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178 Sentences With "bowel movements"

How to use bowel movements in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bowel movements" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bowel movements". Mastering all the usages of "bowel movements" from sentence examples published by news publications.

After sorting through descriptions of more than 1,000 bowel movements, the researchers found that 90% of people who used a Squatty Potty strained less, and 71% had faster bowel movements.
Symptoms include watery diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements.
She regales her audiences with stories about her bowel movements.
The medically accepted definition of constipation is "fewer than three bowel movements a week, or hard, dry and small bowel movements that are painful or difficult to pass," often resulting in abdominal pain or bloating.
Fiber plus water means healthy bowel movements, and healthy gut bacteria.
Try not to strain during bowel movements or sit too long.
Bowel movements become more frequent and sleep harder to come by.
Senna acts as a laxative and will cause more bowel movements.
Anal symptoms include discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding, or painful bowel movements.
If caught anally, it can create itching, bleeding and painful bowel movements.
"We're creatures of habit," including when it comes to bowel movements, she said.
Most people experience watery diarrhea, and "explosive bowel movements," according to the CDC.
They include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements, according to the CDC.
He's bluff and steady, predictable down to the timing of his bowel movements.
Mike: [general practitioner voice] Are you having normal bowel movements when this happens?
They include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive, bowel movements, according to the CDC.
Then they each collected and froze their feces whenever they had bowel movements.
In constipated people, it seems probiotics can boost the frequency of bowel movements.
"Even within this normal population, the toilet stool benefitted their bowel movements," Stanich says.
When the pelvic muscles don't work optimally, kids can struggle to control bowel movements.
Right now, Google's nascent interest in tracking your newborn's bowel movements is a relative footnote.
Plus, the trend of highly stylized bathrooms 'grams isn't actually related to, say, bowel movements.
Symptoms of cyclospora include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements, according to the CDC.
According to the CDC, symptoms of cyclospora include diarrhea, with frequent, sometimes explosive, bowel movements.
The Squatty Potty "gets us closer to how we're 'supposed' to have bowel movements," he says.
Now, go eat some fiber and thank your healthy GI tract for your normal bowel movements.
His bowel movements contained blood, and his temperature shot up to more than 103 degrees Fahrenheit.
This type of constipation isn't due to physical or hormonal issues that make bowel movements difficult.
Luckily, the creators of Westworld took the time to answer our pressing questions about synthetic bowel movements.
Doctors ask patients questions about their bowel movements and other details (consistency, color, blood, and so on).
" Moments later, she added that anxiety before the concert had caused her to have "severe bowel movements.
My bowel movements, according to what I learned on an episode of Dr. Oz, could indicate cancer.
Most people infected with cyclospora develop watery diarrhea "with frequent, sometimes explosive, bowel movements," according to the FDA.
Anyone who has regular bowel movements will tell you it looks exactly like you just pooped a potato.
In an update on Sunday, the family also said McKenna is moving her legs and having bowel movements.
What hasn't changed, and what binds the pediatric and the geriatric, is the obsession with their bowel movements.
They include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
A fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of water, and physical activity are all linked to healthy bowel movements.
The parasite, cyclospora cayetanensis, infects the small intestine, typically causing watery diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements.
The report also mentioned instances in which travelers were subjected to body cavity searches and monitored bowel movements.
Researchers at Ohio State University found that the toilet stool's angling truly does make for better bowel movements.
So we see a lot of things — like diarrhea, bowel movements, questions about genital issues or possible STDs.
And let's face it: when it comes to your bowel movements, you probably like to keep it hush-hush.
Sometimes, people confuse period blood or bowel movements with hematuria, so make sure it's actually coming from your urine.
During a "check up" with Auntie L, Serena answers all Lydia's questions for June, including about her bowel movements.
For many women, this can cause severe pain — during their periods, during sex, or during bowel movements or urination.
When a person is menstruating, their hormone fluctuations can cause their bowel movements to vary in frequency and consistency.
Symptoms include diarrhea, with sometimes explosive bowel movements, loss of appetite, weight loss, stomach cramps, bloating, nausea and fatigue.
They include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
They can include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The average frequency of bowel movements decreased from once a day to about once every day and a half.
How could I not after expelling what Rockwood estimated to be up to 103 bowel movements in one fell swoop?
It leads to "watery diarrhea, with frequent, sometimes explosive, bowel movements" and, in some cases, vomiting, according to the CDC.
Along with the mindblowing hallucinations, drinking ayahuasca usually includes the formidable caveat of bodily excretions like vomit and bowel movements.
" A week after taking the antidepressant, Yu said, "I noticed a dramatic change in my constant need for bowel movements.
Being careless with food safety is more or less playing Russian roulette with your immune system and your bowel movements.
" The Mayo Clinic defines runner's diarrhea as a problem that causes "frequent, loose bowel movements during or immediately after a run.
Twelve weeks later, this group had about two more bowel movements a week on average than they did at the start.
After a few days of solely feeding Archie The Farmer&aposs Dog food, his bowel movements became more solid and regular.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, it occurs when someone has three or fewer bowel movements per week, usually while you're traveling.
The zombie acts as a darker option for those scarf-wearers who find unicorns and their bowel movements a little too colorful.
Have you ever wanted to message your friends about the consistency of your bowel movements, but strained to find the right words?
This entry contains all the information Gilly read out loud, as well as some stuff she (thankfully) omitted, like his bowel movements.
The most frequently reported side effects were diarrhea, nausea and frequent bowel movements, none of which were considered severe, the company said.
Compared with the dummy procedure, patients in the electroacupuncture group experienced a significantly greater increase in weekly bowel movements, the study found.
Having lost control of his bowel movements, he told relatives that nurses had left him sitting in his own excrement for hours.
Older male dogs, primarily those that are not neutered, may develop an enlarged prostate that makes bowel movements (not urination) more difficult.
In the midst of sheer wonder, our conversations were about how poorly a trail drained or how our bowel movements were faring.
On Sunday, Heise said that McKenna began having bowel movements and was moving her legs "quite a bit," with her eyes wide open.
This can result in intense pain as well as a number of other uncomfortable symptoms, such as painful urination, sex, and bowel movements.
CIC, which affects 14 percent of the global population, is a type of gastrointestinal disorder where individuals have difficult and infrequent bowel movements.
Plus, the bowel movements were caught on surveillance footage, according to police ... but they say Grocer's license plate was always shielded from camera.
Unluckily, the Pedre Integrative Health site has lots of information about weight loss and bowel movements, but no specifics about a death vegetable.
One year later she still had normal bowel movements (one or two formed stools daily) and had gained 7 kg (body mass index 19.5).
Sure, if you are passing lots of bowel movements and getting liquid out of your body, you may feel somewhat slimmer, Dr. Sam says.
As a new mom, Khloé Kardashian has run into many heartwarming moments, including some pretty unexpected, hilarious ones involving her baby girl's bowel movements.
To put it simply, nothing can stop Cano's streak right now; not pitchers, not fatigue, not industrial cleaning agents, not even more bowel movements.
These days we live in a runaway review culture, where restaurants, your friends, and even bowel movements are all fair game for anonymous criticism.
"David will need to have surgery to do a reversible colostomy to help prevent his bowel movements from entering his open wounds," she explained.
In between meals, blood tests, and bowel movements, calorimeter residents are asked to walk on the treadmill at 20053 miles per hour for 30 minutes.
He also received a colostomy, which creates a new opening for bowel movements to pass through, usually via a bag placed outside of the body.
Cyclospora can cause an illness called cyclosporiasis, which typically causes "watery diarrhea, with frequent, sometimes explosive, bowel movements," according to the Food and Drug Administration.
I discover that while bulking agents used in cheap foods can cause dodgy bowel movements, most dogs can tolerate wheat and other grains just fine.
In between meals, blood tests and bowel movements, calorimeter residents are asked to walk on the treadmill at 3 miles per hour for 20053 minutes.
The most common causes of painful poops can be traced back to constipation, defined as having fewer than three bowel movements a week, she says.
Pampers this week announced a line of smart diapers that it says will track a child's urine -- but not bowel movements -- as well as sleep.
That might not seem like much, but consider a 2003 Israeli study, where subjects recorded their bowel movements on a number of different toilet designs.
In between meals, blood tests and bowel movements, calorimeter residents are asked to walk on the treadmill at 3 miles per hour for 30 minutes.
In a tweet on Sunday night, Bella Thorne spoke candidly about a topic that people, especially women, aren't always permitted to discuss: her bowel movements.
Whether you're battling with stretch marks, hair loss or an inability to control your bowel movements, every woman's experience of post-birth recovery is valid.
She had x-rays and c-scans, observed bowel movements, and physical searches inside of her performed by border control officials who had no evidence.
For most of us, though, more fiber in our diets should reduce food transit times, soften stools, make bowel movements more comfortable, and improve bowel health.
Plus, eating fruits and vegetables regularly is a good way to make sure you have predictable bowel movements — and no surprises on your run, Kruse says.
After eight weeks, people in the electroacupuncture group experienced on average 1.8 more bowel movements each week than they did at the start of the study.
This album cemented Wayne's reputation for rapping about his money, bowel movements, and cunnilingus like the topics were an endless game of increasingly humorless Mad Libs.
He wanted to know what antibiotics still worked for her, how many bowel movements she has a day and the last time she coughed up blood.
Because our intestines can't directly digest fiber, we've long seen fiber as beneficial for relieving constipation by adding bulk to stool and promoting regular bowel movements.
The advertisement uses a unicorn and the "rainbow poop" it produces to call attention to improper toilet posture and the best position for the healthiest bowel movements.
By avoiding gluten, you might be able to lower your inflammation and improve bowel movements, as some people can also not tolerate gluten due to stomach complications.
GERMAN COMEDY fans howled when a character in "The Big Bang Theory", a nerdy sitcom, likened the regularity of his bowel movements to a "German train schedule".
Chronic constipation occurs when a patient has no more than two complete bowel movements per week with hard stools, frequent straining and the sensation of incomplete evacuation.
That means that some of us might go once a day, every day, at exactly the same time while others have bowel movements three time a day.
Kast increased her dose of bupropion and her Crohn's symptoms decreased further, to the point where she had normal bowel movements once a day and no pain.
Pelvic pain — including pain with intercourse and pain with bowel movements or urination — is often seen as the hallmark of endometriosis, but it also causes heavy periods.
While this particular plan is generally considered healthy, some people report issues with nausea, bowel movements, and vomiting when their feeding time is limited to 8 hours.
Like most couples do, we began collecting idiosyncrasies as a two—like our propensity to mutually analyze our poo by comparing said bowel movements in ice cream metaphors.
While some people might find that kombucha quells their tummy troubles, tones down uncomfortable bloating, and even improves their bowel movements, it might not solve your poop issues.
Enemas can also be performed to treat cases of severe constipation, usually in elderly people or those with health conditions that affect their ability to have regular bowel movements.
It didn't take him long to figure out that offering the best care to patients who could not talk was through monitoring their bowel movements, appetites and energy levels.
As for most of these early symptoms, people can develop constipation for lots of different reasons, but it is clear that people living with Parkinson's have problems with bowel movements.
After you kick the habit, you get to have experiences you didn't think were real, like getting a good night's sleep, arriving at places on time, or regular bowel movements.
"Some people feel embarrassed to bring up problems with their bowel movements, urinary incontinence, impotence, loss of libido, depression, and physical abuse, just to name a few," Dr. Rohr says.
Anyone with a gastrointestinal disorder that causes frequent bowel movements, like irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, might enjoy a bidet because it's comfortable to use, she says.
As the Mayo Clinic explains, that pain may be a symptom of diarrhea or constipation, because, in those situations, your bowel movements are irregular, meaning your gas isn't flowing freely.
As part of imitating otters, he and his children (he has six of them) relieve themselves outdoors in the country and try to distinguish one another's bowel movements by smell.
I hate the overcrowded medical-treatment dance, but I go to keep reporting my symptoms—of fatigue, dry mouth, low blood pressure, cramps in my toes, and weird bowel movements.
While some previous research has shown electroacupuncture can be effective at increasing bowel movements, the current study is among the first to document a lasting effect from this intervention, Liu said.
When researchers surveyed men 18 months after their operations, there were no meaningful differences among the groups in how often patients reported problems with sexual function, urinary incontinence or bowel movements.
When individuals do experience symptoms, they may come on abruptly and include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, clay-colored bowel movements, joint pain and jaundice.
Though he might never be able to control his bowel movements again, against all odds, against all things decent and sane, he emerged from his self-imposed shit strike semi-victorious.
You're constantly losing water and electrolytes throughout the day via breath, sweat, urine and bowel movements, so even mild dehydration can exhaust you and affect many of your body's daily functions.
The symptoms, which can begin a week or more after consuming the parasite, include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
By prominently focusing some of those compositions on a horse's bowel movements, the filmmakers give any reviewer an easy opportunity to refer to these images when colorfully describing the film's quality.
"IBS is divided into subsets based on whether patients' abnormal bowel movements usually involve diarrhea, constipation or both," explains Shilpa Ravella, MD, a gastroenterologist at NewYork-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center.
A 2017 study in Annals of Internal Medicine found that, for patients suffering from severe constipation, acupuncture significantly outperformed a sham procedure when it came to improving the frequency of bowel movements.
They have tracked people's bowel movements, by counting how many diarrhea and constipation episodes there are out of total bathroom visits, and found them to reduce over the course of the treatment.
The subjects are equerries and clerks, courtiers and grooms of the stool (an office that, in its original incarnation, was responsible for keeping the sovereign company during his or her bowel movements).
Then I checked underneath the blanket for the surprises its bowel movements yielded — the ones that my grandmother surreptitiously placed there earlier in the week — and we all happily ate the candy.
In a country where erectile dysfunction ads fill television commercial slots and jokes about flatulence and bowel movements have inspired entire books, the bodily function of menstruation endures as a taboo subject.
" In its warning for side effects, the narrator says: "It should not be taken by those in favor of the current administration for it may cause thoughts of suicide or spontaneous bowel movements.
Allegedly, the naming dates to 1985, when a woman named Mariko Aoki wrote a letter to the Japanese book-themed magazine "Han no Zasshi" about the connection between bookstores and her bowel movements.
Leading the charge is Huggies, which has rallied an obscure invention — a Bluetooth sensor that texts parents about their babies' bowel movements — into the centerpiece of its "smart diaper" line Monit x Huggies.
Now that she's eating a modified keto diet, which includes a lot of low-starch veggies like spinach and kale, "I'm proud to share my bowel movements are healthy and regular," she says.
"Many people with tapeworm don't show any symptoms and are generally unaware of their infection — the only way they realize they have a tapeworm is if segments appear in bowel movements," Dr. Stork says.
By the end of the 20-week follow-up, about 38 percent of the electroacupuncture group had at least three bowel movements a week, compared with just 14 percent in the dummy treatment group.
At the start of the experiment, 42 percent of the kids had bowel movements less than three times a week and more than half of had stools that were unusually hard, large or painful.
Independent lab sequencing done after the procedure found that the bacterial makeup of his own fecal matter had become more similar to that of his donor, and the state of his bowel movements drastically improved.
In July 2015, Luke Bennett underwent surgery for ulcerative colitis, leaving him with a permanent colostomy bag, which collects fecal matter when it's no longer possible for someone's bowel movements to travel through their anus.
Asado. A beef-dominated barbecue extravaganza using the entire spectrum of a cow (including chitlins, sweetbreads, brain, skirt steak, fillet, and short ribs), devouring asado in Argentina is as regular an activity as bowel movements.
But the drugs have not worked, and she said she had also been losing her temper with her 5-year-old son, Sufaid, who has difficulty controlling his bowel movements and often soils his clothes.
The teen didn't have any problems with her bowel movements, menstruation, or body weight, according to the doctors, but they decided to do scans of her body since the lump was hard to the touch.
During an otherwise normal, relatively straightforward episode of Red Table Talk, Will Smith quizzed his mother-in-law, Adrienne Banfield-Jones, his wife, Jada, and his kids, Willow, Jaden, and Trey, about their bowel movements.
They had about 0.9 more bowel movements on average each week by the end of the intervention than they did at the start of the study, but didn't continue to improve over the subsequent twelve weeks.
But not all — if any — poops actually look like that perfect fro-yo-like spiral, which is partly why Synergy Pharmaceuticals just released a complete poop emoji keyboard to help us chat about our bowel movements.
Click here to view original GIFGIF: Caddy Shack, Still: Caddyshack, Orion PicturesThe physical appearance of your bowel movements can already reveal a lot about your body's digestive health, and color changes can even indicate more severe problems.
In addition, kids assigned to physical therapy practiced proper posture on the toilet and did exercises to teach awareness of sensations that indicate a need to defecate and effective muscle contracting and relaxing for easier bowel movements.
On a trip to the French Alps with his good buddy and fellow chef Eric Ripert, where both of them ate copious amounts of cheese fondue, Tony warned Eric that he would be having large, concrete-like bowel movements.
"For the colon to be functioning properly, it needs to be contracting and relaxing in a way that is conducive to regular bowel movements that occur at predictable times and don't occur too frequently or too rarely," Lebwohl says.
The condition is often associated with symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, sudden weight loss, rapid heartbeat, sweating, tremors, irregular bowel movements, and other problems — but there may be no obvious early symptoms or they can be mistaken for other conditions.
These pictures — the companies hope to collect 100,000 photos in total — can then be used to build AI for research into gut-related diseases and to help people with such health conditions more easily track their own bowel movements.
The woman bares her soul on every social media platform — addressing her sexuality on Twitter when she shouldn't have to, documenting her eyebrow microblading appointment on Snapchat without a second thought, and even talking openly about her bowel movements.
Overall responders are patients whose abdominal pain was reduced by 30 percent or more and whose spontaneous bowel movements increased at least once in the same week, for at least half of the 12 treatment weeks, Synergy Pharma said.
While I figured that anorexia is not the greatest topic for small talk (and statements like "Hey guys, I'm finally having regular bowel movements again!" don't exactly inspire the masses), I eventually told my closest friends about my situation.
Recognizing the threat A physician's advice is key, as the symptoms for ovarian cancer—abdominal pain, nausea, problems with urination frequency or urgency, or problems with bowel movements—can be difficult to distinguish from those of more common diseases.
Constipation Problems with digestion and bowel movements are a big problem for people with Parkinson's, and we now know that these problems can start long before the tremor and problems with movement that lead to someone being referred to a neurologist.
In that period of what many would call severe deprivation, van Schneider noticed the financial benefits (he says he saved $1,000 or so a month not drinking coffee or cocktails) and better sleep and bowel movements from his improved diet.
The researchers had 52 medical residents at Ohio State and their partners (average age: 29) take an initial survey about their bowel movements and bathroom habits, and provide a detailed log of every bowel movement they had for two weeks.
We can, with just a couple of taps, check how many bowel movements our baby has had and at what time, find out how much of their lunch they have eaten, and when and for how long they have napped.
Instead, this reveal is hiding in an in-depth manuscript penned by the long-dead High Septon Maynard, who recorded everything from his bowel movements to the clandestine annulments and marriages of Westeros' leading royals, as latest episode "Eastwatch" proved.
A July 13 statement had noted that the outbreak had affected approximately 3,000 McDonald's locations across the U.S. Symptoms of Cyclospora infection can include diarrhea, explosive bowel movements, loss of appetite, weight loss, stomach cramps, bloating, increase gas, nausea and fatigue.
Yep, your worst fears are true: the constant pushing required to expel all of that water-logged poop can blow out the anal sphincters that keep it in, causing irreparable harm that can mess up bowel movements down the road.
I emailed him and asked him to talk to me about bathroom humor and gender, and it turns out there's a reason I felt my pooping was at odds with my femininity: The patriarchy wants to police our damn bowel movements.
During the eight weeks of treatment, 31.3 percent of people in the treatment group showed improvement (measured by three or more bowel movements per week without the need for laxatives) compared with just 12.1 percent in the control group who improved.
His emphases — on the children's soft sun-tanned bodies playing in the Swedish summer, on the uncomfortable pressure of his own bowel movements on the toilet, on his wife's out-of-scale body being carried down the staircase — aren't personal.
I know a lot of people who genuinely value their privacy, but I was confessing major lusts in AOL chatrooms in my early teens, detailing personal tragedies on Livejournal in my late teens, and announcing my bowel movements on Facebook in my 20s.
Part of that campaign was a video, created with Wendy Williams, in which a woman randomly approaches people on the Santa Monica Pier in California and asks them to sit on (not-functional) toilets and talk to her about their bowel movements.
The 69-year-old explained that he has irritable bowel syndrome, which messes with your ability to control your bowel movements, especially when you're stressed—something he apparently experienced driving to work on Friday morning after some dude cut in front of him.
" But before he gets to rapping about his bowel movements, he takes aim at a thing that some old rap dudes seemed to be mad about a few years ago: "The boom bap is coming back with an ax to mumble rap.
Starting from the top, here's why your bowel movements are different during a hangover: When you drink alcohol, it irritates your stomach lining, which can cause a burning stomach upset, explains Alexis Halpern, MD, emergency medicine physician at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Hughes's blow-by-blow accounts of bowel movements, menstruation, menopause, pores and salivary glands shouldn't be mistaken for celebrity gossip or scatological humor — though it takes guts, so to speak, to depict courtiers fat-shaming one another and guesstimating who had missed a period.
I, on the other hand, have to do everything in bed — brush my teeth, bathe and use the "bathroom" — a plastic bag for bowel movements and, for urinating, a dubious-looking plastic container attached to a tube feeding into a bucket on the floor.
You could watch him humiliate supplicants on "The Apprentice" and hear him on "The Howard Stern Show" gallantly describing the mystery of Melania's bowel movements ("I've never seen anything—it's amazing") and announcing that, "without even hesitation," he would have had sex with Princess Diana.
Case in point: Researchers led by Martin Qvarnström, a PhD student in evolutionary biology at Uppsala University, used the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France, to study the bowel movements of Triassic predators that lived 230 million years ago, in what is now Poland.
Suffice it to say, many of the bystanders are left literally speechless by the beautiful, soft-spoken actress musing on wildly inappropriate topics and hurling expletives at them in bits about bestiality, bowel movements, how Google ruins relationships (hint: porn!) and Andrew Dice Clay-style riffs on fairy tales.
It's hard to work up a venomous lather when every athlete has hollowed out the section of their brains where interesting thoughts exist so they can peddle an app that allows you exclusive access to the shape and color of their bowel movements not available on other social media.
That sensor syncs to a Huggies smartphone app, where it relays information about the temperature and air quality, and — in addition to individual alerts about baby poop or pee — tracks the overall frequency of a baby's bowel movements and calculates the times of day the diaper tends to need changing.
Elastic walls designed to contain your child's bowel movements are certainly part of the innovation at play, but the real genius comes with a set of three layers that whisk liquids away, prevent them from re-surfacing and touching your baby's skin, and then storing them for up to 12 hours overnight.
Book 250 leapfrogs back in time to provide an unexpected and often charming glimpse of his childhood and teenage years — the source of those awful insecurities (he describes his childhood as a "ghetto-like state of incompleteness"); in this volume, the author's desire to recreate every aspect of the past extends to descriptions of his bowel movements.

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