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15 Sentences With "partialities"

How to use partialities in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "partialities" and check conjugation/comparative form for "partialities". Mastering all the usages of "partialities" from sentence examples published by news publications.

ALEXANDER HAMILTON warned in 1788 that impeachment risks "agitat[ing] the passions of the whole community" and spurring "pre-existing factions" to "animosities, partialities, influence and interest".
"  Hamilton predicted with acute foresight that in impeachments these factions "will enlist all their animosities, partialities, influence and interest on one side or on the other; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties, than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.
In many cases it will connect itself with the pre-existing factions, and will enlist all their animosities, partialities, influence, and interest on one side or on the other; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties, than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.
As Twain himself observed, each Christian (whether Presbyterian, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Episcopalian) came to Palestine looking for — and finding — the Holy Land of their own denomination: Honest as these men's intentions may have been, they were full of partialities and prejudices, they entered the country with their verdicts already prepared, and they could no more write dispassionately and impartially about it than they could about their own wives and children.
" Presciently, he worried about impeachment processes becoming political power struggles rather than honest attempts to determine the truth of the charges: "In many cases it will connect itself with the pre-existing factions, and will enlist all their animosities, partialities, influence, and interest on one side or on the other; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.
After that year, the Recuay Encomienda entered into dispute, remaining in the hands of Juan de Aliaga until 1570, when the Encomienda de Recuay was united with that of Huaraz, being designated encomendero Don Hernando de Torres. In 1605 in the part that is today Pampas Grande the huaranga of Ichocpoma belonging to the saya of Lurin-Huaylla was located.Información de Ampuero / Yupanqui, 1557: 282 In 1651, in the Huaylas huaranga the doctrine of La Asunción de Huaylas was founded, with two partialities: Allauca and Ichoc.AAL. Padrón de Atunhuaylas 1774.
In order to recover a 3D structure from the individual diffraction patterns, they must be oriented, scaled and merged to generate a list of hkℓ intensities. These intensities can then be passed to standard crystallographic phasing and refinement programs. The first experiments only oriented the patterns and obtained accurate intensity values by averaging over a large number of crystals (> 100,000). Later versions correct for variations in individual pattern properties such as overall intensity variations and B-factor variations as well as refining the orientations to fix the "partialities" of the individual Bragg reflections.
His views on poetry are documented in essays collected in Plummets and Other Partialities (1986), and in letters to W.W.E. Ross published as A Literary Friendship in 1984. He also was in contact with John Sutherland. Gustafson's early poetry owes a significant debt to Gerard Manley Hopkins (as evidenced in The Golden Chalice (1935) and Alfred the Great (1937)), while Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, and W. B. Yeats were important influences on his later work. In 1942, Gustafson edited the Anthology of Canadian Poetry which developed into the Penguin Book of Canadian Verse in 1958, both volumes a reflection of his extensive studies on the history of Canadian poetry.
Tallán (or Tacllán, after the use of the taclla, a farming tool) was a conglomerate of ethnic groups with a common origin that settled in the plains of north-western Peru, an ethnos with a matriarchal system. (Due to their possible kinship, the tumpis, who settled in the current Department of Tumbes, are widely considered one of these ethnic groups.) They had migrated to the coastal plains from the Sierra. In the beginning the Tallán lived in behetrias, which were simple settlements without a head or an organization, in which all its members were engaged in the same and unique activity, mainly agriculture and fishing. Then through barter with the neighboring partialities they obtained what was necessary to live.
The first union between Sweden and Norway occurred in 1319 when the three-year-old Magnus, son of the Swedish royal Duke Eric and of the Norwegian princess Ingeborg, inherited the throne of Norway from his grandfather Haakon V and in the same year was elected King of Sweden, by the Convention of Oslo. The boy king's long minority weakened the royal influence in both countries, and Magnus lost both his kingdoms before his death. The Swedes, irritated by his misrule, superseded him by his nephew, Albert of Mecklenburg in 1365. In Sweden, Magnus partialities and necessities led directly to the rise of a powerful landed aristocracy, and, indirectly, to the growth of popular liberties.
In 1865, he was appointed to succeed Charles Gordon Hopkins as Minister of the Interior, a position he held until 1873. He served briefly as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1872 and 1873 and was a member of the House of Nobles, the upper house of the legislature, from 1866 to 1872. Writing in 1866, Mark Twain described Hutchison: > He has sandy hair, sandy mustache, sandy complexion—is altogether one of the > sandiest men I ever saw, so to speak: is a tall, stoop-shouldered, middle- > aged, lowering-browed, intense-eyed, irascible man, and looks like he might > have his little prejudices and partialities. He has got one good point, > however — he don't talk.
In his History of Clear Creek Church: and Campbellism Exposed (1830), Taylor provided material about his origins: > At my birth, and in the early part of my life, my lot was cast in the > backwoods of Virginia, where Indians often killed people, not far from where > I was. My parents, who were of the church of England, told me, I had been > christened when young. Being taught in all the rules of the old prayer book, > I had my partialities that way; but we lived so frontier, I never heard any > man preach, till about 17 years old; this was a baptist, (William Marshall). > My awakening that day, was so striking, that I was won over to Marshall, and > the religion he taught.
The Kajur archaeological site, located at 1250 meters above sea level, evidences one of the oldest human settlements in this part of the Cordillera Negra. The Cuchicoto archaeological site located near the Canchón summit shows the influence of the Recuay culture during the Early Intermediate period. Inca domination occurred between approximately 1430 and 1450, during the rule of the Sapa Inca Pachacútec. The lordships of huaylas and conchucos were incorporated into Tahuantinsuyo after a fierce invasion by the Inca Cápac Yupanqui, brother and general of the Sapa Inca, who was forced to withdraw and build the Maraycalle tambo in Yauya. The first reference to Pampas Grande during the colony it is made in the year 1618.Guevara (1618). p. 88-89. In 1774 the parish of La Asunción de Huaylas was founded, with two partialities: Allauca and Ichoc.AAL. Padrón de Atunhuaylas 1774.
After the city of Córdoba's foundation, in 1573, an expedition took place under the command of Captain Hernán Mejía de Mirabal, who with forty soldiers arrived in the region with the purpose of surveying populations and wealth, especially mining. At that time the area was inhabited by the Comechingones, whose populations were subdivided into partialities that functioned independently; each under the command of a cacique. Milac Navira was the cacique of the clan that inhabited the place where Mina Clavero is today, and to whom the city apparently owes its name. However, historians do not agree on the origin of the name: on one hand they say it is because of Comechingón chief, but on the other hand it may have come from the Mina de Clavero derivation, since there was an important mine belonging to Clavero's family, surname that is common in area.
Whilst we acknowledge the unequivocal success attained by Mr. Handford in his celebration of the Tercentenary, we must be permitted to express our deep regret that our Local Committee were not permitted to share in it. . . . Good people all, please to consider Shakespeare “celebrated” and your arduous labours at an end: for the future, regard yourselves as entirely free to exercise your little natural partialities, and to desert Hamlet and Othello for the more congenial “comic and sentimental vocalisation” of Mr. Handford, and the clever clog-dancing which you appreciate so highly.’ Having served time with John Balmbra and eased Tom through his early days in the Cloth Market, Balmbra’s right-hand man, a Mr J E Jones decided to call it a day. On 3 August 1864 the 'Newcastle Journal' reported that he was presented with ‘a massive gold chain and appendages’, presumably the gift of John Balmbra. ‘Likewise a splendid gold signet ring , by Mr. T. Handford, proprietor of the Wheat Sheaf Music Saloon, as a token of respect and esteem, and for his attention as manager and secretary to the establishment.

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