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"diagrammatically" Definitions
  1. in a way that uses a simple drawing with lines to explain where something is, how something works, etc.
"diagrammatically" Antonyms

33 Sentences With "diagrammatically"

How to use diagrammatically in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "diagrammatically" and check conjugation/comparative form for "diagrammatically". Mastering all the usages of "diagrammatically" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And so they do, plotting it almost diagrammatically, by dates and themes, in two rows of mini-galleries with a wide path between.
Other Man City presentation slides contained in an email folder from 20123, before the MIR deal was concluded, sketched diagrammatically how the safety net arrangement could work.
Occasionally, we see a building or city from a bird's-eye perspective, its relevant parts diagrammatically labeled; more broadly, the arc of Kurzweil's narrative is an overview of three generations of Jewish women, and the ways they echo one another.
Diagrammatically, this depicts the presence of an electric field within the crystal system. Band diagrams are useful in relating the general band structure properties of different materials to one another when placed in contact with each other.
Many topology names relate to their appearance when drawn diagrammatically. Most circuits can be drawn in a variety of ways and consequently have a variety of names. For instance, the three circuits shown in figure 1.1 all look different but have identical topologies.Guillemin, pp.
Right triangle, with the right angle shown via a small square. Another option of diagrammatically indicating a right angle, using an angle curve and a small dot. In Unicode, the symbol for a right angle is . It should not be confused with the similarly shaped symbol .
It uses the Grade of Automation classifications specified by the standard IEC 62290‐1. These are explained diagrammatically by the UITP. This list focuses heavily on trains in the classical sense used for large-scale railways for passengers and freight but does include a few people mover systems.
As its name suggests, it diagrammatically represents the communication between objects of the system. OMT doesn't support interaction between objects, so the communication diagram is introduced in OMTROLL. The boxes represent the class and inner boxes refer to events. These event boxes are connected by means of arrows.
The pressure partially decreases and the velocity rises correspondingly. The velocity is absorbed by the following rings of moving blades until it reaches the next ring of fixed blades and the whole process is repeated once again. This process is shown diagrammatically in figure 5. where, symbols have their usual meaning.
This requires nine ATP molecules and six NADPH molecules per three molecules. The equation of the overall Calvin cycle is shown diagrammatically below. The overall equation of the Calvin cycle (black circles represent carbon atoms) RuBisCO also reacts competitively with instead of in photorespiration. The rate of photorespiration is higher at high temperatures.
The list is ordered in descending order of the degree of automation. It uses the Grade of Automation classifications specified by the standard IEC 62290‐1. These are explained diagrammatically by the UITP.Metro Vancouver's SkyTrain has been in operation since 1985; it is fully automated on all lines and is the 3rd longest automated metro system in the world with of automated tracks.
The location and approximate structure of the Cape Fold Mountains are also diagrammatically indicated for reference purposes An approximate SW-NE geological cross section through South Africa, with the Cape Peninsula (with Table Mountain) on left, and north- eastern KwaZulu-Natal on the right. Diagrammatic and not to scale. The color code of the Karoo Supergroup is the same as in the illustration above.
From this, he constructed phylogenetic trees that showed genetic distances diagrammatically. His team also performed principal component analyses, which is good at analysing multivariate data with minimal loss of information. The information that is lost can be partly restored by generating a second principal component, and so on. In turn, the information from each individual principal component (PC) can be presented graphically in synthetic maps.
Technology in crime detection, prevention, and investigation, including forensics. Weapons and weapons training that a uniformed officer should be aware of. Food security, energy security, water security, technological self-reliance as a part of security objectives, Disaster Management including natural and man-made disasters. # Statistical Analysis, graph, and diagrams: This part will test the candidate’s ability to draw conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical or diagrammatically form and to interpret them.
The other end of the string is left dangling at the beginning of the piece, while the first end of the thread progresses through the stitch. In peyote stitch, beads are woven into the piece in a very similar fashion to knitting or cross stitching. In fact, it is not uncommon for cross stitch patterns to be beaded in peyote stitch technique. Peyote stitch patterns are very easy to depict diagrammatically because they are typically stitched flat.
In practice, this process rapidly explodes into a profusion of terms, which become extremely hard to manage by hand. Isaac Newton is reported to have said, regarding the problem of the Moon's orbit, that "It causeth my head to ache.". This unmanageability has forced perturbation theory to develop into a high art of managing and writing out these higher order terms. One of the fundamental breakthroughs for controlling the expansion are the Feynman diagrams, which allow perturbation series to be written down diagrammatically.
Waste hierarchy is a tool used in the evaluation of processes that protect the environment alongside resource and energy consumption from most favourable to least favourable actions. The hierarchy establishes preferred program priorities based on sustainability. To be sustainable, waste management cannot be solved only with technical end-of- pipe solutions and an integrated approach is necessary. The waste management hierarchy indicates an order of preference for action to reduce and manage waste, and is usually presented diagrammatically in the form of a pyramid.
Illustrations are provided only towards the end of the book: firstly for the Carving chapter, which has seven whole-page copperplate engravings showing somewhat diagrammatically with labels and dotted lines how fowls, game, meat and fish are to be carved; and secondly in the "Suppers" appendix, which has two whole-page and two fold-out engravings illustrating the layout of dishes for first and second courses. Some table layouts are printed in ordinary text, the images of "frames" for table centres fashioned of letters and symbols in ASCII art style.
A Medmont E300 topographer The corneal topograph owes its heritage to the Portuguese ophthalmologist Antonio Placido, who, in 1880, viewed a painted disk (Placido's disk) of alternating black and white rings reflected in the cornea. The rings showed as contour lines projected on the corneal tear film. Javal L., a pioneer in the field in the 1880s incorporated the rings in his ophthalmometer and mounted an eyepiece which magnified the image of the eye. He proposed that the image should be photographed or diagrammatically represented to allow analysis of the image.
A sequence space is usually laid out as a grid. For protein sequence spaces, each residue in the protein is represented by a dimension with 20 possible positions along that axis corresponding to the possible amino acids. Hence there are 400 possible dipeptides arranged in a 20x20 space but that expands to 10130 for even a small protein of 100 amino acids arranges in a space with 100 dimensions. Although such overwhelming multidimensionality cannot be visualised or represented diagrammatically, it provides a useful abstract model to think about the range of proteins and evolution from one sequence to another.
In contrast, the second characteristic of participatory planning and design and the fourth property of community involvement are often visible among all CDD projects but very rarely in CBD projects. Moreover, community-based monitoring and evaluation which is the fifth aspect of CDD projects is only found in some of the newer projects. The fifth characteristic is what positions many of the newer CDD projects in the extreme right of the CDD cluster as diagrammatically demonstrated in Figure 1. As mentioned above, the third characteristic of community control of resources seems to be the key factor to conceptually distinguish between CDD and CBD projects.
The outcomes pathway is a set of needed conditions relevant to a given field of action, which are placed diagrammatically in logical relationship to one another and connected with arrows that posit causality. Outcomes along the pathway are also preconditions to outcomes above them. Thus, early outcomes must be in place for intermediate outcomes to be achieved; intermediate outcomes must be in place for the next set of outcomes to be achieved; and so on. An outcomes pathway therefore represents the change logic and its underlying set of assumptions, which are spelled out in the rationales given for why specific connections exist between outcomes and in the theory narrative.
Structural family therapy (SFT) is a method of psychotherapy developed by Salvador Minuchin which addresses problems in functioning within a family. Structural family therapists strive to enter, or "join", the family system in therapy in order to understand the invisible rules which govern its functioning, map the relationships between family members or between subsets of the family, and ultimately disrupt dysfunctional relationships within the family, causing it to stabilize into healthier patterns. Minuchin contends that pathology rests not in the individual, but within the family system. SFT utilizes, not only a special systems terminology, but also a means of depicting key family parameters diagrammatically.
3: Example relations between species of spaces Such relations between species of spaces may be expressed diagrammatically as shown in Fig. 3. An arrow from A to B means that every is also a or may be treated as a or provides a etc. Treating A and B as classes of spaces one may interpret the arrow as a transition from A to B. (In Bourbaki's terms, "procedure of deduction" of a from a Not quite a function unless the classes A,B are sets; this nuance does not invalidate the following.) The two arrows on Fig. 3 are not invertible, but for different reasons.
A fragment of human telomerase showing a pseudoknot. If the fragment is stretched straight along the spine of a book embedding, the blue base pairs can be drawn in two non-crossing subsets above and below the spine, showing that this pseudoknot forms a bi-secondary structure. In the study of how RNA molecules fold to form their structure, the standard form of nucleic acid secondary structure can be described diagrammatically as a chain of bases (the RNA sequence itself), drawn along a line, together with a collection of arcs above the line describing the basepairs of the structure. That is, although these structures actually have a complicated three-dimensional shape, their connectivity (when a secondary structure exists) can be described by a more abstract structure, a one-page book embedding.
" :"Suppose that this wire, which we may take to be part of a grid, is made still more negative with a view to controlling the current through the tube. It will now repel all the electrons headed for it, but will receive all the positive ions that fly toward it. There will thus be a region around the wire which contains positive ions and no electrons, as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1. The ions are accelerated as they approach the negative wire, and there will exist a potential gradient in this sheath, as we may call it, of positive ions, such that the potential is less and less negative as we recede from the wire, and at a certain distance is equal to the potential of the plasma.
Structure plans were first introduced by the 1968 Town and Country Planning Act, as strategic level development plans, prepared either by a county council or by local authorities working jointly together. They consisted of a broad framework of policies looking forward up to 20 years ahead, supported by a "key diagram" showing land use, transport and environmental proposals diagrammatically (that is, not on a locationally specific map base). Local plans, prepared by district rather than county councils, were required to accord with the overall strategy set out in the structure plan. Structure plans were increasingly criticised in the 1980s and 1990s for the length of time taken in their preparation and adoption, their often abstract nature, and for imposing an unnecessary level of policy above the level of the local district council.
In the language of category theory, free Boolean algebras can be defined simply in terms of an adjunction between the category of sets and functions, Set, and the category of Boolean algebras and Boolean algebra homomorphisms, BA. In fact, this approach generalizes to any algebraic structure definable in the framework of universal algebra. Above, we said that a free Boolean algebra is a Boolean algebra with a set of generators that behave a certain way; alternatively, one might start with a set and ask which algebra it generates. Every set X generates a free Boolean algebra FX defined as the algebra such that for every algebra B and function f : X → B, there is a unique Boolean algebra homomorphism f′ : FX → B that extends f. Diagrammatically, center where iX is the inclusion, and the dashed arrow denotes uniqueness.
The Coulomb force was generalized to the Lorentz force. For example, with this model transmission lines and power grids were developed and radio frequency communication explored. An effort to mount a full-fledged electromechanics on a relativistic basis is seen in the work of Leigh Page, from the project outline in 1912 to his textbook Electrodynamics (1940) The interplay (according to the differential equations) of electric and magnetic field as viewed over moving observers is examined. What is charge density in electrostatics becomes proper charge density and generates a magnetic field for a moving observer. A revival of interest in this method for education and training of electrical and electronics engineers broke out in the 1960s after Richard Feynman’s textbook. Rosser’s book Classical Electromagnetism via Relativity was popular, as was Anthony French’s treatment in his textbook which illustrated diagrammatically the proper charge density.
The 1998 North Head Quarantine Station Conservation Plan archaeological survey forms the current basis of assessment of areas within the active Quarantine Station area. That report diagrammatically indicated the historical archaeological sites and structures within or adjacent the North Head Quarantine Station core precinct. The 1991 North Head archaeological site survey forms the basis of the assessment of areas outside the active Quarantine Station area. That report indicated the following historical archaeological sites and structures within or adjacent the North Head Quarantine Station study area: #the sandstone boundary wall leading from the North Head Road to Collins Beach; #the sandstone boundary wall south-east of the Quarantine Station (Site No. L10); #the Australian Institute of Police Management, incorporating parts of the venereal diseases hospital, the Second and Third Quarantine Cemeteries (Sites L1 and VA1); and #the Old Mans Hat inscription area; and the Quarantine Head gun emplacement.
A schematic geological map of the outcrops (surface exposures) of the Karoo Supergroup rocks in Southern Africa: The location and approximate structure of the Cape Fold Mountains are also diagrammatically indicated for reference purposes. In geological terms, the Karoo Supergroup refers to an extensive and geologically recent (180–310 million years old) sequence of sedimentary and igneous rocks, which is flanked to the south by the Cape Fold Mountains, and to the north by the more ancient Ventersdorp Lavas, the Transvaal Supergroup and Waterberg Supergroup. It covers two-thirds of South Africa and extends in places to 8000 m below the land surface, constituting an immense volume of rocks which was formed, geologically speaking, in a short period of time. Although almost the whole of the Great Karoo is situated on Karoo Supergroup rocks, the geological Karoo rocks extend over a very much larger area, both within South Africa and Lesotho, but also beyond its borders and onto other continents that formed part of Gondwana.
The name is derived from the surgeon who first described it (César Roux) and the stick-figure representation. Diagrammatically, the Roux-en-Y anastomosis looks a little like the letter Y. Typically, the two upper limbs of the Y represent (1) the proximal segment of stomach and the distal small bowel it joins with and (2) the blind end that is surgically divided off, and the lower part of the Y is formed by the distal small bowel beyond the anastomosis. Roux-en-Ys are used in several operations and collectively called Roux operations. When describing the surgery, the Roux limb is the efferent or antegrade limb that serves as the primary recipient of food after the surgery, while the hepatobiliary or afferent limb that anastomoses with the biliary system serves as the recipient for biliary secretions, which then travel through the excluded small bowel to the distal anastomosis at the mid jejunum to aid digestion.
Characteristic of the wing base is also a small lobe on the anterior margin of the articular area proximal to the humeral plate, which, in the forewing of some insects, is developed into a large, flat, scale-like flap, the tegula, overlapping the base of the wing. Posteriorly the articular membrane often forms an ample lobe between the wing and the body, and its margin is generally thickened and corrugated, giving the appearance of a ligament, the so-called axillary cord, continuous mesally with the posterior marginal scutellar fold of the tergal plate bearing the wing. The articular sclerites, or pteralia, of the wing base of the wing-flexing insects and their relations to the body and the wing veins, shown diagrammatically, are as follows: : Humeral plates : First Axillary : Second Axillary : Third Axillary : Fourth Axillary : Median plates (m, m') The humeral plate is usually a small sclerite on the anterior margin of the wing base, movable and articulated with the base of the costal vein. Odonata have their humeral plate greatly enlarged, with two muscles arising from the episternum inserted into the Humeral plates and two from the edge of the epimeron inserted into the axillary plate.

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