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766 Sentences With "obscures"

How to use obscures in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "obscures" and check conjugation/comparative form for "obscures". Mastering all the usages of "obscures" from sentence examples published by news publications.

One, it obscures their chance to talk about broader issues.
Jason Van Dyke's conviction is right, but obscures larger truths.
The new fighting vehicle's unwieldy designation obscures its technological advancements.
Which completely obscures the realities Kaepernick was trying to expose.
By filling in musical blank spaces, Olsen obscures her songs.
Yet such a perspective obscures much more than it reveals.
But this narrow focus on the battlefield obscures women's contributions.
Clinton's statistical advantage obscures concerns about turnout and voter apathy.
"Black Is the Body" obscures the blackness of her body.
In sexuality and in addiction, trauma refracts, warps and obscures.
This narrowed definition obscures the true might of identity politics.
A row of trees obscures most of it from the road.
The east-west dichotomy also obscures dissenting voices in central Europe.
But his hungry performance obscures just how familiar this story is.
To describe these events obscures how swiftly and efficiently they happen.
But as a practical consequence, the Russia talk obscures their challenges.
An obsession with rankings obscures and invariably minimizes this essential truth.
This is the reality that the narrative of self-deliverance obscures.
It obscures the actual struggles we face in combating this epidemic.
That obscures the fact that U.S. stocks have done far better.
But the "Jews are smart" explanation obscures more than it illuminates.
I think your analysis deliberately obscures this part of the story.
And the term "customer" obscures the true impact of these outages.
The live music never obscures the narrative, but inches it along.
Ruilova obscures images of women's bodies with black velvet floral shapes.
Anyway, to focus on what they're doing obscures what they're not doing.
It also obscures the dangers of human–chimp interaction, the institute said.
Yet the public outrage over the fraud obscures a much larger issue.
The model minority image also obscures the racial subordination of Asian Americans.
But, this classification obscures a serious barrier to success for Asian workers.
Removing Calhoun's name obscures the legacy of slavery rather than addressing it.
The second is that it obscures the suffering of others—particularly adults.
Either way, the College Board's marketing obscures the terms of the debate.
It obscures the large racial disparities faced by LGBT people of color.
But building up her star power so much obscures her true artistry.
It also obscures the variations in terrain—compressions, dropoffs, bumps, and grooves.
This narrow interpretation of him obscures the radicalism that informed his brilliance.
The white racial illiteracy on display in Virginia obscures two important factors.
The use of single numbers to compare subgroups of students obscures this.
Thirty years after Robert Mapplethorpe's death, the legend still obscures the photographs.
Thirty years after Robert Mapplethorpe's death, the legend still obscures the photographs.
VINCENTELLI All the talk about multimedia obscures his amazing work with actors.
Yet the remark simultaneously obscures key points about the era and its concerns.
"CAP's culture obscures its mission," Mary wrote, toward the end of her memo.
The flora surrounding the Well of Mysteries partly obscures it from the street.
The camera obscures its two women in the glare of windshields and windows.
LN: Are there other things this hidden money obscures about the world economy?
It helps that the Crying Jordan often mercifully obscures the shamed person's face.
The headset completely obscures your actual surroundings, placing you in a virtual setting.
The trouble with all this vanity is that it obscures Ovitz's real accomplishments.
All this obscures the chief culprit, however, which is the cost of housing.
Our critic says the cult hit's reputation for gore obscures its true greatness.
But the nature of these methods of mass murder obscures the individual horror.
But the intellectual history Shapiro offers is incomplete, and obscures some important facts.
This obscures the real question: Is targeted killing as effective as other counterterrorism strategies?
The first is that addressing bias as a computational problem obscures its root causes.
Male suffering onscreen often is built on female suffering, which it obscures and expropriates.
The couple obscures their children's faces when they post about them on social media.
Pitting one group against the other obscures the fact that they operated in tandem.
That is technically true, but it also obscures the unprecedented nature of Obama's action.
And it obscures the dialogue that could develop between the Orient and the Occident.
Never mind that the burns mean his costume obscures his musculature and handsome face.
The high visibility of the Turner case obscures the extreme rarity of rape prosecutions.
But that very real similarity obscures a foundational difference: We identify fundamentally as Americans.
The report claims 336,614 breast exams, though this number obscures more than it reveals.
I saw the usual city haze that obscures nearly all of the night sky.
Here in 1972, it obscures the sun above a railroad near the Salton Sea.
But focusing on the white working class obscures the true contours of economic distress.
Contradicting its name, it reveals rather than obscures many aspects of the American character.
What troubles me about Kelly's optimism is what it denies and what it obscures.
But this obscures the opposite truth: Accomplishing great things helps you develop a network.
But the total of the two categories obscures significant differences between the two procedures.
What this obscures is that implied TCR performance is generally getting better over time.
But that simple description obscures massive differences between potential policy paths for the idea.
But the force he brings to salesmanship obscures the diffidence he brings to governance.
It also obscures the responsibility that lawmakers have to ensure that survivors can get justice.
But they do expose flaws in Clinton's decision-making—something Trump's broad-brushed attacks obscures.
However, we believe this focus on racial resentment obscures another important aspect of racial thinking.
One of them has a sound bar that slightly obscures the bottom of the screen.
That relatively steady performance obscures plenty of wild action in some of the individual names.
The former Secretary of State struggles with authenticity because she obscures her mistakes with details.
TP–RAMA's flat lack of textural diversity never obscures a slick pop plane of consistency.
Second, it obscures the fact that the Democratic Party emerged from Reagan's shadow long ago.
Yet the Kennedy legend at times obscures identification with the flawed man who actually lived.
Ignoring one side, as Mr. Miranda has done, obscures their connection both then and now.
This falsehood obscures the cyclical nature of such North Korean off-again on-again activities.
Indeed, the secrecy is so pervasive that it obscures the answers to important constitutional questions.
This rhetoric obscures whorephobia and misogynoir (anti-Black misogyny) more than it shows solidarity. 25.
It obscures the fact that they actually need considerable resources to represent their constituents well.
The quaint name Storyville obscures the fact that it was New Orleans's red light district.
And yet, that is where the reputation of "Chain Saw" obscures some of its greatness.
The movie obscures whether what we're seeing is real or if it's inside Sarah's head.
Their powerful economic influence obscures another fact: Roughly 20 percent of Korean immigrants are unauthorized.
But that broad number obscures a lot of variation between its mature and newer businesses.
It obscures the truth that American patriotism is different from run-of-the-mill nationalism.
Normally, free commerce is good, but not if it obscures an effort to undermine us.
Activists say that gives corporations too much sway and obscures ties between politicians and businessmen.
The light obscures my vision, and so I stumble over a boot along the way.
Web The anonymity network Tor obscures your identity by routing your online traffic through computers worldwide.
But that's where the nerdcloud obscures things—it further silos people into expert and nonexpert categories.
It is a bright, beautiful endless room that unfortunately also obscures what lies outside of it.
But that obscures the crimes they committed in Iraq and Syria, including those against other women.
Its fondness for plot twists often obscures what's really happening, to the peril of everything else.
Which is a shame, because it obscures how flimsy the second half of her argument is.
Its complexity obscures transparency and provides opportunity for various interests to seek and obtain favorable treatment.
If anything, the focus on these artifacts as art objects obscures questions of acquisition and ethics.
Brazil's war of parties and personalities obscures some of the most important lessons of the crisis.
But Washington's political bickering and anti-immigrant rhetoric ultimately obscures the reality of the border itself.
And like so much else about Curry, that obscures the impact of Lacob and Guber's innovations.
It also obscures the reality that trade, done right, offers a chance to strengthen America's competitiveness.
It obscures as much as it clarifies and blunts loneliness as often as it exacerbates it.
Still, the book's analysis ultimately obscures as many facets of the current crisis as it reveals.
The focus on this facet of his origin story obscures other surprising facts about his life.
But a divisive politics that draws lines between the deserving and the undeserving obscures actual developments.
But dividing society by generation obscures the real and enduring lines of race, class and gender.
But disdain for Instagrammy wanderlusters obscures the fact that tourism has always been about picture-taking.
But the nostalgia obscures why psychiatry became vulnerable to a Freudian incursion in the first place.
I recognize that placing these cases in a religious-discrimination frame obscures their many distinct complexities.
The medium obscures the reality of other people's experiences, even as it makes them more visible.
By pinning responsibility for mass violence on individual perpetrators, the criminal approach obscures its political dimensions.
Today the thick brown smog that hovers over the capital obscures the view of the mountains.
Her subject matter is so appealing, it almost obscures the power and suppleness of her language.
And while the unemployment rate is low at around 553 percent, that figure obscures other problems.
Coverage that attempts to find the hidden meaning behind his actions only obscures what's really happening.
Hynes's effervescent falsetto often obscures the painful stories that shadow the album's overriding sense of joy.
"Women in today's tech world should create an online presence that obscures their gender," he recommends.
People knock analysis, or revere it, which either way obscures the field's gift for offhand illumination.
Considering who "deserves" an affordable education obscures an important truth: higher education serves of all us.
There's the banal championing of an "undivided London," which obscures the city's many divisions and miseries.
A foggy white paint unites the surface and partially obscures the contents of the specimen boxes.
Sanchez, who is herself undocumented, told VICE the valedictorian narrative obscures the challenges undocumented youth face.
Its taint is so corrosive and pervasive that it obscures the many virtuous things that universities do.
These findings highlight how talking about climate change solely in terms of averages obscures its true impacts.
Lava flows downslope Sunday and enters the ocean, but a laze plume obscures the point of entry.
Heavy focus on fears of skulduggery by Chinese vendors obscures the larger dangers inherent in 5G's design.
Even if politicking before a coming general election obscures it, development interests India more than picking fights.
Depicting the United States as teetering on the brink of borderlessness obscures all this to our detriment.
And it simply obscures the fact that we still have no policy to defend against information warfare.
Porn presents another data game that obscures the whole picture of teens' exposure to anal sex acts.
The misattribution obscures the organizational nature of the firm, which is partly what makes the building significant.
But focusing too much on mass killings obscures the other ways incels harm the people around them.
Armajani has drawn a line with correction fluid across each word, creating a veneer that obscures script.
But that broad-brush statistic obscures the amount of ticket splitting that can and does still occur.
Claiming victimhood after being criticized for these actions obscures the very violence that Bloomberg is responsible for.
The trouble with that statistic is that it obscures all the weaknesses that lie beneath the surface.
This obscures the fact that it was initially seen as just a first step in gun reform.
His specialness, though, obscures what some suggest is the greatest injustice of college sports' policy of amateurism.
Moreover, focusing on behavioral changes obscures how much the deck is stacked against people, particularly the poor.
But all this obscures, ever so slightly, just how little story or tension exists within the show.
The beauty of this photograph is undeniable, but it also obscures the historical reality of the laborers' conditions.
On the other hand, an overly triumphalist narrative obscures the difficulty and sheer quantity of decarbonization work ahead.
No dispute obscures the two recent attempts at pay-to-play schemes hatched by Donald Trump's grown children.
Melcarth obscures all of his subjects' faces, but his tightly composed picture is all irrepressible ogling and desire.
If anything, it obscures the industrial-scale cruelty of mass incarceration by focusing on one man's roadside attraction.
The old saw that the cover-up is worse than the crime often obscures more than it reveals.
" But more than that, she marvels at the way Shonagon "obscures that power passably, in an elegant humility.
But this radical view, which denies that political authority can ever be legitimate, obscures more than it clarifies.
Fog obscures my vision and I clutch onto my camera for dear life, bracing to go down hard.
Such surveillance targets foreign nationals and typically obscures any names of any U.S. citizens involved in the communications.
While the claim helps justify Trump's immigration ban, which was blocked by federal courts, it obscures some details.
More women are starting their own businesses — but the reason why obscures a troubling truth about our workforce
Ben Davies told CNBC that bitcoin does appear to be overinflated but that this obscures the bigger picture.
This only obscures Hillary Clinton's message, particularly to women and young voters unaware of the former president's indiscretions.
But the focus on direct talks obscures an important shift in the relationship between the U.S. and Iran.
Reducing a white supremacist to the features of his harmless life obscures the horror his ideas can unleash.
The cost can be steep when team obsession obscures the importance of the means of realizing that dream.
Williams' critics say the Fed suffers from dangerous groupthink that often obscures the needs of vulnerable minority communities.
None of the three mothers wore the niqab, the Islamic head covering that obscures all but the eyes.
It obscures from view various weaknesses in our under­ standing, until eventually it's too late to change course.
It also obscures prices, making it difficult for families to know ahead of time what college costs them.
Often, disabilities go unidentified or undiscussed, which obscures the extent of disability involvement in the police killing epidemic.
The other cause for continued alarm is that the overall average obscures differences between the candidates (see chart above).
What their analysis tells us is that gross domestic product data obscures what is really going on in America.
Its brilliance as a plot device in the book is that it obscures and edits, corralling mismatched characters together.
It obscures the deeper forces dividing the world, and spares winners by playing down the legitimate concerns of losers.
Perkins obscures everything tangible behind a hazy film of blurred boundaries, whether between dreams and reality, fiction and fact.
That the shah was planning free elections—conveniently in the future—obscures the point of his anti-democratic character.
The more complex the music, the more rewarding the HD 800 S becomes, as it never obscures or obfuscates.
They believe that there is a deeply rooted American political consciousness that both parties ignore and that partisanship obscures.
This is a liberal tic that obscures the moral distinctions between Graham-Cassidy and proposals like Medicare for All.
The overwhelming media focus on President Trump's executive order on immigration obscures a looming disaster developing in the background.
Beyond the kill floor, a flimsy swinging door obscures about a dozen wooly sheep awaiting their turn with fate.
The new paper proposes that the sail has been coated in interstellar dust, which obscures its true spectral signature.
To write that the election will leave us all "fine" obscures the amount of work we have to do.
Just when the sunlight begins to turn gold, the rain obscures the night-sky eyes into an eerie greyness.
The back and forth has gotten a lot of play in the press, but it obscures a larger point.
A berm partially obscures the house from the road, and there is a gravel parking area on the side.
One obscures the main focal points in movie shots to make the viewer consider the composition of the background.
A plastic curtain obscures the latter figure's face, resting over it like a veil or a gilded funerary mask.
In reality, Asians are rarely considered white, and the model-minority myth obscures the vast differences among Asian-Americans.
The US now has more than 14,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, even as inadequate testing obscures the real numbers.
The "transformation" on screen from straight to gay is admired as a performance, but it obscures a dark reality.
He obscures the fact that the mastermind of the Mumbai terrorist attack of 2008 has been shielded by Pakistan.
But the expectation of finding one piece of conclusive evidence is misplaced and too often obscures the big picture.
The low number of minority participants also obscures possible differences among groups that often have higher prostate cancer rates.
The adding and removing of statistics on the FEMA website obscures the status of recovery efforts on the island.
Such a view, however, obscures that culture wars, and the identity politics they engender, are fought on bipartisan turf.
You can't see what's happening when a blade is cutting through the ice because the blade obscures the view.
To combat this domestic blight, Laura Kampf crafted a simple projector cabinet that both obscures cords and looks plain awesome.
It confuses what's known in science and obscures the truths of nutrition that could actually help us live healthier lives.
A number of Vedic texts reference the concept of maya, an ephemeral illusion that obscures a more fundamental, eternal reality.
In some other of these paintings, the clotting produced by the un-cleaned silkscreens less completely obscures the "Silence" sign.
That Unasur is still at the table obscures the fact that the Vatican's involvement changes the nature of the negotiations.
This assertion, however, obscures what the bubble has done to "disrupt" our society at an individual, collective, and institutional level.
When asked if Apple's policy obscures the actual state of the market for analysts, he was confident in his methods.
The country's crackdown on journalists who have sources in the organization further obscures the public's understanding of the terror group.
But as with every other "locker room talk" controversy, an obsessive focus on controversial phrases obscures more than it reveals.
Kodak Black is a sleepy-sounding vocalist who swallows his words, a tactic that obscures his enthusiasm for twisty assonance.
The planet is not "on fucking fire," and saying so obscures both the reality and the totality of the problem.
Mike Pence embodies this development: He self-identifies as an "evangelical Catholic" which obscures his opinion of the Protestant Reformation.
But while the distortion obscures Trump, it doesn't make him invisible and Wolff has spotted the outlines of his target.
This album collects a large number of lovely sounds and even melodies, but the ambience of the whole obscures them.
Because the gay content of his work was rejected by the art establishment, "he obscures it," Ms. De Salvo said.
But that framing obscures the reality of national surveys that show that most Asian-Americans favor affirmative action in education.
Australia is celebrated for its cafe culture, but that is one of those phrases that obscures the meaning behind it.
"Governor Cuomo's M.T.A. board proposal obscures the very real fact that the governor already controls the M.T.A.," Mr. Raskin said.
The official unemployment rate is low these days, but that obscures the fact that far too many Americans remain underemployed.
If Wachsmuth and Wegmann are right, Airbnb's rhetoric obscures the truth about who most uses, and benefits from, its platform.
Phrases like "tribalism" and "identity politics" are probably overused these days, and their application often obscures more than it reveals.
Made in 1998, the work lines up 20 television stills, where a white circle obscures each politician or correspondent's face.
To compare Trump to Napoleon or Hitler is to make a vacuous historical comparison that obscures more than it reveals.
This highlights the most consistently polluted regions but obscures seasonal or short-term pollution spikes, like those surrounding California's wildfires.
Scrolling through text or swiping a notification is particularly frustrating when your finger obscures whatever it is you're trying to see.
Earth Shine by Peter Ward (Australia)During a solar eclipse, the brightness of the solar corona obscures the Moon's finer details.
However, it obscures what is widely regarded as better economic news since G-20 finance ministers met in Shanghai in February.
Fuck your over-intellectualizing and big talk that obscures the fact that you only produce, curate, exhibit art for certain bodies.
Every transaction involving Monero obscures the digital addresses of the senders and receivers, as well as the value of the transaction.
But the thrill of watching SpaceX's spectacular, and now routine, Falcon rocket launches largely obscures much of America's antiquated space industry.
In many of the images, the rainbow, the visual representation of freedom and optimism, obscures the physical bodies of the figures.
The perfect matchup of those proportions is why it appears that the moon perfectly obscures the sun during a total eclipse.
This obscures inequities in recreation time, access to public space, and exposes the active marginalization of girls at the grassroots level.
According to Dr. Shalhoub-Kevorkian, this pervasive narrative about Palestinians, including children, who are resisting occupation often obscures the big picture.
They examine how to combat false information on social platforms and why the term "fake news" obscures more than it reveals.
Here are some of Greathouse's key suggestions: ...women in today's tech world should create an online presence that obscures their gender.
But Disney's billing of the new Lion King as "live action" only obscures why the movie is such a creative failure.
But that question obscures some more meaningful ones: Why is the national anthem a staple of sporting events to begin with?
He then obscures that image with text, which he drives into fabric, one letter at a time, with an old typewriter.
The glow of philanthropic giving obscures the exponential wealth that the corporation draws from the situation they're ostensibly trying to solve.
Not only does the world and story leave a lot to interpretation, but the presentation itself deliberately obscures details and horizons.
Her love of all lizards sometimes obscures the account's titular purpose: "I want to rate them all 100/10," she admitted.
Circle's Chief Marketing Officer Marieke Flament said the focus on bitcoin often obscures advances being made in other areas of cryptocurrencies.
It's a sentence that notably obscures the fact that the "us" in this case should include all Americans of all backgrounds.
This muddle, according to Pollack and other North Korea experts I spoke to, obscures a fundamental lack of new policy ideas.
One criticism of the "heartbeat" language, abortion rights supporters say, is that it obscures the science of how an embryo develops.
But the mockery greeting his every move obscures what a successful mayor he's been, particularly for working- and middle-class families.
This approach can be useful in the context of official analysis of proposed policies, but it obscures the true economic tradeoffs.
But it obscures the more important point: For subgroups of targeted Americans, such as African-Americans, the messaging was perhaps ubiquitous.
She is addictive to watch, which obscures the fact that, as she pointed out to me, Abby is fairly two-dimensional.
A giant puffball obscures his head, his proportions rounded out by cube-like padding and blocky shoes — more sculpture than man.
He is on the cover of British GQ Style, wearing star-spangled boots and a black mask that obscures his face.
Solely blaming sexism obscures many of the unique challenges she faced, including her heavy political baggage, and ignores other campaign missteps.
They hide behind software that obscures their identity and leads investigators to look in countries far from their actual hide-outs.
But the harsh public face presented last month by the chief justice, Zhou Qiang, obscures what is happening on his watch.
But that's just the surface level connection and it obscures the backdrop of ongoing political warfare against Latinos in the state.
She noted that many banks' marketing explicitly touts free checking accounts and obscures how such fees and opt-in programs work.
But this type of denial obscures the fact that not knowing how to swim has bleak consequences for the black community.
By design, the suit obscures the entire surface of Morrocco's body, including the face, effectively removing the human body from conversation.
Reilly has applied some kind of transparency to aspects of the self-portrait, so the cut footage sometimes obscures his image.
The danger with personifying machines is that it obscures the people and corporations who make, operate, and profit off of them.
As WikiLeaks itself noted, however, the report also obscures quite a lot about what Mueller knew about Assange or his organization.
"Too often, the process of primary campaigns obscures the vast commonalities we share as Democrats and reformers," Katz said in a statement.
But this focus not only obscures how women of color are particularly disadvantaged in pay but ignores other disparities affecting nonwhite women.
But, anti-surveillance activists are concerned framing drones around cinematic rescue missions obscures the privacy concerns when drones are used for policing.
But "Naz & Maalik" isn't as well made and is bedeviled by technical problems that include a musical soundtrack that obscures the dialogue.
Didi's in-app bike sharing option totally obscures Ofo And Bluegogo branding (they're the only two services that have integrated for now).
It is, of course, unfortunate that Trump regularly obscures the legitimate issues he raises by using personal attacks that invoke unfavorable stereotypes.
Coding anti-gay behavior as a personal problem obscures the religious and political beliefs that are spurring anti-gay attitudes, he wrote.
Moreover, it obscures the fact that the underlying issues and the signs pointing toward a conflagration have been present for a while.
It does seem that Facebook is at risk of being scapegoated here, in a way that obscures the nuances of what's happening.
The label "genocide" ultimately obscures the decentralized and populist nature of killings that involved thousands of Americans, high and low in society.
Pruitt's deliberately obscures and distorts, or reverses the meaning of words and directives about public health and environmental safeguards at U.S. EPA.
This fundamentally obscures the impact that issues have on vulnerable and underrepresented populations—the LGBTQ community, women, immigrants, and people of color.
Much of Neumann's stake involves something called "profits interests," or shares in those various LLCs, which obscures his ownership stake even more.
Furthermore, the praise for Frazier obscures the fact that a CEO has class interests in common with a billionaire like Donald Trump.
Viewing trade as toxic for American workers obscures reality, ignores the problems we face and undermines steps needed to strengthen the economy.
It's because grouping all Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders into one category "obscures the different economic realities" of the many Asian ethnicities.
But this broader narrative obscures and even gives cover to the ways white women sometimes used white supremacy for their own gain.
The idea that affirmative action doles out bonuses and penalties obscures the far more complicated reality of how the policy actually works.
Because Gryla's costume obscures the wearer's identity, few people realized that Hallgrimsson was for many years the man in the troll suit.
In addition, describing this as an "all-time low" obscures the fact that the government has only tracked this data since 2008.
Yet that narrative obscures the fact that Democratic presidential candidates across the board have proposed ways to increase taxes on the rich.
But viewing Virginia's off-year election in purely partisan colors obscures significant voter concerns that both parties' establishments have yet to address.
But this tendency towards verbosity never obscures the group's ability to craft an honest-to-god ripper of an indie rock song.
An exaggerated anti-China sentiment obscures belated but real reforms on market access and intellectual property protections, and the opportunities they promise.
But this myth about the general goodness of cops obscures the truth of what needs to be done to fix the system.
While his explanation makes sense, it also obscures a major reason the Hyde Amendment has been so widely opposed in the first place.
Well, for one thing you're going to want to skip sunglasses and Snapchat filters — or really anything that obscures your face or eyes.
And the way advertising language in North America obscures this fact shows how unwilling North Americans are to acknowledge their participation in it.
Learning to code the "hard way" means to learn the fundamentals and to be aware of the noise that obscures the underlying reality.
Using it to describe Ford's allegations obscures the fact that she is accusing someone — Supreme Court nominee or otherwise — of a violent crime.
Using the establishment label for candidates not only fails to help us define hard cases, it also obscures a crucial distinction among candidates.
First, many government decisions contain an important normative element; leaving these up to algorithms only obscures that fact, often with deeply unjust ramifications.
Reimagining J Dilla's songs with a big, bombastic string section—à la Mozart or Beethoven—obscures the particular makeup of his musical genius.
It's a show about how weak he is and how he obscures his weakness via emotional and even physical abuse of his children.
The focus on whether or not to admit these desperate people to the United States obscures the bigger question of the refugee crisis.
Emblematic of a globalized political economy, the fabric also points to how the fashion market obscures international state boundaries and theories of identity.
It presents a vision of the world through the meshed locks of blinking lashes, a gaze that obscures images and disrupts their flow.
In my defense, the former Twilight star sports a hefty beard for the role that obscures half of his once-razor-cheeked face.
It also obscures many user controls behind multiple layers of menus, which may cause people to share location when they don't intend to.
In one, a Hasidic bride, in a veil that obscures her face, is flanked by women in high-necked dresses and head scarves.
But this often obscures more than it reveals, reducing the complex drivers of mass violence to a simple matter of black and white.
Adhering to traditional political labels to describe the important work of the justices obscures both what they do and how they do it.
Our top pick, Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer, obscures discoloration without ever appearing heavy or cakey on the skin.
The loudest explanation they've settled on to date involves Russian hackers, a claim that obscures a far more structural problem facing their party.
The motor makes so much noise that it obscures any sound resembling applause, and the plastic hands frequently fly off the tongs altogether.
But it reappeared, its domain registered at Tucows through Njalla, a privacy-focused domain registry service that obscures the identity of the registrant.
Read more " _____ Jamelle Bouie in Slate: "It's tempting to treat this dispute as another sideshow that obscures the actual work of Trump's presidency.
Cast members including Anthony Ramos, Chyna Layne and Margot Bingham mixed with rising artists like Uncuttart, who obscures his face with a bandanna.
But the inflated, world-historical narrative that surrounds both his adversaries and him obscures what might be clarifying differences in the 2020 campaign.
But referring to Trump's behavior as a "debate over how far to go in telling Americans the truth" obscures what's really going on.
And limiting an analysis of any political figure to those well-worn tropes inevitably obscures other deep divides around imperialism, class, and race.
While it's a useful starting point, ultimately this broad view obscures just how wide the pay gap is for some groups of women.
Trump's blithe talk of "renegotiating" the Iran deal obscures the complexity of a multilateral agreement that is endorsed by the UN Security Council.
This seeming resilience in oil markets obscures a new era of global insecurity – in the Middle East and for the world's global powers.
This album won't settle into the background, as Wakeman embellishes and obscures familiar melodies with trills, squiggles, filigrees, and improvised flights of fancy.
But the fight over how many refugees to admit or how best to vet those refugees obscures what the debate is really about.
But it's also about how identity is more fluid than we imagine, and why it often obscures all the things we have in common.
But what if the need for human intervention arose on the freeway, perhaps when dirt dropped by the truck ahead obscures the lane markings?
It's also worth noting that Uber has rolled out upfront fares in the last few months, though, critics say the pricing obscures surge pricing.
According to one source familiar with the jail, a blanket now partially obscures the view of the women's shower from a jailer observation station.
As you say, the Nazi template often obscures more than it helps, because it's like saying there's no genocide unless you have gas chambers.
Critics also charge that the "fake news" trope obscures the fact that the mainstream media have their own problem with false or misleading stories.
But noting the lack of a specific law obscures the fact that she ignored standard State Department procedures that everyone else understood and practiced.
To the human eye, the scarf adorns; to a computer's eye, it obscures, because of a camouflage pattern called HyperFace printed on the fabric.
That line of thinking obscures the ideological and political clashes that produced today's world — and will be necessary to change it in the future.
"First of all, the problem with step-by-step analysis is that it obscures the bigger picture," Van Gundy said in a telephone interview.
Though guaranteed to generate backlash for its personal exculpation marinated in self-pity, the piece's egotistical approach also obscures the facts of the case.
Abdallah Abu Rahmeh, a Palestinian Authority official who focuses on settlements, saw the Israeli debate as hairsplitting that obscures the depth of the occupation.
The Coens offer Mannix's day-to-day activities in the spirit of ironically light-hearted farce—one that obscures a dismal and unglamorous reality.
In other words: The quality storytelling in these instances often obscures the fact that there's little in the matter of mechanics under the surface.
The emphasis on implicit bias, though, obscures the ugly problem of overt prejudice and the institutional failures to sufficiently punish those who display it.
In a lot of cases, this only partially obscures text in ways that can be easily undone by manipulating a photo's brightness and contrast.
And what makes such a disguise possible is that it's a way of thinking that is so dominant that it obscures its own ideology.
In Charlottesville, Some Say Statue Debate Obscures a Deep Racial SplitA deep-rooted struggle for equality has weighed heavily on a shrinking black population.
But "the great danger of seeing insects anthropomorphically is that it obscures their true bugginess," which is the key to unlocking their bio-secrets.
We watch him move, with an imperious rhinocerine trudge, into the center of the frame, until he obscures our view of Thunberg almost altogether.
A cloth muzzle obscures the lower half of her face, making any protests to the guards or the judge that decides her fate impossible.
A VPN, however, obscures your browsing habits and routes your IP address through a server the VPN company provides instead of your ISP's server.
Mr. Milbank's choice to use nationwide figures obscures the degree of the defection of white working-class voters from the Democrats to Mr. Trump.
Reading Trump's latest moves — the debt deal and the peace offering on a limited amnesty — as the beginning of a strategy obscures these questions.
You know him: He's the man with the tight smile and split lip, the one whose hard talk never fully obscures his wounded soul.
In doing so, it obscures the very point that Harris made effectively in her Thursday question: These two things are far from mutually exclusive.
The phone comes with a simple soft-plastic case which completely obscures the pattern on the back, making the device look a lot less exciting.
Like creepy cardboard standups made by rabid fans, Unbreakable Mary obscures her fallibility, and Sad Mary eclipses the Mary who is capable of experiencing joy.
RIVERA: The problem with -- the problem with inflammatory remarks like Dr. Gorka&aposs attack on me just now is that it obscures the big issue.
A lot of men develop a double chin that obscures the jawline as they get older, so their cheeks sort of blend into their neck.
Grandparent cliches err on the side of wholesome in a way that totally obscures what your older relatives may have been like in their youth.
While Mr. Einhorn is correct in saying that Chewy has not been net profitable under GAAP standards, this obscures the core profitability of Chewy's business.
The warped world of travel health insurance is a competitive, profit-driven industry with loopholes, grey areas and confusing jargon that obscures what's actually covered.
He said North Korea was concealing activities on the site - a new cover obscures satellite views of the gantry tower next to the launch pad.
This global average obscures the reality of many women's lives, which can consist of six or seven or more hours of unpaid work every day.
So Obama is the sun â€" the bright center of our galaxy â€" and Trump is the moon, a dead rock that briefly obscures it?
Most media objects obscure their work from the viewer; strangely enough, I feel like the let's play obscures its work from the creators as well.
But policymakers need to recognize this simple slogan obscures the more complicated realities of global sourcing, a system from which the United States benefits greatly.
His tousled locks have grown out, all the way down to his shoulders, and he's grown a thick beard that obscures most of his face.
The narrative of the murders as being acts of random aggression obscures the reality of the crime and the reality of the two male suspects.
Harnessing the seduction of agility, it further privatizes and obscures the distribution of "charitable" funds, offering, in true technocapitalist form, no opportunity for public input.
Smoke from the blaze obscures a wide swath of the northwestern part of the state, stretching south from Paradise to just north of San Francisco.
The insistence on invoking totalitarianism obscures Ms Gessen's more insightful observations about how Russians continue to be shaped by the trauma of the Soviet past.
"Manipulation obscures motive," Prull said, and this is the problem in a nutshell: Technology may be neutral (this is debatable), but its deployment rarely is.
Most recently, Trump bemoaned during a political rally that the US is "spending 90% of NATO," an imprecise claim that obscures how NATO actually operates.
It was the first total solar eclipse, in which the moon obscures the sun by passing directly between it and Earth, since March 20, 2015.
But I also think a hyper-literal reading of those polls obscures a deeper truth: A lot of people are ideologically flexible but temperamentally conservative.
The fact that such highly varied substances are often seen as the same when it comes to public policy—and pop culture—obscures these issues.
What is important here is how we reject even immense events from our self-conception, and how time reveals and obscures our awareness of them.
Review bombing touches most industries, but in podcasting's case, the problem centers on Apple Podcasts, the medium's most popular platform that purposely obscures its algorithms.
But such rhetoric obscures the enormous importance of Medicaid, Medicare and Obamacare subsidies to economically struggling white Americans living in small cities and rural areas.
This fantastical narrative obscures the real problems facing black communities, like housing and employment discrimination, divestment from education, over-policing, depressed wages and poisoned water.
Kahn calls our environmental generational amnesia "one of the central psychological problems of our lifetime," because it obscures the magnitude of so many concrete problems.
Instead of seeing the news as a flood of minutiae, I'm preoccupied with the human moments that the grand spectacle of the big story obscures.
The media attention to full-throttle progressives among newly elected House Democrats is disproportionate to their numbers, and it sometimes obscures a sizable, practical middle.
Moriuchi's company, Recorded Future, recently released a study that showed that the Chinese government quietly and consistently obscures the real dates on which vulnerabilities were disclosed.
When justifying a divisive move or discussing a sensitive topic Mrs Merkel typically obscures differences, keeps her options open and denies her opponents new attack lines.
" Later in the comic, Kitty Pryde partially obscures a street sign that says "Jewelry" (in the comics, Pryde is Jewish), while a nearby sign reads "212.
The same goes for Captain Phasma (Gwendoline Christie), whose chrome armor obscures her physical gender — she is a villain, but through her actions, not her looks.
But humans weren't the only animals that dropped what they were doing to experience the eerie moments of totality, when the Moon fully obscures the Sun.
Seahawks-Cardinals did in fact outdraw the previous week's Sunday Night Football matchup between the Indianapolis Colts and Houston Texans — but that obscures the real story.
Punching, kicking, and choking aren't polite things to do, but the ornamentation that makes free-for-all fighting into a sustainable sport obscures that true nature.
How RISE works: It randomly obscures parts of an input image, running them through the neural network to observe how the changes affect the output weights.
A "fog of war" obscures any area of the map that the player isn't scouting, which means constantly working to see what the opponent is doing.
The wishful story about how the Internet was creating a hyper-democratic "participatory culture" obscures the ways in which it is biased in favor of power.
Moreover, that refrain obscures the difficult fact that King grew increasingly pessimistic in his final years, increasingly doubtful that history was predisposed to justice at all.
That they were so obviously right obscures how unobvious the idea was at the time, which is why Hersey had the story pretty much to himself.
What determines whether she obscures some of the cut lines with paint, while leaving  others visible, or fills in some of the lines with black paint?
This roundabout travel obscures the goods' true origin and destination, and the route often reflects the placement of compromised officials who allow for a smooth journey.
The fight over the schools, however, obscures some of the district's other pressing problems — including a declining enrollment and a projected deficit of nearly $1.5 billion.
Similarly, "The Crown" obscures Britain's role in quashing African independence movements by ignoring the rising Mau Mau rebellion during Princess Elizabeth's visit to Kenya in 1952.
Notwithstanding policing and economic discrimination, California emits a golden halo in the progressive American imagination, one that obscures the material conditions of blacks in the state.
Among other things, the total obscures outliers—and in the United States, we have a lot of outliers: They're called the superrich and the desperately poor.
Many explore the ways in which technology can create a "reality" that obscures what's actually real — or what we lie about to ourselves and to others.
It obscures the path forward even for an obviously patient-choice-centered reform such as depositing leftover health insurance tax-credit funds in an HSA. Why?
This cheery report obscures the real lesson, which is that a firm must become effectively an empty husk before the FSOC will let it go free.
But his call for civility obscures the reality that he himself has compared opponents to "historical villains" in the past, despite condemning that practice Wednesday night.
The critical issue is that exclusively focusing on jobs obscures a larger question in the debate about the liberal arts: the purpose of a university education.
Morris's ambivalence extends right to the vocal mix, which obscures her, and the arc of the melody, which gets thickened but never builds or finds resolution.
You argue that this focus on individuals like King obscures how large the black freedom struggle is and how long the fight has been going on.
Where it gets tricky, though, is cutting up a piece of the metal-and-plastic cover that obscures the mechanism even when the back panel is removed.
The full-coverage CC obscures pigmentation issues (like acne scars, the bane of any breakout-prone person's existence) and protects your face from UVA and UVB rays.
Yeo's palette is subdued, almost ominous: muddled browns, blacks, and blues dominate the foreground, while a pale gray sfumato obscures the Oval Office furniture in the background.
But activists and organizers say the focus on the futures of the three politicians obscures a larger story about the black voters who propelled them into office.
While it doesn't make you anonymous — the VPN can see your traffic, and law enforcement can request information from VPN companies — it obscures what you're doing online.
At one point in the film, renowned historian Patrick Boucheron makes a cameo, delivering a semi-improvised lecture on French liberalism and how it obscures actual liberty.
That narrow focus only obscures a broader point: The protests are an indictment of both political parties and a call to protect and preserve a threatened democracy.
Sometimes a person or a well-known company or institution wants to buy things or own assets in a way that obscures who the real buyer is.
Yet such techno-solutionism obscures the broader context of media and politics that fertilized the ground for many fake news sites to thrive, especially on the right.
Making this claim, either explicitly or implicitly, obscures the one basic, unifying fact of 4chan and Anonymous: that they change, both in terms of demographics and ideologically .
News that Italy will repatriate almost 8003 Chinese cultural artifacts obscures the country's controversial sign on to China's Belt and Road Initiative without the European Union's consultation.
Ambiguous language references the years of conflict in the country and obscures the link, even as the exhibit makes clear that the organisation has changed inhabitants' lives.
But the Putin-centric approach obscures an essential and timeless element of Russia's foreign policy, in which Putin is only the latest chapter—the pursuit of derzhavnost.
Scored live by Vorn's industrial electronic music, the stage matches the soundscape with darkness interrupted by strobing lights and a rolling fog that often obscures the performers.
Identifying an influential official as an "extremist" with ties to "hate groups"—terminology favored, ironically, by organizations like the SPLC—in some ways obscures the larger issue.
Throughout the week, the Republican National Convention has affirmed its role as the enabler of a man who, win or lose, obscures and distorts our national purpose.
He printed the archival pictures on retroreflective sheeting, a material that obscures the images except when they are struck with direct light, such as a camera flash.
Viewing the story fundamentally as a problem of race relations obscures the crucial difference between the place of Native Americans and blacks in the emerging national economy.
The hood frames a dirty look, obscures acne and anxiety, masks headphones in study hall, makes a cone of solitude that will suffice for an autonomous realm.
She obscures her monstrous behavior — making Marian and now Amma sick just so she can nurse them back to health — within the traditionally maternal rituals of caretaking.
But that obscures some important variation within the Asian-American community, which became clearer thanks to a recent and unusual Asian-Democrat-versus-Asian-Democrat congressional race.
Then, slowly, we start to see Kevin in profile, swathed in shadow, then from just outside the car window, where the reflection of sunlight obscures his details.
In terms of an ego boost, this might be accurate, but the formula is trite and elitist, and it obscures the true motivations for doing dangerous climbs.
The focus blurs on the heel of the shoe, barely revealing a few wet crystals on the shoe-back before the fog of moisture obscures the rest.
This is why using the terms "deep state" or even "permanent state" to describe what's happening in the US government right now obscures more than it informs.
The often discussed dino demise 66 million years ago obscures their 150-million-year reign, making them among the most successful creatures ever to walk the planet.
But this clear story obscures a lot of underlying variation and the narrow character of the Democratic surge, which is concentrated among young and well-educated voters.
It's an assumption that doesn't account for the many factors that contributed to Clinton's defeat, including her political baggage, and it obscures the differences between women candidates.
The unemployment rate — 4.7 percent in December — is at a postrecession low, but the figure obscures how many people are dropping out of the labor force entirely.
At the same time, Trump's management style as President has been so chaotic, so improvisational, that the daily bonfire sometimes obscures what has been put in place.
This is particularly valuable in a novel whose subject is, in part, language and how it forms us, what it lets us see and what it obscures.
Saidiya Hartman, in her powerful essay "Venus in Two Acts," similarly points out that the historian's main tool, the archive, often obscures black people's experience of slavery.
For some, policies against publishing photographs of dead American service members is a form of censorship that sanitizes war and obscures the violent consequences of military engagement.
A classic romantic comedy, with two protagonists who take an instant dislike to each other, which delays and obscures their realization that they're perfect for one another.
But there are only a small number of markets where Chinese buyers are active in large numbers, so a national average, even if accurate, obscures local trends.
An inside wall, which obscures a hollow space below the floating saucer, will retract to reveal the product demonstration room, according to someone with knowledge of the design.
But Iowa's demographic homogeneity obscures considerable political diversity, and the results tonight will give a strong sense of the political coalitions of the major candidates — and their shortcomings.
Although it is alarming to see an American president dominated by a Russian leader in the way Trump is being played by Putin, no mystery obscures this relationship.
While Snap and Facebook encourage you and a friend to transmogrify yourselves into something barely recognizable, this AR app obscures you completely, turning your surroundings into collage art.
"I just said be careful where there's alcohol, and the reason why I worry about that is, it obscures the ability of people to seek justice," Kasich said.
And the thing is it doesn't matter which you choose, since your stuff will be protected fine either way and neither opens up or obscures any extra space.
But that obscures a truth about the $68 trillion stock market: For nearly everyone outside of a few giant U.S. players, equities trading is a money-losing affair.
Stacking the Deck with Digital Tools Focusing on intentionality obscures the collective damage everyday people can do when they use social media in socially and technologically-prescribed ways.
Chang said that many photos cannot be removed from their albums without damaging them, and the albums create glare that obscures the photo that you're trying to capture.
But this obscures a more foundational question, one that seems to be at the heart of the non-Islamic world's anxiety about this great religion: What is Islam?
Net neutrality proponents have complained that disregarding the process obscures the voices of Americans who can't take meetings with FCC commissioners in the way powerful telecom lobbyists can.
The media coverage of Trump's announcements both obscures the roll of the rule of law in setting policy and eventually increases frustration among the public when nothing changes.
In fact, Trump obscures at least $304 million of the revenue he reported from his private assets, including real estate, in 96 different LLCs, according to the Journal.
This triumphant narrative obscures the early failures in reporting cases, squandered time that could have been used to slow infections in China before they exploded into a pandemic.
There's a sense of loss running through Rifkin's tours — on Ludlow Street, a hotel parking lot obscures the former location of the music and comedy club Luna Lounge.
The current focus on North Korea's growing arsenal obscures the fact that the most likely trigger for a nuclear exchange could be the conflict between India and Pakistan.
It also obscures what would otherwise be a remarkable outcome for the DRC: the peaceful transfer of power, the first since the country's independence from Belgium in 1960.
But the Portal Bridge's modest profile obscures its vital role: It is a main rail link between New York City and most of the rest of the country.
His complexity defense falls apart because it obscures, not answers, the question of what you're supposed to do when something immoral is legal or something immoral is legal.
The ad obscures his face, but if you know what he looks like — in a Speedo — and the inside of his old apartment, there is no mistaking him.
Moreover, all of this talk of recounts and election rigging obscures the more important fact about our elections: We impose too many obstacles on voters for no good reason.
The girls were asked to chose their own filters to disguise their identity, both opting for the fire-breathing dragon filter — arguably the filter the obscures faces the most.
McNamara told BuzzFeed News that the thieves transferred bitcoin into another virtual currency called Monero, which obscures payment details, in order to further conceal the path of the funds.
But to assess it, you'd want to know what kind of return they are earning on their longer-standing investments — information that their financial metric obscures rather than illuminating.
North Korea was concealing activities on the site through construction of new buildings and a cover that obscures satellite views of the gantry tower next to the launch pad.
When the present obscures the future and undermines the past, artists are diplomats between the world that was, the world that is and the world that is to be.
Much of the ensuing praise, though, has so far focused on her gender — which is unfortunate, because it obscures what was truly significant about her career as an architect.
Trump loves to talk about his Electoral College landslide, partly because it obscures his shellacking in the national popular vote and partly because it was a genuinely impressive victory.
At the 1:50 mark, as the ambulance with the injured solider pulls away, a second ambulance obscures the second attacker from the camera and a shot rings out.
He's nearly entombed in facial makeup that obscures his own physiognomy — an actor's landscape — while bringing to life Lyndon B. Johnson, a transitional, still-contentious figure of fascinating contradictions.
But this focus on nuclear weapons and China's trade war with the United States obscures the real significance of Mr. Xi's trip, and it mistakes his weakness for strength.
The idea is that what often appear to be deep divisions are really just products of people living in echo chambers, and that this amplifies differences and obscures commonalities.
But China's narrative about its success in taming the virus obscures early failures to report cases — and squandered time that could have been used to prevent a broader outbreak.
This latest proposal obscures its harmful effects with legalese that draws dubious distinctions between certain streams even though pollution flows downstream regardless of the legal terminology the agency deploys.
Such intense radiation should appear brighter than it does in the spectral data, but the black hole is pulling in material that probably obscures the light from our view.
Although the angle of the photo obscures our vision to the majority of the shelves and hanging areas, two shelves lined with dark purses and clutches are partially visible.
Although we live in the Milky Way, it can be difficult to study because of gas and dust that obscures the view from our vantage point in the galaxy.
Even Trump's call for prioritizing economically based immigration over family reunification obscures the central implication of his proposal -- which is to severely reduce the total number of legal immigrants.
"Perfect Devotion Six" (2006) also documents wild animals in captivity, although instead of placing the viewer at the center, it suspends the perspective overhead and obscures the animals' boundaries.
But to scrutinize Lear's loud, angry side obscures its profound exploration of mortality, social collapse, and family dysfunction — all the things that make the play one of Shakespeare's most sublime.
For those captivated by the fantasy, the mental image of a platinum record can apparently shine so brightly that it obscures the most important aspect of a song: powerful pipes.
By framing itself as a force for good and remedy for a broken lending system, Bosley said, Givling further obscures the risk and reward trade-off players should be considering.
Some who have lived with HIV for years said the fact that it can be managed obscures the health complications that can arise from both the virus and its medication.
While this may be true in some sense, we believe it also obscures the underlying issue — monetary policy intervention is not always the best remedy for an ailing global economy.
She then poses dramatically and obscures her sisters from view ("Oh, come on," Kendall groans), and then Kylie steps aside and yanks the backdrop down—just like 10 years ago.
But the controversy stirred by that show and the guilty verdict against Bill Cosby are reminders that the comfort associated with nostalgia obscures the baggage that can go with it.
And the narrative that Pressley's victory is a harbinger of a progressive ascendancy within the bluest state's Democratic Party obscures the truth about the results of last week's primary election.
But this obscures the fact that the lunatic is also a pathological liar of a kind and quality that we have not seen in recent presidential politics and perhaps ever.
The musical's misleading portrayal of Hamilton as a "scrappy and hungry" man of the people obscures his loathing of the egalitarian tendencies of the revolutionary era in which he lived.
It's like the difference between stargazing in New York City and stargazing in the middle of the desert—in the city light pollution obscures almost all of the good stuff.
No team — besides the Los Angeles Dodgers — spends like the Yankees, but their payroll obscures the smaller deals that have also helped them to 23 winning seasons in a row.
But focusing on the problems obscures the overwhelming reality: The Affordable Care is popular, it is working, and on every dimension that voters care about, it outperforms the Republican alternatives.
Enacting deficit-financed tax cuts allows policymakers to avoid the need to specify spending cuts or tax increases to pay for them and thus obscures the costs of the proposal.
The attraction obscures her view of the ocean, literalizing already narrow horizons, and casts deep, expressionistic blue and red light on the apartment's dilapidated interior and its equally worn inhabitants.
The focus on who voted for Trump obscures the question of who didn't vote for Clinton — but given turnout numbers, that seems like it might be the more relevant question.
Cruz is a full-time D.H. now, yet that role — and his most famous chance in the field — obscures the athleticism that gave him a career in the first place.
Most people living near or in urban areas can't see many stars because city lights cast a glowing haze that obscures the view of all but the brightest of stars.
While this approach makes for an engrossing and powerfully disturbing reading experience, it obscures Sigourney as a character, and occasionally makes it difficult to reconcile her voice with her behavior.
But the razor's edge separating Conor Lamb from Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania's 18th district last week — a mere 627 votes out of the almost 230,000 cast — obscures an important story.
But "election hacking" and "brainwashing" share an aura of dark magic that obscures the precise mechanics believed to be at work in shaping the thoughts and actions of freethinking adults.
Since the record time represents an average, it obscures the fact that I watched Gury and his team get their drone to a seriously impressive top speed of 179 mph.
Ford has ambitiously structured the film on three overlapping planes, centering on Susan (Amy Adams), a wealthy art-gallery owner, whose outwardly glamorous life obscures a terribly unhappy and loveless marriage.
Bitcoin obscures the identity of currency owners, but the "blockchain", the ledger that keeps track of all the coins, is open and can be analysed to see the flows of funds.
This is a deeply cynical move, one that obscures the role of the parliament in approving the creation of the Vichy State after France surrendered to Nazi Germany in May 1940.
Because when AI is pushed as the complex logic of advanced machines, it obscures the human hands guiding it and suddenly, conveniently, there's no person to blame when something goes wrong.
But this view obscures our moral collusion with fear: how we construe our interests, how we legitimize the power that threatens those interests, how we choose to respond to that power.
This last group is crowded together in a place where construction dust obscures the tops of neon-lit buildings and workers toil "for rewards as thin as the wings of cicadas".
A provocative headline—"Teflon Don Confounds Democrats"—obscures what's basically a banal argument: No election is a sure thing and revving up the base sometimes backfires when making a broader appeal.
The thick gas layer obscures its surface, but the European Space Agency's Huygens probe was able to sneak a peak in 2005 after NASA's Cassini spacecraft delivered it to the moon.
"While TLS obscures the plaintext, it also introduces a complex set of observable parameters that allow many inferences to be made about both the client and the server," the paper reads.
The deeply embedded cultural idea of an open road obscures the fact that the government has heavily subsidized driving and hides the reality of who pays for it, our reporter writes.
But China's triumphant narrative about its success so far in taming the outbreak obscures early failures to report cases — and squandered time that could have been used to prevent a pandemic.
As with their private jet–aided appeals to lower emissions, the 1 percent's virtue signaling about social distancing during this outbreak obscures the fact that they've helped make the crisis worse.
Yet the sales growth also obscures a deeper crisis for carmakers such as General Motors: their margins are imploding as rental companies gobble up more and more cars at discounted prices.
In laptop-style use, for example, the keyboard obscures the task bar with no way to pin it to the bottom of the "top screen" where you'd expect it to be.
The buildup of the prison and foster care systems as state responses to social insecurity obscures the need for social change while further monitoring, disrupting and punishing poor families of color.
At the same time, criticism of her is so sweeping and excessive that it obscures the considerable obstacles she and her government face, and the complex realities of post-authoritarian Myanmar.
So in campaigning so explicitly as the inheritor of Obama's mantle, he obscures both his distinct strengths and his weaknesses, and confuses voters about the kind of president he would be.
The observations were possible because instruments on the telescope are sensitive to infrared light and can see the galactic center through the haze of dust that normally obscures it from view.
Tonight, though, the fog obscures the tower and catches the lights, and just for a moment I am taken aback because, through the window, it looks like the church is burning.
That means making billing information obvious, not trying to obscure it by placing gray text on a white background, for example, and not using a fee structure that obscures the true cost.
The temporary truce between the White House and Trump and his Republican Party however obscures the deep shock, and disquiet about Trump and his temperament inside the White House and among Democrats.
In eschewing claims to an unmediated reality, Synonyms reveals truths about French society often masked by reality itself, while Young Ahmed obscures crucial systemic injustices in Belgium under the guise of realism.
To a certain extent, more detail is a good thing, but in some cases the amount of geographical detail actually obscures useful pieces of information, like in this section of rural California.
Yet although it is true that such services have indeed been vectors in the epidemic of deadly rumour, the focus on their role obscures other factors of equal or perhaps greater importance.
For Chinese from cities where pollution obscures the sky, a big lure is stargazing in the Aoraki/Mount Cook region on South Island, part of the world's biggest "international dark sky reserve".
Just as the commodity form obscures the production process—you don't see labor exploitation when you buy a product, you just see the iPad or whatever—lulz fetishism flattens everything into teasing.
The average effect on income obscures some specific losers from the policy who would fall back below the poverty line in greater numbers than beneficiaries from the policy would climb above it.
A billowing form of what appears to be glossy black insulation foam rises from the nest and obscures a large swath of the state in an approximation of a toxic smoke cloud.
We might be numb to so many attacks on so many groups so often that it obscures how President Trump has torched virtually every institution that could one day hold him accountable.
From afar, a crowded craps table obscures the happenings on its sunken field of play in a way that lends it a certain dark mystique — it almost looks like a cockfighting ring.
In others, Bloom's recreated screen entirely obscures the view of the little print it is adapted from — the viewer has to walk up close and look behind it to find the original.
A quick refresher for the astronomy-challenged: During a total solar eclipse, the moon passes between Earth and the sun, aligning so perfectly that it entirely obscures our view of the star.
I just think there's too many of them, and it obscures what is a really interesting trend, which is micromobility versus these crazy valuations and the safety issues and the execution issues.
Importantly, greenfield development obscures the larger IoT opportunity, which lies in legacy systems, products, facilities and infrastructures that have been tried and tested for years and are built to last many more.
Yet that optimism also obscures practical and political challenges Democrats are likely to face, some of which oddly resemble the obstacles that Republicans failed to overcome with their repeal push last year.
As our window into a world lost to violence, Suzu gives us the chance to see rabbits in rivers, though her rosy view obscures history's shadows with a preponderance of golden light.
The instinct of liberals to "self-soothe by performing our opposition," by liking Instagram photos of a political "paradise lost," obscures and distracts from the current political reality, according to Ms. Waldman.
They know their season can be considered a success only if they break through when it matters most — a fact that obscures how well they have played to annually have the chance.
The raging debate among Democrats about whether to support candidates whose views on abortion differ from the national platform obscures a crucial fact: There simply aren't that many "pro-life" Democrats left.
This approach has the virtue of transparency and ease of use, but it obscures what many veteran investors view as important severe pullbacks since 2009 that reset market valuation and risk appetites.
Set against the major tragedies of the last two decades, the film advances a theory of pop music as a shield that both protects and obscures the horrors of the modern world.
By averaging out the impact of a developed-world child into one single figure, the study obscures the single most salient fact about individual carbon emissions, namely that wealthy people produce way more.
Her tweet really was troubling, but the reaction to it has devolved into a partisan fight by bad-faith actors that obscures the reality of how anti-Semitism works in the United States.
The "lone wolf" image obscures the extent to which individuals become radicalized through personal association with like-minded people, in what might be termed "wolf dens," experts on radicalization and counter-terrorism say.
It's a tactic that's been used time and time again in cases related to sexual assault accusations even as it obscures the impact of the alleged acts on the specific women speaking out.
As I've mentioned in this column before, I had a kind of stroke of the optic nerve behind my right eye two years ago; ever since, a dappled, impenetrable fog obscures its vision.
CNN compared Zinke's public calendar with emails between the Interior chief and his scheduler, and found more than a dozen times when the calendar does not include or obscures details about his meetings.
Insurers and others say that lower figure obscures the larger price increases in specific areas like cancer treatment, where less competition exists and it is more difficult to pit manufacturers against one another.
This sort of language confuses the issue and obscures a central fact: All of these corporations are owned by shareholders who should, in theory, reap the benefits of a lower corporate tax bill.
The way it's displayed obscures the fact that this painting is both a great work by a major artist and a gag that would have fit right into The New Yorker of 1952.
Such talent grabs are an acknowledgment that Goldman's overall strength—it is first in mergers and acquisitions and top three in stock sales—obscures some subsectors where it trails rivals, the Journal says.
But the prevailing preoccupation with defense issues obscures a truly notable feature of Mr. Moon's visit: the group of business leaders he brought along, including from Samsung and South Korea's other major conglomerates.
The reflection suggest that the water is deadly, either because it obscures some treachery below, or because the water itself has turned toxic, poisoning her body as she tries to move to safety.
This makes the myth that slavery had no lasting impact extremely consequential — denying the persistence and existence of white supremacy obscures the root causes of the problems that continue to plague African Americans.
Amplification—the process of spreading content through sharing, remixing, and reposting—often obscures a text's origins even further, making it even more difficult to know when something was created, why, and by whom.
This self-righteous West, Mishra argues, obscures its "own bloody extraordinarily brutal initiation into political and economic modernity," as it arrogantly presses the rest of the world to make that same difficult progression.
The immediacy and starkness of the contrast between the candidates obscures the historical realignment hinted at in their own biographies: she used to be a Republican and he used to be a Democrat.
National coverage presents a big picture, but what we are learning here is that the big picture obscures its own truth, for it is actually made up of many contrasting points of view.
Companionship is also at the core of "Non Solus," at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, where a curtain of sorts obscures the stage of the Howard Gilman Opera House before the show begins.
That average, however, obscures the significant savings some people will see if they have extremely high drug costs: Some could save about 30 percent on their out-of-pocket costs, the administration estimated.
At one point, McVeigh is described as an antigovernment extremist, but even this obscures the depth of his white supremacist, nativist and anti-Semitic ideology and commitment to revolutionary violence against the state.
At the edges of life, we see human beings in conditions that our agency as adults obscures, but which often mark significant swaths of our mature lives: dependency and need, isolation and invisibility.
All this suggests that graphing data, simplifying it and making it easy to understand and fun to play with has some serious problems: It oversimplifies, obscures and makes real insights harder to come by.
Still, to focus on the politics of gun control obscures the central point, which is putting very human faces on what can easily become statistics in an age of instant reporting about such atrocities.
"North Korea's decommissioning of the Sohae satellite launch facility, while gaining much media attention, obscures the military threat to U.S. forces and South Korea from this and other undeclared ballistic missile bases," Bermudez said.
"#IWasGoingCrazy," Taylor wrote, adding that Pusha-T, who was sitting next to her at the Yeezy show, was laughing at her (which you can't see, as Wintour's bob obscures the hip hop artist's expression).
Instead, what follows is a description of Thurman's experiences with Tarantino, who directed her in Pulp Fiction and two Kill Bill movies, and with Weinstein, who produced them, that obscures more than it reveals.
In an age when partisanship often obscures the facts and when a President and his media allies feel emboldened to traffic in falsehoods, the leakers could well be seen as performing a public service.
Sipes falls to the ground, and others seem to join in on the lopsided attack, though it's hard to tell how many and what they were doing since the opened door obscures the view.
Narasimhan, echoing arguments of many large drugmakers, said the existing system obscures the true price of drugs and leaves patients on the hook, in the form of higher co-pays, or co-insurance payments.
There's a powerful impulse to absolve them of that choice, to blame it on someone or something else, but doing so obscures the reasons it was made and confuses our attempts to move forward.
To remember that so many people are waiting and ready to help provides its own sort of comfort, even when it obscures the grim reality of why it's even necessary in the first place.
"North Korea's decommissioning of the Sohae satellite launch facility, while gaining much media attention, obscures the military threat to U.S. forces and South Korea from this and other undeclared ballistic missile bases," it said.
One of the artist's signature female nudes, with a gigantic costume jewelry necklace, a green stocking and blue one, and a confident half-smile, stands in front of and partially obscures a nude man.
In one series, she poses a female model with a severe expression against different colored backdrops and then partially obscures her with other photographs, as if documenting the model's reaction to her own objectification.
Those who have driven the Central Valley's Highway 99 have probably seen the white scrim that often obscures the Sierra Nevada, a nasty blend of pollutants from tractor-trailers, farm equipment, pesticides and more.
She adds: A quick refresher for the astronomy-challenged: During a total solar eclipse, the moon passes between Earth and the sun, aligning so perfectly that it entirely obscures our view of the star.
Iowa Democrats and some frustrated DNC members argue that the focus on Price obscures the role the DNC played in the caucus process, including its awareness of and involvement in securing the faulty app.
Our tendency to read the impeachment power in an overly legalistic way, which is ratified by 230 years of excessive timidity about its use, obscures the political rather than juridical nature of the device.
I was much more invested in Kihrin's human problems than I was in the sweeping, celestial aspects of the world-building, and embedding those problems within decades' worth of divine lineage obscures their impact.
By selling the idea that there is some purity to poverty and obscurity, Safer obscures the structures that create such societal problems, while sprinkling them with artificial sweetener so they become easier to swallow.
But to call Trump's "grab 'em by the pussy" comments "lewd," and to only apologize for lewdness, once again conflates sex with sexual assault — and obscures the reasons why sexual assault is morally wrong.
This dusty, lateral work partially conceals, and so obscures, the clarity of the battling images that make up the dialogue in the male/female bifurcated narrative of Duchamp's sculpture "The Large Glass" (1915–23).
The standout feature is the "hidden time" design, where the face offers a gradient pattern that serves as the hour hand, which cleverly obscures the upcoming hours through a simple white-on-white optical illusion.
Yes, but: Excessive focus on the distant self-driving future obscures how the same types of technology that will make it possible, such as computer vision and machine learning, are already improving road safety today.
But according it more significance than any of the others this week, which also ripped apart communities and lives, obscures the scale and contours of America's mass shooting epidemic—and does a disservice to victims.
The partisan vitriol in our environment makes it difficult for either side to find common ground and obscures a larger issue we should all be able to agree on—protecting our fellow Americans from attack.
Ms. Margalit's attack obscures the real story: A longstanding media monopoly in Israel with one-sided views seeks to shut out alternative voices by stifling market competition that would give choices to viewers and readers.
The Justice Department has provided the committee some of the underlying evidence related to potential obstruction and has allowed lawmakers to view a less-redacted version of the report, which still obscures grand jury material.
The debate over escalating tariffs on Chinese imports — and who ultimately pays them — obscures the strategic scope of U.S. trade negotiations aimed at restructuring global supply chains to create jobs and lower prices for consumers.
But what this obscures is just how ineffectual these senators have been over the past eleven months, even though a slim two-vote majority in the upper chamber gives them a great deal of power.
A grim new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about spiking US suicide rates obscures the role guns often play in the deaths, according to a prominent public health policy expert.
But the relentlessness of the group's success obscures the fact that it's on the cusp of two key transitions: a decreasing reliance on hip-hop and an increasing flirtation with high-profile English-language collaborators.
It became concerning to learn that the artist relied so heavily on the New York Times article, which obscures the criminalized and vulnerable conditions of migrant care laborers to tell a sensationalist sex worker story.
The case hinges on a technical question about Congress' authority, but this debate obscures a more fundamental question: should health itself be a constitutional right in the U.S. - and would it matter if it were?
"The comparison obscures the extremely active roles that the platforms themselves have in shaping and generating conversation," Becca Lewis, who researches networks of far right influencers on social media for the nonprofit Data & Society, said.
The idea that a thin body is a healthy body is persistently harmful, no matter what pops up when you step on the scale, because it obscures real health problems that aren't tied to weight.
"A majority of New Yorkers don't own cars — we're getting around the city in various other ways — and in certain neighborhoods, the built environment obscures everything that is not car-related," said Mr. Sisson, 30.
By omitting this crucial data, Facebook's cheerful, easy-to-read diversity report fails to truly increase transparency or company accountability—and obscures information that could provide real insights into how minorities fare in the tech world.
Although the Pew Research Center reports that similar numbers of Muslim and Christian refugees entered the US in 2016, their presentation of worldwide statistics rather than regional obscures the discrimination against Christians in the Middle East.
And just as the bright modernity of the party in 1989 obscured some of the darker traits of Hungarian society (which Mr Orban has since harnessed and indulged), so the party today obscures the better traits.
But since Bandersnatch is in part trying to capture the nightmare of a creative career, it's worth pointing out that the big, messy drama obscures some of the more relatable, meaningful miseries of being a creator.
As Siders notes, suggesting that Brown had any influence over Harris's professional ascent obscures the fact that he broadly exerted the same influence over numerous politicians in the region, given his wide-ranging position of power.
But yeah, it seems like a good kind of picture of Dirty Projection as well, in that like a bubble like that, like a cloud is like a dream, but then it also, like… it obscures.
"My concern for potential recipients is that the promotion of uterus transplantation as a form of reproductive technology obscures what it really is — an organ transplant," said medical ethicist Ruby Catsanos of Macquarie University in Sydney.
During a gentle C-section, moms can see their babies being born, which was impossible via a standard procedure, which often occurs in a sterile setting and obscures the process from the mother via a curtain.
Such confusion, however obscures a very important, simple point: The debate over net neutrality is a debate over not only what our digital future should look like, but the general direction of the country going forward.
"North Korea's decommissioning of the Sohae satellite launch facility, while gaining much media attention, obscures the military threat to U.S. forces and South Korea from this and other undeclared ballistic missile bases," the report said. Surprising?
This torrent of commentary (most of it silly, including competing, furious arguments about how people described anal sex in 1982) obscures an important development: The sexual-assault claims against Kavanaugh are in a state of collapse.
It seems like the big vagenda, the overarching theme in the book, is exposing all the ways the patriarchy obscures information about women's bodies or leads to a failure to investigate basic things about women's bodies.
By focusing on default as the single measure of student debt burden, David Leonhardt obscures the way student debt affects borrowers who are lucky enough to have the earnings — or the family support — to avoid default.
In one photograph, Van Der Zee (Davis tells me she simply looked him up in the phone book) holds a violin, emanating a great tenderness that almost — but not quite — obscures the strain in his eyes.
Sanders helped start Our Revolution four years ago, and his close ties to the nonprofit, which partially obscures donors, has raised legal concerns, although so far it appears to have spent relatively little on this race.
As with McBride's voice-over, which Pitt delivers in intimate tones — like a lover or penitent whispering confidences in your ear — the helmet alternately reveals and obscures the character, putting the narrative dynamic into visual terms.
What's more, Yoo's intellectual sleight of hand partly obscures another important and urgent truth: The Founding generation feared that America might be drawn into European affairs and that foreign powers might try to influence American politics.
The eclipse — officially called an annular solar eclipse, in which the new moon passes in front of and partly obscures the sun, leaving a ring of light around its edges — began to appear on Thursday afternoon.
For his part, Yang said Monday the "model minority myth obscures the vast diversity in the Asian-American community," and that he doesn't think anyone believes his "offhand remarks" reflect the viewpoints of every Asian person.
No matter how much one presents ugly casualty statistics or footage of civilian suffering, the documentary's insistence on pulling any punch that might make America look too bad obscures the full horror of the history in question.
"Although the origin of gigantism in sauropodomorphs was a pivotal stage in the history of dinosaurs, an incomplete fossil record obscures details of this crucial evolutionary change," Dr. Apaldetti and the other researchers explain in the study.
Yet some parties remained unconvinced that the language in question obscures the fact that eliminating jobs is still a human decision, and one very often made by executives with an eye to cutting costs and growing profits.
It also obscures the fact that many of the employed are struggling: working two or even three jobs and still forced to rely on public assistance to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.
The flurry of activity on Capitol Hill in the past week obscures the extent to which the repeal process will be long, and will have the potential to starve itself of oxygen long before it is complete.
More to the point, focusing so intently on universal pre-K obscures the fact that most pre-K (and K-85033) programs still require a lot of improvements when it comes to curriculum, assessment, and effective instruction.
Nothing he's released since has come close to the success of that gentle lullaby, but that's a loud narrative that obscures the more interesting quiet one, which is that Passenger is a sturdy and reliable album artist.
Indeed, although the audience will come away from the movie with considerable knowledge about how to mount a bordering-on-illegal gambling enterprise, that somewhat obscures how relatively little they learn about Bloom away from the tables.
It is challenging to situate Black Lives Matter in the context only of civil rights as it relates to King because it obscures a rich history of social change that happened around King and also after King.
While I understand that impulse, it too often obscures movies and TV shows until they're barely visible behind whatever outrage and controversy might be spun up around them — even if they're directed by a visionary Chinese director.
The resolution, which is nonbinding, came after the failure of proposals that called for a ban on immigration from countries with Sharia, or Islamic law, and another that sought the prohibition of clothing that obscures the face.
The notion that there are two opposing sides obscures a large middle ground occupied by up to one-quarter of parents, who believe in vaccinating their children but, like the Imamuras, choose to do so more gradually.
When tensions boil over, it's meant to be ammunition for a culture war But we know, as filmmakers long have, that footage doesn't convey the objective reality of a situation; it reveals certain things and obscures others.
Most of them features circular products that the specific companies want you to think about when you put on those glossy eclipse glasses and stare up at the sky, as the circular moon slowly obscures the circular sun.
Stanfield's version of the character dons all-black attire, complete with a bandana that obscures his mouth throughout most of the film, whereas the original L sports a plain white shirt with baggy jeans and often forgoes shoes.
This rhetoric dangerously obscures work done over the last two years by Black Lives Matter activists to highlight the hierarchy of life and death in America, one demarcated by stark divisions across race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.
The hanging runs the gamut, from conventionally discrete distances between paintings, to a salon-style arrangement around a bench, to a frieze of  panels based on clock faces, to a grid of works that another wall partially obscures.
What the simple dichotomy between good rich people and bad rich people obscures is that even if wealthy people aren't spending as much money as they could be, they're still spending far more money than the average person.
"Like any authoritarian, Trump undermines institutions, obscures the truth & promotes himself as its ultimate source," McMullin wrote on Twitter, citing Trump's comments on New Year's Eve that he knows "things that other people don't know," about Russian hacking.
But in text-based works like "Xenos III" and "Spazio Immergente," Mr. Furrer employs instruments in a way that obscures communication, blurring the line between text and music until words fall apart into a loose pile of sounds.
This reaction obscures the lived reality of many Palestinians by effectively diverting domestic and international attention away from being able to understand their motives for protesting, which predate and go beyond the concerns of any one political faction.
BIC CAMERA, a Japanese electronics retailer, accepts payments in so many ways that the list nearly obscures the till: credit, debit and pre-paid cards; mobile wallets; ApplePay and Alipay; and, in some stores since April, bitcoin too.
Vengeance is a bad idea only inasmuch as it misses or obscures an opportunity for understanding, not in the peace-and-love sense of getting along, but the literal one of knowing exactly what went on and why.
This glitch aside, "Budhia Singh - Born to Run" is an honest and sincere attempt at a sports biopic - a rarity in Bollywood, which tends towards melodrama and obscures reality even when it comes to telling real-life stories.
But as the show's coverage shifts to an advisory session for Trump, these kinds of arguments have decreased: One consequence of covering these stories with suggestions to Trump is that often it obscures what the real story is.
Proponents of using free markets in healthcare argue that insurance obscures the true costs of medical services provided by doctors, and that patients and doctors could naturally find a much lower, mutually-agreed upon price if left alone.
But that lens conveniently obscures the fact that the most independent among them routinely — and publicly, and loudly — disagree with any heavy-handed policing and ham-handed ownership decisions that trouble them as the league's self-perceived conscience.
To cast the DACA immigration debate as something other than 100-proof cultural identity politics sows confusion, obscures the urgency of our duty to protect vulnerable Americans, and strengthens the hand of the side that knows what it's doing.
The only reasons their losses are contained is that gerrymandering and geography have tilted the map in their favor, and so, like Trump himself, the share of power they win obscures how badly they lag Democrats in vote totals.
Their celebrity often obscures the work—humbler, less heroic, but often no less essential to the maintenance of a life—performed by those organs only doctors know about: the body's back-up players, pulsing and pumping in relative obscurity.
But by rendering Emmett Till's face in energetic, slashing brushstrokes, and slashing and manipulating the canvas so that it becomes unrecognizable as anything but an abstract painting, Schutz obscures what the boy's mother wanted to remain visible and untouched.
The video wraps around the notch, and yes, the notch technically obscures a part of the video and gets in the way of the experience, but it also emphasizes the fact that the screen is just so damn big.
Creative team Hélène Jeudy and Antoine Caëcke created the music video, and were inspired by Japanese animated films such as Ghost in the Shell and Akira, and by Belgian comic Les Cités obscures by François Schuiten and Benoît Peeters.
They routinely decry the party's alleged abandonment of the "working class"—a broad-brush indictment that obscures the wide support Trump drew from whites of all classes, as well as Hillary Clinton's plurality of support from working-class Americans.
When you think about all that fundamental stuff—some ancient and shared with other mammals and distant ancestors, some idiosyncratic and new—consciousness can seem like a merely surface phenomenon, a user interface that obscures the real works below.
It's the same stereotype that makes it hard to prove rape cases -- there's often a subtle or not-so-subtle suggestion that an accuser could ruin the life of the accused that obscures what he's actually accused of doing.
Trump gives the military the authority to reset a confusing system of troop limits in Iraq and Syria that critics say allows the White House to micro-manage battlefield decisions and ultimately obscures the real number of U.S. forces.
And as construction moves ahead on Mexico's grandest infrastructure project in decades, the much-heralded environmental protection effort is still so devoid of detail, critics say, that it raises questions of credibility and actually obscures the risk of flooding.
McConnell's efforts to tie a set of red-state victories to voter discontent over the handling of the Kavanaugh confirmation obscures the fact that Democrats were on track to lose in several of these states before the Kavanaugh saga.
Hirai often sculpts her bowls and plates from a roughly textured, almost black clay — impure in contrast to lighter versions like porcelain — and coats it with a thick snowy-colored crackled substance that almost obscures the vessel's shadowy exterior.
The chocolate bunny -- or perhaps rabbit -- in the photo's foreground obscures what is likely an actual journalist conducting a television interview with Trump Jr. President Trump's eldest son appreciated the joke, retweeting Rush's photo and adding his own quip.
The drama obscures the fact that Rogan's support is evidence for the theory of the Sanders campaign, which is that he can pull in unconventional voters — a goal that all liberal activists should share but too often do not.
JAKARTA (Reuters) - While smoke from forest fires in Indonesia often simply obscures visibility with a choking haze, parts of Sumatra island recently witnessed blood red skies due to the interaction of sunlight on particles from smoke in the air.
Yet it obscures the basic fact that the most significant aspect of Wilds's story — that Syed showed him Lee's body, and Wilds then helped bury her — has remained consistent through multiple tellings, despite other details changing over the years.
"Because of the washed-out flash photography, old furniture, and wallpaper you often see, and grainy film quality which obscures the image in fun ways," many of the images take Fio back to a time before the internet even existed.
Changes are made up at the top of the screen too: You can still see if you have notifications and messages, but a big blue blob obscures whatever number was there, so you might have one notification or a hundred.
The stereotype of black men as sexual aggressors against white women was often used as one of the main excuses to subjugate blacks—it also obscures the actual history of rape in America slavery, once a routine practice in this country.
In other drawings in ink on paper or paperboard, Nishimura obscures faces or body parts in thickets of dense, wiry lines, or he depicts mysterious, toothy creatures that appear to emerge from a common body or share a common tail.
For a technophile, his office is notably analog: a mountain of paper on his desk obscures an Economist and a copy of James Comey's A Higher Loyalty, and on display are books by his father, the journalist Peter H. Wyden.
But refugee groups and women's rights groups are at pains to point out that rape and sexual assault is not just an immigration issue—and that conflating the two dangerously obscures the true nature of gender-based violence in the country.
I also find mislabeled "spoiler" warnings humorous at times when it obscures keyword matches for "tiny hands" (spoiler: tiny gloves), and "Make America great again" (spoiler: it's already better than the days of genocide, slavery, dust bowls, and detention camps).
The collective worry found in headline portrayalsof college-educated millennials returning home after school after having a hard time making it on their own obscures some serious issues of inequality, education, and job opportunities impacting a significant number of young Americans.
But the major takeaways are these:WeWork's internal accounting is very complicated;it obscures what's going on inside the company;the company carries a lot of debt;but there are signs of hope at buildings that have grown into mature businesses.
More From Vox:Congressional Republicans are helping Trump with a big cover-upThe Manafort indictment is a historic test for American democracy "A giant fog machine": how right-wing media obscures Mueller and other inconvenient stories But it's not just Ryan.
It's time to reframe mass shootings as a national security issue, and not a "mental health" issue, which makes it an anomalous act of a disturbed individual, or a "public health" issue, which obscures the defining attributes of the attack.
" Columbus XX wrote that blaming his ancestor for everything that went wrong when two cultures met for the first time in 1492 "hides the truth about him" and "obscures the great things that the countries of the American hemisphere have accomplished.
Dafoe leaves his on, though: It's a big, bulky metal helmet that obscures his whole face, confining most of his emotion to stiff head movements and what you can see of his mouth in the shadow of the helmet's static maw.
The problem is that the "just" framing (just joking, just a meme on the internet, just a new kind of hazing ritual) posits what we describe in our work as a fetishized gaze, one that obscures everything but the joke itself.
However, "the abortion debate," as it's often called, isn't just ideological, and much of the hand-wringing about accepting "pro-life" Democrats obscures that fact—as though indulging people who say abortion should be illegal won't have terrifying policy repercussions.
Like the duo that came before, the new unit has a peripheral rotor, a feature the company trades on because it brings the benefits of an automatic without the hazards of a rotor that obscures 50 percent of the movement.
Up a steep, verdant incline and through a fragile, low wooden gate is Suter's working studio — a light-filled space with screen doors that open onto a deck overlooking the thicket of plants that now obscures her view of the lake.
Price has been the focus of much of the criticism, but Iowa Democrats and some frustrated DNC members argue that the focus on Price obscures the role the DNC played in the caucus process, including its knowledge of the app.
"The larger point, which comparisons to the rest of the state obscures, is that these are serious disparities," said Joseph E. Kennedy, a law professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and expert in criminal justice racial disparities.
The obsessive focus on a handful of overeager college organizers and professors is a mistake; it obscures the undeniable fact that organization around group identity has helped create a number of vital political movements that are defending liberalism's central component parts.
But the artworks actually work to quell those anxieties, infused with a very human romanticism that warms their emotionless utility, normalizes their presence in an art space, and ultimately obscures how they are actually used — and, more importantly, by whom.
McConnell has repeatedly put the onus on Democrats and Trump throughout shutdown talks, but as Slate's William Saletan writes, that approach obscures the power of the Senate Republican majority to back Democrats' existing spending bills and put pressure on the president.
By tapping into a decades-old racial paranoia of foreigners weakening the citizenry, Ubl not only redirects attention from drug makers' price-gouging, he obscures the pharmaceutical industry's role in creating the greatest counterfeit drug crisis that exists today—the opioid crisis.
So overwhelming is this instinct that it obscures our ability to see even the most baldfaced forms of trickery, especially in moments of weakness, which an expert cheat can spot from a thousand paces (or create, if he or she is especially enterprising).
Yashar says the pen name is meant to protect his family, but in practice, it also obscures his previous career: a major fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign and an aide to former San Francisco mayor and current California lieutenant governor Gavin Newsom.
The ethnically purified fantasy of the populist imagination is a seditious force that obscures our higher loyalties, shatters the peace of liberal equality, and splits Americans into warring tribes ready to abuse people whom patriotic decency would otherwise compel us to defend.
THUMP are close and keen followers of Holly Herndon, yet what continues to impress us even more than her restless commitment to social commentary, is how she communicates her themes, concerns and theories in such a way that never obscures the music.
And the focus on Trump's messy transition may not be entirely bad for him, as it obscures some of the coverage of the horrifying people he is considering for high-level positions and the merging of Trump's business empire and his presidency.
Yes, sex can be frenzied and wacky, even to the point where it feels like breasts are "barrel-rolling" across "howling mouths," but there is a rootlessness, a breathlessness to the language that floats above, and obscures, the reality of the scene.
It also ignores the international reach of militant white supremacist groups, and obscures the greater threat posed when governments become enthralled with exclusionary nationalism, which mobilizes popular support by stigmatizing groups of "others" -- often identified by race, religion or ethnicity -- as national enemies.
But military commanders and experts say the claim purposely obscures the ability of today's Navy, ignoring the vast gap between what a warship could do a century ago and the frightening array of armaments, aircraft and surveillance equipment carried by modern Navy vessels.
By repeatedly writing a classic 22016 CE calligraphy text on handscroll paper until the single sheet turns black with ink, Qiu's "Assignment No.22012: Copying the 'Orchid Pavilion Preface' 21989,21989 Times" (19893/21989) obscures the foundation of Han literati culture into oblivion.
This obscures the critical distinction between ordinary self-grooming (who doesn't occasionally pick a scab or pluck a hair?), and the clinical case where the behavior goes on and on, causing significant distress or impairment, while the person feels wholly unable to stop.
The fact that Republicans have won eight out of nine special elections so far this cycle — a record Trump touts as evidence they'll sweep to victory in November — obscures the fact that Democrats have made these races way closer than they should've been.
The sandstorm chase that follows the Burj Khalifa is driven by a simply illustrated goal, with Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt chasing a dot on a tracking device; even though the sandstorm obscures what you can see, it's always perfectly clear what's happening.
Although the fixation on Mr. Trump's possible criminal culpability is understandable, it obscures the principal objective of the Russia investigation led by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, which is less to punish past wrongdoing than to identify continuing threats to our electoral system.
It works well, though I don't love that it obscures the power button on the bottom of the keyboard, nor that you'll have to use a separate case for the iPad on the go and take it off when it's time to type.
Confederate "heritage," as a unifying theme for the white South, also obscures the way that white elites use the white working class to do their bidding by pitting them against those with whom they have more in common economically than those in power.
But even the unemployment rate obscures other problems with the economy, including a labor force participation rate of just 62.7 percent, a figure that remains near 30-year lows and includes an continuing decline in the number of women in the workforce.
Strident rhetoric often obscures the fact that both sides have compassionate and intelligent people who have come to logical moral conclusions, based on opposite premises: pro-lifers believe that the thing in the womb is a person, while pro-choicers do not.
But the adulation we heap upon billionaires obscures the plain moral quandary at the center of their wealth: Why should anyone have a billion dollars, why should anyone be proud to brandish their billions, when there is so much suffering in the world?
What looks like a straightforward merger of two "legacy" media firms obscures another narrative: Disney's daring bid under Bob Iger, its chief executive, to try and remake itself into a technology giant to challenge Netflix, a streaming upstart that has challenged Hollywood's mighty studios.
But more to the point, focusing on bans based on the age of the fetus obscures the obvious fact that the vast majority of abortion regulations — with mandatory waiting periods, parental involvement and informed consent requirements, TRAP laws — apply at every stage of the pregnancy.
Caveat: The first half figure obscures a decent rebound in Q2 over a sluggish Q1, with Q2 2017 beating each of the prior two quarters in terms of both volume and number of transactions (albeit still falling well short of Q2 2016 on both metrics).
As Bernie Sanders explained in so many words when he endorsed Hillary Clinton this week, Trump's racism obscures the fact that much of his agenda—lower taxes, less environmental, and financial regulation, and so on—is familiar conservative sop for the GOP donor class.
Critics charge that, by over-emphasizing personal choice, the infographic obscures the most important point: That poor economic conditions are largely to blame for the fact that minimum wage workers struggle to get by, and expecting individuals to somehow bootstrap themselves to prosperity is unfair.
But focusing on the election obscures the true extent of Russia's influence: Today, months after Hillary Clinton's emails were hacked, the Kremlin continues to deploy a host of digital tools to sow doubt and discord in the United States on an almost daily basis.
While her nomination has already revived the country's unresolved debate over interrogation methods that many experts consider torture, nearly everything Haspel has done in her long CIA career has remained secret, blotted out by the black ink that obscures classified information in public records.
The fruits of that contemplation are the discovery, or the invention of some small principle of harmony and order that may be isolated from that disorder which obscures it, and the subjection of that discovery those poetic laws which at last make it possible. . . .
Drug problems in Cowlitz County still make news, but that obscures the reality that for 20 years now, the Cowlitz Community Network has been bringing together parents and professionals in health, social services, law enforcement and education to improve and coordinate responses to youth violence.
The odd language of "participate in" — presidential impeachment is not meant to be a collaboration between Congress and the president — obscures the central thrust of the letter: The White House is refusing to respond to any subpoenas or other demands for information from the House.
Any discussion of the bombing that subsumes these realities in the stock pieties of politicians ("Our hearts are broken but our resolve has never been stronger," said Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader), or the analysis of "terrorism experts," obscures our vision and loses the plot.
Yet the headphone's vintage look obscures the very high-fidelity sound that resulted in having the H2 take the listener's EarPrint—something that can be fully appreciated when allowing another person to create their own listening profile, then playing music through their (virtual) ears.
Ultimately, the report is a reminder that apocalyptic rhetoric about looming climate catastrophe obscures the political necessities of the present: the world is not actually going to end if we fail to act; it's just going to get even worse for everyone but the rich.
The concentration on the threat to free speech, valid though it is, actually obscures the nature of the greater peril we are facing: We're starting way too far up the food chain with a sophisticated concept such as the right of freedom of speech.
Its proximity to Miami has made 18-mile-long Key Largo — a place where thick foliage obscures the water from the T-shirt and shell shops — attractive to developers eager to lure those who may not want to drive any farther down the highway.
The frequency with which such brutal acts of violence are carried out across the country often obscures the fact that, more than 95% of the time, women and children are raped not by gangs of strangers on the streets, but by the people closest to them.
Even as those spaces resist being collapsed, the software overthrows, destroys, and obscures the classic iconographic theme of Judith and Holofernes, where a clever courageous woman frees her people by decapitating the invading general Holofernes (a defender of the godliness of Nebuchadnezzar II) after having seduced him.
For them, this recasting of Haitian religion as something evil is a dangerous move that feeds conflict and obscures Haiti's real problems: exploitation from foreign powers, political corruption, the collapse of the agriculture sector, a shortage of doctors, and the constant portrayal of Haitian Vodou as sinister.
But even with the "frosted glass" that partially obscures the screen for the first 10 seconds, it's easy to imagine a scenario where the user on the other end is out of the room when a Drop-In is initiated or otherwise doesn't notice that first chime.
Unfortunately, that is exactly how those troublesome truths are treated when you face the awesome grandeur of Rushmore, a monument so incredible it obscures the multifaceted nature of these old dudes, transmogrifying them from individuals with a capacity both for greatness and evil into pure American deities.
Students believe the campus-wide arts celebration disregards the seriousness of research by artists and art historians on campus, obscures systemic bias in Art Department hiring and retention practices, and ignores the pressing need to fix Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) violations in campus art facilities.
Although the company claims that surge pricing is just a reflection of supply in demand, research by some of my colleagues at Data & Society suggests that the surge is not straightforward: Uber creates the mirage of a marketplace that obscures how its algorithms manipulate supply and demand.
One woman shown in the top left looks at the camera with particular self-assurance: with one arm tucked under her right breast while her right hand holds close the ends of her manto, she obscures her face and creates an opening for her right eye.
In reality, America's low rate of COVID-21 testing has drawn criticism from health experts around the world, who say the slow rate of testing obscures the actual rate of infection in the United States, which is likely far higher than tests have so far confirmed.
Still, on the album, he often obscures his bleak, personal subject matter with intricate, left-field digital production and abstract metaphors, as on the spacey opening ballad, "Plastic 100°C," which disorients with sound effects, and the frantic single "Blood on Me." He isn't all dour.
The byzantine nature of the transactions reflected in the Cyprus records obscures the reasons that money flowed among the various parties, and it is possible they were characterized as loans for another purpose, like avoiding taxes that would otherwise be owed on income or equity investments.
He spent months visiting collectors at their homes, explaining why they should lend their Martins to this public exhibition — fixating on such details as his insistence that paintings not be put under glass, which, he is quick to tell you, obscures the fine lines of her art.
Unfortunately, this approach obscures the fact that keeping the steady course with a conservative replacement for Scalia will be bad enough across a range of topics important to many Americans, from environmental protection to immigration law to the ability of labor unions to collect dues from their members.
Blurry apparitions of older men shoot pool in the background, and the glow of the overhead lamp obscures the top quarter of the image, but the photograph successfully depicts a dingy, poorly lit pool hall where this boy probably tested out his manhood in a manner fitting the time.
To be sure, this reputation has led to an incredible amount of useless coverage: Thug's supposed weirdness has been grossly exaggerated, which at worst causes observers to treat him as a circus act and even at best obscures how well-rounded, honest, and deeply human his work can be.
And while it's easy to chuckle at what Akebono has been up to for the last 221 years, it obscures a sumo career that was truly superlative: he was the first gaijin, or non-Japanese, to earn the highest rank in a sport that was institutionally guarded against outsiders.
Regardless of the results on the scoreboard, the state on the map, the year or even the decade, Mr. Sanders has talked with clockwork consistency about an economy rigged against the working class, a campaign finance system that corrupts politicians and a corporate media that obscures the truth.
At the same time Canada and the Western U.S. have been battling fierce forest fires amplified by a weeklong record-breaking heat wave in California that included 2900 degrees in San Francisco where the fog that usually obscures the city was replaced by a thick haze from the wildfires.
But that position obscures that Oprah and Cummins are, in their endorsement of the book and the wish that someone less white had written it, being political by parroting exclamations and disclaimers that "good" Americans have been prescribed when dealing with the tendentious territory of race and migration.
The naked partisanship involved with the release of the memo not only obscures whatever credible work Congress has done towards oversight of the law enforcement community — it also makes it look like the federal government is infighting in a dangerous way that could be damaging to the American system.
Indeed, the surrogate father-son relationship between Stark and Parker obscures the fact that Parker is effectively working without a contract in the hopes of becoming a full-time employee with the Avengers, which implies that Toomes might be onto something about the rules of this new, post-superhero world.
The filmmakers' decision to portray Cheney as a one-dimensional character devoid of values, however, obscures the complexities of a wide range of issues -- such as the limits of executive authority, the propriety of military intervention, the role of the United States in the world and the ethics of power.
This year, drivers for Postmates, DoorDash and other on-demand delivery companies protested a method of calculating their pay, using an algorithm, that put customer tips toward guaranteed minimum wages — a practice that was nearly invisible to drivers, because of the way the platform obscures the details of worker pay.
But to look only at number of states won obscures the marvel of the Bloomberg experiment, in which name recognition and an unlimited war chest helped elevate a candidate polling nationally at less than 3 percent on the day he announced to around 16 percent by the end of February.
Indeed, outrage over the fires and President Jair Bolsonaro's rhetoric and actions obscures a central question: Can responsible, law-abiding landholders and businesspeople in the Amazon — like those I met in Paragominas — compete with people who break the law, grab land and forest resources and drive much of the deforestation?
In the mirror selfie, Kylie partially obscures her face with her iPhone covered in a lip kit branded case from her merch store with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, a simple black sports bra, black sweatpants, and a black sweatshirt with white graphic detailing down the sleeves tied around her face.
It stands out as one of the last standing, not the only, but one of the last standing colonies and it's been subsumed within the framework of the global war on terror, which obscures this incredibly rich, long, history that provides a context of the Palestinian struggle as a struggle against settler colonialism.
" ("Talks" were all programming that wasn't music, drama, news bulletins, or educational messages sent into schools.) This is indeed the foremost thing about Matheson, but it also obscures the foremost thing about Matheson: She basically invented talk radio, and in Stratford's words, "Anyone who enjoys NPR or the BBC owes her a debt.
Not because it isn't accurate to place Varda, who died at 90 on Friday, in the company of confrères like François Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard, but because the habit reflects a distorted view of film history, one that obscures both the singularity of Varda's career and her place in the pantheon.
Tellingly, one can never actually even see all of the painting at one time, since the frontal view actually obscures the effects of its heavy impasto (rendered undetectable in photographic reproductions), which at points reaches several inches in depth, curving over colors underneath, and on close inspection reveals a high-gloss finish on its underside.
Acurian's privacy policy only talks about getting information from "data partners" and collecting expected information from website visitors, such as IP addresses—which can be used to track someone from website to website, which is why it's a good idea to use technology that obscures your IP address, such as Tor or a VPN.
Buffett portrayed the political environment as one that obscures the greatness of investible progress in the U.S., writing "candidates can't stop speaking about our country's problems (which of course only THEY can solve)" and indicated that the view that children in the U.S. will not live as well as current individuals is dead wrong.
A narrative of NATO failure arising out of personality clashes between the president and European leaders, no matter how seductive in terms of headlines, obscures real progress that is being made and weakens confidence in the process of alliance regeneration that started before Trump came into office and will continue when his term is concluded.
In the chapter of "The Souls of Black Folk" called "Of the Passing of the First-Born," he says that he was prepared to teach his son to live behind what he called "the Veil," -- that opaque covering of racism that obscures the humanity of black people, through which we are never truly seen.
Letter To the Editor: Re "Shadow Over Cuomo Program" (front page, May 20123): By failing to adequately recognize the fundamental transformation that has occurred to the benefit of an entire region and those who live and work in Buffalo as a result of the state's billion-dollar program, The Times obscures the facts. Gov.
Secrecy also obscures legal reasoning: When the government argues in sealed filings that a new surveillance technology such as a StingRay — a device used by law enforcement to monitor communications of nearby cellphones — is not intrusive enough to require a search warrant, it can do so with the assurance that outsiders can't scrutiny its reasoning.
The escalating trade war between the United States and China, with the Trump administration considering $100 billion in punitive tariffs in response to China's $50 billion in retaliatory tariffs, obscures a more important source of conflict: China's desire to someday establish the yuan as a global reserve currency, on a par with the dollar.
Confidential is based on a novel by James Ellroy, himself the author of his own series of novels about the darker corners of Los Angeles (a series that includes L.A. Confidential), and it shares Ellroy's obsession with the idea that the history we've been presented is a thick gauze that obscures what really happened.
We actually don't use the beautiful hand made booth the Pickle Factory have created used by most promoters and DJs there as we feel it slightly obscures the connection with the crowd so we use a fairly basic table top that can be prone to bumps n knocks but really allows and for a better exchange of energy.
Or of blaming something new because you thought that "new" meant "good," that the use of social-media data by campaigns would always help tech-savvy liberals and not their troglodytic rivals — and the shock of discovering otherwise obscures the more important role that older forms of media played in making the Trump era a reality.
"There is so much noise in this town that I think it obscures the real work that's being done," said Kay Coles James, the new president of the Heritage Foundation, which shook up its leadership last year after disagreements that stemmed in part from the perception that it was not acting effectively enough to shape the debate in Washington.
The black monochrome of the silhouette obscures whether we are looking at the figure from the front or the back, and while the wall label tells us that the work "has been described by Walker as 'your essentialist-token slave maiden in midair,'" we might also view her as lying prostrate, fighting off a rapist or beckoning a lover.
That's because the growing scandal over the meeting at Trump Tower obscures a genuine dispute between Washington and Moscow that has prevented thousands of Russian orphans from finding new homes in the US. The fight began in 222, when Russian President Vladimir Putin halted all US adoptions of Russian children, upending the lives of hundreds of American families.
In "Untitled (Baum 19833)," done in 2014, a black shape composed of climbing tendrils and descending bulbs hovers in front of a gradated scarlet rectangle on a white ground, while in "Baum 18," from the same year, a cyan rectangle overlaps and partially obscures an animated black line that spans the height of the canvas, preening and stretching its limbs.
The motto "to protect and to serve"—adopted by the Los Angeles Police Department in 21952 and later used by others around the country—has been a highly effective public relations tool for the police, as it obscures the main function of their work, which since its inception has been to act in an adversarial manner toward the wider community.
"Market forces and commercial interests will likely limit the circumstances in which companies will offer encryption that obscures user data from the companies themselves, and the trajectory of technological development points to a future abundant in unencrypted data, some of which can fill gaps left by the very communication channels law enforcement fears will "go dark" and beyond reach," it adds.
It not only obscures the diversity within the Asian American community, it's also intended to demean other minority groups, Alton Wang writes for the Washington Post: Writing in the New York Times in 1966, the sociologist William Petersen coined the term"model minority" to describe the post-World War II rise of Japanese Americans, even in the face of ongoing prejudice.
In interviews about his work, cited by UICA Exhibitions Curator Heather Duffy, it seems significant to Chin that his piece literally decommissions eight assault rifles (twice), removing them from active use — a theme echoed in Anthony Cervino's "Composition with Redacted Objects" (2014), which obscures a hunting rifle (and other found objects, including a framed portrait) by encasing its barrel in a black box.
Related: UK Police Admit Their Money Laundering Investigations Only Hit the 'Tip of the Iceberg' But this belligerent back and forth actually obscures one of the more fascinating things about the whole deal: After centuries of fighting (and occasionally killing) over the rock, London is a bit less adamant (or at least rude) about keeping the Rock than the Spanish are about grabbing it.
The idea of the East as a primitive land of enchantment is now so firmly fixed in people's minds that it obscures the underlying reality, an idea explored by Edward Said in his classic book Orientalism "He's really taking a very broad historical view, so he's talking about centuries of conflict and conquest, where Western countries perceive these traditional, magical, Eastern places as incapable of any real modernity," Samatar says.
Jaar's light box and Dawit L. Petros' Act of Recovery, a print of people standing on a coast before a sunken ship, questions the ways the term African American, in its intended use for descendants of African slaves in the United States, obscures the identities of South American descendant of slaves and the more recent histories of black immigrants living in the United States from the Caribbean or Africa.
The fact that all of this is so ridiculous — the fact that Sayoc unironically loved the image of Trump rising out of the ocean on a gold-plated tank enough to put it on his van, which other people on the road also had to see — obscures a lot of the active harm the Trump administration is doing to the people in this country and to its environment, political and actual.
But an increased focus on evidence and data sometimes obscures the individual realities of the people who are closest to the correctional system—the person whose untreated mental illness is worsened by time in prison or jail, the child enduring the absence of an incarcerated parent, the corrections officer battling the stresses of each workday, the victim coping with the emotional and financial distress that stems from experiencing a crime.
More From Vox:Congressional Republicans are helping Trump with a big cover-up The Manafort indictment is a historic test for American democracy "A giant fog machine": how right-wing media obscures Mueller and other inconvenient stories That's because Mueller's moves increase the likelihood that campaign advisers or administration staffers who find themselves in the special counsel's crosshairs may look to strike plea bargains where they swap damaging information on Trump in exchange for lesser charges.
It can be argued that the reference to Hitler is less a trivialization than a recognition that his persona has become as two-dimensional as Homer's, and that his classification as a monster unique to history obscures the historical circumstances from which he arose (economic chaos, wounded national pride, discredited political elites) along with his skillful manipulation of a weak and polarized system, which allowed him to seize the reins of an ostensibly enlightened republic.
In place of the meandering, poem-like style that characterizes a lot of more lyrically driven rap right now—nonetheless well-represented by the project's uniformly excellent guest features from Mick Jenkins, Saba, and his longtime friends Chance the Rapper and Vic Mensa—Joey tackles beats with a natural ease, delivering his lines with a nonchalance that makes them easy to rap along to and obscures some of the clever care with which they were written.
And in perhaps the most Obama-like flourish in the speech, Buttigieg used the jumble of his own identities — a Midwest mayor, a married gay man, an Afghanistan veteran — to argue that the divisions of our politics obscures the grandeur of our common humanity: When I was overseas, each one of the 119 trips I took outside the wire driving or guarding a vehicle, we learned what it is to trust one another with our lives.

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