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"overscrupulous" Definitions
  1. excessively scrupulous

11 Sentences With "overscrupulous"

How to use overscrupulous in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "overscrupulous" and check conjugation/comparative form for "overscrupulous". Mastering all the usages of "overscrupulous" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But Papa and his partner Huna were not always overscrupulous in their business.
Maybe little children, like overscrupulous believers, see things that the rest of us do not.
Had the well-beloved Honoria, in a moment of overscrupulous conscientiousness permitted herself to hoist danger signals?
Both were determined to make money when it was possible, and were, sometimes, not overscrupulous in their transactions.
Women, then as now, ready to sacrifice themselves, are less ready to permit those dear to them to be overscrupulous.
It was on this navy above all that Sicily's security and prosperity depended, and Roger's use of it was not overscrupulous.
Luther always claimed to have been a good, if somewhat overscrupulous monk, and Lortz found no evidence whatever to doubt his claim.
Each class is rigidly sure of the rightness of its own ends and hence not overscrupulous about the means of attaining them.
After all, might there not be such a thing as an overscrupulous judgment of motive and action for the man of the world?
But in addition, Samuel Adams was a propagandist who was not overscrupulous in his attacks upon British officials and policies, and a passionate politician as well.
In 1904, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, himself an ardent if not overscrupulous yachtsman, offered a solid gold cup for a trans-Atlantic race from Sandy Hook, N. J., to the Lizard, near the tip of Cornwall in England.

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