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"uneducable" Definitions
  1. incapable of being educated : not educable
"uneducable" Synonyms

13 Sentences With "uneducable"

How to use uneducable in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "uneducable" and check conjugation/comparative form for "uneducable". Mastering all the usages of "uneducable" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Of those, 35 were deemed "uneducable" and sent to be killed at Spiegelgrund, where they died, it added.
The commission selected 35 children and categorized them as being "uneducable," which resulted in their being killed at Am Spiegelgrund.
He also introduced legislation on behalf of students who had treatable learning disabilities but were being written off as hopelessly uneducable.
Thirty-five of the children in that pool were labeled "uneducable" and "unemployable"; as a result, they were sent to the notorious Am Spiegelgrund clinic, where they were ultimately slaughtered.
And all because a minority of my fellow citizens, through the auspices of an antique electoral system, had sent a lying, selfish, irrational, jingoistic, uneducable, race-baiting misogynist to the White House.
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's detractors and critics — and I am usually one of them — are gleefully noting that yet another story has emerged that shows the president to be an uneducable loose cannon.
When newborns to four-year-olds are abandoned by their parents for various reasons, they are taken to Baby Houses, which are under the regulation of the Ministry of Health. Those that are four years of age are then evaluated to determine what institution they should be assigned. Institutions regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science house those deemed educable, and other children, determined to be uneducable, go to institutions which are supervised by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. As adults, those categorized as uneducable transfer to an adult institution, where some facilities leave individuals to live in a bed-ridden state.
It was not until the late 18th century that society began to take an interest in the education of the blind. Until that time they were considered mostly uneducable and untrainable. In 1784, Valentin Haüy undertook to teach François Lesueur to read, with the help of the Société philanthropique. It enabled him to prove the efficiency of his method.
Berlin Neukölln The Training Institute of the Deaf in Berlin Neukolln was founded in 1788 as a school for the deaf. Some German schools had been founded after receiving instruction from Abba l'Épée in France. The common view at the time was that the deaf were believed uneducable, they were even feared and shunned. l’Epee’s school, students, and disciples helped to change that view.
At the beginning of the Cold War, he left a teaching position at MIT to help lead the struggle against Communism. Finding that U.S. education was contributing to, rather than reducing, American overseas problems, he developed a new leadership approach that overcame Ugly American syndrome among hundreds of thousands in crucial Third World areas. More recently, his methodology won commendations for educating the alleged uneducable: Mexican- American street-gang youths in southern California, and Canadian Native teenage dropouts. Until Communism's fall, Humphrey kept his new methods confidential.
This was the start of the Vipeholm experiments. Vipeholm, outside Lund, was the country’s largest facility for "uneducable retards" and was chosen to be the site of the largest experiment ever run on humans in Sweden at that time. Up until 1947, Vipeholm employees had also been part of the experiment, but this was stopped, since it was soon found that there was no way of monitoring their intake of sweets. What began in 1945 as government-sanctioned vitamin trials were converted in 1947 without the knowledge of the government.
Zero reject is an educational philosophy which says that no child can be denied an education because they are "uneducable". It is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which is the main special education law that seeks to guarantee free and public education for students with disabilities. Because of this policy, the services that have been previously inaccessible to this group of learners are already routinely provided. Zero reject also include additional components such as the requirement for general education placements to be age- and grade-appropriate in keeping with its inclusion philosophy.
If they were unable to participate and meet the requirements of "normal" standards when attending school, they were considered to be "uneducable" and were subject to a life of institutionalization, isolated and segregated from the public. Schools did not have the flexibility to adjust to their needs. The establishment of social segregation was widely accepted, and a distinct separation between individuals with disabilities and the rest of society was part of everyday life in Russia. Early isolation of these individuals was not specific to the early years, as it continued unto adult life due to laws that grouped citizens with disabilities into one area of employment, further alienating them from society.

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