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"friable" Definitions
  1. easily broken up into small pieces

275 Sentences With "friable"

How to use friable in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "friable" and check conjugation/comparative form for "friable". Mastering all the usages of "friable" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Friable asbestos materials such as crumbling pipe insulation can release large amounts of toxic asbestos dust into the air.
Its friable toner dust and significant power consumption would make it a poor fit for life in micro-gravity.
Although it's possible to eat, say, Fig Newtons or Doritos in space, Coleman said such friable indulgences require careful planning.
The scene we'd imagined, with colonies of flamingoes strutting around a topaz shore, was instead a dust bowl, friable and desolate.
Haunted by Chekhov's "The Seagull," Rachel Bonds's restless and friable play gathers a group of mostly artists at a lakeside retreat.
Tangier's location in the center of the bay, along with its friable turf of sand and silt, leaves it dangerously exposed and fragile.
They are built on the friable dried-up bed of the lake that surrounded the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan and suffered damage in 21985.
The vast majority of fusion procedures are performed on patients with one or more degenerated disks, disks that are worn out, dehydrated, stiff and friable.
I read the Carver and Paley in the Afterlife section, which for a while at least, has the salty savor of anchovies on very thin, friable crackers.
Or sometimes I'll mix one of those with some quinoa or couscous because they're tender and friable on the tongue, and the two textures bounce off each other.
The dam, near the northern city of Mosul, was built in the 1980s on a friable gypsum layer on the Tigris and needs constant repairs to avoid disaster.
"Dawson's Fall" asks what truth means in an era when conviction matters more, and Roxana Robinson's answer — that morality is friable — should make us sit up and tremble.
Increased congestion and other environmental costs, a weakening of public transport systems, the precarious lives of the workers who make these platforms function and a more friable body politic.
"Goodnight Nobody," Rachel Bonds's restless, friable, finely acted play at the McCarter Theater here sometimes manages to distrupt old tropes, mostly because it feels like two shows carpentered together, with rough joints.
Titles tell stories: a friable-looking maquette of a balsa-wood house, 13" tall and emblazoned with 10" graffiti, is deemed "the house that frank Lloyd wright built 4 atahualpa y lee" (2008).
Mr. Riester also said that part of the southern belfry was "so heated that the stone is completely friable," leaving a risk that some chimeras — the famous snarling or horned creatures that are perched on the cathedral — might fall.
It has few or common accumulations of gypsum between depths of 40 and 60 inches in most pedons. The classic Houdek soil profile includes: a 6-8 inch friable, neutral, black loam topsoil; a 10 to 15 inch friable, neutral, dark brown clay loam subsoil; a 15 to 30 inch friable, calcareous, moderately alkaline, olive brown clay loam subsoil; and 20+ inches of friable, light olive brown, calcareous, moderately alkaline clay loam parent material.
The tests failed because the stone foundation had a very friable cement parging.
The soils are deep, dark colored, and friable, often underlain by marl, or marly clay.
In the second case, the tests failed because the stone foundation had very friable parging.
Gongylophis colubrinus occurs in semi-desert and scrub savannahs and rock outcroppings. It prefers sandy, friable soil.
Gross lesions associated with Ranavirus infection include erythema, generalized swelling, hemorrhage, limb swelling, and swollen and friable livers.
It presents as soft, moist, pink, pedunculated, friable lesion. It usually appears after the umbilical cord has been separated.
Friability ( ), the condition of being friable, describes the tendency of a solid substance to break into smaller pieces under duress or contact, especially by rubbing. The opposite of friable is indurate. Substances that are designated hazardous, such as asbestos or crystalline silica, are often said to be friable if small particles are easily dislodged and become airborne, and hence respirable (able to enter human lungs), thereby posing a health hazard. Tougher substances, such as concrete, may also be mechanically ground down and reduced to finely divided mineral dust.
When heated, the coal decomposes and the bod becomes slightly friable, easing the process of breaking open holes for tapping the molten metal.
Upjohn practiced medicine for 10 years in Hastings, Michigan. In his home, Dr. Upjohn experimented with ways to improve the means of administering medicine. He invented the easily digested friable pill, for which he received a patent in 1885. In 1886, he founded The Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company in Kalamazoo to manufacture friable pills and served 40 years as company president.
Specific auxin to cytokinin ratios in plant tissue culture medium give rise to an unorganized growing and dividing mass of callus cells. Callus cultures are often broadly classified as being either compact or friable. Friable calluses fall apart easily, and can be used to generate cell suspension cultures. Callus can directly undergo direct organogenesis and/or embryogenesis where the cells will form an entirely new plant.
The Tagaytay loam contains fine sandy materials, moderately friable, and easy to work on when moist. In an undisturbed condition, it bakes and becomes hard when dry. About one-half of this soil type is devoted to upland rice and upland crops. On the other hand, Tagaytay sandy loam is friable and granular with considerable amount of volcanic sand and underlain by adobe clay.
However, such substances are not generally considered friable because of the degree of difficulty involved in breaking the substance's chemical bonds through mechanical means. Some substances, such as polyurethane foams, show an increase in friability with exposure to ultraviolet radiation, such as sunlight. Friable is sometimes used metaphorically to describe "brittle" personalities who can be "rubbed" by seemingly-minor stimuli to produce extreme emotional responses.
The mountain ash is most suited to deep friable clay loam soils, often of volcanic origin; in areas of poorer soils, it can be confined to watercourses and valleys.
Butter has been found in hollowed trunks of trees, where it had been hid so long, that it was become hard and almost friable, yet not devoid of unctuosity.
Lead climbing is prohibited for two main reasons. Firstly, it is dangerous because the rock is too friable; any gear placed in the sandstone cracks would easily rip out in the event of a leader fall. Lead-climbing is also discouraged for reasons of conservation - it is unacceptable for climbers to risk further damage to the thin rock crust on the surface of the crags. Unconsolidated and friable sand lies beneath this crust.
The soil generally is a sandy loam or a strong but friable clay, and very fertile. Large quantities of seaweed as well as lime and marl are available for manure.
The area is named for its most distinctive feature, the highly friable "loess" (German for "loose"; , huángtǔ, "yellow earth") soil that has been deposited by wind storms over the ages.
He also said that Onehunga meant "friable" or "pulverous soil" and that this was "a very correct name". The New Zealand Geographic Board approved Onehunga as the official name in 2019.
Its texture is firm and friable but slightly rubbery and homogeneous. It should have no cavities within the cheese but may have tiny cracks running through the body of the cheese.
Resistance to weathering is also very variable, with some extremely resistant quartzitic sandstone, and some very friable shales. As a result, there are areas with distinct ridges, often roughly parallel to the shoreline.
McMahon Services is one of 12 Class A asbestos removal licence holders (licensed to remove friable asbestos or abestos-contaminated dust) in South Australia and claims to be Australia's largest asbestos services provider.
When proteins are heated they become denatured (unfolded) and change texture. In many cases, this causes the structure of the material to become softer or more friable – meat becomes cooked and is more friable and less flexible. In some cases, proteins can form more rigid structures, such as the coagulation of albumen in egg whites. The formation of a relatively rigid but flexible matrix from egg white provides an important component in baking cakes, and also underpins many desserts based on meringue.
The local environment is usually vegetation surrounding a watercourse, with friable soils that seems to be a requirements. They forage for a variety of plant material, and will dig to expose subsurface foods such as tubers.
Both are cultivated as ornamentals, requiring rain forest-like conditions to thrive, shade or filtered light, humus-rich, friable soil and copious amounts of quickly- draining water; neither is hardy to cold, requiring protection from freezing temperatures.
I think of all that precious, friable, impermanent, and biodegradable paper and what certain species like the booklouse, the silverfish, and the cockroach might want to do with it, not to mention the lower forms of life.
As at 19 October 2006, the building is in sound condition, though the stonework on the southern facade has generally weathered with localised erosion and friable stone. The church facade and interior fabric demonstrates a high degree of integrity.
Several 19th century outbuildings on the Lone Oaks property are interesting. They date from the construction of the main house or later. Many of the bricks used are rejects from the primary selection, and some are friable and partially deteriorated.
The Narragansett soil series consists of coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy- skeletal, mixed, active, mesic Typic Dystrudepts.NARRAGANSETT SERIES, National Cooperative Soil Survey. They are well drained, loamy soils that formed in friable (ablation) glacial till mantled with a silty loess cap.
The once populous species of this family played a role in the engineering of soil, dominating the sub-storey of vegetation, and regarded as crucial to the maintenance of the friable soils that they created by digging for fungi and other subsoil foods.
AD 1400\. This was also supported by McFadgen (1996), and the additional average dates from six obsidian hydration samples published in 2000 by Lowe et al. The eruption smothered Motutapu in ash and caused widespread deforestation, but also produced friable soils suitable for gardening.
Lytocaryum weddellianum is a commonly potted plant throughout Europe which may save it from extinction, but L. hoehnei is essentially unknown in cultivation. The former demands shade and rich, friable, quickly draining soil with some acidity; the latter would likely require the same if cultivated.
Chronic ulcers may be painful. Most patients complain of constant pain at night and during the day. Chronic ulcer symptoms usually include increasing pain, friable granulation tissue, foul odour, and wound breakdown instead of healing. Symptoms tend to worsen once the wound has become infected.
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2(1), pp.164-176. In addition, exposures of gently dipping, friable Jacobsville Sandstone, have been reported from Caribou Island.Halls, H.C. and West, G.F., 1971. A seismic refraction survey in Lake Superior. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8(6), pp. 610-630.
From Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, and Nigeria these palms usually grow in wet, low land, tropical forest, often in swamps. They may creep up hill slopes or into sandy, friable loam, which becomes periodically flooded. In habitat the leaves are used in thatch and the seeds eaten.
Since most shales are very friable and fissured, it is often difficult to cut shale core plug. Its edges break off easily. Thus the cutting sample method can only be used for hard, competent rocks. The cutting position of samples can be explained by the following diagram.
Argyre Planitia and the Mars Global Hydrologic Cycle'. Parker et al. The original basin floor is buried with friable, partially deflated layered material that may be lake sediment. No inner rings are visible; however, isolated massifs within the basin may be remnants of an inner ring.
Osbornite is a naturally occurring variety of titanium nitride which has been found in meteorites and was first discovered in the Bustee meteorite in the late nineteenth century. Its crystals are golden-yellow octahedrons, combined with oldhamite. It is friable and does not dissolve in acids.
Juveniles typically breed in their second year, but first-litter individuals may first reach breeding condition before winter when plant productivity is high. Great Basin pocket mice occupy open, arid terrain. They seek friable soil of a variety of textures for burrowing.Black, Hal L.; Frischknecht, Neil C. 1971.
Post-mortem findings include friable internal organs, abdominal effusion and evidence of sepsis in the joints, heart valves and brain.Streptococcus and Enterococcus infections - Poultry expert reviewed and published by WikiVet, accessed 12 October 2011. Bacteria can usually be cultured from tissues collected at necropsy or identified by microscope examination.
These are baked wheat flour based confections, with different stuffings including red bean paste, jujube and various of others. Su (酥) is another kind of pastry made with more amount of oil, making the confection more friable. Chinese candies and sweets, called táng (糖) "Chinese Desserts." Kaleidoscope - Cultural China .
This snail lives only in areas where there are high levels of calcium carbonate such as on limestone or chalk rock, and where there is loose and friable soil. This snail is also sometimes found in coastal sand dunes where the sand has many shell fragments mixed in.
In case of one or few solitary areas of plasma cell gingivitis, no symptoms are reported from the patient. Most often solitary entities are therefore found by the dentist. The gums are red, friable, or sometimes granular, and sometimes bleed easily if traumatised. The normal stippling is lost.
In the past, this variety has been called leonhardite, though this is not a valid mineral species. The dehydrated laumontite is very friable, often falling into a powder at the slightest touch. It is a common mineral, found worldwide. It can be locally abundant, forming seams and veins.
Almost all rocks occurring in the Dillingen area can be used economically. The friable rocks of the middle Buntsandstein were mined as sand in pits or slope edges. The firmer sandstones of the upper Buntsandstein (Röt Formation) provided breakage and quarry stones. Gravel was extracted from the terraces.
The formation's sandstone characteristics are: soft and friable, light olive gray, fine to medium grained, and composed mostly of quartz and potassium feldspar. The Mission Valley Formation thins from the west to the east, with a maximum thickness of . It overlies the Stadium Conglomerate formation, and underlies the Pomerado Conglomerate formation.
The Monti Ausoni consist mainly of friable limestone. Altitudes vary from hills to the 1,152 m of Cima del Nibbio and the 1,141 m of Monte Calvo. Near Pastena are the Grotte di Pastena (caves). Part of the mountains is protected by a wilderness area, which was established in 1999.
Tooth and nail syndrome (also known as "Hypodontia with nail dysgenesis," and "Witkop syndrome") is a rare disorder, first described in 1965, characterized by nails that are thin, small, and friable, and which may show koilonychia at birth.Freedberg, et al. (2003). Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine. (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. .
Dissertation They also occupy ridgetops, hillsides, and valley bottoms, canal and railroad embankments, and old fields.Davis, William B. 1939. The recent mammals of Idaho. Contribution Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, CA. Caldwell, ID: The Caxton Printers, Ltd As a burrowing species, Townsend's ground squirrels select sites with deep, friable, well-drained soils.
Coalite is darker and more friable than high temperature coke. It is easier to ignite, burns with an attractive flame, and is lighter than coal, making it an ideal fuel for open domestic firegrates. Drawbacks are its tendencies to produce an excessive residual ash, to burn quickly and give off sulphurous fumes.
Crocidolite, CAS No. , commonly known as blue asbestos, is the fibrous form of the amphibole riebeckite, found primarily in southern Africa, but also in Australia and Bolivia. One formula given for crocidolite is Na2FeFeSi8O22(OH)2. Crocidolite is seen under a microscope as a blue fiber. Crocidolite commonly occurs as soft friable fibers.
These moons together with co-orbitals (see below) probably formed as a result of accretion of the friable ring material on preexisting denser cores. The cores with sizes from one-third to one-half the present-day moons may be themselves collisional shards formed when a parental satellite of the rings disintegrated.
A study using a global climate model found that the Medusae Fossae Formation could have been formed from ash from Apollinaris Mons, Arsia Mons, and possibly Pavonis Mons.Kerber L., et al. 2012. The disporsal of pyroclasts from ancient explosive volcanoes on Mars: Implications for the friable layered deposits. Icarus. 219:358-381.
Loam molding has been used to produce large symmetrical objects such as cannon and church bells. Loam is a mixture of clay and sand with straw or dung. A model of the produced is formed in a friable material (the chemise). The mold is formed around this chemise by covering it in loam.
Asbestiform amphibole may also occur as soft friable fibers but some varieties such as amosite are commonly straighter. All forms of asbestos are fibrillar in that they are composed of fibers with breadths less than 1 micrometer in bundles of very great widths. Asbestos with particularly fine fibers is also referred to as "amianthus".
Removal of the subgingival calculus (i.e. tartar or hard plaque) and friable tissue has been shown to improve mouth odour considerably. This is accomplished by subgingival scaling and root planing and irrigation with an antibiotic mouth rinse. The bacteria that cause gingivitis and periodontal disease (periodontopathogens) are invariably gram negative and capable of producing VSC.
The Bogotá Formation consists mainly of grayish-red, locally purplish, commonly greenish-gray, generally poorly stratified mudstone and silty claystone. Lithic arenite sandstone lenses, ranging from fine- to medium-grained, generally friable and variegated, are local constituents. Carbonaceous material is present as thin beds of low-grade argillaceous coal, north of Bogotá.Bayona et al.
Bathvillite is a naturally occurring organic substance. It is an amorphous, opaque, and very friable material of fawn-brown color, filling cavities in the torbanite or Boghead coal of Bathville, Lothian, Scotland. It has a specific gravity of 1.01, and is insoluble in benzene. It may resemble wood in its final stage of decay.
The Alais meteorite is one of the most important meteorites in France. It is black with loose friable textures with a low density of less than . Originally consisting of fragments that together weighed , it has been subject to substantial scientific examination and currently only remains. A fragment, weighing is held by the National Museum of Natural History, France.
The Upjohn Company was a pharmaceutical manufacturing firm founded in 1886 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, by Dr. William E. Upjohn. The company was originally formed to make friable pills, which were designed to be easily digested. Greenstone was founded in 1993 by Upjohn as a generics division. In 1995, Upjohn merged with Pharmacia, to form Pharmacia & Upjohn.
These clearly indicate that the pierced formations were well lithified. Additionally, the area has large masses of sandstone dikes. The spires have no evidence of a chaotic, mixing flow regime, rather they indicate a laminar flow not suggestive of hot springs or geysers. The outer surface is highly lithified, but within a few millimeters, the sandstone is quite friable.
One specimen of the tree located near Nannup has been recorded with a height of with a canopy of . The thick, corky, friable bark has a rough texture and is deeply longitudinally furrowed. The bark is grey on the outside with a yellow tinge on the inside surface. The dull bluish green adult leaves are arranged alternately.
The Hopeman Sandstone Formation is predominantly composed of fine- to coarse-grained yellowish sand with well rounded grains, mostly deposited as wind-blown dunes, but occasionally deposited by sheet floods. Basal beds are pebbly and the unit varies, exhibiting large-scale crossbedding to fine rarely contorted laminations. Some beds are friable, while others hard and siliceous.
The Jagüel Formation consists of monotonous olive green and yellowish mudrocks (claystones, siltstones, mudstones), traversed by thin veins of fibrous gypsum. These veins are found on the meteorized surface and they give distinct brightness to the outcrops. The claystones are plastic and friable, with waxy brightness. Some of them are laminated, while the siltstones are grayish.
The plant can grow on a variety of soil types, performing best on deep, light, friable, well-drained, higher-pH soils. It is quite tolerant of winter cold, but late- season frosts can damage fresh growth. It is somewhat tolerant of drought and flooding. It does not do as well on acidic, peaty, or water-logged soils.
The middle is a gray and white spotted limestone and, locally, marble having irregular partings. The top is a sandy limestone which weathers to a fine- grained, friable, porous, sandy mass.Berg, T. M., Edmunds, W. E., Geyer, A. R., and others, compilers, 1980, Geologic map of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Map 1, 2nd ed.
In summer, zebra-tailed lizards typically lay two to eight eggs, which hatch from July to November, but more than one clutch can be laid during a season. Eggs are laid, presumably, in friable, sandy soil. Being a prey species for many animals, including birds, other lizards, and mammals, they have a fairly high reproductive rate.
Especially in archaeological contexts, interventive treatment may in some cases be considered necessary. Such intervention is governed by conservation ethics, in particular the principles of reversibility and minimum intervention. Possible treatments include the reduction of salts to prevent further deterioration, and the consolidation of delaminating and friable components. Any treatment should be undertaken by a conservation professional.
Rock formations are naturally carved with very unusual shapes of columns, towers and pyramids formed over centuries of erosion by rainwater. Study of the feature has revealed geological formations of gravel, quartz sands, and sandstones. The deposits are distinct "succession of red clays, grey and reddish soap-stones, friable white soap-stone." They all exhibit a reddish colour.
Italian growers optimise thread yield by planting deep and in rows apart; depths of optimise flower and corm production. Greek, Moroccan, and Spanish growers employ distinct depths and spacings that suit their locales. C. sativus prefers friable, loose, low-density, well-watered, and well-drained clay-calcareous soils with high organic content. Traditional raised beds promote good drainage.
This soil is found particularly in east Sitapur, south Ambikapur, central Surajpur and Pratappur blocks. The red color is due to wide diffusion of iron while hydration of ferric oxide results in a yellow color in the soil. This soil is of lighter texture and has a porous and friable structure. Soluble salt is found in small quantities.
This is typically associated with high-pressure, low-temperature minerals such as phengite, garnet, and glaucophane within the lower blueschist facies. Such rocks are typically white, friable, and fibrous, and are known as whiteschist. Talc is a trioctahedral layered mineral; its structure is similar to pyrophyllite, but with magnesium in the octahedral sites of the composite layers.
Some deposits are friable, others well cemented. Locally, there appears to be three prominent layers of sandstone separated by mudstone. Because of variable erosion rates, each influences topography by forming ledges and benches, and in places may form mesa-like landforms. In and around the city, these occur roughly at 960, 1000, and 1060 feet above sea level.
The formation consists of yellowish-gray to grayish-orange cliff-forming sandstone. The upper beds are massive and crossbedded, consisting of well-sorted, fine-grained, friable sandstone. The lower beds are alternating thin beds of sandstone and light- to dark-gray silty shale. The upper part of the shale beds contains up to of discontinuous ironstone beds.
The measures of consistency border on subjective compared to other measures such as pH, since they employ the apparent feel of the soil in those states. The terms used to describe the soil consistency in three moisture states and a last not affected by the amount of moisture are as follows: # Consistency of Dry Soil: loose, soft, slightly hard, hard, very hard, extremely hard # Consistency of Moist Soil: loose, very friable, friable, firm, very firm, extremely firm # Consistency of Wet Soil: nonsticky, slightly sticky, sticky, very sticky; nonplastic, slightly plastic, plastic, very plastic # Consistency of Cemented Soil: weakly cemented, strongly cemented, indurated (requires hammer blows to break up) Soil consistency is useful in estimating the ability of soil to support buildings and roads. More precise measures of soil strength are often made prior to construction.
All sediments are at first in an incoherent condition (e.g. sands, clays and gravels, beds of shells), and they may remain in this state for an indefinite period. Millions of years have elapsed since some of the early Tertiary strata gathered on the ocean floor, yet they are quite friable (e.g. the London Clay) and differ little from many recent accumulations.
Powder Island () is a small island lying 8 nautical miles (15 km) south- southeast of Cape Jeremy and 2 nautical miles (3.7 km) off the west coast of Palmer Land, in George VI Sound. First surveyed in 1948 by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS), and so named by them because of the friable nature of the rock found on the island.
Peat moss, or sphagnum peat, is long lasting and packaged, making it convenient and popular as a mulch. When wetted and dried, it can form a dense crust that does not allow water to soak in. When dry it can also burn, producing a smoldering fire. It is sometimes mixed with pine needles to produce a mulch that is friable.
The Greensand () is a glauconite-bearing sandstone of Tortonian age (~10–7 million years old). Yellow-green in colour, it takes on an orange tint when it comes into contact with the air. It is generally very thin, a few tens of centimetres in most areas, with a maximum thickness of 11 m. It is friable and therefore unsuitable for building purposes.
The McMurray Formation consists of fine- to coarse-grained quartzitic sand and sandstone, interbedded with lesser amounts of silt, mud, clay and, less commonly, thin coal beds. The sands are very loose and friable, unless they are partially or fully cemented with bitumen or, less commonly, with calcite, iron oxides, or quartz.Glass, D.J., editor, 1997. Lexicon of Canadian Stratigraphy, vol.
The glacier has a relatively high rate of moraine materials, consisting of "friable phyllites and schistose grauwackes". At the foot of the glacier is a lake that was created by glacier recession. Reports from 1892 and 1934 indicated it had "an anomalously slow lake development". The Douglas River (formerly known as the Twain) begins in the lake at the foot of the glacier.
The College facilities also feature smart boards, iPads, and computer and science labs. Every student is supplied a laptop computer for personal and educational use according to ACT legislation. Block B, Block C, and Block D were contaminated with friable crocidolite asbestos. As such, the ACT Government employed Robson Environmental to undertake regular inspections to ensure the safety of staff and students.
Numerous limestone outcroppings can be observed here, the tallest of which is roughly . On the coast there are friable and level-surfaced beachrock formations, upon which various sea snail shells were discovered. While the relatively high outcroppings contain traces of man-made structures such as burial mounds, the vast majority of archaeological discoveries were made on the level areas surrounding these outcroppings.
Caldasite (, , ) is a rare uraniferous ore of zirconium found in the Poços de Caldas massif, located in the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo, Brazil. It is most often found as a dark gray, very dense, hard rock. It also appears as a friable brown substance. The massif is an alkaline complex, formed by a large intrusion during the mid-Cretaceous.
Salvia viridis is cultivated as an ornamental plant, planted in gardens. The flowers last well as cut flowers or dried flowers. The plant prefers friable soil, good drainage, moderate water, and three-quarters to a full day of sunlight. In the UK, seed can be sown in late March in a greenhouse or directly into the border after the last frost.
Mary, Tome 4, p.29 The final cost was four times the initial estimate, making Rimplas the second most expensive position (after Monte Grosso) in the Alpine Line. Difficulties with the friable nature of the rock required that some rock faces be concreted or covered with masonry to stabilize them. The project went through three major design changes before completion.
This community is confined to disturbed, light, friable soils. It is found especially in cereal fields that have not been treated with herbicides. It is widespread in southern Britain and has been recorded as far north as Angus, Scotland, but its persistence in any one locality depends on a pattern of frequent disturbance without heavy applications of fertilisers or herbicides.
"Report on the initial description". Dinosaur Mailing List The monsoon season combined with the sands and clays of the Kallemedu Formation creates water saturated fossils which are very friable. During the dry season expansion during the day and contraction during the night can cause fossils to split apart. This makes bones poorly preserved and can be impossible to extract without breaking apart.
A VSI mill (vertical shaft impactor mill) is a mill that comminutes particles of material into smaller (finer) particles by throwing them against a hard surface inside the mill (called the wear plate). Any hard or friable materials can be ground with low value of metal waste. This type of mill is combined with a classifier for fine tuning of a product size.
The soil is red, friable soil of a sandy loam type. This soil is deep and its productivity is on par with other types of well-drained forest soils. Farm yields declined rapidly after the land was cleared, in some cases by half within only a few years. Researchers wondered whether the sandy quality of the soil had impacted its long term productivity.
The bedrock of the Damudas Sub-Group is made up of gritty, micaceous and cross-laminated sandstones. These friable sandstone layers are interbedded with coal beds that have been sheared and crushed. Abundant plant fossils like fern leaves can be found on the carbonaceous shale, characterising the Damuda coalfields and indicating a Permian age. Generally, the strata here are lenticular and display a fining- upwards sequence.
Traditional climbing is not recommended since protection is often difficult to place and the schist has a reputation for being friable and breakable if a piece of gear is subjected to a leader fall. The area known for its esoteric bouldering, often very different in character from other bouldering areas and relying heavily on delicate footwork between quartz crystal knobs and nubbins imbedded in polished schist wall.
Its karyotype has 2n = 34, FN = 64. As with most moles, it requires moist, friable soils, where it eats earthworms, insects, other invertebrates and some plant matter. Scapanus latimanus is a fossorial mammal, living below ground for the most of its life. Only one animal occupies a burrow at a time and if a burrow has been vacated, it is often reoccupied within 2 days.
The color of the amber ranges from clear yellows and yellow oranges through opaque yellows and reds. The amber is noted to be brittle and friable, with specimens noted to crack and craze. Deep-red amber specimens are also noted to form deep needle-like cracks. A series of tests on ambers, including New Jersey amber, was published in 2012 by Bisulca et al.
The Broad Vein slate is hard and durable, but does not split into thin sections, so is generally unsuitable for use as roofing slates. The Middle Vein (also known as the Red Vein) lies about south of the Broad Vein. It is about thick but contains low-quality, friable slate that contains a large number of fossils, predominately graptolites. This vein was not worked commercially at Dolgoch.
Joint compound mixes manufactured prior to the 1980s often contained a complex mixture of several substances. Among the additives used were asbestos fibers, which provided cohesiveness. Exposure to friable asbestos increases risks of various serious health conditions, including cancer. Joint compounds manufactured from 1980 onward were required to have asbestos removed in favor of other compounds due to legislation to ban asbestos' widespread use.
By gross description, there is usually a solitary, polypoid, reddish mass behind an intact ear drum (tympanic membrane). The tissue is often friable, measuring <2 cm in most cases. All tissue should be processed in order to exclude a concurrent cholesteatoma. By microscopic exam, the polypoid appearance is maintained, showing a granulation-type tissue reaction with edematous stroma and a rich investment by capillaries.
Besides, there is an important microfaunal assemblage from the mid–Maastrichtian. In this area, it has a maximum thickness of 30 m (98 ft). In the hills located in the north of General Roca (type locality of the Roca Formation), the outcrops of the Jagüel Formation are very friable, and they are covered by rock fragments from upper layers of the same unit. They are brown–olive.
However they are quite common and can occur at times when there are few other mushrooms to be seen. The first report of a gilled mushroom fruiting underwater is Psathyrella aquatica. The genus name Psathyrella is a diminutive form of Psathyra, derived from the Greek word meaning "friable", psathuros (ψαθυρος). The type species of Psathyrella is Psathyrella gracilis, which is now known as Psathyrella corrugis.
Parashorea malaanonan is a species of plant in the family Dipterocarpaceae. it is found in the Philippines and the northeast coast of Sabah in Borneo. The name malaanonan is derived from Tagalog (mala = false and anonang = custard apple) and is a putative vernacular name for this species. It is a large emergent tree, up to 60 m, found in mixed dipterocarp forests on deep friable clay soils.
Vigna luteola is most often considered a weed for crops due to its abundance. However, the plant is palatable for livestock and grows well in friable and slightly saline soils, meaning it is used as a pasture plant and as a ground cover in many countries, such as Ghana, Zambia, and Australia. However, its short lifespan and vulnerability to insects and frost can make it ineffective.
The western part of Betpak-Dala is composed of folded Mesozoic rock and horizontally layered Paleogene friable rock (sand, sandstone, clay, and conglomerates). The eastern hilly region has a plicate structure and is composed of Lower Paleozoic sedimentary-metamorphic rock series and granite. The climate is sharply continental. The annual precipitation is between 100 and 150 mm, of which only 15 percent occurs in summer.
Traditionally-made wheels are fairly firm and dry, with a friable texture and a slightly sweet, mellow flavour that becomes stronger as the cheese matures. Block-made cheeses are moister, and have a slightly sweet aftertaste and a creamy texture. The cheese has a slightly nutty taste. Versions sold in supermarkets are typically coloured with annatto, although it is possible to obtain Red Leicester without it.
IFCAL, a wholly owned subsidiary of IDCOL, is a government of Orissa undertaking located at Jajpur Road. It has capacity to manufacture 19,000 MT of high carbon ferrochrome. This plant, set up in 1969, is pioneer in the country to produce ferrochrome. The plant produces high carbon ferrochrome by using chromite ore, chromite briquettes, friable lumps, hard lumps in various proportions to meet customers' requirements.
Today, the Rock River Canyon Wilderness is a roadless unit within the managed Hiawatha Forest. The wilderness centers on two small sandstone canyons, approximately deep, through which flow the Rock River and its tributary Silver Creek. Rock climbing is discouraged because the wilderness's sandstone cliffs are friable and crumbly. The wilderness also includes a waterfall, Rock River Falls, and a shallow lake, Ginpole Lake.
The swamp lies in a depression on the Pinjarra Plain, part of the Swan Coastal Plain. The soils are friable, dark grey loams overlying clays. To the west of the swamp are low ridges formed by wind erosion of the swamp surface when dried out in summer. Salinity measurements indicate that the swamp is a lens of fresh water overlying a saline water table.
Asbestos is found in older homes and buildings, but occurs most commonly in schools, hospitals and industrial settings. Although all asbestos is hazardous, products that are friable, e.g. sprayed coatings and insulation, pose a significantly higher hazard as they are more likely to release fibers to the air. The US Federal Government and some states have set standards for acceptable levels of asbestos fibers in indoor air.
The remnants of this period has left an extensive network of coal seams that fuelled the early population boom of the Hunter Valley in the 19th century as well a high degree of salinity in the water table of much of the area. The further north and west, towards the Brokenback Range and the Upper Hunter, the more Triassic sandstone that can be found leading eventually to the carboniferous rocks that form the northern boundary of the Hunter with the New England Fold Belt and the foothills of the Barrington Tops. Overall, the Hunter Valley has more soils (mostly hard, acidic patches of poorly draining heavy clay) that are unsuitable for viticulture than they have areas that are ideal for growing grapes. The soils of the Lower Hunter vary widely from sandy alluvial flats (often planted to Semillon), to deep friable loam (often planted with Shiraz) and friable red duplex soils.
It is a precursor to laurolactam, a precursor to the polymer Nylon-12.Schiffer, T.; Oenbrink, G. "Cyclododecanol, Cyclododecanone, and Laurolactam" in Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry: Wiley-VCH, 2009. Formation of laurolactam Cyclododecane is also an intermediate in production of flame retardants, detergents, and other chemicals. Cyclododecane is also used as a volatile binding medium, a temporary binder for sealing and conservation of friable and structurally weak materials, e.g.
North Central Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, Paper 19–10. Samples dredged from a shoal northwest of Caribou Island and close to one of these valleys resemble Jacobsville Sandstone. The lateral continuity and consistent and parallel direction of the tunnel valleys indicated that they are carved from friable sandstones that underlies the floor of most of eastern Lake Superior.Wold, R.J., Hutchinson, D.R. and Johnson, T.C., 1982.
The basin was next uplifted and eroded and then deepened considerably and Bundamba group rocks form a complete V shape on both sides of the basin. In the northern parts the rock is mostly friable sandstone, but in the south it is divided into conglomerate below and siltstone above. The Laytons Range Conglomerate rests on the basin floor and extends from Baryulgil, to Nymboida. The conglomerate often appears as a cliff.
By 1959, Millipore made porous membrane filters of cellulose esters or other materials which resembled paper in sheet form, and were brittle when dry but friable when wet.Bassett (1959). "Peripheral Nerve and Spinal Cord Regeneration: Factors Leading to Success of a Tubulation Technique Employing Millipore". Experimental Neurology 1: 386–406 Filters consisted of nitrocellulose or polycarbonate membrane nucleopore filters ranging from pore size of 0.2 μm (micrometer) to 20 µm.
The Broad Vein slate is hard and durable, but does not split into thin sections, so is generally unsuitable for use as roofing slates. The Red Vein (also known as the Middle Vein) lies about south of the Broad Vein. It is about thick but contains low-quality, friable slate that contains a large number of fossils, predominately graptolites. This vein was not worked commercially at Bryn Eglwys.
If the object is to be hollow, a straw rope is wound around the spindle and covered in a friable material to the dimensions of the exterior of the cannon, the strickle board being turned on the spindle to ensure it is cylindrical. Decorative elements and models of the trunnions are then attached. This is then covered in a thick layer of loam. The mold is then fired.
The river (with its tributaries, such as the Chittar) is the major source of irrigation, and is fed by the northeast and southwest monsoons. The major lakes in the city are Nainar Lake and Udayarpetti Lake. The area around the Tamirabarani River and the Chittar has five streams: Kodagan, Palayan, Tirunelveli, Marudur East and Marudur West, and the Chittar feeds fifteen other channels. The soil is friable, red and sandy.
Traditionally, a crostata consisted of a base, usually three layers, of friable dough "flavoured with clarified fat and butter". Today, shortcrust pastry is used instead. It is differentiated from a torta by its filling: a crostata has an inconsistent chunky filling, whereas a torta has a consistent filling made of blended ingredients. There are "endless variations" of both sweet and savoury crostata, the sweet ones usually being served as a dessert.
Smith's natural talent for cuneiform studies was first noticed by Samuel Birch, Egyptologist and Director of the Department of Antiquities, who brought the young man to the attention of the renowned Assyriologist Sir Henry Rawlinson. As early as 1861, he was working evenings sorting and cleaning the mass of friable fragments of clay cylinders and tablets in the Museum's storage rooms.George Rawlinson. A Memoir of Major- General Henry Creswicke Rawlinson.
CMs, like other C-chondrites, are subjected to a serious observation bias. C-chondrites are friable, due to both macro-scale porosity and micro-scale matrices of phyllosilicates, with many chondrules also having layers such as phyllosilicates. The meteorites have been described as "tuff" (compacted volcanic ash). As one example, the Tagish Lake meteorite provided ~10 kg of samples, from a meteor estimated to be 60-90 tons before entry.
Whipkey et al., 1991, D5 derived from erosion of the Precambrian core of the Bighorn Mountains. Part of the feldspar has been replaced by calcite cement.Whipkey et al., 1991, D11 Glauconite is present in the Wasatch, although always in volumes of less than 1 percent of the grains. It most probably was derived from the nearby, friable, glauconite-bearing Mesozoic strata of the eastern Bighorn Mountains.Whipkey et al.
Suspended particles within the wind may impact on solid objects causing erosion by abrasion (ecological succession). Wind erosion generally occurs in areas with little or no vegetation, often in areas where there is insufficient rainfall to support vegetation. Fields outside Benambra, Victoria, Australia suffering from drought conditions in 2006. Loess is a homogeneous, typically nonstratified, porous, friable, slightly coherent, often calcareous, fine-grained, silty, pale yellow or buff, windblown (Aeolian) sediment.
For adequate growth of African nightshades, and annual rainfall of approximately 500–1200 mm is necessary. African nightshades grow in a variety of soils but require large amounts of nutrients and are best adjusted to soils with high nitrogen, phosphorus and are rich in organic matter. Nitrogen fertilizer increases leaf yields 1.5-2.5 fold. Sandy loam to friable clay soils with a pH of 6.0-6.5 are appropriate.
Second, these suspended particles may impact on solid objects causing erosion by abrasion (ecological succession). Wind erosion generally occurs in areas with little or no vegetation, often in areas where there is insufficient rainfall to support vegetation. An example is the formation of sand dunes, on a beach or in a desert. Loess is a homogeneous, typically nonstratified, porous, friable, slightly coherent, often calcareous, fine-grained, silty, pale yellow or buff, windblown (Aeolian) sediment.
A Mustard Field in Akhetpur, Beohari. Agriculture is the chief economic occupation in Beohari. In recent years, mustard farming has become one of the most harvested crop in Beohari due to balanced temperatures and the soil, which is loose, friable and deep. The main crops are paddy; cereals like maize, sorghum, kodo-kutki and other small millets; pulses like tuar and udhad; and oil seeds like til, groundnut, soya- bean and sunflower.
High Rocks is a sheer rock face, composed of smooth red Lockatong Formation argillite interspersed with friable Brunswick Formation shale. Since slippery and crumbly rock makes climbing somewhat difficult here, High Rocks is notable mostly to local climbers. Over sixty routes have been put up here over seventeen walls, with difficulties up to 5.12c/d and V7. Most are used for trad climbing and top roping, with some bouldering and sport routes present as well.
After much experimentation, Bartholomew concluded that his formulation of 1/3 peat moss or coconut coir, 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 blended compost yielded superior results in only a depth. The benefits of the mix included keeping soil friable and virtually weed free with all the necessary nutrients. This mix eliminated the need for artificial fertilizer as compost is added each time you re-plant a square which provides enough nutrients naturally.
The outcropping thickness of the unit is 25 m (82 ft). Dark brown friable mudstones crop out above the northern shore of the reservoir, with remaining molluscs in the lower part, near the shore. In the upper section, there are ochre mudrocks which are gypseous, and its outcrops are partially covered; there, its thickness is 20 m (66 ft). In this sector, the Jagüel Formation is covered unconformably by the Vaca Mahuida Formation.
Neobalanocarpus heimii can grow to be a large tree over 60 metres tall, with a straight, unbranched trunk, averaging 90cm in diameter, and with obvious supporting buttresses. Its simple, leathery leaves are arranged alternately, and are elliptical to lanceolate, between 7 to 17 cm in length, and 2.5 to 5cm in width. It is widespread in mixed dipterocarp forests, growing to altitudes up to , preferring soils that are friable and well-drained land.
This coloration fades along a gradient from the progression front of the parasite toward the tissues colonized earlier, where the wood is particularly friable. R. lignosus causes a white rot of the wood characterized by degradation of lignin in the cell walls. The orange-yellow sporophores form mainly during the rainy season at the base of trees heavily attacked by the fungus. The bracket form is most common, but a resupinate form also exists.
Isolates are retrieved from muscle lesions, kidney, spleen, or liver, and then grown on trypticase soy agar and brain-heart infusion medium incubated at 20–25 °C. Colonies of A. salmonicida appear hard, friable, smooth, soft, and dark in color. While cultural procedures produce good results, serological procedures produce more rapid results by using serum agglutination, fluorescent antibody, or enzyme linked immunosorbent assay on infected tissue or cultured bacteria. Mooney et al.
Pharmaceutical rosin Rosin is brittle and friable, with a faint piny odor. It is typically a glassy solid, though some rosins will form crystals, especially when brought into solution. The practical melting point varies with different specimens, some being semi- fluid at the temperature of boiling water, others melting at 100 °C to 120 °C. It is very flammable, burning with a smoky flame, so care should be taken when melting it.
These "soft" abrasives are also used to avoid damaging the underlying material such when cleaning brick or stone, removing graffiti, or the removal of coatings from printed circuit boards being repaired. Sodablasting uses baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) which is extremely friable, the micro fragmentation on impact exploding away surface materials without damage to the substrate. Additional synthetic abrasives include process byproducts (e.g., copper slag, nickel slag, and coal slag), engineered abrasives (e.g.
Essentially granivores, the diet of the hispid pocket mouse consists primarily of seeds it selectively gathers, though these mice do consume some insects and leaves. Burrows are always dug in friable soil and have two to three entrances, often plugged. Unlike other pocket mice the hispid pocket mouse often leaves a conspicuous mound of earth about the burrow entrance (like the mounds of pocket gophers, but significantly smaller). Hispid pocket mice are solitary.
The Seney NWR's western wilderness area, designated by federal law as the Seney Wilderness Area, includes the Strangmoor Bog National Natural Landmark. The Strangmoor Bog was landmarked as being the best surviving example in the 48 states of a sub-arctic patterned bog ecosystem, characterized by rapid glacial meltoff from an exposed sandy plain. The friable sand, exposed to the weather, was sculpted by wind and water into parallel strips of dune highland and wetland.
Slices of rock made in Løkken with various logos Edinburgh rock is another confection based on sugar and cream of tartar, made into sticks. It is friable and flavoured, for example, with ginger or lemon. Another distinctively Scottish form of rock is star rock (also sometimes known as starry rock), or "starrie", which is made in Kirriemuir. It is sold in small bundles of pencil-sized sticks, and is less brittle than seaside rock.
Sangiovese grapes in the Montalcino region of Tuscany. Sangiovese vineyards in the Val d'Orcia, Monte Amiata in the background. Sangiovese has shown itself to be adaptable to many different types of vineyard soils but seems to thrive in soils with a high concentration of limestone, having the potential to produce elegant wines with forceful aromas. In the Chianti Classico region, Sangiovese thrives on the highly friable shale-clay soil known as galestro.
Billboard at the tourist parking lot, Civita di Bagnoregio The town is noted for its striking position on top of a plateau of friable volcanic tuff overlooking the Tiber river valley. It is in constant danger of destruction as the edges of the plateau collapse due to erosion, leaving the buildings to crumble as their underlying support falls away. , there were plans to reinforce the plateau with steel rods to prevent further geological damage.
They are highlighted by thick layers of white rocks alternating with layers of very friable sand and mud, formed during glacial periods, also with layers containing various corals from tropical periods. Chay Point, about five kilometres south of La Rochelle, contains many fossils of marine animals and is an especially famous place of palaeontological studies. The limestone thus formed is widely used as a building material in traditional houses in the region.
Liesegang rings made of iron oxide in sandstone from a chamber in Petra, Jordan Nubian Sandstone is most commonly brown or reddish, but in places it shows a much wider variety of color. The ancient temples and tombs in Petra were carved from this rock. In certain places it is extremely friable, and in others compact and hard. Sand in the Arabian deserts was primarily derived from it, carried by prevailing western winds.
Chinese wax is a white to yellowish-white, gelatinous, crystalline water- insoluble substance obtained from the wax secreted by certain insects. It resembles spermaceti but is harder, more friable, and with a higher melting point. Two scale insects produce the wax: Ceroplastes ceriferus, common in China and India, and the related Ericerus pela, found in China and Japan. These insects deposit their secretions on the branches of certain species of Ligustrum (privet) tree.
Along with soil moisture, surface conditions also play a key role in the success of aerial seeding and establishment of seed. The best soil surface conditions are those that are moist and friable. A loose and rough soil surface with cracks or residue cover is also very conducive to seed germination. These conditions allow for the seed to make the best contact with moist soil while adequately allowing the seed to settle into the ground.
Occupational lung diseases include asbestosis among asbestos miners and those who work with friable asbestos insulation, as well as black lung (coalworker's pneumoconiosis) among coal miners, silicosis among miners and quarrying and tunnel operators and byssinosis among workers in parts of the cotton textile industry. Occupational asthma has a vast number of occupations at risk. Bad indoor air quality may predispose for diseases in the lungs as well as in other parts of the body.
The presence of these obscured pits prevented safe inspection of some parts of the site. The area is scattered with loose bricks, some of which were made on site and are considerably more friable than others that bear the imprint of Brown & Sons of Paisley or manganese bricks from the chimney. Rubble from the machinery shed forms a mound about behind the refinery building. Maintenance sheds were to the north of the refinery building.
The lake is dammed by the dunes, though in wet weather a stream flows from it. Under the dunes a hard strong friable greywacke sandstone forms most of the coastline from Albatross Point to Awakino. It is part of the Late Triassic (Oretian-Otapirian) rocks of the Newcastle Group.Geology of the Waikato Area: IGNS 2005 page 21 The lake bed belongs to Taharoa Lakes Trust and the land around it is private.
An uncoated HRSI tile held in the hand feels like a very light foam, less dense than styrofoam, and the delicate, friable material must be handled with extreme care to prevent damage. The coating feels like a thin, hard shell and encapsulates the white insulating ceramic to resolve its friability, except on the uncoated side. Even a coated tile feels very light, lighter than a same-sized block of styrofoam. As expected for silica, they are odorless and inert.
On February 20, 1973 a federal grand jury in Detroit, Michigan indicted Adamo Wrecking Company ("Adamo") for violating provisions of the Clean Air Act by knowingly causing the emission of asbestos by failure to wet and remove friable asbestos materials from demolitions.1987–1988 Preview of U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 1 Issue 3, September 19, 1977 Adamo was one of a number of demolition contractors indicted throughout the country for the alleged violation of the Clean Air Act.
The flight period in Great Britain is May to September, although in northern California adults have been collected in May, June and July. Prey collected by A. nigerrimus include spiders from the families Lycosidae, Gnaphosidae and Pisauridae. A nigerrimus builds nests under stones, in cavities in stone walls, in hollow plant stems, in deserted burrows of ants, bees or wasps, and in empty snail shells. It can also dig a burrow and build cells in friable soil.
These cliffs are south facing and feature sheltered coves, offering ideal conditions for thermophilic (warmth-loving) invertebrates. The friable cliff material and high temperatures attract large nesting aggregations of solitary bees and wasps which burrow into the cliff. Prawle cliffs are the only site in the UK for the rare cuckoo bee Nomada sexfasciata, this is a cleptoparasite of the Long-horned mining bee Eucera longicornis. Another rare species of particular note is the mason wasp Euodynerus quadrifasciatus.
While having many vertical heights, the area is mainly unsuitable for rock-climbing due to the friable rock. At An Corran near Staffin a local resident found a slab bearing a dinosaur track, probably made by a small ornithopod. Experts subsequently found more dinosaur prints of up to 50 cm, the largest found in Scotland, made by a creature similar to Megalosaurus. At about 160 million years old they are the youngest dinosaur remains to be found in Scotland.
Stage I yolk sac tumors are highly treatable, with a 5-year disease- free survival rate of 93%, but stage II-IV tumors are less treatable, with survival rates of 64–91%. Their gross appearance is solid, friable, and yellow, with necrotic and hemorrhagic areas. They also often contain cysts that can degenerate or rupture. Histologically, yolk sac tumors are characterized by the presence of Schiller-Duval bodies (which are pathognomonic for yolk sac tumors) and a reticular pattern.
With these distinct characteristics, it crops out in its type locality (Jagüel de Rosauer) and at Lomas Coloradas, where the unit is 18–26 m thick (59–85 ft). The outcrops around Pellegrini Lake keep the typical characteristics of the unit. Olive green calcareous mudrocks appear in the northern sector of the lake, which are solid and friable with fragmentary remains of molluscs (oysters). In this sector, there is also abundant fossil content composed of scallops and small brachiopods.
Copper-shod digging sticks known by the Mochica culture (ca.500 A.D.) may have been a forerunner of the taklla.(Bushnell 1957, 83) Pottery representations and remains of proto-taklla tools from the Chimu culture (1300 A.D) on the coast verifies its development by at least that time.(Horkheimer 1960) However, the friable soils of the coastal desert were easily turned without the taklla, and the incentive to develop such a tool probably came from the adjacent Highlands.
Amanita exitialis, also known as the Guangzhou destroying angel, is a mushroom of the large genus Amanita. It is distributed in eastern Asia, and probably also in India where it has been misidentified as A. verna. Deadly poisonous, it is a member of section Phalloideae and related to the death cap A. phalloides. The fruit bodies (mushrooms) are white, small to medium-sized with caps up to in diameter, a somewhat friable ring and a firm volva.
The texture of red soil varies from, sand to clay, the majority being loam. Their other characteristics include porous and friable structure, absence of lime, kankar and free carbonates, and small quantity of soluble salts. Their chemical composition include non- soluble material 90.47%, iron 3.61%, aluminium 2.92%, organic matter 1.01%, magnesium 0.70%, lime 0.56%, carbon dioxide 0.30%, potash 0.24%, soda 0.12%, phosphorus 0.09% and nitrogen 0.08%. However significant regional differences are observed in the chemical composition.
Limestone has fissures and is soluble in water, therefore rivers have been able to carve deep, narrow valleys. The rivers then often find routes underground, creating cave systems. Millstone Grit is insoluble but porous, absorbing water which seeps through the grits, until it meets the less porous shales beneath, creating springs where it reaches the surface. The shales are friable and easily attacked by frost and form areas that are vulnerable to landslides, as on Mam Tor.
These dark beds lack any spectral signatures of common mafic minerals such as pyroxenes, olivine, or iron oxides (like hematite). Against fluted terrains the beds have been observed to dip between 15° and 25°. These thick and friable units, at their greatest extents, reach up to in thickness. They are capped by a highly resistant unit interpreted by some researchers to be volcanic in origin, but which has been undermined by the erosion of the underlying weak rock.
Except for pictures of only temporary interest, a glazing should incorporate a filter to block almost all ultraviolet radiation (a UV filter) from penetrating the glazing. This filter slows the photocatalytic degradation of organic materials in the picture. Both glass and acrylic glazings are available with built-in anti-static properties. This option is necessary for objects with friable or degraded media, which would be pulled off the object and onto the glazing by static electric forces.
Diagram of the remains of Maitland Volcano After Maitland Volcano became extinct, prolonged erosion destroyed the volcanic edifice. The reason why Maitland eroded away while its neighbour, Edziza, did not is twofold. With the cessation of volcanic activity, Maitland Volcano was unable to protect itself from erosion by providing a cover of younger lavas on top of the older shield. Another factor is that Maitland's basement was built entirely of soft, friable sedimentary rocks of the Bowser Lake Group.
Sandy inland mouse habitat is generally characterised by open vegetation, with a preference for friable soils such as sands and sandy loams on arid plains and dunes. Examples include, hummock grasslands, Mulga flats, alluvial flats and gibber plains, with Coolibah and Acacia woodlands having been observed as popular habitat. With a diet heavy in spinifex seed the sandy inland mouse is known to forage under heavy spinifex cover, with a preference for burnt over unburnt habitat.
It was turned at intervals to achieve even growth and over the next fourteen days or so it is turned and moved towards the kiln. The temperature was also controlled by ventilation. A day or two after the grain was turned out on to the floor, an agreeable smell was given off, and roots soon began to appear. A day or so later the future stem began to swell, and the kernel became friable and sweet-tasting.
The west half is composed of friable metasediments (schists) which break down to form smooth slopes, and so give easy walking. The east half is of tougher gneiss and forms spiky alpine scenery with sharp crests and some difficult places. Several excellent circuits can be made from Nuria. The plateau summit of Puigmal d'Err is split for several hundred metres by a bold scarp, in places over 20 metres high, with the eastern half having slipped bodily towards Nuria.
LIke the cathedrals of Carlisle, Lichfield and Worcester, Chester Cathedral is built of New Red Sandstone, in this case Keuper Sandstone from the Cheshire Basin. The stone lends itself to detailed carving, but is also friable, easily eroded by rain and wind, and is badly affected by pollution. With the other red sandstone buildings, Chester is one of the most heavily restored of England's cathedrals. The restoration, which included much refacing and many new details, took place mainly in the 19th century.
The drought dried the topsoil and over time it became friable, reduced to a powdery consistency in some places. Without the indigenous grasses in place, the high winds that occur on the plains picked up the topsoil and created the massive dust storms that marked the Dust Bowl period. The persistent dry weather caused crops to fail, leaving the plowed fields exposed to wind erosion. The fine soil of the Great Plains was easily eroded and carried east by strong continental winds.
Ruffin, Edmund. Nature's Management: Writings on Landscape and Reform, 1822-1859, edited by Jack Temple Kirby, University of Georgia Press, 2006 Ruffin experimented with agricultural methods and mixed marl, defined as "a friable earthy deposit consisting of clay and calcium carbonate, used esp. as a fertilizer for soils deficient in lime" to add to soils. He and his friends: James Henry Hammond, Nathaniel Beverley Tucker, George Frederick Holmes, and William Gilmore Simms, were pro-slavery and promoted a moral reform of the South.
Evans and Duncan had not yet formulated the stratigraphy of the site, and therefore did not record the layers in which the tablets were found. Later reconstruction was to be a judgement, providing a basis for disagreement between Evans and Duncan, and controversy over the dates of the tablets.The events of the early excavation are stated by . The tablets soon gave evidence that they were highly friable, but in addition to them, flakes of fresco plaster were beginning to be visible.
To the south of the lake, the saltmarsh gradually merges into saline flats largely devoid of vegetation. There are three main species in this plant community, each dominating its own concentric zone; Zygophyllum album, Nitraria retusa and Tamarix nilotica. The most important variables affecting the distribution and structure of the communities are the moisture content of the soil and the salinity. In the outer zone, where the salinity is low and the surface is friable, small scattered plants of Zygophyllum album occur.
The formation consists of a light gray, soft, friable sandstone and shale, which is carbonaceous in part, and may have coal seams or thin coal beds. The Vermejo Formation is about 375 feet (116m) thick at the type locality which is Vermejo Park in Colfax County, New Mexico. The Vermejo Formation unconformably overlies the Trinidad Sandstone, and unconformably underlies the Raton Formation. The Rail Canyon sandstone member is a sandstone bed up to thick that is found above the base of the formation.
The main portion of the village is formed on the unique 'Bowerchalke greensand inlier' (an area of older rock completely surrounded by younger layers), highlighted in green on the adjacent map. It is not immediately obvious to the naked eye or on the standard Ordnance Survey maps with 10 metre but the apex is strikingly characterised by the 'island' drawn on the Andrews 1773 map. Its presence can be detected in the friable sandy soils in the centre of the village.
Elaterium has been produced in light, thin, friable, flat or slightly incurved opaque cakes, of a greyish-green color, bitter taste and tea-like smell. The extract is soluble in ethanol, but insoluble in water and diethyl ether. The official dose used to be grain, and the British pharmacopeia at the beginning of the 20th century directs that the drug is to contain from 20 to 25% of the active principle elaterinum or elaterin. A resin in the natural product aids its action.
Eventually the overlying strata were removed through erosion, exposing the granite pluton. Before it was exposed, groundwater weathered the granite along fracture joints creating corestones of relatively solid altered granite embedded within friable saprolite. Surface runoff later eroded the saprolite that once surrounded the corestones and left, what are now locally called elephant rocks as boulders perched on the ground surface. The reddish or pink granite has been quarried in this area since 1869, and two abandoned granite quarries are within the park.
It is estimated that Assam and surrounding region possess around 150 million tonnes of petroleum reserves. Presently, Assam is the 3rd largest producer of petroleum (crude) and natural gas in the country accounting for 16% and 8% respectively of the total production of this mineral in the country. A Tertiary coal belt is located in Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Sivasagar, Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao districts with an estimated reserve of 370 million tonnes. Assam coal is friable in nature and has high sulfur content.
Nests are crumbly and friable, the bulk being made up of loose tufts of plant matter which are not fragmented, interwoven or compacted. The outside is covered by a fine layer of fibrous strips topped with the occasional leaf skeleton. The nest measures 150 mm from top to bottom and 90 mm side to side and front to back. It differs from that of other sunbirds in that it is positioned in forks of vegetation and not suspended in the air.
The thickness is determined by the amount of tablet material and the position of the punches in relation to each other during compression. Once this is done, we can measure the corresponding pressure applied during compression. The shorter the distance between the punches, thickness, the greater the pressure applied during compression, and sometimes the harder the tablet. Tablets need to be hard enough that they don't break up in the bottle, yet friable enough that they disintegrate in the gastric tract.
With RPC, the gallstones found within the biliary system are made of calcium bilirubinate or pigmented calcium. Calcium bilirubinate stones are prevalent in Asia and very rare in Europe and the United States. They tend to be friable concretions of various shapes and sizes within the biliary tree, and their associated bile is often muddy in consistency and contains numerous fine particles of calcium bilirubinate as well. This differs greatly from cholesterol stones, which are common in Europe and the United States.
The species is nocturnal and shows maximum activity levels shortly after sunset. It is three times less active on nights with a moon than on moonless nights; it is more active in the open on nights without a moon, while keeping in the shade of vegetation when the moon is shining. It feeds largely on seeds which it stuffs into its cheek pouches for transporting back to the burrow to eat or to cache. It chooses friable soil for the digging of the burrow.
Now the Wilmslow Formation (part of the Sherwood Sandstone Group), the lower Triassic was previously a threefold division, the Lower Mottled Sandstone, The Pebble Beds and the Upper Mottled Sandstone (only the later is seen at Alderley), which merged into the Conglomerates of the upper Triassic. The Upper Mottled Sandstone – now the lower Wilmslow Member – is a medium- to coarse-grained friable false-bedded sandstone with abrupt colour changes from bright red to white. It is composed mainly of rounded grains but sub-angular grains also occur.
In comparison to wooden boxes, these save up to more than 80% of space. Different types of products can be stored on pallets without the pallet collars, but they are still used in order to ensure safe multi-level both shelf and non-shelf storage which ensures warehouse optimisation. Using pallet collars make it possible to store more types of products on pallets which would usually be stored in classic wooden boxes. For example, different friable products can be stored when a customised pallet is used.
The lentil requires a firm, smooth seedbed with most of the previous crop residues incorporated. For the seed placement and for later harvesting it is important that the surface is not uneven with large clods, stones, or protruding crop residue. It is also important that the soil is made friable and weed-free so that seeding could be done at a uniform depth. The plant densities for lentils vary between genotypes, seed size, planting time and growing conditions and also from region to region.
Most herbs prefer a well-drained, friable soil. This allows the roots to receive the water they need without the danger of rot and promotes a strong root system. There are a variety of soil amendments to be added if the soil in a specific area is not desirable for to promote good herb growth. For outdoor herb farming the soil must be prepared ahead of time by removing vegetation and analyzing soil for pH value and amount of fertilizer needed for proper growing conditions.
It is considered that the mechanism for enrichment and formation of the goethite cortex is related to near-surface alteration of an existing highly ferruginous material by groundwater action. Ferruginised wood is ubiquitous and a major component of CIDs, existing as porous, friable limonite. Fossilised wood fragments are present but are usually extremely rare and of very small size (<50 mm). The goethite pisolites are cemented via a variety of agents, usually a mixture of goethite, clays, carbonate minerals (magnesite, calcite and sometimes siderite), and occasionally silica.
Boston Peak is named for Boston Mine, which operated on the southeast side of the peak in the late 19th century. The first mining claims of what would become the Cascade Mining District were made in 1889 by George Rowse and John Rouse, who named their claims "Boston" and "Chicago", respectively. Boston Peak was first summited in 1938 by Calder Bressler, Ray Clough, Bill Cox, and Tom Myers. It is a difficult climb as the slope is steep and the rock very loose and friable.
Garlock products only emit asbestos fibers when cut or struck heavily, usually during removal. Removing such gaskets would necessarily require first removing the insulation covering them which would also release asbestos. The chrysotile asbestos used in Garlock's gaskets is roughly 1/100 to 1/2000 as carcinogenic as the friable amphibole asbestos used in the insulating tape just mentioned. Over a thirty- five year period Garlock was sued hundreds of thousands of times and forced to pay about $1.3 billion in judgements, settlements, and defense costs.
In number theory, a n-smooth (or n-friable) number is an integer whose prime factors are all less or equal to n. For example, a 7-smooth number is a number whose prime factors are all at most 7, so 49 = 72 and 15750 = 2 × 32 × 53 × 7 are both 7-smooth, while 11 and 702 = 2 × 33 × 13 are not 7-smooth. The term seems to have been coined by Leonard Adleman. Smooth numbers are especially important in cryptography, which relies on factorization of integers.
Coprinellus micaceus is a saprotrophic species, deriving nutrients from dead and decomposing organic matter, and grows in and around stumps or logs of broad-leaved trees or attached to buried wood. It prefers feeding on bark, particularly the secondary phloem, rather than the wood.Buller, 1924, p. 333. In the scheme of the succession of fungal species involved in the decomposition of wood, C. micaceus is a late stage colonizer, and prefers to feed on wood that has already decomposed sufficiently to have reached "a friable softened consistency".
The heating and ventilation systems in a poultry house must be continuously monitored to keep the moisture content of the litter controlled so that the litter remains friable (easily broken up or crumbly). If the litter becomes too wet and the litter is allowed to become “sealed”, then the birds will be living on a damp, slippery and sticky surface. This sealed litter is what is referred to as being “caked.” In this condition, the litter is simply saturated with water and is unable to dry out.
Modifications were proposed, incorporated into the final design specifications, and approved by the local Prefecture in June 1926. Ground was broken shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, this work was soon interrupted when it was discovered that the soil below the site where the sanatorium was to be constructed was friable and would never safely support a building of this magnitude. With the support of The Confraternity of Charity of Teramo (Congrega di Carità di Teramo) it was then decided to build the sanatorium in Villa Mosca.
Loess near Hunyuan, Datong, Shanxi, China Loess is homogeneous, porous, friable, pale yellow or buff, slightly coherent, typically non-stratified and often calcareous. Loess grains are angular with little polishing or rounding and composed of crystals of quartz, feldspar, mica and other minerals. Loess can be described as a rich, dust-like soil.Pearson Prentice Hall - World Studies - Europe and Russia Loess deposits may become very thick, more than a hundred meters in areas of Northwestern China and tens of meters in parts of the Midwestern United States.
The pyrite concretions typically are about 30 cm (1 foot) in diameter. Also, included within these calcite concretions are smaller calcite concretions, which have been engulfed by the growth of the larger concretions. The host rock, which contained these spherical boulders, consists of well-sorted, medium-grained, highly porous, and friable sandstone. Being only weakly indurated by small amounts of iron oxide, sometimes seen as Liesegang rings (banding) at Rock City, it is considerably softer and very much more easily eroded than the calcite concretions.
Wet granulation is a process of using a liquid binder to lightly agglomerate the powder mixture. The amount of liquid has to be properly controlled, as over-wetting will cause the granules to be too hard and under-wetting will cause them to be too soft and friable. Aqueous solutions have the advantage of being safer to deal with than solvent- based systems but may not be suitable for drugs which are degraded by hydrolysis. ;Procedure # The active ingredient and excipients are weighed and mixed.
When digging new burrows, the eastern mole will push excess soil up through vertical shafts called "molehills". New burrows just below the surface are marked by ridges and molehills, and such burrows appear to be used to facilitate the capture of earthworms and other soil life after a rain. In building burrows and probably at other times, the mole uses its nose as a tactile organ, poking about here and there. In friable soil, the species can burrow at a rate of 6 m/h.
The question of the temperature of the carbonization is important; according to J. Percy, wood becomes brown at , a deep brown-black after some time at , and an easily powdered mass at . Charcoal made at is brown, soft and friable, and readily inflames at ; made at higher temperatures it is hard and brittle, and does not fire until heated to about . In Finland and Scandinavia, the charcoal was considered the by-product of wood tar production. The best tar came from pine, thus pinewoods were cut down for tar pyrolysis.
The setting of the station within a relatively steep rock cutting provides a distinctive landscape presentation to Lithgow Railway Station. The northern embankment has been sealed with shotcrete and the same material has been used part way along the southern embankment. The exposed embankment surface is a friable composition of shale, rubble and soils. Removal of vegetation has revealed a dry stone wall of roughly shaped sandstone blocks set near to the top of the southern embankment, extending from the overhead footbridge for approximately with a height ranging form to the concrete ramp.
The Michoacan pocket gopher is endemic to the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt mountain range in central southern Mexico, where it occurs in four discrete locations near west of Lake Pátzcuaro at altitudes over . The fossil record shows that members of the genus Zygogeomys, including two other now extinct species, were widespread in the late Pliocene epoch in the southwestern United States. Its typical habitat is mixed forests of spruce, pine, and alder with deep friable soil suitable for burrowing. A number of small populations separated by unsuitable terrain exist.
A rock arch and several notable bluffs are formed of late Whaingaroan Ahirau Sandstone formed about 28 million years ago. Although classified as sandstone, it looks more like limestone, with 40-60% calcium carbonate content and lapiez features in massive (lacking internal structures), blue-grey, calcareous, fine sandstone. Apart from recent alluvial deposits, the other main rock in the valley is Hauturu Sandstone, which is mid to late Whaingaroan, about 30 million years old. It is commonly knobbly due to resistant bands and lenses of hard calcareous sandstone in soft friable quartzofeldspathic sand.
For example, some sedimentary layering promotes the formation of soil such as a silty cover on bedrock, or a sandy cover on a clayey alluvium layer. In both of these cases, a friable surface material has been established by nonpedogenic instances. Other instances of sedimentary surface cementation, or fine interbedded sequences of clay and sand, could be considered to be not conducive to the formation of a soil. Nonuniform parent materials may be difficult to find in soils and paleosols, although deviations from normally found minerals could lend clues to the original parent material.
Pyroclastic flow deposit or igneous rocks formed by the lithification of ash flow are likewise present in northern fringes of South Caloocan and in most parts of North Caloocan. On the northeast borders of North Caloocan, conglomerate rocks were traced, crossing Tala Estate and extending to the province of Bulacan and the La Mesa Watershed. Soil found in both areas of Caloocan City predominantly falls under the Novaliches Series, covering 96% of the total land area of the city. The Novaliches Series is composed of reddish brown soil, friable in consistency and granular in structure.
The development of a new blood vessel requires the activation and migration of various types of cells, chiefly endothelium, smooth muscle and pericytes. The exact mechanism by which the HHT mutations influence this process is not yet clear, and it is likely that they disrupt a balance between pro- and antiangiogenic signals in blood vessels. The wall of telangiectasias is unusually friable, which explains the tendency of these lesions to bleed. All genes known so far to be linked to HHT code for proteins in the TGF-β signaling pathway.
The inedible fungus Daldinia concentrica is known by several common names, including King Alfred's cake, cramp balls, and coal fungus. As with other fungi the light spores are distributed globally and the fungi develop wherever conditions are suitable - it lives on dead and decaying wood, and is a common, widespread saprotroph. The fungus is ball-shaped, with a hard, friable, shiny black fruiting body 2 to 7 centimeters wide. It resembles a chunk of coal, which gives it several of its common names, including coal fungus and carbon balls.
Occurrences of ultramafic tuff include surface deposits of kimberlite at maars in the diamond-fields of southern Africa and other regions. The principal variety of kimberlite is a dark bluish-green, serpentine-rich breccia (blue-ground) which, when thoroughly oxidized and weathered, becomes a friable brown or yellow mass (the "yellow-ground"). These breccias were emplaced as gas–solid mixtures and are typically preserved and mined in diatremes that form intrusive pipe-like structures. At depth, some kimberlite breccias grade into root zones of dikes made of unfragmented rock.
Sprayed coatings, pipe insulation and Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB) are thought to be the most dangerous due to their high content of asbestos and friable nature. Many older buildings built before the late 1990s contain asbestos. In the United States, there is a minimum standard for asbestos surveys as described by ASTM standard E 2356–18. In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive have issued guidance called HSG264 describing how surveys should be completed although other methods can be used if they can demonstrate they have met the regulations by other means.
Varying from 10m to 100m in the Thong-Man Cau formation, the upper formation has a composition of light grey, whitish/grey, locally reddish brown dolomitized carbonates and it is also intercalated with clays friable siltstones and fine grained, calcite- cemented sandstones. The lower formation consists of sandstone and calcareous sandstones interbedded with clays and siltstones. It has fine to medium grained sandstones with carbonate cement, glauconite and fossil fragments. As a whole, the lithology of the Thong-Man Cau Formation is made from sandstones and claystones with carbonate build up and platform.
The Bien Dong Formation thickness varies from a few meters to 200m. In the Quaternary layer, moving from the bottom to the middle to the top, the Bien Dong Formation is composed of angular to round quartz sand which gradually changes to silty clay in the middle section to quartz sand imbedded with shell fragments at the top of the layer. The Lower Pliocene layer has a composition of siltstones, friable claystones, and grey calcareous clays intercalated with white or light yellow quartz sandstone. This layer is also rich in carbonate and contains glauconite.
Art Deco detail of the Cine Afrique in Stone Town While Stone Town was included in UNESCO's World Heritage Sites in 2000, this designation does not provide complete protection for the town's heritage. Despite the establishment of a Conservation Authority, about 80% of the 1,709 buildings of Stone Town are in a deteriorating condition. As coral stone is very friable, frequent maintenance is needed for most of these buildings. Some major restoration projects (especially on the seafront) have been done in recent times by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC).
The bird was described in 1943 by Alexander Wetmore from subfossil remains originally discovered in 1926, in the course of a public works excavation of a water supply tunnel. The bones were found at a depth of 25 m beneath a prehistoric lava flow, on top of an ash bed, near Kaumaikeohu, above Pahala in the Kau District of the Island of Hawai'i. The bones are friable and warped, having been subjected to intense heat from the lava. The specific epithet comes from the Greek rhuax (lava stream).
The monument also pays homage to Joseph Tinner's greatest stonework, a large stand-alone arch that once stood about two miles away at Seven Corners. That arch was demolished decades ago during construction of a car dealership. Local high school art teacher John Ballou drew the concept design; with the assistance of architect Marc Coupard and Structural Engineer Guy Razzi. The monument was designed so that it can not be disassembled without destruction; the rock is now irreplaceable, as all remaining local trondhjemite is too friable to use in a stand-alone arch.
Not to Disappear received generally positive reviews from critics. Annie Zaleski of The A.V. Club found that Daughter's "brutal lyrical honesty" sets them apart from their musical influences, including The Cure, PJ Harvey and Beach House. Sonic Seducer wrote that the band had created a dynamic mixture of indie pop, dark folk and shoegazing that reflected influences from bands such as London Grammar and Massive Attack. Marcy Donelson of AllMusic wrote that despite its reliance on "sound-defining delay, a dark tone palette, and friable vocals", the album avoids monotony.
These soils have thin layers and are less fertile. These soils are mainly found in Karnataka (Shimoga, Chikmaglur and Hassan districts), Andhra Pradesh (Rayalaseema),Telangana [ Whole Telanana] , eastern Tamil Nadu (espesically tiruvannamalai and cuddalore district), Orissa, Jharkhand (Chotanagpur), Uttar Pradesh (Bundelkhand), Madhya Pradesh (Balaghat and Chhindwara), Rajasthan (Banswara, Bhilwara, Bundi, Chittaurgarh, Kota and Ajmer districts), Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur and Nagaland. (b) Sandy Red Soil: These soils have formed by the disintegration of granite, grani gneiss, quartzite and sandstone. These are 1 friable soil with high content of secondary concretions of sesquioxide clays.
A few years after the sack, Rome began to build new city walls using ashlar masonry from a quarry in the territory of Veii. It was a huge undertaking as the wall was 11 km (7 mi) long. The original wall had been built in capelaccio tuff, the local stone, which was of rather poor quality, because it is a quite friable stone. The wall was rebuilt with a type of yellow tuff, named Grotta Oscura (after its main quarry), that was of much better quality, in the territory of Veii.
Zhokhov Island consists of extrusive basalt lava flows and tuffs. The bulk of this island is made up of a thick stack of olivine basalt, olivine trachybasalt, and nepheline basalt lava flows. Overlying these lava flows is a layer of friable volcanic ash and tuff that is capped by a thick basalt lava flow. The total thickness of volcanic rocks exposed within Zhokhov Island is about 400 metersFujita, K., and D.B. Cook, 1990, The Arctic continental margin of eastern Siberia, in A. Grantz, L. Johnson, and J. F. Sweeney, eds.
Soils are usually friable and conducive to burrow excavation. Areas of preferred habitat include habitat types that provide ample forage to allow Mohave ground squirrels to persist during drought periods. These persistent populations may act as core areas from which populations expand from during adequate rainfall years which are required for Mohave ground squirrels to reproduce. This dynamic expansion and contraction in populations can make it challenging to determine whether the species is present since extended periods of drought can cause a die-off on local populations until surrounding populations expand during consecutive reproductive years.
Logo of Upjohn Pill & Granule, later The Upjohn Company The Upjohn Company was a pharmaceutical manufacturing firm founded in 1886 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, by Dr. William E. Upjohn, an 1875 graduate of the University of Michigan medical school. The company was originally formed to make friable pills, which were specifically designed to be easily digested. These could be "reduced to a powder under the thumb", a strong marketing argument at the time. In 1995, Upjohn merged with Pharmacia AB to form Pharmacia & Upjohn; the company is now owned by Pfizer.
He makes a series of holes, very shallow, in the burned soil about apart in each direction, and in these holes places a bud or cutting of a henequen plant. Each mecate then contains from 80 to 100 plants. The holes are not made with a shovel or hoe, but with a stout stick shod with a sharp iron point, and the holes are frequently mere excavations in the soft, friable, limestone rock. The workers work at planting very swiftly, and in an incredibly short time a vast extent of territory is planted.
Pipes of that age often were wrapped in asbestos, a known human carcinogen, and the site was declared an "asbestos containment area." Although some asbestos was later found in the solid debris, no friable particles were detected in any of the air samples. However, anyone entering the containment zone was still required to wear a respirator and protective clothing during the clean-up. This caused some to openly question the air test results, particularly since false reassurances on air quality were given by officials after the September 11 attacks.
Beachrock along Réunion island seashore Detail showing fragments of coral and shells Beachrock is a friable to well-cemented sedimentary rock that consists of a variable mixture of gravel-, sand-, and silt-sized sediment that is cemented with carbonate minerals and has formed along a shoreline. Depending on location, the sediment that is cemented to form beachrock can consist of a variable mixture of shells, coral fragments, rock fragments of different types, and other materials. It can contain scattered artifacts, pieces of wood, and coconuts. Beachrock typically forms within the intertidal zone within tropical or semitropical regions.
Plains pocket gophers prefer deep, sandy, friable soils to facilitate their burrowing lifestyle and their herbivorous diet of plant roots. The local vegetation is less significant than the nature of the soil, and the gophers are found in prairie grasslands, agricultural land, and even urban areas. A long-term controlled study of tunnel excavation by plains pocket gophers found that the rate of tunnel construction ranges from a high of 2,059 cm/week of new tunnels to a low of none over several weeks during the summer. About of tunnels were open at any one time.
The bulk density of soil depends greatly on the mineral make up of soil and the degree of compaction. The density of quartz is around 2.65 g/cm³ but the (dry) bulk density of a mineral soil is normally about half that density, between 1.0 and 1.6 g/cm³. In contrast, soils rich in soil organic carbon and some friable clays tend to have lower bulk densities (<1.0 g/cm³) due to a combination of the low-density of the organic materials themselves and increased porosity. For instance, peat soils have bulk densities from 0.02 g/cm³ to 0.98 g/cm³.
This means that parties to the Convention are required to prohibit the export of hazardous wastes to parties which have prohibited the import of such wastes via the notification procedure in Article 13 of the Convention. In places such as India, however, there continues to be a high use of friable or dust-based asbestos in compressed asbestos fiber (CAF) gaskets, ropes, cloth, gland packings, millboards, insulation, brake liners, and other products which are being exported without adequate knowledge and information to the other countries. Asbestos use is prevalent in India because there is no effective enforcement of the rules.
The ring is membranous, superior, skirt-like, flaring then collapsing, pale yellowish white to cream to white, slightly more yellow underneath, with a thickened edge. The volva is absent or present as rings of yellow-brown warts on the bulb or brilliant yellow loose patches appressed to the stem and are large, friable, detersile, sometimes lost during collecting. The flesh is white or slightly pink, hollow or partially hollowed in the middle to stuffed. The spores measure 7.8-11.0 (0.78-1.1 mm) × 5.4-7.0 (0.54-0.70 mm) µm and are ellipsoid to elongate (infrequently broadly ellipsoid) and amyloid.
A pallet collar is a modern and highly efficient wooden packaging solutions for compact, bulky or friable products of different types, that works together with the classic wooden pallet or various types of custom pallets. This solutions works as a substitution for the classic wooden boxes. The main difference in comparison to the wooden boxes is the possibility to collapse them when they are not in use. As such factors are highly important in professional logistics this solution has gained growing popularity worldwide in the past 20 years, with approximately 20,000,000 new collars manufactured each year worldwide.
Reproductive behaviour, including guarding of nest sites, extends over a four-month period of a sexually active adult's year. Rosenberg's monitors mate over a 12-day period in January. In February and March, the female digs into an active termite mound, creating a spherical nest chamber beneath the hardened shell—found under the loose outer layer of the mound—by collapsing the internal structure of tunnels and chambers. The depth of the monitor's nest is around 700 millimetres, taking the parent several days to complete, the thickness of the termitarium's cemented shell is approximately 140 mm and the overlying friable surface 100 mm.
Psathyrella ammophila was first described in 1868 by Michel Charles Durieu de Maisonneuve and Joseph-Henri Léveillé in one of Durieu de Maisonneuve's publications on the flora and fauna of Algeria, Exploration scientifique de l'Algérie: Sciences naturelles, botanique. They gave it the scientific name Agaricus ammophilus. The species was identified and described a further five times under different names, until 1960, when the botanist P.D. Orton gave the definitive classification in the journal Transactions of the British Mycological Society (now Fungal Biology). The genus name Psathyrella is a diminutive form of Psathyra, derived from the Greek word meaning "friable", psathuros (ψαθυρος).
Archaeologists found evidence for activity at the site during the British Iron Age. In this period, a hearth was established in the barrow's western ditch. The remains of two pots were found alongside this hearth; one was made from "friable reddish-brown ware with large flint grits" and the other from "sandy, brown fabric, smoothed on the inside and with a fine flint tempering". Romano-British finds are commonly located in and around Early Neolithic monuments, and at Julliberries' Grave there is evidence for what the archaeologist Paul Ashbee called "more than [a] casual Romano-British interest".
The green color of greensand is due to variable amounts of the mineral glauconite, an iron potassium silicate with very low weathering resistance; as a result, greensand tends to be weak and friable. It is a common ingredient as a source of potassium in organic gardening and farming fertilisers. Greensand glauconite is used as a water softener for its chemical-exchange properties. Greensand coated with manganese oxide (called manganese greensand) is used in well water treatment systems to remove dissolved (reduced) iron and manganese with the addition of an oxidant, usually potassium permanganate, under controlled pH conditions.
Sodablasting A sodablaster is a self-contained system that includes a blast generator, high pressure compressed air, moisture decontamination system, blast hose, and a blast nozzle. The blasting material consists of formulated sodium bicarbonate (also known as baking soda). Blasting soda is an extremely friable material that undergoes micro fragmentation on impact, literally exploding away surface materials without damage to the substrate. Since sodium bicarbonate is much softer than the silicon carbide or aluminium oxide used in sandblasting, the blast nozzle used for sodablasting applications can be made of soft metals such as brass or steel.
Safety has also been a long-standing priority among classified employees, but it had never been the large-scale concern that it became during the 1980s asbestos scare. Asbestos, a flaky white mineral, had been widely used in school construction between 1945 and 1973 on ceilings and as an insulator for pipes and boilers. Then in 1982, the Environmental Protection Agency ordered schools to be inspected for this cancer-causing substance. An initial survey by the California Department of Education found that nearly half of the state's school facilities contained friable (easily crumbled) asbestos in gyms, hallways, boiler rooms, and classrooms.
Large-diameter, rot-resistant trunks of fallen redwood trees may resist erosion more effectively than the friable upper Cretaceous marine sedimentary and metasedimentary bedrock of the drainage basin.Strand, Rudolph G. Geologic Map of California:Redding Sheet (1962) State of California Resources Agency Founders Grove on the Bull Creek flood plain was within purchased in 1931 by the Save the Redwoods League. Timber on land upslope of Founders Grove was harvested in 1947. Heavy rains in December 1955 washed soil, rocks, and debris from the deforested slopes; and this debris flood felled three hundred trees with trunks more than in diameter within the downslope grove.
This stilt chooses mudflats, desiccated lacustrine verges, and levees for nest locations, as long as the soil is friable. The nests are typically sited within of a feeding location, and the pairs defend an extensive perimeter around groups of nests, patrolling in cooperation with their neighbors.Hamilton (1975) Spacing between nests is approximately , but sometimes nests are within of each other and some nests in the rookery are as far as from the nearest neighbor. The nests are frequently established rather close to the water edge, so that their integrity is affected by rising water levels of ponds or tides.
A honing stone is similar to a grinding wheel in many ways, but honing stones are usually more friable, so that they conform to the shape of the workpiece as they wear in. To counteract their friability, honing stones may be treated with wax or sulfur to improve life; wax is usually preferred for environmental reasons. Any abrasive material may be used to create a honing stone, but the most commonly used are corundum, silicon carbide, cubic boron nitride, and diamond. The choice of abrasive material is usually driven by the characteristics of the workpiece material.
Wakemen submitted a sample for analysis - the ball was approximately diameter, light yellowish, and friable, containing some harder material. The harder pieces were thought to be splinters of long bones and or vegetable charcoal on inspection under a microscope. The main body of the ball was made of amorphous cement, which gave an analysis of primarily calcium carbonate, plus calcium phosphate plus traces of iron. The analysis concluded that they were man made, but too soft to be used as weapons, and furthermore did not resemble 'brain balls' made from lime with varying proportions of sheeps brain and or powdered bone.
Portrait of Countess Albazzi (1880) by Édouard Manet Portrait of Countess Albazzi is a painting by Édouard Manet, executed in 1880, which became a part of the Thannhauser Collection of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum as a bequest of Hilde Thannhauser. This portrait by Manet is a pastel executed on a very fine canvas stretched over wood. Off-white priming was used, the pastel is friable, and there are a number of tiny losses throughout the surface of the canvas. Portrait of Countess Albazzi was among Manet's last works, and has been shown in Paris, Bern and Martigny exhibitions, in Europe.
This reached Maryon's workbench as a corroded mass of fragments, some friable and encrusted in sand, others hard and partially transformed into limonite. As Bruce-Mitford observed, the "task of restoration was thus reduced to a jigsaw puzzle without any sort of picture on the lid of the box," and, "as it proved, a great many of the pieces missing." Maryon began by familiarising himself with the various fragments; he traced and detailed each one on a piece of stiff paper, and segregated them by decorations, distinctive markings, and thickness. After what he termed "a long while", Maryon turned to reconstruction.
When a home is sold, inspections are performed that may reveal environmental hazards such as radon gas in the basement or water supply or friable asbestos materials (both of which can cause lung cancer), peeling or disturbed lead paint (a risk to children and pregnant women), in-ground heating oil tanks that may contaminate ground water, or mold that can cause problems for those with asthma or allergies. Typically the buyer or mortgage lender will require these conditions to be repaired before allowing the purchase to close. An entire industry of environmental remediation contractors has developed to help home owners resolve these types of problems.
This wren is endemic to Fair Isle, an island about halfway between mainland Shetland and Orkney. The St Kilda wren on the island of Hirta is often found nesting in crevices on the cliffs, and in association with puffin colonies, but that is not the case with the Fair Isle wren, where the low red sandstone cliffs are rather bare, with friable rock and earth slides, and small patches of tufted vegetation. The main breeding habitat of Fair Isle wrens is boulder beaches at the tip of long inlets. The boulders provide the shelter lacking on the cliffs, but even so, the windswept south-west of the island hosts few wrens.
Ganges Mensa (also occasionally termed Gangis Mensa in literature) is a mesa and an interior layered deposit in Ganges Chasma, one of the peripheral valleys of Valles Marineris on Mars. The mesa rises up to from the floor of Ganges Chasma, nearly to the same elevation as the surrounding plateaux of Lunae Planum. Like Hebes Mensa, the mesa is completely separated from the surrounding canyon walls and has sustained significant erosion that has caused it to retreat in areal extent. The mesa is composed of friable, thinly-layered units which decompose into fluted patternations, interpreted by most researchers as erosional aeolian features known as yardangs.
He sold the pulp to the Smith Paper Company which immediately produced commercial newsprint. However, Pagenstecher initially made his pulp out of aspen or "popple"; however, he soon exhausted his supply of this tree and was forced to substitute with less friable softwoods, with the result that the New York World cancelled its contract for newsprint.Recknagel, A.B.(Forestry Consultant, St. Regis Paper Company), (May 1960) "The Pulp and Paper Industry in Northern and Central New York", The Northeastern Logger 8(11): pp. 16-17, 62 Many of the Holyoke mills quickly converted to wood pulp, and Holyoke with twelve major paper mills became the world's largest center for papermaking.
Black-necked stilt eggs Quintana, Texas This stilt chooses mudflats, desiccated lacustrine verges, and levees for nest locations, as long as the soil is friable. Reproduction occurs from late April through August in North America, with peak activity in June,Bent (1927) while tropical populations usually breed after the rainy season. The nests are typically sited within of a feeding location, and the pairs defend an extensive perimeter around groups of nests, patrolling in cooperation with their neighbors.Hamilton (1975) Spacing between nests is approximately , but sometimes nests are within of each other and some nests in the rookery are as far as from the nearest neighbor.
To control emissions a cupola may be fitted with a cap that is designed to pull the gases into a device to cool the gases and remove particulate matter. The shell of the cupola, being usually made of steel, has refractory brick and plastic refractory patching material lining it. The bottom is lined in a similar manner but often a clay and sand mixture ("bod") may be used, as this lining is temporary. Finely divided coal ("sea coal") can be mixed with the clay lining so when heated the coal decomposes and the bod becomes slightly friable, easing the opening up of the tap holes.
Together with its close relatives, Hughmilleria dominated the communities in brackish and fresh water, while Pterygotus and Eurypterus dominated marine environments. The Silurian deposits of the Pittsford Shale Member in which fossils of H. socialis have been found shelter various faunas of eurypterids, including Mixopterus multispinosus, Erettoperus osiliensis, Eurypterus pittsfordensis and Carcinosoma spiniferus, among others. Fossils from other organisms were also found, such as the crustacean Ceratiocaris and the ostracod Leperditia. Geological features of the formation, such as the friable and calcareous mudstone, the argillaceous dolomite and the lithology and associated biota suggests that the environment was marginal marine, very shallow and probably brackish.
Elevations vary from 101m in the south east corner of the relatively rectangular area to 59m AOD where the Burstow stream leaves in the north west corner of the parish. Across the northern part of the parish a ridge of higher land runs from east to west, formed by a bed of Paludina limestone. It yields stone, usually called Sussex marble, which is susceptible of being polished; but, as is generally the case in the Surrey examples of this stone, it is too friable for architectural work. The soil part of a wide to band south of the Greensand Ridge of "slowly permeable loamy/clayey slightly acid but base-rich soil"Cranfield University National Soil Resources Institute.
The authors later noted that subsequent searching of the type locality, as well as other locations in southern Finland, failed to turn up additional examples of this species. The external appearance of the fruit body is unremarkable, and similar to other soft, light-coloured pored crust fungi such as Hyphodontia radula, Ceriporiopsis balaenae, and young specimens of Ceriporiopsis resinascens. The microscopic characteristics of S. friata however, are quite distinct from others in Skeletocutis: "Generative hyphae dominate all parts of the basidiocarp as a delicate, uniform network, and skeletals intermingle as isolated, worm-like structures." The fungus is named (friata) for the friable (easily crumbled) texture the fruit bodies take on when dry.
The union that represents workers tasked with modifying electrical meter boxes at residences stated that workers should refuse to do this work until the boxes have been inspected for asbestos, and the head of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has called on the government to protect its citizens by ridding the country of asbestos by 2030. Handlers of asbestos materials must have a B-Class license for bonded asbestos and an A-Class license for friable asbestos. The town of Wittenoom, in Western Australia was built around a (blue) asbestos mine. The entire town continues to be contaminated, and has been disincorporated, allowing local authorities to remove references to Wittenoom from maps and roadsigns.
The railroad links to Erie, Louisville, Lafayette and Marshall coal mines nurtured the industrialization of coal mining. The coal under Lafayette and most of the area northwest of Denver known as the Northern Coal Field or Northern Field is sub-bituminous coal, a soft, friable coal that was highly suited for household heating stoves and for firing steam boilers. Sub- bituminous coal, also called lignite, could sometimes spontaneously combust when it came in contact with air. A significant factor in Lafayette's coal mining history were the three successive Denver-based coal conglomerates — United Coal Company, Northern Coal Co. and Rocky Mountain Fuel Company — that controlled coal production and employed thousands of local coal miners.
Very thin sheets (≈2–20 µm) of polypropylene are used as a dielectric within certain high-performance pulse and low-loss RF capacitors. Expanded polypropylene (EPP) foam is a structural material in hobbyist radio control model aircraft. Unlike expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) which is friable and breaks easily on impact, EPP foam is able to absorb kinetic impacts very well without breaking, retains its original shape, and exhibits memory form characteristics which allow it to return to its original shape in a short amount of time. When the cathedral on Tenerife, La Laguna Cathedral, was repaired in 2002–2014, it turned out that the vaults and dome were in a rather bad condition.
Most of the sand, made of 98% translucent, rounded-grain quartz, was transported from coastal sand dunes to the west, in what is now central Nevada. Today the Navajo Sandstone is a geographically widespread, pale tan to red cliff and monolith former with very obvious sand dune cross-bedding patterns (photo). Typically the lower part of this remarkably homogeneous formation is reddish from iron oxide that percolated from the overlaying iron-rich Temple Cap formation while the upper part of the formation is a pale tan to nearly white color. The other component of the Navajo's weak cement matrix is calcium carbonate, but the resulting sandstone is friable (crumbles easily) and very porous.
The turquoise occurs as vein or seam fillings, and as compact nuggets; these are mostly small in size. While quite fine material is sometimes found, rivalling Iranian material in both colour and durability, most American turquoise is of a low grade (called "chalk turquoise"); high iron levels mean greens and yellows predominate, and a typically friable consistency in the turquoise's untreated state precludes use in jewelry. Arizona is currently the most important producer of turquoise by value. Several mines exist in the state, two of them famous for their unique colour and quality and considered the best in the industry: the Sleeping Beauty Mine in Globe ceased turquoise mining in August 2012.
Parson's Tunnel The Parson and Clerk are composed of relatively friable sedimentary Teignmouth Breccia of Permian age, as are all the nearby cliffs. Their soft rock layers are preserved from erosion by the harder "caprock" that was deposited above their strata A further outer rock, Shag Rock, lost most of its height in a storm in 1984, and then lost its "head" in a storm in January 2003."Rocks that inspired legend to vanish?" Western Morning News (Plymouth, England), 22 January 2003 The Parson and Clerk and the cliffs are easily viewed from the South West Coast Path which follows the Exeter to Newton Abbot railway line along the coast between Parson's Tunnel and Teignmouth.
In an archaeological excavation of the road at the southern edge of Bourne (TF098193), where it ran across a margin between Kellaways clay and the argillaceous (clayey) Kellaways sand, it was found that the construction of the carriageway had been done by digging two parallel shallow trenches into the subsoil and over-filling them with gravel ballast so as to form kerbs. Coarse sand was used to form the carriageway between them. This was a skilful use of the available materials as south of Kate's Bridge, the road passes over such minerals but little but rather friable Cornbrash is available near the excavated site. Clearly, this part of the road was constructed from the south, northwards and the materials carried along it.
The works, begun in 1846, were completed in a few years and the first Empoli–Siena section (64 km) was opened on 14 October 1849, although at the time of the inauguration, Montearioso tunnel, which lies a few hundred metres from Siena station, was still under construction. This tunnel, which was a significant technical achievement at the time, is 1516 metres long and for some years it was the longest tunnel in Italy. It was dug with great difficulty in friable and moist soils and took four years and three months of work, delaying the opening of Siena station to 18 September 1850. For a year, the terminal station of the line was located in a temporary building at the northern entrance of the tunnel.
It appears likely the furnaces were used to roast the ores, rather than actually smelt them, as the ore would have had to be friable to be chlorinated successfully. The ore was first crushed in a "dry crusher" and a 10-head battery, before roasting. This chlorination works was closed down in 1891, possibly because the nature of the ore changed and the components absorbed too much chlorine. No further reference is made to roasting ore. In 1888 a 10-head stamper and a "dry crusher" were installed but these proved a failure. In 1889 the Advance Company went down and erected roasting and chlorination plant but following an unsuccessful attempt to treat of ore this plant was abandoned in 1890.
In 1879 local mine owner Charles Howatson built a splendid high Victorian estate house known as Glenbuck House and he forested all around the loch. He was in his middle years when he built and developed the estate with fine and still extant steadings. He died in 1914, and in the following decades his inheritors, in order to avoid paying tax on the family home, eventually removed the roof (after 1945?) and the house soon crumbled as the softer red local Mauchline sandstone is highly friable when exposed to rain. The once fine house was built and turned to dust in less than a century, and was ultimately demolished by 1948 after a brief plan to turn it into flats was abandoned by Ayr County Council.
During the 1970s Korea experienced a sharp increase in the use of asbestos for building as it had a number of flame retardant properties. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to various serious lung conditions, including asbestosis and cancer. The material used in buildings can easily become friable, and the dust ends up resting on surfaces until disturbed by moving air around. When in an enclosed space, asbestos dust or fibres pose a legitimate health risk if the air is continually disturbed, as it may allow fibres to remain in the air for longer periods or even encourage more fibres to become airborne as the current airborne fibres become trapped in the victims lungs and are replaced by the phenomena of Brownian motion and the fan-disturbed air.
Various domes and arcuate ridges have been observed across the cap rock of Ganges Mensa, leading some to speculate that these likely volcanic landforms are actually evidences of magmatic dikes, volcanic vents, or the erosional remnants of volcanic necks that may have intruded underlying layers to deposit the cap rock. The presence of extensive thin layering in the thick friable stratigraphic units underneath Ganges Mensa's cap rock could correspond closely to hyaloclastites, which are volcanic breccias that are formed when lavas are erupted directly into water or ice and then quenched. The proposed hyaloclastite facies have been analogized to those comprising tuyas in Iceland. Other authors have proposed that these layered terrains could constitute alternating mafic flows and tuffs made of palagonite, as has been observed in some Icelandic tuyas.
Authors such as A 7th century Chinese text mentions that people in northwest India were familiar with saltpetre and used it to produce purple flames. Nitisara, variously dated between 4th century BC – 6th century CE, is a treatise by a Buddhist scholar named Kamandaka mentions gunfiring (nalikadibhdi) and states that the bodyguards of the king should rouse him with gun-firing if he indulges in girls, drinks, bouts etc. The gun firing was probably shotless military pyrotechnic using tubular weapons (although Oppert states that another word 'Nadika is also used in one of the text's version and may well mean gongs). Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi mentions in a treaties dated 910 a material called 'Indian salt', which he describes as "black and friable, with very little glitter," which has been interpreted as saltpetre by Berthelot but this is disputed by Joseph Needham.
On February 20, 1973 a federal grand jury in Detroit, Michigan indicted Adamo Wrecking Company ("Adamo") for violating provisions of the Clean Air Act by knowingly causing the emission of asbestos by failure to wet and remove friable asbestos materials from demolitions. Adamo was one of a number of demolition contractors indicted throughout the country for the alleged violation of the Clean Air Act. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan dismissed the criminal indictment on the ground that it was not an "emission standard," but a "work practice standard," which under the terms of the statute, did not carry criminal liability. The government appealed and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the trial court, stating that it erred in determining that it had jurisdiction to review the validity of the standard in a criminal proceeding.
The of alluvial flats had a frontage to the Molonglo River to the south, Scott's Paddock on the West, the two huts, Woolshed and Pisa on the East and Black Mountain on the North. > SOIL: Is rich dark alluvial friable and fertile loam about deep, resting on > a gravel bed, providing good draining – liable to be inundated by the > overflow water from the Molonglo River annually, leaving a rich deposit of > alluvium, rendering it admirably suited for the growth of lucerne and corn > and comparing favourably with a great deal of the Hunter River land. The > roots of the lucerne penetrate down to the perennial water supply which > percolates through the underlying porous bed from the River and from the > Creek flowing through the centre of this area, providing natural irrigation > in the dryest season – this creek has never been known to run dry. The arable flats were valued then at 30 pounds per acre.
A cartoon showing one proposed mechanism for the formation of Ganges Mensa, according to those who favor a depositional hypothesis for the formation of the interior layered deposits that have been described to form Ganges Mensa. Those who favor a subaqueous hypothesis for Ganges Mensa's formation argue that the mesa developed due to a combination of volcanic and sedimentary factors underneath a persistent kilometres-deep paleolake. Supporters of this hypothesis tend to favor a low-energy depositional explanation to the formation of the mesa rather than a subglacial one, with the basal sulfate-enriched IDLs deposited during the Hesperian, when the circum-Chryse outflow channels were forming. A subaqueous formation could explain the thinly-layered friable deposits within the walls of Ganges Mensa if they were turbidites, but because the sedimentary particles may be variable in composition and in distance traveled from source, the traditional Bouma sequence characteristic of terrestrial turbidites may not necessarily be observed.
The authors submitted an abstract to the 36th Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference to discuss their work, reporting that the dip angle of these foreset beds in the Ganges and Hebes Mensae were far too shallow to approximate those seen in terrestrial counterparts. The shape of Ganges and Hebes Mensae are also not characteristic of terrestrial tuya, but might nevertheless represent what a terrestrial tuya might look like if it has experienced very significant erosion. That same year, Ross A. Beyer (now of NASA's Ames Research Center) submitted an abstract to present at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting to report on work clarifying the stratigraphy of the Ganges Mensa structure, now with higher-resolution infrared THEMIS data. Beyer argues more strongly, but not conclusively, in favor of the hypothesis that Ganges Mensa formed in a manner similar to a terrestrial tuya based on the presence of very friable, finely-layered aeolian debris against more resistant volcanic material.
According to Flavius Philostratos, an apocryphal letter by Alexander the Great describes the Oxydraces, a people of the Punjab, throwing flaming thunderbolts from their walls. A reference to explosive or inflammable powder called 'agnisamyogas' or 'agniyoga' appears in the Arthashastra. J.R. Partington notes that the ingredients for these explosives or 'inflammable power' is very similar to gunpowder recipes quoted in Chinese, Arabic and European texts. A device in the Arthashastra called ulka is used as a shower of firebrand which makes a thunder sound (or noise of drumming) in the sky which according to the Arthashastra is used by astrologists to show it to the enemy subjects on the day of their birth star. Authors such as A 7th century Chinese text mentions that people in northwest India were familiar with saltpetre and used it to produce purple flames. Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi mentions in a treaties dated 910 a material called 'Indian salt', which he describes as "black and friable, with very little glitter," which has been interpreted as saltpetre by Berthelot but this is disputed by Joseph Needham.
The cap of Amanita flavorubens is 35 – 105 mm wide, yellow to brassy yellow to lemon yellow, sometimes dark orange brown, sometimes with pigment entirely washed out by rain becoming pallid, sometimes very deep wine red in its entirety due to bruising during development (Coker 1917), subovoid to hemispheric to plano-convex to convex, depressed in the center, slightly tacky to dull to subviscid to subvelvety, with an incurved or downcurved, rimose, and nonstriate margin (may become slightly striate with age). It is adorned with conspicuous, woolly to felty, yellow warts; bald underneath the warts; the margin not lined, or only faintly lined at maturity. The volva is present as yellow to orange to bright orange- yellow flocculent to confluent warts, friable, sparsely and irregularly distributed, easily removable, pulverulent, splotchy brown around the center, yellow at the edge. The flesh is 3 – 7 mm thick over the stem, thinning evenly to the margin, white or yellowish, bright yellow just under the cap skin. The gills are free to very narrowly adnate, subcrowded to crowded, creamy ivory to cream to off-white, 3 – 8 mm broad, with a white pulverulent edge and also a small decurrent tooth.
The traces of kiln supports, as well as the characteristic tendency to run and drip leading to pooling, may indicate the orientation of the object during firing. In high magnification observations, the interface boundary of body and glaze appears well defined. The absence of interstitial glass in the core is characteristic of application glazing: however, the possibility of adding glazing mixture to the quartz sand body, as well as the use of pre-melted glazes in the later periods, can predictably increase the degree of sintering of the core Recognition of cementation- Objects glazed through cementation display a thin even glaze all over the body, with no drying or firing marks, and portray a fairly friable and soft body Microscopically, the concentration of copper characteristically decreases from the surface: the interaction layer is thin and well defined and the interstitial glass is absent with exception to the vicinity of the boundary layer. Recognition of efflorescence glazing- Pieces glazed by efflorescence may show traces of stand marks: the glaze appears thick and prone to cracking, thinning toward the edge of the piece and in concave areas.

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