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"artificially" Definitions
  1. in a way that copies something natural
  2. in a way that has been caused by people rather than existing or happening naturally
"artificially" Synonyms
ostensively deceptively fraudulently falsely spuriously phonily fakely bogusly ostensibly counterfeitly synthetically factitiously imitatively mimically speciously invalidly inauthentically feignedly unreally misleadingly unnaturally phonily(US) affectedly insincerely contrivedly forcedly assumedly plastically mechanically hypocritically labouredly(UK) backhandedly unctuously doubly two-facedly left-handedly duplicitously faithlessly pharisaically hollowly deceitfully theatrically melodramatically exaggeratedly stagily stiltedly dramatically histrionically ostentatiously hammily showily campily pretentiously camply flamboyantly overdramatically overemotionally pompously grandiosely extravagantly flashily kitschily elaborately flauntingly bombastically dashingly exuberantly livelily buoyantly rakishly animatedly supposedly professedly purportedly allegedly presumedly reputedly nominally titularly formally preciously effetely fastidiously studiedly tweely flowerily artfully choosily finickily fragilely fussily particularly persnicketily refinedly fictitiously imaginarily mythically fancifully fantastically fabulously chimerically fictionally visionarily ideally phantasmally phantasmically illusorily notionally fictively romantically suppositiously apocryphally self-consciously shily embarrassedly uneasily timidly bashfully retiringly awkwardly nervously sheepishly uncomfortably diffidently anxiously insecurely edgily modestly tensely timorously stiffly shamefacedly completedly industrially completely tastelessly gaudily loudly garishly tawdrily cheaply tackily kitschly meretriciously ornately naffly tattily wildly conventionally flatly schematically primly stuffily priggishly prissily austerely starchily properly prudishly punctiliously straitlacedly genteelly snootily superficially shallowly depthlessly emptily meaninglessly facilely inconsequentially simplistically trivially unimportantly glibly sketchily flippantly thoughtlessly cursorily flimsily casually insipidly spiritlessly deliberately calculatedly knowingly intentionally consciously premeditatedly purposefully measuredly advisedly wilfully designedly thoughtfully prepensely willfully voluntarily volitionally carefully preparedly sanctimoniously self-righteously smugly pietistically complacently piously judgementally judgmentally preachily snobbishly superiorly inorganically deadly inanimately inertly lifelessly chemically absurdly irrationally eccentrically implausibly incredibly nonsensically oddly bizarrely extraordinarily insanely preposterously crazily improbably ludicrously ridiculously unbelievably standardly routinely formulaically derivatively traditionally unoriginally hackily stalely brashly cheesily commonly cornily crummily gimmickily vulgarly More

941 Sentences With "artificially"

How to use artificially in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "artificially" and check conjugation/comparative form for "artificially". Mastering all the usages of "artificially" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In this picture, my eyes have been artificially narrowed, my skin artificially loosened.
Such rules harm consumers by artificially restricting the supply of services, and therefore, artificially increasing their price.
According to basic economic theory, applying an artificially low price will likely result in an artificially low supply.
"Indeed, many people might find the prospect of an artificially biodiverse world just as daunting as an artificially impoverished one."
They are a dream of researchers but perhaps a nightmare for highly skilled computer programmers: artificially intelligent machines that can build other artificially intelligent machines.
The elite media is so biased that it is artificially propping up an increasingly radical Democratic Party, while artificially suppressing the issue popularity of the Trump team.
"non-labor inputs to business" (materials, energy and land), making it artificially expensive to employ people and artificially cheap to consume stuff, effectively subsidizing consumption while penalizing hiring.
But what's even worse is the denominator in that market cap to GDP equation has been artificially supported by that same central bank QE and artificially-low interest rates.
Hollow drum machine, slapped bass, and pitch-corrected synthesizer mark a tragicomic soul ballad sung in Prince's Camille voice plus artificially squeaky and artificially deep voices harmonizing in back.
CreditCreditMengxin Li SAN FRANCISCO — They are a dream of researchers but perhaps a nightmare for highly skilled computer programmers: artificially intelligent machines that can build other artificially intelligent machines.
This means Ireland gets to artificially inflate its tax revenue while Apple artificially reduces its revenue, by ensuring that no taxes at all are paid to other European states.
What an artificially heated forest in New Hampshire tells us about climate change What an artificially heated forest in New Hampshire tells us about climate change This segment originally aired Oct.
Jukedeck – "Jukedeck is developing an artificially intelligent music composer."
" He emphasized, "We are not artificially limiting our progress.
The complaint argues that "artificially cheap" state-directed loans and coal, electricity and alumina for the Chinese aluminum sector causes such prejudice by undercutting global prices and artificially expanding China's market share.
The market's central bank buyers of last resort have perhaps accomplished "whatever it takes", and are set to allow artificially low yields, and artificially high bond prices to become a little less artificial.
So they artificially degrade the details before they sell them.
Artificially intelligent cameras with facial recognition tools will be watching.
That is partly because chucking stuff out is artificially cheap.
Labour would, for a while, be artificially cheap, encouraging hiring.
It's now making its own product – wireless, artificially intelligent headphones.
This integration will work with Amazon's artificially intelligent assistant Alexa.
These handouts have a tendency to artificially inflate product ratings.
Artificially sweetened drinks may be associated with stroke and dementia.
Some continue to fix fuel prices at artificially low levels.
And I, for one, welcome our future artificially conscious overlords.
Drinking artificially sweetened drinks did not produce the same effects.
But demographic change is keeping average wage growth artificially low.
In 1982, tobacco became the first artificially genetically modified plant.
What about artificially sweetened beverages or moderate amounts of alcohol?
Are they just biological machines, whether artificially programmed or not?
As artificially stylized as the masks of comedy and tragedy.
We elevate people to this artificially high sense of perfection.
Borders are one way we keep mobility extremely artificially constrained.
But in a larger sense, the figures are artificially low.
But even those services are getting an artificially intelligent makeover.
"He moved the needle on health care artificially," Greenberg said.
It's curvy without being bloated, aggressive without being artificially edgy.
It might be nothing more than an artificially implanted memory.
"By buying AT&T's securities at these artificially inflated and artificially maintained prices, the Class members suffered economic losses, which losses were a direct and proximate result of Defendants' fraudulent conduct," the suit states.
Ultra-short campaigns can artificially limit the marketplace of ideas to
But wait wait wait: artificially depressed speed limits due to construction.
Prices are kept artificially low at 145 naira ($0.48) per litre.
Sometimes, the artificially intelligent software simply doesn't understand what you're saying.
I'm far from unique in my sleep-deprived, artificially energized norm.
Maybe that's one thing that separates humans from artificially intelligent machines.
As a result, we see less experimentation and artificially high prices.
Think of little artificially intelligent entities that offer services to users.
David is an artificially intelligent machine with some serious daddy issues.
Its shares would look artificially cheap compared with their book value.
Perhaps the simplest, most straightforward option is to be artificially inseminated.
The world's consumers benefit from the artificially cheap imports that result.
Classical economics blamed artificially high wages, perhaps caused by trade unions.
Stuart is an artificially intelligent assistant that lives in your earpiece.
Instead, Samsung is expected to release its own artificially intelligent assistant.
It was part of his attack on "artificially high" drug prices.
Because of artificially constricted supply, blacks paid more for poor houses.
The artificially intelligent software then plays samples from the entire album.
The same goes for chat-based artificially intelligent bots, he said.
But those legislative reforms are fighting against an artificially constrained market.
The deck is artificially stacked against the player in this situation.
The primary concern is that the House caps are artificially inflated.
Tech companies have long overpromised what artificially intelligent machines can do.
"They are mostly created artificially, or they are marginal," he said.
Trump tweeted last month that OPEC had "artificially" boosted oil prices.
His cows must be artificially inseminated using semen from registered flocks.
In essence, users get a cloud-based, artificially intelligent security assistant.
There are cheaper and widely available alternatives to artificially sweetened foods.
Who are these artificially enhanced freaks with teeth like gleaming Chiclets?
Icelandic farmers began artificially lighting their greenhouses about 20 years ago.
Buybacks boost demand for shares and artificially inflate per-share earnings.
"She's keeping them artificially low to get Obama retired," Trump said.
The policy prohibits accounts from artificially boosting engagement, among other practices.
Since plutonium does not occur naturally, it must be made artificially.
Most other nations, including Canada, artificially limit the price of medicines.
Now even Waldo is subject to surveillance from artificially intelligent robots.
The goal of the device would be to artificially boost human capabilities.
This new artificially intelligent Colgate toothbrush, however, felt like too much change.
Anyways, have fun with your increasingly powerful, artificially intelligent personal assistant Alexa.
Someday people won't need to trip on LSD to artificially experience meaning.
Prices are artificially high because of demand from political candidates, Leddy said.
Eventually, artificially intelligent war machines may be required to kill enemy combatants.
Kevin, a female squirrel, has a hearty appetite for artificially cheesy snacks.
Artificially amplify the stakes and the movie could come across as pretentious.
That makes them too dependent on artificially warm water, the club says.
Almost 30 percent of the women drank artificially sweetened beverages during pregnancy.
Others are keen not to recruit from an artificially thin talent pool.
It artificially limits competition to address the realities of markets and scarcity.
Imagine insurance choices as candy held inside an artificially created federal piñata.
The benefits to them of artificially restricted markets are easy to understand.
The authorities artificially kept the renminbi weak by acquiring excessive foreign reserves.
"We shouldn't be issuing leases with an artificially low price," Lowenthal said.
Dogs are artificially infected with parasites, then given drugs to treat them.
Because it makes the volatility artificially low in the U.S. stock market.
NOW's president, Toni Van Pelt, said the ERA deadline was artificially set.
How else do you expect the media to artificially raise the stakes?
The relatively small size of the market may be artificially buoying prices.
Prices had been kept artificially low at 145 naira ($13) per litre.
At least, not if you're an artificially intelligent machine in San Francisco.
Third parties and independents often get an artificially low amount of support.
There would be artificially triggered earthquakes, poisoned wellsprings, barren gardens, ruined lakes.
Beyond Meat says it uses no genetically modified or artificially produced ingredients.
Artificially holding down prices can't, however, make up for a severe shortage.
This artificially intelligent app picks which photo you should choose to share.
Artificially low prices in European markets put upward pressure on U.S. prices.
Agreeing to artificially lower the salary cap "offends our core," Roberts wrote.
Pump-and-dump schemes can artificially inflate the value of a currency.
If a country's currency is artificially low, its exports are more competitive.
Maybe your skin just starts producing what you're not providing to it artificially?
Consider Honda's nearly 20-year project developing artificially intelligent, humanoid robots like Asimo.
But in their inaccuracy and uncanniness, my artificially aided Memories are endlessly entertaining.
This has proven to be a recipe for artificially high, expensive health care.
But the background just three feet behind him looks bizarrely, almost artificially, blurry.
They're not artificially expensive, it's how much it costs to make these things.
Critics, including Trump, say OPEC's goal is to keep oil prices artificially high.
But I think interest rates are artificially low and the market understands that.
Let's try not to artificially amp up excitement or drama through rampant cutting.
" Stocky also said that "we do not insert stories artificially into trending topics.
This allows a store to artificially inflate the price and, consequently, the discount.
Our artificially intelligent overlords are not smart enough to actually do our jobs.
The hacked-together artificially intelligent assistant is a unique personality programmed by Zuckerberg.
People have long sought out ways to artificially perfect their appearances with surgery.
" In a statement to Reuters, OKCoin said it "never artificially inflated trading volume.
The central bank has kept the pound artificially strong since the March devaluation.
Once the team cobbled together 500,000 non-rotated images, they artificially rotated them.
UAE's Energy Minister Suhail Mohamed al-Mazrouei said prices were not artificially high.
Last month, Trump accused OPEC in a tweet of "artificially" boosting oil prices.
They're not artificially expensive — it's how much it costs to make these things.
This could have artificially placed more pressure on seismic faults near oil fields.
Few dogs have been as artificially shaped by breeding as the English bulldog.
Golub, meanwhile, said he doesn't think that artificially low interest rates boost earnings.
Yet you can't avoid the feeling that this tempestuous climate is artificially controlled.
The experiment isn't the first time food has been artificially grown in space.
The main difference between naturally and artificially carbonated is the degree of pH.
" In a statement to Reuters, OKCoin said it "never artificially inflated trading volume.
Back on Earth, mice were then artificially inseminated with the preserved space sperm.
This week, Trump accused both Europe and China of artificially weakening their currencies.
They have, on average, higher rates of inflation and more artificially undervalued currencies.
In 2016, Google introduced Home, an artificially intelligent speaker to rival the Echo.
Artificially stoked outrage is permissible, as long as you use your real name.
Many nations now allow their currencies to float, rather than be artificially fixed.
The gap is a sign people think the spot price is artificially high.
Instagram says it "built machine learning tools" to help detect accounts growing artificially.
The government must show that the trader intended to artificially affect the price.
He believed that the levels for certain Oregon Project runners appeared artificially inflated.
U.S. President Donald Trump accused OPEC last month of "artificially" boosting oil prices.
Rather, demand is artificially high because of the increasing amounts of available loans.
And Reynolds himself freely says this credit cycle is "artificially inflating" stock prices.
Analysts have also criticized easy monetary policy for artificially supporting high stock prices.
Devlin's not interested in a future brimming with artificially intelligent, synthetic T&A.
That tension could also be artificially created and exploited by event promoters too.
In it, he posits that humans can artificially produce the effect of thinking.
This significantly lessens the influence to artificially maintain high watermarks to receive incentive allocations.
Drug companies argue the rebating system helps drive the price of medicines artificially higher.
Microwaves seem like an easy entry-point for Alexa, our new artificially intelligent chef.
But AlphaGo, an artificially intelligent system designed by Google-owned DeepMind, did just that.
So we're spending money, I think, efficiently and we're not artificially limiting our progress.
"A joke is a question that I have artificially inseminated with tension," she says.
AI & ML systems especially artificially intelligent systems are not guaranteed to exhibit deterministic behavior.
"We're not trying to set expectations artificially low and go above them," he said.
These artificially intelligent bugs learn from their surroundings and transform their behavior to survive.
The statements didn't artificially boost Goldman's share price when they were made, shareholders said.
But what if an artificially intelligent robot could do the dirty work for you?
Boeing accuses Bombardier of selling airliners in the U.S. market at artificially low prices.
Such moves could prevent credit traders from hoarding credits to pump up prices artificially.
Amazon also put Alexa, its artificially intelligent assistant, into its tablets earlier this year.
"We need more data on artificially sweetened drinks before we (advise) anything," she said.
Anyone can artificially and permanently boost their numbers through purchased plays and strategic reposts.
The central bank is keeping the pound artificially strong at 7.7301 pounds per dollar.
Companies like Amazon, Apple, and Google have been making strides in artificially intelligent software.
You also won't have to worry about the artificially intelligent assistants spying on you.
"Regulators artificially keep the IPO prices much lower than market valuations," said investor Zhu.
"These companies are offshoring profits artificially in anticipation of a special holiday," he said.
If you were an artificially intelligent Smart Home, how would you murder your master?
Of course, this isn't the first time that Luda has enhanced his physique artificially.
Home flipping can push prices artificially higher, especially in markets with the tightest inventory.
It's the nervous fidgeting that gives it away, that and the artificially loud laughter.
The Asian governments made it even more attractive by keeping interest rates artificially high.
Yet it's hard to avoid the feeling that this tempestuous climate is artificially controlled.
Journalists have investigated the dangers of always-on microphones and artificially intelligent voice assistants.
Health coverage premiums were artificially raised when ObamaCare made many private coverage arrangements illegal.
The "risk premium" that artificially inflates prices of prohibited substances has been virtually eliminated.
It makes exporting an artificially costly endeavor, especially for small and medium-sized firms.
Less artificially inject water in the ground probably placed less pressure on vulnerable faults.
There were also some improvements in time when athletes drank the artificially sweetened solutions.
Many chefs turn to drink and drugs to artificially recreate adrenaline experienced during service.
"To want to artificially separate these two economies is unrealistic and impossible," Li said.
It could come from management buying back stock to artificially boost the share price.
And by removing shares from the market, buybacks artificially boost companies' earnings per share.
An artificially intelligent drone from the British military identifies firing points on its own.
This practice violates Facebook's policies but is a common tactic to artificially amplify content.
Some claim this has artificially depressed yields at the long end of the curve.
The A.C.L.U. believes the reported number is artificially low because of the government's interference.
Stock buybacks artificially drive up the price of corporate shares, enriching the C-suite.
The worry about low turnout has now turned into suspicion of artificially high turnout.
It was artificially preserved and has since been encased in a multimillion-dollar monument.
PhD students and Pythia were both given ground-truth texts with artificially excised portions.
Artificially-generated media, like deepfakes, are already on the radar of the US government.
"There really is no safe level for artificially produced trans fat," Dr. Brandt said.
They then followed a similar pattern to buy at artificially inflated prices, authorities said.
Upscaling is when a lower-resolution video is artificially enhanced to a higher resolution.
Many have criticized corporations for artificially boosting stock prices through massive share buyback programs.
That has made imports artificially cheap, and U.S. exports more expensive in world markets.
Buybacks boost demand for a company's stock and also artificially inflate per-share earnings.
As a result, the price of these products fell artificially much faster than normal.
Artificially intelligent machines could soon join the ranks of the world&aposs greatest inventors.
These artificially high prices led to health plans and government programs paying more money.
Because of that limited competition, those firms are able to set wages artificially lower.
So why is the government paying to artificially inflate the number of dairy cows?
It's cheap because they've kept the pricing somewhat artificially low to keep volume up.
Vulnerable men made to put on artificially tough faces for fear of seeming soft.
When patients would arrive at this hospital, the artificially intelligent building would diagnose them.
We want to exclude the supergiant rounds because they'd artificially skew the general average upward, but by the same token, we want to filter out the smallest rounds (like this listed $33,000 Series B, for example) that would artificially skew figures lower.
But it created a sizable wedge between artificially supported asset prices and rather sluggish fundamentals.
Now the government is discussing a proposal to grant some rights to artificially intelligent systems.
Here's what Althoff had to say about the artificially intelligent economy: What is machine learning?
Swarms of artificially intelligent drones are starting to show up on stages around the world.
"If you artificially chop them into smaller populations, that's not great long-term," she said.
Now we're training artificially intelligent robots to pretend they're us and talk to other people?
You don't need an artificially intelligent robot to tell you about the weather every day.
The gadget's smaller siblings can also serve as an artificially intelligent assistant and play music.
Simply artificially-inseminate an egg, pop it in a biobag and nine months later, voila.
Steering is direct and provides a lot of feedback, though it can feel artificially heavy.
There have been other anonymous allegations — for instance that we artificially forced ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ to trend.
"It is grossly unjust to apply compound interest and artificially inflate this figure," he says.
With Egypt released from artificially inflated exchange rates, foreign cash is starting to come back.
They claimed in the lawsuit that the deal resulted in artificially high Netflix subscription prices.
Those valuations have run up in part because volatility is artificially low, according to Debusschere.
DoNotPay, a free-to-use artificially intelligent lawyer chatbot, is meant to do exactly that.
We know that he's artificially reduced 15 years of sister's life to one frightful symmetry.
So the reviews aren't necessarily fake or artificially generated, they're just made in bad faith.
The smart speaker leans on Assistant to offer voice controls and artificially intelligent, well, assistance.
UAE Energy Minister Suhail Mohamad al-Mazrouei also said oil prices were not artificially high.
And we'll continue to promote a healthy conversational environment by ensuring tweets aren't artificially amplified.
For many years now, automated bot armies have artificially amplified perspectives and manipulated trending algorithms.
The artificially intelligent Ping-Pong tutor built by Omron is not trying to beat you.
His face has been artificially scrubbed clean of wrinkles to where it seems uncomfortably smooth.
U.S. President Donald Trump said in April oil prices were artificially high because of OPEC.
That, in turn, led to the list price of EpiPen being artificially inflated, Berman said.
Some economists suspect China's surprisingly positive December trade figures were artificially inflated by such activity.
Angst hovers around defeat, and the Hawks must artificially smother that angst with genuine affection.
Yet this no longer causes public concern, for most of Israel's water is artificially produced.
Last year, managers of a pharmaceutical company were arrested on suspicion of artificially creating shortages.
Even the natural damage that comes with artificially lightened hair may have been intentionally exacerbated.
The procedure involved combining a donor's sperm with my husband's and then artificially inseminating me.
And drug companies would rather sell drugs at artificially low prices than not at all.
A lot of our medical providers artificially prolong death so they can make more money.
First, they unfroze Citizens' artificially suppressed rates by implementing a "glidepath" that gradually increased them.
This artificially creates a doctor shortage, despite laws designed to prevent this lack of access.
At times, Beijing also artificially undervalues its currency to lower the cost of its exports.
Note that this different than M, the artificially intelligent assistant Facebook is creating for Messenger.
They could pay to promote their product, artificially placing it among its top-rated peers.
In imagining tomorrow's artificially intelligent robots, we tend to think of them apart from nature.
What is this gelatinous, artificially sweetened tube, jiggling out of the can, still can-shaped?
The claim is that rates have been "artificially" depressed by central banks, "distorting" the economy.
The United States accuses China of swamping the market with artificially cheap, subsidized solar panels.
Dieters soaked cotton balls in juice and ate them in order to feel artificially full.
It believes the price discounts have been artificially deepened by attention given to cord-cutting.
The tree was artificially preserved and has since been encased in a multimillion-dollar monument.
Slowly, but surely, the "Arab world" that we know today was artificially and aggressively imposed.
This is despite investor concerns that enthusiasm from ESG funds has artificially inflated these stocks.
The company said a metric for average user time spent on videos was artificially inflated.
He's since tricked it out with a "custom-made artificially intelligent assistant," according to CNBC.
We need to take advantage of emerging space technologies and not artificially close off opportunities.
For now, Astana, an artificially created city, is growing some roots of a real one.
The complaint says exports from China have increased significantly at prices that are artificially low.
Trump critiqued the deal, saying it made prices "artificially high" and was bad for consumers.
Should artificially intelligent machines be protected under the law in the same way we are?
Better that than having 10 teams artificially where you don't know who is funding them.
But many American lawmakers and presidential candidates still accuse China of keeping its currency artificially weak.
Artificially intelligent algorithms, armed with an unprecedented amount of personal data, are particularly hard to resist.
Signals with very regular intervals tend to be artificially generated, but they can have natural origins.
Remarkably, it wasn't a human who reached this startling conjecture, but rather an artificially intelligent algorithm.
Because those populations are cheaper to cover, the program's per-person growth has been artificially low.
Artificially bright night skies can create a whole host of health concerns for wildlife and humans.
A few years ago you warned that artificially intelligent robots would turn humans into their pets.
As we were reminded earlier in 2016 the Yuan has been artificially propped up for years.
It will center instead on artificially intelligent devices that fit seamlessly into their owners' everyday lives.
Known as DeepMasterPrints, these artificially generated fingerprints are similar to the master key for a building.
Tallying only reports made under the harder-to-find complaints procedure led to artificially low numbers.
Currency controls meant the peso was artificially expensive and export taxes prompted producers to hoard grain.
Your (potential killer) smart robot One of the most exciting developments is in artificially intelligent robots.
Cohn also fought to keep Goldman's fees at artificially elevated levels on the 1MDB bond issues.
Because then we repeat the mistakes of pharma companies to artificially limit the access again, right.
It is no coincidence that anti-doping bodies ban competitors from juicing up on testosterone artificially.
Click here to view original GIFArtificially intelligent computers understand Donald Trump not unlike artificially intelligent humans.
Keeping the naira artificially high has deterred investors, who assume Nigeria will have to devalue again.
Sony complements this by doing some digital processing to artificially expand the soundstage of its headphones.
True, if executive-pay schemes are poorly designed around EPS, they can artificially encourage buy-backs.
Such investment flows represent artificially high Chinese savings rather than the invisible hand of the market.
The goal was to artificially create a popular uprising against the Cuban government, which obviously failed.
As a human, I've had few conversations with artificially intelligent robots—and no, Alexa doesn't count.
Last year, the organization was unsuccessful in artificially inseminating a white rhino at the Jacksonville Zoo.
The 1965 law eliminated the "nation of origin" quotas that artificially restricted nonwhite immigration to America.
"The financial manipulations were precisely conducted to artificially preserve this rating," Iceberg said in an email.
These are the things we do that try to artificially reduce our anxiety in the moment.
Kelton smiles, revealing that his braces are off and his teeth have been wrangled artificially straight.
"Our technology is an artificially intelligent energy sensor for facilities," he says, going into more detail.
Einstein bolts through space and time, for example, while Alan Turing calls in artificially intelligent allies.
"I'm a sinister, world-conquering, artificially intelligent robot," he says, as the other droids chime in.
"Platform bans allow brands to keep prices artificially high and restrict consumer choice," the company said.
Wey then manipulated the companies' stock prices, and sold shares at artificially high levels, prosecutors said.
It turns out that BMW has been working on artificially generated sound since at least 2009.
On Friday, President Donald Trump complained on Twitter that OPEC is keeping oil prices artificially high.
A way for players to artificially adjust the difficulty when they're tired of a specific encounter?
The design flaw is found in the artificially narrow foundation of articles on abuse of power.
In reality this is an example of privacy concerns separating two parts of peoples' lives artificially.
As Daisuke Wakabayashi and Nick Wingfield write, that's been the case with artificially intelligent home appliances.
Bits The movies have had plenty of memorable artificially intelligent beings that wanted to kill us.
But agriculture is becoming less lucrative as foreign governments manipulate global markets and artificially depress prices.
This lock artificially increased merchants' network fees while leaving them without any ability to negotiate costs.
But for Alexa and other artificially intelligent voice assistants to work, some human review is necessary.
Lack of competition artificially inflated network fees and grocers had no ability to negotiate these costs.
Despite near-freezing conditions, nobody was wearing coats because everyone was artificially warm from the drone.
In subsequent tests, the researchers artificially shut off the POMCs in mice that were already full.
This two year cycle is something we've been artificially conditioned to by the contract upgrade cycle.
It has been a tool used to artificially improve human voices, but you're doing something different.
Then I artificially bred a cow that was in heat, and tended to a leg wound.
The sooner it launches, the more intelligence it can gain to artificially enhance its bot brain.
Nine months later, the situation remains largely the same: Artificially intelligent assistants still aren't that smart.
It may seem smart to just switch to a diet soda or other artificially sweetened beverage.
Mr. Salazar was speaking to Google Home, the artificially intelligent speaker living on his kitchen counter.
If students needed help, they could interact with an artificially intelligent chatbot rather than a human.
Another batch of mice had their thirst neurons artificially manipulated to generate the sensation of quenching.
Of course, these experts artificially manufacture a cutoff line for those who "can't miss" every year.
When calculating the property taxes it owed, Walgreens used an artificially low valuation of its stores.
Imagine that, in 20 or 30 years, a company creates the first artificially intelligent humanoid robot.
Ricardo A. Rosselló and congratulated him on a death toll we all knew was artificially low.
Trillions of dollars in fossil fuel subsidies mean the fuel for these vehicles is artificially cheap.
A.L.A.: You are not going to let me end our conversation on an artificially cheerful note.
Researchers will attempt to artificially inseminate their eggs with frozen sperm from a northern white rhino.
In China, Alibaba and Xiaomi are quickly gaining traction with sales of their artificially intelligent speakers.
China has also agreed not to artificially devalue its currency, the renminbi, to boost its exports.
The second season saw those same artificially intelligent beings lead a revolution against their human counterparts.
After each animal sniffed out both items, the researchers artificially activated or inhibited its M.C.H. neurons.
With the same daily half-serving increase in artificially-sweetened drinks, the odds went up 18%.
Artificially inflating the price of the nation's gasoline supply is not the policy solution we need.
Some research suggests that artificially sweetened drinks can increase one's appetite and the desire for sweets.
The result is artificially high tax deductions costing the U.S. Treasury tens of billions of dollars.
She discovers that the artist is an artificially intelligent computer built by an unimaginably rich family.
Back then, Beijing kept the currency artificially weak compared with the dollar — and Chinese businesses benefited.
Energy ministers in OPEC countries pushed back on Trump's tweet, saying prices are not artificially high.
So the league in 2014 proposed artificially depressing the salary cap for the 2016-20163 season.
The fear is that once artificially intelligent systems reach a certain level of complexity they'll be uncontrollable.
Dubious filmmakers use artificially intelligent computers to feed raw audio into a simulated version of Barack Obama.
The artificially intelligent assistant gets better all the time, but it does make some weird mistakes sometimes.
And yes, the box prominently says "Artificially Flavored Coffee" in what looks like off-brand Comic Sans.
"So many market caps are artificially inflated by developer pre-mines or deceptive coin counts," he warns.
The video is about an artificially-intelligent matrix of grids and shapes in constant motion and evolution.
To him, this was just a normal reaction to a market being artificially propped up by policy.
This artificially inflates the value of their homes because they don't need to pay for flood insurance.
Carney said the Brexit uncertainty was keeping the appropriate level of interest rates artificially low for now.
However, the rate of growth was artificially boosted in 2018 by an accounting change in January 2018.
What did get these accounts banned were the shady tactics they used to artificially amplify their posts.
The Boston Retirement System claims "artificially inflated" bonds declined after the automaker's diesel emissions scandal was revealed.
Thus, oil prices were artificially elevated due to lack of supply, not by increased demand, Cramer said.
He is currently experimenting with different ways he might modify the DNA before artificially inseminating female dogs.
If you slide the beauty filter to the max, you can watch your jawline get artificially accentuated.
Amazon proudly announced today it's adding its 10,000th skill to the Echo, the company's artificially intelligent speaker.
He kept the official exchange rate of the bolívar artificially high, ostensibly to make essential imports affordable.
Icahn and many other observers have contended that crisis-level interest rates could artificially inflate asset prices.
Liquidity is not much better, the market is artificially squeezed and it is hugely supported by redemptions.
Of course, the new HomePod doesn't normally look like an all-seeing eye of artificially intelligent doom.
Instead, the controlled experimental setup of many of the studies may have artificially led to such results.
" He said that relative valuation is the key to the market because "absolute valuations are artificially high.
In Nigeria, though the grid is fully privatised, electricity prices are kept artificially low by the regulator.
It's an artificially intelligent animatronic skull telling you about the weather through a set of clacking teeth.
Because moderators had artificially inflated r/altright's subscriber count, there's no telling how large the community was.
This was decisive for them to create, artificially on the basis of historical lies, the nationalist argument.
Inflated Steel Form Or an installation which artificially creates rainbows via water misters and high power spotlights.
Americans pay as much as $1.4 Billion more in artificially-high sugar prices than they should. Why?
Alaska's program, intended to artificially inflate game populations, is unscientific, unsporting and defies traditional wildlife management principles.
The reality is that we've discovered that markets cannot be artificially maintained for long periods of time.
"Whatever she wants, but [we would] probably just do it [artificially] so it's not weird," he said.
Relatively weak performance last year for some sectors could also be artificially inflating earnings growth, investors said.
Uber has raised the hackles of regulators over their predatory practices and those aforementioned artificially low subsidies.
No one wants "to artificially accelerate" holding of the congress, Peskov told reporters on a conference call.
So including them in a study creates a bias that artificially inflates the health benefits of alcohol.
He has argued for years that defense funding has been kept artificially low because of budget caps.
These foreign governments pumped billions of dollars into their aluminum industries to artificially maintain and expand capacity.
By placing tariffs on American soybeans, Beijing has artificially priced the US out of the Chinese market.
It said shareholders bought "artificially inflated" shares because Musk and other executives misled them with their statements.
Last month, Trump complained on Twitter that oil prices are artificially high, saying OPEC was to blame.
As Bivens explains, the Affordable Care Act's subsidies were artificially made smaller because of pay-go rules.
Oil prices fell after Trump tweeted that prices were "artificially very high" and "will not be accepted".
Virtual reality technologies such as Oculus Rift are here, and artificially intelligent sex dolls nearly are, too.
They also provide their own nitrogen so you don't have to add it artificially into the system.
Conservationists are understandably interested in harnessing this potential to artificially boost the genetic defenses of vulnerable populations.
Authorities called it "food terror" and said they would punish anyone trying to keep prices artificially high.
Because of the high taxes they pay, American companies can be artificially undervalued in the global marketplace.
For many years, Ferrari artificially limited its annual production figures to preserve the exclusivity of its cars.
Consob has previously said Hitachi and state-controlled Finmeccanica had colluded to keep the price artificially low.
An unintended consequence of keeping interest rates artificially low for so long is the mispricing of risk.
In the opposite scenario, when the cells were artificially activated, even dehydrated mice did not experience thirst.
You could artificially limit your options, like visiting only three websites when shopping for a new dress.
" A Twitter spokesman said "the accusation that we're artificially injecting something into a tweet is completely false.
To expect its popularity to correspond to its veracity is not even artificially stupid, but just stupid.
In 2015, Amazon birthed the Echo, the artificially intelligent speaker featuring the virtual assistant known as Alexa.
This scheme, the study claims, allowed these buyers to artificially inflate Bitcoin's price for their financial gain.
Business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, argue that cash advances artificially drive up litigation costs.
This way you don't have to create an artificially-inflated market that no one wants to use!
But citation practices vary widely even within disciplines, and citing yourself can artificially drive your number up.
It also artificially grants an edge to foreign companies against which unsubsidized American businesses have to compete.
More recently, there were allegations that Spanish players had enhanced their performance by receiving artificially oxygenated blood.
This generated more widespread adoption of bloated insurance policies that propped up artificially high prices for care.
If transaction fees are being kept artificially high by these practices, that is bad news for homeowners.
We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow, and when she gives birth, we steal her baby.
Eventually these nano-chips may be implanted into our brains artificially, augmenting human thought and reasoning capabilities.
This sets up a looming complication: Technology giants, not the government, are building the artificially intelligent future.
His Palo Alto home is tricked out with a "custom-made artificially intelligent assistant," according to CNBC.
Once again, they're pushing prices higher artificially, but this time they are doing it without the banks.
Artificially distorted prices at first led industry to stop new investment and, later, to stop production altogether.
Failing to do so will continue to artificially limit the gains that educational technology promises to offer.
Banning deepfakes altogether would mean removing popular jokes like gender-swapped Snapchat selfies and artificially aged faces.
Others, like artificially intelligent sexbots, have been explored everywhere from Her to Lars and the Real Girl.
In the four years through 2016, about 2.1 million turtles were artificially hatched and released, Neyra said.
A mixture of history and habit helped to keep the Labour vote artificially high in these regions.
The plaintiffs were not individuals; most were small manufacturers that had paid artificially inflated prices for materials.
And the only realistic way to do so will be to address the dollar's artificially hyped value.
U.S. President Donald Trump last month accused OPEC of "artificially" boosting prices, a charge the cartel denies.
They add little value, create and artificially inflate the cost of care to boost their profit margins.
Artificially trying to change the price of credit would have had no effect in stopping that disaster.
Artificially directing credit to bonds at the expense of loans to small and new businesses and households.
Americans need to consider the broader ramifications of a short-term decision to artificially lower drug prices.
But he never mentioned the illegal software that had caused the Beetle to produce artificially low emissions.
A query would then record 20 American-related search terms, artificially driving up the count, he said.
IBM's cloud, and its artificially intelligent assistant, Watson, have hit some major milestones over the last few months.
As new research shows, the same learning strategy used by toddlers also applies to artificially intelligent computer characters.
The funds allege the price was kept artificially low but both Hitachi and Finmeccanica have deny any wrongdoing.
The generator is trying to create an image artificially that tricks the discriminator into thinking it is real.
The three companies are accused of conspiring to keep canned tuna prices artificially high between 2010 and 2013.
He entered the tournament alongside Eurisko, the artificially intelligent system he built as part of his academic research.
Together, these are removing artificially low-cost foreign imports from the market and restoring a level playing field.
The luxe hotel plans to outfit more than 4,700 rooms with the Amazon's artificially intelligent, voice-activated assistant.
Some of the trials, for example, compared people who drank artificially sweetened beverages to people who drank water.
"I'm not looking for a terrible economy, but an artificially strong one, due to stimulus spending," he said.
In short, artificially cooling the planet might not save vast croplands imperiled by accelerating, human-caused climate change.
We do not insert stories artificially into trending topics, and do not instruct our reviewers to do so.
But Mr Bruter warns that such a move would artificially boost turnout without dealing with the underlying causes.
The days of Wish building its company on the back of artificially low shipping rates may be over.
That was a sign investors sensed that the yuan was being artificially supported by the PBOC, he said.
You get this filtering effect decade after decade where you end up artificially selecting or breeding super-traffickers.
The bot itself had to work through 70 hours of simulated training time, which was sped up artificially.
The government artificially limits the supply of land for development, auctioning off just a little bit each year.
For some, a daily soda ritual includes chugging multiple cans of artificially sweetened beverages, which aren't much better.
Tense moments happen in the show, but they aren't artificially heightened by a constant a fear of violence.
So there's a ceiling to how much governments can artificially inflate prices — and that ensures that they'll fall.
"Recently, we've seen accounts use third-party apps to artificially grow their audience," Instagram said in a statement.
Its second rate, of 320 naira per dollar, was used to funnel artificially cheap greenbacks to favoured importers.
Anyway, the system consists of an "artificially intelligent nanoarray," made mostly of nanoscale gold pieces and carbon nanotubes.
All the diamonds had to be sourced because they're "natural" ... meaning none of them have been artificially colored.
Click here to view original GIFImage: Eric ChengArtificially intelligent computers understand Donald Trump not unlike artificially intelligent humans.
In her story, titled "R-09 and Pluto", two artificially intelligent robots contemplate the limits of their brains.
Mr Maduro kept the official exchange rate of the bolívar artificially high, ostensibly to make essential imports affordable.
Navalny says Putin's support is exaggerated and artificially maintained by a biased state media and an unfair system.
There's an assortment of big changes being made to the artificially intelligent helper, so let's dive right in.
The initial application of this technology has primarily been for search-related functions through artificially intelligent personal assistants.
Investors are subsidizing delivery costs for third-party aggregators, and helping to keep costs artificially low, he said.
It features artificially intelligent software that reads your conversations and serves up a short list of personalized features.
Still, I would have liked to have the option to tone the artificially boosted colors down a little.
The President says China is manipulating its currency, keeping the yuan artificially low to make Chinese exports cheaper.
He could not see because he did not have eyelids (doctors closed his eyes artificially to protect them).
It looks like Google's sentiment analyzer is biased, as many artificially intelligent algorithms have been found to be.
Billionaires keep their billions and 330-million Americans get screwed again and again with artificially high sugar prices.
The rebound in GDP coming out of the Great Recession was artificially engendered by the Fed's wealth effect.
He also says that various measures of inflation expectations are artificially quiescent largely due to low energy prices.
Billing itself as the first artificially intelligent vibrator, it was talked up everywhere from The View to Cosmopolitan.
Batch 16 has a little bit of everything from craft beer delivery service to artificially intelligent teaching assistants.
So far, the best attempts to artificially map a living brain have been done by the OpenWorm project.
In the FES bike race, competitors with paraplegia artificially "pedal" by stimulating motor nerves to cause muscle contraction.
In fact, artificially increasing prices hurts our economy by expanding inequality of job opportunities across socio-economic lines.
Westworld's artificially intelligent robots have been improved upon for at least 30 years — probably a good deal longer.
Aaron: I don't understand what end that serves, artificially adjusting the format to entice bad teams to advance.
For the past 15 months it has been struggling to hold the currency at an artificially high level.
He'll remain skeptical of policies designed to artificially drive up the cost of power and weaken our economy.
Willner was able to amplify profits because the trades were put on at artificially high prices, prosecutors said.
The ministry said that only Volkswagen had illegal software designed to produce artificially low emissions under testing conditions.
This, Dr Park has discovered, makes some users reluctant to ask for help from their artificially intelligent pals.
This has kept prices artificially high even after the exclusivity date on Gilead's name-brand compounds has passed.
"A lot of our medical providers are artificially prolonging death so they can make more money," he claimed.
So he decided to construct it artificially by forming his own parallel structures of media outlets and analysts.
Wall Street loves buybacks because they artificially inflate earnings and backstop prices by providing a price-insensitive buyer.
Such rhetoric actually exacerbates issues facing the U.S. higher education system by artificially reinforcing the status quo model.
He said too many workers were discouraged and stopped looking for a job, artificially lowering the unemployment rate.
Conservatives have long opposed government schemes like taxi medallion programs that artificially restrict competition to a favored few.
Artificial "surge pricing" Riders have questioned whether Uber sometimes artificially hikes prices without there being a high demand.
In recent years, the prices of certain drugs have been artificially inflated to unaffordable levels, jeopardizing public health.
"This is a step towards bringing down the artificially erected barriers between humans and other animals," Fugazza argues.
Computer scientists have developed an artificially intelligent agent that uses conversational language to explain the decisions it makes.
Consider a new artificially intelligent insurance underwriter that can better forecast natural disasters and accidents, and adjust premiums.
The Google/Alphabet octopus, via its artificially intelligent DeepMind tentacle, is being granted access to public healthcare data.
But a state-run government can do more to artificially prop up its economy than a capitalistic one.
We create all these barriers, and all it does is create this snowball effect of value added artificially.
Such large fundraising rounds can "create this artificially bloated valuation that doesn't compute with the revenue," Mitra said.
IBM&aposs new artificially intelligent debating machine faced off against experts in Cambridge University&aposs prestigious Union chamber.
As with other addictive drugs, repetition hinders the brain's transmitters and receptors, pushing users to seek replenishment artificially.
Researchers, for example, are studying how aircrafts and tanks can be backed by artificially intelligent fleets of drones.
Aiera, an acronym for artificially intelligent equity research analyst, put out a "sell" recommendation for Facebook last fall.
So it's inherently uncredible that the Saudis would act in any systematic way to keep prices artificially high.
"A joke is a question, artificially inseminated with tension," she says, before explaining the mechanics of her job.
To free-traders, economic nationalism is simply unnatural, an effort to artificially prolong the lives of aged industries.
I don't like interrupting my thought process artificially in order to turn to a camera or a light.
And to artificially stupid automatons and algorithms, reality is defined as brute quantity, by ranking, ratings and elimination.
Mr. Leitner, a retired computer programmer, was not pleased to learn that his rent had been artificially inflated.
But some sentencing experts cautioned Friday that public expectations for Mr. Manafort's punishment might have been artificially high.
They might be shopping for things that are cheaper and arrive faster, but those packages are artificially cheap.
If anything, China was keeping the yuan artificially strong until Trump ratcheted up the trade war on Thursday.
Wall Street loves buybacks because they also artificially boost per-share earnings, even if underlying profits remain stagnant.
Artomatix Is An Artificially Intelligent Game Designing App The company launched at TechCrunch Disrupt SF back in 2015.
It brought down prices that those monopolies had kept artificially high, and it gave travelers a new option.
The government has for years vastly artificially inflated the number of encrypted devices it said it can't access.
When Lehmann and Stern replicated this process with a series of phones, it artificially aged them into fossils.
Using semen from deceased male northern white rhinos, the eggs were artificially inseminated, and viable embryos were created.
Governments also want to prevent companies from artificially shifting profits across borders to keep overall tax exposure low.
They contend that the way the index is compiled has kept the retail price of chicken artificially high.
Republicans took steps that undermined a full investigation, including arbitrary deadlines and artificially limited examination of potential witnesses.
China did keep its currency, the renminbi, artificially cheap at one point, but now faces the opposite problem.
By invoking it, the United States would effectively push back against China's practice of artificially suppressing steel prices.
Researchers are hoping to artificially inseminate one of the two females to keep the species from going extinct.
Probabilities are more meaningful than safe "anything can happen" platitudes, vague "it's likely" analyses or artificially confident guarantees.
It took 15 hours for Twitter to teach an artificially intelligent chatbot to be a racist, sexist monster.
Google also announced it would add an artificially intelligent bot to Hangouts to help workplaces with scheduling meetings.
But it is not so desirable that it should be artificially created where it did not exist before.
Though Akuti and Suru made several attempts to breed naturally, they didn't have success, so a special team from the South East Zoo Alliance for Reproduction and Conservation (SEZARC), aided by Dr. Monica Stoops of the Cincinnati Zoo, artificially collected semen from Suru and then artificially inseminated Akuti in early 2018.
At the center is a tree that has a degree of Frankenstein-ness to it, with artificially joined branches.
"You have good times, and then you have bad times to compensate for the artificially good times," he added.
He leaves that to an artificially intelligent system built by several thousand data scientists whose names he doesn't know.
Here, I will keep tabs on how automation and artificially intelligent systems are battering and augmenting the human landscape.
Beginning last April, he began publicly criticizing OPEC's production caps, accusing the group of keeping oil prices artificially high.
An artificially intelligent president could be trained to maximize happiness for the most people without infringing on civil liberties.
This week's list includes an app for face swapping, an artificially intelligent messaging app and Pandora's new iMessage app.
It was Assistant, the artificially intelligent digital helper that caters to your every whim and powers your every interaction.
More research is needed to verify the connection between artificially sweetened drinks and mortality risk, the study authors note.
Last spring, Mark Zuckerberg, while being questioned in front of Congress, referenced artificially intelligent moderation more than 30 times.
The following year, scientists artificially produced heliotropin, which smells a bit like baby powder and is found in vanilla.
It artificially pads the game with an aimless activity that serves neither the story nor the ineffable "fun" factor.
Then he took them into Photoshop and artificially bumped up the exposure to take a look at the noise.
The process already happens naturally, when volcanoes erupt, and there is some science supporting efforts to try this artificially.
This may not seem a huge difference, but experience of incubating bird's eggs artificially shows that actually it is.
And the RAM manufacturers, being douche canoes of the highest order, collaborated to artificially inflate the price of RAM.
In the words of Serpentine Gallery, the artificially intelligent AGNES "lives on" the London contemporary art hub's own website.
Yesterday, President Donald Trump tweeted that Google search was artificially promoting "left-wing media" writing negative stories about him.
"Avoid artificially increasing income, such as by realizing capital gains or by taking distributions from retirement plans," he said.
Microsoft researchers recently built an artificially intelligent system that seems to recognize conversational speech as effectively as a human.
Instead MLS goes the other way, keeping salaries artificially depressed in an effort to curb spending and limit losses.
U.S. President Donald Trump has also called on OPEC to help cool oil prices, saying they were artificially high.
As they add more and more investors, companies need to allocate new preferred shares that artificially pump up valuation.
She expected her boyfriend Rafael Solano — who is also the father of her accidentally artificially inseminated kid — to propose.
The sugar program costs U.S. consumers and businesses an average of $28503 billion a year in artificially higher prices.
When it comes to machines like the artificially intelligent drone featured in the film, though, Pearce has mixed feelings.
Many healthy people soon realized it made no sense to buy artificially expensive health insurance and cancelled their plans.
They screwed up the standings by creating a loser point for no reason other than artificially inflating their records.
Rather than focus on metrics like growth and dividends, CEOs might instead exercise measures to artificially inflate stock price.
I called my partner while he was sitting right next to me to artificially discuss "motorcycles" over the phone.
But none of these experiences look like KITT, the artificially intelligent car from the classic Knight Rider TV series.
But, with the latest breed of artificially intelligent machines trained on deep learning methods, it's trickier to work out.
The summer blackout artificially constrains demand for renewable fuels and the farm products that are used to produce them.
U.S. President Donald Trump on Twitter last week accused OPEC of being responsible for "artificially very high" oil prices.
SHENZHEN, China — Chinese tech company Huawei wants to change the way people talk to their artificially intelligent voice assistants.
What is also unusual in the EpiPen's saga is the combination of both artificially increased demand and reduced competition.
Its most artificially dramatic sequence, involving a flood, drags on too long without adding anything to the core narrative.
Paul blasted Washington for overspending and the Federal Reserve for artificially holding interest rates low through easy money policies.
He is particularly interested in the possibility of artificially strengthening connections between cells, and perhaps forging entirely new ones.
Before your trip, try to artificially change external light sources corresponding to the ones in the new time zone.
Meanwhile, price controls further damage research and development because the government is artificially rewarding low prices rather than efficacy.
Beijing has denied that its prices are artificially subsidized, saying its production cost are much lower than Western countries.
Shareholders had filed a lawsuit, seeking $85033 billion, claiming that BP's actions artificially inflated the value of its stock.
She actually was artificially well preserved and apparently "reached puberty" pushing the known medical boundaries by lasting so long.
While they were less artificially pretty than the McDonald's ones, they tasted much better and appeared drastically less processed.
If it raises rates too quickly, the Fed could artificially slow the economy or even bring about a recession.
But at the same time, every year the subscription numbers keep shrinking, creating an artificially inflated supply and demand.
However, customers shouldn't like them because they are paying the artificially high premiums due to this lack of competition.
This system artificially raises the prices of insulin, and the prices are rarely passed on to consumers, they said.
" For that reason, he's putting his money on "a very sterile, artificially safe environment in the regional host cities.
Plasma can also be artificially generated at lower temperatures by applying electrical currents to a gas or liquid insulator.
The ink literally dances and thereby captures the sound as we hear it, not artificially abstracted by a computer.
So perhaps the proliferation of artificially intelligent applications and robotics will foster a near net-zero job loss instead.
As Twitter noted in its recent blog post, bots can make users look good by artificially inflating follower counts.
Among that group, about 9 percent of women said they consumed at least one artificially sweetened beverage every day.
"A cartel deciding not to artificially hold back supply is not sufficient for propping up an industry," said Bordoff.
It doesn't "play the game" the same way, in Michael's words, paying influencers or otherwise artificially inflating its following.
The evidence on artificially sweetened drinks and their health impact is less clear, but it points to potential trouble.
Read More: China's 'Tinder for Dancing Grannies' Is Sparking a Dance Revolution Scientists have never artificially inseminated rhinos before.
One-time quirks that could affect growth measurements this year could also end up artificially pumping 2018's figures.
They say the Danish Parliament, which approved the measure, has artificially elevated a social custom to a national value.
Eggs are artificially incubated and chicks grow in climate controlled sheds of up to 50,000 chickens, the scientists write.
SAN FRANCISCO — Google has been using artificial intelligence to build other artificially intelligent systems for the last several months.
It's hardly surprising that the pressure to seek illegal advantage, through artificially increasing stamina, may at times feel overwhelming.
Fedor, also known as Skybot F-850, is a life-sized, artificially intelligent robot sent to space by Russia.
This means you can grow naturally from cash flow instead of investments which can artificially inflate your overall valuation.
The women, especially, inhabit their artificially constructed roles with an in-the-moment immediacy, only marginally rimmed with unease.
If your brain was not functioning following a traumatic car accident, would you want your body artificially sustained indefinitely?
Do we want to artificially make German cars more expensive with taxes so that consumers buy more foreign products?
"I think we've been in an artificially inflated market," he told interviewer Bethany McLean, contributing editor of Vanity Fair.
Third, allowing bulk sales to launch people onto the list artificially crowds out books that actually earned their spots.
With today's techniques, we can artificially build DNA sequences, adding one base pair at a time, in a lab.
Human trials are set to begin in March, but would you take a drug designed using artificially intelligent software?
Kirill Tereshin went viral a few years ago after he reportedly artificially inflated his arms with Synthol drug injections.
These are arbitrary supply-side restrictions that artificially reduce the number of AHP options and need to be relaxed.
"Saccharin was one of the first commercially available artificially sweeteners, and it's actually a derivative of tar," Swithers said.
It did so as investors were encouraged to stretch for yield by the maintenance of artificially low interest rates.
Prosecutors say he also paid $20,20003 to a company called Streamify to artificially boost his play count on Spotify.
Then PJM will artificially jack up the prices of that capacity and drive it out of the capacity market.
Musk said that Tesla was spending its money efficiently and suggested raising funds would artificially limit the company's progress.
Thereafter, only the sperm that will form an embryo of the desired sex are artificially inseminated into the uterus.
Doctors are licensed by the government and their number is artificially limited (like taxi medallions and sometimes liquor licenses).
So there's an argument that it's Rubio, not Trump, who is now being artificially helped by the crowded field.
When even the most advanced artificially intelligent image recognition software sees that image, however, it sees something very different.
And the way the company is offering an open ecosystem when it comes to artificially intelligent assistants is truly fantastic.
The artificially intelligent system was fed genetic data about the snakes, information about each snake's physical characteristics, and other measures.
Android is doing so much processing to the images that all the colors end up artificially pumped up and oversaturated.
The system replaces platforms that have been in place at schools for years that artificially limit where students can recruit.
And drugmakers like Pfizer have said the nation's rebate system is responsible for driving the price of medicines artificially higher.
The artificially low tally of crimes in turn meant that fewer resources were dedicated to rural areas, says Ms Mulligan.
It's debatable whether we can honestly call them deer anymore, as they are decapitated, artificially golden, and stand lifelessly frozen.
This will artificially inflate the American trade gap with Mexico and manufacture the illusion of a trade deficit with Canada.
The more info and experience these artificially intelligent systems have, the better they'll do making decisions out on the road.
They include police glasses with built-in facial recognition, cameras that analyze how people walk, drones and artificially-intelligent robots.
It joins other camera-friendly robots like Boston Dynamics' Atlas and Sophia, the artificially intelligent automaton that's actually pretty dumb.
You never want to jam the band back together artificially, because I think people smell the artifice of that immediately.
Corn imports had generally been declining after Beijing scrapped its stockpiling system last year that had artificially supported domestic prices.
Some folks are worried about the privacy implications of putting an always-on, artificially intelligent voice assistant in their homes.
If true, inflating the number of streams that each album received would artificially increase the royalty payments for each artist.
Usually, it is artificially cheap, because politicians are scared to charge much for something essential that falls from the sky.
On the other hand, even for these applications, the demos today are half-baked using simulated or artificially controlled situations.
"You get this filtering effect decade after decade where you end up artificially selecting or breeding super-traffickers," Tree said.
This creates artificially high land-prices, making it costly for successful farmers to expand and reach a more efficient scale.
The Commission is concerned that the practices have artificially reduced choice and stifled innovation in the market throughout the period.
Apps and artificially intelligent bots on Slack are two key things the company hopes will differentiate its service from competitors.
Those accounts would hit the Like button on those links, artificially inflating engagement, the company said in a blog post.
But what Hooks wants to do is enhance the farmers themselves, to work alongside artificially intelligent machines with augmented reality.
It's been a long week — you deserve to kick back and relax with a glimpse into our artificially intelligent future.
" Its community guidelines also instruct users to "help us stay spam-free by not artificially collecting likes, followers, or shares.
The report's authors followed 101,257 adults over a five-year period, monitoring their intake of sugary and artificially-sweetened beverages.
But Uber would like to emphasize that it would never ever use this knowledge to artificially jack up your rates.
". And his first intervention came on April 53, when Brent was just $74, tweeting "Oil prices are artificially Very High!
The U.S. has for years accused Beijing of artificially keeping the yuan weak in order to make Chinese exports cheaper.
Understandable after the years of painful underperformance of active managers while the Fed worked to keep interest rates artificially low.
"It is the understanding of Brazil that these Canadian subsidies artificially affect international competitiveness," the ministry said in a statement.
Ecstasy artificially produces the high amounts of dopamine and norepinephrine that naturally occur in the brain when you're in love.
"We believe the pathways of which artificially sweetened beverages would affect the brain are probably through vascular mechanisms," Sacco said.
This past year, Whirlpool claimed that South Korean competitors were dumping Chinese-made washing machines to create artificially low prices.
Topics to watch: Chinese dumping of artificially cheap steel into the U.S. market and exorbitant Chinese tariffs on foreign cars.
Amazon is building convenience stores with artificially intelligent cashiers in an effort to crack the $674 billion edible grocery market.
The company has built an artificially intelligent app that functions on voice commands alone and learns your habits over time.
For one thing, those numbers can seem artificially low if fewer Americans are working or trying to find a job.
Coffee, tea and other beverages with caffeine will artificially keep you awake and interfere with your body's natural sleep schedule.
Thakkar was accused of creating an algorithm that enabled a London trader to artificially overstate demand for stock market futures.
Copyright law has historically exacerbated bias in artificially intelligent algorithms, but it also has the capability to vastly improve them.
The world of Colony is rendered artificially small by the barriers containing the colony's residents, and that gives Cuse & co.
According to Gualtieri, last year, Steele was artificially inseminated with her late husband's sperm by a doctor in New York.
SignalFire is an artificially intelligent early-stage venture capital firm that uses machine learning to identify and diligence optimal investments.
The device's camera supports an artificially intelligent algorithm that optimises for subjects, including for factors like age and skin tone.
Argentina's previous president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, introduced currency controls, which kept the peso artificially strong and made exporting unprofitable.
When artificially intelligent humanoids pass beyond the uncanny valley, most theorists assume they will one day become indistinguishable from humans.
"[The whiskey-style grape wine is] very weak and artificially flavored," one chef-turned-booze tester told the Virginia Mercury.
"The EP became an answer to everything artificially driven, and a need to feel something other than sickness," Acosta says.
Several members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries responded to the tweet, saying prices were not artificially inflated.
Beijing, which may very well be trying to artificially boost its growth rate in the sector, doesn't seem to care.
The result has artificially inflated the size of the president's base of support and its importance in the national perception.
The attacks involved creating artificially heavy traffic on his website that forced the hosting company to block access to bryancaforio.
But Internet service providers and some Republicans say the benchmark has been set artificially high, and is not uniformly applied.
There are three obvious objections: First, why is the range of conceptual options so artificially restricted to war or appeasement?
"For 10 years, rates were kept artificially low to encourage risk taking," said Jack Ablin, founding partner of Cresset Wealth.
In 2002, a change to OSHA form 300 eliminated reporting for musculoskeletal disorders—immediately and artificially lowering the incident rate.
Frequent drinkers of artificially-sweetened beverages tended to be younger, have a higher body mass index and greater caloric intake.
"The people behind this network used fake accounts to run Pages, disseminate their content and artificially increase engagement," Gleicher wrote.
His actions have no impact on the public, so why the need to artificially link Weiner and the Clinton campaign?
The company tried to artificially boost the price of the stock this summer, but the value has continued to plunge.
Mating can happen naturally, but more commonly, cows are artificially inseminated, a practice that some animal rights activists find unacceptable.
However, Huang said that artificially low interest rates can lead banks to lend less to borrowers seen as higher risk.
You can activate it with a wake word—"Hey Siri"—and ask an artificially intelligent assistant, Siri, to play music.
Instead, the ensemble is on full display — everyone from a rotund James Corden to an artificially green-eyed Idris Elba.
By placing the fish in cooler tanks, farmers can artificially induce hibernation, causing the fish to stop eating for months.
Like a hastily drawn bath at a four-star Vegas hotel, "New Light" is warm, almost luxurious, and artificially lit.
Essentially, the states and several interest groups argue the new state and local tax cap could artificially depress home values.
Also, the sensor needs to be situated away from pavement or other influences that would have artificially elevated the temperature.
Given the newness of the market for artificially intelligent home gadgets, Google has plenty of time to close the gap.
He told Congress last week that more needs to be done to bring down "artificially high" prices for prescription drugs.
Since I don't personally prioritize natural ingredients or low sugar alcohols, I tend to veer toward the artificially sweetened bars.
However, it is important not to be fooled into believing artificially low wholesale electricity prices are a windfall for consumers.
Some critics have argued that Medicare's administrative cost rate appears artificially low because Medicare enrollees' health spending is so high.
They must play for the team they're told to play for — at an artificially low salary — typically through their 20s.
Tech Fix On my second day with Apple's new HomePod, I asked the artificially intelligent speaker to play some music.
Poles recovered their nation, their history and their freedom in 1989; a Europe artificially severed regained its geography and wholeness.
And one thing the Chinese government did with that control for a long time was keep the currency artificially cheap.
"We do not insert stories artificially into trending topics, and do not instruct our reviewers to do so," he said.
The artificially intelligent, augmented reality feature seemed to generate the most interest at Google's developer conference that wrapped up Friday.
Richard had been to this estate many times, and knew the layout like the back of his artificially bronzed hand.
The smoker is connected to a tractor that he received "in exchange for artificially inseminating two horses," Mr. Tonelli said.
"There's a little weakness in Q1 and then the other quarters are artificially inflated because of that," Ms. Bostjancic said.
It would be a life artificially kept alive, a miracle of modern technology but a failure as a human reality.
The hottest trends on display at the electronics trade show included artificially intelligent virtual assistants, connected cars and foldable screens.
The problem is that Amazon chose a very popular name for its artificially intelligent machine with a woman&aposs voice.
They sleep outdoors or in grass huts in groups of 20 to 30 people without artificially regulating temperature or light.
"Classic Trix," which is colored artificially, will sit on store shelves alongside the new, natural-flavor version, the company said.
In the Reuters interview, he repeated claims that China artificially lowered its currency and that Europeans were manipulating the euro.
I am concerned about manufacturing impeachment claims by establishing artificially short periods for production that will practically block judicial review.
You look at the appreciation of those stocks and say that ETFs have maybe artificially propped up some of these.
Conversely, it's a big part of why the artificially generated and sanitized prequel movies fall so flat in many respects.
" A YouTube spokesperson said, "We take any abuse of our systems, including attempts to artificially inflate video viewcounts, very seriously.
Bots, for example, can let people amplify a message artificially but so can printing flyers and leaflets, which is protected.
Keeping the price of solar artificially high can limit this trend and potentially reduce the harm of net metering policies.
But Uber's passenger fares are artificially low because it uses investor money to subsidize trips, attract customers, and undercut competitors.
The Securities and Exchange Commission said the stock from both of those companies was artificially inflated for Tobin's own profit.
The attacks involved creating artificially heavy traffic on his website that forced the hosting company to block access to bryancaforio.
Russian officials accuse Poroshenko of artificially manufacturing a crisis to prop up sagging ratings ahead of an election next March.
In the lawsuit, UKnight alleges that the Knights' senior leadership (namely senior executives Thomas Smith and Matthew St. John) were "engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to artificially inflate the Knights of Columbus' insurable membership numbers and artificially improve" its ratings by insurance rating companies, thereby making people more likely to buy its life insurance.
We start with eliminating the maze of special-interest tax provisions that add confusion and keep rates artificially high for everyone.
It turns out that this moss being studied thrives under conditions of hypergravity — increased gravity conditions artificially created within a centrifuge.
Though the genre often gets stereotyped for having an artificially bright sound, genuine darkness prevails with some of its finest practitioners.
We still don't have good models to enable us to describe what makes a good song yet alone artificially create one.
Three years later, our artificially intelligent machines can't even pass an eighth-grade science test, much less go to medical school.
Image: APMeet DeepCube, an artificially intelligent system that's as good at playing the Rubik's Cube as the best human master solvers.
But this month, he's in Pittsburgh, playing poker against an artificially intelligent machine designed by two computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon.
Data visualization has been done — there are publicly traded, interactive, real-time and, heck, even artificially intelligent companies promising data visualization.
The altered cells are then returned to the patients intravenously, where they divide and spread, creating an artificially induced immune response.
That psychology has now changed decisively: Bitcoin's price shot up to record prices artificially, only to plummet about 70% this year.
"We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow, and when she gives birth, we steal her baby," Phoenix told the crowd.
Unlike other cryptocurrencies, they can't rely on CoinMarketCap to sing their praises by displaying artificially rising prices (the effects of speculation).
In March, employees learned Google was working with the Pentagon to build artificially intelligent technology to be used in drone warfare.
In both cases, distribution is artificially limited and taxed by platforms that have only a passing interest in the greater good.
If it takes a human baby years to learn a language, it will surely take humans years to artificially build one.
The people have spoken and rest assured, Trix will be back to their beloved and artificially neon-colored ways come October.
Mr Trump has long claimed that other countries, including China, keep their currencies artificially cheap to boost their exports, hurting America.
In Tahara's experiment, eggs are broken and deposited into clear sterile containers, artificially fertilized, and left to develop at warm temperatures.
Bao Bao was born at the Smithsonian National Zoo on August 23rd, 2013 after her mother, Mei Xiang was artificially inseminated.
But the assurances artificially buoyed Goldman Sachs' shares as the market fell, maintaining the bank's share price at an unjustified level.
After big tuskers are killed off, it artificially creates a larger pool of elephants with small tusks or none at all.
The regulations require athletes like Semenya to artificially lower their testosterone levels to align with IAAF maximum limits prescribed for females.
If this vision comes to fruition, artificially intelligent bots will become our primary way of interacting with apps on all devices.
And even that number is artificially high, because many of those edicts served only to delay or weaken Mr Obama's rules.
Image: ScreenshotThe most obvious place you can see this shortcoming is in Google Assistant, the company's artificially intelligent competitor to Siri.
Image: AmazonAmazon is building a new version of its artificially intelligent Echo speaker with a screen, according to a Bloomberg report.
And anyway, it's easier to be a dad when you have an artificially intelligent butler around to lend a helping hand.
Taranis, however, can also be let off its digital leash and allowed to think for itself using artificially intelligent automated systems.
Nonetheless, Dumas believes that these buybacks have caused unusually high valuations in stocks markets that are dependent on artificially cheap money.
Trump's friend, lender, and economic adviser Andrew Beal tried to artificially create $1.1 billion in ordinary tax losses, just like Trump's.
Uber and Lyft recently ramped up their rider discount offers, prompting overheard talk in the NYSE hallways about artificially-inflated numbers.
A lot of bankruptcies and layoffs around the world have their roots in recent waves of artificially cheap steel from China.
He says that the temporal-lobe hypothesis came about largely because you can artificially induce déjà vu by stimulating those areas.
But artificially capping the progress any player can make in the space of a week cuts out the thrill of progression.
Dumas says buybacks at these rates have led to to a stock market that appears to be reaching artificially high levels.
The complaint says, Musk&aposs recent tweet about taking the company private were misleading and artificially inflated Tesla&aposs stock price.
Gruenwald's findings follow Trump's repeated accusations that Beijing was keeping its currency artificially low against the dollar to boost Chinese exports.
The hard numbers So, given all that complexity, what's a reasonable estimate for when we might see artificially animated organic exteriors?
Then again, what would you expect from a show that began with a woman being artificially inseminated with her boss' sperm?
The artificially intelligent chatbot can deliver personalized mental health care that makes people feel measurably better, according to a new study.
The notion of artificially locking you out of a piece of hardware that you own is, to say the least, odd.
Regardless of your BILF status, you'll be thinking about a mouse's artificially hairy back the next time you order those fries.
However, Colquhoun said neither Fitch nor Japanese policymakers expect artificially low yields to play an integral part of Japan's fiscal stabilization.
The IMF wants Ukraine to raise household gas prices, which have been kept artificially low since Soviet times, to market levels.
The company postponed plans to artificially increase the field's pressure to pump out more gas in 2014 due to high costs.
Investigators also sought evidence that BT Italy and suppliers contrived sale-and-leaseback transactions to artificially boost sales and profit margins.
"Remember as gasoline fell, the amount we spend on gasoline falls, so consumer retail spending numbers are artificially suppressed," Blancato explained.
Perhaps most speculatively, what happens when artificially intelligent agents become general enough to wonder why their purpose is to serve humanity?
The U.S. government argued that its domestic manufacturers could not compete with what it said were artificially lower-priced Asian panels.
As long as supply is artificially constrained and demand continues growing, affordable housing subsidies will never be able to keep up.
Artificially lowering prices through regulatory fiat would jeopardize current and future drug research and deprive patients of life-saving new treatments.
The move comes after a tweet from Trump last month that said OPEC was artificially boosting oil prices by limiting outputs.
New York state attorney general announced on Friday a $68 million multistate settlement with UBS AG for artificially manipulating interest rates.
Forcing through artificially higher wages, ignoring lawlessness and bending to union corruption does not advantage the middle class, or anyone else.
Egypt's central bank has been rationing dollars and keeping the pound artificially strong at 7.7301 per dollar through weekly dollar auctions.
Your baby continues to decline to the point that he requires life-sustaining measures, including artificially assisted food, fluids, and ventilation.
I didn't especially like these effects, which with the exception of the small studio setting, gave music an artificially processed character.
Low interest rates have pushed investors into riskier assets, raising concerns that stock prices and other assets have become artificially inflated.
We already know that Facebook purposely tries to artificially boost the positivity in our feeds to bring "good news" to all.
For years, these companies relied on artificially cheap inputs thanks to dumped and massively subsidized imports of both steel and aluminum.
The provision would distort investment decisions by artificially favoring equipment over buildings and inventories, which would not receive the tax break.
In most cases, scientists "engineer" one or several genetic risk factors in these animals, and then "fix" the artificially created disorder.
Because people will die because of it, and it's a pure hit job, and it's artificially induced and it's a shame.
The move comes after a tweet from Trump last month that said OPEC was artificially boosting oil prices by limiting outputs.
Crickets. Where is his concern that pressuring the Fed to keep interest rates artificially low is a danger to economic stability?
The industry was in survival mode and did not invest in much steel for new production, making the quotas artificially low.
But no, Udacity hasn't ruled out the development of artificially intelligent apps to help those teachers do their work, Thrun said.
The policy bans everything from artificially increasing "distribution for financial gain" to using fake accounts to impersonate other people and businesses.
It's perpetuated by bots, fake accounts set up to artificially inflate the popularity of a website, social media post, or advertisement.
What if people my age wrote their profiles as artificially as I did when I was pretending to be other people?
The subsidy has lingered for more than a decade, artificially propping up producers and creating costly market distortions along the way.
But that also means many companies are using the technology in areas that do not really require an artificially intelligent program.
Mr. Fuleihan said the scheme as described by The Times would have artificially driven down the profitability of Fred Trump's buildings.
Mr. Trump has repeatedly accused several trading partners, including Europe and China, of artificially weakening their currency to make exports cheaper.
Trump seemed to acknowledge this problem, saying he doesn't "like" buybacks because they "artificially" boost stock prices and don't help workers.
It had the impact of keeping the bulk of the citizens of what is still a relatively poor country artificially poorer.
The majority of these taxpayer subsidies — around $20 billion — contribute to overfishing by making it artificially cheap to hunt for fish.
People cried tears of joy as a boundary that had artificially divided the German people for so long was finally destroyed.
But any workers artificially shifted into manufacturing would be redundant — and being redundant, their productivity and their wages would be low.
With its heavy focus on artificially intelligent curation, Google Photos suggests the dawning of a new age of personalized robot historian.
American lumber businesses contend that Canada subsidizes the wood industry, keeping production artificially high and depressing prices in the United States.
And they're made from real rolled oats, honey, and chocolate, which I'll take over artificially flavored, neon sugar goo any day.
The researchers also examined the effects of artificially sweetened beverages, considered by many to be a safer alternative to sugary drinks.
And in that respect, with interest rates being held artificially low and at some point in time, they need to rise.
A year and a half later, Buri's sperm was used to artificially inseminate ten horned Hereford dams in the Davis herd.
This has always been a blue-collar club, just one with a lavish, state-funded "sporting project" artificially imposed upon it.
The company also clarified that automating such efforts to artificially inflate the reach of certain tweets breaks Twitter's terms of service.
At the least, Kagan's artificially facile treatment paints state-law federal-question analysis as far more straightforward than it actually is.
Trump again accused the Fed and Chairman Jerome Powell of hindering U.S. manufacturers by artificially inflating the value of the dollar.
One of the most common, and most dangerous, self-delusions of authoritarianism is that faked optimism can artificially inseminate genuine confidence.
Artificially low interest rates continue to fuel a stock market rise that mostly serves to channel big gains to wealthy investors.
Accusations start to fly that the shortages are deliberate, an attempt to artificially create a frenzy for the sake of publicity.
"It isn't the clash of civilizations so much as the clash of artificially reconstructed civilizations that is taking place," Kaplan writes.
While similar experiments had been conducted with other species, Mafunda knew of no other effort to artificially inseminate an African penguin.
He later served four years after testing positive for artificially high levels of testosterone in 2006, returning to competition in 2010.
This is partly caused by countries like China "dumping" steel, or keeping prices artificially low by flooding the market with supply.
"Frankenstein" shows how a scientist's abandonment of his artificially made creature brings ripple effects of suffering to them and the community.
Telia would "throttle," or artificially slow, that service once users reached their data caps, although they could keep listening to Spotify.
But these advancements changed the interdependent nature of our bodies; some parts could be artificially maintained even while other parts died.
Amazon sells books, toilet paper, toys — pretty much everything, really — and it provides cloud computing services and makes artificially intelligent speakers.
In one study, they showed participants an artificially darkened portrait of President Barack Obama — to maximally remind participants he's African American.
The investigation focuses on investments in overpriced assets, including private equity funds with artificially inflated share prices, according to the federal police.
Trump has criticized especially China, Japan and Europe for policies he claims artificially weaken their currencies and make their exports more competitive.
The machine, built by two computer science researchers at Carnegie Mellon, is an artificially intelligent system that runs on a Pittsburgh supercomputer.
And that's fine, too, because if you prefer the artificially amplified colors, then the Pixel cameras will be perfect to your eyes.
Perhaps, Johnson said, 7-Eleven will sub the artificially flavored syrups for a fruit-based puree in an appeal to health nuts.
Instead, the talks will be delivered by artificially intelligent systems, all of them finalists in a newly announced XPRIZE for cognitive computing.
Says materially seller's report costs appear misleading, until March, when artificially low untrue and shares were and said it was unfounded.  halted.
Each self-driving car has a vehicle operator — the artificially intelligent robot cars still need human supervision to be safe — for now.
Lost, from the very beginning, was caught between two separate ideas: the artificially unknowable Mystery Box and the spiritually unknowable, well, existence.
The charges are related to the processes used to test homes for lead contamination, which prosecutors are alleging produced artificially low readings.
Both banks are under investigation over allegations they lent money to clients to buy their own shares, artificially boosting their financial strength.
And that value, legitimate or not, is being pushed into the cryptocurrency world — allegedly artificially driving up Bitcoin prices in the process.
One explanation for why second-generation immigrants appear to have greater economic mobility is that their fathers may have artificially low incomes.
Different U.S. administrations have long claimed China derives unfair export price advantages by keeping the yuan artificially weak, a charge Beijing denies.
Fragrance chemistry began in 1868 with artificially produced coumarin, the main component of tonka beans, which have a nutty, tobacco-like smell.
Even in the modern environment with improved health care, tattoos may "up the ante" by artificially injuring the body to demonstrate health.
You think about producing something where you actually have to milk it from an animal to get excretions versus producing it artificially.
Removing spam accounts helps to keep YouTube "a fair playing field" for creators, since they can artificially increase a channel's subscriber count.
As long as Germany continues to have an artificially low exchange rate it will never again be the "poor man" of Europe.
In other words, it's a combination of 3-D input and output, instead of just viewing an artificially rendered 3-D output.
Doctors in emerging markets will have access to an artificially intelligent clinical assistant if the founders of Bot M.D. have their way.
"A traditional surrogate donates her egg, is artificially inseminated with the father's sperm and then carries the baby to term," she writes.
For instance, experts say one big reason for the lack of investment is that electricity rates were kept artificially low after 2002.
People have been trying to make artificially carbonated water, to replicate the naturally occurring bubbles in mineral waters, since the 18th century.
And typically with a same-sex couple, one partner is artificially inseminated with a donor's sperm, and that person carries the baby.
Early this week, Trump claimed without evidence that the company's search engine was artificially promoting "left-wing media" and suppressing positive stories.
So Facebook is intervening, artificially suppressing the News Feed distribution of this kind of content so engagement looks like the graph below.
I don't have the heft to fight it but I am disgusted that a lot of these valuations were artificially propped up.
During his presidential campaign, Trump had repeatedly said he would declared China a currency manipulator for artificially weakening the yuan against dollar.
By updating the market on the investor 'demand' you artificially inflate demand as buyers up their bid trying to get their allocation.
And it's released an iPhone messaging app called Sesame to help people understand what these not-quite-artificially-intelligent helpers can do.
Deep inside an MIT laboratory, an artificially intelligent bot is composing ghastly tales of nightmarish creatures and strange shrieks in the night.
We know from countless reports of Echo errors that Amazon's artificially intelligent assistant isn't always as smart as it's supposed to be.
They're trying to solve a really hard problem: building an artificially intelligent humanoid robot that can interact with humans in real time.
The example of unfair trade practice that Ross highlighted was the dumping of artificially cheap, state-subsidized steel into the American market.
"This practice is analogous to a monopsonist retailer paying artificially low wholesale prices to its suppliers," the developers said in their suit.
A second approach is to artificially create thin cirrus clouds at low-altitude that trap less heat and would cool the Earth.
Donnelly, up for reelection in 2018, said Indiana's manufacturing economy had been wrecked by cheap imports from China with artificially lowered prices.
I think there's a lot – having all this money pile up abroad and then borrowing against it artificially, it's a cockamamie system.
They hope they've identified (or artificially engineered) a need and then filled it with a product — that's the basic mandate of capitalism.
Trump has repeatedly maintained China keeps its yuan artificially low against the dollar to make Chinese exports cheaper, "stealing" American manufacturing jobs.
In the first, the current labour market is preserved by artificially slowing the introduction of robots into the workforce with a tax.
Arthur reaches for his bottle of joy, pills that keep everyone in the world artificially happy, but throws them in the trash.
The artificially smoothed skin doesn't seem quite real; the characters' faces sometimes have the bright colours of people in hand-tinted postcards.
"We cannot allow unfair competition from artificially cheap imports to threaten our industry," EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said in a statement.
With record amounts of oil all over the place, including the fully loaded ships at sea, oil prices are artificially very high!
Republicans have accused the FCC of setting the Internet speed benchmark artificially high in the report so it can justify more regulation.
There is no negotiation with foreign governments forcing manufactures to accept artificially lower prices in a "take it or leave it" proposition.
Why doesn't the government acknowledge that the bolívar is artificially overvalued and make the exchange rate closer to what it should be?
ISPs effectively enjoy monopoly power in many of their markets, which makes it economically rational for them to keep prices artificially high.
HONG KONG — In Monday's presidential debate, Donald Trump repeated one of his frequent criticisms of China: It keeps its currency artificially cheap.
Sparkling water is the umbrella term for carbonated water, including naturally carbonated sparkling mineral water and artificially carbonated seltzer and club soda.
Without compensating for the phony reduction in share count that goes with buying back shares, the practice artificially increases earnings per share.
Today, the economy is skating on thin ice because artificially low rates preclude such a stimulative effect when the economy next tanks.
Blue drinks are popular these days, and Mr. Anderson had set out to create one without relying on artificially colored blue Curaçao.
Some recovery efforts, like coral transplantation, are trying to make up for the damage by artificially redirecting coral's natural asexual reproduction process.
A representative for Twitter said at the time that "the accusation that we're artificially injecting something into a tweet is completely false."
Domestic businesses which would otherwise have an economic advantage in the form of geographic proximity are forced into an artificially disadvantageous position.
Experian research indicates that there are an additional 85033 million consumers with credit scores that are artificially low because of limited data.
As NTU has previously noted, this deduction can artificially inflate prices for homes beyond what buyers would normally be willing to pay.
The Daily Dot notes that it was a hard subreddit to fully get a read on because of artificially inflated follower counts.
Don't like the idea of being subjected to artificially intelligent systems that harvest your personal data or determine various outcomes for you?
Many domestic industries and businesses seemed bewildered, and expressed concern that this would artificially inflate prices for such a key raw material.
In many cities, the taxi business was a customer-unfriendly protectionist racket that artificially inflated prices and cared little about customer service.
A big component of Zygote's world are "synthetics," or artificially-created humanoids designed to perform dangerous and menial tasks unfit for humans.
If exposing the body to the parasite enough times makes you immune, there must be a way to artificially provoke that response.
Since then all kinds of artists and listeners began to quietly, and not so quietly, experiment with creating artificially high stream counts.
Like alchemy, they're all pretty much doomed attempts to artificially create something that is notoriously unyielding to attempts to force it: love.
" Three days before the pope's arrival in Poland, the Vatican issued a statement reprimanding Polish officials who "artificially created fear of Muslims.
Colombia had imposed the high tariffs because it said the goods were imported at artificially low prices in order to launder money.
As a first step, the law firm filed a lawsuit accusing the appraiser, CBRE, of artificially inflating land values and sales projections.
Sanders' law would also create an ever-greater disparity between free-market rents and the artificially low rents mandated by rent control.
Another study from 2008 looked at the relationship between consumption of artificially sweetened beverages and long-term weight gain in 3,682 people.
Ms Fernández left behind a gaping budget deficit, artificially low utility prices, statistics that were brazenly manipulated and ruinously high public spending.
An ex-employee revealed that engineers had installed a carbon dioxide scrubber so that Biosphere 2's atmosphere could be artificially managed.
The show began with Jane, a 23-year-old devout Catholic committed to remaining a virgin until marriage, getting accidentally artificially inseminated.
Taxi industry leaders artificially inflated the price of taxi medallions To drive a yellow taxi in the city, you need a medallion.
But because there is a lot of synthetic or artificially induced ametrine on the market, the material is neither rare nor expensive.
Last month, law firm Baker & Hostetler announced that it would employ IBM's artificially intelligent lawyer, Ross, to help ease its tedious workload.
Video game site Kotaku, which is also owned by Gawker Media, taught an artificially intelligent bot how to play Super Mario World.
The company was found in 2015 to be using software to artificially lower a vehicle's emissions levels when it was undergoing tests.
And he spooked foreign investors with his anti-Western belligerence and meddling with the central bank to keep interest rates artificially low.
Researchers looking into the prediction markets found evidence of one bettor who spent $4 million to $7 million artificially boosting Romney's chances.
These gestures often felt more like effects than insights — and occasionally entered the realm of dubious interpretation, artificially heightening the music's vigor.
With record amounts of Oil all over the place, including the fully loaded ships at sea, Oil prices are artificially Very High!
The "big three" American airlines, along with pilots and flight attendants, say Gulf carriers threaten U.S. jobs and artificially drive down prices.
Some economists argue that these laws can have unintended consequences, for example incentivizing people to hoard supplies by keeping prices artificially low.
But it's also a way to artificially push audiences to feel as though characters are making dramatic changes when they actually aren't.
But we fear that current efforts to protect American industry by artificially restricting global commerce will hurt American workers in the end.
But Judge Jackson said that sentence was artificially inflated by the amount of money involved in the scheme led by Mr. Manafort.
Google's DeepMind lab has built an artificially intelligent program that taught itself to become one of the world's most dominant Go players.
What's more, this brand of class denialism artificially separates race, gender, and other ascriptive identities from the basic dynamics of American capitalism.
The reality is that there is too much uncertainty to lock ourselves into long term processes or planning with artificially constrained options.
It is poor public policy to undermine the competitiveness of firms that make cars and air conditioners by inflating steel costs artificially.
The U.S. government argued that its domestic manufacturers could not compete with what it said were artificially lower-priced Asian solar panels.
"These sales artificially inflate home prices, making housing even less affordable for buyers and increasing the risk of a bubble," said Gardener.
The watchdog said Hitachi and state-controlled Finmeccanica had colluded to keep the price of the offer for Ansaldo STS artificially low.
The robber barons and artificially high real estate values in California brought its economy back to the fifth largest in the world.
Get your artificially inflated point totals for the sake of parity and making teams look better than they are out of here.
"The Commission is concerned that the practices have artificially reduced choice and stifled innovation in the market throughout the period," it wrote then.
Five years ago Tuesday, the US accused Apple of conspiring with five of the nation's largest publishers to keep ebook prices artificially high.
She took home a win for Best Actress in a Drama Series for her role as the artificially intelligent being, Dolores, on Westworld.
And that&aposs a concern, especially when you look at really artificially diminishing the amount of capital that can come into this country.
In the meantime, there are "uncanny valley" pitfalls of speech disconnect to navigate if the tone being (artificially) struck hits a false note.
They're trading based on guesswork and speculation, and the market is pretty volatile and maybe even artificially depressed by that lack of information.
The Mate 9 also has help from Apple's rivals, with integration of Google's virtual reality platform, DayDream, and Amazon's artificially intelligent assistant, Alexa.
And the figure could be higher; sometimes Seamless' transactions aren't clearly labeled in my bank account, so the count may be artificially low.
So although hybridization shouldn't be introduced into threatened or endangered populations artificially, it shouldn't necessarily be prevented when it happens on its own.
However, women who drank four or more artificially sweetened drinks per day had a higher mortality risk than other women in the study.
The administration is proposing to piggyback off of countries that "set prices artificially low, resulting in severe access restrictions for patients," PhRMA wrote.
Making a machine artificially intelligent takes a lot more data and computing resources than having your groceries or meals delivered to your door.
A day after the Gizmodo report, Facebook's search vice president, Tom Stocky, denied that Facebook had ever artificially inserted stories into trending topics.
Yet avoiding sweetened beverages, especially those that are extra sweet because they are artificially sweetened, is critically important for children under age 2100.
As Slowe writes, the calculations could artificially deflate scores, sometimes in ways that made it seem as though posts were being mass-downvoted.
And even if some of these companies do get funded, the expectation is that the dollar amounts and valuations will be artificially low.
It's true that those subsidies artificially lower the price of steel imported by America and might hurt some American steel mills and workers.
When the search giant launched its artificially intelligent assistant back in May 2016, it was exclusively available for the company's own Pixel phone.
It's about artificially intelligent cars that can learn from one another, and with a great "cloud" mind of accumulated data, become profoundly safer.
Trump cheerleader Tomi Lahren recently tweeted a picture proving that the White House staff is still artificially sweetening what they show the boss.
So some people are trying to artificially replicate natural selection with machines — although it won't take millions of years, because it's less random.
This trend is driven largely by increasing oil prices, which subsequently boost the value of the subsidies keeping consumer fuel costs artificially low.
Paul's video isn't something artificially intelligent moderation could catch on its own, two experts with a focus on content moderation told BuzzFeed News.
Instead of paying platforms to artificially amplify their messages, actors will amplify their messages themselves in order to appear to be organic content.
In the past, Tesla has used software to artificially limit the capacity of its batteries in order to create new options for customers.
It's almost like this was bound to happen when attempting to artificially trend a hashtag that has anti-semitic humor baked into it!
In the decade after the first world war, France eventually rejoined the gold standard, but with the franc at an artificially low peg.
The currently unnamed flamingos, who were both artificially incubated, are the second and third of their species ever born at the Toledo Zoo.
It would be silly to allow coal companies to race to buy up a bunch of artificially cheap leases before the review concludes.

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