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11 Sentences With "ciggies"

How to use ciggies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ciggies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ciggies". Mastering all the usages of "ciggies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Tanning + cocktails + ciggies = perfect day in Mexico for Bella.
Ciggies, beers and fooling around are backed by a lush and lovely rocker.
The Chainsmokers -- Drew Taggart and Alex Pall -- aren't worried about their name being a billboard for ciggies.
Metal bands are cool cos most of their crowd are super polite, smoke heaps of ciggies but don't smash many glasses.
The Australian government announced in the Federal Budget on Tuesday that it will be slogging smokers top dollar for a pack of ciggies.
Just like cigarette makers wanted to get kids/teenagers hooked to ciggies early, Facebook is doing the same with apps like Messenger Kids & getting them addicted early.
Dave and Courtney -- ciggies in hand -- partied this weekend in South Beach -- first catching a Madonna concert, then hitting up an after party at the Faena Hotel.
There is something about an English lad on the tabs that is uniquely uncool, which perhaps has something to do with the image of a horribly sunburnt Gazza with ciggies hanging out of his ears.
As enjoyable as a good hit of burning tobacco can be, not all of us planned our entire evening around watching you roll the most dismally dog-eared ciggies this side of the Titanic's engine room.
He also has considerable experience of handling difficult characters; if he managed to keep Nicolas Anelka in line at Bolton, then he's not going to have a difficult time confiscating Jack Wilshere's ciggies, or convincing Dele Alli to stop playing his Gameboy and go to bed.
Money that you'd begged for, for your birthday that year, or just maybe earned stacking fast-food chain burgers or selling ciggies to your friend's dad who'd lied to his wife about quitting, and you had to cover for his deceit that time she came in asking for stamps (which you didn't sell, which she well knew), down at the one local newsagent that got the NME in beside the copies of Escort and Auto Trader, guaranteeing something to run your eyes over on your ten-minute "lunch" break.

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