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"self-consciously" Definitions
  1. in a way that shows you are nervous or embarrassed about your appearance or what other people think of you
  2. (often disapproving) in a way that shows you are aware of the effect that is being produced

377 Sentences With "self consciously"

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His brand of self-consciously beautiful, self-consciously virile masculinity is so heightened and so laced with irony as to become a burlesque long before he dons drag.
The genre I most avoid is the self-consciously Literary Novel.
It was unclear what all the self-consciously arty symbols signified.
Their activities at this time were not so self-consciously political.
Though we laughed self-consciously, every one of his visitors obeyed.
This means avoiding self-consciously arty cooking — "cuisine" — at all costs.
It's focused on casual players; the whole thing is self-consciously silly.
Its leaders are basically self-consciously pushing policies that results in that.
These are the instruments of a self-consciously forward-looking, globalizing age.
And there's a certain amount of self-consciously arty cinematography and editing.
Sometimes it's fun to be self-consciously dumb online, rather than accidentally.
"Destroyer" isn't self-consciously beautiful, she explained, because it hadn't "earned" it.
This is a jittery, self-consciously silly comic book movie that invests in the family structure of its heroes, all of whom (except for maybe Gamora) would absolutely love to watch a jittery, self-consciously silly comic book movie.
Instead, the self-consciously grandiose title describes its corresponding album all too well.
At least we can abbreviate the rest of the self-consciously whimsical plot.
He's singing tenderly here, and less self-consciously than on his last album.
It's startling because "The Correspondence" is also thoughtful and almost self-consciously literary.
Leaning self-consciously against the Fat Man replica, I scribbled in my notepad.
Doom 2016 was self-consciously rejecting the modern narrative shooter and its form.
He had this kind of Vincent Price laugh, very self-consciously pseudo-evil.
He thus was, Clark, argues, very self-consciously extending tradition in a surprising way.
An overstuffed one might be just as self-consciously curated as a streamlined one.
The Best of Giggs series kickstarted a fresh, UK-orientated, self-consciously street element.
Over time, Cher developed a reputation for humor and almost self-consciously terrible taste.
The bar keeps going up in the arena of self-consciously provocative teenage drama.
"In the Realm of Perfection" is slenderer, knottier, more self-consciously besotted than that.
This was self-consciously an attempt to create a valid and verifiable news source.
The book seems at first very different from its predecessor, almost self-consciously so.
They begin awkwardly and self-consciously, as if reluctant to commit even to performing.
Weirdo was punk and funky, where as RAW was self-consciously arty and European.
The self-consciously genre-crossing critic — just like the self-consciously genre-blending musician — depends on style boundaries precisely so as to transgress them and achieve desired sensations of liberation, discovery, and an airy cosmopolitan feeling of rising above the rooted and local.
The Ivanka Trump clothing line was self-consciously forward-looking and progressive without being radical.
So it's very much a kind of an improvement upon the original, self-consciously so.
The sentences are self-consciously lyrical, but not quite brilliant enough to earn their inflation.
Do we need another self-consciously luxurious brasserie, in a city so full of them?
Occasionally I worry that it's all too shrewd, too self-consciously absurd, to be real.
The Female Persuasion, the new novel by Meg Wolitzer, is self-consciously a zeitgeist book.
The video is presumably an artist's self-portrait, high-concept but also self-consciously silly.
McKin­non retreats into herself, pacing self-consciously between the sofa, dining room chairs, and kitchen counter.
The genre grew more detached from reality ( Pacific Rim ) and self-consciously schlocky ( Mega Shark vs.
You didn't have to self-consciously worry that your posts weren't good enough to show up.
I shook his hand self-consciously because it was still damp from holding the iron railing.
Dark-skinned and unapologetically, un-self-consciously black, Jones seemed to take the harassment in stride.
This makes some sense, given that Jon revered Ned and self-consciously modeled himself after him.
For once, Glover's high-minded ideas weren't self-consciously explained or worse, obscured with overeager punchlines.
Alt-J's own language is at once nerdy, needy, creepy, calculated, unhinged and self-consciously sincere.
It is easy to imagine Barthes at ringside on Sunday, self-consciously indulging himself in the excess.
The most poetic work in the exhibit is, not surprisingly, also the least self-consciously clever one.
This is one of those self-consciously tech-savvy hipster friends who uses all the latest smartphone apps.
But My So-Called Life was self-consciously "realistic," in a way that teen viewers haven't always appreciated.
This book is self-consciously shaped by, and susceptible to, its own account of how we read now.
The Golden Circle is still a spy comedy, but it's less self-consciously parodic than The Secret Service.
Simple and self-consciously silly, the Vine racked up more than six million views in a single day.
But cramming so much activity and self-consciously meme-able moments becomes anxiety-inducing at a certain point.
"Not Afraid," the mawkish self-help single from Recovery, announced a no-frills, self-consciously transparent new direction.
It is she whom he embraces, stiffly and self-consciously, in a genuinely affecting moment of tentative connection.
Barack Obama started off as a man self-consciously alone on stage and that's how he is exiting.
And I started thinking more and more about the value in pop music which is self-consciously positive.
It deliberately reveals awkwardness along with righteousness; it's also, very self-consciously, the next step in a career.
I did, I made a very conscious choice in the beginning to not create a self-consciously liberal publication.
But it's also a gaudy thing, a self-consciously edgy trinket, shaped like the skull of some dead animal.
Picking up where he left off on these postindustrial themes, Monaghan's contemporary works skew more self-consciously and schematically.
"Home" actually contains several stellar scenes — all of which exist outside of the episode's more self-consciously "shocking" moments.
Snyder's Watchmen was self-consciously beholden to the source material, but failed to capture the richness of the comics.
They are self-consciously working to convince other incels that raping women is a justified response to sexual rejection.
But it was a major event — self-consciously so, with a playbill full of hashtags and social media handles.
To call it a #MeToo movie would be a stretch, although it is self-consciously woke to a point.
He also seems well-aware of the criticisms that might be lobbed at the show's self-consciously ludicrous approach.
But they also don't particularly identify with the self-consciously woke brand of liberalism practiced in big cosmopolitan metro areas.
Even Deadpool — which is self-consciously a snarky deconstruction of the genre — plays with these tropes for the most part.
Since her debut, Lavigne's music has struggled to reconcile grandiose, clean pop production with a self-consciously messy, rebellious singer.
His American trilogy, written in the late nineties, was already self-consciously patriotic, dense with details of an American community.
And the evening had an early, self-consciously friendly exchange of greetings between Mr. Trump and the moderator Megyn Kelly.
Like all epics the "Aeneid" is self-consciously encyclopedic, with a barrage of names and epithets that challenge any translator.
Dick Pic 101 Nearly all instances of straight sexuality in Euphoria show girls self-consciously catering to the male gaze.
Abdul Rahman, 20, who joined the Taliban at the age of 14, self-consciously hid one arm under his jacket.
His upheaval is funny and self-consciously melodramatic, with wry humor and tenderness just below the surface of dissonant darkness.
Amid shelves of soft and self-consciously therapeutic illness memoirs, this quality makes "The Iceberg," her first book, very likable indeed.
While Hayes-Chute builds a pizza board and oven, he self-consciously fixes his hair and emits plenty of loud grunts.
What happens to us when we self-consciously inhabit and reenact things that are true — or that we wish were true?
The fun part of LCD Soundsystem's music is picking out the references, which Murphy pretty self-consciously wears on his sleeve.
Homeland's creators are claiming, more self-consciously than ever, that the show has always been a critique of the American government.
All three realms were proudly and self-consciously diverse, although carefully so—Michigan had been sued over its affirmative-action program.
This music, so self-consciously English, sounded different in America, where its rather nerdy creators were greeted as exotic rock stars.
The passionate, self-consciously ironic spirit animating "Compass" justifies its propensity to ramble on about, say, Wagner's similarity to Iranian theocrats.
It's a recognizable Chicago product, self-consciously so: Mr. Walker made the album there, and it conveys a sense of place.
Other attendees started toward each other as if to exchange hugs or cheek kisses, only to stop and laugh self-consciously.
His earlier works have exhibited some similar traits; his 1995 opera "Powder Her Face" is full of self-consciously outrageous winking.
Stravinsky's angular, self-consciously antique score added pungent alienation to Mr. McBurney's pointed references to smartphones, social media and reality television.
My way around the aforementioned self-contained worlds in Stuart's writing was making my songs very self-consciously about the group itself.
Their approach was direct and curt, no frills— not self-consciously art-directed no frills, but Old Country, 21981th-century no frills.
But it still bears Arkane's uniquely craftsmanlike approach: not too flashy, groundbreaking, or self-consciously clever, but solid, complex, and thoughtfully built.
The film is not just beautiful, it is carefully, self-consciously beautiful in a way that seems designed to inspire religious awe.
Killing begins as a psychological thriller, makes gestures toward tragedy of a self-consciously Greek sort, and resolves into a Gothic nightmare.
Beginning with feeling mortified about undressing in the locker room, they were also self-consciously reluctant to exercise and move with abandon.
Much like the faded hammer-and-sickle tattoo embellishing Harry's oft-bared chest, the movie's politics come across as self-consciously ornamental.
It must be self-consciously harmonized, so far as possible, with the goal of winning the presidency for the party's actual nominee.
Moving to the present, the work becomes more fragmented and self-consciously conceptual, but there are still pure pleasures to be had.
But that telling pause and pivot, when I turned self-consciously from the melon and browsed the berries, lingered in my mind.
There is no similar diversity in the Republican Party's trusted informational ecosystem, which is heavily built around self-consciously conservative news sources.
After passing the midway point, the crew started joking self-consciously about what researchers call the "third-quarter phenomenon," when energy sometimes flags.
The script is a mix of serious, modern-feeling dramedy and self-consciously corny sitcom gags, which sometimes feels like a cop-out.
But here the cool kids are Palestinians, and they have unfurled a self-consciously Arab milieu that is secular, feminist and gay-friendly.
Half the fun of watching Mr. Gutierrez's videos is catching the self-consciously silly "Zoolander" looks he shoots the camera between makeup tricks.
I want to write un-self-consciously, without any worry that I'm echoing something that's already been written that crept into my head.
Fallaci was a piquant, stylish beauty, self-consciously photogenic in the Joan Didion way, a midcentury woman writer vigilant about her public image.
Many wise people self-consciously divide their life into chapters, and they focus on the big question of what this chapter is for.
Mr. Rees-Mogg is a media-savvy High Tory in the self-consciously preposterous, overprivileged Boris Johnson mode, only without the boyish incorrigibility.
Despite this lineage, Bidart — a consummate cinephile and once-aspiring filmmaker — self-consciously rejects traditional poetic structures in favor of a theatrical typography.
But his leftism, his self-consciously "democratic socialism," sees itself not as opposed to core liberal values but as an extension of them.
His model artist was Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, who rendered neoclassical subjects in a self-consciously archaic style, flattening perspectives and whitening colors.
Other than the gospel-shouting muses, drawn as five black women and given self-consciously sassy dialogue, everyone in this story was white.
Everlane's take on the Shoe is arguably the most fashion-forward of the bunch, with its high vamp and self-consciously understated styling.
Nathaniel, the smooth and self-consciously literary TV writer, is hiding the fact that he hasn't written for a show in two years.
Those moments wouldn't be as out-of-place in the more self-consciously mawkish film that lurks around the corners of this material.
Who is only able to speak in self-consciously attributed quotations from humans, which begins to feel a tad hokey by the end.
As a playwright, however, he has long been celebrated for his effusive, often self-consciously literary way with language both highbrow and lowbrow.
Self-consciously restrained novels are a dime a dozen, but weirdo over-the-top quasi-Victorian gothic fantasies about sin are rarer birds.
Do I think Elizabeth is being self-consciously manipulative when she gives Christian a giant embrace immediately before telling him she's upended the strategy?
By borrowing his image so self-consciously from tradition, as this exhibition emphasizes, Wiley calls attention to the lasting power of David's iconic picture.
Saying something is "the Dark Souls of" any given category is a cliche, but Chronos self-consciously replicates, then builds on, the Souls formula.
The words they often use to describe themselves — dominatrix, fetishist, sensual masseuse, courtesan, sugar baby, whore, witch, pervert — can be self-consciously half-wicked.
"This is for all my ladies who care about checks, not texts," said Ms. Goddard, who giggled self-consciously at her ad-libbed catchphrase.
"He very self-consciously tried to shore up his support from women voters after the Anita Hill episode," Pika told USA Today in 2900.
In some cases, they incorporate art-photography, fashion, and other genres with a more fluid approach, while others are deeply and self-consciously personal.
Locker rooms are open, at least in older schools built on the assumption that students of the same sex would un-self-consciously disrobe.
The result is a new sort of indie rock that is chipper, rinky-dink, self-consciously handmade with discount-store melodies and neon attitude.
That's because, instead of staging a bombastic action cheesefest, Bumblebee self-consciously apes the style of 1980s coming-of-age stories, to great effect.
A stylish crime flick in the 1990s mold, it combined violence and wisecracks into a confection that was glibly fun and self-consciously cool.
But now a strange satirical spirit appears to be at play, self-consciously looking back to the debaucheries of antiquity with a knowing eye.
It began as a self-consciously derivative nation, drawing its sense of self overwhelmingly from the Empire, and became a cosmopolitan New World society.
He has also demonstrated a new willingness to stretch beyond the affectless line readings and self-consciously makeshift settings that were his early signature.
But cumulatively, it's a sharp change from the days in which most political content people saw was self-consciously trying to avoid offending anyone.
But they were middle-aged now, self-consciously aware, as they performed their jokey girlishness, of the heavy shelves of bosom under their nightdresses.
It influenced tons of creators to create similar games that combine intimate and realistic theming with quiet, contemplative, and self-consciously non-violent play.
"Aqua" is noticeably — even self-consciously — hesitant about its super-heroics, especially by comparison with the flat-out costumed craziness of DC's Legends of Tomorrow.
Their culture is a self-consciously puerile mishmash of memes, absurdism and irony, making it hard to know how seriously to take anything posted there.
While he waits, like Hagar in the wilderness, for his call to be answered, he bites his nail and glances self-consciously at the camera.
If that sounds familiar, that's because it's self-consciously modeled after the summit Charles Koch held the weekend after Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009.
Julie, by contrast, puts out a decidedly middle-class vibe, including the way she self-consciously checks her own privilege in conversations with her professors.
Some are travelogues, mostly about his high-end and self-consciously "compulsive" pursuit of adding species to his many lists of the birds he's encountered.
SATURDAY PUZZLE — I've got to admit, my inner teenager's first glance at today's Will Nediger grid landed on 413A and she then self-consciously cringed.
But they are thankfully not as stuffy as most industry awards, or as self-consciously grand as the Oscars, though they are nearly as long.
Esther Solar, our main character, is self-consciously peculiar in the way that only a teenager who is utterly terrified of the world can be.
In an article for The New Yorker, Dan Chiasson notes that, in the 1850 national census, Dickinson self-consciously wrote "keeping house" as her vocation.
The cartel thriller's dense, impenetrable plot feels penned by Elmore Leonard on mescaline and the thing's so self-consciously dark that it comes off like camp.
I spent the remaining seven-eighths of the evening, however, self-consciously grazing the buffet while she dominated the 40-person event with joyous, uninhibited abandon.
The pace of the film is self-consciously unhurried, with the interviewees given free range to talk for as long as they want; sometimes awkwardly longer.
The good news is that she is not a utopian; she is — or has become, across a long and grinding career — temperamentally pragmatic, self-consciously hardheaded.
The show is pointedly and self-consciously funny, savoring its own raucous wit, which paradoxically means that it just isn't as funny as it should be.
At the same time, self-consciously rejecting even harmless or positive ingrained ideas about women for the sake of doing so feels ridiculous, maybe even regressive.
From the manifesto pamphlet forward, the Bauhaus self-consciously cultivated itself as a brand, with a vaguely occult-looking logo and a raft of promotional ephemera.
I think when it comes to my self portraits I do it self-consciously, but when it comes to others, I know more, I'm in control.
Revising the past from its present-day perch, both the music and the show self-consciously acknowledge that what we're seeing and hearing has been done before.
Little is expected of him; he stands still, self-consciously, in glasses, a T-shirt, and medium-wash jeans, encircled in the lunchroom by the entire school.
The self-consciously rumpled linen cloth, the clenchingly exact amount of "spilt" cheese, the artfully arranged mess—it literally screams of conscious, deliberate care to appear careless.
There are plenty of terrible original Netflix movies out there, but frankly, these self-consciously empty little holiday numbers, designed to be easily digestible, aren't among them.
Meanwhile, the two Democratic Senate candidates in competitive races who outperformed Clinton the most both self-consciously presented a moderate image rather than running as liberal firebrands.
"Miles Ahead" and "Born to Be Blue" self-consciously play with genre by transforming Davis's impressionistic style and Baker's tender pathos from the stage to narrative structures.
"Richard Posner" portrays a man who aims selfconsciously to be (in his words) a "Promethean intellectual hero," remaking the world of the law by sheer will.
Washing the screen in carmine and ink, he paints a brittle, self-consciously arty veneer that, matched with Flying Lotus's dreamily insistent score, creates disorienting sensory overload.
Both self-consciously see themselves as part of a loosely affiliated international populist movement, including the National Front in France, Nigel Farage in Britain and many others.
The first wave of rediscovery had ukases and prohibitions—Alec Wilder wrote off essentially all of Rodgers and Hammerstein, and almost everything self-consciously "jazzy" in Gershwin.
May's speeches are reminiscent of the approach of an American Democratic politician who self-consciously resisted identity politics and defied political correctness 25 years ago, Bill Clinton.
More usual is the genre novel offered by a literary heavyweight self-consciously paddling in shallow waters, doing the genre a favor by splashing about in it.
I pose self-consciously, subtly changing the tilt of my head and broadness of my smile to give myself a wide range of options for the inevitable post.
Icelanders also looked self-consciously at their own history, producing the sagas: generation-spanning tales of family, honour, feuds and outlawry that fall somewhere between history and myth.
So it was weird to see the humble custard tart, which always made me feel so self-consciously first-generation as a kid, being Instagrammed left and right.
In fact, they NEED to see the world that way to justify the kind of regime that the family has built: brutally autocratic, extravagantly militarized, self-consciously destitute.
A Balmain-clad Eva Longoria posed with the president of L'Oreal, self-consciously standing a good head-and-shoulders below everyone around her despite towering five-inch heels.
In its disciplined idealism, Macron's campaign is self-consciously modelled on Obama's 2008 operation, right down to the armies of fresh-faced volunteers in cool-looking T-shirts.
And so one may find oneself asking when reading this self-consciously daring but ultimately schlocky sendup, as I did, What did the Holocaust do to deserve this?
Over the next few years, I kept reading what I self-consciously referred to as "my lesbian sites," feeling more like a voyeur than someone who belonged there.
The comic, as first introduced, was not the least bit radical in the political sense — and not even self-consciously black — but it had a genuinely radical subtext.
You might expect "Re-Member Me," by Dickie Beau, to be the genre bender: It's self-consciously eclectic, combining elements of drag, lip-sync, shadow play and tribute.
I found myself a small patch of sand and settled in, realizing, slowly, that despite the overwhelming numbers, the large mass of people wasn't self-consciously a crowd.
He listens deferentially, even to shop managers and waiters; laughs easily, if self-consciously; and bashfully glances toward the floor at any mention of his cover-boy looks.
It is within this depleted, self-consciously retro environment that Yoshiro is anxiously raising his great-grandson, Mumei, a wise and sensitive boy whom he's doomed to outlive.
Sulzberger is not considering the course that many of its readers, in this moment, seem to want: full-throated Trump resistance, and a more self-consciously political paper.
" His lo-fi segments are like "The Dr. Oz Show," if "The Dr. Oz Show" were produced by self-consciously quirky interns from public radio's "This American Life.
For one thing it is — perhaps too self-consciously — a beautiful production, especially as lit by Amith Chandrashaker to catch the actors' haunted faces in the encroaching dark.
He thought it was so insidious because it didn't appear to have an ideological message; it was never self-consciously ideological in the way that German propaganda was.
The stories of these movies are nothing to write home about, especially all of their "zing" business, which is self-consciously silly in a way that never quite works.
To passers-by, the place may appear to be a straightforward (if self-consciously kitschy) Chinese restaurant, with its tumbling water fountain, happy-cat mural and red paper lanterns.
As a result, it feels less self-consciously literary than Mr. Swift's earlier novels, and while it has a haunting, ceremonious pace, it also possesses a new emotional intensity.
Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush all self-consciously saw themselves as leaders of a minority party at a time when Democrats controlled a majority of down-ballot offices.
Listen to audio of the full track below or on Spotify, and await the self-consciously weird music video Gaga will no doubt release in the weeks to come.
All these tragic circumstances have happened and continue to happen, and Farbiarz self-consciously captures these moments of "watching them watch" as powerfully as any documentary photographer ever could.
All four involved are self-consciously cool, progressive individuals who find themselves overwhelmed (in Frances' case, to the point of self-harm) when pressed into action by brute desire.
He enjoyed mixing elements of everyday speech with self-consciously elevated language, allowing the demotic and the literary to build on each other's unique energies and occasionally deflate them.
Some don't even try: "Ironic," Ms. Morissette's biggest hit, is self-consciously (if amusingly) shoehorned into the plot as Frankie's "essay-poem-story-type thing" for creative writing class.
Ms. Blamey's new menu is not self-consciously avant-garde, the way Atera's tasting menus were when she was the sous-chef there, but it may be more original.
Wow, I think smugly as I read over Mr. Barbour's ode to Maxfield Parrish, he doesn't even know that Maxfield Parrish should only be liked self-consciously, as kitsch.
His openness becomes more apparent the second time we meet, when he hugs me un-self-consciously, without that typical fear of physical intimacy I encounter with most men.
The re-edited U.S. finale of the show makes that point somewhat accidentally when Veronica likens the Heathers to J.D. as self-consciously "cool kids" she'd rather not talk to.
Its tone, which is self-consciously literary, and its plot, which treats us to the standard bouts of amorous obsession and familial turmoil, are flavorless fare with little lasting force.
It's going for something much lighter than what The Good Wife generally traded in, but laces almost every scene with self-consciously significant moments that badly want to convey gravitas.
But more significant is the fact that Romesberg uses metaphor at all—that he uses literary techniques to persuade and does so self-consciously, reflecting on the materials of meaning.
But Wilder's jittery affect and anxious performances were always grounded in reality—in some ways they were the inverse of Woody Allen's more self-consciously cerebral roles of the '70s.
For a certain kind of woman, fingernails — lacquered and lengthened to alarming proportions — have lately become a way to self-consciously embrace feminine artifice in the name of feminist authenticity.
But mostly, she used a nearly hourlong speech to lay out a vision of America self-consciously in opposition to the one Mr. Trump put forth last week in Cleveland.
I think if one person is staring at their phone, everyone else tends to do it, whether it be self consciously or just in order to avoid an awkward situation.
There's nothing new about this: Many a self-consciously literary novelist has dipped a toe in the genre in order to examine themes of identity, betrayal, duplicity and so on.
HELLER There's a direct line from that show to "Head Over Heels," which is one of the more adventurous recent approaches to using a pop songbook, anachronistically and self-consciously.
For me and for many of my contemporaries back in the early 1990s, Jerry's self-consciously televisual apartment-world reflected the semantic landscape in which we were coming-of-age.
The preening and self-consciously decadent elite were never the whole of Paris, and with few exceptions — Proust and Wilde being the obvious ones — didn't leave much of interest behind.
Bonanos covers it all, including Weegee's more self-consciously "arty" work, like his distortion photos of Salvador Dalí with four eyes and Liberace with his teeth stretched into piano keys.
The eighteenth century liked elegant Shakespeare ("Julius Caesar"); Romantics liked tragic Shakespeare ("Hamlet"); and we postmoderns favor the more self-consciously wrought and obviously symbolic romances ("The Tempest" above all).
Less than half-an-inch long, her hair has grown out white in some spots — because of stress, she said — and she touched it self-consciously from time to time.
" Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter: "Perhaps because Lucas' creation has been elevated to such pop-culture deification, Phantom Menace doesn't come close to the original trilogy's witty, self-consciously ironic tone.
The game's unchanging affectations made me feel self-consciously old, too cool to really buy into all the talk of hearts and love, but I also felt excited and somehow younger.
Though the people it portrays are probably not themselves great readers, the world Mr. Hoffman has created for them is self-consciously literary, a meticulously mapped land of poetic coordinating points.
I also wanted my poetry to champion the femme, the elaborate, the playful, the serifed, the feathered, the self-consciously involute, the magenta and the chartreuse, even the ornamental: ruffles, dessert.
But it might go even further than Lost, in the way it self-consciously structures its episodes as little short stories about particularly important moments or objects in the characters' lives.
But he doesn't want to become that guy who starts looking at his work self-consciously, groom-licking his persona until he becomes someone who makes small choices and stays safe.
In preparation for the trip, I had charged the microphone in my living room, self-consciously laughing it off as a silly prop that we'd try out and make fun of.
"The Sound Inside" is still, self-consciously, a yarn, which makes sense because it's about writers: the kind of people who in weaving stories are often in danger of unraveling themselves.
And given that Joker self-consciously, if clumsily, mimics two classic movies made by Martin Scorsese (whose own film The Irishman earned 10 nominations), its "serious" bona fides seem well-established.
The point of the thought experiment is to invent a kind of critical distance between a particular aspect of human behavior and ourselves, the ones behaving un-self-consciously like humans.
It's a situation that The Leftovers (which was self-consciously about a mystery with no answer) and Halt and Catch Fire (which was about its characters' journeys) just didn't have to navigate.
Even if the creators are coming from outside the US and self-consciously playing on exploitation movies — which they clearly are — it's worth being aware of the prejudices those filmmakers worked with.
But beyond that, Hamilton is the most prominent element of an even larger ongoing historiographical revolution in the United States — and, given the show's emphasis on questions of legacy, self-consciously so.
Between their questionable use in a fashion magazine and the artsy black-and-white printing that nullifies how color is used in indigenous garb, these images look passive and self-consciously exotic.
But you don't have to think that the Democratic Party is self-consciously lying to itself to think it's accumulating debts in Philadelphia it may feel obliged to pay back in Washington.
The jacket copy for "Trying to Float: Coming of Age in the Chelsea Hotel" calls her a "bohemian Eloise for our times," billing that brings to mind a self-consciously precocious imp.
I very self-consciously decided to take that route that has completely been part of what women do, and to show that it's as intellectually profound as what the guys have done.
Thompson's other work can be overwrought; "Habibi," for instance, is a claustrophobic experience, with self-consciously exquisite decoration and Orientalist fantasy crowding the pages, like vines grown too big in the hothouse.
All their characters, as well as that of a new, less wealthy mom played by Shailene Woodley, are self-consciously "rounded" — their Type A outbursts balanced by moments of humor and compassion.
While I could do without some of her trying-too-hard touches — the wide-eyed peering, the self-consciously sensual sinuous arm motions — she manages to pull off some potentially campy ideas.
There was nothing remarkable about this scene — stylish 20-somethings ordering gourmet sandwiches in a self-consciously rustic space — except that it unfolded in a destination that has seemed immune to hipsterdom.
In that film, Gosling's romantic, self-consciously iconic character's unwavering subscription to notions of invincible outlaw cool, along with his predictability and preoccupation with what makes him cool, ultimately results in his downfall.
Ultimate — a self-consciously pure sport — has only one piece of equipment, no referees, no advertising agencies, no glittery stadiums, and no commercial interests to distract players from the joy of the game.
His jailhouse meeting with Rhoades, designed to draw Connerty's attention, is rife with self-consciously over-the-top "Silence of the Lambs" references, right down to Gilbert's Lecter-like pose when Chuck arrives.
That's partly because it self-consciously approaches politics as a struggle against selfishness, and partly because it has invested itself so deeply, and increasingly inflexibly, on issues such as climate change or immigration.
But I prefer it to any number of newer, self-consciously modern restaurants, some of which are so determined to be of the moment that they might as well have a time stamp.
The words clung self-consciously to a couple of whitewashed plywood boards, each claiming its own line so that the dot of one line's i stuck to the bottom of another line's n.
Ms. Hadid, who has lived and worked in the region for many years, wrote: Beirut has a fairly vibrant gay scene, including self-consciously gay bars and at least one gay and lesbian group.
" In an email, Alison Findlay, deputy chair of the British Shakespeare Association and a professor at Lancaster University, cast a more skeptical eye on the 19th-century article, calling it "almost self-consciously playful.
Something else all those books had in common was that they were "historical" in the sense of being self-consciously concerned with the passing of time and with the past as a foreign country.
He had come out of the pastry kitchens of two of the country's most determinedly avant-garde restaurants, Alinea and WD-50, and many of his dishes were self-consciously arty and tightly clenched.
The laborious artiness of the short, self-consciously cryptic scenes that make up large swaths of the play start to chafe pretty early on — the stage direction "they sew" plainly valuing activity over speech.
But here's the thing that gives me pause: Some of these passages that overlap with your source material have been tweaked just enough to avoid outright plagiarism, which suggests they were written self-consciously.
The vibe of the conference was self-consciously reserved and high-minded — I only spotted one Make America Great Again hat among the whole group of attendees (who, for what it's worth, were overwhelmingly white).
The point is, Kanye West is one of the most undeniably interesting and exciting figures in contemporary music because he's very intentionally, very self-consciously, decided to elevate himself above the status of mere mortals.
Checking back in on the characters from the 1996 original, the new film self-consciously questions its own existence, proving just satisfying enough by being as unromantic as its predecessor—albeit in very different ways.
Fashion that so clearly and self-consciously borrows its language could never be accused of failing, of getting something wrong — as I would surely be, I thought, if I tried to look more overtly feminine.
Having witnessed and withstood many of the horrors of the Holocaust and its aftermath, Mr. Hilsenrath un-self-consciously challenged more conventional and deferential post-World War II accounts about the victims of Nazi atrocities.
As a novelist, Wolfe self-consciously modeled himself on writers like Émile Zola and William Makepeace Thackeray, who attempted in their fiction to move past their own personal experience and capture wide swaths of society.
That film-within-a-film is self-consciously arty, with plenty of female nudity, reminiscent of late 1960s movies such as Michelangelo Antonioni's "Blow Up" or some of Jean-Luc Godard's films of the time.
Because I saw dead bodies at a very young age, I believe that self-consciously it impressed upon me that life can go at any second and you better enjoy it while you have it.
The play here, as on Broadway, may wear out its somewhat self-consciously in-your-face welcome, but the sweet-faced Mr. Melling and his authentically accented colleagues do its gallows comedy and its darkness proud.
There's something about LCD Soundsystem's music that has always existed, to some extent, in the past—that self-consciously "classic" feel that I referenced earlier—to the point where the future has been tantalizingly non-existent.
As the story unfolds, it grows out of the need to self-consciously ape a fantasy of old Hollywood, instead becoming something a little more sober and contemporary — and that, most likely, is exactly the point.
Shot in a self-consciously '60s style with a hint of sexploitation, the movie feels like a waking nightmare, and it at least partly concludes that women's fashion is more or less a product of hell.
The Farewell will draw inevitable comparisons to other recent films about Asian Americans, such as Crazy Rich Asians and Always Be My Maybe, but it goes about its story without self-consciously pointing out its Asianness.
Just as Updike's œuvre, vast and varied, was built on the literary foundation of old, wry New Yorker humor, Benchley and White and Thurber, Roth's default mode is a kind of earnest self-consciously American storytelling.
Un-self-consciously transforming into his female identity, or engaging in dangerous sexual bartering with a volatile African-American boyfriend (Tyrone Brown), Michael possesses a maturity that his father, with all his macho posturing, never will.
He loved visiting Shelley's and Byron's haunts, Greek shores and Italian lakes, and he patronized the same class of locals, but he did it in a spirit that was self-consciously comical, rather than defiantly adventurous.
The sonnet, an Italian contrivance adapted by the poets of the English Renaissance, was handed down to twentieth-century writers like Robert Lowell and Gwendolyn Brooks and self-consciously Americanized—its gait loosened, its politics sharpened.
Sex & Cigarettes plays like an addendum: Braxton's songs here, mostly breakup ballads, are as openly miserable, inhabiting a self-consciously mature mode of romantic despair, with tropes of commitment and responsibility largely unknown to pop convention.
When I first profiled him in 863, he framed our night out as a mock-"Wild One" ride from hell, complete with hypothetical biker gang, which he bestowed with a self-consciously moronic name, Die Fast.
I know the point you want to make is that conservatism, at its core, is self-consciously reacting against progressive challenges from the lower classes, but is that really the only thing conservatism is reacting against?
This first installment is by far the most artful (many would say the most successful) of the six, not least because it self-consciously emulates Proust, to whose own multivolume autobiographical novel Knausgaard acknowledges his indebtedness.
"Our country has, quite self-consciously, given one person, the president, an enormous sprawling military and enormous discretion to use it in ways that can easily lead to a massive war," Goldsmith, the Harvard professor, tweeted.
"Parasite" gave us the most memorable location of the year with the ultramodern Park house, but contemporary films only win in this category when they're impressively futuristic ("Black Panther") or self-consciously retro ("La La Land").
The "resurgence of realist painting" it posits is unconvincing when considering that representational art after Abstract Expressionism largely lacks explicit narrative, even in the work of Rockwell's inheritors such as Bo Bartlett, who is self-consciously surreal.
Of course, any art can and should be considered in relation to its sociopolitical context, but unlike some artists, the Cubists discussed their work as self-consciously political, and many of them were involved in leftist causes.
It's a self-consciously literary effort, often evoking the feral imagery of D.H. Lawrence, appealingly acted by a cast that includes Katya Campbell, Paul Wesley and an excellent David Harbour, directed by Adrienne Campbell-Holt (1:743).
"A Whole Life" is one of those stripped-down everyman stories that is transparently, self-consciously about Much More: the encroachment of modernity, the universal nature of love and heartbreak, the quickness of our passage through life.
It's a self-consciously literary effort, often evoking the feral imagery of D.H. Lawrence, appealingly acted by a cast that includes Katya Campbell, Paul Wesley and an excellent David Harbour, directed by Adrienne Campbell-Holt (1:20).
It's a self-consciously literary effort, often evoking the feral imagery of D.H. Lawrence, appealingly acted by a cast that includes Katya Campbell, Paul Wesley and an excellent David Harbour, directed by Adrienne Campbell-Holt (2445:2441).
There among a self-consciously modern artistic elite, she took part in the carnival inversion of all social rules, parties where white folks were served chitterlings and bathtub gin while the black guests got champagne and caviar.
He went on to King's College, Cambridge, where more plaudits awaited, graduating in 133 with a ­double starred First in history, editorship of the undergraduate ­magazine, and membership of the Apostles, the selfconsciously clever elite club.
Pumped up with rural gothic atmosphere and punctuated with self-consciously curated pop songs, these shows are what happen when you read "Mystery Train" and "Fight Club" and don't find any appreciable intellectual distance between the two.
But it also has something to do with how the town has chosen to define itself: A self-consciously Alpine aesthetic dominates here, complete with snug, peak-roofed cottages, their white stucco facades adorned with wooden latticework.
Although of course individual atheists do plenty to help others, we usually don't think about atheist groups or communities coming together to provide services for those in need, at least not in a self-consciously atheist way.
From what I can tell, Seth Rogen isn't doing anything beyond making bad jokes, hiding his face in his hands and self-consciously wearing an ankh necklace taken from the glittering tangle of jewelry around Wiz Khalifa's neck.
Kids held their ears and laughed and self-consciously tried to get their friends to dance before collapsing into giggles, and it was wonderful and all I really want from rock 'n' roll, at least during daylight hours.
Some seemed to be self-consciously evoked—the "secret plan" to defeat ISIS and Trump's dark and stormy version of Nixon's "law and order" address at the RNC, for instance, were both straight out of the Nixon playbook.
In Western countries, Christian prelates certainly do enter public debates, but whether from the right or the left, their contribution is often self-consciously secular; it focuses on matters of law and economics rather than morals or metaphysics.
"The Micronauts - Get Funky Get Down (Daft Punk Remix) " A chunky, self-consciously "Real Instruments, Bro" funk groove with lush details—you could almost eat that confectionary guitar riff—brought down slightly by an aggressively average Pharrell vocal.
The embarrassment of literally biting off more than you can chew or self-consciously chomping a hard-to-eat meal in front of strangers is universally relatable, and the act forms the basis for Wathne's series Eat Repeat.
It's hard to look at someone as self-consciously over-the-top as Donald Trump — a man whose persona is associated with excessive gilding and pink marble — and not assume that there's a different person behind the mask.
We know that Updike read Nabokov in the nineteen-sixties by the sudden license Updike claims to unsubdue his prose, to make his sentences self-consciously exclamatory, rather than by an onset of chess playing or butterfly collecting.
In the opening of her new book, "Making Comics," the cartoonist and MacArthur fellow Lynda Barry reminds her adult readers that they made art when they were young, even if they self-consciously stopped doing so long ago.
"You really have not had a self-consciously socialist movement of any size and influence since the 19123s," said Michael Kazin, a professor of history at Georgetown University and the author of a history of the American left.
Feeling self-consciously neurotic, but also imbued with a noble civic purpose that Jill would surely understand, I emailed her back to confirm that she had my address and that all my bases were covered for getting a ballot.
The jury praised Bowles' brilliant and creative use of an exaggeratedly antiquated diction and syntax to craft a self-consciously ornate and mannered text that succeeds in capturing the comic archness of Kracht's prose style for English-language readers.
The careful consideration of hues especially calls to mind the photographs of William Eggleston, while the self-consciously artificial compositions are characteristic of someone like Cindy Sherman — both artists who made some of their best work in the 1970s.
One that self-consciously tries to both glorify and demystify the golden age of jazz, the 1950s and 1960s, in order to explain its rarefied status in American culture and the price that artists paid for their cultural transgressions.
The BBC gave the tournament a self-consciously upmarket presentation, with Pavarotti singing "Nessun Dorma," and England's young star, Paul Gascoigne, known universally as Gazza, emerged as a national figure when he broke down in tears during a match.
And you can be forgiven for feeling like an unexpected and uninitiated guest at a gathering of a Rimbaud fan club, whose members self-consciously put on different funny costumes and voices while discussing the object of their fascination.
To Dusty Baker, driving to the Bay Area for that historic festival, at such a self-consciously historic moment, captured "a feeling of pure freedom" in a time when the fate of the nation seemed entirely up for grabs.
Even in 2004, as the situation in Iraq spiraled out of control and Democrats self-consciously nominated a decorated war hero in John Kerry, Republicans managed to use the national security argument in their favor to keep the presidency.
He establishes convincingly, though, that the Eyquem family had long been in trade—and was quite possibly Jewish in origin on Montaigne's mother's side—and that Montaigne's persistent tone of lordly amusement was self-consciously willed rather than inherited.
The fundamental contradictions, as Karl Marx would have noted, lie in the collision of interests between a group that has come to epitomize self-consciously progressive mega-wealth and a mass base which is increasingly concerned about downward mobility.
This is not necessarily done out of sinister intent, and it does not mean that Clinton and her team are cynically or even self-consciously allowing the rich to influence their thinking in exchange for campaign or charity donations.
That said, Kamaiyah dropped a new video today for her track "Build You Up" and it's so self-consciously, unapologetically 90s it's like we've fallen through a time warp—viewed through the polished lens of today—and it's actually fucking incredible.
But to dramatize this conflict, Shaft makes Jackson into a self-consciously old-school curmudgeon who's appalled by the supposedly feminized politeness of his son, who works for the FBI as a data analyst because he doesn't care for firearms.
Yet the Democrats, riding a wave of revulsion with Mr Trump's and Mr Bannon's chauvinism, have instead won most recent elections—including in Alabama's Senate race, where the self-consciously intellectual Mr Bannon disgraced himself by stumping for a lascivious philistine.
If "Man" is self-consciously a dinosaur -- where father doesn't know best, but usually stumbles into it -- "The Great Indoors" spins its male Neanderthal into the 21st century, surrounding the macho protagonist with a bunch of sensitive, touchy-feely 20-somethings.
Then there are this season's frequent flashbacks to 2007, which follow BoJack's last comeback attempt, with a self-consciously "edgy" cable show meant to blow the minds of everyone who knew him as the wholesome '90s sitcom dad from Horsin' Around.
She writes about sex with older men, in her novel and in an earlier book of poems, in a way that seems calculated to trigger inappropriate fantasies in the mind of a creatively frustrated, self-consciously aging teacher marooned in academia.
Ken Bone fits the pattern expressed in these memes: We celebrate the frumpy underdog — Barb from Stranger Things also falls obviously into this category, as, arguably, does Harambe — while self-consciously allowing them to serve as a distraction from other issues.
Piketty dedicates more than 100 pages to regretting the shift of European and American left-wing parties from representing the "classes populaires", or "least favoured classes", to speaking for the self-consciously caring affluent voters he labels the "Brahmin left".
I don't know if it was the lack of sleep, the quantity of breasts for sale or the sheer number of men on every side, but I don't think I've felt as self-consciously female as I did at Smithfield Market.
He's playing with the idiom of the women's picture, but he self-consciously approaches the genre with expressionistic flourishes — ripples and blasts of color, luminous and diffuse lighting — that show his debt both to Rainer Werner Fassbinder and to old Hollywood.
And so we follow Barry as he resolutely ignores the fact that he has abandoned his family and ruined his business, setting off to self-consciously ape the conventions of a road trip novel in search of some easy epiphanies.
A swirl of alien synth work, percussion programming that often sounds like drum and bass breaks that have been thrown down a set of stairs, and jagged samples, Year of the Snitch is a record self-consciously born and bred from electronics.
It will also go down as one of the most self-consciously Intense-with-a-capital-"I" movies in recent memory, a visually gorgeous but heavy-handed study of extreme masculinity and revenge told by a filmmaker with a tendency to fetishize both.
Comey was self-consciously making himself into an avatar of the "dogged FBI agent" — and by doing so, reinforcing (for current FBI agents as well as the general public) the idea that this is what every FBI agent should strive to be.
Although many users across the world are, of course, still using that style in a non-ironic way, to other users it has become an "aesthetic," a throwback look that self-consciously parodies and comments upon the way we used to be online.
Nick was trying to cut a piece of squid with a butter knife in his right hand as he rocked our baby to sleep with his left while seated in a self-consciously hip tapas joint during a recent family vacation in Spain.
But if Frankfurter's goals in lionizing Holmes are easy to discern, the same is not true of Budiansky's biography, which self-consciously rejects critical studies of the justice over the past 40 years in favor of a worship that can verge on apologetics.
"We've seen this movie before," the writer Rachel Johnson wrote on Twitter, citing Mr. Freedland's book, published under the nom de plume Sam Bourne, a name that seems to self-consciously invoke the box-office hits of Dan Brown and Jason Bourne.
The movie, restored and screening in a new 16-millimeter print Sunday and Monday at Anthology Film Archives, is a 75-minute immersion in Mr. Arnold's self-consciously decadent worldview — a blend of art nouveau stylization, occult rituals, Hollywood camp and rampant orientalism.
In America we used to have politicians interested in such reconciliation: Both Bill Clinton's self-consciously moderate liberalism and George W. Bush's compassionate conservatism were rooted in a recognition that what the Acela Corridor wants is not quite what the country wants.
Of the three movies released this summer that self-consciously reactivate an old-school outlaw mythology — the others are Edgar Wright's "Baby Driver" and Josh and Benny Safdie's "Good Time" — this one has the most to say and the least to prove.
A musical with big numbers, intimate reveries and adult feelings, "La La Land" is a boy-meets-girl tale with early 21st-century rhythms (mostly good, even if its white stars are nestled, more self-consciously than naturally, in a multicultural world).
The flighty Alicia (the phenomenal Zoë Winters) eats potato chips noisily as the group settles in for a night in the woods, while Rodney (Babak Tafti, free and humorous), the most self-consciously enlightened member of the group, does yoga and burns incense.
Stone finds a perfectly fitted summer dress that allows Blake to pass among the rich, but by contrasting her bare-bones dorm with the self-consciously minimalist style of Ian's bachelor pad, Stone also elegantly shows the imbalance of power in their relationship.
It's the universal symbol of ballerinas; of young starlets parading their sex appeal; of flight attendants going for a vaguely retro look (an attempt, perhaps, to evoke a time when air travel was glamorous); of a certain brand of self-consciously sensitive bro.
They obey the rules of the road so deliberately and self-consciously that their behavior becomes distracting, like actors threatening the integrity of a crowd scene by continually drawing attention to themselves and to the role they are being expected to play.
This break in storyline is forged when his new identity and life collide with his old one, generating an introspective process that leads him to question, self-consciously, which of the two versions of himself he is, and which of them he wants to be.
As he explains in a self-consciously blasé voiceover, David works as a massage therapist for rich clients, dreaming of a better life for Iz and the baby that's on the way, when he reunites with Efraim (Jonah Hill), a childhood friend back in town.
While there were plenty of veteran activists in the movement (Atkinson traces the fight back to the 1850s, when it overlapped, as it did in the United States, with the abolitionist movement), the WSPU in the early 19773th century was a self-consciously youthful organization.
" Millman further compared the conspirators' rhetoric to the Tea Party's opposition of Obama, which, he wrote, "partakes of an intellectual tradition that self-consciously traces its lineage back to Brutus: republican as well as Republican, a tradition that includes both Jefferson Davis and Patrick Henry.
One of the many ironies of the European election is that the supposedly backward-looking Brexit Party has exploited social media much more astutely than the self-consciously with-it Change UK. Mr Farage's public events have been perfectly choreographed and his online campaign first-rate.
At its core, Nichols's piece worries that by turning the Founding Fathers into self-consciously "cool" characters, the center of a hip-hop musical that rewrites the founding of the country to star people of color, Hamilton is trying to sweep America's sins under the rug.
And in 2006, Dave Eggers's "What Is the What" self-consciously blurred the line between fact and fiction, with the author shaping a novel after his many interviews with Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese refugee who ended up in Atlanta after many harrowing stops along the way.
He promised to present the programme in only his kecks if his beloved Leicester won the title last term, and he delivered on that promise by donning a pair of billowing white boxers and standing self-consciously in front of his fellow pundits with his nipples out.
On DVD The most self-consciously modernist French movie of 21888, lovingly restored on a new Flicker Alley Blu-ray, Marcel L'Herbier's "L'Inhumaine" ("The Inhuman Woman") is in some ways also the most old-fashioned — a super-stylized amalgam of mad science, stodgy acting and elaborate sets.
Her essays self-consciously recall the reformers of the 19th century, those Ciceros of the lyceum and the revival tent — a number of whom she has rescued from obscurity or disrepute, giving the Second Great Awakening its due for spreading abolitionism into the Free-Soil Midwest.
The latent heartbreak in "Real Tight" is hard to notice at first if you're watching the song's Matt Sav-directed video: Webb's dancing is wonderfully, self-consciously weird, the kind of over-the-top moves you pull when you just want to dance the sads away.
There's something cinematic, even self-consciously hokey, about the paces they are put through, with Connell sweeping in repeatedly to rescue Marianne from awful men, most memorably her brother, Alan, a figure of such one-dimensionally motiveless malignity that he seems transported from another book entirely.
Paulie Gee's Slice Shop, Scarr's and other neoclassicist joints cultivate a self-consciously vintage atmosphere, styling their logos and signs and interiors so they look like a place where Johnny Boy and Charlie in "Mean Streets" might have gone for a pepperoni slice and a Coke.
But that's because Lonergan's meticulousness can't help but occasionally be overtaken by Affleck's breathtaking performance, which takes anything literary or self-consciously classical—one of Lonergan's minor blind spots as a filmmaker is that his ambition sometimes gets in his own way —and obliterates it with raw, unyielding pain.
It's the kind of walk you do when you're self-consciously trying to look relaxed and also a little bit threatening—a tough act to pull off at the best of times, let alone after being ripped-off by an extortionate airport taxi in the sweltering Manila smog.
When they started the podcast in 2014 — adapted from their earlier New York public radio show, "TLDR" — it was sometimes described as being about the internet, a simplistic characterization that reflected the relative innocence of the time as much as the self-consciously nerdy sensibilities of the hosts.
Luhrmann's 3-D Great Gatsby adaptation was a gratuitous, painful mess that made the 1970s failure of an adaptation seem genius by comparison, but it's also a perfect example of Luhrmann's directing style: Gratuitous, self-consciously stylized, and somehow so loud and in-your-face that it winds up being boring.
She nails the cringey awkwardness of a high school musical audition, tugging at her sweatshirt sleeves self-consciously, and is a delight to watch in the low-budget production of Merrily We Roll Along (made even more hilarious by the fact that Feldstein is currently starring in Hello Dolly on Broadway).
But at a larger level, "TNRmageddon" has attracted the intense interest of 30-something to 60-something politically minded journalists because the magazine and its woes stood — usually self-consciously so — at the intersection of a number of ideological and demographic trends that are profoundly shaping the broader political culture.
The gallery was founded in 1856, Schama explains, "to tell the British who they were," and "it was not accidental that the question was put at a time of sudden imperial uncertainty in India and the Crimea," which also happened to be the golden age of ­self-consciously British museums.
For the Joint Session address, they are self-consciously trying to strike a happier tone for a broader audience, with lots of emphasis on what has been done to date — and what can be done in Congress this year (health care, tax reform and a new partial wall on Mexican border).
" In contrast to the self-consciously homoerotic undertones of his early novels, written while he was still closeted, references to his partner now register almost like a comedian's bit: Todd's a "political monster" who "sits in front of MSNBC having meltdown after meltdown … yet his bounce-back time is pretty good.
"Art" — the word itself is self-consciously in quotation marks in the title, though it is rarely rendered that way — won prestigious prizes in Paris and London, as well as the best play Tony Award on Broadway, and has enjoyed the kind of global success rare for a modern script.
Mostly, his arrival inaugurates the final stretch, including a predictable tragedy and some classical music that shifts this textbook exercise in art cinema — with its long takes, fixed camera, the director's habit of holding on an image after a character exits and a self-consciously orchestrated drone shot — into kitsch.
It is not a coincidence that identity politics are particularly potent on elite college campuses, the most self-consciously post-religious and post-nationalist of institutions; nor is it a coincidence that recent outpourings of campus protest and activism and speech policing and sexual moralizing so often resemble religious revivalism.
"Rotten Tomatoes critic score (Season 3): 89%What critics said: "What these ideas come down to, in the show's thrillingly propulsive and self-consciously familiar conclusion, is the nature of a country that fully believes it's the greatest in the world while also being well aware of its own capacity for destruction.
"Dead Pigeon" is self-consciously trendy in its percussive zoom shots and hyperkinetic montages, as well as casually outlandish in its locations (a shootout in a maternity ward; a cloak-and-dagger rendezvous at the Beethoven-Haus museum in Bonn; Cologne's annual carnival, in which a killer clown lurks among the costumed participants).
One fascinating image in the exhibition is the opening scene from "Don't Look Back," D. A. Pennebaker's 1967 documentary, in which a self-consciously bored-looking Bob Dylan flips cue cards that mangle the lyrics of his "Subterranean Homesick Blues" while Ginsberg, looking vaguely rabbinical, chats away with someone else in the background.
Mr. Trump has self-consciously chosen Mr. Bolton as well as Mr. Pompeo on the basis not of their collegiality or bureaucratic skills — traits that the president, judging by his other appointments, clearly does not value highly — but rather their like-minded ideological tilts, penchants for contrarianism, perceived telegenicity and personal compatibility.
All of these big, self-consciously scandalous plotlines have the potential to come off as though they're trying too hard — a little bit like a 16-year-old in a Hot Topic shirt and abundant eyeliner smoking a clove cigarette expectantly in front of you, just waiting for you to be shocked.
"There's a crescendo of interest in both art that is itself about the environment and art that is self-consciously environmental, and I think that's entirely understandable and good, because it draws attention to these dire situations we're facing," said Karl Kusserow curator of American Art at the Princeton University Art Museum.
Sound of Silver from two years later set the controls for the heart of the heart, a self-consciously "classic" album partially inspired by the encroaching spectre of death (including the passing away of Murphy's therapist, which inspired the mournful pulse of "Someone Great") that stands as one of the 2000s' greatest genre-synthesis achievements.
The 2020 Democratic primary is the first in a really mature social media world, and the strongest candidates — even the weaker ones — have huge channels to communicate directly with their supporters — their stans, like Kamala Harris's self-consciously named #khive — to tell their own versions of what happened on that stage, and rebut all criticism.
And you know the Daddy Internet, you remember that joke you made last year or whenever it was that everyone started joking about that lady who wanted to preserve Daddy Culture, and Daddy Internet delights in making everyone tremendously uncomfortable and being just as full of self-consciously Unclean Daddy Jokes as its counterpart.
The tapioca pancakes arrive and while the chia tossed into the mix no doubt gives the vegan version a nutritional boost, I find myself wishing I'd adopted the Brazilian habit of carrying a toothbrush and floss around with me, as I spend the rest of the afternoon self-consciously sucking seeds out of my teeth.
But the worlds he invents vary along several axes and have tended to evolve from one pole toward the other over the last two decades — from fantastical to realistic, from the sci-fi future to the present (and recent past), from self-consciously recombinant genre fiction to literature not so concerned with its literary pigeonhole.
Very basic ideas about the series' world or time period were left deliberately obscured, and the show's story was self-consciously constructed as an elaborate nesting mystery, owing to how the nature of the Hosts' consciousness allowed them to revisit events from their own pasts as if they were really happening in the present.
His instinct to steer clear of classical structures; his elevation and celebration of small, ephemeral forms; and his delight in the atmosphere of beautiful chords for their own sake, with no desire to find a specific function for them, was an audacious challenge to some more self-consciously serious German intellectual fashions of the time.
The self-consciously "Disney-esque" theme park Green had originally envisioned — in which visitors would be given tracts and encouraged to sing "Amazing Grace" — looked like it was turning into something altogether more complex and far more necessary: a museum about the complications of uncovering one of the most influential books of all time.
In borrowing from the self-consciously "sassy" tone of the past and spitting out her lines deliberately, almost brattily, in a southern UK accent that feels equal parts Veruca Salt and Britney Spears on "Scream and Shout," she crafts three tracks that feel like critical engagements with and tributes to pop, as well as bangers in and of themselves.
His formal attire — red and green socks, pale khakis, white shirt, plaid tie — combined with his self-consciously "grown up" pose — right hand pressed to his head while his left hand cups his left leg — lend him the look of a corporate manager bored to death, as if he were listening to an oral report from the legal department.
The way this show enacts that frustration, though, often lapses into tediousness, closer to the worst goopy grandeur of "Dawson's Creek" than the energetic cleverness of "The O.C." Part of that is the strenuously precocious, self-consciously pretentious dialogue — in and of itself not a vice, and certainly accurate for the kind of teens these teens are.
Terrell does his share, too, letting unease gently wash over Barry and enter his voice and body.) For the most part, Mr. Gandhi keeps the scenes small, compact and quiet, leaving most of the explosions to Barry's friend, Saleem (Avi Nash), who's self-consciously slumming it in a hovel while he figures out what to do with his life.
I steeled myself against such conventions as Gurira's play got under way and predictable situations were trotted out, such as the toothsome, self-consciously liberal Chris showing up moments after Marvelous's other sister, a strict Africanist named Anne (Myra Lucretia Taylor, who knows that she has a job to do and does it), deplanes from Zimbabwe.
By Rihanna's standards, Anti departs from straightforward pop hookery in favor of a colder, slower, harsher electronic template, but this kind of softcore erotic electronica has also in the past year become something of an alternative radio staple, and Anti still presents itself as conventionally received pop music — as formalized genre exercise, and hence self-consciously functional product.
But in the wake of a truly blissed-out first date thanks to a chanting intersectional minister/renter played by Unreal's Shiri Appleby, Isobel's infatuation with Hailey starts to dredge up buried resentments in her bond to Cam, not to mention that whole battle to love fearlessly and un-self-consciously, even when you're not totally clear on your own sexual preferences.
" (In 22015, as children, Priscilla and her brother successfully auditioned to play extras in the film of "West Side Story"; in an early dance sequence, Lopez's father can be seen standing, self-consciously, in a doorway.) A few days after seeing "Peter Pan," Lopez saw his aunt play Harpo Marx in "A Day in Hollywood / A Night in the Ukraine.
So, though his music isn't often grouped with the "prog rock" of the early seventies—the highly tutored, self-consciously arty music of Yes and early Genesis and Procol Harum and Emerson, Lake & Palmer, and so on—the spirit is very much the same: educated British musicians with classical training, inherited rock rhythm sections, minimal blues feeling, and a taste for the grandiose and bombastic.
Perhaps "Unconditional Love," which voices dissatisfaction with love as ritual and longs for some transformational magic to make it exciting again, or "Ebony and Ivy," which applies a bunch of mixed nature metaphors to a reflection on class, education, and liberation, or "Funk the Fear," which urges you to break down barriers and live a more fulfilled life, all reach too far too self-consciously.
That's not quite how it works, but using British words, even slang, can make Americans feel or sound more sophisticated or cosmopolitan, because they're marking themselves as people who see or know the world beyond the U.S. Some Britishisms are self-consciously adopted because they sound fun or cool or maybe give a new, cute way of saying something crude — like saying "bum" or "bloody" instead of more familiar words.
In The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism, Henry Louis Gates defines signifying, in the black vernacular sense, as the art of moving "freely between two discursive universes" — "the white linguistic realm," Eurocentric and self-consciously literary, and a parallel black dimension that wrests the tool of language from the master's hand and turns it to its own uses, be they political, playful, subversive, or outright seditious.
Her new album, Anti, out since January, is indeed her most self-consciously artistic project, and the critical response reflects that, but she's inevitably described as a pop star trying something new, an established R&B/dancehall fixture branching out, and not, say, "the rightful heir to Michael Jackson and Prince" (Greg Tate's Lemonade headline in Spin; Jackson, another child star who grew up in public, is indeed a terrific parallel for Beyoncé).
One might think all genre exercise does this, taking the desired genre as an object and explicit goal and hence setting it apart from the musical subject; actually the process of internalizing genre marks can make a genre's status as a genre more explicit than it was when practiced less self-consciously, externalizing the source material while formalizing it into a genre and proclaiming itself, the musical subject, as the apotheosis of the genre it itself invented.
Mr. McGuire, who is a founder and a director of the University of Manchester's Center for New Writing, in England, hasn't written a postmodern or self-consciously literary novel here; rather, he's exhaled his knowledge of literature into a gripping thriller that pulses with echoes of countless classics, from Melville's "Moby-Dick" (an ill-fated whaling expedition, a fascination with evil and the destructive element in nature and in man) to Poe's "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket" (a hallucinatory journey to the South Pole, where extremes of weather fuel existential questions of identity and death).

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