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122 Sentences With "snouts"

How to use snouts in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "snouts" and check conjugation/comparative form for "snouts". Mastering all the usages of "snouts" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Modern dolphins, with their long toothy snouts, are good at catching fish, but as Boessenecker points out, short snouts, which typically appear in toothed whales, are good for suction feeding.
Smooth collies were found to have the most elongated snouts.
Goncharova's people tended to have snouts and big, stubby feet.
They have long snouts, rotary engines up front, and big wings.
Farm animals with "their snouts in that trough," in his words.
With cloven hooves and jutting snouts, pigs aren't always associated with beauty.
Retired Tosa fighting dogs lie listlessly, some with their snouts badly mangled.
Now, however, we can't really keep our snouts out of the trough.
Joaquin hung out with protesters and squirted water into the pigs' snouts.
Scientists have even used genetics to reverse-engineer chickens with dinosaurlike snouts.
Their physiology is different, with dogs having shorter snouts and wider skulls.
Perhaps amorous tyrannosaurs rubbed their snouts together in a Cretaceous riff on kissing.
They are tiny mouselike mammals with gray fur, long tails, and pointy snouts.
Andrew had a short narrow snout, whereas his parents had wide, square snouts.
Another director might have just given you 86 minutes of licks and snouts.
Leopard seals even have similarly shaped snouts and jaws to those of C. havensteini.
When they tap their snouts to the glass, the screen detects their touch optically.
Then they track countless germs into our homes on their paws, snouts and fur.
As the lizards lie motionless underwater, bubbles can periodically be seen appearing above their snouts.
Megalodons, the Queen Bees of the seas, had broad, dome-shaped heads and blunt snouts.
Foreign suppliers also hope to put their snouts in the trough as pig farming industrialises.
Or, perhaps there's a connection between the fox snouts the snorting of the psychedelic snuff.
With their miniature equine snouts and beady eyes, seahorses look very different than most other fish.
In particular, Labrador retrievers tend to have the excellent snouts that are required for the job.
The most obvious way to discern the two reptiles is to stare down their sinister snouts.
When they are given peanut slurry, they experience reactions ranging from itchy snouts to anaphylactic shock.
But if adults fed their babies, why would they need to have different teeth and snouts?
The head with its distinctive jaws, fangs, eyes, and snouts are simple sheet metal as well.
Small wonder that disaffected youngsters are demanding that their rulers take their snouts out of the trough.
"; "Ten Bombshells the E.U.'s Keeping Secret Until After You've Voted"; "Greediest Snouts in the E.U. Trough.
The newly discovered difference is not nearly as apparent as the differences seen in the reptiles' snouts.
In quick cuts, we see bigger flocks — a blur of curly wool and strong snouts — race by.
They resembled a rolling band of big-pawed snowmen, their glistening coats offset by black eyes and snouts.
Seasoned pig snouts, pork belly, and pig's blood are all used to make this classic Korean street food.
They'd never been observed using any before, a problem owed to their lack of digits and cloddish snouts.
She explained that sharks have short-range electrical receptors in their snouts that are used to find food.
In tyrannosaurs, these nerves were embedded in their facial scales, turning their snouts into a kind of radar dish.
The illustrations are bright and accessible, with thick brush strokes and whimsical, big square snouts on the polar bears.
Instead, the flesh and skins of Northern Spies, Kingston Blacks, Brown Snouts and other traditional varietals have to suffice.
Normally, musk oxen survive each winter by pushing their snouts through snow to find lichen, moss and other plants.
"Everyone talks about the snouts and ears, but you can't eat like that all the time," Ms. Lovell said.
Should you desire, you can now superimpose any variety of animal snouts onto a video of yourself in real time.
The aye-ayes also have relatively longer snouts compared to other primates, and brain cases similar in shape to squirrels'.
In power, both parties stuck their snouts in the trough—though the BNP's second term in office was especially egregious.
Ears back and snouts pulled into a grin, the donkeys stick in their muzzles in the hope of a reward.
Seadragons, which have long, thin snouts and leaf-shaped appendages that act as camouflage, are related to pipefish and seahorses.
It's almost 10 miles off the Malaysian coast, and fisherman are sure they've seen snouts in the water at night.
As a result of their compact dental layout, many weasels have foreshortened snouts that make them look young and cute.
And unlike modern kangaroos, they had short snouts, powerful jaws and teeth and skulls built for a tough, hefty diet.
Mexican families stroll the avenue on the weekend, picking out pig snouts at the Italian butcher so grandma can make carnitas.
Lacey and Larkin were heroes to many—micks from the sticks who made a fortune thumbing their shanty-Irish snouts at authority.
Some dog owners have said that it may not be ideal for dogs with very long snouts or really large dogs, however.
One by one, the dead boars were heaved onto a bloodied crane scale, then lined up on planks, their snouts wedged open.
Up close, the tiny hunters don't look quite human; many of them have strangely elongated faces, more like animal muzzles or snouts.
These extinct aquatic mammals measured just three feet in length, they featured short snouts, and perhaps strangest of all, they had no teeth.
But the study noted that digging with a stick in their mouths was less effective compared to digging with their hooves or snouts.
One of these, which regulates the creation of a protein that's found in tooth enamel, might explain why seahorses have such equine snouts.
Most of Harry's prickle of 20 to 30 hedgehogs were busy snoozing, with their snouts burrowed into the corners of their glass tanks.
After finding the snouts in Madagascar, they realized that some existing museum specimens had been mislabeled and were actually the newly discovered species.
With their slender bodies, long snouts and sharp teeth, Tasmanian tigers looked as if they could be related to dogs, wolves or coyotes.
With a liberal amount of imagination, an observer may see how they resemble guinea pigs, their close cousins, in their similarly thick snouts.
In one study, scientists at Yale and Harvard were actually able to alter chicken embryos to grow the snouts of velociraptors rather than beaks.
They are large bats with longish snouts and fox-like faces that mostly live on islands and archipelagoes from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean.
And badgers and skunks also have dark eye-crossing stripes, though in their cases these run along the animals' snouts, rather than across their faces.
Such touch-sensitive snouts clearly would have helped the beasts navigate their environments more carefully, but researchers also believe they served a more romantic purpose.
In our world herbivorous mammals begin to adapt to these conditions, evolving grinding grazing teeth and broad snouts to deal with the drier, grittier fodder.
Researchers found the happy pictures led to greater interaction from the goats that looked at the images, for instance, by examining them with their snouts.
The new species are six-gill sawsharks, which have distinctive snouts filled with teeth and catfish-like whiskers or feelers that help them detect prey.
The team also discovered that tyrannosaur snouts and jaws were most likely laced with nerves that made their skin supersensitive, comparable to a human's fingertips.
Current blow dryers feature long, almost anteater-like snouts, blunt backs and contoured handles designed to fit a wide variety of hand sizes and hair needs.
Still, being able to smell underwater and "see" things with "fingers" that protrude from their snouts make the star-nosed mole a winner in my book.
Blood sausage can sometimes be dry, but Insa's soondae spilled with tender crumbs that were almost juicy, moistened with braised pigs' snouts and ground belly meat.
Certainly not the white monsters on the other side of the exhibit at that very moment, pushing their greasy snouts against the window, sneering and hooting.
The images appear to show a type of buffalo and wild pigs surrounded by humans with animal features, such as tails and snouts, according to BBC.
The $640bn question is whether Mr Lourenço's anti-corruption drive is real, or whether he plans to replace one set of snouts at the trough with another.
As a final act of defiance against frigid temperatures, alligators will stick their snouts above the water line, allowing them to freeze above any ice that forms.
Unlike the grazing cows, the boars are menaces, destroying crops, scaring children and offending the eyes with their long snouts, muddy black hair and sharp, curved tusks.
Four hundred fifty snouts who eat greedily but are never full, while we cannot buy proper food for ourselves, cannot get proper clothing, cannot afford proper housing.
Snouts can be as short as 5/8 of an inch to 5.5 inches in length, making this a great option for short- and long-nosed dogs.
It builds and builds, our anticipation growing, knowing that we will soon see two dogs awkwardly smash their snouts together for our glorious amusement, but then... Nothing.
In the latest news, scientists think they've unmasked new features of the Tyrannosaurus's face, like sensitive snouts and jaws that may have made them efficient killing machines.
According to Charles Darwin and other great scientific minds, it's part of something called domestication syndrome, which also includes pets' tendency to have shorter snouts and paler coats.
Sharks are popularly considered to be the best smellers in the business because, anatomically, the amount of surface area in their snouts devoted to smell receptors is major.
New to the zoo are eight Indian gharials—critically endangered reptiles of the crocodilian order, indigenous to the Chambal River, in India—identifiable by their needle-nose snouts.
After being trained on a database of a specific type of imagery, their algorithms home in on certain patterns — if it's dogs, they learn to see tails, noses, snouts.
We might not be thrilled to see fangs sprouting from their snouts, but if that's who our loved ones really are, we owe it to the relationship to look.
Following behind, a pride of jungle cats — tigers, lions, a cheetah cub, a jaguar, an ocelot — pads about the slow, mine-sweeping snouts of a passing crash of rhinos.
"The smaller the oral opening, the greater the suction—pilot whales, belugas, and porpoises all have similarly short snouts and large, muscular lips," explained Boessenecker in an email to Gizmodo.
From stars such as Khloe Kardashian and Nick Lachey to Jessica Burciaga and Anthony Anderson these celebs have helped some sweet snouts get a good whiff of their lavish life.
You start to see the faintest tinge of cuteness in their whiskery snouts, and have to give them props for scarfing down ticks and actual venomous snakes, because that's pretty metal.
They found that beaked animals tended to be born from eggs laid on land and from embryos that had a structure on the tip of their snouts known as a caruncle.
Image: Lindsey SwierkUnprecedented footage from Costa Rica shows tiny tropical lizards "breathing" from an air sac suspended atop their snouts—an apparent scuba tank that helps them stay submerged for extended periods.
The third group, which had stouter, shorter snouts, lived in the southern US.One possible reason for this variation in tyrannosaur body types is that each clade likely hunted different types of prey.
George Howard, the park's general manager, spotted the snouts first and took photos and videos to share on the park's social media accounts, where the posts have been shared thousands of times.
Hungry City 12 Photos View Slide Show ' Everyone wants the little piggies, plump white buns with black sesame-seed eyes, orange snouts and slashes of ears that look more like worried brows.
Ranging in size from a tiny Maltese to a giant St. Bernard, and showing myriad differences in coats, snouts, ears, tails and bone structure, dogs might not always appear to belong to one species.
Other items in the bag included spatulas made from llama bone, a colorful headband, dried plant stems held together by strings, and a remarkable pouch stitched together from the snouts of three Andean foxes.
While the temperatures proved too brutal for some animals, the gators were just fine—frozen alive in their pond with their snouts sticking out of the water, just enough so they could still breathe.
After lifting the beams of the hold, the herd pours into the clearing and the animals, snouts nuzzling the snow-covered ground in search of moss, disappear from view as the evening light fades.
Menacing snouts were visible beneath the water, but I was more interested in the sign that had been posted at each corner of the pond explaining that the alligators were native species, not pets.
Sawsharks live on a diet of fish, crustaceans and squid, using their serrated snouts to kill their prey and, with quick side-to-side slashes, break them up into bite-sized chunks, said Temple.
The same might be true of Alternate Cenozoic dinosaurs: there are some groups of dinosaur with grazing teeth and snouts in the real Mesozoic, so it wouldn't be hard for them to do so again.
Chickens do not have snouts and pigs do not have feathers, but Kylie explained that she couldn't tell what her mom was holding and just assumed because of their conversations Kris was cuddling a bird.
One, Pliotrema annae, was discovered after being caught by fishermen in Zanzibar, while the snouts of the other species, known as Pliotrema kajae, were collected in Madagascar, with other specimens later found in museum collections.
Realizing that this was somewhat ambiguous, especially applied to a dish as laden with stuff as the brew of lambs' snouts, ears, tongues, cheeks and eyeballs known in Turkey as kelle paca, I tried again.
From a wall of windows across the length of the building, an almost tangible luminescence glimmers across the backs of the pigs pacing in their pens or digging their pink, fleshy snouts into their troughs.
Days earlier, the German branch of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals had warned that the dogs' snouts and palates were "too short, which makes it difficult for them to breathe," even in cooler temperatures.
While there are off-the-shelf implants, custom-made 3-D implants are particularly good for dogs, Dr. Oblak said, because their skulls vary in shape, from the flat snouts of boxers to the long ones of greyhounds.
"Crocs use their hypersensitive snouts in predation (detecting water ripples), social behavior (snout-to-snout rubbing), assessing nest temperature (arguably the most important in terms of long-term survival of a species), and safely carrying hatchlings," Carr told Gizmodo.
Due to their short snouts, French bulldogs can be more susceptible to breathing problems, so it was quite likely that the dog would have suffocated if not of the quick response from JetBlue flight attendants Renaud Fenster and Diane Asher.
It may seem like the software is unearthing "hidden" patterns in an image, but it's more like someone scribbling in a coloring book: filling every inch with eyes, stalks, whorls, and snouts, all to excite the algorithm as much as possible.
As if tyrannosaurs weren't formidable and frightening enough, new research published in Scientific Reports shows the surprising degree to which these two-legged predators used hypersensitive snouts to locate prey, protect their young, identify objects, and interact with one another.
Where mature Diplodocus specimens have wide, squared snouts and teeth specialized for ground-level grazing, Andrew has a short, narrow snout and a dental pattern that would be more suited for a generalist diet composed of many types of foliage.
They applied "bio-friendly paint remover" to a big black blot that had been splashed onto one of the steer's snouts — perhaps in a long-ago act of vandalism — and used brushes to gently scrub off the paint by hand.
The questionnaire then asks about breed-specific features like a nose-free design for dogs with up-facing noses or a neoprene nose strap for dogs with preexisting scars on their snouts, and finally the circumference and length of your dog's snout.
By comparing the nerve holes in the tyrannosaurs with that of present-day crocodiles, the team speculates that the tyrannosaurs would have used their heightened senses to detect the temperatures of their nests, tend to their eggs and may have used their sensitive snouts to nuzzle their mates.
Octoroks are shooting boomerangs out of their snouts; the old man on one screen tells you it's dangerous to go alone, then next door says "leave your life of money"; a Molblin caterpillar shoots fireballs at you; glitchy inverted witch women swarm the statues of Death mountain; and so on.
Growing up to 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) in length, with short, stubby snouts and small dorsal fins high up on their arched backs, pink dolphins have lived in the waters around Hong Kong for hundreds of years, as the human population grew from the low thousands in the 1600s to the millions today.
Now, working on behalf of an anti-poaching group, he had walked right through the front doors of Facebook's black market in illicit wildlife, where criminal networks appear to buy and sell ivory hacked from the tusks of endangered and vulnerable elephants and horns chopped off the snouts of rhinos that are rapidly going extinct.
That Carson would be remembered for a book about the danger of back-yard pesticides like DDT would have surprised her in her younger years, when she was a marine biologist at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, writing memos about shad and pondering the inquiring snouts of whales, having specialized, during graduate school, in the American eel.
The Jain sat on a cushion in an impeccable house, impeccable only on the inside, of course: Outside was a heap of roiling, shifting garbage, a heap that seemed a living thing with rats burrowing through it—swimming, really, floating in an unreal paradise of gnawables with pigs pushing aside layers of plastic and rotten trembling fruit with their snouts.
" Never mind that this land hosted the Golden Fleece; spawned wine and Stalin ; and inspired Chekhov to write, during an 21921 visit, "I saw the sea in all its vastness, the Caucasian shore, mountains, mountains, mountains, eucalyptuses, tea plants, waterfalls, pigs with long pointed snouts, trees wrapped in lianas like veils, clouds spending the night on the breast of giant cliffs, dolphins, fountains of oil, subterranean fires, a fireworshippers' temple, mountains, mountains, mountains.

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