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"laypeople" Definitions
  1. laymen and laywomen collectively.

189 Sentences With "laypeople"

How to use laypeople in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "laypeople" and check conjugation/comparative form for "laypeople". Mastering all the usages of "laypeople" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We found that laypeople trust reputable outlets much more than those that create misinformation and that the trust ratings of the laypeople surveyed closely matched the trust ratings of the professional fact-checkers.
It's written to be read by laypeople rather than academics.
Nonetheless, it's an engaging visit for cinephiles and laypeople alike.
Statutes governing when and how laypeople can arrest their compatriots vary.
This is largely because linguists, unlike laypeople, focus on grammar, not vocabulary.
The election of diocesan bishops by local laypeople, for example, is unthinkable.
Yet, when it comes to studying porn, we nonscientific laypeople are horny for conclusions.
Find some people, both critics and laypeople, whose opinions you find interesting or trust.
" Explaining his research to laypeople, he sometimes describes it as "the C.S.I. of plumbing.
So what are these phenomena that we laypeople observe in bars and pubs worldwide?
The nuns and a few laypeople find seats in the small nave facing the altar.
"Laypeople don't need N95s, people who are at most risk do," the Ohio provider added.
Laypeople become dependent on scientific and administrative practices, and on the media, for identifying risks.
For bishops, this must mean real partnership with laypeople in the governance of their dioceses.
Without guiding text or a road map, laypeople may feel disoriented or find the space aloof.
Is there anything else in this speech that casual listeners and laypeople might not have appreciated?
But just because prognostications of doom sound "smart" to laypeople doesn&apost mean they are helpful.
If all that sounds confusing, you're not alone: The theory has confounded scientists and laypeople for generations.
A meditation technique that both monks and laypeople practice is a 10-day period of total silence.
Coinbase, which operates popular cryptocurrency exchanges for laypeople and professionals, acquired blockchain analytics firm Neutrino in February.
But there's a big problem with how this dichotomy is being interpreted by laypeople and lawmakers alike.
Instead Mr. Bianco took positions open to laypeople: director of religious education, Catholic school teacher, parish administrator.
Burnett isn't widely known to laypeople, but he's one of the single most important TV producers in history.
And then we go through a wine tasting, which is kind of the laypeople part of the event.
Ashin Wirathu uses Facebook, with help from other extremist monks and laypeople, to spread vitriolic anti-Muslim messages.
This shows that laypeople are much better than many would have expected at knowing which outlets to trust.
Nonetheless, the reference level has been misinterpreted by laypeople — and even public health officials — as a poisoning threshold.
Public health workers like Eliza Wheeler, of the Harm Reduction Coalition, have advocated arming laypeople with naloxone for decades.
When laypeople meet dancers, it's not uncommon for small talk to turn into an unpleasant inquisition about food intake.
You will be as comfortable getting wonkish with sector experts as you will be explaining complex concepts to laypeople.
The laypeople inside were using meditation to interact with their past lives, a struggle that adherents describe as painful.
Even educated laypeople can be trained in weeks as respiratory therapists under the supervision of a certified respiratory therapist.
For the first study, the team recruited 121 laypeople, 92 of whom were white and born in the United States.
We might not fully understand how gravity or color or temperature works as laypeople, but we can learn about them.
What Wolfe considers important — understandably, since it is what would be most immediately interesting to laypeople — is how language evolved.
The new group, the Immaculate Heart Community, was open to laypeople as well as clergy, men as well as women.
EVZIO was a novel treatment when it premiered in 2014, allowing laypeople to inject naloxone for a person who has overdosed.
The medics typically come from nursing or emergency medicine backgrounds, but many are laypeople trained by other street medics before them.
For most laypeople, this is a legalistic quibble, but it was enough to send Judge Smith ranting for pages and pages.
And while haptic feedback in simulations certainly feels compelling to laypeople like myself, the scientific research on its utility is mixed.
While in 1968 there were 770 religious officials—often nuns—running hospitals, today there are only four; the rest are laypeople.
More broadly, there have been countless calls for the Church to be transparent in its actions, by professionals and laypeople alike.
It said he then worked for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and ran Jesuit retreats for laypeople for almost a decade.
"This is so dismissive and undermining of the individual&aposs experience," Hallett said, and it&aposs not limited to laypeople, either.
The search term "amateur," for example, mainly generates videos of amateur porn artists or laypeople making their own low-budget pornography.
On several occasions, priests and Catholic laypeople contacted the Vatican directly to express their concerns about McCarrick's behavior with his seminarians.
So we've put together a completely unscientific survey asking all of the questions we laypeople are wondering — about secrets, frustrations, trends, etc.
In addition, using laypeople rather than third-party professional fact-checkers means large numbers of ratings can be easily and frequently acquired.
Among laypeople, Finnis may be best known for his expositions on natural law, an often-misunderstood area of legal and moral philosophy.
Some public health officials and experts tried to tamp down on public demand by suggesting face masks wouldn't help laypeople avoid infection.
A willingness to engage with laypeople despite being a celebrity is spun as a form of humility or gregarious down-to-earthness.
Hubble has been helping astronomers better understand the universe, and thrilling laypeople with its gorgeous cosmic postcards, for more than a quarter century.
Star studies emerged in academia in the 1970s and '80s, but it wasn't a discipline that most laypeople heard about until the 2010s.
A lack of regulation also runs the risk of laypeople massively increasing environmental hormonal pollution, with detrimental effects to plants, animals, and us.
Since both laypeople and clergy were in attendance, Juma writes that people likely brought the drink home to integrate into their daily lives.
In a country that is 90 percent Buddhist, Thai monks are revered as ascetics, dedicated to aiding laypeople on their paths toward enlightenment.
Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago recently told the National Catholic Reporter that an independent panel of laypeople should investigate bishops accused of misconduct.
Have the Dominicans and Jesuits bring their online debates into university auditoriums and parish halls; let Catholic students and laypeople understand the stakes.
His reputation, among laypeople and economists alike, rests almost entirely on his corpus of research, not his pronouncements on policy or op-eds.
The invocation of AI is a dodge deployed on a group of laypeople who, for the most part, regrettably swallowed it part and parcel.
Most laypeople who believe in evolution or who acknowledge human-made climate change are just as ignorant of science as those who deny them.
In a world where constitutional questions are now part of our daily conversation, it's crucial that law professors help laypeople understand these complex issues.
Numerous historians, ethicists and laypeople have objected to the continued thwarting of Byrne's wishes; Epstein reduces this complex and important matter to a footnote.
They were distressed by the fact that so many laypeople hold on to completely unscientific ideas or have a crude view of how science works.
The current team of six laypeople range in age from early 20s to late 50s; they work in fields ranging from welfare to the arts.
Many of the initial self-immolations were carried out by monks, but a growing number of laypeople, including nomads and farmers, have since taken part.
Such a system would ensure that the information would be investigated by an independent board, featuring laypeople, and made part of any cleric's personnel file.
These sounds are an object of fascination for experts and laypeople alike, and they have been the subject of at least one best-selling album.
Laypeople depend on experts to understand the implications of a diseased body, and medical professionals depend on the testimony of patients to make those judgments.
In practice, however, charges are extremely rare, especially against laypeople, and almost never move beyond the level of individual mediation at a local church level.
Göbekli Tepe, a monumental structure in southern Turkey established over 11,000 years ago, has enraptured archeologists and laypeople alike since site excavations began in the 1990s.
Chicken is so healthy, in fact, that it gets the highest rating among meats in a US poll, 91 percent, from both nutritional experts and laypeople.
Scheer and Nicholson have a relaxed chemistry, and the series features entertaining segments, like uninformed laypeople trying to guess what the movies under discussion are about.
They pour in around the clock, roughly a thousand a day: from poets and bricklayers, from politicians and psychiatrists, from laypeople and Nobel Prize winners alike.
The paper concluded — unsurprisingly to laypeople but perhaps surprisingly to more orthodox economists — that including sales tax in prices made people less likely to purchase items.
It's part of the resurgence in so-called "no code" tools that let laypeople build app-like experiences without having the technical skills of a software engineer.
Between the action, actors like Margot Robbie gave brief explainers on gnarly finance topics so laypeople could understand the facts that led to the housing mortgage meltdown.
In his discussions of sola scriptura , Luther had declared that all believers were priests: laypeople had as much right as the clergy to determine what Scripture meant.
But speaking on Saturday afternoon to a group of Catholic priests, nuns and laypeople, Francis repeated his position defending traditional marriage between a man and a woman.
But Mr. Lorenz, the advocate for abuse survivors, criticized the decision by the church to conduct an internal investigation, even one that included a panel of laypeople.
In an interview, Feigl-Ding said he views social media as a crucial way to explain science to laypeople who don't read, or believe, traditional news sources.
VICE chatted with her about how laypeople can find and take advantage of more good fortune, and maybe even turn good luck into a superpower of sorts.
I spoke to Covington about how the police and laypeople react to her bare chest, and what she hopes to achieve by choosing not to wear a shirt.
From her style to her Instagram content, we live in a world where Bey is the closest thing to perfection that we laypeople have to look up to.
Zayner vowed not to analyze his donor's feces — it contradicted, he said, the DIY ethos of the experiment and could make the project seem less accessible to laypeople.
But for laypeople it omits that the environment influences the way in which DNA's instructions are followed, and leaves untouched the old, sterile dichotomy between nurture and nature.
We laypeople have been saying this for a long time, and it's telling that it took psychiatrists coming off meds themselves for this information to finally be heard.
Kapoor's shiny macro productions are created to extract the maximum number of "oohs" and "ahs" from laypeople who go to museums in search of beauty, escape, and satisfaction.
The browser extension, developed by Google's online safety division Jigsaw and The Washington Post, aims to help laypeople understand online threats and the precautions they can take against them.
Highway Number 3, a tributary to the busy Yangon-Mandalay Highway, bisects the township; in the monastery monks and laypeople alike meditate to the constant thrum of passing traffic.
DIANE SHIELDSBrighton Laypeople, such as teachers or bartenders, trained in psychological "first aid" can identify people with depression or anxiety, cheer them up and refer them to care services.
Drug-checking organizations not only use more advanced techniques but also are better trained in interpreting the results for harm reduction, which many laypeople don't know how to do.
No matter how delicious and addictive most fast food is, deep down inside we all know that it's full of chemicals with names that cannot be spelled by laypeople.
For machine learning laypeople like us, this is what's cool about the Prediction API—we can almost completely outsource the actual guts and gears of machine learning to Google.
As the news of the gruesome attack spread Saturday night, Twitter was abuzz with support and solidarity from Jews and non-Jews, politicians and laypeople -- but also, shockingly, speculation.
While his grand experiment amounted to much more than the "sex raft" laughed off by laypeople, it sure wasn't the wrongfully maligned would-be groundbreaker the researcher envisioned either.
Still, most organizations and doctors who host the workshops for laypeople say their primary aim is to demystify abortion, and change the way supporters of the procedure advocate for it.
But as long as we allow poorly trained laypeople with watered down credentials to perform home births, we are risking the health of mothers, and the lives of babies. Opinion
Q. Over the years, I have heard from many Episcopal leaders and laypeople the notion that those who are opposed to gay marriage and gay equality will eventually come around.
In an address to the bishops in Baltimore, Archbishop Christopher Pierre, the Vatican's ambassador to the United States, appeared to warn them not to cede too much authority to laypeople.
But it soon became clear that they were deeply divided, especially over a proposal to appoint a panel predominantly made up of laypeople to hear accusations of misconduct against bishops.
Two formulations — a nasal spray and an auto-injector — were specifically designed to be used by laypeople, and people with minimal training have already used them to save many thousands.
She said she believed that the leaders of the church do not like her ideas, especially her call to empower women and laypeople, and so they wanted to suppress them.
I remember decades ago, I did a series on paleontology and fossils, and there was going to be one episode entirely about dinosaurs, because that's what laypeople think is most exciting.
Image: Getty Images/Keith BishopScientists are embarking on the noblest of data-gathering missions, delivering us laypeople the animal information we all sorely wanted but were too timid to ask about.
First, there's the institutional church—that is, the pope, bishops, clergy, and others who work in the church in official capacities—and that includes laypeople in parishes, schools, and the like.
This sort of critique — that innovation is the province of the professional, rather than the laypeople who make up focus groups — has been around almost as long as focus groups themselves.
Indeed, with so many more sufferers than can plausibly see a specialist, cheap talk with trained laypeople is the only practical way to bring relief—and turn millions of lives around.
Besides (already) generating a bevy of headlines, the stunt seems unlikely to do much to persuade either laypeople or its own flock that the Church is taking ongoing, systemic problems seriously.
He would take groups of laypeople out on expeditions and host public lectures to convey the importance of these animals to people who probably hadn't thought about frogs since grade school.
New York Times In the goodie-goodie top right corner, there is again consensus between experts and laypeople, with almonds, carrots, eggs, oranges, and olive oil collecting plaudits from all sides.
"I'm ecstatic," said Sister Christine Schenck, who served for years as executive director of FutureChurch, an organization based in Cleveland that advocates greater roles for laypeople and women in the church.
"They are a clear attack on religious freedom, putting Buddhist monks and laypeople at risk of arbitrary arrest and other punishments simply for the peaceful practice of their beliefs," it said.
My preoccupation at that point was with obfuscation and obscurity in the jargon of money, and the way they could be used as a tool to keep laypeople at a distance.
"Don't panic" has been a common refrain from government leaders, public health professionals, and laypeople who are trying to keep others calm in the midst of outbreaks of the novel coronavirus.
The ranks of papal skeptics are filled with Africans and Latin Americans as well as North Americans and Europeans, with prelates and theologians and laypeople of diverse economic and political perspectives.
One group I worked with trained laypeople to use the law to bring officials to court, to protect their land or to seek compensation for illnesses and injuries incurred at work.
As Dreher told me in an email, two well-known Catholic laypeople had gone to Rome in 2000 to warn the Vatican directly about McCarrick's treatment of seminarians and young priests.
Every time any of the on-air announcers in the 2019 Men's Professional Basketball Championship Series (NBA Playoffs, for the laypeople), says the word "free," Chipotle will tweet out a unique code.
People struggling with addiction, celebrities and laypeople trying to find meaning in their lives, and Silicon Valley zealots obsessed with the metrics of self-actualization have all found their way to ayahuasca.
As it turns out, I may not have money, but Qian had a very particular set of skills—coding skills, and a vast knowledge of databases most laypeople don't even know exist.
For the uninitiated, the world of The Last Airbender centers around four nations—named after fire, water, earth, and air—populated by laypeople and "benders" who can control one of these elements.
We might care about their policy choices, but it's hard for most laypeople to gauge how successful a candidate is likely to be at instituting those policies in our complicated government structure.
Military personnel as well as nationalistic Buddhist monks and laypeople had long been spreading anti-Rohingya rumors on Facebook, including fake news about the rape of a Buddhist woman by a Muslim man.
African Americans, often women teachers or laypeople with little formal training, began authoring textbooks and creating history pageants that spanned centuries with song, speech, and dance in the decades after the Civil War.
Philip Tetlock at the University of Pennsylvania has been, for decades, studying how experts and laypeople make predictions about future events, and holding tournaments to isolate the factors that lead to good, accurate forecasts.
Just as many laypeople are eager to get a gawk at such an interesting part of our evolutionary history, many experts want a chance to examine the remains in person for their scholarly pursuits.
To laypeople, this language can seem hazy, but some analysts said it could empower priests to guide divorced Catholics who remarry without annulments to receive communion and return to full standing in the church.
In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI presented Mr. Benson and his wife with the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal for outstanding service to the church and the pontiff, the highest papal award granted to laypeople.
One such movement was the Buddhist leader Ledi Sayadaw's colonial-era program of teaching insight meditation to Buddhist laypeople, who had not traditionally engaged in the meditative and other practices typical only of monastics.
But to Sister Joan and her supporters, the message was clear: The leaders of the church don't like her ideas — especially her call to empower women and laypeople — so they plan to suppress them.
In December, the Thai Monk Council issued its first policy recommendations on monastic health, including diet and exercise advice for monks, as well as guidelines for the laypeople who feed and care for them.
With the German church's global influence, a meeting of bishops and laypeople to take up hot-button topics has led to warnings of a new schism, originating in the home of the Protestant Reformation.
We're only now really getting into, say, Stalin's gulags (one of the few things most American laypeople would think of when it comes to "the Soviet Union") and how they continue to haunt certain characters.
Laypeople can be forgiven for not instinctively sharing that enthusiasm, however: At first glance, settling the decades-long debate over evolution's replicability doesn't appear likely to make our post-climate-change lives any less hellish.
If a grand jury agrees in a closed meeting — with laypeople but not defense counsel present — that there a sound basis for Mueller to proceed, it will be virtually impossible for Trump to fire him.
In setting the Ocean's 8 heist at the Met Gala, we get the greatest con of all—that of A-list actresses playing laypeople at an event where we literally just saw them in real life.
It had been recovered from the crypt of the Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit in Vilnius, which overlies a number of subterranean chambers which hold mummified and skeletonized human remains of both clergy and laypeople.
Fresh off their victory against reigning Dota 2 champion team OG, the OpenAI developers felt confident enough in the robustness of their agents to let laypeople interact with the AI. Aside from a competitive humans vs.
When laypeople reflect on the size of their national economy, they may think of a vast inventory of productive assets: humming factories, gleaming skyscrapers, fertile lands, cosy homes and teeming workers, full of brains and brawn.
Yet Pope Francis made him a bishop in 2015 and, despite protests from victims of Father Karadima and from many priests and laypeople in the diocese, Bishop Barros participated in the pope's official ceremonies in Chile.
Kobe Bryant was one of the greatest athletes in the world, someone whose beauty and grace and power on the court was, even for total laypeople like me, still so very obvious and so very stunning.
We've known for a while that making art can reduce hormones related to stress, but a team at Drexel's College of Nursing and Health Professions wanted to find out if it helps professional artists more than laypeople.
"You would always want, if you're able to, to get an interview, because it is difficult to prove crimes beyond a reasonable doubt — much more difficult than most laypeople realize" said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor.
In June, officials from Thailand's Public Health Department urged laypeople to offer healthier alms to monks, who pour from temples in their saffron robes each morning to roam the streets collecting their meals in the Buddhist tradition.
Many health care providers and laypeople also engage in bioethics part time by serving on hospital ethics committees or institutional review boards (IRBs), the hospital committees that review medical research to make certain it is conducted ethically.
But from one academic generation to the next, this method of parsing language has mission-crept into a strangely complicated business, increasingly unrelated to what either laypeople or intellectuals outside of linguistics would think of as human language.
This year, the sport that resembles shuffleboard on ice has popped up at a broad array of venues, from urban rooftop bars to remote frozen lakes, giving laypeople a last wintertime chance to hurl the stones through March.
Dr. Paul Blumenthal, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine, points out that in developing countries, laypeople are trained to do many procedures normally performed by doctors in the West, including C-sections.
Although capturing the inflection of a speaker's voice is what's most impressive to laypeople, Translatotron's attraction for AI engineers is that it translates speech directly from audio input to audio output without translating it into the usual intermediary text.
My colleagues and I have published a number of experiments about how laypeople do, and commonly do not, understand the categories of mental states that the defendant can be said to be in at the time of the crime.
In an effort to curb panic-buying, some experts said that wearing masks wouldn't help laypeople prevent infection, but that messaging backfired when it became clear that hospitals and health care workers desperately needed them, making officials appear untrustworthy.
Buried within one of the central texts of the Second Vatican Council, "Lumen Gentium" ("The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church"), a document of the highest teaching authority, promulgated in 1964, is a vivid call to arms, addressed to laypeople.
A report by the Harm Reduction Coalition found that as of June 2014, at least 644 "community-based opioid overdose prevention programs" had been launched across the US, providing naloxone to "laypeople" such as drug addicts and their families.
Tons of scientists, laypeople and others argued that the hyper-selective journal's decision to publish the commentary plays into the continuing narrative of excluding people of color and women from the sciences, while celebrating some of the field's worst figures.
Attorneys representing clergy sex abuse victims released the names of 395 Roman Catholic priests and laypeople on Wednesday in Illinois, all who have been credibly accused of sexually abusing children, with some cases stretching back more than half a century.
When most laypeople hear the term "design," what comes to mind are things like a Dieter Rams stereo receiver, a Noguchi coffee table, one of the homes featured in Dwell, a Giugiaro concept car, maybe a well-turned brand logo.
Brenda Brown-Grooms is a pastor with the New Beginnings Christian Community and part of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective (CCC), a group of clergy and laypeople dedicated to dialogue about the challenge of race relations in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.
Sacramentarians, as he called those who took exception, felt that this doctrine preserved an unacceptable difference of status between priests and laypeople, a degree of dependence on one side and authority on the other that the Reform should reduce or eliminate.
The Rite of Exorcism was first published in 1614 by Pope Paul V to quell a trend of laypeople and priests hastily performing exorcisms on people they presumed were possessed, such as victims of the bubonic plague, says the Rev.
MICHAEL ENGBER, NEW YORK To the Editor: The terrorist attack that took place on the Hudson River bike path on Tuesday has left experts and laypeople alike at a loss as to how to approach this all too often recurring horror.
The Vatican also applied the brakes in 2002 when the Americans took steps that had not been adopted by the global church, like establishing a "zero tolerance" standard for abusive priests and a national review board made up of laypeople.
It's not unusual for Dota 2 fanatics like myself to perceive the game's logo in innocuous everyday objects, but when it comes to the new Apple News logo, I think even laypeople will have to agree that it bears a striking resemblance.
Perhaps because he was faced with the very grim prospect of explaining Java and application programming interfaces to a jury of laypeople, the judge excluded all of these later devices, and told the parties to limit themselves to phones and tablets from 2012.
"What they want to start is a process of dialogue, listening to what the people and the experts and the laypeople have to say, so that the hierarchy gets from a mode of teaching to a mode of listening," Father Brüntrup said.
In new research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at the University of Virginia found that many white laypeople, medical students, and residents hold false assumptions about how black people feel pain, believing that black patients are more resistant to it.
No matter how many times a judge reminds a jury that under American law adefendant does not have to testify and does not have to put up a defense (because the burden of proof is all on the prosecution), it's hard for laypeople — i.e.
Significant measures in the new law say that accusers and whistle-blowers are to be protected from retribution; qualified laypeople can assist church officials in their investigations; and initial investigations of abuse cases must be completed within 90 days, speeding up the current process drastically.
Father James Martin, a famous American Jesuit author, discovered this last weekend, when he was disinvited from a talk at the Theological College of the Catholic University of America, and had another talk in London rescheduled, after an internet campaign by traditionalist priests and laypeople.
Then our family sat stifled into silence as he held forth on evils of the changing times, reserving special fury for the New Mass, where the organ was replaced by a guitar and tambourine, and where laypeople carried felt banners decorated with handprints and doves.
By providing these folks and their loved ones who are susceptible to an overdose the tool they need to reverse a potential death is critical, especially when there are formulations of naloxone out there that are FDA-approved and ready-to-use for laypeople in community settings.
Still, for many years, even as vocations to the priesthood and religious life have declined and laypeople have taken on more and more leadership positions, there has been an expectation that it is the role of the clergy to speak and that of the laity to listen.
First, one must address the extent to which the Constitution itself works to generate what laypeople and pundits might plausibly call "crises" precisely because a contemporary president can find lawyers who can argue (in more or less good faith) for remarkably expansive and dangerous conceptions of presidential authority.
"This letter has become a true praise to the inoperative and the crimes committed by the bishops of Chile," said Juan Carlos Claret, spokesman for a group of laypeople in the southern city of Osorno, where a bishop at the heart of the scandal resigned earlier this year.
In the early 1930s, a newspaper editor's note in The Atlanta Constitution mocking a Louisiana governor for dunking, rather than crumbling, his cornbread into a dish of collard pot liquor ignited a national debate over Southern table manners between the laypeople dunkers and the crumblers of the establishment South.
Having medical laypeople constantly chiming in on forums like r/obgyn means professionals like Aftandilians have to do a lot of the grunt work — breaking the news that a user-uploaded photo "looks like genital warts" or calming down a stranger who's worried about an abnormal pap smear.
On the other hand, it's on us laypeople to digest all this information and figure out when to call B.S. "In order to protect ourselves from some of the bad advice that celebrities give, we really need to be on-guard and seek out better advice from better sources," he says.
Merino also mentions a 2016 study published in Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences that indicated the prevalence of false beliefs about pain tolerance in black people—more specifically, a widespread belief among white medical practitioners and laypeople alike that black people don't experience pain as acutely as white people.
In his note, following a scalding Christmas speech in which he urged priests guilty of sex abuse to turn themselves in and "prepare for divine justice," he bemoaned, yet again, the eroding trust in the institution he leads, and how it had to regain everyone's confidence—religious and laypeople alike.
"With epidemic numbers of opioid overdoses, opioid users, healthcare providers, and laypeople must have easy access to naloxone and be educated on how and when to use it during an opioid overdose," said Dr. Alan Kaye of the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans, who wasn't involved in the study.
But toward the end of the 20th century, scientists gradually realized that quantum weirdness was not just a philosophical conundrum or a communications problem between scientists and laypeople, but implied the existence of powerful and previously unsuspected kinds of information processing, feats that could not be predicted or understood using pre-quantum notions.
Her form is surgical verging on robotic, and she explains it to laypeople with a doctor's bedside manner—wheels turning, regularly checking in with her audience as she simplifies the difficult and complex technique essential to her sport, and its essential impossibility of the piloting of hairpin turns on slender planks at a bewildering clip.
Sex workers are often asked by laypeople how they navigate emotional vulnerability under trying conditions: clients who start sentences with, "I'm not racist, but"; those who won't stop talking about the "hideous" vulvas of other providers they've seen; guys who spend the entire time you're fucking them in the ass warning that you'd better not think they're gay.
By the end of that decade, McCarrick's sexual misbehavior (if perhaps not its full scope) was known by enough people that a group of American laypeople went to Rome to petition against his appointment as archbishop of Washington, D.C., and at least one New York priest, Father Boniface Ramsey, sent a letter to the Vatican offering a similar warning.
At a time when President Trump is attacking courts for being out of touch with the people, Sotomayor is serving as the People's Justice, giving voice to the sentiments of both a substantial fraction of the legal elite, and the laypeople who fail to understand why a same-sex couple shouldn't be able to buy a wedding cake.
After walking the audience of laypeople and waste experts through his blueprints, he explained that digestion beats composting because it generates energy, and that digesting his way trumped digesting inside a wastewater-treatment plant because that plant's back-end digestate contained sewage, plus traces of many other materials — including industrial waste and heavy metals — that go down city pipes.
"The way the sex abuse scandal was handled pretty clearly shattered the trust that a lot of people had in the hierarchy," said James O'Toole, a professor of history at Boston College, who added that the vigil had most likely also been motivated by the writings of the Second Vatican Council, in the 1960s, which expanded the role of laypeople in the church.
As Nichols observes near the end of this book: "Laypeople complain about the rule of experts and they demand greater involvement in complicated national questions, but many of them only express their anger and make these demands after abdicating their own important role in the process: namely, to stay informed and politically literate enough to choose representatives who can act on their behalf."
Pointing to false stories like "Russia Asks CIA: Why Did Hillary Clinton Just Buy $137 Million Worth Of Illegal Arms?" and "WikiLeaks: Clintons Purchase $200 Million Maldives Estate," Read lays out the case that Facebook's flattening effect—the way it visually renders content to seem more or less the same—made it unusually difficult, though not impossible, for laypeople to distinguish between articles published by a week-old blog founded by a Macedonian teenager and those published by, say, The New York Times.

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