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"minification" Definitions
  1. the action or process of minifying

22 Sentences With "minification"

How to use minification in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "minification" and check conjugation/comparative form for "minification". Mastering all the usages of "minification" from sentence examples published by news publications.

When used for minification it is often used with mipmapping; though it can be used without, it would suffer the same aliasing and shimmering problems as nearest-neighbor filtering when minified too much. For modest minification ratios, however, it can be used as an inexpensive hardware accelerated weighted texture supersample.
When minification uses such techniques, the pretty-printer or unminifier can only fully reverse the minification process if it is supplied details of the transformations done by such techniques. If not supplied those details, the reversed source code will contain different variable names and control flow, even though it will have the same functionality as the original source code.
In programmer culture, aiming at extremely minified source code is the purpose of recreational code golf competitions. Minification can be distinguished from the more general concept of data compression in that the minified source can be interpreted immediately without the need for an uncompression step: the same interpreter can work with both the original as well as with the minified source. The goals of minification are not the same as the goals of obfuscation; the former is often intended to be reversed using a pretty-printer or unminifier. However, to achieve its goals, minification sometimes uses techniques also used by obfuscation; for example, shortening variable names and refactoring the source code.
Minification (also minimisation or minimization) is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from the source code of interpreted programming languages or markup languages without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which are used to add readability to the code but are not required for it to execute. Minification reduces the size of the source code, making its transmission over a network (e.g. the Internet) more efficient.
Nearest-neighbor interpolation is the simplest and crudest filtering method -- it simply uses the color of the texel closest to the pixel center for the pixel color. While simple, this results in a large number of artifacts - texture 'blockiness' during magnification, and aliasing and shimmering during minification. This method is fast during magnification but during minification the stride through memory becomes arbitrarily large and it can often be less efficient than MIP-mapping due to the lack of spatially coherent texture access and cache-line reuse.
The scripts used by web-pages have to be sent over the network to the user agent that shall run them. The smaller they are, the faster the download. In such use-cases, minification (a relatively trivial form of obfuscation) can produce real advantages.
In computer graphics, texture filtering or texture smoothing is the method used to determine the texture color for a texture mapped pixel, using the colors of nearby texels (pixels of the texture). There are two main categories of texture filtering, magnification filtering and minification filtering. Depending on the situation texture filtering is either a type of reconstruction filter where sparse data is interpolated to fill gaps (magnification), or a type of anti-aliasing (AA), where texture samples exist at a higher frequency than required for the sample frequency needed for texture fill (minification). Put simply, filtering describes how a texture is applied at many different shapes, size, angles and scales.
Source maps allow tools to display unminified code from minified code with an optimized "mapping" between them. The original format was created by Joseph Schorr as part of the Closure Inspector minification project. Updates as versions 2 and 3 reduced the size of the map files.
Mipmapping is a standard technique used to save some of the filtering work needed during texture minification. It is also highly beneficial for cache coherency - without it the memory access pattern during sampling from distant textures will exhibit extremely poor locality, adversely affecting performance even if no filtering is performed. During texture magnification, the number of texels that need to be looked up for any pixel is always four or fewer; during minification, however, as the textured polygon moves farther away potentially the entire texture might fall into a single pixel. This would necessitate reading all of its texels and combining their values to correctly determine the pixel color, a prohibitively expensive operation.
Visual Studio Code comes with minification support for several languages. It can readily browse the Visual Studio Marketplace to download and install additional minifiers. JavaScript optimizers which can minify and generate source maps include UglifyJS and Google Closure Compiler. In addition, certain online tools, such as Microsoft Ajax Minifier,Microsoft Ajax Minifier. Ajaxmin.codeplex.
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It uses a command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a file (known as a Gruntfile). Grunt was created by Ben Alman and is written in Node.js. It is distributed via npm.
1964 - Introduced first dual head rectilinear scanner 1967 - developed scan minification principle 1968 - first to offer 750 cm/min scanning speed. 1972 - Introduced 37 tube scintillation camera 1974 - introduced large field scintillation camera to US market. 1975 - Introduced 37 tube large field mobile camera. Introduced DeltaScan, a high resolution (256 x 256) matrix whole body computed tomography scanner.
Pretty Diff is a language-aware data comparison utility implemented in JavaScript. The online utility is capable of source code prettification, minification, and comparison of two pieces of input text. It operates by removing code comments from supported languages and then performs a pretty- print operation prior to executing the diff algorithm. An abbreviated list of unit tests is provided.
Graphics APIs such as OpenGL allow the programmer to set different choices for minification and magnification filters. Note that even in the case where the pixels and texels are exactly the same size, one pixel will not necessarily match up exactly to one texel. It may be misaligned or rotated, and cover parts of up to four neighboring texels. Hence some form of filtering is still required.
More than 5600 generators have been created by the open source community. Beyond providing a template to scaffold projects, Yeoman also helps with intermediary phases of web application development. Yeoman lints code for potential problems using JSHint, runs unit tests, and provides a development server for working on an application. Finally, Yeoman also offers a build automation process featuring optimizations such as minification and concatenation of script files.
GameMaker Language is GameMaker's scripting language. It is an imperative, dynamically typed language commonly likened to JavaScript and C-like languages. The language's default mode of operation on native platforms is via a stack machine; it can also be source- to-source compiled to C++ via LLVM for higher performance. On HTML5, GML is source-to-source compiled to JavaScript with optimizations and minification applied in non-debug builds.
This software works by recompressing pictures (such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, JPEG 2000), gzipping text and HTML/JS/CSS data optimization. Additionally it offers latency reduction by preemptive name resolution. Further functionalities of compression are supplied by means of optimization of code, named HTMLopt, CSSopt and JSopt (HTML/CSS/JS) which are analogous with Minification (programming). Currently there are ports being maintained by third parties for Debian, Gentoo Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD.
This enlargement is quantified by a calculated number also called "magnification". When this number is less than one, it refers to a reduction in size, sometimes called minification or de-magnification. Typically, magnification is related to scaling up visuals or images to be able to see more detail, increasing resolution, using microscope, printing techniques, or digital processing. In all cases, the magnification of the image does not change the perspective of the image.
Given a square texture mapped on to a square surface in the world, at some viewing distance the size of one screen pixel is exactly the same as one texel. Closer than that, the texels are larger than screen pixels, and need to be scaled up appropriately - a process known as texture magnification. Farther away, each texel is smaller than a pixel, and so one pixel covers multiple texels. In this case an appropriate color has to be picked based on the covered texels, via texture minification.
This method still uses nearest neighbor interpolation, but adds mipmapping -- first the nearest mipmap level is chosen according to distance, then the nearest texel center is sampled to get the pixel color. This reduces the aliasing and shimmering significantly during minification but does not eliminate it entirely. In doing so it improves texture memory access and cache-line reuse through avoiding arbitrarily large access strides through texture memory during rasterization. This does not help with blockiness during magnification as each magnified texel will still appear as a large rectangle.
On a typical general purpose system, the output image is approximately 105 times brighter than the input image. This brightness gain comprises a flux gain (amplification of photon number) and minification gain (concentration of photons from a large input screen onto a small output screen) each of approximately 100. This level of gain is sufficient that quantum noise, due to the limited number of X-ray photons, is a significant factor limiting image quality. Image intensifiers are available with input diameters of up to 45 cm, and a resolution of approximately 2-3 line pairs mm−1.
However, minification is not necessarily convenient nor efficient and may still require separate HTTP connections to get the page and the minified resources. HTTP/2 allows the server to "push" content, that is, to respond with data for more queries than the client requested. This allows the server to supply data it knows a web browser will need to render a web page, without waiting for the browser to examine the first response, and without the overhead of an additional request cycle. Additional performance improvements in the first draft of HTTP/2 (which was a copy of SPDY) come from multiplexing of requests and responses to avoid some of the head-of-line blocking problem in HTTP 1 (even when HTTP pipelining is used), header compression, and prioritization of requests.

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