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90 Sentences With "sallying"

How to use sallying in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sallying" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sallying". Mastering all the usages of "sallying" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He talks animatedly with some fellow douche bags and actually gives one of them a high five before sallying forth into the sunset for the Caltrain.
In my own hopelessly romantic eyes, Dr. Hawking in the Copley Plaza will always be St. George in a wheelchair, sallying forth to slay the black-hole dragon.
This is the most appealing side of Arbus: you feel a gust of Whitman, or of her near-contemporary Allen Ginsberg, in her sallying forth to compile such tumultuous chronicles of America.
It readily flycatches by sallying out from a parch to catch insects in flight.
It often sits lethargically on a suitable perch for long periods, sallying out at intervals to snap up passing insect prey.
It inhabits mid-altitude and montane humid, evergreen forest from , and forages inconspicuously in the understorey and on the ground, sometimes sallying to take aerial prey. The species nests in tree hollows or in crevices under overhangs.
It feeds singly or in pairs on invertebrates, taking its prey mostly by gleaning with a few sallying flights to snatch aerial prey. The species is currently listed as near threatened. It is threatened by habitat loss.
It will catch insects in the air; in a manner often referred to as sallying. It will also take insects directly off plants. It lays 2 eggs with a pinkish hue. The larger end of the egg is speckled with brown and lavender.
Many birds make use of a variety of tactics. A study of feeding behaviors in the family Tyrannidae categorized the following moves as ways of taking insect prey: aerial hawking (i.e. flycatching), perch-to-ground sallying, ground feeding (chasing after insects on the ground), perch-to-water sallying, sally-gleaning (can involve an hover-gleaning or a rapid strike), and gleaning while perched. Some tyrant flycatchers, such as those that choose a prominent perch from which to hawk insects, have more of a tendency to return to the same perch after each sally, while others, particularly those of the forest interior, show less of this tendency.
The genus is adapted to feeding on insects in a manner similar to the Old World flycatchers in the family Muscicapidae. Prey is obtained by sallying from a perch to obtain flying insects or by hover- gleaning, snatching insects from the undersides of leaves while in flight.
Young birds tend to be more spotted or mottled. Muscicapa flycatchers typically feed on flying insects which are caught by sallying out from an exposed perch. The nest is usually cup-shaped and built on a tree branch but some African species nest in tree holes.
The white-tipped quetzal feeds on fruits and berries and has been observed collecting these by means of sallying from a perch. One individual has also been seen eating a large lizard on at least one occasion. Their wide bills and weak legs reflect their diet within arboreal areas.
Gray kingbirds wait on an exposed perch high in a tree, occasionally sallying out to feed on insects, their staple diet. Like other kingbirds, these birds aggressively defend their territory against intruders, including mammals and much larger birds such as caracaras, red-tailed hawks and broad-winged hawks.
The lemon-bellied flyrobin is an insectivore, hunting its prey in the foliage or dead branches of trees and shrubs and only rarely on the ground. Fieldwork in Kakadu National Park found that it occasionally caught large insects over in length; insects were generally caught by the bird hawking or sallying.
The Latins attempted to defend the walls, but caught between the Roman assault and the Tusculans sallying from the citadel they were all killed.Livy, 6.32.4–33.12 Mater Matuta was a deity originally connected with the early morning light, and the temple at Satricum was the chief centre of her cult.Oakley, pp.
Battle of Diu. Part of the Portuguese forces boarded the Muslim ships while the Flor do Mar prevented the Muslim oarships from sallying out. On 2 February, the Portuguese sighted Diu from atop the crow nests. As they approached, Malik Ayyaz withdrew from the city, leaving overall command to Hussain.
Eat insects on the ground in the grass or catch them in flight (sallying). Mostly beetles, crickets and grasshoppers, occasionally eat fruit. Cup nests only 1–2 metres off the ground and made of woven grasses. Clutch size 3-4 blue eggs speckled around the large end with brown or black spots.
The cliff flycatcher perches in a prominent position, sallying to hawk for insects in spectacular aerial flying displays. It nests on cliff ledges, stabilising the nest by arranging pebbles in a ring to support the structure. In the city environment of São Paulo, it breeds on the windowsills of high rise blocks.
The retreating French then found themselves attacked in the flank by the sallying garrison of Harfleur and retreat turned to rout.Burne (1991), pp.102–4. The French are said to have lost 200 men killed and 800 captured in this action. D'Armagnac later had a further 50 hanged for fleeing from the battle.
An Achaean counterattack was repulsed by Venetian pike-wielding infantry sallying forth and defeating the famed Achaean cavalry before the city's walls. At some point, the anti-Achaean league was also joined by Geoffrey of Briel, deemed "the best soldier in all the realm of Romania [i.e. Latin Greece]", who deserted his uncle's cause.
Prey are caught mostly by sallying, although birds also probe and glean.Higgins, p. 602. In Kakadu National Park, birds prefer to hunt prey between the leaf bases of the screw palm (Pandanus spiralis). alt=A medium-sized songbird with a prominent blue eye-patch stands on the ground with some sort of grub in its beak.
It mainly occurs in lowland areas where it inhabits woodland and scrubland with clearings and farmland with scattered trees. It is sometimes seen around golf courses and urban areas. It feeds on large insects such as moths or beetles. It hunts from a perch, sitting and waiting for prey then sallying out to catch it in flight.
Insects, spiders, and pseudoscorpions make up the bulk of the diet of Pacific robins. They generally feed in the lower sections of the forest, although they will ascend to the forest canopy occasionally. They will join with mixed-species feeding flocks to forage. Prey is obtained by aerial flycatching, gleaning, sallying and pouncing, with different populations favouring different methods.
The yellow-throated honeyeater feeds mainly on arthropods, also taking some nectar, and occasionally fruit or seeds. The species forages from the canopy down to the ground, usually singly or in pairs. Food is obtained by gleaning from trunks, branches, and the ground, by probing between loose bark on the trunks, and by occasional sallying flights. More rarely flowers are investigated for insects or nectar.
In February 1179, the Turks laid siege to the town of Claudiopolis in northern Bithynia. The Byzantine garrison was prevented from sallying out. The defending forces threatened the emperor with a capitulation unless prompt help arrived, claiming to not have the strength to withstand a siege attack or starvation blockade. Manuel set out for Claudiopolis with an army a day after receiving the message.
The paradise flycatchers are, as their name suggests, insectivores, feeding on a variety of insects, usually obtained on the wing. They use a variety of foraging techniques, including hawking from a perch, sallying, hovering, gleaning, and flush-pursuiting. They will join mixed-species feeding flocks, for example the Madagascar paradise flycatcher will regularly form small two species flocks with the common newtonia while foraging.
Oski is mentioned by name in several California fight songs. In the songs, the name "Oski" is used interchangeably with the title "Golden Bear". Several of the songs give an impression of Oski being a powerful guardian-being dwelling in the heavens, as well as sallying forth from a lair on Earth. Oski is identified as the astronomical constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear).
In the aftermath the Muslims lured the garrison of the Uclés into sallying from the alcázar and defeated them. The Almoravids followed up their success by taking the castles of Huete and Ocaña, and a few small others. The identity of the seven dead counts must be patched together from various sources. Crónica Najerense records the death of García Ordóñez, the count of Nájera.
Chestnut-rumped thornbills are mainly insectivores but occasionally eat seeds. Studies on stomach contents show spiders, insects, plants, seeds and buds. They mostly forage in foliage and from branches of shrubs and low trees but also regularly on the ground, by gleaning 81.8% (leaves, twigs, branches, ground), sallying 4.37% and 13.9% by probing into bark. The young are fed tiny insects and small white grubs.
The red-headed myzomela is arboreal, feeding at flowers and among the outer foliage in the crowns of mangroves and other flowering trees. Very active when feeding, it darts from flower to flower, probing for nectar with its long curved bill. It gleans insects from foliage and twigs, as well as sallying for flying insects. Typical invertebrates eaten include spiders and insects such as beetles, bugs, wasps, and caterpillars.
The underparts are whitish with touches of light yellow, besides blurred brownish streaking on the breast and flanks. The dark bill is short and broad. The call is an upslurred weeEEE given from a high perch for long periods of the day, or sometimes a monotonous weep weep weep. Piratic flycatchers wait on an exposed perch high in a tree, occasionally sallying out to feed on fruit, their staple diet.
The Fiji woodswallow feeds on insects, with moths, butterflies, dragonflies, and grasshoppers being the main prey taken. Most of the prey is obtained by hawking, with birds sitting on prominent perches and sallying after flying insect prey. Prey is usually taken out in the open away from obstacles but is occasionally taken from near the ground. Alternatively the woodswallow may make sweeps over flowering plants and snap at insects.
Hunts in a typical flycatcher manner, sallying from a perch to catch insects in flight. It is suspected to breed in January to February and March to June in Ethiopia with enlarged gonads recorded from specimens taken in June, December and March to May. The nest is cup shaped and is placed at a narrow fork of a horizontal tree branch, the clutch consists of 3 blue-grey, blotched eggs.
At night after rain showers, such as in the weather in which termites undertake their nuptial flights, barking geckos commonly leave their burrows to hunt actively for prey. During the brief season when the termites take to flight, they form an important part of the geckos' nutrition. At other times of the year, the geckos are mainly ambush predators, awaiting prey at the burrow entrance and sallying forth opportunistically.
Scarlet Honeyeater feeding on flowering Callistemon in Mallacoota, Victoria The scarlet myzomela is arboreal, foraging in the crowns of trees, darting from flower to flower, probing for nectar with its long curved bill. It sometimes hovers in front of flowers while feeding. Trees visited include turpentine (Syncarpia glomulifera), paperbarks (Melaleuca spp.), and banksias. The scarlet myzomela is omnivorous, and also feeds on insects as well as nectar, sallying for flying insects in the canopy.
They capture insects by gleaning as well as by aerial sallying. The breeding season varies widely from region to region. Near Bombay they are known to lay eggs from February to August, Assam from April to August while they seem to sing through much of the year in the Eastern Ghats. In Sri Lanka, young have been seen in June and October while adults sing from January to May in the Malay Peninsula.
After the previous Governor Robert Lundy had resigned his post and left the city, Baker was offered the governorship. He agreed to take command, provided that the Reverend George Walker was appointed his deputy to oversee the city's stores. Under Baker's leadership the city's defenders remained active, sallying out a number of times against the besiegers. After he fell ill command was handed over to John Mitchelburne, who was formally elected governor after Baker's death.
Like all jacamars, the three-toed jacamar is an insectivore. It feeds preferentially on small, cryptically colored moths and butterflies, and Hymenoptera, but will also take flies, dragonflies, beetles, true bugs and termites. It hunts from an open perch in the forest understory or along the forest edge, sallying after prey which it often beats on a branch; this serves to stun the insect, and to remove any stinger or venom, as well as the wings.
They are for the most part insectivorous and carnivorous. Prey taken include insects, spiders, centipedes, and millipedes, as well as lizards and tree frogs. Prey is obtained by sallying from a perch to snatch it in flight, and gleaning the prey off leaves and branches while flying. Some species may take some fruit, but only the green broadbills of the genus Calyptomena and the Grauer's broadbill are primarily frugivores (which also take some insects as well).
The black head of this species is an obvious distinction from the Indian golden oriole, which is a summer visitor to northern India. Orioles can be shy, and even the male may be difficult to see in the dappled yellow and green leaves of the canopy. The black-hooded oriole's flight is somewhat like a thrush, strong and direct with some shallow dips over longer distances. While foraging the species uses foliage-gleening, wood-gleening, or sallying methods.
Castlehaven and the Confederates that had retreated, fell back, regrouped, and later marched back to Tyrellspass and home. The garrison in the castle reinforced with what Burke's men were able to carry did what they could in their own support and began sallying out daily to destroy the defensive works of the English. Such sorties continued for several days until 25 June when the garrison no longer had the gun powder to carry out such activities.
Acorn woodpeckers also feed on insects, sap, and fruit. They can be seen sallying from tree limbs to catch insects, eating fruit and seeds, and drilling holes to drink sap. In some parts of their range, such as California, the woodpeckers create granaries or "acorn trees" by drilling holes in dead trees, dead branches, telephone poles, and wooden buildings. They also drill holes in the thick bark of mature living trees, notably the Ponderosa Pine in California.
Female in Thailand When not breeding, this minivet forms small parties with fewer than 15 individuals and also large flocks of dozens of birds; it sometimes joins mixed-species foraging flocks. It forages for invertebrates in the canopy, sometimes descending to tree ferns or sallying in the air. It gives a twittering call while feeding, and contact calls include a high-pitched ' and a '. Breeding has been recorded from February to April and has been inferred to occur in January.
Other owlet-nightjars are solitary, nest in holes in trees, and forage from a perch, both sallying out to catch flying insects and descending onto prey on the ground or on trunks and branches. It is unknown if these habits apply to the New Caledonian owlet-nightjar, but this species is larger and has longer legs than the others, so it may be more terrestrial. The type specimen was collected after the bird flew into a bedroom in the village of Tonghoué.
Like most Pipridae manakins are primarily a frugivorous species, though populations of Helmeted manakins in gallery forests near Capetinga, Brazil have been documented gleaning and sallying insects. Fruit availability in the Cerrado savanna ecosystems is highly seasonal; fruiting peaks in the wet season, and diminishes by 80% in the dry season. Accordingly, Helmeted manakin foraging habits vary seasonally. In the wet season they forage primarily in the canopy and are selective in their choice of fruit, preferentially foraging for the highest quality fruit.
The defeated Macedonians fled to the fortified city of Lamia, where they were besieged by the Athenians as Antipater waited for reinforcements to arrive from Asia. The Athenians and their allies, despite their early successes, were bogged down in their siege of Lamia. The well-walled town proved impregnable to the Athenians, and their commander Leosthenes was mortally wounded during a sallying forth from the city by the Macedonians who sought to harass their ditch-digging besiegers. His death prompted the Athenians to retreat.
For example, where Thamnomanes antshrikes lead the group they give loud warning calls in the presence of predators. These calls are understood and reacted to by all the other species in the flock. The advantage to the Thamnomanes antshrikes is in allowing the rest of the flock, which are typically gleaners, to act as beaters, flushing prey while foraging which the antshrikes can obtain by sallying. Similar roles are filled in other flocks by other antbird species or other bird families, for example the shrike-tanagers.
Markham pp 126-30 Morgan had been in England supervising the defence of the English coast during the armada campaign, leaving Lord Willoughby in charge. Willoughby in the meantime had worked hard to put Bergen op Zoom in a good form of defence. He constructed two blinds outside the Wouw Gate, to cover the drawbridges and protect sallying parties, and some other outworks, connected by covered ways. He had advice from Count Everard Solms, who came over from Tholen, where he commanded the Zeeland regiment.
This was the first time where Demetrius demonstrated his flair for siege warfare, which would later earn him the sobriquet Poliorcetes, "the Besieger". Nevertheless, Menelaus was able to hold off Demetrius' attacks until the arrival of reinforcements. Ptolemy led a large-scale rescue expedition in person, hoping to catch Demetrius between his own forces and those of Menelaus, sallying forth from Salamis. Demetrius took a calculated risk by leaving only a small force to impede Menelaus, and focusing the bulk of his forces against Ptolemy.
Though successful for the moment, the Rao's conduct had estranged all his servants, and from this time his authority was no longer acknowledged. Mandvi under Ramji Khavas, Anjar under Meghji Seth, and Mundra, Lakhpat, and several other towns under other leaders became indepen independent. The Miyanas, gathering in large bodies, entrenched themselves at Baliari, and, sallying out, plundered on every side. The Rao, in want of funds, laid hands on the wealth amassed by his favourites Muhammad Syed and Sidi Masud, and banished them both from Bhuj.
During the Fifth Crusade, Balian advised the troops of Andrew II of Hungary against sallying into the deserted regions of his county of Sidon, regions almost under Saracen control. The Hungarians refused to listen, however, and many were massacred during a Turcoman ambush. During the Sixth Crusade, Balian supported the Emperor Frederick II for the throne of Jerusalem. He negotiated with Giordano Filangieri, the marshal of Sicily, sent by Frederick in 1228 to represent his authority in Acre until the emperor could make the trip in person.
The crescent honeyeater is arboreal, foraging mainly among the foliage and flowers in the understory and tree canopy on nectar, fruits and small insects. It has been recorded eating the honeydew of psyllids, soft scale and felt scale insects. It feeds primarily by probing flowers for nectar, and gleaning foliage and bark and sallying for insects. While regularly observed feeding singly or in pairs, the crescent honeyeater has also been recorded moving in loose feeding flocks, and gathering in large groups at productive food sources.
The habits of the Angola batis are little known, it feeds on insects which are often caught in the air by sallying from a perch, a behaviour called "flycatching". The appear to be rather solitary, like other batises, being recorded mainly as single or in pairs. The cup shaped nest is built by both sexes from strips of bark and spider webs and is placed in the fork of a small tree at around head height. The only recorded clutches have consisted of two eggs.
At the Siege of Ōsaka, he commanded a portion of Tokugawa Ieyasu's army. In the summer of 1615, Toyotomi Hideyori's Western Army moved to attack Asano's castle at Wakayama. Though most of Asano's forces were at Ōsaka, besieging Toyotomi's fortress, the remaining garrison outnumbered the Western warriors, and Asano led his men in sallying forth to meet the enemy in the Battle of Kashii. Asano also fought in the Battle of Tennōji, the decisive final battle in the Siege of Ōsaka, where he commanded Tokugawa's rear guard.
The wedge-tailed eagle captures most of its live prey by sallying. This typically involves a bird launching itself from a perch and then attacking prey on the ground or, less frequently, in flight. Hunting usually takes place during the day, and prey is usually eaten where it is captured, except during the breeding season when much of the food is taken back to the nest and is fed to the young. Eagles typically do not bring carrion back for the nestlings to consume.
Valdivia was at Concepcion when he received notice of this event, and, believing that he could easily subdue the uprising, he hurried southward, sallying forth with only 40 men to stamp out the rebellion. Near the ruins of the fortress Valdivia gathered the remnant of the garrison. He was ambushed before arriving to his destination and the Battle of Tucapel would be Valdivia's last. As each successive wave of attackers was wiped out or beaten off by the Spaniards, Lautaro sent another, until the entire Spanish company was massacred.
White-headed marsh tyrants wait on an exposed low perch in marsh vegetation or a branch near water, occasionally sallying out to feed on insects, their staple diet, before returning to the perch. They often pick off insects from the vegetation, but more frequently out of mid-air and even from shallow A. Gabriel & Pizo (2005) The nest is a feather-lined oval ball of grasses and other plant material, with a porched side entrance. It is placed at the end of a branch near or over water.
Main sources of nectar include flowering mistletoe and mangroves, bloodwood, woollybutt, cajeput, and Banksia and Grevillea species. Nectar is primarily taken from flowers with cups of stamens, brush-shaped inflorescences, or tubular flowers. The brown honeyeater will hover above small flowers while extracting nectar, perch on a stem for large single flowers, and, in the case of Banksia flowers, perch on unopened florets at the top of the inflorescence. Insects were most often gleaned from leaves or bark, and sometimes caught by sallying or taken from the ground.
Portrait of Vincenzo Anastagi by El Greco Vincenzo Anastagi (died 1585) was an Italian Knight of Rhodes who participated in the Siege of Malta (1565). He had joined the Knights two years before the siege. Sallying with about a hundred cavalry from Mdina, he led a surprise cavalry charge against the poorly guarded Turkish camp on August 7th, while the main Turkish force was engaged in an assault on Birgu and Senglea. The assault would have likely succeeded were it not for the intervention of Anastagi's cavalry that created a confusion in the Turkish rear.
Meanwhile, a body of Dutch troops infiltrated and attacked the bastion of Santiago and the men who were engaged in repairs. As the light and smell of a burning match could give away their position, this Dutch infiltration unit used flintlock muskets instead of matchlocks. They managed to wound some men but were forced to withdraw due to a charge made by the Portuguese guards. In retaliation, Lourenço Ferreira de Brito, the captain of the fort, organized a raiding party consisting of Lascarins, but after sallying and arousing the Dutch, they defected to them.
Australasian figbird, catching a beetle on the wing Hawking is a feeding strategy in birds involving catching flying insects in the air. The term usually refers to a technique of sallying out from a perch to snatch an insect and then returning to the same or a different perch. This technique is called "flycatching" and some birds known for it are several families of "flycatchers": Old World flycatchers, monarch flycatchers, and tyrant flycatchers. Other birds, such as swifts, swallows, and nightjars, also take insects on the wing in continuous aerial feeding.
Both male and female yellow-crested woodpeckers resort frequently to drumming; they produce loud rolls which start slowly, accelerate and finally fade away. This bird is also rather vocal, producing a range of chattering calls and various series of notes. It feeds on insects in the middle and upper parts of the canopy, chiselling into wood to find beetle larvae, levering off bark, and sometimes sallying to catch flying insects. The breeding habits of this species are poorly known, but it probably nests between September and March in Cameroon, Kenya and Uganda, and between June and September in Angola.
At first Noircarmes limited himself to enclosing the city, without bombarding it. The defenders were very cocky, frequently sallying forth and making forays to nearby monasteries where they collected the rubble of the recent iconoclastic fury as building material for a bridge fording a nearby river (which they named the "Bridge of Idols"Motley, p. 47). They mocked Noircarmes and six of his subordinates by calling them "the Seven Sleepers" for their apparent indolence. Another taunt was that they painted giant "spectacles" on the ramparts so as to spy the arrival of the siege artillery that the besiegers had threatened to assemble.
Female Vanikoro flycatcher, photographed near Suva, Fiji The Vanikoro flycatcher is capable of living in a wide variety of habitats. It naturally occurs in forest and forest edge habitats from sea level up to 1100 m, but has also adapted to living in disturbed human altered habitats, including gardens and cultivated areas, so long as a few trees survive. The species is insectivorous, taking a variety of insects by sallying from perches and snatching them in the air or from the undersides of leaves. In addition to insects Vanikoro flycatchers will also eat lizards and small fruits.
They are generally solitary or occur in pairs, but frequently join mixed-species feeding flocks. The flocks they join are usually the lower level ones rather than canopy flocks, and are usually those insectivorous ones rather than frugivorous ones. Prey is almost always obtained by moving up the trunk or branch, and there are two main foraging techniques, probing and sallying. Probers investigate rough bark, mosses, masses of trapped dead leaves, bromeliads, and other areas where prey may be hiding, whereas those that sally launch into the air briefly to snatch prey that has been flushed by their movement.
At this moment Sepoy (now Lance Naik) Lalla (sic) came across a Major in his regiment, 150 yards from the enemy line, lying completely exposed in the open and trying to bandage a grievous wound. Lalla dragged him a few yards into a very slight depression, only a few inches deep, and there bound up the Major's wounds. Whilst doing so, he heard other cries for help and sallying forth dragged four more of his comrades into the meagre shelter and bound up their wounds. Meanwhile, it had come on to rain hard and a pitiless icy wind sprang up.
The second , also called the during the Sengoku period of Japanese history, occurred in 1579, five years after it was seized by Oda Nobunaga from a lord named Itami, and entrusted to Araki Murashige. Accused of sympathizing with the Mōri clan, enemies of Nobunaga, Araki shut himself in his castle and withstood siege by the armies of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Though his defense held out that long, he did not lead any men in sallying forth from the castle or otherwise attacking the besieging army. Over the course of the year, Hideyoshi's men gradually filled in the moat, making the castle's fall inevitable.
Call of the scarlet tanager Scarlet tanagers are often out of sight, foraging high in trees, sometimes flying out to catch insects in flight and then returning to the same general perch, in a hunting style known as "sallying". Sometimes, however, they also capture their prey on the forest floor. They eat mainly insects, but opportunistically consume fruit when plentiful. Any flying variety of insect can readily be taken when common, such as bees, wasps, hornets, ants, and sawflies; moths and butterflies; beetles; flies; cicadas, leafhoppers, spittlebugs, treehoppers, plant lice, and scale insects; termites; grasshoppers and locusts; dragonflies; and dobsonflies.
88 Hussain had expected the Portuguese to commit their entire forces to the grapple, so he kept the light oarships back within the channel, to attack the Portuguese from behind when they engaged the carracks. Comprehending the stratagem, João da Nova maneuvered the Flor do Mar to block the channel entrance and prevent the oarships from sallying out. The compact mass of oarships provided an ideal target for Portuguese gunners, who disabled many ships that then blocked the path of the ones following. Unable to break through, the Zamorin's boats turned around after a short exchange, and retreated to Calicut.
Battle of Nagashino pictured on a Byōbu screen According to the Shinchō kōki, Nobunaga and Ieyasu brought a total of 38,000 men to relieve the siege on the castle by Katsuyori. Of Takeda's original 15,000 besiegers, only 12,000 faced the Oda–Tokugawa army in this battle. The remaining 3,000 continued the siege to prevent the garrison in the castle from sallying forth and joining the battle. Oda and Tokugawa positioned their men across the plain from the castle, behind the Rengogawa, a small stream whose steep banks would slow down the cavalry charges for which the Takeda clan was known.
However, when he tried to end the siege by sallying out with a large force, Witigis used his numbers to absorb the attack and then to counter-attack, winning the battle. Regardless, Witigis was losing the siege, so he decided to make one last attempt on the wall which ran along the Tiber, where the wall was much less formidable. He bribed men to give the guards drugged wine, but the plot was revealed and Belisarius had a traitor tortured and mutilated as a punishment. An armistice had been signed shortly before, but with both the Goths and the Byzantines openly breaking it, the war continued.
The yellow-faced honeyeater feeds on insects by gleaning, sallying, catching in flight, or probing in bark crevices. The insects eaten are primarily Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, maggots, gnats, and midges), beetles, and spiders. A study of the pollen on the bills and foreheads of captured birds found that 70% carried pollen from silver banksia (Banksia marginata), 61% from heath-leaved banksia (Banksia ericifolia), and 22% carried pollen from other plants in the area including fern-leaved banksia (Banksia oblongifolia), mountain devil (Lambertia formosa), and green spider- flower (Grevillea mucronulata). In April and May, before the autumn migration, the yellow-faced honeyeater increases its nectar consumption, which increases its body mass.
The African yellow warbler forages low in the vegetation, either singly or in pairs. It can be rather secretive but it will climb up to an exposed perch to sing but will dive into cover and creep away in a mouse-like fashion if disturbed. It gleans much of its prey such as caterpillars from leaves and branches but it also hawks termite alates, sallying into the air from a perch to which it returns to feed on any prey caught. The nest is a neat cup made of grass, typically situated in the fork of branches within a bush or between upright stems.
The purple-bearded bee-eater undertakes seasonal movements, breeding inland in the dry season, and moving to the coast in the rainy season. Like other bee-eaters it nests in burrows up to 90 cm long tunnelled into the side of sandy river banks, cliffs and cuttings, but does not form colonies. The purple-bearded bee-eater, again like its relatives, eats insects, including bees, wasps and dragonflies and beetles, which are caught in flight. This species hunts alone or in pairs, rather than in flocks, and sits on a favoured perch for long periods, twisting its head with its beard flattened or plumped, and wagging its tail back and forth before sallying after passing prey.
According to Josephus, this had the double effect of strengthening Roman resolve to take the city by force and the defenders' resolve to fight, hoping to die by the sword rather than thirst or starvation. With the completion of the assault ramp, Vespasian ordered a battering ram brought up against the wall. Various stratagems were used by the defenders against the ram, including lowering sacks filled with chaff to receive its blows (until these were torn away by the Romans) and sallying forth and setting fire to the ram. Josephus also chronicles an incident in which one of the defenders, renowned for his strength, cast a huge stone on the ram from above, breaking off its head.
While Caesar's force began to set up camp on the slope running down to the river, his cavalry, together with slingers and archers, was ordered to cross the river to reconnoiter. This developed into a skirmish with the few troops of Belgic cavalry that had been observed on the far side. Caesar describes the enemy cavalry as sallying repeatedly from the woods at the top of the hill and says his cavalry did not dare follow them in when they retreated. He does not elaborate further so it will never be known if the Nervii were trying to entice the skirmishers onto their hidden position or holding them in play on the slopes in preparation for the planned rush.
A study of black honeyeaters at seven sites in Western Australia regularly recorded breeding females eating ash from campsite fires and often making repeated visits over a brief period of time. It was noted that the birds seemed attracted to the remote campfire with groups of around six hovering around and landing beside the fire, an activity described as similar to "bees buzzing around a honeypot." After pecking at the ash, some of the females foraged for insects, sallying from the foliage of nearby Wheatbelt wandoos (Eucalyptus capillosa) before returning for more ash. The activity of the females approaching the fire ranged from a single peck to sustained feeding for a minute or more.
The Venezia court unanimously held that, while New Jersey has arguably the most protective shield law in the United States, a reporter waives the privilege when he talks about his sources and information outside of the newsgathering process, as did the reporter in Venezia. The Venezia court stated: "The privilege holder is not permitted to step from behind the shield as he pleases, sallying forth one moment to make a disclosure to one person and then to seek the shield's protection from having to repeat the same disclosure to another person. A reporter cannot play peek- a-boo with the privilege." Thus, the Venezia court ordered that the reporter must submit to the plaintiff's deposition request.
Slim's plan was a masterpiece of operational art, and the capture of Meiktila left most of Japan's troops stranded in Burma without supplies. The Allies had reached the open plains of central Burma, sallying out and breaking Japanese attacking forces in isolation, maintaining the initiative at all times, backed up by air-land cooperation, including resupply by air and close air support, performed by both RAF and USAAF units. Slim followed up this victory by ordering his coastal corps to seize the mouth of the Irrawaddy where it flowed into the Bay of Bengal. In combination with these attacks, Force 136 helped initiate a countrywide uprising of the Bamar people against the Japanese.
The land on which the Forest Glen Annex now stands was originally part of a huge tract belonging to the influential Carroll family of colonial times, which lived nearby. During the Civil War, the land was owned by Alfred Ray, a southern sympathizer. In July 1864, Ray allowed the troops of Confederate General Jubal Early to encamp on his land, before sallying down nearby Brookville Road for an unsuccessful raid on Washington, D.C., which ended in the Battle of Fort Stevens. Ray spent time in a federal prison for his action. During the period 1887 to 1894, the site was a short-lived hotel and casino, part of an ill-fated land development scheme.
A few of them were recaptured, some by the French and Spanish prisoners overcoming the small prize crews, others by ships sallying from Cádiz. Surgeon William Beatty heard Nelson murmur, "Thank God I have done my duty"; when he returned, Nelson's voice had faded, and his pulse was very weak.. He looked up as Beatty took his pulse, then closed his eyes. Nelson's chaplain, Alexander Scott, who remained by Nelson as he died, recorded his last words as "God and my country.". It has been suggested by Nelson historian Craig Cabell that Nelson was actually reciting his own prayer as he fell into his death coma, as the words 'God' and 'my country' are closely linked therein.
For other persons with the same name, see Xenias Xenias () was an Elean, of great wealth, who was a proxenos of Sparta, and was also connected by private ties of hospitality with king Agis II. In 400 BC, during the war between Sparta and Elis, Xenias and his oligarchical partizans made an attempt to bear down their adversaries by force, and to subject their country to the Spartans -Sallying out into the streets, they murdered several of their opponents, and among them a man whom they mistook for Thrasydaeus, the leader of the democratic party. Thrasydaeus of Elis, however, who had fallen asleep under the influence of wine, soon rallied his friends, defeated the oligarchs in a battle, and drove Xenias into exile.
Buff-sided robin hunting for insects in leaf litter, eastern Northern Territory The buff-sided robin is a diurnal insectivore, predominantly hunting by sallying from a perch onto a hard substrate (usually the ground) remote from the bird—a predatory method that relies on observation, direct flight towards prey, followed by capture. An observational study suggested that 95% of successful foraging actions by the buff-sided robin are sally strikes onto a surface, and the remaining 5% are by hawking (aerial capture of a flying insect). A small percentage of prey is taken from other surfaces, including the trunks, branches, and foliage of vegetation. Most hunting is undertaken close to the ground, with 85% of foraging observations being within from the ground surface.
Sallying out of their homeport of Kigoma on the eastern side of the lake, the German vessels transported troops to carry out raids on Belgian territory, and also bombarded the Belgian port of Lukuga. In response to these raids, and needing to secure control of the lake to prevent German raids and to support their own troops in the field, the Admiralty despatched an expedition, led by Lieutenant-Commander Geoffrey Spicer-Simson, to transport two motor boats named HMS Mimi and HMS Toutou by sea, rail, river and road to the lake. Once there he was to sink or disable the German vessels, and secure control of the lake. After an arduous journey the two boats reached the lake and were launched on 22 and 23 December.
The motif of "La Paloma" (the dove) can be traced back to an episode that occurred in 492 BC, before Darius the Great's invasion of Greece, a time when the white dove had not yet been seen in Europe.Pankraz, Marcel Proust und das ewige Lied "La Paloma" (German) The Persian fleet under Mardonius was caught in a storm off the shore of Mount Athos and wrecked, when the Greeks observed white doves escaping from the sinking Persian ships. Those were most probably homing pigeons which the Persian fleet carried with them when sallying forth out of Persia for battle. This inspired the notion that such birds bring home a final message of love from a sailor who is lost at sea.
However, in 1541, John Mauntell, 'sallying forth in company with his brother-in-law, Lord Dacre, and others on a nocturnal frolic to chase the deer in St Nicholas Pelham's Park in Sussex, encountered three men, one of whom being mortally wounded in the affray. He and his associates were convicted of murder, executed, and their estates escheated to the Crown'. Then in 1553, John's only son Walter 'engaged the Kentish insurrection to approve the marriage of Queen Mary, headed by Sir Thomas Wyatt, and was taken prisoner with him, sent to the Tower, and subsequently executed in Kent on 27th Feb, 1553'. He lost his estate to the Crown, though the Manor House was kept by the family because John Mauntell had made a settlement of the manor to his wife Anne.
After achieving this the rebels marched to Lincoln to assist a rebel force besieging Lincoln Castle; while the town had fallen to the rebels, the castle garrison had remained loyal to King Henry. By the time they got there the royalist force had already arrived under the command of William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke, and he forced a battle in the streets of the town itself. Before the battle began de Bréauté had led his force into the castle itself, and his crossbowmen shot down at the rebel force from the walls. Sallying out himself, with such force that he was captured before being rescued by his men, he fought on until the rebels fled, with even the Angevin leaders acknowledging his role in a critical victory against superior forces.
Caggiano made another copy for signor Giuseppe Budillon; this copy garnered an honorable mention at the Salon at Paris and a medal at the London Exhibition. For signor Budillon, He completed two figures depicting Frinè (Phryne, the putative model of Praxiteles), and in 1862, in a contest held by the City of Naples, he designed a larger than life (96 inches tall) statue of bronze, intended to be gilded, depicting Victory to stand atop the monument in Piazza dei Martiri, Naples. He also completed a state of Pliny the Elder; a monument to the Bucci family, and others. Frederick of Swabia on facade of Royal Palace of Naples In 1879, he wins a competition to become professor of sculpture in the Royal Institute of Fine Arts, by modeling in clay a bas relief depicting Hector, consecrating his son to Jove before sallying against Greeks.
The Aetolians drew up the greater part of their hoplites and cavalry in front of their own lines on the level ground and, with a portion of their cavalry and their light infantry, they hastened to occupy some rising ground in front of their camp, which nature had made easily defensible. A single charge, however, by the Illyrians, whose numbers and close order gave them irresistible weight, served to dislodge the light-armed troops, and forced the cavalry who were on the ground with them to retire to the hoplites. The Medionians joined the action by sallying out of the town and charging the Aetolians, thus, after killing a great number, and taking a still greater number prisoners, and becoming masters also of their arms and baggage, the Illyrians, having carried out the orders of Agron, conveyed their baggage and the rest of their booty to their boats and immediately set sail for their own country.Polybius 2.3 This defeat of the Aetolians, who were famed for their victory over the invading Gauls a generation before, caused a sensation in Greece.
In combination with other factors, including ongoing degradation of habitat from pastoralism and altered fire regimes, global climate change or global warming presents a serious and increasing threat to birds and other fauna. The buff-sided robin (=white-browed robin) was rated as being in the top ten savanna birds most vulnerable to climate change impacts, in a study investigating the vulnerability of Australian tropical savanna birds to climate change. The study utilised an index of climate change vulnerability based on sensitivity (reproductive rate, relative abundance), adaptive capacity (diet specialisation, dispersal ability), and potential exposure to climate change (change in distribution of suitable climate space for each species under various climate models). Factors that increase the vulnerability of the buff-sided robin to climate change impacts include diet and foraging type (aerial sallying and hawking insectivore), habitat (species that rely on spatially restricted riparian and monsoon vine forest habitats), biogeography (species with limited ranging behaviour), and extreme weather (species that occur in regions where there is an increasing risk of extreme temperature events or changes in rainfall patterns).

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