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"lector" Definitions
  1. a person who teaches in a university, especially somebody who teaches their own language in a foreign country

617 Sentences With "lector"

How to use lector in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "lector" and check conjugation/comparative form for "lector". Mastering all the usages of "lector" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And Hannibal Lector, the cannibal, is a Satanic incarnation of death.
Para otro lector, el programa representa "un monton de ideas vulgares amorales".
The elder Mr. Markey was a lector, reading passages from the Bible during Mass.
Para el lector Miguel Pardo, la decisión delata un sesgo dentro de la corte.
Otro lector, Gael Fonseca, propuso que la responsabilidad recaiga más en quienes compran la comida chatarra.
In the meantime, unfortunately, we'll have to reiterate another long-time axiom: caveat lector—reader beware.
He was referring, you know, to the Hannibal Lector&aposs of the world is MS-13 gang.
"Espero que el seguro que dan cubra diabetes y enfermedades coronarias, cáncer y obesidad", opinó un lector.
In the play, a lector, well dressed and well mannered, reads to workers rolling cigars in nineteenth-century Tampa.
Some instances where a lector would be removed by the company led to thousands of workers going on strike.
It is said that a young Aristotle served as Reader or Lector during his 20 years in the Academy.
Si un lector está decidido a interpretar mis palabras de esa manera, no hay nada que pueda hacer al respecto.
"La superioridad económica de Israel tendrá eternamente a los palestinos con un pie en el cuello", aseguró el lector César González.
Mañana no te pierdas las mejores noticias científicas, el espacio con comentarios del lector y una selección de artículos especiales del Times.
Otro lector, Ingo Pérez, ofreció una conclusión poco esperanzadora respecto al conflicto israelí-palestino: "Y seguirán en lo mismo, siglo tras siglo".
El objeto misterioso es un lector de libros electrónicos Kindle usado de 20193, que le compré en eBay a un técnico en reparaciones.
In an exclusive promo for the show, Cowell is seen tied up and wearing a mask, making him look very much like Hannibal Lector.
And of course he was the Justice, presumably chosen by the Scalia family, to be a lector at the funeral of his former benchmate.
On Sundays, she was the favorite lector at our church, reading the liturgy with an elegance instilled by her mother and grandmother, both trained elocutionists.
Alan A. PardeeNew YorkThe writer is a weekly churchgoing Catholic and a former church choir member, eucharistic minister, lector, usher, altar server and church receptionist.
The workers, Cuban immigrants, are used to this—listening to the lector as they did their delicate work by hand was a job perk back in Cuba.
We do know that after having served as Lector in the Academy and being described as its "Mind" by Plato, Aristotle was not chosen as the latter's successor.
Sin embargo, el lector Roberto Alonzo Figueroa señaló en un correo electrónico que Fujimori dista de ser el único exmandatario latinoamericano que ya enfrenta acusaciones meritorias de un juicio.
Mashable cut up some footage to reimagine the cannibalistic classic a different sort of film where Clarice Sterling (Jodie Foster) and Hannibal Lector (Anthony Hopkins) goof around a little more.
Un lector que disfruta de las bebidas alcohólicas se pregunta cómo abordar los comentarios de sus hijos, especialmente teniendo en cuenta el historial de alcoholismo que existe en su familia.
A partir de esta columna, nuestro lector Carlos Santiago Domènech respondió en Facebook: "Las mujeres no van a hacer por nosotros lo que depende de nosotros que sea hecho", indicó.
The book the lector reads is "Anna Karenina," and, through that story of love, philosophy, and agriculture, several of the play's characters find their inner voices and begin to explore their own passions.
En la misma red social, el lector hondureño Enripsi atribuyó la movilización de centroamericanos a factores como "la corrupción del gobierno, violencia, desempleo, falta de salud pública, desigualdad social y la pésima educación".
Sin embargo, el lector Gerardo González dice que teme que sea demasiado difícil promover la rendición de cuentas generalizada a partir de los distintos casos revelados en lugares como Pensilvania, Irlanda o Chile.
But Clinch does much more than that: As in his first novel, "Finn," with its variations on Twain's "Huckleberry Finn," he creates a penumbra of invention around the original novel ensuring — caveat lector!
In the barn at his Chappaqua home, Clinton has several shelves of books about his presidency — including, caveat lector, one by me, "The Natural" — most of which did not invite denunciation, angry or otherwise.
En la misma red social, el lector Joselo Dávalos comentó que las fumigaciones no son suficientes para controlar esa actividad ilícita, porque "los márgenes de utilidad son exorbitantes y los consumidores pagan en dólares".
Otro lector agregó que si las autoridades "tienen el tiempo y las ganas de limitar algo tan personal e inofensivo", fácilmente pueden limitar otras expresiones de individualidad, "incluyendo el 'pensamiento, razonamiento y palabra comunicativa'".
That's clear from the opening shots of the new trailer, which show June (Elisabeth Moss) constrained with that same Hannibal Lector leather mask over her mouth that we saw Emily (Alexis Bledel) wearing last season.
"No está mal ser competitivos, pero un niño es un niño", se lamentó nuestro lector Julio Morales, quien agregó: "Así es como aumenta el número de suicidios, tal como en Japón y Corea del Sur".
En ese sentido, el lector Antonio León sostiene que "los militares en el poder sería la peor opción para América Latina", ya que en su opinión pueden ser "tan corruptos como los políticos y aún más".
El lector David Bayón Vargas comentó en Facebook que comprendía las quejas de muchas personas por "las barbaridades que hicieron los españoles", pero cree que es un error pedirle cuentas a la España actual sobre el pasado.
El lector Carlos Roberto Támara sostiene que la tolerancia cero se debería aplicar "contra los errores costosos de la administración Trump" y que las famlias "deberían poder instaurar sendos procesos por daños y perjuicios contra" el gobierno estadounidense.
"Si fracasa la democracia como forma de gobierno no es culpa de la democracia", opinó el lector Omar Luis Fabro, "es culpa de personajes nefastos que en nombre de la democracia dejaron un país devastado culturalmente, socialmente y económicamente".
Hace poco, un lector señaló que este boletín usaba la palabra deploy (destacar o enviar al frente) para describir la asignación provisional por la que dos de mis colegas fueron enviados a vivir a la frontera sur por varios meses.
"En España no solo peligran los jóvenes, estamos hablando de un retroceso generalizado en muchos aspectos", indicó en la misma línea un lector en Facebook, G. J. Vega, quien enlistó crecientes problemas políticos como la elección de parlamentarios regionales de ultraderecha.
En este sentido, nuestro lector Daniel Mejía celebró que "se pida supervisión" desde antes de que López Obrador asuma el cargo —lo que hará el 1 de diciembre— para no "olvidar que el poder puede deformar a cualquier persona e ideal político".
El lector Andrés Silva, comentó en nuestra cuenta de Facebook que lo que más le había llamado la atención era que los fiscales se exaltaran "cuando la defensa del Chapo habló sobre la corrupcion de los presidentes de México y de funcionarios estadounidenses".
Por otro lado, el lector Pepe Fabián opinó en Twitter que las muertes ocasionadas por el narcotráfico en México y Centroamérica se deben al consumo del mercado estadounidense: "Pueden castigar a todos, pero mientras sigan consumiendo con esa prohibición, siempre habrá capos y cárteles".
Ante esta conclusión, un lector destacó que "el colegio y el trabajo son mundos muy distintos" y por tanto no debe tratarse de "desincentivar el trabajo arduo y la disciplina en las niñas, sino recordarles que esa es solo una parte muy pequeña del rompecabezas".
Aunque algunos activistas y funcionarios dijeron que la actual política migratoria mexicana sí ha hecho migrar a más personas por la percepción de que las caravanas se podrán mover sin restricciones, otros sugirieron que "todo huele a estrategia electoral" de Trump, como escribió un lector.
El lector Gi Khrist sostuvo en Facebook que la política de enfrentamientos bélicos desplegada por el gobierno colombiano impide la reconciliación en ese país, y que son los políticos "los que con sus discursos y acciones" en muchas ocasiones "promueven la violencia en todas sus facetas".
Shout outs especially to the first "boss," the unhinged, Hannibal Lector-wannabe Dr. Steinman, to Dr. Langford, the scientist who dies writing a code to you in the fog of Arcadia, and Tenenbuam, who encourages you to save the little sisters, or else risk becoming a monstrous child-murderer.
En Facebook, nuestro lector Sergio Gazzo reflexionó sobre la distinción entre el guion "hollywoodense", que centra toda la acción en su protagonista, y "la realidad total y colectiva como la muerte, que no tenía una sola figura, sino que estaba formada por muchos rostros, visibles unos y ocultos otros".
"Un tribunal obsoleto, caduco y medieval que se niega a evolucionar no debería tener cabida en una sociedad supuestamente demócrata", dijo; un sentimiento que hizo eco en las palabras de otro lector en Twitter, quien afirmó que la corte "se caracteriza por sus decisiones contradictorias, a menudo corregidas por tribunales europeos".
En reacción a la aseveración de Wiener de que "el señalamiento público envía un mensaje contundente" como una manera de "erradicar la cultura de acoso", el lector Pablo Müller opinó que las denuncias en redes "son una herramienta eficaz para destruir los Estados de derecho" porque lo legítimo sería "pelear por el derecho de la denuncia legal".
"Soy el menos amigo del 'club de fans de Jesús', pero esto muestra una vez más los excesos del Estado chino", señaló el lector Daniel Ricardo Báez; mientras que Abraham José Janna lamentó "que haya gente celebrando esto", al recalcar que "las persecuciones religiosas en pleno siglo XXI, contra la religión que sea, constituyen un acto barbárico".
Algunos de nuestros lectores comentaron que, de todos modos, las inversiones de los padres son un desperdicio: "Hay cosas que el dinero no puede comprar, como la inteligencia y el deseo de superación", sostuvo un lector, y, por eso, "al final será un dinero perdido que terminará en un título colgado para adornar una pared", dijo en Twitter.
En respuesta a un artículo de opinión que asegura que con estas acciones se asoman "los fantasmas de las dictaduras" de la historia del país, el lector Alen Fernández dijo por Facebook que en realidad "al guatemalteco de a pie le da lo mismo que haya o no Cicig", pues asegura que no se han reducido los niveles de criminalidad.
Por su parte, el lector Ricgar Ri sostuvo que "no es cuestión de pertenecer a una generación u otra, es cuestión de un sistema económico que ha avanzado en el despojo de derechos laborales, pérdida del poder adquisitivo, precariedad laboral, sobrepoblación, pérdidas de fuentes de trabajo y un largo etcétera que se explica por un sistema económico que solo beneficia al uno por ciento de la población mundial".
Nuestro lector argumenta que otros casos —el ecuatoriano Rafael Correa, que está bajo investigación; la expresidenta argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, quien sería sometida a juicio en febrero, o el venezolano Nicolás Maduro, a quien han pedido indagar en la Corte Penal Internacional— demuestran que, por lo menos, cada vez más queda claro que "el poder no es una parcela infalible" sino que "se puede poner contra la pared" si entra en conflicto con la justicia.
He is a son of Lynn Olsen Haslinger in Huntington, N.Y., and Mr. Haslinger Sr. of Sag Harbor, N.Y. The groom's mother is a speech language pathologist at Bayville Primary School in Bayville, N.Y. His father is a lector, reading during the Thursday morning mass, at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, and is a municipal bond underwriter, trader and salesman who has held positions at Clayton Brown & Associates, USBank and other municipal bond shops in New York for 40 years.
In addition to his son, Kelefa Sanneh, a staff writer at The New Yorker and a former pop music critic for The New York Times, and his daughter, a senior attorney at the Equal Justice Initiative, a nonprofit organization, Dr. Sanneh is survived by his wife, Sandra Sanneh, a senior lector at Yale who teaches Zulu, one of the official languages of South Africa; five brothers, Moussa, Kebba, Malik, Lamin and Amadou; and two sisters, Mariama Jawo and Sajo Sanneh.
Ferdomhnach Dall, Lector of Kildare and harpist, died 1110. The Annals of Ulster for 1110 list the death of three Irish churchmen, including: > Ferdomhnach Dall fer leiginn Cille Dara .i. sui cruitirechta > Ferdomnach the blind, lector of Cell Dara, i.e. a master of harping Ferdomhnach held the important post of fer leiginn (lector), an office associated with men such as Áed Ua Forréid (d.
The Franciscan Order conferred the honorary degree of Lector Generalis Jubilatus in 1965.
Lebech was teacher and Lector at Holstebro Gymnasium og HF from 1978 to 2013.
Peter van Hove (–1793) was a Flemish Friar Minor, lector in theology and exegete.
Some went to Cuba to seek lector positions in factories which still allowed the practice.
He was ordained on 19 December 1733. In his order he served as lector of philosophy, at the House of the Santi Apostoli, for nine years; and as lector of theology, minister, consultor, vice-provost and lector of philosophy, in the House of San Silvestro, Rome. When he was about to be elected procurator general in 1756, the pope appointed him Bishop of Calvi, on 24 May 1756; he was consecrated three days later.
December 24, 2013. At 3:30 of interview: "I'm Catholic. I'm a lector in our church".
The title lector may be applied to lecturers and readers at some universities. There is also the title lector jubilate, which is an equivalent of Doctor of Divinity. In language teaching at universities in Britain, a foreign native speaker of a Slavonic language is often called a lektorGlasgow University Slavonic staff list or lector.Oxford University Slavonic staff list In Dutch higher education the title lector is used for the leader of a research group at a university of applied science.
As a professed brother he served in the responsible position as a lecturer in the studium in Venice, that is to say, he was in charge of the elementary education of the brothers in his convent. Each convent had its lector. He served as lector for fourteen years, from 1268 to 1282, according to Bernardus Guidonis. In 1276 he is attested as being lector at the Dominican convent in his native Treviso, a post he was still holding in 1280.
Stela of a lector priest (upper right), from Saqqara, 19th Dynasty. A lector priest was a priest in ancient Egypt who recited spells and hymns during temple rituals and official ceremonies. Such priests also sold their services to laymen, reciting texts during private apotropaic rituals or at funerals.Ritner, Robert Kriech (1993).
In the play, the lector reads Anna Karenina, sparking the characters' lives and relationships to spin out of control.
This sparked a preliminary walkout by workers but more importantly prompted factory owners to expel the widely renowned "Lector" in the cigar factories. This "Lector" was a fellow worker who would read aloud newspapers and literature to an illiterate Cuban workforce during production periods to keep workers' minds occupied. The readings were very often pro-union, leftist and anti-corporation. After the displays of radicalism from the Cuban workers, factory owners accused the Lector of proliferating Communist propaganda and banned him from the workplace.
Lector is a free e-book reading application for desktop GNU/Linux systems that also has basic collection management features.
The most significant effect of the strike in the longer term was that the lector culture was brought to an end.
Photios mistakenly identified John with the priest John of Aegae because both were anti-Chalcedonian. John is cited by Theodore Lector.
A religious reader is sometimes referred to as a lector. The lector proclaims the Scripture readings used in the Liturgy of the Word from the official, liturgical book (lectionary). The Roman Catholic Church has a rite by which it formally institutes men who may or may not be studying for the priesthood and diaconate as lectors (Canon Law 230.1).
In 1961 Bosch was named lector of biochemistry in extraordinary service at Leiden University. In 1963 he became a regular lector, and in 1964 he was named professor. Bosch was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1978. He was elected a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization in 1982.
Cardinal Lorenzo Cozza Lorenzo Cozza was born in San Lorenzo alle Grotte in 1654. In 1669 he entered the Order of the Friars Minor Observantists, in the convent of Holy Trinity at Orvieto, taking the name in religion Francis Lawrence of Saint Lawrence (in Italian, Francesco Lorenzo di San Lorenzo). He studied philosophy and theology in the Franciscan convents in Naples, Viterbo and Rome. No information is available on when he was ordained priest. In his order, he filled the positions of lector of theology in the convent of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, lector of philosophy in the convent of Saint Diego (Naples, 1676), and lector of theology in the convent of Viterbo, where he also became guardian. He then returned to the convent of Aracoeli as lector of theology and, later, in 1696, guardian.
From 1994 she was also a part-time university lector at University of Oslo. She was a Supreme Court Justice from 2004 to 2016.
Nakhtmin (also written Minnakht) was lector priest of Min in Akhmim.Translation from Rutgers University site The Stela of Min-Nakht (Zagreb Archaeological Museum) The lector priest Nakhtmin is known from a stela now in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb. The stela shows Nakhtmin raising his hands in adoration before an ithyphallic statue of Min. Saleh dates the stela to the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.
In the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church, the term "lector" or "reader"The term "lector" is used in preference to that of "reader" in the official English text of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal ("reader" is found in no. 352 of this document, but not elsewhere), but "reader" is used in the English version of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini, which capitalizes "Reader" to indicate an "instituted" reader or lector. can mean someone who in a particular liturgy is assigned to read a Biblical text other than the Gospel. (Reading the Gospel at Mass is reserved specifically to the deacon or, in his absence, to the priest.) But it also has the more specific meaning of a person who has been "instituted" as a lector or reader, and is such even when not assigned to read in a specific liturgy.
New York: Academic Press, 1975: 41-58. Eco, U. Lector in Fabula, Milano: Bompiani, 1979. Sperber, D. & D. Wilson., Relevance – Communication and Cognition, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986.
The lector has a comparable set of tasks as (higher ranked) full professors at a (research) university, albeit at an applied rather than a fundamental scientific level.
An artist's view of Constantinople in Byzantine times Theodorus likely witnessed the destruction of the Hagia Sophia during the Nika riots in 532. He had previously been a reader at the basilica. Shown here are the remains of sculpture work adorning the old church as Theodorus knew it. Theodorus Lector (, Theodoros Anagnostes) was a lector, or reader, at the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople during the early sixth century.
In Celtic Scotland, Skene thought it was possible the mentioned Duffie/Dubshithe was identical to the lector of Iona recorded in 1164 within the Irish annals.Skene 1886: 363.
Then, the spirit of Primula tells her that the knowledge of Words of Power was within her all the time. So it is possible that the vision was shown by Watos to aid her utilize the magic so that His creations may be saved from Merkadis' wrath (and to pass judgement on Lector as well). Watos' refusal to rescue Lector seems to support that He sided with His creations and cares for them.
In 1677 he wrote De utilitate anatomiae and became Lector of Anatomy in Utrecht. In 1678 he became professor of Chirurgie or Surgical Anatomy. He became city physician of Utrecht.
Beltinci: Lector, p. 137. The pseudonym "Majda Vrhovnik" was also used by the Mladina journalist Vlado Miheljak at the same time.Luthar, Oto (ed.). The Land Between: A History of Slovenia.
Later on he interpreted various roles in other Albanian movies in many of them as a lead actor. From 1980 to 1992 he was a lector at Albanian Art Academy.
Por HUGO RODRÍGUEZ – ALCALÁ. Universidad de California, RIVERSIDE - Colección Studium-63 - México 1970 © HUGO RODRÍGUEZ – ALCALÁ / DIRMA PARDO CARUGATTI. Editorial El Lector, Diseño de tapa: Ca´avo-Goiriz. Asunción – Paraguay.
However, he decides to focus on leading Brooklyn House while leaving his uncle Amos as the Chief Lector to deal with the day-to-day running of the House of Life.
He was a lector at Westminster Cathedral, and, at one time, was an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. In 2010, “The Tablet” named him as one of Britain’s most influential Roman Catholics.
Since 1973 he lives in Saint Petersburg and works as a cycling coach and lector at the Lesgaft University of Physical Education. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honour.
Chionodes lector is a moth in the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from California and Washington.Chionodes at funetmothphotographersgroup The larvae feed on Acer macrophyllum.
Kloosterman was appointed lector (associate professorship) at Leiden University in 1930 and full professor in 1947. In 1950 he was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Strindberg graduated from Norra Real in Stockholm during 1890. He received his Bachelor of Arts (fil.kand.) at Uppsala University in 1893. In 1895, received a post as lector at the Stockholm University.
The Franciscan lector, Bérenger Talon, defended the Beghard. Berenger refused to retract and was threatened with punishment by the inquisitor. The matter soon developed into a general controversy between the Dominicans and Franciscans.
Dobbs, Pedigree and Family Flann himself was also fer légind (lit. 'man of textual study', i.e. lector, head of a monastic school) there, as was his father. His son, also called Echthigern (d.
Lector is Latin for one who reads, whether aloud or not. In modern languages it takes various forms, as either a development or a loan, such as , , and . It has various specialized uses.
Gordillo & Leguizamón, p. 45 By the end of the war 15,000 Bolivian soldiers had deserted to Argentina.Casabianca, Ange-François (1999). Una Guerra Desconocida: La Campaña del Chaco Boreal (1932–1935) Editorial El Lector.
One tradition that the tabaqueros brought with them from cigar factories in Cuba was that of El Lector (The Reader). Because the job of rolling cigar after cigar could become monotonous, the workers wanted something to occupy and stimulate the mind. Thus arose the tradition of "lectors", who sat perched on an elevated platform in the cigar factory, reading to the workers. Typically, the lector would start the day reading local Spanish newspapers and some fiction, such as a romance or adventure novel.
The festival also provided jobs for wab and lector priests, who were on 3-month rotations. They recited spells and hymns among the general population on the riverbank to ensure that reverence was upheld.
A man named Bakenwer, who was a priest and lector of Ptah is shown offering incense, bread and beer to Kenro and his wife, while in another scene is he shown offering a bouquet to Kenro. The funerary procession depicted in the hall shows and names several men. They include a man named Ray, one named Panehesy and a man named Huy, who is described as his (Kenro's) brother. The person offering the libations is named Pre-rekh, while the lector priest is named Amenemone.
The play is set in Ybor City, a section of Tampa and the center of the cigar industry. When Cuban immigrants brought the cigar-making industry to Florida in the 20th century, they carried with them another tradition. As the workers toiled away in the factory hand rolling each cigar, the lector, (historically well-dressed and well-spoken), would read to them. It was the lector who informed, organized and entertained the workers until the 1930s, when the rollers and the readers were replaced by mechanization.
In some churches, the lectionary is carried in the entrance procession by a lector. In the Catholic Church, the Book of the Gospels is carried in by a deacon (when there is no deacon, a lector might process in with the Book of the Gospels). When the Book of the Gospels is used, the first two readings are read from the lectionary, while the Book of the Gospels is used for the final reading. The lectionary is not to be confused with a missal, gradual or sacramentary.
Reidar Grønhaug (2 December 1938 – 2 September 2005) was a Norwegian social anthropologist. He was born in Stavanger. He took his degree in 1967, and started working as a lector at the University of Bergen.
Lector reading at Cuesta-Rey Cigar Company, Tampa, 1929 The best reflection of the sentiments of immigrant cigar workers was the factory "Lector" or "Reader". The workers would each give 25 to 50 cents of their weekly salary to elect a fellow workman to act as a "Lector" in which he would read aloud various materials such as newspapers mentioned above or others such as The Daily Worker and Socialist Call, or even classical works of literature such as Tolstoy or Dickens. The readers, elected by their peers, were actually marvelous actors and would not simply read the book but literally act out the scenes in a dramatic fashion upon a podium set up in the middle of the factory. Therefore, many illiterate cigar makers were well versed in subjects such as politics, labor, literature and international relations.
Charles M. Odahl, Constantine and the Christian Empire, Routledge 2010 p 156. He is listed as delegate 208 in the Greek version of the Patrum Nicaenorum Nomina as being Bishop of Calabria in Southern Italy; Patrum Nicaenorum Nomina. however, he is listed as a bishop from Dacia in the Syriac Extracts from the Syriac ms. No. 14528 in the British Museum and the Greek text "Nicene Catalogue of Fathers and Cities", by Theodorus Lector, Nicene Theodorus Lector Catalogue of Fathers and Cities both of which record the proceedings of the First Council of Nicaea.
Gilla na Naemh Ua Duinn (1102 – 17 December 1160) was an Irish poet, historian, and cleric. The Annals of the Four Masters describe him as: "lector of Inis-Clothrann, a paragon in history and poetry, and a good speaker, sent his spirit to his heavenly patrimony, amid a choir of angels, on the 17th of December, in the fifty-eighth year of his age." Inis Clothran is an island located in the northern part of Lough Ree, on the River Shannon. It contains the remains of a monastery of which Ua Duinn was lector.
Banbáin Os Cach, Lector of Kildare, died 686. The Annals of Tigernach record his death, sub anno 686: Mors Banbain Os Cach sapientis, fer légind Cilli Dara. His nickname means wise above everyone, rendered as sapienties in Latin.
Later, he became a lector and choir member of St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church in St. Anna, Wisconsin. On May 2, 1950, Turba married Leona Boll. They would have nine children together. Leona died on December 28, 1995.
In his capacity as the Franciscan lector at Oxford, he was responsible for copying five large volumes of postillsOxford Merton MSS 166 and 168–171. for Sir Hugh of Nottingham, who was a clerk at the Royal Exchequer.
According to the inscription on the podest of his statuette, Setka was Member of the elite, Eldest bodily son of the king, High lector priest of his father, Provost of the morning house and Head of the palace.
The Martyrologium Hieronymianumed. De Rossi and Duchesne, Acta Sanctorum, 2 November. records her name on 25 December, not for Sirmium alone, but also for Constantinople, a circumstance based on a separate story. According to Theodorus Lector,Hist. Eccles.
Twemlow was head of the MA in Design Curating & Writing at Design Academy Eindhoven, 2017-2018, and is now Lector Design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KABK) in The Hague, and Associate Professor at Leiden University.
He fulfilled many offices in his order, being at different times lector, guardian, definitor, and minister-provincial. In this last office, which he filled 1889–1892, he accepted for his province of the Tyrol a missionary district in India.
In 1912, the El Comercio Spanish-language newspaper began publication, and in 1916, the Heraldo Dominical Spanish-language newspaper began publication. In 1922 the trilingual La Gaceta began publication, founded by Victoriano Manteiga, a former lector in the cigar factories.
Brolén became a lector in Gävle 1880, rector at Västerås' higher general grammar school 1883 and at Uppsala higher general grammar school 1899–1911. Brolén publiced, amongst other things, Senecas Valda skrifter (1883) and Om Alströmerska brefsamlingen i Upsala universitetsbibliotek (1917).
Fischer and his wife, Jane, live with their dog in Cincinnati. His daughter is also an attorney in Ohio. Fischer is a member of St. Francis Xavier Church in Cincinnati, where he is a lector. He is also a Eucharistic minister.
He was named after his maternal grandfather, Sal Atyusz. He functioned as lector at the Bács Cathedral (today in Bač, Serbia) between 1255 and 1256. Following that he served as provost of the Dömös monastery from 1256 to 1295. Atyusz (fl.
From the third century the office of reader (or lector) became recognised as one of the minor orders of the clerical state. Candidates for ordained ministry (as deacons and priests) were first admitted to the sequence of minor orders, including that of lector or reader. The minor orders have been largely absent from the Anglican Church since the Reformation (with some localised exceptions) and in the Roman Catholic Church they have also been suppressed. However, the "ministry of reader" (in the Roman Catholic Church) and the office of reader or lay reader (in the Anglican Church) represent a continuation of the reader tradition.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal speaks as follows of those who, without being lectors in the specific sense, carry out their functions at Mass: "In the absence of an instituted lector, other lay people may be deputed to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, people who are truly suited to carrying out this function and carefully prepared, so that by their hearing the readings from the sacred texts the faithful may conceive in their hearts a sweet and living affection for Sacred Scripture." The General Instruction thus makes no distinction between men and women for proclaiming the scriptural readings in the absence of an instituted lector. In its sections the same document lists the lector's specific duties at Mass. Traditionalist Catholic organizations such as the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest and the Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney are authorized to use the pre-1973 rite for their members who receive the office of lector.
After his retirement, Beatrice settled in Haymarket, Virginia. He was a lector at St. John the Evangelist Church in Warrenton, Virginia, where he also trained other lectors. He died on December 6, 2015 from complications of pneumonia at the age of 72.
Benjamin Elbel (16 March 1690 - 4 June 1756) was a German Franciscan moral theologian. Elbel was born at Friedberg, Bavaria. He belonged to the Strasburg Franciscan province, was lector of theology, and held high positions in the order. He died at Söflingen.
Rumors spread accusing her of preventing Orestes from reconciling with Cyril and, in March of 415 AD, she was murdered by a mob of Christians, led by a lector named Peter. She had no successor and her school collapsed after her death.
Doocy is married and has three children, including fellow Fox News reporter Peter Doocy. He lives in Wyckoff, New Jersey. He is Roman Catholic and serves as a lector in his church.Fox and Friends: "Timothy Cardinal Dolan on the meaning of Christmas".
In February 1282 he is found at Genoa, again as lector. He was not a professor, since he had never taken a university degree, being one of the last popes who was not a university graduate.Mortier, 322-323. Fietta, p. 231-234.
The main sources for the career of Secundinus are John of Antioch and Theophanes the Confessor. The latter preserved fragments of Theodorus Lector which cover Secundinus. Joannes Laurentius Lydus briefly mentions the consulship of Secundinus as a chronological reference.Martindale, Jones & Morris (1980), pp.
Clement Endresen (born 8 November 1949) is a Norwegian judge. He was born in Stavanger as the son of politician and judge Egil Endresen. He graduated as cand.jur. from the University of Oslo in 1974, and then worked as lector there from 1975 to 1977.
Arne Fliflet (born 21 May 1946) is a Norwegian jurist and civil servant. He graduated with the cand.jur. degree in 1971. After some years as a university lector at the University of Oslo, he worked as a deputy judge in Sunnfjord from 1974 to 1975.
Hilda Vilhelmina Elfving (8 September 1827 - 8 January 1906) was a Swedish educator. Elfving was born and died in Stockholm. She was the daughter of Johan Isak Elfving, lector at Stockholms gymnasium. She was the royal governess of Princess Louise of Sweden in 1857–1860.
Lector is released as Free Software, and thus with its complete source code, under the terms of the GNU General Public License in version 3 or later on GitHub. It has been included in the default package repositories of Arch (AUR), openSUSE and Gentoo.
Mañjuśrīmitra (fl. 55 CE)Caveat Lector: dates unsure but Manjushrimitra was a grown man whilst Garab Dorje was described as being little more than a boy. () was an Indian Buddhist scholar. He became the main student of Garab Dorje and a teacher of Dzogchen.
Ulrik Anton Motzfeldt enrolled as a law student in 1823, and graduated with the cand.jur. degree in 1826. In 1829 he was hired as a lector at the Royal Frederick University (now University of Oslo). He was promoted in 1834, to professor of jurisprudence.
It is plausible that Emeric functioned as lector in the Diocese of Várad prior to his bishopric, mentioned in this capacity from 1281 to 1285. He participated in the election of Bishop Thomas in 1282. The people of Olaszi (today Olosig, part of Oradea), Újfalu and Szentlőrinc in Bihar County, considered themselves as the personal serfs of Bishop Bartholomew, refused to pay customs to the cathedral chapter in 1285, which referred to an old tradition while demanded it. During the lawsuit, the bishop entrusted three canons, lector Emeric, Francis, the archdeacon of Bihar and canon Jonah, to swear to this old supposed privilege on 11 June.
The Sacramental Life of the Orthodox Church, Calivas (2005) Minor orders The order of taper-bearer is now used as part of ordination as a lector. The orders of doorkeepers, exorcists, and acolytes are no longer in common use.Orthodox Wiki, Minor Orders, N.D. Retrieved 2008-11-11.
He became a lector, a minor office in the Christian church, and his later writings show a detailed knowledge of the Bible, likely acquired in his early life.Boardman, p. 44, citing Julian to the Alexandrians, Wright's letter 47, of November or December 362. Ezekiel Spanheim 434D.
Castellano is a Roman Catholic. At his parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Patchogue, he served in turn as an altar boy, usher, lector, and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Castellano is a member of the Knights of Columbus Patchogue, N.Y., Council 725.
Cormac Ó Luimlín, Bishop of Clonfert, died 19 June 1259. This bishop bore the same surname as Cormac Ua Lumluini, lector of Cluain-fearta-Brenainn, the remnant of the sages of Ireland in his time, who, according to the Annals of the Four Masters, died in 1170.
Siricius was a native of Rome; his father's name was Tiburtius. Siricius entered the service of the Church at an early age and, according to the testimony of the inscription on his grave, was lector and then deacon of the Roman Church during the pontificate of Liberius.
1970, pp 279, ASIN: B002WL4ON4 In the passage of the tomb, Hapuseneb's parents are mentioned. His father Hepu was Third lector of Amun. His mother was called Ahhotep. Hapuseneb's wife Amenhotep is known from inscriptions in Gebel el-Silsila, but she is not mentioned in his tomb.
Fachtna of Rosscarbery (died c. 600), founder of Ros Ailithir monastery. The poet Airbertach mac Cosse was lector and superior of Ros Ailithir monastery, where he died in 1016. Also connected with Rosscarbery is William Thompson (1775-1833), the Irish political and philosophical writer and socialist reformer.
On May 5, 1993, Dr. Luther and Hannibal Lector (Dr. Hannibal) lost to Sabu and Sabu's uncle The Sheik. Later, he fought as the Masked Canadian (Roddy Piper's old masked persona in NWA Hollywood Wrestling). On July 23, the Masked Canadian defeated The Sheik by disqualification.
In certain traditionalist Catholic priestly societies, whether enjoying the favour of the Holy See (like the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter) or not (like the Society of St. Pius X), the rites of conferring of tonsure, what were called minor orders (of Porter, Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte) and subdiaconate continue to be used, as before the coming into force of the apostolic letter Ministeria quaedam of 15 August 1972, which, of the minor orders, which it called instituted ministries, preserved for seminarians being prepared for priesthood those of lector and acolyte, and indicating that episcopal conferences, if they wished, could use the term "subdeacon" instead of "acolyte". The specific functions of all of these, whatever the rite by which they are conferred, are clearly not reserved to them. Lay people may and do perform the functions of a lector or acolyte. Laypersons of good character may act as ushers, porters, lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, cantors, or may teach the faith as catechists and may advise the clergy or church courts, including serving as judges on marriage tribunals.
Academic ranks in the Netherlands are the titles, relative importance and power of professors, researchers, and administrative personnel held in academia. These ranks are mostly limited to scholars holding a position at the Dutch research universities with the position of Lector being the exception at the vocational universities.
They were sent to Caesarea in Cappadocia. With the help of some monks, they tried to escape, but Marcian failed, while Procopius fled to Theodoric Strabo in Thrace,Theodorus Lector, Epitome 420.John of Antioch, fragment 211.3.\--where the latter refused to hand him to ZenoMalchus, fragment 19.
Karel Verleye (17 April 1920 – 27 February 2002) co-founded the College of Europe in Bruges in 1949 with his good friend Hendrik Brugmans. He was a Capuchin friar for 64 years. In 1945 he became philosophy lector at the Bruges seminary. He founded the Ryckevelde Foundation in 1956.
Besides his administrative chores this position also taught him to appreciate the teaching vocation. Røsjorde has both a civilian and a military education. In 1970 he graduated cand.real. from the University of Oslo having majored in marine biology. He then worked as a lector from 1970 through 1987.
Farina, Bernardo Neri (2011).José Bozzano y la Guerra del Material. Colección Protagonistas de la Historia, Editorial El Lector, Online edition, Chapter El Viaje Inolvidable. From 1932 to 1935 he commanded a force of 6,000 workers who forged the iron that was decisive for the outcome of the war.
And on 3 August 1994 she presented an episode of the Sveriges Radio show Sommar i P1 where she told about her life and career. Ulrika Malmgren works since several years back as a lector in scenis impersonation at Stockholms dramatiska högskola.Institutionen för skådespeleri Retrieved 29 December 2015.
When very young he entered the Dominican Order at Avignon. Even before his ordination to the priesthood he was appointed lector of philosophy. He afterwards taught theology at Avignon. He was the first to receive the appointment to the chair of theology in the University of Avignon (1654).
In part, the seven ecclesiastical grades originate outside Ireland (as holy orders, later subdivided into minor orders and major orders) although their position in Ireland has been shaped by local thinking. The grades are given in Uraicecht Becc as liachtor (lector), aistreóir (doorkeeper), exarcistid (exorcist), subdeochain (sub-deacon), deochain (deacon), sacart (priest), and escop (bishop)MacNeill 1923 although Bretha Déin Chécht puts the lector in a third position. The seven grades are subsumed into the Irish law of status, but it is unclear to what degree they conformed to all of the various status stipulations. According to Críth Gablach, the seven grades of the church are the basis for the theoretical seven lay and poetic grades (see below).
Since most residents of Ybor were very interested in politics, the lector would then usually move on to political treatises or writings about the current events in Cuba or Spain or other countries. In the afternoon, the selection was often a literary novel, such as Don Quixote or other works of classic literature. (In Nilo Cruz's Pulitzer Prize-winning play Anna in the Tropics set in Ybor City, Tolstoy's Anna Karenina is read.) Because of the lector system, even cigar workers who could not read were exposed to classic literature and were conversant on political philosophy and current events both in Ybor City and around the world. Lectors were well respected and often highly educated.
The king is bored and his chief lector Djadjaemankh advises him to gather twenty young women and use them to sail him around the palace lake. Sneferu orders twenty beautiful oars made, and gives the women nets to drape around them as they sail. However, one of the girls loses an amulet - a fish pendant made of malachite so dear to her that she will not even accept a substitute from the royal treasury, and until it is returned to her neither she nor any of the other women will row. The king laments this, and the chief lector folds aside the water to allow the retrieval of the amulet, then folds the water back.
The Apollinarii and some other Christians stayed throughout. Theodotus reprimanded them and excommunicated the Apollinarii father and son for setting a bad example, since they were a presbyter and lector in the church, respectively. They were readmitted to communion after repentance. This took place sometime between about 328 and 335.
She was a French Lector at the University of Leicester in 1995-96. Before becoming a full-time writer and literary translator, she worked as a foreign languages teacher for many years, in France, England, the United States and Israel. She has one child and was married for 19 years.
His superiors sent him, while yet a student, as novice-master to Woodchester, the novitiate of the resuscitated English Province. He was ordained priest 26 March 1853. On 3 August 1854, defended publicly the theses in universâ theologiâ. Burke was made lector at the College of St. Thomas in 1854.
Blair Witch Controversy, Calafia PIO Report (July 2000 ). Meyer is currently an usher and a lector, Saint John's Parish Church in Hagerstown, Maryland and is exceedingly active in alumni affairs for Cornell University.Official Biography, Dan Meyer, Director of Civilian Reprisal Investigations, Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense (2009).
He met and became a friend of Cardinal Benedetto Caetani in Perugia. Caetani was elected as Pope Boniface VIII shortly thereafter. Gentile was made lector at the Roman Curia in 1296. Gentile was created Cardinal- Priest of Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti by Pope Boniface on 2 March 1300.
The ancient sources sayCf. Isidore Etymologiae 1.27.29 (ubi litterae consonantes geminabantur, sicilicum superponebant, ut 'cella', 'serra', 'asseres': ueteres enim non duplicabant litteras, sed supra sicilicos adponebant; qua nota admonebatur lector geminandam esse litteram); Nisus fr. 5 Mazzarino in Velius Longus de Orthographia Keil 7.80; Gaius Marius Victorinus Ars Grammatica 4.2 Mariotti.
Sida Košutić (10 March 1902 – 13 May 1965) was a Croatian novelist, playwright, poet, essayist, literary critic, columnist, lector, editor in chief of Croatian Women's Journal.Sida Košutić entry in the Croatian encyclopedia. Access date 8 July 2019. She was one of the most important female figures of 20th century Croatian literature.
The preserved sentences merely reveal the main protagonist of the story, King Djoser. The name of the hero, who is said to have performed the miracle, is completely lost, but Liechtheim and Lepper think it's possible that the Papyrus was talking about the famous architect and high lector priest, Imhotep.
Ferdinando Ponzetti was born in Florence in 1444, the son of a noble Neapolitan family.Biographical Dictionary of the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church He studied Christian theology, philosophy, Greek, Latin and medicine. He was the personal physician of Pope Innocent VIII. He was then Lector of the Audience of lettere Contraddette.
Klaus Oeggl studied biology and Earth sciences at the University of Innsbruck, where he graduated in 1981. In 1987 he obtained his doctorate in botany. Between 1982 and 1983 Klaus Oeggl taught at secondary schools. In 1983 he changed to Innsbruck University, where he started as lector at the Institute of Botany first.
He was admitted minor fellow in 1754, major fellow in 1756, and third sub-lector in 1757. From 1757 to 1771 he was Regius Professor of Hebrew. In 1777 he became vicar of Pluckley in Kent, a living in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, where he died 28 March 1807.
Jon Hustad, 2016 Jon Ottar Hustad (born 25 March 1968) is a Norwegian journalist, writer and lector in history. Hustad was born in Bondalen, Hjørundfjord, Ørsta. He currently (2009) works in Dag og Tid. He worked for Klassekampen from 2002 to 2003 and 2004 to 2007, and Morgenbladet from 2003 to 2004.
Not long afterwards a disagreement arose as to who was the rightful prior. In 1397 the Master-general declared in favour of F. John de Stanton (and against F. William), at the same time assigning F. John Sygar as lector, and making other arrangements.Palmer, 'The Friar-Preachers, or Blackfriars, of Ipswich', p. 76.
Roger Bacon, his pupil, speaks highly of his attainments in theology and mathematics. According to Salimbene, in the 1240s, Marsh attended the lectures of Humilis of Milan on the Book of Isaiah and the Gospel of Mark. A lector named Stephen, in turn, used Marsh's Oxford lectione on Genesis, in his assignments.
In ancient Egypt, there existed a ceremony for slaughtering animals. However, there is no one common ritual, but several different ceremonies the most important ceremony is represented in the Ra temple, the dramatically texts of Ramesseum and in the Book of Opening The Mouth. The pictures often display the same scene, where a bull is lying on the ground, with its legs tethered together; on the other side of the bull, is a woman; with the butcher ready to cut off its forelegs, a sem priest standing behind the butcher and a lector priest. The woman is identified as a goddess, Isis; the sem priest gives the signal for the butcher to slaughter the bull and the lector priest reciting the ritual.
He was incorporated at Oxford 7 July 1759. His college offices were: scholar 20 April 1744, sub-fellow 2 Oct. 1749, full fellow 4 July 1750, senior fellow 1768, sublector primus 1753, Latin reader 1754, lector primarius 1755, and Greek reader 1756. On graduating in 1746, Lort acted as librarian to Richard Mead until 1754.
John, called Anagnostes (i.e. lector, reader; ), was a Greek historian of the fifteenth century. He was an eyewitness to the Ottoman sack of Thessalonica on March 29, 1430; an event he described in detail in his Account of the Last Capture of Thessalonica (), which he wrote with an accompanying monody lamenting the city's fall.
Egil Rasmussen (28 April 1903 – 18 June 1964) was a Norwegian author, literature critic and pianist. Rasmussen was born in the village of Bossekop in Alta, Norway. He grew up in Tromsø after Rasmussen's family moved to the city when he was 3 years old. Rasmussen attended college and worked part time as a lector.
Pieter de Villiers obtained an undergraduate degree in 1942 in Classical Languages at the University of Pretoria. In 1946 he studied under Professors Swanson, Fismer and Lubbe at Stellenbosch. He qualified as a music teacher im 1948. In 1954 he was appointed as a junior lector at the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education.
Tandil's El Eco described it as "exceed[ing] all expectations."Carolina Cordi, "Nudos, la segunda novela de Patricia Ratto redobla la apuesta y desafía al lector atento." El eco (August 13, 2008). But Ratto is probably best known for Trasfondo, a fictional reconstruction of the submarine the ARA San Luis's contribution to the Falklands War.
Hersleb graduated from the University of Copenhagen as cand.theol. in 1807. He had befriended N. F. S. Grundtvig there, and stayed in Denmark after graduation to work as a teacher at the Metropolitanskolen. Following the foundation of the Royal Frederick University in Christiania was founded in 1811, Hersleb was hired as a lector in 1813.
Karin Gayer was born 1969 in Mödling while she is living today in Vienna.Biography in: Gayer, Karin: Separation, Wien/Gosau 2019, S. 89. She began to study psychology but interrupted and ended her studies because she “could not find what she was searching for”. She is an educated publishing assistant and a free lector.
Benedict joined the Dominican Order at his young age, as a result contemporary documents styled him as "frater" throughout his whole life. His parentage is unknown. A papal document emphasizes his skills and literacy in science and theology. It is possible, he is identical with that lector Benedict, who appears in a source in 1295.
Lee was suspended but, when Brent acted similarly at Shrewsbury, the congregation of St Julian's church installed Lee as their lector. On 11 October 1635 Wren celebrated with an elaborate ceremony to consecrate a new High Altar in St Peter's. William Prynne, the Presbyterian publicist, gleefully described an item he saw as bizarre and idolatrous.
After the king's death Nordin shared in the general disgrace of the Gustavians and lived in retirement at the little town of Härnösand, where he held the post of lector at the gymnasium. But he reappeared prominently on the political scene during the Riksdag of 1800, and in 1805 was consecrated bishop of Härnösand.
José Bozzano y la Guerra del Material. Colección Protagonistas de la Historia, Editorial El Lector, Online edition, Chapter El Viaje Inolvidable. The range and the strength of the design foresaw the need of troop transports in the incoming war. Bozzano was asked to build vessels capable of carrying a 1,400 men-strong regiment each.
He was a Lector at the University of Manchester from 1966 to 1969. He returned to St. Gallen in Switzerland for a year hoping to work as a teacher but could not settle. Sebald married his Austrian-born wife, Ute, in 1967. In 1970 he became a lecturer at the University of East Anglia (UEA).
Gabinus is the name given to the father of Susanna. Thus, sources state that Caius was the uncle of Susanna. As pope, Caius decreed that before someone could assume the position of bishop, he must first be porter, lector, exorcist, acolyte, subdeacon, deacon, and priest. He also divided the districts of Rome among the deacons.
Kielinger was born in 1940 in Danzig (modern day Gdańsk in Poland), the last of six children. He studied at the Universities of Münster and Bochum (where he took a graduate degree), as well as the University of Cardiff where in the 1960s he stayed for three years as a Lector in the German department.
Sperae solidae compositio. Ratio vero astronomiae quanto sudore collecta sit, dicere inutile non est, ut est tanti viri sagacitas advertatur, et artis efficacia lector commodissime capiatur. Quae cum pene intellectibilis sit, tamen non sine admiratione quibusdam instrumentis ad cognitionem adduxit. Inprimis enim mundi speram ex solido ac rotundo ligno argumentatus, minoris similitudine, majorem expressit.
Albertini preached throughout Italy with success, and his theological lectures were especially well attended at Florence and at Rome. He served as lector (instructor) at the studium at Santa Maria sopra Minerva.Emilio Panella, O.P., "Niccolò da Prato"; retrieved 28 April 2019 . He was entrusted by his superiors with various important duties and governed several houses.
In 1956 Borgman obtained his PhD in photometry under Hendrik Brinkman, with a dissertation titled Electronic scanning for variable stars. He became lector in the field of astronomy in 1964. In 1965 Borgman became director of the newly opened Kapteyn observatory (Dutch: Kapteyn Sterrenwacht) in Roden. In 1968 he became professor of astronomical observation technique.
In Germany, the rights were acquired by Sony Entertainment Television and on the free-TV- channel Disney Channel. In Poland the series started on 12 November 2013 by AXN White in its original language and Polish lector."Grand Hotel", In Slovakia, broadcasting by RTVS TV canal, started on the 7th of January 2014.
Grangefertagh was founded in the sixth century AD by Saint Ciarán of Saigir, and known as Fearta-Cáerach ("Sheep's Tomb"). In 861 Cerball mac Dúnlainge killed a host of Vikings at Fertagh, taking forty heads. A round tower was later built. In 1156 the high king Muirchertach Mac Lochlainn burned the tower with the lector inside.
Airbertach mac Cosse, died 1016, was an Irish poet, lector and later superior of the monastery of Ros Ailithir (now Rosscarbery), on the coast of south-west County Cork. Rofessa i curp Domuin Dúir, a poem on the geography of the world, is ascribed to him in both the Rawlinson B 502 and the Book of Leinster.
Hartman was born in Veendam on 11 April 1922. He studied physical chemistry at the University of Groningen. Hartman subsequently obtained his title of doctor under professor P. Terpstra at the same university on 18 December 1953, with a dissertation titled: "Relations between structure and morphology of crystals". He became a lector of crystallography at Leiden University in 1959.
In 1385 he was lector at the studium of St. Croce.p. 131 note 50; Google Books. From 1387 to 1390 he taught moral philosophy at the University of Pavia.Luca Carlo Rossi, Le strade di Ercole: itinerari umanistici e altri percorsi : Seminario internazionale per i centenari di Coluccio Salutati e Lorenzo Valla : Bergamo, 25-26 ottobre 2007 (2010), p.
In 1960 he started as a scientific employee at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 1968 he was named lector in political science at the same institute. The next year he became professor of political science at Radboud University Nijmegen. In 1977 he gave his inaugural speech as professor of public administration theory at the University of Twente.
Her affiliations include membership in the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, where she serves as a lector and a member of the Filipino Catholic Club. She is a former member of the Ewa Beach Lions Club, former AYSO Soccer coach, and former chairperson of the Ewa Beach Weed and Seed Neighborhood Restoration Project.
While doing research at the University of Belgrade, Kiš was a prominent writer for Vidici magazine, where he worked until 1960. In 1962 he published his first two novels, Mansarda (translated as The Garret) and Psalm 44. He then took up a position as a lector at the University of Strasbourg. He held the position until 1973.
Cumméne Fota or Fada, anglicised Cummian (fl. c. 591 – 12 November 661 or 662), was an Irish bishop. Cummian was an Irish Bishop and fer léignid (lector) of Cluain Ferta Brénainn (Clonfert), was an important theological writer in the early to mid 7th century. He is famous for a Paschal letter which displays his high level of learning.
Hermagor. Gornji Grad, Slovenia SS Ermagora and Fortunato's church-belfry, Lorenzago di Cadore, Veneto, Italy. "Hermagoras" was listed as the name of the first bishop of Aquileia. He was probably a bishop or lector living in the second half of the 3rd century or at the beginning of the fourth.Santi Ermagora e Fortunato di Aquileia
A praise-poem in his honour, written sometime after his election and before 1042, exists in a single copy transcribed in 1628 by Mícheál Ó Cléirigh (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy MS B.IV.2 (1080), fol. 142r).Murphy (ed. and trans.): Poem in Praise He may have resigned the bishopric when he became fer léigind (i.e. Lector) in 1049.
In the Annals of Ulster, which derive from an Armagh chronicle,Evans, Present and the Past, pp.17-44 in their prose notice of his death at 75 years of age, he is only "eminent lector of Armagh" (ard-fer leiginn Aird Macha).Mac Airt and Mac Niocaill (ed. and trans.): The Annals of Ulster, s.a. (pp.
Colección Protagonistas de la Historia, Editorial El Lector, Online edition Chapter Los Arsenales ante la Guerra. There were 4,400 truck drivers from the Paraguayan navy in the Chaco under the command of Captain Bozzano. He was appointed acting director of the military aviation on March 7, 1933 replacing Argentine World War I veteran pilot Vicente Almandos Almonacid.
He studied Literature at the Von Bissing University from 1916 on, together with the poet Richard Minne. Already in March 1918 he was appointed lector in drawing. His role in this university, created by the German occupier, led to his conviction in 1920, when he was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. This sentence was removed in 1929.
According to the Westcar Papyrus, king Sneferu is in a melancholic mood. He is bored and so he wanders through every room of his palace, to seek some distraction. When unsuccessful, he orders to his servants: "Go and bring the high lector priest and scribe of the books, Djadjaemankh, to me." The summoned is brought to Sneferu at once.
When relations between Tvrtko I of Bosnia and Louis I worsened, Bishop Peter Siklósi took Louis's side. He actively supported the calls for a new crusade against Bosnia, earning him Tvrtko's hostility. The Ban even attempted to plot against him, corresponding to that end with John in Đakovo. Peter discovered the letters and had the lector imprisoned.
In 1934 he started to work as a lector in Fredrikstad. After World War II he moved to the same position at Ullern gymnas in Oslo. In 1963, he decided to quit teaching and devote his life to writing. That year he received a stipend of 15 000 Norwegian kroner and was promised the same for 1964 and 1965.
A year later, Pylypchuk became a senior lector of economics at The Rivne National University of Water and Environmental Engineering. He became a full member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine in 1993. In 1994 Pylypchuk studied at the Institute of Economics in. Boulder (Colorado, USA) training program of government leading cadres for Ukraine market economy.
The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Practice. pp. 220–222 As such, they were some of the most prominent practitioners of "magic" (heku) in ancient Egypt. In ancient Egyptian literature, lector priests are often portrayed as the keepers of secret knowledge and the performers of amazing magical feats.Doxey, Denise, "Priesthood", in Redford, Donald B. (ed) (2001).
In July 1956 McCarthy was taken to the liner to interview survivors of the sinking of the ocean liner bound for New York harbor. McCarthy was a devout Catholic and served as a lector at St. Ignatius Loyola Church in New York City. He died in 1977 and is buried in St. Patrick’s Church cemetery in Parnell, Michigan.
Ciriaco María Sancha y Hervás was born to Ambrosio Sancha and Baltasara Hervás in Quintana del Pidio in Spain. He was educated at the University of Salamanca where he earned a licentiate in theology. He was ordained to the priesthood on 27 June 1858. He served as the Lector of philosophical studies in the seminary of Osma.
His mother, Ah-hotep, was a member of the royal harem; the name of the mother has survived on a piece of limestone found in the temple of Thutmose III at Qurna (Excavations of Weigall, 1906). His father, Hapu, was Lector Priest of Amun. His brother, Sa-Amun, was a scribe and 1st sealer of the god Amun. He also had a sister named Ahmose. His wife Amenhotep bore him three sons Djehutjmes-machet, User-pechtj, and Aa-cheper- ka-ra-nefer (who was High Priest at the Mortuary Temple of Thutmose II, lector priest) and 4 daughters Henut, Henut-nefert (a singer of Amun), Sen-seneb, and Ta-em-resefu (also a singer of Amun). Hapuseneb served as High Priest during Year 2 to Year 16 of Hatshepsut.
An academic, Schjøtt was appointed acting lector in Greek philology at the University of Christiania in May 1865. In January 1866 he was given a permanent position as lector, and in June the same year he was promoted to professor. He left in March 1888.List of academics at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo, 1813–1984 (PDF) Retrieved 2008-06-16 He then embarked on a political career, representing the Liberal Party. He was a member of the Council of State Division in Stockholm from 13 March 1888 to 1 August 1888, Minister of the Interior from 1 August 1888 to 28 August 1888, member of the Council of State Division again from 30 August 1888 to 1 February 1889, and then Minister of Auditing from 23 February 1889 to 13 July 1889.
A local Franciscan lector named Talon Berengar objected, invoking Pope Nicholas III's 1279 Papal Bull Exiit qui seminat, which proclaimed that "the poverty obliged by the rule was taught and lived by Our Lord."Exiit qui seminat, from the Registers of Nicholas III, pp. 232–241, #564. Berengar at that time held a teaching position at Narbonne formerly occupied by mendicant Peter Olivi.
The Byzantine tradition allows for several orders of minor clerics. The sui iuris Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh, also called the Byzantine-Ruthenian Church, has the minor orders of candle bearer, cantor, lector and subdeacon, and in English uses the term "ordination" for their cheirothesis.Particular Law for the Byzantine-Ruthenian Church in the USA (29 June 1999). Retrieved 2008-11-11.
Whether he then imposed his hands on him is not said. Possibly he considered it sufficient to extend them from below towards Daniel. According to Theodorus Lector, Gennadius would allow no one to become a cleric unless he had learned the Psalter by heart. Measures had been taken against simony, the buying and selling of holy orders, by the Council of Chalcedon.
From 1976 to 1979 he was Senior Member at the Toronto Institute for Christian Studies.Dr. Sander Griffioen begins work at the Institute by David T. Stee. Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship Volume 10, No. 6 - September/October, 1976 Back at the Vrije Universiteit in 1979 he was appointed lector and teach philosophy from 1979 to 2002.
He was born at Barby, near Magdeburg. He started his career as a merchant's clerk. In 1810, he emigrated to the United States, where he engaged in business, diplomatic and official occupations. He made a special study of the English language, and returning to Germany in 1819, was in 1824 appointed lector of the English language in the University of Leipzig.
Mr. Smith was also the lector for the 2003 Alice G. Smith Lecture, a lecture series held at the USF School of Information "to honor the memory of its first director, Alice Gullen Smith, known for her work with youth and bibliotherapy."Smith, Alice Gullen. 1989. "Will the real bibliotherapist please stand up?." Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 2, 241-249.
The first church and convent was first established at Barangay Sta. Barbara, Baliuag. The first baptism in Baliuag Church was ordered by Fr. Lector and Fr. Feliz Trillo, Provincial of the Province on June 7, 1733. The town or pueblo was created in the provincial Chapter of May 15, 1734, and the appointment of Fr. Manuel Bazeta or Baseta as first parish priest.
Starting in Advent of 2010, the Chapel of the Holy Spirit took on a chaplaincy roll at the Berkshire Place Nursing Home. On a bi-monthly basis, the clergy celebrate Mass and visit with the patients of the nursing home. The residents are active members of celebrating the Mass and lector for the Mass. Both Catholics and Protestants are welcome to participate equally.
Oyarzun was perfectly aware of the segmentation and kept defending it: "dedico 425 páginas a las guerras y 175 a la lucha legal o pacífica, y no llegan a 12 las que tratan de las escisiones integrista y mellista. Cualquier lector libre de prejuicios convendrá conmigo en que la proporción es justa", Oyarzun 1944, p. 503, also El Correo Catalan 14.03.40.
Smits was born at Kevelaer in the Duchy of Guelders. He entered the Order of Friars Minor at the age of eighteen. As a religious he applied himself to the study of Biblical languages and Sacred Scripture and was appointed lector. From 1732 to 1744, he published, at Antwerp, several Biblical theses dealing with questions of textual criticism and chronology.
The monastic settlement was founded in the late 5th century by Saint Buithe (or Buite) who died around 521.Bord Failte sign Poet and historian Flann Mainistrech, Flann of Monasterboice, was lector here. Little is known about the monastery except for a list of abbots (759-1122). It fell into ruin after the establishment of the Cistercian Mellifont Abbey nearby in 1142.
Verina married Leo, a Thraco-Roman officer of the East Roman army. According to Jordanes and John Malalas, her husband was one of the Bessi, a tribe of Thracians. Theodorus Lector, Theophanes the Confessor, Georgios Kedrenos and Michael the Syrian report Leo born in Thrace. However the Bibliotheca of Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople quotes Candidus in placing his birthplace in Dacia.
Magic was closely associated with the priesthood. Because temple libraries contained numerous magical texts, great magical knowledge was ascribed to the lector priests who studied these texts. These priests often worked outside their temples, hiring out their magical services to laymen. Other professions also commonly employed magic as part of their work, including doctors, scorpion-charmers, and makers of magical amulets.
Washington was admitted to Brasenose College, Oxford in 1619. He graduated in 1623 with a Bachelor of Arts, and within a few days was elected a Fellow of the College. In 1626 he was awarded a Master of Arts, and in 1627 appointed university lector. On 26 August 1632 the Archbishop of Canterbury William Laud made Washington proctor at Oxford.
Eventually they reach the Red Keystone and discover Lector Jarnil's cousin Lokar trapped inside. As Tal and Crow prepare to depart, they are assaulted by numerous unbound Spiritshadows. Tal is able to construct a miniature Veil in time to hide them, but accidentally binds Adras, his Spiritshadow, into it. As they near the Freefolk base, Crow injures Tal and flees with the Keystone.
Murre was born on 18 September 1929 in Baarland. At his small primary school one of his classmates and friends was later botanist . Murre studied mathematics at Leiden University and in 1957 he obtained his doctorate under Hendrik Kloosterman with a thesis titled: "Over multipliciteiten van maximaal samenhangende bossen". In 1959 he was appointed as associate professor (lector) at Leiden University.
Most could look at text written in English or Italian and read it aloud in Spanish, the language of the factories. The lectors were hired and fired by the tabaqueros, not the factory owners. Their salary was paid directly by the workers through a small deduction from everyone's weekly earnings. Despite the cost, the tabaqueros enthusiastically sustained the lector tradition.
In 1934 he receives his Ph.D. with the thesis Matija Petar Katančić, njegova djela i njegov dijalekt ('Matija Petar Katančić, his works and dialect'). In 1946 he became permanent lector for Polish. In 1948 he received a position of docent for Slavic philology, with special care for Old Church Slavonic. He became an associate professor in 1954, and a tenured professor in 1958.
Halvor Heyerdahl Rasch (8 January 1805 – 26 August 1883) was a Norwegian zoologist and educator. He was born at Eidsberg in Østfold, Norway. Rasch studied botany and zoology at the University of Christiania (now University of Oslo). He was a professor of zoology and natural science at the University of Oslo from 1852 to 1874, having previously been a lector since 1847.
355, Gregory initially pursued a non-ecclesiastical career as a rhetorician. He did, however, act as a lector. He is known to have married a woman named Theosebia during this period, who is sometimes identified with Theosebia the Deaconess, venerated as a saint by Orthodox Christianity. This is controversial, however, and other commentators suggest that Theosebia the Deaconess was one of Gregory's sisters.
According to the Courier Mail and Brisbane Times, two convicted child sexual abuser priests attended church, perform lay reader duties and worked in a choir with children at Holy Trinity Church, Fortitude Valley. This led to public outcry. Although defrocked, "they were later allowed to keep reading to the congregation as what's known as a lector." The matter was referred to the diocese's professional standards board.
Vervoorn was born in the Hague, where he completed his secondary education. After spending a year at the Southern Illinois University in the United States, he entered the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (1980–1987). He then worked as a swimming coach and lector in Shanghai, China. In 1992 he defended a PhD on the "Neuro- endocrine aspects of exercise and training" at the Utrecht University.
Meanwhile, Mariela Tzvetanova attended Game Development Summit (GDS) and presented: Beauty and the Beast of Brand Diversification. The MMO Game of Emperors was launched on Steam. Later on, in August, the COO, Cvetan Rusimov was a lector at Game Scope and a keynote speaker at Devcom in Cologne - where he held another lecture. In the beginning of September Cvetan Rusimov was a speaker at Dev.
648–649 Procopius, Theodorus Lector, Zacharias Rhetor, Victor of Tunnuna, Theophanes the Confessor and Georgios Kedrenos consider Justin and his family Illyrians, though Kedrenos is uncertain. Evagrius Scholasticus, John Malalas, the Chronicon Paschale, the Suda, Joannes Zonaras and the Patria of Constantinople consider them Thraco-Romans. While Procopius reports them to be of peasant origins, Zonaras is the only source describing Justin I as a former herder.
Bernt Petersen (1937 – 6 March 2017), often known simply as Bernt, was a Danish furniture designer. Trained as a cabinetmaker (1957), he attended Denmark's Design School, graduating in 1960. He then worked for Molibia and Hans J. Wegner before opening his own studio in 1963. He taught at Denmark's Design School (1973–78) and was lector at the Royal Danish Academy's Furniture School (1978–85).
His fame rests chiefly on his alphabetically arranged "Summa de Casibus Conscientiae". The basis of this work was a "Summa Confessorum" by John Rumsik, O. P., Lector of Freiburg (d. 1314). Bartholomew arranged Rumsik's topic in alphabetical order, and added material on canon law.Ian N. Wood, G. A. Loud, Church and Chronicle in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented to John Taylor (1991), p. 74.
381–382 He was a profound scholar with diverse interests and a wide range of knowledge. Photius was hurriedly tonsured a monk on December 20, 858 and on the following four days was successively ordained lector, sub-deacon, deacon and priest. He was made patriarch on Christmas day. This rapid elevation was contrary to the Western canonical rules but not without precedent in Constantinople.
Both are generally considered to be among the most successful Danish buildings of the decade. In parallel with her career as a practicing architect, Tranberg began teaching at the Academy in 1986 and was employed there as a lector from 1989 to 1998. She has also held numerous positions in the world of Danish architecture, including CEO of the Danish Architecture Centre from 1998 to 2002.
The origin of name Macfie (and its variations) is from the Gaelic Mac Dhuibhshíthe, which means "son of Duibhshíth". This Gaelic personal name is composed of two elements: dubh ("black") + síth ("peace"). An early bearer of this personal name is recorded in the Annals of Ulster. This Dub Sidhe (Dubshidhe) was listed being the lector of the monastic community at Iona in the year 1164.
Mery is said to be the son of the Dignitary and High Priest of Osiris Hat and his wife Iuy. The parents of Maianuy and Tiy are given again in the inscriptions. The scenes include further relatives. Several are listed as "his son": the Stablemaster Ramose, Prophet of Isis Yuyu, Second Prophet of Osiris Siese, Prophet of Horus Hor, and the Priest and Lector of Osiris Mery.
Soon after, however, in 477 or 478, Armatus fell from imperial favour and was executed. Basiliscus was spared the same fate through the intervention of Empress Ariadne, but was forced to become a cleric. Initially he became a lector at Blachernae, and eventually he rose to become bishop of Cyzicus. He possibly survived as late as the reign of Justinian I (r. 527–565).
Cousin of Zaccheus, Alphaeus was the lector of the church in Caesarea. Many Christians in the city and its surroundings, faced with the choice of their religious principles or death, were crowding into the city to perform sacrifices to the gods, when Alphaeus loudly and publicly denounced their apostasy. Whereupon he was brought before the judges, ordered to sacrifice, but refused, making defiant statements of his faith.
Though Pachomius sometimes acted as lector for nearby shepherds, neither he nor any of his monks became priests. St. Athanasius visited and wished to ordain him in 333, but Pachomius fled from him. Athanasius' visit was probably a result of Pachomius' zealous defence of orthodoxy against Arianism. Basil of Caesarea visited, then took many of Pachomius' ideas, which he adapted and implemented in Caesarea.
However, Carter chooses to focus on running Brooklyn House while leaving Amos as the Chief Lector to deal with the day-to-day affairs of running the House of Life. Walt has gone missing, and Bast and Bes have also withdrawn. Their father is just happy that they're alive and succeeded in saving the world. They return to Brooklyn House, where Walt/Anubis is waiting for them.
Vicente took the trivium and the quadrivium in Colegio de San Juan de Letran, now the equivalent of elementary and secondary education. He finished a degree of lector of humanities at Letran. He continued his collegiate education at the University of Santo Tomas while residing at Letran. In September 1753, after completing his studies at Letran, he entered the Dominican order, along with his three Tonkinese companions.
Church services, led by a Lector, are conducted predominantly in the Russian language, but also in Old Slavonic, which was common to the Orthodox Church. Men and women sit apart, and services are usually quite active. They do not worship saints, and do not worship symbols or images, such as icons or crosses. as the Molokans traditionally practice endogamy and marry within the faith.
In the north choir aisle is a limestone sculpture of the Madonna and Child by Henry Moore, carved in 1943. The crypt contains over 200 memorials and numerous burials. Christopher Wren was the first person to be interred, in 1723. On the wall above his tomb in the crypt is written in Latin: Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice ("Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you").
The Saqqara Tablet, now in the Egyptian Museum, is an ancient stone engraving surviving from the Ramesside Period of Egypt which features a list of pharaohs. It was found in 1861 in Saqqara, in the tomb of Tjenry (or Tjuneroy), an official ("chief lector priest" and "Overseer of Works on All Royal Monuments") of the pharaoh Ramesses II.Robert Morkot. The Egyptians: An Introduction. Routledge, 2005. .
Most factory owners were less supportive. They felt that the lectors stirred up their workforce by fostering "radical ideas". News of labor conditions or problems in other locations, especially, led to worker walkouts and protests on many occasions. More than one owner tried to ban lectors from his factory floor, leading to bitter strikes as the employees fought for the right to have a lector.
His father is Mekhu who shared the tomb with Sabni. Both tombs are carved into the rock side by side, while the main halls of the cult chapels as united. Sabni hold several important titles, such as count, royal sealer, overseer of Upper Egypt, sole friend, overseer of the foreign lands and lector priest.Vischak: Community and Identity, 245 In Sabni's tomb are depicted several family members.
Arłou attended in 1970 at middle school in Polotsk and in 1975, he studied history at the Belarusian State University in Minsk. He was a history teacher in a school in Novopolotsk from 1976 until 1986. He also worked as a contributing editor and correspondent for the newspaper Chimik (Хімік). Since 1988, he was working as a lector in the publishing company Mastazkaja Litaratura (Мастацкая літаратура).
In 1788 Nieuwland published his first bundle of poetry.Gedichten, Arnst: P. D. Hengst, 1788; Google books. In 1789, he became lector in mathematics, astronomy, and nautical sciences at the University of Amsterdam. At the end of 1790, he helped found the Gezelschap der Hollandsche Scheikundigen ("Society of Dutch Chemists"), a group that lasted only ten years but provided early support for Antoine Laurent Lavoisier's work in chemistry.
During this period he taught macro- and micro-economic theory. In 1966 he received his Ph.D. in Economy for his dissertation "Theory of competition policy". In 1967 De Gaay Fortman left Amsterdam to become a senior lector at the University of Zambia in Lusaka, where he was head of the Economic faculty. Here he taught Economics of Rural Development, and Theory of the Economic Order.
Orioli joined the Order of the Friars Minor Conventuals (a branch of the Franciscans). He professed on 6 May 1793 at the convent of Bologna. He was educated at the Franciscan colleges of Bologna and Parma, and St. Bonaventure College in Rome. In 1804 he received a doctorate in arts and theology. From 1807 to 1809, Orioli was Lector of theology at St. Bonaventure College in Rome.
Hamm was born in the village of Gat near Belišće and Valpovo. In 1924 he finished the classical gymnasium in Osijek, and in 1929 he graduated in Slavic and Germanic studies at the University of Zagreb. He worked as a lecturer at the gymnasiums in Pristina, Karlovac and Zagreb. In 1931 he became a part-time lector for Polish at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
A thesis or dissertation Originally, the concepts "dissertation" and "thesis" (plural, "theses") were not interchangeable. When, at ancient universities, the lector had completed his lecture, there would traditionally follow a disputation, during which students could take up certain points and argue them. The position that one took during a disputation was the thesis, while the dissertation was the line of reasoning with which one buttressed it. Olga Weijers: The medieval disputatio.
Francis Okechukwu Agu was born in Lagos on 18 February 1965 to the Catholic family of Fidelis and Virginia Agu from Enugu-Ngwo, Enugu state, and was the seventh of eight children. His name, Okechukwu, means "God's portion".Meaning of Okechukwu in A quiet and intelligent youth, he was at one time a member of the Altar Boys and a Lector at St. Dominic's Catholic Church, Yaba, Lagos.
He was awarded the degree of Master of Theology from St. Sergius and the degree of lector from the university. Charalambides was ordained to the diaconate on 6 January 1963 and to the priesthood on 17 November 1968 for service in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of France. He was appointed in 1972 as protosyngellos (i.e., episcopal vicar) for the southern region of France, with his base in Nice.
Patritius Sporer (died 29 May 1683) was a German Franciscan moral theologian. Sporer was born and died at Passau, in the Electorate of Bavaria. In 1637 he entered the Order of Friars Minor in the convent of his native town, which then belonged to the religious Province of Strasburg. He taught theology for many years, obtained the title of Lector jubilatus, and was also the theologian of the Bishop of Passau.
Laeyendecker was born on 18 June 1930 in Utrecht. He obtained his doctorate in social geography at the University of Amsterdam in 1967 under professor S. Hofstra with a thesis titled: "Religion and conflict: the so-called sects in sociological perspective". From August 1967 to October 1973 he was lector of sociology at the University of Amsterdam. In October 1973 he became professor of sociology at Leiden University.
That same year, she was a jury member for the documentary film competition at the Jerusalem Film Festival. In 2014 she was a member of the executive board of the Israeli Academy of Film and Television. In 2014 and 2015, she was a lector for the Israel Film Fund and for the International Film Lab in Jerusalem. In 2015 she was also on the jury for the Utopia Film Festival.
Lončarević was born in Zagreb, where he graduated Croatian studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in 1985. As a student he edited Jordan, religious-cultural magazine. He was redactor and lector in the religious-philosophical magazine Obnovljeni život, as well as editor of the magazine Korijeni (Roots) of the Slovenian Croats published in Ljubljana. Returning to Croatia he worked in the Minister of Construction, Housing-Communal Works.
Alongside other lords and bishops, Theodore negotiated with the notorious Ivan Kőszegi over the liberation of Andrew. He was among those partisans, who sent their relatives – his brother Ladislaus and nephews – as hostages to the Kőszegis, thus Andrew was freed. As a result, they were granted Halásztelek by Andrew III in January 1293. Theodore and his relatives bought Békásmegyer for 120 silver denari from Ladislaus Balog, lector of Buda chapter.
He was educated in Neocaesarea, where he was ordained as a lector under Basil the Great. Around 380 he joined Gregory of Nazianzus in Constantinople, where Gregory had been installed as bishop, and was promoted to deacon. He stayed on in Constantinople after Gregory left in July 381, and eventually became an archdeacon. When Emperor Theodosius I convened the Second Ecumenical Council in 381, Evagrius was present, despite Gregory's premature departure.
Peter of Dacia was born around 1235 on the Swedish island of Gotland. He entered the Dominican order and studied in Cologne from 1266-1269 as a pupil of Albertus Magnus (ca. 1200– 1280) and in Paris from 1269-1270. In 1271 he was appointed lector in the convent at Skänninge in Östergötland. in 1283 he was became Prior of Sankt Nicolaus abbey church in Gotland where he died in 1288.
He joined the Capuchins 4 March 1751, and held the post of lector in theology about the end of the eighteenth century. In 1789, having preached against the States General, he was obliged to leave France. He returned in disguise to Lyon about 1796, and became curé of the parish of the Carthusians. On the re-establishment of his order at Chambéry he resumed his monastic habit there in 1818.
Dominic Burke ( – 1649) was an Irish Dominican priest and political agent. Burke appears to have been a native of Athenry; he is documented as a member of the Dominican Abbey of the town, after which he studied at Bologna. From 1628 he was a collegial student in Rome where, after graduate studies, he became lector of theology and confessor. Burke was fluent in Irish, English, Latin and Italian.
Pollio of Cybalae or Pullio of Cybalae (3rd century) is venerated as a Christian martyr who may have been executed for his faith during the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian.St. Pollio It is thought that he may have been a lector in the city of Cybalae (present-day Vinkovci, Croatia) in the Roman province of Pannonia.As such he may have been associated with the imperial dynasty.Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis, "Ravenna in Late Antiquity".
" The king orders now: "Go and bring the high lector priest Djadjaemankh to me." And Djadjaemankh is brought to Sneferu at once. The ruler says: "Djadjaemankh, my brother, I have done all things that you have advised and the heart of thy majesty was refreshed when seeing the maidens rowing. Then a fish pendant made of fresh beaten malachite, belonging to the stroke maiden, fell into the water.
Nicholas Vásári, the Archbishop of Esztergom died in the middle of 1358. Apáti was nominated as his successor at least since 23 August. As Archbishop of Kalocsa, he was replaced by Thomas Telegdi on 25 August. On 21 September 1358, Apáti, as postulated Archbishop of Esztergom, presided the investigate court over the charges of disloyalty and betrayal against John, the lector of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bosnia.
She then studied management science at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, finishing in 1982. She received an additional diploma as certified interpreter for English and French. After working as assistant and lector at the university, she was employed by the Ministry of Social Affairs. During the first mailbomb series of Austrian terrorist Franz Fuchs, on December 5, 1993 a mailbomb targeted at her was discovered and neutralized.
While the canons ate their meals, a lector in the pulpit would read to them from the scriptures or the lives of the saints. The six windows provide a lovely view across the countryside to the sea. A door on the western wall leads to the kitchen and to a cellar built under the refectory. The rooms between the refectory and the kitchen may once have been the abbey's lavatories.
On 14 November 1916 he obtained a post as lector in physiology. During the First World War he enrolled at the army as medical officer and he directed different military hospitals on the front line near the rivers Isonzo and Piave. Between 1919 and 1924 he worked at the University of Rome where he began an intense research activity, mainly on the heart.Mazzoni, Dario Maestrini...,2005, p. 12.
Demand for this beverage led the French to establish cacao plantations in the Caribbean, while Spain subsequently developed their cacao plantations in their Venezuelan and Philippine colonies (Bloom 1998, Coe 1996).Alexander Walker (1822). Colombia, relación geográfica, topográfica, agrícola, comercial y política de este país: adaptada para todo lector en general y para el comerciante y colono en particular. Tomo II. Londres: Banco de la República, pp. 284.
Finally, his principles and honesty grant him the position in spite the nationality issue. In the presentation of his “Poesias completas y otros textos” (“Complete poetry and other texts”), the Publisher El Lector signals that Fariña Núñez: “…is, without a doubt, the most prepared creative intellectual of his generation. His work has been an essential contribution to the Paraguayan modernism, in addition to provide some valuables testimonials of moral exaltation.
Unna ja Nuuk is a Finnish family film that debuted in Finland on 20 January 2006. Directed by Saara Cantell, its screenplay was written by Joona Tena and Sami Keski-Vähälä. Unna ja Nuuk stars Rosa Salomaa, Toni Leppe, Esko Salminen, Meri Nenonen, Jenni Banerjee, Tommi Korpela, etc. Much of the film's dialogue is written in a version of the Proto-Finnic language, which was reconstructed by lector Jouko Koivisto.
In 1966 Van Hooff was involved in research concerning socialization of a large group of chimpanzees held at a United States Air Force research institute. Due to Van Hooff's involvement a group of chimpanzees was added to Royal Burgers' Zoo in 1971. This latter group was intensively researched by Frans de Waal, van Hooff's first PhD student. In 1973 Van Hooff was named lector of comparative physiology at Utrecht University.
Cyril was born in Scythopolis, in the province of Palaestina Secunda, sometime around 525. His father John, a lawyer, supervised his early religious education. Shortly after 532 he became an anagnostes (lector), and became a monk in 543. Very soon thereafter he went to Jerusalem and spent some months at a hermit community (lavra) near the Jordan River, before entering the monastery of Euthymius the Great at Jericho in 544.
In 1967 he began working as psalmist for the Old Believer Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in Orekhovo-Zuev. In December 1967 he was ordained a lector in the church. In 1968, Mikheyev married a woman named Evgenia Mikhailovna Kulikova, and later in that same year he was ordained a priest by Archbishop . For the next 38 years, he served pastor of a parish in Vereya.
His friends could neither convince him that he was not responsible for the unfortunate man's death, nor to reconsider his decision of being unworthy to be bishop. One night he secretly left to take up the ascetical life of a hermit. He travelled to Arles, and then on to Marseilles where he planned to embark for Alexandria. The cathedral lector, Viator suspected the Bishop's intentions, and decided to follow his master.
From 1998 to 2007, he was lector of teacher education in Skive (now a part of VIA University College). In 2007, he became director of education, and in 2010, director of research and development for VIA's division of Education and Social Sciences. His research focuses on primary schools, and he frequently appears in media debates on primary education. He is an expert on inclusion of special-needs children.
Drenth was born in Groningen. He obtained his PhD in mathematics and physics under Eelco Wiebenga at the University of Groningen in 1957, with a dissertation titled: Een röntgenografisch onderzoek van excelsine, edestine en tabakszaadglobuline. Drenth subsequently moved to New York, United States, where he became a post-doc and studied protein crystallography under Barbara Low. Drenth then returned to the Netherlands and in 1967 was appointed as lector.
Donahue is a single mother of an adopted adult son. She is Roman Catholic, and is a member, lector and extraordinary minister of Holy Communion at the St. John the Evangelist RC Church in Northfield. Her favorite movies are Life is Beautiful and Romero, and her favorite books are The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Little Men by Louisa May Alcott and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
By 1421, he was a lector, qualified to teach at all but one of the order's levels of schooling. He was then sent by the prior-general for further studies in Cambridge, where he delivered his examinatory sermon in Latin in 1422. He later wrote an English version of this as his treatise on the twelve orders that follow the rule of St Augustine.ODNB entry: Retrieved 29 June 2011.
An inscription near the entrance of the mastaba details the biography of Ptahshepses, similar to Weni the Elder's and Harkhuf's; however, the upper portions of the biography are missing so the beginning of each line is unknown. From the reliefs throughout the complex, he is given several titles: > The count, the sole companion... the keeper of the headdress... the favorite > of his Lord... the chief justice, the vizier, the overseer of all the works > of the King, the servant of the throne, the lector-priest... the revered one > by his lord, the overseer of the Two Chambers of the King's ornament, the > count, the sole companion, the lector-priest Ptahshepses.Verner, Miroslav, > The Mastaba of Ptahshepses (Prague: Charles University, 1977), 131 Additionally, he is called “barber of the Great House” and “manicure of the Great House.”Verner, Miroslav, The Mastaba of Ptahshepses (Prague: Charles University, 1977), 136 These roles were a great honor because they required touching the pharaoh, a religious incarnation himself.
The other common minor order is reader (lector). The minor order of porter is mentioned historically in some service-books, but no longer is given; all of the rights and responsibilities of each minor order are viewed as contained in the subdiaconate. The 22 sui iuris Eastern Churches that are in union with Rome have their traditional minor orders, governed by their own particular law.CCEO, Title X, Canon 327, 1992. Retrieved 2008-11-11.
Erling Erland (12 July 1917 – 13 January 1988) was a Norwegian politician and Member of Parliament for Anders Lange's Party. Erland was born in Time. He started as a student in 1937, and was educated as an engineer from the Norwegian Institute of Technology in 1943. He worked for Erlands Maskin in Bryne from 1943 to 1952, and since then worked as a teacher, and later lector, for the Technical School of Stavanger.
Fridtjof Frank Gundersen (29 October 1934 – 11 November 2011) was a Norwegian professor of jurisprudence and politician. He worked as a lector at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo from 1965 to 1975. In 1975 he became professor of jurisprudence at the Norwegian School of Economics. Gundersen was elected a Member of Parliament in 1981 representing the Progress Party platform, but did not formally join the party until 1990.
He was born at Mersilhaut (Mercy-le-Haut) near Metz. Educated for the Catholic Church, he became lector in the Dominican convent at Metz and was expelled in 1540 or 1541 for his sympathies with the Protestant Reformation. In July 1541, he was in Strasbourg and intimate with Jean Calvin, in whose house he lived. When Calvin was recalled to Geneva later in that year, Brully succeeded him in the Strasburg pastorate.
Kiš described Garden, Ashes as part of his “family cycle” trilogy, consisting of Early Sorrows (1970), Garden, Ashes, and The Hourglass (1972). Garden, Ashes contains many scenes also present in Early Sorrows, including Andi's relationship with Julia Szabo, Eduard's departure, and the pogrom scene. Kiš wrote Garden, Ashes while employed as a lector at the University of Strasbourg. Compared to his earlier novels, Kiš found Garden, Ashes much more difficult to write.
He was a member of the kindred (gens) of Szente-Mágocs as the son of John Alsáni, who served as Ban of Macsó. He finished his studies at the University of Bologna between 1348 and 1350, where he became a doctor of canon law. he became lector at the Diocese of Veszprém in 1352 and Archdiocese of Esztergom in 1353. He served as Vice Chancellor between 6 May 1373 and 8 June 1376.
The tomb contains a hall which is decorated. Kitchen translates the titles of Amenemopet as lector of Amun in the Temple of Usimare Setepenre, and true scribe in the Temple of Usimare Setepenre in the Estate of Amun. Amenemopet's father, Nebqed, is said to be a scribe of the God's valuables of the Estate of Amun.Kitchen, Kenneth A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated Translations: Ramesses II, His Contemporaries (Ramesside Inscriptions Translations) (Volume III) Wiley-Blackwell.
Pietro Bertani was born in Nonantola on November 1, 1501, the son of Francesco Bertani and Bianca Calori.Entry from Biographical Dictionary of the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church He entered the Dominican Order at a young age, studying under Tommaso Badia. After he was ordained as a priest, he became a lector of Christian theology at the University of Bologna. He later taught theology at the University of Ferrara, and then in Venice.
Flann Mainistrech (died 25 November 1056) was an Irish poet and historian.See also Carey:Flann Mainistrech (d.1056); Ní Mhaonaigh:Flann Mainistrech Flann was the son of Echthigern mac Óengusso, who had been lector at the monastery of Monasterboice (modern County Louth), in Irish Mainistir Buite, whence Flann's byname, meaning "of Monasterboice". He belonged to the Ciannachta Breg, a kindred which, by the turn of the first millennium controlled Monasterboice, providing its abbots and other notables.
Hans Skjervheim (9 October 1926 – 22 February 1999) was a Norwegian philosopher. He was born in Voss. He was a research fellow at the University of Oslo from 1963, professor at the Roskilde University from 1968, lector at the University of Bergen from 1969, and professor there from 1982. His work Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays (Participant and Onlooker, and Other Essays, 1976) was selected for the Norwegian Sociology Canon in 2009–2011.
After completing his schooling in Copenhagen, in 1973 Bak Jensen married Susanne Høj, the daughter of photographer Ebbe Høj. He had many different jobs until, at the age of 30, he began to study at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (1980–1986). From 1987, he worked as a lector at the Academy in the phototechnical laboratory. He was the first graduate from the Academy to use photography as his only art form.
Theodoric Vrie (dates unknown) was a historian of the Council of Constance. He describes himself as a brother of the Order of Hermits of St. Augustine, and a lector in sacred theology in the Province of Saxony. From his description of facts it appears that Vrie must have been an eyewitness to the events he records. The history is brought down to the election and consecration of Pope Martin V, 21 Nov.
While a lector at Hagia Sophia, Theodorus collected the works of the fifth-century historians Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomen, and Theodoret of Cyrrhus to create a chronicle of church history from Constantine to Theodosius II. The resulting work, Selections from Church History (), known better by its Latin title Historia Tripartita, is a single narrative in four books which gives Theodorus' preferred reading for each section of history related, with notes and comparisons in the margins.
He entered the Bavarian province of the Franciscan Reformati on 5 November 1654. He was general lector in theology; cathedral preacher in Freising from 1670 to 1676; then in 1677 Provincial of Bavaria. In 1679 he was definitor-general and chronologist of the order in Germany, and in 1698 was proclaimed 'scriptor ordinis. He was also confessor to the convent of the Poor Clares at Munich, called St. Jacob on the Anger.
Accessed 19 March 2013 Each convent was expected to have an elected Lector to supervise the preparative studies and an elected Master for theological studies. In the next year he was assigned the title of Preacher General. In 1264 a new Master General of the Order of Preachers was elected, John of Vercelli. It was taken as an opportunity to engage in some academic politics, since Humbertus de Romans, Peter's patron, was dead.
In the Coptic Orthodox church, an archdeacon is the highest rank in the order of deacons. The lower ranks of the diaconate are deacon, subdeacon, lector and cantor, the holders of which ranks the Coptic people generically refer to as "deacons". However, the rank of archdeacon is lower than the rank of a priest. Thus it is possible for a deaconess to be appointed to the rank of an archdeaconess within the Coptic Orthodox tradition.
Nominated by the Lord Mayor of London, his salary was £50 a year.Ward, p.89 In this capacity, Mylne was responsible for erecting a monument to Wren, whose only memorial at the time was in the basement. The existing Latin epitaph, Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice (reader, if you seek his monument, look around you), was re-used on a tablet mounted on the organ screen in 1810, although this was destroyed in the Blitz.
Ubaoner appears only in the second story of the Westcar Papyrus – there is no archeological or historical evidence that he existed. Nevertheless, he is an object of great interest for Egyptologists, since his magical trick is connected to later cultural perceptions of the personality of king Nebka. In the story, Ubaoner is described as a high lector priest.Alan B. Lloyd: Herodotus, book II: introduction, Band 1. BRILL, Leiden 1975, , page 104 – 106.
Djadjaemankh appears only in the third story of the Westcar Papyrus – there is no archeological or historical evidence that he existed. Nevertheless he is object of great interest for Egyptologists, since his magical trick is connected to later cultural perceptions of the personality of king Sneferu. In the story Djadjaemankh is described as a high lector priest.Verena M. Lepper: Untersuchungen zum Papyrus Westcar: Eine philologische und literaturwissenschaftliche (Neu-)Analyse. In: Ägyptologische Abhandlungen, Band 70.
Bratt was born in Stockholm, Sweden, the son of Arnold "Arne" Bratt, a lector, and Amy (née Berggren). He began his career as an attaché at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1931. Bratt was appointed consul in New York City in 1946 and director at the Foreign Ministry in 1947. Bratt was secretary of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in 1949 and earned a Licentiate of Philosophy degree from Uppsala University the same year.
She took part in TV series: Barwy szczęścia (2014), Pakt (2016) and Wataha (2017), where she played a journalist. She played a part of a presenter in a TV play Bezdech (2013). Furthermore, she played in documentary series Ocalony świat (2014) and was a lector for a documentary movie Moje Camino (2008). She was a contestant during the eight edition of Polish version of Dancing with the Stars in 2018 by TV Polsat.
However, he did not call for liturgical revolution in his writings and talks, favoring steady and measured innovation instead. Even so, from the middle sixties he felt pressurized by Rome (in particular by cardinal Giacomo Lercaro), which was trying get a firmer grip on the liturgical journals in which he wrote.M&S;, chapter 4. On 8 July 1969, Danneels was appointed lector at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Leuven.
They both are in the second book. ;Lector, Marshall, Saul: three other liberators who also fought in the Galactic Eye and went around killing many people thus getting liberators banned. They also knew Klyber was making more Liberator Clones so they went around killing them but they could not find Harris until he was on the Kamehameha with Klyber. When they were discovered by Huang they were instantly put back into service under Thurston.
About Januarius, the account says only that he was "bishop as well as martyr, an illustrious member of the Neapolitan church". The Acta Bononensia says that "At Pozzuoli in Campania [is honored the memory] of the holy martyrs Januarius, Bishop of Beneventum, Festus his deacon, and Desiderius lector, together with Sossius deacon of the church of Misenum, Proculus, deacon of Pozzuoli, Eutyches, and Acutius, who after chains and imprisonment were beheaded under the emperor Diocletian".
Doctoral ceremony at Leiden University (7 July 1721). A thesis or dissertationOriginally, the concepts "dissertation" and "thesis" (plural, "theses") were not interchangeable. When, at ancient universities, the lector had completed his lecture, there would traditionally follow a disputation, during which students could take up certain points and argue them. The position that one took during a disputation was the thesis, while the dissertation was the line of reasoning with which one buttressed it.
Jungerius was born on 10 June 1933 in Rijnsburg. He obtained a degree in physical geography at the University of Amsterdam in 1957. Jungerius obtained his doctorate in physical geography in 1959 at the same university under with a thesis titled: "Zur Verwitterung, Bodenbildung und Morphologie der Keuper- Liaslandschaft bei Moutfort in Luxembourg". He was lector of general physical geography and physical landscape geography at the University of Amsterdam between 1963 and 1970.
Marcks grew up in the town of Chelmsford, Massachusetts and attended Chelmsford High School. He studied creative writing at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He went on to receive an M.F.A in directing from the Florida State University Film Conservatory in Tallahassee, Florida, where he wrote and directed Lector, a short film which won several awards at film festivals including a Student Academy Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Callus joined the Dominicans in 1903 at 15 years of age, and studied with them at Rabat, Malta (1905–08). In 1906, after receiving his Minor Orders, he was sent to Fiesole, Italy, to pursue his studies there. Four years later, in 1910, he obtained the degree of Lector in Theology and Philosophy from the University of Florence. At the same university Callus undertook studies in philosophy, history of art, and Semitic languages.
He was the cousin of Anthony Stapley, the regicide. He became lector of divinity at St. Bonaventure's Convent, Douay, where he died on 28 May 1709. He wrote ‘The Christian Duty compared, being Discourses upon the Creed, Ten Commandments, and the Sacraments,’ Aire, 1684, 4to. Another Franciscan named Eyston, whose Christian name has not been ascertained, was the author of ‘A Clear Looking-glass for all Wandering Sinners,’ Rouen, 1654, 24mo, dedicated to Lady Willoughby.
At this point Jan Hess was still hesitant about reform, though in contact with Luther and Philip Melanchthon. Via correspondence with Wittenberg, the Protestant-minded Frederick II. of Liegnitz called Krautwald in 1523 to become Lector of theology and canon of the collegiate church in Liegnitz. There Krautwald came into close contact with Caspar Schwenckfeld, personally but also as a scholar and theologian. In particular Krautwald influenced Schwenckfeld's doctrine of the Eucharist.
During a holy day of obligation, the student body attends mass at St. Anne Church, located across the street from the school. Different grades host different masses by directly participating, either in the choir, as a lector, as a gift bearer, or as an altar server. By participating in the mass, the students can learn more about the Catholic religion, its traditions and customs. Religion at St. Anne's is held at the top.
He entered the order of the Friars Minor in the Roman province, receiving the habit at Cori, 1 February 1838. He completed his philosophical-theological studies at Tivoli and Lucca. In 1844 he obtained the degree of Lector (Professor) in philosophy, and in the following year, 17 May, was ordained priest. For some years he taught at Tivoli, Ferentino, Viterbo, Aracoeli in Rome; in 1854 he retired to Recco in his native province of Genoa.
606, s.a. 472 Festus survived this civil strife. He next appears in the historical record following the death of Pope Anastasius II. If Theodore Lector can be trusted, Festus had travelled to Constantinople where he secretly promised the Byzantine Emperor Zeno that Anastasius would approve the Henotikon; upon returning from Constantinople Festus discovered that Anastasius had died 19 November 498. By 22 November, Festus had picked Laurentius as a candidate for Anastasius' successor.
Sesenebnef was an ancient Egyptian chief lector priest of the Thirteenth Dynasty, around 1750 BC. He is mainly known from his tomb at Lisht, which was excavated around 1900. The tomb was found looted but still contained the remains of two wooden coffins, one placed inside the other. The remains of the coffins were found in a poor state of preservation. Therefore, the inscriptions on the coffin were copied and the coffins were left on the site.
Theodorus Lector, II, 54 During the Middle Ages, the Muslims and Christians disputed the possession of Neocaesarea, and in 1068 a Seljuk general, Melik-Ghazi, whose tomb is still visible, captured and pillaged it. When the Seljuqs raided Anatolia in 1067, Neocaesarea was conquered by Afşın Bey, one of the commanders of Alp Arslan. The Byzantines retook the area in 1068. Conquered by Artuk Bey after the Battle of Manzikert, Neocæsarea once again returned to Byzantium in 1073.
In 1626 he was proposed as lector primarius et moderator studiorum of a proposed Dominican school at Galway. He was prior of that community in July 1631. In the late 1630s he was one of a number of Connacht Dominicans proposed as candidates for various offices, such as Achonry, Armagh and Clonfert. Material from the time describes him as for the past fifteen years eminent at Galway both for preaching and for his teaching of philosophy, rhetoric and letters.
Bartholomew of Pisa (Bartholomew Rinonico) was an Italian Franciscan and chronicler. He was a Pisan of noble family. In 1352 he was a student at Bologna and later filled the office of Lector there as well as at Padua, Pisa, Sienna, and Florence. He also preached for many years with great succession different Italian cities. He died about 1401, renowned no less for sanctity than for learning, and is commemorated in the Franciscan Martyrology on 4 November.
Oslonett was an Internet service provider based in Oslo, Norway, and the first ISP to serve Norway. It was established 12 of December 1991, founded by a group of 18 University of Oslo alumni (co founders include journalist and lector Gisle Hannemyr and Perl guru Gisle Aas). The company was bought by Schibsted in 1995. In 2014, Oslonett was added as the first entry in digital form to the government funded archive known as "Norways Document Heritage" (Norges Dokumentarv).
Johann Herolt, also known as Discipulus (died August 1468) was a Dominican preacher. Herolt has been described as "the most prolific, skillful, and honored writer of sermon books in fifteenth-century Europe". He was "one of the leading figures of a new Dominican spirituality in fifteenth-century Germany which emphasized the practical goals of pastoral work over mystical study". As lector and prior of the Dominican monastery in Nuremberg, Herolt was a colleague of Johannes Nider.
A second discovered scene has implications for Fifth Dynasty genealogy. In this scene, Sahure is surrounded by his family in the palace garden Wtjs-nfrw-Sahw-ra (Extolled is Sahure's beauty). The image confirms the identity of Sahure's consort, Meretnebty, and his twin sons, Ranefer and Netjerirenre. Ranefer, who is depicted closer to Sahure and bears the titles "king's son" and "chief lector-priest", may have been Sahure's eldest son, ascending to the throne as Neferirkare Kakai.
She worked as a lector in Norwegian and Danish high schools, and she also held positions at the trade union for lectors (Norsk Lektorlag) and the Norwegian Authors' Union. Since 1982 she has been a writer full-time. She worked from 1972 to 1983 in the Women's House in Oslo. She was a board member of the Norway's first association for homosexual people Forbundet av 1948, the precursor to the Norwegian National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation.
Upon the recommendation of Voltaire and of the Marquis of Argens, the Abbé became lector to Frederick of Prussia and went to Berlin. Frederick gave him a pension and two canonries, the one at Oppeln, the other at Glogau. From the year 1753, negotiations were entered upon between the Abbé de Prades and the Bishop of Breslau, Philip von Schaffgotsch, with a view to a recantation. Frederick himself induced the Abbé to return to "the bosom of the Church".
He served as lector of the cathedral chapter of Esztergom between 1225 and 1231. After the death Alexander, the majority of the cathedral chapter of Várad (present-day Oradea, Romania) elected Benedict as his successor around May 1231. His superior, Ugrin Csák, Archbishop of Kalocsa confirmed his election and consecrated him shortly thereafter. His candidacy was supported by his patron, Duke Béla, who administered Transylvania and other parts of Eastern Hungary, including Bihar County, where the diocese mostly laid.
Brought up a Reformed Protestant, he embraced the Catholic faith at the age of twenty, and shortly afterwards went from England to the English College, Douai. Here he was received into the Franciscan Order and became lector of philosophy and later professor of theology in the convent of the Friars Minor. Having returned to England, he worked for the spread of the Catholic faith and was chosen by the Catholics to defend their cause against Edward Stillingfleet.
He was a lector in Härnösand beginning in 1912 and in Malmö beginning in 1916. He taught the first French course on Swedish radio from 1928 to 1933, at a time when radio was a recent invention. He was founder of a secondary superior school, Privata Elementarläroverket, which now, under the name Bladins Skola, comprises a fundamental school and a gymnasium. The school, which began at the end of the 19th century, is one of the oldest in Sweden.
Johnson was hired as an assistant professor of biology at Washington University in Saint Louis in 1972. He was a visiting Research Fellow at Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Plant Biology, Stanford, California, 1975 - 1976. He was promoted to Associate Professor of Biology of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and also Associate Professor of Genetics at the School of Medicine in 1976. He served as visiting Lector, Genetisk Institute at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, in 1977.
Dee Diary p42 Francken worked alongside Francis David, Johannes Sommer, Jacob Palaeologus as lector at the Unitarian Gymnasium in Cluj (German: Klausenburg, Hungarian: Kolozsvár, Latin: Claudiopolis) in 1585 and between 1589-1591. He published two works in Prague in 1595. In 1598 Francken travels to Italy in the company of papal delegate Cesare Speciano, where he was arrested and imprisoned by the Inquisition. The last document among the Inquisition's acts mentioning his name stems from 1611.
Rolf Kalmuczak (17 April 1938 in Nordhausen – 10 March 2007 in Garmisch- Partenkirchen) was a German author. He was an editor of daily papers, freelance contributor at Stern, lector and one of the authors of the Jerry Cotton series. Since 1966 he had used more than 100 pseudonyms, written some 160 youth books, 36 film scripts, 170 paperback crime novels, and 200 booklet- novels. He admits that he wrote the TKKG book series as "Stefan Wolf".
He was also allowed to ordain clerics to minor orders (acolyte, porter, lector, exorcist). In 1408 the Republic of Florence wished to have it made an episcopal see, being then a territory in the archdiocese of Lucca, but the effort failed. The situation changed when Maria Maddelena of Austria, the wife of Duke Cosimo II of Tuscany took up residence in S. Miniato, and made herself its patron. She successfully put pressure on Pope Gregory XV.Rondoni, p. 191.
He became known through his edition (1826) of Varro's De Lingua Latina and subsequently was appointed lector. As a university student his influences were Gottfried Hermann (Leipzig) and August Boeckh and Immanuel Bekker (Berlin). He turned down an offer of a professorship from the University of Kiel, and from 1830 taught classes as a gymnasium professor in Munich. From 1842 to 1847 he was professor at Heidelberg, and afterwards returned to Munich as a university professor.
Johanna who is a lector at a Danish university gets involved by her colleague professor Jeyde in a time travel experiment. Jeyde has discovered that he can put the time 23 days back. The background to the invention is that Jeyde perceives the time as split up into small sets, among which time stands calm.Analysis of the third phase of Svend Aage Madsen's works Jeyde compares his theory with films, where every second 24 still pictures are shown.
Eusebius was born in Sardinia, in 283. After his father's martyrdom, he was taken to Rome by his mother, where he later became a lector. He became the first bishop in Vercelli (in northern Italy), probably sometime in the early- to mid-340s. According to a letter of Ambrose to the congregation in Vercelli two decades after Eusebius' death, the local leaders recognized his piety and thus elected him rather than local candidates (Epistola lxiii, Ad Vercellenses).
He then traveled to the Philippines as a missionary assigned to the Dominican Province of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary. While in Manila, he obtained the degree of lector in theology, which was a requirement for teaching in the University of Santo Tomas. Paredes was a professor of political and administrative law at the UST Faculty of Civil Law which was then in Intramuros. He was also director of the UST published Catholic newspaper "Libertas".
Jorge Guillén was born in Valladolid where he spent his childhood and adolescence. From 1909 to 1911 he lived in Switzerland. He studied at the universities of Madrid – lodging in the Residencia de Estudiantes – and Granada, where he took his licenciatura in philosophy in 1913.Connell p 168 His life paralleled that of his friend Pedro Salinas, whom he succeeded as a Spanish lector at the Collège de Sorbonne in the University of Paris from 1917 to 1923.
Peter actively promoted the idea of launching a new crusade against Bosnia, earning him Tvrtko's hostility. Tvrtko even attempted to plot against Peter, but failed when his letters to a lector in Peter's Đakovo residence were discovered. The Bosnian Church, meanwhile, survived throughout Tvrtko's reign but only became prominent in state affairs after his death. One hostile source even tried to link Tvrtko himself to the Church due to his tolerance of all local faiths, including Hum's Eastern Orthodoxy.
"Forever a Priest", CMJ Publishers and Distrib., 2004, ] According to tradition, he was a lector or a catechist at the cathedral of Lyons, and was held in high esteem by the bishop of Lyons, Justus (Just), and by the congregants. Around 381 Justus decided to live as a hermit in Egypt and Viator knowing his intentions, decided to follow his bishop and master. He caught up with the bishop at Marseilles, and together they boarded ship for Egypt.
Romanus was born on 19 January 1906 in Karlstad, Sweden, the son of lector Anton Romanus and his wife Reidunn (née Lindboe). He was uncle of Gabriel Romanus. Romanus passed studentexamen in Östersund in 1924. Romanus received a Candidate of Law degree in Stockholm in 1929 and worked as a law clerk in the Svea Court of Appeal in 1929, became an assessor in 1939, and was director in the Ministry of Justice from 1944 to 1947.
Poede was between 1979 and 1990 a university assistant in the chair of scientific socialism of the faculty of history and philosophy of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași. In 1990-91 he became a lector in the department of sociology and politics. In 1996 he earned a doctorate with a thesis on Domination and Power in Max Weber's Political Thought under the supervision of Petre Dumitrescu. He became associate professor in 2002 and full professor in 2006.
In low-grade and machine-made cigars, chopped tobacco leaves are used for the filler, and long leaves or a type of "paper" made from tobacco pulp is used for the wrapper. They alter the burning characteristics of the cigar vis-a-vis handmade cigars. Historically, a lector or reader was employed to entertain cigar factory workers. This practice became obsolete once audiobooks for portable music players became available, but it is still practiced in some Cuban factories.
The first story, told by an unknown son of Khufu (possibly Djedefra), is missing everything but the conclusion, in which Khufu orders blessed offerings to king Djoser. It seems to have been a text detailing a miracle performed by a lector priest in the reign of king Djoser, possibly the famous Imhotep.Adolf Erman: Die Märchen des Papyrus Westcar I. Einleitung und Commentar. In: Mitteilungen aus den Orientalischen Sammlungen. Heft V, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin 1890.
Others who perform the function of lector, but who are not instituted in the ministry of lector, are neither required nor forbidden by universal law of the Latin Church to wear an alb: "During the celebration of Mass with a congregation a second priest, a deacon, and an instituted reader must wear the distinctive vestment of their office when they go up to the ambo to read the word of God. Those who carry out the ministry of reader just for the occasion or even regularly but without institution may go to the ambo in ordinary attire, but this should be in keeping with the customs of the different regions." Like other lay ministers, they may wear an alb or "other suitable attire that has been legitimately approved by the Conference of Bishops".General Instruction of the Order of Mass, 339 Neither the England and Wales episcopal conference nor that of the United States has specified a particular alternative attire, while in the dioceses of the United States of America, a cassock and surplice may be worn as "appropriate and dignified clothing".
In 1917 he got a position as lector in Norwegian language and Norwegian literature at Sorbonne in Paris, and he spent the four years here earnestly by studying general psychology, psychology of religion, biology, sosiology, and furthermore medieval literature, medieval philosophy and theology on the side of his teaching position. He continued these studies when, after Sorbonne, he began as lector in Norwegian at University College in London where he stayed from 1921 to 1922. Ola Raknes' working capacity was widely spoken of, and during a period he worked both as secretary for Det Norske Samlaget, while at the same time working on the dictionary and preparing his doctoral thesis in psychology of religion, Møtet med det heilage ("Encounter with the Holy"), which was published in 1927. The dissertation which was also published as a book (and republished again in the 1970s), investigates the phenomenon of religious ecstasy in view of what was then recent findings and theories in the fields of ethnology, but particularly in psychology and psychoanalysis.
Since 2009 Taimo Toomast is lecturer of the singing department at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. From 2009 he is a lector in a song department in Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. From 2010 Taimo Toomast is once again a guest soloist in Estonian National Opera and in the Vanemuine Theatre. Toomast's roles have been Figaro in The Barber of Seville, Di Posa in Don Carlos, Sharpless in Madama Butterfly, Papageno in The Magic Flute and Valentin in Faust.
Ellspermann is a resident of Ferdinand, Indiana, with her husband Jim Mehling, the former principal of Forest Park High School. They have four adult daughters. Ellspermann is a Roman Catholic and a member of St. Ferdinand Parish, where she and her husband are on the Strategic Planning Committee. She was previously a 20-year member of Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Evansville, where she served on the Parish Council and the Stewardship Commission, and was a eucharistic minister and lector.
She has won a prize in the Rhys Davies Short Story Award five times, was longlisted for the Asham Award and received prizes in the PenFRO PenFRO 2014 winners retrieved 2017-10-20 and Allen Raine competitions Allen Raine website retrieved 2017-10-20.. Mazelis was a Royal Literary Fund fellow at Swansea University 2009-11Royal Literary Fund page on Jo Mazelis retrieved 2017-20-20. and is currently a lector on the Royal Literary Fund Reading Round in Swansea.
From 1965 he worked as a lector at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo, first in private law, then in public law. In 1973 he achieved the doctoral degree dr. juris. In 1975 he became professor of jurisprudence at the Norwegian School of Economics. He was an awarded lecturer, and has written a large number of publications, regarding law, economics, parliamentary issues such as control of trade monopolies, administrative law, trade law, governance mechanisms, contract law and related things.
Agnellus established a school for the friars at Oxford, and asked Robert Grosseteste to serve as lector in theology to the Franciscans, a position he held from about 1229 to 1235."Blessed Agnellus of Pisa", Order of Friars Minor in Great BritainSenocak, Neslihan. The Poor and the Perfect: the rise of learning in the Franciscan order, 1209-1310, Cornell University Press, 2012, p. 59 The English Franciscan Order subsequently played a large role in the establishment of the University of Oxford.
One of his earlier works written under the influence of Mickiewicz was Anykščių šilelis (The Forest/Pinewood of Anykščiai). It is considered a classic work of Lithuanian literature. Literature critics consider it as a symbolic reference to Lithuanian history and language. While some critics contend that Baranauskas wrote the poem in anger, in response to an assertion by his lector Alexander Gabszewicz that the Lithuanian language was not beautiful enough to write poems in, others dispute this as a misinterpretation.
Sometimes the exorcist used the rite of exsufflation, and sometimes, as St. Cyprian states, adjured the evil spirit to depart per Deum verum (by the true God). Lectors also had many liturgical functions to perform. The lector, for example, recited the lessons from the Old and New Testaments, and possibly even read (parts of) the Gospel from the pulpit to the people. In later ages his duties were divided, and some were given to the other ministers, some to regular chanters.
According to Severinus’ account, as a child Donatus came to Rome with his family from Nicomedia. Orphaned, in the early account, during a persecution and named by the bishop of Arezzo,Donatus, a "gift" to the Church. by Severinus' account Donatus was educated by a Christian priest named Pymenius (Pimenio); his friend and companion in these religious studies was a boy named Julian –who would later become Emperor Julian the Apostate. Julian rose to the position of subdeacon; Donatus became a lector.
Born in Motril, Granada province, he was ordained at the age of 14. He served as a lector at the cathedral of Córdoba, canon at the cathedral of Zamora, and professor in the Colegio de Santiago in Granada. He supported Philip V of Spain and the Bourbons during the War of Spanish Succession, and was named by Philip bishop of Cartagena on 9 February 1705, as well as viceroy of Valencia and Murcia. Pope Clement X named him cardinal on 29 November 1719.
Lukacs, John "Caveat Lector" pages 946–950 from National Review, Volume XXIX, Issue # 32, 19 August 1977, page 947 Lukacs took issue with Irving's language, which he described as conveying moral judgements that were not supported by the facts. Lukacs was very critical of Irving's claims that Poland had planned to invade Germany in 1939 and likewise, that the Soviet Union was on the verge of attacking the Reich in 1941, in both cases justifying German "preventative wars" against those states.
Some European countries began legalizing the dissection of executed criminals for educational purposes in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. Mondino de Luzzi carried out the first recorded public dissection around 1315. At this time, autopsies were carried out by a team consisting of a Lector, who lectured, the Sector, who did the dissection, and the Ostensor who pointed to features of interest. The Italian Galeazzo di Santa Sofia made the first public dissection north of the Alps in Vienna in 1404.
226, University of Texas > Press, 2001ISBN 0292725272 > They gave themselves [the scroll as lector]-priest, the writing board as > loving son. Instruction are their tombs, the reed pen their child, the stone > surface their wife.....Man decays, his corpse is dust. All his kin have > perished; But a book makes him remembered through the mouth of its reciter. > Better is a book than a well built house... The oratorical style of its writing is evidenced by the metrical structure of the text.
148, 177-78) Sabu bears several titles including: Greatest of the Directors of the Craftsmen in the two houses (' - this is the title held by the High Priest of Ptah), chief lector priest, sole friend and count.Auguste Mariette; Gaston Maspero (editor): Les Mastabas de l'ancien empire, Paris 1889, p. 389-91 The text mentions that before Sabu was made High Priest of god Ptah there were always two men holding this position. Sabu was the first man to hold the position solely.
Brugman was born at Kempen in the Electorate of Cologne, towards the end of the preceding century; died at Nijmegen, Netherlands, 19 September 1473. Brugman became a lector of theology, Vicar Provincial and one of the founders of the Cologne Province of the Observants, a reformed branch of the Friars Minor. For twenty years his name was celebrated as the most illustrious preacher of the Low Countries. The saying still exists in that region, "to speak like Brugman", meaning to speak eloquently.
After the Romanian Revolution of 1989, Carpinschi was lector in the chair of philosophy and sociology from 1989 to 1990, reader in the chair of sociology and politology from 1990 to 1991, and professor in the chair of politology since 1991. He was the head of this newly created chair from 1989 to 2001, year in which he was succeeded by Petre Dumitrescu. In 2012 he was appointed professor emeritus. Carpinschi also had a prolific activity as a doctoral advisor.
The bishop of Myra at that time was Saint Nicholas. The 6th-century Index of Theodorus Lector is the first document that lists him among the fathers of the First Council of Nicaea in 325.Heinrich Gelzer, Patrum Nicaenorum nomina, 67, n. 161 (cited by Salaviel) Many other bishops of Myra are named in extant documents, including Petrus, the author of theological works in defence of the Council of Chalcedon quoted by Saint Sophronius of Jerusalem and by Photius (Bibliotheca, Codex 23).
Odhran Ua hEolais (died A.D. 994) was a medieval scribe and scholar at the abbey of Clonmacnoise. He must have been born, and lived his childhood, in the kingdom of Conmaicne Magh Réin, which corresponds to present day south county Leitrim. We do not know any significant details of his personal life, but Odhran moved to county Offaly in adult life, to become Lector and a famous scriba of Clonmacnoise. His death is recorded in the Annals of the Four Masters.
He became proficient and literate in Irish language, Latin, bardic tradition, and religious doctrine. Sometime in his adult life he moved to Clonmacnoise, the celebrated early Irish Christian monastery, taking the position of ecclesiastical Lector and "scribe of Clonmacnoise". Odhran belonged to the scholarly hierarchy of the church, otherwise called "", implying he was not in orders but rather trained in Christian learning. Odhran probably shared duties for scribing manuscripts, and his contributions if preserved over the centuries, would exist in the Irish Annals.
He obtained his doctorate in medicine at Utrecht University in 1962 under professor with a thesis titled: "Een kritisch onderzoek naar de betekenis van monoamineoxydase- remming als therapeutisch principe bij de behandeling van depressies". Between 1968 and 1970 he was a lector of biological psychiatry at the University of Groningen. In the latter year he was named professor of psychiatry at the same university, with a teaching assignment in biological psychiatry. He was the first professor of biological psychiatry in the Netherlands.
However, there is clear evidence that by 1229/30 he was teaching at Oxford, but on the periphery as the lector in theology to the Franciscans, who had established a convent in Oxford about 1224. He remained in this post until March 1235. Grosseteste may also have been appointed Chancellor of the University of Oxford. However, the evidence for this comes from a late thirteenth century anecdote whose main claim is that Grosseteste was in fact entitled the master of students (magister scholarium).
The Liber Pontificalis says that Fabian divided the Christian communities of Rome into seven districts, each supervised by a deacon. Eusebius (VI §43) adds that he appointed seven subdeacons to help collect the acta of the martyrs—the reports of the court proceedings on the occasion of their trials. There is also a tradition that he instituted the four minor clerical orders: porter, lector, exorcist, and acolyte. However most scholars believe these offices evolved gradually and were formally instituted at a later date.
In 2008, her contributions to the community were rewarded with membership in the Order of Orange-Nassau. After resigning from the Alphen city council, she worked for eleven years at the Centre for Law in the Information Society at Leiden University, and retired in 2010. Other community activities in Alphen includes founding and serving as a board member of a dance club for elderly singles, as president of the local athletic association Avanti, and as lector in Alphen's St. Boniface church.
Blok had a long teaching career at the University of Amsterdam on the topic of settlement history related to the onomastics of place names, first a teaching assignment from 1967 to 1976, and subsequently as extraordinary lector (1976–1980), extraordinary professor (1980–1986) and finally as full professor from 1986 to 1990, when he took up emeritus status. He died on 6 February 2019, aged 94. Blok was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1984.
Faxén was born on 21 November 1930 in Uppsala, Sweden, the son of Lars Faxén, a lector, and his wife Nina (née Stjernfelt). He had his very first journalism job in the 1940s when, for a few summers, he had a temporary work at the Dalpilen newspaper in Falun. He passed studentexamen in 1949 and studied in Uppsala and Stockholm. Faxén was employed by Svenska Dagbladet from 1951 to 1953 and by Norrlandsposten in Gävle in 1953 and in 1955.
He preached at Marseilles, Lyon, and converted most of the inhabitants of Auxerre to Christianity. At Intaranum –present-day Entrains-sur-Nohain– Peregrine angered the governor after the saint appealed to the populace to abandon pagan idols; the inhabitants had been dedicating a new temple to Jupiter. The Martyrologium Hieronymianum states that he was tortured and beheaded at vicus Baiacus (Bouhy) (in present- day Nièvre) during the persecutions of Diocletian. His lector Jovinian, venerated as a saint, was also martyred with him.
Ishemai was an ancient Egyptian official at the end of the Old Kingdom, around 2150 BC. He is mainly known from his rock cut tomb found at the Qubbet el- Hawa. Ishemai had several titles, including royal sealer, sole friend, lector priest and great overlord of the king.Marco Chioffi, Giuliana Rigamonti: Qubbet el-Hawa, la tomba rupestre di Ishemai, Imola 2014, , p. 41 His rock cut tomb at Qubbet el-Hawa consists of one bigger main cult chapel and several smaller rooms.
He was employed as a university lector at the University of Oslo from 1963, and took over as leader of the Norwegian Bureau for Insurance Disputes in 1971. In 1973 the position of Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman was created. Inger Louise Valle held the position for many years, but while she was a member of the cabinet Nordli from 1976 to 1981 Lundgaard was acting Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman. Valle left in 1981, and Lundgaard got the job on a permanent basis.
Born in Dronrijp, Klapwijk started to study Philosophy and Theology in 1952 at the Vrije Universiteit (VU University), where he received his MA in 1961. For many years he was research assistant to one of the founding fathers of reformational philosophy, D. H. Th. Vollenhoven. In 1970 he received his PhD in Philosophy with a thesis entitled "Between Historicism and Relativism", under supervision of Vollenhoven's colleague S. U. Zuidema. After his graduation early 1960s Klapwijk became lector in Logic at the Vrije Universiteit.
Olympus Inferno () is a 2008 film about the Russo-Georgian War and the first feature film on this subject. It is in Russian, with some English and Georgian, although a lector reads over the English and Georgian lines in Russian. The film was released half a year after the conflict. The name of the film belongs to an invented species of butterfly, the "Olympus Inferno," which in the film is sought in South Ossetia by an American entomologist and a Russian journalist.
Step Pyramid of Djoser, old photograph. Step pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, Egypt King Djoser running for the Heb-Sed celebration (relief from the underground galleries) Djoser was buried in his famous step pyramid at Saqqara. This pyramid was originally built as a nearly square mastaba, but then five further mastabas were literally piled one upon another, each smaller than the previous one, until the monument became Egypt's first step pyramid. Supervisor of the building constructions was the high lector priest Imhotep.
At this time the manner of depicting Jesus was not yet uniform, and there was some controversy over which of the two most common icons was to be favored. The first or "Semitic" form showed Jesus with short and "frizzy" hair; the second showed a bearded Jesus with hair parted in the middle, the manner in which the god Zeus was depicted. Theodorus Lector remarkedChurch History 1:15. that of the two, the one with short and frizzy hair was "more authentic".
Such an early date for his departure from Paris would be impossible if he were a Doctor in utroque iure. His study at Pavia and at Vercelli is conjecture and inference. Before adopting the unlikely idea of a university at Vercelli, consult William A. Hinnebusch, "The Dominican Order and Learning," History of the Dominican Order II, pp. 3-18, where S. Dominic's idea is explained—that each house of the Order should have a Doctor and a Lector for the education of the members.
He took the name of "Guglielmo" around this time. Massaia was ordained to the priesthood on 16 June 1832 in Vercelli and served as a spiritual director at a hospital in Turin from 1834 to 1836. He served also as the confessor and advisor of Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo - future saint. He was appointed as a lector of theology; but even whilst teaching he acquired some fame as a preacher and was chosen confessor to Prince Victor Emmanuel, afterwards King of Italy, and Ferdinand, Duke of Genoa.
Kofi Abrefa Busia, who later became prime minister of Ghana, worked at the African Studies Centre between 1959 and 1962. Former director Stephen Ellis was editor in chief of Africa Confidential. Petrus Johannes Idenburg, lector of African constitutional law at Leiden University, was one of the founders of the Centre. The Centre was one of the founders of AEGIS, a network of African Studies Centres in Europe that was set up in 1991 to build upon the resources and research potential available within Africanist institutions in Europe.
Ukhhotep II was a nomarch of the 14th nomos of Upper Egypt, headquartered in Cusae. He also held several charges such as haty-a, iry-pat, royal sealer, chief lector priest, overseer of the priests of Hathor, sem-priest, true king's acquaintance and many others. His father was the nomarch Senebi I while his mother was a lady called Mersi. His wife was Djehutyhotep, and the couple had at least two children to whom the same name of Ukhhotep's parents were given: Senebi II and Mersi.
The men are identified as the High Priest of Akheperure (Amenhotep II), Neferhotep, his son the High Priest of Akheperkare (Thutmosis I), Nay, his son the High Priest of Akheperkare Iuy, and his son the Lector of Akheperure, Mentuhotep. A standard bearer on a tugboat is identified as Nebmehyt his father, Standard- bearer of the Great Company of Nebmare (Amenhotep III).Kitchen, p 290 Another scene shows cartouches of Menkheperre on Feather-fans and a portable barque. A third scene shows two booths with royal cartouches.
Kelly's family owns an automobile dealership with his name in Clarksville, Maryland. His service in community organizations includes his membership with the Prince George's Community College Foundation, the Healthcare Reform Task Force, Maryland Hospital Association, Maryland Chamber of Commerce, Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce, American Cancer Society, Apartment/Office Building Association, Kiwanis Club, Knights of Columbus, Prince George's Jaycees, and Lions Club, and work as a lector and cantor at St. Jerome's Catholic Church in Hyattsville, Maryland. Kelly is married, with seven children, and ten grandchildren.
Boleslaus of Esztergom died in December 1328. Dörögdi was elected as his successor by the cathedral chapter early the next year, despite the fact that Charles I did not support his election and nominated his another protege Csanád Telegdi to the position. Retaining his provostry of Pressburg, Dörögdi intended to travel to Avignon in order to reach the papal confirmation of his election by Pope John XXII. In his absence, his vicars, provost Lodomer and lector Ladislaus governed the archiepiscopal province throughout the year.
The Historia Ecclesiastica was first edited in Greek by Robert Estienne, on the basis of Codex Regius 1443 (Paris, 1544); a translation into Latin by Johannes Christophorson (1612) is important for its variant readings. The fundamental early modern edition, however, was produced by Henricus Valesius (Henri Valois) (Paris, 1668), who used the Codex Regius, a Codex Vaticanus, and a Codex Florentinus, and also employed the indirect tradition of Theodorus Lector (Codex Leonis Alladi). The text was edited in Patrologia Graeca vol. 67 (online at
This decade was looked at as the "golden age of Dempo Sports Club" with players like Camilo Gonsalves, Mauricio Afonso, Jose Fernandes, Alex Fernandes, Mario Soares, Lector Mascarenhas, goalkeeper Chandrakant Naik and Baptist Fernandes playing for the team. In 1982 the club won the Bandodkar Trophy by beating Salgaocar 3–0. They then won the trophy again in 1983 against ITI 5–1 and again in 1984 again against Salgaocar, this time 2–0. Dempo then won the Rovers Cup again in 1986 against Mohun Bagan.
Van Zwet was born on 31 March 1934 in Leiden. Van Zwet obtained his doctoral degree in 1964 under the supervision of Jan Hemelrijk at the University of Amsterdam with a thesis titled "Convex Transformations of Random Variables". After that, he worked at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam, and became a lector of statistics at Leiden University in 1964 and was named professor in 1968. He retired in 1999. From 1992 to 1999, van Zwet was the Director of the Thomas Stieltjes Institute of Mathematics.
Mikael Rothstein (born 8 May 1961) is an associate professor of religious history at the University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen, Denmark. Rothstein earned his PhD in 1993 and became a Lector at the University of Copenhagen in 2001.Bente Clausen, "Kompromisløs forsker med bløde sider", Kristeligt Dagblad, May 7, 2011 . He has been on the board of the Danish Association for the History of Religions (DAHR) and the editorial boards of the publications Renner Studies on New Religions (Aarhus University Press) and Nye Religioner (Gyldendal).
834; son of Torbach, scribe, lector and abbot of Armagh, d. 807; son of Gormán, successor of Mochta of Louth, who died in 753 while on a pilgrimage to Clonmacnoise. Another Gormán of the Mugdornai, who according to the Annals of Clonmacnoise was an ancestor of Máel Muire, also died while on pilgrimage to Clonmacnoise in 610. Máel Muire was one of the three scribes who worked on the manuscript Lebor na hUidre, the earliest and one of the most important collections of early Irish literature.
He was appointed reader at Gray's Inn in 1600, and in 1603 double reader (duplex lector). In the same year he was made serjeant-at-law. On 1 February 1607 he was appointed one of the barons of the exchequer, in succession to Sir John Savile, and knighted. In 1610, a question having arisen concerning the power of the crown to impose restrictions on trade and industry by proclamation, the two chief justices, the chief baron, and Baron Altham were appointed to consider the matter.
Hans Gál Archive, York During World War I he served in Serbia, the Carpathians and Italy. He returned from the war with a completed opera, Der Arzt der Sobeide, which was performed in Breslau (modern Wrocław) in 1919 under the conductor Julius Prüwer. After World War I the political situation in Austria was extremely difficult, exacerbated by runaway inflation. Gál was appointed to the (initially unpaid) post of Lector for music theory at the University of Vienna (a post once held by Anton Bruckner).
7 combination of erudition and readability;"buena historia del carlismo, hecha con rigor y erudición pero asequible al lector no especializado, asequible incluso desde el punto de vista económico", Mundet Gifre 1980 vast documentary part,Mundet Gifre 1980 attractive writing style, personal familiarity with persons/issues and, last but not least, passion.Gambra 1979, p. 6 Among the Carlists Ferrer is credited for offering an alternative to Liberal reading and clearing history of the movement from unjust imputations."una Historia completa y fiable", Gambra 1979, p.
Quam dum videremus ipsi > Regi, Polyhistori, ac non vulgari Geographo, valde placere ab omnibus quoque > (etiam exteris) laudari plurimum: desiderabam eandem orbis descriptionem, > universis Mathematicarum studiosis aliquando communicare. Quod post varia > fortunae, ac studii nostri (quae hactenus nobis impedimento fuere) > discrimina, tandem nostro effecimus periculo. Itaque plurimis recentiorum > hydrographorum observationibus auctam, et emendatam ipsius geographici > cordis imaginem, tibi studiose lector, cunctisque bonae voluntatis > hominibus, cordato ac liberali praesentamus animo. Reliquum est igitur ut > hunc laborem nostrum et industriam, humano vultu non graveris accipere, et > aequi bonique consulas.
Julian was born in Apulia. His father was an Italian bishop named Memor or Memorius and his mother a noblewoman named Juliana. Augustine of Hippo was intimate with the family, and wrote of them in terms of great affection and respect. Around 404 Julian became a "lector" in the church over which his father presided, and while holding that office married a layperson named Ia. Paulinus, afterwards bishop of Nola, composed an elaborate Epithalamium, which represents him as on terms of great intimacy with the family.
In 1860 he became completely blind (he already had major problems reading since 1856) but would not give up reading and writing – he would listen to a lector and dictate his works as well as write himself with the aid of a device he designed himself (although eventually rheumatism would prevent him from that). On 10 January 1868 he died in Lwów and later buried in the Łyczakowski Cemetery. His funeral was well known and attended by many and seen as a Polish patriotic manifestation.
By the twentieth century, the order had become purely ceremonial. As a minor order, exorcists wore the surplice. In 1972, the minor orders were reformed; men preparing to be ordained as Catholic priests or deacons would no longer receive the minor order of exorcist; the minor orders of lector and acolyte were retained, but redesignated as ministries. It was left open to the Catholic bishops of individual countries to petition the Vatican to establish a ministry of exorcist if it seemed useful in that nation.
This would have meant that he was an in-house teacher in a Dominican convent studium: instructors in Philosophy were called Lector, instructors in Theology were called Magister; he was not a University Regent Master.Pius Thomas Masetti, Monumenta et antiquitates veteris disciplinae Ordinis Praedicatorum I (Romae 1864), pp. 142-153. He was Prior of the Convent of the Minerva. He won distinction by his zeal for the spread of the Order, and was elected Provincial of the Roman Province in 1322 in the provincial Chapter at Orvieto.
Yuyu is followed by his brothers the Second Prophet of Osiris Siese, the Prophet of Hor(us) Hor, and the Priest and Lector of Osiris Mery. In another row are the sisters of Yuyu: Wiay, Istnofret, Mutnofret and Buia.Kitchen, Kenneth A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated Translations: Ramesses II, His Contemporaries (Ramesside Inscriptions Translations) (Volume III) Wiley- Blackwell. 2001, pg 319-320, Among Yuyu's monuments, there is a granite statue depicting him while holding a naos with the god Osiris, now exhibited in the Louvre (A 69).
The emperor ordered Vatatzes executed, and two months later the empress was banished to a monastery at Nematarea. Her exile proved unpopular with the populace, and her relatives and supporters, Mesopotamites foremost, secured her pardon after six months, in March 1197. She quickly restored her influence over her husband, and alongside her Mesopotamites now stood at the summit of his power. According to Choniates, Mesopotamites now considered the title of epi tou kanikleiou insufficient, and sought to be elevated from the ecclesiastical rank of lector to deacon.
Dragutin Tadijanović (4 November 1905 – 27 June 2007) was a Croatian poet, and in his native Croatia he is referred to as a "Bard." Tadijanović was born in the village of Rastušje close to Slavonski Brod in the region of Slavonia. He published his first poem in 1922. He graduated in literature and philosophy at the University of Zagreb in 1937. He worked as the lector of the official paper Narodne novine (1935–1940), taught at the Academy of Arts in Zagreb (1939–1945).
After fifteen years spent in teaching theology, Father Herincx was honoured with the title of lector jubilate, equivalent to the university degree of doctor of divinity. He was twice elected minister provincial, then definitor general, and finally commissary general for the northern countries of Europe. On 28 April 1677, whilst making a canonical visitation in England, he received word at Newport that Charles II had nominated him Bishop of Ypres. He was consecrated on 24 October in the same year, in the Franciscan church, Brussels.
Modern historians think that Orestes had cultivated his relationship with Hypatia to strengthen a bond with the pagan community of Alexandria, as he had done with the Jewish one, in order to better manage the tumultuous political life of the Egyptian capital.Christopher Haas, Alexandria in Late Antiquity: Topography and Social Conflict, JHU Press, 2006, , p. 312. A mob, led by a lector named Peter, took Hypatia from her chariot and murdered her, hacking her body apart and burning the pieces outside the city walls.Socrate Scolastico, vii.15.
Italian Club building, Ybor City Statue of former editor Roland Manteiga reading La Gaceta, Centro Ybor La Gaceta is a weekly newspaper in Tampa, Florida, founded in 1922. Published in English, Spanish, and Italian, it is the only trilingual newspaper in the United States. The paper was founded by Victoriano Manteiga, a former lector in the cigar factories of West Tampa and Ybor City, to serve the needs of the immigrant population of Tampa. Later, his son Roland Manteiga took over as editor and publisher.
Together they have a daughter. She has worked both in the trade unions and as first consultant and office leader at the Research Council of Norway, as well as lector at Eik Teacher Academy in Tønsberg. In 1997 she was appointed Minister of Justice and the Police in the cabinet Jagland, replacing Anne Holt who left. Valla left the government in late 1997, when Prime Minister Jagland announced his cabinet's resignation as a result of the 36.9 ultimatum and was replaced by the first cabinet Bondevik.
He became Lector in philosophy and theology, and in 1802 published a theological textbook. As librarian, his attention was attracted by the map of the world executed between 1457 and 1459 in that same monastery by the famous Camaldolese cartographer Fra Mauro. In 1806 Zurla published an account of it entitled Il Mappamondo di Fra Mauro. This led to further studies on early travelers, of which the most important result was the work, "Di Marco Polo e degli altri viaggiatori veneziano" (2 volumes, Venice, 1818–19).
"The antiphon with its Psalm from the Graduale Romanum or the Graduale Simplex, or another chant ... whose text has been approved by the Conference of Bishops". GIRM, paragraph 48 If there is no singing at the entrance, the entrance antiphon is recited either by some or all of the faithful or by a lector; otherwise it is said by the priest himself.GIRM, paragraph 256 When the procession arrives at the sanctuary, all bow toward the altar. The priest and other ordained ministers kiss the altar.
A cantor, choir or lector leads, and the congregation sings or recites a refrain. "That the people may be able to sing the Psalm response more readily, texts of some responses and Psalms have been chosen for the various seasons of the year or for the various categories of Saints. These may be used in place of the text corresponding to the reading whenever the Psalm is sung."GIRM, paragraph 61 The second reading is from the New Testament, typically from one of the Pauline epistles.
When the Middle and Lower Volga Region was joined, Moscow department acquired access to the Caspian Sea, in the new lands began to emerge and strengthen the Russian city. Astrakhan Uspenskii sobor of kreml The first construction of the Kremlin began in 1587- 1588 under the guidance of sapper, a lector of Discharge Order – I.G. Vorodkov. He laid the first wooden fortress with powerful solid walls and towers. The place of construction was chosen on the hill, known as “Rabbit” or “Zayachii” in Russian.
While Shadowmaster Sushin maintains control over higher ranked chosen, Tal and Milla travel through the Castle's depths where they encounter the Freefolk, a group of the servant class Underfolk who possess a great hatred for all the Chosen. They also meet Lector Jarnil, a famous teacher. Tal and Milla learn more about the intricacies of Castle politics, including that Sushin, a Shadowmaster of the Orange, is the Dark Vizier of the Empress. He deals in unsavory matters and commands others under the authority of the Empress.
After completing the regular course of studies, Barberi taught philosophy and theology to the students of the congregation as lector for a period of ten years, first in Sant'Angelo and then in Rome. He now lived at the monastery of Saints John and Paul on the Celian Hill. During this period he produced many theological and philosophical works. In the summer of 1830 he was asked to aid an English convert to Catholicism, Sir Henry Trelawney, with regard to the rubrics of the Mass.
She was a sister of Croatian politician August Košutić. She graduated pedagogy at the University of Zagreb. She was an editor in chief of Croatian Women's Journal (1939-1944) and lector in the Croatian Publishing Institute, Vjesnik and Seljačka sloga. As one of the founders of the Croatian Writers' Association, her work was labeled as antigovernmental and after she refused to sign capital punishment verdict at the show trialAndreić, Dominik (2019); "Okolnosti suđenja zagrebačkom biskupu Alojziju Stepincu, analiza sudskoga spisa i pravne održivosti presude".
Munich. Pediamenopet, also: Padiamenopea, Petamenophis, Padiamenope, Padiamenipet or Petamenofi, was the original resident of the tomb TT33 located at el-Assasif, in Egypt's Theban Necropolis. His tomb is the largest non-royal site in the necropolis. Pediamenopet was a royal scribe and chief lector priest. He served one or more pharaohs during the end of the 25th or the beginning of the 26th Dynasty, and he amassed enough wealth and power to build a labyrinthine tomb covered with almost 2622 square meters of scenes and hieroglyphic texts.
In addition, from 1964 to 1988 she was a lector for Russian in the Department of Slavistics at the University of Freiburg. From 1979 to 1983 she also taught Russian language and literature at the University of Witten/Herdecke. She did a great deal of work to enhance the teaching of Russian outside the university. At the Kepler-Gymnasium (grammar school) in Freiburg she raised the profile of Russian so that the language was available to choose as an exam subject,Bettina Schulte: Den Wörtern verfallen.
Jerónimo de Sosa also known as Hieronymus, Jerome or Geronimo de Sosa, was a 17th-century Spanish Franciscan friar and a genealogist who developed a genealogical numbering system of ancestors. Sosa was a lector of theology at the royal monastery of Santa Maria La Nova in Naples. In his work Noticia de la gran casa de los marqueses de Villafranca in 1676, he used and popularized a method based on the numbering system first published by Michaël Eytzinger in 1590. Noticia de la gran casa, title page.
He has been affiliated with the Netherlands Institute for Social Research/SCP as Chief Scientific Strategist, the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences as an associate lector (2012 - 2017), and with Synesthetics Netherlands as an independent researcher and consultant. He obtained a M.A. in psychology with minors in philosophy and cultural studies, and a Ph.D. in history of art (and psychology) at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. During the past two decades he has been involved in two lines of research: perception and quality of life.
Tertullian, Cyprian and other writers bear witness to the same custom; and in the West the clerical minor order of lector existed as early as the 3rd century. For want of precise testimony, it is unknown how the particular passages were decided on. Most likely the presiding bishop chose them at the assembly itself; and on the occurrence of certain festivals the Scripture relating to them would be read. Little by little a more or less definite list would naturally result from this method.
Upon catching the townsman, the crocodile takes him to the bottom of the lake, where they remain for seven days as the lector entertains the visiting pharaoh. When he tells Nebka the story, and calls the crocodile up again, the king orders the crocodile to devour the townsman once and for all. Then he has the adulterous wife brought forth, set on fire, and thrown in the river. The third story, told by another son named Baufra, is set during the reign of his grandfather Sneferu.
Nothing is known of his early life. The earliest known details of his life show that Humbert studied both Arts and then canon law at the University of Paris, where he was then admitted as a professor. A man of deep piety, subsequently, although he had thought about joining the Carthusians (whom his brother had joined), he entered the Dominican Order on 30 November 1224. After his profession, he was appointed lector of theology at the Dominican priory in Lyon during 1226 and, by 1237, he had become prior of that monastery.
Khonsu is depicted and is being served by Usermontu, who is a God's father, Lector of Ptah and a Deputy in the King's Temple on the West of Thebes. In the entrance doorway Khons is identified as the High Priest of the Lord of the Two Lands Menkheperre (Thutmosis III). His mother is said to be Tawosret, a chantress of Montu. The inscriptions further identify his son the stablemaster Usermontu, his wife (?) the Chantress of Amun named May, his son the Second Prophet of Menkheperre named Khaemwaset, and a daughter named Iuy.
Victor-Auguste-Isidore Cardinal Dechamps, C.SS.R. The next four years he spent at Wittem as prefect of students and lector in dogmatic theology. In 1840 he began his missionary life and in 1842 was nominated rector at Liège. He took an active part in the founding of the Confraternity of the Holy Family, which he considered his most salutary work. In the historic jubilee of Liège he had a large share both by his "Le plus beau souvenir de l'histoire de Liège", and by his preaching (1845–46).
Minnaert obtained a PhD in biology at Ghent University in 1914. Later he obtained also a PhD in physics from Utrecht University, under the supervision of Leonard Ornstein. He was a supporter of the Flemish movement during World War I and endorsed the replacement of French by Dutch during the German occupation of Belgium. He worked as "lector fysica" at the new Flemish University of Ghent, which was made possible by the support of the German occupation forces, and was viewed as connivance with the enemy by the reestablished Belgian authorities.
Fr. Stephanos was consecrated on 25 March 1987 to the episcopacy with the titular title of Bishop of Nazianzus. While continuing his previous responsibilities, he took on new assignments: secretary of the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France, lector at St. Sergius, and professor of patrology at the Roman Catholic seminary of Nice. In 1996, the Ecumenical Patriarchate restored the Estonian Orthodox Church as an autonomous entity under its protection, following the independence of Estonia from the Soviet Union. A General Assembly of the church elected Bishop Stephanos as Metropolitan of Tallinn and All Estonia.
The former title buitengewoon hoogleraar ("professor by special appointment", literally "extraordinary professor") for a part-time professor is no longer used (since the 1986 reforms); all the then holders of such positions became part-time full professors '(gewoon hoogleraren). In the early 2000s the lector position (Readership in traditional UK terms) was introduced at universities of applied sciences for research group leaders dealing with applied research. Until that moment universities of applied sciences had no research tasks. Based on salary pay grade, lectors would rank between associate and full professor in the research university system.
Julian held the patriarchate through the remainder of the reign of Leo I and that of Leo II. In the unrest that followed Leo II's death, the Miaphysite Basiliscus seized the imperial throne and restored Peter the Fuller to the patriarchate. When Peter arrived in Antioch, Julian was so upset that he died "of vexation", according to Theodorus Lector. Julian may the Julian who commissioned the treatise Against the Aposchists (i.e., schismatics, the Miaphysites) from John of Scythopolis, but it is more likely that Julian of Bostra was the Julian in question.
Many of the early Christian sepulchral inscriptions provide information concerning the original development of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. Thus, for example, from the earliest times we meet in them all the hierarchical grades from the door-keeper (ostiarius) and lector up to the Pope. A number of epitaphs of the early popes (Pontianus, Anterus, Fabianus, Cornelius, Lucius, Eutychianus, Caius) were found in the so-called "Papal Crypt" in the Catacomb of St. Callistus on the Via Appia, rediscovered by De Rossi. Numbers of early epitaphs of bishops have been found from Germany to Nubia.
About 1270, he returned to England to teach at Oxford, and was elected provincial minister of the Franciscans in England in 1275.Greenway Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 2: Monastic Cathedrals (Northern and Southern Provinces):Canterbury: Archbishops He did not long remain in that post, being summoned to Rome as lector sacri palatii, or theological lecturer at the papal palace.Knowles Evolution of Medieval Thought p. 169 It is likely that he composed his Expositio super Regulam Fratrum Minorum, a work that included information on preaching, a subject that Peckham felt was of great importance.
He obtained the degree of Master of Theology from the studium generale at Santa Maria sopra Minerva, the forerunner of the College of Saint Thomas and the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum. He served as a lector at the studium sometime before 1466.Riccardo Fubini, NANNI, Giovanni Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 77 (2012) He was highly esteemed by Sixtus IV and Alexander VI; the latter made him Master of the Sacred Palace in 1499. As a linguist, he spuriously claimed to be skilled in the Oriental languages.
The basis of this work was a "Summa Confessorum" by John Rumsik, O. P., Lector of Freiburg (d. 1314), which was then arranged alphabetically by Bartholomew of San Concordio who also added material on canon law.Ian N. Wood, G. A. Loud, Church and Chronicle in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented to John Taylor (1991), p. 74. The first edition of di Chivasso's "Summa Angelica" appeared in the year 1486, and from that year to the year 1520 it went through 31 editions, 25 of which are preserved in the Royal Library at Munich.
The Pope of 1983 with female altar servers The 1983 Code of Canon Law altered the juridical situation. Without distinguishing between male and female, it declared: "Lay persons can fulfill the function of lector in liturgical actions by temporary designation. All lay persons can also perform the functions of commentator or cantor, or other functions, according to the norm of law." With the promulgation of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, prominent canonists argued that this reservation to males no longer held,The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary, ed.
According to the charges, Kán prevented the local church officials to visit the papal legate Gentile Portino. During the trial, Emeric did not take a stand on either side , emphasizing that he does not make this confession under duress. Under his episcopate, a certain Demetrius (1294–1305), then Ivánka (1306–1317; his successor as bishop) served as provost of the cathedral chapter of Várad. Before that, Ivánka functioned as lector (1294–1305); he was succeeded by Csanád Telegdi (1306–1317), a future prominent prelate in the 14th-century Hungary.
The campaign ended in May 2003 with demilitarization of the island and its designation as a National Wildlife Refuge. She is the cofounder of the ILE (the Institute for Latino Empowerment) and core trainer at the PISAB (People's Institute for Survival and Beyond). She is a director of Colectivo Ilé: Organizers for Consciousness-in-Action committed to anti- oppression in Puerto-Rico and US, the ILE, the establisher of Undoing Racism Organizing Committee in Western Massachusetts, lector at the University of the Sacred Heart and a member of International Women Against Militarism Network.
The spells, or utterances, of the Pyramid Texts were primarily concerned with enabling the transformation of the deceased into an Akh (where those judged worthy could mix with the gods). The spells of the Pyramid Texts are divided into two broad categories: Sacerdotal texts and Personal texts. The sacerdotal texts are ritual in nature, and were conducted by the lector priest addressing the deceased in the second person. They consist of offering spells, short spells recited in the presentation of an offering, and recitations which are predominantly instructional.
This ceremony involved the Kher-Heb (the chief lector priest), along with assistants, opening the eyes and mouth of the dead while reciting prayers and spells. Mourners were encouraged to cry out as special instruments were used to cut holes in the mouth. After the ceremony was complete, it was believed that the dead could eat, speak, breathe, and see in the afterlife. The Egyptian pyramids are made up of various corridors, tunnels, and rooms, each of which have differing significance and use during the burial and ritual processes.
He was born at Paris, entered the convent of the Annunciation in the Rue St. Honoré in 1619, and made his profession there 24 May 1620. Although lector of philosophy and theology, he applied himself to the study of Greek. He was sent to the Orient by his superiors, that he might eventually render service to the Roman Church, through his knowledge of the ecclesiastical documents and the positive theology of the Greeks. He resided at Chios as missionary Apostolic and prior of the Convent of St. Sebastian (1613–39).
After finishing his study in Groningen in 1969, Veling started as a teacher in mathematics for five years in Groningen. From 1972 until 1987 he taught philosophy at the Gereformeerde Sociale Academie (Reformed Social Academy) in Zwolle. He was vice director of that academy from 1974 until 1980. He was also lector at the theological Kampen Theological University of the Reformed Churches (Liberated) from 1972 until 1987, when he became special professor at the same university (dissertation: Methodologie en de grondslagen van een pluriforme sociologie (methodology and the foundations of a pluriform sociology)).
In 1981, Killing-Günkel learned the constructed language Esperanto. In the Esperanto movement, he has managed publications, organized international meetings, founded an Esperanto youth group in Eschweiler and taught that language inter alia at the adult high school of Düren. He is an Esperantologist, member of Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik (GIL) (Society for Interlinguistics) and of the scientists' staff of Akademio Internacia de la Sciencoj San Marino (AIS) as well as lector for mathematics of the international Scienca Revuo. In the 1980s and 1990s, he wrote articles for Kontakto, Monato and La Gazeto.
According to Tampa's leading anarchist, Alfonso Coniglio, a cigar maker at the age of 14, "to them [the lectors] we owe particularly our sense of the class struggle". This sense of class struggle drove the workers to resist poor working conditions and to fight for more rights. Strikes by Tampa's cigar workers were rarely focused on issues of wages and hours but instead on being able to control their working conditions. The Lector, in particular, was crucial to the workers' conditions and something that would spark an 8,000-person strike to keep in place.
Few if any of his works are extant, for when he became a Quaker, he burned all his books and compositions so as to distance himself from church music. He believed that music was a sinful vanity, and initially sold his compositions and instruments, before taking them back and burning them to prevent the purchaser falling into sin. His repugnance for the organised church was reflected in the Quaker name for church buildings in his time: "steeple-houses". Eccles is credited as the author of a tract, "A Musick-Lector", from 1667.
Father Querbes formed an association of catechists for rural schools: "The Catechists of Saint Viator". He chose Viator of Lyon, a fourth-century local saint who was a lector serving Bishop Just of Lyon, as patron. The religious Congregation of the Clerics of Saint Viator, made up of parochial clerics and lay catechists, was approved by Archbishop Gaston de Pins, Apostolic Administrator of Lyons, in 1831. Seven years later, he presented his society to the Pope, but counseled by advisors, he dropped the inclusion of lay members, as it would not have been approved.
During a scene in the van, Tom Haverford tells Leslie he changed his name because his original name was too foreign sounding for a career in politics. When Leslie points about U.S. President Barack Obama has a foreign-sounding name, Tom gets upset. The reference to Obama's name was originally featured in a scene that was cut from Parks and Recreation pilot episode. Offerman, who barely moves and is often quiet throughout the episode, said he learned to use humor amid silence while serving as an altar boy and lector at his church.
He has said that while he was celibate at the seminary, "I probably became gay because of the Josephinum, although nothing happened (to me) there." In 1962 and 1963, inspired by French Worker- Priests and tutored by Saul Alinsky, Fritscher worked as a social activist on the South Side of Chicago. He was ordained by the Apostolic Delegate with the orders of porter, lector, exorcist, and acolyte. In 1964, he entered Loyola University Chicago and completed his master's and doctoral program, writing a dissertation on Tennessee Williams entitled Love and Death in Tennessee Williams (1968).
Ramon Sainero has a degree in Philology from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He attended PhD and M.A. studies in Irish literature in the New University of Ulster (Coleraine) and obtained his PhD in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He has attended intensive courses in Celtic languages and literature for over ten years in Ireland, at the Universities of Galway (Cararoe), Trinity College (Dublin), The University of Ulster (Coleraine) and Oideas Gael (Donegald). His university teaching has been given at the University of Ulster (Lector) and the Universidad Complutense (Lecturer).
It remains, therefore, that you will not refuse > to accept this labour and industry of ours with a human appearance, and > fairly and well consult it. Finally, while we strive ever more earnestly for > the favour and generosity of our Most Christian and magnificent King, whose > happiness and success you eagerly desire, we have shared this with you. > Farewell, from Paris.DECIMVSQVINTVS CIRCITER agitur annus, candide Lector, > quo universam Orbis terrarum designationem, in hanc humani cordis effigiem > primum redegimus: Idque in gratiam Christianissimi ac potentissimi FRANCISCI > Francorum Regis, Mœcenatis nostri clementissimi.
Protestant cemetery in Warsaw Linde monument, Toruń Samuel Gottlieb Linde was born in Thorn, Royal Prussia, to Jan Jacobsen Linde, a master locksmith and member of the city council who had immigrated from Sweden, and Anna Barbara, née Langenhann. His mother's family originated from Coburg.Neue Deutsche Biographie His second name Gottlieb has been rendered in Polish as Bogumił. Linde came from a German-speaking family but learned the Polish language in Leipzig in order to serve as a lector of Polish at University of Leipzig where he had previously studied theology and philology.
Zeno, equally jealous of her and of Illus, banished her at the instance of the latter, and confined her in the fort of Papurius. There is some doubt as to the time of these events. Candidus places her banishment before the revolt of Marcian, and Theodore Lector attributes its cause to her part in the revolt of Basiliscus. It is not unlikely, indeed, that this turbulent woman was banished twice, once before Marcian's revolt, for her connections with Basiliscus, and again after Marcian's revolt, for her plot against Illus.
The story told on the stela is set in the 18th year of the reign of Djoser. The text describes how the king is upset and worried as the land has been in the grip of a drought and famine for seven years, during which time the Nile has not flooded the farmlands. The text also describes how the Egyptians are suffering as a result of the drought and that they are desperate and breaking the laws of the land. Djoser asks the priest staff under the supervision of high lector priest Imhotep for help.
The institution started its operation with courses in Theology, Arts, and Philosophy as the College of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary (). In 1617, the College was renamed as College of Santo Tomas () after the Dominican theologian St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274). Prior to the Act of Foundation, King Philip III granted, through the Governor-General, the permission to open a college in Manila. So in 1612, Fr. Domingo González, O.P., Lector of the Santo Domingo Convent, was appointed to work on the completion the organization of the college.
He later studied fine arts in Vienna and Munich but the revolution of 1848 interrupted his education, which he never finished. He took active part in the 1848 Revolution and was wounded while fighting in Srbobran. After the revolution he moved to Belgrade, Principality of Serbia, where he served as a schoolteacher, a lector in a state-owned printing office, and in various other jobs, although he was often unemployed. Jakšić lived in Skadarska Street in the center of the city's bohemian life and of Belgrade's artists, writers, musicians and actors.
He studied at different universities (Salamanca, Montpellier, Bologna, etc.) and entered the Dominican Order in 1452 at Eichstätt, Bavaria. After his religious profession he took up philosophy and theology at Leipzig, where he also produced his first literary work De modo praedicandi (1457). In 1459 he defended publicly in Freiburg a series of theses so successfully that the provincial chapter then in session there sent him to the University of Bologna for advanced courses in theology and canon law. Recalled after two years, he was made lector of theology and engaged in teaching and preaching.
He also has completed many shorter races, from 5 km to 10 miles. Kavanaugh is a Catholic and serves as a regular lector at his Washington, D.C., church, the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament. He has helped serve meals to the homeless as part of church programs, and has tutored at the Washington Jesuit Academy, a Catholic private school in the District of Columbia. At his May 2006 confirmation hearing to be circuit judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, he stated that he was a registered Republican.
The Theban Tomb TT168 is located in Dra' Abu el-Naga'. It forms part of the Theban Necropolis, situated on the west bank of the Nile opposite Luxor. The tomb is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian Any (or Anuy), who was a God's Father of Amun and a Chosen lector of the Lord of the Gods during the reign of Ramesses II in the Nineteenth Dynasty.Porter, Bertha and Moss, Rosalind, Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings Volume I: The Theban Necropolis, Part I. Private Tombs, Griffith Institute.
In Poland, a Catholic deacon chants the Exsultet at the Easter Vigil. Beginning around the fifth century, there was a gradual decline in the diaconate as a permanent state of life in the Latin Church. The development of a cursus honorum (sequence of offices) found men entering the clerical state through tonsure, then ordination to the minor orders of lector, porter, exorcist, acolyte before ordination to the major orders of sub-deacon and deacon, all stages on the path to priesthood. Only men destined for priesthood were permitted to be ordained deacons.
In 1809 Zurla was elected a Definitor of his Congregation and given the title of Abbot. The next year the monastery was suppressed by order of Napoleon I, but the monks kept up their college dressed as secular priests. Of this institution Zurla acted as Rector and Cappellari as Lector of philosophy until its complete dissolution in 1814. From that year he taught theology at the Patriarchal Seminary of Venice till 1821, when he moved to Rome and resumed the white habit of St. Romuald at the Monastery of St. Gregory the Great.
On 28 November 1844, in the College of Ocania, González entered the Dominican Order, and a year later took his solemn vows. He was sent to Manila in 1848 to complete his studies, and in January 1853, he was made a lector of philosophy. The following year he was ordained priest. After teaching philosophy and theology for many years in the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, he returned to Spain in 1867, where, the year following, he was elected rector of Ocania College, discharging the duties of this office for three years.
Seierstad was born in Oslo, but grew up in Lillehammer, Norway to "a feminist author mother", Lector Frøydis Guldahl, and "a leftist politician father", Assistant Professor Dag Seierstad (b. 1936) She holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Oslo where she majored in Russian, Spanish and history of ideas. From 1993 until 1996 she reported for the Arbeiderbladet in Russia and in 1997 from China. From 1998 until 2000 she worked for the national public broadcaster NRK where she reported from the Serbian breakaway province of Kosovo.
GIRM, paragraph 86 If there is no singing, a short antiphon may be recited either by the congregation or by some of them or by a lector. Otherwise, the priest himself recites it just before distributing Communion.GIRM, paragraph 87 "The sacred vessels are purified by the priest, the deacon, or an instituted acolyte after Communion or after Mass, insofar as possible at the credence table."GIRM, paragraph 279 Then the priest concludes the Liturgy of the Eucharist with the Prayer after Communion, for which the faithful are invited to stand.
After being a lector in Augsburg, he became court chaplain at the court of Württemberg under Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg, in 1786, presumably primarily because of his reputation as a gifted orator. Because Schneider supported the ideas of the Enlightenment, there was soon discord with the lord, who threatened to send the court chaplain back to the monastery. However, in 1789, his countryman, Thaddäus Trageser, found him a position as a professor for literature and fine arts at the University of Bonn. Schneider's talent as a speaker soon made his lectures very popular.
162, 260 he was nonetheless convoked to express criticism of the writers Alexandru Jar, Mihail Davidoglu and Ion Vitner, all of whom had displayed similar support for reform.Tismăneanu, p.149-152 Constantinescu was purged by the Party Plenum in June 1957; he was marginalized, but kept his freedom and was allowed to work as a lector for the Pedagogic Institute, and later as a researcher for the Romanian Academy's Institute for Economics and the Nicolae Iorga Institute of History in Bucharest (led by Andrei Oțetea at the time).
Sunday, which premiered in 2005 on the Animal Planet TV channel. He also made guest appearances for the Law & Order television franchise in the episodes "Authority" (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) and "Contract" (Law & Order: Criminal Intent), both in 2008. He is also the host of the weekly The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation program, which has aired as part of the CBS Dream Team on Saturdays since 2014. On September 25, 2015, Rocca served as Lector during the Mass celebrated by Pope Francis at New York City's Madison Square Garden.
The first was Leonardo Patrasso, Archbishop of Capua, who was Boniface VIII's uncle; he replaced the Archbishop of Toledo, who had died in 1299, as Cardinal Bishop of Albano. The second was Gentile Partino, OFM, Doctor of Theology and Lector of Theology in the Roman Curia, who was made Cardinal Priest of S. Martin in montibus. The third was Luca Fieschi, of the Counts of Lavagna, of Genoa, named Cardinal Deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata (the deaconry which had once belonged to Jacopo Colonna). A relative, a Franciscan; all three Italians.
Zia Rashid is a magician from the first Nome who was born and raised in Egypt. She is found and raised by Iskandar, the Chief Lector, after the destruction of her hometown by Apophis. When Julius Kane released five gods through the Rosetta Stone, she became the unexpected host of Nephthys, and was subsequently placed by Iskandar in an underwater prison so the House of Life could not eliminate her. A shabti of her was created to take her place; it is destroyed during the fight with Set in The Red Pyramid.
Of great value also for ecclesiastical geography are the Notitiae episcopatuum (Taktika), or lists of the patriarchal, metropolitan, and episcopal sees of the Greek Church (Hieroclis Synecdemus et Notitiae graecae episcopatuum, ed. Parthey, Berlin, 1866; Georgii Cyprii Descriptio orbis Romani, ed. Geizer, Leipzig, 1890). A major collection of the early Greek historians of the Church is that of Henri de Valois in three folio volumes (Paris, 1659–73; improved by William Reading, Cambridge, 1720); it contains Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, Evagrius, and the fragments of Philostorgius and Theodorus Lector.
Candidus places the banishment of Verina before the revolt of Marcian, and Theodore Lector assigns as the cause of it her share in the revolt of Basiliscus. It is not unlikely, indeed, that this turbulent woman was twice banished, once before Marcian's revolt, for her connection with Basiliscus, and again after Marcian's revolt, for her plot against Illus. From her prison she managed to persuade her daughter Ariadne, the wife of Zeno, to attempt to obtain her release, first from Zeno, and then from Illus, to whom the Emperor referred her. Illus refused her request.
Schytt was born at Solna in Stockholm, Sweden. He studied physics and mathematics at Stockholm University and was awarded Master of Philosophy in 1946, Licentiate in 1947 and Ph. D in 1958. He became a lector in geography at Stockholm University in 1943, glaciologist with the Swedish Antarctic Committee in 1948, research associate at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois in 1953 and assistant teacher in geography at Stockholm University in 1955. He became associated with the Swedish Research Council (Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrådet) in 1963, an assistant professor in 1969 and was a professor from 1970.
If so, then He may be concerned about events on Heaven and Earth, but is unwilling to directly act on these events. Watos' symbol is the Sun, as depicted in a mural in Arawn's tomb (according to Octavia, this symbol is also used by the Divine Empire). At several points in the story, the sun is shown in full, implying that He does watch over Creation. One such moment was the last episode, after the Words of Power crippled Merkadis and exposing frail and naked Lector, he desperately raised his right hand to the sun and begged Watos to rescue him.
Auriol's first work was on evangelical poverty, where he argued for a moderate position between those of the spirituals and conventuals. He is best known for the enormous Scriptum super primum Sententiarum, his commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, which runs to more than 1100 folio pages and was eventually printed in Rome in 1596. He also wrote Tractatus de principiis, a non-theological work, while he was lector at the Franciscan convent in Bologna some time before 1312, and some treatises on the Immaculate Conception at the Franciscan convent in Toulouse. Auriol was at first a Scotist.
He was sent to Matelica and later to Perugia to be educated. In Perugia, at age 12, he began his novitiate. As one of the best students, he was sent to the Studio generale in Rimini to complete his studies, and then entered the seminary there in 1423. He was then sent to Rome for eight years. In 1431, the prior of his order, Gregorio da Rimini, made Oliva a cursor in Rimini; then sent him to Perugia, where he became a lector in 1433. In Rimini, he received his baccalaureatus and regentis in 1436 and his magistralem lauream in 1438.
Clerical tonsure is the equivalent of the "first tonsure" in the Latin church. It is done immediately prior to ordination to the minor order of reader but is not repeated at subsequent ordinations.In the West, the minor orders were those of porter, lector, exorcist and acolyte, and the major orders were subdiaconate, diaconate and priesthood, with the rank of bishop usually being considered a fuller form of priesthood. In the East, the minor orders are those of reader and subdeacon, (and, in some places, acolyte); the orders of doorkeeper (porter) and exorcist (catechist) now having fallen into disuse.
250px Sirje Tamul (born 31 August 1951 in Viljandi) is an Estonian historian and a lector at the University of Tartu. She received her PhD in 2007. Tamul's main field of the research is the history of the University of Tartu between the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. She researches the history of science, especially science at the University of Tartu; the history of education, the history of universities, the history of female students, donations and non-budgetary finance of the University of Tartu. Tamul’s dissertation was titled Donations to the Imperial University of Tartu (1802–1918).
From here he was appointed as a lecturer in the department of History at the University of Pretoria in January 1942, and in 1946 as Senior Lector and in 1947 as Professor and head of the department. He served as Dean from October 1954 to 31 March 1970 for the Faculty of Arts and Literature. On 1 April 1970 he joined the university administration and on 1 July 1970 was appointed as Registrar and head of the Academic Registration. He held this post till 1 January 1974 when he was appointed as first Vice-rector of the University of Pretoria.
Born in Loenen aan de Vecht, Griffioen studied at the Vrije Universiteit, where in 1971 he received his MA cum laude in Political economy, in 1975 another MA in Philosophy,"Dr. Griffioen nu lector aan de VU". Reformatorisch Dagblag 7 March 1979. and in 1976 his PhD cum laude with a thesis entitled "De roos en het kruis: De waardering van de eindigheid in het latere denken van Hegel" (The Rose and the Cross: The valuation of the finiteness in the later thought of Hegel).Sander Griffioen pages Griffioen had joined the Vrije Universiteit faculty in 1971.
Their host was Baliwag's Parish Priest, Fray Esteban Diez Hidalgo. Fr. Diez served as the longest cura parroco of Baliwag from 1789, having built the church and convent from 1790 to 1801. Spanish records "Apuntes históricos de la provincia augustiniana del Santísimo Nombre de Jesús de Filipinas" reveal that Fr. Juan de Albarran, OSA was assigned Parish Priest of Baliwag in 1733. The first baptism in Baliwag Church was ordered by Fr. Lector and Fr. Feliz Trillo, Provincial of the Province on June 7, 1933 while Baliwag was founded and began its de jure existence on May 26, 1733.
The king read the books that Vincent compiled and supplied the funds for procuring copies of such authors as he required. Queen Margaret of Provence and her son-in-law, Theobald V of Champagne and Navarre, are also named among those who urged him to the composition of his "little works", especially De morali principis institutione. In the late 1240s, Vincent was working on his Opus which included On the Education of Noble Girls (De Eruditione Filiorum Nobilium). In this work he styles himself as "Vincentius Belvacensis, de ordine praedicatorum, qualiscumque lector in monasterio de Regali Monte".
865-866 Considering his verse histories of Tara and of various Uí Néill kingdoms, Dauvit Broun has placed Flann within a central medieval historiographical movement towards promoting kingdoms over dynasties as political units; his interest in noting kings' causes of death, for instance, is to do with stressing the "institutional longevity of a kingship in contrast with the mortality of kings."Broun, Scottish Independence, pp.39-47 Flann himself died on 25 November 1056, the date supplied by the Annals of Tigernach. The Annals of Ulster call him "eminent lector and master of the historical lore of Ireland".
Later, he studied medicine at the University of Belgrade, and then changed to Serbian language and literature. In 1941, after the defeat of Yugoslavia in Aufmarsch 25, he enrolled in the Law Faculty of Sofia University, but did not graduate. However, in 1945 at the age of 23 he became one of the most important contributor in standardization of the Macedonian language. He worked as a lector in the Macedonian National Theater, and in 1946, he joined the faculty at the Philosophy Department of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, where he worked until his retirement.
By the mid-20th century, a new form of the Low Mass, the missa dialogata, appeared as a new mode of encouraging the participation of the faithful. In the Low Mass, the alternation of functions between priest, lector, singing choir and people had been leveled off to a uniform speaking by the priest alone. However, the Low Mass had acquired such a great preponderance over the various forms of high Mass that without further ado it was used as the groundwork for the development of the dialogue Mass. In essentials nevertheless, the High Mass had to set the norm.
Senbuy was High Priest of Ptah in Memphis during the late Middle Kingdom of Egypt (late Twelfth Dynasty or Thirteenth Dynasty). Senbuy is known from a stela now in the Fitzwilliam Museum in England.Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge E.SS.37, see Senbuy is depicted with his wife, the king's ornament Nubemheb, and their son Re-Seth. Senbuy's titles on the stela are given as hereditary prince and count, one whose coming to the temple is awaited on the day of the rising of Sothis, the greatest of the directors of craftsmen of the Lord of All, chief priest of his god, the lector-priest.
This particular library spanned many generations, being passed to one family member to the next, which gives the impression of the significance the library had. A manuscript known as the Westcar Papyrus from this same period alludes to an individual whose residence occupies spaces for a private library. The text of the manuscript is a fanciful narrative; however, it proves that ordinary citizens were literate and accumulated books for their own use. One Middle Kingdom tomb, associated with a healer and lector priest, contained over 20 books, one of which was the now-famous Tale of the Eloquent Peasant.
He is considered to be one of the most prominent Lithuanian jurists, the progenitor, first lector and one of the most prominent authors of interwar Lithuanian constitutional law. While most of his writings on Lithuanian law were written in Lithuanian and his signature on Lithuanian documents and letters was Mykolas Römeris, (sometimes also credited as Mykolas Rėmeris or Mykolas Riomeris), he continued to write his diary in Polish and use the original German form of his name (Michael von Römer) for his law writings in German. The Law University of Lithuania in Vilnius was renamed to the Mykolas Romeris University in 2004.
Following a year of strict seclusion and rigorous discipline, Jayme solemnly promised to observe the rule of the Friars Minor for the rest of his earthly lifespan; he was known as Fray Luis from thereon. The friar conducted his theological studies at the Convento de San Francisco (Palma de Mallorca), and was ordained to the priesthood on December 22, 1764. Fray Luis was appointed "Lector of Philosophy" upon completion of his coursework, a position he occupied at San Francisco from 1765 to 1770. Jayme arrived in New Spain in early 1770 after a long and arduous trans-Atlantic voyage.
Mereruka served during the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt as one of Egypt's most powerful officials at a time when the influence of local state noblemen was increasing in wealth and power. Mereruka held numerous titles along with that of Vizier, which made him the most powerful person in Egypt after the king himself.Mastaba of Mereruka from Osirisnet Some of the other state titles which Mereruka held included 'Inspector of the priests attached to the pyramid of Teti', 'Governor of the palace', 'Chief lector-priest', 'Overseer of the royal record scribes' and 'Director of all the works of the king'.
In 1918 he married the author Susanne Köhler, but was divorced from her after one year. However, Susanne had a son Wladimir Leonhard in 1921 (later called Wolfgang), for whom the presumed father was Rudolf. Susanne Leonhard, Gestohlenes Leben, Steingrüben (1959), p. 13 In the early 1920s he married Frieda Gertrud Riess, a prominent Berlin portrait photographer. From 1919 onwards he was a freelance author for the publication Die Weltbühne, and from the summer of 1922 he worked for the publishing house Verlag Die Schmiede as a lector and as the editor of a series of books, “Außenseiter der Gesellschaft”.
By 1900, there were more than 30 CESs throughout Puerto Rico, with San Juan, Ponce, Cayey, Yauco and Mayagüez hosting more than one. These early anarchists believed that workers were intentionally being withheld an education and that patrons were limiting their free time and income towards this end in order to keep them disorganized. A strike led to the suspension of the lector, but additional pressure allowed the practice to continue. As CES distribution of publications and propaganda expanded, Esteban Rivera and Gabino Moczo made arrangements for a new institution where the materials were readily available and El Ensayo Obrero could be edited.
She repeated this the following year, being joined by Marcela Torres de Cirino, in an effort to discourage the organization's involve with politics, a call that wasn't heard by the leadership. Meanwhile, Luisa Capetillo began writing at Arecibo and later she would take the role of lector. Luisa Capetillo. By 1904, the FLT was actively working with Partido Union and Romero Rosa – having published the pro-suffrage, anti-authority, anti-capitalist and anti- colonialism work La cuestión y Puerto Rico – won a seat as a delegate on the argument that workers could use their numbers to change these things.
Hermagoras and Fortunatus may have been martyrs killed in Singidunum (today's Belgrade). There, around 304 during the religious persecutions led by Emperor Diocletian, Hermagoras, or Hermogenes, was a lector and Fortunatus a deacon. Their relics may have been brought to Aquileia a century later, and that city became the center of their cult as it was at Aquileia that the belief in their apostolic origin arose. Aquileia was one of the first cities in which Christianity could be practised unhindered; the Patriarch of Aquileia was the second most important person of the Western Church after the bishop of Rome.
All that is known of him is in the preface of his work, in which he calls himself a member of the Franciscan Order, at one time lector of theology at Basle, and says that he finished his writing on 2 (1) February 1386, dedicating it to all the "friends of God", both clerical and lay, male and female, and begs for their prayers. According to Sbaralea (Suppl. Script. Franciscani ordinis, Rome, 1806, 571) he was a native of Flanders and belonged to the Franciscan ecclesiastical province of Cologne. Yet his name refers to the Bavarian city of Passau.
After the negotiations with Ladislaus Kán did not proceed, the papal legate excommunicated the lord and placed his province under interdict on 25 December 1309. Gentile, who sent Benedict, Bishop-elect of Transylvania to meet the oligarch, was still trusted in the deal and promised if Ladislaus Kán returns the crown on the deadline of 2 February 1310, he withdraws the penalty imposed. Thereafter Thomas, alongside Amadeus Aba and Dominic Rátót, negotiated with the voivode in Szeged on 8 April 1310, on the conditions of return of the crown. Gentile also sent his confessor and chaplain, Franciscan lector Denis to the meeting.
In 1948 he was appointed Lector in Medieval Manuscripts at Leiden University. The post was upgraded to Professor of Palaeography and Manuscripts in 1963, making him only the second person to teach in that field at Leiden (the first being S.G. de Vries, who held the post from 1909 to 1931). Lieftinck's inaugural lecture at Leiden, Paleografie en Handschriftenkunde (Amsterdam, 1963), outlined “how palaeography, once considered ‘ancilla philologiae’, ha[d] become an autonomous science, and how it ha[d] moved … towards codicology of the medieval book”. He held the position until his retirement in 1972, whereupon he was succeeded by J. P. Gumbert.
He was born about 1200 in the diocese of Bath, and educated at Oxford (Greyfriars) under the famous Robert Grosseteste. Before 1226 Marsh received the benefice of Wearmouth from his uncle, Richard Marsh, Bishop of Durham; but around 1230 he entered the Franciscan order.Knowles, David. The Religious Orders in England, Chapter XVIII, "The Early English Franciscan Scholastics", Cambridge University Press, 1979 at the friary in Worcester. About 1238 he became lector at the Franciscan house at Oxford, and within a few years was regarded by the English province of that order as an intellectual and spiritual leader.
At first, representats of Esztergom did not appear before the court, later the trial delayed because of the deaths of Bolesław and Bartholomew in 1328. This conflict was only resolved in 1332, when Bartholomew's successor Prot ruled in favour of Kraków, however the towns passed in the reign of Hungary in later in the second half of the 14th century, overwriting the verdict. At the end of his life, Bolesław fought for the approval of the election of his youngest brother Mieszko as Bishop of Nyitra (Nitra). The local chapter was against the nepotism, according to the complaint of its lector Stephen.
A journalist and TV presenter, Beata Tadla has collaborated several times in theater, film (as an actress or lector), as well as on the stage at various TV shows. September 3, 1992, she played a court lady in a play directed by Krzysztof Gradowski called Miss baśni i bajek, which has been staged at the Center of Arts - Dramatic Theater in Legnica. Further on, March 31, 2012, she played in a premiere of a play Trójka do potęgi in direction of Wojciech Malajkat, staged at Syrena Thater. The same year she sang as a guest in a song Karp 2012.
Little is known of his life save what may be gathered from his own writings. A native of Assisi, he is found in 1312 as a student in Perugia, and in 1316 at Cologne, whence he returned to Umbria bearing many relics, including those of St. Louis, King of France, given him by the latter's daughter, Princess Blanche, who had become a Poor Clare. In 1320 and in 1326, he was lector of theology at the Porziuncula, in 1332 guardian at S. Damiano and in 1334 he was at the Sacro Convento. He appears to have lived to a great age.
At Valladolid he was teacher of theology beginning in 1527. No Spaniard save Melchior Cano rivalled him in learning; students from all parts of Spain flocked to hear him. In 1530 he was denounced to the Inquisition as limiting the papal power and leaning to the opinions of Erasmus, but the process failed; he was made professor of philosophy and regent in theology (1533 to 1539). He continued his philosophical and theological studies at Salamanca; in 1528 he was made master of the liberal arts, and in 1534 lector of theology, at the College of St. Gregory, Valladolid.
Rocca appeared in the 2005 film Bewitched and, in 2007, in the independent science-fiction family comedy I'll Believe You with fellow Daily Show alumnus Ed Helms. In 2012, Rocca was the narrator of the documentary Electoral Dysfunction, a movie which satirically analyzes the American voting system and which aired on PBS in 2012 and 2016. He shared on social media a scripture reading (in Spanish) that he delivered while serving as Lector during Pope Francis's 2015 Mass at Madison Square Garden. His contribution to AOL Newsbloggers was titled Mo Rocca 180°: Only Half as Tedious as the Regular News.
In 1913 he accepted an offer to start as a lector at the music publisher B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz. This enabled him to influence the clarification of special questions in the context of the publication of various works as well as the structure, structure and technique of the compositions of other musicians. Among other things, he was also the editor of the works of Josip Štolcer- Slavenski, Ernst Toch and Carl Orff. Windsperger was particularly fascinated by Orff's music educational ideas and his works were subsequently published in their entirety by Schott from 1923 onwards.
1\. Commission on Liturgy: Lay Eucharistic Ministers Parish Music Ministry Apostolado ng Panalangin Lector/ Commentator Legion of Mary Ostiarates (Mass Collectors/Usherettes) Mother Butler Mission Guild Cofradia delos Camareros de Quingua Cofradia dela Virgen Consolacion Y Correa (The oldest Organization in the Parish) 2\. Commission on Family and Life: Marriage Encounter Community Tipanan Community 3\. Commission on Social Action: Knights of Columbus 6613 Catholic Women's' League 4\. Commission on Formation: El Shaddai Prayer Community Soldiers of Christ Holy Family Family Prayer Community Bible Apostolate PAndiyosesis na Sentro ng Katekista (PASKA) Basic Ecclesial Communities (Currently: 70 plus buklod) 5\.
After 4 years spent in Cologne, Thomas goes to Paris, at the Dominican studium of St. James, for further scientific studies, and to prepare for his preaching mission. In 1240, Thomas of Cantimpré is finally back in Leuven, where – thanks to his studies – he is nominated Magister of philosophy and theology, a role that he covered with great distinction. Then, in 1246, Thomas becomes sub-prior and lector at Leuven. Moved by the Dominican's distrust of studies in generale, or maybe by some sort of "conversion", Thomas dedicates the last part of his life to preaching.
Bianconi became provincial minister for the order in 1281 and later made the prior of all Dominican friaries in Spoleto in 1291 and in Foligno in 1299. He became active in the rebuilding of the town which culminated in the rebuilding of the Palazzo dei Consoli in 1270. In 1291 he received approval to rebuild the church of San Giorgio in Mevania and to construct an adjoining convent to it and he later founded two nunneries known as Santa Lucia and Santa Margherita. He served also as the lector at San Domenico in Orvieto and became the spiritual advisor of Jane of Orvieto.
Born in Amsterdam he received his MA in Mathematics in 1956 at the University of Amsterdam, and his PhD cum laude in Mathematics and Physics in 1960 with a thesis entitled "On the Use of Markov Processes in One-server Waiting-time Problems and Renewal Theory" advised by Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn.. Runnenburg was appointed Lector in Probability theory and analysis at the University of Amsterdam in 1961. In 1962 he was promoted to Professor of Probability theory and analysis, and from 1966 to his retirement in 1997 was Professor of Pure and Applied Mathematics.Prof. dr. J.T. Runnenburg, 1932 – 2008 – on, 2013.
By the time Otto entered Rome to depose John XII, Leo had been appointed protonotary to the Apostolic See.Mann, pgs. 260 & 280 A synod convened by the emperor uncanonically deposed John XII (who had fled to Tibur) and proceeded to elect Leo VIII, who was the emperor's nominee, as pope on 4 December 963. Since Leo was still a layman,Mann, pgs. 260-261 he was ordained as ostiarius, lector, acolyte, subdeacon, deacon and priest in the space of a day by Sico, the cardinal-bishop of Ostia, who then proceeded to consecrate him as bishop on 6 December 963.
He paid weekly visits to Peter the Galatian, was instructed by Macedonius and other ascetics, and at an early age became a lector among the clergy of Antioch. Though he speaks of Diodore of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsuestia as his teachers, this is improbable - though it was certainly their theological tradition in which he was brought up. He clearly, also, though, received an extensive classical education, unsurprisingly for the child of prosperous parents in a city which had long been a centre of secular learning and culture. His correspondents included the sophists Aerius and Isokasius.
Epiphanius of Pavia (438–496), later venerated as Saint Epiphanius of Pavia, was Bishop of Pavia from 466 until his death in 496. Epiphanius additionally held the offices of lector, subdeacon and deacon. During his lifetime, Epiphanius undertook several church-related missions and exploits. Two of the most significant of these were his journey, as an emissary for the emperor Julius Nepos, to the Visigothic king Euric; and his journey to Ravenna, where he confronted Theodoric the Great shortly after his defeat of Odoacer, and pleaded for the restoration of the civic rights of Roman aristocrats who had supported Odoacer.
University of California Press 2000, , page 215 – 220. The second story, told by Khafra, is set during the reign of one of Khufu's predecessors. King Nebka's chief lector Ubaoner finds that his wife is having a love affair with a townsman of Memphis, and he fashions a crocodile in wax. Upon learning that his unfaithful wife is meeting her lover, he casts a spell for the figurine to come to life upon contact with water, and sets his caretaker to throw it in the stream by which the townsman enters and leaves the lector's estate undiscovered.
Before her work as a film director, Shalom-Ezer worked as a theatre director’s Assistant and as a Casting Director’s Assistant. She also spent time working as a Production Manager and as Producer for Fringe theatre productions and for theatre festivals. Shalom-Ezer has been a judge of the Official Competition at the Jerusalem Film Festival, for the International Student Film Festival,Sarah Cooper, , Tali Shalom-Ezer, Princess, 17/7/14, Tel Aviv, and has worked as a lector for several of the major Israeli film festivals and Israeli film funds. Shalom-Ezer currently teaches in the Film and Television Department at Tel Aviv University focusing on working with actors.
Lancaster profile Her 2011 translation of the 14th century elegy Pearl - in which she aims at a fluid and echoing character which loosens some of the original end-stopped pulse - was a winner in the Stephen Spender Prize for translation. In 2013 she was Writer-in-Residence hosted by the Dutch Foundation for Literature in Amsterdam, researching Martinus Nijhoff's modernist narrative Awater. She was a Royal Literary Fund Lector 2014-16 and is an RLF Advisory Fellow 2018-21. Draycott has recorded a number of her poems for The Poetry ArchiveThe Poetry Archive and is one of the poets featured in the national Poetry By Heart anthology.
Niels Bolwig was a behavioural biologist who was one of the first to study primates in the wild. Born 1911 in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, in Denmark, and exams at Schneekloths skole, he became biologist and zoologist at Copenhagen University and spent most of his working life in Africa, retiring in 1979 to England. He was 1946–1959 lector in zoology at University of Witwatersrand, 1959-1962 Makerere College, 1962–1966 and 1970–19772 professor at Ibadan University, with a break at University of Oklahoma when he was also working as Scientific curator at Oklahoma City Zoo. 1973–1975 Copenhagen University and from 1977 professor in Biology at National University of Lesotho.
A native of Alcalá de Henares in Spain, he took the habit of St. Francis at the convent of San Diego, on 31 March 1629, and emigrated to Yucatán, where he became successively lector in theology, guardian, and finally provincial of his order. His work, the Historia de Yucatán, appeared at Madrid in 1688, and was reprinted in 1842 and 1867. It contains information personally gathered at a time when older sources, written and oral, that have now partly disappeared, were still accessible. Cogolludo consulted and used the writings of Bishop Diego de Landa to a considerable extent, but many of his statements must be taken with caution.
The work of Sozomen was first printed (editio princeps) by Robert Estienne at Paris in 1544,{ on the basis of Codex Regius, 1444. There are later editions by Christophorson and Ictrus (Cologne, 1612). A noteworthy edition was done by Valesius (Cambridge, 1720), who used, besides the text of Stephens, a Codex Fucetianus (now at Paris, 1445), "Readings" of Savilius, and the indirect traditions of Theodorus Lector and of Cassiodorus-Epiphanius. Hussey's posthumous edition (largely prepared for the press by John Barrow, who wrote the preface) is important, since in it the archetype of the Codex Regius, the Codex Baroccianus 142, is collated for the first time.
"Aquinas only mentions Islam nine times in the entire work, and only a brief paragraph (1.6) says anything remotely substantive about the religion." T. E. Burman in: Nicholas of Cusa and Islam: Polemic and Dialogue in the Late Middle Ages, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions (Ian Christopher Levy, Rita George-Tvrtković, Donald Duclow eds.), BRILL (2014), p. xv. Later in 1259, Thomas left Paris and returned to Naples, where he was appointed as general preacher by the provincial chapter of 29 September 1260. In September 1261 he was called to Orvieto as conventual lector responsible for the pastoral formation of the friars unable to attend a studium generale.
Later he continued his studies in Philosophy and Letters, in Valencia and Madrid receiving a doctorate in philosophy and letters in 1897 with a dissertation entitled Santo Tomás y la Estética moderna. Necesidad de restaurar el pensamiento estético del angélico doctor en la ciencia de lo bello. Paredes received a doctorate in Civil Law in 1898 with a dissertation entitled La Iglesia y el Estado en la Teoría jurídico-social de santo Tomás comparada con las Teorías modernas sobre el mismo asunto. In 1899 Paredes became a university lector in Manila, and in 1900 he became Professor of Political and Administrative Law at the University of Santo Tomás in Manila.
Returning to France a lector of sacred theology Didon taught Scripture for a brief time, and in 1868 began a career as a preacher in Paris. A desire to communicate his faith to others, coupled with accomplished art, enabled him to make the most of his oratorial abilities. He had strong features, a large forehead, black eyes, a vibrating voice which he perfectly controlled, and an ease in emphasizing his words by gestures. He was at his best when preaching on social subjects. He delivered the funeral oration of Archbishop Georges Darboy, of Paris, who had been shot by the Communards 24 May 1871.
Hillis also foregrounds two saliences within the experience of Longchenpa and therefore for the Nelug Dzo: the importance of the circumstances around Longchenpa's departure from 'Sangphu Neutok' (Wylie: gsang phu ne'u thog), a monastery famed for its strong scholarship and ascendant tradition of Buddhist Logic and Longchenpa's subsequent view of scholars; "...and his time traveling, studying, and practicing with his 'root guru' (rtsa ba'i bla ma) Kumaradza."Hillis, 2002:. p.10. Caveat Lector: original quotation was not augmented with hypertext unlike cited quotation herein. Janchub Gyaltsän, "...the most formidable political and military figure of the day..." and Longchenpa had a "problematic relationship"Hillis, 2002:. p.11.
Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 633 He renewed acquaintance with Salinas and met Vicente Aleixandre. Salinas arranged for him to become the Spanish lector at the University of Toulouse. He took up post in November and stayed there for an academic year. The experience of living on his own in a foreign city led him to a crucial realisation about himself: his almost crippling shyness, his unhappiness in a family setting, his sense of isolation from the rest of humanity, had all been symptoms of a latent homosexuality which now manifested itself and which he accepted, in a spirit of defiance.
The labor movement, however, remained an emergent entity until late in the decade, and the development of local anarchist mirrored this tendency. At least ten working class newspapers would be created between 1874 and 1897, beginning with El Artesano. Most were published by region, with four appearing in Ponce and three in San Juan. Soon the educated sectors of this class began initiatives to educate illiterate individuals in the factories, mainly those devoted to the manufacturing of tobacco, where a "lector" or reader would read the local news and political/literary material sampled from the recommendations of a commission (Marx, Malatesta, Kropotkin, Bakunin, etc.) and chosen by the workers.
In June 1911, the appeal in Vilar's case was seen by the Tribunal Supremo, which ratified its previous stance that an habeas corpus violation had taken place. Anarchists would shift the focus of their activities to Bayamón. Afterwards, Colton himself would speak ill of the Juventud Estudiosa CES and blamed it for Grillo's actions, all the while claiming that he would "not tolerate breaking the law or backstabbing plots from anarchists", emphasizing that "anarchy and anarchist societies have no room in this territory". The Grillo case would have a significant impact on the anarchists' propaganda, with the lector being controlled to prevent its propagation.
Historically, lectors (known as lectores in Cuba) or readers in a cigar factory entertained workers by reading books or newspapers aloud, often left-wing publications, paid for by unions or by workers pooling their money. In the United States, the custom was common in the cigar factories of Ybor City in Tampa but was discontinued after the Tampa cigar makers' strike of 1931.El Lector, the Cigar Factory Reader of Ybor City The practice apparently originated in Cuba, and is still known there today, where there were about 200 lectores as of 2010.20 Jobs That Have Disappeared , By Miranda Marquit, Main Street,, May 3, 2010.
The following is taken from Charles-Joseph Hefele's English translation of the Canons of the First Council of Toledo, in the public domain: # Those deacon or priests who, before the law of celibacy was published by the Lusitanian bishops, have had intercourse with their wives, shall not be promoted to higher posts. # A penitent shall not be received among the clergy. # A reader (lector) who marries a widow can at the most only become a sub-deacon. # A sub-deacon who, after the death of his wife, marries a second time, shall be degraded to the office of an ostiarius or reader, and may not read the epistle and gospel.
Ksawery Jan Jasieński (born 13 September 1931) is a Polish radio speaker, voice actor, voice-over lector and one of the most distinctive voices in the history of dubbing in Poland. Apart from countless radio and television programmes featuring his voice, he is also known as the person whose voice is used to announce station names in the Warsaw Metro underground system. Born in Radom, after World War II he graduated from a local lyceum and moved to Warsaw. His radio career started by accident in 1953, when he started reading books to fellow patients in a hospital where he had been recovering from a spine injury.
Born about 1550, he was the second son of John Sutcliffe of Mayroyd in the parish of Halifax, Yorkshire, by his wife, Margaret Owlsworth of Ashley in the same county. Admitted to Peterhouse, Cambridge in 1565, he was admitted a scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge on 30 April 1568, proceeded B.A. in 1571, and was elected a minor fellow of his college on 27 September 1572. He commenced M.A. in 1574, and became a major fellow on 3 April in that year. In 1579 he was appointed lector mathematicus in the college, and in the next year, at Midsummer, the payment of his last stipend as fellow of Trinity is recorded.
Born in Acquasparta, Umbria, he was a member of the Bentivenghi family, to which belonged his fellow Franciscan, Cardinal Bentivenga de' Bentivenghi, bishop of Albano (died 1290). Matthew entered the Franciscan Order at Todi, took the degree of Master of Theology at Paris, and taught also for a time at Bologna. Friar John Peckham having become Archbishop of Canterbury in 1279, Matteo was in 1280 made Peckham's successor as Lector sacri Palatii apostolici, i.e. he was appointed reader (teacher) of theology to the papal Curia. In 1287 the General Chapter of the Order held at Montpellier elected him Minister General in succession to Arlotto of Prato.
The volume of Octavas that he was supposed to edit, however, was never completed but he did give a reading of some of his own poems at an event in Seville with great success.Alberti p 254 He became the lector at Oxford University from 1929 to 1931, and was appointed to a professorship at the University of Seville in 1932. On 8 March 1933, he was present at the premiere in Madrid of García Lorca's play Bodas de sangre.Gibson p348 In August 1933, he was able to attend performances at the Magdalena Palace in Santander by the travelling theatre company La Barraca that Lorca led.
Two years later together with Alvydas Nikžentaitis he founded Centre of History of Western Lithuania and Prussia (from 2003 - Institute of Baltic Sea Region History and Archaeology) and Historical Department at Klaipėda University. In 1993-1997 and in 2001-2002 Žulkus was director of aforesaid Centre and worked in Klaipėda University as a lector, from 1995 - associated professor, and from 2001 - professor. He originated the underwater archaeology research in Lithuania and in 1999 defended his habilitated doctoral thesis on the role of Curonians in the culture and society of Western Balts in the Iron Age. On October 11, 2002 Žulkus became rector of Klaipėda University.
Celesia later served in various positions at the monastery in Palermo from 1840 to 1846, such as lector of philosophy, dean, professor of dogmatic theology. He was then appointed to serve as prior and Master of novices of the congregation's monastery in Messina, and later of in Militello. He was named Abbot of the renowned Abbey of Monte Cassino, by papal decree, on March 25, 1850, and General Procurator of the congregation in 1858, as well as Abbot of Farfa Abbey. On March 23, 1860, Celesia was appointed Bishop of Patti by Pope Pius IX, receiving his episcopal consecration on the following April 15 from Cardinal Girolamo D'Andrea.
A Cuban Montecristo cigar In July 1935, Alonso Menéndez purchased the Particulares Factory, makers of the popular Particulares brand and the lesser-known Byron. Immediately after its acquisition, he created a new brand named Montecristo.Habano Magazine, August Issue, 1935 The name for the brand was inspired by the Alexandre Dumas, père novel The Count of Monte Cristo, which was supposedly a very popular choice among the torcedores (cigar rollers) in their factory to have read by the lector on the rolling floor. The now-famous Montecristo logo, consisting of a triangle of six swords surrounding a fleur-de-lis, was designed by John Hunter Morris and Elkan Co. Ltd.
"Beato Giordano da Pisa", Santi e Beati, May 14, 2007 At Pisa he founded the Confraternity of the Holy Redeemer, whose constitution survives, and several others, whose do not. Jordan continued his studies at the University of Bologna and lived in Paris from 1285 to 1288, before returning to Pisa. He preached and taught variously at Siena, Viterbo, and Perugia before eventually moving to Florence, in which area he was a widely respected preacher, eventually being appointed by the provincial chapter at Rieti as a lector in the church of Santa Maria Novella in 1305. He held that post for the next three years, and contributed greatly to its esteem.
From 1 May 1948 until 1 January 1963, Zadoks worked as part-time conservator of ancient coins and cut gems at the Koninklijk Penningkabinet, then located in The Hague. She then became a lecturer in classical archaeology at the University of Groningen. Prior to this appointment she had been lector in archaeology for many years, following the retirement of archaeologist G. van Hoorn in 1951 and the departure of his replacement G. H. Beyen soon after. Her initial appointment as a lecturer was for a fixed term of five years, in view of her background as an archaeologist and art historian rather than the more traditional foundation of classical philology.
Gerring was born on 25 October 1916 in Stockholm, Sweden, the son of lector, PhD Hugo Gerring and his wife Hillan (née Åström). He passed studentexamen in 1934 and the reserve officers exam in 1939 (he was a lieutenant in the cavalry reserve 1942-1953) and received a Candidate of Law degree from Uppsala University in 1939. Gerring conducted clerkship at the Stockholm Town Hall Court from 1940 to 1942 before becoming an attaché at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1942. He served in Hamburg in 1942, Moscow in 1943, Budapest in 1946 and was Second Secretary at the Swedish Foreign Ministry in 1947.
Although she herself was a pagan, she was tolerant towards Christians and taught many Christian students, including Synesius, the future bishop of Ptolemais. Ancient sources record that Hypatia was widely beloved by pagans and Christians alike and that she established great influence with the political elite in Alexandria. Towards the end of her life, Hypatia advised Orestes, the Roman prefect of Alexandria, who was in the midst of a political feud with Cyril, the bishop of Alexandria. Rumors spread accusing her of preventing Orestes from reconciling with Cyril and, in March 415 AD, she was murdered by a mob of Christians led by a lector named Peter.
Our primary source for Epiphanius' life is the Vita Epifanius written by Magnus Felix Ennodius, who knew him personally, travelling with the bishop on his mission to king Gundobad of the Burgundians in 494-6. According to Ennodius, Epiphanius' father was Maurus and his mother Focaria, who was related to Mirocles bishop of Milan (304-326).Vita Epifanius, 7; translated by Genevieve Marie Cook, The Life of Saint Epiphanius by Ennodius: A translation with an introduction and commentary (Washington: Catholic University of America, 1942), p. 35 He joined the household of bishop Crispinus at the age of eight and became a lector, learning to read and write, as well as stenography.
According to historian István Hajnal, Paul was identical with that namesake clergyman, who was referred to as royal chaplain and papal vicar in the court of Béla IV of Hungary in 1245. However, that document later proved to be a forgery. It is also possible he is identical with that royal chaplain Paul, who was entrusted by the king to arrange in the possession matters of the gens Hahót in Zala County, assisting the work of ispán Arnold Hahót in 1237 (of course, in this case, the presumed date of birth cannot be maintained). Paul served as lector of the cathedral chapter of Esztergom from around 1251 to 1255, according to Gábor Vékony.
In 1537 he was appointed reader at the Inner Temple, and in 1543 double reader (duplex lector), as a person appointed for the second time was then called. In 1547 he was elected treasurer of that society. His name is not to be found in the year books of Henry VII's reign, nor in any of the reports belonging to the reign of Edward VI. In 1550 he was appointed Recorder of Leicester, and in the same year Master of the Rolls, in succession to Sir Robert Southwell. In this capacity he was commissioned to hear causes for Lord Chancellor Rich (26 November 1551) and for Lord Chancellor Goodrich (21 January 1552).
Suso was then sent on for further studies in philosophy and theology, probably first at the Dominican monastery in Strasbourg, perhaps between 1319 and 1321, and then from 1324 to 1327 he took a supplementary course in theology in the Dominican Studium Generale in Cologne, where he would have come into contact with Meister Eckhart, and probably also Johannes Tauler, both celebrated mystics.Bernard McGinn, The Harvest of Mysticism, (2005), p. 198. Returning to his home priory at Constance in about 1327, Suso was appointed to the office of lector (lecturer). His teaching, however, aroused criticism – most likely because of his connection with Eckhart in the wake of the latter's trial and condemnation in 1326–29.
Born in London, Forster was godchild (and son) of Leonard Llewelyn Bulkeley Williams. Forster studied at Marlborough College, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where he read Modern Languages (a contemporary of Donald MacLean) and from where he obtained his BA in 1934 and MA in 1938, and the University of Basel, where he was awarded a PhD in 1938. During his studies, he served as English lector at the University of Leipzig in 1934, at the University of Königsberg from 1935 to 1936, and the University of Basel from 1936 to 1938. During World War II he worked as an intelligence assessor/translator at Bletchley Park, with the rank of Lieutenant commander of the Royal Naval Reserve.
Flaminius Annibali de Latera (born at Latera, near Viterbo, 23 November 1733; died at Viterbo, 27 February 1813) was an Italian historian. He received his first education from a priest, Paolo Ferranti, and at the age of sixteen entered the Order of Friars Minor Observants in the Roman Province, taking the habit at the convent of St. Bernardine at Orte, 23 January 1750; a year later on the same day he made his solemn profession. Being in due time ordained priest, he passed his examinations as lector generalis (professor), and successively taught theology in various convents -- Viterbo, Fano, Velletri, and Rome. From 1790 to 1791 he was definitor general of the Roman Province .
In 1259 Thomas completed his first regency at the studium generale and left Paris so that others in his order could gain this teaching experience. He returned to Naples where he was appointed as general preacher by the provincial chapter of 29 September 1260. In September 1261 he was called to Orvieto as conventual lector he was responsible for the pastoral formation of the friars unable to attend a studium generale. In Orvieto Thomas completed his Summa contra Gentiles, wrote the Catena aurea (The Golden Chain), and produced works for Pope Urban IV such as the liturgy for the newly created feast of Corpus Christi and the Contra errores graecorum (Against the Errors of the Greeks).
The Corpse Reader is a novel in a mix of several genres, has elements of historical thriller, realistic, medical fiction, and science fantasy by Spanish author Antonio Garrido, based on the work of Sòng Cí, considered to be the founder of CSI-style forensic science. It tells the story of a young man of humble origin whose determination led him from his position as a gravedigger in the Fields of Death of Lin'an to a position at the prestigious Ming Academy. The novel was first published October 5, 2011 in Spain as El Lector de Cadáveres and was then translated by Thomas Bunstead and published May 25, 2013 in United States as The Corpse Reader.
Armenian priest in Israel The Armenian community has lived in the Levant for about 2,000 years. According to Yoav Loeff (lector of the Armenian language and history at Hebrew University of Jerusalem), the Armenian presence in Jerusalem dates to 301 AD thanks to the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem (which dates back to the Apostolic Age). Tigranes the Great, under whom Armenia reached its greatest extent, deported thousands of Jews to Armenia in the first century BC. Israel is home to the Armenian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem was founded in 638 and is located in the Armenian Quarter, the smallest of the four quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Bardas justified his usurpation of the regency by introducing various internal reforms. Under the influence of both Bardas and Photios, Michael presided over the reconstruction of ruined cities and structures, the reopening of closed monasteries, and the reorganization of the imperial university at the Maganaura palace under Leo the Mathematician.Tougher, p. 69. Photios, originally a layman, had entered holy orders and was promoted to the position of patriarch on the dismissal of the troublesome Ignatios in 858.On 19 December 858 Photios was a layman, on the 20th he was tonsured and over the next four days was ordained lector, sub- deacon, deacon and priest; on 25 December he was consecrated Patriarch of Constantinople.
Demiraj was born on 1 January 1920 in Vlorë. Despite financial difficulties and the lack of academic institutions in Albania, he managed to study and learn Latin, ancient Greek, and the major European languages. After finishing the Madrasa in Tirana in 1939, he studied Albanian language in the two-year curriculum Pedagogical Institute, branch of Albanian language and literature (1946–1948), and later in the High Pedagogical Institute (1954–1955). During 1948–1954 he worked as language and literature teacher in various high schools in Gjirokastër and Tirana. In 1954, he started working as a lector in the same High Pedagogical Institute from where he graduated, and later in the University of Tirana (UT), holding that position until 1990.
Hyglac was an eighth century Catholic saintThe Oxford Dictionary of Saints from Anglo-Saxon England. Very little is known of the life of this saint and he is known to history through the hagiography of the Secgan Manuscript. Stowe MS 944, British Library However, he is best known through a letter from an anchorite Alchfrid (also known as Alcheriðus). In the letter, Hyglac is a lector of an unknown monastery in Northumbria (possibly YorkMichael Lapidge, Anglo Saxon Literature 600-899 (Continuum, 1996) page 393.). The letter, an exhortation to live a Godly Life,Michael Lapidge, Anglo Saxon Literature 600-899 (Continuum, 1996) page 393 appears to be text borrowed from the different sermons of various priests.
De Buck was appointed lector at Leiden University in 1928, then professor extraordinarius in 1939 and full professor in 1949. From 1939 to 1955 De Buck and Assyriologist Franz Böhl were co- directors of the Netherlands Institute for the Near East in Leiden. In 1947 the International Association of Egyptologists was founded, aiming at publication of the Annual Egyptological Bibliography; De Buck was appointed chairman. De Buck often gave lectures for the public society Ex Oriente Lux; he was a member of its advisory board and an editor of its annual Jaarbericht (JEOL). He participated in the “Serabit Expedition” (epigraphic expedition of Harvard University and Catholic University in the Sinai) in 1930.
The act of mummification described was to be done while prayers and incantations were performed ritualistically.Anne Burton - Diodorus Siculus, Book 1: A Commentary (p.267) Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'Empire romain, BRILL, 1973, 301 pages, [Retrieved 2015-06-30] Persons necessarily present and participating within a performance of the ritual were a master of secrets or stolist (both refer to the same person), a lector, and a divine chancellor or seal-bearer (hetemu-netjer). Of the persons present, the individual who was the hery-sheshta fulfilled the most important and superior position, the hetemu-netjer was next in importance, then the wetiu, who were to wrap the embalmed corpse in material.
Deathbird Stories: A Pantheon of Modern Gods is a 1975 collection of short stories by American author Harlan Ellison, written over a period of ten years;pg 297 of the Bluejay edition, from the Gratia gratiam parit: "It took ten years to complete this cycle of stories." the stories address the theme of modern-day "deities" that have replaced the older, more traditional ones. The collection, with its satirical, skeptical tone, is widely considered one of Ellison's best. The book includes a 1973 introduction and a stern caveat lector page advising the reader against enjoying the volume in one sitting. The title of the book comes from "The Deathbird", the nineteenth and last story in the collection.
The Five Pure Lights are also evident in the terma traditions of the Bardo Thodol (Gyurme, et al. 2005) where they are the "coloured lights" of the bardo for example, associated with the different "families" (Sanskrit: gotra) of deities. There are other evocations of the rainbow lights as well in the Bardo Thodol literature such as Namkha Chokyi Gyatso (1806-1821?), the 3rd Dzogchen Ponlop's "Supplement to the Teaching revealing the Natural Expression of Virtue and Negativity in the Intermediate State of Rebirth", entitled Gong of Divine Melody (Caveat lector: 'gaND-I' is a transcription of the Tibetan as per the Extended Wylie Transcription System of Garson & Germano (2001). Conversely, Gyurme et al.
Here, he first sees Libanius, the book's narrator, and has an affair with a female philosopher, Macrina. He also comes to know some of the early Church Fathers in their formative years, including the agreeable Basil of Caesarea and the abrasive and dishonest Gregory of Nazianzus. Julian becomes a lector, a minor office in the Christian church, but he continues to learn about the traditional religions: he studies Neoplatonism in Asia Minor under Aedesius, and is initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries in Athens (which he would later try to restore). Julian is eventually made Caesar in place of Gallus, who was executed by Constantius II for cruelty, debauchery, and to satisfy Constantius's legendary insecurity and paranoia.
28, 2001) In 1987 he was a Peritus at the Seventh Ordinary General Assembly of Bishops, held at the Vatican, and delivered a paper arguing that girls and women should be excluded from the offices of altar server and lector at the Catholic Mass.J. Fessio, S.J., "Admittance of Women to Service at the Altar as Acolytes and Lectors," in Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter 11:2 (March 1988) pp. 14-16 He was the editor of 30 Days, In the Church and the World, from 1988 to 1991, and in 1991 became the publisher of the Catholic World Report. In 1995 he was the publisher of Catholic Dossier, Catholic Faith, and Homiletic & Pastoral Review.
Theodorus Lector compiled a brief compendium from the works of the above-mentioned three continuators of Eusebius: Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret. He then wrote in two books an independent continuation of this summary as far as the reign of Emperor Justin I (518-27); only fragments of this work have reached us.Patrologia Graeca, LXXXVI, I, 165-228. Zacharias Rhetor, at first an advocate at Berytus in Phoenicia and then (at least from 536) Bishop of Mitylene in the Island of Lesbos, composed, while yet a layman, an ecclesiastical history, which describes the period from 450 to 491, but is mostly taken up with personal experiences of the author in Egypt and Palestine.
Solow recommended the "broad and deep" article on game theory by Robert J. Aumann for well-equipped graduate students, along with John Harsanyi's article on bargaining theory. The articles on financial economics were "written by the best people—Stephen Ross, Robert Merton, and others—and they show it"; however, they were too difficult for the average investor. Complimenting the article on international trade, Solow added a caveat lector: "But God forbid that" a reader without knowledge of economics should try to understand protectionism, by consulting the New Palgrave. In his review, George Stigler commended the dictionary's non-technical and conceptually rich article on social choice, which was written by Kenneth Arrow, among "numerous" excellent articles.
Lector reading at Cuesta-Rey Cigar Company in Tampa, Burgert Brothers photograph, 1929 Cuesta-Rey (originally 'La flor de Cuesta-Rey' and still printed on the box) is a brand of handmade cigar, founded in 1884 by Angel LaMadrid Cuesta and Peregrino Rey. Cuesta, a Spaniard, had apprenticed in cigar making in Cuba before he met Rey. They formed the company in the Ybor City district of Tampa, Florida to make 'clear Havana' cigars (cigars made in the United States using imported Cuban tobacco). In 1958, Carl Cuesta, Angel's son sold the company to the J.C. Newman Cigar Co. and since the 1980s they have been produced in the Dominican Republic by Tabacalera A. Fuente.
Hypatia (1885) by Charles William Mitchell, believed to be a depiction of a scene in Charles Kingsley's 1853 novel Hypatia According to Socrates Scholasticus, during the Christian season of Lent in March 415, a mob of Christians under the leadership of a lector named Peter, raided Hypatia's carriage as she was travelling home. They dragged her into a building known as the Kaisarion, a former pagan temple and center of the Roman imperial cult in Alexandria that had been converted into a Christian church. There, the mob stripped Hypatia naked and murdered her using ostraka, which can either be translated as "roof tiles" or "oyster shells". Damascius adds that they also cut out her eyeballs.
A council of possibly aristocrats who govern the Divine Empire in its name, they are held in contempt by many characters as "fools" and "cowards". From this it can be seen that the Senate is extremely corrupt in character, however its power is not to be taken lightly. The Senate has a private army of its own, Rublum, which is superior in quality to the regular Imperial Army. The Imperial Senate meets its end in episode 18, when Lector burns the Senate and the Senate building after revealing to them the death of the emperor and to throw the Empire into confusion, thus preventing what might have been a significant enemy from challenging him when he made his move to end the Human World.
He was president of the college from 1601 to 1604, and was again elected in 1615 and held office till his death on 27 March 1616. He had considerable medical practice, and was also esteemed as a mathematician, as reported by William Camden, when recording his death, William Clowes, the surgeon, praises him, and in 1591 writes of Forster as 'a worthie reader of the surgerie lector in the Phisition's college,' showing that he gave lectures before the Lumleian lectures were formally instituted in 1602. He was a practicing astrologer, and it was through Forster that Christopher Heydon's manuscript An Astrological Discourse with Mathematical Demonstrations, defending astrology, passed to Nicholas Fiske.Lauren Kassell, Medicine and Magic in Elizabethan London (2005), note p.
He used this time off, however, to appear on Don Francisco's talk show Don Francisco Presenta, on February 4, 2004. On April 8, he appeared alongside Raúl De Molina and Lili Estefan in their gossip show, El Gordo y La Flaca, and he co-hosted El Escandalo del Mediodia alongside Charytín, from August 16 to August 20. he returned to telenovela acting, characterizing Federico in Las Lloronas, and appeared in Cristina Saralegui's show during El Show de Cristina's Christmas special in December of that year. In September 2004 he began a relationship with the Spanish Repertory Theatre of New York debuting there as the Lector (Juan Julián) in the World Premiere in Spanish of Pulitzer Prize Winning Drama Ana en el trópico by Cuban playwright, Nilo Cruz.
This was a bitter loss for the workers and led to a three-week strike in which vigilante squads, the police and the Ku Klux Klan clashed with affiliates of the Trade Union Unity League of the Communist Party, a branch of the Tobacco Workers Industrial Union. The strike finally ended on December 15, 1931. The Lector, replaced by a radio, was never returned to the workplace. The significance of the 1931 Tampa Cigar Makers Strike is that despite a highly unionized workforce, and despite a constitutionally backed argument for the right to free speech, it spelled the end of an age-old, artisan privilege for the cigar workers who were falling prey to the new, industrial age setting in on the United States.
Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen (July 3, 1887 – February 26, 1974) was a Dutch physicist known for her early contributions to the theory of magnetism. She studied at Leiden University under the guidance of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, obtaining her doctorate in 1919. Her thesis explained why magnetism is an essentially quantum mechanical effect, a result now referred to as the Bohr–van Leeuwen theorem. (Niels Bohr had arrived at the same conclusion a few years earlier.) She continued to investigate magnetic materials at the "Technische Hogeschool Delft" (now called the Delft University of Technology), first as "assistant" between September 1920 and April 1947, and then she was promoted to "lector in de theoretische en toegepaste natuurkunde" (reader in theoretical and applied physics).
Statue of Kaaper's wife CG 33 Little is known of Kaaper's life; his titles were lector priest and army scribe of the King, the latter possibly linked to some military campaigns in the Southern Levant. His mastaba (named "Saqqara C8") was discovered by Auguste Mariette in the Saqqara necropolis, just north of the Step Pyramid of Djoser. During the excavation, the Egyptian diggers unearthed the statue and, apparently impressed by its exceptional realism, they called it Sheikh el-Beled (Arabic for "Headman of the village") likely because of a certain similarity between the statue and their local elder. The statue – located in the Cairo Egyptian Museum, CG 34 – is tall and carved from sycamore wood, and depicts the corpulent Kaaper while walking with a staff.
The tomb of Babaef is known as G 5230 (LG 40). In the tomb Babaef is described as a "king's son of his body, hereditary prince, count, sole companion, overseer of all royal works, director of the palace, chief justice and vizier, chief lector-priest, priest of Horus of Tehenu (Libya), elevated of arm, great of censing, servant of the throne, priest of the akes-ornament, priest of Hepwy, priest of Horus-Shewa(?), secretary of the sacred writings, elder of the snwt house, khet-priest of the Great One." Page for Babaef The tomb was excavated in 1914 and several large limestone statues were found in the serdab. During the excavations many more statue fragments were found scattered to the west of the tomb.
The first records of the images inscribed at the site were made in 1627 when Peder Alfsön, a Norwegian doctor and lector, made ink drawings of some of the carvings. The first professional recordings were made in 1792 by Carl Gustaf Gottfried Hilfeling, who was sent by nobleman Pehr Tham to draw the carvings. A number of excavations and recordings took place over the course of the early 19th century, primarily led by Carl Georg Brunius and Axel Emmanuel Holmberg, who published research and debated at length the most likely era of their creation. Strong arguments for the now accepted era were not made until the late 19th century, when Oscar Montelius and Viktor Rydberg presented evidence linking the drawings to the Bronze Age.
It is particularly proper for the deacon to carry the Book of the Gospels in procession, as the reading of the gospel is his particular province. When there is no deacon, the Book may be carried by a lector.Deiss, 38-39 2008 Midnight Mass at The Cathedral of Saint Peter the Apostle in Jackson, MS Upon reaching the altar, the deacon or lector bows in veneration of the altar, then places the Book upon the altar, where it remains until the Alleluia.Commentary, 128 During the singing of the Alleluia, the deacon (who before proclaiming the gospel receives the presiding priest's blessing), or in his absence, a priest, removes the Book from the altar and processes with it to the ambo.
The legend conserved in the Atti Bolognesi states that during the persecutions carried out by Diocletian, Januarius, bishop of Benevento, escaped from his see and traveled to Pozzuoli "incognito." However, his presence became known to Christians in the area, and Januarius maintained contact with a deacon of Miseno, Sossius, as well as the deacon Festus and the lector Desiderius. Sossius was soon discovered to be a Christian by the local authorities and he was condemned by the judge Dragontius, who condemned him to be killed by wild bears in the local amphitheater. Januarius, Festus, and Desiderius, on hearing of Sossius’ arrest, took a risk and visited him in prison at the sulphur mines of Pozzuoli, near the volcano of Solfatara.
The reader begins most reading with the introductory statement "a reading from the Book of..." or "a reading from the Letter to...," and concludes each reading by proclaiming that the reading is "the word of the Lord,"; the congregation responds by saying "Thanks be to God." The lector will usually be a scheduled volunteer from among the congregation; when two non-Gospel readings are given, they may be given by two different lectors or by one, according to local preference. The final reading and high point of the Liturgy of the Word is the proclamation of the Gospel. This is preceded by the singing of the Gospel Acclamation, typically an Alleluia with a verse of Scripture, which may be omitted if not sung.
Máel Muire (Marianus) is the man who authored the Martyrology of Gorman in 1166. There were other prominent Mac Gormáín clerics in the north around this time; Fionn Mac Gormáin, Bishop of Kildare and abbot of Newry (also founded by Donnchadh Ó Cearbhaill, on the encouragement of Maelmhaedhoc Ó Morgair), who helped to author the Book of Leinster with Áed mac Crimthainn and finally Flann Mac Gormáin (1099-1174), the chief lector of the School of Armagh and all Ireland. The latter spent twenty-one years at universities in Paris and Oxford before working on the development of a similar institution at Armagh. This had been established by Ruairí Ó Conchubhair, High King of Ireland and was dedicated to Patrick.
Later he devoted himself to the revision of the Syriac versions of the Bible, and with the help of his chorbishop Polycarp produced in 508 the so-called Philoxenian version, which was in some sense the received Bible of the Syriac Miaphysites during the 6th century. In the meantime he continued his ecclesiastical activity, working as a bitter opponent of Flavian II, who was patriarch of Antioch from 498 to 512 and accepted the decrees of the Council of Chalcedon. With the support of Emperor Anastasius, the Miaphysites ousted Flavian in 512 and replaced him with their partisan Severus. Of Philoxenus's part in the struggle we possess not too trustworthy accounts by hostile writers, such as Theophanes the Confessor and Theodorus Lector.
Dionysius Periegetes mentioned: "The island of Chryse (Gold), situated at the very rising of the Sun".Dionysios Oecumenis Periegetes (Orbis Descriptio), lines 589-90; Dionysii Orbis Terrae Descriptio Or, as Priscian put it in his popular rendition of Periegetes: “if your ship… takes you to where the rising sun returns its warm light, then will be seen the Isle of Gold with its fertile soil.””At navem pelago flectenti Aquilonis ab oris / Ad solem calido referentem lumen ab ortu, / Aurea spectetur tibi pinguibus insula glebis”; Priscianus Caesariensis, Periegesis Prisciani (lines 593-594), in Habes candide lector in hoc opere Prisciani volumen maius, Venetiis, Boneto Locatello, 1496, p.281. Avienus referred to the Insula Aurea (Golden Isle) located where "the Scythian seas give rise to the Dawn".
Domenico Pignatelli di Belmonte's aunt on his father's side, Doña Marianna, Countess of Althann, was lady in waiting to the Empress Elizabeth, consort of Emperor Charles VI and the mother of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. Domenico Pignatelli di Belmonte was ordained priest as a member of the Congregation of Clerks Regular of the Divine Providence (The Theatines), as Father Domenico Pignatelli on 22 September 1753. He was appointed Lector of Sacred Canons in the House of Studies of SS. Apostoli, Naples, on 12 December 1755. Thereafter he was appointed, variously, Secretary to the Superior General, Superior of SS. Apostoli, Procurator General, and Co- Adjustor to Father Antonio Francesco Vezzosi, the Superior General of the Theatine Order, on 31 May 1774.
A later story was the Guardian newspaper's Radio Pick of the Day and another, 'The Tasting', was selected for Best British Short Stories 2013. She is a Cadenza magazine prizewinner, was shortlisted for Eyelands 9th International Short Story Contest 2019 (Greece) and has received bursaries from the Scottish Arts Council, Pro Helvetia (Swiss Arts Council) and Thurgau Lottery Fund. She was a Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, from 2012-2015, and a Royal Literary Fund Lector for Reading Round Scotland from 2015-2017. A former creative writing tutor at the National Gallery of Scotland, she currently teaches creative writing at Edinburgh City Art Centre and is a teaching fellow in critical reading at the Centre for Open Learning at Edinburgh University.
During the final year of his initial degree at Leiden, Gumbert became assistant to G.I. Lieftinck (1902–1994), Keeper of Manuscripts and (then) Lector in Medieval Manuscripts, joining the latter’s staff after completion of his studies. In 1979, he succeeded his mentor Lieftinck to become the last Professor of Western Palaeography and Codicology at Leiden University. His 1972 doctoral dissertation, subsequently published in a trade edition, examined manuscript production by the monks of the Utrecht Charterhouse (known as Kartuize Nieuwlicht or Nova Lux), a Carthusian monastery in Utrecht. An internationally recognised authority on the medieval book, Gumbert was invited to take up research scholarships at multiple institutions throughout Europe, as well as in the United States and Israel, but elected to remain at Leiden.
There is no history actually written about altar boys or use of that name during the early days of the Church, except for the word acolyte (the one who follows; a companion). It was instituted, by the Church, as a sacramental participation in the order of deacon. As preparatory steps to priesthood, an aspirant shall pass the following minor ranks of Holy Order: Tonsure, Porter, Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte. Acolyte, therefore, is the highest of minor Orders, and whose chief duties are to carry candles in procession, to light the candles on the altar, and to assist the priest in saying the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (although the acolyte is not necessary for the effect of the Mass to take place; only the priest is required).
At the urgent request of his friend George Syncellus, Theophanes undertook the continuation of Syncellus' Chronicle (, Chronographia), during the years 810 to 815. citing P.G., CVIII, 55 The language used occupies a place midway between the stiff ecclesiastical and the vernacular Greek.He arguably made use of three main sources: first, material already prepared by Syncellus; second, he probably made the use of a set of extracts made by Theodore Lector from the works of Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomenus, and Theodoret; and third, the city chronicle of Constantinople. Cyril Mango has argued that Theophanes contributed but little to the chronicle that bears his name, and that the vast bulk of its contents are the work of Syncellus; on this model, Theophanes' main contribution was to cast Syncellus' rough materials together in a unified form.
Castellet received his education as a literary critic by working for university magazines. His biographers stress his active participation in the editorial board of the magazine Laye (1950–1954), where he held a critical position towards contemporary Spanish literature, and the first publication of an article collection Notas sobre literatura española contemporánea (Notes on contemporary Spanish literature, 1955). His willingness for renewal and the discovery of the European literary critique through the Laye group led him to write La hora del lector (The reader's hour, 1957). As he wanted to make known a group of young poets that had started publishing in Laye (Carlos Barral, Jaime Gil de Biedma and José Agustín Goytisolo), he published the polemic anthology Veinte años de poesía española (20 years of Spanish poetry, 1960) that postulated historic realism.
The Roman Catholic Church does not regard the priest as the only possible prayer leader, and prayer may be led by a woman. For example, when no priest, deacon, instituted lector or instituted acolyte is available, lay people (either men and women) may be appointed by the pastor to celebrate a Liturgy of the Word and distribute Holy Communion (which must be consecrated beforehand by a priest). During these liturgies, a layperson is to act as "one among equals" and avoid formulas or rites which are proper to ordained ministers. Religious life is a distinct vocation in itself, and women live in consecrated life as a nun or religious sister, and throughout the history of the Church it has not been uncommon for an abbess to head a dual monastery, i.e.
Miro Kačić (7 July 1946 – 6 February 2001) was a Croatian linguist. After finishing primary school in Pučišća and gymnasium in Zagreb, he enrolled in Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Zagreb where he graduated in Romance studies (French and Italian language). After 1977 he worked as a lector of Croatian language in France, where he received his Ph.D. at the University of Aix-en-Provence with a thesis Le theorie des ensembles et l'analyse linguistique ("Set theory and linguistic analysis") in which he developed his theories of algebraic linguistics and which has been published, due to the scientific prominence, at the expense of French government. After 1988 he worked at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, where he taught general and French syntax, and applied linguistics.
In 1478 his studies were interrupted when he was sent to the Dominican priory of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Ferrara as assistant master of novices. The assignment might have been a normal, temporary break from the academic routine, but in Savonarola's case it was a turning point. One explanation is that he had alienated certain of his superiors, particularly fra Vincenzo Bandelli, or Bandello, a professor at the studium and future master general of the Dominicans, who resented the young friar's opposition to modifying the Order's rules against the ownership of property.Michael Tavuzzi O.P., "Savonarola and Vincent Bandello," Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 59 (1999) 199–224. In 1482, instead of returning to Bologna to resume his studies, Savonarola was assigned as lector, or teacher, in the Convent of San Marco in Florence.
He made his course in the humanities at Aschaffenburg, Würzburg, and Bamberg, and in 1690 entered the University of Salzburg, conducted by the Benedictines, where he specialized in philosophy, also attending lectures on theology and jurisprudence. He entered the Benedictine Order at Göttweig on the Danube, Lower Austria, 15 June 1692. After making his vows (21 June 1693), he completed his theological course at Vienna, was ordained (21 March 1696), and on 23 May was granted the degree of Doctor of Theology, being shortly afterwards appointed Lector in philosophy and theology in the monastery of Seligenstadt on the River Main. In 1699 he was summoned to the electoral court of Mainz by Archbishop Lothar Franz von Schonborn, who immediately sent him to Rome to study the curial practice of the Rota Romana.
Marcian's reign ended on 26 January 457, when he died, possibly of gangrene. Theodorus Lector and Theophanes the Confessor say that Marcian died after a long religious procession from the Grand Palace to the Hebdomon, where he made the journey on foot, despite the fact that he could barely walk due to severe foot inflammation, possibly gout. He was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles, in Constantinople, next to his wife Pulcheria, in a porphyry sarcophagus that was described in the 10th century by Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in the . He left the Eastern Empire with seven million solidi in its treasury, an impressive achievement considering the economic ruin inflicted upon Eastern Rome by the Huns, both through warfare and the massive subsidies they received under Theodosius.
Jose Gasparilla ship 1922 Gasparilla parade, 1905 "Tin Can Tourists" at De Soto Park, December 1920 Ballast Point, 1922 Lector reading at Cuesta-Rey Cigar Company in Tampa, 1929 The Burgert Brothers were early photographers in Tampa, Florida. The Tampa–Hillsborough County Public Library System has a collection of nearly 19,000 of their photos at the John F. Germany Library in downtown Tampa. Their photos span the late 1800s until the early 1960s. The photos depict scenes in Tampa during times of war, natural disasters sich as the 1921 Tampa Bay hurricane, economic booms, economic busts, transportation, building projects, bungalows, African American life, cigar factories, sponge docks, strawberry fields, mercantile businesses and banks, service stations, and leisure activities such as park and beach scenes, Gasparilla parades and pirate ship views, Florida State Fairs, golf, shuffleboard, checkers, and tennis.
Mase decided to use Han Yu-Hwa as bait to lure out Sa-Ryun before, because he found out they were connected after Yu-Hwa used Sa-ryuns spheres to defeat some Anothers who were about to kill Un. Mase was willing to give both Sa-Ryun and Han Yu-Hwa to Atran to avoid a conflict with Atran. After Sa-Ryun's fight with Lector (it isn't sure if Mase was watching until the end to dive in and snatch away Lector's orb), he dove in to fight the heavily wounded Sa-Ryun and to capture him. Yet during this fight, Lectors orb got absorbed by Han Yu-Hwa, making both Mase and Sa-Ryun stop fighting. That's when Sa-Ryun explained why he was being chased by Atran being him having killed the heir of Atran's ruler.
Since the 1970 revision of the Roman Missal, the Entrance chant begins as the priest enters. Its purpose is to open the celebration, foster the unity of those who have been gathered, turn their thoughts to the mystery of the celebration, and accompany the procession. If there is no singing at the Entrance, the antiphon in the Missal is recited either by the faithful, or by some of them, or by a lector; otherwise, it is recited by the priest himself, who may even adapt it as an introductory explanation.The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 37-48 If another rite immediately precedes Mass, such as the Palm Sunday procession or the various ceremonies that precede Mass at the Easter Vigil, Mass begins with the collect; there is no Entrance at that point and so no Entrance chant.
The strait is shown at about 40 degrees south on the 1515 globe. Schöner accompanied his globe with an explanatory treatise, Luculentissima quaedam terrae totius descriptio (“A Most Lucid Description of All Lands”).Luculentissima quaeda[m] terrae totius descriptio, cu[m] multis utilissimis cosmographiae iniciis: novaq[ue] & [quam] ante fuit verior Europae nostrae formatio: praeterea, fluvioru[m], montiu[m], provintiaru[m], urbiu[m], & gentium [quam] plurimoru[m] vetustissima nomina recentioribus admixta vocabulis: multa etia[m] quae diligens lector nova usuiq[ue] futura inveniet [A very Clear Description of the Whole World; with many useful cosmographic elements and a newer and truer form of our Europe than before; with, in addition, the modern names of many rivers, mountains, provinces, cities, and nations added to their older names; and much more that the careful reader will find new and useful]. Nuremberg: Johann Stuchs, 1515.
That he may more fittingly and perfectly fulfill these functions, he is to meditate assiduously on sacred Scripture. :Aware of the office he has undertaken, the reader is to make every effort and employ suitable means to acquire that increasingly warm and living love and knowledge of Scripture that will make him a more perfect disciple of the Lord. Canon 1035 of the Code of Canon Law requires candidates for diaconal ordination to have received and have exercised for an appropriate time the ministries of lector and acolyte and prescribes that institution in the second of these ministries must precede by at least six months ordination as a deacon. Instituted lectors, who are all men, are obliged, when proclaiming the readings at Mass, to wear an alb (with cincture and amice unless the form of the alb makes these unnecessary).
It is plausible that he is identical with that magister John, who served as provost of the St. Emmeram's Cathedral in Nyitra in the period between 1298 and 1299. John is the only known office-holder in the medieval kingdom of Hungary, who presided the cathedral chapter of Nyitra with the title of provost (otherwise, the church was headed by the lector, then the vicar). According to historians Mihály Kurecskó and György Rácz, John, with the title of provost, de facto governed the Diocese of Nyitra on a temporary basis, prior to his official confirmation as bishop. When a group of powerful lords turned against Andrew III of Hungary and urged Charles II of Naples to send his grandson, the 12-year-old Charles, to Hungary in order to become king in the autumn of 1299, John also joined their movement.
As the Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt, has historically also held the title of pope, a person who, in opposition to someone who is generally accepted as a legitimate pope of Alexandria, claims to hold that position may also be considered an antipope. In 2006, the defrocked married Coptic lector Max Michel became an antipope of Alexandria, calling himself Maximos I. His claim to the Alexandrine papacy was dismissed by both the Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III and Pope Theodore II of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria. The Coptic pope of Alexandria and the Greek pope of Alexandria currently view one another, not as antipopes, but rather as successors to differing lines of apostolic succession that formed as a result of christological disputes in the fifth century. Another Coptic (Alexandrian) antipope is known to have laid claim in the fourth century.
In the same year, 1917, Raknes commenced his four years as lector of Norwegian language and literature at Sorbonne in Paris, and he had planned his stay such that he would get the opportunity to study of his own heart a portion of the time. The first thing he wanted to study was the relationship between French and Norwegian literature in the Middle Ages. He started to read Joseph Bédier's great work about Les Légendes Épiques, a work which stunned him and convinced him that if he was ever going to understand the effects of Medieval French literature and its influences, he would also have to know something about Medieval philosophy and theology. Consequently, he contacted the university's professor of these subjects, François Picavet, studied several of his books, attended his lectures, and had several talks with him.
By the Treaty of Utrecht that put an end to the war, the Papal States lost their suzerainty over the Farnese Duchy of Parma and Piacenza in favour of Austria, and lost Comacchio as well, a blow to the prestige of the Papal States. In 1713 Clement XI issued the bull Unigenitus in response to the spread of the Jansenist heresy. There followed great upheaval in France, where apart from theological issues, a strong Gallican tendency persisted. The bull, which was produced with the contribution of Gregorio Selleri, a lector at the College of Saint Thomas, the future Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, condemned Jansenism by extracting and anathematizing as heretical 101 propositions from the works of Quesnel declaring them to be identical in substance with propositions already condemned in the writings of Jansenius.
Iskandar is the Chief Lector of the House of Life. Born in the 1st century BCE, during the reign of Cleopatra VII, he witnessed the end of the Egyptian monarchy and the absorption of Egypt into the Roman Empire. He came to believe this was the fault of the gods and ended the House's policy of calling upon them; Ruby Kane's vision of Apophis rising changes his mind, but it is too late for him to make any real change. He was the one who saved Zia after her village's destruction and, sensing that she holds the power to host Ra, arranged for her confinement in an underwater prison under the watch of Nephthys while creating a shabti of her to protect Carter and Sadie, both of whom also hold the potential to become hosts of gods.
In the typical Mediterranean climate, the Horta has mild winters and very hot [FS] summers. The historical activity of the region had [la coherència entre temps verbals d'una frase a una altra és necessària pel bé del lector si no hi ha un canvi significat d'època al text] been agriculture, with a predominance of three types of crops: orange, vegetables and rice. The watering system is structured around 13 ditches [NMS: ditch és una rasa per a drenar el terra, sèquia és un concepte molt valencià que hauria d'usar-se a la traducció precedit d'una explicació la primera volta que apareix al text] that allow irrigation crops all year. Some municipal areas have a certain expertise regarding crops: tiger nut in Alboraia and Almàssera; tomatoes and peppers for canning El Puig [GRAM], Puçol and Tavernes Blanques; strawberries in Rafelbunyol; melons and watermelos [ORT] in Meliana and Almàssera, and so on.
A 337 epitaph inscriptionDate 337 noted in Touring Club Italiano, Roma e dintorni, 1965:385. in the Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura celebrates the late Cinnamius Opas, lector of a church known as Titulus Fasciolae;Another epitaph inscription exists, of 377, to Felix, probably the Felix, presbyter Tituli Fascioli, who was father of Pope Felix III and was mentioned in Liber Pontificalis (Petersen 1976:155) the name has traditionally been explained as the place where St. Peter lost the foot bandage (fasciola) that wrapped the wounds caused by his chains, on his way to escape the Mamertine Prison.The traditional episode was recounted in the sixth-century Acta SS Processi et Martiniani (Petersen 1976:153, notinmg Acta Sanctorum, July, vol 1:304f). In the acts of the synod of Pope Symmachus, in 499, the Titulus Fasciolae is recorded as served by five priests.
He was then sent to study at Bertinoro and Rome, where he studied philosophy and theology. He was ordained as a priest on 19 December 1744. After further studies in Bertinoro and Rome, Gioannetti returned to Bertinoro as its priest. On 19 December 1748, he returned to the monastery at Classe, becoming lector of philosophy. He later served as the theologian of Ferdinando Romoaldo Guiccioli, Archbishop of Ravenna, from 15 June 1753 until 1763. In 1763, he became procurator and economous of the monastery of Classe, later becoming its abbot in 1770. In 1773, he became abbot of the monastery of San Gregorio Magno al Celio in Rome. In this capacity, he served under Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Braschi, the monastery's commendatory abbot, who became Pope Pius VI in February 1775. On 29 January 1776, he was elected titular bishop of Emeria and became administrator of the Archdiocese of Bologna.
López believed that the time was right to treat for peaceCardozo, Efrain"Breve Historia del Paraguay"El Lector. 1996. p. 87 and was ready to sign a peace treaty with the Allies. No agreement was reached though since Mitre's conditions were that every article of the Treaty of the Triple Alliance was still to be carried out, a condition which López refused. Regardless of López's refusal, a peace treaty was not something Mitre could guarantee except on the terms of article VI of the treaty which stated that "The allies pledge themselves solemnly not to lay down their arms unless by common accord, nor until they have overthrown the present Government of Paraguay, nor to treat with the enemy separately, nor sign any Treaty of peace, truce, armistice, or Convention whatsoever for putting an end or suspending the war, unless by a perfect agreement of all".
After his return, in 1540, the Emperor Charles V offered him the See of Cuzco in Peru, but Carranza declined the appointment and continued performing his duties as lector of theology at Valladolid. In 1545, when the Council of Trent was opened, Charles V sent Carranza and another Dominican, Domingo de Soto, as imperial theologians, to the council, and by June, 1545, Carranza was in Trent. During the first period of the council (1545–47) he took an active part in the discussions of the theologians in the congregations, expressed opinions concerning the various matters appointed for discussion, the sacraments in general, Baptism, the Eucharist, and the Sacrifice of the Mass, and preached at Divine service, 14 March, before the assembled council.Le Plat, "Monum. Trident.", I, 52-62, gives the text of the sermon He also showed great zeal in the conferences concerning the reform of church discipline.
The historian Frank Clover has suggested that this sudden reversal of policy was caused by the marriage of Eudocia to Huneric, the son of Gaiseric, which led to such pressure from Eastern Roman elites that Marcian was forced to begin preparations for war to ensure the return of the hostages. Around this time, Marcian made peace with Lazica, which would allow him to direct his attention elsewhere. The East Roman historian Theodorus Lector speaks of Marcian's sudden reversal of policy, and Evagrius Scholasticus, a Roman historian writing a century after the event, states that the Vandals released Licinia Eudoxia, Placidia, and Eudocia to Marcian after he threatened them with war, in either late 456 or early 457. Marcian did not recognize any Western Emperor after Valentinian, denying Petronius Maximus, now Western Emperor, when he sent an embassy requesting it, and similarly refusing to recognize Avitus, who succeeded Maximus.
Galatino was born at Galatina, in Apulia. He received the habit as early as 1480, studied Oriental languages in Rome and was appointed lector at the convent of Ara Coeli; he also held the office of provincial in the province of Bari, and that of penitentiary under Leo X. Galatino wrote his chief work De Arcanis Catholicae Veritatis, at the request of the pope, the emperor, and other dignitaries, in 1516, at which time, owing mainly to John Reuchlin's Augenspiegel, the famous controversy on the authority of the Jewish writings was assuming a very high-profile. Galatino took up Reuchlin's defence. Resolved to combat the Jews on their own ground, he turned the Cabbala against them, and sought to convince them that their own books yielded proof of the truth of the Christian religion, hence their opposition to it should be branded as obstinacy.
Helio Vera worked as a reporter in the first years of ABC Color and after working on other media he reincorporated as columnist and editorialist. His first attempt in the literary world was in the 1980s with essays and criticism and hilarious stories about the Paraguayan culture.Escritor paraguayo Helio Vera muere a los 62 años, Reuters, 26 de marzo de 2008 He earned a well-disserved prestige by his talent and his distinctive style. In his work he used a direct language and was distinguished with many awards as the "El Lector" Prize to the best literary work in 1984 for "Angola y otros Cuentos" (Angola and other stories); the first place in the 5th Centenary Essay Contest in 1988 organized by the Ibero-American Cooperation Institute and the Embassy of Spain, for the Essay "Teoría y Práctica de la Paraguayología" (Theory and Practice of the Paraguayanology); and the first prize in the "Néstor Romero Valdovinos" Story Contest in 1992.
Alemany was born in Vic, Catalonia, on July 3, 1814, to Antoni Alemany i Font and Miquela dels Sants i Saborit. Alemany entered the Dominican Order in 1830 and made his solemn profession of religious vows in September 1831, the same year that his protégé, Patrick Manogue was born in Ireland. He was then sent to Rome to study at the College of St. Thomas in Rome, the future Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, commonly referred to as the Angelicum, where in 1840 he was made Lector in Theology."Upon the completion of his studies, he was awarded the degree of Lectorate in Theology at the Minerva, one of the venerable centers of Dominican life and culture."Mission West: The Western Dominican Province 1850-1966, 1995, Western Dominican Province Oakland, California, Accessed 21 May 2014 Alemany was ordained a priest in the cathedral of Viterbo on March 11, 1837 by Archbishop Gaspare Bernardo Pianetti.
First ed.1966 In 1963 Zwaveling followed a one-year fellowship at the surgical department of the UW Health University Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin, USA for one year to be familiarized with American surgical procedures and the use of chemotherapy in surgery. Zwaveling became a lector of surgery, specializing in clinical oncology, at Leiden University in 1968 and in 1972 he was appointed a full professor of surgical oncology. In 1971, together with radiotherapist professor Piet Thomas and Emile van Slooten, surgeon at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoekziekenhuis, Zwaveling published the first breast cancer treatment protocol in the Netherlands.”Richtlijnen behandeling mammacarcinoom” Stichting Koningin Wilhelminafonds Nederlandse Organisatie voor de Kankerbestrijding, Amsterdam, 1971 Moreover, in 1973 he initiated the first national multicenter randomized trial on adjuvant chemotherapy in breastcancer.O.J. Repelaer van Driel, PhD thesis Leiden University, 1987 “Adjuvante chemotherapie bij mammacarcinoom” Along with publishing scientific papers, he was actively involved in the training of students, residents and surgeons.
Altar of San Bartolomeo Basilica in Benevento, containing the relics of Bartholomew The 6th-century writer in Constantinople, Theodorus Lector, averred that in about 507, the Byzantine emperor Anastasius I Dicorus gave the body of Bartholomew to the city of Daras, in Mesopotamia, which he had recently refounded. The existence of relics at Lipari, a small island off the coast of Sicily, in the part of Italy controlled from Constantinople, was explained by Gregory of ToursGregory, De Gloria Martyrum, i.33. by his body having miraculously washed up there: a large piece of his skin and many bones that were kept in the Cathedral of St Bartholomew the Apostle, Lipari, were translated to Benevento in 838, where they are still kept now in the Basilica San Bartolomeo. A portion of the relics was given in 983 by Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor, to Rome, where it is conserved at San Bartolomeo all'Isola, which was founded on the temple of Asclepius, an important Roman medical centre.
Iotacism caused some words with originally-distinct pronunciations to be pronounced similarly, sometimes the cause of differences between manuscript readings in the New Testament. For example, the upsilon of hymeis, hymōn "ye, your" (second person plural in respectively NOM, GEN) and the eta of hēmeis, hēmōn "we, our" (first person plural in respectively NOM, GEN) could be easily confused if a lector were reading to copyists in a scriptorium. (In fact, Modern Greek had to develop a new second-person plural, εσείς, while the first-person plural's eta was opened to epsilon, εμείς, as a result of apparent attempts to prevent it sounding like the old second-person plural.) As an example of a relatively minor (almost insignificant) source of variant readings, some ancient manuscripts spelled words the way they sounded, such as the 4th-century Codex Sinaiticus, which sometimes substitutes a plain iota for the epsilon-iota digraph and sometimes does the reverse.Jongkind, Dirk (2007).
Liszt giving a concert for Emperor Franz Joseph I on a Bösendorfer piano Liszt, photo (mirror-imaged) by Franz Hanfstaengl, June 1867 The 1860s were a period of great sadness in Liszt's private life. On 13 December 1859, he lost his 20-year-old son Daniel, and, on 11 September 1862, his 26-year-old daughter Blandine also died. In letters to friends, Liszt afterwards announced that he would retreat to a solitary living. He found it at the monastery Madonna del Rosario, just outside Rome, where on 20 June 1863, he took up quarters in a small, spartan apartment. He had on 23 June 1857, already joined the Third Order of Saint Francis.See the document in: Burger: Lebenschronik in Bildern, p. 209. On 25 April 1865, he received the tonsure at the hands of Cardinal Hohenlohe. On 31 July 1865, he received the four minor orders of porter, lector, exorcist, and acolyte.
Since Vatican II, girls may serve at altar Altar servers with Pope John Paul II The 1983 Code of Canon Law altered the juridical situation: without distinguishing between male and female, it declared: "Lay persons can fulfill the function of lector in liturgical actions by temporary designation. All lay persons can also perform the functions of commentator or cantor, or other functions, according to the norm of law."Code of Canon Law, canon 230 §2 On 30 June 1992, the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts issued an authentic interpretation of that canon declaring that service of the altar is one of the "other functions" open to lay persons in general, without distinguishing between male and female.Authentic interpretation of canon 230 §2 In reference to this authentic interpretation, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments sent on 15 March 1994 a circular letter to presidents of episcopal conferences, clarifying that the canon in question is only of permissive character.
Although these texts are usually described as laments, Neferti digresses from this model, providing a positive solution to a problematic world. Although it survives only in later copies from the Eighteenth dynasty onward, Parkinson asserts that, due to obvious political content, Neferti was originally written during or shortly after the reign of Amenemhat I.. Simpson calls it "...a blatant political pamphlet designed to support the new regime" of the Twelfth dynasty founded by Amenemhat, who usurped the throne from the Mentuhotep line of the Eleventh dynasty.. In the narrative discourse, Sneferu (r. 2613–2589 BC) of the Fourth dynasty summons to court the sage and lector priest Neferti. Neferti entertains the king with prophecies that the land will enter into a chaotic age, alluding to the First Intermediate Period, only to be restored to its former glory by a righteous king— Ameny—whom the ancient Egyptian would readily recognize as Amenemhat I.; ; .
Tendencias y debates en la narrativa española actual, La Plata 2010. It is entirely missing in Mar Langa Pizarro, La novela histórica española en la transicióñ y en la democracia, [in:] Anales de Literatura Española 17 (2004), pp. 107-120 If mentioned, the Requeté is marginally referred to evoke the atmosphere of Francoist terror or repression, like in El jinete polaco (1991) by Antonio Muñoz Molina;"moros y requetés" are twice listed among victorious Nationalist troops entering Mágina, a fictitious town identified by scholars as Úbeda; it was the moment which commenced Francoism in the town, the period depicted in the novel as a dark period of hopeless misery represent dehumanized barbaric instincts, such as in El lector de Jules Verne (2012) by Almudena Grandes; in the novel a requeté is dancing over the grave of a Communist guerillero. The writer in public dubbed the Carlists “fascists”, see interview with Almudena Grandes, El País 13.2.
Christ Catholic Church follows in the ancient practices of the priesthood of all believers. Ministry is not limited to a formal ordained ministry, to the priesthood or diaconate, but finds its expression and fulfillment in a variety of different forms from study to teaching, prayer to healing, community outreach to care giving, along with traditional worship and prayer services: Holy Eucharist, Daily Office, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, Novenas, and the Stations of the Cross to name a few. With a deep reverence to the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and also for those for whom it has been offered, Christ Catholic Church practices radical inclusivity and hospitality through offering an open table for all who would wish to partake of Holy Communion without impediment. Along with the priesthood of all believers, there are eight more formal and traditional grades or orders of ministry in Christ Catholic Church, five of which are known as Minor Orders: porter, lector or reader, exorcist or healer, acolyte, and sub-deacon.
Neserkauhor was a son of Djedkare Isesi,Dodson, Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, 2004 who held a number of honorary titles: "revered with the Great God", "hereditary prince", "greatest of five in the temple of Thoth", "one who is privy to the secrets of the god's word", "chief lector priest", "king's son", "eldest beloved king's son of his body", "sole companion", and "scribe of the good book". It is debated whether Neserkauhor had any real profession or if his titles were purely honorary and he simply spent his life at the royal court. Indeed, princes of royal blood did not hold public offices in the early Fifth Dynasty, however they are known to have acted as overseers of the construction of the king's pyramid during the subsequent Sixth Dynasty. It is thus possible that Neserkauhor, who lived between these two periods, acted as overseer on some of his father's projects.
Camaraderie between the visitors to these groups allowed the systemic creation of a class identity, reflected in the emergence of cultural elements like Puerto Rican danza being born from it and initiatives to promote literacy (for which specific initiatives, like the Sociedad Protectora de la Inteligencia del Obrero, were created) and formal arts among its members. Later, the role of the lector (a literate speaker that was paid to read while the cigar rollers worked) was used to promote literacy and was also used in propagating leftist ideas, cooperativism and an open defiance to the authorities in order to preserve their autonomy. During the 1880s, following the abolishment of slavery a shift was seen with an increasing working class migrating to novel coffee plantations that were supplanting the sugar plantations of Spanish slavers. By 1890, lectores were known at San Juan, which being the capital and a port city, had access to a number of foreign publications where these concepts were discussed in detail.
When the Holy Office drew the Réflexions morales to the attention of Clement XI, he issued the papal brief Universi dominici (1708), prescribing the book for "savoring of the Jansenist heresy"; as a result, in 1710, Jean-François de l'Escure de Valderil, bishop of Luçon, and , bishop of La Rochelle, forbade the reading of the book in their dioceses. The result was the apostolic constitution ', promulgated by Pope Clement XI on September 8, 1713. It was written with the contribution of Gregorio Selleri, a lector at the College of Saint Thomas, the future Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, and later Master of the Sacred Palace, fostered the condemnation of Jansenism by condemning 101 propositions from the Réflexions morales of Quesnel as heretical, and as identical with propositions already condemned in the writings of Jansen. Pope Clement XI (1649–1721) promulgated the apostolic constitution Unigenitus Dei Filius in 1713 which condemned Quesnel and the Jansenists.
The legend conserved in the Atti Bolognesi states that during the Diocletian persecutions, Januarius, bishop of Benevento, escaped from his see and traveled to Pozzuoli "incognito." However, his presence became known to Christians in the area, and Januarius maintained contact with Sossius, who was a deacon of Miseno, as well as the deacon Festus and the lector Desiderius. Legend says Januarius, with whom he studied to become a priest, predicted the martyrdom of Sossius when he saw a luminous red light and a dove hover over his head while he read the gospel at mass. Sossius was soon discovered to be a Christian by the local authorities and he was condemned by the judge Dragontius, who condemned him to be killed by wild bears in the local amphitheatre. Januarius, Festus, and Desiderius, on hearing of Sossius’ arrest, took a risk and visited him in prison at the sulphur mines of Pozzuoli, near the volcano of Solfatara.
The text was accompanied by a new Latin translation, scholarly notes and four dissertations (on Donatism, the name Anastasis as applied to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Septuagint, and the Roman Martyrology). In 1668 he published Socrates of Constantinople and Sozomen with three books of observations on the history of Saint Athanasius, on that of Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, and the sixth canon of Nicaea (against Lamouy). In 1673, he completed his book with Theodoret, Evagrius, and the excerpts from Philostorgius and Theodorus Lector: Socratis, Sozomeni, Theodoreti et Evagrii Historia ecclesiastica. At first he had only the slender means left him by his father, but later pensions from President Jean-Antoine de Mesmes of the parlement of Paris, the clergy of France, Cardinal Mazarin, and Louis XIV provided him with the necessary leisure and the assistance of a secretary, for his sight was never good, and as early as 1637 he ceased to have the use of his right eye.
So it continued the whole day until vespers4 just at five o'clock, they took turns preaching; Brother Kristoffer three times and the heretic twice. Shortly before this tumultuous time namely in 1529 after the Saviour of the world's incarnation near the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary2 there came a preacher to the town especially learned in the heretics wrong teaching, Brother Frans Lector or Luther-Frans he was called. He had been of the Carmelite order and had been recently driven out of his teaching position in Copenhagen by the shouting and crying of the canons. He assured with sneaky underhandedness that he would preach God's word pure and clean and that he would remove the disunity among the citizens that had arisen because of the preacher's differences (of opinion), but he would not go up into the pulpit until he had received a preaching licence from the archbishop.
The English word clergy derives from the same root as clerk and can be traced to the Latin clericus which derives from the Greek word kleros meaning a "lot" or "portion" or "office". The term Clerk in Holy Orders is still the technical title for certain Christian clergy, and its usage is prevalent in canon law. Holy Orders refer to any recipient of the Sacrament of Ordination, both the Major Orders (bishops, priests and deacons) and the now less known Minor Orders (Acolyte, Lector, Exorcist and Porter) who, save for certain reforms made at the Second Vatican Council in the Roman Catholic Church, were called clerics or Clerk, which is simply a shorter form of Cleric. Clerics were distinguished from the laity by having received, in a formal rite of introduction into the clerical state, the tonsure or corona (crown) which involved cutting hair from the top and side of the head leaving a circlet of hair which symbolised the Crown of Thorns worn by Christ at His crucifixion.
V. from 1999 to 2009 and worked as a translator, book editor, ghostwriter, and freelance author. During this time, she edited literary books such as Neuere Deutsche Literatur (Newer German Literature, 1991; 1992), as well as an anthology by the Italian scholar of German literature Cesare Cases in German translation (1996). These were followed by additional literary translations (from Italian and English language into German) and critical editions, including the book of poetry Himmelsreden (Heavenly Speeches, 2004) by Giuseppe Bonaviri, the film script Der heilige Paulus (Saint Paul, 2007; with a foreword by Dacia Maraini) by Pier Paolo Pasolini, as well as music editions by Etta Scollo (2014) or Marco Basley (2014) and short texts by Ennio Morricone (2019), Igiaba Scego (2020), Iain Chambers (2020) and Dacia Maraini (2007 and 2020). Reichardt authored more than 200 publications, among them over 130 academic publications and, alone during the years 1987–2004, over 50 books of fiction and non- fiction on the German book market for which she was responsible, publishing and editing them as a freelance chief-lector, translator and ghostwriter.
Once chosen, he must request blessing: the blessing of an abbot is celebrated by the bishop in whose diocese the monastery is or, with his permission, another abbot or bishop. The ceremony of such a blessing is similar in some aspects to the consecration of a bishop, with the new abbot being presented with the mitre, the ring, and the crosier as symbols of office and receiving the laying on of hands and blessing from the celebrant. Though the ceremony installs the new abbot into a position of legal authority, it does not confer further sacramental authority- it is not a further degree of Holy Orders (although some abbots have been ordained to the episcopacy). Once he has received this blessing, the abbot not only becomes father of his monks in a spiritual sense, but their major superior under canon law, and has the additional authority to confer the ministries of acolyte and lector (formerly, he could confer the minor orders, which are not sacraments, that these ministries have replaced).
Racial tensions, however, troubled the community. In 1327 the commission established by Pope John XXII in 1317 to investigate the Irish Province of the Order determined the transfer of the Gaelic lector from Buttevant to one of its Gaelic friaries. In 1325, the general chapter of the Order, held at Lyons, was informed that the obedience of the friary of St. Thomas at Buttevant had been transferred to the recently erected custody of Cork, thereby taking the house out of Irish control and subjecting it to that of the Anglo-Norman custody of Cork. The Rotulus Pipae Cloynensis notes that by indenure, made on 9 May 1402 in the vestibule of the Friars Minor of Buttevant, Sir John de Barry, Knight, Lord of Olethan and Muscrydonygan, agreed with Gerald, Lord Bishop of Cloyne, "that henceforth he [would] not put, either by himself or by another in his name, bonys, conwys, guydagia or pedagia upon his [the Bishop's] castle and lordship of Kilmaclenine and the tenants staying and dwelling in the same".
The history about the way whereupon it happened that the brethren from Næstved Friary were expelled. It happened in the Lord's year 1532 the day after the glorious Virgin Mary's Assumption1 and took place at that time and in this manner: The ungodly heretic Herr Mogens Gjø, who was both the devils slave and soldier had certainly often threatened that he would chase the brethren from that place, despite (the fact) that his grandfather and wife were buried there and his great grandfather and his wife had donated a chalice for the correcting of their souls which he (Gjø) took from the expelled brothers. First this Mogens Gjø sought to introduce a few Lutheran preachers to the town and he got them to shout out against the brethren. When that didn't work, he sent some of those who had left the order namely, Johannes from Køge and Niels Christensen, two good-for-nothings who respected the preaching of Brother Rasmus Olsen, he who was lector and a defender of the faith.
Confusingly, tenure-track pathway colleagues can be given the title 'Adjunct hoogleraar' (Adjunct Professor), and are for that period Professors in the sense of the Dutch Higher Education Act (and would retain the 'jus promovendi' for five years if they reverted to a lower rank or ceased to be employed by the University); the title of adjunct Professor' in The Netherlands has noting to do with what is meant by that title in the US, where it is used to denote a practitioner or other specialist from outside the Academy who is given the title as a part-time specialist teacher. In 1986 there was a reform of the system. Junior professors and professors of the agricultural and technology universities, until then labelled as Lector were transformed into full Professors, but as a new Professor A rank at a lower salary scale than the existing professors (who were designated Professor B) on the older, and more favourable, salary scale. The present salary scales refer to Professor 1 or Professor 2 (the former is the higher in standing, as the Universities adopted the Hay criteria for function-ranking).
Neither should it be confused with the surviving Acts of Barnabas, which narrates an account of Barnabas' travels, martyrdom and burial, and which is generally thought to have been written in Cyprus sometime after 431. In A.D. 478, during the reign of the Eastern Roman (later Byzantine) Emperor Zeno, archbishop Anthemios of Cyprus announced that the hidden burial place of Barnabas had been revealed to him in a dream. The saint's body was claimed to have been discovered in a cave with a copy of the canonical Gospel of Matthew on its breast; according to the contemporary account of Theodorus Lector, who reports that both bones and gospel book were presented by Anthemios to the emperor. Some scholars who maintain the antiquity of the Gospel of Barnabas propose that the text purportedly discovered in 478 should be identified with the Gospel of Barnabas instead; but this supposition is at variance with an account of Anthemios's gospel book by Severus of Antioch, who reported having examined the manuscript around the year 500, seeking to find whether it supported the piercing of the crucified Jesus by a spear at Matthew 27:49 (it did not).
The American historian John Lukacs in a very unfavourable book review in the edition of 19 August 1977 of National Review called Hitler's War a worthless book, while Walter Laqueur, when reviewing Hitler's War in The New York Times Book Review of 3 April 1977, accused Irving of selective use of the historical record in Hitler's favour. Laqueur argued that Hitler's War read more like a legal brief written by a defence lawyer who was attempting to exonerate Hitler before the judgement of history, than a historical work. Lukacs called Irving an "amateur historian" whose determination to defend Hitler had resulted in an "appalling" book.Lukacs, John "Caveat Lector" pages 946–950 from National Review, Volume XXIX, Issue # 32, 19 August 1977, page 946 Lukacs complimented Irving's industry in tracking down hundreds of people who knew Hitler, but went on to note personal recollections are not always the best historical source, and that Irving manufactured battles; for instance, crediting Field Marshal Ferdinand Schörner with a victory in April 1945 against the Red Army for the control of Ostrava, a battle which did not, in fact, take place.
Murphy: Pub Poets After a few months in England, penniless and barely able to speak English, he went to Paris with the intention of returning to Spain. But he stayed on in Paris on receiving news of what was happening in his native land.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 644 In August 1938, Richardson and Cernuda met again in Paris but, to judge from various of Cernuda's letters of the time, the intensity of their relationship had greatly weakened.Cernuda: Epistolario August 1938 Letters to Rafael Martínez Nadal p 246 and 247 In September 1938 Richardson secured him a position as Spanish assistant in Cranleigh School.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 645 In January 1939 he became the lector at the University of Glasgow. Richardson was to die on 8 March 1941 in an air raid while dancing at the Ritz. Cernuda wrote an elegy for him which was included in Como quien espera el alba in 1942.Taravillo Años españoles p 316 There is a poignant postlude. In August 1944, while walking around Cambridge, Cernuda noticed a framed photograph of Richardson hanging in the window of a Red Cross shop.
Domenico Serafini was born in Rome, of ancient nobility, to Luigi Serafini and Costanza Di Pietro. His maternal grandfather, Giovanni Di Pietro, was a consistorial lawyer who, after becoming a widower, was ordained and named auditor of the Roman Rota by Pope Gregory XVI. Through his father, Domenico was related to Marchese Camillo Serafini, who served as the first and only Governor of the Vatican State (1929-1952). Serafini entered the Order of Saint Benedict in 1871, joining the Cassinese congregation. He made his profession on 16 June 1874 and studied at different Benedictine houses of studies and the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he obtained his doctorates in philosophy and theology. Serafini was ordained to the priesthood on 21 October 1877. From 1877 to 1892, he was a member of the Benedictine community at the abbey of Subiaco, later serving as its master of novices (1889–1891) and lector of theology. After being named prior of the St Scholastica monastery, Serafini became the general procurator of his religious order in Rome in 1892. He was elected Abbot of the two monasteries of Subiaco and Abbot General of the Cassinese congregation on 5 June 1896.
Liljestrand was born on 26 February 1919 in Stockholm, Sweden, the son of hovrättsråd Trygve Liljestrand and Lolly (née Geijer) and brother of lector Greta Renborg (1921–2005). He passed studentexamen in 1937 and became a second lieutenant at Svea Artillery Regiment (A 1) in 1940 before receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree (fil.kand.) in Uppsala in 1950. Liljestrand was captain in the General Staff Corps in 1942 and served as Chief of Staff of the IV Military District from 1959 to 1960 and teacher at the Swedish National Defence College from 1960 to 1962. He was Senior Administrative Officer at the Coordination Department at the Ministry of Defense from 1962 to 1963 and was promoted to colonel in the General Staff Corps in 1964. Liljestrand was Section Chief at the Defence Staff from 1964 to 1966 and received a diploma from the Centre d’Etudes Industrielles in Geneva, Switzerland in 1967. He studied at the Institute of International Affairs in Geneva, Switzerland from 1967 to 1968 and was commander of Boden Artillery Regiment (A 8) from 1968 to 1969. Liljestrand was Chief of Staff of Western Military District (Milo V) from 1969 to 1973 when he was promoted to major general.

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