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"Virgo" Definitions
  1. [uncountable] the 6th sign of the zodiac, the Virgin
  2. [countable] (plural Virgos) a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 23 August and 23 September, approximately
"Virgo" Antonyms

898 Sentences With "Virgo"

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Virgo: the Virgo ClusterThe Virgo clusterImage: Chris Mihos (Case Western Reserve University)/ESOThere are thousands of galaxies in the Virgo cluster—the closest cluster of galaxies to our own Local Group cluster.
Yours, Confused Virgo Dear Confused Virgo, There is no right way to be a Virgo; however, it sounds like you're right on track.
Aquarius and Virgo are the next richest signs with 12 and 11 billionaires respectively — including Michael Bloomberg (Aquarius), Paul Allen (Aquarius), Warren Buffet (Virgo), and Jack Ma (Virgo).
Virgo season doesn't officially start until August 23, but you'll feel the energy shift earlier as Mars enters Virgo on August 18 and Venus enters Virgo on August 21.
Virgo season doesn't officially begin until August 23, but you'll feel the energy shift early as Mars enters Virgo on August 18 and Venus enters Virgo on August 21!
It's also located in the Virgo cluster, a selection of galaxies between Virgo and Leo.
Virgo is known for thoughtfulness and diligence—take a tip from Virgo by being mindful.
Thursday marks the official beginning of Virgo season—at 12:09 AM to be Virgo-exact!
Sweet Venus enters Virgo on September 19, and a new moon in Virgo arrives September 20.
The celestial focus is on the sector of your chart that rules your mind and information, thanks to the Moon in Virgo, Venus entering Virgo, and of course, lucky Jupiter in Virgo.
Virgo (Image: The Virgo collaboration/Wikimedia Commons)There are plenty of other benefits to an additional detector.
Born: September 23, 1971 Spicer has three planets in Virgo, so he's way more Virgo than Libra.
Jake, a Virgo rising, says that it's best to be as upfront with Virgo risings as possible.
Virgo season has officially begun, and the new moon will rise in Virgo on Friday, August 30th.
Suggested Strains: Cinex and Cannatonic Virgo Sorry, Virgo, but this eclipse is going to shake up your schedule.
We read them differently, for sure — Virgo humans don't want the same things as Virgo dogs, thank god.
Virgo: The Blacklist Dearest Virgo, you are analytical, organized, and the biggest perfectionist that any of us knows.
While we don't think of Virgo, typically, as ultra romantic, Virgo is an Earth sign, making it sensual.
Both Pisces and Virgo are signs that seek the truth: Virgo by analyzing and Pisces through emotional connection.
The sun enters your opposite sign Virgo on August 23, but you feel Virgo season's vibes early as Mars and Venus enter Virgo on August 18 and 21 respectively, kicking things up in your relationships!
Thankfully, Virgo season takes its foot off our necks as two planets, Mercury and Venus, leave Virgo and enter Libra.
The Moon is in Virgo today, a sign that tends to overthink things (Virgo can't help it, it's the sign of analysis).
Not only does the Sun enter Virgo, but chatty Mercury meets philosophical Jupiter in Virgo, starting many conversations about romance and creativity.
Virgo and Taurus are a harmonious connection, but not a particularly passionate one — and perfectionist Virgo may get on laid-back Taurus' nerves.
Virgo The autumnal equinox marks the end of Virgo season, and as the sun enters Libra, you feel a shift in your life.
When Venus enters earth sign Virgo on July 9, expect your already high standards to get even more particular—Virgo is super picky.
Virgo To Virgo, Libra is a sign that has many cool, stylish things, as Libra is the ruler of your house of material possessions.
This Mercury retrograde isn't the only thing happening in Virgo early this month: We also have a solar eclipse in Virgo on September 1!
The moon enters Virgo today, charismatic Venus will soon enter your sign, and there's an upcoming new moon in Virgo—exciting news arrives today!
Virgo season starts on August 23, but you feel the atmosphere shift early as Mars and Venus enter Virgo on August 18 and 21, respectively.
The Moon connects with the Sun in Virgo at 10:36 PM and Mercury in Virgo at 1:37 AM, creating an easier, more communicative vibe.
"Virgo in a way missed it, because it happened to be in a narrow part of the sky where Virgo couldn't quite catch it," says Kalogera.
This urge for solitude will continue through the month, especially with the Sun entering Virgo on August 22, as well as Mercury meeting Jupiter in Virgo.
Cancer and Virgo compatibility Virgo is not as quite a strong a match as Capricorn or Taurus, because Virgo's analytical nature can get on Cancerians' nerves.
Virgo: Chris Brander (Ryan Reynolds) from Just Friends Health-conscious and hyper-critical, Chris Brander is the cleancut, Virgo man of the holiday rom-com lineup.
Mars in Virgo finds your partners especially energized—and perhaps more confrontational than usual—but Venus in Virgo brings blessings to your partnerships and encourages sweetness.
Plus, Mars in Virgo gives you the stamina to connect all night and Venus in Virgo makes it so that your intellectual connections are especially inspiring.
Virgo Monday's full moon in Aries illuminates a very mysterious and intimate sector of your chart, Virgo, which governs sex, death, and taxes (aka "shared resources").
Mercury enters Virgo on September 5, helping you find the words for many of the tough conversations that you'll be having for the remainder of Virgo season.
Virgo season is an intense time of year for you as it's basically a portal of transformation—life after Virgo season is never the same for Aquarians.
Venus in Virgo values an eye for detail and having the facts straight—and Venus in Virgo does not like being fucked with, played with, or lied to.
Virgo season officially starts on August 23, but you'll feel the energy shift early as Mars enters Virgo on August 18 and Venus follows suit on August 21.
Since Virgo is the sign of service, Jake says that Virgo rising folks often go out of their way to perform little gestures for others, like tidying up.
The Sun enters Virgo today, and while this whole summer has brought major shifts to your relationships, Virgo season will find you going even deeper with your partners.
We begin Virgo season feeling utterly flawless, but a series of oppositions between Neptune and a slew of planets in Virgo leave us lost in a hazy fog.
LIGO and Virgo have starred in a few major discoveries since Virgo came online in August 2017, including the observation of colliding neutron stars which was announced last October.
You're ready to have serious talks about all these themes: You're ready to plan, make checklists, do all that effective, organized Virgo stuff that makes you so darn Virgo.
Virgo season doesn't officially begin until August 23, but you'll feel the energy shift early as Mars enters Virgo on August 17 and Venus follows suit on August 21.
Virgo season starts on August 23, but you'll feel the change in energy early as your ruling planet Mars and Venus enter Virgo on August 18 and 21, respectively.
M2110 Messier 2110 is part of the Virgo cluster located some 23 million light years from Earth, but unlike its Virgo neighbors, it is moving toward the Milky Way.
Even if you were never particularly Virgo-like as a young person, you'll likely grow to have more habits or quirks that are in line with a Virgo personality profile.
Mercury rules communication, so think about this, Virgo: Who would you rather speak to the world through, Leo with its massive roar, or Virgo the virgin, with its clear voice?
Not only is the Mercury retrograde in Virgo (and will be until September 22), but the September 1 solar eclipse is also in Virgo, bringing an extra blast of intensity.
The Moon enters grounded, practical Earth sign Virgo at 11:22 AM. Tomorrow the Moon will meet with the Sun in Virgo, and we will have our first eclipse of September.
Image: LIGO-Virgo/Frank Elavsky/NorthwesternAll in all, the discovery marks an important milestone in gravitational wave astronomy and proof that LIGO and Virgo do more than spot colliding black holes.
Someone may question your authority or expertise during the Virgo solar eclipse, due to the Sun in Virgo making a challenging aspect to taskmaster Saturn, which is currently in your sign.
Virgo season officially begins on August 23 but you'll feel its earthy vibes early as warrior planet Mars enters Virgo on August 18 and sexy Venus follows suit on August 21!
The new moon in Virgo brings a clean slate—sparkling clean, because you know, it's flawless Virgo—and the full moon in fiery Aries encourages us to confront things head-on.
Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by Mercury, so they share a love of intellect, but "Virgo is very finnicky, and Gemini is not, so that can be a conflict," Stellas says.
Together with the Local Group that contains us and Andromeda, the Virgo Cluster and others form the enormous Virgo Supercluster of galaxies—which is, in turn, a part of the Laniakea Supercluster.
Virgo season officially starts on August 23, but you feel the energy shift in your home and family life early when Mars and Venus enter Virgo on August 18 and 21, respectively.
There's a new moon in Virgo at 6:37 AM on Friday, August 30, the start of a new lunar cycle, or "moon-th", if you will—Virgo season has truly arrived!
But the fact that Virgo missed it actually helped astronomers figure out where the signal was coming from: the scientists knew the exact spot in the southern sky that Virgo could not see.
Virgo season begins on August 23, but you feel the energy shift early as Mars enters Virgo on August 17, followed by Venus on August 21, activating the communication sector of your chart.
The four mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) process information, and earth signs like Virgo are concerned with the material world, while air signs like Gemini are more into the conceptual world.
The Moon in Virgo will help you get things done.
Data collection at LIGO and Virgo begins again next spring.
I'm also a Virgo, love sushi, and the color green.
You're very rational, Virgo, but don't bother with logic today.
And you can trust my choices: I'm a Virgo rising.
Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in March!
Your focus is on your career and you reputation, Virgo.
What appeals most to Virgo are small details like accessories.
Virgo is definitely a sign that has to learn tact!
August holds two eclipses and a Mercury retrograde in Virgo.
What should you do during this Mercury retrograde in Virgo?
For you, Virgo season is all about resting and recharging!
Also on this day, Venus enters fellow earth sign Virgo.
Reflect on your professional goals and your reputation today, Virgo.
Wednesday's new moon in Virgo also brings a wellness boost.
LIGO and Virgo haven't made any observations since August 2017.
This Mercury retrograde is in Virgo, a logical, practical sign.
The Moon is in Virgo, bringing your focus to relationships.
The standard bearer for Virgo excellence is, of course, Beyoncé.
NASA shifts the astrological dates and you're now a Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo today, so expect to be busy!
The Moon is in Virgo, finding you focusing your career.
Make time to be alone and reflect this evening, Virgo.
The moon enters Virgo, bringing your focus to your career.
The moon enters Virgo, and you're open to new adventures.
Mercury in Virgo will help you clean that all up!
Mercury retrograde begins in your sign, Virgo, on August 30.
The next month is all about relationships for you, Virgo.
August 30 marks the beginning of Mercury retrograde in Virgo!
Virgo season shines a spotlight on your career and achievements.
You've got a busy Virgo season ahead of you, Scorpio!
"Virgo season is all about your relationships, Pisces!" says Annabel.
The Moon in Virgo is helping you get there today.
Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in February!
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Capricorn today, Virgo!
Good luck this March, Virgo, and see you in April!
Your home, or sense of home, has greatly expanded, Virgo.
This is a powerful full moon for making wishes, Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo tonight, shifting your focus to finances.
There's a full moon in Virgo, your opposite sign, today!
Tension arrives in your close relationships early this evening, Virgo.
Fellow Virgo, Wiz Khalifa was born on a full moon.
Mercury in analytical Virgo is also helping you get organized.
The other detector, located near Pisa, Italy, is called Virgo.
Jupiter will appear within the constellation Virgo, according to
Your ruling planet Mercury finally ends its retrograde today, Virgo!
You have big dreams, Virgo, but can you afford them?
You're a fantastic listener, Virgo, but are you being heard?
Virgo: as the sign of analysis, you can overthink things.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, Capricorn!
Just don't rush, Virgo, your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde!
The Moon enters Virgo tonight, bringing your focus to relationships.
It's a powerful time to move through difficult emotions, Virgo.
There's a magical energy flowing in your relationships today, Virgo!
Gemini, like Virgo, is a mutable sign ruled by Mercury.
The Moon in Virgo finds you in a playful mood.
This is a major turning point for your partnerships, Virgo.
Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in June!
You're in a social mood, Virgo, but don't overbook yourself.
Not to mention that Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, too.
Who do you want to create change with, dear Virgo?
Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in August!
Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in May!
You're still so exhausted from yesterday's full moon in Virgo.
The Moon is in Virgo, finding you hard at work.
Good luck this month Virgo, and see you in March!
Good luck this month and see you in September, Virgo!
The moon in Taurus brings new opportunities your way, Virgo.
The moon enters Virgo today, shifting your focus to relationships.
Virgo is a sign that loves list making and planning.
Your planetary ruler, Mercury, begins its retrograde in Virgo today.
Many passed, Ms. Vuong said, but only the Virgo stopped.
But most importantly, she is the pride of Virgo season.
M0003 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy in the constellation Virgo.
The moon enters Aquarius inspiring you to get organized, Virgo.
Dream big, Virgo, because great shifts are easily accessed now.
Plenty of issues will get sorted out this February, Virgo.
Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in July!
Listen closely to what your gut is telling you, Virgo.
Have you seen Karen Kilimnik's show at 303 Gallery, Virgo?
Mars and Saturn connect today, helping you assert yourself, Virgo!
Get as much work done as you can today, Virgo!
Leo season is nearly at an end, so find a reason to have a party before the Sun enters Virgo tomorrow; the start of Virgo season will find you very focused on your work.
Virgo season doesn't officially begin until August 23, but you'll feel its earthy, grounding vibe early as action planet Mars enters Virgo on August 17, followed by your ruling planet Venus on August 21.
Virgo is the zodiac sign that overlooks your house of transformation and rebirth, and the new moon in Virgo on August 30 will help you get in touch with things that need to change.
Venus in Virgo is creating positive vibes in your relationships, but even more action goes down in Virgo, toward the end of August, that will make partnering pretty much the only thing on your mind.
Pay attention to the messages that arrive in your dreams, Virgo.
How will you find your balance during this new moon, Virgo?
The Virgo cluster includes galaxies like M5003, M86, M87, M88, etc.
Chatty Mercury enters Virgo tonight, putting you in a social mood.
This is thanks to the Moon in productive Earth sign Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo today, encouraging you to get to work!
The Moon enters Virgo today, putting you in a reflective mood.
This is such an intense and powerful time for you, Virgo!
This evening brings a full moon in fellow earth sign Virgo.
There is a full moon in your sign this evening, Virgo!
Your relationships are also in focus as the moon enters Virgo.
Communication today is clear, thanks to the Moon in analytical Virgo.
Relationships will require more structure and stability with Venus in Virgo.
Earth sign Virgo is also a big fan of selfless service.
Today is little Kensli's second birthday (which makes her a Virgo).
There's a full moon in your sign, Virgo, on March 12!
The Moon enters Virgo today, putting you in a nostalgic mood.
Also on July 9, sweet, sexy Venus enters earth sign Virgo.
Shifts are taking place within your intimate relationships early today, Virgo.
First up: a solar eclipse in virtuous Virgo on the 1st.
You're ready for change, Virgo — and lots is on the way.
February 19 brings the full moon (a super moon!) in Virgo.
You're feeling a little hazy after yesterday's full moon in Virgo!
The sun opposes Jupiter and new opportunities are opening up, Virgo!
The moon enters Virgo, bringing your focus to intimacy and trust.
The moon enters Virgo, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart.
The moon enters Virgo, bringing your focus to home and family.
Virgo is about analysis and is known to be a perfectionist.
Being the sign of analysis, Virgo, you sometimes can overanalyze things.
Good luck this month and see you in November, dear Virgo!
The moon is in Virgo, finding you in a busy mood!
The moon in Virgo asks that you slow down today, Libra.
Later this month, August 22, the Sun will enter Virgo too!
The Sun in Virgo gifts you with creativity, romance, and fun!
This is a powerful time for working out emotional issues, Virgo!
The Moon in Virgo finds you eager to connect with friends.
The Moon in Aquarius encourages you to get reorganized today, Virgo!
I don't know, Virgo, I'm not psychic, I'm just an astrologer.
The moon enters Virgo and inspires you to slow down, Libra.
Sensitive emotions bubble to the surface as the moon enters Virgo.
I'm an Aries sun with a Cancer moon and Virgo rising.
It's time to explore new territory and take some risks, Virgo.
The Moon is in Virgo, encouraging you to communicate your needs.
With the Moon in Virgo, interesting news comes your way today.
Today, the Moon enters practical Virgo, shifting your focus to finances.
On May 26, Jupiter in Virgo will square Saturn in Sagittarius.
Make each moment you have on earth full and present, Virgo!
Mars in Virgo will rev things up in your sex life!
Consciously bring these higher forms of Neptune into your relationships, Virgo!
There's a powerful, intense vibe around romance and creativity today, Virgo.
Your psychic abilities are boosted when Mercury enters Virgo this morning.
You're ready to rip things to shreds and start over, Virgo.
The moon is in glamorous, luxurious Leo today, Virgo—enjoy it!
Your focus turns to your career as the moon enters Virgo.
Lucky us: Mercury retrograde begins in Virgo at 9:04 AM!
There was a new moon in your sign early today, Virgo!
The moon in Virgo asks you to seriously consider your budget.
The moon in Virgo asks that you get plenty of rest.
It's time for you to look at the bigger picture, Virgo.
The Moon in Virgo finds you in a nostalgic mood today.
The Moon is in Virgo, finding you hard at work today.
Today, the Moon enters Virgo putting you in a homebody mood.
Spend some time reflecting on what beauty means to you, Virgo.
Harry, a Virgo born in September, has Capricorn rising, she said.
The moon in Leo finds your intuition especially sharp today, Virgo!
Take time to reflect on what's holding you back today, Virgo.
There is a flurry of activity at home this weekend, Virgo!
Drama arrives in your social circle and love life today, Virgo.
The Moon is in Virgo today, finding you confronting uncomfortable issues.
The vibe is emotional and shaky in your relationships today, Virgo.
The energy is intense today, Virgo—power moves are being made.
The Moon enters analytical Earth sign Virgo today, sharpening your mind!
The Moon is in Virgo, encouraging you to rest and recharge.
Woe to any man who tries to control a Virgo woman!
An energy boost arrives when Mars enters Virgo on September 5.
The moon in Virgo finds you tending to your chores, Aries.
The Moon's in fellow Earth sign Virgo, inspiring you creatively today.
The Moon in Virgo encourages you to connect with friends today.
Finally, the Moon enters Virgo this evening, bringing news your way.
The Moon enters Virgo, too, shifting your attention to your relationships.
Yesterday's full moon in Virgo brought an important conversation your way.
The Moon is currently in Virgo, asking you to slow down.
Virgo season brings your focus to the relationships in your life.
That's what makes him so relevant to your current predicament, Virgo.
Love, money, and beauty planet Venus enters Virgo on September 19.
The moon enters Virgo this evening, encouraging you to slow down.
The moon enters Virgo tonight, inspiring you to take a trip.
"I was choosing between a Taurus and a Virgo," he said.
There is a new moon in fellow earth sign Virgo today!
Today's new moon in Virgo brings a fresh start in communication.
There are two types of art galleries in this world, Virgo.
Mars enters your sign, Virgo, on September 5, helping you strategize.
It indeed is the end of a cycle for you, Virgo.
The moon in Virgo amps up your intuitive abilities today, Libra.
You're receiving much-needed supportive vibes at home early today, Virgo.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, finally ends its retrograde in Virgo today!
Everyone wants a piece of your today, Virgo— family, lovers, employers.
Mars enters Virgo today, igniting the relationship sector of your chart!
Mars enters Virgo today, igniting the financial sector of your chart.
The moon in Aries asks that you be brave today, Virgo.
If you're waiting for a message from someone special, it will arrive soon—not in August, as Venus travels through Virgo, but perhaps in September, thanks to the Mercury retrograde in Virgo (more on that later).
Virgo season is a fun and flirtatious time of year for you, and Mars in Virgo finds you eager to create, and gives you plenty of energy to attend all the celebrations you're being invited to!
Virgo season is all about getting organized, focusing on personal wellness and self care, and getting your to-do lists handled—and Mars in Virgo will bring you the stamina you need to get things done!
Virgo is associated with the Hermit card in the tarot, and you would be wise to take some time to yourself in quiet introspection and solitude, since so much astrological focus is on Virgo this month.
The Moon meets communication planet Mercury at 5:22 AM before entering practical Earth sign Virgo at 6:22 AM. Mercury also enters Virgo at 7:41 PM, helping us get organized and grounded around communication.
Action planet Mars leaves Leo for detail-oriented Virgo on Sunday August 18, at 1:19 AM. While Mars is in Virgo, a sign of service to others, we have energy to do more for other people.
The Moon is in Virgo, encouraging you to catch up on rest.
You're focused on your career today, thanks to the Moon in Virgo.
The new moon in Virgo brings a clean slate to your relationships.
The new moon in Virgo encourages you to reflect on your routines.
Today's not the day to be too much of a perfectionist, Virgo.
There's a chance you're a Virgo who's done really well with Pisces.
Address the resentments you may be holding onto within your partnerships, Virgo!
Tonight's a bit nutty around communication, watch out for some arguments, Virgo.
These are the kinds of stories that will make a Virgo swoon!
The Moon in Virgo is putting you in a social mood, Scorpio!
Intense emotions flare up for you to deal with this morning, Virgo.
August wraps up with a Mercury retrograde in Virgo on the 30th!
Mercury retrograde begins August 12, in Virgo, so expect miscommunications and delays.
The moon enters Virgo, encouraging you to let go of the past.
The moon also enters Virgo today, finding you reflecting on your budget.
This is a great day for letting go of emotional baggage, Virgo.
These were joined in 220 by Virgo, an upgraded instrument in Italy.
Earth sign Virgo keeps us conscious of our footprint as we build.
On Tuesday, go-getter Mars switches from hedonistic Leo to hardworking Virgo.
Your focus is on relationships today, Virgo, and the vibe is intense.
The moon in Gemini finds you focused on your career today, Virgo.
Mars will enter Virgo on September 5, lighting a fire under you.
Venus in Virgo, however, is much more traditional, cautious, and risk-averse.
The moon in Virgo finds you in a busy mood today, Aries.
The Moon enters Virgo today, illuminating the intimacy sector of your chart.
"I'm a Virgo, so I organize," the "Keeping It Funk" singer explains.
The Moon in Virgo is putting you in an emotional, reflective mood.
You can usually tell what's going to happen before it happens, Virgo.
With both Venus and Mars in virtuous Virgo, standards should remain high.
Yesterday's full moon in Virgo brought lots of attention to your relationships.
You might be a picky perfectionist, Virgo, but you're certainly not inflexible.
Virgo season also lends a precise nature to your actions this week.
We kick things off with the new moon in Virgo this Sunday.
The Moon is in Virgo, finding you in a reflective mood today.
The Moon is in Virgo, finding you in a social mood today.
For starters, Bey's birthday is September 4 (which makes her a Virgo).
On the other wall I have a painting by Gustav Klimt, ""Virgo"".
It all depends on context and what's happening in your life, Virgo.
But now, Virgo and LIGO are releasing possible detections as they occur.
The Moon, in Virgo, is inspiring you to think about things practically.
Dreamy vibes will flow this evening, Virgo, especially in your love life!
Today the Moon enters Virgo, helping you get a bit more grounded.
Lover: Congratulate your Virgo crush on all of the ground they've covered.
The moon is in Virgo today, finding you in an intense mood.
The Moon enters hardworking Virgo tonight, and you'll start reflecting on career.
The Moon enters Earth sign Virgo today— how will you get physical?
Blessings come to your social life when Venus enters Virgo September 19.
The new moon in Virgo, on September 20, will bring just that.
The full moon in Virgo brings an eye-opening conversation your way.
My favorite sign is Virgo—all of my best friends are Virgos.
Virgo is everything you're not: grounded, practical, usually on time for stuff.
The Moon enters grounded Virgo at 12:52 AM. All Times EST.
Discussions about commitment in your love life will also come up, Virgo.
Aquarius season is always a busy time of year for you, Virgo!
This Mercury retrograde is in Virgo, a sign that's all about service.
The moon enters Virgo, inspiring you to tackle your budget today, Leo.
Surprising feelings will come up for you to address this morning, Virgo.
Today is all about communication, Virgo, thanks to the Moon in Scorpio.
Today, the focus shifts to your relationships as the Moon enters Virgo.
You're very busy today, Virgo, and getting things done will feel therapeutic.
The Moon is in Virgo, illuminating the friendship sector of your chart.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo, sending you good vibes!
Issues around your home and family are stressing you out today, Virgo.
The moon enters your sign today, Virgo, encouraging you to pamper yourself!
The Moon enters flawless Earth sign Virgo today at 6:24 AM!
This new moon in Virgo is begging you to do just that!
There, the Virgo full moon feels better now, having gotten that out.
It's a lovely day for communication and understanding in your relationships, Virgo.
Expect to make some good connections as Mercury hangs out in Virgo.
Mercury enters Virgo this evening, shifting the conversations to cash and security.
Action planet Mars enters fellow earth sign Virgo, finding you creatively activated.
It's an exciting time for communication as action planet Mars enters Virgo!
"I developed anorexia when I was about 12 years old," says Virgo.
Romance and creativity flow as the moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo.
Virgo season is all about your career, reputation, and life in public.
You're in the mood to make art and be flirtatious today, Virgo.
Supportive, productive energy flows on August 22, the start of Virgo season.
The Moon enters Virgo today, finding you in a sleepy, quiet mood.
Today's new moon, in Virgo, brings a new beginning to your friendships.
Give yourself a break, Virgo, and do something that feels good today.
The Moon is in Earth sign Virgo; find ways to stay grounded.
But Venus in Virgo is overly-critical, making you difficult to please.
The moon in Virgo asks that you be practical at this time.
The moon in Virgo encourages you to look at the big picture.
You'll be hard at work once the Moon enters Virgo this morning.
The Moon enters Virgo this morning, encouraging you to get to work.
On May 26, Jupiter in Virgo squares Saturn in your sign, Sagittarius.
The Moon enters Virgo today, reminding you to take care of business.
Virgo is a sign that's known for being practical, analytical... and grounded!
Use the earthy Virgo energy to help you ground and center yourself.
The moon enters Virgo tonight, encouraging you to dump a bad habit.
The moon enters Virgo this evening, asking you to take it easy.
The Moon is in hardworking Virgo today, so push toward your goals.
A Virgo knows how to see through you and truly understand you.
You are flexible, Virgo, and during Mercury retrograde, other people are, too.
Unexpected, sensitive feelings come up for you to reflect on today, Virgo.
You're in a chatty mood today, thanks to the Moon in Virgo.
The Moon is in analytical Virgo today, and your mind is sharp.
Venus enters fellow earth sign Virgo, bringing blessings to your love life!
Venus enters Virgo, finding you in the mood to beautify your home.
The Moon is in Virgo, illuminating the communication sector of your chart.
What do you need in order to feel safe and secure, Virgo?
The moon in Cancer finds your reflecting on your friendships today, Virgo.
At some point, Virgo, it's time to learn how to let go.
So, Virgo, let off some steam and get steamy with your lover.
Now, it should come as no surprise that Beyoncé is a Virgo.
The moon in Virgo finds you in a cozy mood today, Gemini.
The moon in Virgo finds you in a sensitive mood today, Aquarius.
The Moon also enters Virgo, turning your focus to your intimate relationships.
The Moon also enters Virgo, encouraging you to kick a bad habit.
The Moon is in Virgo, encouraging you to open up to transformation.
The new moon in Virgo arrives September 20, bringing a fresh start.
The Moon is in Virgo, highlighting the relationship sector of your chart.
The moon enters Virgo today, reminding you to get your chores done.
The moon enters Virgo, asking you to be smart about your budget.
It's a productive day, Virgo—especially around your home or your family.
You're always hesitant to be in too good of a mood, Virgo.
All times ET. You're wrapping up on some big personal projects, Virgo.
All times ET. There's a new moon in your sign today, Virgo!
Today's new moon in Virgo finds you entering a new social circle.
A new routine arrives today thanks to the new moon in Virgo!
A productive energy flows as the moon in Virgo connects with Pluto.
Number of billionaires: 11Famous Virgo billionaires: Warren Buffet, Jack Ma, Paulo Lemann
There is a lot of mental activity going on right now, Virgo!
As you may know, Virgo is associated with organization, idealism, and healing.
The moon enters Virgo, finding you reflecting on popularity and your reputation.
The moon enters Virgo, lighting up the communication sector of your chart.
This is thanks to Mercury entering materially minded Earth sign Virgo today.
Your psychic abilities will be boosted thanks to Mercury entering Virgo today.
The moon in Aries finds you in an intense mood today, Virgo!
Virgo season is a time of low energy and regeneration for Libra.
Your ruling planet Mercury connects with action planet Mars this morning, Virgo.
You're in a busy mood today, Virgo, and you're getting things done!
So, by combining these two planets, Virgo, you can expect extra surprises.
The green region shows how VIRGO made the guess much more precise.
The moon in Virgo illuminates the friendship sector of your chart today.
Mars enters Virgo today, too, giving you plenty of energy to network.
During Virgo season, your mind is on your money: Your focus shifts to everything you have, down to every penny in your wallet and every hair on your body (Virgo is famous for paying close attention to detail).
Telling my Virgo friend that she's trash at apologizing might not fly; sending her this meme of a Virgo Marge Simpson holding a gun at Helen Lovejoy, with the banner "Admitting you're wrong," somehow seems more palatable for everyone.
As much as Venus in Virgo will encourage you to socialize, you'll have to be picky as hell about who you spend time with (which, honestly, is no problem with Venus in Virgo, a sign that's definitely a perfectionist).
The Moon is in fellow earth sign Virgo, sending good vibes your way.
The Moon is currently in Virgo, illuminating the friendship sector of your chart.
The moon enters Leo, bringing a big boost to your intuitive abilities, Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo today and illuminates the financial sector of your chart.
The moon enters Cancer, inspiring you to catch up with friends today, Virgo.
So many planets are hanging out in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, Taurus.
The Moon in Virgo is putting you in a social mood today, Scorpio!
A fresh start in your career arrives with today's new moon in Virgo.
The moon in Cancer meets Mars, inspiring you to connect with friends, Virgo.
Conversely, strict Saturn is really not into that—and neither are you, Virgo.
Jupiter in Virgo says less is more, but you absolutely hate that phrase.
The moon enters Virgo today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart, Cancer.
The moon enters Virgo today, inspiring you to sit with some complicated emotions.
Communication planet Mercury enters thoughtful Virgo at 10:39 PM. All times EST.
Deep conversations in your relationships come up as Mercury enters Virgo this evening.
Mercury enters your opposite sign Virgo this evening, encouraging communication in your relationships.
Virgo is the sign of flawlessness, and Jupiter is the planet of abundance.
This month, Virgo, you'll need to get comfortable with leaving yourself similarly vulnerable.
Virgo is an Earth sign too, but it's what's called a mutable sign.
Watch for August 26, when the Sun meets Mercury—in retrograde in Virgo.
The Moon in Virgo finds you in the mood to network today, Scorpio.
The Moon in Virgo encourages you to focus on your career today, Sagittarius.
This evening's full moon in Virgo will bring a climax to your relationships.
The moon enters Virgo today, also encouraging you to focus on your career.
The moon is in your sign today, Virgo, so focus on self-care!
The Moon enters Virgo today, putting your focus on your home and family.
Venus, the planet of love, spends most of the month in moral Virgo.
Galaxy NGC 4569 shown in context to neighboring galaxies in the Virgo Cluster.
The Moon enters Virgo today, lighting up the financial sector of your chart.
Lucky for Williams, her moon is in Virgo, a grounded, practical earth sign.
The Moon in Virgo is encouraging you to network and connect with friends!
Venus enters fellow earth sign Taurus, finding you in an optimistic mood, Virgo.
The fourth detection was aided by a European instrument, VIRGO, based in Italy.
Besides, she isn't the only famous Virgo we can look to for inspiration.
With Mercury retrograde in Virgo until September 22, you may be easily misunderstood.
The Moon enters Virgo this afternoon, encouraging you to quiet your restless mind.
The Moon enters Virgo this afternoon, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart!
As of now, the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors probably aren't ready.
The Moon is in Virgo, encouraging you to pick up some healthier habits.
But I promise you, Virgo, all you need to do is show up.
The Moon is in Virgo today, encouraging you to spend time with friends.
As the sign of the analyzer, Virgo, you're known for being a perfectionist.
The moon is your sign, Virgo, urging you to focus on self-care.
Your focus shifts to home and family as the moon enters Virgo tonight.
The moon enters Virgo and illuminates the friendship sector of your chart, Scorpio.
"Virgo rarely works out because they're too detail-oriented" for Aries, Stellas says.
The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, marking the beginning of your month!
The moon is in your sign today, Virgo—make time to love yourself!
Virgo season is a massive back-to-school vibe; one of great anticipation.
During Virgo season, your focus shifts to the details of sharing and intimacy.
Today's full moon in Virgo is exhausting, so be gentle with yourself, Libra.
A full moon in fellow earth sign Virgo arrives, revealing an important perspective.
Saturn begins its retrograde today, finding you in a serious mood, dear Virgo.
Another thing you and Virgo have in common is your dependence on logic!
"Virgo season finds you focused on your career and your reputation," says Annabel.
"Virgo season is an especially chatty, busy time for you, Cancer," says Annabel.
Your focus is on partnership today, Virgo, thanks to the Moon in Pisces.
The Moon in Virgo asks that you take care of your body today.
The Moon is in hardworking Virgo today, and money is on your mind.
The moon enters Virgo, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart.
The moon is in Virgo illuminating the relationship sector of your chart, Pisces!
You're in an emotional mood today, but that's not a bad thing, Virgo.
The moon enters earth sign Virgo, Aquarius, finding you in an intense mood!
You're in a social mood today, Virgo, and the energy is quite active!
The Moon enters grounded, practical Virgo at 11:59 PM. All Times EST.
Today's solar eclipse in Leo is exhausting, so be gentle with yourself, Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo tonight, bringing adventure your way after this difficult period.
The Moon enters Virgo tonight and illuminates the relationship sector of your chart.
Unlike Taurus and Virgo, Capricorns' relationship to weed isn't so sensual or medicinal.
You're in an intense mood today, Virgo, but not necessarily a bad one.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Capricorn, sending you fantastic vibes, Virgo!
The moon enters Leo today, Virgo, encouraging you to catch up on rest.
So detectors like LIGO or Virgo are the only way to see them.
And yet, that's just what LIGO (and now LIGO plus Virgo) have observed.
The Local Group is inside the Virgo supercluster, containing more than 20183,000 galaxies.
Your planetary ruler, the Moon, is full in detail-oriented Virgo this week.
Virgo season starts on August 23, bringing your focus to your intimate relationships.
Mercury enters Virgo this evening, encouraging you to think about some hard subjects.
The moon enters Aquarius, inspiring you to tackle your to-do list, Virgo.
The moon enters Virgo and you're deeply reflecting on your most private emotions.
The Moon is in Virgo today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart.
You're in a very intense mood today, Virgo, and you're busy as hell.
The Moon enters Virgo this afternoon, finding you in a social mood, Scorpio!
The Moon entered Virgo early today, activating the relationship sector of your chart!
You've always been flawless, Virgo, but today you have no doubts about it.
Jupiter is in fellow Earth sign Virgo, encouraging you to take some risks.
The Moon enters Virgo at 11:16 PM, encouraging us to get practical.
Finally, the Moon enters grounded Virgo at 6:41 PM. All times EST.
The moon enters Aries this afternoon, finding you in a sensitive mood, Virgo.
You're in a busy mood today, Virgo, and some unexpected emotions pop up!
It's time to get clear on your needs and make some changes, Virgo!
Libra is the sign of justice—are you being fair to yourself, Virgo?
The moon in Aquarius encourages you to solve problems at work today, Virgo.
The Moon enters diligent Virgo today, and you're all about getting shit done.
The Moon enters fellow Earth sign Virgo, encouraging you to try new things.
For being such a neat freak, Virgo, you really love stirring some shit.
Your focus turns to intimacy tonight, when the moon enters earth sign Virgo.
Self-knowledge is a huge theme for Virgo, so check in with you.
The sun is in your sign, Virgo, filling you with confidence and vitality!
Virgo season begins August 22, bringing a boost of creative inspiration and romance!
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, sending you flirty vibes.
The Moon in Virgo meets Mars at 7:27 AM, boosting our energy.
Watch out for drama this evening with your friends and your lovers, Virgo!
The Moon enters Virgo today and illuminates the relationship sector of your chart.
The Sun enters Virgo today, lighting up the communication sector of your chart.
Plus, the Moon in Virgo lights up the partnership sector of your chart!
Mars enters Virgo on September 5, activating the communication sector of your chart.
It's an emotional day, but a powerful one for healing and intimacy, Virgo.
You're in a busy mood today, Virgo, thanks to the Moon in Aquarius.
It's a potent time to connect with someone on a deeper level, Virgo.
The Moon is in Virgo today, illuminating the financial sector of your chart.
The Moon is in practical Virgo, but nothing feels easy or straightforward today.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, sending you good vibes!
The moon enters diligent Virgo today, Aries, finding you busy tackling your chores.
Are you ready for the full moon in your sign this month, Virgo?
The Moon is entering Virgo, too, so make time to connect with friends.
Enjoy the equinox and read your September horoscope here: Happy solar return, Virgo!
You're very practical, Virgo, but the Pisces vibe wants you to dream big.
The moon in Libra asks you to reflect on your budget today, Virgo.
Virgo season brings a flurry of activity to your career and day job.
A full moon in Virgo arrives March 12, encouraging you to slow down.
Please Venus in Virgo by picking up practical pieces made with natural fibers.
In Virgo, Lilith is an obsessive perfectionist who is hypercritical about her hygiene.
The first step to avoiding that may just be asking out a Virgo.
The moon enters your sign today, Virgo, so make time to pamper yourself!
A generous energy flows at home and with your family this morning, Virgo.
The Moon is in Virgo today, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart!
On May 26, Jupiter in Virgo squares Saturn (your ruling planet!) in Sagittarius.
These planets in Virgo help you work it out and brainstorm new ideas.
To mitigate interference, LIGO and Virgo&aposs lasers are shot through a vacuum.
You have to give Virgo space to process a breakup—Virgos love processing.
The moon enters grounded earth sign Virgo, finding you reflecting on your finances.
The moon moves through dutiful earth sign Virgo, inspiring a busy, productive mood.
In truth, Virgo is a physical earth sign that's very lusty and sensual!
Virgo is an Earth sign, so get in touch with your five senses.
Mercury, your planetary ruler, is retrograde at the start of the month, Virgo!
Things have felt unclear thanks to Mercury retrograde—don't rush to conclusions, Virgo.
It's a busy day, but you just want to take it slow, Virgo.
Ask yourself, Virgo: Are you inspired by the people you have around you?
Venus in Virgo will find you especially valuing communication skills in your partners.
Mars enters Virgo today, encouraging you to work out some situations at home.
The Moon in down-to-earth Virgo will sextile warrior planet Mars at 9:22 AM. In medical astrology, Virgo rules the digestive system and Scorpio the excretory system... so, we're totally happy when planets are chillin' together in these signs.
Your focus shifts to your duties later this month thanks to a slew of planets connecting in earthy Virgo: Mercury meets Jupiter in Virgo on August 22, Venus meets Jupiter on August 27, and Mercury meets Venus on August 29.
The Moon in Pisces has a busy morning: It opposes Mercury in Virgo in 6:41 AM and Jupiter—also in Virgo—at 8:21 AM. Whatever you say this morning probably won't be the right thing, but don't worry!
From August 5 to 29, Venus winds through Virgo and your structured sixth house.
Venus cruises through Virgo and your harmonious partnership house from August 27.99 to 28.29.
Your cozy companion could emerge when the sun heads into Virgo on the 22nd.
Five hours later, LIGO and Virgo shared a sky map with a general location.
The Moon is in fellow earth sign Virgo, finding you in a curious mood.
The Moon enters Virgo today, illuminating a very intimate, sensitive sector of your chart.
The new moon in Virgo encourages you to check in with your inner voice.
The new moon in Virgo brings a new cycle around money and self-worth.
The moon enters Pisces and illuminates the relationship sector of your chart today, Virgo!
The signs that rounded out the top five were Virgo, Taurus, Libra, and Pisces.
A productive energy flows today and you're able to get a lot accomplished, Virgo.
The month wraps up with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Virgo on August 30.
The Moon is in grounded Earth sign Virgo, encouraging you to take things slowly.
Communication kicks up on August 22, when chatty Mercury meets philosophical Jupiter in Virgo.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo, bringing creative inspiration and romance your way!
The Moon is in Virgo today, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart.
The Moon is in Earth sign Virgo, inspiring you to get organized and healthy.
Virgo season kicks off August 22, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart, Pisces!
Important news arrives on September 20, when the Sun and Mercury meet in Virgo.
Tonight's full moon in Virgo will stir up drama (or excitement) in your friendships.
Tonight's full moon in Virgo brings a climax around a situation concerning your work.
A powerfully creative connection between Mars and Pluto brings exciting opportunities your way, Virgo!
The moon is in Aries, finding you reflecting on sensitive topics today, dear Virgo.
As sweet as you are, Virgo, you can't make everyone happy, especially not today.
The Moon is in your sign for the first part of the day, Virgo!
The Moon enters Virgo today and lights up the communication sector of your chart.
Just practice a little self-awareness and a lot of patience with others, Virgo.
The most recent detection was aided by a European instrument, VIRGO, based in Italy.
The moment I learned my moon sign is Virgo, something clicked in my soul.
The Moon enters practical Earth sign Virgo at 12:16 PM. All times EST.
VirgoAugust 23 to September 22The final weeks of summertime look excellent on you, Virgo.
The super full moon in Virgo on Tuesday finds your dedication coming to fruition.
The Moon is currently in Virgo, lighting up the communication sector of your chart.
The Moon is in Virgo, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart today.
New experiences are on the way, Virgo; enjoy them, and see you in June!
The moon enters air sign Gemini, finding you reflecting on your reputation, dear Virgo.
Your focus is on your finances today, Virgo, with the Moon in lovely Libra.
Love-and-money planet Venus enters Virgo this evening, bringing blessings to your relationships.
Tonight's new moon in Virgo is a great time to sit with these feelings.
I'm a Virgo, so apparently that means I'm bound to be anal about things.
Your focus turns to your career and reputation when the Moon enters Virgo tonight.
The planet of love and money, Venus, enters your sign, Virgo, on August 5!
You try to be humble, Virgo, but now is the time to spoil yourself.
Your focus is on your friendships today, Scorpio, thanks to the moon in Virgo.
The moon in Virgo finds you reflecting on money and themes concerning self-worth.
Today's lunar eclipse in Capricorn brings big drama to your social life, dear Virgo.
Virgo season asks us to be patient, so don't jump to premature conclusions, Aquarius.
"I said, 'I will not be cutting her hair,'" Virgo told The Washington Post.
Today's moon in Virgo asks you to slow down and catch up on rest.
The Moon enters Virgo this morning, illuminating a very private sector of your chart.
The Moon is in grounded, stable Virgo, your opposite sign on the zodiac wheel.
The Moon, in grounded Earth sign Virgo, is helping you process some deep emotions.
The Moon enters Virgo early today, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart.
The Moon enters hardworking Virgo early this morning, putting you in a busy mood.
You're thinking a lot about your friendships today, Virgo: Are you happy with them?
The Moon enters Virgo late tonight, lighting up the friendship sector of your chart.
The Moon enters hardworking Virgo this afternoon, encouraging you to reflect on this question.
The Moon enters grounded Earth sign Virgo at 4:25 PM. All Times EST.
Virgo season is generally a good time to communicate, so watch for important messages.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo, putting you in a philosophical mood.
Communication planet Mercury enters Virgo July 25, boosting the energy in your social life.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo today, finding you in a thoughtful mood.
The moon in intuitive Scorpio illuminates the communication sector of your chart today, Virgo.
Action planet Mars enters Virgo on September 5, which will boost your intuitive abilities.
As a Virgo, though, I wanted to know what goes into creating these columns.
The Moon is in Virgo, your opposite sign, bringing your attention to your partnerships.
The Moon is in Virgo, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart.
Money is on your mind today thanks to the Moon in Earth sign Virgo.
The Moon is in Virgo, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules rest.
The Moon is in Virgo today, lighting up the social sector of your chart!
Before agreeing to major jobs midweek, make sure you're feeling up to task Virgo.
The moon in Aquarius inspires you to tackle your to-do list today, Virgo.
The Moon enters Scorpio today, lighting up the communication sector of your chart, Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo at 10:52 PM, meaning that details will become clearer.
Well, maybe you should be a little afraid: Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, too.
Today's solar eclipse in Virgo will shake things up and give you new information.
Today's solar eclipse is in Virgo, the sign opposite you on the zodiac wheel!
I don't know, Virgo, but ultimately, you can't stress out about it too much.
Mercury also enters Virgo today, making you extra sharp and bringing messages your way.
Your ruling planet Mercury enters your sign today, so you're feeling very comfortable, Virgo!
Communication within your relationships will get a boost when Mercury enters Virgo this evening.
Mercury enters fellow Earth sign Virgo tonight, stirring up conversations around creativity and romance.
The new moon in Aries finds you in an intensely emotional mood today, Virgo.
Mars enters Virgo on September 5, which will heat things up in your relationships.
Action planet Mars enters your sign today, Virgo, bringing a big boost in energy!
Your dreams become more active as Mars enters Virgo—schedule extra time for rest!
The moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo, inspiring you look at the big picture.
New moons are also a cute time for a makeover, so treat yourself, Virgo!
Mercury enters Virgo on August 29, bringing even more movement and communication your way.
The Moon enters Virgo this afternoon, lighting up the financial sector of your chart!
The Moon is in Virgo today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart, Cancer!
Your focus is on your relationships today, Virgo, thanks to the Moon in Pisces.
The Moon is in Earth sign Virgo today, encouraging you to connect with friends.
The Moon enters down-to-earth Virgo at 8:41 PM. All times EST.
The Moon enters Virgo this evening, reminding you to keep your reputation in mind.
Sex and intimacy will be on your mind tonight when the Moon enters Virgo.
The Moon enters Earths sign Virgo tonight, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart.
The Moon is currently in thoughtful Virgo, illuminating the communication sector of your chart.
The Moon is in Virgo, finding you in a quiet and reflective mood today.
The Moon is in Virgo, lighting up the friendship sector of your chart today.
The Moon in Scorpio lights up the communication sector of your chart today, Virgo.
This evening's vibe is flirty, thanks to the Moon entering fellow Earth sign Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo this morning, lighting up the communication sector of your chart.
The Moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo this morning, inspiring you try something new.
It's the last day of the year, and you're in a busy mood, Virgo.
Today's new moon, in Aries, is activating the intimacy sector of your chart, Virgo!
Issues concerning intimacy will enter your mind today, due to the Moon entering Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo today and lights up the relationship sector of your chart!
With Venus in introspective Virgo, you've been in a shier, quieter mood than usual.
The moon enters grounded earth sign Virgo at 10:22 PM. All times EST.
The moon enters your opposite sign Virgo tonight, shifting your focus to your relationships.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo, tonight, encouraging you to have some fun.
Virgo has many titles and keywords associated with it, servant being one of them.
The Moon is in Pisces today, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart, Virgo!
A Virgo is someone who sees the best in you, even when you can't.
The Moon enters Virgo today and lights up the financial sector of your chart.
You try to make sense of everything, Virgo, but don't bother with logic today.
Your social life gets a boost when lovely Venus enters Virgo on August 5.
It's a magical day in your relationships, Virgo—just don't forget about your responsibilities!
The sun connects with Saturn, Virgo, and today's focus is all about team work.
The Moon enters fellow Earth sign Virgo today, bringing you romance and creative inspiration!
Having partners who are empathetic to your needs is so important to you, Virgo.
Virgo is an earth sign, which means it excels at being grounded and practical.
Today's new moon in Libra is bringing you a fresh start to finances, Virgo.
The moon enters Sagittarius, bringing your focus to your home and family life, Virgo.
Mars is the planet of action, and meticulous, analytical Virgo knows how to strategize.
Mars is like a mullet, Virgo: business in the front, party in the back.
The moon enters thoughtful Virgo today, lighting up the communication sector of your chart.
Emotionally, the Sun in Virgo will inspire you to reflect on privacy and security.
On the 1st, we have an intense, exhausting and emotional solar eclipse in Virgo!
The Moon in Virgo meets Venus at 12:35 AM, creating an affectionate atmosphere.
The Moon in Virgo illuminates the home and family sector of your chart today.
The Moon is in analytical Virgo today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart.
Finally, the Moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo, putting you in a playful mood.
The Moon enters Virgo, lighting up the success and popularity sector of your chart.
The Moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo, too, putting you in a playful mood.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo, encouraging you to try something new.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Capricorn, finding you a flirtatious mood, dear Virgo.
And I really want to try Strange Invisible's Virgo ($1353), from its horoscope line.
On Wednesday, Mercury enters Virgo, sharpening your mind and allowing for effortless self-expression.
On Wednesday your planetary ruler, messenger Mercury, moves into fellow Mercury-ruled sign Virgo.
The moon in Pisces lights up the relationship sector of your chart today, Virgo!
The Aqua Virgo, which flowed largely underground, went through periods of abandonment and revival.
The moon enters Virgo today, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart.
It's a confusing, romantic, weird, creative day for you, Virgo, especially within your relationships.
Today's new moon in Virgo is a lovely time to energetically cleanse your home.
A powerful emotional breakthrough takes place as the moon in Virgo connects with Pluto.
If you're not ready to hear it, don't dig for those answers, dear Virgo.
You're thorough as hell, Virgo, but it's time to double-check a few things.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo, finding you in a flirtatious mood, Taurus.
The moon enters your sign today, Virgo, encouraging you to sit with your emotions.
Virgo season was super busy, and had you dealing with a lot of responsibilities.
People expect a lot from you, Virgo, but what do you expect from yourself?
Messenger planet Mercury enters fellow Earth sign Virgo today, bringing good vibes your way!
Your focus is on relationships today as the Moon enters Virgo, your opposite sign.
The moon is in Virgo today, shifting your focus to your home and family.
Mercury has been retrograde in Virgo, messing with your relationships, but that ends today!
You're feeling the need to connect with your roots and your family today, Virgo.
The Moon in Libra is lighting up the financial sector of your chart, Virgo!
An indulgent energy flows in your relationships today—be clear on your needs, Virgo!
Mars enters Virgo today, too, encouraging you to create a better work/life balance.
Mars enters fellow Earth sign Virgo today, too, putting you in an adventurous mood!
Communing yourself clearly will help you make important moves forward in your life, Virgo!
You are the worrywart of the zodiac, Virgo, but today, with the Moon in logical Air sign Virgo highlighting the part of your chart that rules finances, you're working out your issues around cash, giving you one less thing to worry about!
When the sun heads into Virgo on the 22nd, you'll love socializing as a couple.
The Moon in Virgo connects with Saturn at 1:30 AM, creating a grounding energy.
The Moon is in hardworking Virgo today, lighting up the financial sector of your chart.
The Moon is in Virgo today, illuminating the sleep and solitude sector of your chart.
Communication planet Mercury enters Virgo on July 25, activating a psychic sector of your chart.
Monday starts a new chapter for you, Virgo, as your planetary ruler Mercury switches signs.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo today, finding you in a flirtatious mood, Taurus!
Some astrologers are finding significance in the fact that this black hole appears in Virgo.
News about work or your reputation is on the way, thanks to Mercury entering Virgo.
Expect many philosophical conversations to come your way, thanks to Mercury entering Virgo this evening.
You're focused on your home and family today, Virgo, thanks to the moon in Sagittarius.
If you and Virgo fall for each other, you are in for a delightful adventure.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, encouraging you to learn something new.
Your focus is on relationships today, Pisces, thanks to the Moon in Earth sign Virgo.
The Moon is in Pisces today, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart, Virgo!
The moon enters Virgo, inspiring you to connect with friends and share your ideas, Scorpio.
The moon enters Virgo and lights up the relationship sector of your chart today, Pisces.
The Moon enters Virgo today and lights up the financial sector of your chart, Leo.
The Moon enters Earth sign Virgo today, activating a very intimate sector of your chart.
The Moon is in Virgo today, highlighting the travel and learning sector of your chart.
The Virgo has been tested at commercial greenhouses, including in the U.S. and Canada already.
Thank you my Virgo brother for so much love and passion put into every detail.
The Moon is in Virgo today, lighting up the partnership sector of you chart. Exciting!
The Moon is in Virgo today, illuminating the friendship and community sector of your chart.
The Moon is in your sign today, Virgo, encouraging you to sit with your feelings.
The Moon is in Virgo, and it's lighting up the friendship sector of your chart!
Mercury retrograde begins in Virgo on August 12, which slows the pace of your relationships.
On August 22, the Sun enters Virgo, illuminating a psychic, private sector of your chart.
The Moon enters practical Earth sign Virgo at 12:57 AM, creating a grounded energy.
Your home and family life are also on your mind as the moon enters Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo today and activates the fame and fortune sector of your chart.
Your love life heats up as Venus heads into fun and flirty Virgo this month.
The moon is in Virgo today, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart, Pisces!
The Moon enters Virgo today, putting you in the mood to spend time with friends.
Your focus turns to relationships today, thanks to the Moon entering Virgo, your opposite sign.
The Moon enters Virgo today, lighting up the romance and creativity sector of your chart.
A sociable, fun energy arrives on August 29, when Mercury also meets Venus in Virgo.
The Moon enters fellow Earth sign Virgo this afternoon, putting you in a philosophical mood.
The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) arrive at the conclusion of each season.
EST in Virgo, a sign known for its reliability and its ability to buckle down.
While the new moon is beaming through Virgo, these tasks won't seem nearly as daunting.
Plus, the moon is moving through the taskmaster sign of Virgo this Saturday and Sunday.
Tension is in the air, Virgo, thanks to sweet Venus in opposition with taskmaster Saturn.
Tuesday's full moon in Virgo illuminates your attitudes about being of service to your community.
The Moon in Virgo connects with Saturn, the planet of stability and commitment, this afternoon.
Say, for example, that the sun was in Capricorn and the moon was in Virgo.
Here, in honor of Virgo season, we'll take a closer look at each of them.
It's unlike you to behave selfishly, Virgo—you are the sign of service, after all.
The Moon enters fellow earth sign Taurus today, Virgo, finding you in an adventurous mood.
Venus enters fellow Earth sign Virgo this evening, bringing messages of love from faraway places.
There's a new moon in Virgo tonight, bringing a fresh start around love and creativity.
The full moon in Virgo arrives March 12, activating the financial sector of your chart.
The moon enters Virgo tonight, shifting your attention to money and issues concerning self-worth.
LIGO and Virgo Scientists measured evidence of a second neutron star collision on April 25.
The Moon enters Pisces today and lights up the relationship sector of your chart, Virgo.
He's also a Virgo like me, so he wants to stay home all the time.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy checking the Virgo box at every moment.
Finally, the Moon enters grounded Earth sign Virgo at 6:09 PM. All Times EST.
Tonight, when the Moon enters Virgo, you'll be especially aware of trust and intimacy issues.
On May 9, Jupiter in practical Earth sign Virgo ends its retrograde and goes direct.
Virgo wants to dive into their career pursuits, reaching out to network and make deals.
Mercury meets Venus in Virgo before Venus enters charming Air sign Libra on August 29.
The moon in Virgo encourages you to catch up on rest and quality time alone.
Fortunately, the Moon in fellow Earth sign Virgo is sending you lots of good luck!
The new moon eclipse shuts and opens doors for your relationship to your community, Virgo.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Capricorn today, Virgo, and you're in a flirtatious mood!
Today's full moon in Virgo brings a big climax in a situation concerning your finances.
Today's full moon in Virgo brings a climax to a situation in your personal life.
There is a full moon in your sign, Virgo—what does that mean for you?
The Moon is in Virgo today, activating the sector of your chart that rules communication.
You try to be accommodating, Virgo, but today you need to put your foot down.
"Virgo season reminds us it's better to do something right instead of rushed," Annabel explains.
The moon enters thoughtful Virgo today, Cancer, lighting up the communication sector of your chart.
The Moon enters thoughtful Virgo this morning, Cancer, illuminating the communication sector of your chart.
Mercury enters Virgo on July 30, highlighting the part of your chart that rules partnerships!
Your focus is on your relationships today as the moon enters your opposite sign Virgo.
The moon is in Virgo, asking you to be patient with yourself and your emotions.
The moon enters grounded earth sign Virgo today, illuminating the financial sector of your chart.
Speaking of ethics, Sunday's full moon in Virgo brings another finger wag from the stars.
The Moon is in Virgo, highlighting a very psychic and intense sector of your chart.
The moon in Sagittarius inspires you to connect with your home and family today, Virgo.
The Moon is in hardworking Earth sign Virgo, finding you focused on your career today.
Your focus is on relationships today, thanks to the Moon in Virgo, your opposite sign.
Your focus is on relationships today, Virgo; it's a fantastic time to connect with people.
An opportunity to leave the past behind comes with the upcoming new moon in Virgo.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo today, bringing love and creative inspiration your way!
Today is the Full Moon in thoughtful Virgo, bringing you some important news and conversations.
Later, it clashes with Jupiter in Virgo at 12:15 PM, triggering self-indulgent behavior.
The Moon is in your sign all day, Virgo, helping you connect to your feelings.
On Thursday, expansive Jupiter joins the retrograde brigade, backstroking through systematic Virgo until May 9.
Tonight the Moon enters Virgo and illuminates the home and family sector of your chart.
Embody Virgo at this time: be responsible and levelheaded, and then reap what you sow.
Venus in Virgo wears natural fabrics and doesn't mind having a bit of a uniform.
Venus in Virgo is a picky lover but has a dirty mind you wouldn't expect.
A very sexually liberated Virgo is the perfect person for her to explore this theme.
The Moon enters Libra early this morning illuminating the financial sector of your chart, Virgo.
Your planetary ruler, Mercury, enters Virgo this evening, bringing your focus to home and family.
While you do love them deeply and intensely, your friends are not your property, Virgo!
For those behind LIGO, Virgo and other detectors now under construction, these are exciting times.
Because Virgo was undergoing an extensive upgrade, it was not operating during these first observations.
A powerful energetic shift in your career arrives today as action planet Mars enters Virgo.
Warrior planet Mars enters grounded earth sign Virgo, inspiring you to tackle chores at home.
Then in 2017, LIGO and Virgo together identified the waves of two neutron stars merging.
Don't make any promises today, Virgo: Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde in your sign.
All times ET. The moon enters Virgo and you're reflecting on your budget and earnings.
Conversations move easily as the moon in fellow earth sign Virgo connects with chatty Mercury.
Communication in your relationships gets another big boost as Mercury enters Virgo on August 29.
Venus in Virgo brings blessings to your love life and encourages creative juices to flow.
The Moon is in hardworking Earth sign Virgo today, and money is on your mind.
The Moon enters Virgo this afternoon, finding you in an emotionally intense and brooding mood.
Your focus turns to your to-do list as the Moon enters Virgo this afternoon.
Just don't indulge your tendency to overthink, Virgo—things are sensitive and unsure right now.
You're picky as hell, Virgo, but friendship is a good thing to be picky about.
How it all works out depends on who you choose to surround yourself with, Virgo!
A fresh start around communication arrived early this morning with the new moon in Virgo.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, putting you in a philosophical mood.
The Moon enters fellow Earth sign Virgo this evening, putting you in a philosophical mood.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, encouraging you to have more fun.
The Moon is in Virgo today, illuminating a very sleepy, psychic sector of your chart.
You'll be focused on relationships today since the Moon is in your opposite sign, Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo tonight, lighting up the home and family sector of your chart.
Try not to overindulge at 5:30 when the Moon opposes exaggerative Jupiter in Virgo.
Once a Virgo has relaxed, their beloved rituals feel more chill than like a chore.
Don't overbook yourself today—the Moon is in Virgo, and you need time to rest!
The Moon is in Virgo today, putting you in an emotional mood—own your shit!
This is thanks to the Moon in Virgo, your opposite sign on the zodiac wheel.
The moon in Virgo opposes Neptune at 11:10 AM and we're confronting confusing emotions.
Your focus shifts to home and family as the Moon enters Sagittarius early today, Virgo.
The month wraps up with chatty Mercury entering analytic Earth sign Virgo on July 30.
The moon enters Virgo tonight, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your career.
Virgo is your opposite sign on the zodiac, meaning that it rules over your relationships!
The Moon is in Virgo for most of the day, putting your focus on relationships.
Whether you're a Virgo or not, these motivational quotes will inspire you to dream big.
You're a good judge of character, Virgo, but sometimes your friends suck at picking friends.
They meet at 6:05 AM in analytical, perfectionist Virgo, creating a focused, intelligent vibe.
The Moon enters logical, practical Virgo today and illuminates the communication sector of your chart.
The Moon is in Earth sign Virgo today, putting you in a sensitive, emotional mood.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo, putting you in an affectionate, easy mood.
Things you've been putting off for the last month will demand your attention today, Virgo!
It's time to clear something up: Virgo is inspired by the Greco-Roman vestal virgins.
No man can arrogantly take a Virgo woman for granted and get away with it.
Creating better boundaries in your friendships, romances, and creative relationships will be big today, Virgo.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo, encouraging you to keep an open mind.
The Moon is in hardworking Earth sign Virgo today, encouraging you to finish your chores.
The moon in hardworking earth sign Virgo finds you focusing on your career today, Sagittarius.
The Moon in practical Earth sign Virgo is helping you see things as they are.
The moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo today, Capricorn, finding you in an adventurous mood!
The moon in Virgo lights up a very sensitive sector of your chart today, Aquarius.
The moon enters Virgo today, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules money.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, putting you in an easygoing mood.
The Moon also enters Virgo, lighting up the home and family sector of your chart.
The Moon is in Virgo, lighting up the home and family sector of your chart.
The Moon is in your sign today, Virgo, so make time reflect on your feelings.
The planet of growth and expansion, Jupiter, is now moving direct in your sign, Virgo!
Virgo, a hardworking Earth sign, encourages you to get organized, make lists, and be picky.
Your time is valuable, and yesterday's full moon in Virgo surely reminded you of that.
Yesterday's full moon in your sign brought a big climax, Virgo—do you feel relieved?
The Moon is in your sign today, Virgo, encouraging you to focus on self-care.
The Moon is in hardworking Virgo, encouraging you to focus on your career and reputation.
The Moon is in fellow earth sign Virgo today, putting you in a philosophical mood.
Once Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday, your curiosity around publishing and higher education is piqued.
During Virgo season, you are mindful of what you have and what you value most.
The Moon is in Scorpio today, Virgo, lighting up the communication sector of your chart.
The sun meets fearless Mars in Virgo, encouraging you to really lean into your passions.
Impress a detail-oriented Virgo rising by noticing these little things and saying thank you.
The moon enters Virgo at 7:19 PM, finding us in a helpful, thoughtful mood.
Let's take a look at your September: The month opens with Mercury retrograde in Virgo.
Virgo season is here and the Sun is illuminating the communication sector of your chart!
"Kate came up and personally spoke to me afterwards, which was nice," Virgo tells PEOPLE.
You're in a flirtatious and social mood as chatty Mercury and the moon enter Virgo!
Today's new moon in your opposite sign Virgo starts a new cycle in your relationships!
Powerful conversations take place as the moon in Virgo connects with your ruling planet, Pluto.
Mercury and Venus meet in Virgo on August 29, which is another creative, romantic day.
The moon enters Libra today, urging you to take a look at your finances, Virgo.
Your planetary ruler Mercury moves into Virgo, helping you get in touch with your roots.
Since then, LIGO and its Italian companion Virgo have identified two other types of collisions.
HoodCelebrityy "Bum Pon It" Looking for one last summer fling as Virgo season kicks in?
The moon enters Virgo, encouraging you to let go of what no longer serves you.
Now that Virgo season is over, you can get a breath of fresh air, Aquarius.
Your attention will turn to finances once the Moon enters materially minded Virgo this morning.
The moon is in your opposite sign Virgo today and your focus is on relationships.
The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Virgo today, encouraging you to try something new.
Virgo is a sign that likes to be organized—is your home life in order?
Virgo is a hard working, down to earth sign, and with today's Full Moon in Virgo you would do well to reflect on your finances, your feelings around self worth and what you feel you owe others— as well as what they owe you.
From August 5 to 29, Venus sails through Virgo and your flirty, fun-loving third house.
The Moon is in Virgo all day, encouraging us to be more critical of our surroundings.
But, Virgo, you're so tired of dealing with all that drama and you're ready to party.
Today's full moon in Gemini lights up the fame and fortune sector of your chart, Virgo.
Grounded, practical, and analytical are what come to mind when we meditate on Earth sign Virgo.
The moon is in fellow earth sign Capricorn today, finding you in a flirtatious mood, Virgo.
You'll be ready to get to work today, after the Moon enters diligent Earth sign Virgo.
Astrologers call Scorpio the most mysterious sign in the zodiac—but you're quite mysterious, too, Virgo!
Mercury enters Earth sign Virgo on July 25, which will put you in a private mood.

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