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"Luddite" Definitions
  1. a person who is opposed to new technology or working methods
"Luddite" Synonyms

208 Sentences With "Luddite"

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You're obviously a traditionalist but you're not a luddite, you don't consider yourself a luddite.
Related: America's most famous militant luddite anarchist, Ted Kaczynski, a.k.a.
Even baseball's most luddite franchises are getting behind the concept.
If you don't believe that you're a skeptic, a luddite.
In fact, it probably makes me sound like a Luddite.
It's the perfect place for a Luddite with anger issues.
"I'm not a Luddite," he said in a recent interview.
We all know what it means, even your Luddite relatives.
We're going to adopt Luddite ideals on purpose, or whatever.
Economists tend to dismiss anti-technology sentiment as backwards and Luddite.
In 2017, such criticisms have been relegated to the luddite realm.
But falling back with yells of "Luddite!" would be a mistake.
As a Luddite, I found solace in the archaic dashboard controls.
It was mostly a money thing, partly some Luddite parent principle.
It is possible, however, to be nostalgic and not be a Luddite.
His recent tweets about airplanes becoming too complex illustrates his Luddite leanings.
He's no Luddite but is consciously trying to manage his tech intake.
Even the biggest Luddite knows to download updates for his apps and phone.
I think part of it is learning the lessons of the Luddite revolution.
But going full Luddite wasn't an option, especially when Google writes your paycheck.
I recognize that defying this seems like the classic behavior of a Luddite.
I don't want to sound like some sort of blood-and-thunder Luddite preacher.
I mean I'm a luddite so maybe I don't have the gene for this.
If anyone calls me a hypocrite, a luddite or otherwise, I'll probably never know.
But a politician can lose, and look like a Luddite, by railing against progress.
After the President's death, the US was going to be led by a luddite.
Call me a snob, call me a Luddite, call me anything you want, really.
Now, some people misconstrue this as Luddite scaremongering—to me, it's simply safety engineering.
I don't say that as a Luddite; I'm writing this on a digital device.
"I'm a geek, I'm not a Luddite," Mr. Felix told The Times in 2012.
He needed a phrase that didn't make him seem like a Luddite or a crank.
And yet for all his skepticism, he doesn't overplay the part of the anxious Luddite.
Twitter, again, that's one where I also don't want to come off as a luddite.
Cons to considerCall me a Luddite, but I found the voice control to be overkill.
My wife, a self-described Luddite, initially teased me for talking to an inanimate object.
To oppose the product isn't consumer choice but instead a darker form of Luddite-ism.
So I did online advertising 25 years ago, so I don't think I'm a Luddite.
I'm somewhat of a luddite, so, all this stuff, both I find weird, scary and cool.
Unfortunately, he's a Luddite and ends up shooting a video of himself, but it's a start.
This is not an argument in favor of becoming a luddite or shunning your fellow man.
At the risk of sounding like a Luddite, I just don't think the two can compare.
All things considered, Twenge isn't a Luddite, demanding everyone start destroying their iPhones to save themselves.
It's not that I was a Luddite—I could point-and-click before I could read.
We might call this the Luddite option, and it's an essential component of any democratic future.
The event was one stellar performance after another, even for an admitted arts luddite like myself.
I've never been too keen on that Luddite approach that some people have—there's room for everything.
The fact that calling someone a Luddite today is an insult shows how unfounded their concerns were.
He was like a genuine Luddite, the kind of guy who doesn't really carry money or keys.
This is the part where I admit that I'm, if not exactly a Luddite, somewhat gadget averse.
Mark condescends to his Luddite mother, yet accepts the old-fashioned distinction between offline and digital selves.
Well he was just not, he was a bit of a Luddite, he was not on social media.
Having sampled both, each has its merits, even for a Luddite, and the two actually complement each other.
I'm no Luddite, but I don't think mobile devices are the best medium for making major money decisions.
Wimbledon installed digital scoreboards on all courts by 2010, but still maintains some Luddite touches for their charms.
Technology use comes with privacy risks, but don't worry -- the answer isn't living the life of a Luddite.
Do you think there will be some sort of Luddite-esque movement in the future, where people shirk technology?
Amid the neo-Luddite contrarianism, a shining truth rises above all the (Magi-)carping: Pokémon Go comes in peace.
One class of solution they call "quasi-Luddite" — measures that try to stall or reverse the trend of automation.
He saw himself as a Neo-luddite, fighting against the corporate world in favor of a more primitive lifestyle.
I wonder if I should throw my phone in the trash and become a luddite and start a farm.
Our new government's Luddite disregard for scientific data threatens the lives and economic well-being of all our citizens.
BILL GATES is an unlikely Luddite, however much Microsoft may have provoked people to take a hammer to their computers.
He demonstrated this ignorance by avoiding cybersecurity policy and then appointing fellow luddite Rudy Giuliani to build his cybersecurity team.
And this forecast didn't come from some Luddite Cassandra or cranky outlier who wants to bring back old-time radio.
As a luddite, he still gets almost all of his news from the Times, the Washington Post, and cable news.
We learn that Gloria's a Luddite and step one of Sheriff Moe Dammik's (Shea Whigham) absorption is unboxing some computers.
I'm no Luddite, but I can't help approaching the equipment and the eager, hovering spokespeople with a narrow-eyed skepticism.
An avowed Luddite, he stabbed out invoices with one finger on a rickety typewriter using pastel-colored carbon-copy paper.
While reading WIRED's back catalog, I'd come across a bet he made in 260 with neo-Luddite author Kirkpatrick Sale.
Opposing it aligns you with the conventional meat industry, makes you a Luddite clubbing down machinery during the Industrial Revolution.
Unless you want to be some Luddite parent that raises your kids in the woods, that's not going to happen.
This luddite excursion was not terrible for any denial of convenience, but rather because of my inability to acquire information.
It's a repetitive, oddly luddite act within a laptop screen, sometimes executed on empty servers and seen by no one.
I am a bit of a Luddite, but I do own an iPhone, and I do use it far too often.
Every single one of these is an actual physical book, because I am a book Luddite, and I'm fine with that.
He's the luddite dad who won't use email, doesn't get Snapchat, and keeps grousing about the death of 35 mm film.
Watching the eccentric luddite Christo bringing the installation to life is like watching a magician perform a  drawn-out magic trick.
And none of my books, I need to remind your listeners, none of my books — I hope, at least — are luddite.
But if you insist on moving forward and turning screen by screen, you Luddite you, there's a setting to do so.
Flipping that believer/skeptic dynamic to tech-savvy/virtual Luddite is a very Black Mirror way of reinventing a tired trope.
Call me a Luddite, but I think that many aspects of life were better before we had computers in our pockets.
The photographer is not a Luddite, but the bittersweet images capture the conflicts many feel about the endangerment of old technologies.
He's no Luddite, but he's thinking more deliberately about how he shows himself to the world — the online one, the real one.
The idea of automation stealing jobs — "It's a fallacy," Andreessen said (specifically citing the lump of labor fallacy and the luddite fallacy).
We're a long way from Grizzly Man here — what prompted you, a self-proclaimed Luddite, to examine the Internet, of all things?
Weber Shandwick finds that socially encouraging companies are 72% more likely to boost sales, compared to just 48% for more Luddite entities.
However, the Berkshire Hathaway chief was undaunted by his misstep in technology, a sector he generally avoided as a self-admitted Luddite.
Some have gone so far as to call Gates, the guy who ran the biggest tech company of his time, a Luddite.
JONATHAN GRAY: And you don't want to be a Luddite and just say everything is going to be the way it is.
I realize that somebody like Franklin would have thought you a Luddite if you didn't keep up with the latest in science.
If VR on the blockchain is all a bit too disruptive for you to handle, close the tab and carry on, you Luddite.
I don't want to come across as a Luddite here; I love technology as much as — if not more than — the next man.
It's used to mark a product that's straightforward and intuitive to use — so easy to use that a complete luddite would be fine.
A jack of all mediums, including music, he is part court jester, part circus master, part philosopher and also something of a Luddite.
Hamon's idea might look like the work of a Luddite, but his willingness to address automation as a campaign issue is long overdue.
Still, while the video is funny, doesn't laughing at neo-Luddite doofuses end up doubling back into making fun of selfie teens themselves?
In short: I'm a Luddite — but such a device also seemed a special betrayal of Abbey, who was an archetype of self-reliance.
Not even the most hardened Luddite, I suspect, wants to go back to the days of horse-drawn carriages and hand-crank radios.
Buffett, a self-admitted Luddite, resisted using an iPhone, in favor of his flip phone, even as Berkshire doubled down on Apple stock.
Sadly, there is no way to talk about the benefits of digital disconnection without sounding like a Goop subscriber or a neo-Luddite.
Long before the last human worker clears his desk, protectionist or Luddite reactions might anyway have destroyed the path to this brave new world.
Her art, she says, "deals with what is happening now," and that she is "not a Luddite"—she has a smartphone like everyone else.
I don't want to be a luddite, but I think back to the days before internet and I think people were a lot happier.
But since all these figures come off as either suspect or prudishly luddite, the movie's actual moral insight is more difficult to pin down.
He is either a lovable, naive, 19th-century luddite, or a man with a gargantuan ego and a semi-debilitating sense of self-regard.
He'd say, 'This is not your child, this is an idea, and if some Luddite kills it, it's not a member of your family.
James is a self-described Luddite — she recently went a full year without a cellphone — and has never loved the remove of the digital.
From your luddite friend who wants something basic to your roommate who's into really weird stuff, everyone has an iPhone accessory that's perfect for them.
Unless you've stayed faithful to your DVD collection, or avoided social media with Luddite gusto, you've likely noticed the soaring rise of digital video streaming.
Tom is a bit of a Luddite, even though (or maybe because) his father invented the Feed and changed their world irrevocably by doing so.
In that sense, the vote for Trump in 2016 was the Luddite equivalent of taking a hammer to all that human capital belonging to us.
"I'm not a Luddite or against technology, but I think that sometimes we get seduced by the future being so bright and rosy," he said.
"It was bold in the sense that they were not afraid of being perceived as a Luddite of a company," said Pivotal Research analyst Brian Wieser.
The first automated loom, introduced in the early 1800s, was the forefather to the modern computer, utilizing early binary code and inspiring the original Luddite revolts.
But at least in the first two episodes, they appear to be the Luddite villains, as misguided in their pessimism as Paul is in his optimism.
Right, so but in that vein — and again, I'm not trying to be a Luddite in this area — do you think they think enough about jobs?
So here's what I, a clueless electronic music luddite, gleaned from my experience watching the first season of the most surreal sitcom sequel ever to stream.
But like California, some governments—often led by luddite lobbyists and general fear—will resist, setting up the stage for US Congress to consider the matter.
So I think the scientific community needs to wake up, unfortunately, to the reality that the Luddite form of saying, 'Technology isn't going up to space' . . .
It was a spirited, wickedly articulate 71-year-old named Jane, a lawyer like my father, who had turned my favorite Luddite into a texting monster.
The octogenarian Aussie is seen in his industry as a rogue, a villain, and a bit of a Luddite, crouching behind his paywalls as the future arrives.
Systematic is what everyone is looking for these days, no one in the allocating or consulting world wants to be seen as old fashioned or a Luddite.
This current wave of automation might be the one to disprove the Luddite Fallacy, because today the more our machines learn, the more they learn to learn.
With each disembodied quote, with each one-way transmission, he is reduced to a Luddite and a curmudgeon and a hater and a snob and worse. Franzen!
But before we get carried away setting up the Wi-Fi connections on all our appliances, lights and fashion accessories, let me play Luddite for a second.
I'm not a Luddite, and I can see the usefulness of electronic books, but I love the feel of paper, the experience of reading a proper book.
Ms. Coddington is a proud Luddite, the last of an earlier generation that sketches during fashion shows instead of Instagramming and uses the telephone instead of email.
I've casually called myself a Luddite online for many years now: *Sigh* how have I still tweeted fewer than 1300 times after 4 years on this thing?
Not a luddite, but someone who's trying to be really intentional in going against the grain, and because of that he feels like kind of an outlier perspective.
A Luddite by modern production standards—he has used the same typewriter for decades—the director has made nearly one film every year for the past half century.
Say what you will about Playstation content and quality, but my Luddite best friend can still figure out how to plug it in to watch a Blu-ray.
Not to go all Luddite about the whole thing, but while it's fun to ponder the plausibility of a childhood favorite today, it's also kind of a bummer.
LG: I feel like a Luddite asking it, but when I think about ISPs selling my browsing data I think about, okay, I pay for service at home.
There will be advocates of placentophagy who read this and accuse me of being a tool of the patriarchy or a Luddite hoping to withhold therapies from women.
For most professions, having an up-to-date social media presence and LinkedIn profile show that someone is not a Luddite when it comes to navigating the internet.
The OneStep, which sold for just $40, was the company's first true point-and-shoot camera; a one-button gadget that even the most stubborn Luddite could figure out.
"An AI system must clearly disclose that it is not human," the president of the Allen Institute on Artificial Intelligence, hardly a Luddite, argued in the New York Times.
Greg Kinnear, who plays Meg Ryan's luddite boyfriend, is effectively emotionally cheated on throughout the movie, but at no point are you really required to feel bad for him.
Boosters said the project would bring in countless jobs and global prestige, while warning that rejecting the plan would leave Toronto with a permanent mark as a Luddite metropolis.
It's not Luddite to see the be-careful-what-you-wish-for lesson from Mary Shelley's era to our own, at the cusp of an age of technological totalitarianism.
This actually took me a second to figure out; I'm a Luddite who found it rather clumsy to use the panel of buttons rather than a proper lamp switch.
After this, I'll streamline down to just my driver's license and one physical credit card to use at Luddite retailers, since everything else is being stored on my phone.
It shows a company that isn't a total Luddite, and it allows users to tether their more advanced computer to the MP02 for a cellular connection when they need it.
My wife is a proud Luddite, and doesn't like tech for tech's sake; we don't have Alexa or HomePod or any of the talking gewgaws, no camera at the door.
Nor is it Luddite to ask for more screening, more ethical considerations, more projections of what can go wrong, as we surrender judgment, reason and oversight to our soulless creations.
Yet am I revealing myself as some hopeless Luddite when I say that I regret Mr. Shore's fifth-act decision to, as the kids say, "do it for the 'gram"?
Unlikely. Now, I am no Luddite, but it's more than past time for a cogent and honest debate about the impact of upcoming technologies on the workplace and the job market.
In Britain, handloom weavers smashed new automated textile machines in the first decades of the 19th century (the Luddite movement) while agricultural workers smashed threshing machines in 1830 (the Swing riots).
While his calls himself a "luddite," Sanders has long used the feedback he gets on social media posts to hone his message and better understand what his audience is responding to.
Until recently hoteliers were forced to rely upon a closed one-stop-shop PMS offered up by incumbent players who have held a luddite attitude towards the hospitality industry for years.
But even this reader, a lip-service Luddite who's tired of interacting with his iPhone first thing each morning, thought Ms. Hoffman was making the case against technology sound too easy.
A lot has changed, of course, since the original series signed off, and the show has fun with Murphy's Luddite ways and general crankiness about the current state of TV news.
" Kerry imagines a "mosaic" that "spans ideologies and races and age groups," which would provide "a hell of a contrast to the orange luddite telling you it's a hoax from China.
Call me a caveman Luddite, but if I have to read the manual to understand how to operate a pair of headphones, I'm going to describe that as a suboptimal user experience.
While Blaine is the Luddite, who had only recently graduated from a typewriter to a Windows laptop, Blake is the electronics whiz, who carries his soldering iron around like a security blanket.
"The crux of its argument is that IBM knows more about AI and about economics than the 'fearful prophets' and that any mention of risks is a dangerous, Luddite fallacy," said Russell.
Between the late '70s and the mid '90s, Kaczynski, who subscribed to obscure neo-Luddite beliefs, mailed his targets more than a dozen bombs that killed three people and injured many others.
Third—and this isn't just because I'm a little bit of a luddite—I used to have a lot more conversations on the subway than I do now, or with cab drivers.
Plus, if you don't want to deal with downloading an additional app on your phone or having Bluetooth #struggles with pairing, then this is as Luddite as techy face cleansing tools go.
It's like somebody made Divergent in the world of Silicon Valley, and instead of only getting one personality trait, you get to pick between being a social media cultist or a hipster Luddite.
He says he's not a Luddite, he just prefers to use the internet on a computer and doesn't like having all of the mental trappings that come with the ever-present smartphone world.
The Luddite reaction to Facebook and social media that clamorously calls for its regulation or partition or even outright technological diminution, will be about as effective now as it was in Gutenberg's day.
For the June 1995 issue, then-executive editor Kevin Kelly sat down with Kirkpatrick Sale, a self-­described "neo-Luddite," for a tart, extended ideological showdown on the subject of the technological future.
"I'm a Luddite, and I was hoping to die before all this stuff happened, but like it or not, it's happening and people need to figure out how to use it," said Rep.
They also seem to have forgotten how the Bundy occupations, centered on letting private cattle graze on public lands, took a heavily Luddite stance that lingered long before the arrival of militarized police.
Some of the season's best moments are between her and Laura, who began the series as a Luddite but has become — both despite, and because of, the turmoil in her family — an ally.
Quick take: Yang is a long shot, but his anti-robot message — coming not from a Luddite but from the tech world itself — resonates, especially when he seems to be tattling on his pals.
Okay Luddite, here's the score: Along with the less-plaque thing, the Sonicare ProtectiveClean toothbrush also comes with two built-in modes that let you choose between an everyday clean or a massage function.
I'm no Luddite -- this column is on a screen -- but resolve to cut their (and maybe your) time spent staring at the digital world by 25%, or if that sounds drastic, by just 10%.
Retail sales ($13.07 an hour) Cashier ($10.43) Food-preparer ($9.84) Why it matters: In the first technological cycle of the Industrial Age, in the beginning of the 19th century, we got the Luddite uprising.
" He's quick to point out that he's not trying to be a Luddite but adds, "I get self-conscious about it because I think I'm becoming a worse person from all the hyper-communication.
While much popular commentary has focused on the Luddite uprisings of 1811-1816, they were only part of a long wave of machinery riots that swept across Britain, France, Germany and China, among other places.
Serving 22009 years in the position, Billington had a reputation for both being difficult manager and an infamous luddite, even reportedly requesting at times that staff fax him at home and refusing to use email.
He's nobody's idea of a Luddite, but Thundercat — the electric bass whiz, falsetto soothsayer and underground prince of head-trippy future soul — has a message for those who stumble through the day glued to smartphones.
Putting a thin layer of software on a people-intensive service business, for instance, may win some immediate sales against Luddite competitors, but it is not necessarily sustainable, nor will it conjure up fat margins.
"I think they just assume here you're a Luddite because the coin of the realm right now is podcasts or obscure shows that are only on for 10 episodes on Hulu or Netflix," he says.
Recall that the "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski dispatched a series of bombs in the mail over the course of 17 years to academics and businessmen who he felt were opposed to his obscure neo-Luddite beliefs.
To the Editor: It is perhaps not surprising that England, the birthplace of the Luddite movement, the group attempting to negate the social and economic disruption of the Industrial Revolution, voted to leave the European Union.
Just because you look at something critically doesn't mean you're a Luddite and want it just to all go away and you want to go live with the Amish, and like, you know, I don't know.
Everyone's favorite bar for bluegrass and roots music, the genre-bending, boxlike Station Inn sits genially amid the shiny high-rises of the Gulch, a little like an architectural Luddite — but that's part of its charm.
It's a hard position to take where I am ... I do have certain Luddite tendencies, but I also think that tech is an incredible thing, that Google is one of the great achievements of human engineering.
Even Ruben Amaro Jr., the analytics luddite who ran the front office and gave Howard a $125 million extension in 2010, is finally gone, free to reinvent himself as a first base coach for the Red Sox.
On a wall behind it are selections of the Unabomber's manifesto, a 35,000-word neo-Luddite essay on the perils of technological innovation and its systems of control—which, 22 years later seems more prophetic than ever.
Carey's no Luddite — he led Hearst's flirtation with iPad magazines, and when that fizzled out, struck a partnership with Snap to get Cosmo and other magazines featured on Snapchat Discover, which he says now was an easy decision.
To this luddite, that doesn't sound all that much different from everything else on the market, but Kleinman speaks so fervently and ecstatically about his vision, that it's hard not to want to come along for the ride.
But rather than being a warning from a tech-fearing Luddite, Ford guides readers through the surprising evolution of artificial intelligence from simple task-based machines into quick-thinking programs that can replace service workers, journalists, and programmers.
Yet this flamboyantly dour Bavarian Luddite has given Silicon Valley something more grand than hype: a film that treats the Internet not merely as a heroic accomplishment or terrifying threat but as a once-in-a-millennium existential event.
But he's no luddite, either; he told Recode's Peter Kafka that he was impressed by the editing style of YouTube videos, as well as professionally-made movies like Sean Baker's "Tangerine" that can be shot entirely on an iPhone.
" Ellwand is more a photography enthusiast in all its forms than a luddite, noting that being able to shoot a roll of film, expose and process it, then scan it at high-resolution is "the best of both worlds.
Some in liberal-leaning Silicon Valley consequently derided Trump in 2016 as a Luddite unfit for public office in an age when questions about self-driving cars and cancer cures no longer seem the distant stuff of science fiction.
At the end of Part 1, I was badgering Tarnoff to speculate on which technologies ought to be preserved even in a Luddite world, and which ones ought to go the way of the mills the original Luddites destroyed.
The system has 802.11ac Wi-Fi — a nice step up from the original PS4's 2.4GHz, 802.11n Wi-Fi — which is helpful if you want to download a full 50GB game instead of buying and installing a disc like a luddite.
This is all partly because I am a true kitchen Luddite, believing you don't need much more than the basics to create a great meal, but also because New York apartments aren't known for their generous square footage, and every inch counts.
And, in early 2018, Tim Cook—CEO of Apple—declared to a group of students in Essex, England, that he doesn't think children (such as his nephew) should use a social network, or overuse technology at all, which shows that these aren't simply 'Luddite' concerns.
All of those are about communication or wasting time: WeChat is that, but it is also for reading news, for hailing taxis, for paying for lunch (try and pay with cash for lunch, and you'll look like a luddite), for accessing government resources, for business.
But in taking down a digital villain, Johnny opts to go Luddite, shunning a smartphone in favor of old-school gadgetry like exploding Jelly Babies and magnetic boots, all packed in a flirty red Aston Martin V8 Vantage that Atkinson bought for the film himself.
Rather than falling prey to cliché, neo-Luddite hysteria over technological acceleration, the documentation section offers a refreshing discussion of works that speculate on the liberatory possibilities of blockchain technology, as projects like Plantoid and terra0 dovetail with recent artistic preoccupations with biotechnology and artificial intelligence.
I've casually called myself a Luddite when expressing general frustration with social media or internet culture, but as it turns out, you can't intelligently discuss what most people think of as an anti-technology movement without understanding the role of technology in capitalism, and vice versa.
That might sound like the cranky raving of a Luddite—VICE talked via land line to Millman, who doesn't text, tweet, or have a cellphone—but few Western authors are as experienced as he is in grappling honestly and thoroughly with remote cultures and the Inuit people in particular.
Wordplay SUNDAY PUZZLE — Neville Fogarty makes his Sunday debut in the amiable companionship of Erik Agard, the reigning champion of all things cruciverbal, and they've made it their mission to aid and succor all the Luddite singletons grumbling, alone, over their Sunday puzzle on this beautiful spring weekend.
If you're heading home for the holidays where your parents don't have Bluetooth speakers you can blast your Christmas playlist on, searching for a gift for a Luddite, or planning the music for your holiday road trip in a car with a completist, then you're going to need some options.
At Silicon Valley, I guess, there are people sending their kids to camp so they don't have to use computers and they're not on iPads, and I don't want to sound like a Luddite or something, but from the vantage point of somebody in the Delta, that's how they're thinking about this stuff.
I also liked LUDDITE, MACH ONE, CAKE MIX, RICO ACT, RISOTTO, NOXZEMA, AS I SAID, BUT NO, CAPTCHA, AMIRITE, EAT IT UP, CUE CARD, and XS AND OS. 72A: "Matchmaking services?" could be online dating services, which is where my brain first went, but today we're supposed to be thinking about DNA matches.
This meant, thankfully, that there was no one around when I turned the corner into the section I had secretly hoped wouldn't be included: the tragic death of renowned journalist Ciarnán Whelan while embedded with the Last Luddite Revolutionary Guard, declared here by the museum to be a "turning point" in the Interstate Conflict.
At that point my inner Luddite stirred, because Andrew Ingram—his full name, I soon learned—isn't an overworked personal assistant whom I should cut a little slack; he's a scheduling bot powered by artificial intelligence, just one of the many "conversational interfaces" tech companies are throwing at us in their endless quest to maximize efficiency.
" But here's what I imagine the thought bubble in their head read: "Fuckfuckfuck — now I have to become a reality show star in a new episode of 'The Apprentice: Nerd Edition,' bowing and scraping to that luddite Trump, who will probably simultaneously berate us in person and bully us on Twitter later with a lot of poop emoticons.
California certainly has its share of problems with smog and air pollution, which is part of the reason it was given the waiver in the Clean Air Act to enact its own fuel economy standards Trump, ever the Luddite, is skeptical of the climate crisis and worried that fuel-efficient cars are not as good as gas guzzlers.
I reached out to a handful of my friends to ask about why they still buy what to me seems like veritable Luddite technology, and many of them told me that they have a CD player in their car, and thus they buy CDs to rock out while driving around, even though the radio or a USB hookup for a smartphone or mp3 player is an option.

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