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"slattern" Definitions
  1. an offensive word for a woman who is thought to be dirty and untidy

17 Sentences With "slattern"

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Jo (Rita Tushingham, a 19-year-old newcomer then) is encumbered by her slattern mother (Dora Bryan).
Soon it was Bette who was relegated to taking the "shopgirl" and "slattern" roles that Joan had bristled at playing.
Just as the addict antihero has been a male wedge into ambitious TV, the slattern antiheroine has been a female wedge.
While it is the Frenchwoman who is the ostensible protagonist of these stories, it's the wretched North American slattern we really get to know.
Three years on, she has devolved from a proud matron into a slattern who slouches in and out of her house in a slip, scandalizing the neighborhood.
Goofy but well-meaning Ken (Jake Lacy), who romances Meg, is the simpleton; commitment-phobic bartender Tom (Anders Holm) is the slattern; David is the cynic; and Alice's ex, Josh, is the center.
Guillermo del Toro's whole career has been about sympathy for the monster, and taking the monster's side, but Pacific Rim is this movie where people get in these big robots and fight the monsters, all of which are female—it's a plot point in the movie—and many of which have names like 'Slattern'.
But the trend dates back much further than Sex and the City; The Golden Girls had Blanche, Rose, Dorothy, and Sophia, and Designing Women had Suzanne, Charlene, Julia, and Mary Jo. Libby Hill (who's married to Vox culture editor Todd VanDerWerff) points this out in a great essay for the AV Club: Female social circles, particularly on sitcoms, are often represented in groups of four, which then break down personality-wise into the following established female archetypes, which I'll call the Slattern, the Simpleton, the Cynic, and the Center.
Pentecost and Chuck sacrifice themselves as they detonate the bomb, killing Scunner and mortally wounding Slattern. Gipsy Danger finishes off Slattern with a blast from its nuclear vortex and uses its corpse to go through the Breach, where Raleigh sets Gipsys reactor to detonate. They eject from Gipsy and go back through the Breach. The reactor explodes, closing the Breach.
Pentecost, who is dying from radiation sickness, replaces the injured Herc Hansen to pilot Striker Eureka with Herc's son Chuck. Two Category-4, Scunner and Raiju, and one Category-5, Slattern, emerge from the Breach to defend it. Gipsy Danger kills Raiju, but Striker Eureka is immobilized by Slattern. Gipsy Danger attempts to help Striker Eureka but Pentecost warns the crippled Jaeger to stay away, telling them to use Gipsy Dangers nuclear reactor to destroy the Breach.
Although she claimed to consider her womanly domestic duties more important than her literary activities — "My needle always claims the pre- eminence of my pen. I hate the name of 'rhyming slattern.'" — there are indications that she actively sought success as a writer.Roger Lonsdale, ed.
Her mother Katherine Smith is in Holloway Prison doing a six-month stretch for shoplifting. James entices her with sketching materials to get inside Hazeley Hall Manor so that he can get his goods from the bothy. Maureen Gubb (Auntie Mo): Red-headed slattern. Thin, beaky face and flabby neck.
Georgia Straight, by Alex Hudson on July 13th, 2011 he also performed solo as Terrier and with Ewan Currie as The Mothers Brothers Band. Peters' 2010 album by his band, Royal Canoe, titled "Co-Op Mode," included collaborations, co-writes and performances with all of the members of The Waking Eyes. Peters continues writing, recording and/or producing in the Winnipeg area for/with The Liptonians, Slattern, Demetra, Ruth Moody,"The timing was right for Ruth Moody's solo debut". Georgia Straight, by Tony Montague on November 3rd, 2010 This Hisses and Triunfo do Gato.
CCI: Guy Davis Talks "The Marquis", Comic Book Resources, July 24, 2008Guy Davis - Talking About The Marquis and More, Newsarama, August 21, 2008 He has also provided illustration work for the White Wolf role-playing game series and TCM Underground, cover artwork for Criterion, and poster art for Mondo. At the 2011 ECCC, Davis announced he would no longer be the ongoing B.P.R.D. artist. Since leaving comics, Davis has moved to a career in conceptual design, providing concept art, character design and storyboards for film, television and video games. He worked on Pacific Rim, designing the Kaiju Otachi and Slattern, various props and storyboards.
G. A. Henty had one of his heroes stolen as a toddler, and another lost to his father's family but both acquire, through fortunate circumstances, the manners and polish of gentlemen, rather than being what one would expect from their upbringing in the workhouse or as fisher-lads. In contrast, when the lost child is discovered in Mann's The Victim (1917) the child is exactly what her experience of neglect, the workhouse, domestic service, and an unsatisfactory husband could be expected to make her, a foul-mouthed slattern. Some of Mann's novels continue to be republished. In 2005 Eastern Angles Theatre Company used a collection of her characters and stories to create a new play A Dulditch Angel.
Onibaba, the Kaiju that orphans Mako Mori, resembles a fusion of a Japanese temple and a crustacean. Slattern, the largest Kaiju, is distinguished by its extremely long neck and "half-horn, half-crown" head, which del Toro considered both demonic and majestic. Gipsy Danger, the American Jaeger, was based on the shape of New York City's Art Deco buildings, such as the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building, but infused with John Wayne's gunslinger gait and hip movements. Cherno Alpha, the Russian Jaeger, was based on the shape and paint patterns of a T-series Russian tank, combined with a giant containment silo to give the appearance of a walking nuclear power plant with a cooling tower on its head.
Augustine of Hippo in The City of God (II.7) cites Chaerea's speech from Act III, Scene 5, on the descent of Jupiter onto the lap of Danaë in the form of a golden shower as an authoritative precedent to justify his own licentious behaviour as likely to corrupt schoolboys. Dante alludes to Terence's Thais in Canto 18 of the Inferno, where he encounters the flatterers, who are covered with human waste. Virgil points to one of the suffering souls: :At that juncture, my leader said to me, : “Now send your gaze a little further forward : So that your eye may rest upon the face :Of that slovenly and disheveled slattern 130 : Scratching herself there with her shitty nails, : Who can’t decide between standing and squatting. :That is Thaïs, the whore who once replied : To a lover asking, ‘Have I found much favor : With you?’—‘Indeed, I’d say the very most!’ :And let this be enough for our perusal.” From an unpublished translation of the Inferno by Peter D'Epiro.

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