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"dissociable" Definitions
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30 Sentences With "dissociable"

How to use dissociable in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dissociable" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dissociable". Mastering all the usages of "dissociable" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Directed by Nick Cassavetes, from a script by Jeremy Leven and Jan Sardi, it's a movie that is non-dissociable from my early teen years.
But that was a different time, one in which media wasn't so fractured and partisan, before the advent of social media and our current dissociable mentalities.
The lawmakers approved an amendment that would define video-sharing platforms as services or a "dissociable section of a wider service" that "play a significant role in providing programmes and user-generated videos to the general public, in order to inform, entertain or educate," which could include social media networks including Facebook and Twitter that also carry videos.
The allosteric magnesium ion lies at the highly hydrated interface of two pro-octamer dimers. It appears to be easily dissociable, and it has been shown that hexamers accumulate when magnesium is removed in vitro.
33 In visual perception, target prevalence describes the salience (or visibility) of an object or objects in the environment and influences visual search.Wolfe, J. and Van Wert, M. (2010) Varying Target Prevalence Reveals Two Dissociable Decision Criteria in Visual Search. Current Biology 20, 121-124.
Type II tends to be a more dissociable complex with monofunctional enzyme domains. Another way that PKSs differ is that they have one other type, Type III. Type III PKSs are multifunctional when choosing a starting unit, assembling the chain, and promoting the folding.
Dissociable neural routes to successful prospective memory. Psychological science, 24(9), 1791-1800. An important prediction of McDaniel's Multiprocess Framework is that aging impacts prefrontal-cortex-dependent monitoring processes, but not spontaneous retrieval processes that are assumed to be more automatic.McDaniel, M. A., & Einstein, G. O. (2007).
Cytoarchitectonically, the lateral and medial sides of the MFS are dissociable. The anterior and posterior portion of the MFS also have different long-range connections. The vertical occipital fasciculus terminates in the posterior aspects of the MFS, while the arcuate fasciculus terminates in the anterior portions of the MFS.
These findings suggest that a person knowing that they do not know and feeling of knowing are two neuroanatomically dissociable features of metamemory. As well, "knowing that you don't know" relies more on cue familiarity than feeling of knowing does. There are two basic types of "do not know" decisions. First is a slow, low confidence decision.
Brown RM, Short JL, Lawrence AJ (2010) Identification of Brain Nuclei Implicated in Cocaine-Primed Reinstatement of Conditioned Place Preference: A Behaviour Dissociable from Sensitization. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15889. Drug-primed reinstatement has been tested in CPP primarily with psychostimulants and opiates. Reinstatement with drug primes depends on the dose of the drug that is given to the animal.
Opioid site in nucleus accumbens shell mediates eating and hedonic 'liking' for food: map based on microinjection Fos plumes. Brain Res. 863(1-2):71-86. The rewardfulness of consumption associated with palatability is dissociable from desire or incentive value which is the motivation to seek out a specific commodity. Desire or incentive value is processed by opioid receptor-related processes in the basolateral amygdala.
This supports the notion that moral reasoning is related to both seeing things from other persons' points of view and to grasping others' feelings. These results provide evidence that the neural network underlying moral decisions is probably domain-global (i.e., there might be no such things as a "moral module" in the human brain) and might be dissociable into cognitive and affective sub-systems.
His work has also shown that two dissociable networks underlie the use of context in sentence recognition,Hasson, U., Nusbaum, H. C., & Small, S. L. (2007). Repetition suppression for spoken sentences and the effect of task demands. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 2013-2029. and that sleep serves an important role in the consolidation of generalizations of phonetic knowledge learned opportunistically through exposure to an unfamiliar talker.
Pathological apathy, characterised by extreme forms of apathy, is now known to occur in many different brain disorders, including neurodegenerative conditions often associated with dementia such as Alzheimer's disease, and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. Although many patients with pathological apathy also suffer from depression, several studies have shown that the two syndromes are dissociable: apathy can occur independently of depression and vice versa.
Sulfite reductases () are enzymes that participate in sulfur metabolism. They catalyze the reduction of sulfite to hydrogen sulfide and water. Electrons for the reaction are provided by a dissociable molecule of either NADPH, bound flavins, or ferredoxins. : SO32− (sulfite) + electron donor \rightleftharpoons H2S (hydrogen sulfide) + oxidized donor + 3 H2O Sulfite reductases, which belong to the oxidoreductase family, are found in archaea, bacteria, fungi, and plants.
Researchers such as David Shanks, Pierre Perruchet and Lee Brooks have argued that implicit or tacit knowledge may, in fact, be available to consciousnessShanks, D. & St. John, M. (1994). Characteristics of dissociable human learning-systems. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17, 367-395. and that much of this tacit knowledge is not based on rules or patterns but rather on fragments, concrete exemplars and instances.
A polarized membrane is a lipid membrane that has a positive electrical charge on one side and a negative charge on another side, which produces the resting potential in living cells. Whether or not a membrane is polarized is determined by the distribution of dissociable protons and permeant ions inside and outside the membrane that travel passively through ion channel or actively via ion pump, creating an action potential.
In contrast, the familiarity process does not elicit associations with the memory and there are no contextual details of the prior learning occurrence ("know"). Since these two processes are dissociable, they can be affected by different variables (i.e. when remember is affected know is not and vice versa). For example, "remember" is affected by variables such as depth of processing, generation effects, the frequency of occurrence, divided attention at learning, and reading silently vs. aloud.
Others argue that the ERN is generated by a comparison process or a conflict monitoring system, and not specific to errors. In contrast to the above cognitive theories, new models suggest that the ERN may reflect the motivational significance of a task or perhaps the emotional reaction to making an error. This later view is consistent with findings linking errors and the ERN to autonomic arousal and defensive motivated states, and with findings suggesting that the ERN is dissociable from cognitive factors, but not affective ones.
Theseus1 is an 855 residue, type I transmembrane protein that has an extracellular N-terminus and an intracellular C-terminus. The serine/threonine kinase domain that is typical of RLKs is present on the intracellular C-terminal along with an adjacent binding site for ATP. There are also two internal phosphorylation sites that could possibly act as molecular switching sites for THE1 activation/suppression. The N-terminal contains a roughly 19 residue long dissociable sequence that is thought to be used for signaling about an issue in the cell wall.
Over 90 mines worldwide now use an Inco SO2/air detoxification circuit to convert cyanide to the much less toxic cyanate before waste is discharged to a tailings pond. Typically, this process blows compressed air through the tailings while adding sodium metabisulfite, which releases SO2. Lime is used to maintain the pH at around 8.5, and copper sulfate is added as a catalyst if there is insufficient copper in the ore extract. This procedure can reduce concentrations of "Weak Acid Dissociable" (WAD) cyanide to below the 10 ppm mandated by the EU's Mining Waste Directive.
Animals undergoing split-belt adaption adjust their interlimb coordination pattern to regain overall gait symmetry. Split-belt adaptation has a notable after-effect period (limbs driven at the same speed) in which the interlimb coordination pattern remains altered from that during the pre-adaptation period for some time after the split-belt perturbation period. The after-effect, however, is context- dependent and therefore, will only exist in the same locomotor environment in which the adaptation had occurred. Moreover, split-belt adaptation has spatial (placement of the limb) and temporal (timing of limb movement) components that are dissociable at the behavioral and circuit level.
Repetition priming can occur without a person being aware of either the repeats or the improvements in his/her response, so it is generally thought to involve implicit memory processes that are dissociable from explicit memory processes. This idea has support from findings that amnesic patients with damage to limbic and/or diencephalic structures show measurable repetition priming effects but have deficits on explicit measures of memory. However, some researchers suggest that implicit and explicit memory systems are not in fact separate. Repetition priming has also been associated with attentional processes, stimulus expectation and episodic memory.
Endogenous/natural AAS like testosterone and DHT and synthetic AAS mediate their effects by binding to and activating the AR. On the basis of animal bioassays, the effects of these agents have been divided into two partially dissociable types: anabolic (myotrophic) and androgenic. Dissociation between the ratios of these two types of effects relative to the ratio observed with testosterone is observed in rat bioassays with various AAS. Theories for the dissociation include differences between AAS in terms of their intracellular metabolism, functional selectivity (differential recruitment of coactivators), and non- genomic mechanisms (i.e., signaling through non-AR membrane androgen receptors, or mARs).
For example, psychophysics has shown that percepts for different properties are realized asynchronously. In addition, although achromats experience other cognitive defects they do not have motion deficits when their lesion is restricted to V4, or total loss of form perception. Relatedly, Zihl and colleagues' akinetopsia patient shows no deficit to color or object perception (although deriving depth and structure from motion is problematic, see above) and object agnostics do not have damaged motion or color perception, making the three disorders triply dissociable. Taken together this evidence suggests that even though distinct properties may employ the same early visual areas they are functionally independent.
The dyes are rarely applied on materials directly; they are usually in the form of microcapsules with the mixture sealed inside. An illustrative example is the Hypercolor fashion, where microcapsules with crystal violet lactone, weak acid, and a dissociable salt dissolved in dodecanol are applied to the fabric; when the solvent is solid, the dye exists in its lactone leuco form, while when the solvent melts, the salt dissociates, the pH inside the microcapsule lowers, the dye becomes protonated, its lactone ring opens, and its absorption spectrum shifts drastically, therefore it becomes deeply violet. In this case the apparent thermochromism is in fact halochromism. The dyes most commonly used are spirolactones, fluorans, spiropyrans, and fulgides.
This concept was formulated based on the observation that steroids had ratios of renotrophic to androgenic potency that differed significantly, which suggested that anabolic and androgenic effects might be dissociable. In 1953, a testosterone-derived steroid known as norethandrolone (17α-ethyl-19-nortestosterone) was synthesized at G. D. Searle & Company and was studied as a progestin, but was not marketed. Subsequently, in 1955, it was re-examined for testosterone-like activity in animals and was found to have similar anabolic activity to testosterone, but only one- sixteenth of its androgenic potency. It was the first steroid with a marked and favorable separation of anabolic and androgenic effect to be discovered, and has accordingly been described as the "first anabolic steroid".
Article 13(6) requires "the concentration of weak acid dissociable cyanide in the pond is reduced to the lowest possible level using best available techniques", and at most all mines started after 1 May 2008 may not discharge waste containing over 10ppm WAD cyanide, mines built or permitted before that date are allowed no more than 50ppm initially, dropping to 25ppm in 2013 and 10ppm by 2018. Under Article 14, companies must also put in place financial guarantees to ensure clean-up after the mine has finished. This in particular may affect smaller companies wanting to build gold mines in the EU, as they are less likely to have the financial strength to give these kinds of guarantees. The industry has come up with a voluntary "Cyanide Code"ICMI www.cyanidecode.
Studies have suggested a strong correlation between psychopathy scores and violence, and the PCL-R emphasizes features that are somewhat predictive of violent behavior. Researchers, however, have noted that psychopathy is dissociable from and not synonymous with violence. It has been suggested that psychopathy is associated with "instrumental", also known as predatory, proactive, or "cold blooded" aggression, a form of aggression characterized by reduced emotion and conducted with a goal differing from but facilitated by the commission of harm. One conclusion in this regard was made by a 2002 study of homicide offenders, which reported that the homicides committed by homicidal offenders with psychopathy were almost always (93.3%) primarily instrumental, significantly more than the proportion (48.4%) of those committed by non-psychopathic homicidal offenders, with the instrumentality of the homicide also correlated with the total PCL-R score of the offender as well as their scores on the Factor 1 "interpersonal-affective" dimension.
An inactive enzyme without the cofactor is called an apoenzyme, while the complete enzyme with cofactor is called a holoenzyme. (Note that the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) defines "coenzyme" a little differently, namely as a low-molecular-weight, non-protein organic compound that is loosely attached, participating in enzymatic reactions as a dissociable carrier of chemical groups or electrons; a prosthetic group is defined as a tightly bound, nonpolypeptide unit in a protein that is regenerated in each enzymatic turnover.) Some enzymes or enzyme complexes require several cofactors. For example, the multienzyme complex pyruvate dehydrogenase at the junction of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle requires five organic cofactors and one metal ion: loosely bound thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), covalently bound lipoamide and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), cosubstrates nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and coenzyme A (CoA), and a metal ion (Mg2+). Organic cofactors are often vitamins or made from vitamins.

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