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234 Sentences With "fecal matter"

How to use fecal matter in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fecal matter" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fecal matter". Mastering all the usages of "fecal matter" from sentence examples published by news publications.

How did we get from the pieta to fecal matter?
Later, he would sample his skin and fecal matter again.
Vibrio cholerae travels from person to person via fecal matter.
Yes, that means your toothbrush is being spattered with fecal matter.
Their work requires a commitment, Ms. Dalton of Fecal Matter said.
Chimpanzee nests have less fecal matter than human beds , study says.
More specifically, however, the virus spreads through fecal matter and vomit.
A UK study found 16 percent of cellphones contained fecal matter.
The indigestible materials in the coprolite were coated in fecal matter.
The amount of contaminants, like fecal matter, were just too high.
In another, you'd lick a spoon that had touched fecal matter.
Some research suggests the virus can also spread via fecal matter.
It's not clear if the virus can be spread through fecal matter.
They are testing fecal matter, not the stomach—a very significant difference.
Dribbly bits of fecal matter, because Scott Walker's got shit for brains.
SARS also spread via fecal matter during its 2003 outbreak in Hong Kong.
Hint: Fecal matter You might want to think twice before taking a dip.
"Imagine throwing up so much that you throw up fecal matter," he says.
A 2011 study noted that 1-in-6 phones have fecal matter on them.
The first modern fecal matter transplant didn't take place until the mid-2500th century.
Wanted: fecal matter from healthy adults with a regular constitution and a good heart.
An investigation has found that , and served ice in drinks contaminated by fecal matter.
Most amazingly at no point does Wayne make one one cringeworthy fecal matter punchline.
Your work is being picked up by some fashion entities like designer duo Fecal Matter.
When the fecal matter is left to dry on the street, particulates can go airborne.
Fecal matter donors typically undergo a rigorous screening process, says Mark Smith, director of OpenBiome.
Maybe if they were under 18 and admitted to having fecal matter on their dong.
The rest is in the cosmos, in the feculence of fecal matter, in the garbage.
But it gets more dire quickly: harmful microbes like E. coli are found in fecal matter.
There is another crisis brewing, and it isn't the animal fecal matter in your algae water.
I'm talking layered on globs of human fecal matter covering her arms, legs, face and HAIR.
The genes found were likely spread through fecal matter by humans or wildlife, according to Graham.
Hepatitis A is transmitted through fecal matter, sometimes by people who prepare food with unwashed hands.
People fall ill an average of seven days after eating the food contaminated with fecal matter.
People fall ill an average of seven days after eating the food contaminated with fecal matter.
Two volunteers defrosting the fecal matter last month discovered the thumb drive and called Dr. Hupman.
Reports indicate police found fecal matter throughout the basement, including on the boy's mattress, which lacked sheets.
I will say this: Whichever production assistant fabricated those diapers did not skimp on the fecal matter.
Scientists are finding that stagnant floodwaters there contain startling amounts of human fecal matter and E. coli.
The kids debated the fecal-matter challenge — most wouldn't to do it for less than $2 million.
It would be fascinating if spores in fecal matter could be revived after decades on the moon.
Was it because most of his levels have some reference to fecal matter and that annoys Nintendo?
Compared to other countries, Germany is more focused on fecal matter and butts than on sexual acts.
This means it is highly possible the virus can exist in and spread through contaminated fecal matter.
"You sold us discounted weed because it touched fecal matter," Jake is heard saying in the recording.
By the time fecal matter enters the rectum, you're usually en route to the nearest serviceable bathroom.
While working in a chicken slaughterhouse where she was tasked with inspecting carcasses for impurities such as fecal matter or feathers, Lisa was directly told not to document fecal matter found at a specific checkpoint—one of the last, she adds, before the chickens were packaged for shipment.
"We actually advise patients to stop antibiotics before they have a fecal matter transplant, if possible," said Osman.
The culprit could have been another animal's fecal matter; it's possible that humans relieved themselves in the canals.
" Private testing by FPMPAM of the Tonduk River water found "unhealthy levels of manganese, metals and fecal matter.
But that's misleading: The rectum is designed to hold varying amounts of fecal matter, so the tissue is stretchy.
Roaches can eat plants, garbage, the foods we eat; it even feasts on our skin cells and fecal matter.
And, to be honest, it's not even all that shocking that fecal matter could end up in the ice.
In 17th-century Virginia, critics of rebellious indentured servants denounced them as society's "offscourings," a term for fecal matter.
And you put it under the microscope and it's full of webs and bugs and spiders, fecal matter, exoskeletons!
In a new report, the Centers for Disease Control in China found a single viable coronavirus in fecal matter.
They're often provocative, with depictions of explicit sex and, in 2015's "River of Fundament," persistent consideration of fecal matter.
"To hone in on menstrual blood is ridiculous," Gunter said, when there's also sweat, urine and fecal matter to consider.
This fecal matter — and T. cruzi — can then wind up in the bloodstream of the next person the bug bites.
Officers left Perry in another cell for over an hour, returning to find blood and fecal matter on the floor.
Fecal matter transplants, or FMTs — the procedure that Egyptian and Chinese doctors used long before Eiseman — suddenly made a comeback.
Bits of hair found in the lions' fecal matter then helped them identify the male lion that led the attack.
Initial results released in August found 85033 of 35 wells tested in the area contained human or livestock fecal matter.
OREGON: Leaving a container of urine or fecal matter on the side of the road is a Class A misdemeanor.
He says that there's no scientific evidence to support the idea that fecal matter gets jammed up in one's guts.
Instead, I showed them photos of the monstrous bacteria that can live in fecal matter and transfer to your skin.
A 2008 informal study from the University of Arizona found bacteria associated with fecal matter on the bottom of shoes.
In case you forgot your Infectious Diseases 101, cholera is a bacterium that thrives in water polluted by fecal matter.
Up close they are awash in drawn fecal matter with many a character depicted mid-penetration by someone or something.
Humans tend to be infected by ingesting infected fecal matter, such as drinking contaminated water or through contact with poor sanitation.
The statement added that the fecal matter used in the two patients originated from stool that came from the same donor.
My research has led me down a rabbit hole of information about the spread of "fecal matter" outside of the bathroom.
Maybe accounts like Salvia and Fecal Matter are in fact heralding an imagined, idealized future of pan-gender, post-racial identity.
All four sculptures of fecal matter sat on elegant Persian rugs, like welcome-home gifts left by a huge, vengeful dog.
E. coli infections are spread by oral contact with fecal matter and can cause serious symptoms and even be life-threatening.
Fecal matter floating in flood water could easily infect wounds and pose other threats to people who drink water out of desperation.
People usually get exposed to E. coli through contaminated water or food, or through contact with sick people or their fecal matter.
People typically get hepatitis A after eating food that has been contaminated with fecal matter from a person who has the infection.
When fecal matter makes it into drinking water, it spreads cholera, dysentery and even polio, continuing the cycle of disease and poverty.
Arguably everything that they do is cute—except, of course, for getting fecal matter all over themselves and giving their owners salmonella.
Together Mx. Bhaskaran and Ms. Dalton post under the name Fecal Matter, broadcasting their unnerving interpretation of beauty to almost 300,000 followers.
But some research suggests the virus can spread via fecal matter — studies have found traces of the virus in infected patients' poop.
There's also a carnival-style game in the lobby that asks you to bob for rubber duckies potentially contaminated with fecal matter.
Wash your hands thoroughly and exercise care and caution when cleaning up after animals, since disease can be transmitted through fecal matter.
The researchers collected the sharks' fecal matter during the feeding trial, and all sharks were euthanized at the end of the three weeks.
"We always went into this knowing that people see us as a joke or click bait," Mx. Bhaskaran, 26, of Fecal Matter said.
Surfaces in the bathroom, especially public ones, are often covered in traces of fecal matter that could contain pathogens like salmonella or noroviruses.
But Press says USDA's current inspection policy isn't good enough because it only applies to fecal matter that's "visible" on the production line.
Hepatitis A spreads by fecal matter—even in microscopic amounts—so those who lack access to proper sanitation are the most at risk.
Hepatitis A is a viral infection of the liver that is commonly spread when people eat or drink something contaminated with fecal matter.
Rather, an anal douche is used before anal sex as a way to clear any fecal matter from the area and prevent messes.
It is transmitted through the accidental ingestion of fecal matter containing the bacteria, such as when food handlers do not wash their hands.
We're also becoming more open to discussing defecation and fecal matter in a medical sense, even if it's usually in somewhat coded terms.
Even if your adorable hedgehog looks perfectly clean and generally cute, it's quite possible that there's fecal matter on its face and body.
The problem is that E. coli, carried through fecal matter, is present in a number of different contaminants from even more possible locations.
And an estimated 842,000 people die each year from diarrhea caused by unsafe water, often because of fecal matter, and lack of sanitation.
Hepatitis A spreads by fecal matter — even in microscopic amounts — so those who lack access to proper sanitation are the most at risk.
If a healthy horse eats a piece of hay contaminated with fecal matter from an infected horse, for example, it can get sick.
Public health officials have traced an outbreak of cyclosporiasis back to lettuce tainted by the cyclospora parasites, which is transmitted in fecal matter.
K. polythalamia rarely eats anything else — its digestive system is stunted, and scientists have found little to no fecal matter in its body.
His body was decomposing, there were wheelchair tracks of blood and fecal matter, open bottles of alcohol, and a loaded handgun next to him.
Doctors are now beginning to freeze and thaw donations, while others have come up with a capsule treatment, which contains freeze-dried fecal matter.
It's a complex one: On the one hand, fecal matter left in the soil or on the streets can cause serious, life-threatening illness.
The 2006 spinach outbreak was linked to contamination from cattle fecal matter found near a California spinach farm, according to state and federal officials.
E. coli live in the environment, foods, and people's and animals' intestines and fecal matter, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Fecal matter is inherently revolting to most of us, but researchers actually have a theory as to how someone could develop an attraction to it.
The parasite is transmitted when a person comes into contact with the fecal matter of a sick person—and yes, it can survive chlorine treatments.
I was a little freaked out by the idea of fecal matter coating my acneic skin, but to my surprise, it was actually really relaxing.
Sam is a glamorous 33-year-old who suffers from the invisible condition ulcerative colitis and wears a j-pouch bag that collects fecal matter.
Then in 2013, a ship suffered a power outage, which affected its sanitation system and left 4,200 passengers dealing with raw sewage and fecal matter.
Back in 2000, he tested over 100 household sponges across America and found that 15 percent of them had salmonella, fecal matter, and other bacteria.
Viruses, for example: Dr. Bushman and his colleagues have shown that bacteria-infecting viruses can survive the journey from donors to patients in fecal matter.
Later that year he helped found OpenBiome, the nonprofit stool bank that now supplies most of the fecal matter for transplants in the United States.
Hordijk, who wasn't involved with this study, has researched bacteria found in pets' fecal matter, as well as the potential antibacterial resistance of that bacteria.
The study swabbed 26 participants shoes for three months and identified nine types of bacteria, including E.coli and coliform, which is present in fecal matter.
On their own, animalic scents are very potent and "can smell like sweat, fecal matter, unwashed hair, body odor and even cat pee," Zappas says.
Studies at the University of Arizona suggest that 9 out of 10 phones have a potential disease-causing microbe, and 16% test positive for fecal matter.
It's often spread when a person consumes even a microscopic amount of fecal matter from an infected person, who spreads it through touch, the release explains.
Often around 50 percent of the original energy contained in the ingested food is still left in the fecal matter, so there's quite some recon potential.
Meanwhile, infectious diseases are commonly spread by direct person-to-person contact, according to the Mayo Clinic, and fecal matter is one agent of direct transmission.
If they have a bidet, at least something is getting washed properly—and there's less need for your hands to be near fecal matter at all.
Hitler was famously vegetarian—not counting the Bulgarian fecal matter his personal physician, Dr. Morell, would supposedly mix in with his injections of morphine and methedrine.
The tally has grown to 395 cases of people who fell ill from salad mix contaminated with the Cyclospora parasite, which is spread through fecal matter.
Then VICE's Thomas Morton meets doctors taking fecal matter from healthy donors and implanting it into the colon of patients suffering from bacterial infections or colon cancer.
These poop emoji are for fun only, but if they just so happen to help you talk with your doctor about the taxonomy of your fecal matter?
But by the late '22016s, fecal matter transplants were increasingly recognized as a treatment for infections caused by the bacterium Clostridium difficile — infections that can cause colitis.
She claimed during her 7-year run with the band, White would text her penis pics, sex videos involving fecal matter and demanded she change her hairstyle.
Bidets work by spraying a small stream of water — the same water that comes out of your faucet — onto your butthole, rinsing off any leftover fecal matter.
As for turning fecal matter into electricity, it's done here in the United States, too: As of May, there were approximately 240 digesters operating on American farms.
But Gisler says this solution is inadequate because once heavy rainfall starts, fecal matter spread on farmland will still run off into waterways and seep into groundwater.
At least 60 percent of water wells in Rohingya refugee settlements are contaminated with fecal matter from latrines that have been dug too close to drinking sources.
Practitioners and all manner of internet health gurus claim that colonics help "detox" your innards of fecal matter that's supposedly been hanging around in there for too long.
Because fecal matter is an output of the body, all the infectious diseases and bacteria one carries are brewed into it by the time it's slated for release.
Coombs Lee also described the case of a dying woman who took a lethal prescription after she began leaking fecal matter, which prevented her from ever feeling clean.
This is how the parasites tend to end up back in rats' fecal matter, where they are then eaten by slugs or snails -- and so the cycle continues.
There, the virus is believed to have spread "via aerosolized fecal matter through the internal sewer system," according to a report by the US National Institute of Medicine.
Their association with garbage cans and fecal matter-encrusted wings and ledges in cityscapes likely contributed to them losing the popularity contest to the domesticated chicken and other poultry.
On the book's cover there are two pale legs, each coated in fecal matter as if dipped in a sewer and left to harden on paper like caramel apples.
Doctors are looking for answers For at least six years, the PCRM has been asking questions about fecal matter contained in the birds we eat on a daily basis.
The subsequent autopsy revealed a massive amount of fecal matter within the snake's large intestine, which itself measured 31.1 inches (79 cm) long and weighed 14.33 pounds (6.5 kg).
A police spokesman tells PEOPLE that the responding officers found the home riddled with refuse, including stacked piles of garbage as well as fecal matter throughout the entire home.
Dr. Lee Riley, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, Berkeley, spoke to local reporters , warning about the dangers of fecal matter when it dries, specifically rotavirus.
Then, when the floods came, cholera was carried down by the water itself, which swept up fecal matter dumped on the hillsides, contaminating the river and other drinking supplies.
They can harbor these nasty bacteria in their feathers, beaks, fecal matter, food, and bedding and readily spread it to any area they touch or in which they roam.
Several co-workers, friends, and my roommate—whose fecal matter I put into a poop pill a few months ago—were all fighting for a spot at the table.
"Now that lake is just a huge pool of nutrients," he said, using the scientific term for nitrogen- and phosphorus-rich waste, usually originating from fertilizer or fecal matter.
In a second part of the study, when researchers gave fecal matter transplants from patients that responded well to mice with microbe-free guts, they also responded positively to treatment.
People typically contract norovirus by consuming food or beverages contaminated with fecal matter from an infected person, or from touching their mouth after coming into contact with a contaminated surface.
Another field with growing momentum in personalized medicine is Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT), a procedure in which fecal matter is collected from a tested donor to treat certain gut disorders.
Perhaps the most infamous of these is the "cruise ship bug" norovirus, which can spread via fecal matter that shoots into the air after you flush (technical term: "toilet plume").
Costco had already acknowledged that wastewater from the plant would contain fat, blood, ingesta, and fecal matter, as well as processing chemicals such as ammonia hydroxide, chlorine, and peracetic acid.
"Fecal matter can have salmonella in it, and urine could carry Zika, plus viruses that cause bronchitis, pneumonia, and even meningitis," says Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at Arizona State University.
The therapy transfers fecal matter from healthy donors into the bowels of ailing patients, restoring the beneficial works of the community of gut microbes that have been decimated by antibiotics.
Holding up a beaker of fecal matter, Mr. Gates reminded the audience that human waste is disgusting, containing 200 trillion rotavirus particles and 100,000 parasitic worm eggs, among other organisms.
The lungs of early humans also may have been irritated by the high levels of pollen and particles of fecal matter produced by the savanna's vast herds of grazing animals.
Well, considering that dogs have a tendency to eat their own fecal matter, it doesn't come as a surprise that some pups would occasionally decide to see how a bee tastes.
Cyclosporiasis is caused by Cyclospora cayetanensis, a single-celled protozoa most commonly transmitted on produce contaminated with human fecal matter, particularly from tropical or subtropical regions where the parasite is native.
There are a lot of startups looking at your DNA these days but uBiome stands out as unique among them for testing the DNA of microorganisms found in your fecal matter.
On its own, this bacteria isn't usually harmful, but its presence is an indicator of other contaminants, such as microorganisms that dwell in fecal matter, disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
Maybe this could be like a much less impressive Claes Oldenburg sculpture that I can actually afford, or this giant inflatable sculpture of fecal matter that Paul McCarthy made in 2007.
You track the fecal matter of a nearby deer, wound it with a well-timed shot, and track its blood trail to a corpse on the other side of the forest.
Improperly cooked food, poor hygiene in food preparation, lack of pasteurization, and contamination with fecal matter are all very dangerous and serious problems that take a major toll on our species.
He even told ELLE UK that he'd found traces of fecal matter on lemons—not exactly the kind of citrus-y goodness you want floating around in your lemon-based cocktail.
Folks, we truly do inhabit the dumbest timeline, so perhaps zapping fecal matter with mustard-laser on your computer will be what stops our food systems from going to, well, shit.
O157 is also most commonly found in the fecal matter of cattle, a fact Noble says is essential to figuring out the mystery of how it got into Arizona's irrigation canals.
Bidets work by spraying a small stream of water, the same water that comes out of your faucet for brushing your teeth, onto your butthole, rinsing off any leftover fecal matter.
An enzyme-heavy laundry pre-treatment product, like Zout, is also recommended, as the enzymes will help to break down a protein stain (fecal matter falls into the protein stain category).
Cholera is a bacterial disease spread by fecal matter coming into contact with drinking water or food; in places with inadequate sewer systems, the bacteria can easily spread to water wells.
The episode demands some fascination with plumbing and a high tolerance for images of fecal matter — both in graphic video footage and in the animated illustrations Guggenheim uses throughout the series.
The parasite thrives in fecal matter, and the combination of shoddy waste disposal and the rarity of shoes allowed hookworm larvae to enter people's bodies through the webbing between their toes.
Though the coronavirus primarily causes fever or difficulty breathing, some patients have been experiencing diarrhea, prompting speculation that it could be spread through fecal matter, Business Insider's Morgan McFall-Johnsen reported Tuesday.
"If you don't wash your hands properly after using the bathroom (which most people don't), you can easily contaminate the food you're cooking with fecal matter containing pathogens like norovirus," Reynolds says.
You have an even more diminished chance of developing E. coli or norovirus from fecal matter spreading at a large public event, because "all the sick people are staying home," Tierno says.
The operation Zayner envisioned, however, would involve more than a simple fecal matter transplant; instead he would also alter the bacterial composition of his nose, mouth, arms, and skin — his entire exterior.
A team of Danish researchers did a systematic review of seven studies looking at the effects of probiotic products (like yogurt drinks and biscuits) on the actual bacterial makeup on fecal matter.
"In Mexico there are 13 million people who, like in Iztapalapa, have access to running water but it is contaminated by either fecal matter and heavy metals." she told reporters last year.
McDonald's recently recalled salads at about 3,000 of its U.S. restaurants due to an outbreak of cyclosporiasis tied back to lettuce tainted by the cyclospora parasites, which is transmitted in fecal matter.
The scientist also sites an earlier study on humans in the Netherlands that resulted in improvements in insulin sensitivity – but that study delivered the fecal matter endoscopically as opposed to in pill form.
Another inmate, Arturo, also was released from L.A. County Men's Jail Friday morning, and he says there was blood and fecal matter on the walls and says the place was dirty and disgusting.
Bryan: When I think of Game of Thrones, I don't necessarily think of snappy, Edgar Wright-esque filmmaking, but halfway through "Dragonstone," the show delivers exactly that — only with a lot more fecal matter.
You may get fecal matter on your hands or clothing—which is gross—but it's highly unlikely you'll get a full blown infection unless what gets on your hands is from an infected person.
These could include things like probiotics, or even fecal transplants, where the fecal matter of a healthy person is introduced into the bowel of another person to repopulate the gut flora with different microbes.
Independent lab sequencing done after the procedure found that the bacterial makeup of his own fecal matter had become more similar to that of his donor, and the state of his bowel movements drastically improved.
It's the dangerous ones that prompt us to pull out the disinfectants and gloves: gastro and flu viruses, cold bacteria, salmonella, listeria, yeast, mold, staph, fecal matter and E. coli -- to name but a few.
In July 2015, Luke Bennett underwent surgery for ulcerative colitis, leaving him with a permanent colostomy bag, which collects fecal matter when it's no longer possible for someone's bowel movements to travel through their anus.
The cap of the giant shipworm's shell seals over its mouth, presumably stopping it from directly consuming the sediment it lives in, and there were only "trace quantities of fecal matter" in their digestive systems.
He explained these bacteria can live in swimming pools or natural bodies of water, and the flood waters, contaminated by sewage and fecal matter, just "happened to have more" bacteria than other bodies of water.
The investigators also found chickens struggling to breathe air dense with ammonia and fecal matter; birds covered in feces; hens with bloodied bodies from attacks; and the rotten bodies of dead birds among the living.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota found fecal matter in sixty-nine per cent of pork and ninety-two per cent of poultry; Consumer Reports found it in a hundred per cent of ground beef.
Hormones found in their feces showed improved emotional resilience In sifting through their fecal matter, Lambert found both groups of rats trained to drive secreted higher levels of corticosterone and DHEA, hormones that control stress responses.
Kurt Cobain found Nirvana by endlessly doodling names like Cold and Wet, the Mandibles and Fecal Matter; Led Zeppelin was a fast choice after the Who's Keith Moon declared that was how they would go over.
The tools, which are few and far between in the US, work by spraying a small stream of water (the same water that comes out of your faucet) onto your butthole, rinsing off any leftover fecal matter.
A potential concern with this coprolite analysis is that the owner of the poop never actually consumed the mouse or snake, and that this individual's fecal matter became intermixed with surrounding material, such as fur and bones.
The treatment has more than an 80 percent success rate, according to several studies, and many patients feel better within hours of receiving the procedure, which is usually administered through colonoscopy or capsules containing desiccated fecal matter.
And almost 40 percent of cruise ships we surveyed still rely on 35-year-old waste treatment technology, leaving sewage with high levels of fecal matter, bacteria, heavy metals and other contaminants harmful to aquatic life and people.
Save Kumwenda, senior lecturer in environmental health at the University of Malawi's Polytechnic, explained that surveys in the Chikwawa district and another southern district, Mulanje, found that approximately 20% of the boreholes there were contaminated with fecal matter.
The second scenario — licking the spoon with fecal matter — was from a porn act known as A.T.M., in which a man puts his penis in a woman's anus and then immediately follows by sticking it in her mouth.
To test LESS, the researchers applied the coatings to glass and ceramic and then dripped and dropped dyed water and "synthetic fecal matter" — a mix of seven ingredients, including yeast, peanut oil, and miso — onto the coated surface.
It's everywhere, we just don't realize it (this is likely akin to the particles of fecal matter and bacteria that have been demonstrated to be sprayed into the air after one flushes the toilet, often landing on our toothbrushes).
The battle is over whether the treatment — which involves transplanting healthy fecal matter into the bowels of patients suffering from the infection — should be classified as a drug or as a procedure akin to organ, tissue and blood transplants.
Bacon Defender is a terrifically fun and very difficult game, one that asks players to zap fecal matter that plunges from the sky, a visual signifier meant to emulate how readily literal shit can get on your precious meat.
Mind you, it's lovely, certified-organic, essential oil-based hand soap available at Whole Foods, but you know that at the end of the day, it's just the stuff everyone uses to wash subway grime and fecal matter off their fingers.
Flies are born from fecal matter and rot, so this isn't a complete surprise, but it's the first study to analyze the gut contents of these insects in detail, and evaluate the ability of flies to carry and deliver germs.
"If there's feces or fecal matter with the bacteria on an object or surface, such as a cage or a shared water bowl, this can quickly spread the infection to the other dogs that share the space," de Jong says.
After seeing an alarming news report that said cell phones are contaminated with fecal matter, cousins Dan Barnes and Wesley LaPorte were inspired to start PhoneSoap, a company that sells cell phone chargers designed to disinfect phones while they charge.
Only the astronaut isn't dead, and he has to combine his knowledge of science and advanced mathematics in order to grow crops in his own fecal matter in order to live long enough for his colleagues to come rescue him.
In modern times—with annual US gun production reaching 5.5 million firearms as of 2010, according to the Small Arms Survey—we're still trying make sense of laws and legislation written when revolution still meant gathering vast quantities of fecal matter.
"In the eastern parts of Aleppo up to 300,000 people - over a third of them are children - are relying on water from wells which are potentially contaminated by fecal matter and unsafe to drink," UNICEF spokesman Christophe Boulierac told a briefing.
Fecal matter on your clothing and body can, sometimes in ways unnoticed, spread particles to your hands, and then throughout your environment and even into your body—as hand-to-mouth germ transfer is common through simple acts like eating and drinking.
Sitting in their viscous soup, the lotus roots and the fruit bag are especially jarring in their resemblance to internal organs or fecal matter vis-à-vis the spotless perfection of their gleaming steel bowls; you expect them to stink, but you're encountering an illusion.
The research in the Journal of Hospital Infection comes not long after a widely reported experiment by a TV station in New Mexico, which suggested that beards could contain the same kind of bacteria in fecal matter, leading to headlines that compared beards with toilets.
Simply reporting on the bacterial makeup in fecal matter does not consider the increase/decrease of actual bacteria in the colon nor does it examine the health benefits from probiotics which have been corroborated in over a dozen separate studies in the past 2 decades.
"A common source of trepidation about anal is that it's dirty or messy due to the proximity of the anus to fecal matter, but this tends to be an overemphasized concern," Dulcinea Pitagora, a sex therapist known as the Kink Doctor, previously told Refinery29.
The relative cuteness of the poop emoji, which was invented in Japan in the '90s and debuted, at first quietly, in America in 2007 as part of Google's adoption of Unicode 6.0, is something of an unlikely conduit for the cultural acceptance of fecal matter.
Anyhow, best of luck to Santorum in his continued efforts to find something, anything that will push "The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex" further down the first page of Google results for his name.[Alphaville]
Drug companies, which have been struggling to funnel patients into the clinical studies that are required for F.D.A. approval, would like federal officials to restrict the stool bank's ability to distribute fecal matter in the hope that more patients will enroll in their trials.
P&O Cruises' Pacific Explorer ship dumped 59,400 pounds of gray water (which refers to waste generated from sinks, kitchen appliances, and other sources that doesn't include fecal matter) and food waste into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in 2018, the Australian government found.
The RealityIf you're going down on a guy who's been inside your butt, and said butt isn't very clean, then it's obvious there could be traces of fecal matter on that penis—meaning you could be transferring flecks of your own poop into your mouth.
"It seems to be good news," said Ivette Perfecto, an ecologist at the University of Michigan and one of the authors of the study, who connected the fecal matter of the snail to the orange spores found underneath infected leaves during a research trip in 2016.
The most baldly subversive among them, Instagram personalities with mysterious or sometimes off-putting handles like Fecal Matter, Forbidden Knowledge and Genesisfawn, are turning to prosthetics, extreme makeup, props, bodysuits and digital effects to mask or make hash of commonly held notions of what it means to be human.
It wasn't just that Satyr knew what you were into: lesbians, teens, leather daddies, twinks, MILFs, BBWs, threesomes, gangbangs, cuckolding, crossdressing, pegging, hot-wifing, wife sharing, suspension, forced feminization, infantalization, chastity, orgasm denial, roleplaying, nylon, lingerie, leather, rape fantasies, blood play, water sports, fecal matter, bestiality, crushing, necrophilia.
Hepatitis A is a liver disease that ranges in severity from a mild illness that lasts weeks to a severe illness that lasts several months, according to the F.D.A. It is typically spread by ingesting fecal matter from contact with objects, food or drinks contaminated by an infected person.
It's one thing to borrow your best friend's in a pinch; it's a whole other thing to just cross your fingers and hope the seller doesn't have herpes, stores her products correctly, throws them out on the expiration date, and always uses clean brushes (as opposed to fecal matter-covered ones).
"White sent sexually explicit and graphic images to Zawaideh of engorged and erect penises, forced her to watch sexually disturbing videos, including videos sexualizing human fecal matter, and made vulgar sexual remarks to her, such as 'Don't forget to suck his balls!' when commenting on her boyfriend," according to the lawsuit.
Norovirus typically spreads by the fecal-oral route, Wormley says, which means people contract the virus from consuming food or beverages contaminated with fecal matter, or from touching their hands to their mouth after coming into contact with a contaminated surface (the bathroom sink, counter, doorknobs) or while cleaning up after a sick person.
Fortunately, it can be transmitted only if an infected person enters drinking water around the time when a worm is leaving the body, meaning the disease would be slow to bounce back, unlike, say, polio, which is passed on through fecal matter and could quickly return from near-extinction if eradication efforts were to slacken.
Hepatitis A, a highly contagious liver disease, can be spread in several ways, including: eating even a small amount of contaminated fecal matter; eating food handled by someone with the virus who did not wash his/her hands beforehand; eating raw shellfish from polluted waters; or having sex with someone who has the vurus.
According to the DHD's website, hepatitis A is "usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter—even in microscopic amounts—from contact with objects, food, or drinks contaminated by the feces, or stool, of an infected person," though it's not known how either of those involved with the Whole Foods cases caught the disease, Phelps says.
Lily Allen and Charlotte Church have been routinely humiliated and ridiculed for trying to use their platforms—however idealistically—for the good and betterment of mankind, while Ewan McGregor cancelled his appearance on Good Morning Britain in solidarity with women only to be called a "paedophile-loving hypocrite" in a national newspaper by fecal matter in a flesh sock Piers Morgan.
Other influential drag artists who work in parallel styles include Sad Salvia, a Britain-based artist with 102,000 Instagram followers, whose minimalist looks feature an extended lip and subtle horns, and Davide Zingarelli, known as DShock, whose faces are highly bejeweled and pierced (28,000 followers.) The Parisian D.I.Y. design duo Fecal Matter, while not explicitly drag performers, work in an analogous style.
"A single goose can consume up to four pounds of grass per day and produce as much as three pounds of fecal matter every day, causing little league teams to spend time cleaning fields, dog owners to clean goose feces from their pets' paws, and walkers to walk in the street to avoid fouled sidewalks," wrote Boston City Councilor Annissa Essaibi-George in a hearing order last month.
Let's say that fecal matter does become our entire food source: Even if we assume that 50 percent of the energy of ingested food is not absorbed by the body, then each cycle of ingestion and reclamation will reduce the total feces-derived food supply by half—and that's not even taking into account whether there are still the right amounts of proteins and fats and other things.
Their show is filmed in what's called the Bear Room, named for the full-size taxidermied bear that permanently resides there, which, because it was Weed Week when I visited, was dressed in four green Timberlands, a bong mask and a baseball cap that read "Legalize It." When I arrived, Baker and Martinez were discussing the ubiquity of fecal matter in New York City while their makeup artist powdered their shiny spots.

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