in the city. The film then follows his marriage to a woman of his choice, who mistreats his family, and the repercussions it has on family and friends.
A greedy man betrays his friend and falls in love with his wife, who is a rich lady. He kills him and marries the widow. He steals her money and jewelry and mistreats her. He is then arrested by the police and receives his punishment.
Ranofer is an orphaned 12-year-old boy whose mother had died at birth. Ranofer had learned many things at a goldsmith's shop with his father Thutra. Without his half brother, Gebu, he would be living on the streets. His evil half brother beats and mistreats Ranofer.
Filipino immigrant Onassis Hernandez mistreats his restaurant workers, causing a disgruntled cook to sabotage an inspection by the Singaporean health department. After Hernandez subsequently falls for a popular rental scam that targets immigrants, he takes several Singaporeans hostage and broadcasts his demands for social change on YouTube.
He also mistreats the princess. The princess and the architect fall in love. While visiting the archaeological site, the two realise that this is the same site where they consummated their love in their past lives. They once again consummate their new-found love for each other.
Charlie works on a farm from 4 a.m. to late at night at the run- down Evergreen Hotel in the rural village of Sunnyside. He has endless duties inside the hotel as well as farm chores. Chaplin's boss is the local preacher who mistreats him badly.
Bob is a homeless con man travelling the galaxy with his hapless sidekick whom he routinely mistreats. When stumbling upon a lost prince, Bob attempts to take advantage of the situation while guiding the man home. Unfortunately, several hostile forces are also after the royal member.
Chakor returns to the village. Ranvijay and Imli are married and conspired to take over the mansion, keeping an amnesiac Suraj as their servant. Imli mistreats the villagers keeping Suraj's mom Tejaswini locked in a secret room. Suraj regains his memories and reunites with Chakor; they free Tejaswini.
One day he is defeated in Munster, and Fionn makes peace with him, after which he joins the band. He marries Finnine, the sister of Ferdoman, but mistreats her (in one version he kills her). Ferdoman duels Conán over the offense, and both men die in the fight.
One day, Anand comes to their home, where he observes how Narain mistreats Kavya. Knowing that Anand knows his secrets, Narain attacks and kills him. Finally, Kavya tries to flee her husband but gets caught. Narain wants to do another "experiment" on her and hangs her from their ceiling fan.
He blows his nose with his fingers and eats with his hands, and he consumes large amounts of food. He mistreats the baron's servants. Jeppe demands that they return the rings the baron has given them. He says that they should have no salary and that the bailiff should be hanged.
It is then that Gallagher, alive, confronts the two survivors. Gallagher explains that while he did die, he used Toulon's formula to give himself eternal life. However, when Gallagher mistreats the puppet Jester, the others revolt against him, locking him in an elevator and mercilessly killing him. Whitaker returns home.
Other than Nirahu's father, everyone welcomes the new bride without knowing the truth. Sona and her friends spend their first few days at Nirahu's village. The friends become disgusted and leave for Mumbai, leaving Sona alone to tackle her issues. Frustrated Sona mistreats Nirahu's family, angering his father every day.
177–188 Cartman often makes anti- semitic insults towards Kyle, constantly teases Kenny for being poor, particularly manipulates and mistreats Butters Stotch and displays an extreme disdain for hippies. Though he is considered the main antagonist of the series, he has been portrayed as a protagonist or antihero on several occasions.
She is a money lender who charges high interest rates. She lives with her maid, Dominga Canlas (Ingga), whom she often mistreats, making her starve, and not giving her the right salary at the right time. Nyora Tentay has a son, Victor, who is married to Gracia. They have a son, Gerry.
After uneasy years of caring for Holly, Cindy and local decorator Sean Tate (Daniel Pape) begin dating. Secretly, though, Sean mistreats Holly. He is caught, locking her in a fridge by Cindy's brother Max Cunningham (Matt Littler). The social services get involved in Cindy's motherhood when Holly is burnt by a firework.
First published in the Winter 1962 Partisan Review and later included in Idiots First; Fidelman moves into a studio with Annamaria Oliovino, whom he is attracted to though she repeatedly mistreats him. To keep warm in his pittrice's drafty loft, Fidelman wears "a new thick sweater Bessie had knitted for him" (60).
Mack, the property master, does not like that, or her, and mistreats the "monk". In the Property Room, Geraldine gets her hands on a .32 caliber unrifled revolver and in handling the gun, accidentally fires it. Roaming the dressing rooms, Geraldine takes a photograph of Thornton from his room back to her cage.
Sexual harassment is behavior that denigrates or mistreats an individual due to his or her gender, often creating an offensive workplace that interferes with job performance.Rospenda, K. M., & Richman, J. A. (2005). Harassment and discrimination. In J. Barling, E. K. Kelloway & M. R. Frone (Eds.), Handbook of work stress (pp. 149-188).
Micke is the sports' leader at the camp. Through the ten weeks at summer camp, Anders discovers that he can trust Micke. He tells Micke that he is the only one he likes: at home, his father mistreats him. When he eats, his father tells him exactly how much money he owes.
Weasel (Jack Hammer) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Weasel is a friend, sidekick, information broker and arms dealer for Deadpool. Weasel is perhaps Deadpool's best friend. However, because of his frequent mood swings and tenuous mental state, Deadpool still often abuses or mistreats him.
Sexual harassment is behavior that denigrates or mistreats an individual due to his or her gender, creates an offensive workplace, and interferes with an individual being able to do the job.Rospenda, K.M., & Richman, J.A. (2005). Harassment and discrimination. In J. Barling, E.K. Kelloway & M.R. Frone (Eds.), Handbook of work stress (pp. 149–188).
Yuvraj tries to find the culprit but Sambhav protects Chandrakala. Then it is revealed the real culprit is Chandrakala's evil twin sister Lavanya who was keeping the real Chandrakala in captivity. Suhani exposes Lavanya who is sent to jail. Not knowing Sambhav's role in the conspiracy, he remains married to Suhani and mistreats her.
A barefoot wild girl who has been raised in Central Park and lives in the big oak tree. She gets along well with Norton and can speak to animals as well as understand them. She is often hunted by Shoobz, but always manages to elude capture. Tupu dislikes anyone who mistreats animals and nature.
Ralph appears to have a drinking problem and mistreats his wife Sally. Mary's parents are Joel Lynch and Catherine Lynch, and her brother is Andrew. The play unfolds over a period of four days. During the first act, the Folletts leave from Jay and Mary's home to visit their 104-year-old Great- Great-Granmaw and Aunt Sadie Follet.
The music video for the song was released on the same day as the song. It was directed by Nuno Gomes and has amassed over 195 million views. Maluma plays a regular guy who's seeing a rich girl. She has a boyfriend who mistreats her but her parents want her to date him because he has money.
Everyone treats Mintu as a criminal and handcuff him, Tillu and Pichku dislike this since both of them think Mintu can't misbehave with women. Sweety sees Mintu and recalls her moment with Babbu Singh. When Mahua regains consciousness she tells truth, Nimki apologises to Mintu. When Mintu doesn't forgive her, Abhimanyu tells him how Babbu mistreats Nimki.
Realizing his terrible mistake of leaving, the father briefly mistreats his son. Tietou, just a small boy, is still bitter when his father is sent to a work camp. Shujuan's youngest brother was also sent to a reeducation camp. The chapter ends when Tietou's mother receives a letter; his father has been killed by a falling tree.
She often makes fun of unreasonable adults, especially if they are pompous and condescending. Her anger comes out in extreme cases, such as when a man mistreats his horse. Pippi, like Peter Pan, does not want to grow up. She is the daughter of a buccaneer captain and has adventure stories to tell about that, too.
Sexual harassment is behavior that denigrates or mistreats an individual due to his or her gender, creates an offensive workplace, and interferes with an individual being able to do their job.Rospenda, K. M., & Richman, J. A. (2005). Harassment and discrimination. In J. Barling, E. K. Kelloway & M. R. Frone (Eds.), Handbook of work stress (pp. 149-188).
She even tries to convince her boyfriend Jake about her story before she mistreats him. Later before Jake leaves, he accidentally bumps on a girl, but this turns out to be the possessed girl and she kills Jake. Dr. Yulo visits Beth and discusses Claire's condition. Beth tells her about Claire's behavior and attitude; Dr. Yulo assures her that she was emotionally repressed.
Sometimes referred to under its alternative title The Chase, this ballad describes the testing and judgment upon a profligate, noble-born keeper of the royal forest. The nobleman cruelly uses and mistreats his fellow-men: and is avidly addicted to the pleasures of hunting. One day God's messengers come to test him: executing sentence immediately in just proportion to the huntsman's responses.
Penha works as a maid in the house of the singer Chayene, an eletroforró tecnobrega diva and bitter woman who has a bad phase, this she attributes to a nonexistent overweight. Chayene is an evil woman who mistreats all her employees. One day Chayene physically assaults Penha, after she accidentally burned her dress. Penha goes to the police station to report the employer.
Arthur mistreats Cameron because of the mugging attack. He forgets to order a scan and Cameron suffers a heart-attack and dies. Chantelle offers her support to Arthur, Drummond explained that her and Ostlere's characters are brought to the realisation that their close bond is not helping them overcome their ordeals. She decides to distance herself from Arthur by going travelling.
The epic follows the life narrative of Shaka the Great and is narrated from a third person perspective. The book begins with the apparently legitimate love affair of Nandi with Shaka's father Senzangakhona. However, Senzangakhona mistreats Nandi, and drives her from the Zulu kingdom. She flees the kingdom and spends many years travelling among kingdoms friendly to her own tribe.
Silverwood decides to send her to an uncle, Henry Gordon (also played by Harry Carter), living in Kentucky. After arriving in Kentucky, she finds out uncle Henry has remarried and the new Mrs. Gordon (played by Elsie Jane Wilson) mistreats her when she believes Nannie is competing with her own daughter Rachel (played by Myrtle Reeves). Nannie is asked to leave the house.
Oyuki is a young and beautiful Japanese peasant who lives with her elderly parents in the Japanese province. She has an older brother named Yutaka, who is evil and vicious. Both Oyuki as her parents, live in fear of Yutaka, who constantly mistreats them. The tragedy begins when her parents are killed as a revenge of the enemies of Yutaka.
Tipu's mother dislikes Neeli and mistreats her. She wants to get her out of her house by getting her to marry a goon named Naseer Kankatta (Shamoon Abbasi). One day Tipu inadvertently approaches a mysterious man who gives him a magic bottle to solve his problem. A djinn (Javed Sheikh) comes out of it and introduces himself as Dwarka Prasad from New Delhi.
"Hasta Que Te Conocí" ("Until I Met You") is a song written, produced, and performed by Mexican singer-songwriter Juan Gabriel. It was released in 1986 as the third single from his studio album Pensamientos. In the song, the protagonist learns the meaning of suffering after meeting a lover who mistreats him. It peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot Latin Song chart.
Anna Manalastas (Coney Reyes) is the dictator of a toy company that she built. In the past, she was a smart and talented little girl who never saw her mother. Her father mistreats and threatens her whenever she tries to impress him, although the actions of her father were out of discipline. She got pregnant later in her life, and for this her father got very mad.
Title pun: Good kids, bad choices (a phrase sometimes used by parenting advisors) Simpsons episode: "Bart After Dark" Year: 1996 Synopsis: Scratchy is a guest on a talk show. "Says mouse friend mistreats him" reads the caption. Backstage, Itchy feels he is the victim, and goes on- stage with a broken bottle. Scratchy "doesn't know slashing is imminent", but panics when reading this last caption.
He lied her sister that he was going to meet his friend Mahesh for a business purposes in Hyderabad and changes his identity to Mahesh and lives to the fullest. After knowing this, Anand decides to be loyal with Rambabu. Then suddenly Lavanya calls him and arranges a meeting with her aunt. Later in the meeting Mandira mistreats Rambabu as a roadside romeo and drives him out.
Ainsworth speculates that quality attachment is dependent on quality attention from the mother. A mother who promotes secure infant attachment is generally sensitive, has a positive attitude, and is supportive. Infants often develop resistant attachment when the parents are inconsistent in their caregiving. An infant is at risk of developing insecure attachment when the mother is self-centered, abusive, depressed, or mistreats her infant.
Julia Garner Ruth Langmore (portrayed by Julia Garner) is a young woman who is part of a local criminal family. While initially intending to use and betray Marty, she soon becomes business partners with him and ends up forming a genuine friendship with him. Ruth has a difficult relationship with her father, Cade, who is shown to be a criminal and often abuses and mistreats her.
Cade Langmore (portrayed by Trevor Long) is the father of Ruth Langmore and the brother of Russ and Boyd Langmore. He is very controlling of his daughter, Ruth, and often abuses and mistreats her. He spends all of season 1 in prison where he is visited regularly by Ruth. At the start of season 2, Cade is released from prison but continues to break the law.
Ramanna and Naagi Naagi makes a wicker basket as a sign of affection for her husband Rammana who rejects it. He mistreats Naagi regularly and denies her affectionate advances which saddens her. Naagi is noticed by a rich merchant in the village named Sheenappa who begins to lust after her. He visits her home when Ramanna is absent and propositions her to come to his house.
He later sees Zosia and asks her out for a drink but she declines. Jesse mistreats a patient named Lisa Chad (Olivia Vinall), after she tells him that Zosia is mentally ill because of Jesse. He is forced to attempt to make amends with Zosia to save Lisa's life. Mo develops an attraction to Jesse but is upset when she witnesses him kissing her sister Adele Effenga (Petra Letang).
"Hasta Que Te Conocí" is a song written, produced, and performed by Mexican singer-songwriter Juan Gabriel as the final track on Juan Gabriel's studio album Pensamientos (1986). It was released as the second single from the album by RCA Latin. The song is in the key of D minor. In the lyrics, the protagonist has not known the feeling of suffering until he meets a lover who mistreats him.
Wandering the streets, Carlos joins the troupe of gypsies Raposo, who welcome him, and he reclaims his memory. He then proceeds to live day-to-day life without his family. He continues living and struggling to pay Clovis for all the evils he committed. Besides embezzlement and attempted murder, he oppresses his wife, Julia, tries to convince everyone that she is crazy and mistreats slaves, among other atrocities.
Jaidev is a Kolkata-based hitman working for a don named Bhagavan, and they together share a business rivalry with Kulkarni. When Bhagavan's psychotic son Munna returns to India after 8 years, he mistreats the accountant Sabapathy and humiliates him. Receiving no support from Bhagavan, Sabapathy joins Kulkarni's gang, making Bhagavan order Jai to kill him. As per the plan, Jai kidnaps Rahul, the son of Kulkarni's brother Sampath.
Tristan and Elizabeth notice that Iris is nervous and smells different, which she writes off as Halloween stress. Justin orders room service and mistreats Iris, which brings her to tears. They modify their order to pate, and Liz is happy to oblige them with cat food on a silver platter. Liz and Iris begin bonding, and the former confirms that she is not a gay man, but a transgender woman.
"The Hiring Fair at Hamiltonsbaw" is a song about the injustice of a farmer who mistreats one of his hired servants. "Bríd Óg Ní Mháille" is a love song from Rannafast, County Donegal, about unrequited love. "The Glasgow Barber" is a song about a poor Irishman who arrives in Glasgow and decides to get a fashionable haircut. On seeing the result, he thinks he looks like an ass.
The Quran speaks of The woman who complained to God about her husband in Sura 58 (Al-Mujadila), but not by name. Hadith provides her name, Khawlah bint Tha'labah. The verses that follow are to restore her rights (as well as those of any other woman in her position), when a husband mistreats his wife. Muslims refer to this woman and her story to express the mercy of God.
In Boston, she falls in love with another man, Mike, who is wealthy and returns with her to Lima. Meanwhile, Grace (Joel's sister) becomes attracted to her close friend Nicolas (Fernanda's brother). However, he has a girlfriend, Cayetana Bogani, a spoiled and wealthy girl who mistreats Grace because of her lack of wealth. Meanwhile, Cayetana's brother Gianfranco is attracted to Grace and is determined to win her love.
The main characters of the story are the members of the extended Chuzzlewit family. The first to be introduced is Seth Pecksniff, a widower with two daughters, who is a self- styled teacher of architecture. He believes that he is a highly moral individual who loves his fellow man, but he mistreats his students and passes off their designs as his own for profit. He is said to be a cousin of old Martin Chuzzlewit.
Freddie mistreats Mabel, whom he married for her money when he overestimated her wealth, while Rupert courts Isobel. Lady Trentham confides to Mary that Sylvia and Louisa cut cards to decide which of them would marry Sir William. When the men go pheasant shooting the next morning, a stray shot grazes Sir William's ear. The ladies join them for lunch, and Sir William withdraws from Anthony’s business scheme, leaving the commander financially ruined.
Mathieu only has interest for Lolita because of her father and mistreats her. Lolita casts all of these same behaviors on Sébastien and does not realize that he truly does like her for herself. After a crazy weekend at Étienne's cottage, Sylvia leaves Pierre because he has become just like Étienne, Lolita goes after Sébastien because she realizes he has honest intentions, and Étienne is repeatedly reminded that he is an indifferent father to Lolita.
On one such incident, Ranbir took the kids and Geeta along to Los Angeles as he has a conference trip with his boss. He invites them to play golf and the oldest child who wishes to gain revenge and mistreats the children of the boss. He throws insults at the children but Ranbir defends them. When Geeta is called back to heaven as she has succeeded in uniting Ranbir and the children.
The wife of Leone, a member of the Papal Guard, believing herself to have been deserted, leaves her young son David with the Sisters of Charity and commits suicide. Little David is brought up by the sisters, and turned over to a Padrone, who takes him to London and mistreats him. David is befriended by Dr. Roselli, a political exile, and becomes the playmate of Roma, the doctor's daughter. He assumes the name of Rosa.
Monsieur Bibot is a wealthy dentist. He lives alone in Paris, France, in a fancy apartment with his dog, Marcel, whom he often mistreats and abuses. One day, an impoverished old woman stops by Bibot's office to have her tooth extracted. After removing the tooth with a pair of pliers, making little effort to lessen the pain of the operation, Bibot is angry when the woman is unable to pay his fee in cash.
Since the 1995 Casper feature film, the Ghostly Trio's names have mostly remained Stretch, Stinkie, and Fatso. In most appearances, they enjoy scaring people (in contrast with Casper). The group generally treats Casper as its own personal slave and mistreats him. Despite this though, the Trio does truly care about Casper and like him more than they’re willing to admit and, on rare occasions, they even protect him, sometimes out of self-interest.
She starts dating a boy named Olímpico, who mistreats her and eventually leaves her for her coworker, Gloria. Feeling guilty, Gloria recommends that Macabéa visit a fortune teller named Madame Carlota. She predicts that Macabéa's life will soon turn around, saying that she will be rich, happy, and marry a foreigner named Hans. However, none of this comes true as Macabéa's life comes to an abrupt end when a yellow Mercedes runs her over.
In some versions, the Fir Bolg flee Ireland and settle on remote offshore islands, while in others they are granted the province of Connacht. Nuada, king of the Tuath Dé, loses his hand or arm in the battle and is thus no longer fit to be their king. He is replaced by Bres (a half-Fomorian), who becomes High King of Ireland. However, Bres mistreats the Tuath Dé and neglects his kingly duties.
He sees that Puja is addicted to gambling and mistreats his only prostitute, Laila (Dhalia). Iskandar stays and talks with Laila while Puja gambles, then goes back to talk to Gafar. Gafar reveals that the family Iskandar killed under Gunawan's orders were not Dutch spies, but refugees, and that the jewellery stolen from the family had been used to establish Gunawan's business. Iskandar swears revenge, then returns to Norma's for the party.
In the short, Grampa tells his grandchildren stories of "the good old days". When they stop paying attention to him, he feigns his own death to recapture their attention. The Simpsons writer Al Jean commented that Grampa is often the focus of pointed jokes about old people. He said the reason for that is because the staff is trying to illustrate how society mistreats the elderly, "and some of it is because people over 55 never watch our show".
The government routinely tortures and mistreats detained dissidents, including through prolonged solitary confinement." Human Rights Watch described the source of human rights violations in contemporary Iran as coming from the Judiciary, accountable to Ali Khamenei, and from members directly appointed by Ahmadinejad. Responses to dissent have varied. Human Rights Watch writes that "the Ahmadinejad government, in a pronounced shift from the policy under former president Mohammed Khatami, has shown no tolerance for peaceful protests and gatherings.
Jane, psychotic and resentful of Blanche's success, regularly mistreats Blanche and prepares to revive her old act with hired pianist Edwin Flagg. When Blanche informs Jane she intends to sell the house, Jane rightly suspects Blanche will commit her to a psychiatric hospital once the house is sold. She removes the telephone from Blanche's bedroom, cutting her off from the outside world. During Jane's absence, Blanche desperately drags herself down the stairs and calls her doctor for help.
Eddie refuses, and Kelvaney is unable to persuade Eddie's sweetheart, nightclub singer Karen Stephenson, to change his mind. The ruthless Beaumonte brutally mistreats his moll Nancy Corlane, who then tries to help Kelvaney do what he has to do. Kelvaney exposes the fact that Karen was once a mobster's girlfriend in Miami. He gets her to admit that she's not in love with Eddie and is willing to let him go if it will save his life.
Claire (Maja Salvador), an unfaithful and troubled intern doctor, is assigned to treat a young girl with a deadly flu virus. Upon entering the room, the girl mistreats Claire when she tries to treat her. Before leaving, the girl begs Claire that she needs a priest to cure her, but Claire doesn't believe her and assures her that she is sick. The girl angrily shouts at her and tells Claire that she has been possessed by a demon.
Lanbi Storm (The 37th generation Storm Knight) :Lanbi is highly protective of his student, Ceo, and bitterly resents anyone who mistreats him. Wen Leaf (The 37th generation Leaf Knight) :Wen is Elmairy’s mentor, and was the first member of the 37th generation to get married. He is also a heavy drinker, and does not get along well with Neo. Fahr Blaze (The 37th generation Blaze Knight) :Fahr tends to mother his fellow Holy Knights, including his student, Chikus.
Dasa is also used in Vedic literature, in some contexts, to refer to "servants", a few translate this as "slaves", but the verses do not describe how the Vedic society treats or mistreats the servants. R. S. Sharma, in his 1958 book, states that the only word which could possibly mean slave in Rigveda is dāsa, and this sense of use is traceable to four verses out of 10,600 verses in Rigveda, namely 1.92.8, 1.158.5, 10.62.
Married to Dr. Amir (Ahmed Aman), Maisha mistreats her mother, (Aminath Rasheedha) and calls her a burden. Raanee takes a loan from her friend, Mary (Sujeetha Abdulla) and marries Nihad, covering all the expenses using that money. Her life turns upside down when police arrests Nihad while using drugs. Reenee is found to be pregnant meanwhile her infertile friend, Zidhna (Mariyam Shahuza) discovers her husband, Maaz (Ahmed Azmeel) to be having an extramarital affair with Rose (Sheela Najeeb).
In the Second Branch Bran gives his magic life-restoring cauldron to his new brother-in-law Matholwch of Ireland when he marries Bran's sister Branwen. Matholwch mistreats his new wife and Bran's men cross the Irish Sea to rescue her. This attack involves the destruction of the cauldron, which Matholwch uses to resuscitate his soldiers. There is a battle between the hosts and in the end only seven of Bran's men escape alive, including Taliesin and Pryderi.
201x201px :Voiced by Howard Hoffman (pilot) and Marty Grabstein (series) Courage is the title character and protagonist of the series. An overly frightened pink beagle dog who lives in Nowhere, Kansas, Courage was abandoned as a puppy after his parents were sent into outer space, but was adopted by Muriel Bagge. Her husband Eustace regularly mistreats him. Ironically, given his name, Courage is a genuine coward and he often expresses his distress with over-the-top, piercing shrieks.
MJ's facade of a loving husband is exposed when he threatens and mistreats Antara. He invites Rudra's investor to his Masquerade party but Rajiv Chandra, Maya's accomplice introduces himself as the investor, saving Maya. Elsewhere, Rudra falls for Maya after she helps him get his company's share from MJ. It is revealed that MJ had an affair with Rudra's girlfriend, thus he hates him. Maya urges Rishi to ask MJ regarding their wedding but he refuses to listen.
However, she is clearly unhappy; her boyfriend constantly mistreats her and is slightly physical with her. When Switch sees her wearing the necklace he gave her, he fantasizes about being a superhero and fighting off her boyfriend and his friends. However, he knows that his Emo undertones makes him an easy target and he isn't as burly and tough as the other guys. Switch and Brenda then appear at an outdoor cafeteria and the same thing occurs.
Maurice Legrand (Michel Simon), a meek cashier and aspirant painter, is miserably married to Adèle, an abusive woman who mistreats him. After a celebration in the company where he works, Maurice stumbles upon a man called André "Dédé" Jauguin (Georges Flamant) hitting a young woman called Lucienne "Lulu" Pelletier (Janie Marèse) on the street. Maurice protects Lulu and brings her home. Lulu, who is a prostitute, tells the naive Maurice that Dédé is her brother, but Dédé is actually her pimp.
Liu Zhao Di (Zoe Tay), better known as Ah Di, is born in the 60s amidst sand quarries during the heyday of sand quarrying. Zhao Di, the fourth daughter in the family and whose name means "brings a younger brother", is given away to an uncle after her mother finally gives birth to a boy. He mistreats Ah Di like a maid. When she was little, Ah Di falls into a quarry pond and was saved by Huang Dake (Chen Hanwei).
Kush Lav becomes disappointed and turns rebellious, which culminates in Madhu's hitting. Afterward, he realizes his mistake, apologizes Kush Lav and promises him to bring back Sneha. At Sneha's house, her brother objects to meet and mistreats Madhu, leading to a fight between them, where Kush Lav gets caught up. As time passes, Madhu notices an illness in Kush Lav through his close Doctor friend (Tanikella Bharani), Madhu finds out it is serious internal hemorrhage and urgent surgery is required.
Upon hearing this, Radha rushes to Kannan's place, was stopped by Veeramuthu, but later consents after hearing to Radha's plea. Kannan is happy to see Radha around, tells her not to leave him even though Thangam mistreats her and Radha assures this. At this juncture, Thangam and Perundevi further humiliate Veeramuthu to the worst, which drives him to sell his mansion to compensate with much dowry. Thangam tries all her best to drive Radha away, but to no avail and she becomes violent.
Schindler is careful to maintain his friendship with Göth and, through bribery and lavish gifts, continues to enjoy SS support. Göth brutally mistreats his Jewish maid Helen Hirsch and randomly shoots people from the balcony of his villa, and the prisoners are in constant fear for their lives. As time passes, Schindler's focus shifts from making money to trying to save as many lives as possible. To better protect his workers, Schindler bribes Göth into allowing him to build a sub-camp.
Finally, the story of a blind woman called Meche, who lives in a humble hut near a cliff, with her grandsons, whom she exploits and mistreats, obliging them to go the dumps to collect food to feed "Campeon", a pig recently given as a gift by Lizandro and Cucha. Meche plans to obtain money from selling the animal to cure her blindness. This last story is based on the Peruvian tale "Los gallinazos sin plumas", written by Julio Ramón Ribeyro.
As described in a film magazine, Myrtle Hill (White) is the wife of John Hill (Emery), a successful contractor who, because of his devotion to his work, he neglects his wife. He has to make a hurried business trip to San Francisco and wants his wife and child to accompany him. After debating the matter, the wife falls asleep and dreams that she has divorced her husband and married a draftsman. He mistreats her and casts her off for an actress.
A recurring plot involves Jay's relationship with his son Mitchell, which became more complicated due to Jay's reaction to Mitchell's sexual orientation. Humor and plot points are also derived from Jay's relationship with his son-in-law Phil; Jay often mistreats and antagonizes him despite Phil's constant attempts to gain Jay's approval. Nevertheless, Jay thinks very highly of Phil, despite their differences, and said so in Season 3. Ed O'Neill portrays Jay Pritchett, the father of four, husband of his second wife Gloria.
Lad's feelings are hurt by the battle being finished by the other dogs and the Mistress' holding him back from joining them at the end, but he quickly forgives her. ;"The Guard" At 16, the aging Lad befriends Sonya, a seven-year- old girl whose father works at the Place. Her father forces her to assist him with his work, then brutally mistreats her if she is slow. The Master and the Place's superintendent try to quell the behavior, with no success.
In the meanwhile, we learn that the Queen gave birth to twins and Satpal only dealt with the firstborn. He is satisfied that the prophecy has been averted and now plans to help himself further by swapping his sister's baby with his own. Whilst he is asleep though, his wife swaps the children back. As the children grow up, Satpal mistreats his own child, who he believes to be the prince, and dotes on the prince whom he thinks is his own son.
Marley is the only one of the many students who auditioned at the beginning of the school year to be immediately accepted into New Directions. Her goal is to become a singer on the radio, rather than aiming for Broadway. She is attracted to Jake Puckerman, who is also new at McKinley, but although the attraction seems mutual, she is upset to discover he is dating Kitty, a cheerleader and popular girl. Jake eventually breaks up with Kitty because she mistreats Marley.
211x211px :Voiced by Howard Hoffman (pilot), Lionel Wilson (Episodes 1–33), Arthur Anderson (Episodes 34–52), and Wallace Shawn (The Fog of Courage) Eustace Bagge is Muriel's husband. He is an elderly, skinny, jaded, disgruntled, cynical, greedy, hard-working American man who is interested in money and obsessed with his truck. Eustace is also the current owner of the farmhouse, which was previously owned by his now-deceased brother Horst. Eustace regularly mistreats Courage out of jealousy and calls him a "stupid dog".
Victoria wants a divorce but Nelson refuses. Nikki's ex-boyfriend Rolando "Roy" Pavia (Eleazar Gomez) returns from Europe in order to marry her (because Nikki's family is rich) although Roy is in love with Liliana after they had met at the club. Then during their night wedding Roy catches Francisco and Nikki making love. The day afterward, Nikki leaves with Roy to go to Miami, Florida where he mistreats her, feeling betrayed, then leaves her alone and she gets hurt.
The film focuses on a run-down boarding house in London, home to assorted residents. Many of them cling precariously to their social positions with only one figure, the wealthy self-made businessman Mr Wright, being truly successful. The house is owned by the grasping Mrs Sharpe, who mistreats the maid, Stasia, a rehabilitated juvenile delinquent. The members of the household are miserable and openly sneering and rude towards each other, the one exception being the respect shown by all to the powerful Mr Wright.
In Bart's story, based on a comic book he had read, the Bounty sets sail from England in 1789, commanded by Captain Bligh (Seymour Skinner). During the first 718 days of the voyage, Bligh severely mistreats his crew, not giving them water and discarding their mail. Willie warns him of a mutiny if he continues, but Bligh ignores him. They arrive in Tahiti, where Homer and Marge are the rulers of island, and the crew have a wonderful time until it is time to leave.
Unbeknownst to her, the boss has speculated in the commodity market, and lost not only his money and that of his wealthy wife, but also some of the firm's funds too. His wife would like to quietly divorce him to marry her politician friend, but the husband asks her for money to avoid a scandal. When Mary changes her mind and asks for the restitution of her savings, her boss refuses and mistreats her. That causes a confrontation between Jimmy and Mary's boss, and they fight.
Toby, however, has never asked anyone for help when Michael mistreats him, which is possibly the reason why no one ever stands up for him. Besides Michael, the other staff members treat Toby with respect. For example, after Toby conducts a brief sexual harassment seminar, the staff is left in a good mood and laughing, until Michael comes in and takes over. Others have become annoyed with Toby occasionally, but overall he is well-respected and considered one of the more intelligent people in the office.
At the end of the musical, Marge receives a warm reaction from the crowd, but she misinterprets Homer's sadness for boredom. She confronts him with frustration and hostility, but Homer is able to explain that he was genuinely moved by the play. He feels for Blanche's situation, and he realizes Marge's feelings along with it. He expresses his intentions to be the husband that she deserves—someone to have in her life who loves her—not like Stanley who neglects and mistreats his wife.
She concluded that her character should give Arthur a chance, but noted he does not have the skills to impress her and should try to "man-up". When Arthur is in charge of Keller Ward he mistreats Chantelle and she accuses him of singling her out because she rebuffed his romantic intentions. He then has to attempt to repair their friendship. Arthur and Chantelle are mugged by a mystery assailant and in the wake of their ordeal he feels guilty for being unable to protect her.
The New Mutants (Cannonball, Cypher, Magik, Mirage, Sunspot, Warlock, and Wolfsbane) head off to visit their friend Bird-Brain on his remote island. There, they quickly discover that Bird-Brain's creator, the Ani-Mator, is creating more semi-sentient creatures (the Ani-Mates), which he mistreats and experiments on. As the team attempts to free them, the anti-mutant organization known as The Right tracks them down and attacks. During the three-pronged battle, Cypher is shot and killed, taking a bullet meant for Wolfsbane.
This time she has been sent to a mansion and placed in forced domestic servitude to a family who mistreats her. She makes an unsuccessful attempt to flee, only for her to be recaptured and once again be trafficked. Thomas manages to track Sita to the wealthy family but only barely misses meeting her, as he catches a glimpse of her in a vehicle as it sped off. Performing further investigation, Thomas learns that Sita is being sent the United States and informs the FBI.
Macht describes his character as more than an attorney, but a "power manager". "He doesn't take anything too seriously, except power", Macht stated during an interview with Soap Opera Digest. Trevor's dynamic with his love affair, Kate Howard (Megan Ward), displays quite an unusual dynamic. Macht revealed that though his character would love to get back together with her, he mistreats her because of her involvement with his "step-son", Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard), and his pride is hurt; he has lost yet another woman to Sonny.
In 2015, Azza collaborated with Fathimath Nahula for two television drama series. In the first release, a 15-episodes romantic series Vakivumuge Kurin, Azza portrayed a seductive colleague and an irresponsible wife who mistreats her mother. This was followed by Umurah Salaan (2015) which centers on a squabble family which is separated due to the greed for money and misunderstandings. The series which stars Mohamed Faisal, Aminath Rishfa, Ahmed Azmeel and Azza in lead roles, she portrays the character Shazly, an orphan who blindly trusts her husband.
Rukma (Rasika Joshi) joins Jhilmil's house as a new maid. Rukma also comes to know about Manish and Jyoti while babysitting Rohan. Rohan points under the bed where Manish and Jyoti are hiding and when Rukam peeps under the bed Manish throws his tennis ball at her and injures her while she misunderstands thinking that Rohan threw the ball purposely. It is also revealed that Rukma is a thief and is spotted thieving by Rohan who in turn blackmails and mistreats Rohan not to reveal the truth.
The result is an explanation that mostly merely makes themselves feel better. An example might be a man who mistreats others who have a specific quality because he is embarrassed that he himself has that quality. He may not admit this to himself, instead claiming that his prejudice is because he has concluded that the specific quality is bad. A study conducted by philosopher Eric Schwitzgebel and psychologist Russell T. Hurlburt was set up to measure the extent of introspective accuracy by gathering introspective reports from a single individual who was given the pseudonym "Melanie".
It is known that Bhairavmoorthy takes in any woman in the village who catches his eye, including his younger brother's wife, both of whom die leaving behind a physically challenged son Venu to an otherwise heirless fiefdom. It is rumoured that Vasu is his son, but Bhairavmoorthy mistreats him all the time. He marries him off to young and beautiful Parvati, who comes from a very poor family. Bhairavmoorthy is said to be eyeing Parvati too, but Parvati is stronger than rest of the women in the family and challenges his might at occasions.
Auggie and Me is a companion book to Wonder that contains "The Julian Chapter," which serves as a sequel to Wonder. It contains three stories, each telling the events of Wonder from different perspectives. The first story, called "The Julian Chapter", is told from the point of view of school bully Julian where he explains why he mistreats Auggie and if he will change. The second, called "Pluto", focuses on August Pullman's life before Beecher Prep and is told from the point of view of Christopher, Auggie's oldest friend.
Theodora ("Theo") is an avid reader who lives in the slums of Vancouver with her young mother Mary-Rae, who is irresponsible and frequently mistreats Theo. She often fantasizes about an alternate life, her dreams fueled by the huge quantity of books she reads about perfect families. Rae starts dating a man named Cal, and eventually moves in with him, sending Theo to live with her aunt, Rae's sister Sharon, in Victoria. While she and her mother are on the ferry to Victoria, Theo meets a "perfect" family, by the name of the Kaldors.
In order to keep Diego from taking the magazine's capital, Álvaro and his best friend and colleague, Gonzalo de Soto (José Manuel Seda), decide to set up a fake firm and move all of the capital into it. Álvaro convinces a reluctant Bea to head the firm by making her believe he is romantically interested in her. Bea believes she finally has the man of her dreams. During the course of their "relationship," Álvaro constantly mistreats Bea, cheats on her with Cayetana, and makes fun of her with Gonzalo.
Suzanne attempts to, which is made easier by Mme de Moni's encouragement, and does not utter more words but her body language reveals all. During this time, Suzanne's mother dies, and Mme de Moni does as well. She bears it until the life finally drives her mad, for the new Mother Superior, Sister Sainte-Christine, mistreats her because of her rebellion as a result of her dislike of the nun's life. She isolates her constantly and deprives her of food, forcing her to adopt a diet of bread and water.
Activism, Inc.: How the Outsourcing of Grassroots Campaigns Is Strangling Progressive Politics in America is a book by the sociologist Dana Fisher, based on an ethnographic study of Fund for Public Interest Research canvass offices during summer 2003. Fisher argues that the corporate fund-raising model mistreats idealistic young people by using them as interchangeable parts and providing them with insufficient training. Fisher also believes that the outsourcing of grassroots organizing by political groups led to the decay of grassroots infrastructure and opportunities for involvement on the left.
In the video, we see a woman, played by Farmer, in a cemetery pushing a pram who comes to meditate at her own grave. Then, in a house full of spiders' webs, a girl on her bed, also played by Farmer, mistreats her doll throwing it in all directions and drowning it in the water. While crying, she begs the Virgin Mary to not grow and die. During her sleep, a man enters her room and rapes her, which she eventually agrees to (Farmer reveals one of her breasts).
Infuriated, Kabir tells Kamal that he, Neelam and Ayesha were all aware of his adultery and that Neelam has been bearing his infidelities and suffering silently to save the family. Kamal asks Neelam why she had not divorced him; she reveals she had no choice because her family would not accept her back due to their fear of dishonour. Kamal realises his mistake, asks for Neelam's forgiveness and consoles her. Later, while trying to reconcile Manav and Ayesha, Kamal sees how Manav mistreats his daughter and asks him and Smita to leave.
Cuthbert's performance received positive reviews from critics. In 2013, she was regarded as a promising contender for an Emmy Award in the Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series category, however she was not nominated. In 2012, Cuthbert was host of the American Music Awards. In October 2012, she appeared in The Gaslight Anthem's music video "Here Comes My Man", playing the girlfriend of a man who mistreats her until she imagines a romantic relationship with a character in a film and chooses to end her real relationship.
The two decided to meet again as adults, but Sung-joon was unable to recognize Hye-jin. Ashamed to meet her first love and ruin his perception of her, Hye-jin asks her attractive best friend, Ha-ri, to appear in her place. Things, however, soon get complicated as Hye-jin was assigned to work at The Most magazine publishing office where Sung-joon is the deputy chief editor. He openly mistreats and belittles her for her clumsy nature, not knowing that she was his real childhood friend.
London occasionally mistreats Bailey such as humiliating her using her webshow, "Yay Me" on a segment called "Boo You". Despite this, London means well as a friend and Bailey is willing to forgive her. Although London admits that she doesn't "do things for other people", she has often attempted to do many generous things, with unfortunate results. In "Mom and Dad On Deck", she hoped to find Moseby the perfect gift for his birthday, but resulted in her annoyingly following him everywhere in order to find out what he likes.
While using his real persona, he is seen wearing a yukata and a mask. He is manipulating the twins, Rangui, and the Ministry of Spirit Affairs for his own agenda, which involves Zakuro, whom he claims is perfect to "bear his child". For this reason he is obsessed with her to the point of harassing Byakuroku sexually after she was given some of Zakuro's powers, and eventually mistreats Rangui despite her crush on him. :It is later shown that lieutenant Hanadate is, in fact, Zakuro's older half brother.
Mika was hospitalized with an injury during the "Seven Days of Hot Snow", and she is shown with a bandage on her left eye. She wants Murakamo to love no one but herself and is jealously contemptuous of Himiko, who is much higher in Kaon's affections than she is. Mika's flashbacks to her hospitalization indicate that Kaon reminds her of a nurse who had cared for her. Others she mistreats are her older brother Kazuya (whom she hates because of the events surrounding his "death") and her younger brother Kyoshiro; she considers him "the demon's tail" and Kazuya "the demon".
Little insight into her personality is provided in the book series. Heather only appears in the third movie in the film series, Dog Days wherein personality and role is further enhanced similar to her younger sister, Holly. In a modification of the events of the books, she is depicted as the spoiled, obnoxious, rude, ignorant, selfish, conceited, ungrateful, unforgiving, cold- hearted, and demanding oldest daughter of the Hills family who often mistreats her family and acquaintances. A lovelorn Rodrick Heffley and his band are hired to perform at Heather's ostentatious upcoming sixteenth birthday party on the suggestion by Greg himself.
Claudine feels betrayed and causes trouble for the two women with the help of her friends, cynical Anaïs and childlike Marie Belhomme. Miss Lanthenay's sister Luce arrives at school, and Claudine mistreats her, but Luce idolizes Claudine nonetheless. Some major events of the school year documented in the novel are the final exams, the opening of the new school, and a ball to mark the visit of an important political minister to the town. At the end of the book, everyone is at the ball when Miss Sergent's mother suddenly throws a man's shoe downstairs into the parlor from the living quarters upstairs.
Barbro Eriksdotter Bielke (died 1553), known in history as Barbro Påle ("Barbara Stake") and Fru Barbro på Brokind ('Lady Barbro of Brokind') was a Swedish noble and landowner. She is known as the subject of a ghost story, in which she is claimed to haunt Brokind Castle. She is also known as one of the likely historical role models behind the legend of Pintorpafrun, a stereotypical cruel lady of the manor who tortures and mistreats her subordinates and haunts the place of her cruelty after her death. She reputed to be cruel toward her tenants and rumored to be a witch.
Herbert Lanyon is thought to be dead after a shipwreck, and his fiancée Mildred Carrison is forced by her money-minded Aunt Clara into marriage with "Bull" Magee, a gambler and underworld boss who mistreats Mildred. After Herbert returns, Magee undergoes financial difficulties that he blames on Mildred and Herbert, and seeks revenge. Herbert and a repentant Aunt Clara, however, free Mildred from Magee, and the lovers are able to marry. A subplot involves boxer "Tug" Wilson, who is ordered by his manager Magee to lay down in the seventeenth round of a prizefight at the film's climax.
Initially, the show was seen as fresh take on the saas-bahu trope in Indian television serials. Explaining why the show was taken off air, the show's co-creator Ekta Kapoor said that audiences were not ready for progressive shows that showed a married woman choosing to move on even after her husband mistreats her. In another interview in 2017, Kapoor said that the show was poorly received as the idea of a woman in a bad marriage moving out and leaving her husband did not match the general accepted thought process of a family despite the show's depiction of reality.
However, only Miles and Martin return together and the present is different. The museum is burnt down; Randy and Kyle are racists and no longer friends with Miles or know him; their middle school is segregated and named after Robert E. Lee; the principal is also racist and mistreats Mrs. Clark; Maria works as a maid and can't speak English; Miles and his mother live in poverty as she also works as a maid. The next day, Martin summarizes because he left his own time, it created an alternate timeline where his civil rights work never happened.
Law professor Mark Schultz found that jam bands had fundamentally different business models from the mainstream music industry. This could be seen in the perceptions of their fans: Jam-band fans view themselves and the band as part of a shared community, which the band management serves. In comparison, fans of mainstream music "often portray band management as part of a ruthless industry that ... mistreats fans and musicians alike". Professor Tom R. Tyler considered the main law-enforcement strategies for copyright protection, finding that deterrence and process-based strategies could both be effective, but that the latter was more efficient.
Junaid has married an orphan girl Zeba who is unattractive most of all, she doesn't have a wealthy background as greedy Zafar has always wanted. Nigar also mistreats her and uses Junaid every single time to make her live with trouble. Zafar and Nigar has always wanted to get rid of her. Nigar is in love with her cousin, Taimoor (Bilal Abbas Khan), a handsome and family-oriented man whose family she and Zafar have had been degrading for their low status in the past but not for long as now Taimoor is living a successful life.
On a quiet and peaceful street, the serenity of one house is suddenly disturbed by the noise of Woody Woodpecker pecking away inside on a chest of drawers. The owner, Terrance O'Hoolihan, goes after Woody, and just as he catches him, the doorbell rings. Going to the door, O'Hoolihan is greeted by a small man who presents him with a check for $1 billion with the stipulation that if he harms, hurts or in any manner mistreats any fine feathered friend (Woody included), the money must be refunded. O'Hoolidan agrees to abide by the stipulation, and he immediately buys himself a mansion.
The story revolves around a married couple where the husband Anupam Chaudhury has a love for writing poems and novels. He, however, never published any work under his own name and uses his wife's name instead, Aaloklata Chaudhury, to publish his work. His wife gets so caught up in the fame that she starts to take her husband for granted and mistreats him over the years; therefore, gradually their marriage descends into misery which leads to Aaloklata having multiple sexual partners. Their daughter, Jhilmil Chaudhury, is brought up in this unhealthy and emotionally strained environment which leads to her having a detached relationship with her father and her mother.
For most of the series, he was confined to Shao Kahn's cobalt mines for his failure in the Mortal Kombat tournament, although he occasionally escapes, since his powers are unaffected by the cobalt in the mines due to his human heritage. While in the mines, he keeps Kreeyan princess Vorpax as his personal slave (both literal and pleasure), and generally mistreats her until she receives her mother's powers. Shang Tsung appeared briefly in the short film Mortal Kombat: Rebirth, portrayed by James Lew, and in the third episode of the webseries Mortal Kombat: Legacy, played by Johnson Phan. Tagawa reprised his role from the movie for the second season.
Fifteen years passes and Pietra is now a strong girl, who was raised by Biniek, her drunken stepfather who mistreats her. Her mother Lucy disappeared after constant attacks from the Pure Order, an inquisitorial group that promotes witch-hunt, led by the machiavellian Cedric, who is also the king's advisor. Soon, Enrico meets Pietra again after a long time and the two, given to forbidden love, decide to fight together, even if it culminates in Enrico renouncing the throne. The couple's mentor and protector is Bartolion, the kingdom's sage, who knows all the powerful secrets and helps them in the mission to unite royalty and peasants.
The movie is about a few teenagers, Hu and Yu-long, continuously falling victim to the local gang and their leader. After Hu's girlfriend gets raped by a few of the gang members, he joins the rivaling gang whose leader is Boss King, a psychopath and extremely cruel thug. Quickly Hu climbs the authority chain as he starts cutting off the hands of his opponent which being the Top-Level rivaling thugs. While Yi is still recovering, Hu continuously mistreats her which leads to an intimate relationship between Yi and Hu's gang leader while Yu-long slowly gets closer to the more older lady Shan.
The game has the player in a similar role as in The Sims controlling a disembodied hand in which the player manipulates over 30 types of animals, and creates their habitat around them.Electronic Arts E3 2008 Press Presentation The animals evolve personalities depending on how the user treats (or mistreats) them. The players can use the animals to solve challenges and achieve goals by discovering secrets, unlocking forest areas and uncovering one-of-a-kind objects and wild animals, some with special abilities, by having the animals successfully complete tasks. After a certain number of achievement points are earned in the DS version, the player can blow into the DS microphone, creating wind for the pickup of berries.
16 years old, Sarah is at the start of the film a discontent teenager who resents her father and stepmother for assuming she'll babysit her baby half-brother, Toby. Playbills and various news clippings in Sarah's room reveal that her absent mother Linda Williams is a stage actress, though it is unknown to what extent Linda is absent from Sarah's life. A "bookworm", Sarah has a preoccupation with drama and romantic fairy tales, and is apt to playing pretend, using fantasy as a mental escape from her unhappy home life. Rene Jordan of El Miami Herald identified Sarah as having "a Cinderella complex", believing that her stepmother mistreats her by making her look after Toby.
The film was a financially successful project and was declared a Mega-Hit at the end of its run at cinema. The same year she played the role of Sofi, an unsympathetic young woman who mistreats her own mother and has an extra-marital affair with a womanizer in Abdul Faththaah's directorial debut, Himeyn Dhuniye which received positive reviews from critics. Besides, Nishal played the emotionally immature wife opposite Yoosuf Shafeeu in Amjad Ibrahim's comedy drama film, Majubooru Loabi (2000). Nisha starred as Zeyna, an acquiescent wife in Fathimath Nahula's drama film Naaummeedhu (2001) which depicts the story of a happily married couple whose life is shattered into pieces when they unintentionally invite a seductive woman into their life.
Ferraro's election as City Council president in 1977 to replace John Gibson allowed him to make committee appointments and set a general direction for the council. In that year he restructured the committee system to "reflect concerns about the environment and city finances." It advanced him to the second most powerful position in the city and made him acting mayor when Tom Bradley was out of town.Erwin Baker, "Ferraro Elected President of Council," Los Angeles Times, July 2, 1977, page B-1 Ferraro later denied he used his committee appointing power "to reward allies and punish enemies," but he admitted to being practical: "Anybody who mistreats their friends to benefit their enemies is not practicing good politics," he said.
He also begins to drink beer and speak in a way that emulates Ivan's mannerisms. During the meeting with the psychologist, Walt finally starts to see things more objectively, without the taint of his father's opinions. He realizes that he had been emulating Bernard's rude and arrogant behavior when he mistreats a girl he had been dating named Sophie, who breaks things off with him when she finally gets fed up with his narcissism and cruel treatment of her. The psychologist asks Walt about his memories and it becomes clear to Walt that his father was never really present, and that his mother was the one whom he remembers caring for him.
Ahmadinejad speaking at Columbia University, September 2007 According to a report by Human Rights Watch, "Since President Ahmadinejad came to power, treatment of detainees has worsened in Evin Prison as well as in detention centers operated clandestinely by the Judiciary, the Ministry of Information, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps." Human Rights Watch also has stated, "Respect for basic human rights in Iran, especially freedom of expression and assembly, deteriorated in 2006. The government routinely tortures and mistreats detained dissidents, including through prolonged solitary confinement." Human Rights Watch described the source of human rights violations in contemporary Iran as coming from the Judiciary, accountable to Ali Khamenei, and from members directly appointed by Ahmadinejad.
"Jack Weston Overview, Filmography", accessed March 5, 2016 On television he made numerous appearances such as murderer Fred Calvert in the 1958 Perry Mason episode, "The Case of the Daring Decoy". In 1961, he was a guest star in the TV drama Route 66, playing the manager of a traveling group of young women nightclub dancers, who mistreats his employees.Route 66 "Like A Motherless Child" In 1963, he was a guest star in an episode called "Fatso" in the TV drama The Fugitive. In 1976, he was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy for his performance in the film The Ritz.
Once he arrives in Yorkshire, Nicholas comes to realise that Squeers is running a scam: he takes in unwanted children (most of whom are illegitimate, crippled or deformed) for a high fee, and starves and mistreats them while using the money sent by their parents, who only want to get them out of their way, to pad his own pockets. Squeers and his monstrous wife whip and beat the children regularly, while spoiling their own son. Lessons are no better; they show how poorly educated Squeers himself is and he uses the lessons as excuses to send the boys off on chores. While he is there, Nicholas befriends a "simple" boy named Smike, who is older than the other "students" and now acts as an unpaid servant.
Meanwhile, a genius Ruth mistreats her brother, the deaf-mute Tomás (Marcos Frota) - one who ascribes the cause of all her troubles - and lives fighting with Diogo (Caíque Ferreira), a friend of the family, until his discovery in love with him. One story also focused on the romance of Gigi (Carla Marins) and Zé Paulo (Irving São Paulo), watched closely by the boy's mother, Vera (Norma Benguell), who does not accept the poor girl as his son's girlfriend. Vera herself hides a passion for Durval (Paulo Figueiredo), the boyfriend of her sister Leonor (Myrian Pérsia), mother of Isabela, Ruth and Tomás. In life, families seem like a mysterious figure of Father Aurélio (Mário Gomes), a man who hides his past and his true identity.
Judy Bernly (Jane Fonda) is forced to find work after her husband, Dick (Lawrence Pressman), runs off with his secretary. She finds employment as a secretary at Consolidated Companies. Her opportunistic boss, Franklin Hart Jr. (Dabney Coleman), exploits and mistreats his female subordinates with backstabbing and sexist remarks; he takes credit for ideas from his senior office supervisor Violet Newstead (Lily Tomlin), cruelly yells at and threatens to fire Judy on her first day after an equipment malfunction, and sexually harasses Doralee Rhodes (Dolly Parton), his secretary, spreading rumors about an affair that never happened. Violet discovers that a promotion she was hoping to receive was instead given to a man because of sexist hiring practices and confronts Hart about it.
Certain that Rosolia's inheritance will be greatly reduced, Zeluco abandons her, travels to Spain, enlists as an officer in the military, and follows his regiment to Cuba. Zeluco mistreats his men in an attempt to gain a promotion, but after being chastised by his superior officer, he turns his attention to a wealthy widow. Though he offers the widow tender affections until she agrees to marry him, he treats her with cold indifference once she signs over her money and property to him, and she dies of grief. Newly interested in the wife of his rich Portuguese neighbor, Zeluco courts the wife secretly until she refuses to meet him for fear of discovery and confesses her flirtations to her husband.
European Magazine 1789, p. 249 Epigraphs: Almost all of the novel’s 100 chapters begins with brief quotations from well-known authors such as Alexander Pope, Shakespeare, Ovid, Virgil, and François de La Rochefoucauld. Each quotation corresponds to the subject matter of the chapter it introduces. For example, the chapter in which Zeluco mistreats his troops out of a vain desire to impress his superior officers begins with “La ferocité naturelle fait moins de cruels que l’amour proper” (“Natural ferocity makes fewer people cruel than does self-love”). The epigraphs, many of which are in Latin or French, provide a marked contrast Zeluco's lack of education and also imply that Moore wrote for an educated readership that could “share the narrator’s easy cosmopolitanism”Perkins 2008, p.
Collections of early bosinate were edited, among others, by Francesco CherubiniSee Cherubini (1816) and Ferdinando Fontana.See Fontana (1901) In the 19th century the bosinada was so popular that even major Milanese dialectal poets such as Carlo Porta would occasionally refer to themselves as bositt, possibly as a statement of modesty. Bosinade also make occasional appearances in the plots of the stories and poems from these authors; in La Ninetta del Verzee ("Ninetta of the Verziere") by Porta, for example, the main character Ninetta hires a bosin to write a composition on her lover, who mistreats and exploits her, to hold him up to ridicule as a form of revenge.See Porta (1815), verses 317-320 Bosinate continued until the early 20th century.
He continued to achieve success at the box-office with films like Arasa Kattalai and Kaavalkaaran (both released in 1967), also garnering acclaim for the latter. Ramachandran's portrayal of twins, a club dancer and a criminal, who are separated as children in Kudiyirundha Koyil (1968) garnered him the Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Actor. In 1969, he appeared as a prince who brings down a tyrant who usurps his throne and mistreats his people in K. Shankar's historical fiction film Adimai Penn, and as a government clerk who masquerades as a billionaire to defeat the corrupt trio of a doctor, a builder and a merchant in Nam Naadu. The former won him the Best Film at the Tamil Nadu State Film Awards.
His wife's name was Isabelle (whom he still possibly loves), and is aware from the beginning of his familial relationship with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. It is also noted that he verbally mistreats them, hinting that he regards them as a living reminder of having an inter-species relationship. An arrogant fantasist who gradually sank deeper and deeper into his self-proclaimed role as Mutant Messiah, Erik Lehnsherr eventually reinvented himself as Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants and a ruthless terrorist who is willing to kill hundreds in the name of mutant supremacy.Ultimate X-Men #1 Additionally, he was the one to cripple Professor X. In addition, Magneto helped Xavier to create the Savage Land, using his knowledge of technology and genetics.
He also thrashes a gang of unruly men in an upscale club when one of them mistreats the waiter. His catchphrase in this phase is shown to be "piece, piece" or alternatively "ella, piece piece" describing the state in which the target of his anger is left. His father is naturally angry with such behavior and feels that a spell in a village with his old school friend, Rudrappa (Thoogudeepa Srinivas) who has since been in the army will do the boy good. And therefore sends him off to a village, Tavarekere with an introductory letter which does not reveal that he is his son but only says that he is in need of some guidance for a year and that he should be taught some daily chores.
She worked with players of great experience like Fabiola Campomanes, Aylin Mujica, Didier van der Hove, Gabriel Valenzuela among others; and the new talents of Colombian television, Carmen Villalobos, Juan Sebastian Caicedo, Margarita Vega and Javier Jattin. In 2010 starred in the production of Caracol TV, Secretos de familia which represents Victoria "Vicky" San Miguel, a college of comfortable life that keeps a stormy romance with a semantic teacher, older and married, and into her life comes Martin, a handsome and sexy man with whom she falls in love. From that moment she will live a difficult situation to decide whether to stay with a man who mistreats her or choose the path of happiness with the man she loves. She shared credits with actresses and very known actors in Colombia as Raquel Ercole, Germán Patiño, Luciano D'Alessandro and Marcela Carvajal.
Seemingly spoiled, arrogant and materialistic, Shiho refers to the people as the "common masses" and often attempts to bribe people with money as her "apology". She has known Shindō since childhood and was rejected by him at some point, which he attributes as the reason of her working despite being economically rich. She frequently bullies and mistreats Shindō due to his previous rejection, using the fact that his father is debt with her father's company as leverage to torment him, despite the fact that she is very much still in love with him, but is unable to express it properly. ; : , Ayaka Suwa (young, anime) :The son of a man whose business is in debt, so he works in several jobs including delivering newspapers and being a host in order to pay the debt, making his situation somewhat similar to Higashida.
She, in fact, does not live abroad but is being held in private prison in a country house for 25 years by Ricardo, who threatens to reveal a grave secret from the past if she decides to return. Rodrigo is engaged to the arrogant Cíntia, who mistreats the boy's housekeeper, Olga for covering up the boy's betrayals, unaware that the maid is his real mother. Rodrigo's biggest ordeal is the calculator Adriano, vice-president who dreams of one day taking over the leadership of + / Brazil and plans every step to topple him and show that the boy is incompetent, being there only for being the owner's son. At the company, Diogo, who lives with Diego, a young man who does not understand his sexuality yet, has an affair with an older woman who supports him, although he is attracted to his flatmate.
Lourdes (Marta Milans) is a young woman from El Salvador that has come to New York City in hopes of raising enough money to help care for her ill son, who lives with Lourdes's mother back in her home country. She works in an upscale restaurant where her boss mistreats her, her boss's boyfriend sexually assaults her, and various men forcefully solicit her for sexual favors. Lourdes endures all of this as she cannot afford to lose her job and while she is reluctant to prostitute herself, she will do anything in order to raise enough money for her son's surgery. Her only solace is found in her phone calls to her son in El Salvador and her interactions with Frankie (Bruno Gunn), a firefighter that is the only person in New York who has shown Lourdes any true kindness.
The Sheriff of Nottingham Alan Wheatley as the Sheriff of Nottingham in the 1950s television series, The Adventures of Robin Hood The Sheriff of Nottingham (voiced by Pat Buttram) in the 1973 animated film, Robin Hood The Sheriff of Nottingham is the main antagonist in the legend of Robin Hood. He is generally depicted as an unjust tyrant who mistreats the local people of Nottinghamshire, subjecting them to unaffordable taxes. Robin Hood fights against him, stealing from the rich, and the Sheriff, in order to give to the poor; a characteristic for which Robin Hood is best known. It is not conclusively known exactly who this character is based on, but it would have been one of (or a composite of multiple of) the people who have occupied the post of the High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and the Royal Forests.
Season four has Jan moving into Michael's condo and starting a scented candle business. Her heedless spending combined with his own poor financial sense rapidly drain Michael's resources, leading to a brief scheme in which Michael attempts to escape his troubles by leaving town but is stopped by Jan who (in a very rare warm and positive moment in their relationship) tells Michael that she stands by him despite her earlier treatment of Michael and that she has come to see him as "someone worth standing by". She also sues Dunder Mifflin, claiming wrongful dismissal, largely over her breast implants, although Michael is betrayed by Jan, who uses his private diary as evidence that the company mistreats its employees, and also learning that she gave him a scathing performance review while they were dating. In response, Michael torpedoes her lawsuit by refusing to confirm her negative views of the company, badly damaging their relationship.
In the 1920s, Gray even defended > labor unions, having Annie launch a successful one-girl strike against a > boss who mistreats her. Gray's political opinions would take on a more > partisan salience in the 1930s when the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt > polarized American politics into those who saw the New Deal as the salvation > for the working class and those who saw it as the end of American liberty. > Gray fell into the anti-FDR camp and Annie became much more explicitly > right-wing ... There might be aspects of Gray's life that didn't make it > into his strip. There are rumors that he was a skirt-chaser, and that's > something that doesn't show up much in Annie, although you can catch hints > of it here and there ... Newspaper cartooning is like keeping a daily diary: > even if you're writing only about the weather and shopping, bits of your > personality will seep into the work.
Townsend provides his own firsthand account of the Shanghai Incident of 1932, which he claims was probably provoked by Chinese aggression, and similarly sees the Japanese decision to invade Manchuria as a fitting response to the "foredoomed contest of covert violence against the Japanese" waged by Zhang Xueliang. Townsend also lavishes praise on the puppet state of Manchukuo as "a blessing to the thirty million or so Chinese living there" which has achieved "stability and well-being for millions". Townsend concludes that informed observers are grateful for Japan's role in dealing with an unruly China. Finally, in chapter ten Townsend affirms that the "backward Chinese" are America’s "only legitimate problem in Asia" and asks what can be done to deal with a nation that spends aid money corruptly, does not respect its loans, mistreats and attacks foreigners, ignores international drug laws, will not protect foreign investment, and does not engage in productive diplomacy with other nations.
Fatty, Keaton and St John play stagehands at a theater preparing the sets for the next big show. Fatty puts up a sign on the front door of the theater reading: YOU MUST NOT MISS GERTRUDE McSKINNY FAMOUS STAR WHO WILL PLAY THE LITTLE LAUNDRESS FIRST TIME HERE TOMORROW AT 2PM But upon returning inside the theatre he unwittingly leaves the door open so it obscures the left side of the sign and appears to read: MISS SKINNY WILL UNDRESS HERE AT 2PM The evening's entertainment arrives, first an extremely flexible dancer whom Fatty and Keaton feebly attempt to mimic. Next, a tall and egotistical, strongman who badly mistreats his assistant (Mahone). The staff attempt to defend the assistant but the strongman is so powerful that he is able to blow Fatty away using only his breath and does not even flinch when Keaton repeatedly hits him over the head with an axe.
King Hugo III - King Hugo III is the king of the land of the potatoes. He is easily upset, stubborn and hates the local dragon or anyone standing in his way or stopping things from going his way, he's almost not in a good mood mostly because Dragon gives him a hard time with all his flaming whenever they meet, or if Hugo teases him and messes with his things, even when Hugo is minding his own business, and does absolutely nothing, Dragon would still flame him anyway whether he likes it or not, he mistreats everyone bossing them around so much which makes him mad, he's always getting mad at Harry and giving him a hard time whenever he fails and not do his jobs right. Voiced by Danny Wells Harry - Harry is King Hugo's torturer and right hand henchman. He tends to be absentminded and often does most of his worker's dirty work.
Thus, in this type of case, the legal question is not whether neutrality negates hostility, but rather whether an individual who detains Americans and mistreats them becomes hostile at a level below the entire state in question, and whether this alone qualifies as captivity by hostile foreign armed forces if the parent government (if one exists) is not necessarily hostile. Hostages of terrorists were sometimes denied eligibility for lack of detention by a state, normally through the citation of the outdated armed conflict requirement in DoD policy, or by claiming that terrorists are not hostile foreign armed forces. For example, several military hostages held during the Iran Hostage Crisis were initially denied the award or incorrectly sent to the Board for Correction of Military Records, which is not appropriate if the captive is eligible or already qualified. The Army incorrectly sent the case of former hostage Sergeant Major Regis Ragan to the Board for Correction in 2009, even though he was already qualified as per a 2004 by-name approval from Army Secretary Brownlee.
During the 1830s, in a country workhouse somewhere in England, a very young woman outcast of unknown history dies giving birth to a boy. Nine years later, the boy in particular who has been given the unlikely name of Oliver Twist by the cruel parish beadle Mr. Bumble, after losing out in a secret draw with the other orphan boys, gets into trouble with the workhouse authorities for daring to asking for more supper - if you can call one pathetically small bowlful of gruel a supper. As a result, Mr. Bumble apprentices him off to Mr. Sowerberry, an uncaring undertaker who mistreats the boy so badly that one day he rebels for the first time in his life, then runs away to London to seek his fortune. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Bumble is summoned to a private meeting with a sinister man calling himself Monks who inquires information about Oliver, and easily bribes the greedy official into yielding him a gold locket that was the only thing of value found on Oliver's mother after her death, as well as the only proof that she along with her son are actually from a wealthy family.

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