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"imprinting" Definitions
  1. rapid learning that occurs during a brief receptive period, typically soon after birth or hatching, and establishes a long-lasting behavioral response to a specific individual or object, as attachment to parent, offspring, or site.
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It's not always negative but it's definitely an imprinting structure.
She developed the body-imprinting technique during her early days of creating jewelry.
Digital brands have developed imprinting strategies that pander to our shorter sonic attention spans.
In our interactions with one another, we're imprinting ourselves into others' memories of us.
MACCALLUM: You talk about in your piece, the importance of imprinting memories in our children.
Musically, it was a safe bet having her psychically imprinting on the space like that.
One possible reason why, according to the CDC's Dr. Dan Jernigan: a phenomenon called imprinting.
This was more than just a game of Concentration for Cozmo, it was more like imprinting.
One is that humans, like many animals, go through a sexual "imprinting" process at a young age.
I would much rather have grainy bath crystals imprinting themselves into my butt than be in my own room!
Pete Davidson has a history of imprinting the women in his life onto his body, for better or for worse.
Another way of helping people connect with cold and calculating vehicles is by doing as the animals do and imprinting early.
In the beauty obsessives' defense, the medals do look a lot like makeup in terms of coloring, decorative imprinting, and packaging.
She also watched Star Trek: The Next Generation at a formative age, imprinting on its impossibly optimistic vision of the future.
Jacobson's research is built around a well-known phenomenon in political science known as "generational imprinting" that's been documented since the 1950s.
He is imprinting his slogan — his advisers prefer to call it a mantra or mission statement — onto the brains of anyone watching.
Ducklings go through a rapid learning process called imprinting shortly after birth — it's what allows them to identify and follow their mothers.
The researchers had to delete more imprinting regions from the HSCs generated from male mice before injecting it into sperm from another mouse.
Orban won a third successive landslide in elections in April and set his sights on imprinting his anti-immigration politics on the European Union.
Transforming procurement and therefore government won't happen overnight, but a change in mentality is the key to imprinting entrepreneurship and startup culture on bureaucrats.
Marital bliss is a fallacy because humans are flawed and ever-evolving, coming together and pulling apart and imprinting each other as they do.
To commit the crime, cyber criminals create fake bank cards by imprinting stolen credit card data on blank magnetic strip cards, the FBI said.
She's been dragged into the barn and raped so many times that the experience is imprinting on her and leading her to take preventative measures.
In one experiment, the researchers generated HSCs using material from a female mouse, and deleted the main imprinting regions in the cell's DNA were deleted.
Taking inspiration from that, DBLG, a UK-based ad agency, produced an amusing series of animations by imprinting characters and objects directly onto human skin.
Maybe he spent the next decade finding a suitable baby and imprinting it with a burning desire to drop into the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla enclosure?
It helps that Springsteen can write — not just life-­imprinting song lyrics but good, solid prose that travels all the way to the right margin.
From carving the details on his shoes to imprinting his hat with burlap to give it texture, McKenzie's focus and nuance are addicting to watch.
And that bond is actually a form of imprinting, which enables Drogon to sense Dany's distress in the fighting pits and come to her rescue.
It was Michigan where Sanders engineered a primary day miracle four years ago, upsetting Hillary Clinton and imprinting his populist agenda on the industrial Midwest.
As in so many video games, he's such an empty cipher that you end up imprinting yourself on the experience as you see things through his eyes.
Political scientists have identified a phenomenon called "generational imprinting" — the idea that attachments to parties formed during the late teens turn out to prove remarkably durable for life.
But Gary Jacobson, a political scientist who studies generational imprinting at the University of California San Diego, thinks there really might be an opening for a third party.
The classic demonstration of this idea, if you've ever taken an introductory psychology course, comes from the research of Konrad Lorenz, who demonstrated imprinting processes among baby geese.
And while his fellow millennials are imprinting their lives on the internet through social networks like Instagram or Facebook and Snapchat, Spiegel tries to stay off the grid.
It took me until my late twenties to finally understand that so much of what I believed, or of what I thought I believed, was just youthful imprinting.
In early works such as "Zacaba" (1979), Stuart burnished materials from the drawing site into paper, signifying the ground she was working with and imprinting it directly onto the paper.
Using gene editing techniques, the scientists deleted three imprinting regions of the genome from haploid ESCs containing a female parent's DNA and injected them into eggs from another female mouse.
The 32-study American Psychological Association review looked at all kinds of occasions available for imprinting ritual, including dinner times, bedtimes, birthdays, Christmas, family reunions, Thanksgiving, Easter, Passover and funerals.
I stared at my reflection for a long time, imprinting it on my memory, and then, slowly, let the muscles of my face relax, eased my shoulders, lifted my head.
She was a reserved child, but she clearly had a turbulent and passionate inner life with an astute visual memory, "imprinting everything for future use," according to her biographer Mary L. Felstiner.
Ever since I was a young Wagnerite, a similar kind of imprinting has bonded me to Birgit Nilsson: She was not only my first Brünnhilde; to me, she will always be Brünnhilde.
It's yet another example of the creators imprinting the hosts with their flaws, but a poignant one for a man like Ford, who's defined more by his aloofness than by his soul.
In "Sphinx," viewers see the progress of this experiment through three of 159 failed attempts by William to essentially bring back Delos from the dead by imprinting his mind onto a host body.
Still, there might be some truth to the researchers' claims that this is another example of "sexual imprinting," a theory that claims we learn what characteristics to find sexually attractive from our parents.
For those, Klein instructed his female models to douse themselves in his self-named blue paint before imprinting their bodies on a floor-laid canvas while boozy spectators watched and classical musicians played.
Their "generational imprinting" process is still being formed, but so far young millennials have generally come of age to see a Washington, DC, riven by gridlock neither party seems equipped to solve, he says.
During an interview at her Manhattan rooftop office, which displays tribal jewelry and religious sculpture collected on her travels, the Italian-American designer said Senso's tactile, relaxed-chic look is created through body imprinting.
The sense that an art installation is watching you comes second to the narcissistic joy that compels visitors to pose and dance for the camera, imprinting patterns and silhouettes like surveillance-driven snow angels.
The appeal of the imprinting theory is that it can help to explain not just why we seem to be attracted to people who bear resemblance to our parents, but also why certain fetishes develop.
After 30 minutes, I was thinking Platinum's work here represented a low for the Star Fox series, that the makers tarnished its reputation by imprinting their own idiosyncrasies on proceedings without respecting the accessibility of prior entries.
This is very good news for the Democrats: Thanks to a well-known political science phenomenon known as "generational imprinting," voters tend to form relatively rigid partisan identities in their early 20s that they then carry through life.
Additionally, the researchers examined data on patients who suffered severe H5N1 and H7N9 infections or died from the infections, but more research is needed to determine how the imprinting patterns detected in the study might affect mild infections with those strains.
After comparing Mark Zuckerberg to Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon and...uh... L.Ron Hubbard, former Facebook product manager Antonio Garcia Martinez explains the effect Zuck has on his employees:By imprinting this vision on his disciples, Zuckerberg founded the church of a new religion.
When we develop our first accents (usually by imprinting on our earliest caregivers), we're trying to fit in as a matter of group identification, and it's truly not unusual for this to change over time depending on whom we're with.
If the three most effective state gun laws requiring background checks and ballistic imprinting were implemented nationwide, researchers estimated that the national mortality rate – 10.1 deaths for every 100,000 people in 2010 – would plunge to 0.16 fatalities for each 100,000 individuals.
By studying imprinting, the authors of this study have shown for the first time that a nonhuman animal can learn relationships between concepts without training, said Jeffrey Katz, an experimental psychologist at Auburn University in Alabama who was not involved in the study.
Her father read her whatever he was reading at the time, mostly Thomas Carlyle, which had the peculiar effect of delaying her reading skills until the end of third grade while at the same time imprinting her speech with the rhythms of that Scottish philosopher and essayist.
Witherspoon's Elena Richardson is again an upper-middle-class mom living in the 'burbs, one so tightly wound that she and her husband (Joshua Jackson) have a regular sex schedule from which she refuses to deviate, while imprinting her hopes and expectations on her four teenage children.
Her aim was to test three conflicting hypotheses: that people are attracted to mates similar to themselves; that daughters genetically inherit preferences from mothers, and sons from fathers (so they will prefer the eye colour of the other parent); or that preferences are learned by imprinting on a parent.
I've seen a few references myself over the last decade or so, on sites ranging from LiveJournal to Reddit, from men who said they had to teach themselves how to have sex with real women after imprinting on porn, and how it did not feel easy or instinctive to do so.
"Fetishes, in general, can start for many reasons, such as an early crush who farts and the anxiety/embarrassment can transform into arousal (which is called sexual imprinting), or during sex if someone farts and it's connected to high arousal (such as right before orgasm) it can become fetishistic as well," she said.
The court also acknowledged that Huseby doesn't have many other options when it comes to importing quality parts that either have Apple logos permanently removed or never had them to begin with: "It is not obvious to the court what trademark function justifies Apple's choice of imprinting the Apple logo on so many internal components," the court wrote.
Other conditions involving imprinting include Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Silver-Russell syndrome, and pseudohypoparathyroidism. Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus can also involve imprinting. The "imprinted brain theory" argues that unbalanced imprinting may be a cause of autism and psychosis.
Due to the location of GABRB3 in the 15q11-13 imprinting region found in humans, this gene is subject to imprinting depending on the location and the cells developmental state. Imprinting is not present in the mouse brain, having an equal expression from maternal and paternal alleles.
The discovery of the genomic imprinting phenomenon helped researchers to understand the basis for several disorders with otherwise unclear inheritance patterns including Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndromes, Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome, and Silver-Russell Syndrome. Disorders of imprinting are thought to be related to abnormal DNA methylation, which may involve multiple imprinted loci. Evidence that assistive-reproductive technology and peri-conceptional environmental factors such as maternal diet are implicated in imprinting-related disorders draws a link between oocyte health and proper imprinting development.
Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon that causes genes to be expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner. Genes however, can also be partially imprinted. Partial imprinting happens when alleles from both parents are differently expressed rather than complete expression and complete suppression of one parents allele. Forms of genomic imprinting have been demonstrated in fungi, plants and animals.
Some human disorders are associated with genomic imprinting, a phenomenon in mammals where the father and mother contribute different epigenetic patterns for specific genomic loci in their germ cells. The best-known case of imprinting in human disorders is that of Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome – both can be produced by the same genetic mutation, chromosome 15q partial deletion, and the particular syndrome that will develop depends on whether the mutation is inherited from the child's mother or from their father. This is due to the presence of genomic imprinting in the region. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is also associated with genomic imprinting, often caused by abnormalities in maternal genomic imprinting of a region on chromosome 11.
A specific imprinting center cluster was thought to control the differential expression of Ube3a-ATS on the maternal and paternal alleles. There are two regions in the imprinting centers (ICs) that exist associated with AS and PWS- the AS-IC and the PWS-IC. These imprinting centers are control regions that dictate whether surrounding genes and regions can be expressed and are found on both the maternal and paternal alleles. While differential methylation patterns on the maternal and paternal genes are often associated with imprinting, the AS-IC remains unmethylated at both alleles.
Statistical frameworks and mapping models are used to identify imprinting effects on genes and complex traits. Allelic parent-of -origin influences the vary in phenotype that derive from the imprinting of genotype classes. These models of mapping and identifying imprinting effects include using unordered genotypes to build mapping models. These models will show classic quantitative genetics and the effects of dominance of the imprinted genes.
The phenomenon of imprinting studied by Konrad Lorenz is characteristic of precocial birds.
At the same time, genomic or sexual conflict are not the only possible mechanisms whereby imprinting can evolve. Several molecular mechanisms for genomic imprinting have been described, and all have the aspect that maternally and paternally derived alleles are made to have distinct epigenetic marks, in particular the degree of methylation of cytosines. An important point to note regarding genomic imprinting is that it is quite heterogeneous, with different mechanisms and different consequences of having single parent-of-origin expression. For example, examining the imprinting status of closely related species allows one to see that a gene that is moved by an inversion into close proximity of imprinted genes may itself acquire an imprinted status, even if there is no particular fitness consequence of the imprinting.
How these turtles are able to return to their birthplace is an interesting phenomenon. Many researchers believe that sea turtles use a process called imprinting, which is a special type of learning that occurs when turtles first hatch that allows them to recognize their native beach. There are two types of imprinting that are thought to be the reason turtles can find these beaches. The first is the chemical imprinting hypothesis.
In insects, imprinting affects entire chromosomes. In some insects the entire paternal genome is silenced in male offspring, and thus is involved in sex determination. The imprinting produces effects similar to the mechanisms in other insects that eliminate paternally inherited chromosomes in male offspring, including arrhenotoky. In placental species, parent-offspring conflict can result in the evolution of strategies, such as genomic imprinting, for embryos to subvert maternal nutrient provisioning.
A widely accepted hypothesis for the evolution of genomic imprinting is the "parental conflict hypothesis". Also known as the kinship theory of genomic imprinting, this hypothesis states that the inequality between parental genomes due to imprinting is a result of the differing interests of each parent in terms of the evolutionary fitness of their genes. The father's genes that encode for imprinting gain greater fitness through the success of the offspring, at the expense of the mother. The mother's evolutionary imperative is often to conserve resources for her own survival while providing sufficient nourishment to current and subsequent litters.
The theory is compatible with various genetic or environmental factors increasing the risk for schizophrenia and autism since many factors, genetic or environmental, are known to affect genomic imprinting. In the view many different factors may change overall imprinting balance and cause similar disorders.
In ethology, the greylag goose was the subject of Konrad Lorenz's pioneering studies of imprinting behaviour.
The triploid block effects have been explained as possibly due to genomic imprinting in the endosperm.
Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process by which certain genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner. The imprinted brain theory is a variant of the conflict theory of imprinting which argues that in diploid organisms, such as humans, the maternal and paternal set of genes may have antagonistic reproductive interests since the mother and father may have antagonistic interests regarding the development of the child. The conflict theory of imprinting is supported by an extensive amount of empirical evidence and is, according to Bernard Crespi in a 2008 paper, the only comprehensive theory explaining observed patterns of imprinting in humans and other organisms.
Genomic imprinting may also contribute to ASD. Genomic imprinting is another example of epigenetic regulation of gene expression. In this instance, the epigenetic modification(s) causes the offspring to express the maternal copy of a gene or the paternal copy of a gene, but not both.
Despite several attempts to find it, genomic imprinting has not been found in the platypus, reptiles, birds or fish. The absence of genomic imprinting in a placental reptile, the Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii, is interesting as genomic imprinting was thought to be associated with the evolution of viviparity and placental nutrient transport. Studies in domestic livestock, such as dairy and beef cattle, have implicated imprinted genes (e.g. IGF2) in a range of economic traits, including dairy performance in Holstein-Friesian cattle.
Therefore, a new pattern of imprinting can be made with each generation. Genes are imprinted differently depending on the parental origin of the chromosome that contains them. In mice, the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene undergoes imprinting. The protein encoded by this gene helps to regulate body size.
De novo methylation is the main recognized activity of DNMT3A, which is essential for processes such as those mentioned in the introductory paragraphs. Genetic imprinting prevents parthenogenesis in mammals, and hence forces sexual reproduction and its multiple consequences on genetics and phylogenesis. DNMT3A is essential for genetic imprinting.
Inherited imprinted genes of offspring are believed to be monoallelic expressions. A single locus will entirely produce one's phenotype although two alleles are inherited. This genotype class is called parental imprinting, as well as dominant imprinting. Phenotypic patterns are variant to possible expressions from paternal and maternal genotypes.
Retrieved 4 January 2017.Salenga, Sonjai. Imprinting Cuajo Playing Card in Sasmuan at YouTube. Retrieved 4 January 2017.
A variant known as the F50D or N50D, which added a date/time-imprinting facility and also panoramic mode.
This hypothesis has come to be known as the Westermarck effect, named after him, or as reverse sexual imprinting.
First of all an inner form of thinking and cognizing is to be designed before the physical imprinting happens.
The third cause for PWS is the disruption of the imprinting process on the paternally inherited chromosome 15 (epigenetic phenomena). This disruption is present in approximately 2–5% of affected individuals. Less than 20% of individuals with an imprinting defect are found to have a very small deletion in the PWS imprinting centre region, located at the 5′ end of the SNRPN gene. AS is a severe debilitating neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by mental retardation, speech impairment, seizures, motor dysfunction, and a high prevalence of autism.
However, there has been limited success with breeding programs when housed in mixed exhibits. Behavioural considerations are another consideration to take into account when holding a captive population of freckled ducks. The most important of these considerations is the possibility of imprinting on a subject other than the mother. Imprinting is an instinctual phenomenon that occurs early on in life whereby the juvenile establishes a long lasting behavioural response to the parent (or another animal, person or thing that is present during the crucial imprinting period).
Even though the organization has been the dominant level of analysis in much of the literature building on the imprinting concept, recent years have also seen the emergence of imprinting research at the other levels analysis as well. For example, scholars have used the concept of imprinting to examine how and why organizational building blocks—such as jobs and routines—continue to reflect the circumstances of their creation. At the individual level, researchers have explored how early career experiences exert a lasting effect on people’s careers or job titles (a process known as career imprinting or position imprints, respectively). For example, experiences in a particular type of (munificent or scarce) resource environment early in one's career or organizational tenure might influence subsequent work styles and job performance.
These epigenetic marks are established ("imprinted") in the germline (sperm or egg cells) of the parents and are maintained through mitotic cell divisions in the somatic cells of an organism. Appropriate imprinting of certain genes is important for normal development. Human diseases involving genomic imprinting include Angelman syndrome, Prader–Willi syndrome and male infertility.
Accordingly, it can be used on land that has been burned either intentionally or in wildfires, where remnant vegetation should be retained. Imprinting is best suited for seeding on loose soils, and where there is either no existing plant cover--or light to moderate brush cover--before planting. Haferkamp and colleagues compared seed drill planting to imprinting on loose and firm seedbeds on a Wyoming big sagebrush and needlegrass habitat. Drilling produced more seedlings on firm seedbeds, whereas imprinting produced two times more seedlings on loose soils, compared to drilling.
3-D microscopy of the inactive X-chromosome sex limiting gene Epigenetics is the study of heritable phenotype changes, caused by modification of gene expression and does not entail a change in the genetic code. These epigenetic factors may also be sex-limited. Genomic imprinting for example, silencing of one parental allele by DNA methylation, for which sex- limited imprinting has been proposed to resolve intralocus conflict. Genomic imprinting has been shown to be indistinguishable from non-imprinted systems at the population level in some cases, having equivalent evolutionary models.
Ivy leaves and Ballard follows suit to get weapons. Topher finishes the wedge and begins the imprinting of Echo. Topher tells DeWitt to leave; she does so and takes Mellie with her. An agent comes into the imprinting room and Topher attempts to stall by threatening he has "imprinted himself with many useful skills", but is quickly knocked out.
Many factors modify genetic imprinting of Dio3, making it a potential aid in understanding prenatal insults and their production of spectrum disorders.
These early methods used two-part forms and a manual device for mechanically imprinting the embossed card number information onto the forms.
Hybrid growth disorders are exhibited among a variety organisms, including ligers, tigons, hybrid mice, and hybrid dwarf hamsters. A study on hybrid mice which investigated the possible causes for hybrid growth disorders reveals genomic imprinting to have a major effect. Paternal imprinting may increase growth to maximize maternal resources allocated to his progeny, while maternal imprinting may suppress growth in favor of ensuring her own survival and equal allocation of resources between offspring. This suggests that the extent of a disorder depends on the combination of parental species and their respective sexes, as demonstrated by the Vrana study.
The "Actuals" are a group of resistance members in the year 2019. Calling themselves "actuals", which means they are people who have yet to be affected by the wireless imprinting occurring across the world which started a few years prior. They seek to find a cure to the imprinting which is causing chaos and madness to most of the world's population.
Supporting this hypothesis, imprinted genes have been shown to differ in their expression between tissue types in the same organism, pointing to divergent outcomes as a result of developmental events during embryogenesis. Regardless of whether there is a single purpose for imprinting, numerous studies have shown that a normal and functional organism cannot be made without the various imprinting mechanisms.
In hepatocellular carcinoma, the expression of H19 and IGF2 usually changes from monoallelic to biallelic. In in vitro studies, culturing hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines in hypoxic condition upregulated H19 expression. Whether or not the loss of imprinting for the H19 promoter is a characteristic of hepatocellular carcinoma is not known, as some cell lines exhibit loss of imprinting while others did not.
Exposure control could be program automatic or aperture priority semi- automatic. They had a built-in flash and date imprinting versions were also available.
Land imprinting for dryland revegetation and restoration in Environmental restoration: Science and strategies for restoring the Earth (ed J. J. Berger), Island Press: Washington, DC.
Imprinting on human keepers is a serious consideration, as hatchlings require the mother to learn important behaviour traits—including vocalisations, feeding, and other important attributes.
It has been hypothesized that, among other possible causes, sexual templates are established by a process akin to imprinting where lack of availability of female genitals during a critical period of development causes the imprinting mechanism to instead associate with the nearest visual or olfactory approximation. In the case of infantilism, the discipline of the mother or wearing diapers may create associations between pain, humiliation and sexuality.
Mesoderm-specific transcript homolog protein is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MEST gene. This gene encodes a member of the Alpha/beta hydrolase superfamily and has isoform-specific imprinting. The loss of imprinting of this gene has been linked to certain types of cancer and may be due to promoter switching. The encoded protein may play a role in development.
The study attempted to distinguish conceptually phenotypic matching from positive sexual imprinting. Phenotypic matching can be understood as an individual's seeking (presumably without conscious awareness) traits in mates that are similar to their own phenotype. Sexual imprinting can be understood as mate preferences that are influenced by experiences and observations with parents/caregivers in early childhood. Adoptive daughters were examined in part to disentangle these two influences.
Some imprinted genes appear to have no effect, or if the gene is clearly related to function the imprinted expression of the gene does not. As with intrauterine conflict, genomic imprinting is believed to be highly related to placentation, because evidence of genomic imprinting is found only in placental mammals, leading to the hypothesis that genomic imprinting and placentation are evolutionarily linked. Imprinted gene expression is shown to be integral to normal development and functioning of the placenta. Furthermore, the web of signaling which is expressed between fetus, placenta, and maternal hypothalamus is likely the result of co-adaptations of gene expression related to fetal growth and brain development.
The grouping of imprinted genes within clusters allows them to share common regulatory elements, such as non-coding RNAs and differentially methylated regions (DMRs). When these regulatory elements control the imprinting of one or more genes, they are known as imprinting control regions (ICR). The expression of non-coding RNAs, such as antisense Igf2r RNA (Air) on mouse chromosome 17 and KCNQ1OT1 on human chromosome 11p15.5, have been shown to be essential for the imprinting of genes in their corresponding regions. Differentially methylated regions are generally segments of DNA rich in cytosine and guanine nucleotides, with the cytosine nucleotides methylated on one copy but not on the other.
Society finches have been used extensively in research on imprinting and on bird vocalizations, often comparing the structure of their songs to syntax.. Abstract only without fee.
The F65D variant featured a date/time- imprinting facility. In 2002, the F65 was joined by the F55, which was targeted at a new, lower price point.
The 650si was effectively a 600si with the addition of date/time imprinting and a built-in panorama mask, restricting the film image to 12mm x 36mm.
This is argued to be caused by an unbalanced genomic imprinting favoring paternal genes in the case of autism and maternal genes in the case of psychosis.
Calico cats may have already provided findings relating to physiological differences between male and female mammals.Pearson-White, Sonia. "Mammalian Genetics: X/imprinting ". The University of Virginia. 2004.
Lorenz studied instinctive behavior in animals, especially in greylag geese and jackdaws. Working with geese, he investigated the principle of imprinting, the process by which some nidifugous birds (i.e. birds that leave their nest early) bond instinctively with the first moving object that they see within the first hours of hatching. Although Lorenz did not discover the topic, he became widely known for his descriptions of imprinting as an instinctive bond.
Her findings were the first to suggest that mechanisms outside the ICR are necessary to mediate the fully repressed state of an imprinted gene. Following this finding, Ideraabdullah generated and characterized a mouse model of Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS), a disorder caused by aberrations in gene imprinting. Using this tool, she explored how microdeletions in the imprinting control region for H19/IGF2 cause dysregulation of epigenetic marks and imprinted gene expression.
After earning his PhD and conducting postdoctoral work in Europe, Crespi joined the faculty at Simon Fraser University in 1992. In 2006, he was the recipient of a Killam Research Fellowship. left In 2008, Crespi published a paper describing observed patterns of imprinting in humans and other organisms. He explained that Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process by which certain genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner.
Genomic imprinting refers to the different effects of the same gene depending on whether the gene was inherited from one's mother or father. While most genes do not have different effects based on their parental origin, a small subset do. These genes are referred to as imprinted. Imprinting arises when the effect of the gene's expression in the offspring is likely to have a strong effect on a parent's fitness.
In organizational theory and organizational behavior, imprinting is a core concept describing how the past affects the present. Imprinting is generally defined as a process whereby, during a brief period of susceptibility, a focal entity or actor (such as an industry, organization, or an individual) develops characteristics that reflect prominent features of the environment, and these characteristics continue to persist despite significant environmental changes in subsequent periods. This definition emphasizes three key elements of imprinting: # brief sensitive periods of transition during which the focal entity exhibits high susceptibility to external influences; # a process whereby the focal entity comes to reflect elements of its environment during a sensitive period; and # the persistence of imprints despite subsequent environmental changes.
Many emergent themes of ncRNA-directed chromatin modification were first apparent within the phenomenon of imprinting, whereby only one allele of a gene is expressed from either the maternal or the paternal chromosome. In general, imprinted genes are clustered together on chromosomes, suggesting the imprinting mechanism acts upon local chromosome domains rather than individual genes. These clusters are also often associated with long ncRNAs whose expression is correlated with the repression of the linked protein-coding gene on the same allele. Indeed, detailed analysis has revealed a crucial role for the ncRNAs Kcnqot1 and Igf2r/Air in directing imprinting. Almost all the genes at the Kcnq1 loci are maternally inherited, except the paternally expressed antisense ncRNA Kcnqot1.
This condition is associated with genetic imprinting. It is thought to be inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, and seems to be associated with a Gs alpha subunit deficiency.
Rubber imprinting tools (stamps) are impressed into thin pre-mixed concrete overlay material shortly after it is placed to create natural stone or brick textures. These rubber imprinting tools are manufactured from molds created from authentic stone or wood. Release agents are used to help release the stamps from the concrete without sticking. Release agents come in either a liquid or powder form and are available in a wide range of colors.
As a graduate student Gottlieb studied behavior imprinting of ducklings. He noticed that duck eggs laid at the same time hatched at different times. He expanded the research by Eckhard Hess by "plott[ing] the bird's responsiveness in terms of developmental age - the age from the beginning of embryonic development" (p. 446). The problem that Gottlieb found with Hess' research is that he would not replicate what Hess called the "critical period" for imprinting.
Imprinting is defined as the differential expression of paternal and maternal alleles of a gene, due to epigenetic marks introduced onto the chromosome during the production of egg and sperm. These marks usually lead to differential expression of the specific sets of genes from the maternal and paternal chromosomes. Imprinting is carried out through many epigenetic mechanisms like methylation, histone modifications, rearrangement of higher order chromatin structure, non-coding RNAs, and interfering RNAs.
The mouse LNCAT, including Ube3a-ATS, is about 1000 kb long, much longer than the human 450 kb LNCAT. Due to the similar organization of the mouse and human LNCAT/Ube3a-ATS and the fact that the mouse Ube3a locus is also imprinted, the mouse is an excellent model system to study imprinting and the interactions between Ube3a/Ube3a-ATs. In addition, mouse neurons continue to retain their imprinting pattern in culture.
The control of expression of specific genes by genomic imprinting is unique to therian mammals (placental mammals and marsupials) and flowering plants. Imprinting of whole chromosomes has been reported in mealybugs (Genus: Pseudococcus). and a fungus gnat (Sciara). It has also been established that X-chromosome inactivation occurs in an imprinted manner in the extra-embryonic tissues of mice and all tissues in marsupials, where it is always the paternal X-chromosome which is silenced.
This condition has to do with genetics and is often associated with having an added Chromosome 7 gene (mostly from the paternal side). The form on chromosome 6 can involve imprinting.
Wolf Reik studies how additional information can be added to the genome through a range of processes collectively called epigenetics. He discovered some of the key epigenetic mechanisms important for mammalian development, physiology, genome reprogramming, and human diseases. His early work led to the discovery that the molecular mechanism of genomic imprinting is based on DNA methylation.Reik W, Collick A, Norris ML, Barton SC, Surani MA (1987) Genomic imprinting determines methylation of parental alleles in transgenic mice. Nature 328, 248-251 He uncovered non-coding RNASmits G, Mungall AJ, Griffiths-Jones S, Smith P, Beury D, Matthews L, Rogers J, Pask AJ, Shaw G, VandeBerg JL, McCarrey JR, Renfree MB, Reik W, DunhamI (2008) Conservation of the H19 noncoding RNA and H19-IGF2 imprinting mechanism in therians.
Such an effect was not observed in other grandparents. The grandparents were considered exposed if they experienced drastic change in their early life ranging from embryo to 13 years old. Sex- specific effects can be due to parental imprinting, a process that results in allele-specific differences in transcription, DNA methylation, and DNA replication timing. Imprinting is an important process in human development, and its deregulation can cause certain defined disease states of other imprinted human disease loci.
Molecular imprinting describes a process by which a host is constructed from small molecules using a suitable molecular species as a template. After construction, the template is removed leaving only the host. The template for host construction may be subtly different from the guest that the finished host binds to. In its simplest form, imprinting utilizes only steric interactions, but more complex systems also incorporate hydrogen bonding and other interactions to improve binding strength and specificity.
Genomic imprinting models have been proposed; one of their strengths is explaining the high male-to-female ratio in ASD. One hypothesis is that autism is in some sense diametrically opposite to schizophrenia and other psychotic- spectrum conditions, that alterations of genomic imprinting help to mediate the development of these two sets of conditions, and that ASD involves increased effects of paternally expressed genes, which regulate overgrowth in the brain, whereas schizophrenia involves maternally expressed genes and undergrowth.
Trauma will become expected and because of this early imprinting, adults may be more susceptible to dangerous or abusive situations. This also depends on the circumstance in which they were born and can negatively impact the adult through their lifespan. Prenatal psychologists have suggested that it is possible to “reverse” the effects of negative imprinting. To improve their future experiences, individuals that have been negatively impacted, need to recognize, accept, and change their perspectives on their past experiences.
Like other imprinting disorders (e.g. Prader–Willi syndrome, Angelman syndrome, and Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome), Silver–Russell syndrome may be associated with the use of assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization.
At present, Kodak has commercial web-fed presses, commercial imprinting systems – Prosper, VersaMark and commercial sheet-fed presses – NexPress digital production color press and DIGIMASTER HD digital black and white production printer.
The Campbell is a British breed of domestic duck.Ratner, Alan M.; Howard S. Hoffman (February 1974). Evidence for a critical period for imprinting in khaki campbell ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus). Animal Behaviour, vol.
With PFM imprinting their own progressive rock stamp on all songs, all of the arrangements are notably different from their respective original studio recordings. Some of the changes are subtle, others more radical.
Contrastingly, there was no such decrease in T cell numbers in the lungs and liver of the deficient mice implying that the RA imprinting pathway is unique to gut-specific homing T cells.
Several human diseases, such as Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes, are associated with defects in imprinted genes. The asymmetry of maternal and paternal expression suggests that some kind of conflict between these two genomes might be driving the evolution of imprinting. In particular, several genes in placental mammals display expression of paternal genes that maximize offspring growth, and maternal genes that tend to keep that growth in check. Many other conflict-based theories about the evolution of genomic imprinting have been put forward.
The paternal origin of the genetic material that is affected in the syndrome is important because the particular region of chromosome 15 involved is subject to parent-of-origin imprinting, meaning that for a number of genes in this region, only one copy of the gene is expressed while the other is silenced through imprinting. For the genes affected in PWS, it is the maternal copy that is usually imprinted (and thus is silenced), while the mutated paternal copy is not functional.
Imprinting of arrays with hydrophilic-in- hydrophobic microwells is made possible using an innovative surface energy replication approach by means of a hydrophobic thiol-ene polymer formulation. In this polymer, hydrophobic-moiety-containing monomers self-assemble at the hydrophobic surface of the imprinting stamp, which results in a hydrophobic replica surface after polymerization. After removing the stamp, microwells with hydrophobic walls and a hydrophilic bottom are obtained. Such fast and inexpensive procedure can be utilised in digital microwell array technology toward diagnostic applications.
X chromosome inactivation is random in human females, and imprinting does not occur. The deletion of a CpG island, a site involved in epigenetic regulation, in the human Tsix gene prevents Tsix from imprinting on the X chromosomes. Instead, the human Tsix chromosome is coexpressed with the human Xist gene on the inactivated X chromosome, indicating that it does not play an important role in random X chromosome inactivation. An autosome may be a more likely candidate for regulating this process in humans.
Bowlby's concepts included the idea that attachment involved learning from experience during a limited age period, influenced by adult behaviour. He did not apply the imprinting concept in its entirety to human attachment. However, he considered that attachment behaviour was best explained as instinctive, combined with the effect of experience, stressing the readiness the child brings to social interactions. Over time it became apparent there were more differences than similarities between attachment theory and imprinting so the analogy was dropped.
This does not occur naturally in mammals. In most animals, especially mammals, uniparental inheritance of chromosomes is often lethal or results in developmental abnormalities, sometimes physically but often cognitively. Other hypotheses point to the function of imprinting as a way of establishing the proper amount of expression or functional haploidy, much like silencing the extra X-chromosome in females (see section on Barr bodies). Imprinting may help in the differentiation of cells by silencing pluripotency genes or other developmental genes.
Pick shapes started with guitarists shaping bone, shell, wood, cuttlebone, metal, amber, stone or ivory to get the desired shape. Most of today's guitar pick shapes were created by the company that made the first plastic pick in 1922, D'Andrea Picks. D'Andrea Picks was the first company to create custom pick imprinting in 1938, allowing customers to order imprinting up to 12 block letters. One of the first to make the player imprint popular was guitarist Nick Lucas in the early 1930s.
Molecularly imprinting the conductive polymer increases the sensitivity of the chemiresistor by selecting for the target's general size and shape as well as its ability to interact with the chain of the conductive polymer.
She works with porcelain and has used techniques such as canvas imprinting to get texture on to clay. Her work has been displayed at Smithsonian American Art Museum, and Convergence Gallery in New York City.
When the Turks read the Quran and think about it, they will leave Islam.Atatürk İslam için ne düşünüyordu? In his youth, he underwent religious training, though it was brief. His military training included religious imprinting.
The protein CTCF plays a heavy role in repressing the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene, by binding to the H-19 imprinting control region (ICR) along with differentially-methylated region-1 (DMR1) and MAR3.
Bateson was a biologist who specialised in researching the behaviour of animals and how it is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Patrick was a world authority on imprinting in birds — the process of learning to recognise their parents and members of their own species — and his work led to new principles in behavioural development. One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from the website where: Bateson devised original experiments that showed how characteristics of imprinting depend on the bird's early life experiences.
Through this method, events leading to the current apocalyptic state of the world are revealed. The group quickly realizes that the Dollhouse is the origin of the imprinting technology. The first set of memories shows Topher's introduction to the Dollhouse with DeWitt and Dominic, and his creation of a new imprinting system that used a different approach to the technology, leading to the development of the chair found in this episode. The old technology used analog cables, which took two hours to upload into an active.
The imprinted brain theory is a somewhat similar although not identical theory. It argues that autism and psychosis are contrasting disorders on a number of variables. This is argued to be due to imbalanced genomic imprinting. According to the imprinted brain theory there could be a mismatch and more severe problems when extreme genomic imprinting occurs in the opposite sex, which would explain why female autism (and male psychosis) is often particularly severe, which is a problem for the "extreme male brain" theory which predicts the opposite.
The land imprinter was initially developed to revegetate desertified land in the southwestern United States and has been used to plant 20,000 hectares of land with grasses and other plant species in Arizona. Imprinting is most effective on loam soils that have some moisture but are not wet, which can cause soil to become compacted into the imprinter teeth. Imprinting has been conducted on slopes of up to 45% grade. For those applications cables can be used to tow the imprinter up the incline.
However, this does not hold for sex-limited models of sex-limited imprinting which behave differently depending on which sex imprinting occurs and the parental sex of imprinted allele. Specifically, this affects whether alleles are imprinted in consecutive generations with different evolutionary trajectories (under the same selection fitnesses) arising purely due to sex- limited epigenetics. The X chromosome for example, has been very prevalent in the field of epigenetics. The X chromosome percentage between males and females is largely due to X chromosome inactivation.
Trauma experienced during birth includes the use of interventions during labor such as obstetrical forceps or vacuum extraction, cesarean section, or exposure to medicines used to relieve maternal pain or induce labor. These experiences can cause both physical and psychological harm to the baby that also affects the limbic imprinting process. Finally, trauma experienced after birth can include malnutrition; neglect, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; and lack of a safe or healthy environment. Traumatic experiences after birth also have long-term effects on limbic imprinting.
The establishment of parental imprints occurs during gametogenesis as homologous DNA passes through sperm or egg; subsequently during embryogenesis and into adulthood, alleles of imprinted genes are maintained in two "conformational"/epigenetic states: paternal or maternal. Thus, genomic imprints template their own replication, are heritable, can be identified by molecular analysis, and serve as markers of the parental origin of genomic regions. The estimation of percentage of human genes subject to parental imprinting is approximately one to two percent, currently parental imprinting has been identified in fewer than 100 distinct named genes.
The resulting imprinting effect makes the growing animal attached to people; the steamed oats will remain one of its favorite foods for the rest of its life. Machine milking. In the meantime, the mother moose is being milked by the farm's milkmaids; due to a similar imprinting mechanism, the cow moose will soon recognize them as her "substitute children". At this point, it can be released to the forest; it will come back to the farm every day to be milked during the rest of her lactation period (typically, until September or October).
The condition was first observed and documented in the 1970's, upon the importation of llamas to the rural United States. BLS is a result of overexposure of a juvenile llama, a cria, to humans, which results in the cria imprinting on its human handlers to such a degree that it considers them to be fellow llamas. Imprinting can be caused by bottle feeding, which is utilized due to a cria rejecting its mother's milk or when there is insufficient maternal milk supply. Another contributing factor is isolation from other llamas.
In genomic imprinting, genes are marked through methylation of DNA with information of its parental origin. In order for genomic imprinting to resolve intralocus sexual conflict, parents would have to imprint their genes in sex- specific matter. For example, males could imprint their genes in a way so that sexually antagonistic alleles that benefit males are not expressed in sperm that is only X- bearing However, the resolution of intralocus sexual conflict is not easy to resolve. Intralocus sexual conflict is limited by the shared genotypes that exist between the traits of males and females.
The taking of blood is pleasurable for both human and vampire, comparable to (and better than) sex and a drug rush, and may lead to a strong emotional bond, called "Imprinting" between the two. When an imprint is broken, either through death, Imprinting of another, or mystical means, it causes major anguish between the vampire and human, like with Zoey and Heath. Zoey and her friends also face the usual teenage issues. Zoey keeps some secrets from her friends and gets in trouble with them, forcing her to consider the nature of friendship.
Transgenic mice with truncated Kcnq1ot fail to silence the adjacent genes, suggesting that Kcnqot1 is crucial to the imprinting of genes on the paternal chromosome. It appears that Kcnqot1 is able to direct the trimethylation of lysine 9 (H3K9me3) and 27 of histone 3 (H3K27me3) to an imprinting centre that overlaps the Kcnqot1 promoter and actually resides within a Kcnq1 sense exon. Similar to HOTAIR (see above), Eed-Ezh2 Polycomb complexes are recruited to the Kcnq1 loci paternal chromosome, possibly by Kcnqot1, where they may mediate gene silencing through repressive histone methylation.
The first one, possibly based on the earth's magnetic field (see Geomagnetic Imprinting above), is used in the open ocean and probably brings salmon close to their home river. Once they are close to the home river, salmon can use olfactory (chemical) signals to find their spawning area. Many of the classical studies demonstrating olfactory imprinting in salmon were carried out by Arthur Hasler and his colleagues. In one particularly famous experiment, young salmon were imprinted with artificial chemicals and were released into the wild to perform their normal migrations.
Genomic imprinting is surmised to have arisen due to the conflicting interests of maternal and paternal genes within a pregnancy. Within a pregnancy, the father wants the mother to devote as much of her resources as possible towards the growth (benefit) of his offspring. However, within the same pregnancy, the mother wants to conserve as much of her resources as possible towards future births without compromising the health of the child(ren) she is currently carrying. H19 contains a differentially methylated region that is also an imprinting control region.
Increased paternal age is a strong risk factor for schizophrenia but the rate of ordinary nucleotide mutations appears to be too slow to explain this. However, imprinting is affected by a higher rate of mutation and may thus explain the age effect. Many imprinted genes are expressed mainly or entirely in the brain suggesting that differences in imprinting have important effects on the brain. Prader–Willi syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by loss of a set of normally expressed paternal genes, which are imprinted in the mother.
A fluorescent indicator-displacement molecular imprinting sensor was developed for discriminating saccharides. It successfully discriminated three brands of orange juice beverage. The change in fluorescence intensity of the sensing films resulting is directly related to the saccharide concentration.
Acrydite-modified aptamers (and also aptamers containing internal acrylamide modifications) have been used to make AptaMIPs, molecularly imprinted polymers that use polymerizable aptamers as monomers for the imprinting. AptaMIPs show enhanced target-binding properties relative to traditional MIPs.
The developmental age that Gottlieb measured characterized this "critical period" with an "appropriate" independent variable. Gottlieb suggests that imprinting may be the result of a series of complex and subtle feedback processes.Klopfer, P. H. (2001). Parental care and development.
Bivalent chromatin domains are normally associated with promoters of transcription factor genes that are expressed at low levels. Bivalent domains have also been found to play a role in developmental regulation in pluripotent embryonic stems cells, as well as gene imprinting.
The genetic implications of insulators lie in their involvement in a mechanism of imprinting and their ability to regulate transcription. Mutations to insulators are linked to cancer as a result of cell cycle disregulation, tumourigenesis, and silencing of growth suppressors.
Yang, Y., Servedio, M. R., & Richards-Zawacki, C. L. (2019). Imprinting sets the stage for speciation. Nature, 574(7776), 99-102. The population that goes extinct may leave behind some of its genes in the surviving population if they hybridize.
There exists controversy regarding this neural crosslink, as some medical professionals have been known to question the simplicity of the map in comparison to reality. Desmond Morris considered foot fetishism the result of mal-imprinting at an early age, the tactile pressure of a foot/shoe being important in this.Desmond Morris, The Naked Ape Trilogy (1994) p. 279-80 Freud's reading of foot fetishism also involved early imprinting, but he considered the smell of feet significant in this, as well as the foot as penis-symbol/surrogate (castration complex, especially when encountered while voyeuristically exploring the female body from below).
Roundy, B. A., Winkelb, V. K., Khalifab, H., and Matthias, A. D. (1992). "Soil water availability and temperature dynamics after one-time heavy cattle trampling and land imprinting," Arid Land Research and Management 6 (1), 53-69. Broadcast seeders can be attached to the frame assembly or grain boxes mounted in front of the imprinting roller, so that seed is dropped in front of the roller which presses the seed into the soil. The weight of the imprinter can be adjusted to be appropriate for various soils and planting conditions by filling the roller and ballast tanks with water.
Uniparental disomy (UPD) occurs when a person receives two copies of a chromosome, or of part of a chromosome, from one parent and no copy from the other parent. UPD can be the result of heterodisomy, in which a pair of non- identical chromosomes are inherited from one parent (an earlier stage meiosis I error) or isodisomy, in which a single chromosome from one parent is duplicated (a later stage meiosis II error). Uniparental disomy may have clinical relevance for several reasons. For example, either isodisomy or heterodisomy can disrupt parent-specific genomic imprinting, resulting in imprinting disorders.
Imprinting in a moose. Imprinting enables the young to discriminate the members of their own species, vital for reproductive success. This important type of learning only takes place in a very limited period of time. Lorenz observed that the young of birds such as geese and chickens followed their mothers spontaneously from almost the first day after they were hatched, and he discovered that this response could be imitated by an arbitrary stimulus if the eggs were incubated artificially and the stimulus were presented during a critical period that continued for a few days after hatching.
Imprinting is a dynamic process. It must be possible to erase and re-establish imprints through each generation so that genes that are imprinted in an adult may still be expressed in that adult's offspring. (For example, the maternal genes that control insulin production will be imprinted in a male but will be expressed in any of the male's offspring that inherit these genes.) The nature of imprinting must therefore be epigenetic rather than DNA sequence dependent. In germline cells the imprint is erased and then re-established according to the sex of the individual, i.e.
One idea about how animals accomplish natal homing is that they imprint on the unique magnetic field that exists in their natal area and then use this information to return years later. This idea is known as the "geomagnetic imprinting hypothesis" The concept was developed in a 2008 paper that sought to explain how sea turtles and salmon can return to their home areas after migrating hundreds or thousands of kilometers away In animal behavior, the term "imprinting" refers to a special type of learning. Exact definitions of imprinting vary, but important aspects of the process include the following: (1) the learning occurs during a particular, critical period, usually early in the life of the animal; (2) the effects last a long time; and (3) the effects cannot be easily modified. For natal homing, the concept is that animals like sea turtles and salmon imprint on the magnetic field of their home area when young, and then use this information to return years later.
The imprinted brain theory argues that since it is uncertain if a woman's other and future children have and will have the same father, as well as the father generally having lower parental investment, it may be in the father's reproductive interest for his child to maximize usage of the mother's resources while it may be in the mother's interest to limit this in order to have resources for her other and future children. Thus, a genomic imprinting with slight maternal bias would be associated with factors such as decreased growth, more tractable behavior, and an empathizing and less self-centered personality causing less demands on the mother. The opposite would occur for a slight paternal bias. However, an extreme genomic imprinting in favor of maternal genes is argued to cause psychosis such as in schizophrenia spectrum disorders while an extreme genomic imprinting in favor of paternal genes is argued to cause autism spectrum disorders.
She then moved to the University of Cambridge, where she was a member of King's College, Cambridge, to undertake postgraduate studies. She completed her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in 1993: her thesis was titled "Filial imprinting in chicks: processes and stimulus representations".
Recently photonic crystals have also been used to minimize back-reflections. In December 2007, scientists at Glasgow University claimed to have found a way to make LEDs more energy efficient, imprinting billions of holes into LEDs using a process known as nanoimprint lithography.
It has also been shown that DNMT1 and DNMT3a decrease with aging and DNMT3b increases. Hypomethylation of DNA can lower genomic stability, induce the reactivation of transposable elements, and cause the loss of imprinting, all of which can contribute to cancer progression and pathogenesis.
Quantum Psychology. New Falcon Press, Tempe, AZ. Seventh Printing, (2003). Page 199-200 This circuit is concerned with re-imprinting and re-programming all earlier circuits and the relativity of "realities" perceived. The sixth circuit consists of the nervous system becoming aware of itself.
American Behavioral Scientists, 47(1), 7-15. doi: 10.1177/0002764203255206 In the early 1970s, Konrad Lorenz had developed the field of ethology with his landmark research on the imprinting of behaviours in geese.Nitkin, Patricia. "The Human-Animal Bond", B.C. Cancer Agency, University of British Columbia.
The result of her death had a profound impact on Topher and eventually started the chain reaction that caused his insanity. A video of Bennett lecturing on imprinting helped Topher design the mass-wipe bomb that de-programmed everyone at the end of the series.
In 2018, he was a recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award, with Azim Surani, "For the discovery of mammalian genomic imprinting that causes parent- of-origin specific gene expression and its consequences for development and disease." He won the Rosenstiel Award in 2006, with Surani and Mary Lyon, for "pioneering work on epigenetic gene regulation in mammalian embryos". Other awards include the March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology (1998) "For pioneering the concept of gene imprinting". He is an elected or honorary member of the Academia Europaea (1992), European Molecular Biology Organization (1994), American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1994) and the Japanese Biochemical Society (1995).
Niche areas for application of MIPs are in sensors and separation. Despite the current good health of molecular imprinting in general, one difficulty which appears to remain to this day is the commercialization of molecularly imprinted polymers. Despite this, many patents (1035 patents, up to October 2018, according to the Scifinder data base) on molecular imprinting were held by different groups. Commercial interest is also confirmed by the fact that MIP Technologies,MIP Technologies, a producer of custom designed molecularly imprinted polymer resins offers a range of commercially available MIP products and Sigma-Aldrich produces SupelMIP for beta-agonists, beta-blockers, pesticides and some drugs of abuse such as amphetamine.
A paradigm used to study genomic imprinting is kinship theory. Kinship theory argues that imprinting evolves due to conflicts between the interests of paternal and maternal genes within an infant, specifically in regards to infant use of maternal resources. Mothers can have children who have different fathers, therefore paternally- derived genes are expected to exploit maternal resources in favor of offspring growth, while maternally-derived genes are expected to constrain maternal resource allocation in order to spread resources over multiple offspring. Through kinship theory, the occurrence of Prader-Willi Syndrome is theorized to result from the absence of the paternally derived gene, and the only copy is the maternally 'silent' copy.
The GNAS1 gene involved in both pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1a and pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is greatly affected by imprinting. When a father who has pseudohypoparathyroidism undergoes spermatogenesis, imprinting of the GNAS1 gene inactivates both copies of his genes: one will be Functional and the other will be defective. Tissues in the body will re- activate different copies of the GNAS1 gene selectively; the kidneys will selectively activate the (functional) maternal copy while keeping the (defective) paternally-derived gene imprinted and inactive, even in normal individuals. Since the maternally-derived GNAS1 gene is functional, renal handling of calcium and phosphate is normal, and homeostasis is maintained in pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism.
This diversity in organisms that show parental origin effects has prompted theorists to place the evolutionary origin of genomic imprinting before the last common ancestor of plants and animals, over a billion years ago. Natural selection for genomic imprinting requires genetic variation in a population. A hypothesis for the origin of this genetic variation states that the host-defense system responsible for silencing foreign DNA elements, such as genes of viral origin, mistakenly silenced genes whose silencing turned out to be beneficial for the organism. There appears to be an over-representation of retrotransposed genes, that is to say genes that are inserted into the genome by viruses, among imprinted genes.
Because of these inappropriate housing conditions, abnormal behaviour patterns may appear in caged birds kept as pets. Once established, these abnormal behaviours in birds are often not alterable.Ten Cate, C. (1995). Behavioral development in birds and the implications of imprinting and song learning for captive propagation.
In early germ line cells, the genome has very low methylation levels. These low levels generally describe active genes. As development progresses, parental imprinting tags lead to increased methylation activity. Epigenetic patterns can be identified between tissues within an individual as well as between individuals themselves.
If the desired postage is no longer topped up, imprinting is denied. After running through, the consignment arrives at the collect pan orientated "postmark up/front". For thicker consignments there are peelable postage strips, which are manually inserted into the machine via an entry on the side.
Levin, B.E. (2006). Metabolic imprinting: critical impact of the perinatal environment on the regulation of energy homeostasis. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 361,1107–1121. Previous studies have identified the effect of the adipocyte hormone leptin,Friedman, J.M., Leibel, R.L., Siegel, D.S., Walsh, J., Bahary, N. (1991).
Crossing different species of Arabidopsis results in both higher activity of transposable elementsJosefsson C, Dilkes B, Comai L. Parent-dependent loss of gene silencing during interspecies hybridization. Curr Biol. 2006;16: 1322–1328. and disruption in imprinting, both of which have been linked to fitness reduction in the resulting hybrids.
The Shroud of Turin, an image viewed by some Christians as a miraculous imprinting of the image of Jesus on the cloth, together with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, are disputed as authentic supernatural depictions. For this reason, some Catholics consider them to be signs of contradictions.
Lorenz is recognized as one of the founding fathers of the field of ethology, the study of animal behavior. He is best known for his discovery of the principle of attachment, or imprinting, through which in some species a bond is formed between a new born animal and its caregiver. This principle had been discovered by Douglas Spalding in the 19th century, and Lorenz's mentor Oskar Heinroth had also worked on the topic, but Lorenz's description of Prägung, imprinting, in nidifugous birds such as greylag geese in his 1935 book Der Kumpan in der Umwelt des Vogels ("The Companion in the Environment of Birds") became the foundational description of the phenomenon.Burkhardt, R. W. (2005).
Konrad Lorenz and Nikolaas Tinbergen Konrad Lorenz had examined the phenomenon of "imprinting" and felt that it might have some parallels to human attachment. Imprinting, a behavior characteristic of some birds and a very few mammals, involves rapid learning of recognition by a young bird or animal exposed to a conspecific or an object or organism that behaves suitably. The learning is possible only within a limited age period, known as a critical period. This rapid learning and development of familiarity with an animate or inanimate object is accompanied by a tendency to stay close to the object and to follow when it moves; the young creature is said to have been imprinted on the object when this occurs.
As the imprinted bird or animal reaches reproductive maturity, its courtship behavior is directed toward objects that resemble the imprinting object. Bowlby's attachment concepts later included the ideas that attachment involves learning from experience during a limited age period, and that the learning that occurs during that time influences adult behavior. However, he did not apply the imprinting concept in its entirety to human attachment, nor assume that human development was as simple as that of birds. He did, however, consider that attachment behavior was best explained as instinctive in nature, an approach that does not rule out the effect of experience, but that stresses the readiness the young child brings to social interactions.
A process called haploidisation is used to remove one of the two sets of chromosomes from some cells leaving them with only one, just like normal gametes. The researchers led by Tomohiro Kono at the Tokyo University of Agriculture used cells from two different female mice and combined them to make a single unique animal. Normally this would not be possible due to genetic imprinting requiring genes inherited from the father for normal placental development. They were able to succeed by using one egg from an immature parent, thus reducing maternal imprinting, and modifying it to express the gene Igf2, which is normally only expressed by the paternal copy of the gene.
Christopher "Topher" Brink (Fran Kranz) is the scientist who operates the Dollhouse technology and uses it to imprint new personalities on the Actives. He has stated that the technology takes imprints from existing people, which he then mixes and matches to create the desired imprint. A genius, Topher has a cocky, if quirky, attitude which puts him at odds with Ballard, who believes that Topher cannot completely wipe a person's soul from their body. In the DVD extra "Epitaph One" episode it is revealed that while he did not invent the technology, he improved the speed and viability of imprinting — something that makes him feel responsible and eventually drives him insane after the imprinting technology becomes weaponized.
However, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind genomic imprinting show that it is the maternal genome that controls much of the imprinting of both its own and the paternally-derived genes in the zygote, making it difficult to explain why the maternal genes would willingly relinquish their dominance to that of the paternally-derived genes in light of the conflict hypothesis. Another hypothesis proposed is that some imprinted genes act coadaptively to improve both fetal development and maternal provisioning for nutrition and care. In it, a subset of paternally expressed genes are co-expressed in both the placenta and the mother's hypothalamus. This would come about through selective pressure from parent- infant coadaptation to improve infant survival.
Another suggested explanation for the phenomenon is possible narcissistic feelings. Incest is extremely rare between people raised together in early childhood due to a reverse sexual imprinting known as the Westermarck effect, which desensitizes them to later close sexual attraction. It is hypothesized that this effect evolved to prevent inbreeding.
However Alpha shows Adelle photos of Ballard and Echo together during their 3-month absence from the house. Boyd and Ballard then see Alpha on their surveillance cameras. Alpha then activates a remote imprinting, making all the actives fight the Dollhouse staff. Echo is unaffected and breaks out of isolation.
A differentially methylated imprinting centre also overlaps the promoter of a long antisense ncRNA Air that is responsible for the silencing of neighbouring genes at the Igf2r locus on the paternal chromosome. The presence of allele-specific histone methylation at the Igf2r locus suggests Air also mediates silencing via chromatin modification.
Endosperm tissue also mediates the transfer of nutrients from the mother plant to the embryo, it acts as a location for gene imprinting, and is responsible for aborting seeds produced from genetically mismatched parents. In angiosperms, the endosperm contain hormones such as cytokinins, which regulate cellular differentiation and embryonic organ formation.
It was a serious argument for the hypothesis of genomic imprinting. Mutually with his Ph.D. student Jacek Kubiak, Tarkowski devised a technique of blastomere electrofusion leading to the generation of tetraploid embryo. Although Professor Tarkowski retired in 2003, he still continued his researches by undertaking new experiments and inventing new techniques.
Marsupials will always inactivate the paternal X chromosome, in a process named imprinting. Researchers hypothesized a link between the slight preference for inactivation of the paternal X in mice tissue, and the preference in extra-embryonic tissue and Marsupials. There may be a conserved epigenetic mark that drives this preference.
Results from numerous studies have identified several genomic regions known to be subject to imprinting, candidate genes, and gene-environment interactions. Particularly, chromosomes 15q and 7q appear to be epigenetic hotspots in contributing to ASD. Also, genes on the X chromosome may play an important role, as in Rett Syndrome.
When the sound spectrograph was launched he saw that recording sound frequencies and intensities over time made it possible to quantitatively analyze bird song. He obtained the first of these devices in the UK, fathering a group of talented investigators of song. He also led a rigorously controlled study of imprinting learning.
Imprinting results in the inactivation of the Igf2 gene on the chromosome passed down by the mother. Imprints are formed due to the differential methylation of paternal and maternal alleles. This results in differing expression between alleles from the two parents. Sites with significant methylation are associated with low levels of gene expression.
The company was founded in 1938 by Owen Siegel. It currently employs about 100 employees in a 50,000-square-foot facility. Its capabilities include sculpture, custom production of steel molds and dies, custom casting, electroplating, and imprinting. According to the company, it pioneered the use of zinc in metal castings, instead of lead.
"Sexual imprinting misguides species recognition in a facultative interspecific brood parasite." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277 (1697), 3079-3085. doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.0592 These males know that to increase fitness, they need to mate with females who have the highest genetic diversity to pass on to the offspring.
Expression of these two isoforms only comes from the paternal allele due to imprinting. Increased gene expression (as observed by an increase in mRNA levels) is associated with hepatocellular carcinomas. PEG10 is a paternally expressed imprinted gene that is expressed in adult and embryonic tissues. Most notable expression occurs in the placenta.
In the swollen state, previously incorporated drugs are released easily by diffusion.R. Dinarvand, A. D'Emanuele, The use of thermoresponsive hydrogels for on-off release of molecules, Journal of Controlled Release, 1995, Volume 36, pp 221-227. More sophisticated "catch and release" techniques have been elaborated in combination with lithography and molecular imprinting.
The episode starts with Ballard walking into Topher's office inspecting the chair. Topher walks in and they discuss Echo's current engagement. Topher notes that he has just opened up a new world to imprinting. By making changes to the brain, he can theoretically program it to fight cancer or even be telekinetic.
Myron Corp. (Myron) was founded by Mike and Elaine Adler in 1949. After purchasing a sewing machine and one heat-sealing device, the Adlers started what is now a thriving mail-order business. Originally, Myron specialized in the imprinting and personalization of pocket calendars, pens, and a full variety of business gifts.
More than 3,500 animals are brought to the center each year. A peregrine falcon named Finnegan is among the educational birds at the sanctuary. Displays of live educational birds are adjacent to the care center. Five birds are on display, having injuries or imprinting that prevent them from successful reintroduction to the wild.
The idea of imprinting, which existed in Forever Dawn, was inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream. Meyer described it as "the magic of setting things right—which doesn't happen in the real world, which is absolutely fantasy", and decided to introduce it earlier–in Eclipse–so she wouldn't have to explain it later.
Imprinting is most often used to describe an early-life bond that can later affect an animal's mate choice. More broadly, the term refers to a rapid and selective learning process that only can occur during certain times in an animal's life. In sheep, ewes having just given birth imprint onto their lambs on the basis of olfactory cues, allowing mothers to distinguish their own offspring from other lambs in the flock. This olfactory-based imprinting is dependent on a ewe's behavior after giving birth, on the presence of amniotic fluid, and on a specialized odor-influenced learning process which allows the ewe to quickly memorize the smell of her offspring, to whom she then forms an exclusive maternal bond.
Hormonal imprinting (HI) is a phenomenon which takes place at the first encounter between a hormone and its developing receptor in the critical periods of life (in unicellulars during the whole life) and determines the later signal transduction capacity of the cell. The most important period in mammals is the perinatal one, however this system can be imprinted at weaning, at puberty and in case of continuously dividing cells during the whole life. Faulty imprinting is caused by drugs, environmental pollutants and other hormone-like molecules present in excess at the critical periods with lifelong receptorial, morphological, biochemical and behavioral consequences. HI is transmitted to the hundreds of progeny generations in unicellulars and (as proved) to a few generations also in mammals.
Region 15q11-13 is implicated in both PWS and Angelman syndrome (AS). While PWS results from the loss of PW genes within this region on the paternal chromosome, loss of a different gene (UBE3A) within the same region on the maternal chromosome causes AS. PWS and AS represent the first reported instances of disorders related to imprinting in humans. The risk to the sibling of an affected child of having PWS depends upon the genetic mechanism which caused the disorder. The risk to siblings is <1% if the affected child has a gene deletion or uniparental disomy, up to 50% if the affected child has a mutation of the imprinting control region, and up to 25% if a parental chromosomal translocation is present.
The results of the study support positive sexual imprinting independent of phenotypic matching: "Judges found significant resemblance on facial traits between daughter's husband and her adoptive father. Furthermore, this effect may be modified by the quality of the father–daughter relationship during childhood. Daughters who received more emotional support from their adoptive father were more likely to choose mates similar to the father than those whose father provided a less positive emotional atmosphere." The study's authors also hypothesized that "sexual imprinting on the observed features of the opposite-sex parent during a sensitive period in early childhood might be responsible for shaping people's later mate-choice criteria," a hypothesis that would be at least partially in accordance with Freud's Oedipal model.
Effective September 1st, 2015 a new edition of identity cards was introduced. New cards have a slightly different design and are made of polycarbonate. The bearer's photograph is now in black-and-white format only. The new technology involves the use of laser equipment for imprinting data onto the internal layer of the card.
Disney Dollars are created with anti-counterfeiting features such as microprinting, and hard to scan/copy reflective ink and imprinting on the front and back of the bill. In addition, the bills are printed with serial numbers and letters which are unique to each bill. The Dollars have small bits of glitter scattered on them.
Imprinting and the origin of parasite–host species associations in brood-parasitic indigobirds, Vidua chalybeata. Animal Behaviour, 59 (1), 69-81. doi:10.1006/anbe.1999.1283 For example, if the female was going to lay an egg in the Bengalese finches, she would want a mate that would mimic the song of these Bengalese finches.
Animals all have some innate psychological concepts which guide their mental development. The concept of imprinting in ethology is one well-studied example, dealing most famously with the Mother constructs of newborn animals. The many predetermined scripts for animal behavior are called innate releasing mechanisms.Singer, Culture and the Collective Unconscious (1968), pp. 88–90.
Quadrangle was founded in June 1986 as a merger between two firms, Klein Taylor Goldsmith and Curtner Brown Architects. The firm's four founding partners were Hugh Taylor, Philip Goldsmith, Brian Curtner, and Leslie M. Klein.Williams, P. (2011). Quadrangle architects marks 25 years of imprinting space. Daily Commercial News and Construction Record, 84(103), 1.
Antigenic imprinting reduces the time required to clear subsequent infections. This is its positive role in the fight against infection. However, there is also a negative role. Between primary and secondary infections, or after vaccination, the virus can undergo antigenic drift, in which its surface antigenic epitopes are altered by mutations, which allows the virus to escape immune surveillance.
DNMT3L contains DNA methyltransferase motifs and is required for establishing maternal genomic imprints, despite being catalytically inactive. DNMT3L is expressed during gametogenesis when genomic imprinting takes place. The loss of DNMT3L leads to bi-allelic expression of genes normally not expressed by the maternal allele. DNMT3L interacts with DNMT3a and DNMT3b and co-localized in the nucleus.
Birk-Barel syndrome is a rare genetic disorder associated with the KCNK9 gene. Signs and symptoms include mental retardation, hypotonia, hyperactivity, and syndromic facies. Due to imprinting, mutations in the maternal copy of KCNK9 cause the condition, while mutations in the paternal copy do not. As such, this condition can only be inherited from the mother.
Davor Solter (born March 22, 1941) is a Yugoslavian-born developmental biologist, particularly known for his pioneering work on mammalian genomic imprinting. He is Emeritus Member and Director, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics; Visiting International Professor, Siriraj Center for Excellence in Stem Cell Research, Mahidol University, Thailand; and Visiting Professor, University of Zagreb Medical School.
Burt's "typographer" 1830 patent model version mounted on four three foot long legs showing the lever hammer imprinting assembly in up position. Patent USX558111 showing character selection lever in position on a letter ready to be depressed to make a typed imprint. The typographer was an early typewriter. It was a mechanical innovation created by William Austin Burt.
The protein encoded by this gene contains a RING (C3HC4) zinc finger motif and several C3H zinc finger motifs. This gene is intronless and imprinted, with expression only from the paternal allele. Disruption of the imprinting at this locus may contribute to Prader–Willi syndrome. An antisense RNA of unknown function has been found overlapping this gene.
Genomic imprinting represents yet another example of non-Mendelian inheritance. Just as in conventional inheritance, genes for a given trait are passed down to progeny from both parents. However, these genes are epigenetically marked before transmission, altering their levels of expression. These imprints are created before gamete formation and are erased during the creation of germ line cells.
Methylation, as well as other epigenetic modifications, affects transcription, gene stability, and parental imprinting. It directly impacts chromatin structure and can modulate gene transcription, or even completely silence or activate genes, without mutation to the gene itself. Though the mechanisms of this genetic control are complex, hypo- and hypermethylation of DNA is implicated in many diseases.
New York Times critic Roberta Smith noted the work's sociological slant and "surprisingly inflected" narration suggesting "a kind of found poetry." In 1995, Bollinger began imprinting downloaded portraits from early websites onto baked goods using a commercial baking printer called the Sweet Art Machine.Berry, Colin. "Rebeca Bollinger and Lowell Darling: Gallery 16," CitySearch (San Francisco), 1997.
A clear plastic conformal coating material such as silicone, acrylic or epoxy protects the fragile LEDs on the exposed front of the board. Shaped boards have literally hundreds of variations combined with imprinting. Common shapes (besides the classic small circle) are stars, hearts, flowers, flags, animals, holiday symbols (like Halloween jack-o-lanterns), and sports team logos.
The technique for the first time was used for making MIP by Sellergren et al. for imprinting small target molecules. With the same concept, Nematollahzadeh et al. developed a general technique, so-called polymerization packed bed, to obtain hierarchically-structured, high capacity protein imprinted porous polymer beads by using silica porous particles for protein recognition and capture.
Dixon, R. M. and Carr, A. B. (2004). "Land imprinting standards for accelerating succession past the exotic weed stage." Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration, August 24–26, 2004, Victoria, Canada. Rainwater then funnels into the troughs of the imprints, where the water infiltrates into the indentation and air exhausts from the crests.
The land imprinter creates microdepressions in the soil that effectively reduce erosion and runoff.Anderson, R. (1981). "A story in two parts: Advance of the barren earth, technology for reversing desertification," Rangelands 3, 47-50. Imprinting has been found to be superior to drilling at research sites in Utah,Clary, W. C. and Johnson, T. J. (1983).
Definitives and commemoratives have been issued. Stamps have been produced both as unperforated sheets, perforated and miniature sheets. The stamps have been produced in a number of shapes - the Scinde Dawk being rounded and some, like the stamp on the Bombay Sappers being triangular. Recently the 2009 stamp on Louis Braille had braille imprinting on it in addition.
Combination embossing is the process of embossing and foil stamping the same image. It involves imprinting and aligning foil over an embossed image to create a foil emboss. A sculptured die, generally made of brass is used for this procedure. The process requires close registration that must be controlled to keep the image and foil matched precisely.
One of the two populations may go extinct due to competitive exclusion after secondary contact. This tends to happen when the two populations have strong reproductive isolation and significant overlap in their niche. A possible way to prevent extinction is if there is an advantage to being rare. For example, sexual imprinting and male-male competition may prevent extinction.
Victor is imprinted with the personality of Terry Karrens, – a kidnapper and man on the verge of becoming a serial killer. When Victor/Terry escapes from the Dollhouse to finish his "game" with his trapped and terrified victims, Topher attempts a remote wipe with disastrous results, imprinting Victor as Kiki the college girl, and Echo as Terry.
Godzilla Junior first appears in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II as an egg. Presuming it to be a Pteranodon egg, a scientific team unearths it from Adona Island and ships it to Japan for study. The egg displays strange psychic properties, even imprinting itself upon the biologist Azusa Gojo, before finally hatching to reveal an infant Godzillasaurus.
Their phenotype may not be dependent on the equivalence of the genotype. This can ultimately increase diversity in genetic classes, expanding flexibility of imprinted genes. This increase will also force a higher degree in testing capabilities and assortment of tests to determine the presences of imprinting. When a locus is identified as imprinted, two different classes express different alleles.
Following her graduate training, Ideraabdullah pursued postdoctoral work under the mentorship of Marisa Bartolomei at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Here, Ideraabdullah gained expertise in the study of epigenetics. She studied the molecular mechanisms of genomic imprinting, where gene expression is dependent on whether the gene was inherited from the mother or the father. Since regulation of imprinted genes was thought to be governed by the epigenetic modifications to the imprinting control region (ICR), Ideraabdullah explored whether there are regions outside the ICR that are important in the regulation of imprinted genes. She mutated different regions within the ICR for H19/IGF2 and this caused a loss of repression of the imprinted gene, yet the methylation patterns at the imprinted gene’s ICR and promoter region did not change.
Contemporary sexology does not consider the attraction problematic unless exercising it infringes the rights of one of the parties and/or those of third parties. Explanations include: #Imprinting or the influence of influential events on behaviour. Encountering visibly disabled people in childhood awakes strong emotions which may give rise to quasi- logical reasoning and a desire for people with the type of trauma encountered. Care received during hospital stays may awaken a wish to become disabled (as a way of ensuring continuous care), later projected onto others. Freud is credited with discovering conditioning ("imprinting" in sexology) in the context of fetishism; #Implied parental approval: if, on encountering someone disabled, a future DPW’s parents express admiration, the child may conclude that disability inspires regard, later ranking it among sexual preferences.
In contrast to the phenomenon of selection for rarity, scholarship has implied the existence another form of eye color involvement in mate selection. A study found a significant incidence of the partners of heterosexual people possessing similar eye and hair color to that of their opposite-sex parent. This is suggestive of a form of parental imprinting on eventual mate selection.
One approach to this way of understanding meaning was the psychosocial theorist Erik Erikson. Erikson had a certain perspective on the role of meaning in the process of human bodily development and socialization. Within his model, a "meaning" is the external source of gratification associated with the human erogenous zones and their respective modes. See imprinting (psychology) for some related topics.
Historian Mark Wyman calls Wisconsin a "palimpsest" of layer upon layer of peoples and forces, each imprinting permanent influences. He identified these layers as multiple "frontiers" over three centuries: Native American frontier, French frontier, English frontier, fur-trade frontier, mining frontier, and the logging frontier. Finally, the coming of the railroad brought the end of the frontier.Mark Wyman, The Wisconsin Frontier (2009) pp.
Although it is commonly confused with pedophilia, the two conditions are distinct and infantilists do not seek children as sexual partners. A variety of causes have been proposed, including altered lovemaps, imprinting gone wrong and errors in erotic targets, though there is no consensus. A variety of organizations exist to discuss infantilism or meet with other practitioners throughout the world.
These include genetic inheritance of host preference, host imprinting on young birds, returning to place of birth and subsequently choosing a host randomly ("natal philopatry"), choice based on preferred nest site (nest-site hypothesis), and choice based on preferred habitat (habitat-selection hypothesis). Of these hypotheses the nest-site selection and habitat selection have been most supported by experimental analysis.
However, Pyrosequencing does well allow for extension to high-throughput screening methods. A further improvement to this technique was recently described by Wong et al., which uses allele-specific primers that incorporate single-nucleotide polymorphisms into the sequence of the sequencing primer, thus allowing for separate analysis of maternal and paternal alleles. This technique is of particular usefulness for genomic imprinting analysis.
The camera is powered by 2 AA- size batteries. The PC35AF-M DATE is equipped with a data-recording back that allows imprinting on the photograph of either the date (using the ymd format) or the time (using the HH mm format, ie. 24-hour clock, no seconds). The back is separately powered by two LR44 or SR44 button batteries.
Nicholls' research is primarily focused on the development of biomimetic materials and their application in sensing, catalysis and as biomaterials/therapeutics, and on fundamental studies of molecular recognition phenomena. This is reflected in his work with molecular imprinting and concerning the anticoagulant warfarin.Karlsson BC, Rosengren AM, Andersson PO, Nicholls IA (September 2007). "The spectrophysics of warfarin: implications for protein binding".
U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. This lncRNA is an RNA modified by imprinting, leading to Airn expression in the paternal allele, but not in the maternal allele. Airn acts by cis-acting silencing of the Igf2r region through overlapping the Igf2r gene through the antisense transcript encoded by Airn. Airn is silenced in the maternal allele through Igf2r transcription.
DNMT3A forms part of the family of DNA methyltransferase enzymes, which consists of the protagonists DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B. While de novo DNA methylation modifies the information passed on by the parent to the progeny, it enables key epigenetic modifications essential for processes such as cellular differentiation and embryonic development, transcriptional regulation, heterochromatin formation, X-inactivation, imprinting and genome stability.
Eckhard Heinrich Hess (27 September 1916 – 21 February 1986) was a German-born American psychologist and ethologist, known for his research on pupillometry and animal imprinting. He joined the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago as an instructor in 1948. He became a full professor in the Department of Psychology in 1959, and served as its chairman from 1963 to 1968.
A dedicated Command Back 70 supported date and data imprinting as well as time exposures, to take a photograph at a programmed time, and to take time-lapse photos at programmed intervals. The shutter of the T70 was not battery dependent during bulb exposures, and was one reason why the command back could support timed exposures of several hours duration.
Immediate skin-to-skin contact may provide a form of imprinting that makes subsequent feeding significantly easier. In addition to more successful breastfeeding and bonding, immediate skin-to-skin contact reduces crying and warms the baby. According to studies cited by UNICEF, babies naturally follow a process which leads to a first breastfeed. Initially after birth the baby cries with its first breaths.
In his private life, however, Shemyakov had problems such as experiencing frequent headaches and having trouble socializing with girls. He also lived with his parents. After seeing the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", Shemyakov decided that he wanted to kill women. The film, most likely, had nothing to do with it, but it is believed that it influenced him through imprinting.
CpG methylation is an epigenetic modification that is important for embryonic development, imprinting, and X-chromosome inactivation. Studies in mice have demonstrated that DNA methylation is required for mammalian development. This gene encodes a DNA methyltransferase which is thought to function in de novo methylation, rather than maintenance methylation. The protein localizes primarily to the nucleus and its expression is developmentally regulated.
Foals may also learn the "language of intimidation and submission" from their dam, and this imprinting may affect the foal's status and rank within the herd.McGreevy, Paul. Equine Behaviour – A Guide For Veterinarians and Equine Scientists. Many times, a mature horse will achieve status in a herd similar to that of its dam; the offspring of dominant mares become dominant themselves.
As of 2014, there are about 150 imprinted genes known in the mouse and about half that in humans. In 2019, 260 imprinted genes have been reported in mice and 228 in humans. Genomic imprinting is an inheritance process independent of the classical Mendelian inheritance. It is an epigenetic process that involves DNA methylation and histone methylation without altering the genetic sequence.
The expressed allele is dependent upon its parental origin. For example, the gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2/Igf2) is only expressed from the allele inherited from the father. The term "imprinting" was first used to describe events in the insect Pseudococcus nipae. In Pseudococcids (mealybugs) (Hemiptera, Coccoidea) both the male and female develop from a fertilised egg.
Unfortunately, the relationship between the phenotype and genotype of imprinted genes is solely conceptual. The idea is frame worked using two alleles on a single loci and hosts three different possible classes of genotypes. The reciprocal heterozygotes genotype class contributes to understanding how imprinting will impact genotype to phenotype relationship. Reciprocal heterozygotes have a genetically equivalent, but they are phenotypically nonequivalent.
The episode starts with Echo getting an imprint. Paul Ballard is seemingly concerned at whether Echo can handle this, but Topher reassures Ballard everything will be fine. During the imprinting process, Topher experiences glitches with his computer and suspects it is Dr. Saunders who is messing with him and goes to sleep. Adelle and Boyd discuss the dangers of keeping Ballard on staff, but Adelle seems unfazed.
1993, 165, 71-102. also called more recently, molecular clips. His current work focuses on dendrimers, including their supramolecular chemistry Zimmerman, S. C.; Zeng, F.; Reichert, D. E. C.; Kolotuchin, S. V. "Self-assembling dendrimers," Science 1996, 271, 1095-1098.Zimmerman, S. C.; Wendland, M. S.; Rakow, N. A.; Zharov, I.; Suslick, K. S. "Synthetic hosts by monomolecular imprinting inside dendrimers," Nature 2002, 418, 399-403.
Saunders explains that Topher no longer enters the imprinting room, but she volunteers to make the copy herself. As preparations to leave the Dollhouse are underway, DeWitt notes that Echo has returned to save the actives, but asks what her plans are for the former Dollhouse administrative staff. Caroline cocks her pistol and the memory ends. In 2019, Caroline is imprinted into Iris's body.
A Great Pyrenees with a herd of goats The dogs are introduced to livestock as puppies so they "imprint" on the animals. Experts recommend that the pups begin living with the herd at 4 to 5 weeks of age. This imprinting is thought to be largely olfactory and occurs between 3 and 16 weeks of age. Training requires regular daily handling and management, preferably from birth.
Back in the present day, DeWitt, Echo, Priya, Anthony, Topher, Ivy, Ballard and Boyd discuss the implications of imprinting Caroline into Echo. Topher is concerned Caroline will fight back when she finds Echo and her other personas inhabiting her body, but Echo believes she would win the fight. DeWitt orders Echo into the chair for Caroline to be imprinted. However, Caroline's original wedge is missing.
While passing through the modes of the telepathic animals, Colene is once again attacked by the mind predator. The companions, forced to seek refuge in Seqiro's mode, discover a mare who has been mind-blasted, telepathically attacked and stripped of her memories. Colene heals the mare by imprinting her with the character of her imaginary friend, Maresy Doats. After defeating his rival Koturo, Seqiro becomes herd stallion.
Cellular structures called proteasomes recognize and digest proteins tagged with ubiquitin. Both copies of the UBE3A gene are active in most of the body's tissues. In most neurons, however, only the copy inherited from a person's mother (the maternal copy) is normally active; this is known as paternal imprinting. Recent evidence shows that at least some glial cells and neurons may exhibit biallelic expression of UBE3A.
LRRTM1 is a brain-expressed imprinted gene that encodes a leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein that interacts with neurexins and neuroligins to modulate synaptic cell adhesion in neurons. As the name implies, its protein product is a transmembrane protein that contains many leucine rich repeats. It is expressed during the development of specific forebrain structures and shows a variable pattern of maternal downregulation (genomic imprinting).
The long sharp edges of blades made them useful for a variety of purposes. After blades are flaked, they are often incorporated as parts of larger tools, such as spears. Other times, the simple shape and sharpness serves the designed role. Blades were often employed in the impression process of material culture, assisting ancient humans in imprinting ornate designs into other parts of their material culture.
A hinny is a domestic equine hybrid that is the offspring of a male horse (a stallion) and a female donkey (a jenny). It is the reciprocal cross to the more common mule, which is the product of a male donkey (a jack) and a female horse (a mare). The hinny is distinctive from the mule both in physiology and temperament as a consequence of genomic imprinting.
The protein arises from a bicistronic transcript that also encodes a protein identified as the SNRPN upstream reading frame (SNURF). Multiple transcription initiation sites have been identified and extensive alternative splicing occurs in the 5' untranslated region. Additional splice variants have been described but sequences for the complete transcripts have not been determined. The 5' UTR of this gene has been identified as an imprinting center.
H19 is a gene for a long noncoding RNA, found in humans and elsewhere. H19 has a role in the negative regulation (or limiting) of body weight and cell proliferation. This gene also has a role in the formation of some cancers and in the regulation of gene expression. . The H19 gene is expressed exclusively on one parental allele in a phenomenon known as imprinting.
The sequences shot with wolves required him to become a member of the pack during the imprinting process. The series was broadcast in many countries gaining large audiences. In Spain, it was awarded (Premio Ondas, Antena de Oro) and internationally (Monte Carlo Television Festival). It is noteworthy that the episodes did not include a pre-filming script: Felix improvised the development of each chapter.
Nanoimprint proximity effect. Top: Array of depressions is more quickly filled at the edge than the center, resulting in less imprinting at the center of the array. Bottom: The wide space between two groups of protrusions tends to be filled slower than the narrow spaces between the protrusions, resulting in the formation of holes in the unpatterned area. Nanoimprint lithography relies on displacing polymer.
CpG methylation is an epigenetic modification that is important for embryonic development, imprinting, and X-chromosome inactivation. Studies in mice have demonstrated that DNA methylation is required for mammalian development. This gene encodes a nuclear protein with similarity to DNA methyltransferases. This protein is not thought to function as a DNA methyltransferase as it does not contain the amino acid residues necessary for methyltransferase activity.
A 10% difference in the skewing of genetically identical twins did exist however, so there are other contributing factors outside of genetics alone. It is difficult to identify primary nonrandom inactivation in humans, as early cell selection occurs in the embryo. Mutation and imprinting of the XIST gene, a part of the X-inactivation centre, can result in skewing. This is rare in humans.
The hippocampus is majorly associated with memory. The process of imprinting emotional and physical experiences into the brain utilizes memory functions. While the emotional regulation and responses of these experiences are majorly associated with and controlled by the amygdala. The system's connections with the cerebral cortex allow an individual to experience negative or positive feeling through his perceptions and he remembers such event with accompanying feeling.
MeCP2 binds methylated cytosine residues in DNA and interacts with complexes that remodel chromatin into repressive structures. On the other hand, FXS is caused by mutations that are both genetic and epigenetic. Expansion of the CGG repeat in the 5’-untranslated region of the FMR1 genes leads to susceptibility of epigenetic silencing, leading to loss of gene expression. Genomic imprinting may also contribute to ASD.
The 1950s saw the advent of mass-producing private labeled picks for guitar companies, requiring sophisticated automated printing and packaging. The 1960s was the heyday of rock and every player and store wanted their pick personalized. Tony developed some of the fastest multi-shot equipment for punching, imprinting and bagging. In the 1990s he revolutionized the imprint process with the introduction of pad printing.
Trawling gear produces acute impacts on biota and the physical substratum of the seafloor by disrupting the sediment column structure, overturning boulders, resuspending sediments and imprinting deep scars on muddy bottoms. Also, the repetitive passage of trawling gear over the same areas creates long-lasting, cumulative impacts that modify the cohesiveness and texture of sediments. It can be asserted nowadays that due to its recurrence, mobility and wide geographical extent, industrial trawling has become a major force driving seafloor change and affecting not only its physical integrity on short spatial scales but also imprinting measurable modifications to the geomorphology of entire continental margins.Oberle et al. (2018), “Submarine Geomorphology: Bottom Trawling and other Fishing Activities”, Book: Submarine Geomorphology Chapter 25, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-57852 Bottom fishing has operated for over a century on heavily fished grounds such as the North Sea and Grand Banks.
Using imprinted animals that had become accustomed to human presence, but retained their natural behavioral patterns, Rodríguez de la Fuente and his team filmed stunning images. Among them, wolf hunting sequences and the golden eagle capturing a mouflon are notorious. The sequences shot with wolves required him to become a member of the pack during the imprinting process. The series was broadcast in many countries gaining large audiences.
Mayna Treanor Avent was born on September 17, 1868 in Nashville, Tennessee.Tennessee Portrait ProjectThe South on Paper: Line, Color and Light, Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 2000, p. 22 Lynn Barstis Williams, Imprinting the South: Southern Printmakers And Their Images of the Region, 1920s-1940s, Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 2007, p. 46 Her father was Thomas O. Treanor and her mother, Mary Andrews Treanor.
Epigenetic imprinting is lost during reactive oxygen species stress. This type of oxidative stress causes a loss of NF- κB signaling. Enhancer blocking element CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) binds to the imprint control region of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) preventing the enhancers from allowing the transcription of the gene. The NF- κB proteins interact with IκB inhibitory proteins, but during oxidative stress IκB proteins are degraded in the cell.
This paper achieved three things. First, it coined the term selfish genetic element, putting an end to a sometimes confusingly diverse terminology (selfish genes, ultra-selfish genes, selfish DNA, parasitic DNA, genomic outlaws). Second, it formally defined the concept of selfish genetic elements. Finally, it was the first paper to bring together all different kinds of selfish genetic elements known at the time (genomic imprinting, for example, was not covered).
DNA methylation plays a significant role in the epigenetic regulation of chromatin structure, which in the last decade has been recognized to be important in the regulation of gene expression, development and genetic imprinting in vertebrates. Changes in the methylation pattern and level have been shown to contribute to cancer and various developmental diseases.DNA methylation in development and human disease. Gopalakrishnan S, Van Emburgh BO, Robertson KD. Mutation Research.
The A-Ma Temple. Kun Iam Temple. The Chinese folk religion, also named Shenism, is the indigenous religion of the Han Chinese. Its focus is the worship of the shen (神 "expressions", "gods"), that are the generative powers of nature, also including, in the human sphere, ancestors and progenitors of families or lineages, and divine heroes that made a significant imprinting in the history of the Chinese civilisation.
By doing this, Rossum is running human brains as computers. Clyde has been killing people to free them, take away Rossum's CPUs, and prevent the nightmarish future he predicts from coming true. The group makes a run for it and hole up in a small room for safety. Clyde reveals that he was one of the two original founders of Rossum and he discovered the technology for imprinting.
Numismatic Hall On the top floor, one can visit the National Numismatic Collection. Stemming from a donation bequeathed by Prof. Salvatore Luigi Pisani (1828-1908) in 1899, the collection has continued to grow and now consists of more than 16,000 coins, commemorative medals and dies. The coins are testimony to centuries of foreign rulers, almost each imprinting their gods, themselves or their coats of arms on local coinage.
Natural antisense transcripts (NATs) are a group of RNAs encoded within a cell that have transcript complementarity to other RNA transcripts. They have been identified in multiple eukaryotes, including humans, mice, yeast and Arabidopsis thaliana. This class of RNAs includes both protein-coding and non- coding RNAs. Current evidence has suggested a variety of regulatory roles for NATs, such as RNA interference (RNAi), alternative splicing, genomic imprinting, and X-chromosome inactivation.
The study concludes that hybrid growth disorders most commonly affect the heterozygous sex, as expected by Haldane's rule. This would also explain why hybrid growth disorders often appear to affect one sex more than the other. Similarly, a study of hybrids between dwarf hamster species Phodopus campbelli and Phodopus sungorus suggests that gene imprinting causes abnormal interactions between growth-promoting and growth-repressing genes which regulate placental and embryonic growth.
RTL1 (retrotransposon like 1) is a retrotransposon derived protein coding gene. It is also known as PEG11 and is a paternally expressed imprinted gene, part of genomic imprinting. RTL1 plays an important role in the maintenance of fetal capillaries and is expressed in high quantities during late stage of fetal development. The expression of this gene is important for the development of the placenta, the fetus-maternal interface.
When one allele of Tsix in mice is null, the inactivation is skewed toward the mutant X chromosome. This is due to an accumulation of Xist that is not countered by Tsix, and causes the mutant chromosome to be inactivated. When both alleles of Tsix are null (homozygous mutant), the results are low fertility, lower proportion of female births and a reversion to random X inactivation rather than gene imprinting.
A typical method of top-down fabrication includes photolithography to define the geometry of channels on a substrate wafer. The geometry is created by several thin-film deposition and etching steps to form trenches. The substrate wafer is then bonded to another wafer to seal the trenches and form channels. Other technologies to fabricate nano-channels include surface micromachining with sacrificial layers, nano-imprinting lithography, and soft-lithography.
Land imprinter teeth are pressed into soil for infiltration imprint. Desertified soil has a sealed surface where rainwater cannot infiltrate, and air contained within soil macropores cannot escape (left). A soil imprint created by a land imprinter funnels water toward seedlings and provides a chimney for air to escape (right). Imprinting reverses the desertification process by pressing V-shape imprints into the soil with steel angles on a heavy roller.
The land imprinter is not well adapted for shallow soil or extremely rocky soil and is not well suited to mulching large stands of brush. Large shrubs must be chopped or removed prior to imprinting. The land imprinter is typically used directly on unprepared soils, without initial tilling. The heavy roller and angled teeth crush weeds and brush into mulch, which remain as a nutrient base for new seedlings.
1.Traditionally, using pedigree data in humans, plants, and livestock species to estimate additive genetic variance. 2\. Using a single- nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) regression method to quantify the contribution of additive, dominance, and imprinting variance to the total genetic variance 3\. Genetic variance–covariance (G ) matrices conveniently summarize the genetic relationships among a suite of traits and are a central parameter in the determination of the multivariate response to selection.
Methylation can change the activity of a DNA segment without changing the sequence. When located in a gene promoter, DNA methylation typically acts to repress gene transcription. In mammals, DNA methylation is essential for normal development and is associated with a number of key processes including genomic imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation, repression of transposable elements, aging, and carcinogenesis. Two of DNA's four bases, cytosine and adenine, can be methylated.
From the stress and shock that was required to break out, he collapses. The shock was significant, and he was expected not to survive unless he was placed in the attic again. Despite his objections he is prepped and assumed replaced. In "Epitaph One", Dominic is shown to have been recently released from the Attic with his memory restored, shortly after imprinting technology starts being used as a weapon.
She was shot several times in both legs during the assault and becomes a wheelchair user. Due to her injuries, she is forced to stay in the Dollhouse, leaving the care of Iris to Zone. Before the final Imprint near the end, she reveals to Zone that before the chaos imprinting, she used to attend college at Berkeley and was dating a girl who was a classmate at the university.
The American coot, unlike other parasitized species, has the ability to recognize and reject conspecific parasitic chicks from their brood. Parents aggressively reject parasite chicks by pecking them vigorously, drowning them, preventing them from entering the nest, etc. They learn to recognize their own chicks by imprinting on cues from the first chick that hatches. The first-hatched chick is a reference to which parents discriminate between later-hatched chicks.
The captured Honored Matre Murbella attempts this on Duncan; his own imprinting ability, secretly conditioned into him by his Tleilaxu creators, suddenly manifests itself. Murbella and Duncan basically imprint each other, neither having complete control over the other. In Chapterhouse Dune the order has learned the Honored Matre method from Murbella and use it for their own purposes, specifically to awaken the memories within the Miles Teg ghola.
In that book, he criticized Marshall as a classical economist who subscribed to the real cost doctrine and his assumption of homogeneity of different costs. Davenport, along with Frank A. Fetter, comprised, as Fetter put it, a distinct, if small, school of economics: the American Psychological School. Frank Knight, a student and admirer of Davenport's, did not succeed in imprinting many of Davenport's ideas onto the Chicago School neoclassical tradition.
Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding isoforms with distinct signal peptides have been described. This gene is located within an imprinting region that spans the 15q11-13 region. Its sequence is considerably longer than the two other genes found within its gene cluster due to a large 150kb intron it carries. A pattern is observed in GABRB3 gene replication, in humans the maternal allele is replicated later than the paternal allele.
When her husband, Count Robert II, left to go on the First Crusade in 1096, Clementia became regent of Flanders. As the ruling force she influenced the production of money, such as imprinting her own name on minted coins.Everglades, Theodore, Aristocratic Women in Medieval France, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999, p. 111. She was also asked to help deal with violent matters like protecting pilgrims from assault in Bapaume.
While there haven't been many studies linking environmental factors to schizophrenia-related epigenetics mechanisms at this point in the field, a few studies have shown interesting results. Advanced paternal age is one of the risk factors for schizophrenia, according to recent research. This is through mutagenesis, which cause further spontaneous changes, or through genomic imprinting. As the parent ages, more and more errors may occur in the epigenetic process.
Retrieved on 2007-05-02. It did not sell well until the mid-90s when its price was dropped from $45 to $16 per bottle and started to appear in rap videos including Tupac Shakur's "Thug Passion". The packaging of Alizé has undergone two major changes: a new bottle shape and an updated label with foil imprinting and a larger name in 2002,"Alizé transports US experience". The Grocer.
Bladder mucosa is one of the tissues that express high levels of H19 RNA prenatally. In bladder cancers, H19 is also upregulated and present in most stages. The presence of H19 RNA was strongest in bladder carcinomas (sampled in situ) that tend to progress rapidly to invasive cancer as well as invasive transitional cell carcinomas. In samples of bladder carcinoma, loss of imprinting at the H19 loci were observed.
Eleanor had been studying the development and process of imprinting in goats when the inspiration for the visual cliff was spontaneously discovered.Rodkey, N, E. (2015). The visual cliff’s forgotten menagerie: rats, goats, babies, and myth-making in the history of psychology. Journal of the History of the Behavioural Sciences, 51(2), 113-140. doi: 10.1002/jhbs.21712 While washing one of the baby goats, another was about to be born.
A diffractive beam splitter with three-dimensional structure created using nanoimprint lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is a method of fabricating nanometer scale patterns. It is a simple nanolithography process with low cost, high throughput and high resolution. It creates patterns by mechanical deformation of imprint resist and subsequent processes. The imprint resist is typically a monomer or polymer formulation that is cured by heat or UV light during the imprinting.
The Maroons were Africans who escaped slavery in America and then mixed with the indigenous people. In the sixteenth century, missionizing native peoples was seen as a moral conquest. It was used as a tool of pacification among Africans who escaped slavery and made their home in Spanish America. In Ecuador, Santo Domingo, Mexico, and Panama, imprinting and “pacifying” maroon societies was very dependent on the spread of Spanish Catholicism.
Depending on the severity of the stress response induced in an individual by an event (i.e. a romantic breakup), certain concentrations of stress hormones including CRF, ACTH, and cortisol work to intensify the imprinting of an emotional memory of the event, indelibly inscribing its fears and other sensations in the amygdala (to serve as a warning for future events),LeDoux, Joseph. "Emotion, Memory and the Brain." Scientific American (June 1994).
The second book of The Act of Creation aims to develop a biological and psychological foundation for the theory of creation proposed in book one. Koestler found the psychology of his day (behaviorism, cognitivism) portraying man merely as an automaton, disregarded the creative abilities of the mind. Koestler draws on theories of play, imprinting, motivation, perception, Gestalt psychology, and others to lay a theoretical foundation for his theory of creativity.
A similar imprinting phenomenon has also been described in flowering plants (angiosperms). During fertilization of the egg cell, a second, separate fertilization event gives rise to the endosperm, an extraembryonic structure that nourishes the embryo in a manner analogous to the mammalian placenta. Unlike the embryo, the endosperm is often formed from the fusion of two maternal cells with a male gamete. This results in a triploid genome.
A new technology for grating insertion into integrated photonic lightwave circuits is digital planar holography (DPH). DPH gratings are generated in computer and fabricated on one or several interfaces of an optical waveguide planar with standard micro-lithography or nano-imprinting methods, compatible with mass-production. Light propagates inside the DPH gratings, confined by the refractive index gradient, which provides longer interaction path and greater flexibility in light steering.
In folklore, maternal imprinting, or Versehen (a German noun meaning "inadvertance" or as a verb "to provide") as it is usually called, is the belief that a sudden fear of some object or animal in a pregnant woman can cause her child to bear the mark of it. Oswald Spengler understood maternal imprinting to be a folkloric understanding of what he called "blood feeling" or the formation of a group aesthetic of a bodily ideal: > What is called the Versehen of a pregnant woman is only a particular and not > very important instance of the workings of a very deep and powerful > formative principle inherent in all that is of the race side. It is a matter > of common observation that elderly married people become strangely like one > another, although probably Science with its measuring instruments would > "prove" the exact opposite. It is impossible to exaggerate the formative > power of this living pulse, this strong inward feeling for the perfection of > one's own type.
Geography has shaped the Idahoan identity, imprinting aesthetic and recreational aspects upon the culture. For example, consider that the world's first chairlift was built in Sun Valley and that skiing is cherished as an Idaho pastime. Additionally, the rivers and high mountain lakes of Idaho contribute to a rich fishing culture within the state. The significance of Idaho's fishing culture is partly revealed by the impact of fishing recreation on the economy of Idaho.
These parent-of-origin effects reflect the effects of genomic imprinting. Complete tetraploidy is more rarely diagnosed than triploidy, but is observed in 1–2% of early miscarriages. However, some tetraploid cells are commonly found in chromosome analysis at prenatal diagnosis and these are generally considered 'harmless'. It is not clear whether these tetraploid cells simply tend to arise during in vitro cell culture or whether they are also present in placental cells in vivo.
Following his abitur (1972) at the Geschwister-Scholl Gymnasium in Daun, Germany and military service, Rudi Balling studied Food Science from 1974 to 1980 at the University of Bonn, Germany and at the Washington State University in Pullman, USA. Afterwards Rudi Balling received his PhD (Dr. troph.) for his studies on embryotoxicology at the RWTH Aachen and at the NIEHS (NIH). From 1984 to 1986 Rudi Balling researched imprinting mechanisms in developmental biology with Prof.
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, Edited by Robin Dunbar and Louise Barret, Oxford University Press, 2007, Chapter 16 The evolution of empathizing and systemizing: assortative mating of two strong systemizers and the cause of autism, Simon Baron-Cohen. The "imprinted brain theory" argues that autism and psychosis are contrasting disorders on a number of different variables and that this is caused by an unbalanced genomic imprinting favoring paternal genes (autism) or maternal genes (psychosis).
Some interpret the mark as a requirement for all commerce to mean that the mark might actually be an object with the function of a credit card, such as RFID microchip implants. In Christianity, some believe the implantation of chips may be the imprinting of the mark of the beast, prophesied to be a requirement for all trade and a precursor to the events of the second half of the Book of Revelation.
The imprinted brain theory suggests genomic imprinting is at least partly responsible for the sex differences in autism and implicates schizophrenia as well, referencing the fact that the current genetic and physiological evidence suggests the two conditions are on a spectrum in which some mutations in certain genes cause lower social cognition but higher practical cognition (autism) while other mutations in the same genes cause lower practical cognition with higher social cognition (schizophrenia).
Heinroth had noted that chickens were alarmed by long-tailed and short-necked birds suggesting that these were the key characteristics of birds of prey. The idea that this response was instinctive was examined in greater detail by Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen. He also rediscovered the phenomenon of imprinting, reported in the 19th century by Douglas Spalding but not followed up at the time. His results were popularized by Konrad Lorenz, his pupil.
The substrate(s) and physiological function of Peg1/MEST are not known; however, the protein may play a role in mammalian development and abnormalities in its expression by its gene (PEG1/MEST)by, for example, loss of Genomic imprinting, overexpression, or promoter switching, has been linked to certain types of cancer and tumors in humans such as invasive cervical cancer, uterine leiomyomas, and cancers of the breast, lung, and colon (see MEST (gene)).
Shor researched the foundations of sexual attraction and sexual aversion. Shor and Dalit Simchai challenged the scholarly consensus on the Westermarck effect, which suggests that close domestic proximity during early childhood leads to sexual aversion (also known as reverse sexual imprinting).Shor, Eran and Dalit Simchai. 2012. “Exposing the Myth of Sexual Aversion in the Israeli Kibbutzim: A Challenge to the Westermarck Hypothesis” (reply to Maryanski et al.) American Journal of Sociology 117:1509-1513.
This is an imprinting error where the person receives two copies of chromosome 7 from the mother (maternally inherited) rather than one from each parent. Other genetic causes such as duplications, deletions and chromosomal aberrations have also linked to Silver–Russell syndrome. Interestingly, Silver–Russell patients have variable hypomethylation levels in different body tissues, suggesting a mosaic pattern and a postzygotic epigenetic modification issue. This could explain the body asymmetry of the SRS phenotype.
The smallest observed region that can result in these syndromes when deleted is therefore called the PWS/AS critical region. In addition to deletions, uniparental disomy of chromosome 15 also gives rise to the same genetic disorders, indicating that genomic imprinting must occur in this region. Deletions of regions of chromosome 15 (notably regions 15q15 and 15q22) on several types of human tumours suggest the presence of a potential tumor suppressor gene.
Germany: ; ; ; England: ; ; Italy: ; . Lipinsky surmises that this typographical technique was known in Constantinople from the 10th to the 12th century and that the Venetians received it from there (p. 78). However, the various techniques employed (imprinting, punching and assembling individual letters) did not have the refinement and efficiency needed to become widely accepted. Tsuen-Hsuin and Needham, and Briggs and Burke suggest that the movable type printing in China and Korea was rarely employed.
Schreber reveals that Murdoch is an anomaly who inadvertently awoke when Schreber was in the middle of imprinting his latest identity as a murderer. The three embark to find Shell Beach, but it exists only as a poster on a wall at the edge of the city. Frustrated, Murdoch and Bumstead break through the wall, revealing outer space. The men are confronted by the Strangers, including Mr. Hand, who holds Emma hostage.
Haferkamp, M.R., Ganskopp, D., Miller, R.F., and Sneva, F.A. (1987). Drilling versus imprinting for establishing crested wheatgrass in the sagebrush - bunchgrass steppe Journal of Range Management 40 (6), 524-530. Haferkamp and colleagues used brushbeating plus disking to create the loosened soil treatment in that study. Ripping or chisel plowing can be used as alternatives to disking when soil is deeply compacted, as they are less destructive to soil components than disking.
As parts of the chromosome from the mother are turned off through imprinting, they end up with no working copies of certain genes. PWS is not generally inherited, but rather the genetic changes happen during the formation of the egg, sperm, or in early development. No risk factors are known for the disorder. Those who have one child with PWS have less than a 1% chance of the next child being affected.
Further work is thus needed to delineate a complete map of UBE3A imprinting in humans and model organisms such as mice. Silencing of Ube3a on the paternal allele is thought to occur through the Ube3a-ATS part of a lincRNA called "LNCAT", (Large Non-Coding Antisense Transcript). The UBE3A gene is located on the long (q) arm of chromosome 15 between positions 11 and 13, from base pair 23,133,488 to base pair 23,235,220.
IGF2 gene is also maternally imprinted meaning that the mother's gene is silenced. The mother's gene is typically methylated at the differentially methylated region (DMR); however, when hypomethylated, the gene is bi-allelically expressed. Thus, individuals with lower methylation states likely lost some of the imprinting effect. Similar results have been demonstrated in the Nr3c1 and Ppara genes of the offspring of rats fed on an isocaloric protein-deficient diet before starting pregnancy.
MethBase is a database of DNA methylation data derived from next-generation sequencing data. MethBase provides a visualization of publicly available bisulfite sequencing and reduced representation bisulfite sequencing experiments through the UCSC Genome Browser. MethBase contents include single- CpG site resolution methylation levels for each CpG site in the genome of interest, annotation of regions of hypomethylation often associated with gene promoters, and annotation of allele-specific methylation associated with genomic imprinting.
The are the main weapons of Soul Reapers, conceived and invented by Ōetsu Nimaiya of Squad Zero. When first created, a nameless zanpakutō is initially known as an and is given to low- class Soul Reapers. Over time, from imprinting the owner's soul into it, the asauchi eventually transforms into the Soul Reaper's personal zanpakutō. As a consequence, having been a formless entity prior, the spiritual embodiment of a zanpakutō gains a unique appearance.
Paul, however, refuses to use this advantage. In Heretics of Dune, Reverend Mother and Imprinter Lucilla is charged with the seduction-imprinting of the Duncan Idaho ghola so that the Sisterhood may assert some control over him; he ultimately avoids her. Lucilla also mentions the hundreds of sexual positions and variations she knows. In Heretics, the Honored Matres have themselves refined this ability to such an intense level that the targeted male becomes completely enslaved.
The geomagnetic imprinting hypothesis holds that they are imprinted with the unique magnetic field that exists in their natal area. This is a plausible theory but has not been proven to occur. Pacific salmon are known to be imprinted on the water chemistry of their home river, a fact that has been confirmed experimentally. They may use geomagnetic information to get close to the coast and then pick up the olfactory cues.
In both types of histone methyltransferases, S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) serves as a cofactor and methyl donor group. The genomic DNA of eukaryotes associates with histones to form chromatin. The level of chromatin compaction depends heavily on histone methylation and other post-translational modifications of histones. Histone methylation is a principal epigenetic modification of chromatin that determines gene expression, genomic stability, stem cell maturation, cell lineage development, genetic imprinting, DNA methylation, and cell mitosis.
The top of each pedestal face includes the imprinting, "Seth Thomas", the clock manufacturer. Behind the panels on the north and south sides are doors with an iron knob allowing access to the clockwork. The clockwork inside the pedestal is an iron weight pulled down two iron rods by gravity. When this occurs, a steel and copper pendulum is swung, which in turn moves the hands of a small clock located behind the pendulum.
The use of substantial pressure to not only contact but also penetrate a layer during imprinting accelerates the wear of imprint templates compared to other types of lithographic masks. Template wear is reduced with proper use of an anti-adhesion FDTS monolayer coating on a stamp. A very efficient and precise AFM based method for characterizing the degradation of PDMS stamps enables to optimize materials and processes in order to minimize wear.
KCNQ1 overlapping transcript 1, also known as KCNQ1OT1, is a long non-coding RNA gene found in the KCNQ1 locus. This locus consists of 8–10 protein-coding genes, specifically expressed from the maternal allele (including the KCNQ1 gene), and the paternally expressed non-coding RNA gene KCNQ1OT1. KCNQ1OT1 and KCNQ1 are imprinted genes and are part of an imprinting control region (ICR). Mitsuya identified that KCNQ1OT1 is an antisense transcript of KCNQ1.
Nanoimprint lithography (NIL), and its variants, such as Step-and-Flash Imprint Lithography and laser assisted directed imprint (LADI) are promising nanopattern replication technologies where patterns are created by mechanical deformation of imprint resists, typically monomer or polymer formations that are cured by heat or UV light during imprinting. This technique can be combined with contact printing and cold welding. Nanoimprint lithography is capable of producing patterns at sub-10 nm levels.
Those directly experiencing the famine suppressed specific genes and expressed other ones that aided in survival. When the survivors had offspring, their children also had the same genes suppressed and/or expressed. Therefore, one way trauma can be transferred is through epigenetics. Furthermore, when a child is raised in the same environment as their ancestors, it can trigger the reformation of a gene in each generation; this is the most indirect form of epigenetic imprinting.
After Tomoki recovers her, she forms a bond with him and calls him master: the imprinting is symbolized by a chain from her collar to his hand. She has an expressionless face that makes the other characters wonder if she will ever smile. Her emotions develop slowly, due to her programmed setting of high battle abilities and high processing abilities but low emotional abilities. Despite this, she develops genuine feelings of love for Tomoki.
Boyd gets the better of Echo and is about to kill her, until Topher arrives, uses the remote wipe/imprinting tech on Boyd and turns him into a doll. Echo straps Boyd with explosives and hands him a grenade. She orders him to walk into the mainframe and pull the pin when she leaves the room. Topher is able to get Claire/Clyde 2.0 out while Ballard evacuates the building before leaving himself.
She was caught in May 1955 in Baoxing, Sichuan, and moved to the Beijing Zoo in June. In May 1957, Kliment Voroshilov made a request for a panda for the Moscow Zoo during his visit to China, and she was sent to Moscow with another panda in the same month. However, the attempts to mate them were unsuccessful due to sexual imprinting as a result of being reared by human keepers.Nicholls, Henry (2011).
Klinefelter 47,XXY and 48,XXYY patients were found to have significantly skewed X-chromosome levels in 31% of the patients examined, with researchers predicting that this skewing might be responsible for the mental deficiencies and abnormalities present. Different forms of the disease also showed preferential activation towards either the maternal or paternal X chromosome. This might indicate that parent-of-origin effects such as imprinting might be involved with the X-chromosome skewing.
The selective forces involved in the evolution of social parasitism are not fully understood, and it is unlikely that one model fits all relationships. "Any hypothesis explaining the evolution of slavery in Polyergus must account both for the origin of group raiding with brood capture, and for non-independent colony foundation by queens". Topoff gives an adequate hypothesis to the evolution of Polyergus by integrating three processes: queen takeover, olfactory imprinting, and territorial fighting.
This was observed in humans, but not in mice, suggesting development after the evolutionary divergence of humans and mice, ~80 Mya. Among the hypothetical explanations for this novel phenomenon, two possible mechanisms have been proposed: either a histone modification that confers imprinting at novel placental-specific imprinted loci or, alternatively, a recruitment of DNMTs to these loci by a specific and unknown transcription factor that would be expressed during early trophoblast differentiation.
Metabolic imprinting refers to the epigenetic programming of metabolism during the pre-natal and neo-natal periods, which can have significant consequences later on in an organism's life. Studies in both humans and animals have shown that the events during gestation and early post-natal stages may have long term consequences for health. Fetal under-nutrition is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, type II diabetes and hypertension, amongst other diseases.
Ju.ADanilov, > Harmony and an Astrology in Kepler's Works. A somewhat different approach to problems of astrological knowledge can be observed in Carl Jung's works. Astrology, as Jung believed, – "is the top of all psychological knowledge in antiquity", the gist of which is in imprinting the symbolical configurations in the form of collective unconscious. "Astrology as collective unconscious to which the psychology addresses, consists of symbolical configurations:" planets "are Gods, the symbols of power unconscious"Semira, Vetash, 1994, p. 13.
Mechanical damage such as scratches and abrasions are common, as well as radiation fatigue or imprinting due to high energy applications. An image can be erased by simply exposing the plate to a room-level fluorescent light - but more efficient, complete erasure is required to avoid signal carry-over and artifacts. Most laser scanners automatically erase the plate (current technology uses red LED lighting) after laser scanning is complete. The imaging plate can then be re-used.
Angelman syndrome is due to a lack of function of part of chromosome 15 inherited from a person's mother. Most of the time, it is due to a deletion or mutation of the UBE3A gene on that chromosome. Occasionally, it is due to inheriting two copies of chromosome 15 from a person's father and none from their mother. As the father's versions are inactivated by a process known as genomic imprinting, no functional version of the gene remains.
However, the metal also strengthens the souls of Khufu and Chay-Ara, binding them together in their love and imprinting them with the collective knowledge of Thanagar. Although the villainous priest Hath-Set murders the two with the knife of Nth metal, their souls live on in the mortal plane. They are reincarnated over many lifetimes, always finding true love in each other, but cursed to be repeatedly killed at the hands of a reincarnated Hath-Set.
A charge coin usually had the charge account number along with the merchant's name and logo. The charge coin offered a simple and fast way to copy a charge account number to the sales slip, by imprinting the coin onto the sales slip. This speeded up the process of copying, previously done by handwriting. It also reduced the number of errors, by having a standardized form of numbers on the sales slip, instead of various kinds of handwriting style.
Most cases of familial paraganglioma are caused by mutations in the succinate dehydrogenase (succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) subunit genes (SDHD, SDHAF2, SDHC, SDHB). PGL-1 is associated with SDHD mutation, and most PGL-1 individuals with paraganglioma have affected fathers rather than affected mothers. PGL1 and PGL2 are autosomal dominant with imprinting. PGL-4 is associated with SDHB mutation and is associated with a higher risk of pheochromocytoma, as well as renal cell cancer and non-medullary thyroid cancer.
Surani has received several awards for his work including the Royal Medal (2010), the Gabor Medal (2001) and the Mendel Lectures (2010). He received the Canada Gairdner International Award, with Davor Solter, "For the discovery of mammalian genomic imprinting that causes parent-of-origin specific gene expression and its consequences for development and disease." He won the Rosenstiel Award in 2006, with Solter and Mary Lyon, for "pioneering work on epigenetic gene regulation in mammalian embryos".
The fully programmable MF-26 expands camera's option including multiple exposure, interval & delay mode, very long exposure times (up to 12h), not continuous it can be if you put it on automatic, world time zones, flash exposure bracketing and data imprinting. The F90 (and subsequent F90x) features a 10-pin remote release socket. The MC-30 is available as a corded remote release and the ML-3 offered as a wireless option. The older MC-20 is also available.
Deluxe Corporation was founded as Deluxe Check Printers in 1915 by W.R. Hotchkiss in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Hotchkiss was the creator of some important, speed-enhancing inventions, which included the Hotchkiss Imprinting Press (patented in 1925), a two-way perforator, and the Hotchkiss Lithograph Press (patented in 1928). He also created the first personal flat-pocket checkbook and holder. Deluxe was originally a check printing company, but in the early 1900s expanded into customer service for businesses.
They noted that in other countries, the Catholic Church had taken up the idea of Scouting as a means of imprinting a Catholic ethos on young people. After some study and experimentation, they made a proposal to the Catholic Hierarchy of Ireland and were granted a constitution and Episcopal patronage in November 1926. Thus, the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland (CBSI) (Gasóga Catoilici na hÉireann) was created. CBSI would later become the largest Scout association on the island.
Congenital genetic disease is well understood and it is clear that epigenetics can play a role, for example, in the case of Angelman syndrome and Prader- Willi syndrome. These are normal genetic diseases caused by gene deletions or inactivation of the genes but are unusually common because individuals are essentially hemizygous because of genomic imprinting, and therefore a single gene knock out is sufficient to cause the disease, where most cases would require both copies to be knocked out.
Shortly after this work had appeared, molecular imprinting attracted wide interest from the scientific community as reflected in the 4000 original papers published in the field during for the period 1931–2009 (from Scifinder). However, although interest in the technique is new, commonly the molecularly imprinted technique has been shown to be effective when targeting small molecules of molecular weight <1000. Therefore, in following subsection molecularly imprinted polymers are reviewed into two categories, for small and big templates.
After receiving his D.Phil., Hinde accepted a position from W.H. Thorpe that involved being the curator of a field station location in the village of Madingley. Although the position included a condition that Hinde was not to carry out his own independent research, both Thorpe and Hinde ignored this stipulation. Hinde carried out a variety of research projects in avian species, in the areas of comparative ethology, imprinting, motivation and habituation, and canary nest-building behavior.
Howard S. Hoffman (May 23, 1925 – August 31, 2006) was an American experimental psychologist. Hoffman's work on imprinting, the startle reflex, and memory were particularly influential and earned him an international reputation. He published hundreds of papers as well as a book about the experience of being a scientist, Amorous Turkeys and Addicted Ducklings: A Search for the Causes of Social Attachment.Howard S. Hoffman obituary , Bryn Mawr College Alumnae Bulletin, November 2006, (accessed 21 February 2015).
After 70 days of continuous shoot, the film entered its fourth schedule on 6 May 2019. A song shoot for the film, took place at Gokulam Studios in Chennai in May 2019. The film's final schedule commenced on 10 August 2019, with the wrapping of principal shoot, and entering through post-production. On the last day of shoot, the team gifted 400 gold rings, imprinting the film's title Bigil, to all the technicians who worked in this film.
Thompson also authored 1859's History of the Town of Montpelier. New England's most famous novelist of the 1840s and 1850s, Thompson's work was responsible for imprinting the story of Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys in the public's consciousness.Alexander Cowie, The American Novel, 1951, page 270 His ability to tell action and adventure stories plainly and quickly made his novels popular well into the 1900s, and many of his books are still in print.
Natal homing, or natal philopatry, is the homing process by which some adult animals return to their birthplace to reproduce. This process is primarily used by aquatic animals, such as sea turtles and Pacific salmon. Scientists believe that the main cues used by the animals are geomagnetic imprinting and olfactory cues. The benefits of returning to the precise location of an animal's birth may be largely associated with its safety and suitability as a breeding ground.
They travel to the nearby planet of Faun Hakkor, another formerly human-settled world, to find it stripped of all sentient life. The Didact sponsors Bornstellar's first mutation—a vital part of Forerunner growth—imprinting his personality, tactics, and memories upon Bornstellar. The Didact's party are captured and imprisoned by Forerunner Builders, under the command of Faber, the Master Builder. Bornstellar is returned to the care of his father because of his family's status and power.
The brighter it is, the better it understands. If God floods it with light, it understands more. Second, one can be inspired “by imprinting species anew,” which puts into the mind of the author something that he or she had not otherwise received by his or her experiences. Finally, one can be inspired “by a new coordination of species” by which species already in the mind are reordered so as to bring about a new understanding.
This is because the imprint resist layer and the template or stamp features are not perfectly flat. There is an elevated risk when the intermediate or master stamp contains depressions (which are especially easy air traps), or when the imprint resist is dispensed as droplets just before imprinting, rather than pre-spun onto the substrate. Sufficient time must be allowed for the air to escape. These effects are much less critical if flexible stamper materials are used, e.g. PDMS.
In contrast, the adverse is seen following rearing in an environment devoid of interaction. Also, learning plays a sizeable role in the selective acquisition of information and is markedly demonstrated as children develop one language as opposed to another. Another example of such experience dependent plasticity that is critical during development is the occurrence of imprinting. This occurs as a result of the young child or animal experiencing a novel stimuli and rapidly learning the behavior in response.
The human UBE3A-ATS is expressed as a part of LNCAT mainly from the paternal allele in the central nervous system (CNS). The transcript is about 450 kbs long, starts at the U-exons and extends as far as UBE3A on the opposite strand, possibly beyond. The promoter for Snurf/Snrpn and the imprinting center are found in the U-exon region. The promoter region is imperative, as deletion of this area abolishes Ube3a-ATS transcription.
SU-8 series photoresists use gamma-butyrolactone or cyclopentanone as the primary solvent. SU-8 was originally developed as a photoresist for the microelectronics industry, to provide a high-resolution mask for fabrication of semiconductor devices. It is now mainly used in the fabrication of microfluidics (mainly via soft lithography, but also with other imprinting techniques such as nanoimprint lithography) and microelectromechanical systems parts. It is proven to be a biocompatible material and is often used in bio- MEMS for life science applications.
Echo is then seen on an engagement and is getting married. Topher wakes up and finds that there are rats in the cupboard placed in there by Dr. Saunders. Topher calls Dr. Saunders, who accuses Topher of faulty imprinting and Topher quickly rebuffs this saying that his work is perfection and her "mental health" is her fault. Boyd then walks into the room to speak with Dr. Saunders, handing in a report about Victor and his plastic surgery to mend his scars.
The loss of IκB proteins for NF- κB proteins to bind to results in NF- κB proteins entering the nucleus to bind to specific response elements to counter the oxidative stress. The binding of NF- κB and corepressor HDAC1 to response elements such as the CCCTC-binding factor causes a decrease in expression of the enhancer blocking element. This decrease in expression hinders the binding to the IGF2 imprint control region therefore causing the loss of imprinting and biallelic IGF2 expression.
In Chapterhouse: Dune, Duncan and Murbella's mutual imprinting has made them reluctant lovers. Murbella collapses under the pressure of training and her pregnancy, but realizes that she admires and wants to be Bene Gesserit. Murbella submits to the spice agony to become a Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother and survives. During a Bene Gesserit attack on the Honored Matres, Murbella kills the Great Honored Matre Logno with her Bene Gesserit-enhanced fighting skills, and the Honored Matres are awed by her physical prowess.
Where acoustic fingerprint fails in its reliance on a database of reference fingerprints. Digital watermarking relies on intrusive frame by frame production stage imprinting on every piece of content. The effectiveness of these techniques have been challenged based on their presumed inability to effectively scale to the amount of video being generated. In practice for monetization and other user based ACR applications the reference database or presence of watermarks only has to cover those videos that are targets of monetization.
The sculpture style of Francisco Luque is based on a utopic ideal of human beauty where shapes are revealed through peculiar adoptions of the concepts of volume and space. His work usually talks about the nudity body or the female figure. His Venus are exuberant. It is possible to see in his works a strong disproportion in the elements, with solid and exuberant forms, that the artist develops imprinting in them a characteristic stamp and style with a very warm and tender spirit.
The aneuploidy is thought to be caused by problems occurring during meiosis, either in the mother or in both the mother and father. Successive nondisjunctions have been observed in the mother of at least one patient. The features of the syndrome likely arise due to failure of X-inactivation and the presence of multiple X chromosomes from the same parent causing problems with parental imprinting. In theory, X-inactivation should occur and leave only one X chromosome active in each cell.
The actives have all been given their original personalities back. Topher, now mentally unstable, explains to DeWitt that a phone call could be made, and anyone who picked up the phone would be imprinted (similar to the way Echo was wiped in "Gray Hour"). This would create an instant army of people programmed to kill everyone who isn't imprinted. Topher realizes that this is happening because of the technology he made possible: imprinting people with waves rather than the slower, analog method.
Echo implores Perrin to finish his job and bring down the Dollhouse. Perrin arrives at the Senate Inquiry to reveal the truth, but his imprinting kicks in and he tells the Rossum cover story instead. He states that the Rossum Corporation has been set up by competing companies, who have killed his wife with a car bomb. He also presents forged documents showing that Madeline (once known in the Dollhouse as "November") was in a mental institution for the past three years.
Sierra makes her first appearance in the pilot episode "Ghost" as the Dollhouse's newest Active. She is seen, apparently in significant pain, as Topher Brink maps her body tissue in preparation for her imprinting. She reappears later in the same episode, imprinted with a military persona directed to forcefully extract Echo and a client from a hostage situation. After this, Sierra is commonly deployed to assist Echo on engagements, while in their doll states the two begin to develop a connection.
RNA-Seq captures DNA variation, including single nucleotide variants, small insertions/deletions. and structural variation. Variant calling in RNA-Seq is similar to DNA variant calling and often employs the same tools (including SAMtools mpileup and GATK HaplotypeCaller) with adjustments to account for splicing. One unique dimension for RNA variants is allele-specific expression (ASE): the variants from only one haplotype might be preferentially expressed due to regulatory effects including imprinting and expression quantitative trait loci, and noncoding rare variants.
However, even people who do not advocate imprinting often still place value on handling a foal a great deal while it is still nursing and too small to easily overpower a human. By doing so, the foal ideally will learn that humans will not harm it, but also that humans must be respected. yearling, are shown in conformation classes. While a foal is far too young to be ridden, it is still able to learn skills it will need later in life.
In the late 1980s, Lishman approached Bill Carrick, a naturalist who was working on imprinting on the behaviour of geese. Carrick provided goslings, who Bill and his children worked with daily, eventually doing twice-daily runs on a motorcycle with the geese flying with him, then switching to the ultra-light. In 1988, he became the first person to lead the flight of geese with an aircraft, and in 1993, the first to conduct an aircraft-led migration of birds.
O'Connell is from Banagher on the Shannon, Co. Offaly, Ireland. She received her BSc in Biotechnology with Chemistry, and then PhD in Computational Molecular Evolution in 2005, from the University of Maynooth. Her PhD explored heterogeneity in rates of change between human and mouse protein-coding genes, selective pressure variation and adaptation. Later she spent six months as a Science Foundation Ireland postdoctoral researcher at University College Cork, working on genomic imprinting, selection and conflict theory, before starting her own independent research group.
The original and copy images are described by the Vatican as laughably poor and wholly unconvincing frauds. The mythos associated with the veil recounts that Saint Veronica from Jerusalem encountered Jesus along the Via Dolorosa on the way to Calvary. When she paused to wipe the blood and sweat (Latin sudor) off his face with her veil, his image was imprinted on the cloth. The event, short of the imprinting on the cloth, is commemorated by the Sixth Station of the Cross.
Either type could potentially fixed by ensuring a clean mounting surface on either side of the brake disc between the wheel hub and brake disc hub before usage and paying attention to imprinting after extended usage by leaving the brake pedal heavily depressed at the end of heavy usage. Sometimes a bed in procedure can clean and minimize DTV and lay a new even transfer layer between the pad and brake disc. However it will not eliminate hot spots or excessive run out.
This collective cultural unconscious can be further defined as a pool of shared imprinting experiences that unconsciously pre-organize and influence the behavior of a culture. Rapaille's claim of technique of "archetype discovery" stems from the psychoanalytic methods pioneered by the Viennese psychologist Ernest Dichter. This technique doesn't ask what people want, but why they want it. These research methods focus on finding what he calls the “code”, the unconscious meaning people give to a particular product, service or relationship.Rapaille.
The idea of sexual imprinting plays a role in this theory. Based on whether or not an individual is a male or a female, the individual tends to be attracted to other people that have most similar characteristics to their parent of the opposite gender. This is a form of positive assortative mating, where people choose a mate with attributes that correlate with their own. According to Kalmijn and Flap, there are five places individuals could become acquainted with each other in.
In the Pokémon anime, Togepi is one of the first second generation Pokémon revealed before the release of Pokémon Gold and Silver. In "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon", Ash finds a Pokémon egg. It hatches into a Togepi in "Who Gets to Keep Togepi?", and since Misty is the first thing the baby Pokémon sees, it believes Misty is its mother due to filial imprinting, thus anticipating Togepi's connection with birds, which becomes clearer in the evolved forms Togetic and Togekiss.
The Bene Gesserit are notable for their extensive skill in seduction, sex and sexual imprinting. The most talented and most highly trained are known as Imprinters. Men in a position of power or future power, or those with specific qualities that the order wishes to incorporate into their breeding program, are typical targets of a Bene Gesserit imprinter. Men seduced by an imprinter are permanently affected (imprinted) by the intense sexual experience and are thereafter consciously or subconsciously favorable to the Sisterhood.
People feast at a temple of Father Lu (吕祖庙 Lǚzǔmiào) in Baotou. Many Han Chinese throughout the region of Inner Mongolia practice their native religion. It consists in the worship of the shen (神 "expressions", "gods", "spirits"), that is to say, the powers of generation, of nature, interpreted through Chinese culture. On the human sphere, they are ancestors and progenitors of families or lineages, and divine heroes that made a significant imprinting in the history of the Chinese civilisation.
In several experiments, men have been conditioned to show arousal to stimuli like boots, geometric shapes or penny jars by pairing these cues with conventional erotica. According to John Bancroft, conditioning alone cannot explain fetishism, because it does not result in fetishism for most people. He suggests that conditioning combines with some other factor, such as an abnormality in the sexual learning process. Theories of sexual imprinting propose that humans learn to recognize sexually desirable features and activities during childhood.
Hinnies are the reciprocal cross to the more common mule. Comparatively, the average hinny has a smaller stature, shorter ears, stronger legs, and a thicker mane than the average mule. The distinct phenotypes of the hinny and the mule are partly attributable to genomic imprinting—an element of epigenetic inheritance. Physiological arguments for the differing stature of the hinny and the mule cite the smaller womb of the female donkey (dam) versus the larger womb of the female horse (mare).
This imprinting control region is differentially methylated at its CpGs according to parental inheritance. Usually, the paternal copy of H19 is methylated and silent while the maternal copy is hypomethylated or unmethylated and expressed in the offspring cell. Methylation of the H19 promoter is negatively correlated with H19 expression. As methylation of the promoter reaches 100%, H19 expression from that promoter approaches 0. At the same time as H19 expression decreases, the expression of IGF2, a neighboring gene on chromosome 11, increases.
The first, the Command Back 90, both allows date and data imprinting on the photographs and also allowed various forms of time-lapse photography. The second, sold by Canon only in certain markets, is the Data Memory Back 90, which stores 16 shot variables for up to 156 exposures, or six variables for up to 338 exposures. The computer interface to the Data Memory Back 90 supports only the MSX home computer standard. Third parties have adapted connectors to other computer systems.
The individual becomes homozygous and the recessive phenotype is revealed. In a study on ectrodactyly with aplasia of long bones syndrome involving eight-generation consanguineous family in the United Arab Emirates in 2006, the condition was observed in 23 out of 145 individuals. There were 10 consanguineous marriages in the pedigree, and this suggests possible pseudodominace in the family due to high frequency of the mutant allele. Imprinting, where one chromosome is 'switched off', can also produce pseudodominant patterns of inheritance.
He also finds and reactivates a decommissioned ABC Warrior combat robot. Vartis Hammond, a news reporter critical of Dredd, is murdered, and Dredd becomes the chief suspect. Dredd is taken to a trial before a tribunal of Council Judges including Griffin and Chief Justice Fargo, his mentor. Dredd is found guilty as his DNA is found on the bullets used to kill Hammond (a feature of the Lawgiver is imprinting the user's DNA on each bullet, a fact apparently unknown by most Judges).
Presumably, this is due to mismatch problems during meiosis and the resulting production of eggs with unbalanced genetic complements. However, a buck-ewe hybrid born in 2014 died of pregnancy related complications in 2018 raising the question if the parent-species combination has an influence on hybrid fertility. Blood transcriptome analysis of a buck-ewe hybrid an its parents revealed significant deviations from previously described imprinting schemes and a higher contribution from the goat genome to the genes expressed in the hybrid's blood.
Trauma is a form of damage to either the mind or body that results from a distressing event. Traumatic experiences can occur in utero, during birth, and/or after birth. Trauma experienced in utero includes maternal smoking, alcohol or drug use during pregnancy; exposure to toxins such as methylmercury; and even exposure to maternal psycho-social stress. Trauma in utero increases the risk of neurodevelopmental delays and disorders causing a long-term effect on limbic imprinting such as difficulty regulating and processing emotions.
It mimics most celluloid properties, but its lower material cost, domestic availability, and familiar colors make it widely popular. It is available in jewel like transparent hues and stone patterns. Variations of it are used for several premium pick lines: SPECTRA-PLEC, SPECTRA SHARP-transparent jewel colors, ULTRA PLEC in burled wood, malachite and crystal patterns and PRO PLEC, a super heavy, rich shell patterned pick in vintage shapes. Another area of innovation for Tony Jr. has been the pick imprinting processes.
Imprinting is the process by which one parental allele is silenced while the allele from the other parent is expressed. The human GRB10 gene displays imprinted gene expression, and in mice, this imprinted Grb10 expression is enabled by the presence of bivalent chromatin. The Grb10 gene in mice has a bivalent domain that uses H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 modifications as a tool to express genes from one parent while the other is silenced. This allows the gene to be expressed by only one parent in a specific tissue.
First, the protamines associated with male DNA are replaced with histones from the female's cytoplasm, most of which are acetylated due to either higher abundance of acetylated histones in the female's cytoplasm or through preferential binding of the male DNA to acetylated histones. Second, male DNA is systematically demethylated in many organisms, possibly through 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. However, some epigenetic marks, particularly maternal DNA methylation, can escape this reprogramming; leading to parental imprinting. In the primordial germ cells (PGC) there is a more extensive erasure of epigenetic information.
Derber was born in Washington DC in January 1944, the son of New Deal economist Milton Derber. Evenings in the Derber household included dinner discussions of politics and economics, imprinting a New Deal ideological framework upon young Derber. Reaching adulthood in the 1960s, Derber buried himself within the works of Karl Marx and Herbert Marcuse while in jail for protesting the Vietnam War. He attended Yale University, where he graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in 1965 and was a member of Manuscript Society.
This conservatism on the part of kibbutz children has been attributed to the Westermarck effect—a form of reverse sexual imprinting whereby even unrelated children, if raised together from an early age, tend to reject each other as potential partners. The children who grew up together in the children's houses considered their peers brothers and sisters and had close lasting bonds with each other. From the beginning, kibbutzim had a reputation as culture-friendly and nurturing of the arts. Many kibbutzniks became writers, actors, or artists.
Dominic gloats about how he was right about them losing control, but DeWitt asks him to join them. They have a way to fight back: Caroline is now immune to imprinting. Whiskey is given another memory in which Victor and Sierra are seen with their original personalities back. Victor shows Sierra hidden hard drive wedges with copies of everyone, while also showing that Sierra is the one who began the ideas of tattoos to be placed in order to remember who they really are.
Swage blocks are often anvil-like blocks with various shapes forged in them, also for forming metal. The term "swage" is from the Old French "souage", meaning "decorative groove" or "ornamental moulding". Fullers, in particular, are swages that have a cylindrical or beveled face, typically three to six inches long, which are used for imprinting grooves into the steel. If a groove is to be applied to both sides of the steel, two fullers may be used at the same time, sandwiching the workpiece in the middle.
Lactating females are harassed by stallions more often than non- lactating ones and thus associating with one male and his territory provides an advantage as he will guard against other males. Gestation of the Grévy's zebra normally lasts 390 days, with a single foal being born. A newborn zebra will follow anything that moves, so new mothers prevent other mares from approaching their foals while imprinting their own striping pattern, scent and vocalisation on them. Mares with young foals may gather into small groups.
Surani co-discovered mammalian genomic imprinting with Davor Solter in 1984, and subsequently examined its mechanism and the functions of imprinted genes. He later established the genetic basis for germ cell specification, using a single-cell analysis in mice. This genetic network also initiates the unique resetting of the germline epigenome, including comprehensive erasure of DNA methylation towards re-establishing full genomic potency. Epigenetic modifications and re-establishments of imprints then generate functional differences between parental genomes whilst aberrant imprints contribute to human disease.
DNMT1 is essential for proper embryonic development, imprinting and X-inactivation. To emphasize the difference of this molecular mechanism of inheritance from the canonical Watson-Crick base-pairing mechanism of transmission of genetic information, the term 'Epigenetic templating' was introduced. Furthermore, in addition to the maintenance and transmission of methylated DNA states, the same principle could work in the maintenance and transmission of histone modifications and even cytoplasmic (structural) heritable states. Histones H3 and H4 can also be manipulated through demethylation using histone lysine demethylase (KDM).
In his recent work, this process involves imprinting the palette knife through a silk screen onto the warp and weft of raw, coarse canvas. The result is a dappled or “pixelated” miasma of cyan, magenta, and yellow. Thea Ballard describes Lund's regimented technique as “ascetic”: > “This method is perhaps ascetic, following strict parameters of both process > and dimension; most of his works conform to the dimensions of 8.5 x 11 > inches (such economical tendencies nod to Lund’s roots in hardcore punk and > zine-making).
When the region is methylated, agouti is expressed normally, and grey and brown phenotypes (eumelanin) occur. The epigenetic state of the IAP element is determined by the level of methylation, as individuals show a wide range of phenotypes based on their degree of DNA methylation. Increased methylation is correlated with increased expression of the normal agouti gene. Low levels of methylation can induce gene imprinting which results in offspring displaying consistent phenotypes to their parents, as ectopic expression of agouti is inherited through non-genomic mechanisms.
Women and men differ in their chromosomal makeup, protein gene products, genomic imprinting, gene expression, signaling pathways, and hormonal environment. All of these necessitate caution in extrapolating information derived from biomarkers from one sex to the other. Women are particularly vulnerable at the two extremes of life. Young women and adolescents are at risk from STIs, pregnancy and unsafe abortion, while older women often have few resources and are disadvantaged with respect to men, and also are at risk of dementia and abuse, and generally poor health.
A koozie is used to insulate a chilled beverage from warming by warm air or sunlight. Using a koozie can reduce the rate a drink warms in the sun by up to 50%. Secondary uses include easily identifying one's beverage from another person's and for marketing. By imprinting on the koozie many different companies have used the koozie as a promotional giveaway because it is not only inexpensive to manufacture, but its frequent use is more likely to bring the company's name to a household presence.
Cardium pottery or Cardial ware is a Neolithic decorative style that gets its name from the imprinting of clay with cockle shells. These forms of pottery are in turn used to define the Neolithic culture which produced and spread them, mostly commonly called the "Cardial culture". The alternative name, impressed ware, is given by some archaeologists to define this culture, because impressions can be made with sharp objects other than cockle shell, such as a nail or comb. Impressed pottery is much more widespread than the Cardial.
Earlier research on the same site at the Radiobiology Research Unit, which opened in 1954, in the 1950s was into cytogenetics, where Charles Edmund Ford and John Hamerton confirmed on 12 January 1956 the size of the human genome. In the early 1970s this unit led research into mutagenic effects of radiation on the human chromosome. In the mid-1980s, important early work was done in genomic imprinting. From 2007, the site no longer carried work into the effects of radiation on genes (radiobiology).
Peak bone mass has shown to be a good predictor of risk of fracture and osteoporosis, with even a small increase in peak bone mass resulting in a much lower risk of bone fracture. Research shows that genetic markers explain only a small proportion of variation in bone mass and risk of fracture. Therefore, healthy bone programming is most likely influenced by various epigenetic mechanisms, such as imprinting of the growth promoting genes IGF-2, or changes to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA).
This gene locus has a highly complex imprinted expression pattern. It gives rise to maternally-, paternally- and biallelically-expressed transcripts that are derived from four alternative promoters with distinct 5' exons. Some transcripts contain a differentially methylated region (DMR) within their 5' exons; such DMRs are commonly found in imprinted genes and correlate with transcript expression. An antisense transcript also exists, and this antisense transcript and one of the sense transcripts are paternally expressed, produce non-coding RNAs and may regulate imprinting in this region.
Protein GNAS A male with pseudohypoparathyroidism has a 50% chance of passing on the defective GNAS gene to his children, although in an imprinted, inactive form. Any of his children receiving this gene will have pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism. Any of his daughters that have pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism may in turn pass along pseudohypoparathyroidism 1A to her children as the imprinting pattern on the inherited paternal gene will be changed to the maternal pattern in the mother's ovum during meiosis. The gene will be reactivated in any children who inherit it.
Protein delta homolog 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the DLK1 gene. It is expressed as a transmembrane protein, but a soluble form cleaved off by ADAM17 is active in inhibiting adipogenesis, the differentiation of pre-adipocytes into adipocytes. It is a member of the EGF-like family of homeotic proteins. Part of the Dlk1-DIO3 imprinting control region, this gene is one involved in the epigenetic process that causes a subset of genes to be regulated based on their parental origin.
Restoration programs for the Hawaiian crow require the collaboration from private land-owners, National Biological Service (NBS) biologists, US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) biologists, and the State of Hawaii. In 1993 and 1994, 17 eggs were removed from wild nests and transported to a temporary hatcher in Kona District, Hawaii. Puppets mimicking adult crows were used to feed chicks to minimize the possibility of abnormal imprinting or human socialization. Three of the removed eggs were infertile, 13 chicks hatched, and 12 alalā were successfully reared.
The Methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) in molecular biology binds to DNA that contains one or more symmetrically methylated CpGs. MBD has negligible non- specific affinity for unmethylated DNA. In vitro foot-printing with the chromosomal protein MeCP2 showed that the MBD could protect a 12 nucleotide region surrounding a methyl CpG pair. DNA methylation at CpG dinucleotides, the most common DNA modification in eukaryotes, has been associated with various phenomena such as alterations in chromatin structure, genomic imprinting, transposon and chromosome X inactivation, differentiation, and cancer.
When they do, the pink cockatoos are always the victors, evicting the galahs in what is termed interference competition. They are not consciously aware that some of the eggs in the nest were laid by the other bird however, and thus raise offspring of both species. These natural experiments have been used by Australian ornithologists Graeme Chapman and Ian Rowley to investigate the relative importance of genes and environment.Rowley, I. & G. Chapman (1986) Cross-fostering, imprinting , and learning in two sympatric species of cockatoos.
Though the imprinting method has been predominantly superseded by the magnetic stripe and then by the integrated chip, cards continue to be embossed in case a transaction needs to be processed manually. Under manual processing, cardholder verification was by the cardholder signing the payment voucher after which the merchant would check the signature against the cardholder's signature on the back of the card. Cards conform to the ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1 standard, ISO/IEC 7811 on embossing, and the ISO/IEC 7812 card numbering standard.
The wings regenerate when she accepts Tomoki as her new master. After the regrowth, Nymph needs to go through an Imprinting process required for her master; she eventually asks Tomoki, but he refuses and states that he wants her to live freely. :As an Electronic Warfare-type Angeloid, Nymph's allocation of abilities emphasize her high processing capabilities and high emotional control, but her raw battle power is set low. Nymph is able to hack computer systems as well as other Angeloids and even humans.
They are programmed to serve their masters using a process called "imprinting", represented by neck collar and chain that extends to her chosen master's hand. Each Angeloid is designated with a letter of the Greek alphabet, and can be programmed with abilities and powers that are a function of three main parameters: battle capability, emotional control and processing capability. The Angeloids' names, weapons, and abilities are primarily derived from Greek gods and mythological figures. She falls from the sky at the beginning of the story.
Mario Rosemblatt is a Chilean immunologist. His research established that dendritic cells are responsible for imprinting the tissue-specific homing of T lymphocytes. He is currently Executive Director of Fundacion Ciencia para la Vida (FCV), Fundacion Ciencia Para la Vida a non profit institution that carries out scientific and technological research. He is Immunology Professor at the University of Chile Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile and Universidad Nacional Andres Bello Merit Award Universidad Nacional Andres Bello (Santiago, Chile) and Adjunct Professor at Dartmouth Medical School.
DeWitt says she would rather be dead than keep Boyd's company. Boyd observes that death would be a blessing, as once Rossum executes their plan it will be likely they will be imprinted and enslaved. He explains that the technology is out there and it cannot be un-invented, and that Echo is their saviour because whenever she blocks an imprint, it leaves chemical markers in her spinal fluid. They are going to farm it and use it on themselves so they can become immune to imprinting.
But again this failure led to a much greater understanding of the process of implosion, and the way forward again seemed clear, namely the increase in uniformity of irradiation, the reduction of hot-spots in the laser beams through beam smoothing techniques to reduce Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities imprinting on the target and increased laser energy on target by at least an order of magnitude. Funding for fusion research was severely constrained in the 80's, but Nova nevertheless successfully gathered enough information for a next generation machine.
Richard I. Gregory is Professor in the Departments of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, and Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, and Principal Investigator in The Stem Cell Program in the Division of Hematology/Oncology at Boston Children's Hospital. He is also Principal faculty member of The Harvard Stem Cell Institute, and a 2008 Pew Scholar. He received a PhD from Cambridge University, UK in 2001, studying genomic imprinting at the Babraham Institute. Gregory performed his postdoctoral work at the Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia.
This leads to a less efficient immune response, antibody-dependent enhancement of infection, and / or recurrent infections. As a result, the body may take longer to fight infection. The hypothesis put forward in a few research groups is associated with this phenomenon and is based on the possible immunological cross-reactivity between seasonal low pathogenic coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2. According to the hypothesis, due to the rapid response of the immune system to the pathogen, antigenic imprinting developed for seasonal coronaviruses can either prevent or alleviate the course of COVID-19.
Guilt and its associated causes, merits, and demerits are common themes in psychology and psychiatry. Both in specialized and in ordinary language, guilt is an affective state in which one experiences conflict at having done something that one believes one should not have done (or conversely, having not done something one believes one should have done). It gives rise to a feeling which does not go away easily, driven by 'conscience'. Sigmund Freud described this as the result of a struggle between the ego and the superego – parental imprinting.
Duncan attempts to get off Gammu undetected in the guise of a Tleilaxu Master, but is taken hostage. Lucilla and Burzmali arrive at a Bene Gesserit safe house, but discover that it has been taken over by the Honored Matres. Lucilla manages to impersonate an Honored Matre as one of their number, Murbella, proceeds to seduce the captured Duncan with the Honored Matre imprinting technique. Hidden Tleilaxu conditioning kicks into action within Duncan and he responds with an equal technique, one that overwhelms Murbella in sexual pleasure, draining her energy.
In the 22nd century, rising sea levels from global warming have wiped out coastal cities, reducing the world's population. Mecha, humanoid robots seemingly capable of complex thought but lacking in emotions, have been created. In Madison, New Jersey, David, a prototype Mecha child capable of experiencing love, is given to Henry Swinton and his wife Monica, whose son Martin contracted a rare disease and has been placed in suspended animation. Monica feels uneasy with David, but eventually warms to him and activates his imprinting protocol, causing him to have an enduring childlike love for her.
The dysfunctional protein is ultimately recycled by the cell by degradation mediated by the proteasome, resulting in significant shortages of the integral membrane protein in both neurons and muscle fibers. The mutant allele is inherited in a dominant fashion—that is the mutation can be inherited if one parent has that allele. However, genomic imprinting occurs on the mother's allele, so only the father's allele is expressed. Therefore, inheriting a mutated, paternal allele of the SGCE gene will result in the expression of the dysfunctional epsilon sarcoglycan protein.
When the episode's script was brought to the read-through, it was titled "The Doormat", and included a plotline in which Elaine's portrait is painted in pastels. Elaine thinks the artist painted it because he is infatuated with her, but he then sells the portrait to Frank Costanza, who puts it in the pool room. While the Maestro is playing pool with Frank and Kramer, he backs into the portrait, imprinting the image of Elaine's face onto his underwear. The script underwent significant rewriting after the read- through.
Lorenz showed that this behavior of imprinting is what allows the goose to learn to recognize members of its own species, enabling them to be the object of subsequent behavior patterns such as mating. He developed a theory of instinctive behavior that saw behavior patterns as largely innate but triggered through environmental stimuli, for example the hawk/goose effect. He argued that animals have an inner drive to carry out instinctive behaviors, and that if they do not encounter the right stimulus they will eventually engage in the behavior with an inappropriate stimulus.Yount, L. (2009).
The imprinted gene is silenced through epigenetic mechanisms. Candidate genes and susceptibility alleles for autism are identified using a combination of techniques, including genome-wide and targeted analyses of allele sharing in sib-pairs, using association studies and transmission disequilibrium testing (TDT) of functional and/or positional candidate genes and examination of novel and recurrent cytogenetic aberrations. Results from numerous studies have identified several genomic regions known to be subject to imprinting, candidate genes, and gene- environment interactions. Particularly, chromosomes 15q and 7q appear to be epigenetic hotspots in contributing to ASD.
The rising interest in sociobiology also led to a spurt of bird studies in this area. The study of imprinting behaviour in ducks and geese by Konrad Lorenz and the studies of instinct in herring gulls by Nicolaas Tinbergen led to the establishment of the field of ethology. The study of learning became an area of interest and the study of bird songs has been a model for studies in neuroethology. The study of hormones and physiology in the control of behaviour has also been aided by bird models.
Maternal impression, according to a long-discredited medical theory, was a phenomenon that explained the existence of birth defects and congenital disorders. The theory stated that an emotional stimulus experienced by a pregnant woman could influence the development of the fetus. For example, it was sometimes supposed that the mother of the Elephant Man was frightened by an elephant during her pregnancy, thus "imprinting" the memory of the elephant onto the gestating fetus. Mental problems, such as schizophrenia and depression, were believed to be a manifestation of similar disordered feelings in the mother.
On March 26, 2008, it was announced that Gjokaj had won the role as Victor on Dollhouse. His character, whose real name is Anthony Ceccoli, is an "Active" (or "doll") inside the Dollhouse, taking on multiple personalities through the process of highly technological imprinting of memories. His identical twin brother Demir guest starred alongside Gjokaj in a dream sequence in a second season episode of Dollhouse. Gjokaj has since appeared in the films The Express: The Ernie Davis Story alongside Dennis Quaid, Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon, and Eagle Eye opposite Shia LaBeouf.
Monoallelic gene expression (MAE) is the phenomenon of the gene expression, when only one of the two gene copies (alleles) is actively expressed (transcribed), while the other is silent. Diploid organisms bear two homologous copies of each chromosome (one from each parent), a gene can be expressed from both chromosomes (biallelic expression) or from only one (monoallelic expression). MAE can be Random monoallelic expression (RME) or Constitutive monoallelic expression (constitutive). Constitutive monoallelic expression occurs from the same specific allele throughout the whole organism or tissue, as a result of genomic imprinting.
Due to his centuries of experiences Sayonaki is no longer able to get emotionally stimulated enough to summon Vlad by normal means. However, by somehow imprinting himself with a version of Kinichi Tohyama's Hysteria Savant Syndrome he's able to use it to awaken Vlad. The difference is that Sayonaki's version isn't triggered by arousal, like Kinji's, but by the sadistic pleasure he derives from abusing 'lesser species.' Being a proud and ancient vampire this means anything weaker than a vampire is considered a lesser species with humanity holding the position of 'weak prey.
Habitat Area The Cascades Raptor Center was founded in 1987 as a 501c3 non-profit nature center and wildlife hospital, initially taking birds to schools and public events, but not allowing visitors. In early 1994 the center was moved to its current location, and it is now open to the public. The center specializes in rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing sick, injured and orphaned birds back to the wild when possible, and providing a long term habitat for some that cannot be released into the wild because of their injuries or imprinting on humans.
This gene is one of several tumor-suppressing subtransferable fragments located in the imprinted gene domain of 11p15.5, an important tumor suppressor gene region. Alterations in this region have been associated with the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Wilms tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma, adrenocortical carcinoma, and lung, ovarian, and breast cancer. This gene is located among several imprinted genes; however, this gene, as well as the tumor-suppressing subchromosomal transferable fragment 4 (TSSC4), escapes imprinting. This gene may play a role in malignancies and disease that involve this region as well as hematopoietic cell function.
Furthermore, when necessary, the activity in response towards outer stimuli (photo-irradiation, pH change, electric or magnetic field, and others) can be provided by using appropriate functional groups. In a molecular imprinting processes, one needs a 1) template, 2) functional monomer(s) 3) cross-linker, 4) radical or other polymerization initiator, 5) porogenic solvent and 6) extraction solvent. According to polymerization method and final polymer format one or some of the reagent can be avoided. Preparation of molecularly imprinted material There are two main methods for creating these specialized polymers.
Gold nanoparticles' peroxidase mimicking activities were modulated via a supramolecular strategy for cascade reactions. A molecular imprinting strategy was developed to improve the selectivity of Fe3O4 nanozymes with peroxidase- like activity. A new strategy was developed to enhance the peroxidase mimicking activity of gold nanoparticles by using hot electrons. Researchers have designed gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) based integrative nanozymes with both SERS and peroxidase mimicking activities for measuring glucose and lactate in living tissues. Cytochrome c oxidase mimicking activity of Cu2O nanoparticles was modulated by receiving electrons from cytochrome c.
Given the diversity of Trinidad, doubles is credited with its ability to "define and maintain symbolic boundaries of identification", and is considered an authentic standard of Trinidadian cuisine. Doubles is culturally significant outside of Trinidad as it is a comfort food for displaced Trinidadians in major cities across the globe who have historically been marginalized as immigrants. The consumption of doubles by immigrants from Trinidad has been credited with developing a "deep psychological imprinting" and as such is considered culturally significant for how it encapsulated Trinidadian identity into such a simple and unique snack.
This is believed to be adaptive because the offspring develop while receiving cues of scarce nutritional opportunities. These cues allow the moth to allocate energy differentially, decreasing energy allocated for the immune system and devoting more energy towards growth and reproduction to increase fitness and insure future generations. One explanation for this effect may be imprinting, the expression of only one parental gene over the other, but further research has yet to be done. Parental-mediated dietary epigenetic effects on immunity has a broader significance on wild organisms.
Some pencils from Musgrave's Heritage series By the late 1920s, Tennessee Red Cedar became scarce, and the industry looked for a viable replacement. A Western species “incense-cedar, which grows abundantly in California and Oregon forests, was an ideal substitute for Eastern Red Cedar as a pencil wood due to the ease of machining, sharpening, lacquering, and imprinting.” The wood traveled via train to Shelbyville, where workers would place it to be stacked and dried before being cut into pencil slats. Incense cedar soon became the standard species for high-quality pencils.
The child rearing practices of the kibbutz system is sometimes cited as an example of the Westermarck effect. Seen here are a group of children in Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, circa 1935–40. The Westermarck effect, also known as reverse sexual imprinting, is a psychological hypothesis that people who live in close domestic proximity during the first few years of their lives become desensitized to sexual attraction. This hypothesis was first proposed by Finnish anthropologist Edvard Westermarck in his book The History of Human Marriage (1891) as one explanation for the incest taboo.
Releases were carried by taking bird out tethered, wearing a leather hood to prevent imprinting and then releasing with a radio-monitor. Most of the eagles, despite no direct parenting, turned out to be competent hunters within a couple of weeks or do well at stealing meals, including from other released eagles. Despite some dying before release due to illness and some found dead subsequent to release, most survived. A total of 95 birds were received for the Rùm reintroductions and 82 were successfully released between 1975 and 1987.
Through Mill, Lord Amberley met Douglas Spalding, a lawyer by profession and amateur biologist whom he employed as a tutor for his sons. Amberley encouraged him to continue his research on imprinting at his home, although his guests were terrified to see chickens roaming around the drawing-room and library. Spalding suffered from tuberculosis and was thus considered unfit for marriage. Lord Amberley felt that there was nevertheless no reason to condemn Spalding to celibacy and, after a discussion with his wife, allowed them to engage in a sexual relationship.
This results in global repression and allows housekeeping genes to be expressed in all cells. In the post-implantation stage, methylation patterns are stage- and tissue-specific, with changes that would define each individual cell type lasting stably over a long period. Whereas DNA methylation is not necessary per se for transcriptional silencing, it is thought nonetheless to represent a “locked” state that definitely inactivates transcription. In particular, DNA methylation appears critical for the maintenance of mono-allelic silencing in the context of genomic imprinting and X chromosome inactivation.
CTCF binds to the unmethylated maternal ICR region but not the methylated paternal ICR region. ICR is a shared control region of Ifg2 and H19 that, when deleted, results in the loss of imprinting of these genes. CTCF then binds another region of the chromosome, creating a loop where Igf2 is blocked from transcription, but H19 is not, resulting in the maternal chromosome expressing H19 but not Igf2. CTCF has been shown to directly interact with Suz12, a subunit of PRC2, in order to silence the Ifg2 promoter region through hypermethylation.
Klopfer's Ph.D. thesis studied imprinting in waterfowl; however, his interest in maternal attachment in goats also dates to these years. After a brief stint as head of the science department at Windsor Mountain School (1956), Klopfer's next stop in his formation as a scientist was a year (1957–58) as a postdoctoral fellow at W.H. Thorpe's Madingley Field Station for Animal Behaviour in Cambridge, England. In addition to Thorpe, Klopfer associated at Cambridge with Robert Hinde, Thelma Rowell, Malcolm Gordon, and Stephen Wainwright. Klopfer and Wainwright later became longtime colleagues at Duke University.
This is also not due to innate bias for songs, as they prefer songs that improve their fitness and survival. Most of how species are named is based on the biological species concept, so it is a critical role to know which species of birds these were breeding. Imprinting and sexual courtships are very important in these type of birds, as they need to behave a certain way to lay their eggs. The males of these indigobirds courted heterospecific females to increase genetic diversity.Sorenson, M. D., Hauber, M. E., & Derrickson, S. R. (2010, 05).
In its remaining years under the control of editor Tony Horgan, the magazine became highly technical but also gained a professional edge. The final issue featured a memorable upside down cover with a foot imprinting on the logo, intended to be reminiscent of the imagery used by Monty Python. The magazine came to an end without the preceding page, staff or quality cuts that had afflicted some other Amiga magazines. CU Amiga Magazine's closure meant that the only remaining monthly Amiga newsstand magazine was its closest rival, Amiga Format.
Non- coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are RNA transcripts that are not translated into a protein product, but instead exert their function as RNA molecules. They are involved in a range of processes, like post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, genomic imprinting, and regulating the chromatin state, and thereby the expression, of a given locus. Many ncRNAs have been discovered, but in many cases, their function has yet to be accurately dissected due to technical challenges. ncRNA function is often not affected by introducing point mutations and premature stop codons.
Around 1910, during a period of interest in Spiritualism in Japan, Tomokichi Fukurai, an assistant professor of psychology at Tokyo University began pursuing parapsychology experiments using Chizuko Mifune, Ikuko Nagao, and others as subjects. Fukurai published results of experiments with Nagao that alleged she was capable of telepathically imprinting images on photo plates, which he called nensha. When journalists found irregularities, Nagao's credibility was attacked, and there was speculation that her later illness and death was caused by distress over criticism. In 1913, Fukurai published Clairvoyance and Thoughtography.
They have another dragon take care of the hatchling and educate it until it is knowledgeable enough to choose its own companion. Both methods are said to form a strong psychological bond similar to filial imprinting seen in species of real-world birds; in some cases, this is reminiscent of an owner- pet, friend-friend, and even parent-child relationship. Dragons will do anything to prevent their companions from coming to harm. In battle, dragons can be "captured" and forced into compliance, if their aviators are held at gunpoint or in some other way threatened.
Colonies of P. lucidus and its close relatives only raid nests of the slave species already present in the dulotic nest, an early clue that these host specialists might, in fact, be separate species. On the odd occasion when the nest of a different ant species was raided, the pupae brought back to the dulotic nest were likely to be consumed. In the past, it was suggested that worker dulotics obtain their preferences by imprinting, but it is now deemed more likely the host preference is an innate, evolved trait of each species.
At the same time as the generation of the gynogenetic and androgenetic embryos discussed above, mouse embryos were also being generated that contained only small regions that were derived from either a paternal or maternal source. The generation of a series of such uniparental disomies, which together span the entire genome, allowed the creation of an imprinting map. Those regions which when inherited from a single parent result in a discernible phenotype contain imprinted gene(s). Further research showed that within these regions there were often numerous imprinted genes.
Imprinting may cause problems in cloning, with clones having DNA that is not methylated in the correct positions. It is possible that this is due to a lack of time for reprogramming to be completely achieved. When a nucleus is added to an egg during somatic cell nuclear transfer, the egg starts dividing in minutes, as compared to the days or months it takes for reprogramming during embryonic development. If time is the responsible factor, it may be possible to delay cell division in clones, giving time for proper reprogramming to occur.
An allele of the "callipyge" (from the Greek for "beautiful buttocks"), or CLPG, gene in sheep produces large buttocks consisting of muscle with very little fat. The large-buttocked phenotype only occurs when the allele is present on the copy of chromosome 18 inherited from a sheep's father and is not on the copy of chromosome 18 inherited from that sheep's mother. In vitro fertilisation, including ICSI, is associated with an increased risk of imprinting disorders, with an odds ratio of 3.7 (95% confidence interval 1.4 to 9.7).
In 2000 it was found that age and interspecies experience were important factors in the ability for bonnet macaques to recognize heterospecific calls. Macaques who were exposed longer to other species' alarm calls were more likely to correctly respond to heterospecific alarm calls. Key to this early learning was the reinforcement of a predatory threat, when an alarm call was given a corresponding threat had to be presented in order to make the association. Interspecies communication may not be an innate ability but rather a sort of imprinting coupled with an intense emotion (fear) early in life.
On site they have extensive facilities, with hospital rooms, and treatment and recovery areas which help in giving all casualties the best possible chance in recovery. During the rehabilitation process, every effort is made to reduce the risk of imprinting, by reducing human interaction and contact where ever possible. After the rehabilitation process the next stage is for the animal to be released, and they make sure they are 100% recovered and ready before being released. They aim to release the animals where they were found, in a hope to be reunited with their families and homes however this is not always possible.
Tilghman's work in molecular genetics focused on the regulation of genes during development, particularly in the field of genomic imprinting. During postdoctoral studies at the National Institutes of Health, Tilghman made a number of discoveries while a member of the team which cloned the first mammalian gene. She went on to demonstrate that the globin gene was spliced, a finding that helped confirm some of the revolutionary theories then emerging about gene behavior. As an independent investigator at the Institute for Cancer Research in Philadelphia and adjunct associate professor of Human Genetics at the University of Pennsylvania Tilghman continued to make scientific breakthroughs.
Igf2 is an example of genomic imprinting. In mice, the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene, Igf2, which is linked to hormone production and increased offspring growth is paternally expressed (maternally silenced) and the insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor gene Igf2r, which binds the growth protein and so slows growth, is maternally expressed (paternally silenced). The offspring is normal sized when both genes are present, or both genes are absent. When the maternally expressed gene (Igf2r) is experimentally knocked out the offspring has an unusually large size, and when the paternally expressed gene (Igf2) is knocked out, the offspring is unusually small.
In 1980, Herpa presents the first truck models. Following that, in 1981, Herpa's truck models sport tipping cabins revealing an exact reproduction of an engine within. Industrial customers also start to use Herpa’s car models as an advertising instrument with their own company’s imprinting. The first issue of Der Maßstab is released in 1982. Herpa launches the HIGH-TECH series in the 1/87 scale in 1986, with the first model in the series a Ferrari Testarossa consisting of 22 pieces, an opening hood and technical features such as a 12-cylinder motor and wheels with separate suspension.
The use of the imprinting concept (although not the term itself) in organizational theory dates back to Arthur Stinchcombe’s 1965 paper entitled "Social Structure and Organizations." This essay focused on understanding why organizations and industries that were founded in the same period were so similar even today. According to this essay, external environmental forces powerfully shaped firms’ initial structures during the founding period, and these structures persisted in the long run, well beyond the time of founding. For example, as most university fraternities emerged in three different waves, their current organizational features still reflect the imprint of one of these three periods.
Most data supports a polygenic, epistatic model, meaning that the disorder is caused by two or more genes and that those genes are interacting in a complex manner. Several genes, between two and fifteen in number, have been identified and could potentially contribute to disease susceptibility. However, an exact determination of the cause of ASD has yet to be discovered and there probably is not one single genetic cause of any particular set of disorders, leading many researchers to believe that epigenetic mechanisms, such as genomic imprinting or epimutations, may play a major role. Epigenetic mechanisms can contribute to disease phenotypes.
C/D box snoRNAs were also identified in the rat non-coding Bsr (brain-specific repetitive) RNA. Another imprinted human locus 15q11q13 encodes tandemly repeated C/D box snoRNA genes which are expressed only from the paternal chromosome. Studies of human and mouse model systems have shown that deletion of the 29 copies of the C/D box snoRNA SNORD116 (HBII-85) from this locus has been shown to be the primary cause of Prader-Willi syndrome. A possible role for tandemly repeated C/D snoRNA genes in the evolution and/or mechanism of the epigenetic imprinting process has been suggested.
From 2002 to 2004, the slogan appeared as a logo featuring an open, red-colored hand print in the background. In 2005, the logo was updated with a differently stylized straight red-colored hand containing a black disc in its palm, with the "Piracy Kills Music" slogan appearing as caption below it. In 2007, IFPI Greece changed its anti- infringement slogan to "Let Music Live" which would appear as a caption to a colorful musical note. This tactic of imprinting CDs and music videos appears to be fading as fewer labels have chosen to continue this practice since 2009.
COBRA has been used extensively in many research-based applications such as screening for DNA methylation changes at gene promoters in cancer studies, detecting altered methylation patterns at imprinted genes, and characterizing methylation patterns in the genome during development in mammals. In medicine, COBRA has been used as a tool to help diagnose human disease involving aberrant DNA methylation. Researchers utilized COBRA in conjunction with denaturing high performance liquid chromatography in the diagnosis of the genetic imprinting disorder Russell-Silver syndrome where hypomethylation of the imprinted gene H19 is responsible for the disorder in up to 50% of patients.
"Belonging" is the fourth episode of the second season of the American science fiction television series Dollhouse and the show's 17th episode overall. The episode was written by Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon and directed by Jonathan Frakes, his sole credit in the series. It aired in the United States on Fox on October 23, 2009. This episode delves into the past of the character Priya Tsetsang/Sierra, showing how she was forced to become a doll, and can be seen as a prelude to the ethical dilemma of permanent imprinting first explored in "Epitaph One".
Cardium pottery is a Neolithic decorative style that gets its name from the imprinting of the clay with the shell of the Cardium edulis, a marine mollusk. The alternative name Impressed Ware is given by some archaeologists to define this culture, because impressions can be with sharp objects other than Cardium shell, such as a nail or comb. Circular graves of Li Muri at Arzachena, one of the oldest megalithic sites in Italy. Impressed Ware is found in the zone "covering Italy to the Ligurian coast" as distinct from the more western Cardial beginning in Provence, France and extending to western Portugal.
As a result, sexual dimorphism could pose as a resolution to intralocus sexual conflict. Another proposed hypothesis suggests that intralocus sexual conflict can be resolved through alternative splicing. In this mechanism, the gender of an organism will ultimately decide the final form of the protein that is created from a shared coding region within a set of genes. Through this posttranscriptional process, RNA that is created by a gene is spliced in various ways that allow it to ultimately join exons in a variety of ways Genomic imprinting also presents as a possible resolution for intralocus sexual conflict.
Most epigenetic changes only occur within the course of one individual organism's lifetime; however, these epigenetic changes can be transmitted to the organism's offspring through a process called transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Moreover, if gene inactivation occurs in a sperm or egg cell that results in fertilization, this epigenetic modification may also be transferred to the next generation. Specific epigenetic processes include paramutation, bookmarking, imprinting, gene silencing, X chromosome inactivation, position effect, DNA methylation reprogramming, transvection, maternal effects, the progress of carcinogenesis, many effects of teratogens, regulation of histone modifications and heterochromatin, and technical limitations affecting parthenogenesis and cloning.
Molecular imprinting is the process of generating an impression within a solid or a gel, the size, shape and charge distribution of which corresponds to a template molecule (typically present during polymerisation). The result is a synthetic receptor capable of binding to a target molecule, which fits into the binding site with high affinity and specificity. The interactions between the polymer and the template are similar to those between antibodies and antigens, consisting of electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonds, Van der Waals forces, and hydrophobic interactions. One of the greatest advantages of artificial receptors over naturally occurring receptors is freedom of molecular design.
One of the key issues that have limited the performance of MIPs in practical applications so far is the lack of simple and robust methods to synthesize MIPs in the optimum formats required by the application. Chronologically, the first polymerization method encountered for MIP was based on "bulk" or solution polymerization. This method is the most common technique used by groups working on imprinting especially due to its simplicity and versatility. It is used exclusively with organic solvents mainly with low dielectric constant and consists basically of mixing all the components (template, monomer, solvent and initiator) and subsequently polymerizing them.
The resultant polymeric block is then pulverized, freed from the template, crushed and sieved to obtain particles of irregular shape and size between 20 and 50 µm. Depending on the target (template) type and the final application of the MIP, MIPs are appeared in different formats such as nano/micro spherical particles, nanowires and thin film or membranes. They are produced with different polymerization techniques like bulk, precipitation, emulsion, suspension, dispersion, gelation, and multi-step swelling polymerization. Most of investigators in the field of MIP are making MIP with heuristic techniques such as hierarchical imprinting method.
The third primary mechanism of uneven pad material transfer is "pad imprinting." This occurs when the brake pads are heated to the point that the material begins to break-down and transfer to the disc. In a properly broken-in brake system (with properly selected pads), this transfer is natural and actually is a major contributor to the braking force generated by the brake pads. However, if the vehicle comes to a stop and the driver continues to apply the brakes, the pads will deposit a layer of material in the shape of the brake pad.
John Bowlby was originally a follower of the Freudian tradition at the Tavistock Clinic in London, but broke away from Freud's key ideas and revolutionised the field. Bowlby's inspiration came from reading the work of Konrad Lorenz, the famous Nobel Prize–winning founder of the field of ethology or animal behaviour. In particular Bowlby was struck by the phenomenon of imprinting, which Lorenz had studied in birds, and he saw the possibility that infants might imprint on their mother in a similar way. Along with his student Mary Ainsworth he studied infant behaviour, and developed what he called attachment theory.
Arnim Zola was a Swiss biochemist during World War II who became one of the first human genetic engineers in history after finding papers and equipment used by the offshoot race of humanity known as the Deviants. He finds a ready home among the Nazi Party, who see his experiments as a means to ensure the existence of the Master Race. One of his first accomplishments is the creation of a brain pattern imprinting device, which allows a person's mental essence to be projected into a cloned brain. Zola uses this machine on Adolf Hitler, creating the Hate-Monger.
This leads to the development of the yellow obese syndrome, which impairs normal development and increases susceptibility to the development of chronic disease. Ensuring maternal diets are high in methyl equivalents is a key preventive measure for reducing ectopic expression of agouti in offspring. Diet intervention through methyl supplementation reduces imprinting at the agouti locus, as increased methyl consumption causes the IAP element to become completely methylated and ectopic expression of agouti to be reduced. This lowers the proportion of offspring that present with the yellow phenotype and increases the number offspring that resemble agouti wild type mice with grey coats.
In these cases, expressed and silent alleles differ by their methylation status, and loss of DNA methylation results in loss of imprinting and re-expression of Xist in somatic cells. During embryonic development, few genes change their methylation status, at the important exception of many genes specifically expressed in the germline. DNA methylation appears absolutely required in differentiated cells, as knockout of any of the three competent DNA methyltransferase results in embryonic or post-partum lethality. By contrast, DNA methylation is dispensable in undifferentiated cell types, such as the inner cell mass of the blastocyst, primordial germ cells or embryonic stem cells.
Since DNA methylation appears to directly regulate only a limited number of genes, how precisely DNA methylation absence causes the death of differentiated cells remain an open question. Due to the phenomenon of genomic imprinting, maternal and paternal genomes are differentially marked and must be properly reprogrammed every time they pass through the germline. Therefore, during gametogenesis, primordial germ cells must have their original biparental DNA methylation patterns erased and re-established based on the sex of the transmitting parent. After fertilization, the paternal and maternal genomes are once again demethylated and remethylated (except for differentially methylated regions associated with imprinted genes).
In many disease processes, such as cancer, gene promoter CpG islands acquire abnormal hypermethylation, which results in transcriptional silencing that can be inherited by daughter cells following cell division. Alterations of DNA methylation have been recognized as an important component of cancer development. Hypomethylation, in general, arises earlier and is linked to chromosomal instability and loss of imprinting, whereas hypermethylation is associated with promoters and can arise secondary to gene (oncogene suppressor) silencing, but might be a target for epigenetic therapy. Global hypomethylation has also been implicated in the development and progression of cancer through different mechanisms.
He was captured by what was left of Rossum and was rescued by Echo and Ballard. Despite his protest he went along as a guide to the Dollhouse members through LA and Dollhouse LA, eventually helping in returning all those Imprinted to their original selves. Due to Mag's injuries, he was left with the task of protecting Iris, becoming her "handler". Before the final Imprint, he reveals to a surprised Mag that before the chaos imprinting, he was a landscape architect living in Pasadena and was married to a woman whom he hoped to start a family with.
Duplications of the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome region, also known as the imprinting region (15q11-13) that encompasses the GABRB3 gene are present in some patients diagnosed with Autism. These patients exhibit classic symptoms that are associated with the disorder. Duplications of the 15q11-13 region displayed in autistic patients are almost always of maternal origin (not paternal) and account for 1–2% of diagnosed autism disorder cases. This gene is also a candidate for autism because of the physiological response that benzodiazepine has on the GABA-A receptor, when used to treat seizures and anxiety disorders.
Fetishism could result when a child is imprinted with an overly narrow or incorrect concept of a sex object. Imprinting seems to occur during the child's earliest experiences with arousal and desire, and is based on "an egocentric evaluation of salient reward- or pleasure-related characteristics that differ from one individual to another." Neurological differences may play a role in some cases. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran observed that the region processing sensory input from the feet lies immediately next to the region processing genital stimulation, and suggested an accidental link between these regions could explain the prevalence of foot fetishism.
Wyman calls Wisconsin a "palimpsest" of layer upon layer of peoples and forces, each imprinting permanent influences. He identified these layers as multiple "frontiers" over three centuries: Native American frontier, French frontier, English frontier, fur-trade frontier, mining frontier, and the logging frontier. Finally the coming of the railroad brought the end of the frontier.Mark Wyman, The Wisconsin Frontier (2009) pp 182, 293-94 The historian of the frontier, Frederick Jackson Turner, grew up in Wisconsin during its last frontier stage, and in his travels around the state he could see the layers of social and political development.
It has been well documented that the superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) and the splendid fairy-wren (Malurus splendens) are the two main species to bear host to the Horsfield's bronze-cuckoo, although they may also parasitise other small Passeriformes including thornbills, warblers and scrub-wrens that can be utilised as a secondary host in certain locations. Although the behavioural attributes of a host species may play a role in parasitism, it is thought that the female selects its host through imprinting, remembering the species that it was raised by and ultimately using that species to raise its brood.
Geomagnetic imprinting has not been proven to occur, but it appears to be plausible for several reasons. The earth's magnetic field varies across the globe in such a way that different geographic areas have different magnetic fields associated with them. Also, sea turtles have a well-developed magnetic sense and can detect both the intensity (strength) of the Earth's field as well as the inclination angle (angle at which the field lines intersect the earth's surface). Thus, it is plausible that sea turtles, and maybe salmon also, can recognize their home areas using the distinctive magnetic fields that exist there.
In eukaryotes, genomic DNA is highly compacted in order to be able to fit it into the nucleus. This is accomplished by winding the DNA around protein octamers called histones, which has consequences for the physical accessibility of parts of the genome at any given time. Significant portions are silenced through histone modifications, and thus are inaccessible to the polymerases or their cofactors. The highest level of transcription regulation occurs through the rearrangement of histones in order to expose or sequester genes, because these processes have the ability to render entire regions of a chromosome inaccessible such as what occurs in imprinting.
Cross fostering has been used in conservation biology such as the rearing of black robin chicks by other species. In this instance the species was so close to extinction, with literally a handful of surviving individuals and a single mother, there was little chance of raising many offspring. In this case a related species were used to raise the eggs, with their own eggs being replaced by conservation workers with those of the robin. In this case imprinting is one of the concerns, as species raised in a different environment may not be able to recognize their own species.
The imprinted brain theory is an evolutionary psychology theory regarding the causes of autism spectrum disorders and psychosis. In certain ways, autistic traits are the opposite of schizotypal traits, such as autism being associated with literal-mindedness while schizotypy is associated with imagination. These differences tend to resemble sex differences, such as autism being linked to larger brain size and schizotypy to slower brain growth. Bernard Crespi proposes that these tendencies show that autism is linked to epigenetic imprinting of the X chromosome by the father, in the case of autism, or by the mother, in the case of psychosis.
Hall's research has been far-ranging in the areas of congenital malformations including neural tube defects, the genetics of short stature, the mechanisms of disease such as mosaicism and imprinting, the natural history of genetic disorders, the genetics of connective tissue disorders such as arthrogryposis, and monozygotic (identical) twins. She has contributed to the knowledge of a number of syndromes. Her name is associated with the Hall type of pseudoachondroplasia (a severe form of dwarfism with short limbs), Sheldon-Hall syndrome, and the Hall-Pallister syndrome (hamartoma in the hypothalamus tract, hypopituitarism, imperforate anus and polydactyly).
More recent research has shown that H3K27me3 and H4K20me1 are also common in early embryos. Other methylation markings associated with transcriptionally active areas of DNA, H3K4me2 and H3K4me3, are missing from the Xi chromosome along with many acetylation markings. Although it was known that certain Xi histone methylation markings stayed relatively constant between species, it has recently been discovered that different organisms and even different cells within a single organism can have different markings for their X inactivation. Through histone methylation, there is genetic imprinting, so that the same X homolog stays inactivated through chromosome replications and cell divisions.
Loss of imprinting of insulin-like growth factor gene (IGF2) increases risk of colorectal cancer and is associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome which significantly increases the risk of cancer for newborns. In healthy cells, CpG dinucleotides of lower densities are found within coding and non-coding intergenic regions. Expression of some repetitive sequences and meiotic recombination at centromeres are repressed through methylation The entire genome of a cancerous cell contains significantly less methylcytosine than the genome of a healthy cell. In fact, cancer cell genomes have 20-50% less methylation at individual CpG dinucleotides across the genome.
However, an exact determination of the cause of ASD has yet to be discovered and there probably is not one single genetic cause of any particular set of disorders, leading many researchers to believe that epigenetic mechanisms, such as genomic imprinting or epimutations, may play a major role. Epigenetic mechanisms can contribute to disease phenotypes. Epigenetic modifications include DNA cytosine methylation and post- translational modifications to histones. These mechanisms contribute to regulating gene expression without changing the sequence of the DNA and may be influenced by exposure to environmental factors and may be heritable from parents.
Genomic imprinting is another example of epigenetic regulation of gene expression. In this instance, the epigenetic modification(s) causes the offspring to express the maternal copy of a gene or the paternal copy of a gene, but not both. The imprinted gene is silenced through epigenetic mechanisms. Candidate genes and susceptibility alleles for autism are identified using a combination of techniques, including genome-wide and targeted analyses of allele sharing in sib-pairs, using association studies and transmission disequilibrium testing (TDT) of functional and/or positional candidate genes and examination of novel and recurrent cytogenetic aberrations.
Asimov attributed the lack of romance and sex in his fiction to the "early imprinting" from starting his writing career when he had never been on a date and "didn't know anything about girls". He was sometimes criticized for the general absence of sex (and of extraterrestrial life) in his science fiction. He claimed he wrote The Gods Themselves to respond to these criticisms, which often came from New Wave science fiction (and often British) writers. The second part (of three) of the novel is set on an alien world with three sexes, and the sexual behavior of these creatures is extensively depicted.
The killing of the Formica queen and adoption by the workers evolved from this. His previous work (which was presented earlier) shows what would have evolved for adaptation to occur: "(1) sharp mandibles for killing the Formica queen, (2) a pheromone that reduces aggression from resident workers, (3) a tendency to hold onto the dead Formica queen long enough to absorb her odors...". The next step was olfactory imprinting between the two species, a consequence of living one’s life from start to finish in the presence of both species. Polyergus’ ancestor then forages and encounters a colony of the same species.
Cuckoo eggs have been found in the nests of over 100 different species, of which 11 have been identified as primary host species and a similar number as secondary. Egg patterns and coloring differs greatly between these host species, and the cuckoo eggs vary accordingly. Thus it is important for a female cuckoo to deposit her eggs in a nest corresponding to the same species as her foster parents, because if she were to select a different host species, that would likely entail a higher risk of egg rejection. According to the habitat selection hypothesis, host selection occurs through the means of habitat imprinting in early post-natal development.
A pituitary transcript variant has been associated with inhibited cell proliferation. Studies in mouse and sheep suggest that an upstream intergenic differentially methylated region (IG-DMR) regulates imprinting of the region. The expression profile in mouse of the co-regulated Meg3 and Dlk1 genes suggests a causative role in the pathologies found in uniparental disomy animals, characterized by defects in skeletal muscle maturation, bone formation, placenta size and organization and prenatal lethality. The sheep homolog is associated with the callipyge mutation which in heterozygous individuals affects a muscle-specific long- range control element located in the DLK1-GTL2 intergenic region and results in the callipyge muscular hypertrophy.
The displaced material rose up on both sides of the letter grooves forming two sharp, parallel ridges. In the second step, the inscribed side of the stamp block was placed on the plane gold sheet and sufficient pressure, either manually or by hammering onto a plate laid on top, was exerted from above to transmit the text. What produced the print image were the ridges caused by the material displacement; these left shallow double lines in the foil, thus creating the text. The actual, sunken letter lines were not transferred during the imprinting procedure, since they did not enter the surface of the foil.
Horses in general have excellent memories, so a foal must not be taught anything as a young horse that would be undesirable for it to do as a full-grown animal. There is tremendous debate over the proper age to begin training a foal. Some advocate beginning to accustom a foal to human handling from the moment of birth, using a process termed imprinting or "imprint training". Others feel that imprint training of a foal interferes with the mare and foal bond and prefer to wait until the foal is a few days old, but do begin training within the first week to month of life.
Carnelian was recovered from Bronze Age Minoan layers at Knossos on Crete in a form that demonstrated its use in decorative arts;C. Michael Hogan, Knossos fieldnotes, Modern Antiquarian (2007) this use dates to approximately 1800 BC. Carnelian was used widely during Roman times to make engraved gems for signet or seal rings for imprinting a seal with wax on correspondence or other important documents. Hot wax does not stick to carnelian.Section 12 of the translation of Weilue - a 3rd-century Chinese text by John Hill under "carnelian" and note 12.12 (17) Sard was used for Assyrian cylinder seals, Egyptian and Phoenician scarabs, and early Greek and Etruscan gems.
Scanning the creature, Data finds another smaller entity inside of it, and the crew realizes the larger creature only attacked to protect its unborn. The crew performs a Cesarean section, using the ship's phasers as a scalpel to free the newborn. As the ship turns to leave, the newborn attaches itself to the ship and begins feeding off its power systems, imprinting on the Enterprise as if it were the creature's mother. As the ship's power supplies run low, the crew finds a nearby debris field toward which the larger creature appeared to have been traveling, and realize it would serve as a better feeding ground for the infant.
The social deprivation associated with this technique of upbringing is one of the most detrimental forms of social deprivation since even short-term disruptions in parental care can cause extreme abnormal behaviour in the affected young. For example, normal sexual and habitat imprinting is altered in both male and female birds as a result of maternal separation, as well as individual ability to adapt to stressors within the environment. Neophobia is the avoidance of novel objects in the environment and is diminished with social deprivation and maternal separation. A lack of neophobia can decrease probability of survival due to the affected animal's lack of hesitation to approach potentially dangerous stimuli.
Ceramic tiles for use in wet areas can be made more slip-resistant either by using very small tiles so that the grout lines acts as grooves or by imprinting a contour pattern onto the face of the tile. The hardness of natural stone tiles varies such that some of the softer stone (e.g. limestone) tiles are not suitable for very heavy-traffic floor areas. On the other hand, ceramic tiles typically have a glazed upper surface and when that becomes scratched or pitted the floor looks worn, whereas the same amount of wear on natural stone tiles will not show, or will be less noticeable.
According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders-Third Edition (ICSD-3), the nightmare disorder, together with REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) and recurrent isolated sleep paralysis, form the REM-related parasomnias subcategory of the Parasomnias cluster. Nightmares may be idiopathic without any signs of psychopathology or associated with disorders like stress, anxiety, substance abuse, psychiatric illness or PTSD (>80% of PTSD patients report nightmares). As regarding the dream content of the dreams they are usually imprinting negative emotions like sadness, fear or rage. According to the clinical studies the content can include being chased, injury or death of others, falling, natural disasters or accidents.
Movable type traces its origins to the punches used to make coins: the reverse face of a Tetradrachm Greek coin from Athens, 5th century BC, featuring various letters and the owl symbol of Athena. The technique of imprinting multiple copies of symbols or glyphs with a master type punch made of hard metal first developed around 3000 BC in ancient Sumer. These metal punch types can be seen as precursors of the letter punches adapted in later millennia to printing with movable metal type. Cylinder seals were used in Mesopotamia to create an impression on a surface by rolling the seal on wet clay.
The imprinted brain theory is a variant of the conflict theory of imprinting which argues that in diploid organisms, such as humans, the maternal and paternal set of genes may have antagonistic reproductive interests since the mother and father may have antagonistic interests regarding the development of the child. Following this, he was named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. In 2013, Crespi and fellow UMich alumni Kyle Summers co-edited "Human Social Evolution, The Foundational Works of Richard D. Alexander," which was published through the Oxford University Press. In 2016, Crespi won SFU's Nora and Ted Sterling Prize in Support of Controversy for his evolutionary biology research.
When military genius Miles Teg is killed in Heretics of Dune, a ghola of him is born in Chapterhouse: Dune (1985) on orders from Teg's own daughter, Bene Gesserit leader Darwi Odrade.Though the replacement Teg is called a ghola, Herbert notes that he is technically a clone because the cells used to create him had been taken from the original just prior to his death, rather than from a corpse. His former memories are unlocked using sexual imprinting. The discovery of how to reawaken a ghola has tremendous consequences for the Tleilaxu Masters themselves; they subsequently use the technology of axlotl tanks and memory recovery to grant themselves effective immortality.
DNA methylation dynamic during mouse embryonic development After fertilization some cells of the newly formed embryo migrate to the germinal ridge and will eventually become the germ cells (sperm and oocytes) of the next generation. Due to the phenomenon of genomic imprinting, maternal and paternal genomes are differentially marked and must be properly reprogrammed every time they pass through the germline. Therefore, during the process of gametogenesis the primordial germ cells must have their original biparental DNA methylation patterns erased and re-established based on the sex of the transmitting parent. After fertilization, the paternal and maternal genomes are demethylated in order to erase their epigenetic signatures and acquire totipotency.
The FM has a "full information" viewfinder. In addition to the metering LEDs; the viewfinder also displays the set shutter speed and lens aperture to give context to the LEDs. A fixed K-type focus screen with 3 mm split-image rangefinder and 1 mm microprism collar is fitted. Major system accessories for the FM include the MD-11 and MD-12 motor drives; which enables continuous film advance at 3.5 frames per second, the Data Back MF-12; enabling the imprinting of date and time data on the film, and the Speedlight SB-8E electronic flash; guide number 82/25 (feet/meters) at ASA 100.
Mag (Felicia Day) (short for Maggie) is the leader of a ragtag group who calls themselves the "actuals", people who still have not been imprinted and retain their original personalities. In the year 2019, she leads a small group of "actuals" underground to the remains of the Los Angeles Dollhouse where they may find a cure to the memory imprinting across the world. After learning the truth of the Dollhouse, she and the remaining members begin their trek to find safe haven. Some months later, they later find Haven thanks to Echo and Ballard and she later takes part in the assault in L.A. to enter the Dollhouse.
The imprinting mechanisms described above work on the chromosome that the Airn lncRNA is produced, but there are many other imprinted genes that work to silence genes on other chromosomes or to silence the similar allele(s) on the opposing chromosome of the same pair. Some imprinted genes code for regulatory RNA elements such as lncRNA, small nucleolar RNA, and micro RNA, so the expression of these genes results in the silencing of some other gene. From these examples, researchers have seen similar patterns in developmental genetics. It is imperative that many genes are silenced at the right time so that cells can maintain their identity and expressional integrity.
In Hinduism various attempts have been made to interpret the Vedic and other esoteric texts. For Sri Aurobindo intuition comes under the realms of knowledge by identity; he describes the psychological plane in humans (often referred to as mana in sanskrit) having two arbitrary natures, the first being imprinting of psychological experiences which is constructed through sensory information (mind seeking to become aware of external world). The second nature being the action when it seeks to be aware of itself, resulting in humans being aware of their existence or aware of being angry & aware of other emotions. He terms this second nature as knowledge by identity.
Growth potential of equine offspring may be influenced by the size of the dam's womb. The American Donkey and Mule Society (ADMS) appears to interpret these differences as wholly physiological, stating: "The genetic inheritance of the hinny is exactly the same as the mule." Be that as it may, the epigenetic inheritance of the hinny is not the same as the mule, as "the differences between the mule and the hinny are now known to be caused by genomic imprinting, whereby the expression of a gene is determined by its origin rather than its DNA sequence". Like mules, hinnies express broad variation in stature.
At the same time, Sullivan studied Rebecca, who had developed natural immunity to the poisons beyond Basel's borders, and sought a way of imprinting her powers onto others. Zephyr was one of his test subjects, along with Zephyr's sister, who was killed by Zephyr during his rampage. By the time Vashyron and his comrades learn the full tale from Juris, Rowen is in the midst of a crisis of faith due to his control over the Zenith System through his ring. During the party's confrontation with Sullivan where he threatens to destroy Leanne's quartz, Rowen shoots Sullivan to try and prove the existence of a higher power through Leanne's survival.
The length of gestation varies by species; it is roughly 11–13 months, and most mares come into oestrus again within a few days after foaling, depending on conditions. In harem-holding species, oestrus in a female becomes less noticeable to outside males as she gets older, hence competition for older females is virtually nonexistent. Mountain zebra suckling a foal Usually, a single foal is born, which is capable of running within an hour of birth. A newborn zebra will follow anything that moves, so new mothers prevent others from approaching their foals while imprinting their own striping pattern, scent and vocalisation on them.
Negative imprinting is a feature of some film cameras, in which the date, shutter speed and aperture setting are recorded on the negative directly as the film is exposed. The first known version of this process was patented in the United States in 1975, using half-silvered mirrors to direct the readout of a digital clock and mix it with the light rays coming through the main camera lens. Modern SLR cameras use an imprinter fixed to the back of the camera on the film backing plate. It uses a small LED display for illumination and optics to focus the light onto a specific part of the film.
This gene encodes a highly basic protein localized to the nucleus. The evolutionarily constrained open reading frame is found on a bicistronic transcript which has a downstream ORF encoding the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N. The upstream coding region utilizes the first three exons of the transcript, a region that has been identified as an imprinting center. Multiple transcription initiation sites have been identified and extensive alternative splicing occurs in the 5' untranslated region but the full-length nature of these transcripts has not been determined. An alternate exon has been identified that substitutes for exon 4 and leads to a truncated, monocistronic transcript.
The Cauldron was designed by Chinese Technology Company Lenovo, who also designed the Olympic torch. It, along with the rim of the stadium's roof were designed to look like an unrolling scroll, with the cauldron itself representing the end of the scroll, spiralling up above the stadium. Decorated with cloud imprinting and an outer red lining, which according to Lenovo, was part of a motif meant to represent ‘clouds of promise’. The design team based the cauldron's structure on the ‘ancient Chinese concept’ of “round heaven and square earth” (which was the design theme of the entire Beijing Olympics), drawing inspiration from the Historic Temple of Heaven Complex in Central Beijing.
On the other hand, on the maternal allele, where the PWS-IC is methylated, Ube3a-ATS is not expressed, suggesting that the methylation of the PWS-IC somehow prevents Ube3a-ATS expression. This is supported by several studies where preventing methylation of the PWS-IC by knocking out methyl transferases in embryonic stem cells results in bialellic expression of Ube3a-ATS and silencing of Ube3a on the maternal allele. However, methylation is not the only process involved in preventing the expression of the maternal Ube3a-ATS. It is expected that the imprinting domains interact with other proteins, which contribute to the silencing of LNCAT and Ube3a-ATS on the maternal allele.
Foreseeing their arrival, the Cullens gather other vampire clans from around the world to stand as witnesses and prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Jacob's imprinting on Renesmee has forged an unbreakable bond and mutual protective pact between the Cullens and the Quileute, ending the hatred between them. As local and foreign vampires arrive, the Cullen house becomes the headquarters and training ground for the assorted vampires and the Quileute wolf packs. Upon confronting the gathered Cullen allies and witnesses, the Volturi discover that they have been misinformed on Renesmee's identity, and execute Irina in an unsuccessful attempt to instigate a full battle.
That imprinting might be a feature of mammalian development was suggested in breeding experiments in mice carrying reciprocal chromosomal translocations. Nucleus transplantation experiments in mouse zygotes in the early 1980s confirmed that normal development requires the contribution of both the maternal and paternal genomes. The vast majority of mouse embryos derived from parthenogenesis (called parthenogenones, with two maternal or egg genomes) and androgenesis (called androgenones, with two paternal or sperm genomes) die at or before the blastocyst/implantation stage. In the rare instances that they develop to postimplantation stages, gynogenetic embryos show better embryonic development relative to placental development, while for androgenones, the reverse is true.
Accordingly, paternally expressed genes tend to be growth-promoting whereas maternally expressed genes tend to be growth-limiting. In support of this hypothesis, genomic imprinting has been found in all placental mammals, where post-fertilisation offspring resource consumption at the expense of the mother is high; although it has also been found in oviparous birds where there is relatively little post-fertilisation resource transfer and therefore less parental conflict. A small number of imprinted genes are fast evolving under positive Darwinian selection possibly due to antagonistic co-evolution. The majority of imprinted genes display high levels of micro-synteny conservation and have undergone very few duplications in placental mammalian lineages.
Lincoln Lee (Seth Gabel) and Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick) take Nina into custody, learning that someone with Nina's bio-metric signature had accessed the Massive Dynamic supply of Cortexiphan over the last few months; Nina is surprised by this but refuses to talk. As they work, Walter accuses Peter of taking advantage of Olivia's state, even if unintentionally, imprinting his memories of Olivia of the original timeline onto her. They identify a face belonging to Leland Spivey (Monte Markham), a man with ties to Jones and Nina, and Peter suspects that they are dosing Olivia with Cortexiphan for nefarious purposes. Their work is disrupted by the sudden appearance of the Observer September (Michael Cerveris), bleeding from a chest wound.
A female cuckoo retains recognition of certain stimuli, like vegetation, from experience with her natal habitat. Habitats might be defined as dry or wet, shrubby or forested, lakeside, etc. This process has been termed natal habitat preference induction (NHPI) and has been found in many species across different taxa, such as insects (Hopkins’ host selection principle), fish, amphibians, mammals and birds of course. This imprinting of the habitat type in which the female cuckoo was reared may cause her to subsequently return to this habitat type in order to lay eggs and therefore increases the likelihood of encountering the suitable host species, as most host species are known to be habitat specific.
Planets, asteroids, and comets all reflect light from their parent stars and emit their own light. For cooler objects, including solar-system planets and asteroids, most of the emission is at infrared wavelengths we cannot see, but that are routinely measured with spectrometers. For objects surrounded by gas, such as comets and planets with atmospheres, further emission and absorption happens at specific wavelengths in the gas, imprinting the spectrum of the gas on that of the solid object. In the case of worlds with thick atmospheres or complete cloud cover (such as the gas giants, Venus, and Saturn's satellite Titan (moon)), the spectrum is mostly or completely due to the atmosphere alone.
Paranormal claims for the origin of EVP include living humans imprinting thoughts directly on an electronic medium through psychokinesis and communication by discarnate entities such as spirits, nature energies, beings from other dimensions, or extraterrestrials.Estep, Sarah, "Voices Of Eternity," page 144 Paranormal explanations for EVP generally assume production of EVP by a communicating intelligence through means other than the typical functioning of communication technologies. Natural explanations for reported instances of EVP tend to dispute this assumption explicitly and provide explanations which do not require novel mechanisms that are not based on recognized scientific phenomena. One study, by psychologist Imants Barušs, was unable to replicate suggested paranormal origins for EVP recorded under controlled conditions.
At the park, Julius is murdered and soon refreshed. By the time he wakes up, Debra's ad hoc group has taken control of the Hall of Presidents, and is planning to replace its old-fashioned animatronic robots with the synthetic memory imprinting of the experience of being the president for a moment. Julius believes that this rival committee had him killed as a distraction so that they could seize the Hall in the interim. Fearing that they will next try to revamp his favorite ride, the Haunted Mansion, he resolves to take a stand against the virtualization of the park, endangering his relationship with both Lil and Dan; eventually Lil leaves Julius for Dan.
Erich Klinghammer was born in Kassel, Germany, where he received high school education. He emigrated to United States in 1951 and served in the United States Army from 1953 to 1955, earning United States citizenship through military service, and returned to higher education at the University of Chicago with support from the G. I. Bill. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1958 and continued graduate education under animal behaviorist Eckhard Hess, studying imprinting in birds. After discovering he was allergic to birds, he switched the focal species of his research on animal behaviour to grey wolves donated by the Brookfield Zoo and housed in an enclosure on his property near Battle Ground, Indiana.
Original logo, used on the first several SDDS releases Although originally slated to premier with 1991's Hook, the SDDS project was delayed and instead premiered on June 17, 1993, with Last Action Hero. Since then, over 2000 movies have been mixed in Sony Dynamic Digital Sound, and as early as 1999 over 6,750 movie theaters were equipped with SDDS. The code name for the SDDS project was "Green Lantern", taken from the name of the comic book hero and the old term of "magic lantern" used to describe the original projected pictures in the late 19th century. Green came to mind because the key to imprinting the 8 micrometre data bits was to use a green laser.
In 1989, Thai was charged with criminal possession of forgery devices, being accused of possessing 41 printing stamps which he allegedly used to alter 2,000 wristwatches by falsely imprinting them with brand names such as Rolex and Cartier. Thai's defense moved to dismiss the charges, contending the mere fact that he was in possession of forgery devices failed to prove that he acted with the intent to defraud. Thai's motion to dismiss the charges, however, was denied. When David Thai was finally arrested on murder charges alongside several other indictments, he boasted on the TV program 48 Hours that he made $13 million from the sale of counterfeit watches in 1988 alone.
Small nucleolar RNA SNORD113 (also known as C/D box snoRNA 14q(I)) is a small nucleolar RNA molecule which is located in the imprinted human 14q32 locus and may play a role in the evolution and/or mechanism of the epigenetic imprinting process. In humans the imprinted domain at 14q32 contains two clusters of tandemly repeated small nucleolar RNAs named 14q(I) and 14q(II) snoRNAs. These two clusters contain 9 and 31 highly related snoRNAs respectively. These two related snoRNAs are known as SNORD113 and SNORD114 respectively in the HGNC approved gene symbol nomenclature. The snoRNAs found in each cluster are clearly related and are simply referred to with a 1-9 or 1-31 suffix.
Chromosome 15 Angelman syndrome is caused by the lack of expression of a gene known as UBE3A in developing. This gene is located within a region of chromosome 15 known as 15q11-q13 and is part of the ubiquitin pathway. In fact, UBE3A codes for a very selective E6-AP ubiquitin ligase for which MAPK1, PRMT5, CDK1, CDK4, β-catenin, and UBXD8 have been identified as ubiquitination targets Typically, a fetus inherits a maternal copy of UBE3A and a paternal copy of UBE3A. In certain areas of developing brain, the paternal copy of UBE3A is inactivated through a process known as imprinting and the fetus relies on the functioning maternal copy of UBE3A in order to develop normally.
Taking on the title of the Boy Scouts of Ireland. At this time, the association also gained the recognition of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) Some statistics / National Scout Organisations / Countries / Around the world / Home - World Organization of the Scout Movement becoming Ireland's only officially recognised Scout association. In 1927, the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland (CBSI) was formed under the guidance of the Catholic Church as a means of imprinting a Catholic ethos on the young men of Ireland. Originating with Fr. Ernest Farrell, a curate in Greystones, Co. Wicklow in 1925/1926, the association was hastened in its initiation by his brother Fr. Tom Farrell, a curate in the Pro-Cathedral.
On the Asahi river, Okayama, Japan Between 1996 and 2016 Gazit produced interactive art installations titled “Sculpting the Wind“ and “Visualizing the Invisible” in which he conceptually visualizes a dialogue between the sun and the wind using balloons and involving the participation of many people in multiple locations. As quoted by Gazit: "The wind fills the tubes with air, imprinting its motions on the tube from inside, and guiding its way forward - creating a dialog with mother nature - a conversation with the wind, the sun and the earth beneath them." His settings are meant to reference the anthropocene – mankind’s interface with nature, technology, and industry. Gazit's works are considered site specific art.
He was national president of LIPU (Lega italiana protezione uccelli, Italian League for the defence of birds, founded in 1965 and Italian partner of Birdlife International), and later became its honorary president. Mainardi studied the social and sexual behaviour of animals, and its evolution, starting from the relationships between parents and offspring (particularly the importance of the "imprinting"). His studies demonstrate that also the animals can transmit - to a certain extent - the capacity to transfer solution to problems from one individual to another: the process of innovation according to Mainardi's results is not exclusive of mankind. He directed the Italian Journal of Zoology, organ of the Italian Zoological association (Unione Zoologica italiana).
LSD, on the contrary, is represented by the drug pusher (a minor personage of the novel) as a "pure drug", a stimulant that let us experience spiritual enlightenment. Acid is also a kind of transition between ancient stimulants like mushrooms and modern synthetic drugs, which combines modern technology and ancient purpose. The picture printed on an LSD blotter stamp is perceived by the dealer to influence the effects of LSD acting similarly to an advertisement, imprinting certain associations upon the user. While tripping on 5 hits of LSD with a picture of some Babylonian-looking idol character Tatarsky begins to see an uncanny parallel between the TV set and Chaldean altar for human sacrifice.
The emperors of Qin also concentrated the cults of the five forms of God, previously held at different locations, in unified temple complexes. The universal religion of the Han, which became connected at an early time with the proto-Taoist Huang–Lao movement, was focused on the idea of the incarnation of God as the Yellow Emperor, the central one of the "Five Forms of the Highest Deity" ( Wǔfāng Shàngdì). The idea of the incarnation of God was not new, as already the Shang royal lineage regarded themselves as divine. Their progenitors were "sons of God", born by women who "stepped on the imprinting" of Di. This was also true for royal ancestors of the early Zhou dynasty.
In Heretics of Dune (1984), Schwangyu is in charge of the Duncan Idaho ghola project on Gammu. As the leader of a faction of the Sisterhood who believe that such gholas are a danger to the order and its goals, she has been subtly encouraging the ghola's failure. By the time Lucilla arrives to teach Idaho and bind his loyalty to the Sisterhood with sexual imprinting, he has already been tarnished by Schwangyu and nurses hate for the Bene Gesserit, hoping to escape their control of his life. Despite Schwangyu's efforts to seduce Lucilla to her side, Idaho blossoms under the training of Lucilla (and Miles Teg), and Schwangyu begins to realize that she has much underestimated Lucilla.
In traditional subsistence communities, this corresponds with the age that children would be weaned from breastmilk and offered supplementary solid foods. It is likely that these weaning foods were less directly costly to the mother than breastfeeding, either because gathering these food items were less energetically costly for her to gather, or she could rely on social partners to assist her in gathering the food. Therefore, Prader-Willi allows us to see the roles of normally invisible imprinting effects which arose in relation to ancestral parental provisioning conflicts. In typically-developing individuals, the imprinted genes related to Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndrome are balanced in a "tug-of-war" designed by natural selection.
She is revealed to be "Miss Lonelyhearts" who has hired out Victor several times for romantic encounters to quell her intense loneliness. In "Epitaph One", Adelle has become more protective of the Actives, going as far as to challenge the C.E.O. of Rossum when he informs her that the company will start selling Actives to their wealthiest clients. Another flashback shows her living in the Dollhouse, with the other Actives (who have been restored with their original personalities) and has developed a profound bond with Topher, who has gone insane with guilt over the chaos the imprinting technology caused. Adelle has a drinking problem, rarely seen without a drink in season one.
This data back recorded the time by imprinting a tiny picture of a slightly less tiny Seiko made analogue clock onto the film. It also had a special insert plate that the photographer could write on and have this note imprinted on the film. There were two versions of the F2 Data: one with the MF-10 camera back for standard 35 mm film cartridges and one with the MF-11 250 frame bulk film back. The F2 Data also came packaged with an MD-2 motor drive and your choice of DE-1, DP-11 or DP-12 head plus a special Type S focusing screen that marked the left-side data imprint area.
After the highest peak of expression, Gabrb3 expression is down-regulated substantially in the thalamus and inferior olivary body of the mouse. By adulthood, the level of expression in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus drops below developmental expression levels, but the expression in the cerebellum does not change postnatally. The highest levels of Gabrb3 expression in the mature mouse brain occur in the Purkinje and granule cells of the cerebellum, the hippocampus, and the piriform cortex. In humans, the beta-3 subunit, as well as the subunits of its two neighbouring genes (GABRG3 and GABRA5), are bi-allelically expressed within the cerebral cortex, indicating that the gene is not subjected to imprinting within those cells.
Studies based in the United States, New Zealand, and China have shown that women rate men with no trunk (chest and abdominal) hair as most attractive, and that attractiveness ratings decline as hairiness increases. Another study, however, found that moderate amounts of trunk hair on men was most attractive, to the sample of British and Sri Lankan women. Further, a degree of hirsuteness (hairiness) and a waist-to-shoulder ratio of 0.6 is often preferred when combined with a muscular physique. In a study using Finnish women, women with hairy fathers were more likely to prefer hairy men, suggesting that preference for hairy men is the result of either genetics or imprinting.
It is not known, however, whether these potential associations are caused by the IVF procedure in itself, by adverse obstetric outcomes associated with IVF, by the genetic origin of the children or by yet unknown IVF-associated causes. Increases in embryo manipulation during IVF result in more deviant fetal growth curves, but birth weight does not seem to be a reliable marker of fetal stress. IVF, including ICSI, is associated with an increased risk of imprinting disorders (including Prader- Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome), with an odds ratio of 3.7 (95% confidence interval 1.4 to 9.7). An IVF-associated incidence of cerebral palsy and neurodevelopmental delay are believed to be related to the confounders of prematurity and low birthweight.
Although scientists have been studying marine animals that perform natal homing for years, they are still not positive that geomagnetic imprinting and chemical cues are the only navigational tools they use for their incredible migrations. There is still much more research to be done until scientists can fully understand how these animals can travel such great distances to reproduce. Fortunately, as technology has progressed, there are several tools now available to scientists such as data loggers equipped with magnetometers that can easily be attached to the animals. Not only do they give data showing the animal relative to the Earth's magnetic field, but some also give latitude based on this, longitude based on light levels, temperature, depth, etc.
H19 and IGF2 expression are closely linked, as they are expressed in the same tissues during fetal development, albeit from differing parental alleles. This coupled expression is only lost in cases of loss of imprinting (inherited CpG methylated) or promoter mutation. The hypermethylation of the H19 promoter on the paternal allele plays a vital role in allowing the expression of the paternal allele of IGF2. In DNMT-null mice, the paternal allele of IGF2 is also silenced as the paternal H19 promoter is no longer methylated and repressed. A reason for the close coupling of H19 and IGF2 expression may be that they share the same 3’ gene enhancer. When this 3’ enhancer was deleted, researchers Leighton et al.
It would soon become apparent as to just what and how Cerebro was really meant to be used; on top of tracking and locating mutants across the globe the tracking device's primary function was to act as a soul jar that could catalog the thought pattern self of any and every mutant ever pinpointed through it. X essentially utilized this function to resurrect the mutant strike team lost while battling the Orchis Group by withholding their hard copied mind's, their anima, onto home grown clone bodies; which would effectively allow him to resurrect any and every mutant whom has ever died or will die by imprinting a shell with their respective neuropsychic imprint.
In the past Sinister had worked here (disguised as a Dr. Milbury) alongside Brian Xavier, Kurt Marko and Irene Adler who had been gathered for him by Jacob Shaw, Sebastian's father, as they all had the X-gene and Sinister predicted their children would be mutants. Sinister then experimented of these children (including Cain Marko, Charles Xavier and Sebastian himself), imprinting himself on their DNA. Sinister's machine, dubbed the Cronus device, was designed to activate soon after his death and would activate these hidden copies until Sinister could be reborn in one of them. Jacob, wanting to protect his son, created the device in the Hellfire Club from Sinister's notes to alert and protect Sebastian from the Cronus device.
Nevertheless, for the latter, only a few have been described (in a 1984 paper). No naturally occurring cases of parthenogenesis exist in mammals because of imprinted genes. However, in 2004, experimental manipulation by Japanese researchers of a paternal methylation imprint controlling the Igf2 gene led to the birth of a mouse (named Kaguya) with two maternal sets of chromosomes, though it is not a true parthenogenone since cells from two different female mice were used. The researchers were able to succeed by using one egg from an immature parent, thus reducing maternal imprinting, and modifying it to express the gene Igf2, which is normally only expressed by the paternal copy of the gene.
There are 5 hypotheses for host selection in cuckoos: Inherited preference, host imprinting, natal philopatry (returning to their own birthplace to lay eggs), nest site choice (preference based on egg and nest similarity), and the hypothesis described above, habitat selection. Although the preponderance of evidence seems to be in favor of the habitat selection hypothesis, some evidence for natal philopatry has been observed in cuckoos and the majority of cuckoo eggs are found in nests and among eggs matching their foster species, which supports the nest site choice hypothesis, but does not invalidate any of the other hypotheses. It could also be the case that there is more than one mechanism of host selection at play here. In their 1997 study, Teuschl et al.
In Heretics of Dune, Reverend Mother Lucilla is a young, attractive Bene Gesserit Imprinter sent by Mother Superior Taraza to Gammu. Lucilla is tasked to teach the Duncan Idaho ghola the Sisterhood is raising there and bind his loyalty to through imprinting, while also protecting him from the negative influence—and possible danger—presented by dissenting Bene Gesserit who believe the ghola is a danger to the Sisterhood. Extremely precocious and already having divined the fact that he is a ghola, the young Duncan nurses hatred for the Bene Gesserit, hoping to escape their control of his life. He soon blossoms, however, under the training of Lucilla and Bashar Miles Teg, brought out of retirement in part to protect the ghola.
Another sort of conflict that genomes face is that between the mother and father competing for control of gene expression in the offspring, including the complete silencing of one parental allele. Due to differences in methylation status of gametes, there is an inherent asymmetry to the maternal and paternal genomes that can be used to drive a differential parent-of-origin expression. This results in a violation of Mendel's rules at the level of expression, not transmission, but if the gene expression affects fitness, it can amount to a similar end result. Imprinting seems like a maladaptive phenomenon, since it essentially means giving up diploidy, and heterozygotes for one defective allele are in trouble if the active allele is the one that is silenced.
The "Newborn", seen here with Ripley in Alien Resurrection In Alien Resurrection, due to significant genetic tampering in an attempt to recover DNA from the deceased Ellen Ripley and the Alien queen within her, the resulting cloned Aliens show a number of minor human traits. The cloned queen inherits a perversion of a human womb, and as a result, it ceases to lay eggs and gives birth to a humanoid mutant hybrid. Physically, the human/Alien Newborn is very different from other alien young, being larger, with pale, translucent skin, a skull-shaped face with eyes, a human tongue, and a complete absence of a tail. The Newborn fails to bond with its Alien queen mother, killing it, and imprinting on the Ripley clone instead.
Piri Reis' map is centered on the Sahara at the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer. In 1528, Piri Reis drew a second world map, of which a small fragment (showing Greenland and North America from Labrador and Newfoundland in the north to Florida, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and parts of Central America in the south) still survives. According to his imprinting text, he had drawn his maps using about 20 foreign charts and mappae mundi (Arab, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Indian and Greek) including one by Christopher Columbus. He was executed in 1553 in Cairo, having been found guilty of raising the siege of Hormuz Island and abandoning the fleet, even though his reason was the lack of maintenance of his ships.
Rather, social behaviour can emerge by kin selection in the demographic conditions of 'viscous populations' with organisms interacting in their natal context, without active kin discrimination, since social participants by default typically share recent common origin. Since kin selection theory emerged, much research has been produced investigating the possible role of kin recognition mechanisms in mediating altruism. Taken as a whole, this research suggests that active powers of recognition play a negligible role in mediating social cooperation relative to less elaborate cue-based and context-based mechanisms, such as familiarity, imprinting and phenotype matching. Because cue-based 'recognition' predominates in social mammals, outcomes are non-deterministic in relation to actual genetic kinship, instead outcomes simply reliably correlate with genetic kinship in an organism's typical conditions.
Marvel Comics released the one-shot The Adventures of Snake Plissken in January 1997. The story takes place sometime between Escape from New York and before his famous Cleveland escape mentioned in Escape from L.A. Snake has robbed Atlanta's Centers for Disease Control of some engineered metaviruses and is looking for buyers in Chicago. Finding himself in a deal that is really a set-up, he makes his getaway and exacts revenge on the buyer for ratting him out to the United States Police Force. In the meantime, a government lab has built a robot called ATACS (Autonomous Tracking And Combat System) that can catch criminals by imprinting their personalities upon its program to predict and anticipate a specific criminal's every move.
When raising condors, human contact is minimal; chicks are fed with glove puppets which resemble adult Andean condors in order to prevent the chicks from imprinting on humans, which would endanger them upon release as they would not be wary of humans. The condors are kept in aviaries for three months prior to release, where they acclimatize to an environment similar to that which they will be released in. Released condors are tracked by satellite in order to observe their movements and to monitor whether they are still alive. In response to the capture of all the wild individuals of the California condor, in 1988 the US Fish and Wildlife Service began a reintroduction experiment involving the release of captive Andean condors into the wild in California.
The DIO3 gene codes for type 3 iodothyronine deiodinase (D3), an enzyme that inactivates thyroid hormones and is highly expressed throughout fetal development, peaking early and decreasing towards the end of gestation. Part of the DLK1-Dio3 imprinting control region, this gene is one involved in the epigenetic process that causes a subset of genes to be regulated based on their parental origin . Such imprinted genes are required for the formation of the placenta as well as the development of cellular lineages such as those derived from the mesoderm and ectoderm. D3 is found in the pregnant uterus, placenta, and mammalian fetal tissues where it is thought to be involved in the transfer of thyroid hormone between the mother and fetus.
In the future of "Epitaph One" (2019), Caroline, who has now been restored to her original self, returns to the House with Paul to take the Actives to Safe Haven. During a conversation with Dr. Saunders, she says that the imprinting technology doesn't travel, and that "we have Alpha to thank for that". One year later, during the events of Epitaph Two: Return, Alpha is revealed to be running a revived Dollhouse for "dumbshows", or those who were wiped and not given a replacement personality by Rossum. He later leaves the safety of the Dollhouse for fear that he may return to his original unstable personality and be a danger to the others, although Echo finds this unlikely, believing him to be "evolved" like herself.
In "Omega", Alpha attempts to recreate the same composite event that he experienced, imprinting Echo simultaneously with every single personality she has ever experienced except for Caroline- whom he separately imprints into a waitress whom he has kidnapped, with the intention of allowing the newly composited Echo to kill her. Instead of destroying her original personality, however, Echo attacks Alpha, saying that even with all of her personalities, not one of them is the one that truly belongs inside of her body, and that she is nothing more than an empty shell. She mentions at that time, all of her personalities totals up to thirty-eight. She later chooses to save her original "wedge" so that one day Caroline can be imprinted back within her body.
'Prosperous' British India, more completely titled Prosperous' British India: A Revelation from Official Records, was a book published in 1901 by British author William Digby that described the economic conditions prevailing in British India in the latter half of the nineteenth century under British rule. It used official government statistics to illuminate the falling incomes and increasing impoverishment in India under British administration during that period. The book was influential and, at the time, attracted attention due to the imprinting of the actual falling per-capita income statistics in gold on the spine of the book itself. The book also used government statistics to demonstrate that the death-toll and frequency of catastrophic economic disasters in India, such as famines, was growing systematically under British rule.
In January 1997, Marvel Comics released the one-shot The Adventures of Snake Plissken. The story takes place sometime between Escape from New York and before his famous Cleveland escape mentioned in Escape from L.A. Snake has robbed Atlanta's Centers for Disease Control of some engineered metaviruses and is looking for buyers in Chicago. Finding himself in a deal that's really a set-up, he makes his getaway and exacts revenge on the buyer for ratting him out to the United States Police Force. In the meantime, a government lab has built a robot called A.T.A.C.S. (Autonomous Tracking And Combat System) that can catch criminals by imprinting their personalities upon its program in order to predict and anticipate a specific criminal's every move.
The Nimbus Fish Hatchery was established as part of a greater habitat mitigation network. Currently the majority of Chinook fry from the hatchery are released in the American River near the hatchery to encourage thorough imprinting on their home river, which is thought to improve their odds of returning to the correct river as adults and to reduce straying. About one quarter of the fish are trucked further down to the Delta in order to avoid predation from larger fish, such as bass, and other wildlife. The Hatchery is also taking measures to install chillers and UV filtration to ensure acceptable water temperatures for eggs and fry in light of the reduced snow pack and warmer temperatures associated with climate change.
" A 2011 literature review by Schlomer, Del Giudice, and Ellis in Psychological Review stated regarding the theory: > "Recently, Crespi and Badcock (2008a; Badcock, 2009) argued that genomic > imprinting can help explain the evolution of the human brain and the origin > of some important psychological disorders. They reviewed a large body of > evidence linking imprinted genes to the etiology of autism and psychosis, > and proposed that autistic-spectrum conditions are associated with a > "paternally biased" pattern of brain development (i.e., over-expression of > paternal genes and/or under-expression of maternal genes), while psychotic- > spectrum syndromes would be associated to a "maternally biased" development. > Although Crespi and Badcock’s model is still speculative in several > respects, and has been met with criticism by some researchers (e.g.
The addition of methyl groups to cytosines causes the DNA to coil tightly around the histone proteins, resulting in DNA that can not undergo transcription (transcriptionally silenced DNA). Genes commonly found to be transcriptionally silenced due to promoter hypermethylation include: Cyclin- dependent kinase inhibitor p16, a cell-cycle inhibitor; MGMT, a DNA repair gene; APC, a cell cycle regulator; MLH1, a DNA-repair gene; and BRCA1, another DNA-repair gene. Indeed, cancer cells can become addicted to the transcriptional silencing, due to promoter hypermethylation, of some key tumor suppressor genes, a process known as epigenetic addiction. Hypomethylation of CpG dinucleotides in other parts of the genome leads to chromosome instability due to mechanisms such as loss of imprinting and reactivation of transposable elements.
In The Host, Wanda learns that despite the lows and evils of humanity, beauty and pleasure could not be found on her previous planets because darkness did not exist. Wanda learns in the novel that it is only in facing darkness and sorrow, that light and joy could be experienced, echoing a quotation from the Book of Mormon, "It musts needs be that there is an opposition in all things". However, "imprinting" in her Twilight series, the involuntary formation of a mate relationship, undermines Meyer's prolific theme of free agency. According to literature and women's studies scholar Natalie Wilson, the juxtaposition between Bella's agency to choose her mate and Jacob, a Native American male's, inability to choose has racial and cultural implications.
In Sex and Gender (1968), Stoller articulates a challenge to Freud's belief in biological bisexuality. Drawing on his extensive research with transsexuals and new advances in the science of sex, Stoller advances his belief in "Primary Femininity," the initial orientation of both biological tissue and psychological identification toward feminine development. This early, non-conflictual phase contributes to a feminine core gender identity in both boys and girls unless a masculine force is present to interrupt the symbiotic relationship with the mother. Stoller identifies three components in the formation of core gender identity, an innate and immutable sense of maleness or femaleness usually consolidated by the second year of life: #Biological and hormonal influences; #Sex assignment at birth and #Environmental and psychological influences with effects similar to imprinting.
Paul Pierson's influential attempt to rigorously formalize path dependence within political science, draws partly on ideas from economics. Herman Schwartz has questioned those efforts, arguing that forces analogous to those identified in the economic literature are not pervasive in the political realm, where the strategic exercise of power gives rise to, and transforms, institutions. The path- dependence of emergent strategy has been observed in behavioral experiments with individuals and groups. In the social sciences, especially sociology and organizational theory, a distinct yet closely related concept to path dependence is the concept of imprinting which captures how initial environmental conditions leave a persistent mark (or imprint) on organizations and organizational collectives (such as industries and communities), thus continuing to shape organizational behaviours and outcomes in the long run, even as external environmental conditions change.
The guilty realization of the part he has played in causing armageddon has driven him mad. DeWitt tries to comfort him but they are interrupted when a series of crashes is heard from elsewhere in the Dollhouse, which turns out to be someone trying to break through a block wall sealing off the entrance to the complex. The residents take up arms and prepare to defend themselves as the wall comes down, revealing Caroline and Paul, who have returned to take the actives to a compound, which is a place where they will be safe from imprinting, thanks to Alpha. Caroline requests that Topher make a copy of her personality to help others find the way there in case she's killed or another group of people finds the Dollhouse.
Katinka Bock’s oeuvre is predominantly focused on the transformative processes that take place when confronting natural and man-made elements, exploring the process through which each aspect transforms the other. Katinka Bock explores the relationship between urban landscapes and natural elements, placing her works in open spaces to face the elements, often imprinting her experiences through her materials. Some of her works are balanced in precarious such as the dynamic yet unsteadily placed mobiles resting on lemons in Farben dieses Meeres Balance (zweifach), Bock’s pieces generate and inhabit their own spaces and environments, actively interacting with and on occasion changing them. Much of her work is based on fluid movements – instead of breaking, chiseling or hacking, her materials are shaped, folded, cut, or simply placed in a context-specific constellation or construction.
Most young domesticated horses are handled at birth or within the first few days of life, though some are only handled for the first time when they are weaned from their mothers, or dams. Advocates of handling foals from birth sometimes use the concept of imprinting to introduce a foal within its first few days and weeks of life to many of the activities they will see throughout their lives. Within a few hours of birth, a foal being imprinted will have a human touch it all over, pick up its feet, and introduce it to human touch and voice. Others may leave a foal alone for its first few hours or days, arguing that it is more important to allow the foal to bond with its dam.
Port Perry has attracted many film crews over the years, both for feature film and television; it doubled as the Maine town of Mooseport in the 2004 film Welcome to Mooseport and was used briefly as a small town in New Hampshire during the sixth season of The West Wing. The town was the primary production location for the 1996 film, Fly Away Home, based on local inventor Bill Lishman's experiments in the 1980s and 1990s imprinting geese in order to alter and preserve migration routes. The film fictionalized Lishman's personal life, but used him as a consultant for its aerial and technical production. Port Perry is also used as exteriors for the TV series Hemlock Grove which is set in a fictional small town in Western Pennsylvania.
Morrison's writing of the book began because she was "interested in talking about black girlhood." Dr. Jan Furman, professor of English at the University of Michigan, notes that the book allows the reader to analyze the "imprinting" factors that shape the identity of the self during the process of maturing in young black girls. She references parts in the book where the main characters are taught to feel less than human, specifically when the shopkeeper avoids touching Pecola's hand when giving her candy. Susmita Roye, an associate professor of English at Delaware State University, notes that the novel emphasizes that living in a world defined by Euro-centric beauty standards creates a longing for whiteness, such as Pecola's desire for blue eyes, which attacks young black girls' confidence and perceived beauty.
The self-assembly method has advantages in the fact that it forms a more natural binding site, and also offers additional flexibility in the types of monomers that can be polymerized. The covalent method has its advantages in generally offering a high yield of homogeneous binding sites, but first requires the synthesis of a derivatized imprint molecule and may not imitate the "natural" conditions that could be present elsewhere. Over the recent years, interest in the technique of molecular imprinting has increased rapidly, both in the academic community and in the industry. Consequently, significant progress has been made in developing polymerization methods that produce adequate MIP formats with rather good binding properties expecting an enhancement in the performance or in order to suit the desirable final application, such as beads, films or nanoparticles.
Ballard was wiped by Alpha in "A Love Supreme" and his body left on life support, however Topher is able to partially restore him in "The Attic" by converting him into an active and imprinting him with the scan Alpha took of him. However, due to Alpha's brutal treatment, parts of his brain have been permanently damaged, and Topher is forced to "rewire" his brain to function without them; at the cost of some other mental capacity, namely the connection he had with Echo. He was killed in the final episode when an unknown shooter shot him in the head while he was trying to help one of the survivors. His imprinted wedge was left by a redeemed Alpha and was later imprinted into Echo so they could be together.
His book Männerphantasien (1977); translated as Male Fantasies (1987), a study of the "proto-fascist consciousness" in general and the bodily experience of these former soldiers in particular, was well received and much discussed. Throughout the book Theweleit uses ideas, terminology and empirical experience from works of Margaret Mahler, Wilhelm Reich, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Melanie Klein, and Michel Foucault among others to develop his theory of the "fascist male imprinting and socialization". In the introduction, Theweleit points out that discussions with Margaret Berger and his wife Monika Theweleit-Kubale (both of whom have professional clinical experience) had an important influence on the book as well as the feedback from Erhard Lucas, a leading German left-wing historian of the Weimar Unrest.Männerphantasien, Vol 1 Rowohlt, Reinbek October 1983, (Paperpack Pdition) p.
Douglas Alexander Spalding was called the "first experimental biologist", and worked mostly with birds; studying instinct, imprinting, and visual and auditory development. Jacques Loeb emphasized the importance of objectively studying behavior, Sir John Lubbock is credited with first using mazes and puzzle devices to study learning and Conwy Lloyd Morgan is thought to be "the first ethologist in the sense in which we presently use the word". Although the field initially attempted to include a variety of species, by the early 1950s it had focused primarily on the white lab rat and the pigeon, and the topic of study was restricted to learning, usually in mazes. This stunted state of affairs was pointed out by Beach (1950) [23] and although it was generally agreed with, no real change took place.
It has been studied and recorded by scientists that at a beach in eastern Mexico, where Kemp's ridley turtles nest, a navigational error from the inclination angle over a period of one decade would lead the turtles only within an average of from their natal region. Other locations resulted in navigational errors of over one hundred kilometers in the same period of time. Results from this study show that the navigational tool of geomagnetic imprinting is believed to only navigate the marine animals close to where they were born and then the animals rely on chemical cues of the tributaries and rivers to direct them to back to their birthplace. These navigational errors have actually strengthened the evolutionary trait of natal homing for marine animals by resulting in some animals straying from their birthplace.
Miller extended the trauma model to include all forms of child abuse, including those that were commonly accepted (such as spanking), which she called poisonous pedagogy, a non-literal translation of Katharina Rutschky's Schwarze Pädagogik (black or dark pedagogy/imprinting). Drawing upon the work of psychohistory, Miller analyzed writers Virginia Woolf, Franz Kafka and others to find links between their childhood traumas and the course and outcome of their lives. The introduction of Miller's first book, The Drama of the Gifted Child, first published in 1979, contains a line that summarizes her core views: In the 1990s, Miller strongly supported a new method developed by Konrad Stettbacher, who himself was later charged with incidents of sexual abuse.Barbara Lukesch: Das Drama der begabten Dame: Alice Miller steht wegen eines Scharlatans vor einem Scherbenhaufen .
He said that Janssen was one of the reasons why it worked, with the evolution of Kamala through "The Perfect Mate" showing "a sense of someone coming into their own as a sexually aware, potentially powerful individual." Handlen compared the situation to the "Elaan of Troyius", and found the imprinting of Kamala on Picard an unexpected twist. It was ranked in 47th place out of the top 100 of the entire franchise in Charlie Jane Anders' list for io9, In the Toronto Suns list of the 50 top moments of the franchise, Janssen's appearance as Kamala was placed 13th. In 2019, ScreenRant included this episode on a list of bad one-off romances on the show, in part they were confused by the pair later being cast as Professor X and Jean Grey in the X-Mens super-hero franchise.
After becoming Emperor, Adel is gradually manipulated by the Gammaisers to allow them to merge into his body and influence him into seeking out the Great Eye's power. After being defeated by Ghost Mugen Damashii and the number of Gammisers reduced to 3 (Electric, Time and Oscillation), destroying his Eyecon body to carry out Demia in his original body, Adel "realized" his "errors" that the ideal utopia is impossible and decides to become one with the world by imprinting himself in those still connected to the Demia Project. After Takeru and Alia connected with him, Adel realized the error of his ways and finally saw his father for the actual person he is, admitting that he killed Ryū out of jealousy. When the Gammaizers attempt to take over his body, Adel pleas Takeru to kill him.
The first part of the mural was launched in August 2018, prior to the elections and in order to raise awareness to the importance of voting. The second part of the mural was launched on November 2019, and reacted to the elections’ results. Both “acts” of the project featured different abstract paintings, that alluded to the theme of “Lost Paradise”, and to the tension between to harmonious potential of living in peace in the middle east, and specifically in Israel, and was Reshef’s most directly political body of work to date. Alongside Reshef's immersive painting installations, she continued developing her “imprinting” paintings, resulting with her “Ghost Libraries” and “Fossil” series of 2017-2018, and “Habitat” of 2019. Earlier bodies of work present Reshef's technique of painting without brushes, after developing her tilting method of paint use (later titled “Control and Release”) in 2010.
Paternally expressed 3 (PEG3) is a gene for which this hypothesis may apply. Others have approached their study of the origins of genomic imprinting from a different side, arguing that natural selection is operating on the role of epigenetic marks as machinery for homologous chromosome recognition during meiosis, rather than on their role in differential expression. This argument centers on the existence of epigenetic effects on chromosomes that do not directly affect gene expression, but do depend on which parent the chromosome originated from. This group of epigenetic changes that depend on the chromosome's parent of origin (including both those that affect gene expression and those that do not) are called parental origin effects, and include phenomena such as paternal X inactivation in the marsupials, nonrandom parental chromatid distribution in the ferns, and even mating type switching in yeast.
The first wave of foundings reflected the secularization of Northern liberal arts colleges in the 1840s; the second wave began in the South in the latter half of the 1860s; and the third wave came between 1900 and 1920, when marginalized populations of Black, Catholic, and Jewish students established fraternities emphasizing anti-discrimination goals. In subsequent periods, each of these three different types carried the legacy of their founding environment. Event though Stinchcombe did not specifically use the term "imprinting," the term soon became associated with his essay. Stinchcombe’s primary focus was at the industry level, but most subsequent studies have examined how individual organizations bear a lasting imprint of founding conditions. For instance, in a series of studies on Silicon Valley high-tech start-ups, scholars have measured founders’ mental models and initial decisions and then tracked how these founding conditions influenced subsequent organizational trajectories.
From 1942 onwards, he conquered a chair of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics in the Medicine Faculty of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais(UFMG) where he worked for 30 years. Besides a M.D., he became an expert on pharmacology and acquired a conspicuous exactness on the methodology of experimental science and developed with many of his students, a series of drugs and obtained many active extracts of Brazilian tropical plants. Freire was able to reconcile his duties of his chair of Pharmacology with his clinical practice as a M.D. and did research and developed concepts on the development of psychoses and neuroses. He supported the theory of “imprinting”, of “reconditioned reflex” one of the conditioner of neurosis syndromes and created a theory of four new neuroses: the Rejection Syndrome, the Neurosis of Hate, the Neuroses of Insecurity- Anxiety and the Neurosis of the Incestuous Links.
He has been described as "first Darwinian sociologist" or "the first sociobiologist",Sanderson, SK. "REFORMING THEORETICAL WORK IN SOCIOLOGY: A DETAILED REPLY TO MY CRITICS" as well as “an authority in the history of morals and of marriage customs.” He denied the then prevailing view that early human beings lived in sexual promiscuity, arguing that in fact historically monogamy preceded polygamy. The phenomenon of reverse sexual imprinting is when two people live in close domestic proximity during the first few years in the life of either one, and both become desensitised to sexual attraction, now known as the Westermarck effect, was first formally described by him in his thesis The History of Human Marriage (1891). Westermarck was also a scholar of Morocco and offered a positivist view of how its folk religion was formed in his two-volume work Ritual and Belief in Morocco (1926).
Hymenoptera largely reproduce through facultative parthenogenesis, where haploid males develop from unfertilized eggs (arrhenotoky) and diploid females develop from fertilized eggs. Sex determination in all Nasonia has been shown to be due mainly to fertilization status (fertilized or unfertilized as an egg), as well as by chromosome number. Nasonia and other Chalcid wasps use a different sex determination system than a large portion of Hymenopterans (including Honey bees), who use CSD (complementary sex determination), where sex is determined by homozygous or heterozygous alleles of a single gene. The most recent accepted model for this non-CSD system is called Maternal Effect Genomic Imprinting Sex Determination (MEGISD). This model involves a masculinizing/virilizing maternal effect gene that “imprints upon” the cytoplasmic component of oocytes, and an “unimprinted” paternal contribution (in female offspring) that provides a counter effect to virilization and allows for female development to occur.
Any disturbance of a stable epigenetic regulation of gene expression mediated by DNA methylation is associated with a number of human disorders, including cancer as well as congenital diseases such as pseudohypoparathyroidism type IA, Beckwith-Wiedemann, Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes, which are each caused by altered methylation-based imprinting at specific loci. Perturbations of both global and gene-specific patterns of cytosine methylation are commonly observed in cancer while histone deacetylation is an important feature of nuclear reprogramming in oocytes during meiosis. Recent studies have revealed that there is an array of different pathways that cooperates with one another in order to bestow proper epigenetic regulation by DNA methylation. Future studies will be needed to further clarify the certain mechanism pathways such as DNA binding proteins, DNA repair and noncoding RNAs serve in order to regulate DNA methylation to suppress differentiation and sustain self-renewal in somatic stem cells in the epidermis and other tissues.
In 2014, Mares published his work 'The Art of Creating a Free City: A Philosophical Analysis with Special Focus on Ancient Societies', making the case that modern societies, compared to ancient Greeks, are driven by the dogmatic beliefs in the economics as an ultimate governing force, which separates and fragments the civic society into entrenched groups, crippling the democracy itself. By contrast, Mares uses the examples of Greek city states, agoras and Plato's concept of justice as fairness to propose a different model for thinking about the civic society. In his 2016 scholarly article "Kleos, Nostos and Ponos in the Homeric Tradition", Mares defended the concept of a traditional heroism against postmodernist critiques, arguing that achieving an eternal glory (kleos) through an ordeal (ponos) with a successful homecoming (nostos) should be viewed as a clear manifestation of one's meaningful existence - imprinting of hero's legacy. Mares illustrated this understanding by using examples of Achilles, Odysseus and Diomedes, presenting them as different avatars of such heroic qualities.
While there is still a lot of work that needs to be done regarding the epigenetic modifications of specific cancers at various steps in tumor development, there is a general understanding of epigenetic modifications in genes that lead to abnormal expression and various types of cancer. These epigenetic biomarkers are being considered in clinical use as a tool to detect disease, classify tumors, and understand drug response to treatments such as target compounds, traditional chemotherapy agents, and epigenetic drugs. Human cancer is generally characterized by hypermethylation of specific promoters, which typically prevents the expression of DNA repair and tumor-suppressing genes, and the loss of DNA methylation on a global scale, which can allow for expression of oncogenes or result in a loss of imprinting. Histone modifications play an important role in the regulation of cellular processes, thus epigenetic changes resulting in changed structure can lead to abnormal transcription, DNA repair and replication.
One of the two identity discs issued by the South African Navy during World War II with rank, surname, initials, force number and religious affiliation British WWII RAF Dog tag of the Jewish soldier Astman, identification number 775923. There is a recurring myth about the notch situated in one end of the dog tags issued to United States Army personnel during World War II, and up until the Vietnam War era. It was rumored that the notch's purpose was that, if a soldier found one of his comrades on the battlefield, he could take one tag to the commanding officer and stick the other between the teeth of the soldier to ensure that the tag would remain with the body and be identified. In reality, the notch was used with the Model 70 Addressograph Hand Identification Imprinting Machine (a pistol-type imprinter used primarily by the Medical Department during World War II).
This character is the second on the manga that bears the Saffron name; on a previous arc of the manga, there is a Chinese girl named Saffron who is saved by Pantyhose Taro on a very brief encounter. Saffron's main servants, beyond his chamberlain, are Kiima, Koruma, and Masala (like himself given pun names sounding identical to spices or spicy dishes, similar to the Musk being named after herbs, and other rural Chinese from female beauty accessories). Kiima is part seabird, the loyal, crafty, proud, haughty, and petty captain of his guard, as well as an expert swordswoman, spy, and seductress. She is capable of flight; using an extremely lethal, mystically enforced metal-slicing, multiple "razor-feather" discharge; communicating with birds or commanding large throngs to perform complex tasks across continents, such as information-gathering, retrievals, or abductions; using surikomi/imprinting eggs to ambush, brainwash, and enslave opponents to turn on their own; or various Jusenkyo water to transform into female human disguises (her latest being a copy of Akane Tendo).
Dr. Wyatt explains he feels Booth and Brennan are much more similar than Sweets understands and that one of the two is, in fact, aware of the underlying sexual tension between them and struggles with it daily. After learning about Booth and Brennan's backgrounds, he concludes that Sweets' "near obsession" with them and writing the book was a way of finding his place in the world and that he has created his emotional connection with them as a way of finding a family, something Brennan compares to "imprinting" like a baby duck. It is revealed in "The Dwarf in the Dirt" that Sweets has not published his book, because he fears how Booth and Brennan would respond to the book's conclusion that they are in love with each other. He asks Wyatt, now a chef, if he has the right to publish his book when Booth and Brennan cannot even admit to themselves that they are in love, but Wyatt tells him he left psychiatry so he would not have to deal with a dilemma like this.
The Albanian mafia, in its entirety, constitutes one of the highest crime generating elements in the world, combining the "traditional" characteristics – plainly manifest in the rigid internal discipline, in the clan structure, in the "endogamic closure" (marrying within the organisation) which increases the impermeability, the reliability and the endogenous (internal) solidity – with modern and innovative elements, such as trans-nationality, commercial imprinting and the criminogenous culture of service. The massive logistics to almost anywhere and the syncretic (diverse) nature of Albanian crime has facilitated its establishment outside the mother country and its integration with the local criminality, exploiting the opportunities inherent in the entire compatriot network. In the United States, the term "Albanian Mafia" may include or refer specifically to various Albanian-American organised crime groups, such as the Rudaj Organisation or Albanian Boys, both based in New York City. Albanian-American crime groups vary in the extent of their connections to Albanian mafia groups in Albania or Europe, ranging from loosely connected to or mostly independent of Albanian mafias in Europe to being essentially American extensions of European Albanian mafia groups.
The machines used in making Addressograph plates would deboss (stamp into the plate) the letters into the plate resulting in a well defined printing surface resembling the typewriter fonts of the day on the reverse side that would be used to transfer the details (usually customer addresses) onto envelopes or form letters. The same style was used in the early 1940s to 1980s for the US military identification tags and the tag details could be transferred onto medical charts using a hand held imprinter in field hospital conditions. These same machines also found use in marking other nameplates and rating plates in industry and for this an embossed (raised letters in the style found on contemporary credit cards) marking style was preferred for ease of reading and maintaining a flat surface on the back of the plate. Military tags moved over to this style when the imprinting use was deprecated in the late 1960s and new machines would only be supplied as embossing units as the address plate market had been taken over by the computer revolution.
Sri Aurobindo finds that confining oneself with sensory evidence would lead to knowledge about material world and its phenomenon and nothing more, but as a result of development of Reason which accepts sensory evidence as a starting point but not limited by it goes beyond judges, works on its own right way and may arrive at a result which may be opposite to sensory observations, Sri Aurobindo states to correct the errors of sense-mind by the use of reason is one of main reason why Humanity is the cause of superiority among other life forms. For Sri Aurobindo intuition comes under the realms of knowledge by identity; he describes the psychological plane in humans (often referred to as mana in Sanskrit) having two arbitrary natures, the first being imprinting of psychological experiences which is constructed through sensory information (mind seeking to become aware of external world). The second nature being the action when it seeks to be aware of itself, resulting in humans being aware of their existence or aware of being angry aware of other emotions. He terms this second nature as knowledge by identity.
The female counterpart of the paninaro is called sfitinzia or squinzia which, according to the dictionaries, can be defined as a girl with a smirk, not very intelligent, flirtatious, often in fashion but according to the original meaning of 1986, written by Lina Sotis, the squinzia is "The most widespread female category of the moment. They all have an imprinting, the television show of the second evening shows, clothes, tones of voice, lengths, courtships and stiletto heels: in the squinzia everything, except the brain, is exaggerated. The squinzia is the one that would like to catch more and pecks less, it is the eternal turkey and never taken." The phenomenon quickly spread throughout Italy thanks to the publicity transmitted by the nascent commercial televisions that exploit the phenomenon amplifying the message and spreading the style; to make it further famous also contributed a character played by the actor Enzo Braschi that he provided to the nation a stereotyped version of the paninaro in a successful TV show, Drive In, which helped spread the fashion by codifying in turn some stylistic features to which many young people from all over Italy tried to conform.
It was discovered that a differentially methylated region (DMR) is present within the shared promoter of these genes. Generally the expression of the mother's alleles of PLAGL1 and HYMAI are blocked or not expressed by DMR methylation and only the father's alleles of PLAG1 and HYMA1 are expressed. The previously listed genetic mechanisms result in twice the normal amount of these two genes and cause chromosome 6q24 TNDM. ZFP57 Gene Third, mother's hypomethylation defects (a genetic defect that stops the allele from getting a methyl group, which would inhibit transcription) can occur from an isolated genomic imprinting or occur as a defect called, "hypomethylation imprinted loci" (HIL). HIL is defined as the loss of a methyl group in the 5-methylcytosine nucleotide at a fixed position on a chromosome. Homozygous ( having two of the same alleles) or heterozygous (defined as having one each of two different alleles) ZFP57 pathogenic variant make up almost half of TNDM-HIL, but the other causes of HIL are unknown. Moreover, half of TNDM patients that contain chromosome 6q24-related TNDM experiencing re-occurrence of diabetes during their childhood or young adulthood.
This is accepted - and desired - by Brand, who wished to destroy the Pattern outright and re-create a new Pattern in his own image, with himself as architect of the new Universe: and a fact either not known or misunderstood by Corwin, who attempts to faithfully recreate the old Pattern (after Brand deceives him into believing Oberon to have failed in his attempt to repair the original) only for his new Pattern to not only evolve differently but eventually resist the attempts of the successfully-repaired Pattern to incorporate it. It follows, from this (and from the fact of Corwin's successful creation of a New Pattern, in which he did not die) that it may not have been necessary for Oberon to die in repairing the Old Pattern: and thus that, since Oberon did indeed die, he may even have done so willingly (and known in advance that this was necessary) as a way to avoid imprinting his personality on the Old Pattern at its re-completion. At any rate, after its repair, the Old Pattern (when displaying sentience) does not appear to display any characteristics of Oberon's personality.

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