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122 Sentences With "yeasts"

How to use yeasts in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "yeasts" and check conjugation/comparative form for "yeasts". Mastering all the usages of "yeasts" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They work with wild yeasts and don't add foreign yeasts to accelerate the fermentation process.
Genetically modified yeasts already make vaccines, drugs and speciality chemicals.
All yeasts engage in asexual reproduction most of the time.
The same was true for the yeasts found on coffee.
The yeasts of a Hawaiian coffee bean could, for example, be used to ferment beans being grown in Uganda; or the yeasts from Haitian cacao beans could be used with cacao grown in Ghana.
The researchers give several reasons why wine yeasts are so similar.
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that can help improve health.
Trehalose occurs naturally in mushrooms, yeasts and shellfish, among other things.
These yeasts can only produce a few specific cannabinoids at a time.
And yeasts are easy to study because they are such simple cells.
Or maybe scientists tinkering with CRISPR will develop some revolutionary biofuel-making yeasts.
As a control, the team also studied the yeasts on grapes from diverse locations.
Winemakers now regularly work with yeasts designed to optimally metabolize these higher sugar rates.
He was talking about things that were foreign to me: native yeasts, absence of sulphur.
They screened other species of lichens, and found that different species carried genetically distinct basidiomycete yeasts.
"Candida yeasts normally live on the skin and mucous membranes without causing infection," the CDC website says.
Ginkgo Bioworks has developed new yeasts, new probiotics, and bacteria that can reduce farmers' reliance on pesticide.
"The researchers [Calico] hired are using models such as yeasts, nematodes, and naked mole rats," said Barzilai.
But new research shows that coffee and cacao yeasts are far more genetically diverse than wine strains.
But illness or some medications can disrupt the balance, allowing for a problematic overgrowth of the yeasts.
Although yeast contributes as much as half of beer's flavor, Madden said not all yeasts make good beer.
Their lab uses genetic, biological, and chemical tests to ensure the yeasts don't carry pathogens dangerous to people.
We don't use any commercial yeasts and push and press the wine as little as we can, too.
Remember, beer is originally a tea infusion that you cool, sweeten up, and then let ferment with yeasts.
Eukaryotes—organisms whose cells have a nucleus and other defined organelles—encompass all complex life: yeasts, plants, hamsters, humans.
Why cacao and coffee yeasts vary so much is unclear, although human behaviour is likely to play a role.
Most were beer strains but the team included a number of wine, spirit, sake and bread yeasts for comparison.
In the end, the scientists found that basidiomycete yeasts were a ubiquitous feature, present in lichens on six continents.
The next task for the researchers is understanding whether basidiomycete yeasts play a role in building the lichens' structure.
Given this history, Aimée Dudley of the Pacific Northwest Diabetes Research Institute, in Seattle, and Justin Fay of the University of Washington and their colleagues, wondered if the yeasts associated with cacao and coffee followed these plants from their places of origin just as yeasts had followed wine from the Middle East.
When the grape juice reaches the yeasts, they absorb the sugar and give off alcohol and CO2 through the membrane.
Despite the hardships, the wines, made with indigenous yeasts and minimal amounts of the preservative sulfur dioxide, have been beautiful.
In doing so, Attinger's invention will allow winemakers to better navigate the hundreds of yeasts available commercially around the world.
Sc2.0's technique means that it will be possible to design completely new yeasts, and the range of products will widen.
Bread depends on it to make dough rise: yeasts, whether wild or lab-domesticated, consume the simple sugars found in flour.
First, we add cheese culture to warm milk, mixing together the yeasts and enzymes that give the cheese its specific characteristics.
Today's bakers, vintners and brewers have intimate knowledge of yeasts and choose strains that improve their products and grant specific flavours.
But they also contain potassium sorbate, a preservative that prolongs shelf life and prohibits the growth of many molds and yeasts.
On the plus side this could provide weapons bacteria have never come across before (yeasts and other microbes do not make antibodies).
Similarly, wild yeasts typically carry genes associated with a range of unpleasant flavours; and these genes were rare in the culinary ones.
The surgeons said that since yeasts normally inhabit the genital tract, they could have come from either the donor or the recipient.
These findings now yielded a more interesting question than the original one: How prevalent is the association between basidiomycete yeasts and lichens?
Probiotics are foods that contain live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your digestive system (not all bacteria is bad, people!).
In a traditional wine fermentation tank, if the yeasts start acting weird, it might be days before anyone smells or tastes the damage.
It's likely an Ancient Egyptian baker left water and grain in the open air, causing wild yeasts to climb in and begin fermenting.
More than 40% of the beer yeasts were found to be incapable of reproducing sexually, and the others showed dramatically reduced sexual fertility.
One way to support the health of the gut is to consume dietary probiotics (live bacteria and yeasts), such as yogurt, kefir and kombucha.
"How creative can you get?" said DeWayne Schaaf, above, who uses yeasts from places like Spain, Wisconsin and Norway to ferment his eclectic beers.
Upon research, I learned the product had no added sulfites — but that it had used selected yeasts, a cardinal sin in natural wine. Criminal?
In fact, beef and dairy cattle eat a variety of feeds, such as brewer's yeasts and citrus pulp, that are wastes from other agriculture production.
As with any pétillant naturel, or Champagne-style sparkler, after the yeasts are finished with their fermenting duties, they die, leaving sediment in the bottle.
Some lambruscos are made using the so-called ancestral method, in which yeasts are left in the bottle to create a fizz and leave sediment.
Sourdough starters—slurries of flour and water that attract yeasts and lactic-acid bacteria—take days to create, and produce different tastes from place to place.
Brewing yeasts were likely to breed continuously in a man-made environment, since they are recycled after each fermentation batch and beer is produced all year.
The slide's heading — "Everyone's first cancer experiment" — recalls Warburg's observation that cancer cells will carry out fermentation at almost the same rate of wildly growing yeasts.
He responded by saying that they prioritize by the least complex animals first—yeasts, worms, flies and fish—an only move up to mice if necessary.
Or they may be left to happenstance: lambic beers and some sourdough starters use wild yeasts naturally present in the air or on bits of organic material.
But the wasp yeast could make sour beer in just a few weeks with just yeast, reducing risk of bringing bacteria or other "contaminant" yeasts into the brewery.
Oak barrels are often exported from an established winemaking region to an area of new cultivation, and these serve as reservoirs of yeasts native to the original location.
Some of these wines are like processed foods, laboratory creations in which the product is fabricated with enzymes, yeasts, tannins and other enhancers until the goal is met.
Rather, she is a professional food designer — skilled in building flavors and textures, versed in arcana like the aftertastes of alternative sweeteners and the umami of dried yeasts.
They simply need the modern equipment and techniques of mass-produced white wine — temperature-controlled stainless steel tanks, yeasts that encourage certain aromas and flavors, and so on.
New Jersey wheat berries and ambient New Jersey yeasts made up the first batch of the pizza dough starter, which has been burbling along for eight years now.
Hand washing at any time of day (whether you've recently visited the restroom or not) can help stop the spread of many kinds of bacteria, yeasts, and viruses.
"The different mouth forms of Pristionchus borbonicus, that we have found now, are specialized for the preferred intake of bacteria, yeasts or other roundworms," noted Sommer in a release.
Complicating matters, the organism is difficult to identify using standard biochemical methods, and it's often misidentified as other yeasts (typically Candida haemulonii, Candida famata, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Rhodotorula glutinis).
These breads had a tangy, "sour" flavour produced by the conversion between the wild yeasts of sugars in the grain to acids, and crumb structures full of air pockets.
Nimble craft breweries in California and makers of lambic beer in Belgium—fermented by exposure to local and wild yeasts and bacteria—have left the Germans in the foam.
This greater diversity of cacao and coffee yeasts means there is the potential to create new flavours by using a strain from one location in another, the researchers reckon.
Following the tenets of biodynamic vinification, the wines are fermented with naturally occurring yeasts, and bottled with much less sulfites and none of the 60 additives of industrial production.
The discovery has big implications for reconstructing the timeline of evolution on Earth, which was significantly shaped by fungi, a kingdom of life that includes mushrooms, yeasts, and moulds.
"Everything that we make here incorporates wild yeasts and bacteria that we've isolated from this area, Refshaleoen, or Denmark, in general," Ehren Schmidt, the master blender and brewer, said.
You can get your fizz and pucker on at the city's first fermentation festival, a gathering of foods and drinks that rely on the chemistry of yeasts, molds and bacteria.
Pop culture implications aside, Blenner is now finding out firsthand what bread- and booze-makers have known for millennia; that yeasts are capricious little fungi, but capable of very great things.
Librede's various yeasts can make almost any marijuana compound you can dream of—but so far, the company has only been able to generate one that's cost effective: cannabigerol, or CBG.
Drs Maere and Verstrepen suspected that regular backslopping would have resulted in yeasts developing traits that led them to thrive in environments managed by humans, but to struggle in the wild.
Here's what happened: The antibiotics the man was prescribed in 2004 after receiving foot surgery wiped out the good bacteria in his gut, allowing yeasts and other intestinal fungi to flourish.
The starter he deployed at Upside is three years old and has been nourished by the airborne yeasts of 22 nations, gathered by Mr. Falco in his work as a consultant.
They served it to me with a spontaneous, funky, natural hard apple cider, the alcoholic version, one where the yeasts that fermented the apples were wild and left to do their thing.
In January, scientists at India's Nirma University tested that theory and discovered that playing Indian classical music had a positive effect on bacteria and yeasts—although even they don't know exactly why.
However, more recent studies suggest the picture may be a little more complicated, and that dandruff could result from a disturbance in the delicate balance between surface bacteria and yeasts on the scalp.
To one gallon of honey, you simply add five gallons of rainwater, a packet of Champagne yeast (even though raw honey contains its own naturally occurring yeasts), and five cups of brown sugar.
Given that yeasts have a long history of being used to ferment food and drink, archaeologists have argued for years that early craftsmen may have selectively bred yeast strains without even realising it.
Elucidating the functions of these yeasts might bring scientists closer to synthesizing lichens in the lab, a feat that would allow researchers to study lichens without having to collect them from the field.
In kitchens from Venice to Pasadena, bakers are milling their own flour, experimenting with wild yeasts, fermentation, and ancient grains, and turning out loaves that rival those in New York or San Francisco.
Despite proteins' variety and complexity, however, Dr. Blobel demonstrated that their signaling system for getting through barriers and finding their worksites is universal, operating similarly in all animals, plants and even common yeasts.
According to Lay's, an "executive chef" prepares the dish to perfection, then gives it to food scientists to distill into a combination of spices and additives—which include dextrose, molasses, and various yeasts.
They can dial the temperature down to -30 degrees Celsius or the humidity up to a drippy 99 percent to create conditions perfect for the various vinegars, misos, yeasts and fermented products they design.
Mr. Yi does not add anything other than natural yeasts to ferment his ciders: no blueberries, no hops and certainly no sugar, the tools that he says many cidermakers use to alter flavor profiles.
"This is like agile programming, but for biology," said Eric Steen, a co-founder of Lygos, a start-up here creating yeasts that make malonic acid, an ingredient in fragrances commonly derived from cyanide.
And that doesn't even get into other standard practices of winemaking, such as jump-starting fermentation with commercial yeasts and reducing alcohol levels by sending the wine through a contraption called a spinning cone column.
Finally, the agave syrup is fermented using native yeasts and distilled, with rainwater, in 650-liter stills powered by clean natural gas rather than wood, whose smoke is harmful to the mezcal artisans, or mezcaleros.
The researchers found that genes involved in the fermentation of maltose, the main sugar found in beer, were duplicated several times, allowing beer yeasts to complete the fermentation process more rapidly than their feral ancestors.
In another painstaking process, the scientists will have to carefully breed the yeasts with each other so that all 16 synthetic chromosomes (plus one extra, completely new chromosome) all end up in the same cell together.
Ginkgo started out using yeasts to create products for the flavor, fragrance and food industries and has produced probiotics in conjunction with DARPA to help U.S. soldiers stave off stomach bugs they might pick up overseas.
Mr. Stark's 2017 Champagne-style Harrison cider — an old-fashioned recipe made with apples picked in Maplewood and yeasts added to the bottle for a second fermentation — is especially promising, aromatic with spark of tart citrus.
People who shopped at farmers' markets, drank craft beer, and ate heirloom tomatoes at farm-to-table restaurants were alarmed by reports of lab-made yeasts, grapes doused in the weed killer glyphosate, and enormous corporate conglomerates.
Like these older winemakers, he relied on natural yeasts for fermentation, used minimal amounts of sulfur dioxide as a stabilizer and otherwise did as little as possible beyond gently guiding the transformation of grape juice into wine.
Like artisanal bread bakers, who recreate premodern techniques, Mr. Falco prefers naturally fermented starters to commercial products like active dry and instant yeasts, which are effective, but formulated primarily for speed and consistency, not flavor and texture.
They also use it differently: Conventional winemakers add sulfites to grapes to kill off natural yeasts, and then add more throughout the rest of the winemaking process; natural winemakers will add a little bit just before bottling.
Working with a team of experts from White Labs, a company in San Diego that develops and sells yeasts, the researchers analysed the genomes of 157 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a yeast species that is commonly used today.
In contrast, wine yeasts are only grown for a short period every year, and spend much of their lives in and around vineyards where they are subject to intermingling with wild strains, so are subjected to natural selective pressures.
And a 1979 paper titled "The Gonococcus and the toilet seat" — which sounds like a great children's book — found a variety of microorganisms on the seat of public restrooms, including yeasts and Streptococcus bacteria, which can cause different types of infections.
In the minimalist, hangar-like taproom, a dozen taps pour innovative brews, many using wild yeasts, hops from the Yakima Valley, and oak barrels for fermenting and aging; the Covenant, a mixed-fermentation, barrel-aged saison, was a recent favorite.
The goal was to refine a process that would enable yeasts to make a range of cannabinoids that are found in the marijuana plant which could be used to develop new pharmaceuticals, additives and supplements for use in clinical and consumer applications.
Mr Decolongon and his team use a mixture of techniques, including distillation and solvent partitioning (taking advantage of the different solubilities of most chemicals in water and oily liquids) to extract these and other compounds from things like plants, yeasts and barrel wood.
"Hygienically Clean Healthcare tests for molds and yeasts, and after more than 3,000 microbial tests of healthcare linens and garments, there has never been any evidence of Rhizopus or other dangerous molds," Ricci said, referring to the association's testing from many facilities.
James Heathers: Because if you conflate research in cells, yeasts, mice, or rats with human research—especially if it's about drugs or health, which is a lot of science news—you get a very overheated, skewed idea of where that research is.
Like many lambrusco wineries, the Gavioli estate, owned by the Giacobazzi family, makes most of its wines using the bulk or tank method, also called Charmat, which induces a second fermentation by introducing yeasts into huge, pressurized stainless-steel tanks of still wine.
Most of these processes involve introducing microorganisms into the food to change it (think about cheese!)—and yeasts and molds are the two main types of fungi that are used to preserve food to prevent the growth of certain bacteria that could ruin it.
Using a molecular apparatus known as a CRISPR—which Perlstein likened to a command line editor for animal genomes—PLab alters the genome of test animals (yeasts, flies, worms, fish and sometimes mice) to mimic the broken gene disorder…to essentially, make them ill.
Luyt explains to MeroToro's staff why the wines are different: They are a tiny production; they are low in sulfites and follow biodynamic methods that respect nature; they are made with wild yeasts and are considered "alive," so they might have a bit of bottle variation.
Known as probiotics, eating these various strains of "good" bacteria and yeasts found in fermented foods like yogurt (a probiotic classic) may help boost the diversity of your own personal bug garden in your gut, which in turn, may improve your health, especially in relation to certain digestive issues.
Still in its early days, Shiru doesn't have a product nailed down yet, but the science the company is exploring is increasingly well understood, and Hume says it's looking at several different genetically engineered feedstocks — from yeasts to undisclosed strains of bacteria and fungi to make its proteins.
And while it can be argued that climate's hand ensures no wine will ever be exactly the same as a previous or future vintage, Firth does adhere to a few self-imposed professional rules to ensure some consistency: he doesn't add enzymes, only uses indigenous yeasts, and doesn't filter or clarify.
To achieve the desired flavor, clarity, color and easy drinkability (so that a sauvignon blanc tastes the way a sauvignon blanc is traditionally supposed to, in other words), winemakers commonly add in sulfites, sugars, extra yeasts and fining agents that might be derived from egg whites, volcanic clay or fish bladders.
Gino Migliosi, who cures prosciuttos for the Fratelli Rustici farm, said he leaves them to cure for two and a half years in caves dug into the hillsides outside Norcia — in the traditional way, relying on natural temperature fluctuations, breezes and yeasts instead of the climate control or convection fans that many modern producers use.
And a wacky approach prevails on the beer bill, at least where the names are concerned: Funkmaster Brett (a Belgian I.P.A.), Poke the Bear (an American Pale Ale) and Peculiar Paradise (a golden saison) seem to hint at creative risks taken with yeasts and malts, though the extensive liner notes on each offering are beer-wonk reassuring.
He hates the fact that some wine science textbooks try to tell you how to make one of the oldest beverages in all humankind but loves that he just got his yeast analyzation report back from the lab and that three out of four of the wild yeasts that he uses for his wines are virtually unclassified.
She wrote about the lab-manufactured yeasts that allow growers to tweak their grapes' naturally occurring flavors, the enzymes that shape aroma and texture, the powdered tannins that enhance mouthfeel, the colorants that deepen hues, the filtration and fining processes that remove particulate matter, the sulfites that aid in preservation, the micro-oxygenation machines that smooth tannins—or, according to Feiring, "turn wine into baby food"—the reverse-osmosis machines that she called "torture chambers" for wine.
Almost all of these brews took their inspiration either from Belgian and German styles like oud bruin, an aged Belgian brown ale; Flanders red ale, another aged Belgian ale without the malty character of oud bruin; lambic, a Belgian ale in which fermentation occurs spontaneously through ambient yeasts and which is sometimes flavored with fruit; Berliner weisse, a tart wheat beer from Berlin, and gose, another tart wheat beer from eastern Germany flavored with spices and salt.
These days, sour is ascendant: in the boom in sales of candy with nearly homicidal levels of acid and apocalyptic names like Toxic Waste, which children and adults alike post videos of themselves twitching and suffering through on YouTube; in the resurgent pastime of home fermentation, as do-it-yourselfers inspired by the self-sufficiency of early settlers tend monthslong-gestating pickles, brew kombucha and coax and coddle sourdough starters into yielding loaves; at cocktail bars, which are increasingly stocking switchel and shrubs — rustic concoctions of lightly sweetened vinegar — alongside sour beer that's been exposed to wild yeasts and bacteria that devour sugars and generate acids; and, perhaps most significantly, in the proliferation of seasonings and dishes from parts of the world that have always treasured tartness and the deep funk of foods pushed to the verge of rot.

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