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"satanism" Definitions
  1. the worship of Satan

169 Sentences With "satanism"

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Warnke spent over a decade posing as an "expert" in Satanism for the fundamental evangelical Christian community, passing off much of his made-up childhood as a template for how "real" Satanism worked.
Satanism, as a religion, is growing and on the move.
For a show about witchcraft, there's a lot about Satanism.
Still think Satanism is all about doom, gloom, and death?
People don't stick around for Satanism just because it's funny.
"It smacks of Satanism," a Cossack leader told local media.
When did you move from "devil worship" to actual Satanism?
It has never been part of any form of Satanism.
What do think about the recent political activities of Satanism?
Two teenage girls rebel against their religion and embrace Satanism.
But you can say that about everything—misanthropy, Satanism, basically anything.
Michael is mostly unimpressed with the organized religion that is satanism.
"  "This is another step to make Satanism appear normal, light and acceptable.
I was pleased to find out Satanism was also an atheist philosophy.
There was NO blood, NO semen and there was NO Satanism. Delete.
Here's what I found: Satanism (22%) Nobody is as metal as Satan.
Unfortunately, in the case of Satanism, that is far easier said than done.
It also helps if your songs are about Satanism, sex, and drug-smuggling.
Reverend Ashley S. Palmer: Well, Satanism is a philosophy, and also a religion.
But there are not concrete views—everyone uses Satanism in their own way.
Along with pentagrams and images of Baphomet, 666 is, of course, associated with Satanism.
One explained that he was attracted to Satanism because "It's about knowledge," not dogma.
Isn't there a dark side to Satanism—anything society would see as, y'know, evil?
Satanism is really up to everyone and what they chose to do with it.
The theory recycles elements of everything from Disney's LSD rumors to the '80s satanism craze.
While some musicians were accused of Satanism, others have faced trouble for airing social problems.
My critics are at liberty to claim that I'm trying to convert children to Satanism.
He also shared his opinions on Trump, the convention, and the modern politics of Satanism.
In the last month alone, satanism has been equated with everything from mayonnaise to racial supremacy.
In 20153, fears of the occult and Satanism fueled complaints about the Harry Potter book series.
In 2002, fears of the occult and Satanism fueled complaints about the Harry Potter book series.
Anton LaVey didn't believe in Christ or an Anti-Christ and sacrifice plays no role in Satanism.
Islam, Jews, Christians, LGBT, liberals, republicans, democrats, comedians, fidget spinners, pop music — all recently accused of 'satanism.
Like we were saying about horror or rape-themed lyrics, it's the same with religion and Satanism.
BlackLeg's philosophical view of Satanism contrasts with some of the things V said his group participated in.
Troy's style gravitates more towards the '70s and '80s, using themes of psychedelic drugs, the occult, and satanism.
One page, titled "Overview of the Differences Between Satanism and Witchcraft," outlines the distinction between the two groups.
Because the core of Satanism is to embrace joking and pranking and being mischievous and freaking people out.
The clown panic is another example of mass hysteria, like hysteria when people thought Dungeons & Dragons inspired satanism.
The statement indicated that the house only refused to allow religious freedom to a resident who practiced Satanism.
Metal bands, or people who use pentagram imagery or horror film style Satanism, we actually call devil worship.
"At the same time, the abortion industry feeds into something much more serious, which is Satanism," he added.
"At the same time, the abortion industry feeds into something much more serious which is Satanism," he added.
Right, Satanism as it's practiced today is a very postmodern phenomenon, and not at all what people are expecting.
I had to disentangle Satanism as a religion from the Satanic Temple as an institution, because they're not identical.
If you're at #SBC17, get in the convention hall and stay till last gavel" and calling racial injustice "satanism.
For example, Hereditary combined satanism with the mind-numbing, but familiar grief following the death of a family member.
Certain corners of the internet are convinced the area is a "hotspot" for the paranormal, including ghosts and satanism.
Ben Carson, another former opponent of Mr Trump's, suggested a possible link between the former First Lady and Satanism.
The academy's issue with midshipmen practicing "beliefs aligned with those practiced by The Satanic Temple" isn't the satanism part.
Bands like Gorgoroth, Behemoth, Deströyer 666 and many other Black Metal acts continue to push the pro-Satanism agenda.
Back then, D&D was the subject of a massive smear campaign claiming that the game promoted suicide and satanism.
At the core of these developments is a simple complaint: when it comes to Satanism, Hollywood just doesn't get it.
He sort of thinks that you have to believe in Christianity to believe in Satanism, and neither of them win.
In the beginning it wasn't about Satanism, it was about resistance and being against Christianity and that form of religion.
Is the political stuff that people are doing now in the name of Satanism something that Lavey would be into?
If Lavey wouldn't be into the political stuff going on right now in Satanism, what does this new activity represent?
Whatever you do, don't make the mistake of putting the Church of Night under the broad umbrellas of Satanism or Paganism.
People stick around because—for a person who is a Satanist—Satanism brings them a great deal of meaning and value.
Nineteen-year-old Vincent Rodriguez, a logistics team member at Target, has been follower of LaVeyan Satanism for the last year.
The cool thing about Satanism, it's like, find those things you like, and then ruthlessly pursue them and work toward them.
From cannibalism, to Satanism, to a secret project to clone Jesus, there was no topic Parfrey and his writers wouldn't tackle.
LaVeyan satanism, founded by Anton LaVey in 1966, is actually an atheistic faith that's founded on values like individualism, rationality, and freedom.
With that in mind, black magick is popularly associated with witchcraft, Satanism, and magick used to kill people, like in Death Note.
Cut an apple in half, and you will find a five-pointed star, or pentagram, often associated with Satanism and the occult.
All of the lurid and vile elements of an extreme metal band were there: drugs, kidnapping, ritual murder, and, above all, Satanism.
Too many bands take Satanism too seriously, but King Diamond and Co. understood the inherent theatricality needed to worship the Dark Lord.
For many children, elementary school is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try out new hobbies, whether it's sports, art or Satanism.
The website Vigilant Citizen takes it a step further, suggesting that the shop tops each Commandment-defying cone with a dash of Satanism.
I found invaluable resources in The Devil's Party, edited by Per Faxneld and Jesper Aa. Petersen, and Jules Michelet's classic Satanism and Witchcraft.
One of the biggest misconceptions is that Satanists focus on death, but that's far from the truth: Satanism actually promotes the worship of life.
TV's "Rising" that satanism appeals to younger people and gives those who have turned their backs on other organized religions a sense of community.
There are definitely pathways that run within the realm of Satanism, but the only particulars are anti-stupid and the power of the will.
So, if Satanism is a religion, is the Satanic Temple a religion first and a political movement second, or is it the other way around?
In retrospect, it was relatively tame — a few years later and there'd have been Satanism or a Pentagon-funded games journalism mind control project involved.
Defense attorney Shapiro said McCarthy was not obsessed with the occult and Satanism, and said that he was a good father who cared for Bella.
Todd was supported by Christian tract maker Jack Chick, who used his fabricated claims as the basis for numerous comic-style pamphlets advocating against Satanism.
Satanism is also thought to exist as a subsection of the modern-day neo-Nazi movement, with the Atomwaffen terrorist group reportedly embracing Satanist ideas.
Nevertheless, it became the seminal work of modern Satanism and the key text for the Church of Satan, a group LaVey had officially founded in 1966.
It's interesting, because it seems like the groups of people who are offended by the idea of talking about Satan and Satanism go far beyond just Christians.
Accompanying the rise of Satanism as a recognized practice was the 1971 publication of William Peter Blatty's bestselling novel The Exorcist and its blockbuster 1973 film adaptation.
In August, another Satanic Temple brought a statue of Baphomet, a goat-like figure associated with Satanism, to a First Amendment rally at the Arkansas state Capitol.
As metal got more extreme, its investment in sci-fi seemed to wane when compared to the tried-and-true lyrical themes of Satanism, horror and mythology.
The Satanic Temple unveiled a statue of Baphomet, a goat-like figure associated with Satanism, at the Arkansas State Capitol during a First Amendment rally on Thursday.
He began a cult based on his odd religious views: a mix between Christianity, Satanism, and Scientology, and convinced his followers that he was the Son of Christ.
One of the most basic and surprising things about satanism, as it's observed by the Church of Satan, is that its followers don't worship Satan or the Devil.
Rather than the blood-soaked orgies that may come to mind when one thinks of Satanism, my first steps along the diabolical path came through incessant scholastic asceticism.
"Many musical compositions that are popular with young people openly advocate suicide, drug addiction, Satanism, extremism and even contain calls for treason against the Motherland," the letter said.
He was a stranger rummaging around her house, confiscating anything he deemed vaguely connoted with Satanism, a broad category that included her Sonic Youth albums and Stephen King books.
In Houston, where mid-range shots and contested twos are closely associated with spiritual satanism, he has adapted to thrive as one of the NBA's most threatening roll men.
Alexandra James: I think punk rock shares a lot of the same impulses of Satanism, and in a lot of ways, it's rooted in classic American rock 'n' roll.
Pizzagate and QAnon, may have strayed from older panics' primary focus on Satanism, but they carry forward similar language, structure, and certain motifs, all of which are still potent.
And these videos were just picking out the most open-to-interpretation images and giving them very specific perspectives, analyzing me for connections to Satanism, which is completely false.
Going beyond scurrilous scandals, murder, and Satanism, and into the immense forests, mountains, and paganistic and folkloric traditions of Scandinavia, art zine Becoming the Forestplumbs the depths of black metal.
After translating Necrobutcher's book and curating the exhibition, do you feel that you have any valuable insight into the Norwegian black metal scenes' flirtations with Nordic paganism and then satanism?
South Africa had its own version of the Satanic Panic in the 1980s; police departments investigated accusations of Satanism, and many young metalheads were hauled in for questioning, Banchs writes.
Asatru/Neopaganism (268%) For those who aren't as down with Satanism, Asatru—also known as Heathenry or Germanic Neopaganism—provides a nice alternative that perfectly aligns with conventional metal themes.
And that's what was so delicious about it, Alissa — I've never made a movie where, in common conversation, ... everyone is very certain they know everything there is to know about Satanism.
The Telegraph reports that the Catholic Church in Italy and the US has seen a rise in people practicing Satanism and the occult—and there aren't enough exorcists to handle it.
The center's most arresting artwork is a one-ton, 7-foot (2.13-m) bronze statue of Baphomet, a goat-headed winged deity that has been associated with Satanism and the occult.
The adjoining bar hosts the platonic ideal of a DIY arcade, and upstairs, a karaoke room has been renovated as an escape room themed around the moral panic of 1990s Satanism.
"I also just want to point out, while I appreciate that this #tvseries is living up to the #comics, #Satanism and #Witchcraft are two separate things altogether," one viewer wrote on Twitter.
In the band's early years, its slow-building anthems and vague overtures toward Satanism in its lyrics earned them ridicule from mainstream critics and audiences while mobilizing a growing underground fan base.
Even the Devil and his worshippers pale in comparison when one remembers that Satanism still implies a set of rules, and that most Satanists were historically either rude hippies or actual child-murderers.
In the 1980s, the Satanic Panic invaded every living room, with nightly news stories linking Satanism and heavy metal music to a litany of social ills, particularly drug use, child abuse, and murder.
The way Satanism functions is that our belief system starts with a lack of belief, with an adherence to scientific skepticism, much in the same vain as Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, or Sam Harris.
It was penned by [Church of Satan founder] Anton LaVey and is the key text, the founding document that clarifies all of the fundamental basics of Satanism and goes into some of the tenets.
Theistic or not, Satanism was, for Raine, a religion — a way to structure her existence and values, affirm those things through ritual, and develop an intentional, committed community where she could feel she belonged.
The book is all about music and survival on the road, and Necrobutcher's whole thing about expressing any kind of vocabulary with satanism or paganism is that he sees it as the flipside of Christianity.
Their mixture of easily-digested goth rock and Halloween Satanism has made them darlings among mainstream media outlets, who consider them ultra-Satanic and scary due to their use of face paint and inverted crosses.
In the past, we could argue red-blue politics, agree to disagree on the Satanism of Rush Limbaugh, and then return to being a mixed-up, multi-stated, many-religioned, various-raced, modern-day family.
And though it had no connections to Satanism or traditional occult religion, near the end of the decade, the Jonestown massacre gave the world another indelible example of what violence in a cult looked like.
Anyway, even though his real name is actually Jacques and not Scott, he is, according to that article we just read, "involved with Satanism," so he's definitely cooler than Wisconsin's Scott Walker who is not.
Her activity was broadcast on a TV throughout the night—a scintillating addition to the evening no more obviously related to Satanism than the fact that Tony Hawk was there, wearing his winter coat inside.
"The true Satanism of Rosemary s Baby is its showing Satanists to be a wide range of human types, from a shipping magnate and a leading obstetrician to the kindly old couple next door," he says.
Although mainstream Satanism doesn't even worship the Devil (followers are atheists who consider the devil a symbol for individualism and freedom, rather than an actual entity), its followers have been accused of some pretty devilish stuff.
After Burzum leader Varg Vikernes murdered a member of a rival band, Michael Moynihan co-authored Lords of Chaos to discuss black metal and satanism in what became the leading narrative of the black metal scene.
In the early 90s, Ash Blackwood (who goes publicly by his psuedonym, Ash Astaroth) was an openly gay teen looking for community in his tiny Ohio suburb—and he found it when he stumbled upon Satanism.
Netflix's new series The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (more witches!) was pleasantly rambling, but I didn't think it ever figured out how to click together its parallel interests in Satanism and social justice in a satisfying way.
Satanism is all about transgression, rejection of societal norms that don't fit our view, embracing the individual, and understanding that there's no one size fits all life or religion or way of existing for any one person.
The Church of Satan, a U.S.-based religious group which claims to have "defined Satanism", posted a picture of the event on its official Twitter account with the comment: "For clarification, this is not a satanic ritual".
A review of his past tweets found more than 100 in which he recirculated or commented on QAnon-related theories, including hoaxes about Satanism and pedophilia, and until recently he had the hashtag #Q in his profile.
"The internet is the best friend Satanism ever had," he said—which makes sense, when you consider how dangerous it can be to identify as anything other than cisgendered, straight, and Christian in much of the country.
It turns out that one of the central figures in Combat 18 was a former Benedictine monk who had previously dabbled in Satanism, and wanted to establish a kind of white-only farming commune in rural Essex.
An unholy alliance has formed between Catholics protesting debunked conspiracy theories linking Abramović to Satanism, and the Polish dance community, who have been complaining of mistreatment and unfair wages leading up to her career retrospective The Cleaner.
To a frightened, mesmerized public, the murders, with their undercurrents of sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll and Satanism, seemed the depraved logical extension of the anti-establishment, do-your-own-thing ethos that helped define the '60s.
To a frightened, mesmerized public, the murders, with their undercurrents of sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll and Satanism, seemed the depraved logical extension of the anti-establishment, do-your-own-thing ethos that helped define the '613s.
Included in the bequest is the usual creepy housekeeper (introduced in familiar jump-scare fashion), a book on Satanism, and villagers who eye her with the shifty hostility of their counterparts in many a previous horror movie.
The genesis of Synyster's group was simple: a bunch of school friends, who began dabbling in Satanism about 10 years ago, creating their own rituals by using elements they found in books and from their personal lives.
At the heart of the dark story is an intoxicating and all-consuming friendship between two teenage girls, the lonely Hannah Dexter and a magnetic new girl, Lacey, a rebellious, Nirvana-loving grunge groupie who flirts with Satanism.
My own path was always going to be more rooted in paganism and witchcraft than most bastions of modern Satanism, and neither the Satanic Temple nor the Church of Satan made room for that sort of magical thinking.
Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday denied that she practices Satanism after a Trump supporter on Twitter took the former first daughter's exchange of New Year's wishes with the Church of Satan to mean she was affiliated with the group.
If you grew up on the internet, I'm sure you were the same way: the late-night copy-pasted soliloquies about organ harvesters, and haunted underpasses, back-masked satanism, and VHS tapes that would make you go insane.
"Given the show's utilization of the Baphomet statue to represent an evil cannibalistic cult, a perception falsely associated with Satanism even in modern times, TST would have denied its use to the show creators," he said to the publication.
Strangely enough, Pokémon soaked up some of the remnants of the Satanic panic too: in 2000, the Vatican released a statement vindicating the game, after rumors had begun to circulate that it had been deliberately designed to promote Satanism.
Trump is a far more secular figure, and while he accepts the GOP's opposition to marriage equality, he shies away from overt homophobia (whereas Buchanan has described gays as "sodomites" who are "literally hell-bent on Satanism and suicide").
At this point, I should probably take a moment to clarify what I mean when I say "Satanist," because among those who consider themselves as such, there's a lot of in-fighting as to what is and isn't Satanism.
It is a clue that Patriot News, like many sites that appeared out of nowhere and pumped out pro-Trump hoaxes tying his opponent Hillary Clinton to Satanism, pedophilia and other conspiracies, is actually run by foreigners based overseas.
As a young trans woman in the Midwest, Raine found in witchcraft and the occult — and later both LaVeyan Satanism and political groups like TST — an alternative to her childhood Lutheranism, a faith that had once given her comfort.
Their stances are purely based on needing to be against us, not based on any legitimate counter-arguments or knowledge of the activities at hand, and merely provides them the opportunity to continually and falsely claim sole ownership of Satanism.
We saw how Pokémon got caught up in the web of bigger anxieties, from Satanism and child abuse to gambling to violent youth crime, but I think the new uproar over Pokémon Go provides an even fuller explanation for why this keeps happening.
And, like her mother, she's always been outspoken about everything: from satanism (she doesn't subscribe but finds it "fucking fascinating") to her battles with anxiety following a near-death experience to her desire to be understood and respected beyond her famous parents' legacy.
We saw how Pokémon got caught up in the web of bigger anxieties, from Satanism and child abuse to gambling to violent youth crime, but I think the new uproar over Pokémon Go providesan even fuller explanation for why this keeps happening.
In a whirlwind of flashbacks, satanism, and murder, The Blackcoat's Daughter is a thrilling story with a surprise twist that debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival and was nominated for Best American Independent Feature Film at the Cleveland International Film Festival.
I gave Bendiksen a call to learn more about his tribute to Norway's brutal music, whether or not Satanism still exists within it, the lack of women in the scene, and why it wasn't intended as a who's-who of black metal.
On August 2823, 2016, Orthodox activists sent a statement to the Russian police urging them to permanently ban American death-metal icons Incantation, Austrian black/death metallers Belphegor, and American dark-folk act King Dude, insisting that the bands promote Satanism and blasphemy.
A lot of that stems from the difference between public perceptions of satanism, which tend toward the dark, and what the temple says it believes, which is that theocratic patriarchy has created a society that's untenable to everybody who's not already in power.
Just an hour and a half from New York City, Clinton Road is home to tales about everything from the Jersey Devil and Satanism to the Clinton Road Bridge Boy, who supposedly drowned there and whose ghost will return coins tossed into the waters.
They played with the idea of Satanism for the bulk of their run and because they came out of the DIY class of southern rap, they never fit into the hip-hop that people believe is losing its honor with young rappers of today.
I know there are bands that sing about Satanism—which is part of Christianity in my opinion anyway—but I don't know how people don't get it into their heads that music is just art and people probably don't mean it in that way.
" Evangelical Christian news sites are denouncing the rise of witchcraft and Satanism; Netflix and other studios, bolstered by the success of shows like The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, are ordering witch flick after witch flick; President Trump is constantly declaring himself the victim of a "WITCH HUNT!
For the most part, though, Satanism in India seems to be an affect—a blend of goth aesthetic and interest in the occult that has less to do with the country's indigenous occult practices, and more to do with Hollywood films like Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist.
Janisse: Agreed—we are in a time of religious extremism, so it makes sense that religion has become a popular poison in horror films again, and I suppose Satanism and other types of marginal occult religions are easier to demonize without having to engage directly in a political discussion.
Whether it's 20,000 people trying to get the wrong streaming service to remove a show because it promotes satanism (no one mention Sabrina), people angry over something in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, or objections to Captain Marvel, online petitions based around entertainment and fandom have become a mockery onto themselves.
While Donaldson's Blood & Honor distribution network helped spread the National Front and Nazi ideology through skinhead shows and parties around the world, neofolk bands and related noise and experimental artists like Boyd Rice and Michael Moynihan increasingly explored the counter-cultural allure of metapolitics, becoming involved in Satanism, paganism, and fascism.
Given vocalist Tom Araya's avowed Catholic faith, any reference to Satanism or apostasy inadvertently falls a bit flat, and one wonders whether we sort of… wasted… that day on a band who are thoroughly iconic and objectively sick, but don't actually give much of a toss about the Dark Lord.
For one, the band usually deemphasizes traditional black metal atmosphere for sheer intensity, references to Satanism are infrequent and seem more metaphysical or allegorical—though it can admittedly be hard to tell, as the band does not publish their lyrics—and the duo dresses like normal human beings during live performances.
Barr, who is a supporter of Trump in the new series and in real life, has recently embraced several fringe conspiracy theories, according to The Daily Beast, including the one she tweeted about Friday, which is part of a larger conspiracy theory that alleges satanism and sex-trafficking by Trump's opponents.
As with the laziness of 90's grunge that gave us oversized knit sweaters out of lethargy, the gothic upside down cross that, before Urban Outfitters sold it, stood for Satanism, for better or worse, punk fashion was be doomed to be gobbled up by the very masses that unintentionally created it.
Other white supremacist and white nationalist groups have disavowed Atomwaffen, and have even speculated about whether the group is a plot to discredit their movement Mr. Hankes said that recently the group had also embraced ideas associated with the occult and Satanism, ideologies that have further estranged its members from other white supremacists.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads It appears that toting around any horned animal sculptures is enough to suggest one's connection to Satanism — or at least that appears to be the case in Lebanon, where authorities recently confiscated such sculptures created by the Greek-Lebanese politician and artist Michel Eléftériades, deeming him a Satan worshiper.
On the occasion of her largest-ever European retrospective at the CSW (Center of Contemporary Art) in Toruń, Poland, an unholy alliance has formed between  Catholics protesting Abramović's alleged ties to Satanism (long since debunked as a right-wing conspiracy theory), alongside the Polish dance community, who have been complaining of mistreatment and unfair wages.
As it moves around, it picks up weird little pieces of conspiracy dust — like Satanism, the occult, paid actors so desperate for a gig they'd pretend to shoot up a restaurant —that make the whole thing even more appealing to those who already believe it, and more humorous to those who take it for a joke.
A few weeks after Little Baby's became aware of the growing online community of people who thought that their surrealist ads were truly communicating coded messages of Satanism and pedophilia, the company noticed an uptick in harassing phone calls to their scoop shops, strange comments on their social media posts, and "hateful and vaguely threatening" emails to the owners.
That was the perfect place for a 15-year-old kid who grew up in a city with nota roja all over—a popular form of printed press showing explicit photographs of violence, crime, vendettas, tragic accidents, cops mocking transvestites, narco-Satanism, and then on the very next pages, gossip columns about movie stars and a horoscopes section.
" Here it is, in three parts: The ads, narrated by E.W. Jackson — an ultra-right-wing minister who has decried yoga as leading to Satanism, and who'd later achieve attention as the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor of Virginia in 214 — paints a picture of President Obama as a pawn in a shadowy conspiracy meant to "mak[e] billionaire George Soros rich.
At the unveiling of their newest monument, Mark Porter's The Baphomet sculpture at their Salem Art Gallery, we explored the common misconceptions about Satanism, how art is central to The Satanic Temple's mission, and why the group is interested in using certain symbols to make a point about religious freedom and the separation of church and state in the United States.
In the case of Roberta's, commenters on Voat and social media sites mined the restaurant's social media accounts for images that some felt represented expressions of Satanism or the occult: a logo from its wine menu of a skeletal hand holding a wine glass under an upside-down cross, and a T-shirt in which some discerned a crescent moon and a star.
The counterterrorism police guide included assorted white power groups, "extreme Satanism" and Al Muhajiroun, "a proscribed terrorist group seeking the establishment of an Islamic State and Shariah law in the U.K." In addition to Extinction Rebellion, it listed "animal rights extremism," warning of people who watch "animal liberation" videos, and who strongly oppose wearing fur, hunting foxes and eating meat.

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