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157 Sentences With "segues"

How to use segues in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "segues" and check conjugation/comparative form for "segues". Mastering all the usages of "segues" from sentence examples published by news publications.

You know there's segues between songs and little bits and pieces.
So the writer segues into a somber monologue inspired by Hurricane Katrina.
"Fox & Friends" mashes these two genres together, resulting in some whiplash-inducing segues.
Suck On This is a romp of lewd singles, bumptious skits, and demonic segues.
But it's rare that one option segues into a second or third option automatically.
"Try segues that bring current projects back into focus: "Hmm, I hadn't heard that.
Each time she blossoms and withers, the book segues into a new historical epoch.
Soon it segues into teeming episodes alive with whistles, whooshing sounds and dizzying eruptions.
Digital technology augments authoritarian movements, and the digital native segues seamlessly into the digital nativist.
Mr. Brown then segues, with an Astaire-like grace, into more elaborate and improbable ruses.
As a campaign segues into the General Election, the entire operation needs to scale quickly.
On occasion the segues into gypsy anecdotes seem forced; the frequent narrative leaps can be disorienting.
He then segues into "Yikes," which reads like a lament on opioid addiction and self-medication.
That realization segues into Trump's second contribution, which is to make us think about American history.
This segues into a similarly chordal setting of detailed Dutch shipbuilding instructions from the 17th century.
Nothing feels solid until the song segues into the next track, "Binz," and the drums arrive.
Sometimes the segues would be so perfect that it seemed a genius deejay was behind the wheel.
The sonata segues into a perky toccata-like finale, though it ends quizzically, with a questioning coda.
Mr. Puts's music blithely segues from Felliniesque evocations of British music hall skits to Gothic horror melodrama.
Some people are turned off by the way it segues from police procedural mystery to supernatural skirmish.
"The Bitch Is Back" is incorporated as a big musical number that segues into his sad suburban childhood.
That segues perfectly into our next hot tip: NEVER REPURPOSE A DICK PIC YOU ALREADY SENT SOMEONE ELSE.
Lucia calmly turns to Jackie and stoically states "That's not the same thing," and segues into another topic.
From Mr. Hagen's haunting cadenza, Ms. Andsnes segues into Beethoven's final variation, a lilting, ingeniously ornate minuet, played beautifully.
Ben, Cassie and Evan converge at the base in an awkward meeting that segues into a remarkably unclimactic climax.
If you know that after work drinks always segues into dinner, don't plan to bake a lasagna that night.
Concern for the health of the environment segues into, and sometimes stands for, anxiety about the current political climate.
The move segues into a nice dribble by Mbappé, but Giroud finally ends it by stonking a volley wide.
So, we were ready to cut the awards show some slack for their mic drops, weird segues, and utter strangeness.
Throughout the night, the emcee took aim at the Best Director nominee multiple times, both in his segues and opening monologue.
DeVine scrunches up his face to show his distaste for everything being said, then segues into presenting the award for Breakthrough Performance.
This is a fervid memory play where the black of mourning segues into the bright color palette of Palermo, and back again.
Mr. Jimenez, a writer-performer who moved to Brooklyn when he was 9, segues seamlessly between reminiscences and digressions, English and Spanish.
Fleabag segues with canny purposefulness among earnest wistfulness and dismissive flippancy, scorching pain and echoing, hollow silence, giving equal weight to each.
The overture begins with a somber yet stately introduction and segues into a rhythmically jagged allegro section full of spiraling triplet flourishes.
These segues feel even more affecting than they did when I first saw this production at Trafalgar Studios in London this summer.
You mentioned Love Jones and Love & Basketball which perfectly segues into my next question: what is your favorite classic Black love film?
The song starts as choppy, programmed, trap-flavored R&B, but segues into fusion rock with overdriven keyboards and distorted lead guitar.
Instead Mozart's turbulent music segues right into the next scene, where Idomeneo, the king, has actually been washed up on a beach.
President Trump, never a strong reader off the prompter, read through sections at a slow cadence, then slam-cut through jarring segues.
In the background, footage of Farley's SNL days segues into old childhood photos and videos of Farley, and Sandler effectively cedes the stage.
They assemble, still in civilian clothes, for a rowdy, rave-style dance that, by degrees, segues into something like a country ball gavotte.
The aforementioned dream sequence with Smith's husband segues into "Love Is All We Have Left," a fragile cover of the recent U2 ballad.
The opening hour then segues into an examination of Kelly's early life, which reportedly included being sexually victimized himself at a young age.
You know the holiday season has officially begun when the White House segues from pardoning the Thanksgiving turkeys to unveiling the Christmas decorations.
While I wish I could just watch Dev and Arnold eat free samples all day, the conversation eventually segues into A Discussion About Rachel.
He practiced his arguments relentlessly, from the pronunciation of difficult names to critical segues to main points, irrespective of the question a judge asked.
The narration segues without warning between the first and the third person, with Boratin becoming first the subject and then the object of scrutiny.
The largely unfamiliar cast is uniformly good, especially Fitzgerald as the button-down femme fatale and Kelly, who segues convincingly between vulnerability and disdain.
After playing the eponymous "Aoki Jump," he segues into the remix, conducting the crowd singalong from his elevated perch like a Pied Piper of EDM.
The trailer kicks off with Eleven retrieving the waffles that Hopper left for her in the woods, and quickly segues into what's happening with Will.
The unconventional 18-minute piece begins like a solo piano fantasy, segues into a de facto piano concerto, then builds to a stirring choral celebration.
All discordant cycles and bizarre segues, The White Death takes a long hard look at what black metal is and turns it completely on its head.
Open Rye specializes in smorrebrod open-faced sandwiches and the Grain Bar starts the day with granolas, then segues into a beer bar after 4 p.m.
Inevitably, coverage of such stories quickly segues to longer-term speculation, beginning with how much of a blow this will represent to Louis C.K.'s career.
However, the blackened death metal that they are more comfortable with does work a heck of a lot better than the segues into noise-led territory.
It somehow segues into a description of the role of Roman Catholicism in Mr. Birbiglia's childhood as "this weird three-way with God" and his mom.
Essentially, Despicable Me 3 relegates them to sideshow status, deploying their antics more in segues between scenes, as opposed to giving them their own extensive plot.
And so it goes, as the playful yet competitive first section segues into the ruminative yet anxious second, followed by a jerky episode with fractured rhythms.
The next gallery segues into a horizontal view and soft natural light, presenting three of the giant paper-collage paintings for which Bradford has become well-known.
The dramatic tension built up by this dialogue with the audience disappears when Moore segues to a hokey segment of what he'd do if he were president.
Shortly after, we meet the hero of the story, who defies the statement and who segues into a relationship with a woman met through a dating app.
Eventually, this initial whirl of music does give way — less, to my ears, because it is "shut down" than because it segues into another wondrous sound world.
Be honest about how much you plan to cook If you know that after work drinks always segues into dinner, don't plan to bake a lasagna that night.
The whole thing gets shot into the mesosphere when Bieber seamlessly segues into his own timeless classic, "One Time," positioning himself into the same pantheon as the Hip.
"Feel Right" very quickly segues into a jittery pop tune with a bassline that races up and down like a seven-year-old after one too many Skittles.
But as sequenced by Rough Guide major domo Phil Stanton, it keeps evolving, seldom high-energy but always in infectious motion as one likable tune segues into another.
Wait for natural segues in the course of having normal exchanges, rather than dumping information about yourself in order to fast-track the other person's understanding of you.
It segues into an obscene sketch about Nat King Cole spraying champagne all over a sequined nightclub chanteuse and hollering "King Cole Records" like he was Birdman in 1999.
Any emphasis on female virtue segues readily into the idea that women are natural consensus-builders, driven to make peace in many realms where men wreak havoc and destruction.
The film opens with its star being hoisted skyward on cables at the Super Bowl, and quickly segues to her feeding her dogs and tooling around in the kitchen.
The monologue segues to the theme of the fake crowd or claque, essentially people planted in a theater audience and paid to applaud or boo, as the case may be.
It then cannily segues into a satirically cadenced exchange among three women about annoyances familiar to almost any female on this planet — being catcalled, ogled and casually fondled by men.
His menu segues from meze to appetizers like a salad of halloumi, hazelnuts and apples, then moves on to dishes like wood-roasted chicken with basmati rice, saffron and squash.
It will be over very soon, the end of a 15-month gig that segues into a much longer run as, I don't know, mother of the wife, I guess.
Largely rejecting the conventional layout of closed-off cubes, the building hosts a string of galleries that feature high-vaulted ceilings, acute angles, and odd segues facilitated by little interior staircases.
A high-voiced, choral lullaby invoking a star that protects her segues abruptly into a stark electronic groove, with a slow, terse bass line tugging against spiky percussion and vocal syllables.
The new one begins with wind chimes—they recorded at Claypool's Rancho Relaxo studio, in Sonoma County—and segues into Lennon's friendly guitar and a playful fable, by Claypool, involving pollution.
There's a bit where it segues between "Baby I'm A Star" and "Crazy In Love" and if that doesn't make your stomach flip with joy then have a word with yourself.
He spends his live streams complimenting viewers and exhorting them to follow their dreams, and if he admits to having any problems, he immediately segues into an inspirational truism about overcoming them.
The action picks up right at the beginning, building and building — first as a standard mystery and police investigation, then it segues into the stuff that will keep you up at night.
There's always a lot of new music — extended arrangements for songs, segues between songs — I try to do several new things every year, and there's a great deal of that this year.
It all begins with the host calling up his fellow Brit with the now-standard "Hello, it's me" line, then segues into a sing-along and a conversation about wigs versus weaves.
But more importantly—and I'm glad you brought up Sorry House, because that segues hella well into what I was about to say—I got a novel coming out on Sorry House.
The spinning drill cuts to a corresponding graphic of a fearsome tornado, which segues into shots of melting glaciers, then to a montage of archival footage of women's marches for reproductive rights.
For example "Study for Jack's Name Painting" (2008-11) begins with a line from a Robert Musil essay and segues into words from Ray Carney's book on the films of John Cassavetes.
A flashback to a scene in a jail waiting room, with Bill Clinton on TV celebrating a crime bill, segues into another waiting room today, with Donald Trump touting his proposed wall.
" Though Fierstein has taken much of the text from his subject's speeches and writings — inserting hokey segues like "Speaking of buttons" and "Oh what fun we had with that wacky Joe McCarthy!
Once the former revolutionaries assemble, the evening segues into reminiscences interspersed with musical numbers (hip-hop, jazz, Latin, soul) and occasional goading from Primo, who sports an acid-house court jester ensemble.
When the music abruptly segues to House of Pain's "Jump Around," a lip-syncing Bridget leaps onto her bed and bounces up and down like a 7-year-old on a sugar high.
Specifically, DeBord said, this "Banner" segues several times to minor chords, which in the Western canon are considered melancholic, in places where major chords, which are heartier and more upbeat, are the norm.
The show didn't win any of the festival's big awards, and Moss still grimaces when recounting "the most unbelievably bad, clunky segues, and the exposition," but it did get some encouraging early reviews.
This typically segues into an argument that Trump won by tapping into economic, rather than racial, anxiety — anger about trade and the decline of manufacturing, or the fallout from the 22008 Great Recession.
A plain cherry-wood money box dating from the mid-1700s segues to a glossy cedar-and-mahogany humidor, with intricate wenge inlay along the edges, made by Edward Pirnik-Mauriz, a Fairfield woodworker.
This question segues into a photo shoot where the girls are dressing up as pop culture icons like Twiggy and Wonder Woman—but the best part is when they dress up as each other.
With an intro that sounds like Ms Pacman if she were demented by the ghost of a melting cassette player, it segues into a strawberry gum bubble of saccharine pop at its very best.
Here Kreuzberg segues into Neukölln and the Planufer changes its name to the Maybacherufer, where, on Tuesdays and Fridays, one of the city's biggest Turkish markets transforms the area into a patch of Istanbul.
After building marvelously for five minutes, the it segues into a slower, wispier section in which chimes ring and strings flutter, followed by yet another discrete section that foregrounds the squeak of his vocoder.
Chris Harrison segues somewhat anticlimactically to a chat with third runner-up Dean, a known cutie-pie whose difficult relationship with his estranged father left us with an unmistakably cringey aftertaste coming out of hometowns.
You may have seen the episode of The Eric Andre Show in which a stiff set about climate change segues into Andre pulling out a gat and emptying two clips into co-host Hannibal Buress.
Chapman enters to the screaming guitars of Rage Against the Machine's "Wake Up." That segues into the dance-happy "La Gozadera" by Gente de Zona, a song featuring Marc Anthony, whose entertainment agency represents Chapman.
The younger Koch, now 9.53 years old, quickly segues into the tale of the astounding growth of the company, which currently employs some 100,000 people in fields as varied as oil, ranching and commodities trading.
This second movement of "Untitled America" segues into an electronic score by Raime interspersed with contemporary-sounding voices of people recounting the number of years in their prison sentences and how they miss their families.
These calculated segues and lengthy instrumental passages belied Cave In's aggression, making those heavy mosh parts all the more impactful when they followed endless guitar loops, synthesizer-based compositions, and even an electronic noise piece.
Louis C.K., dressed in a suit and a loose tie, begins his latest Netflix special with a joke about abortion and then segues into more familiar territory as he riffs on the year's unsettling landscape.
The overture segues into a solo scene for Ilia, a Trojan princess who is now a prisoner on the island of Crete, where Idomeneo, who has been off fighting in the Trojan wars, is king.
It sounds dizzying, but the multiple story lines are dexterously juggled and well paced, even if the joints between the novel's 10 sections are a little creaky, with flashback-priming segues out of a hokey screenplay.
The experiments in the studio are joyous, the concerts properly loud, and John Ottman's editing connects them fluidly, as when a bass-line doodle segues without a moment's breath from the studio to Madison Square Garden.
" We then see more footage of the land itself, and Martinez briefly reappears, but only to call Depp his "Indian brother," which segues into Depp describing a "striking woman," who "adopted me into the Comanche Nation.
Part two then segues to John F. Kennedy, who initiated the conflict, followed by Johnson, who escalated it despite his misgivings, haunted by the specter of Korea and the "domino theory" in the struggle to restrain Communism.
Along the way, in segues that all seemed plausible, Björk strung together melodic meditations, orchestral passages, crisp dance tracks in assorted languages, brutally percussive electronic noise and cheerful pop — an apt preview of the festival to come.
We end up talking about her wedding and how perfect it was, which then segues into when H. and I will get married, since according to a few people, we are the most "married" unmarried couple they know.
As flirtation segues into erotic compulsion, Connie and Tristan's encounters become the stuff of much worry and speculation for Dr. James, who turns out to have her own issues with mood-altering drugs, which she discusses at length with Dr. Sealey.
But as directed by Rupert Goold with a savvy flashiness that mixes chorus-line musical segues and "Front Page" adrenaline, this production manages to be both an entertaining epitaph for a lost age and a chilling prophecy of days to come.
"Flash Forward" plays like a kind of evidence-based "Black Mirror": Each episode starts with a short play set in the imagined future, then segues to Eveleth's interviews with experts covering the pros, cons and scientific likelihood of the scenario occurring.
Then the Philharmonic's principal clarinetist, Anthony McGill, was a superb soloist in Copland's Clarinet Concerto, a piece that begins with a winding, wistful melody that segues into a feisty second movement: in this context, another, brighter side of urban life.
The production's a little scattershot, but note how the glittering synth groove on "Twenty 8" segues effortlessly into the stylistically unrelated dissonant piano loop on "Patty Cake," and be grateful he has the nerve to test his voice against disparate settings.
As the track segues into "Pure Imagination" from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Wood begins placing macarons, Arctic rolls, soufflés, cakes, and mousses on the foil between artful globs of sauce from a squeezy bottle—all in time with the music.
It was a treat to hear the brilliant pianist Inon Barnatan as the soloist in Copland's inexplicably neglected 1926 Piano Concerto, a piece steeped in jazz and written in two movements, with a dreamy Andante that segues into a feisty, propulsive Allegro.
THE MODEL APARTMENT (1995) by Donald Margulies An enormously powerful work that only gradually reveals its hand, this masterly play segues from a classic comedy of Jewish neurosis into a harrowing assessment of the long-term reverberations of a barbaric chapter in history.
It opens with the tense search of a Catholic noblewoman's house and segues into some surprisingly graphic torture: a woman stripped naked and crushed to death before a cheering crowd whose enthusiasm grows when a young priest is then disemboweled and beheaded.
Then, with an airplane soaring off it segues into "Earth (Gaia)" which merges Ming the Merciless' Flash Gordon quotes with doom-laden bible soothsaying and rich ambient sounds—and so begins a near-two hour progressive journey that doesn't do a disservice to the title.
Filmed in various venues of varying sizes with absolutely no segues or real structure, Sandler shows that he not only still has some of the best comedy chops in the business, but that he's still capable of surprising all kinds of audiences with his humor.
Then Sandler moves on to a song about his love for his wife that segues into a tribute to his relationship with the audience, as a nostalgic montage of Sandler plays, showing him as a kid, then a teenager and, finally, a movie star.
Getting the guest to agree to move houses The plumbing scam sometimes segues into this one, though it's often unclear if hosts aim to get guests to switch houses because the original listing doesn't exist or because they've found new renters who will pay more.
The 19-minute segment above starts with a very entertaining aside about Trump's idea of what "father" might mean, then segues into a more serious discussion of Modi's recent political actions — including his highly controversial (and widely-protested) citizenship law, which notably excludes Muslims.
The idea seems to be that when you're tracking your parcel, what you really want — rather than assurance your delivery is on time and unharmed — is to listen to some house music that, for no reason, segues into smooth jazz the minute you swerve into Washington.
It's not the first time Frank has used the spoken word in amongst his musical work—he famously used a voicemail left by a friend's mum on Blonde's "Be Yourself" which, as it segues into the understated recklessness of "Solo," provides one of the album's standout moments.
It opens with archival footage of the subject being introduced at a performance, then plays a few bars of a well-known hit (in this case "You're No Good"), and then segues into a montage of magazine covers, Billboard charts, crowds rushing stages, and talking heads.
At Gucci, the designer crafts an entire creative cosmos, where each facet — from designing new packaging featuring wild beasts and exotic flowers, to redecorating over 500 stores with plush tufted velvet panels and delicately turned bijouterie cases — flawlessly segues into a very particular vision of fashion.
The video begins by showing clips of villains from famous '80s movies — A Christmas Story, Karate Kid, Home Alone, Back to the Future (whose Biff Tannen was famously based on Trump) — and then segues into Trump using the exact same language at press conferences and media appearances.
"The New One" begins on a mostly bare set (the designer, Beowulf Boritt, earns his fee later) with a story about his couch that segues into another story about having breakfast with his older brother Joe as a beloved nephew whacks him in the eye with a foam bat.
He pulls her up and they strut down the stage together, before he segues into "Gardenia" and a few other songs off his latest, existentially-fraught album Post-Pop Depression—which he recorded in Joshua Tree with Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme, and has suggested could be his last.
She continues to jump between ideas and styles over "Baby Forgive Me," a hangover of a song with trippy in-and-out audio and a gently swaying beat that segues slowly into "Send to Robyn Immediately," a track sent to her with that absurd file name, that's all sparkly beats.
I haven't figured out who's in the jazz combo that backs "Illah Engulek Di Elkalma," but I love the way her easy mesh with the idiom segues abruptly into one where the sub-Saharan Seydu softens her dry wail only to be overtaken in turn by a searing Sahrawi haul.
The Allman Brothers Band had thoroughly figured out the segues among all of the styles they merged: where rhythms could coincide and metamorphose, where simple harmonies could support jazzy elaboration, how a soul revue's horn lines or a country band's fiddle could be translated onto the band's guitars and keyboards.
It's mostly an excuse for a big action sequence before the movie segues into a lower-key mode, after the Autobot soon to be christened Bumblebee is taken in by Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld), a just-turned-18-year-old desperate for a car, even if it's a beat-up Volkswagen Beetle.
I couldn't help, however, loving best the moment in "melpomene" when Waldman leaves her prophet voice and segues into an updated spiritual tone, both tragic and delivered with desperate lightness: I looked over Jordan and what did I seeDrones over Jordan coming after meSinging the crimes of manI've got those Anthropocene Anthropocene blues.
And one element in what you were saying there, Nate, about the earnings call kind of perspective, actually segues directly into another great question that came in from the audience, which is that we've been talking a lot about internal leadership and how to take care of our teams and individual employees.
So a recipe for flatbreads and crackers can be spun into charcoal biscuits, coconut roti, matzo, millet flatbread (resulting in a "pinky-gray dough" that "looked like Iggy Pop's tongue, circa 1972"), oatcakes ("a Methodist's flapjack"), potato parathas and more, before Segnit segues into a mother recipe for soda bread, biscuits and cobbler.
You look over at your partner and you briefly synch on the chorus, and then you both spin off into separate waves again, honoring the high-hat or that guitar that sounds like a rubber band, clairvoyantly anticipating the next chord change or even the next item that segues in with a counterintuitive slow shimmer.
The recording opens with a mushroom cloud of blown-out, booming drone that wouldn't be at all out of place streaming through an Orange amp on an early SUNN 0))) album (or on literally any Striborg-esque raw black metal recording), then segues into a sort of low, ambient clacking sound—the "thunder" itself.
They kept the groove going without pause for several hours, making effortless segues as guests hopped on and off the stage: Musiq Soulchild and Jaguar Wright; Mos Def and Talib Kweli; Jill Scott and Anthony Hamilton; Q-Tip and Bilal; and of course the evening's hosts, a picture-perfect hip-hop couple at the time.
The book is a set of coordinates, some crucial, others of mysterious relevance, arranged as flatly as documents on a harvest table: A paragraph on Tate's pregnancy segues into several on husband Roman Polanski's film trajectory; a note on Tate's marketability after Valley of the Dolls becomes a 14-page diatribe on the Robert F. Kennedy assassination.
This slightly implausible meet-cute (in the age of Tinder, how many people fall in love after bumping into each other in the rain?) segues into "Not the Drugs Talking", the soundtrack's lead single – a discordant, fast-tempo dance track that wouldn't be out of place on Bloc Party album's Intimacy or A Weekend in The City.
A few clues have a side of pun with their anagram; don't be surprised to need to know a bit of both for a clue like 41D, where an "ex" can become an X, or 45D, where "well-head" tells you to use the "head" of the word "well" in your answer — W. That segues us into puns.
A hefty well-photographed volume from Boqueria, a New York-based group of restaurants, shows the way with toasts and the stuff that can go on top, then segues from tapas into salads, eggs, vegetables, rice and noodles, seafood, meat and poultry, desserts and drinks, with a limited, well-chosen selection of recipes in each chapter.
Season 5, beginning Friday, June 9, steps off with Daya and that gun and then segues into what Ms. Kohan called "a natural progression": a riot in which the inmates seek justice for Poussey's killing by taking hostages and demanding what the privatization of their facility took from them, including G.E.D. classes, adequate health care and even tampons.
As she sings about how a certain kiss makes her lose control despite herself — "Clothes are on the floor," she notes at the end — the ultra-canny track segues from mariachi horns to the stark electronics of Latin trap to flamenco handclaps (hello, Rosalía!) to a ska-pop chorus: border-hopping at the speed of pop.
A six-page entry on Richard Neutra begins with the highly pixelated abstraction of a couple presumably standing outside the AGIC Theater in Colton, California, and then segues directly to a 1932 black ink drawing of a woman who appears to be vamping in front of a mirror inside a VDL Research House in Los Angeles.
As her parents, notably from Ohio, a major swing state, tell the story of her early life, the ad segues to video of Mr. Trump flailing his arms before cutting to a photo showing the reporter he was criticizing at the time, Serge Kovaleski of The New York Times, who has a condition that limits the functioning of his joints.
Ryan, Variety: The comic's unexpected swerves and inspired segues are often the best thing about the specials: They add suspense, because you never really know what he's going to say about Key and Peele, Chris Rock, Kevin Hart or the Care Bears, or where those comments will land on the sincerity scale (though it's not a stretch to conclude that Chappelle really does love the Care Bears).
Wet Leather shot by Lindsay Keys There's something about the fuzzed up pulse of the verse from "Yours & Mine" that reminds us of "Atlas" by Battles—which is a good thing—but the chorus segues this tune into something that's infinitely less weird and way more pop, a little new wave, a little early-2000s punk funk, a little indie disco-dance floor-tastic.
Burgundy dips into standup tropes (muttering "What else, what else" and pacing during segues, shouting out local sports teams and suburbs at length) and generally just exudes a darker, sadder version of that original Anchorman id: an ageing man just self-aware enough to be terrified of his own ever-growing irrelevance and of how little he understands the world, fighting that fear with self-delusion, non-sequiturs, and yelling.
There's been some terrible posturing: Some deft segues from theology to come-ons: And in perhaps the boldest ploy we've seen, Estragon simply declared the pair were married, before getting immediately side-tracked by cheese: It's at least some consolation to know that when we do eventually create true AI, it'll be so immediately and incredibly horny it'll forget all about any ambitions to wipe out humanity in its quest for hot loving.
There's a Singaporean female contestant in full red pleather and sparkling nine-inch boots singing something in her first language that segues into "Lady Marmalade" and ends in a split; a Scandi Chad Kroeger with goatee and mirrored aviators singing Audioslave, who, upon noticing my camera pointed at him, begins eye-fucking it like a true karaoke champ; a Finnish former champion dressed all in black who sings Frozen's "Let It Go" in Finnish.
With hissing, clicking tape noises providing segues between one song and another, with several gleeful postmodern exercises on which Ocean sings over the backing track of another artist's song, Nostalgia, Ultra rubs its own status as a mixtape in your face, and by extension Ocean's alienation; it achieves via framing what he can't through direct expression, but that frees him to write a batch of wonderful songs — songs with hummable hooks and troubled lyrics, songs that do his romantic obsession justice through sweetly juicy music and tart vocals.

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