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"pestiferous" Definitions
  1. dangerous to society : PERNICIOUS
  2. carrying or propagating infection : PESTILENTIAL
  3. infected with a pestilential disease

28 Sentences With "pestiferous"

How to use pestiferous in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pestiferous" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pestiferous". Mastering all the usages of "pestiferous" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Even before we brutally crammed them into pestiferous cages and messed with their DNA, chickens were just awesomely good at producing eggs and healthy meat.
"Like Life: Sculpture, Color, and the Body," at the Met Breuer, is a mind-blowing show in good and, while not bad, pestiferous ways: hypercharged with sensation and glutted with instruction.
Mr. Marín said three factors favored his coffee: the elevation, which is high enough to keep pestiferous coffee borer bugs at bay; the humidity, which stems from passing clouds that provide a steady stream of moisture; and the red soil.
I've been a student of the American military for nearly three decades, but until I picked up AFRICAN AMERICAN OFFICERS IN LIBERIA: A Pestiferous Rotation, 2000-218.95 (Potomac, paper, $2127), I didn't know that for several decades in the early 22.5th century, the United States Army had a training, advising and leading mission in Liberia.
A. Ali. 1991. Perspectives on management of pestiferous Chironomidae (Diptera), an emerging global problem. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 7: 260-281.
J. Sanit. Zool. 40 (Suppl.):65–89Mir S. Mulla and Uruyakorn Chansang (2007) Pestiferous nature, resting sites, aggregation, and host-seeking behavior of the eye fly Siphunculina funicola (Diptera: Chloropidae) in Thailand. J. Vector Ecology 32(2):292-301 PDF Siddiq, M.M. 1938.
Among other things, Scott called Chaplin a "pestiferous, lecherous hound", "a little runt of a Svengali", a "cheap Cockney cad", "a hoary headed old buzzard" and "a master mechanic in the art of seduction".Quoted in "Fighting Folk," Time, January 8, 1945. Chaplin lost the suit.Robinson, Chaplin: His Life and Art, 1985.
Nest Formica lugubris are carnivorous ants that consume a variety of different foods. Red wood ants prey on pestiferous insects and forest defoliators like spruce budworms. They live in massive nests that can contain up to half a million colony members. They form large, domed nests on southerly facing slopes in relatively open woodland.
Other wildflowers in the park are asters, elephant's-foot, wingstem, and yellow jewelweed. Two native plant species that are evidently now extinct in the park are round-lobed hepatica and trailing arbutus. Both ground and climbing forms of poison-ivy are common in Glover Archbold Park. In about 2000, highly pestiferous Asian tiger mosquitoes first appeared in the park.
B. Ullman, cit., p. 270 Cicero, Horace and Licinius Macer Calvus used to call him either Tigellius or Sardus Tigellius ("Tigellius the Sardinian"), and never Hermogenes. Cicero spoke ill of Tigellius, stating "it is a clear gain to be free from the society of this Sardinian, who is even more pestiferous than his own homeland (pestilentiorem patria sua)".
It is 1630, and a devastating plague has descended upon the city of Milan. Guglielmo Piazza and Giacomo Mora are depicted as two city's artisans (really only Mora, a barber, was an artisan while Piazza was a sanity officer). One day a woman accuses Piazza of being an untore (i.e. a greaser): a spreader of disease by anointing walls and furnitures with a pestiferous ointment.
On the 17th of October the and the Vincennes were sent in pursuit of the pestiferous CSS Ivy. Even though the Ivy was joined by another rebel steamer, both were driven up the Southwest passage to the Head of Passes where the chase was abandoned due to inability to close the range on the rebel vessels. The Richmond was sent to Key West, Florida, for temporary repair.
Eteson joined the Bengal Medical Service as an assistant surgeon in May 1854. He rose to become deputy surgeon general in December 1883 after which he served as medical officer in Assam before retiring in 1889. In 1869 he treated an epidemic of ague among sappers and miners at Roorkee with quinine, arsenic, and sulphate of zinc. He attributed the disease to "the reflux tide of easterly winds laden with the pestiferous miasma of the Oudh and Rohilkund Terai".
However, South Africa's Louis Botha intervened on Wilson's side, and the mandates scheme went through.Lloyd George, The Truth about the Peace Treaties: Volume I, pp. 543–546. Hughes' frequent clashes with Wilson led to Wilson labelling him a "pestiferous varmint". Hughes, unlike Wilson or South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts, demanded heavy reparations from Germany, suggesting the sum of £24,000,000,000 of which Australia would claim many millions to off-set its own war debt.Lowe, pp. 136–137.
He was summoned by James I to the Hampton Court conference in 1603 as a nonconformist; Anthony à Wood says that he appeared there in 1604 unconventionally dressed, and he reportedly said little. The king, however, was gracious. Sparke, in later writing A Brotherly Persuasion to Unity and Uniformity in Judgment and Practice (1607), adopted an eirenic line. He was attacked in An Antidote against the Pestiferous Writings of all English Sectaries ... in particular against Dr. Sparke, (1615) by Sylvester Norris.
Scipio Aemilianus, the adopted grandson of Scipio Africanus, who was serving as a tribunea middle-ranking military positionheld back his men, and was able to deploy them to beat off the pursuing Carthaginians, preventing heavy losses. The camp established by Censorinus was badly situated and by early summer was so pestiferous that it was moved to a healthier location. This, however, was not as defensible, and the Carthaginians inflicted losses on the Roman fleet with fireships. The Romans then made these attacks more difficult by building additional fortifications.
Hermaphroditism is extremely rare in the insect world despite the comparatively common nature of this condition in the crustaceans. Several species of Icerya, including the pestiferous cottony-cushion scale, Icerya purchasi, are known to be hermaphrodites that reproduce by self- fertilising. Occasionally reproductively functioning males are produced from unfertilised eggs but generally individuals are monoecious and with a female- like nature but possessing an ovotestis which is part testis part ovary and sperm is transmitted ovarially from the female to her young.THE EVOLUTION OF ALTERNATIVE GENETIC SYSTEMS IN INSECTS.
At the beginning of 1779, he was installed as the pastor of the Congregational Church in Greenwich, Connecticut, and while thus employed, having been prominent in his advocacy of the American cause, he was captured, on the early morning of June 18, 1779, and taken to the Sugar House Prison in New York City, where he was detained for about fourteen months, during which time his family took refuge in Pound Ridge, New York. The British press referred to Blackleach Burritt as that "most pestiferous rebel priest and preacher of sedition".Raymond, Marcius D., p. 22Burritt, p.
Opponents of the work handed out leaflets at the dedication of the fountain describing it as a "loathsome monstrosity", a "howling obscenity", an "obscene practical joke", "idiotic rubble", and a "pestiferous eyesore". Art critic Alfred Frankenstein of the San Francisco Chronicle responded that "its very outrageousness and extravagance are part of its challenge" and therefore, it "can't be all bad." He added that the fountain was intended to be participated in rather than just observed. An early comment by architecture critic Allan Temko, often repeated over the years, describes "technological excrescences" that had been "deposited by a giant concrete dog with square intestines".
In 1870, at the twentieth anniversary celebration of the first National Women's Rights Convention in Worcester, Stanton spoke for three hours rallying the crowd for women's right to divorce. By then, Stone's position on the matter had shifted significantly. Personal differences between Stone and Stanton came to the fore on the issue, with Stone writing "We believe in marriage for life, and deprecate all this loose, pestiferous talk in favor of easy divorce." Stone made it clear that those wishing for "free divorce" were not associated with Stone's organization AWSA, headed at that time by Reverend Henry Ward Beecher.
Paratachardina pseudolobata, the lobate lac scale, is a polyphagous and pestiferous lac scale insect, which damages trees and woody shrubs in Cuba, Florida, the Bahamas and the Australian territory of Christmas Island. It was mistakenly identified as Paratachardina lobata (Chamberlin), an insect native to India and Sri Lanka, but was in 2007 recognized and named as a distinct species based on material from Florida; its native distribution is as yet unknown. The new lac insect was described based on all stages of the female (adult, second-instar nymph and first-instar nymph), during the revision of the genus Paratachardina, wherein all its known species were redescribed.
When the Depression eased, he opposed the full restoration of wage levels for state employees, who had suffered a 50 percent pay cut. Martin became known as a pro-business governor in early May 1935 when timber workers began to strike, declaring, "These pestiferous peewees would go to any lengths to embarrass me and my administration."CHM to Walter E. Pearson, May 16, 1935, Box 3, CHM, Oregon Historical Society. In private correspondence and public appearances he railed against the National Labor Relations Board, declared union organizers to be gangsters and Bolsheviks, and considered Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins to be the head "red" in the Roosevelt administration.
The Romans would have been in difficulty except for the actions of Scipio Aemilianus, who was serving with the 4th Legion as a tribunea middle-ranking military position. Rather than join the attack as ordered, Scipio held back and spaced his men along the partially demolished wall, and so was able to beat off the pursuing Carthaginians when the Romans in front of him fled back through the ranks of his unit. Censorinus's camp, the primary role of which was to protect the beached Roman ships, was badly situated and by early summer was so pestiferous that it was moved to a healthier location. This, however, was not as defensible, and the Carthaginians inflicted losses on the Roman fleet with fireships.
Periodically people and carriages tumbled into what had become little more than an open sewer. Around the middle of the century the Surveyor General Charles Ligar attempted to regulate the stream by building sound walls to constrict its waters (this was referred to as the Ligar Canal).Auckland WaterPark - Bradbury, Matthew; abstract, The Landscape Architect, IFLA Conference Papers, May 2006 This proved inadequate (being called "an abomination, a pestiferous ditch, and the receptacle of every imaginable filth")"Ligar canal long forgotten". Auckland's City Scene magazine, Sunday 25 June 2006 (originally from The New Zealand Herald, approximately 1870) and eventually the stream was bricked over in the form of a sewer - water percolating through the soil under Myers Park still runs into the old drain under Queen Street to the sea, discharging under the Ferry Building.
The dense population arose from the elaborate irrigation of the Babylonian plain, which had originally reclaimed it from a pestiferous and uninhabitable swamp, and had made it the most fertile country in the world. The science of irrigation and engineering seems to have been first developed in Babylonia, which was covered by a network of canals, all skillfully planned and regulated. The three chief of them carried off the waters of the Euphrates to the Tigris above Babylon: the Zabzallat canal (or Nahr Sarsar) running from Faluja to Ctesiphon, the Kutha canal from Sippara to Madam, passing Tell Ibrahim or Kuth'a on the way, and the King's canal or Ar-Malcha between the other two. This last, which perhaps owed its name to Hammurabi, was conducted from the Euphrates towards Upi or Opis, which has been shown by H. Winckler (Altorientalische Forschungen, ii. pp.
One of its reporters described the river as a "pestiferous and typhus breeding abomination", while a second wrote that "the amount of poisonous gases which is thrown off is proportionate to the increase of the sewage which is passed into the stream". The leading article in The Illustrated London News commented that: By June the stench from the river had become so bad that business in Parliament was affected, and the curtains on the river side of the building were soaked in lime chloride to overcome the smell. The measure was not successful, and discussions were held about possibly moving the business of government to Oxford or St Albans. The Examiner reported that Disraeli, on attending one of the committee rooms, left shortly afterwards with the other members of the committee, "with a mass of papers in one hand, and with his pocket handkerchief applied to his nose" because the smell was so bad.
This novel explores theme of homosexuality, and some of its characters express strongly pacifist views. The journalist James Douglas, who had previously incited prosecution for indecency of The Rainbow by D. H. Lawrence,David Bradshaw, 'The Great Crusader: When the Sunday Express led the campaign for literary hygiene', Times Literary Supplement ((August 19 and 26, 2011), 16 wrote in the magazine London Opinion: > A thoroughly poisonous book, every copy of which ought to be put on the fire > forthwith, is Despised and Rejected, by A. T. Fitzroy – probably a pen-name. > Of its hideous immoralities the less said the better; but concerning its > sympathetic presentation, in the mouths of its ‛hero' and of other > characters of pacifism and conscientious objection, and of sneering at the > English as compared with the Hun, this needs to be asked: What is the use of > our spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on propaganda, and tens of > thousands more on Censorship, while pestiferous filth like this remains > unsuppressed? The book is published by C. W. Daniel, Ltd.
In his June 1, 2006 critical essay, "Native informers and the making of the American empire" published in the Egyptian English weekly Al-Ahram archived version Dabashi wrote, "By seeking to recycle a kaffeeklatsch version of English literature as the ideological foregrounding of American empire, Reading Lolita in Tehran is reminiscent of the most pestiferous colonial projects of the British in India, when for example, in 1835 a colonial officer like Thomas Macaulay decreed: 'We must do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, a class of persons Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, words and intellect.' Azar Nafisi is the personification of that native informer and colonial agent, polishing her services for an American version of the very same project." In a subsequent interview with Z Magazine, Dabashi compared Nafisi to former American soldier Lynndie England, who was convicted of abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Dabashi and several other scholars have also noted the ways that the simplistic portrayal of Iranian society and framing of Afghan women as helpless victims sustains momentum for U.S. intervention in the Middle East.

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